Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/tradecapitalflowOOantr DEWfeY, Technology Departnnent of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of Trade and Capital Flows: A Financial Frictions Perspective Pol Antras Ricardo J. Caballero Working Paper 08-06 November 2, 2007 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, 02142 MA paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This httsp://ssrn. com/abstract^ 11 HB31 .M415 09 6 1 Trade and Capital Flows: A Financial Frictions Perspective Pol Antras and Ricardo November 2, J. Caballero* 2007 Abstract The classical Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell paradigm states that trade and capital mobility are substitutes, in the sense that trade integration reduces the incentives for capital to flow to capital-scarce countries. In this paper we show that in a world with heterogeneous financial development, the classic conclusion does not hold. In particular, in less financially developed economies (South), trade and capital mobility are complements. Within a dynamic framework, the complementarity carries over to (financial) capital flows. deepening trade integration It also in South raises net capital inflows (or reduces net capital outflows). implies that, at the global level, protectionism capital flows, when This interaction implies that may backfire if these are already heading from South to North. the goal Our is to rebalance perspective also has implications for the effects of trade integration on factor prices. In contrast to the Heckscher- Ohlin model, trade liberalization always decreases the wage-rental Samuelson in South: an anti-Stolper- result. JEL Codes: Keywords: E2, Fl, F2, F3, F4. Trade, capital mobility, capital flows, globahzation, financial frictions, comple- mentarities, factor payments, saving rate, global imbalances, protectionism. 'Harvard and NBER, and MIT and NBER, respectively. We are grateful to Arnaud Costinot, Davin Chor, Elhanan Helpman, Kalina Manova, Jim Markusen, Roberto Rigobon, Jose Tessada and seminar participants at Banco Central de Chile, Boston College, Brown, Connecticut, Gerzensee, Harvard, Michigan, MIT, LSE, NYU-New York Fed, Princeton, Stanford, Vanderbilt, Virginia and the 2007 NOITS conference for useful comments. We thank Sergi Basco and especially Eduardo Morales for valuable research assistance. Caballero thanks the NSF for financial support. First draft; May 11, 2007. Introduction 1 The process economies. of globalization involves the integration of goods and financial markets of heterogeneous While these two dimensions of integration are deeply intertwined economics literature has kept them largely separate. in practice, the International trade deals with the former while macroeconomics with the latter. In this paper we argue that such separation when is not warranted an important source of heterogeneity across countries and sectors. financial frictions are In particular, we show that in this context trade and net capital flows are complements in A financially developed economies. account without liberalizing trade liberalization financially underdeveloped is likely to economy that opens the An experience capital outflows. can reverse these outflows. At the global level, less capital aggressive trade a rise in protectionism may exacerbate rather than reduce the so called "global imbalances." While some of these implications may resonate with practitioners, they are those that follow from the classical Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell paradigm in stark contrast (HOM). with In the neoclassical two-good, two-factor model, provided that a smaU open economy produces both goods, free trade When brings about factor price equalization (FPE) with the rest of the world. international capital mobility economy sets a tariff' restored. In sum, in on irrelevant. import sector, its HOM becomes By the same token, if this a capital-scarce small open which triggers a capital inflow to the point at it happens, FPE is trade and capital inflows are substitutes: trade integration reduces the incentives for capital to flow to capital-scarce countries. The key difference between our model and the HOM one, aside from the dynamic aspects that allow. us to talk about financial flows rather than just physical capital mobility, of financial frictions. (1997), (1998), Manova of heterogeneity in financial frictions. is cross- sect oral heterogeneity. system, producers in certain sectors find in others sectors. Paraphrasing financial infrastructure it close the trade channel, then ability to higher in rich "North" than in developing "South." Even when operating under a common Rajan and Zingales than others. In The financial more problematic to obtain financing than producers (1998), this context, mechanisms to circumvent the misallocation we and many others, we highlight two dimensions (2007), First, there is cross-country heterogeneity. pledge future output to potential financiers is the presence Motivated by the findings of King and Levine (1993), Shleifer and Vishny Rajan and Zingales Second, there is some sectors are more "dependent" on both trade and capital flows become market of capital induced by financial frictions in South. If both physical and financial capital outflows from South become the vehicle through which the return to savers and the sectoral allocation of capital are improved in South. In contrast, with free trade, it is the reorganization of domestic production in South that does the heavy- lifting, and by doing so raises the return on capital in South and palliates or even reverses capital outflows. In order to formalize these insights, in section 2 sector) general equilibrium model produce two homogenous goods. countries and sectors in tlie we develop a standard of international trade in To capture the simplest possible way, 2x2 (two-factor, two- which firms hire capital and labor to role of heterogeneous financial frictions across we enrich the standard model by incorporating a market imperfection financial in every other respect. affected We by The one of the sectors, while initially financial friction limits the amount in making the two symmetric sectors of capital allocated to the sector it. consider the autarkic equilibrium of this simple first markets have to clear domestically. economy in which goods and factor In such a case, countries with worse financial institutions feature a lower relative price of the unconstrained sector's output (since a disproportionate share of resources ends up being allocated returns to capital. If we now allow to this sector) capital to and move also featvue relatively depressed wages and across countries that differ only in financial development, capital flows from the financially underdeveloped South to the financially developed North. These closed (to trade) economy outcomes trade with a financially developed North. in the unconstrained sector when South can are in sharp contrast to those We show that in that case South freely (incompletely) specializes and thus becomes a net importer of the output of the "financially dependent" sector. From the point of view of South, trade integration raises the relative price of the unconstrained sector's output and the real return to capital. Trade does not bring about factor price equalization and the rate of return to capital ends up being higher This "overshooting" follows from a depressed wage effect: South than in North. in In the free trade equilibrium wages in the South remain depressed relative to those in North, which when combined with goods price equalization (a condition absent in the closed economy), ensures that capitalists earn a higher real return in South than in North. Although we initially derive our conclusions for the case in which South and preferences and technologies are Cobb-Douglas, we later a small open is economy demonstrate that the complementarity between trade and return to capital (and hence capital mobility) is fully general. In particular, in a world in which countries differ only in financial development and sectors differ only in financial dependence, trade integration reduces the gap between the real return to capital and with free trade, the real return to capital is section we characterize the equilibrium with capital mobility 3, between trade and net capital inflows works flows to the unconstrained sector in South All the statements flows involve model that is, up movements to both and show that the complementarity directions, in the sense that and increases trade flows between follow from a static so, we Northern capital countries. model where the only possible type of capital In section 4 our mechanism has similar implications ownership claims). In doing North and South, higher in the less financially developed South. In of physical capital across countries. illustrates that for flows of now in in we develop a dynamic for financial capital flows (that build on the overlapping-generations framework developed by Caballero, Far hi, and Gourinchas (2007). Under the plausible assumption that neither labor income nor entrepreneurial rents are capitalizable, our model implies that countries with underdeveloped financial markets feature relatively low interest rates under trade and financial autarky, but relatively high interest rates with free trade and financial autarky. again, trade and financial capital inflows are complements in South. illustrates the effect of trade integration on the steady-state distribution It follows that, Our dynamic model also of wealth in the economy, which endogenous changes in turn generates Our benchmark model financial frictions in the tightness of the financial constraint. isolates the effects of cross-country on the structure and capital of trade and cross-sectoral heterogeneity in we introduce Heckscher- flows. In section 5 We Ohlin determinants of international trade into our static model. relevant case in which the financially underdeveloped South is focus on the empirically also relatively capital scarce and the constrained sector features a higher elasticity of output with respect to capital than the unconstrained sector. Under these circumstances, we show that our main between trade and net capital flows generally goes through and result is on the complementarity often reinforced.^ Further- more, regardless of relative factor endowment differences and relative factor intensity differences, our model generates a decrease in the Southern wage-rental ratio after trade liberalization: anti-Stolper-Samuelson Our paper an effect. relates to several literatures in international finance and international trade. Prom the point of view of international finance, the closest models are those studying the role of financial frictions in shaping capital flows. These models are typically cast in terms of one-sector models, where capital flows the only is mechanism to increase the return to capital in financially under- developed countries. The literature highlighting this mechanism is large and includes Gertler and Rogoff (1990), Boyd and Smith (1997), Shleifer and Wolfenzon (2002), Reinhart and Rogoff (2004), Kraay et al. (2005), Caballero, Farhi and Gourinchas (2007), as well as the recent (working) papers by Aoki, Benigno and Kiyotaki (2006), and Mendoza, Quadrini and Rios-Rull (2007). There also a trade hterature dependence financial emphasizing the role of the interaction between financial development and in shaping international trade fiows. Kletzer (1987), Beck (2002), Matsuyama (2005), Wynne These papers, however, focus on deriving (and (2007). do not allow for capital mobility.^ In It includes the work of (2005), Ju and Wei (2006), and Manova testing) implications for trade flows who shows the which comparative advan- not driven by difl^erences in capital-labor ratios across countries. In our paper, we focus on first in his and that our second level of complementarity (from capital mobility to trade flows) can be derived in a variety of models in is Bardhan and terms of complementarities between trade and capital flows, our paper shares with Markusen (1983) tage is type of complementarity going from trade integration to capital mobility, which framework. Another difference between Markusen (1983) and our paper is is absent that he did not explore the role of financial frictions, which are of course central in our context.'^ Finally, in terms of comparative statics, our extended model with Heckscher-Ohlin elements have some Although capital with the specific-factors model of Jones (1971) and Samuelson (1971). 