Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/theoryoffirmscopOOhart oQ- Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of A THEORY OF FIRM SCOPE Oliver Hart Bengt Holmstrom Working Paper 02-42 November 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 downloaded without charge from the Science Research Network Paper Collection at This paper can be Social http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract_id=355860 Firm Scope v 32.wpd "A Theory of Firm Scope" by Oliver Hart (Harvard University and NBER) and Bengt Holmstrom (MIT and November *An earlier version 4, NBER) 2002* of this paper circulated as "Vision and Firm Scope." The material presented here formed part of the first author's Munich Lectures (University of Munich, November 2001) and Arrow Lectures (Stanford University, May 2002). We are especially grateful to Andrei Shleifer for insightful comments. We would also like to thank Philippe Aghion, George Baker, Lucian Bebchuk, Pablo Casas-Arce, Mathias Dewatripont, Robert Gibbons, Meg Meyer, Chris Snyder, Jeremy Stein, Lars Stole, Eric van den Steen and seminar audiences at CESifo, University of Munich, Harvard University, University, Stanford University, the London School of Economics, George Washington Summer 2002 Economic Theory Workshop at Gerzensee, Switzerland and the University of Zurich for helpful discussions. Research support from the National Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. Abstract The existing literature on firms, based on incomplete contracts and property rights, emphasizes that the ownership of assets— and thereby firm boundaries— is determined in such a way as to encourage relationship-specific investments by the appropriate parties. It is generally accepted that paper we this approach applies to owner-managed firms better than large companies. In this attempt to broaden the scope of the properly rights approach by developing a simpler key ingredients: (a) decisions are non-contractible, but transferable through ownership, (b) managers (and possibly workers) enjoy private benefits that are non-transferable, and (c) owners can divert a firm's profit. With these assumptions firm boundaries matter. Nonintegrated firms fail to account for the external effects that their decisions have on other firms. An integrated firm can internalize such externalities, but it does not put enough weight on the private benefits of managers and workers. We explore this trade-off first in a basic model that focuses on the difficulties companies face in cooperating through the market if benefits are unevenly distributed; therefore they may sometimes end up merging. We then extend the analysis to study industrial structure in a model with intermediate production. This analysis sheds light on industry consolidation in times of excess capacity. model with three 1. Introduction In the last fifteen years or so, a theoretical literature has developed that argues that the boundaries of firms— and allocation of asset ownership— can be understood incomplete contracts and property rights. 1 The basic idea behind in terms of the literature is that firm boundaries define the allocation of residual control rights and, in a world of incomplete contracts, these matter. In the standard property rights model, parties write contracts that are ex ante incomplete, but that can be completed ex post; the ability to exercise residual control rights improves the ex post bargaining position of an asset owner and thereby increases her incentive, and the incentive of those specific investments; who enjoy significant gains from trade with her, to and as a consequence it is make relationship- optimal to assign asset ownership to those who have the most important relationship-specific investments, or who have indispensable human capital. 2 Although the property benefits of integration, as a managed approach provides a clear explanation of the costs and number of people have argued, firms better than large companies. to the theory, the rights; rights major impact of a change 3 the theory seems to describe owner- There are several ways to see in ownership is however, in a merger between two large companies this. First, according on those who gain or lose ownership it is often the case that the key decision-makers (the CEOs, for example) do not have substantial ownership rights before or after the merger. rather than Second, the relationship-specific investments analyzed are made by individuals by firms; 'See this again resonates more with the case of small firms than large companies. Grossman and Hart (1986), Hart and Moore (1990), and Hart (1995). This literature builds on the earlier transaction cost literature of Williamson (1975, 1985) and Klein, Crawford and Alchian (1978). Extensions of the model show that it is sometimes optimal to take assets away from someone to improve their incentives to make relationship-specific investments (e.g., to discourage rent-seeking behavior). (1998), de empirical Meza and Lockwood work supporting Elfenbein and 3 On this, see Baker, Gibbons and Murphy (1998), and Rajan and Zingales (1998). For the property rights approach, see Baker and (2002a), Chiu some recent Hubbard (2002), Lemer (2002) and Woodruff (2002). For a discussion of this and related points, see Holmstrom and Roberts (1998) and Holmstrom(1999). Third, and perhaps most important, the approach envisions a the relevant parties meet and bargain ex post over the gains from has the right to walk away with which room stands the model has no assets; there are situation of "autarchy," trade, in which and the only issue no other decisions in the is model. As all who it for "organizational structure," "hierarchy" or "delegation"; in an important sense, the model continues to describe a pure market economy, although one enriched by the idea The purpose of the be applied can be empowered through the ownership of key nonhuman that individuals to a broader set current paper is to modify we will we and ask how activities. We suppose that the irreducible set of activities that also can it economy has these activities should be grouped to form firms. associate each activity with a production unit. manager and possibly it We begin by describing the key ingredients of our general approach. Firms are characterized by the scope of their concrete, the property rights approach so that of organizational issues, including industrial organization and the organization of large firms. a given set of activities assets. would be meaningless to We may think of a unit as break up some workers. The owner of the unit To be is further. the boss. Each The an unit has a unit manager could be the boss or the unit could be owned by an outside boss (sometimes referred to as a professional manager). The decisions The in identity of the boss will be important. each unit are noncontractible (ex ante and ex post). Units can be bought and sold. Ownership of a unit confers the right to make the decisions in that unit. The fact that decisions can be transferred only through ownership, and are not even ex post contractible, central feature of our model and distinguishes it from the standard property rights which decisions are ex ante noncontractible but ex post contractible. Many model is a in decisions are of course contractible; for instance those involving trade between two firms. But there are probably many more decisions that firms make unilaterally, such as setting prices, choosing production techniques, deciding on marketing campaigns, assigning workers, determining incentive schemes, and so on. Some of these decisions); others are on decisions that made decisions have to be unilaterally, have potential external made unilaterally (e.g. pricing because no one else has an interest made and how Full integration them. Our focus is effects (positive or negative), yet are impossible to agree upon contractually. In these cases, changes in ownership are the only decisions are in way to affect how well they take into account external effects. would always be optimal if all the benefits and costs from decisions were transferrable through ownership. unit generates To avoid two kinds of benefit: monetary form of job satisfaction for those working manager the only is this uninteresting conclusion, profit For the most part worker and hence private benefits we will assume To way illustrate with two units manager each more detail later.) in the that the will We assume that the boss of a by ruling out to influence incentives. how A and B. accruing to each by (v A (We refer to her job satisfaction. unit can divert all the profit from that unit to herself. This simplifies the analysis profit sharing as a that and private (nontransferable) benefits in the unit. return to discuss the source of private benefits in we assume , firm boundaries affect decision making, consider the simplest setting Denote the pair of profits and private benefits (measured wA ) and (v B A is the boss of unit A, , wB ), Then respectively. and manager B if the units are the boss of unit B, manager in money) nonintegrated, and A will maximize vA w A since she diverts