MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 9080 02618 0114 "' 11 m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries HB31 *?" "DBAfEY 2? Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series SEARCH, OBFUSCATION, ON AND PRICE ELASTICITIES THE INTERNET Glenn Ellison Sara Ellison Working Paper 04-27 June 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without c harge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECHNOLOGY DEC 7 2004 .LIBRARIES Search, Obfuscation, and Price Elasticities on the Internet 1 Glenn Ellison and NBER MIT and Sara Fisher Ellison MIT June 2004 1 We thank Nathan Barczi, Nada Mora, Silke Januszewski, Caroline Smith and We also thank Patrick Goebel for a valuable tip on Internet data collection, Steve Ellison for sharing substantial industry expertise, and Drew Fudenberg for his comments. This work was supported by NSF grants SBR-9818524 and SES0219205. The first author's work was supported by fellowships from the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and the Institute for Advanced Study. The second author's work was supported by fellowships from the Hoover Institute and the Institute for Advanced Study. would like to Andrew Sweeting for outstanding research assistance. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series SEARCH, OBFUSCATION, ON AND PRICE ELASTICITIES THE INTERNET Glenn Ellison Sara Ellison Working Paper 04-27 June 2004 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without c harge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at Search, Obfuscation, and Price Elasticities on the Internet 1 Glenn Ellison and NBER MIT and Sara Fisher Ellison MIT June 2004 1 We thank Nathan Barczi, Nada Mora, Silke Januszewski, Caroline Smith and We also thank Patrick Goebel for a valuable tip on Internet data collection, Steve Ellison for sharing substantial industry expertise, and Drew Pudenberg for his comments. This work was supported by NSF grants SBR-9818524 and SES0219205. The first author's work was supported by fellowships from the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and the Institute for Advanced Study. The second author's work was supported by fellowships from the Hoover Institute and the Institute for Advanced Study. would like to Andrew Sweeting for outstanding research assistance. Abstract We examine the competition between a group of Internet ronment where a price search engine plays a dominant in this tailers, it less We environment, the easy price search makes though, engage in obfuscation damaging to firms —resulting in much website design, demand retail, elasticities, frictionless its effects price-sensitive. Re- consumer search or make less price sensitivity Observed markups are adequate to allow Keywords: search, obfuscation, Internet, frustrate and examine an envi- We show that for some products demand tremendously —practices that discuss several models of obfuscation empirically. role. retailers that operate in on some other products. on demand and markups efficient online retailers to survive. search engines, loss leaders, add-on pricing, commerce Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series SEARCH, OBFUSCATION, ON AND PRICE ELASTICITIES THE INTERNET Glenn Ellison Sara Ellison Working Paper 04-27 June 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without c harge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at Search, Obfuscation, and Price Elasticities on the Internet 1 Glenn Ellison MIT and NBER and Sara Fisher Ellison MIT June 2004 1 We would like to Andrew Sweeting for thank Nathan Barczi, Nada Mora, outstanding research assistance. We Silke Januszewski, Caroline also thank Patrick Goebel for Smith and a valuable on Internet data collection, Steve Ellison for sharing substantial industry expertise, and Drew Pudenberg for his comments. This work was supported by NSF grants SBR-9818524 and SES0219205. The first author's work was supported by fellowships from the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and the Institute for Advanced Study. The second author's work was supported by fellowships from the Hoover Institute and the Institute for Advanced Study. tip Abstract We examine the competition between a group of Internet ronment where a price search engine plays a dominant in this tailers, it less We environment, the easy price search makes though, engage in obfuscation damaging to firms —resulting role. retailers that operate in an envi- We show that for some products demand tremendously price-sensitive. Re- —practices that frustrate consumer search or make in much discuss several models of obfuscation less price sensitivity and examine its effects on some other products. on demand and markups empirically Observed markups are adequate to allow efficient online retailers to survive. Keywords: search, obfuscation, Internet, website design, demand retail, elasticities, frictionless search engines, loss leaders, add-on pricing, commerce Introduction 1 When Internet commerce." commerce emerged one heard a first Internet technologies would make it about the promise of lot easy for consumers to find the exact product they wanted and to compare prices from competing demonstration of this potential so far is retailers. A price search engines. exact product he or she wants need only type the "frictionless name 1 The most intriguing consumer who knows the into Dealtime, mySimon, Shopper. Pricewatch, Pricescan or Kelkoo to receive instantaneously and without charge a nicely sorted list by dozens of of the prices charged e-retailers. have tens of millions of users. 2 Internet search industries. For example, a recent J.D. new is Once a curiosity, these sites many also affecting "brick 3 The diffusion of Internet search technologies has so that their potential impact The may be goal of this paper is is much is been greater than the impact to provide some insights into affected as price search technologies improve basic messages how make/model sufficiently slow, we have all seen so however, far. online and traditonal retail and become more popular. Our most that economists should think about "obfuscation" as well as search: as search technologies improve firms will have an incentive to put market by creating an environment of a threat to profitability. We in which price search we develop some formal models; and we environment in is some more "friction" back in the difficult or at least less explore the interaction of search, price search engines, obfuscation with a variety of methodologies: retail and mortar" Power survey indicated that about one quarter of car buyers reported that Internet research had a "big impact" on their choice. now we present some informal and descriptive evidence; carry out several econometric analyses of an online which a search engine plays a central role. 1 For example, in 1999, The Wall Street Journal quoted an economist with Lehman Brothers who estimated that e-commerce would cut inflation by half a percentage point by 2002 because "the Internet eliminates local monopoly power." See "New E-conomy: If E-commerce Helps Kill Inflation, Why Did Prices Just Spike?" The Wall Street Journal, October 18, 1999, Al. 2 ComScore Media Metrix reported that Dealtime was visited by 13.8 million distinct U.S. users in August of 2003, which is about 9% of all U.S. Internet users. CNET's 2002 annual report indicates that its shopping sites, which include mySimon and Shopper as well as sites offering product reviews, received referral fees from more than 100 million clickthroughs. Dealtime's visitor total is up about 300% from 2000. See White (2000) for more on the impact of price search engines circa 2000. The Power survey result was announced in an October 1, 2003 press release. Another example demand, which is surely affected by the popularity of sites like Expedia, Travelocity, and Orbitz. ComScore Media Metrix reports that each had over 10 million unique visitors per month as of October 2003. is airline J.D. We We begin with a brief theoretical discussion of price search engines. model potential paradoxes that any search engine could not marginal cost. We of price search make any money argue that is is if it must mention some For example, a price resolve. down induced retailers to compete prices to not hard to get around these problems and develop a theory of price search engines as long as one allows the search engines to have sufficient pricing instruments. We to create a perfectly frictionless environment. who why use a simple reduced-form model to illustrate search engines will often want This conflicts with the wishes of We earn zero profits in frictionless environments. argue that it is think of search frictions as being determined in a a balance-of-power engines' efforts to reduce frictions are counteracted by retailers, therefore useful to game in which search retailers' efforts to obfuscate. technological improvements affect the equilibrium level of search frictions in such a is How model clearly ambiguous. The theory section concludes with a sketch of two specific models illustrating which one can formalize the idea of obfuscating actions raising equilibrium of these uses standard search theory ideas. It is is profits. in One a theory in which obfuscation makes search more difficult and thereby reduces consumer learning. (2003), ways a competitive price discrimination model. It is The other, detailed in Ellison a theory in which obfuscation doesn't actually reduce consumer learning in equilibrium, but instead reduces the degree to which consumer learning hurts firm Firms have, of course, always profitability. tried to may, however, make obfuscation more important tools make firms worse off it number for two reasons. that the Internet feel First, improved search they do not engage in obfuscation. Second, the Internet make obfuscation cheaper and hire a substantial We thwart price search. easier in a number of ways. of articulate salespeople if One is traditional retailers they want to offer nonstandard may must sales contracts, to use legal "bait-and-switch" techniques, or to offer personalized prices, whereas Internet retailers can easily create automated sales pitches which cheaply implement these strategies. 4 Another 4 The high is all of that e-retail purchases are naturally bundled with shipping, costs of hiring articulate salespeople probably accounts for restricted to retailers selling fairly expensive products like cars, appliances, why such practices are usually and mattresses. which allows products to be offered for e-retailers to gather are to get insights into many different prices. Another is that it is easier information about consumers and personalize prices. Each of these consumer price search. practices can frustrate Most people at still buying most items as they did before the Internet existed. To try what may happen in the future if price search engines popular we have chosen to examine an environent that the Pricewatch universe. Pricewatch relatively savvy people shopping for of small, low-overhead retailers. is atypical. an Internet price search engine that computer They now very is do become very parts. Its universe is is We call it popular with inhabited by hundreds attract consumers largely just by keeping Pricewatch informed about their (low) prices. Our informal evidence Some obfuscation. section describes various practices that of these are as simple as we think of as forms of making product descriptions complicated and creating multiple versions of products so that consumers have to examine the attributes and prices of a large number of products to become ubiquitous attention to a practice that has an (inefficiently) who visit the site into For example, the retailer we study We will refer to this practice as from the lists Pricewatch universe: firms offer CPU two respects: of Ellison (2003) of this paper is it them may be we mentioned may to means why price series We loss-leader and the adoption of such of obfuscation. devoted to formal empirical analyses of the Pricewatch demand and within eight specific product categories: four categories of computer CPUs. sometimes involve getting consumers buy both the discusses address several questions via an analysis of four categories of it sold for a slight profit rather than practices (referred to there as "add-on pricing") can be a The majority with an attached cooling fan. being a "loss-leader strategy" even though classic loss-leader strategy in The model We call very low prices on Pricewatch for "bare" CPUs, and a second physical good; and the "loss-leader" universe. We particularly paying extra to get the product they really want. to upgrade to a superior product rather than getting at a loss. being offered. in the convince consumers to instead purchase a tries to differs is low quality product at a very low price to attract customers and then try to talk consumers then know what gather data from two sources. by using GolZilla to repeatedly conduct We substitution patterns memory modules and obtained year-long hourly price searches on Pricewatch in each of those eight product categories. We matched private firm that operates several computer parts websites from Pricewatch Our first the Internet We of its sales a striking confirmation of the hypothesis that price search on is dramatically reduce search frictions and lead to extremely elastic demand. estimate that the firm faces a quality and derives most referrals. empirical result may data obtained from a single this to sales memory modules! These demand are some elasticity of between -25 and -40 of the largest demand elasticities for its lowest we have seen empirically estimated. For single product retailers they would lead to a "Bertrand paradox" where the equilibrium price would be so low as to prevent retailers from covering their fixed costs. Our second main loss leaders. We retailer's sales of empirical result can be regarded as a contribution to the empirics of show that charging a low price for a low quality product increases our medium- and high-quality products. The reason why this happens is that one cannot ask a search engine to find "decent- quality memory modules sold with reasonable shipping, return, warranty and other terms." do what - it their preferences. use Pricewatch to memory module of these websites to find other products that better fit This result (as well as our findings that website design appears to be a determinant of the sucess of an which has discussed literature, many consumers can do - find the websites that offer the lowest prices for any and then search within a few critical Hence, e-retailer) may also be of interest to the marketing but does not contain clear empirical evidence of loss leaders their effectiveness. Our third itability. main set of empirical results Specifically, we explore predictions discussed in our theory section. by making consumers examine how less of the two it is that obfuscation affects prof- specific obfuscation In the search theoretic model, obfuscation raises profits informed. In the competitive price-discrimination model, ob- fuscation raises profits by creating an adverse-selection effect attracting consumers via price cuts. we and we find that there consider find that We find evidence of the many consumers appear nisms: is mechanisms to have makes firms less interested importance of both mecha- ended up with limited information; an important adverse selection problem that firms would want to when contemplating a price cut. we examine an Finally, additional data source, cost data, for direct evidence that re- tailers obfuscation strategies have been successful in raising Given the extreme price would otherwise be sustainable. low-quality products, a naive application of single-good is We rules We retailers. sufficient to enable active The most We find that the average conclude that the competition between They use a who conducted of thousands of people several discrete choice models of and identify price buy from branded retailers sales at elasticities is 12% markup, but elasticities Two on Pricewatch is and demand that we know of is efficient retailers. price searches for books on Dealtime to estimate retailers appear to be premia that consumers are on average willing to pay to & Noble, and Borders) and from retailers The one study of e-retail we know of that reports Chevalier and Goolsbee (2003), which estimates elasticities for book and by inferring after sales Noble. They collected data on books' sales ranks at the two an Amazon pricing experiment, and then estimated demand from the data on sales ranks. other studies have provided some evidence on the link between Internet search and price levels. Brown and Goolsbee note that appeared 1996 and term in falling for those life (which does not Internet sites comparing insurance premia fell 12% in 1996 life and insurance premia 8% in 1997, mostly with higher predicted Internet usage. Scott Morton, Zettelmeyer and Silva- Risso (2001, 2003) report that people A this dataset containing the click sequences of tens (Amazon, Barnes Amazon and Barnes & sites before, during, for markup on memory modules demand. 