^<.hCUtts^\ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/sociallearninginOOsmit L^ «,.•»<> HB31 .M415 (9 working paper department of economics SOCIAL LEARNING IN A CHANGING WORLD Lones Smith 96-34 November, 1996 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ^Y SOCIAL LEARNING IN A CHANGING WORLD Lones Smith 96-34 November, 1996 TFR^I i99 Changing World* Social Learning in a Marco Giuseppe Moscarini^ Lones Sinith§ Ottaviani* November 1996 (First draft: September 1994) Abstract In the social learning model of B£inerjee Welch [2] [l] and Bikhchandani, — can arise. — situations where earlier version of this p>aper is dissertation at MIT. socially valuable information We JEL Classification is wasted contained in the first Number: D83. part of Chapter 3 of Ottaviani's doctoral thank Massimiliano Amarante, Abhijit Banerjee, Glenn str6m, Robert Shimer, and Peter S0rensen for helpful suggestions. seminar participants at Harvard, MIT, is the state of the world Furthermore, no cascade ever arises when the environment changes in a sufficiently unpredictable way. The If changing stochastically over time during the learning process, only temporeiry informational cascades *An and individuals take actions sequentially after observing the history of actions taken by the predecessors and an informative private signal. is Hirshleifer financial support of SEDC Banca Nazionale Ellison, Bengt Holm- We also received useful comments from 1995 annual meeting in Barcelona, and University Bocconi. del Lavoro (Moscarini) and Mediocredito Centrale (Ottaviani) gratefully acknowledged. ^Department of Economics, Yale University, 28 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven CT 06510, USA. E-mail: gm76@pantheon.yale.edu ^Department of Economics and ELSE, University College London, Cower UK. 5 St., London WClE 6BT, E-mail: m.ottaviani@ucl.ac.uk Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 50 Memorial 02139, USA. E-mail: lones@lones.mit.edu Dr., Cambridge MA Introduction 1. Models of learning and experimentation typically predict that information accumulation eventually stops. p>eatedly, if This prediction contrasts with the observation that information is we study the problem not continuously, collected and used. In this paper re- of information aggregation in a model of observational learning by a society of individuals acting sequentiedly in a changing environment. In this setting, new more than old information and learning is after a long The is worth at least sure to resume enough period of time. model of Beinerjee social learning (BHW) [2] either never stops, or information [1] and Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer and Welch describes the decision problem faced by a sequence of exogenously ordered individuals each acting under uncertainty about the state of the world. Everyone conditions his decision in a Bayes-rationaJ fashion on both a privately observed informative the ordered history of all signal, and predecessors' decisions; he observes neither predecessors' realized private signals, nor their reedized payoffs. Private signals axe assumed to be drawn from an identically and independently distributed random variable correlated with the state of the world. Thus, were all signals reveal the state almost siurely, private, The settles and individueds by the Strong Law of Large Numbers. Instead, common Either outcome is is inefficient action, that with positive probability everyone eventually and as occasioned by the lumpy BHW way in note, on a single action regardless. which information is filtered Suppose that the evidence from the publicly observed action history favors one state that private information it is signals are only imperfectly infer information from actions. striking result in this setting on a actions. cein publicly observable, their aggregation would eventually swamps through sufficiently the private signals, as can initially happen by chance. perforce ignored, and one's action is Then dictated by history. Successors then learn nothing from the action, and the system has reached a steady-state where everyone rationally "herds" on the same (either good or bad) action. In this "informational cascade," socially valuable private signals are lost.