the profit from unit A and cares about her own private benefits; and manager B will maximize v B + w B for similar reasons. In contrast, if units A and B are integrated, then what happens depends on who is the overall boss. If manager A is the overall boss, manager A will maximize v A + v B + w A since she diverts the profit from both units, and + , cares about her own private benefit but not wB boss, she will maximize v A + v B + boss, she will maximize v A + v B since she . , manager B's. Similarly, if manager Finally, if a (professional) outsider diverts all is B is brought the overall in to be the the profit and does not care about private benefits. As vA + v B + a reference point, note that social optimality wA + w B benefits than nonintegration. is that total surplus: integration results in less weight being placed on private Under nonintegration function. In contrast, under integration, at least objective function. However, under integration In achieved by maximizing . The important point here that is this w A w B each appear in one boss's objective , one of the w's fails to appear in the overall diminished influence of private benefits total profits rather than individual unit profits are summary, under nonintegration, bosses maximize the benefits) but are parochial (they do not take is offset by the fact maximized. right thing (profits plus private into account their effect on the other unit), while under integration they maximize the wrong thing but are broad. We analyze two models of firm boundaries based on the general trade-off described above. The first, simplify matters, discussed in Section 2, we suppose that accommodating way is concerned with interactions between two each unit has a binary decision to make: it can either act in an accommodate by vis-a-vis the other unit or not. For example, the unit could deciding not to poach on the other unit's territory or by being less aggressive in or the unit could choose a technology or a standard that is To units. its advertising; beneficial to the 'other unit; or it could provide the other unit with some key piece of knowledge. Each of these examples has the characteristic that by owning the We it may be unit can too costly or impossible to agree on a decision contractually. one control the decision. ask whether units if they integrate. A and B will be regulated better if the units remain independent or Call the case where both parties accommodate coordination under reasonable assumptions, nonintegration leads to too values for which coordination is two reasons why dilemma problem: both units The other reason is may be that little may happen. The this . We show that, coordination; for optimal, coordination will not be a stay separate. There are deviate. Only some parameter Nash Equilibrium first is the well known if units prisoner's better off with coordination, but unilaterally each prefers to while coordination maximizing), the distribution of gains may be may be socially optimal (total surplus so uneven that one of the parties will not want to go along (accommodate). In contrast, under a weak assumption— specifically, reduction in "independence" and therefore causes a too much though it coordination. The reason is that fall in model described above there is no it is is may choose to more coordinate even profitable. role for outsourcing: decisions are always inside the units and the only question is whether they are outsourcing of a decision or activity private benefits— integration leads to an outsider boss destroys significant private benefits, because In the that coordination represents a made by one boss made or two. In reality, often a viable alternative for an organization. For example, consider two units in the output market that need a specialized input. Then each unit can remain separate and provide the input in-house; or the units can merge horizontally and collectively provide the input in-house; or the units can remain separate and procure the input from an independent In Section 3 ground to supplier. we present a model that analyzes these choices (the Bolton and Whinston (1993), but the approach is different). model covers similar We assume that the two units, or buyers, have stochastic input demands or valuations. The buyers can collectively choose whether to have one or two units of capacity in the upstream market. With two units of capacity, both buyers will be supplied, while with one unit only one buyer will be supplied. Given that valuations are stochastic, it may be on capacity and have only one efficient to save However, saving on capacity typically requires coordination and unit. specialization: the limited capacity must be dedicated or directed to the buyer with the greater needs. There are two leading organizational forms with one unit of capacity. In one the supplier two buyers and a ("outsourcing"); in the other the integration"). (We also single seller is merge an independent firm into one firm ("complete compare these with an organizational form with two units of capacity.) We show that in some cases potential savings in capacity can be exploited only under complete integration. The reason that is specialize to any one buyer. under other organizational forms the supplier may be unwilling to We argue that this model captures the idea of "integrating for we have synergy." Note that in order to allow for outsourcing trade is noncontractible; instead we suppose to drop the assumption that ex post that the decision to specialize to a buyer is noncontractible. The that it interpretation that private benefits are enjoyed by a single manager companies. One can interpret the private benefit satisfaction of all the unit that there is a population i w (i ; to the case = A,B) its profits, , B ; A boss large and others of whom care only about money. Call the is while a unit B an enthusiast corresponding to each unit: a unit A A workers, and hence puts enthusiast has goals that are (partially) congruent with those of workers, and hence puts some weight on 4 where the units are as representing the aggregate job enthusiast has goals that are (partially) congruent with those of unit wA worth of bosses with different preferences, some of whom care about the group enthusiasts and suppose that there some weight on It is workers rather than the private benefits of a single manager. Suppose firm's activities in addition to unit restrictive in implies that the units are in effect sole proprietorships under nonintegration. mentioning a second interpretation of the model that applies first is may be biased toward its wB 4 . Assume as before that a boss can divert workforce because sustained contact with workers and empathy. Wrestling with the same problems, sharing the same all conducive to a common vision that aligns interests, particularly on issues such as the strategic direction of the firm. Shleifer and fosters friendship information, and having a similar professional background are some fraction of the profit of any unit less than 1 . under her control to herself— but that this fraction is Then, under an appropriate assumption about the degree of congruence between bosses and workers and about the fraction, of profit diverted, a unit + i enthusiast will maximize Wj under nonintegration. In contrast, under integration, a professional will maximize v A We will now show that this version of the model is analytically identical to the first one. A and B is that, owners of units benefit of nonintegration for the are respected by an enthusiastic boss, workers will Our paper First, there is is related to a number of ideas work that for Vj + vB . Now the since workers' private benefits lower wages. 5 have appeared elsewhere in the literature. an overlap with the recent literature on internal capital markets; see particularly Stein (1997, 2002), Scharfstein and Stein (2000), Rajan, Servaes and Zingales (2000), Brusco Panunzi (2000), and Inderst and Laux (2000). This a conglomerate firm, even if she is literature an empire builder, is and emphasizes the idea that the boss of interested in the overall profit of the conglomerate, rather than the profits of any particular division. As a result, the conglomerate boss will do a good job of allocating capital to the most profitable project ("winner-picking"). Our idea the that the professional boss main differences integration as total profit is similar to this; are that the internal capital markets literature does not stress the we do— the that the allocation of an integrated firm maximizes insufficient emphasis on private benefits— or allow for the possibility of capital can be done through the market Summers (1988) argue that may be an it (in our models, the market efficient long-run strategy for a firm to bring prospective bosses to be committed to workers and other stakeholders (on Stout (1999)). same cost of Milgrom and Roberts (1988) argue this, is always up or train see also Blair and that frequent interaction gives workers the opportunity to articulate their views and influence the minds of their bosses, sometimes to the detriment of the firm. All these explanations are consistent with