5 They note that book they have patronized in the past. 6 demand demand would suggest that level of obfuscation closely related study of price search engines Brynjolfsson and Smith (2001). differentiated that explain, using actual data in actually about 12%. could never have survived with a should be fine for our level not what one should have expected in light of our findings about the adverse selection effect in demand. is sensitivity of the markup equilibrium price-cost margins might be just 2.5% to 4%. an example, why this markups beyond the itself who received dealer referrals from provide any price comparison capabilities) paid disadvantage of their dataset is 1% or 1.5% less for that they do not observe purchases and must use last clickthroughs as ai proxy. They do not report and reported separately price elastiticies, but they could presumably presumably easily for branded and generic online bookstores. be derived from their estimates their new cars than did other customers who bought comparable examined price dispersion of studies have at e-retailers. Finally, a cars. number Krishnan See, for example, Clay, and Wolff (2002) and Baye, Morgan and Scholten (2003). Theory of price search engines; search and obfuscation 2 We why begin this section with a high-level model that brings out a basic intuition for search engines may want discuss a couple Any model ways of price search engines A must avoid two possible contradictions. The price search engine that caused The second little use. We then which one could model search and obfuscation more concretely. in the Bertrand paradox. would be of to reduce search frictions and retailers to increase them. what we is will call all retailers first is to go out of business the search engine revenue paradox. If a price search engine creates Bertrand-like competition, then retailers cannot pay the search engine because they are making no profits, and consumers will not pay the search engine because if there is no price dispersion they can just go directly to any easy to avoid these paradoxes it is Consider a result of its searches and charge The parameters: the wholesale price retailers are we call at Q*(w,s) and aggregate and that Yahoo! Shopping, for game between the can reach consumers listed retailers retailers acquire the Assume that aggregate retailer profits are for small s retailers is made via a as a a referral fee of r for each sale made. 7 Suppose which the level of "search frictions." differentiable ' w that of firms selling a single undiffer- search engine can monitor sales that are that the outcome of the price competition that number a large Suppose that the only way that price search engine. We note the search engine has adequate pricing instruments. retail sector consisting of entiated product. monopoly if retailer. r TT (w,s). we have %=£ < example, charges retailers 2% 0, good and a parameter 0, s sales in this equilibrium Assume that ^< depends on two these functions are §^ < and of their gross revenues on any sales 3£ > 0. 8 made during the course of a browser session in which the consumer was referred to the website by Yahoo! Shopping. 8 The one condition where one would expect "for small s" to bind most quickly the elasticities we we feel is the last one, but given comfortable assuming that the firms in our data would prefer somewhat less A main observation of Diamond's (1971) search model is that profits can be discontinuous to the monopoly price with a positive search cost. A large subsequent literature has explored efficient search. and jump report, variants of the model in which intermediate search costs lead to intermediate outcomes. See Varian (1980), Burdett and Judd (1983) and Stahl (1989). Bakos (1997) and Janssen and Moraga (2000) examine the effects of search costs on prices and welfare. Bakos examines a model with horizontally differentiated firms where consumers must pay a search cost to learn a firm's location as well as its price and notes that lower Assume that r 7r = (u;,0) s. now for = D(w) and Write that the price search engine can costlessly choose any level of search c for is = The 0). rQ*(c search frictions (i.e., + r, s). decreasing in s the optimal choice is The now Maxns Given that Q* sell. the cost at which retailers acquire the good that they problem facing the search engine set set s Q*(w,0) 0. Suppose frictions prices converge to marginal cost as s goes to zero so search engine's problem is to eliminate is all then simply the standard monopoly pricing problem, Maxp (p -c)D(p), = + The search engine — pm — monopoly profit. Retailers earn zero profits. This illustrates our first observation, that search engines would where p like to c reduce Our r. sets r and gets the resolution to the search engine revenue paradox fees, firms paradox problem if retailers have fixed natural: the search engine could if that frictions that is make is that as long as search engines pass the referral fees on to consumers and search engines can collect their revenues from retailers. 9 costs, or, full frictions. can charge per sale referral Now c costs. fixed The model does have the Bertrand- In this case a couple of solutions would be payments to the retailers to cover their fixed not feasible, the search engine could choose the minimal level of search would let the retailers recover their fixed costs. consider a model in which search engines and retailers must ments to increase or decrease search frictions. make costly invest- Search frictions will then typically not be eliminated, and the effect of technological progress on the level of search frictions determinate. This is is in- our second observation. For example, the simplest balance-of-power game would have the search engine choose an investment level x se at cost g(x se 9) while ; Moraga examine a Stahl-style model with undifferentiated products and two types of consumers and emphasize that in some cases prices may be higher with lower search costs. As in the literature on vertical restraints, there may be many other contracts that could be used to extract the monopoly profits. For example, the search engine could refuse to post any price below the monopoly price and charge each retailer a fixed fee equal to its expected market share times the monopoly search costs lead to lower prices and improved match quality. Janssen and profit. x r at cost h{x r ;8), resulting in the retailers simultaneously choose being so — x se + x r The parameter . 8 indexes the state of technology. 6 increase or decrease equilibrium search frictions in a minate: it level of search frictions model Whether increases like this is in obviously indeter- depends on whether the technology aids search-improving or search-obfuscating more. A couple variants of the model are worth mentioning. engine could also charge fixed fees. to extract the retailers' profits. stage prior to when the would be unchanged i's It First, would then charge a As long as the fixed and suppose the the search fixed fee of referral fees r 7r (s*) — h(x*\8) were chosen in a were chosen, the determination of equilibrium search frictions —the only difference would be that the would just help them achieve a zero profit. engines competing to attract consumers. retailers' efforts at obfuscation Second, suppose that there were multiple search In a model with differentiation between search engines a la Hotelling, the degree of differentiation determines the utility consumers receive. The In search engines will want to provide this utility level in the most efficient many models them also lead The only Morgan this would give search engines an incentive to reduce search to charge lower referral fees than in the full They do not model that one might think are if and monopoly model. listing fees The key trivial —the insight is fees. They that differences from the Bertrand presence of an outside option for retailers —make the standard argument that the Bertrand game has no equilibria inapplicable. It turns out that the model has a symmetric mixed strategy equilibrium in which firms randomize both over whether to to choose frictions consider the possibility of charging referral nonetheless avoid the revenue paradox. mixed strategy possible. models of price search engines we are aware of are those of Baye and (2001, 2003). and/or positive way list and over the prices they do. Both retailers and consumers are willing to pay positive fixed fees to the search engine. 2.1 Incomplete consumer search The model above treats "search frictions" very abstractly. How might one construct more concrete micro models in which search frictions are determined by competing investments by search engines and retailers? s One way would be to build on a standard search model. A considers a model with two types of consumers. and always learn the prices offered by A fraction 1 — \i fraction fi Stahl (1989), for example, enjoy searching for low prices which there are a all retailers (of incur a cost of c for every price quote they obtain. number). Consumers are oth- downward sloping demands. Stahl notes that erwise identical and have finite this model has a unique symmetric equilibrium: retailers randomize over prices in some interval; informed consumers purchase from the firm offering the lowest chase from the always above is if first store they visit provided that in equilibrium) we stochastic define s = 1 The . — jx: solution is its price; price continuous in retailer profits are lower \i and the other consumers purbelow some threshold (which is and varies and demand in the manner assumed higher (in a is dominance sense) when the fraction of informed consumers is it higher, first order and price converges to cost in the limit as ^ goes to one. 10 Building on this model, one could provide an explicit model of search frictions by assuming that consumers are heterogeneous in their ability to digest the information presented on a webpage. The se search engine's investment x mation and presenting in a it x r would be investments in manner that is would be an investment in collecting infor- easier to understand. Retailers' investments making pricing more complicated and difficult to describe. To the model above exactly, one could assume that the distribution of consumer abilities fit such that after these investments are made, a fraction to understand the webpage fully and thereby learn all liq analysis of the search random x T of consumers are able firms' prices, consumers cannot understand the price information at listed websites sequentially (in a + x se — all is whereas the and must resort to rest of the visiting the order) to understand each retailer's price. 11 and obfuscation game would then follow exactly The as described above. In any interior equilibrium, the model will exhibit positive retail markups, price dispersion across retailers, and limited knowledge of prices by 1 The some consumers. solution has similar comparative statics in the c parameter, so one could alternately take s the measure of search frictions. There are a number of search models in = c as the literature, but Stahl's model stands out for having intuitively appealing comparative statics. n Stahrs (1996) paper extends the model to allow for heterogeneity in search costs among many with positive search costs, so that some of the partially informed consumers will learn others learn just one or a few. the consumers prices whereas Add-ons and adverse selection 2.2 Ellison (2003) describes retailer profits price. which obfuscation raises in even though consumers either observe or correctly anticipate every The model tion) involves an alternate approach to obfuscation two (as one would reinterpret which are retailers, it to fit retailer's the search and obfuscation applica- Consumers are slightly differentiated a la Hotelling. heterogeneous both in their preferences over the two firms and in their marginal of income. The firms are assumed to sell transportation costs) to each consumer. provides only v — w utils. 12 a standard good that provides v utils (minus They are also able to sell a damaged good that consumers can distinguish the damaged good from Critically, the original, but the search engine cannot. For example, signed to collect and display shipping details the standard good accompanied by utilities if the search engine damaged good could be an fine print stating that the is not de- offer to sell the shipping time will be one month. Because the search engine cannot distinguish between the damaged and the standard good, be in equilibrium all listings will for the contain a separate higher price for the damaged good. Each retailers' website will also undamaged goods, and consumers will need to incur the cost of visiting each retailer's website to learn what these "add-on" prices are. As Diamond high: (1971), the structure of the search costs retailers charge the monopoly makes the price of the add-on very price for the incremental value of the standard damaged good. Consumers with rational expectations anticipate this are fully informed: they directly observe each firm's price for the rectly infer the prices that are not posted. Profits earned partially or completely The competed away interesting case of the in the undamaged good while the firms' profits are higher would be if the damaged good did not exist or if listing See Deneckere and McAfee (1996) for the het- to upgrade to Notably, prices than they the search engine were able to distinguish more on damaged goods. 