MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 6518 It •!' '• : '( llilill: ill I 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries B31 1415 V Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Transparency of Information and Coordination in Economies With Investment Complementarities George-Marios Angeletos Alessandro Pavan Working Paper 04-07 January 2004 Room 50 E52-251 Memonal Cambridge, Drive MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at oACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Transparency of Information and Coordination in Economies with Investment Complementarities* George-Marios Angeletos MIT and Alessandro Pavan NBER Northwestern University January 2004 Abstract How do public and private information affect equilibrium allocations economies with investment complementarities? And what is and social welfare in the optimal transparency in the information conveyed, for example, by economic statistics, policy announcements, or news in the media? equilibrium We is first consider an environment where the complementarities are unique no matter the structure of information. public information as long as there is may have no value to An is lotteries, welfare because more transparency a social perspective. increase in the precision of unambiguously increases with an increase facilitates more full transparency effective coordination, which more transparency permits the market to coordinate more either the "bad" or the "good" equilibrium. In this case, constructive ambiguity there is is is in either optimal. valuable from On the other hand, when complementarities are strong enough that multiple equilibria are possible, if so that the the perverse effect of increasing aggregate volatility. Nevertheless, the relative or the absolute precision of public information. Hence, This weak effectively on becomes optimal a high risk that more transparency will lead to coordination failures. "This paper was prepared for the annual meeting of the American Economic Association and will appear in American Economic Review 94:1 (Papers and Proceedings). invitation. For useful We are grateful to Narayana Kocherlakota for the comments, we thank Daron Acemoglu, Ricardo Caballero, Christian Hellwig, Bengt Holmstrom and Ivan Werning. Email:, G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan 2 Introduction 1 Economies with production externalities, demand spillovers, incomplete financial markets, and Key- nesian frictions are only a few examples where macroeconomic complementarities play a prominent Within role. how does this class of economies, the precision of publicly provided and privately collected information affect equilibrium allocations and social welfare? transparency in the information conveyed, for example, by economic And what is the optimal statistics, policy announce- ments, or news in the media? To answer these questions, we consider a simple real economy where the individual return to investment is increasing in the aggregate level of investment and where market participants have heterogenous expectations about the underlying economic fundamentals (the exogenous productivity). We either as a reduction in the level of (that is, interpret an increase in the transparency of public information common uncertainty for given level of idiosyncratic uncertainty an increase in the absolute precision of public information), or as a reduction in the het- erogeneity of expectations across market participants for given level of overall uncertainty (that an increase in the We first is, relative precision of public information) consider an environment where complementarities are weak so that the equilibrium is unique no matter the structure of information. Like in Morris and Shin (2002), complementarities increase the sensitivity of equilibrium allocations with respect to public information, which increases the volatility generated by common noise in market expectations. Moreover, may have heterogeneous, an increase in the precision of public information when information the perverse effect of common increasing aggregate volatility, by increasing the sensitivity of economic activity to On is noise. the contrary, an increase in the precision of private information necessarily reduces aggregate volatility. Nevertheless, we show that, as long as there is no value to lotteries, welfare unambiguously increases with an increase in either the relative or the absolute precision of public information. Hence, policies that either disseminate more precise information about economic fundamentals, or reduce the heterogeneous interpretation of economic statistics boost welfare. On and policy measures, necessarily the contrary, an