^ In this paper we consider a modified but natvured model where that the state of the world changes stochastically over time. the above findings to such an evolving environment. We We find that it is common knowledge then ask how because of the resulting information depreciation, only temp)oraxy informational cascades can arise. ^ Smith and Sorensen [7] show that this result holds iff robust are the quality of private signals is BHW discuss bounded. at length the fragility of cascades to the release of small Here, we note come that any cascade will eventually to aji amount of pubUc information. end without new informationed input, but instead simply because of the fading relevance of old information. Ceiscades on a single action axise only if the state of the world sufficiently persistent. is changes are sufficiently unpredictable no cascade ever When state eirises, because past information depreciates so fast that the beUef can never be too extreme. Finally, for completeness more than the world for is economic relevEince, cascades on alternating actions arise when the state of changing frequently enough, because here too information depreciates slowly. We conclude that temporary cascades on single actions arise when the environment changes a temporary phenomenon slowly. In this sense, herding survives as many This model naturally encompasses making and consumer in organizations interesting economic situations, like decision choice, behavior given a discrete action space. This only. where is social learning induces inertia in the the natural extension of the never-ending BHW and Banerjee to a stochastic environment. Provided information does depreciate too quickly, such inertia arises. BHW themselves briefly discuss the herd idea of not still possibility of the state changing in a nonstationary fashion. They provide a specific numeric example where the state changes with reversals are world is more likely 5% chance after 100 periods; they find that cascade than 5%. In this paper, we feel that a stochastically evolving worthy of serious investigation on a par with other recent research on learning. The problem of optimal experimentation in a changing environment has already been addressed by Kiefer Recently Keller and [4]. Rady [3] have built a tractable continuous- time version of the model. The complexity of the optimization problem precludes a char- model of acterization of the long-run learning outcome. In our simple optimization problem Wolinsky [6] for is straightforward and the aggregation a manageable frsimework mentation problem. is simple. See Rustichini for long-run analysis in and an individual experi- Intuitively, information depreciation in these contexts increases the immediate value of new information but diminishes its context, since agents effect is present, eire myopic, only the former long-term value. In a social learning unambiguously discourages the noninformative cascade The paper proceeds as follows. changing world. In Section 3 arise, social learning the and that cascades it is and the depreciation stage. Section 2 describes oiu: model of social learning in a shown that only temporary informationed cascades can arise only if the change in the state of the world is sufficiently predictable. Section 4 discusses the robustness of our results. Section 5 concludes. 2. A Model countable number of individuals take sequentially one of two possible actions, Oq and ai. Payoffs to actions are contingent be the common prior on an unknown state of the world, belief that the state action Oq in state ui, while the opposite is Uj good is 1 i( z," = i j and if i 7^ j, is Action aj initially Ui. is true in state uio'- is more rewarding than the payoff of action Cj in state with i,j € {0, 1}. For example, action and the state of the world "good uii: i \s ot Ui. Let q^ uiq may be "buy Cj better than the alternative good j After an individual's decision, the state of the world changes with chance Pr (w" E {0,1}, ^ j, i = Ui a;"-^ = a;^) = Pr = ujj (cj" \ a;""^ I and any transition matrix at the n. = Ui) = end of next Section. the public history of action decisions of see predecessors' signals. i,j 6 For n > 2 € preceding individuals l,2,...,n— {ctq, ai } He cannot 1. u)j is a > 1/2 quality of the private signal is if z = j and state. I The —a < assumed bounded, i.e. probability that 1/2 ii i a < ^ j, 1. be the public probability belief that the state is Ui in period n conditional on the publicly observed history of actions chosen by the predecessors of individual Similarly let r" = Pr {ui\h", ai) on both the public action history n. be the posterior belief that the state /i" and the „ = is n. ui conditioned realization a^ of the private signal observed A simple application of Bayes' Ti so that with H^ = {oq, aj}"" be the space of all possible period n histories of actions n — 1 predecessors of individual n. Let /i" denote an element of /f". Let = Pr {uji\h^) by individual and let chosen by the 9" <t" Private signals are drawn from a state-dependent Bernoulli realized in state is The {0, 1}. all and are independent conditional on the cmrent the signal ai e We generalize our results to a general two-state Markov Before choosing an action, individual n both observes a private signal distribution, assumed e, be Maxkovian and independent of the current state of the world: for simplicity to ioT i,j ^ z." rule yields Pv{uinai\hr) Pr(a,|/i",c^i)Pr(a;i|/i") PT{ai\hP) Pr(<Ti|/i") These posterior probabilities are used to compute the expected payoffs from The the two different actions in the two states. the action a" which gives her the highest expected payoff. individual and only n receives the private signal r" if rule can be 1/2. After substituting summarized a" = if ct" = if > 1 from to choose Given our simple payoffs, optimal to take action a" it is (2.2), this then a"^ = oq <^ q^ then a" = <^ g"<l-Q > becomes g" 1 = if Oj if — q. The decision ao indifferent < a and WLOG a" = and Ci = a" <=^ g" >a ai <^ q^ > 1 -a minimizes the possibility of herding. Informational Cascades with a Changing World A, Belief Dynamics. Were e equal to 0, as in the standard models referenced earlier, the public prior belief of individual act according to her signal = cr" n+ at, i.e. g""*"^ n whenever the individual's private signal cr". >a (respectively g* A cascade once steirted With £ > 0, < 1 — = r". There action Cj is an informational cascade is a), for then the public belief by the state switching, since that event occurs only swamps belief either private signal. would remain unchanged. after the decision is the possibility that the state of the world has changed in the meantime is the public prior belief of individual = (or Thus, a cascade on Ci (respectively Oq) arises as soon as the dynamics change drastically; however, the cascade region a"^ to taken by individual n regardless of would never end, because public according to her signal n equals the posterior belief that leads Mr. 1 cascade) on action Cj at time q'' ai, then is as: where the action choice when 3. = o"" n decision rule of the agent talcing n + 1, coming (1 — — + £ (1 a" = On if a u a" = - a, ai £)r" unaffected made. When accounted n who chose a" after individual = g""*"^ ai, satisfies is r"), for, = a, which can be rewritten by (2.1) and (2.2) as ifn Co") f lf.n\ JikQ ) = = - (i-g)(i-°)?"+^"(i-?") if (l-e)aq"+e(l-a)(l-q") q,"+(i-q)(i-5") Note that anyone can compute these since the other case can probabilities. be treated symmetrically. regardless of the signal a^. The next and computes the public prior belief individual k g*"*"^ = (1 4 — +1 e) We The will consider the case g* action chosen will be a* knows that a* g*+e ^ (1 — = Oj is > = ' ' a, Ci, uninformative, g*). In general the following individual n + >a as long as q^ 1, or q" < — 1 a, will update her prior belief during the cascade in the same fashion, according to the (uninformative) cascade dynamics below: = q-+' The q^ < ct or g" < = <^(g") - (1 1 —a in (3.2) a cascade) and axe deterministic and follow (3.1) as long as when (3.2) —a< 1 >q either g" (during the cascade). These dynamics are depicted in the figure. FIGURE Please insert Now we B. Ceiscades are TemporEiry. Proposition + e{l - g") and determined by public belief dynamics are stochastic (when not £)g" 1. For any e E (0, 1), if here argue that any cascade a cascade exists, will eventuedly stop. = then for some k k{e) < oo, the cascade must end in k{e) periods. Proof. When in a cascade, the dynamics of the system axe described by fixed point of this first order linear difference equation exactly requires ^^pr\ the fixed point to q is is = |1 ~ 2£| < Since a > Ci starts g: 1/2 then [1 — k = k 1/2. Therefore there exists One can then compute the maximum on < 1, i.e. < 1. ^ = For £ € monotonic, and oscillatory for e £ (1/2, immediate. contains q = is 1). 