10 w and to save money. damaged good damaged and undamaged goods. Moreover, the equilibrium 2 cor- for the listed goods. some consumers damaged good when they compete by in equilibrium damaged good and model occurs when the amount of damage others settle for the good over the on the add-on may therefore be form of lower prices erogeneity in consumers' marginal utilities of income lead the and in profits are increasing in the amount of damage w. An intuition for the basic result is that when the firms sell damaged goods, they create an adverse selection problem that makes firms hesitant to undercut each other: a price cut will disproportionately attract cheapskates at a low price (which One is sometimes below who buy the damaged good cost). could provide a second explicit model of "search frictions" by defining s and considering a game in = w which the search engines invest in developing software that can recognize and inform consumers about different forms of damage, thereby reducing w. while retailers invest in inventing w. new and This model would not exactly reasons. First, it creative ways to damage products, thereby framework described above in the general fit increasing needs some differentiation so prices will not drop all the way for two to cost as search frictions vanish. Second, the higher prices that search frictions bring do not actually reduce the quantity sold because consumers are assumed to have unit demands up to a choke price that is not binding in equilibrium. The and obfuscation game. The second however, both make more it is realistic important. and make first should not matter for the search A slight modification of the it fit model would, within the general framework: one would just need to make the consumers' demands downward sloping. 13 3 We The Pricewatch study a segment of The Pricewatch retailers selling universe; e-retail largely universe memory is memory modules and CPUs mediated by a price search engine called Pricewatch. characterized by a large number of small, undifferentiated e- upgrades, CPUs, and other computer parts. The customers include hobbyists building computers, IT support people, gamers, and other relatively savvy users upgrading old computers, and proprietors of small computer do little stores. The retailers tend to or no adversiting, to have rudimentary websites, to receive no venture capital, and We to run efficient, profit-maximizing operations. assume that they receive a large fraction of their customers through Pricewatch. One can The unit use Pricewatch to locate a product in one of two ways. demands in Ellison's model are primarily there for tractability One can either type a and to provide a neat contrast by making add-on pricing completely irrelevant when there is less consumer heterogeneity. The best way to construct a tractable model without unit demands might be to build on the model around logit demands as in Verboven (1999) rather than around the Hotelling model. 11 technical product description, such as "Kingston can run through a multilayered egories, e.g., clicking We menu PC2100 512MB," number to select one of a into a search box, or of predefined product cat- SDRAM DIMM." on "System Memory" and then on "PC133 128MB believe that the latter is much more common. Pricewatch returns a list sorted from cheapest to most expensive in a twelve-listings-per-page format. running through the menu that some The categories inescapably made by product many as 350 listings encompass products of varying Note that and from 100 different websites. quality, often including products higher and lower quality manufacturers and always including offers in which the is bundled with different levels of service. Typically, the first several would contain only low quality buried deep within the list, of products leads to predefined, not user-defined, product categories, of these categories contain as one that for list offerings, the higher quality of 350 products. Figure 1 on Pricewatch are very low. For example, in the period we list products at reasonable prices contains the PC100 128MB memory modules from October pages of a first 12, 2000. page of a typical The low study, generic prices listed memory modules are typically offered for about one-half of the price that Dell charged for a Dell-branded product. People is who have not seen previous studies about price dispersion might think that remarkable that there are so many different prices listed for nearly identical items Pricewatch. In comparison with previous studies, however, prices are so close together. In the early part of our data module sold for about $100, the average difference 12 i/l lowest listed price was about $8. we think it is it on remarkable that when a 128MB PC100 memory between the lowest listed price and the Figure 2 illustrates the range over the course of the year. Prices for most computer components have declined sharply. Retail prices for memory modules, for example, dropped from about $100 per megabyte at the start of 1990 to about 10 cents per megabyte in September of 2003. for Memoiy prices are also volatile. In Figure example, we see that although prices declined by about 70% over the course of the year, there are two periods of sharp price increases. Prices rose by about and early July 2000 and by about 25% for CPUs are less volatile and decline in less in a than two weeks more orderly 12 2, fashion. in 50% between late November 2000. May Prices A fascinating aspect of the Pricewatch lists is the substantial turnover from day to day and even from hour to hour. on the of the twenty-four retailers down one place on the first list. Some Some retailer From time list. week or more, but there various websites at the time. Pricewatch is to time one is no in may change up retailers Our impression is observe a firm rigid hierarchy. by Pricewatch and the a database-based system which in its database. were setting prices retailers will list moves several other typically of this turnover can be attributed to the technology used updating their own prices average, three websites are clearly big players that regularly occupy a position near the top of the Pricewatch sitting in the first position for a On two pages of the above-mentioned Each price change their prices in a given hour. or (which greatly aids our econometric analysis) that all (or relies on retailers' almost of the all) Pricewatch manually in the time period we study. A typical has dozens or hundreds of products listed in the Pricewatch database, making it impractical to constantly monitor one's place in each predefined product category and the current wholesale prices for each product. Instead, a retailer might manually examine its position on the most important Pricewatch categories a few times a day and might look at current wholesale prices once or twice a day. Our sales components for their and cost data come from a firm that operates several websites seUing computer in the PC133 memory modules in PC100 memory modules both 128MB and 256MB; and MHz, 700 MHz, 750 MHz, and 800 MHz. The in both 128MB and 256MB: AMD Athlon processors in 650 In each of these categories, our firm offers a of products with varying quality levels, typically three. first part of each speed with which the costs examine the pricing of and demand will products within eight product categories (each of which corresponds to a popular predefined search on Pricewatch): number We Pricewatch environment. because the speed of a often needed to Despite this, sales of the PC 100 we PC100 study, people vs. PC133, CPU. PC133 memory the two speeds of memory module must match In the period buy description, memory communicates with about the same. motherboard. memory module memory refers to the is better and are comparable, the speed of a computer's who were upgrading CPU old computers and more memory. Hobbyists building new computers usually wanted to 13 build systems around AMD of the product description can substitute two CPUs Athlon that required the capacity of the is 128MB modules for one list memory 256MB and some consumers would be memory. The second part Many consumers megabytes. in modules, although some with older 256MB modules found motherboards could not use the "high density" Pricewatch PC 133 at the top of the The 256MB modules slot constrained. are about twice as expensive. Typically, one spends about $100 on memory when building an inexpensive computer. In the of the demand at Pricewatch summer was 128MB for when 256MB modules of 2000 cost about $250 most when 256MB modules. In the spring of 2001 modules cost about $60, the two were about equally popular. The retailer that provided us with sales data Pricewatch memory category on each of PC100 128MB memory modules, well as by contract terms. Figure 3 is illustrates a sites often is a similar quality choice AMD presented to is websites: many memory modules Athlon processors. Since an are AMD Athlon from about $120 for a 500 not yet widely available). MHz A Athlon purchased from any other website. The CPUs were hobbyists new computers. CPUs come in Athlon to over $1000 typical way to computer stores) In early June 2000 prices ranged for a make the speed 1000 vs. MHz Athlon (which was price tradeoff would be to computer on the CPU. Pricewatch's predefined for a categories recognize that one should compare will (or proprietors of small many clock speeds. spend one-fourth of one's total budget We as similar to shopping for mattresses. identical to a bare primary purchasers of Athlon speed. and the board a branded product, a "bare" Athlon with a given clock speed purchased from any website should be building how DRAM three different A's design. Making quality comparisons within a other set of products we study are processor by quality of the sells contain minimal technical specifications. In this regard shopping memory module can be The site each website e.g., much easier than making comparisons across unbranded and for websites, differentiated consumers on a website that copied website its three different products within each sells prices for processors with the examine prices and demand within four of the categories that same clock were most popular in the summer of 2000: the 650 Mhz, 700 MHz, 750 MHz, and 800 MHz. Typical prices for these CPUs ranged from $140 for the Athlon. 1 I 650 MHz Athlon to $280 for the 800 MHz Despite the fact that the 650 MHz 650 category to be fail different levels of service. MHz Athlon homogeneous Second, CPUs CPU. the Retailers may First, different retailers offer are often purchased together with a retailer- $5 and an experienced installer can attach attachment can be tricky two reasons. for One can buy a decent installed fan/heatsink. a branded product, offerings within the is quality fan/heatsink combination for about it to the CPU in less The than a minute. a novice, though, and entails a nontrivial chance of ruining for offer to attach any of several fans, and each CPU-fan combination should be viewed as a distinct product within the same Pricewatch category. For example, one of the websites from which we have data typically a bare category: CPU, a CPU offers three products within each attached to an AMD-approved fan, and a CPU together with a premium-quality fan (and also bundled with better service terms and an extended warranty). To reiterate, Pricewatch's categories did not distinguish and without fans (or same Pricewatch the with better or worse fans) so , Over the One its lists not last would appear in few years Pricewatch has made a number of enhancements to combat obfus- of the most remain commonplace. visible search-and-obfuscation battles early days Pricewatch did not collect information was fought over shipping uncommon for firms to list with a two-pronged approach: it fee when they went mandated that all no greater than a Pricewatch-set amount ($11 column to its listing charges. 14 Many retailers adopted an $11 shipping uncertainty about the cost of Our empirical work is wary of UPS was to check out. Pricewatch fought this firms offer for UPS ground shipping memory modules); and pages that either displayed the shipping charge or a warning that customers should be it its memory module and inform consumers a price of $1 for a and handling" costs. on shipping costs and sorted purely on the basis of the item price. Shipping charges grew to the point that of a $40 "shipping it) with list. cation. Practices that frustrate search nonetheless fee of these products CPUs Observations of obfuscation 4 In all between stores that fee for (if it for a added a the retailer reported do not report their shipping memory modules in response, but ground shipping was not completely eliminated because a based on data from the period when these policies were 15 in effect. number of retailers left the charges. The meaning company explicity stated column blank "UPS ground of on or (more commonly) reported a range shipping" was also subject to manipulation: one website that items ordered with the standard its of shipping UPS ground shipping were given lower priority for packing than other orders and might take two weeks to arrive. More and switched recently, Pricewatch mandated that retailers provide to sorting low-price lists based on the maximum shipping charge desired, although it shipping: customers if with shipping charges it on shipping-inclusive prices (which are based a range is This appears to have worked as given). only provides the desired information for customers who wish to upgrade to 3rd-, 2nd-, or next-day air who prefer ground must look through the retailers' websites manually. One of the potential models of obfuscation we discussed involved firms' trying to increase customers' inspection costs and/or to reduce the fraction of customers the firm on the top of the search engine's list The most bundling low-quality goods with unattractive contractual terms, it fee on all print. Another is making advertised listed available listed prices. like effective We seems to be providing no warranty on Pricewatch without reading the prices difficult to find. In 2001 time to find prices listed on Pricewatch on several found the buy from Given the variety of terms we observed, returns. would seem unwise to purchase a product will without doing any firm-by-firm searching. observed several practices that might serve this purpose. and charging a 20% restocking who it retailers' sites. In fine took us quite a bit of a few cases, we never Several other firms were explicit that Pricewatch prices were only on telephone orders. Given that phone calls are more costly for the retailers, we can only assume that firms either wanted people to waste time on hold or intended to make them sit example, through sales pitches. Pricewatch has fought these practices in several ways. For it added a "buy now" button, which (at least in theory) takes customers directly to the advertised product. The second obfuscation mechanism we discussed is the adoption of a "loss-leader" or "add-on" pricing scheme: damaged goods are listed on the search engine at low prices and websites are designed to convince customers attracted by the low prices to upgrade to a higher quality product. Such practices are example. Customers who now ubiquitous on try to order a generic 16 Pricwatch. Figure 3 memory module from is one at the price advertised on are directed to this page. which the low priced product in markups). Figure 4 from is is is inferior to other A another example. It illustrates products the company consumer who several sells (at tries to order a generic ways higher module taken to this page, from which a number of complementary products, The upgrades, and services. figure presents the webpage as it To avoid initially appears. purchasing the various add-ons the consumer must read through the various options and unclick several boxes. After completing this page, a customer another on which he or she must choose from a long UPS paying $15.91 extra to upgrade from UPS to 2-day, Our impression is categories all on the of the listings much more first likely to is memory lists In Pricewatch's We are told that CPU most of are very low quality products have problems than are other modules that can sometimes be We know that the wholesale price occasionally so small as to induce the retailer from which "medium to ship low quality. few pages were bare CPUs. purchased wholesale for just one or two dollars more. difference upgrade 3-day, $30.96 extra to next day 15 inefficiently the "generic modules" at the top of Pricewatch's that are UPS that the practices are also consistent with the add-on pricing model terms of the low-priced goods being of in UPS and $45.96 extra to upgrade to taken to of shipping options. These include list ground to is quality" generic modules to customers (without telling the customers) because it felt who we got our data ordered low quality modules the time cost and hassle of dealing with returns was not worth the cost savings. Obfuscation could presumably take our theory section. Presumably, than it is profits. fusing. 