our assumption that the boss of a firm with broad scope will put less weight on private benefits than a boss of a firm with a narrow scope. The reason is that, more heterogeneous, making intensity workers 5 with a broader range of activities, the firm's workforce will be empathy for any given group. Also the of contact with any particular group will go down, reducing the ability of that group's the boss experience less to influence the boss. There is some evidence consistent with this. Schoar (2001), in a study of the effects of corporate diversification on plant level productivity, finds that diversified firms have on average 7% more productive plants but pay their workers on average 8% more than comparable alone firms. stand an alternative to centralized decision-making), or consider general coordination (or accommodation) decisions. Second, the idea scope and/or choose a boss that Summers Shleifer and it may be efficient for the firm to biased toward particular workers is familiar is have narrow from the work of Rotemberg and Saloner (1994, 2000), and Van den Steen (2001). (1988), These papers emphasize the that effect of narrow scope and bias on worker incentives rather than on private benefits or wages, but the underlying premise, that workers care about the boss's preferences, is However, none of these papers analyzes firm boundaries. Third, the same. are several recent papers that like this one use the idea that ante and ex post but Rey may be (2002), Baker et al. They analyze a actions are noncontractible ex transferable through owership; see, e.g., Aghion, Dewatripont and model et al. (2002). in Mailath et al. (2002) is which the boss of an integrated firm maximizes 2. from hold-up, rather than an is total profit and a decline in worker emphasis on private benefits. A basic model of coordination Our first model concerns two interaction between units they integrate. units, makes decisions input markets. Each unit will that it does not. To have it if same or similar output or We will analyze whether the the units remain independent or if can choose "Yes" or "No." the binary case, because Here efficiency a concrete to cater to the unit corresponds to the case it is where Of course, it example in We interpret Yes to mean vis-a-vis the other unit, and No mind, think of two newspapers. Each mass of readers or to specialize. specializes, for instance, highlights clearly the two Accommodation by one by going up market. main economic reasons We focus on for integrating. defined with respect to the owners, managers and workers of the units. We ignore the impact of the units' competition. that affect the other unit. "accommodating" (or compromising) way one can decide whether 6 in the 6 that the unit acts in an mean which might operate be regulated more efficiently Each unit has a binary decision: to insufficient (2000), probably the paper closest so internalizes externalities. However, the cost of integration in their paper initiative resulting Moore (2002b), Bolton and Dewatripont (2001), Hart and Holmstrom (1999), and Mailath to ours. some there decisions on consumers, in certain contexts, e.g., in such "anti-trust" issues the form of reduced may be very important. 8 At the beginning an organizational form be separate firms (nonintegration, (integration, i.e., there is selected— specifically, whether the units should there are two bosses) or should merge into one firm one boss), and also what kind of boss should be in charge. Next, each unit decides whether to choose Figure i.e., is Yes or No. Finally, the payoffs are realized. The time-line is as in 1. Organizational Decision Payoffs form chosen made realized Figure We assume that the decision in each unit is 1 made by the boss of that unit. We also suppose that these decisions are noncontractible, both ex ante and ex post. This implies that contracts in which one unit agrees to choose Yes, say, in return for a side-payment from the other unit cannot be enforced. In other words, Coasian bargaining will not ensure efficiency of the accommodation decisions. We represent the payoffs from different outcomes in the following matrix. that these payoffs are nonverifiable and, for simplicity, perfectly certain. We assume 9 UnitB N Y A: v A (Y,Y), wA (Y,Y) A: v A (Y,N), w A (Y,N) B: v B (YY), wB (Y,Y) B: v B (Y,N), w B (Y,N) A: v A (N,Y), w A (NY) A: v A (N,N), w A (N,N) B: v B (N,Y), wB(N,Y) B: v B (N,N), wB (N,N) A Unit N Figure 2 A is the row player and unit B is the column player. Here unit The coordinate "v" refers to profit and the second coordinate first benefits are measured wB unit B's. and (v B , It ) will zA = vA + entries are the payoffs. to private benefits (private (v A , w A ) denotes unit A's payoffs to total surplus in unit B, and zA + z B equals aggregate money). Subscripts refer be convenient (2.1) Here z A in "w" The to units, i.e., to introduce the notation w A ,z B = vB + refers to total surplus in unit wB . A, z B social surplus. As noted in the introduction, private benefits refer (broadly) to job satisfaction, or on-the- job consumption. It is reasonable to suppose that part of job satisfaction stems from the ability to pursue an independent course or agenda. Thus by both (2.2) we will assume that coordination units) leads to a reduction in total private benefits: w A (Y,Y) + w B (Y,Y) < w A (N,N) + w B (N,N). (accommodation 10 Note that we allow one side, but not both, to benefit privately from coordination. This if coordination be reasonable, for instance, (see later). Also, note that profits; moreover, even than the fall in (z A (Y,Y) + if we > coordination increases total profits, profits (Y,Y) may be more or i.e., + z A (N,N) We mentioned in the common may rise there are w; Manager A : units are sole proprietorships. (2) Integration : We begin by boss can divert the profit all who enjoys the from the units she operates. Then is the boss of unit Manager A and manager B is the boss of unit B, i.e., the A maximizes z A and manager B maximizes z B . A professional manager (outsider) is the boss of both units and managers A and are subordinates. Note The professional manager maximizes vA + v B that, in (1), the managers play a noncooperative . game, while elements are involved: the professional manager simply maximizes Note also the critical role accommodation decisions to (N,N) z B (N,N)). introduction several interpretations of private benefits. in addition, a less two leading organizational forms: (1) Nonintegration B by more or less (socially) efficient than focusing on the simplest one: Each unit contains one individual (a manager), private benefits standard put no restrictions on whether coordination increases or decreases private benefits, z B (Y,Y) corresponds to the adoption of a may in (2) no strategic total profit. played by the assumption that the accommodation/non- are noncontractible. In the absence of this, the parties an efficient ex post outcome using sidepayments, i.e., zA + zB would negotiate would be maximized under all organizational forms. (1) and (2) are not the only possible organizational forms. ownership, manager A (resp., manager B), would then maximize v A + v B + A could be the boss of unit B always be achieved by (1) or ). Furthermore, even by a professional manager and vice versa). However, (2). common under rather than a professional, could be the boss; she w A (resp., v A + v B + w B separately owned, they could be run If the units are Thus we focus on (it is in the case these. if the units are even possible that of certainty, the manager first-best can No Although the decisions Yes or that organizational form manager efficiently, lump sum she receives managers prices such that all i's A owned by and B i.e., to symmetric). integration is more A and B maximize To total surplus (zA spell this out a little is at least + more: zB ) if efficient, then a professional at prices such that private benefit under the professional for her control rights if the units are initially efficient, then manager is from managers will purchase control rights In chosen manager-owned but are better off (in particular, and is no wealth constraints and information the units are initially we will assume contractible at the beginning of the period. Coasian bargaining will is then ensure that organizational form (there are are noncontractible ex ante and ex post, all three parties manager plus the equal to her payoff under nonintegration); a professional manager, and nonintegration will purchase control rights is more from the professional manager at three parties are better off. summary, organizational form is chosen at the beginning of period 1 to maximize the value of zA + z B in the subsequent game. We will make the following technical total profit are (2.3) (2.4) Max Max maximized [z A (Y,Y) [v A (Y,Y) assumption. either if both parties + z B (Y,Y), z A (N,N) > Max [z A (Y,N) + + We will accommodate or suppose that if neither does. total surplus That is, z B (N,N)] z B (Y,N), z A (N,Y) + z B (N,Y)], + v B (Y,Y), v A (N,N) + v B (N,N)] >Max [v A (Y,N) + vB (Y,N), v A (N,Y) + vB (N,Y)]. We will see that in this model