'in particular, we show that the autarkic relative price benchmark mode!, but also of the forces unveiled in our forces that ^To be is make labor intensive goods cheaper in precise, section 2 of developed in Matsuyama of the unconstrained sector most cases) because labor abundant countries. (in similarities is is not lower in South both because of the standard Heckscher-Ohlin (2005) includes a discussion of capital flows, but the analysis in that section terms of a one-sector model and is thus more related to the international finance papers mentioned above. ^Martin and Rey (2006) study the flows, which is absent in (modelled as an increaise in market size) on the Their model empheisizes a risk-sharing rationale for capital effects of trade integration likelihood of a financial crash in an emerging country. our framework. sector-specific in our model, its allocation across sectors Amano erning the tightness of the financial constraint. is pinned down by the parameters gov- (1977), Brecher and Findlay (1983), Jones (1989) and Neary (1995) study capital mobility within variants of the specific-factors model, but the conclusions generally depend on the assumed pattern of specialization and factor mobility. A 2 we develop our benchmark model. In this section paper, Model of Trade with Financial Stylized we make In order to isolate the a series of simplifying assumptions that our benchmark model is static, Frictions we main mechanism in the later relax sequentially. In particular, imposes a specific log-hnear structure and abstracts from standard Heckscher-Ohlin determinants of comparative advantage. The Environment 2.1 Consider an economy that employs two factors (capital goods and (1 informed The country 2). capitalists), a capitalists are 1 —^ of endowed with uninformed /i oi capitalists, and a continuum of K units of capital and each worker supplies K sector I's output, which in is K/L, with a being "informed" capital and the remaining fraction being "uninformed" capital. All agents have identical Cobb-Douglas preferences and devote a fraction Production of entrepreneurs (or one unit of labor, so the aggregate capital-labor ratio of the economy inelastically ^ produce two homogenous to inhabited by a continuum of measure continuum of measure measure L of workers. All fraction is K and labor L) we take Yi = perfect substitutes. to: Z{K\r{L,)'-'', 1=1,2, where Ki and Li are the amounts of capital and labor employed From a of their spending to as the numeraire: both sectors combines capital and labor according productivity parameter. rj (2) in sector i and Z is a Hicks-neutral technological point of view, informed and uninformed capital are Notice also that, for the time being, we focus on symmetric technologies to eliminate any source of comparative advantage other than financial development. Goods and labor markets across sectors. this economy If is are perfectly competitive, and factors of production are freely mobile the capital market is also perfectly competitive, straightforward to characterize. In particular, given identical technologies in both sectors, the marginal rate of transformation output, p, L is to sector equal to 1, then the autarky equilibrium of 1. It is is equal to —1 and thus the relative price of sector 2's then easily verified that the economy allocates a fraction and the remaining fraction 1 — 77 to sector 2. If this frictionless international trade and faces an exogenously given relative price p, then it rj economy oi is K and open to completely specializes in sector 1 if p < 1 and completely specializes in sector 2 if p > 1. Financial Friction 2.2 We market has a shall assume, however, that the capital literature discussed in the introduction, two effect in the To sectors. we assume that the simplify matters, Consistently with the empirical friction. we assume that financial contracting in sector 2 perfect in the sense that producers in that sector can hire any desired equilibrium rental rate, which Conversely, there is we denote by "human sector capital" (i.e., essential), is We that only entrepreneurs and appeal to this complexity to justify the know how to amount of capital. capital market friction in a stark (though standard in the literature) are only willing to lend to entrepreneurs a multiple ^ z's investment is produce in sector 1 — 1 We commitment It capture the latter way by assuming that of the entrepreneur's capital dK' = 0K, for lenders endowment, 9>1. (3) For the purposes of this paper we need not take a particular stance on what borrowing constraint. their constrained by r< this (i.e., that because of informational frictions, producers in that (ii) entrepreneurs) can only borrow a limited so entrepreneur of capital at the which we associate with the production 1, process in that sector as being relatively "complex." (i) amount is S. a financial friction in sector following two assumptions: an asymmetric financial friction has is the friction behind could be related to an ex-post moral hazard problem, to limited or to adverse selection. In Appendix A.I., we develop a simple microfoundation for the financial constraint in a model with limited commitment on the part of entrepreneins.^ Regardless of the source of the constraint, neurs are able to jointly allocate a fraction i] it is interesting case in Assumption Closed 2.3 We tion 1: fiO < which 6 is if 9 is sufficiently large, of capital to the constrained sector constraint (3) does not bind and the equilibrium more clear that is low enough so that (3) binds. In such a case, 1. as described above. Hereafter then entrepre- we focus on the This requires: rj. Economy Equilibrium next turn to explore the autarky equilibrium of this economy. As noted above, under Assump1 the financial constraint (3) binds, each entrepreneur invests an ''a simplifying assumption in our setup is that the credit multiplier d is amount OK independent of 5, (of which {d — l)K Aghion, Banerjee and Piketty (1999) provide a microfoundation for this rental-rate insensitivity in a model with ex-post moral hazard and costly state verification. Our model in Appendix A.l can also deliver such insensitivity, but we show that our main results are preserved in an alternative formulation in overview of different models of financial contracting. which 6 is a function of factor prices. See Tirole (2006) for an is borrowed), and the aggregate amount of capital allocated to sector Ki = iiOK < Because labor can move freely product, which using across sectors, it is r]K. (4) allocated to equate the value of its marginal (4) implies where, remember, p denotes the price of good 2 in terms of good Prom 1 is:^ the consumer's first 1 (the numeraire). order condition and goods market clearing we have (l-77)Z(/x0Ar(il)'"-"=P7?Z((l-^0)/^)°(L-Ll)l-^ which together with the labor market condition Li (6) in (5) implies that = rjL and (7) a where the inequality follows again from Assumption As indicated by equations (4) and (7), in 1. our benchmark model financial frictions do not distort the allocation of labor across sectors but shift capital to the unconstrained sector (sector result, sector 2's output is "oversupplied" and its relative price p is down by labor and uninformed capital (in terms of the numeraire) are pinned in the unconstrained sector, which using As a depressed. Financial frictions also have significant effects on equilibrium factor prices. marginal products 2). The rewards to the value of their (8) yields: and ,9(i-,)^^/M?^r-' ,j„) Note that both Other things equal, w and 5 are increasing functions of the degree of financial contractibility 9. less financially developed economies feature depressed wages and depressed returns to uninformed capital. The effect of a fall in 9 on the rental rate of uninformed capital is clear: the tighter borrowing constraint reduces the availability of this type of capital in the constrained sector, thus increasing ^This imposes that entrepreneurs invest all their endowment of K in sector 1. But the equilibrium since, as we will see shortly, they can always obtain a higher return in this is necessarily a feature of that sector. the capital-labor ratio in the unconstrained sector and reducing sector 2 output (i.e., reducing rental 5 drops with the I's fall 5/p).^^ Because the relative price p in 6 not only in terms of sector its is marginal product an increasing function of output but also 2's terms of in in 0, the terms of sector output. The changes in sectoral capital-labor ratios are crucial for 6 on the remuneration of workers. Wages the capital-labor ratio in that sector capital-labor ratio rises in sector 2, is lower we have when that understanding the terms of sector fall in 9 w/p is lower. 1 one can show that the real purchasing power of wages, that is a fall in output (the numeraire) because By the same token, and since the with the decline in rises effects of w/p^~'^ , falls 0. All in all, however, with a decline in 6 J This discussion hints that uninformed capital suffers disproportionately more from a low value of 6. In order to see this formally, notice that (9) and (10) imply that the wage-rental ratio w [I 6 is decreasing in 6. In sum, labor is - a) {I - iiO) K a(l-^) L hurt by the financial constraint but less so than capital because the capital-labor ratio rises in sector 2, offsetting the downward pressure on wages due the decline in p. So far we have been frictionless silent on the return obtained by entrepreneurs informed capital). In the (or economy, informed and uninformed capital are perfect substitutes and both obtain a common rental rate S. However, when the borrowing constraint (3) binds, informed capital becomes and entrepreneurs obtain a premium over the return relatively scarce in sector 1 investors in that sector. In particular, their return per unit of capital of is R^6 + Xe, where A is uninformed (11) the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to the financial constraint (3).^ In equilibrium, the marginal product of capital in the constrained sector 1 needs to equal 6 + X, from which we obtain: which is strictly positive of entrepreneurial capital (11), is 1) and also decreasing in 6. Hence, the whenever the it is shadow value higher in economies with less developed financial markets. Note from however, that this does not imply that the welfare of entrepreneurs in 6. In particular, in (under Assumption is necessarily decreasing straightforwajd to verify that entrepreneurs would always favor an increase initial 9 is low and a is large enough. ^Note that 6/p = aZ ((1 - /.t^) K/ ((1 - r?) L))""' is increasing in 9. 'This follows from the fact that w/p^~^ cc {ij.9)'"' (1 - ^5)°'''^'' which is increasing in 9 under Assumption 1. *The return R follows from R = 9(5 + X) — (9 — \)5. Notice that the fact that R > S justifies our assumption above that entrepreneurs invest all their endowment of capital in sector 1. Furthermore, given that we have constant returns to scale in all factors, the Lagrange multiplier A would be common to all entrepreneurs even if their endowments of were not identical. This feature will become useful in the dynamic version of the model. , K Finally, because all agents in the economy share identical preferences, aggregate welfare by total income in terms of consumption units. That wL + 5{l- Using the expressions above, as argued above is it is attain higher welfare levels. We fj.)K + RfiK U is proportional to w/p^~'^, which sum, economies with more developed financial systems summarize our results as follows: Proposition 1 In the closed following effects: raises the relative price of the unconstrained sector, the real return to it capital, real wages, economy and welfare; it given is straightforward to check that strictly increasing in 6. In is equilibrium, an increase in financial contractibility 9 has the lowers the wage-rental ratio, and it uninformed has an ambiguous effect on entrepreneurial income. Open Economy Equilibrium 2.4 Consider now a situation in which the economy we are studying, which we refer to as South, we to international trade with the rest of the world (or North). For expositional simplicity, for p. now on the case in which South As we show later, small, in the sense that is it it is South and our substantive implications do not depend on this assmnption. 2.4.1 p> < We think of same production technologies in sector Later, however, 1. focus we 1. For these reasons, briefly discuss the case in I. Trade and factor payments As argued at the end of section specialize in the production of this which p natural to focus on a situation in which though smaller, also facing a financial friction, open faces a fixed world relative price the rest of the world as having the same preferences in (1) and the in (2) as is 2.1, good whenever p < 1. a 1, frictionless small South would However the borrowing constraint like to fully in that sector prevents by hmiting the aggregate allocation of capital to that sector to be no larger than p,6K. Thus, the distribution of capital across sectors is identical to that in the closed economy. Conversely, the allocation of labor across sectors in goods. Condition (5) is affected by the access to international trade equating the value of the marginal product of labor across sectors still needs to hold in equilibrium, but the allocation of labor no longer needs to be consistent with goods market clearing as dictated in the model: it by equation (6) above. This is the distinguishing effect of international trade detaches the allocation of factors across sectors from local demand conditions. Instead, South faces an exogenously given relative price p, and thus (5) yields ^ The amount {i-fi9)p^/» + fie' of labor allocated to the financially constrained sector ^ 1 is ' decreasing in p and increasing in Intuitively, a larger 9. thus pulling labor away from sector to the unconstrained sector 2, p 1. raises the value of the marginal product of labor in sector amount Similarly, a lower 6 increases the Li coincides as well with the autarky allocation, i.e., = Li allows South to face a less depressed relative price p, South unconstrained sector The 2, of capital allocated thus again raising the marginal product of labor in that sector. the world relative price p happens to coincide with South's autarky price When equation (8)), then (in But when international trade tjL. tilts 2, the allocation of labor toward the thus specializing in the less "financially dependent" sector.^ equilibrium rewards to labor and uninformed capital are again pinned and ginal products in the unconstrained sector, which using (4) down by (13) can be expressed their mar- as: w^{i-a)z(({i-^ie)p"^ + iMe)^X (14) and = aZp"''[({l-,l6)p'/- + ^ie)^X 5 It is p. A w straightforward to verify that both larger p and (15) . 5 are increasing functions of the relative price raises the incentive to shift resources to the unconstrained sector. the financial constraint in sector first order condition for capital in sector 1 in we have terms of sector is strictly decreasing mp}^ of labor Another way and (16) In sum, by allowing South to specialize in the sector with lower is by studying the effect of an increase capital-labor ratios. As shown above, an increase reduces KilL2- then clear that the marginal product of labor in sector in p reduces L\ and thus the marginal product of capital in sector 2 (and hence follows immediately that 5 is also increasing in p. in sector 2 leads to a fall in the fall of w/p), it is underdevelopment capital. to understand this result It is output. , financial frictions, international trade reduces the negative impact of financial on the rewards I's (after replacing 5 in it) A=(l-//")az(((l-M^)pi/" + Me)^)" which shift relaxes and consequently reduces the premium remuneration obtained 1, by entrepreneurs, and increases the remuneration of labor and capital Formally, from the This (5/p) And in p on the sectoral increases 1 Ki/Li and (and hence w) and both increase when p increases. straightforward to show that the real wage w/p^~^'' 'Although we have assumed that South which the financial is then while the decrease of the capital-labor ratio marginal product of labor in terms of that sectors' output also apply to the case in It is (i.e., a strictly increasing in p. relatively financially underdeveloped, the expressions in this section friction is lower in South. In the latter case, however, trade integration leads to a decrease in p in South. '"in fact, the total return to entrepreneurial capital (15) is necessarily decreasing in p as well. and (16) to obtain: R = 5 + \e= which is (e - {0 - i)?'