15 16 this One many forms would involve either tricking worth to them or altering their is that consumers into paying more utility functions in many Pricewatch For example, whereas several The incremental we outlined in that firms could try to confuse boundedly-rational consumers. is Our impression in addition to those sites will a way for a product that raises equilibrium e-retailers sites' are intentionally con- provide consumers with product comparison costs to Tufshop of the upgraded delivery methods are about $4, $6, and $20. 16 Following our work on obfuscation, Gabaix and Laibson (2004) have developed a model of consumer confusion. They assume confused consumers behave exactly as if they had stronger idiosyncratic preferences for one firm relative to the other pricing and incentives to invest in differentiation. in a standard horizontal differentiation model. in confusing consumers is identical to Hence, an analysis of an analysis of firms that can invest Welfare consequences are different, however, because the idiosyncratic factors A over product B are not preferences that contribute to utility. consumers prefer product 17 that, make lists like that in Figure description of 3, we did not see any that augmented such a comparison with a what "CAS latency" means should or shouldn't care about to help consumers think about whether they it. As mentioned above, Pricewatch enter their prices into a database. is a database-based facility that requires that retailers This scheme for running a price search website seems to be gaining relative to the alternate technology of using shopbots to maintain a price database or to search for prices in realtime whenever a consumer requests them. One explanation for this must be that the shopbot approach can result in substantial delays while the site searches. Another may be that the shopbot approach may be even more prone to obfuscation. In 2001, had a much for easier time organizing products searched sites hosted by Yahoo. through Yahoo! Shopping at a Yahoo than a general search engine because collected a royalty on all sales , box and sorted on how price, the five lowest listed prices clicks over to the retailer above the Pricewatch results when we typed "128MB PC100 price). price or items for listing and ordering into the search were from merchants who had figured is zero even though a can easily see the price (and see that The next hundred were also either products or so cheapest items it is 50-100% on Yahoo's search which Yahoo's search engine had misinterpreted the which were inexpensive because they were not the desired product. 1 5 Data Our price data were only made by merchants SDRAM DIMM" to get Yahoo! Shopping's search engine to think the price human who it a monthly fee based on the number of items offered (as well as Yahoo! Store) so there must have been some standardization of mechanics. Nonetheless, out example, Yahoo! Shopping search engine should have ' downloaded from They contain information on the twelve (sometimes twenty-four) lowest price offerings within each of the eight predefined 11 it was possible to use Yahoo! Shopping's search engine to get a well-sorted list and find low one was experienced with it. In 2003 Yahoo! Shopping's search engine conducts a broad search not restricted to Yahoo! Shops and affiliates. The list returned in response to a corresponding search no longer begins with a large number of sites that Yahoo thinks have zero prices, but it does begin with a large number of sites for which it has incorrectly parsed the HTML and inferred the price to be less than it truly is. Most of these mistakes appear to be accidental rather than due to a plan by the retailers to fool the Yahoo! Shopping search engine. In 2001 prices if 18 categories mentioned above. 2000 to The May 18 These data were collected at hourly frequency 2001. 19 Recall that Pricewatch's predefined categories are we downloaded vast majority of the products for which prices are from somewhat May coarse. what we could call "low-quality" products. In addition to the price data for these "low-quality" products, quantity data from one Internet retailer. for all products that products in fit The data contain the The each category. will simply The raw data call May of 2000. and and quantities sold firm operates several different (but similar) websites, 20 We which use data from three websites, A, B, and C. are at the level of the individual order and indicate from which website the customer made the purchase. in prices price within the eight Pricewatch categories, often three different quality typically have different prices for the products studied. which we we obtained We We currently have approximately a year of sales data starting aggregate the individual orders to produce daily sales totals for each product at each website. 21 Our primary price variables are the average transaction prices for sales of a given product on a given day. 22 each website on Pricewatch's price ranked The same for We also record the daily average position of list. Internet retailer also provided us with data on wholesale acquisition costs each product. The firm maintains very low inventories. Some products are purchased from wholesalers every few days or once a week. Others are purchased almost every day. The firm often has a "negative" inventory of the most popular them each afternoon to fill memory modules, buying the backlog of retail orders taken that morning and the previous 18 We collected the twenty four lowest prices for the 128MB PC100 and 128MB PC133 memory modules and the twelve lowest prices in each of the other six categories. 1 We used GolZilla to carry out the downloads. Among the motivations for having several websites are that different websites looks and consumers may have heterogeneous reactions, that it may be allows the websites to be given different more specialized (which seems to be attractive to some consumers), that it facilitates experimentation, that it may help promote private-label branded products, and that it lets the firm occupy multiple places on the Pricewatch screen. "1 Here, a "product" includes also the quality level, e.g., a high-quality 128MB PC100 module. "Transaction prices are unavailable for products which have zero sales on a given day. If low-quality products ever have zero sales, then we fill the prices in using the listed prices from Pricewatch, since these prices are quite volatile. Prices for the other products change less often and can be filled in fairly completely by just assuming that prices are constant in the gaps between times when we observe identical transaction price observations. We also fill in a few other values by looking at when low-quality prices and prices at other websites operated by the firm changed. 19 evening. The data provided particular product. Our analysis of to us contain wholesale prices 23 memory module demand uses data from websites websites have identical product lineups: they ule category, Summary which we of the is number presumably A and B. These two memory mod- three products within each medium-, and the high-quality module. Our contains between 575 and 683 observations in each category. 24 each of the four categories are presented in Table statistics for data are at the sell refer to as the low-, the memory modules dataset on whenever the firm purchased a level of the website-day, so the LowestPrice of observations. for a low-quality number is of days covered is Note that the 1. approximately half the lowest price listed on Pricewatch (which memory module.) 25 Rangel-12 the difference between is the twelfth lowest listed price and the lowest listed price. Note that the price distribution PLow, PMid and PHi fairly tight. ules at the sorted list two websites. are the prices for the three qualities of PLowRank is rank of the website's first is memory mod- entry in Pricewatch's of prices within the category in question. 26 This variable turns out to allow us to predict sales much better than we can with simple functions of the cardinal price variables. Note that the websites we study are consistently near the top of the Pricewatch all four categories. quantities of each quality of module sold the 10% of the average lowest QLow, QMid and QHi are the average daily average prices for the low-quality products they price on Pricewatch in list: sell are within by each website. The majority of the sales are the low-quality modules. We have not broken the summary usually lower than website B's, but there 23 The 24 Data We which we were missing data. The use mid-March rather than The Pricewatch data hours using weights that 26 We no CPU only know a May 256MB as the are hourly. reflect the sites' gaps left website. rigid relationship. CPU fans. For example, in the 128MB This does not cause any substantial incom- we used to collect data and missing data Figure 2 to indicate the frequency with most of the last six weeks, so we chose to in the price curves in prices are missing for end of the 256MB samples. Daily variables are constructed by taking a weighted average across average hourly sales volumes of the websites we study. if it is among the 24 lowest priced websites for Pricewatch rank or the 12 lowest priced websites for Website A's prices are fans rarely change. are occasionally missing due to failures of the program in the files the firm provided. 25 is only products purchased infrequently are pleteness of the data because prices of down by statistics 256MB modules 128MB modules When a site's price we set PLowRank equal or Athlon processors. is too high to one one and it does not appear on the lists we downloaded from Pricewatch more than the number of firms appearing on the lists we collected, i.e. 25 for 128MB modules and 13 for the other products. In the 128MB category this happens for fewer than 1% of the observations. In the 256MB category this happens for 3% of the site A observations and 14% of the site B observations. 20 PC 100 memory same on 27 module category, website A's low-quality price and higher on 60 days. In days, quite small, e.g. they are two dollars or would expect, 70% Site A Our analysis of and C. Athlon demand sales more than 70% less of the time. the median larger: also has higher sales volumes. For example, 128MB PC100 memory of the sales of low-quality drop patterns for off lower on 251 days, the this category the price differences are usually somewhat categories the price differences are is 256MB In the As one dollars. is five responsible for about it is modules. AMD Athlon processors uses data from websites B sharply in the of 2000 following fall AMD's introduction of the improved Athlon Thunderbird. Accordingly, we analyze data from a shorter period, November of 2000. An additional factor complicating the analysis not have identical product lineups. Site category: the "low quality" product briefly with selling a CPU is C that sites B CPU fan. Site and B offers with a dual fan. The fact that forces us to analyze site B's sales of this a CPU and site two products in each category: the bare CPU sites B and C have separate C's sales in separate regressions. be identical across clock speeds except speed dummies. Table 2 contains summary as it is used in the regressions. The the second to site C's sales. The statistics for the are averages across clock speeds. 650MHz Athlon first to The combination PHi in the website B is the clock speed-day Hence, each pay about $39 more to get a unit sales of The minimum end of the sample. The reflect that will also who buy upgraded PLow prices reported on site B is B would prices for a little is PLow on average need CPUs are lower than reduce the precision of our estimates. is what price of $302.45 The mean attached. Unit sales of products 21 mean maximum customers of website CPU with a fan memory modules. This fraction of consumers price of $105.25 for cost near the start of the sample. data for additive clock- panel refers to the data on site B's sales and unit of observation cost near the what a bare 800MHz Athlon and sets of offerings Athlon processor data broken panel summarizes a dataset with four observations per day, and the a bare is and the shorter time period led us to pool data from the four clock-speed categories restrict the coefficients to down do with a nonapproved fan instead); the "medium quality" product with a premium quality dual CPU C (although the firm experimented has an AMD-approved fan/heatsink attached; and the "high quality" product and the and to products within each processor-speed offers three usually a bare is May higher than in the The memory data: 39% medium- of the customers of website of the customers of website C buy a or high-quality product. Demand 6 B and 56% In this section patterns we estimate the demand how consumers elastiticies Pricewatch e-retailers face and examine substitute between low-, medium-, and high-quality products. We do this both to provide new descriptive evidence on the functioning of online markets and to provide empirical evidence on the theories of obfuscation discussed above. Methodology 6.1 Our primary depend on interest its is demand estimation for in how website w's sales prices for the three products suppose that within each product category from website w on day of low-, and on c, its medium-, and high-quality products competitors' prices. Specifically, we the quantity of quality q products purchased t is tywcqt — c i with = XwctPcq Pcqo + /3cq ilog(l + P Low Rankwct + /3cq2 log(PMidwct + /3cq3 log(PHi wct ) ) ) 12 +/3cq 4log(LowestPrice ct ) In this equation watch's list capture how Pricewatch. offerings. 