nonintegration can cause two kinds of inefficiency. first occurs loses out, when i.e., The second The coordination yields greater social surplus than non-coordination, but one party the distribution of payoffs inefficiency occurs not a Nash equilibrium, dilemma and i.e., when at least or free rider problem). is uneven; this party will then refuse to accommodate. both parties benefit from coordination but coordination one party wants to deviate (this is the standard prisoner's is 12 Pure coordination It will be useful to separate out these effects they are combined. Thus present; we in most begin by analyzing the case where only the pure coordination call this (2.5) we even though world situations real first inefficiency is : v A (Y,N) = v A (N,Y) = v A (N,N), v B (Y,N) = v B (N,Y) = v B (N,N), w A (Y,N) = w A (N,Y) = w A (N,N), w B (Y,N) = w B (N,Y) = w B (N,N). Pure coordination refers to a situation where accommodation by one party has no effect all on payoffs, i.e., it "takes two to accommodate." An example would be if at each party must decide whether to adopt a standard, and the standard has no force unless both parties adopt. Under pure coordination, accommodation by Given (2.5), the prisoner's dilemma either party is equivalent to it is or free rider problem does not arise since non- non-accommodation by both. easy to see what the trade-off between nonintegration and integration Under nonintegration, each boss in effect has a veto is. on coordination, since by choosing non- accommodation she can achieve the (N,N) outcome. Thus (Y,Y) will occur if and only if (Y,Y) Pareto dominates (N,N): z A (Y,Y) > z A (N,N), (2.6) Note however, that we It is even will holds, (N,N) is always a Nash equilibrium along with (Y,Y); suppose that the parties do not pick a Pareto dominated equilibrium. of course immediate that (2.6) implies that (Y,Y) z A (Y,Y) (2.7) However, equally of winners and distribution if (2.6) z B (Y,Y) > z B (N,N). + z B (Y,Y) > z A (N,N) clearly, the losers, may be converse mentioned is earlier. + is socially efficient: z B (N,N). not true: (2.7) does not imply (2.6). This Even though aggregate surplus may is the problem rise, the such that one party loses out, and this party will then veto coordination, leading to the outcome (N,N). 13 Let us maximizes now It integration, a single boss chooses the v A (Y,Y) + v B (Y,Y) that v A (N,N) + v B (N,N). > follows from (2.2) that, under integration, (Y,Y) be the outcome even outcome This outcome will be (Y,Y) or (N,N) according to whether total profit. (2.8) Under turn to integration. if is always the outcome if it is efficient, is inefficient. it 7 Figure 3 illustrates the outcomes under nonintegration and integration. In the figure, v,(Y,Y) - v,(N,N) and Awj private benefits that result figure keeping to stay within Aw A Aw B = Wj(Y,Y) from - w,(N,N), a decision fixed and letting , i = A, B; by both , w into the choice of organizational accommodate. parties to Av A Av B be Av = ; these are the changes in profits and We have drawn the variable, but this of course two dimensions. In general, we are interested private benefits may but in the mapping from is done merely profits v and form. Figure 3 here The (Av A Av B ) , first-best decision rule (2.7) is represented that fall above is above The I-I, shows inefficient. It NI-NI may is not occur (Y,Y) is too if little it way, pairs of profit gains line I-I represents the Note coordination in the sense that (Y,Y) never occurs always the outcome Under if it is efficient, but achieves the first-best if (Y,Y) We thank George is Baker if (2.2). it is too much may be the outcome even integration, there follows that nonintegration achieves the first-best if (N,N) little FB- that and integration make the opposite kind of mistake. is efficient. nonintegration errs on the side of too 7 all the decision rule under non-integration. that nonintegration Under nonintegration there in the sense that FB-FB; because the sum of the changes in private benefits are assumed negative by figure inefficient, but line this line call for coordination. In a similar decision rule (2.8) and the quadrant FB by the is is coordination if it is efficient (since coordination but never too much), while integration efficient (since integration errs for suggesting this picture. on the side of too much 14 coordination but never too also clear It is both achieve the when (N,N) from Figure first-best. the is little). This is outcome under 3 that for the case some parameter when (Y,Y) is the moving in parallel move the with it will eventually take us outside the FB-FB/NI-NI first-best choice. We part essential to if profit 1 . gains from coordination are line and to the North-East and eventually make (N,N) the 8 Assume pure manager if profit FB-FB NI-NI acceptance region. Integration in coordination, (2.5). i.e., Then, if (N,N) (with unit managers as bosses) achieves the first-best. If (Y,Y) professional choose the right from coordination are large enough; raising private costs of the figure summarize the discussion Proposition optimal it is unevenly distributed between the two firms; staying above the will lead to inefficiency if private costs will outcome under nonintegration or integration. In all other cases organizational form. Nonintegration will lead to inefficiency sufficiently values nonintegration and integration is efficient, nonintegration integration (with a is efficient, as boss) achieves the first-best. Furthermore, integration will be uniquely gains from coordination are sufficiently unevenly divided between units. Nonintegration will be uniquely optimal if from coordination are private costs sufficiently high in aggregate. General Coordination The case of pure coordination party's decision to accommodate is, of course, quite will affect payoffs, restrictive. 8 its output), or not to poach on the many to a decision unit's territory. by one unit manager way B's private benefits by would be accounted A would be happy with as long as she also dislikes coordination. A enjoys private benefits from coordination (say, because the case where her firm's technology). In that case, (2.2) implies that manager relative to first-best and hence the comparison We do not explore these options here, since to a professional we get one first to raise its If the other unit produces a In Figure 3 the region of inefficient integration could be reduced run the integrated unit. This situations, whether or not the other party accommodates. For example, accommodation could refer price (or lower In B would letting for, manager B something However, it (2.2) admits involves the use of coordinate too little manager would be ambiguous. best either way. 15 substitute good, this will increase the other unit's profit, regardless of whether it raises price, its or decides not to poach too. We two An to show Appendix accomodate," as long as that our analysis generalizes to cases we make some are prepared to where it does not "take assumptions. alternative interpretation ofprivate benefits So that is also i unit, who of interest. the interpretation is where i.e., bosses, unit the private benefits w, are enjoyed by the boss under nonintegration and a subordinate under second interpretation of the model in the introduction, there is a We can imagine that the private benefits refer to the job workers and that some bosses have goals that are workers, ; each in However, as noted integration. unit we have emphasized far manager a single wB in the (partially) satisfaction of congruent with those of the they care about the same things. In particular, suppose that there are three types of A enthusiasts with preferences m+ A. A wA m and professional managers with preferences m. Here congruence between a boss's goals and those of unit Suppose now imagine that she uses enthusiasts with preferences money and XA is , m+ B represent ^. < 1 of total profit toward herself; one can perks or empire-building activities that benefit her alone- fancy offices, secretaries, pet projects, etc. Denote profit by v. Then a unit i enthusiast will maximize \ w„ 9v + (2.9) while a professional manager will maximize If we make v. 9 the simplifying assumption that function for the different kinds of bosses as in the 9 profits With partial diversion, of unit 10 It is B it may be = A. in order to get closer to first-best, but is , this would yield the first-best. = A. B , this yields the same objective model without workers described above. 