^"^ az U{i - strictly decreasing in p. 10 ij.e)p'^'' + fie'^ ^^ To see this, use equations Finally, note also that the wage-rental ratio w _ (l-g) ((l-Mg)p^/° + Mg) a 5 is pi/" strictly decreasing in the relative price p. capital more than workers. The w/S has capital to sector 2, so Given equations (14), (17) ' This implies that an increase in p benefits uninformed straightforward: as p rises, sector is new and we can (17), an increase is common in the relative price p but have also study the effects of different values of 9 (e.g.. autarky equilibrium we established that decreasing in case that an 0. Our first releases labor but not observation is economy with a low value an improvement in on equilibrium factor prices. These comparative in 6, statics are useful in characterizing the cross-section of factor prices across a 1 workers. effect (16) (15), financial contractibility, that L to fall for sector 2 to absorb these The depressed wage 2.4.2 logic A" w and 5 economies that trade at North and South). Remember that were increasing in 6, that in the free trade equilibrium it w/5 and A were while can no longer be the both depressed wages and a depressed of 9 features real return to uninformed capital. In particular, the zero profit condition in sector 2 ensures that '-" 5{9)Y fw{9y VI- a y where the right-hand the case that 5 is side is the unit cost in sector decreasing in it high-0- K/L, under North if w is increasing in 9, then economy with a lower must be it is indeed 9 features higher rates of return to has depressed wages. The depressed wage labor ratio Hence, Inspection of equations (14) and (15) confirms that this 9. the case.^^ Put differently, a small-open capital "because" 2. follows from the fact that, even holding constant the aggregate capital- free trade the capital-labor ratio in both sectors (thus both w and w/p axe lower with aggregate endowments because South specializes intensive due to the financial constraint in sector 1.^^ local proof of the effect of is an increase in 9 in the To lower in the low-0 South than in the in South). this is unconstrained sector which see this more open economy (that in the Note that consistent is capital- formally, let us develop a is, of a North that has an infinitesimal financial advantage over South). We can decompose the aggregate capital labor sectoral capital-labor ratios, k\ = K\/Li and /c2 ratio, k = = K/L, into a weighted average of the K2IL2, with weights i/^i = L\/L and 1 — Vi, respectively: ip^ki + (1 - '0i)A;2 == k. we find that A in equation (16) is decreasing in 6. Of course, if we instead have a situation where North has a higher aggregate capital-labor ratio, then the depressed wage result can hold even when the constrained sector's technology is relatively capital-intensive. We return to this "Similarly, '^ generalization later in the paper. 11 Total differentiation of this expression yields: (/C2 Note that the left-hand toward sector 1 {dipi than sector 2 (fci dk2 > side of (18) 0) /C2). = ki)di)-^ is tp^dki + (1 - and because the financial constraint (18) associated with specialization is makes sector 1 less Because the value of the marginal product of labor (p is and hence wages are higher when 9 is is capital intensive equated in both held constant in the exercise), and this sign must be positive to match the sign of the left-hand side of 0, i/'i)rf/c2. positive because a higher 9 and dk2 must have the same sign sectors, dki clearly < > - higher. (18). In sum, we have that dki > and ^'^ Trade Integration with a More Financially Developed North 2.5 In this section large North we study more (or rest of the world). In order to isolate the role of financial trade flows, we assume that North development (and financial developed. systematically an equilibrium in which South can freely trade with a We now is We scale). identical to developed North, pins down > 9^ in section 2.3 to so that North is more financially conclude that this large, financially the following world relative price N ?^" Note that because p^ < in shaping in every respect except for the level of 9^' assume that shall can use the analysis South development 1, - I I l-'d" (1 "f " J[ vii-f^e I <1- (19) both North and South produce both goods in equilibrium. The more developed financial system in North implies, however, that South has a comparative disadvantage in the constrained sector 1. Using equations (2), (14), (15), (16) and (19), we can express imports of sector I's output in South as >0, ^(1-Mn V J y (i-M^^)|S^+M^^y where the sign follows from 9^ > 9^ Despite the fact that there attain, since factor prices were ment is diversification in production, factor price equalization does not shown above to depend on the particular in the corresponding region. Furthermore, level of financial develop- from the derivations above, we have the following result: '^In our benchamark Cobb-Douglas model there anism: In this economy the share of labor However, this share for is a given p < 1, is 1 — is wages are proportional output increases with the share increasing with respect to wage mechoutput (productivity). and we have shown that a straightforward alternative proof of the depressed a, hence d. 12 to aggregate of factors allocated to sector 1, Proposition 2 In the free trade equilibrium, South produces both goods "financially dependent" good and 1. and is a net importer of the Furthermore, free trade does not result in factor price equalization leads to w^ > w' The results features a lower to informed it 9. must have a A^ < X'. North and South share a relatively lower and uninformed Using the results is 5' common relative price must allocate a disproportionate wage rate, and it with respect to statics it Hence, relative to North, must feature a p^ but South , amount of labor relatively larger return capital. in section 2.4, of view of the South. This which < on the ranking of factor prices follow from the comparative 9 derived in the previous section. to sector 2, 5^ we can amounts to also study the effects of trade integration comparing the autarky and in turn analogous to describing the effects of open economy equilibrium since 9 > implies p'^ 9 an increase > from the point free trade equilibria in South, in the relative price p^, where p^ p in the small the autarky relative price in is South. As demonstrated in the previous section, this increase in p shifts labor to the unconstrained sector 2 and raises the real return of uninformed capital in terms of both goods. This positive effect of trade integration on the real return to capital and capital mobility discussed below Proposition 3 Trade and hence is at the core of the it is complementarity between trade worth restating it in the form of a Proposition: integration raises the real return to uninformed capital in the financially underdeveloped South. As discussed above, trade integration (i.e., an increase in p) also raises real wages in South but reduces the wage-rental ratio and the return to entrepreneurial capital. Overall, however, one can show that aggregate welfare in South is necessarily higher in the free trade equilibrium (see section 2.6.E. for a general proof). 2.6 Robustness and Generalizations Even though we explore a generalized version comment on of our model later in section 5, here we the robustness and generality of the results stated in Propositions 2 and briefly 3. This discussion helps understanding the mechanisms behind our results. A. We No Financial Constraints in North focused above on the case in which North sets a world relative price p lower than 1. This is the natural case to consider in a world in which countries are fully symmetric except for financial development and the inequality fi9^ < i] (analogous to Assumption 13 1) holds. Suppose instead that financial contracting in North and a value of A equal to is sets a world relative price of South again (incompletely) specializes > not a constraint so that ji9^ p = Then, North features ij. In the free trade equilibrium, 1. in the unconstrained sector, but trade brings about factor price equalization. In this case, free trade again raises the equilibrium values of the real return of uninformed capital The in South, but 6 does not "overshoot" the Northern rental case in which the North sets a relative price higher than South completely down by specializes in sector 2, relative price In terms of the results above, that even when p > 1 p > = 0. Factor prices are piimed In that case, however, factor prices depend 2. variables, so factor price equalization generally on the exact source of the can be studied analogously. The which necessarily implies A the value of their rriarginal values in sector on Southern 1 5^ fails. The direction of failure depends North. 1 in we thus have that Proposition we have that trade and net 3 continues to hold, complements capital inflows are Henceforth, we focus on the case where the financial constraint is which implies binding in North (i.e., in South. p < 1). B. General Symmetric Technologies As shown in Appendix A. 3., Propositions 2 and 3 continue to hold we if relax the Cobb-Douglas assumptions and assume general homothetic preferences and general symmetric production functions with constant returns to scale and diminishing marginal products. The key three equilibrium properties that ensure the generality of the results are as follows: is always increasing in capital intensity 2. The is 9; (b) the real return to (a) uninformed capital the autarky relative price p is always increasing in p; necessarily lower in the constrained sector 1 than in the unconstrained sector generality of (a) implies that trade integration which together with (b) implies that is associated with an increase in p in South, Proposition 3 holds for general symmetric production tech- nologies. Condition (c) in turn ensures that with free trade the rental rate in North (Proposition 2). Furthermore, property the financially dependent sector We (a) also implies is that South higher in South than is a net importer of 1.^"* can thus conclude that whenever countries differ only in financial differ only in financial development and sectors dependence, South specializes in the least financially dependent sector, trade integration raises the real return to capital in South and, with free trade, this rental rate in South than (c) in the more financially developed North. is larger ^''^ ''This follows from the fact that, with homothetic preferences, the consumption ratio C1/C2 in South is larger in and thus the production ratio Y1/Y2 in South is lower in free trade than in autarky. Because consumption and production are equal in autarky and trade balance must hold in the trade equilibrium, with free trade we must have Ci > Y\ and C2 < 5^2''Conversely, the beneficial effect of trade liberalization on real wages that we obtained in the log-linear model is not general. Although Southern wages in terms of sector 1 output always increase with p, once we relax our Cobb-Douglas assumption, the purchasing power of these wages may or may not increase in p depending on demand free trade than in autarky. On the other hand, the increase in p shifts labor to sector patterns. 14 2, A C. We Large South have so (19). far treated North as a large enough country to identical to that of is two "small" open economies facing a If technologies, the equilibrium relative price Southern and Northern autarkic relative prices. The relative price clearing at the world prices: p^ < p < p^ . Hence, p has to it is still The reason the statements in Proposition 2 continue to hold. common p and thus cross-sectional comparisons in equilibrium, is between the fall the case that trade integration increases the real return to uninformed capital in South (Proposition a in equation countries differ only in financial development, then for general homothetic preferences and symmetric production all p^ common now ensure goods-market with the additional restriction that p should level. world prices at Suppose instead that both North and South are large enough to impact world equilibrium p, fix Furthermore, 3). that both countries share still follow from studying the comparative statics with respect to 9 holding p constant. A D. Adding Heckscher-Ohlin Features: What happens when we Preview introduce cross-sectional asymmetries in factor intensity as well as cross- Perhaps surprisingly, we show country asymmetries in relative factor endowments? (see also Appendix A. 3) that an increase return to uninformed capital. an increase p is always associated with an increase in the real Hence, in situations in which trade integration in the relative price p in South development and their level of financial in 9 > is associated with would be the case when countries (as 9 in section 5 ), differ only in Proposition 3 continues to hold for general asymmetric production technologies. This leads us to conclude that the complementarity between trade integration and net capital inflows in South is quite general (see section 5 for details). Consider next the generality of the ranking of factor prices derived in Proposition whenever both North and South produce good 2. Note that 2 in equilibrium, the zero-profit condition in that sector ensures p where C2 () is Hence, unlike w^ > w^ sector 2, = C2 {5^,w^) for j a general neoclassical unit cost function and in the autarkic or 6 we must > 6 . On is thus increasing in both arguments. it must be the case that either the other hand, for a general constant returns to scale technology in also have that / I<^j\ ioTJ (•) is (20) equilibrium case, with free trade „..7 where & ^ N,S, = N,S, necessarily increasing in i<'2/-^2- Equations (20) ranking of factor prices is (21) and (21) combined imply that the necessarily as derived in Proposition 2 provided that North operates the technology in the unconstrained sector 2 at a higher capital-labor ratio than South does, 15 K^ 1^2 > K2/L2, which is an empirically likely scenario.