27 PLowRankwc t is + pcq5 Weekend + Pcq eSiteB w + t ^ f3 cqe+s TimeTrendst the rank of website w's low-quality offering on Price- of the lowest prices in category c. It is the primary variable that we use to website w's low-quality price differs from those of the other firms listed on PMid wct and PHi wct The TimeTrend that changes every 30 days. are the prices of website w's medium- and high-quality variables allow for a piecewise linear time trend with a slope We as an additional control variable. think of the fourth price variable, LowestPrice c t, mainly 28 2 Medium- and high-quality cannot be defined consistently across retailers. Accordingly, we have no data on competitors' prices for comparable products to include in the regressions. We do not treat the variable as providing an estimate of the elasticity of the aggregate demand at all Pricewatch retailers as a function of their price because we lack data on prices at traditional retailers. Interpretation would be even more difficult in the medium- and high-quality demand regressions because the coefficient on LowestPrice will also reflect how decisions depend on medium- and high-quality prices ' relative to low-quality prices. 22 . We estimate the demand equations assume that the error term u wcqt via satisfies GMM. Specifically, for E{e Uwc i \Xwct ) t = most of our estimates we so that 1 we can estimate the models using the moment condition E(Q wcqt e- x ^ t0«> - l\Xwct ) = These estimates are done separately for each product category and each quality level. Stan- dard errors were computed with a Newey-West style approach. The on the logs of the prices of the medium- and high-quality modules can coefficients be directly interpreted as elasticities. a website's low-quality price, we compute estimated when of PLowRank elasticities To construct treat log(l all + PLowRank) variables are at their with respect to a change in between the twelve lowest elasticities of PLow demand with respect to as a continuous variable means by and setting the derivative equal to the inverse of the average distance prices. Although we This approach presumes that the price variables are not endogenous. present estimates in a later section that do not assume exogeneity of prices, these non- instrumented estimates are our preferred ones for two reasons. First and most importantly, we think that little of the variation in our e-retailers' prices about demand. The firm appears to have or times little is due to its information about whether particular days might be good ones to be higher or lower on Pricewatch's changes in our e-retailer's ranks, in fact, are using information Most lists. of the not due to any decisions: the e-retailer has limited attention to devote to each of the dozens of Pricewatch lists on which its products appear, and most rank changes are due to other firms changing their prices. The person who sets prices noted in discussions his low-quality prices for the Pricewatch lists he typically leaves and may it. if Less attention First, raise or lower a price if a few times a day he checks some of a rank has drifted too in response to a wholesale price change. paid to medium- and high-quality prices. These are typically several weeks at a time. 23 lists Third, he occasionally order-processing or shipping employees have failed to show is from where - far Second, once a day or so he receives updated wholesale price and may change a price raises prices one of three reasons. with us that he would typically change up for work. left fixed for Second, given our assumed functional form for demand, economic theory implies that prices should not be endogenous. In our multiplicatively. In such marginal costs maximize is profits before setting demand model, shocks increase or decrease demand an environment, the profit-maximizing price of a firm with constant independent of the realization of the demand shock. Hence, prices set to would not be endogenous even if the firm observed the demand shock its price. Despite these arguments, we do also estimate our model using two distinct sets of instruments for PLowRank, PMid, and PHi. These estimation of the moment estimates are obtained from a condition E(Q wcqt e- x^«> - l\Wwct = ) where W estimation in section modules. The the demand first for 128MB PC100 column of the table contains estimates of the demand equation 128MB PC100 for low-quality discuss this demand Table 3 presents estimates of demand from one of our product categories: memory We 6.5. Basic results on 6.2 0, a vector containing the instruments instead of the prices. is wct GMM modules. The second and third columns contain estimates of medium- and high-quality 128MB PC100 modules, respectively. Coefficient estimates are presented with f-statistics in parentheses below them. Our faces is first main empirical result is extremely price sensitive. This that the is demand for low-quality due to a combination of two modules a website factors. First, a price change of a few dollars can move a website up or down several places on the Pricewatch list. Second, most people buying low-quality first few firms on the Pricewatch variable in the a website's sales first list. The memory modules buy them from one coefficient estimate column implies that moving from from sales of low-quality first on the log(l + PLowRank) to second on the modules by 45% and dropping from by 87%. 29 This feature of demand is of the first list to seventh reduces —we get a remarkably clear in the data reduces i-statistic of 15.1 in a regression with only 683 observations. A move from first to second increases log(l thereby reduces log-quantity by 1.48 * 0.41 ~ + PLowRank) 0.6. 24 from from log(2) w 0.69 to log(3) ~ 1.1, Table 4 presents demand The upper elasticities. left number indicates that the 1.48 coefficient estimate in the low-quality in the left panel 128MB PC100 demand equa- tion corresponds to an own-price elasticity of -25.0. In each of the other categories the corresponding elasticity 128MB PC133 the even is category to -41.4 in the larger. The 256MB PC133 upper memory module estimates range from -33.0 in category. These elasticities are a powerful illustration of the potential that price search has to create a real Bertrand paradox. The familiar Lerner index formula for equilibrium MC)/P = [P — retailers, —1/t], implies that markups over marginal their retailers A would find it difficult cost if quality memory is is available, sumers are doing list non-advertising that low quality memory is means that is memory and for the lowest price at more medium-quality memory it sells memory if its are subsititutes. Apparently, however, the more such consumers for (low-quality) attracts. it price for low- what many con- literature common in first to seventh first coefficient in sales memory very large. on the Pricewatch as well. list for The -0.41 coefficient low-quality memory by 43%. marketing to talk about on the effectiveness of is on the the third column indicates that to seventh on the Pricewatch first would reduce high-quality memory it is loss leader effect is fur- reduces a website's sales of medium-quality the loss-leader benefits include sales of high-quality moving from The moving from 128MB PC100 memory 128MB PC100 memory by 65%. The Although + which through to those websites to examine their offerings clicking -0.76 coefficient estimate indicates that indicates that effec- using Pricewatch to find a set of websites offering the lowest prices memory, list, an controlling for the prices and then sometimes purchasing a higher quality product. The higher a firm Pricewatch The efficient, Ordinarily one would expect the opposite relationship because lower. low- and medium-quality ther, is negative and highly significant. This memory for low-quality Even to survive with such markups. a website charges for medium- and high-quality low-quality only low-quality products, In the second column of the table, note that the coefficient on log(l tive loss leader. is retailers sold would be 2.5% to 4%. second striking empirical result in Table 3 P Low Rank) markups with competing single-product loss leaders loss leaders, the empirical marketing has produced mixed results (Walters, 1988; Walters and McKenzie, 1988; Chevalier, Kashyap and Rossi, 2000). 25 We are not aware of any evidence nearly as clear our A ative third noteworthy result and is results. the fact that the coefficients on the site They significant in all three regressions. B the same prices, site cessful at selling high-quality of the importance and owned by the same memory modules. We They were designed by the same are neg- the two sites charge It is especially less suc- be a striking demonstration find this to Website A people. They share the same difficulty of effective website design. firm. when memory modules. substantially fewer sells indicate that B dummy and website B are telephone operators and packing employees and hence provide exactly the same level of service quality. it had A few attributes should make website B more attractive to slightly lower shipping charges for part of the sample; additional products that may be it offers a prefer to The memory. One hypothesis the firm suggested buy memory from a website (like site The significant. The other The one way log(l in + PLowRank), which the results We with our estimation strategy 128MB PC100 for the is is sold toward the result, varies This problem full tables of is memory variables are usually highly category are unusual is that are precisely estimated. high-quality A memory particularly severe in the is reduced by the fact that most of the and It is larger in some memory demand categories in Table 4, but to save estimates. The elasticity tables reveal that large loss-leader benefits consistently across cate- SiteB finding of a negative coefficient on somewhat. memory. they are highly collinear with the flexible time report elasticity matrices for the other The some customers may end of the data period. find large own-price elasticities gories. had a not as effective find in the other medium- and that prices for categories because the effective sample size space we have not included we what we Weekend, and SiteB trends that we have included in the model. memory that specializes in medium- and high-quality memory modules change infrequently. As a 256MB is it is it variables are usually insignificant. the own-price elasticities of difficulty to us A) that significance levels in this table are similar to categories. broader variety of purchased at the same time; and at the time higher customer feedback rating at Nonetheless, at selling some customers: of the 256MB Table 8 presents estimates of the demand for 26 is consistent, although the magnitude regressions. AMD Athlon CPUs sold through website C. The first column gives The second column CPU with an parameter estimates of the demand for low quality (bare) CPUs. reports on the AMD- approved medium-, and high-quality CPU from in third column reports on demand is quite similar to the a number of ways. demand The demand to seventh is predicted to lower when the many more sells of the medium-quality CPU puts it It abandoned LowHasFan (Moving to an a significant loss-leader CPU/fan combinations. For this list it part of our sample the experiment after just a few weeks because too variable in the third column indicates that there that the alternate product lineup led to As list. near the top of the Pricewatch were buying the low-quality product instead of upgrading. The fans. for the low-quality CPU with a non- AMD-approved fan rather than a bare CPU as its lowest-quality firm sold a product. firm's price for a bare is for medium-, demand by about 80%. This corresponds own-price elasticity of -27.7 for the low-quality product.) There benefit: for the demand for low-, highly dependent on the website's position on the Pricewatch is first The the website's medium-quality offering: a with a premium quality dual fan. The CPUs and high-quality memory modules product for fan attached. website's high-quality offering: a low-, demand in many many fewer sales of many customers coefficient estimate is on the clear statistical evidence CPUs with premium-quality of the product categories the own-price elasticities of medium- and high- quality products cannot be precisely estimated. To save space we do not report estimates estimates are qualitatively similar. (a bare 6.3 The CPU) is The own of the demand for CPUs through site B. The price elasticity of site B's low-quality offering estimated to be -28.3. The mechanics of obfuscation: incomplete consumer search model of obfuscation we discussed Stahl's model of search with heterogeneous consumers. In Stahl's model, consumers do not learn all prices. We first explicit in section 2 was noted that any action that raised the cost of learning about each firm's offerings or that forced more consumers to conduct firm-by-firm searches could be regarded as a form of obfuscation. In this section we exploit a feature of our dataset to provide additional evidence that consumers are not fully informed about the prices charged by the Pricewatch retailers. 27 Our data do not provide any easy way low-quality offerings highly on the Pricewatch offers The market share advantage incomplete. is list does, however, provides a nice opportunity to higher quality products and prices quality is but list, and idiosyncratic consumer identical products. If all of the ory choose between site dummy data using a two sites We incomplete. would buy for A and analysis of site B we utility Ui wcq t over Uiwcqt A or site the website w with = Pi log(l site's price for parsimony). it from the cheaper Differences between more medium-quality memory. 