increase in the precision of private information may reduce welfare by increasing the heterogeneity of expectations and thereby obstructing coordination in the market, in which case policies that discourage the private collection of private information may increase welfare. Morris and Shin (2002) have recently argued that, in environments with strategic complementarities and heterogeneous information, more precise public information can reduce whereas more precise private information is always beneficial. We social welfare, find rather the opposite. The G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan difference in the results is 3 due to an important distinction between the environments in the two models. Morris and Shin (2002) consider a kind of "beauty contest," where the payoff of a player own decreases with the distance between his tance irrelevant is action and the action of others, but where this dis- from a social perspective. at the private level It follows that the complementarity and hence the attempt of the agents to align their actions more transparent public information In this case, valued by the market but not by the society. complementarity is facilitates In contrast, more we is effective coordination, As shown in is what is socially optimal, for they on the return to others. more As effective coordination in the network spillovers, Angeletos and Pavan (2003), market do not internalize the positive externality of a consequence, is socially valu- participants use public information to align their investment choices, but not enough as to which consider environments where the be the case in economies with production and demand externalities, or incomplete financial markets. present only socially wasteful. present at the social level so that effective market coordination able, as it is likely to is compared their investment more transparent public information, by permitting market, necessarily increases welfare, despite the fact that it may lead to higher volatility. 1 In the light of these results, we finally consider enough that multiple equilibria emerge effective coordination in the cal threshold for the the possibility that complementarities are strong for certain structures of information, in market need not always be which case more socially beneficial. Indeed, there is a criti- transparency of public information above which multiple equilibrium levels of investment are possible. Above this threshold, the desirability of more effective market coordination and thus the welfare equilibrium is coordination effect of selected. If the is beneficial, more transparent public information depend critically market coordinates on the socially desirable equilibrium, and welfare tends to be maximized at on which facilitating high levels of transparency. If in- stead the market coordinates on the undesirable equilibrium, impeding coordination by introducing noise in public information can be welfare enhancing. This final result is related to Angeletos, Hellwig and Pavan (2003). dination environments where a privately-informed policy maker outcomes, active policy intervention may self-fulfilling 'in independent parallel work, Hellwig (2003) in which complementarities that, in coor- interested in fashioning market lead to policy traps, where the optimal policy and market outcomes are dictated largely by arbitrary monetary economies is They show market expectations. In the present paper, and Lorenzoni (2003), building on arise in pricing decisions. They Woodford (2002), also find that the Morris-Shin result about the social value of public information can be reversed. However, they do not show how the welfare public information depend on whether market coordination is socially desirable. examine effects of G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan we do not consider 4 active policy intervention. Nevertheless, a similar trap emerges regarding the information disseminated by government agencies and central bankers: The optimal transparency depends on the aggressiveness or leniency of market expectations. We conclude that, in the class of environments considered in this paper," noise in public may be information socially desirable only when there a high risk that is more transparency will introduce coordination failures. Otherwise, the timely and frequent provision of public information seems warranted from a social perspective, even Weak 2 i The economy is may lead to an increase in volatility. populated by a continuum of measure one of agents, and uniformly distributed over the R interpret ki 6 interval. [0, 1] = Ah - Ui We that Complementarities Preferences and Technologies. indexed by if We let K= risk neutral