-^'' In section 5 below, we show that for general asymmetric production functions, this condition holds provided that North capital abundant may be Model apparent to the savvy reader that in the region of the parameter space in which financial constraints bind, our fact, we next model behaves similarly to a two-sector, three-factor discuss a perfectly competitive three-factor This as our model. will We between our framework and a standard and entrepreneurial (informed) capital in sector 2 important differences also argue, however, that there are specific-factors model. now let uninformed capital be distinct factors which are imperfect substitutes in pro- combines uninformed capital and labor according to a standard neoclassical production function: Y2 capital, model. In model that features the same equilibrium Consider a model analogous to the one we developed above, but Production specific-factors prove useful in understanding the mechanics of the model and also in proving some general welfare results. duction. sufficiently relative to South. E. Relationship with the Specific-Factors It is = F2 ij-i^ '^"i)- uninformed capital and labor according Production in sector 1 combines informed to Yi=Fifemin|/<^^|,LiV where Fi is in Assuming that again a standard neoclassical production function. perfectly competitive, this model yields equilibrium allocations (22) and factor prices our model whenever the endowments of informed and uninformed and (1 — /i.) K, respectively. all markets are identical to those capital are equal to fxK Because the allocation of the two types of capital to each sector is independent of factor prices, the model behaves similarly to a standard specific-factors model in which 9 governs the effective relative supply of the two types of factors to each sector. Note, however, that there are important differences between our model and the specific- factors model. First, the specification in (22) is not imposed in an ad hoc manner, but credit constraints. Second, the financial constraint capital to may move more move with it). easily across borders Third, as is apparent in mechanism also sheds light than informed capital (22), the parameter (it it follows from on why uninformed does not require individuals 6 not only affects the allocation of capital across sectors, but also operates as a sector-biased technological parameter in sector 1.^^ As a result of these features, our advantage as well as integration. model provides sharp predictions for the incentives for capital to flow across for the pattern of comparative borders with and without trade Conversely, in the specific-factors model one could obtain just about any pattern of '^As we showed above, with symmetric production technologies, K^ /L2 > Ki /L^ is ensured by the fact that North specializes in the constrained sector 1, which operates at an inefficiently low capital-labor ratio. ''Hence, an increase in d is not isomorphic to a simple increase in K' and a commensurate decrease in For instance, in a specific-factors model with Cobb-Douglas technologies in both sectors, an increase in K' and a decrease in K'^ would necessarily decrease the autarky real return to K' and increase that of K'^ This contrasts with our K . result that an increase in 8 can in fact increase the real return to both types of capital. 16 . comparative advantage and factor mobility by appropriate choices of the endowments of each type of capital as well as their assumed ease of mobility across borders. However, the most useful aspect of the analogy with a specific-factors model terms of in is We argued above that in our benchmark model with Cobb-Douglas preferences and welfare analysis. technologies, welfare in South rises when moving from autarky The mapping between to free trade. our model and a perfectly competitive three-factors model has the implication that this welfare gain result continues to hold for general (well-behaved) preferences and technologies. Furthermore, when both North and South are large, North also gains from trade liberalization with South. Trade and Capital Mobility as Complements 3 As usual move we have studied scenarios in international trade theory, so far across countries, but factors of production cannot. In this section in we which goods can freely consider the implications Following the lead of Mundell (1957), we study the of allowing for physical capital mobility. interaction of capital mobility and trade integration by comparing the incentives for capital mobility with and without trade For simplicity, we develop our results within the log-linear model frictions. developed above, but the discussion more in section 2.6 should make it clear that our main results are general. Capital Mobility with Prohibitive Trade Frictions 3.1 Consider first the case with trade frictions. the numeraire sector 1 is mobility, the equilibrium costless, is but trade costs in sector 2 are prohibitive. then as described in section 2.3 above. good, South cannot specialize in its From equation to the autarkic one. In particular, consider a situation in which trade in With Without it is one free trade in just comparative advantage sector and the equilibrium (10), capital is then clear that in such a case we have 5 identical > 6 . In words, despite both countries sharing the same aggregate capital-labor ratio, the marginal product of capital If to is higher in North than in South. we then move their allow for physical capital mobility, uninformed capitalists in South have an incentive endowment net import of good in 1 of capital to North. South in exported from South to North. ^* to flow to is North cumbersome implicitly given an amount The counterpart The amount in order to ensure that 5 to compute, but using (5) of this flow of capital equal to the rental payments is a positive of the capital stock F^'^^ that needs of non-entrepreneurial capital converges up to the (unaffected) Northern rental 6 and imposing goods-market clearing, we find that it is by l-a (^{l-^,e^)rJ-{rJ + a{l-rJ))^y[l-^,9'-{l + a{l-v))^y~\e N 1. 1 The assumption \vO^ that rental payments are settled in sector 2 prices are equalized, reason - M^^ we for this is that in still 1 output is not important. In the case in which sector obtain that the rental rate for uninformed capital autarky both 5 and 5/p are increasing 17 in 0. is lower in South in autarky. The F^^^ /K Note that is necessarily increasing in 9^ and decreasing in 9^ Hence, . larger the tlie difference in financial contractibility, the larger the share of Southern capital that flows out to North. ^^ As a counterpart of this capital flow, South imports good 1 in an amount Mf = S^F^^^ This result bears some resemblance to those derived in the literature arguing that financial tions may fric- help explain the Lucas (1990) paradox (Gertler and Rogoff, 1990, Shleifer and Wolfenzon, Kraay 2002, Reinhart and Rogoff, 2004, To the extent that et al., 2005). capital-scarce countries why capital also are financially underdeveloped, our closed-economy equilibrium can help rationalize does not flow to those countries. Notice that we have restricted our analysis to the case involving mobility of uninformed capital. Because the return to informed capital varies across countries, there might be an incentive capital to move differentials, when the as well. Notice, however, that in order to arbitrage it is not sufficient for entrepreneurs to simply movement of capital is will for that capital return their physical capital abroad. accompanied by a movement of entrepreneurial governance or of the entrepreneur himself, ability, Only corporate the latter be able to capture some of the return In practice, the costs involved in the differential. move away informed movement outweigh the costs of pure physical capital mobility. that the effect of 6 on the return to informed capital may of these additional factors far Regardless, of these considerations, notice is ambiguous and hence (see Proposition 1), We the direction of capital flows under autarky are in general be ambiguous. briefly return to this issue in the conclusion. No Capital Mobility with 3.2 We next Trade Frictions both goods. Conceptually, analogous consider the case in which there is free trade in to considering a situation in which there is substantial heterogeneity in financial dependence across the set of goods that are traded in world markets. we derived above then indicates that 6^ > The 6^: aggregate-capital labor ratio, the return to capital move allow uninformed capitalists to their this is equilibrium without physical capital mobility even though both countries feature the same is endowment higher in South. then follows that It across borders, capital if we moves from North to South. Furthermore, because the allocation of capital to the constrained sector in South is bounded above by ^9^K, Northern capital flowing to South only increases the amount of capital employed in sector 2. Using equations equalization is now (5), (10), and (15), (19), the exact capital flow required to given by F^^5 _ K and again vanishes when 6^ -+ 9^ share a ^'if common South is ensure rental rate relative price . {v - 119^) [9^ - 9^) ' 0^(1-7?) Importantly, because the capital flow makes both countries p and a common rental rate (5, wages w and the shadow price A large enough, this (physical) capital flow has a non-negligible effect on the rental rate 5'^ in North. In such a case, the required capital flow F^^^ continues to be increasing in 6'^ /Q^ but (relative to South's capital). 18 it is quantitatively smaller are also equalized across countries. Hence, as in the classical Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell model, free good and factor mobility lead to factor price equalization. The main difference is that our model requires both types of mobility for equalization to take place. Our show results from the point of view of South, trade integration and capital inflows that, Only when trade are complements. capital inflow into South. is sufficiently free, This complementarity does allowing reinforced by the fact that the capital inflow is South further increases trade flows between North and South. into As argued first. before, the financial constraint in amount flowing to South can increase the of capital we can show In particular, that capital mobility increases consumption but reduces production of good production mobility lead to a for capital in South. 1 Consider South implies that Northern capital employed only capital inflow increases the marginal product of labor in sector 2, in sector 2. As a result, this which leads (by equation (5)) to a relocation of labor towards that sector. In sum, the Southern allocation of labor to sector lower than without capital flows and hence production of sector other hand, consumption in that sector Southern income rises towards the is I's output falls in South. On 1 is the proportional to income, and capital mobility ensures that level of Given these Northern income.^'' results, we conclude that capital mobility leads to an increase in trade flows between North and South. The complementarity between trade flows and capital mobility in our model is in sharp contrast with the substitutability present in the standard Heckscher-Ohlin model. As shown by Mundell (1957), in that model trade frictions generate incentives for capital to flow into the capital-scarce South, while a move toward free trade leads to factor price equalization and therefore eliminates the incentive for capital to move prices, trade integration induces a to move Even when trade does not across countries. fully equalize factor convergence of factor prices and reduces the incentive for capital across countries. Hence, in the Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell world, trade and capital mobility are substitutes. 3.3 Capital Mobility with Intermediate Trade Frictions The above results suggest that the real effects of allowing for capital mobility crucially depend, on the extent of trade integration. In with intermediate trade numeraire good 1 that a fraction r e 2, this is is frictions. In order to do of the good is 2 is subject to friction is in sector tariff Because by considering cases this insight we again maintain lost in transit. formally equivalent to North levying a have assumed that the trade we formalize so, but that good freely tradable, (0, 1) this section the assumption that the an iceberg transport cost such in equilibrium South exports good on Southern imports. Alternatively, we could This would lead to identical expressions, but the 1. trade friction would then have analogous effects to an import tariff levied by South (with the tariff revenue being wasted). In either case, we can think of reductions in r as reduction in transportation costs or as trade liberalizations. Given our assumption that South in ""The South fact that is Southern income is a small open economy, the trade friction amounts to South- rises follows increasing in the relative price p, from the fact that, in the and North features a higher 19 small-open-cconomy equilibrium, income relative price p'^ > p. ern producers facing relative prices equal to p — (1 not prohibitive and is and fall in between the free trade Because the trade and autarky friction r has a - Paut/v^ 1 as , continues to be the case that South it sector 2's output. Values of r between As long Q 35 the trade friction r) rather than p^.'