10 manager we will A a share of the residual not pursue this possibility here. no boss who is an enthusiast for both + v B ) + A. A w A + XB w B and, B. Under integration such a boss would maximize 0(v A XB A desirable to give obviously important that there A. A and B workers. that a boss can divert a fraction this profit for B unit ; , units if A and = XA = B 16 In this interpretation, the choice of organizational form units A and B at the (total) that wage owners face (2.10) where ©i U benefits. in for unit CO; i a competitive labor what kind of boss to put in charge. front. Then the workers will satisfy + Wi=U, Suppose that the initial owner(s) money. Then, given maximize the the initial owner(s) of market and wages are agreed up the (total) market clearing reservation is made by beginning of the period. They must decide whether the units should be separate (nonintegration) or together (integration), and Assume is total wish wage and to sell out w ; and refers to (expected) retire, i.e., that side -payments are possible, organizational value of the two units net of wages, i.e., worker private they are interested only form will be selected given (2.10), vA + vB + to wA + w B (we ignore the private benefits and remuneration of bosses). We may conclude that the analysis of this second interpretation of the model is identical to the previous one. Discussion We have interpreted the model suggesting that it is needlessly narrow. unilaterally, primarily about interactions between firms in the Our approach has Knowledge party. It is The potential relevance because bargaining over those decisions briefly the broader relevance of the codify. in this section as being about "horizontal interaction", transfers . model using two Knowledge is is whenever firms have too costly. Here notoriously difficult to from one firm to another to we want make is decisions to discuss examples. illustrative also hard to circumscribe the use of knowledge once transfer of knowledge same market. This it sell. It is often difficult to has been transferred to another may be very valuable, but it may be very difficult to arrange things so that the benefits of the transfer are appropriately divided between the firms. For The 1960s saw partly a this reason, knowledge wave of mergers and transfer can be a acquisitions, were guided by new management technology which that major impetus for partly was integration. were driven by regulation and best appropriated by buying up firms 17 and implementing the new management systems Note that running, one once the knowledge transfer may may be To misguided. periods. In the first period the if study this sequence of events, key decision come significant private benefits is new systems the initial reason for a merger is whether second period, assuming a merger, divestment model complete and the is are up and well expect divestment of some of the units. Subsequent divestments are often read as signs of failed mergers, but verdict after that." to we transfer, that could extend our model to two to transfer may become was knowledge knowledge by merging. In the optimal, because decisions with dominate the payoffs. The analysis of such a two-period more complicated than piecing together two one-period from the second stage will determine how much analyses, because the payoffs should be paid in the first-period merger. Also, the first-period decision will in general influence the second period payoffs and options. Technology choice Standards are important . technology. The social benefits from a common in emerging industries standard can be huge, because overall market. Yet, getting parties to agree to a standard industry agreements have to rely on self-enforcement, proprietary systems may become like information is very difficult. which tends to be it increases the Most of the time ineffective. Instead, de facto standards. Cisco's operating system is an example of a dominant standard/platform in the Internet space. Should an entrepreneur with a new idea choose to develop it for the Cisco standard or should it try to do something more generic? The entrepreneur needs to be assured that Cisco will not take advantage of his choice later on. If this difficult contractually, as it This situation again he unilaterally chooses Then, if the social entrepreneur. The to often fits is, the alternative may be is integration. our model. Suppose the entrepreneur's total payoff goes down if choose Cisco's standard, because contractual guarantees are ineffective. value of using Cisco's standard transfer of decision rights is sufficiently positive, Cisco could would justify the 1990s Cisco was very active buying start-ups as a buy out transfer of payments. In the late way of expanding its technology base. Cisco's reputation for preserving the entrepreneur's "private benefits" inside the firm made this strategy work particularly well (until the days. "Much of the knowledge transfer is conducted by management consulting firms these The outsourcing model in the next section could be used to study that development. downturn the hit). A richer analysis would include an innovation stage as well as a buy-out stage. It seems reasonable to assume that the entrepreneur's private benefits are initially high relative to the benefits of a buy-out. 12 Indeed, one typically does not successful and if so, whether the innovation will fit know whether the Cisco's technology rather than company. (An important reason why private benefits are so high has exaggerated beliefs about the probability of success; see, is often best to stage e.g. Van den other entrepreneur Steen, 2001). Thus, it clearly in view a buy-out may be optimal. worth noting that dynamic extensions of the basic model would often lead to analyses resemble those encountered entrepreneur by initially is that the some innovation take place on a stand-alone basis. Once the project has matured to a where valuations are more It is that let entrepreneur will be may in traditional models of hold-up. In the Cisco case the not want to specialize to Cisco's standard, because he fears that Cisco will then virtue of controlling the technology be able much to appropriate of the later benefits of cooperation. There are important differences, however, between our approach and the traditional way of modeling noncontractible hold-ups using incomplete contracts. In the traditional model, individuals human investments, but not typically, but determines capital investments; asset who makes the investments. make ownership influences the payoffs from these Our focus is not on human capital investments, on strategic decisions with opportunity costs for the organization; asset ownership who makes these decisions. This structure reflects the reality that firms are organizational entities rather than mere entrepreneurs. It is also a potentially simpler way of studying hold-up problems. 3. An extension to outsourcing. In Section 2 we analyzed a model in which two units behavior (achieve accommodation) under that model there was no I2 It work hard. common ownership role for outsourcing: decisions only question was whether they were may made by one boss may, of course, also be more important find it easier to coordinate than under separate ownership. In were always made inside the units and the or two. at this stage to motivate the entrepreneur to 19 In reality, outsourcing of a decision or activity organization. For example, consider often a viable alternative for an units, operating in the same or similar output markets, need a specialized input. The input could be an intermediate good or that Each like advertising or marketing. the two is two units can unit can merge horizontally and it could be a service remain separate and provide the service in-house; or collectively provide the service in-house; or the units can remain separate and procure the service from an independent supplier. In this section we will develop a model that allows us to analyze the trade-off between these choices (and others too). Among other things the model will throw light on the often-mentioned idea that firms merge horizontally to exploit "synergies"; here the synergies will stem from the ability to reduce costs by sharing scarce input capacity. In order to allow for the possibility of outsourcing, we have ie., Instead we to relax the will suppose assumption of Section 2 that everything that the parties time of delivery. However, how by specialized the input is. we will made assume To make be stochastic ex ante; that is, is to permit some contractibility; ex post noncontractible. can contract on the quantity and quality of input This decision the boss of the supplying unit. profits to we need that at is an earlier stage a decision must be made as noncontractible (ex ante and ex post) and the trade-offs interesting, we will we at the is to made also need the units' depart from the assumption of perfect certainty in Section 2. The economy lasts for one period. At the beginning of the period, organizational form chosen. In the middle of the period any uncertainty made. Finally, at the is resolved and a specialization decision end of the period trade occurs and payoffs are realized. The time-line in Figure 4. Organizational form chosen State learned and specialization decision made Figure 4 Trade and payoffs realized is is is as 20 One buyer. We start with the simplest case of one buyer operating operating in the input market— we refer to them as B and S. in the output B market and one seller requires a specialized input, one widget, say, at the end of the period. S has one unit of capacity, costing k, which can be used to supply one widget supplied either to at the B or to the outside market, which competitive market price S must make must specialize end of the period. S's variable costs