30 how consumers medium- and high-quality effect mem- estimate simple logit models on the consumer-level B at time t and Ei makes w a standard on the Pricewatch product categories and different quality If sells site. i site A (versus site B) as choosing to buy a category this choice to maximimize list logit error. The ri cq first for the category. + his e iw , right-hand The second is the product that being purchased. Note that the estimated coefficients consumers are fully levels are constrained to be equal (for informed, one would expect that 0\ would be zero and would be negative. first column of Table 7 reports estimates from a regression run on a dataset contain- ing observations from One offer medium- and high- ) a quality-category fixed for different 30 site's prices for + PLowRankwcq t) + 02 \og(Pwcqt + foTimeTrendt + side variable reflects a site's position The have data on two websites that we assume each customer site product from c quality q /?2 structure of our dataset whether each consumer chose to buy from the dependent variable. Formally, that The examine whether consumer learning about consumers learned about each To provide a straightforward the could also be attributable purely preferences. low-quality prices should not help predict which site rj cq it memory, then we would expect that most of consumers buying medium-quality memory from one with more of firms ranked could reflect that some consumers have not examined the by firms farther from the top of the to price differences consumer learning about the to see whether all four memory categories and on both medium- and high-quality + PLowRank) was significant in the medium-quality than fully informed about prices, but only because a site's rank on the low-quality product is correlated with its rank on the medium-quality product (which is not well-defined and, therefore, not included in the regression). This alternate interpretation is no longer possible when we study the relative shares of the two websites with identical products sold at prices could imagine that the coefficient on log{\ regressions we ran earlier, not because consumers were we know. 28 less The modules. coefficients on log(l + PLowRank) and standard deviation of the difference in log(l The log(P) are both significant. + PLowRank) across websites is more than ten times larger than the standard deviation of the difference in log(P), so the coefficient estimates can be thought of as indicating the a firm's position on the low-quality Price- watch list has a slightly stronger effect than does its price for the item being purchased. This suggests that there are a substantial number of consumers both and a substantial number who are sites' prices The second and who are informed about not. third columns report estimates from the same regressions run separately on medium-quality and high-quality memory modules. In both cases the results indicate clearly that the low-quality module's position minant of sales of medium- and on the Pricewatch an important deter- list is we high-quality modules. In the medium-quality case, are unable to find significant evidence that the relative prices of medium-quality modules on the two sites affects where consumers for the high-quality products appear to be playing a more important The mechanics 6.4 The second explicit model for is model damaged goods and retailer's prices for role. in Section 2 was a variant on the of Ellison (2003). In this model the practice of requiring consumers to visit a site to learn higher quality goods raises prices even what each we discussed of obfuscation case, the sites' prices and adverse selection of obfuscation: add-ons rational expectations add-on pricing posting prices for buy them. In the high-quality if consumers (in its prices equilibrium) correctly anticipate the higher quality goods will be. The main reason for this that adopting add-on pricing creates an adverse selection problem that discourages price cutting: likely a firm that cuts prices will disproportionately attract cheapskates who are less than other customers to buy higher-quality products. In the section on basic results, we verified quality products were attracting customers in other words, that the low-quality in negative coefficients In this section, on log(l one implication of who upgraded we examine the evidence on the in the model, that the low- to the higher quality products, or, products were effective + PLowRank) this loss leaders. This was reflected medium- and high-quality theory's more important regressions. prediction, that the use of the add-on pricing creates an adverse selection problem (which would be expected to 29 lead to higher prices). In our on log(l reflected in the coefficient than in the demand system, such an adverse selection problem would be + P Low Rank) medium- and high-quality being larger in the low-quality regression The regressions. larger coefficient indicates that lowering the price of the low-quality product would lead to a larger proportional increase in low-quality sales than estimates on the log(l in medium- or high-quality sales. + PLowRank) variable in the seventeen three quality levels in each of the four CPUs the regression examining CPUs examining In all cases, memory module sold through site C; effect. In every category medium- and high-quality offer would regressions. result in 128MB PC100 (i.e. is in every Most An alternative way driven by functional form assumptions) sample means. For example, when 256MB memory, 63% in tenth place, only we We catgories. are identical. levels in the regression of its 35% site A consistent with the presence of an column of the table) the coefficient of the differences are statistically significant. A move column. of this adverse selection effect (and a Finally, ran: larger than the coefficient estimates from the 64%, 41%, and 25% decreases quality modules, respectively. is we categories; three quality levels in is a sense of the magnitudes suggested by these estimates from the list regressions sold through site B. estimate from the low-quality regression To demand and two quality the pattern of the coefficient estimates adverse selection Table 6 reports the coefficient way coefficient estimates, consider the from first to third on the Pricewatch medium-, and high- in unit sales of low-, for us to offer intuition for the magnitude to do so avoiding any worries about results being it to look at the firm's quality or site B is first unit sales are low-quality mix using simple on one of the Pricewatch memory. of the unit sales are low-quality On days when one of them memory 31 . also find Table 6 striking for the consistency of the estimates across cannot reject the hypothesis that the six coefficient estimates in the Nor can we lists for reject the equality of the five estimates in the product first row second row, nor of the five estimates in the third row. Given that the products in the different categories differ in price, that 31 Medium 40%. Total moving up or down one rank involves changing the item quality sales increase from sales, of course, are much 16% lower of total unit sales to when the firm is 21% and price by a different high-quality sales from 21% to in the tenth position so these "increases" are decreases in unit sales of the higher quality products being offset by even larger decreases of the low-quality product 30 number of dollars in the different categories, quality levels differ between and that the attributes that distinguish the memory modules and CPUs, we find this regularity intriguing. Instrumental variables estimates 6.5 We have assumed so far that variation in a website's rank on the Pricewatch medium- and high-quality prices exogenous. is We have argued that this list and in its a reasonable is assumption, but in this section will investigate the robustness of our conclusions to two instrumental variables strategies. We feel that there are two primary sources of exogenous variation in our websites' prices (relative to the prices of competing websites). and changing one's prices involves a time drift as cost, the websites' its prices in response to cost shocks. unexpected employee absences that make Another order flow. more common, but is common to all less clearly suitable for variable that and firms; may (especially in the it more One difficult to (2) prices of source of such shocks process a normal day's latter are use as instruments because (1) they will not if wholesale prices for low-quality modules are other firms' higher quality products are an omitted medium- and high-quality demand of instruments PC100 memory modules, which we call "other we log(PMid), and log(PHi) for memory. These variables may will use to estimate demand for 128MB speed" instruments and "cost" instruments. + PLowRank). the same website but for a different product, reflect memory regressions). "other speed" instruments are the contemporaneous values of log(l prices: The be correlated with wholesale prices of medium- and high-quality We have constructed two sets lists inattentive. Second, is variation in the firm's wholesale acquisition costs. lead to variation in a firm's Pricewatch rank The ranks on the Pricewatch other sites change prices during periods in which our firm the firm will raise or lower is because monitoring other firms' prices First, both sources of exogenous variation in 128MB PC133 PC100 memory the website's ranks in the two categories could drift in unison during periods of inattention; and if employees do not show up for work, the firm product categories. 32 Memory If the prices have a strong periods of inattention. demands for may PC100 and PCT33 memory downward trend raise its prices in all are independent (recall so a firm's rank in each category will drift In practice, the correlation is strong but far from perfect. category, for example, the R-squared of a regression of log(l 31 + PLowRankioo) In the on log(l + up during long 128MB PC100 PLowRank\33), PC133 ranks would be that the products are not substitutes for most consumers), then the exogenous. The "cost" instruments for log(l + PLowRank), log(PMid), and log(PHi) are derived from our data on the firm's acquisition costs for low-, medium-, and high-quality modules. 33 128MB PC100 memory If the wholesale prices for low-quality memory our firm faces are not perfectly correlated with the prices other firms face, then the low-quality wholesale price should be correlated with the firm's Pricewatch ranks. 34 128MB PC100 memory modules Table 8 reports estimates of the demand equations for (comparable to those Table in low quality regression (in the log(l + PLowRank) Again we variable from their values obtained using the two sets of instruments. In the column of the first is demand find that the coefficient estimates 3) table), the coefficient estimate unchanged and the variable remains highly for low-quality products on the log{l+P LowRank) variable in the is on the significant. extremely price-sensitive. in the next first The two columns are reduced uninstrumented variables by about one-half. The standard errors are substantially increased, failing to provide significant evidence either that loss leader effects exist or that our previous estimates of the loss leader benefit were too large. can, however, reject the hypothesis that the coefficient estimates in the We medium- and high- quality regression are as large as the coefficient estimate from the low-quality regression. Hence, the results confirm that the The standard errors loss leader pricing creates an adverse selection problem. on the \og{PMid) and log(PHi) variables are also increased. Again, with the "cost" instruments, the log(l + PLowRank) variable remains significant about extreme in the low-quality regression confirming our finding the other rank instruments, and the exogenous variables in the log(l + PLowRankizz) has a t-statistic of 13. There is much they can be predicted almost perfectly in such regressions, PC100 demand equation less variation in e.g. price-sensitivity. we is 0.58. The Again, coefficient on log(PMid) and log(PHi) and get an R-squared of 0.995 in the 128MB data. 33 These data are only available on days on which the firm made wholesale purchases. Gaps of one or a We fill in the missing data by interpolating linearly. The instruments for \og(PMid) and \og(PHi) are simply the log of the cost of the cost of the product in question. Our instrument for P Low Rank is the log of a predicted rank obtained by adding a constant to what the firm's rank would be few days are common. if it 34 priced at cost. In practice, the cost-based instrument for based instrument. PLowRank) on t-statistic In the 128MB PC100 PLowRank has predictive power, but less than the speed- category, for example, the R-squared of a regression of log(l + the cost-based instruments and exogenous variables has an R-squared of 0.48 with the on the instrument being about very strong predictive power, e.g. in the five. The instruments 128MB PC100 first-stage regressions. 32 for log(PMid) and \og(PHi) again have category we again get R-squareds above 0.99 in the coefficients on this variable become insignificant in the other two columns leaving us unable to say that the IV regressions provide additional support for our loss leader results. The standard errors on the log(PMid) and log(PHi) variables become much We most of the true exogenous variation believe that this reflects that the instruments eliminate in larger. these variables (which comes from these prices gradually becoming higher relative to the low-quality price in between adjustments and then being much smaller immediately after adjustments). Markups 7 This section examines price-cost margins. retail It has two motivations. First, the future of depends on the balance between search and obfuscation. At one extreme, e- retail firms would struggle to survive. At the other, search engines wouldn't be worth using. Markups provide descriptive information about universe. how the battle is playing out in the Pricewatch Second, analyzing markups can provide a more complete understanding of the mechanisms by which obfuscation affects prices. Table 9 presents our estimates of the actual markups. The table presents revenue- weighted average percentage markups for each of the four categories of and for CPUs sold through each of the two sites. 35 The dollar memory modules markups were obtained by adding the standard shipping and handling charge to the advertised item then subtracting the wholesale acquisition cost, an estimate of marginal labor costs cost, credit card fees, for order processing, packing, estimation, omitting observations from December 2000 and an approximate shipping and returns, and an allowance for losses due to fraud. 36 In each category the sample period demand price, (for is that used in the which we do not have cost data). In the two 128 MB memory categories, the markups for low-quality products are slightly negative. Prices have not, however, been pushed far below cost by the hope of attracting customers who can be talked into upgrading. Markups are about 16% modules, and about 35 27% The percentage markup The labor and shipping some error. 3 for high-quality is modules. Averaging across the percentage of the sale price, i.e. 100(p all for medium-quality three quality levels, — mc)/p. costs were chosen after discussions with the firm, but are obviously subject to 33 markups are about 8% and 12% for a PC100 module and The 16% of firm's average in the two categories. This corresponds to about ten dollars for a markups in the PC133 module. 256MB memory the two categories. Part of the difference in five dollars due to the is 13% and categories were higher: fact that a higher fraction consumers buy premium quality products, but the largest part comes from the markups on low-quality memory being substantially higher. 