1/2) the convergence to For e = 1/2 the convergence a, a] has positive Lebesgue (e) such that length of a cascade. q'^ E The The unique Global stability of q 1/2. (0, (3.2). [l — measure and ct,a]. longest possible cascade with a belief /i (a). After h periods in a cascade the belief is h-l ^' ill («)) = E e (1 - + (l-2£)Vi(a) 2^)' .1=0 This cascade terminates as soon as 2a(l — a)], so that K{q,£) the length of a casceide. = Since log[l ip'^ — < (/i (a)) 2q:(1 — ct, or equivalently (1 a)]/log(l dK (a, e) /da > and — 2^) sign for e 7^ 1/2, the higher the quality of private information is (3.1) to (i.e. To show the possibility of prove that there exists a fixed point of /i outside [1 — a, a]), and that these (•) 2e)'*'^^ ^ [1 ~ a tight upper bound on dK (a, e) /de = sign (1 - 2e) and the more predictable the evolution in the state of the world, the longer a cascade can possibly C. Cascades Arise. — last. temporary cascades, and one of /o (•) in it suffices to use the cascade region fixed points are global attractors. Consider world first the case of cascades on a single action. sufficiently persistent. is « middling e If 2. (Cascades on a Single Action) For any q^ G a cascade on some action arises in Bnite time Proof. It suffices is when many some for fc > The most 1. f Note that equation "^ 0. (3.4). To show is any q = /i (1) and fi{q^Y 1 — > 1) + g (1 + £ - (0, 1) = £, there = < £ (a) = a (1 — on action Then the dynamics a). Oi, requiring follow some attractor strictly above q. a Liapunov function j^ q; (in) L{fi{q)) if: = = 0. is continuous in It is left € = sgn (1 2e) — e) for q; (ii) any a. = [fi{q) L{f\{q)) ~ qHq ~ q)> L{q) > iff is globally stable for e € if (0, 1). £ satisfies + ^{l+e-2af + A{2a-l)a{l-'^) -{l + e-2a) ^^'^^ 2(2a-l) is it — (1/2, 1) these conditions axe satisfied possible that in finite time the public beliefs surpass a, neighborhood of this fixed point. Finally, a), as required. (3.4) easy to show that these conditions are a positive chance of cascade on Oi For then, and only then, and reach any 0. globally stable, let L{q) is —1, which always holds; therefore, the fixed point q = = a) only one positive root q (a, e) of the quadratic is Similarly, for e (0, 1/2). - £ (1 - and one can calculate sgn/{(g") L(.) (i) L{q) 2a) 1/2 and q{a,e) E {e,l that the fixed point q{a,e) a<q{o^,e) — - Note that q{a, 1/2) Finally, there is a(l if e favorable case for the occurrence of such a cascade (g") converges globally to e ajid f\ (0) For any e € always satisfied for £ 6 f'i{q) only with probabil- fixed points of the diff^erence equation (3.3) axe the roots of the quadratic equation g^ (2a for for (l-£)ag" + £(l-a)(l-g") .^ , We claim that for small enough £, Then L if and — a, q), (1 periods. Consider first the possibility of a ceiscade n+i The i.e. to show that with positive probability, a c£LScade arises on some action consecutive signal realizations are a\. all the state of the arise. ity one, >a if 1/2, information depreciates the most. Here, the public behef g" will never Proposition that q^ arise only instead state changes are rather unpredictable, venture far from 1/2, and so no cascade will ever in finitely They The argument positive fixed point of /o, then £ for cascades < £ (q) is on Cq is (3.5) reduces to £ symmetric: equivalent to ^ (a, £) < 1 — a. If < £ (a) = g(a,£) is the Consider a belief on the border of the non-cascade region, then = fi{cc) a, so that the posterior belief the cascade region less rapidly, so that If instead after < = q = If e a. e (a) £.{a) the state changes entered after a signal ai departing from q the state changes slightly more rapidly, then /i (q) < = a. q, so that the posterior a signal Ci would be interior to the non-cascade region. Temporary cascades next state is when information arise most predictable small, but also when it is near on current beised When 1. individuals alternate between the in is but for e fixed, is e.g. two depreciates the least, i.e. when when the This happens not only when e beliefs. the state of the world changes rapidly enough and may enter an system actions, the alternating cascade which individuals alternate between the two actions regardless of private Corollary 1. is (Cascades on Alternating Actions) For q^ 6 biEty one, cascades on alternating actions arise in Gnite time if (1 — signals. q,q), with proba- and only if > e e (a) = I-q(I-q). The appendicized proof argues that the public belief oscillates until it enters either cascade region (in finite time). Cascade dynamics (3.2) are nonmonotone given i {a) From Proposition environment Corollary 4. is 2. 