are zero. This widget can be is assumed to be competitive. The is r. a choice in the middle of the period. To supply B at the end of the period, S to B; but then S can't supply the outside market. Alternatively, S can choose to "remain flexible" and supply the outside market; but then S cannot supply B. The value benefit r B of a (specialized) widget w if the widget is supplied. in the outside w, to market; we assume (We is v. verifiable). is manager receives a private ignore any private benefits of S's manager or managers they are independent of transactions with B.) However, the uncertainty are uncertain at the beginning of the period. specialization decision In addition B's made; moreover, v, w, r are observable to B and is The variables v, resolved before the S (but are not We assume that no long-term contracts can be written about the end-of-period widget price (because widget characteristics cannot be specified in advance) although spot contracts at the end of the period are possible. As in Section 2, we suppose that the boss of a unit diverts all the profit from that unit. We also suppose that all parties are risk neutral. In this model, the key decision is the boss of S. is whether to specialize. This decision is We focus on two organizational forms: (1) B and S are independent firms and each (2) B and S are a single firm run by B's manager As in Section 2, these are not the separate and B made by whoever is run by its manager (nonintegration). (vertical integration). only possibilities. For example, could be run by a professional manager. Or B B and S could be and S could be one firm run by S's manager. But (1) and (2) are leading cases. Assume first that of the period S and B B and S are nonintegrated. Suppose S specializes will bargain about the price of the input. Assume to B. Then at the end that they divide the gains , 21 from trade 50 this means : that Since B's boss values the widget 50. S will receive market, S will receive It r. A l (v + at v+ w and S's (variable) cOsts are zero, w). In contrast, if S does not specialize and sells on the open follows that S will specialize to B if and only if /2 (v + w)>r. 1 (3.1) (Recall that S knows v, w, r when she decides whether to specialize.) In other words, we have a classic hold-up problem. Now suppose B of B, 1 if who maximizes and S are integrated. Then the specialization decision total profit plus her private benefits w. So is made by the boss specialization will occur at date and only v+ (3.2) Of course, this is also the first-best rule. one buyer and one integration is w>r. We conclude that in the simple case where there is only seller integration is superior to nonintegration. The total net surplus under given by E Max where the expectation is (v + w, r) - k, taken with respect to the probability distribution of (v, w, r). Two buyers Let us consider next what happens if we have two buyers in the output market: call them Bl, B2. We assume that a second unit of capacity is available in the input market at the same cost k as the first unit. which case supply conditional on B2 each A key question is whether there should be two units of capacity or just one (in is two obviously available ex post to only one buyer). We units of capacity being available the first-best can vertically integrate with a supplier. This is already know that be achieved by having Bl illustrated in Figure 5 (i). On the other hand, 22 if there is only one unit of capacity, then there are two leading organizational forms, also illustrated in Figure 5. In (ii), Bl, B2 and a single S all merge. In (iii), Bl, B2 and a single S all stay separate Figure 5 here As boss. To in Section 2, an important aspect simplify matters manager, while in (iii) we of organizational form concerns the identity of the will suppose that in each of Bl, B2 and S is two other "non-leading" organizational forms. staying independent. Second, We assumption is to own manager. Note also that there are Bl and B2 may merge horizontally with S vertically, with B2 staying independent (or forms below. maximize the expected value of total Bl or B2 cannot form has been determined. And S.' S are run by a professional is chosen (separately) sell off if, say, (iii) is at the surplus. Implicit in this the idea that organizational form, and capacity, are contractible. That optimal, then with First, its B2 and suppose that Coasian bargaining ensures that organizational form beginning of the period is run by Bl and S may merge We will return to these two vice versa). Bl, (ii) some of their capacity is, if, say (i) after organizational optimal, one of the buyers cannot merge (secretly) 3 To understand the trade-offs between (i) - (iii), it is useful to work with example. Suppose both buyers have the same private valuations, denoted the following w = w, = w 2 . Assume w and the outside value r are constants, while v can take on two values: v = v H with probability and v L with probability (1 - 7i). Assume also that v L + w> r, so that it is always Bl and/or B2 rather than the outside market. Then, with two units of capacity, (expected) gross surplus B An supply first-best is alternative assumption is to this in footnote 14. efficient to made in (part of) Bolton and Whinston (1993). n We return 23 Z** = (3.3) + w) + 2{t:(v h (1 -tt)(v l + w)} since each buyer will always receive a widget (whose value may be v L with one unit of capacity, first-best (expected) gross surplus is Z* = (3.4) (2tt - 2 7i ) (v H + w) + (1 nf - (v L + or v H ). B (3.5) The first Z** - thing to notice Z* = 2{ti (v H < i.e., has v (2?r - (v H is - 1 (1 - ji) (v L + w) + (1 + w)} - ti) there are diminishing returns to capacity. from the first (1 - n) 2 - - tt {(2ti - it ) . 2 + w) = (v L (v H + w) + is that with where it is (v H ) at the it is first-best (v l + w)} side represents the marginal gain from the second is The unit. possible (cf. most needed; moreover, with positive same first-best optimal, while, if Z** > Z*, 2 one unit of capital, winner-picking Bl and B2 do not have strong needs first-best optimal. Finally, if k (1 - ti) Z*, The right-hand Stein (1997)): the scarce input can be directed to Z*, two units of capacity are one, and the 2 = 2n unit of capital and the left-hand side the marginal gain reason for the diminishing returns probability 2 is that is + w) + 2 7r ) = vH other hand, w), since the single widget will be supplied to the buyer with value v H if there probability that at least one On the - time. It follows that, if k Z* < k < Z*, one optimal to close down (i.e., < Z** - unit of capacity is to have zero units of capacity). Consider now the second-best. We know that, if two units of capacity are first-best optimal, then since symmetric vertical integration achieves the first-best, two units of capacity are also second-best optimal. Similarly, if close-down is first-best optimal, then close-down is second-best optimal. The interesting case unit of capacity. is where Z** Under these conditions - Z* < k < Z*, the first-best is i.e., it is first-best optimal to have one no longer generally achievable since 24 forms (ii) Form (ii) and Form may each be (iii) (ii) may be We inefficient. analyze them in turn. because the single merged firm inefficient manager. The manager, since she maximizes total profit run by a professional is but ignores private benefits, adopts the following specialization rule: (3.6) where v„ v 2 Bl if v, Specialize to B2 if v2 = Max Don't specialize if Max (v„ v 2 ) < Specialize to Bl if v, Specialize to B2 if v 2 Don't specialize see that under the private benefit w. B2 right: Form (v„ v 2 ) >r, (v,, v2 ) >r, r, are respectively Bl, B2's valuations. In contrast, the first-best specialization rule (3.7) We = Max Specialize to (ii) if w = Max (v, + w, v + w = Max (v, + w, v + Max (v, + w, v 2 + w) < manager the professional However, conditional on she specializes to Bl if and only if v, 2 + w) >r, 2 + w) > r, r. specializes too little because she ignores specializing, she gets the balance >v 2 , that is: is, whenever v, + w between Bl and >v 2 + w. (iii) Form (iii) has the advantage over form private benefits w. manager recognizes and will split However, form (iii) (ii) that Bl and B2's managers has the disadvantage that there that if she specializes to Bl or B2 she is Bl if v, > v2 and Vi (v, + w) a hold-up problem. will be locked into this particular the surplus with them. Hence, S adopts the following rule: Specialize to internalize the >r, S's buyer 25 Specialize to (3.8) B2 Don't specialize It follows that under this time because + w) balance between Bl and is, whenever We + v, w if and A Max (v, X !/2 is B2 + w) (v 2 >r, + w, v 2 + w) < there will again be too (iii) (Vj if v, > v, little r. specialization relative to the first-best, but multiplied by the coefficient 'A. Note also that S again gets the right: she specializes to Bl if and only !/2 (v, + w) >!