Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/tractablequadratOOgaba 7 DEWEY HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series The Tractable "Quadratic" Class of Growth and Interest Rate Processes Xavier Gabaix Working Paper 06-1 June 12,2006 Room E52-251 50 Mennorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=907867 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGv JUN 2 u I LIBRARIES The Tractable "Quadratic" Class of Growth and Interest Rate Processes Xavier Gabaix MIT and NBER March 23, 2006 This version: June 12, 2006* Very Preliminary and Incomplete - Comments Welcome. First version: Abstract We propose a new class of growth and interest rate processes with appealing properties the paper-and-pencil theorist. tuities, It yields for simple closed-form solutions for stocks, bonds, and perpe- and can accommodate an arbitrary number of factors. Expressions are linear in the state premium and the stock's growth rate. Surprisingly, one can change the volatility of the process, or force the interest rate to be positive, without changing bond prices. The process generaUzes to discrete-time settings, and has a number of economic modeling applications. These include (i) macroeconomic situations with changing trend growth rates, (ii) asset pricing with time-varying risk premia or time-varying dividend growth rates, and (iii) yield curve analysis that allows flexibihty and transparency. (JEL: G12, G13) variables, such as the interest rate, the equity Keywords: Long term risk. Growth rate risk. Perpetuity, Modified Gordon growth model. Yield curve. Interest rate processes, Stochastic Discount Factor, Quadratic processes. *xgabaix@mit.edu. Oleg Rytchkov provided very good research assistance. For helpful conversations, thank John Cox, Barrel Duffie, Alex Edmans, Leonid Kogan, Jun Pan and seminar participants at MIT. thank the NSF for support. I I Introduction 1 new growth and interest rate process that has a number of attractive properties. Most notably, it is simple and tractable, allowing closed-form solutions for the prices of stocks, bonds and perpetuities. It is also flexible, can be applied to an arbitrary number of factors with a rich correlation structure, and generalizes well to discrete time. All of these features make it particularly This paper proposes a accessible to the paper-and-pencil theorist. Quadratic processes have the drift of an Ornstein-Ulenbenck processes, with a squared term added. This squared term does not change the drift much, so that quadratic processes are in effect an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. However, adding the quadratic terms greatly simplifies the expressions of expected values of stocks and bonds. The expressions are linear in the factors. We obtain closed forms for the price of stocks with a time-varying growth rate, and the price of fairly close to perpetuities. Such closed forms for perpetuities is not not available with the available processes, such Ornstein-Uhlenbeck / Vasicek (1977), Cox, IngersoU, Ross (1985), the Heath, Jarrow, Morton (1992), or models in the affine class (Duihe and Kan 1996). as those of Quadratic processes are meant to be a practical tool process is varying; likely to (ii) be useful in: macroeconomics, (i) asset pricing, for models the trend growth rate of dividends is for several topics in for where the equity premium varying; and (iii) is The quadratic fixed-income analysis. Also, the process be useful for thinking about other situations where the uncertainty e.g., in economics. GDP growth rate is timetime-varying, and models where models in which in may the discount factor matters, environmental economics. Several literatures motivate the need for a tool such as the quadratic process. Many recent and macroeconomics, e.g., Bansal and Yaron (2004), Barro (2006), Croce, Lettau and Ludivgson (2006), Gabaix and Laibson (2002), Hansen Heaton and Li (2005), Hansen and Scheinkman (2005), Julliard and Parker (2004), Parker (2001). The quadratic process offers a way to model long-term risk, while keeping a closed form for stock prices. In addition, there is debate about the existence and mechanism of the time-varying expected stock market returns, e.g., Campbell and Shiller (1988), Cochrane (2006), and many others. Because of the lack of closed forms, the literature relies on simulations and approximations. The quadratic process offers closed forms for stocks with time-varying equity premium, which is useful for thinking studies investigates the importance of long-term risk for asset pricing about those Finally, issues. we contribute flexible process. to the vast literature It is as flexible as on interest rate processes, the afline class of Duffle and Kan by presenting a new, which includes the (1996), Vasicek (1978) and the Cox, IngersoU, Ross (1985) process as special cases. Section 4.3 develops the between the quadratic class and the affine class. This paper stipulates a process for finding desirable properties for the pricing kernel, and in this follows a productive literature represented by, e.g., Campbell and Cochrane (1999), Cox, IngersoU, Ross (1985)., and particularly Menzly, Santos and Veronesi (2004) and Pastor and Veronesi (2005).