with utility \k\. as individual investment (or effort), as the cost of investment. Agents are (1) A as the return to investment, fQ kidi denote the aggregate and kf/2 level of investment. Like in Bryant (1983), Cooper and John (1988), Acemoglu (1993), Benhabib and Farmer (1994), and others, we introduce a complementarity by assuming that the individual return to investment is increasing in the aggregate level of investment: A= The random (1 - a)9 + olK. (2) variable 6 parametrizes the exogenous return to investment (the underlying funda- mentals of the economy) and the coefficient a Finally, social welfare is > captures the degree of complementarity. given by a utilitarian aggregator, w= L Uidi. Using (1) and (2), we have that w = AK where var is = concave in JQ (ki — K) 2 di K for a < 1/2, \ [ kfdi = (1 - a)6K - (1 - 2a) \K2 - \yar, Jo measures the cross-sectional heterogeneity in investment. Note that whereas welfare increasing and volatility in it is convex K would be for a > 1/2. In the latter case, lotteries desirable. Since we w would be are interested in the canonical 2 Canzoneri (1985), Cukierman and Meltzer (1986), Atkeson and Kehoe (2001), Stokey (2002) and others consider how the transparency of policy instruments relates to the ability of the market to detect policy deviations in Barro- Gordon environments where the government research. lacks commitment. Our approach is clearly orthogonal to that line of G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan case where welfare 5 decreasing in both volatility and heterogeneity, is also suffices for the equilibrium to be unique. we restrict Information and Transparency. The fundamentals common prior about 9 be uniform over R. = such that z statistic z 9 + where e o~ z e, We = 9 + ax £i, where £, is 1/2). This is 9. For simplicity, we let summarize the public information by a sufficient standard normal, independent of 9 and common across agents. Similarly, the private information of agent Xi [0, &6R are not known at the time investment decisions are made. Furthermore, agents have heterogenous beliefs about the a G 3 is i summarized by a standard normal, independent of 9 and sufficient statistic across agents. i.i.d. a z and a x parametrize the precision of public and private information, respectively. = a~ 2 /(o~~ 2 + u~ 2 and a = (cr~ 2 + cr" 2 -1 / 2 the posterior belief of agent about 9 with mean E [9] = E[#|xj, z] = (1 — 8)x + 5z and variance Farj[0] = Var[9\xi, z] = a 2 Letting 6 is normal ) 2 9. dependence of E; More generally, however, the fundamentals and of commonly may az (that or an increase in S for given a (an we have in the in for given mind is media may such information xt is the result of the observation of private signals market expectations about In this sense, 6 measures the level of conformity in market of available information. is, an increase in the absolute precision of public information), 4 increase in the relative precision of public information ). affect either the noise in publicly available information, or the extent to is What that the transparency of public announcements, policy measures, and news interpreted differently across market participants. results are not very sensitive to 2.1 on interpret an increase in the transparency of public information either as a ax reduction in [9] thus be read also as heterogeneity in the filtering and interpretation a the quality we In the following, . Xi introduces idiosyncratic variation in available information. expectations, whereas i , l Literally interpreted, the about ) As it will become which clear, our which of the two interpretations we adopt. Equilibrium Each agent chooses hi so as to maximize Ej ki Individual investment expected level of The equilibrium is = Ei[A] [ui] = . (1 It follows that the optimal investment - a)Ei[6] + aEi[K]. is given by (3) thus increasing in the expected level of the fundamentals and in the aggregate investment. is unique if and only if a < 1. The case a € [1/2,1) is considered in Angeletos and Pavan (2003). In that case, introducing noise in public information can be desirable to the extent that this substitutes for the absence of socially valuable lotteries. Note that 5 is an increasing transformation of the relative precision of public information. G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan Given the and the normality linearity of (3) decisions are linear so that k{ K = 09 + jz Then, = follows that symmetric this one. 5 + jz, and 7 are constants determined where in equilibrium. (1 - = a)(l = (l-a + aP)[(l-S)xi + 8z]+arfz. Ei[A] - 8)/[l - a (I - 8)] and 7 = 8/[l - a(l - 5)]. Clearly, this is the unique linear (rational expectations) equilibrium. Furthermore, as