/2 (v 2 + w), that v 2 + w. > see that forms and (ii) (iii) may both be inefficient, but in different ways. present examples showing that, depending on the circumstances, vice versa. In fact, in the (iii) if example, first (ii) (ii) We now can be better than (iii) or achieves the first-best, while in the second example show achieves the first-best. Hence these examples also that (ii) and can both be second- (iii) best optimal organizational forms. Example 1 : This example (ii) that v H =12, v L = is 8, 7i = '/2 w , very simple given that =0, r w = 0. = 7. It is clear from a comparison of (3.6) and achieves the first-best conditional on one unit of capacity being optimal. However, one unit of capital It is indeed first-best optimal only remains to check that that fact that, since '/2 (v H (iii) is if Z** suboptimal - Z* < k < Z*, when + w) < r, S won't be prepared 9 <k< 11. i.e., if But 9 <k< (3.7) that we know 11. this follows to specialize to either Bl or from B2 when S is independent. Example 2 : Now, vH = 9, vL = 4, n= '/2 , w =7, r = 5. conditional on one unit of capacity being used, outsourcing complete integration (ii). The reason is that since '/2 (v L + w) > r, (iii) is superior to an independent supplier will be prepared to specialize to either buyer, and will obviously prefer to specialize to the buyer with the higher v, i.e., (iii) achieves the first-best. In contrast, complete integration the boss will direct input to the outside market when both buyers have low (ii) is inefficient since v's, since vL < r. 26 The final point to note is that one unit of capacity is if Z** - indeed first-best optimal Z* 13'/2<k<19 3/4 = Z*. Examples this will not be 1 The general so. - and 2 are special (ii) or -> <- -> (ii) or optimal Z**-Z* 2 units -> no capacity > optimal (iii) | optimal ! — achieves the first-best. Typically, < | | < (iii) situation is illustrated in Figure 6. — (i) in that either Z* a <- unit 1 units <- -> first-best first-best first-best efficient efficient efficient Figure 6 To understand the figure, note that in the second-best the comparison depends on the probability distribution of (v, w, and (iii) (iii) are conditional on one unit of capacity being r), between forms but not on k, because both employed. Let Z be (ii) (ii) and the gross surplus corresponding to the better of these two forms. Then the optimal capacity in the second-best depends on a comparison between a = Min {Z** Then 2 units - k, Z** Z**/2}, - p 2k and 0. = Max {Z, Z**/2}. of capacity are second-best optimal units are optimal if k less than p.) - Z, Z > p. (The role of Z**/2 if k < a, Define 1 unit in the definitions is optimal of a and p is if a < k < p and to make sure that a is 27 We know that Z < Z*, because it is second-best. Therefore, using (3.5), P < Z*, implying that the region in which one unit of capacity is second-best than in the first-best and strictly smaller whenever a= P optimal Z< is a > Z** no larger Z*, as drawn in - Z* and in the Figure 6. (If the middle region will disappear altogether.) Other organizational forms Let us first, now consider the two "non-leading" organizational forms mentioned earlier. In the Bl and B2 merge vertically, horizontally, with S staying independent. In the second Bl and S merge with S staying independent (or vice versa). The first of these can easily be ruled out (at least if the boss of B1/B2 is a professional manager). Under a B1/B2 merger, the specialization rule becomes: (3.9) (3.9) Max (v,, v 2) > r, Av = !/2 Max (v„ v 2 ) > r, if Vi v, Specialize to B2 if l 2 if Vi Max (v,, v2 ) < r. always better to go the extra step and include S integration (form (3.10) Vi Bl Don't specialize It is = Specialize to (ii)) the specialization rule (v,, v 2) > r, v2 = Max (v,, v2) > r, Max (v,, v2 ) < Bl if v, Specialize to B2 if Don't specialize if and (3.10) both lead closer to the optimum. to Thus two a little r. specialization relative to the first-best (3.7), but (3.10) gets complete B1/B2/S merger dominates a The second "non-leading" organizational form B2 merger. Under complete is: = Max Specialize to in the is partial B1/B2 merger. where Bl and S merge vertically, staying independent ("asymmetric" vertical integration). This leads to the following specialization rule: with 28 (3.11) Specialize to Bl if v, Specialize to B2 if v, w> +w< + /4(v 2 + '/2 (v 2 + w), w), v, + w !/2 (v 2 > r, + w) > r, Don't specialize otherwise. The reason + w) on a that the boss is of Bl/S puts value we decision concerning whether to supply that she will + w on a widget sold to Bl, but only value A + l widget sold to B2, given that half the surplus goes Relative to the first-best (3.7), !/2 (v 2 v, be biased in favor some integration is see that the boss of Bl/S Bl cases, the first effect may the socially correct B2 + w to r), but (she compares v, + w to Vi be important enough that asymmetric vertical if + w) < v L + w, (v H B2 then the boss of Bl/S will never specialize the widget to even when B2's value is high and Bl's is low. equivalent to vertical integration between 7i H (v H nn ( v h + w) + ( makes or the outside market (she compares v, of specializing to Bl rather than indeed optimal. However, (3.12) % B2. w)). In surplus to (v 2 + w) + 7iL (v L 7t L (v L + w)) + w) or - As since specialization unprofitable a result asymmetric vertical integration Bl and S with B2 absent (which k); but this in turn by symmetric is is yields net social dominated either by zero capacity vertical integration, i.e., form is (i) (if k < nH (v H (if k > + w) + v l + w)). Discussion We conclude this section by mentioning a piece of empirical evidence that is consistent with our analysis, and by relating our model to that of Bolton and Whinston evidence. There are several studies that units and these are often sold Meyer et al. (1992)). model provides an Meyer show that, to other firms in the at al. when same (1 a sector is in decline, firms divest line A fall in a weak of business (see the references in offer an influence cost explanation for this alternative explanation. 993). First the phenomenon. Our sector's prospects can be represented by an 29 increase in the cost of capacity k. Consider Figure assumption that (v H V2 + w) < r, i.e., the hold-up never occurs under outsourcing. Then form the economy will move from where complete integration a region in is 6. Suppose problem (ii) is optimal. That is, it superior to form It (iii). way follows that as k rises vertical integration is optimal to becomes advantageous save costs by sharing scarce input capacity, and the the plausible sufficiently severe that specialization is which symmetric we make that for them to do for the this is to one two buyers to merge horizontally (they are already integrated vertically with their suppliers). In effect, there is industry consolidation. Consider next the comparison with the work of Bolton and Whinston (1993) (henceforth BW). BW is one of the first papers to analyze integration decisions in a situation where several buyers are supplied input by a seller S that where there are probability (1 two buyers Bl and B2 may have scarce capacity. downstream market and in a BW a single seller S that with has the capacity to supply both, and with probability - A.) consider a situation A. can supply only one. BW employ a traditional property rights model in which bargaining leads to ex post efficiency and the only distortions are (the we manager of S does not in the (nontransferable) ex ante investments invest). With this setup BW analyze do, with the exception of symmetric vertical integration (for only one seller). all by managers of Bl, B2 the organizational forms that most of the paper, they consider 14 BW show that nonintegration (form vertical integration (one since, given their (iii)), complete integration (form of our "nonleading" forms) can be optimal. NI all (ii)), and asymmetric is efficient if A. =1, assumption of outside option bargaining, the downstream firm that receives the scarce input pays a price equal to the value of the input to the other downstream firm; downstream firms are therefore not held up by S and invest be efficient if A. < 1, since although one downstream efficiently. manager Complete integration may will underinvest given that he will be held up by the owner of the single firm, the other downstream manager, invest efficiently. 