2 and CoroUeiry 1, and a > 1/2 it changing in an unpredictable way there No follows immediately that will > if 1/2. the never be a cascade. cascade ever arises for e E [1/4, 3/4]. Robustness Symmetry of the stochastic process is WLOG. If state changes are governed by the Markov transition matrix 1 then cascades on Oj are temporary for —Q < for 1 e = Tj e/ (e + 7]), i.e. if and only a > a > e/ {e + while cascades on Oq are temporary r}), state is in the learning region. 1/2, as required in Proposition 1. For Cascades on action if V< and e when the Markov steady these conditions reduce to Oi arise —£ similarly for the cascade conditions are identical to e = 1-a 1-" a a £ -f- 2q - 1 on Oq with 9 and £ intercheinged. rj < a {1 — When e = t] the two a), the condition given in Proposition 2. More generally, our results axe robust to majiy states. beliefs axe For during a cascade, public always drawn back to the fixed point of the cascade dynamics. Such a Markov steady state exists with any number of states of the world, and Ues outside the (extremal) cascade The [7]); set. Thus, our temporaxy cascades Proposition 1 robust to many introduction of insurance actions can expeind the cascade set, as however, eis cascades on insiurance actions the fixed point of the cascade dyneimics 5. is may may well is states. well-known (see arise for strictly interior public beliefs, lie inside the cascade set. Conclusion Social learning decouples the behavior of the agents firom the economy's fundamentals. During an informational cascade on a single action, the same action while the environment changes with positive probability. persists predictably Then the action eventually switches and learning resumes. This simple model of observational learning can explain why common if practice can persist more than it should: agents stick to the practice even they have contrary private information, without possibly knowing in an informational cascade whether others have similar contrary information. This paper has dwelt on the short run aspects of leaxning an analysis of the long-run properties, we Ottaviani [5]. As long as there is refer to the in a changing world. For companion paper Moscarini and a positive chance of the state changing, beliefs about the current state of the world axe obviously no longer a martingale. (For instance, E{q"'^^) (1 — e)q^ + e{l — g") here.) Since individual actions depend on such beliefs, the martingale convergence theorem cannot be apphed to study long-run outcomes of learning. companion paper pursues another approach to existence, uniqueness, = and global The stability of an invaxiant probability measvure over beliefs and states, and thus over actions. This model is amenable to applications in macroeconomics and industrial organization. In a naturzd macroeconomic formulation, information about the state of the transmitted through the observation of the decisions economy made by others. The state would then be endogenously determined by the aggregate of the individuals. In a microeconomic ting, is set- where we interpret the action as a pturchase decision by a consumer who observes the decisions made by other consumers, the change in the environment could be endogenized by allowing producers to innovate on their products. 8 A. Appendix: Proof of Corollary 1 Proof. The most favorable case realizations exactly alternate for n for the up to n. occurrence of such a ceiscade WLOG supp)ose first even. Therefore the public belief dynamics are q^ function /o (/i (.)) ^°^^' ^U be denoted by go (.). = =h = /i (9") [g (1 91 [Q)- dynamics. Following (/o (g""')) by ^1 (9"-^), /o (/i (g"~^))- = ai The for ^o and < 1 — > 1/2 the public belief follows beliefs follow for the a) if in [0,1], find that denoted by qo{a,e) and qi {a,£]. two dynamics and are and only 9 if £ > monotonic we gi the Scime steps as in Proposition 2 for /i, have exactly one fixed point ajid 91 (a,£) where odd and even subsequences of Both points are global attractors >a ao and a" - q) (1 - 2£) - £ (q - £)] q + ae{\-e) -£{2a-l)q + a{l-a-£ + 2a£) oscillating dynamics, while the qo (a, e) = all signal Substituting firom (3.1) one gets For the selected sequence of reaUzations of signals and for £ gi /o (9""^) = when ^ [a{l-a){l-2e)-e{l-a-e)]q + {l-a)e{l-e) e{2a-\)q^{l-a){a-e + 2ae) Similarly denote 9"+^ both ^0 and that a"~^ is £ (a). in the cascade region (i.e. References [1] Banerjee, A. V.: A Simple Model of Herd Behavior. 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Cascade on action a J J i_ Figure A.l: 11 L. 5 232 b Date Due Lib-26-67