proved in Morris when (2002), 0X{ of posterior beliefs about 9, equilibrium investment and thus ki It = 6 best responses are linear in Ej[0] and Ej[.K"], and Shin there do not exist equilibria other than Hence, Proposition The equilibrium 1 = 1-8- and exists, is unique, 1 p, = 8 + p, is given by and p = = 1 — 8 = and 7 8 for a = Moreover, p is is + 72, where (1 ~ — a (1 — \0) (4) excess sensitivity compared to the case where there are no com- increasing in a. Stronger complementarities thus lead to a higher This sensitivity of investment to public information. equilibrium, the public signal 0Xi The term p thus measures the 0. of equilibrium allocations to public information as plementarities. = 1 Note that ki is a direct implication of the fact that, in a relatively better predictor of aggregate behavior than the private signal. The equilibrium (f3a x ) 2 , respectively, Proposition 2 (i) with a reduction in and 7 are given by where ity. may However, we (4). It follows Volatility necessarily increases with a z for given cr x an increase in 8 or a reduction in This result and heterogeneity are Var(K\9) levels of volatility if o~ z and only if o~\ = (jcr z ) 2 and Var(ki\6, = that an increase in 8 for given > z) Tzix a x- iv) and increases a, Heterogeneity falls with either . suggest that transparency can be socially undesirable will see that welfare necessarily increases when it increases volatil- with an increase in either the relative or the absolute precision of public information. 2.2 Welfare We now consider social welfare evaluated at equilibrium. This ft = {0(T x ) 2 + {l-2a){ 1 a z f = Var(k °Note that, although the two models are equilibrium strategies. l \9,z) is + = 2 — ^Q, where identical and so are the given by w(6) \8 (l-2a)Var(K\9). different, the structure of the best responses is G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan Q 7 measures the welfare consequences of heterogeneity in individual investment and aggregate investment. Since a < coordination: The both heterogeneity and 1/2, welfare decreases with Furthermore, the relative weight on heterogeneity volatility in volatility. increasing in a. This reflects the social value of is stronger the complementarity, the more important the alignment in individual investment decisions. Using (4) a j\J\ — 8 and a z = and substituting a x = o~/V8, (l-2 a ) + « 2 (l-<5) 2 [1 - a(l - S)} It a S follows that Proposition 3 Welfare both in and heterogeneity. sition 2, an increase in 8 implies lower heterogeneity derstand why = ((3o- x ) On from the fact that a. an increase in a the other hand, as shown in Propo- expense of higher volatility. To un- the effect of lower heterogeneity dominates, note that social welfare under a util- moment that = there were no complementarity (a fi an increase in 5 or a reduction in at the itarian objective coincides with the expected utility of 2 2 for given 8 follows directly volatility get and therefore necessarily increases with either That welfare decreases with a means an increase Q> 1/2) suffices for [0, we + (7C 2 ) = 2 only on a and not on (1 8. — S)a 2 + 0), in 8a 2 = a which case 2 Suppose an agent. /3 = — 1 8 and 7 for a = 5. It follows that so that the expected utility of an agent depends , An This result should be expected: increase in 8 given a substitutes a higher precision in public information for a lower precision in private information, without altering When a = the overall precision of information. individual choices are not interdependent and 0, the decomposition of information between private and public is irrelevant. becomes more important than private information public information When instead a > 0, in predicting the return to investment, so that a substitution from private to public information raises the expected utility of an agent. In other words, an increase in 8 raises welfare because it permits the agents to second guess each others' actions better and therefore facilitates more coordination in the market. We next consider the comparative statics of effects of 8 and a. To this aim, we rewrite first o x2 o 2z ^= fi w with respect to a x and cr z , which combine the as - 2a)al + (1 2 [a 2 + (1 - a)a 2 [(1 a) 2 * 2 ) } It follows that Proposition 4 (i) A welfare if and only if reduction in a > ^ and a az 2 > necessarily increases welfare, ^ ~"^ a 2 3 . (ii) A reduction in o~ x decreases G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan 8 Hence, more precise public information necessarily increases welfare. This tion in On a). az a x implies both better coordination (higher for given the contrary, more because a reduction in coordination (lower coordination, or if the complementarity If is sufficiently