^^ is a net exporter of represent levels of trade integration that levels. monotonic because the rental rate to uninformed capital on the effect relative price p faced by South, and increasing in this relative price p, is we obtain the following result: Proposition 4 There T < f we have 5 exists a < S level of trade frictions > f we have while for t , < migrates South when r unique f and North if > t > S r 6 6 (0, 1 Paut/P^) such that for Consequently, (physical) capital . < Furthermore, df/dO f. — 0. Proposition 4 summarizes the sense in which trade and capital mobility are complements in our model. The particular value for the threshold integration level but applying the implicit function theorem to namely that df/d9^ < amount 0. (15), In words, the lower we obtain financial is f cannot be derived in closed form, the last statement in the Proposition, development in South, the lower of trade integration needed to ensure that capital flows into mobility. The reason that the wage is is more depressed South when the is allowing for capital in regions with less developed financial markets. Finally it is worth mentioning that with positive trade frictions, it is no longer the case that trade integration and free physical capital mobility necessarily lead to factor price equalization. Even when the direction of capital flows is from North to South, the presence of trade frictions ensures that wages in South remain depressed. Trade and Financial Capital Flows as Complements 4 Up to now we have studied the interaction of financial frictions and trade integration in shaping the desired location of physical capital. there is an incentive We for physical capital to concluded that when trade frictions are significant, migrate from the financially underdeveloped South to the financially developed North, while the opposite distinct issue is that of capital ownership. this question requires to capital fiows, which 'If is in sector 1, A related but capital located in each region? Answering true owns the model the implications what we do the trade friction was Who is when trade is frictionless. of our earlier analysis for portfolio decisions in this section. and -^^ then Southern consumers would have to pay a price 1/ (1 — t) when importing 1 in North). The relative price of sector 2's output would the good (since Northern producers can obtain a price of again be p'^ ^^ (1 Since there — r). is no concept of risk and hence of diversification in our model, capital flows. 20 we focus only on net but not gross By modeling the net capital flows implications of our view, we are also able to connect with the "global imbalances" literature, which attempts to explain the large capital flows from South to North observed The main conclusion in recent years. that emerges from the analysis below is that protectionism, an increasingly likely political reaction in North, could exacerbate rather than alleviate these "imbalances" A 4.1 financial factors are important determinants of trade patterns. ^'^ if Dynamic Model Consider the following dynamic model which essentially integrates the single-good framework of Caballero, Farhi and Gourinchas (2007) with the trade model in the previous sections. the Time evolves continuously. Infinitesimal agents are born at a rate same rate; population mass is 4> per unit time and die at constant and equal to L. All agents are endowed with one unit of labor services which they supply inelastically to the market. ^^ Intertemporal preferences are such that agents save their all at the time of death assume that the income and consume only when they die given by is initial (1). Physical capital stock of capital is equal to is K tradable and Instantaneous utility (exit).^^ the only store of value. is We and we rule out any capital depreciation or accumulation. Entrepreneiu's are born as such, and at any given instant they constitute a share population. As in the static are not capitalizable (i.e., model, they naturally specialize in sector they cannot be used as store of value). 1. This of the Entrepreneurial rents is consistent with our formulation in Appendix A.I., where these rents stem from the inalienability of the of entrepreneurs. ^ human capital Note that the existence of entrepreneurial rents implies that entrepreneurs (on average) accumulate more savings than non-entrepreneurs over their life-span, and hence their share of wealth (that share by Jl^ is, At any point with /i( capital) in the = KIJK, where /<f economy is \x. no longer given by the parameter fi. Let us denote this the amount of capital owned by entrepreneurs at any instant t. determined exactly as in the static model developed above in time, factor prices are replacing is Nevertheless, in this dynamic model physical capital plays a dual role as a productive factor and also as a store of value. To the extent that claims on this store of value are allowed to be traded across borders, this dynamic model generates an alternative source of capital flows across countries. rental rate 5, The key price that determines the direction of these capital flows differs from the static marginal product of capital, of capital need not be one in equilibrium (since capital gains or losses. q^ not the but rather the interest rate r in each country before opening the capital account. This interest rate Let is We is fixed) 5, because the value of a unit and there could be expected capital turn next to the determination of interest rates. denote the value for a non-entrepreneur of holding one unit of capital in country j = N,S ^^See, e.g., The Economist (2006) for a discussion of some of the factors behind the protectionist view, E.g., and multiple Greenspan speeches on the connection between global imbalances and trade imbalances. http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/trade/2003-n-20-gspan-protectionism_x.htm ^""To simplify matters we do not distinguish between workers and capitalists in this section. Our previous results on w, S, and A can be interpreted as applying to the different components of an agent's income. ^^ Caballero, Farhi and Gourinchas (2006) show that the crucial features of the equilibrium described below survive to more general overlapping generation structures, such as that in Blanchard (1985) and Weil (1987). 21 any instant at agents spend buyers. The In equilibrium, qj t. their all income in is also the market price of a unit of capital, since (surviving) buying capital and non-entrepreneurs are always the marginal return on holding a unit of capital is then equal to the dividend price ratio 5^/gj plus the capital gain g^/g^: si , qi rHi + 5- (23) Let W/'* denote the savings accumulated by agents of type (uninformed capitalists) country j up to date in t. = i e (entrepreneurs) With a u savings: Vi^/-" = -4>W^''' + {l-f,)wiL + riWt''\ (24) Vi//-'^ = -(PW^'^ + fj,wiL + (25) — fj-l Xl0^fxlK + rjW^'^, Kf''^ /K.^^ closed capital account, capital stock at = i Savings decrease with withdrawals (deaths), and increase with labor income, entrepreneurial rents and the return on accumulated where remember that and it must be the case that aggregate savings equal the value of the times: all Wr + Wt' - qlK. Replacing (26) into and using the sum of (23), 4> where the left-hand side (wr + Wr) (24) and (25), = 5iK + wlL + measures country j's (26) we have that Xi9^-^iK ^ Y/ aggregate consumption at any instant and the t right-hand side measures aggregate income F/. Equations (23) through (26) describe the dynamic evolution of the economy, together with the expressions for factor prices derived above with steady state of this model. Notice that interest rate is g^ = /ij replacing jj,. We hereafter focus on exploring the immediately implies that the steady-state equilibrimn given by: Intuitively, equation (27) captures the fact that a larger share of capitalizable {6^ K/Y^) leads to a larger supply of financial assets relative to its income upper bound Equation for symmetric Cobb-Douglas assumption the interest rate in the economies (27) also implies that r^ < </> we and hence equations provide more details on the determination of necessarily settles at a value lower than r]/9^, As mentioned in footnote 8, jl^ in (2) that in /ij (24) (pa. This and is it an (25) necessarily lead to converging to a constant Jl^ > fi. /x-' financial constraints bind even in the given our constant-returns-to-scale assumptions, 22 H = not binding, Appendix A. 2, where we show that and hence return per unit of capital they hold. is price consider. a non-degenerate distribution of wealth in the economy with We economy demand, hence lowering the of these assets and increasing the implied interest rate. If the financial friction follows directly from the in the all entrepreneurs earn the same long-run. Intuitively, although entrepreneurs obtain a higher income period by period, the finite- horizon nature of our model implies that the distribution of wealth remains non-degenerate. also show Appendix A, 2. that in functions of jl^ a function of factor prices, which fi^ is remember These interactions between equihbrium factor prices and the tightness of the . financial constraint complicates things, but as illustrated below, the analysis remains tractable yields new We insights. equations first free trade. the case in which North and South are closed to international trade. (9), (10), and = ^<^: the autarky steady state share of capital in the hands of entrepreneurs. js'^^f is Appendix A. 2., that although the expression an increasing function of 9^ . The for trade frictions are large. This of value interest rate in is autarkic interest rate is South is jJ^^^O^ is necessarily thus an increasing function of 9^ which , integrates to global capital markets if it in when assets is that the share of output received by uninformed depressed by the financial friction which pushes uninformed capital toward the unconstrained sector and depresses its return. can contrast the autarky result with the polar opposite case where trade and (14), (15), show reflects the limited availability of assets to satisfy the local store demand. The reason there are few Plugging equations We the result highlighted by Caballero, Farhi and Gourinchas (2007). capital, the only capitalizable income, We compUcated, the term /i^^^j is implies that South experiences a capital outflow The low Plugging (12) into (27) yields: "dut where and next compute the equilibrium steady-state interest rate in our benchmark model with and without Consider We are themselves ripen is frictionless. (16) into (27) yields = <i><^-q ~1 m—T^ ai\ 1/a + (1 - Mipen^^) P^/" ^^^^ ' ^^ipeJ' where /x^e„ is the steady state share of capital in the hands of entrepreneurs under free trade. Although the equation defining A^e„ is necessarily increasing in decreasing in 9^ when trade The is . That is, 9-' . is again complicated, we show in Appendix A. 2. that This in turn implies that the steady state interest rate South experiences capital inflows if it earlier. By and thus earns a disproportionately large return. As a in the relative to its is tightly related to the specializing in the unconstrained sector, un- informed capital works with a disproportionate amount of labor is now integrates to global capital markets higher in South than in North is depressed wage mechanism we described income is free."^ result that the interest rate multipliers Jj-open^'' in economies with lower credit result, a larger share of capital form of capitalizable "uninformed capital income" and the supply of store of value, demand, ^''Note also that because is higher. wc showed above that that trade integration results in an increase in r{,^( was lower in the South than the Southern interest rate. 23 in the North, it must be the case An additional feature that emerges in the dynamic model endogenous changes jj-ipen is < is in the tightness of the credit constraint. f^iut (since trade lowers A ), that trade liberalization generates In Appendix A. 2., and hence the share of capital lower in the free trade equihbrium than under autarky. By in the allowing the we show that hands of entrepreneurs economy to specialize in the sector with less financial constraints, entrepreneurial rents are eroded and wealth inequality reduced in the long run. Naturally, this implies that, capital across sectors will not remain unaffected is contrary to our static model, the allocation of by a process of trade hberalization. To be precise, the static model in section 2 only captures the "impact effect" of trade opening on factor prices. As the economy gradually falls transitions to the and that in sector 2 increases. It model, these endogenous changes transition, new steady in Ji is straightforward to verify that, in our benchmark lead to a gradual tightening of credit constraints along the which generates further increases reversal of the initial increase in wages. We state, however, the fraction of capital in sector 1 in the real return to uninformed capital and a partial ^^ next turn to studying intermediate levels of openness, which corresponds to situations with varying degrees of international specialization. An 4.2 The Application: Protectionism Backfires The current "global imbalances" have rekindled protectionist proposals. these proposals South must direct logic behind that by raising trade barriers in North, the magnitude of trade surpluses in is We decline. argue in this section that if the current scenario is an equilibrium response to heterogenous degrees of financial development across the world, protectionism may exacerbate rather than reduce the imbalances. We which interest rate spread, rises behind our warning by showing that the pre-integration North-South illustrate the reason with trade is the main factor behind the direction of capital flows in our model, frictions. Let us extend the interest rate expression in (28) to cases of intermediate levels of trade frictions. As in section 3.3, fraction r e (0, 1) we consider situations in which sector I's output can be freely tradable, while a of sector 2's output melts in transit the relative price in South is p^ (1 — r) and the steady-state / a[P ,N ,s Notice that even for a ^ common when shipped ^^Real consumption much less clear-cut is in result, interest rate in each country becomes: ) a(p^(l-r))^/" ^ share of entrepreneurs also decreasing along the transition, than As a h/\l/a fi in neurial wealth in total wealth differs across countries (/i^ are across countries. both countries, the share of entrepre- ^ jl^). An increase in r impacts the and hence the welfare gains from trade the static model. See Chesnokova (2007) for a related point. 24 liberalization difference r^ - r^ through an indirect effects is work working through the steady state value of effect in the same < f we South when r , physical capital. if r > > It turns out, however, that both establish that, for a given p^, the difference r^ > r^ f we have r^ — r^ . — (0, 1 Vaut/P^) ^"^^^ ^f^o.