37 Finally, the average percentage B and 6% at website C. in dollar terms. The markups on Athlon CPUs difference in markups The average markups on CPUs dollars, respectively. The are much lower: 3% not as dramatic is at the two sites are if at website one looks about six largest part of the difference in average percentage at them and twelve markups is due to markups on the upgraded CPU-fan combinations being lower than markups on high- memory quality low-quality An modules. Markups on low quality CPUs are also lower than markups on memory modules. obvious question to ask is whether the markups reported above are what one would expect under static Nash equilibrium pricing given the strength of the adverse selection effect we identified in the previous section. (There are, of course, many reasons for prices to be higher or lower, such as repeated-game collusion or desire to build short-run market share.) This, however, reason is is something that one can not do with our demand estimates. One that we have not been able to obtain precise estimates of own-price elasticities for medium- and high-quality products. are using are not well-behaved in A some second due to functional form choices we made 37 that the functional forms for of the counterfactuals that doing a Nash equilibrium analysis. This interpret. is is partially demand we must be considered when due to data limitations and partially in order to make the demand results easier to 38 also due to the sample period being different. The revenue weighted estimates put a great deal on the latter part of the data. The 256MB data end 6 weeks before the 128MB data. Markups on 128MB modules were relatively low in the last six weeks. 38 Examples of unavoidable data limitations are that it is hard to separately identify the effect of the firm's low quality price and its Pricewatch rank on demand since they are highly correlated and that there is little variation in medium- or high- quality prices that is not collinear with the time trends. Examples of choices we made include our use of a firm's Pricewatch rank as the primary explanatory variable, which is not appropriate if one wants to predict what would happen if the last firm on the list raised its price toward infinity, and the specification of \og(QLow) and log(QMid) as linear functions of \og(PHi), which implies that a firm could also earn unbounded profits by setting PLow and PMid above cost and sending Part is of weight 34 Although we cannot provide a structural analysis of markups, we think that we can provide evidence that the observed markups are roughly consistent with firms' approximately maximizing We static profits. think that our demand system at the prices one typically observes in the data. We demand accurately reflects therefore feel comfortable computing projected profits at prices charged in the data and can examine whether there appear to be strong incentives to deviate from the actual prices to other prices Consider, for example, the prices from October 12, 2000 in Figure on day are this Our fairly typical. retailer same range. the in The markups 1. bought low-quality modules wholesale on the previous day for $72. 39 Shipping and handling charges are about $1 below the sum of actual shipping costs and other marginal costs, so the lowest-priced firm, listing at $68, is low-quahty modules at about $5 below cost and the sixth firm, about $1 above cost. average Given that the low-priced firms make markup for low-quality modules the sample mean. Site B's markups on is illustrate the effect on a firm's and $94, and profits of from 54.5 units if site B in 1. occupies the position. Sales of high-quality first Figure is just a little below it charged $103.49 and $148.50. moving positions on the Pricewatch predicted quantities and predicted profits for site list the quantity-weighted probably about -2%, which Table 10 contains results from a series of scenarios involving the twelve places on the sales, medium- and high-quality memory on that day were also typical: the wholesale prices were $77 To many more listing at $74, is at selling B assuming site B. In particular, it site B had Predicted sales of low-quality first position to 3.4 units if it The sixth has occupied each of memory drop sharply occupies the twelfth modules decline much more gradually, from 2.8 units position to 1.3 units in the twelfth. list, column reports estimates of in the site B's expected gross profit from being in each position under the assumption that site B would have used the wholesale prices from the previous day to calculate Site B would most have liked to be that profits are fairly in the fifth position, flat where is the would have expected to earn $154. Note over a wide range of markups. For example, the firm's profits in the third and tenth positions are nearly equal. the others it its costs. The one position that is clearly worse than first. PHi toward infinity. Given that the prices are from 9:01am Pacific time, the $72 figure most firms had on costs before they set the observed prices. 35 is likely to be the latest information What would an more than e-Nash equilibrium look by changing e are too high this will they are too low intermediate level, and moving to another location is that no firm can gain on the If list. because everyone will want to move to the top of the fail will fail it price its The requirement like? because everyone will markups list, and if want to move to the bottom. At some the losses that the top few firms incur selling low-quality modules below cost could roughly offset the profits they derive from their greater sales of premium-quality modules and thus we could have an e-Nash equilibrium with price dispersion. Although find the first site B not indifferent between the various places on the is position quite unattractive), suggesting that play First, profits is close to can claim this spot only Site B in equilibrium. cannot switch its (and would of the profit estimates in Table 10 as an £-Nash equilibrium with a reasonable need not be exactly equal 40 to prevent deviations. we think list for a They need only be price to $74 by charging $73, which would e and take the few reasons. close enough fifth spot. It $144 rather than result in a profit of $154. Second, heterogeneity in website design will lead to firms' having different preferences over positions on the Pricewatch at the same prices, and high-quality memory. profits. The fifth is more list. Recall that site is also the slots. This is A demand most attractive consumers for firm .4, In particular, call B it but its preferences over does relatively better in A tends to set on the phone and talk to salespeople, functions. It does not such heterogeneity might be able to account for the top site and B have similar designs. Other websites that employ different tactics, e.g., requiring that face quite different than buy medium- and consistent with our earlier observation that site lower prices than site B. Sites may sales of Table 10 reports estimates of site A's gross the other positions are somewhat different. 41 the top few makes higher successful in inducing customers to The seventh column position A seem unreasonable why Computer Craft is to suppose that willing to occupy slot. Third, cost heterogeneity will also contribute to firms having different preferences over 40 Ellison and Fudcnberg (2003) provide several examples of how such "market impact effects" can create a multiplicity of asymmetric pure strategy equilibria. 41 The attractiveness of the fifth slot is due to an unusual feature of the prices in Figure 1. The fifth-ranked markup is a full four dollars above the markup of the third-ranked firm. This may be a situation where our rank-based demand system is overestimating profits. firm's 36 positions on the Pricewatch watch retailers may In addition to the standard cost heterogeneities, Price- list. differ significantly in their expectations about wholesale prices. example, the most recent time prior to October 11th that our firm chase of low-quality listed firms memory was on Monday October 9th when it made a For wholesale pur- Some paid $78. of the might not have checked wholesale prices since then, or might have made the mistake of using acquisition costs rather than replacement costs when pricing inventory The acquired three days earlier. would have expected attractive. true that would wait until the 13th or lists the prices that site used the three-day-old costs. The ninth position if it It is also eighth column of Table 10 many now is B the most would not shiporders received on the 12th retailers modules until the 13th to replace shipped in inventory. It turns out that before the end of the day on the 13th, low-quality modules could be purchased wholesale for $68. The final column had anticipated these lower if it of the table lists the profits site costs. The first position is now other potential explanation for the top-ranked firm's behavior had different information Fourth, the e in about B would have expected An- the most attractive. is thus that it might have costs. e-Nash equilibrium would include monitoring and decision costs and should not be thought of as extremely small. manager. Monitoring dozens of Pricewatch Our for retailer, example, has just one a small part of his duties and he lists is just does not have nearly enough time to make minor adjustments to every price every hour. Hence, we should not expect to see times. present in the data. On 1 left their prices fixed list came spot. some kind Decision costs of all maximizing the firms we calculated at are necessary to account for the price inertia that October 12th, for example, the top six firms on the throughout the afternoon. The later in the day: profits Augustus Technology cut its first list in is Figure change to the top half of the price to $73 and took over the fifth 42 Although we think that the observed markups are roughly consistent with a model of competition, two features of the data stand out as very hard a model. First, the There were and all left five the top 12. positions. Two markups other changes Two for low-quality among 256MB memory firms lower on the list. The 37 first Nash to reconcile to such are higher than one would eighth-place firm raised its price page in the ninth and tenth page and one to stay on it. other firms cut their prices to $76 to enter the other firms cut their prices to $77, one to enter the static first —a predict even if markups over markups The one ignored the time. The two cost in Second, there features are not completely unrelated. memory for low-quality number firm sold a large loss leader benefits. are positive of low-quality is We 256MB modules price far below the price offered We fact that at two subperiods. about ten dollars above five dollars by the standard wholesale six or fewer retailers competing above cost in A period markups were relatively high in all four in them 256MB modules distributors. 43 As a at a result, there two months rather than dozens. 44 in these do not know why higher markups prevailed sell in average think we understand what happened in the former period. small number of retailers found an obscure supplier willing to were effectively The entirely attributable to September-October 2000 and a large number at about February-March 2001. some variation is February and March of 2001. In this memory categories. Conclusion 8 In this paper we have noted that the extent search costs not clear. While the Internet clearly facilitates search, is to which the Internet adopt a number of strategies that make search more we see that demand is sometimes remarkably difficult. elastic, will reduce consumer also allows firms to it In the Pricewatch universe, but that this not always what is happens. The most popular obfuscation strategy for the products we study to intentionally is create an inferior quality good that can be offered at a very low price. Retailers could, by refusing to let the search of course, avoid the negative impact of search engines simply engines have access to their prices. This easy solution, however, has a free rider problem if other firms are listing, 43 I will suffer from not being listed. What may help make the on July 10. On that day, when the Cost cuts its retail price to $218 full $51 below the next lowest price. The firm remained all alone with a price at least $37 less than that of any other firm for three weeks. We infer from this that its acquisition costs must have been very low. 44 We cannot provide any estimates about how the markups of the low-cost retailers varied in August as the number of low-cost retailers increased from one to (we think) six, because the retailer from which we The first retailer to have found the supplier appears to have found firm that supplied us with data bought modules wholesale for $270, it PC — got the data appears to be the last of the six to have found the low-priced supplier. At that point, in early September, low-quality memory modules were selling for about $10 above cost. Markups remained steady and no other retailers appear to have found the supplier for the next two months. At the end of October wholesale prices fell dramatically, apparently eliminating the advantage. At this point several retailers that had been absent for months jumped to the top of the Pricewatch list and margins on low-quality memory quickly dropped to approximately zero. :;s obfuscation strategy we observe popular is that hard not to copy it is it — if a retailer tries to advertise a decent quality product with reasonable contractual terms at a fair price be buried behind dozens of lower price makes quality aspect of the practice and We and loss-leader models, would also it it offers on the search engine's somewhat seems that it different it will The endogenous- list. from previous bait-and-switch would be a worthwhile topic for research. 45 be interested to see more work integrating search engines into models with search frictions, exploring other obfuscation techniques (such as individualized prices), and trying to understand why adoption of price search engines has been slow. Large online retailers have very high expenses. Although they can avoid the expense of setting It is up hundreds of retail much cheaper number off to ship a truckload of merchandise to a store than to ship a similar of individual packages with them the shelf and bring shelves locations, they have to handle every item they ship individually. and put them types: they have UPS. cheaper to have a customer take packages It is to a cashier than in boxes. Large online it is to hire been very intensive users of managerial Given these expenses, large e-retailers Many to pick packages off have very high expenses of other retailers also talent; they and they have enormous website development advertising; someone costs. have spent a lot on 46 cannot be competitive with Walmart's prices. may be willing to pay a premium to avoid going to the mall and to take advantage of superior product variety. A more serious problem This is is not necessarily worrisome. people that managerial, advertising, and website development costs seem than marginal costs. price search engines If more like fixed costs become more popular, and better sources information develop on the reliability of retailers, then vigorous price competition of may push online prices below the level necessary to cover these fixed costs. What happen is will that happen to e-retail demand can become break even. While this is Simester's (1995) makes the low price search flourishes? One thing we have seen can incredibly elastic, so elastic that retailers could never a frightening possibility to retailers, to us. In seems likely that retailers 4 if would make model seems the most it does not seem very likely significant efforts to ensure that price search similar to the practice. prices on Pricewatch have advertising value is We would imagine, however, that what that the offerings are sufficiently attractive so as to force a retailer to set low prices for its other offerings to avoid having everyone product. 