the relative precision of public information and lower uncertainty (lower 8) ambiguous a z means lower uncertainty for given cr x 8). precise private information has an because a reduc- is effect on welfare. This is (lower a) at the expense of lower weak, so that there is little value to very low, so that volatility is high, is the benefit of lower uncertainty outweighs the cost of lower coordination. Otherwise, a reduction in a x reduces One can welfare. ax interpret as the amount of information collected privately by market participants. Given the precision of the information and the strategies of the other agents, an individual decision maker always values more On private perspective. precise information. Hence, a lower a x the other hand, an agent private information, since this may is always beneficial from a prefer other agents to have less precise would permit him to predict more accurately the aggregate investment. In other words, the private collection of information may create a negative externality, We implying that a lower a x need not be beneficial from a social viewpoint. market failure in the amount level of can thus have a of private information collected by individual agents, in which case government intervention that discourages the collection of private information may actually increase welfare. more transparency Finally, our result that may also increase volatility, contrasts instead, there level. To is is due to the of L= is (8 w= — A)K and suppose f Uidi = f (6ki is offsets the individual payoffs — hkf)di. This is complementarity is Ui = Aki J ^kf + L, which in at the social level. It follows that the coordination not warranted from a social perspective, in which case stronger complementarity or coordination likely to — at the social the analogue of Morris and Shin (2002) more transparent public information may decrease welfare by exacerbating spillovers, In our model, the the externality that renders the social (gross) return to investment independent K, thus removing the complementarity motive social value of coordination. an additional externality that perfectly case welfare reduces to L it equally present at the private and the social level. 6 In Morris and Shin (2002), see this, let in our setting. even though with the result of Morris and Shin (2002). As we anticipated in the introduction, the difference is complementarity in public information increases welfare is socially valuable, as it is this motive. If instead probably the case in economies with production or demand network externalities, or incomplete financial markets, then more transparency boost welfare. See also Angeletos and Pavan (2003) for further discussion. is most G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan 9 Strong Complementarities 3 we consider environments In this section, in which the complementarity To capture induce multiple equilibria for some information structures. sufficiently strong to is we now this possibility, let A = 9 + l[K>r], > where 1[K equals one r] if K > and zero otherwise, r r 6 aggregate investment necessary for the complementarity to pay we = r let we 1/2. For tractability, and constrain Let 9 6 ki = without serious off; also let the cost of investment U{ = AK{ represents the critical size of (0, 1) be loss of generality, linear, so that Ki, [0, 1]. = and £ 1. If were [0, 0] common knowledge, both would be an equilibrium; the former coincides with the coordination failure. With heterogeneous first = fc, and 1 whereas the best, fcj = for all i latter represents a information, the possibility of multiple equilibria depends on the transparency of public information, as we show next. Equilibrium 3.1 An agent finds optimal to invest it = ki 1 if E^ > [A] 1, and ki = We otherwise. restrict attention to equilibria with monotonic strategies, in which case for every z there exists x*(z) such that K(9,z) only if ki = &([9 > 8 = 1 j£ Xi — > x*(z) and x*(z)]/a x ) and where 9*(z) 0*(z), = = /c, otherwise. thus increasing in is x*(z), and therefore 9. Aggregate investment This implies that K > E [A\x u z] =E{9\x u z) + is then given by r (= 1/2) Pr(# > if and 9*\ Xi ,z), or equivalently = (l-S)x + E[A\xi,z] It = follows that ki with 9* this = x* , 1 if x > l x*, we conclude az F > is a z be the unique ct z = + , then F is * Sz ~ e a otherwise, where x* solves E[>l|x*,x;] = 5(z - x*) - a^~ l [1 - (1 - 8)x* easy to check that the above always admits a solution. It is let ki ~ 6)Xl = 1. Combining that the equilibrium threshold x* must solve F(x*;z,S,a) and and ,{1 Sz + ^' positive solution to a^s/^/n monotonic in x for all z, instead non-monotonic whenever 6 > 5, - = 5z] Let 5 = o x \/ Ox + crJ 2 0. = If S • (5) t/2ttct/(1 < 5, a z < a z In . y/2na) or equivalently and thus the equilibrium threshold x* or equivalently + is unique. this case, let z,z = G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan ±{m- $^ 1/2 < that z < 1 (?n)cr(l - 6)/5 < 1. For z 1/2 <~z < three solutions, x^OU) - x*nedium 1/2} m where , > (z,z), (5) has a $. 