^ for Consequently, financial capital flows f. analogous to Proposition is . unique level of trade frictions f G while for t < f and North This result fi^ Furthermore, our previous results allow us to conclude that: exists a r^ < r^ have we can direction and strictly increasing in r.^^ Proposition 5 There r a direct effect apparent in the formula for r^ above, as well as through 4, but it now applies to financial capital instead of '^° Suppose that the initial level of trade frictions is > tq r so that r^ > r^. Then financial integration leads to capital outflows from South to North, a situation that captures the current scenario between emerging Asia and the U.S. We now > integration for different values of trade friction t the larger is r, the larger is the gap r^ — r^ with larger current account surpluses . We in South. want to compare the impact of financial It is clear f. from the above discussion that next show that a larger r may also be associated ''^ Notice that financial integration does not affect factor prices and thus the value of production in South. Hence, impact changes on the current account follow one-to-one from impact changes consumption. In our dynamic model, consumption in any instant fraction (f) of agents die and consume their wealth. How is in simply given by (/iW/, since a does financial integration affect wealth in South? Note that before opening the capital account we have Right after opening up the capital account, the interest rate jumps from r^ to r^ and we have In sum, financial integration leads to a ^^It is clear from inspection of the formula Appendix A. 2., we show that fi^ is for fall in wealth in the South, to r^ that the direct effect of reduced consumption, and t on r^ decreasing in the relative price faced by South. A is negative. Furthermore, larger r then increases jl^ , in and hence further reduces r^ '"We can also show that r > to attract financial capital flows f, is where f is such that 5'^ = 5^ . In words, the required level of trade openess lower than that required to attract physical capital flows. Hence, a liberalizing country should first experience financial capital inflows and only later physical capital inflows. Formally, this follows from the fact that interest rates are proportional to 8^K/Y' Hence, at r = f, we have that r^ = r'^ but still 5^ < 6'^ since income is lower in South. . , we focus here on a comparison of the impact effect of financial integration for different values of However, the mechanism we describe does not depend on initial conditions beyond home bias (which we assume). Thus, our substantive conclusions carry over to a case where a partial reversal of trade liberalization takes places during a transition phase from an earlier financial liberalization. '''For simplicity, T. 25 to a current account surplus on impact. The fall in + An way alternative to interpret the result is wealth r-N \ is ^S that the ratio q' when South of a unit of capital in South, falls on impact given by = V' /K' , which measures the price financially integrates with North. This decline in the value of domestic capital yields a negative wealth effect that reduces consumption in South and generates a current account surplus. We can now compare the impact effect of financial integration for different values of r. Notice that straightforward differentiation yields: It is then apparent that dAW' K dr r" for r w f (35^ fr^ dr \r^ \ (i.e., r^ w \ ,s5(r^/r^)\ dr I r'), the capital loss in South worsens with a in protectionism. This in turn exacerbates the trade surplus recorded in integration.^^ That is, protectionism backfires (if the goal is rise South following financial to reduce North's trade deficits). In our derivations we have treated South as small relative to North, but The main that our substantive results do not depend on this assumption. it should be apparent significant difference is that, in the two-large region model, financial integration also reduces the interest rate in North, thus creating a positive wealth effect that induces North to increase consumption on impact and increase their trade deficit vis a vis South. An 4.3 The Application and Extension: High Saving Rate in Regions of South implication that regions in South that are net capital inflows may appear as counterf actual economies in the former region are at least as more open to trade are more prone to receive when comparing Asia and Latin America. The open as those in the latter, but they typically run current account surpluses that are significantly larger than those of Latin American economies. However, there is no contradiction once one also considers that Asian economies have much higher saving rates. Our dynamic model that South is respectively. split is flexible enough Because consumption '"Note that an increase already very significant. much space to fall accommodate such between high and low saving regions — in to capture this different propensity to is to in trade frictions The reason any instant consume may is is for situations. In particular, suppose example, Asia and Latin America, equal to a fraction 4> of wealth, a natural way to have reduce the trade surplus in the South when the initial trade friction does not have is that, in such case, 5^ is so depressed that W^ for this result as a result of financial integration. 26 If all countries in South have identical financial markets, endowments, technology, and instanta- neous utihty functions at the time of death, then it follows that before opening the capital account we have iS,Asia S.Asia Now 0'5'.'4s»a -g if sufficiently lower _ - ^^S,LA than (/>^, S,LA then it ^ <^„5,L/1 may well be the case that even Asia if is completely open to trade, we have that s:S,Asia ^ rW but ^S,Asia ^ ^N In words, although trade integration brings the marginal product of capital in Asia above that in North, the larger propensity to save in Asia makes them net exporters of financial capital in a world with financial integration. Similarly, even though limited trade integration might not increase the marginal product of capital in Latin America by much (and we might have 5^'^^ propensity to save of Latin America makes them net importers of financial capital account is open (i.e., r'^'-'"'^ > r^). More open to trade than low saving countries A 5 generally, high savings countries in < 5^), the lower when the South need to be more in order to experience net capital inflows.^'' Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell Extension Our benchmark model isolates the effects of cross-country on the structure of trade and capital cial frictions and cross-sectoral heterogeneity in finan- flows. In this section, we introduce Heckscher- Ohlin determinants of international trade into the analysis. The purpose of this extension On capital the one hand, of preferences we seek to explore the robustness of our results to and technology. On the other hand, we want to study more general how is twofold. specifications the standard results of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell model are modified by the presence of imperfect capital markets. For this reason, As we focus on the range in the previous sections, In Appendix A. 3, of parameter values for which the financial constraint binds. we begin by developing a highly parameterized we develop a model with general version of the model. functional forms, in the spirit of the classical treatments of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell model. 5.1 Environment The model is a simple extension of our benchmark static model. to differ in (primitive) factor intensity '''Our model offers and endow countries with an alternative explanation for We allow production technologies different relative endowments (that Latin America attracting larger net capital inflows than Asia despite being less open to trade. In particular, just as in the case of physical capital, the amount of trade integration needed to ensure net financial capital inflows into South is lower the lower is financial development in South. Hence, the observed patterns are also consistent with Latin America being less financially developed than Asia. 27 For simplicity, we continue to assume Cobb-Douglas different aggregate capital-labor ratios). is, we now preferences and technologies, but allow for a larger output elasticity of capital in sector Xi^Z {Kip iUy-"^ In words, intensity The we assume that there and i = 1, 2, with ai > a2. a positive cross-industry correlation between (primitive) capital frictions in financial contracting. This specification is consistent with available data.^^ closed-economy equilibrium of this two-sector model frictionless, acterize. is , For our purposes, it 1: — straightforward to char- economy would suffices to indicate at this point that the amount is allocate an Kr = qai + ^i^^-^K -77)02 of capital to sector Assumption ^ 1. For financial frictions to bind, we hence now require: aO < 1': 1^ (1 °',]'^ , — 77Qi-|-{l-77)02 Closed Economy Equilibrium 5.2 Under Assumption 1' the financial constraint binds and equalization of the value marginal product of labor imposes We combine this condition with goods market clearing {1-V)Z [iiOKr iLi)'-"' - PVZ ((1 - f^e) Kr- {L - Li)'-"= to obtain (1 -ai)77-l- (1 -a2)(l -?/) and As in our benchmark model, the case without financial frictions. large amount price is allocation of labor across sectors Combined with the of capital to sector 2, fact that the we again obtain that good is economy 2 is identical to that in the allocates an oversupplied and inefficiently its relative depressed. ^^The most widely used cross-industry measure of financial dependence is given by the share of capital expenditures not financed with cash flow from operations (see Rajan and Zingales, 1998). Manova (2007) reports a positive cross- and external finance dependance. Importantly, this correlation which actual capital intensities are more likely to be tightly related to output sectoral correlation of 0.14 between capital intensity is computed using U.S. data, for The fact that ai > elasticities of capital. 0:2 is however perfectly consistent with financially dependent sectors operating at relatively low capital intensities in financially underdeveloped countries. 28 The result that the allocation of labor across sectors is invariant to the level of financial frictions depends on our assumption of Cobb-Douglas preferences and technology. Nevertheless, Appendix A. 3, the result that the relative price p is as shown in increasing in 9 holds for arbitrary neoclassical production functions and homothetic preferences. An important difference between the present model and our benchmark one endowment factor that relative differences generate cross-country variation in the relative price p. In particular, a labor abundant, financially underdeveloped South features a relatively lower financial frictions but also because sector 2 countries are, ceteris paribus, We next is is p, not only because of labor intensive and autarky wages in labor abundant lower."'''' turn to describing the equilibrium factor prices of this closed economy equilibrium. The rewards to labor and uninformed capital are pinned down by the value of their marginal products in the unconstrained sector, which using (29) and (30) yields ^10 K Ql ^ = (1-"i)^(t^^) and Mg(l-r7) / ,i9 (31) a\ —1 K' '^^^^TT^^^Zl-f^-) [i-ii0)ri Ur'i. As effect in our on benchmark economy, both and 5 are increasing in financial development decreasing in 9. The intuition for these results is analogous to that financial development, but also in their relative factor and but the {l-ai)T]{l - ji9)K in our benchmark economy. Suppose now that the world consists of two economies. North and South, that of 9 9, 5 is disproportionate, in the sense that w _ is w (32) . also a larger capital-labor ratio K/ L. We differ not only in endowments. North features a larger value consider first the case of limited trade in which countries can only trade in the numeraire sector. Given limited trade, in which direction does physical capital flow? suggests that the larger level of 9 in North implies North. to 5 The Heckscher-Ohlin model < 6 that 5^ > 6 , and Our benchmark model capital flows from South to instead predicts that, in autarky, the lower K/L in South leads and capital flows from North to South. Since this extended model incorporates both effects, it is not surprising that the direction of As shown in Appendix A. 3, however, mapping between p and K/L may fail to hold whenever the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor is much smaller in the unconstrained sector than in the constrained sector. The condition we derive in the Appendix resembles that derived by Amano (1977) for the ''^This corresponds to the "price version" of the Heckschcr-Ohlin theorem. for general production functions in the two sectors, this positive case of the specific-factors model. 29 capital flows now ambiguous. To is where hats denote proportional differences. benchmark model. The second term we can illustrate this, The first log-differentiate equation (32) to obtain term reflects the effect identified in standard Heckscher-Ohlin relates to the effect, which is our at the core of Mundell's prediction that trade frictions foster capital inflows into the capital-scarce South. We summarize our result as follows: Proposition 6 Suppose 9^ > 6^ and K^ /L^ > K^/L^ Provided that differences in capital- . labor ratios are small relative to differences in financial contractibility, with limited trade, capital flows from South to North. Open Economy Equilibrium 5.3 Consider now the case in which South is small and thus faces exogenous relative prices p. We again focus on the case in which North shares the same preferences and technologies as South and 9 satisfies Assumption 1'. This ensures that South does not specialize completely in the unconstrained sector and allocates an amount iJ.9K of capital to sector As in our benchmark model, the allocation of labor across sectors by the condition equating the value of the marginal product is 1.'