14 is As we Asymmetric vertical integration has the pointed out in footnote 13, not contractible. They show that, when if he is the owner, will advantage over complete integration in BW also consider the case where organizational form nonintegration is the buyers secretly to integrate vertically with S. Although here, our analysis could be modified to do so. socially optimal, we do it may pay one of not consider this possibility 30 that the manager of the nonintegrated downstream firm in that the manager of the integrated downstream firm will underinvest less; but the disadvantage will overinvest, given that this increases his bargaining power with respect to the nonintegrated downstream firm. Finally, a horizontal merger by Bl and B2 is not optimal since this allows S to hold up both downstream firms. While several of our (iii) may be results are similar to those of BW (like us they find that forms optimal, but are able to rule out a horizontal merger significant differences. First, and most obviously, we focus on the trade-off between private benefits and profits, rather than managerial investments. Second, integration is we how on there are also the trade-off between different that symmetric vertical a possible organizational form. Third, with a not unreasonable assumption, Perhaps the most important difference is horizontally to exploit "synergies." that we we believe that our analysis all is we are simpler. are able to capture the idea that firms BW's framework idea of a synergy since, given their assumption that or organizational form affects endogenize capacity choice, so able to rule out asymmetric vertical integration. Fourth, may merge by B1/B2), (ii) is not able to incorporate the variables except for nontransferable investments are ex post contractible, bargaining leads to ex post efficiency under any organization form, 4. i.e., the only inefficiencies are in ex ante managerial investments. Conclusion. In the traditional property rights individuals; asset transfers investments. In our change individual incentives is in many ways technologically defined entity that is that choose a boss traditional to invest, but not who makes close to the traditional view of the firm as a makes decisions about inputs, outputs our firm does not necessarily maximize profits, because that opens the door barring regulatory constraints, fact that approach easier to it to a discussion would be optimal our view of the firm the are transferable through and it prices. may be that cares about nontransferrable private benefits. It is this small model The are inalienably attached to model decisions, including investment decisions, ownership. Our structure difference model investments is The desirable to wrinkle in the of boundaries. In the traditional model, to organize all activity in a single firm. so close to the traditional view should make our apply to questions of industrial organization. The model in Section 3 on 31 outsourcing is indicative of this. One could pursue firms to understand industry structure. entrepreneurial growth followed Our framework may in future research. influences and is dynamics - times of also study industry by times of industry consolidation, for instance. we looked at a simple model of delegation and we plan to return to We are interested in understanding how the internal organization of the firm influenced by its boundaries. Delegation creates new, hybrid opportunities for matching decision making objectives with decision making authority. objectives change with delegation and these are examples of questions how do we would How do the firm's de facto - additional activities influence what gets decided like to understand better. Because our approach emphasizes the role of the firm's objective function alternative number of also be helpful for analyzing the internal structure of the firm. In a previous version of the paper, it One could a similar analysis with a larger it would also be of interest to analyze governance structures for decision making, such as cooperatives. Private benefits play a pivotal role in our analysis. It could have been more natural to incentive effects counter-balance the benefits from integration (as in Mailath, et al, 2002). let We chose the current path, because the framework seems more flexible and the analysis more tractable. It remains to be seen whether private benefits can be defined tightly enough and are empirically important enough for the approach to be useful. One of our objectives in writing this paper has been to from assets towards will activities. Asset ownership is at move the focus of attention the core of the property rights theory and remain important for understanding boundaries. At the same time practitioners, organizational consultants disciplines than economics (e.g. capabilities it it is remarkable it how few and researchers studying organizations within other sociology and organizational behavior) ever talk about firms in terms of asset ownership. For most of them a firm knowledge and away is defined by the things it does and the possesses. Coase (1988) in his article "Industrial Organization: Proposal for Research," makes clear that he too is looking for "a theory which concerns with the optimum distribution of activities, or functions, among firms." (p 64). He A itself further notes "the costs of organizing an activity within any given firm depend on what other activities the firm is engaged in. A given set of activities will facilitate the carrying out the performance of others." The model we have proposed is in this spirit. of some activities but hinder ) 32 APPENDIX: General coordination. Here we show hold more generally. that the main conclusions of Proposition From now on we drop (2.5), but replace (A. 1 zA (N,Y) > z A (N,N), z B (Y,N) > z B (N,N), (A.2) zA (N,N) > z A (Y,N), z B (N,N) > z B (N,Y). Condition (A.l) says accommodating, given nonintegration, Note it that, that she , concerning pure coordination, by: under nonintegration, each boss is better off if the other boss is does not accommodate. Condition (A.2) says never pays a boss to be accommodating that these it 1 assumptions are implied by (2.5), if that, under the other boss is not accommodating. i.e., they hold under pure coordination. Also, they are plausible in the case where the two units produce substitute goods and accommodation refers to a decision by one unit to raise price or not poach on the other unit's territory. Given (A.l) - (A.2), we can establish the following proposition. Assume (A.l) (A) (N,N) always a Nash equilibrium in the game in Figure (B) Suppose (N,N) Proposition 2 : is - (A.2). Then: is efficient. Then all Then, if Nash 2. equilibria generate the same payoff vector (z A (N,N), z B (N,N)). Suppose (Y,Y) (C) is efficient. z A (Y,Y) > z A (N,Y) and z B (Y,Y) > z B (Y,N), (A.3) (Y,Y) is hand, if As a Nash equilibrium and Pareto dominates (A.3) before, is violated, all we will assume Nash all other Nash equilibria. On the other equilibria are payoff equivalent to (N,N). that, if there are multiple equilibria, the parties will never pick 33 a Pareto dominated equilibrium. Thus nonintegration, if (N,N) the outcome will To z B (Y,Y) concreteness - will (A.l) - if Part (A) : is a < is outcome obvious; (N,N) (Y,Y) yields if = (C), the Milgrom and Roberts, If (A.3) is violated, game is is efficient, is than (N,N), either z A (Y,Y) A or boss Nash is efficient, is a B - say, A boss for equilibrium. (The Nash Equilibrium. Then = z A (N,N) z A (N,Y) by (A.l). So, A parallel argument establishes that if (Y,N) is a Nash to (N,N). This proves part (B). supermodular, and so by standard results for such games (see 1990), (Y,Y), being efficient, Pareto dominates (Y,Y) (Y,Y) always a Nash Equilibrium given (A. 2). Suppose (N,Y) z B (N,Y) and, because (N,N) must be payoff equivalent Case if (Y,Y) yields the same surplus as (N,N).) Furthermore, given (N,Y) yields the same payoffs as (N,N). In is deviate from (Y,Y) and so (Y,Y) cannot be a (A.2) implies z B (N,N) it be (N,N). In contrast, strictly less surplus N is a dominant strategy for boss A. (A. 2), Equilibrium will z B (N,N). But then, given (A.l), either boss more complex little can rephrase Proposition 2 as follows. Under (A.3) holds but (N,N) otherwise. establish (B), note that, if < zA (N,N) or argument efficient, the is be (Y,Y) Proof of Proposition 2 we not a Nash Equilibrium and the all other argument proceeds Nash as in equilibria. Case B. Q.E.D. Like Proposition efficient, may not but nonintegration may 1, Proposition 2 says that nonintegration achieves efficiency if (N,N) achieve it if (Y,Y) not achieve (Y,Y) is efficient. when it is However, there efficient (as are opposed is now two reasons why to the single reason in the case of pure coordination). First, as in the case of pure coordination, the benefits from may be coordination we may have violated. z A (N,N) > Second, even unilateral deviation defeating so unevenly distributed that (Y,Y) does not Pareto dominate (N,N). That (it z A (Y,Y) or z B (N,N) if this z B (Y,Y), which, given (A.l), implies that (A.3) is (Y,Y) Pareto dominates (N,N), (A.3) from coordination may be leads to the Given > is, in the interest of Nash equilibrium (N,N) may not hold anyway, one party, even though i.e., it a is self- that both parties dislike). second reason, the characterization of the outcome under nonintegration is not quite as simple as in the case of pure coordination. Specifically, the set of parameter values under which nonintegration yields (Y,Y) is now a subset of the NI-NI quadrant in Figure 3, rather than 34 the whole quadrant. Note, however, on the side of too The coordination. little analysis of integration coordination (2.5) that this merely reinforces the result that nonintegration errs was never used is unchanged under (A.l) - (A. 2), since the assumption of pure in this case. Since, as in the case nonintegration errs on the side of too little of pure coordination, coordination, while integration errs on the side of too much, we have established Proposition 3 first-best. . Assume On the (A.l) - (A. 2). 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