46 Amazon, for example, reported more than $250 million 39 in R&D costs in 2000. buy the advertised engines never work too well, and markups will end up at least as high as they are in the (unbranded) Pricewatch universe. Similar markups would force large retailers to cut back substantially on management, advertising, and website that they could do so. 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McKenzie (1988): "A Structural Equation Analysis of the Impact of Price Promotions on Store Performance," Journal of Marketing Research 25, Walters, Rochney, and Scott 51-63. White, E. (2000): "No Comparison. Shopping 'Bots' Were Supposed to Unleash Brutal Price Wars. Why Haven't They?" The Wall Street Journal October 23, 2000, R18. 12 PRICE WATCH® Query System Memory PC100 128MB Back To - New Components Home Back To - "No t Exactly New" Home PRODUCT BK VV» PRICE FOR ONLINE Generic DESCRIPTION ORDERS ONLY 128MB PC100 SDRAM DIMM - - 8ns Gold leads .- * LIMIT ONE Easy installation - snip Mill K in $ 68 9.69 DEALER/PHONE Computer Craft DATE/HK INSURED 10/12/00 12:40:05 Inc. AM 800-487-4910 FL 727-327-7559 CST stock PART* MEM-128100PCT Online Ordering Connect Generic ONLINE ORDERS ONLY - 128MB SDRAM PC100 16x64 168pin - * LIMIT ONE INSUREDS'). 95 $ 69 10/11/00 10:59:56 PM CST Computers 888-277-6287 949-367-0703 CA Online Ordering 1st Choice Generic ORDER PC100 SDRAM DIMM PRICE FOR ONLINE - 128MB - * LIMIT ONE - - InStock, 16x64-Gold $ 70 10.75 Leads 10/11/00 2:11:00 PM Memory CST — 949-888-3810 CA - C- - CA - P.O.'s accepted Online Ordering Generic PRICE FOR ONLINE ORDER - 128mb - * LIMIT ONE - in True PC100 SDRAM EEPROM stock - with Lifetime DIMM16x64 168pin 6ns/7ns/8ns Warranty Gold Leads IN Generic STOCK, 128MB PC100 Pin, Generic 7/8ns - * LIMIT ONE Not compatible with E 3.3volt SDRAM unbuffered - Gold Lead 168 with Lifetime warranty $72 CST 3.3volt SDRAM 168 with UFIT1ME - * LIMIT ONE $ 74 10.25 Pin, 7/8ns - 800-382-6678 P.O.'s accepted Online Ordering CST 877-918-6767 626-918-6767 10/9/00 6:53:25 PM Portatech 800-487-1327 880060 CA CST 128MB PC100 House Brand AM — 10/11/00 12:44:00 PM 10.95- UPS INSURED $ 74 Machine PRICE FOR ONLINE ORDERS ONLY 128MB True PC100 SDRAM DIMM 8ns Gold - warranty 10/10/00 11:30:39 9.85 - * LIMIT ONE 10/11/00 10:20:23 10.50 FedEx $ 74 WARRANTY CST 1st Compu Choice AM 800-345-8880 OH - MC - 800-345-8880 Sunset Generic DIMM16x64 168pin 128MB 168Pin TRUE PC100 SDRAM - 6ns/7ns/8ns Gold Leads OEM 16X64 $ 75 10/11/00 2:37:00 PM $10 CST Marketing, Inc. 800-397-5050 410-626-0211 P.O.'s Generic 128MB 16x64 PC100 8ns SDRAM. - * LIMIT $77 ONE 10/12/00 9:37:45 AM 10.90 CST accepted PC COST 800-877-9442 847-690-0103 a Online Ordering Augustus STOCK, PC100, 128MB, 168pins DIMM NonECC, - with Lifetime IN Generic - * LIMIT $10.95 $77 5 & UP UPS Ground warranty For 10/9/00 5:11:10 PM CST Technoloqv, Inc 877-468-5181 909-468-1883 CA - IL - Online Ordering Computer Super Generic 128MB PC100 8NS 16x64 SDRAM - one year warranty * LIMIT ONE $ 78 Ups Ground $10.62 10/11/00 5:16:36 PM CST Sale 800-305-4930 847-640-9710 Online Ordering PRICE FOR ONLINE Generic ORDERS ONLY - PC100 128MB NonBuffered, NonECC 16x64 SDRAM DIMM 3.3V 8ns mem module - * LIMIT lifetime ONE - with warranty $ 78 CST Page 1 Figure ET 1: A sample Pricewatch search on October list: 10/5/00 6:29:59 PM 10.95 1 888-485-8872 909-869-8859 Next 128MB PC100 memory modules 43 USA, LLC of 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 12, 2000. Jazz Technology at 12:01pm CA ME- GBP100128 Prices for 128MB PC100 Memory Modules 140 <v o May-00 Jul-00 Sep-00 Nov-00 Jan-01 Mar-01 May-01 Date Figure 2: Prices for 128MB PC100 memory modules: the lowest and 12th lowest prices on Pricewatch and website B's price 11 Memory Spec. Chart Samsung/Micron or Major 512MB PC3200 [ADD - PC3200 DDR 512MB (Select Your Memory Module) Industry Standard PC3200 |ADD S25] OEM 512MB 512MB • • CAS 2.5 Latency • CAS • Hand Picked 5ns • Hand Picked 5ns • 6 Layer • 6 Layer PCB • • Low Noise Shielded Board 32x8 DRAM Type Samsung/Micron or Major Return Shipping Paid • No • Satisfaction & Industry Standard • 5 Days Memory Full Refund Tested Before Ship Out • Copper Heat Sink the Figure 3: A Latency • OEM DRAM Downgrade Chips DRAM Type DRAM 32x8 • 3 • 20% Restocking Fee According • Memory Days No Restocking Fee to the Market Value Verify Compatibility with Configurator • 7 • Return Shipping not Paid • Return Shipping not Paid • Improved Compatibility • 9 Months Warranty • Lifetime Warranty • Aluminum Heat Sink Compatibility Lifetime Warranty 1 Shielded Restocking Fee Guaranteed • Low Noise PCB Board CAS 4 Layer Module Board • 64x4 DRAM Type • Latency Chips • • 2.5 • Brands PC3200 $15] Memory up to - Cool Down the Memory up - Cool to 35% Down 40% website designed to induce consumers to upgrade to a higher quality module. 45 memory Tufshop Price: $53.81 Price (with Selected Options): $90.36 Super Buys Make processor upto 30% i faster or your maximum efficiency. You must have (Highly Recommended) Memory Upgrade - Certified intel f~ Memory Upgrade - Certified ^f^7 J\ motherboard to run with awesome this value package. Approved specs Memory [+$23.11] AMD Approved Memory [+$17.35] specs I XiJ*"\ Bonus Buys Consider taking advantage of these special offers. Compare and save. Purchase everything from one location and save on shipping - ["" Cable Upgrades Rounded IDE and Floppy Cables (Complete Set) [+$11.91] - P* Essential Equipment Sony Floppy Disk Drive [+$16.84] - P" Bonus Buy - 10 pack of hand thumbscrews for Case [+$4.95] f" Bonus Buy - 12-Pc Computer Tool Bonus Buy - RatPadzGS Ultimate Mousepad/Gaming Surface [ + $11.97] f" Bonus Buy - CD-DVD Media ~ Thermal Management '^§§§3^ ^""*^ — - CAS - 2 [+$16.98] Cleaning Kit [+$4.93] 80mm Dynatron Related Options Please take advantage Memory Upgrade Kit of Case Fan [ + $12.87] these special offers. Upgrade (Offers Performance Increase & Helps in I 1 Overclocking) [+$18.25] p- Memory Upgrade CAS 2.5 Upgrade (Improves Performance over Cas3 & Helps Games) [+$6.35] - with Applications and *" Pretest | | ' Have us \t RMAs C No <• Pretest in merchandise before we ship to avoid costly the future and Maximize your time test your Pretesting 's25P5333 "^ ^~~r - Standard Pretest (Avoid costly RMAs) [+$6.97] Memory Performance Options to make your hardware & C No Memory Performance Enhancements ,- Memory Upgrade 6 Layer - PCB For Stablity of applications fly Memory - more layer - More Better Design [+$8.37] S*fe»» Enhancers Options to make your hardware & C No System Performance Enhancers C Memory Upgrade C Memory Cooling - (• Memory Cooling - C Memory Upgrade applications Thermaltake Memory Cooling - Kit (Active) Copper Passive Memory Cooling Kit Aluminium Passive Memory Cooling - Thermaltake Memory Cooling fly Kit [ + $19.99] [ + $11,15] Kit [+$9.91] (Passive) [+$14.99] Hi : Variable Mean Stdev Min 128MB PC100 Memory Modules Max 683 website-day observations LowestPrice Rangel-12 62.98 33.31 21.00 6.76 2.52 1.00 13.5 PLow PMid PHi log(l + PLowRank) QLow QMid QHi 66.88 34.51 21.00 123.49 90.72 115.27 40.09 35.49 149.49 46.36 48.50 185.50 1.86 0.53 0.69 3.26 12.80 17.03 2.01 3.31 1.86 3.45 120.85 163 25 47 128MB PC133 Memory Modules 608 website-day observations LowestPrice Rangel-12 131.00 71.02 37.02 21.00 5.92 2.74 2.00 15.00 PLow 73.68 36.69 21.00 PMid 98.50 41.84 22.10 PHi 128.46 47.56 48.50 log(l + PLowRank) 1.77 0.64 0.69 QLow 10.08 12.13 QMid 2.14 4.91 QHi 4.79 3.93 256MB PC 100 Memory Modules 131.49 153.45 189.50 3.40 99 100 35 575 website-day observations LowestPrice Rangel-12 130.30 28.95 143.44 58.17 15.78 32.46 6.39 47.67 PLow 67.15 PMid 205.29 85.36 77.49 PHi 250.09 93.14 98.49 log(l + PLowRank) 1.90 0.55 0.69 QLow 2.87 4.61 QMid 1.00 1.88 QHi 0.87 1.63 256MB PC 133 Memory Modules 215.00 75.80 283.49 372.89 417.18 2.91 33 18 16 575 website-day observations LowestPrice Rangel-12 PLow PMid PHi log(l + PLowRank) QLow QMid QHi Table 1: Summary 143.90 71.97 25.49 155.75 14.01 32.46 6.60 269.00 67.00 291.45 345.45 392.21 2.73 92.26 43.00 78.49 104.37 1.97 0.49 0.69 5.29 10.24 136 1.10 1.93 12 3.61 3.86 19 213.14 249.95 77.95 91.91 statistics for 47 memory module data Max Mean Stdev Min Website B 392 clock speed-day observations Variable Data PLow PHi log(l + PLowRank) QLow QHi for 180.80 LowestPrice Rangel-12 43.84 43.90 105.25 302.45 219.68 142.39 341.45 2.08 0.42 0.88 2.64 0.88 1.25 0.57 0.92 173.08 42.36 97.00 298.33 11.16 5.62 3.75 36.69 8 6 Website C 392 clock speed-day observations Data for PLow PMid PHi log(l + PLowRank) QLow QMid QHi 180.83 214.71 LowestPrice Rangel-12 Table 2: Summary 103.59 136.49 302.25 336.25 230.69 44.17 43.96 44.54 150.64 365.47 1.99 0.49 0.69 2.64 1.07 1.54 0.83 1.29 9 0.52 0.85 4 173.08 42.36 97.00 298.33 11.16 5.62 3.75 36.69 statistics for Athlon processor data Dep. rax.: quantities of each quality level Low q Mid? Mighty Independent Variables log(l AMD 12 + PLowRank) -1.48 T -0.76* (15.1) (5.8) (3.2) 0.43 -6.86* 2.72* \og{PMid) -0.41* (0.5) (5.9) (2.0) -0.06 2.68 -5.10* (0.1) -0.26* (1.8) (3.9) SiteB -0.31* -0.59* ,:;.:,) (2.9) (5.7) Weekend -0.51* -0.95* -0.72* (5.9) \og{PHi) log(LowestPrice) Number (8.6) (8.1) -1.08 1.10 0.90 (1.6) (1.3) (1.1) 683 683 683 of Obs. Absolute value of ^-statistics in parentheses. -48 denotes significance at the 10 % level. Table 3: Demand for * denotes significance at the 128MB PC100 Memory Modules 48 5% level, f 128MB PC133 Modules Low Mid Hi 128MB PC100 Modules Mid Hi Low PLow PMid PHi -25.0* 0.4 -0.1 -12.9* -7.0* -6.9* 2.7* 2.7 -5.1* PLow PMid PHi Table 4: -16.3* -5.5* 7.9 -3.9 -4.1* -3.4 2.4 -2.6 -36.8* PLow PMid PHi memory modules: Price elasticities for -4.1* -11.5* 0.2 -0.1 -1.5 -0.1 -5.5* -4.5* 256MB PC133 Modules Low Mid Hi 256MB PC100 Modules Mid Low Hi PLow PMid PHi -33.0* -41.4* -28.4* -11.5 -2.7 4.5 3.6 -1.4 -5.5 -1.0 three qualities in each of four product classes Dep. var.: quantities of each quality level Low q Mid q High q Independent Variables log(l + PLow Rank) log(PMid) \og(PHi) Weekend log(LowestPrice) TimeinDays -1.14* 0.10 (0.3) (6.1) (4.7) -0.34 -4.81 4.14 (0.1) (0.8) (0.4) -2.70 -2.98 -21.48 (0.7) (0.5) (1.5) -0.47* -0.26 -0.81* (3.0) (2.4) (1.2) -1.47 2.86 6.77 (0.5) (1.0) (1.5) -0.02* -0.02* -0.01 (2.3) (2.3) (0.7) 0.46 -0.25 -1.14* LowHasFan (1.8) (0.9) (2.3) Speed650 -2.88* -2.97* -5.74* (2.5) (2.9) (3.0) Speed700 -1.66* -1.67* -3.07* (1.9) (2.2) (2.1) Speed750 -0.82 -1.19* -2.34* (1.5) (2.5) (2.5) 392 392 392 Number Absolute value of -0.86* of Obs. i-statistics in parentheses. * Table 5: Demand for denotes significance at the Athlon CPU's at 49 site C 1% level. Product Category Dependent Variable 128MB PC100 Memory 128MB PC133 Memory 256MB 256MB Athlon Athlon PC100 PC133 Memory CPUs Site B SiteC Memory CPUs Low -1.47 -1.41 -1.79 -2.29 -1.28 -1.14 Quality (0.10) (0.09) (0.36) (0.36) (0.27) (0.19) Sales Medium -0.76 -0.49 -0.79 -1.57 -0.86 Quality (0.13) (0.12) (0.29) (0.79) (0.18) Sales -0.97 (0.31) High -0.41 -0.18 -0.66 -0.64 0.10 Quality (0.13) (0.06) (0.25) (0.35) (0.30) Sales Standard errors Table 6: in parentheses. Effect of low quality Pricewatch rank on sales of each quality level: estimates from six datasets. Independent Variables log(l + P Low Rank) log(P) Number of Obs. Dep. variable: Medium and Dummy for choice of site Medium A quality High quality -0.38* -0.68* -0.22* (5.12) -3.01* (4.57) -0.87 (3.03) -5.03* (3.18) (0.67) (3.53) 10845 4078 6757 high table presents estimates of logit models. The dependent variable is a dummy for whether a consumer chose to buy from site A (as opposed to site B). The first column pools the observations from all eight specific products: medium- and high-quality; 128MB and 256MB; PC100 and PC133. The second and third are separate regressions for the medium- and high-quality subsamples. Absolute value of z-statistics in parentheses. * denotes significance at the 5% level. The regressions also included category dummies and a linear time trend. The Table 7: Evidence of incomplete consumer learning: effects of product prices and low-quality on where consumers buy medium- and high-quality memory modules. price rankings 50 Dependent variables: Quantity of memory modules Low Mid -1.48* -0.45 -0.22 -1.89* -0.34 0.79 (7.8) (1.5) (0.6) (5.0) (0.2) (1.7) -1.06 -7.78* -0.47 11.93 -9.07 -2.49 (0.7) (3.8) (0.1) (1.9) (1.1) (0.5) 3.58 2.84 -3.35 5.54 4.26 -5.30* Variables log(l + PLowRank) \og{PMid) log(PHi) Low Hi (1.9) (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) (0.5) (1-7) SiteB -0.28* -0.49* -0.61* -0.40 -0.48 -1.10* (2.9) (3.2) (3.3) (1.9) (1.2) (4.3) Weekend -0.48* -0.97* -0.67* -0.57* -0.98* -0.75* (7.9) (8.0) (5.1) (2.0) (6.9) (5.2) log(LowestPrice) -1.85* 0.71 0.80 -5.01* 1.02 1.21 (2.6) (0.7) (0.8) (2.5) (0.3) (0.7) 683 683 683 683 683 683 Number of Obs. Absolute value of Table Cost instruments Mid Hi Other speed instruments Independent 128MB PC100 of each quality level 8: ^-statistics in parentheses. * denotes significance at the Instrumental variables estimates of 5% level. PC100 128MB Memory Demand Model Product Category MB Memory PC100 PC133 Quality Low Memory PC133 4.2% 16.3% 24.3% 12.6% 2.9% 19.9% 24.9% 15.8% -3.4% -4.4% 27.2% 7.6% -2.4% 15.6% 26.9% 11.5% 9.5% 2.8% 9.3% 14.7% 6.3% $5.06 $10.25 $17.63 $22.41 $5.62 $12.40 -0.7% 17.0% Mid Hi Overall Average in $ The table presents revenue-weighted sites A, B, and C in each of six Table 9: MB PC100 128 Mean 256 CPU/fan combos SiteB mean percentage markups product categories. for products sold by web- percentage markup in six product classes 51 SiteC Predicted site B Predicted profits c = 78 Base costs quantities Rank Price 1 68 69 70 72 74 74 74 75 77 77 78 78 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 QLow QMid QHi SiteB 54.4 5.3 2.8 -5 29.9 3.9 2.3 19.5 3.1 2.1 14.1 2.6 1.9 10.7 2.3 1.8 8.5 2.0 1.6 7.0 1.8 1.6 92 122 145 154 141 130 5.9 1.7 1.5 127 5.0 1.5 1.4 12!) 4.4 1.4 1.4 121 3.9 1.3 1.3 3.4 1.3 1.3 118 112 c = 68 A SiteB SiteB 147 229 246 264 267 244 225 218 217 204 198 -343 275 259 239 235 227 202 184 175 188 S'l Site -95 -2 55 85 85 s.| 88 96 92 92 172 160 154 145 table presents predicted sales and profits that website B would have earned if it had occupied each position on the Pricewatch list pictured in Figure 1 throughout the day on The October 12, 2000. Table 10: Predicted profits as a function of rank: October 52 12, 2000 ^ • <-\ -1 r - MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02618 0114