^'' now that, just as in the (33) does not provide a closed benchmark economy, Li is form solution for Li, labor-intensive sector, where financial frictions are lower. its p not only because of the larger capital-labor ratio Letting ip^ = is (33) . it is p, straightforward to see When South South specializes in the 9. Notice that North pins effect isolated in the down sectors: decreasing in p and increasing in opens up to trade with a North that pins down a higher relative price relative price two of labor in the (l-aOZ(^^ ^p{l-a,)Z[-j—^^ Although equation uniquely pinned down a higher benchmark model, but also because associated with a larger price of the labor-intensive good. Li/L, we can next write wages and the rental rate of uninformed capital as a function of this endogenous variable South specializes in sector 2 to the point at which financial constraints cease to bind. model behaves as the standard Heckscher-Ohlin model and, if K^ / L^ is large enough, factor price equalization attains. As we will see later, however, even in this case trade integration raises the Southern rental rate relative to the Northern one. This is in sharp contrast to the result obtained in the standard Heckscher-Ohlin If 9 is large enough, then In such a case, the (5 model. 30 Because w that both and 6 are increasing functions of p, regardless of differences in factor intensity and factor abundance. This implies that as in the Heckscher- tpi is decreasing in p, it follows Ohlin model, trade integration raises wages (in terms of the numeraire) in the capital-scarce South. Nevertheless, contrary to the standard model, the real return to uninformed capital also goes up Even more as a result of trade integration. surprisingly, using (33), (34) can be written as w _ {1 6 which decreasing in p, since is wages, it ip-^ is - a2) - {1 iJ.e) with trade opening, Southern wages increase A necessary implication of this result we have 5 >p> lu > 0, is that, terms of the numeraire, but decrease relative to in sector 2's prices, while the rental rate of capital goes (1965) hat algebra, K In words, although trade integration raises p. even more. raises the rental rate of capital w/6 (35), the ratio L' a2{l-'tpi) decreasing in and up in terms of both goods. Using Jones' where hats denote percentage changes. This contrasts with the ranking dictated by the Stolper-Samuelson theorem: w > p > > 6. In summary, we and rel- have derived the following anti-Stolper-Samuelson proposition: Proposition 7 (Anti-Stolper-Samuelson) Regardless of ative factor abundance, trade integration with a North reduces the wage-rental ratio in South. differences in factor intensity more financially developed and As capital abundant a result, the rental rate increases relative to the price of both sectors, while wages increase relative to the price of the import sector, but fall relative to the price of the export sector. The intuition for this result factor intensities, as p is analogous to that rises, sector 1 releases downwards to accommodate the decrease in the benchmark model. Regardless of labor but not capital to sector 2, so w/5 has relative to adjust in capital intensity. This result bears some resemblance to the result in a specific factors model in which capital is sector specific but labor can move As across sectors. is well understood, in that type of model, trade integration increases the real reward of the capital specific to that sector, while having an ambiguous effect on model, uninformed capital real wages. '^^ In our is not sector-specific, but the rents obtained by informed capital are sector-specific and this explains the similar predictions that emerge in both models.'^* 5.4 Direction of Capital Flows So we have focused on studying the far studying an increase in the relative price South, from which As a matter we p. Next we explore the relative factor prices in North and learn the (desired) direction of capital flows in the free trade equilibrium. of fact, in our log-linear model, higher under free trade. But this result For similar reasons, which corresponds to effects of trade integration in South, it is is we can show that the real wage, that is w/p^~^, is nececessarily functional-form specific. easy to verify that the real reward to informed capital goes liberalization or in terms of Jones' (1965) hat algebra, p > 31 > R. down as a result of trade This analysis amounts to characterizing the comparative statics with respect to 9 and that both North and South share the same relative price p and are identical Simple log-differentiation of equations Q1Q2 w ai i + ^' Q2 given in all other dimensions. (35) delivers: ^' 1-^1 --(i^ a2)ai "1 + «2 At = and (33), (34) K/ L, )^/^ '^+(r— \i-v^i 1-iJ.OJ 1 Ipl — \1 /i0/ — K/L '01 1 where remember that These equations tp\ is the share of labor allocated to sector illustrate that the country with the larger capital-labor ratio (North) features a relatively higher wage and lower rental rate of capital. This is the Heckscher-Ohlin model outside the factor-price equalization Furthermore, provided that V'l > 1. A'^'' consistent with the predictions of set. holds in both countries, the larger 6 in North contributes further to ensuring that the rental rate in South settles at a higher level than that in North: > S .In our benchmark model, this was the only effect at play. There, we had that ip-^—r] and > ii9 necessarily held in an economy where financial frictions bind. In our more general model, the condition -01 > M^ ni^-y f^il to hold if ai is sufhciently larger than a2-^^ 5 Tj Still, even when ensure that 5 > 5 t/jj . < How ^9, our analysis suggests that large enough differences in large need differences in K/L K/L always be? Om: exposition following Proposition 2 in section 2.5 suggested a simple (and in our view plausible) condition that ensures that 5^ namely that North operates sector 5.5 2's > 5^ technology at a higher capital-labor ratio than South does. Discussion In our benchmark model, we derived the result that the difference 6 - 6^ is negative with limited trade but positive with free trade. Our extended analysis with Heckscher-Ohlin features illustrates that neither of these two statements holds for arbitrary capital-labor differences across countries and sectors. Nevertheless, our model does show that if 5 — 5 is positive with limited trade, larger with free trade. In other words, the incentive for capital to flow towards the South enhanced by trade integration. Similarly, if with limited trade, and hence the incentives integration. In sum, in this extended model 5 — (5 is negative under free trade, for capital to outflow it it is it is is even always more negative from South are reduced by trade continues to be the case that trade and capital flows are complements rather than substitutes. The key conditions that ensure this result are that (i) South features a depressed relative price ''in particular, t^j > fj,0 fails if ai — 02 is large enough to make sector 1 operate at a higher capital-labor ratio than sector 2. Incidentally, notice that when qi — Q2 is small, Northern exports may well be less capital-intensive than Northern imports. For example, in our benchmark model with qi = 02 and no differences in K/L, North is necessarily a net importer of capital services. Hence, credit constraints may provide an explanation for the so-called LeontiefT paradox (see Wynne, 2005, for more on this). 32 p closed-economy equilibrium, and that in the uninformed capital South in is in the free trade equilibrium, the rental rate of (ii) increasing in the relative price p. We showed above that these two conditions are satisfied whenever preferences and technologies are Cobb-Douglas. In Appendix A. 3, we show that condition (ii) continues to be satisfied for general neoclassical production functions and homothetic preferences. This result in Proposition As 7. is related to the "full" generality of our anti-Stolper-Samuelson for condition (i), we show in Appendix A. 3. that it also generally is except for situations in which the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor satisfied, much smaller in capital in the unconstrained sector than abundance are large Given these results, in is the constrained sector and North-South differences relative to differences in financial development. we conclude that our model delivers a robust complementarity between trade flows and capital mobihty. Final 6 Remarks The main message dependence are complements paper of this is that significant determinants of when variation in financial development and financial comparative advantage, trade and capital flows become underdeveloped countries. This complementarity in financially is in sharp contrast to the substitutability that arises in the standard Heckscher-Ohlin-Mundell framework, important practical implications. For example, South policies aimed indicates that deepening trade liberalization in it raises its ability to attract foreign capital. and has At the global at reducing the so called "global imbalances" level, it may implies that protectionist backfire and exacerbate them. And while we do not analyze the normative aspects of liberalization processes, our framework hints that it is important for developing economies to liberalize trade before the capital account, if capital outflows are to be averted. Our complementarity of labor to sectors that underdeveloped country result follows is is from the fact that trade liberalization allows independent of local demand conditions. able to allocate a disproportionate amount As a result, and technologies are Cobb-Douglas, we in a world in which countries differ which South later is a financially of workers in sectors in which financial frictions are less severe, thereby increasing the marginal product of capital. initially derived this result for the case in an allocation a small open Although we economy and preferences demonstrated that the result is general. In particular, only in financial development and sectors differ only in financial dependence, trade integration necessarily reduces (and actually overturns) the gap between the real return to capital in North and South. Furthermore, even after introducing Heckscher-Ohlin determinants of trade, our complementarity result continues to hold under weak conditions. In order to keep our analysis focused, across borders. we only allowed physical and However our framework can accommodate mobility of informed capital. that in our benchmark model the shadow value of entrepreneurial capital A North, that is A > A . If we allow entrepreneurs (or their Northern entrepreneurs might want to migrate (or 33 human financial capital to flow is Remember larger in South than in capital) to move across borders. run projects) in South. In practice, however. the costs of informed capital mobility are likely to be capital mobility. Furthermore, Northern entrepreneurs much larger than those of mere physical will generally find it easier to borrow for domestically-run investments, than for projects performed in foreign countries with weak financial institutions. The fact that foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational firms country financial institutions attests to this for future fact. 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In capital this 1, where Appendix, assumption, which builds on limited commitment on the part of entrepreneurs, along the lines of Aoki, Benigno and Kiyotaki (2006). In particular, assume that the entrepreneur can always walk away from the project before production occurs (but after investment has taken place), and renege on human the capital of the entrepreneur is is inalienable) ip[K'' i.e., + B'^). and all that investors could recoup + 6ip (iv' development. Regardless of the value of carries out production; but of withholding his/her if B^). lenders have human We 6ip {K' + the 2, which is 5B' if setting 6 . way down new to 5ip (K'^ their pa.yoff The is + which primitive index of financial does not walk away and is B'). able to use the threat With full bargaining Foreseeing this ex-post at least as large as the return they could participation constraint of investors hence imposes = t^— > 1, -^^K\ \-p we have the exact same formulation associated with a larger collateral value of capital (larger We can also consider an (uninformed as our B') or B' < - By this saved collateral in sector 2, ip weak bargaining power, the entrepreneur all Suppose that 6 (0,1) of the installed capital, 93 capital services to renegotiate the terms of the loan. obtain in the unconstrained sector < a fraction can think oi renegotiation, investors only lend to entrepreneurs so. the entrepreneur refused efficiency dictates that the entrepreneur ip, power, the payoff to lenders can be pushed that 6B' is Suppose that investors were allowed to rent would yield them a payoff of If from investors, then revenue would be zero (human to put his/her skills to use after obtaining the funds capital debt obligations in doing all necessary for production to occur. as in our main text, with a larger 9 being 93). alternative formulation in which the collateral value of capital capitalists) are not completely unable to produce in sector 1. is zero, but lenders In particular, suppose that if entrepreneur walked away, uninformed capitalists could use the installed capital to produce a fraction sector I's output. The ip is i/j negatively related to the complexity of production in sector of 1. outside option of lenders in this case would be 1," and with now In this formulation, the full = max [^Z (A- + B^)" (L)^"" - wL] = a^Z P"^^'^^ ] ' " " [K' + B') , bargaining power on the part of entrepreneurs, the participation constraint for investors would be: .B^<a,z(iiz^)'""''"(A' + Br In terms of the notation used in the main formulation implies text, this 1= ^ ^ n 5-apZ[^l^^y Notice that the credit multiplier 9 as exogenous, firm behavior is is now a w (36) • function of factor prices, but because firms take these prices identical to that in the main 37 text. The main difference is that, in solving for the general equilibrium, one has to be careful implication of the analysis that is now acknowledging the dependence of 9{w,S) on in w and An 5. trade affects the tightness of the constraint. Despite these nuances, our main result on the complementarity between trade integration and net capital inflows in South is robust to this more general formulation. To see this, consider the equilibrium of a first small open economy, where remember that w = {i-a)z 5 = aZp'^"U{l-^9{w,S))p'/^ + fie{w,5)')-] Plugging these two expressions into we end up with a (36), + [(^(1- ij.e{w,s))p^^°' ij.e(w,6)^YJ (37) simple formula for 6 fairly in terms of (p and (38) 1/q " 1 This shows that, a given for formulation. Furthermore, increases when and decreasing result {S/p is Finally, index ip it this, is large p, ip it countries are also large 9 countries, just as in our previous a decreasing function of p, and hence the tightness of the financial constraint follows that overall increasing in pas well). we must have that We Because the rental p. is increasing in can similarly show that w/6 remains to show that the relative price p increases it suffices to show that the autarky of financial development (so that 9, this is relative price > p^ ip'^ in p is p, S in (37) which is increasing in p our complementarity is decreasing in = {p.9 (1 ^ — p, which is our anti- 77) / (1 (77 frictions are reduced. an increasing function of the primitive > implies p'^ — South when trade is equivalent to showing that 9 in (38) equilibrium autarky relative price p is p^). Because p increasing in is increasing in the p when evaluated at the This yields p.