1/2 solves (p($ equilibrium: (ii) A the 3.2 The is If S 1 if > In the > x *hih {z), this = /c z If instead S equilibria: Xi (i) < < x*hih The two extreme we and only S (equivalently, first, ki = > if Xi 1 if a z > a z ), or x*(z), where x*(z) a z < a z ) and and only > But <r(l for z disregard. We - G and note 5)/5, admits (z, z), (5) conclude: (z,z), there exists a unique threshold z ^ is the unique solution to F(x*; z, xfow (z); in the second, 5, a) fcj = 1 if the case, the second equilibrium (x*hi . ) = and only where x^ow (z) and x*hih {z) are the lowest and highest solutions to F(x*;z,5,a) high level of transparency (high S or low a z ) first . = 0. z 6 (z, z), there exist exactly two stable threshold Xi if (T7i)) solutions represent stable equilibria; the . S (eqmvalently, _1 unique solution x* intermediate represents an unstable equilibrium, which Proposition 5 10 may thus lead to multiple equilibria. = if 0. When characterized by less aggregate investment than is (x*low ). Welfare probability a coordination failure is possible depends on the transparency of information. Indeed, PT[ze(z,z)\6] increases with z, decreases with z, = $[- '-)-$ _ and decreases with a z for 6 G (z, z). Moreover, dz/dS < < dz/dS. Hence, Proposition 6 If 5 > S (equivalently, a z < a z ) and 9 6 (z,z), the probability of multiple equi- librium levels of investment increases with either a higher 5 for given a, or a lower o~ x a z for given . An increase in the level of transparency bility that the "bad" equilibrium analytically. The We is may thus decrease welfare by increasing the proba- played. Unfortunately, it is impossible to characterize welfare thus resort to numerical simulations. effect of o~ z on w(9) is illustrated in Figure 1 for various values for 9. The solid lines represent welfare along the high-investment equilibrium, whereas the dashed lines represent welfare along the low-investment equilibrium. In general, the welfare effects of transparency are neither monotonic nor homogeneous across sufficiently high values of 9. We 9. However, the effects tend to be small for sufficiently thus choose to concentrate on intermediate fundamentals. low or G.M. Angeletos and A. Pavan Since under az = is = az restores common knowledge for any given common knowledge coincides with the Therefore, provided that there 0. 0, and since the "good" equilibrium that welfare a coordination failure, full beyond d z , which case welfare in revealed by the examples of Figure 1 We to space limitations. Proposition 7 welfare is is maximized at and are omitted due thus conclude If the socially preferable equilibrium is selected with high probability tiple equilibria are possible, az transparency appear to be robust across a large number of simulations. Also, simulations of the welfare effect of 5 give similar results at at level of transparency. The patterns maximal maximized is played whenever multiple equilibria are possible, is welfare tends to decrease with a reduction in a z > it is trivial risk of is little desirable. If instead the "bad" equilibrium an intermediate best, first o~ x 11 = robustly welfare for given ox maximized at is 8 < or 5, = 1 for given a, and necessarily worse equilibrium is selected with high probability, maximal robustly If instead the . o~ z whenever mul- > az at 5 . Concluding Remarks 4 This paper examined the welfare investment complementarities. more transparency possible, This increases volatility. the market, which level. On is is If effects of public and private information the complementarity if weak an economy with so that multiple equilibria are never in public information increases welfare, despite the fact that because more transparency socially valuable given that the the other hand, is in the complementarity for high levels of transparency, more is facilitates more complementarity is it effective coordination in present at the aggregate strong so that multiple equilibria are possible precise public information facilitates more effective market coordination on either equilibrium. In that case, "constructive ambiguity" becomes optimal there is a high risk that the undesirable equilibrium In Angeletos and optimal allocations Pavan (2003), we examine for in also is when selected. more detail the properties of equilibrium economies with investment complementarities. 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