^)))°. /J.(l-7])+7?<p^/" fj,(l is 5 result. endogenous tightness which (?) trade liberalization increases the relative price in 9, Stolper-Samuelson To prove 6* p: - + r]) ' jirjp^l'^ indeed increasing in p. In sum, even accounting for the endogenous response of the credit constraint, trade integration allows South to trade at a higher relative price p and this necessarily increases the real return to capital. A. 2 Detciils on the Dynamic Model In this Appendix we provide further details on the determination of the steady-state share of capital in the hands of entrepreneurs. Notice first, from equations (24) and (25), that Wt'^ ^nd W^''^ converge to the following steady-state values: and ^.,e^ f^-^r (40) . , where remember that the steady-state (40), and using the fact that rlqj = interest rate Si in is given by H = ^S-'K/Y^. From equations (39) and steady state, we have the share of wealth (and capital) in the 38 hands of entrepreneurs given by is M=7- -^ V where we have dropped country superscripts and time subscripts — Notice that whenever A With A > the static model. share of wealth varies jl that 0, for simpHcity. the share of wealth in the hands of entrepreneurs converges to 0, Importantly, this share p.. depending on whether the economy Notice also that the fact that open is > n may fl inequality would imply A = and either < < or jl6 = fi9 > ij,9 Closed rj tj fi = /i is a function of factor suggest that Assumption n, thus contradicting the Assumption . Economy Equilibrium From equations (10) and prices, and thus it 1 is no longer we had first > jj.6 rj ensure sufficient to > jiO, then the first second inequality. Hence, we must have first of these cases applies. the steady-state equihbrium of an economy that is the autarky steady state share of capital in the hands of /i„,^j (12), if then suffices to ensure that the 1 Consider Denote by closed to international trade. entrepreneurs. just as in to international trade or not. that financial constraints bind in the steady state. Note however that fi,9 fi, the higher entrepreneurial income translates into a steady state entrepreneurial larger than is (41) , we have that in the autarky equilibrium, the ratio X/S is given by /i,„,^(l-7?) 6 where we have naturally replaced On /j. with we /i, ' /io„t. the other hand, from equation (27), the ratio r/(p (12) with /io„t replacing ^ ' is given by 6K/Y. Using equations (9), (10) and obtain: '-' ^ as stated in the main (43) text. Plugging (42) and (43) into (41) then yields: (;;|;%;j-i)-HBs^-i)c--) which implicitly defines but in order to interest rates), ji^^f as study the it a function of 9 and other parameter values. This expression suffices to study how A = jj,aut^ varies with We next show that is A is increasing in increasing in 9, it suffices rates, A as a function of 9. 9{l-A=^9. 1'^l^-;' right-hand-side cumbersome, 9. Multiplying both sides of (44) by 9 and rearranging we can implicitly define A is development 9 on the variables of interest (wages, rental effects of financial 9. to (45) \ Since the left-hand-side of (45) show that the left-hand-side 39 is decreasing in of (45) is 9, while the increasing in A. A few steps of algebra yield 5(A(1 K^-iS^^(^-^O) ff(A) 9A _A-Q+ (a,, ' 1)2 where 5 (A) = (1 - 2 (1 - - a(l Hence we need only show that 9 (A) g' since A = < fid of A, which is rj. But This proves that (A) in the = (I - a) for all A in the relevant range. = -2 (1 - Q + 7?)(1 a?] - > A) ^i)9 < - 2q(1 - rj) + a^{l - tj)^) . But note that 0, when evaluated at the highest possible value (1 - rj) (1 - 7] + ea - a + a{Ti - 611)) > 0. steady state of our model with endogenous tightness of the credit constraint, necessarily an increasing function of equilibrium, q)(1 from this follows (r]) - - Hence, we need only show that g (A) rj.*° g still > - a(l A + A^ + 77)) 9. FVom jl6 is inspection of the equilibrium values of the closed-economy we can immediately conclude that wages, the rental rate of uninformed capital and the interest rate are larger in a financially developed North than in a financially underdeveloped South. Hence, for large enough trade frictions as financial) to flow it continues to be the case that there is an incentive for capital away from South. Free Trade Equilibrium With determined by equations (27) and free trade, the equilibrium steady state value of r (41), of /iopg„. Using equations (14), (15) but the equilibrium values of factor prices are now and (16), we have A -l/a P" _ ^ <5 and Aopen^+(l-Aopen^)p'/" as stated in the (both physical as well main text. Plugging these two expressions into (41) yields 1 a0 u M<.pen«+(l-<"'op,=n»)r>'''', -1 "''" a0( iioper,'»+(l-("'„pcr,»)r'''° """We proved above that Assumption 1 is sufficient to ensure this. 40 -{p-""-^)e{l-^i) and fiopen ^^^ still difl'erent functions from which we have that A As in the closed = fj-open^ economy equihbrium, hand-side of the above equation is increasing in A must for p < to show that A increasing in is increasing in A. But note that this Hence, we again have that Aopen^ 1. This result ensures that, of uninformed capital is satisfy interest rate are decreasing in 9. to show that the A -f clearly true, since an increasing function of wages are increasing in the free trade equilibrium, and the 's is 9, it suffices — (1 left- A)p^/° 6. in d, while the rental rate Hence the direction of both types of capital flows are from North to South, just as in the model with "exogenous" credit constraints. Notice also that A = jJop^„9 is a decreasing function of p, which necessarily implies that /iopg„ < jj.aut- ^^ words, trade liberalization endogenously tightens the credit constraint in South, and hence trade integration not only shifts labor from sector A. 3 The Static 1 to sector 2, but also shifts capital (in the long-run). Model with General Functional Forms In this Appendix we extend the static model to general neoclassical production functions and general ho- mothetic preferences. identical In particular, we assume that each country allows a representative consumer with homothetic preferences, from which we can express demand 2 as a function k (p) of the relative price p. technologies to produce goods 1 and 2, We also per worker under each of these technologies by /i first (fc) in sector assume that both countries have access to the same and that these technologies feature constant returns uously diminishing marginal products and no factor intensity reversals. Letting k Let us demand in sector 1 relative to and /2 to scale, contin- = K/L, we denote output {k). consider the equilibrium of the closed economy. As in the main text, we assume that 9 low enough to ensure that the credit constraint binds and the amount of capital allocated to sector Ki = fj,9K . The equilibrium conditions of this economy 1 is is are: ,,,(1^1) . „„„-.../=(i^f) f'\^J) = '-^ ,!,A\^^\-,l,(\^^\iZlt<^ The first condition ensures goods-market equilibrium. in sector 1, while the last . „ The next two conditions two ones characterize optimal behavior solve for equilibrium prices and the allocation (46) in sector 2. characterize optimality Although it is impossible to of labor to each sector as a function of parameters, we can learn a great deal about the characteristics of the equilibrium by using Jones' (1965) hat algebra approach. 41 Log-differentiating the above system (46) / and + (5 A ^ J + 5 - (1 Q.) / 0-2 = p where hats denote percentage changes = 1 -01 ;? -/j6' (1 - - r V'l) 02^, (47) and the following in the variables, Q, M^ V - 02)^ + (1 few manipulations we obtain: after a definitions have been used: f'dk,)kjh{ki) d In ki K These correspond The system light output with respect to capital, sector to sector i's elasticity of between capital and labor, and the (47) elasticity of substitution in can be solved to obtain on the cross-country variation (p) p//t (p) w, p, in prices 5, A, as a function of 9 i/^i and k. is larger in and 2. We North or South. After some are particularly fairly cumbersome we obtain (010-2(1 -Q2) - (1 ' -aQgiao) ^+ ^ It is clear that, ("i'^^ (1 rTTi^^ZZr^ other things equal, the relative price p financial contractibility holds more generally. 9. This the effect ^:) larger in an + Vicria2) economy with a higher degree isolated by our benchmark model, and it is of now apparent that straightforward to show that, in the case symmetric productions functions, this It is immediately implies that p is is - ,^g, ^ _^ it of substitution 1 These expressions shed and the allocation of labor under autarky. interested in exploring whether the relative price p algebra and i's elasticity consumption between goods < 1 whenever financial constraints bind. The reason for this is that as 9 rises, equilibrium values converge continuously to the allocations of an economy where financial constraints do not bind, and in the latter Equation (48) also economy we must have p shed hght on the p. In the Cobb-Douglas case to be the case provided that we had a = effects of 1. a larger aggregate capital-labor ratios on the relative price positive link aia2 (1 — Q2) between p and K/L. In the general > (1 — (49) Qi) (7iQ2. In a frictionless economy, this condition would simply be Qi 42 case, this continues > Q2, which is our assumption in the main when text. Similarly, = aj sufficient to ensure that p p K/L. decreasing in is (which (Tj is is when Intuitively, KjL. When a2 sufficiently low, is however, it and labor are very complementary capital > qj our Cobb-Douglas case), the condition Q] satisfied in increasing in may be again is the case that an increase in sector 2, in the capital stock increases the allocation of labor to that sector almost proportionately (regardless of factor intensities), and thus expands production in sector 2 relative to production in sector clear, in however, that even when condition (49) South whenever cross-country differences We fails to be 1.'*^ It in 6 are larger relative to cross-country differences in can now move to an analysis of the small open economy. Our goal here technologies and preferences, the rental rate of uninformed capital is to is should be p continues to be lower satisfied, the relative price show K/L. that, for general an increasing function of p. We again use Jones' (1965) hat algebra approach, this time ignoring the goods-market condition and treating p as parametric. This amounts to solving for w, value of 5 ^ ^ 5, A, and and as a function of p, 6 •^j We k. focus here on the : ('j/'itTi -|-Qig2(l --^i)) (q1(72 (1 - V"!) + (1 - 02) (qi<72(1 -l/'i) +'!/'iCria2)(l V'lO-lQ2) Notice that the rental rate 5 - g^) ai (i/'i . is This confirms that necessarily increasing in p. In fact, the coefficient of capital. p is strictly larger - (QiO-2 (1 61^) that, provided that trade integration raises the relative price p in South, uninformed Qi ^ - it than one (1 -Q2) -01 it is ) I ^iC^l Q2) generally the case also raises the real (for 02 < reward to and thus J/p 1), uninformed capital increases also increasing in the relative price p. In words, the return to + in is terms of both sectors' output. As discussed in the main text, this rise in 5 (and 5/p) between trade flows and capital flows 5^ > S'^ in the the key feature that leads to complementarity is model. Whether the increase in 5 is large enough to lead to with free trade depends again on whether relative factor endowment diflFerences are large relative to factor intensity differences ensures 6^ > S'^ is and differences in flnancial contractibility. ^1 Or, more simply, As a matter of fact, the condition that completely analogous to that in the model with Cobb-Douglas functional forms, namely: all that we require ^^ is ^2, r 1 -W>o. that North operates sector 2's technology at a higher capital-labor ratio than South does. It is straightforward to show that this condition holds in the case of symmetric (neoclassical) production functions and no differences in K/L across countries. In such a case, the analog of equation (5) equating the value of the marginal product of labor across sectors is f,|!^U,F,('iUi^Vr„,, = ^s, where Fl{-) denotes the marginal product of labor and F^ preferences and symmetric production functions, constraint binds in North. From equation it (50), this (•) > 0. (50) As shown above, continues to be the case that p immediately implies that tpl < / (l 1 — for general homothetic as long as the financial iplj > fiQ^ / (l — IJ,6^), and thus 5^ > 6^ "Our condition is closely related to Amano's (1977) analysis of a proportional increase in the specific factors in the context of the specific-factors model. 43 endowment of both Finally, note too that in the case of symmetric technologies and equal aggregate capital-labor the last equation of the system in (47) immediately implies that only in their the 6''s, same system w^ < w^ and thus the sign of dw/d6 has to be the opposite of (47), one can also show that for the case of . This is ratios, because countries the- sign of dS/dO. symmetric technologies (i.e., differ Manipulating qi = 02 and c7j = all the statements in Proposition 2 hold for general symmetric production technologies and no relative factor 172) we endowment necessarily have that A > A (details available differences across countries. 44 upon request). This completes the proof that