^ The last two papers are the closest to this paper, as they contain several useful closed forms. link The core insight, that the quadratic new to the literature.'^ process (72) yields particularly tractable formulas, appears to be Those papers do provide an economic foundation (via external habit formation) for the postulated processes. The Fisher- Wright process (e.g., Karlin and Taylor 1982) does contain a quadratic term, but it has not been applied Section 2 presents the basic one-factor process. Section 3 applies the one-factor process to stocks. Section 4 presents the multifactor version of the quadratic process, which is useful for talking about processes with fast and slowly mean-reverting components, or interest rate processes with short and long rates. Section 5, which is more technical, studies the range of admissible initial conditions. Section 6 presents the discrete-time version of the process. Section 7 concludes. The 2 one-factor quadratic process and basic properties Definition 2.1 We fix a probability space (fi, T ^ P) and an information filtration !Ft satisfying the usual technical conand Shreve (1991)). We start from a simple Ornstein-Uhlenbeck ditions (see, for example, Karatzas process, but add a quadratic term: drt = -{P -a) {rt - a)dt+ {n - af dt + dMt, with a </?, for rt < f £ (a,/?) where rt is the short-term interest rate. — (/3 — a) {rt — a) dt is the standard term which leads to mean reversion to the long run value a, with a speed (3 — a. The second When Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. standard — (/? — a) (r — a) dt^ . term, rt {rt — a) , represents a small departure from a classical not too far from a, the drift is However, it is turns out that the correction little {rt changed from the — a) dt substantially improves the tractability of the process. We assume that the martingale {Mt,t > 0} has properties that ensure the interest rate remains below some upper bound r e {a,P), and thus does not explode. One example is dMt = o' {h) dzt where zt is a Brownian process and a {r) ^ k{r — r)'^, for r in a left neighborhood of f, k > 1/2 and A; > 0. Given the drift is negative around f, that will ensure that f is a natural boundary, and {Vf , rt < f} almost We surely.'' have the option to also set a lower bound r to the interest rate, by > adding an additional restriction on dMt. For instance, if one wishes to ensure rt r for some r < a, — o" {rt, t) dzt, with at ^ k' {r — r)'^ k' > 1/2 for r in a right neighborhood of 0, we could have dMt and k' > 0. The above , process can be rewritten: drt Appendix = {rt - a) {rt - + dMt. P) dt (1) A contains a formal statement and justification of these assumptions, and further purely technical assimiptions. Given these assumptions, and an initial value tq, the stochastic differential equation The (1) has a unique strong solution for following Theorem rt, defined for gives a basic result. Its proof is all in times t > 0. Appendix B. bonds or stocks. Also, it is more special than the quadratic class, because it imposes a specific functional form on the variance. Driessen, Maenhout and Vilkov (2005) apply the Fisher-Wright process to options. is less than 0.25% ''in many applications, it is plausible that \rt — q| < 5%, and thus the quadratic term (rj — a) to the pricing per year. "See Karlin and Taylor (1981, treatment. Lemma 15.6.3, Table 15.6.2), and the appendix of Ait-Sahalia (1996) for a concise Theorem The price 1 at time t = of a zero-coupon bond of maturity T, Zt (T) Et exp ( — rsds J^ is: Z.(T) §^e-^+^e-'^^. —a — a = p (2) p (2) is particularly simple, as it is linear in the current rate rt- Remarkably, the bond depend on the noise dMt and thus the volatility of the process. ^ The intuition is as for all t. Theorem 1 still follows. Consider the case where the process is deterministic, i.e., dMt = = A + Br, where A and B are constants that depend on T applies, and we rewrite Eq. 2 as: Z {T,r) but not on r. Suppose that at time t the interest rate is rt, and apply a shock to the interest rate at time t + dt so that rt+dt = ''"t+ut, where ut is a mean-zero random variable. After t + dt, the process remains deterministic, and evolves according to (1) with dMt = 0. Given an initial value rt + ut of Expression price does not the interest rate, the bond price at t + dt Z is + ut) = Z {T,rt) + (T, rt But, because Z is affine in r. Hence the value at i is £ [Z {T, rt + Ut)] = Z {T, rt). The expected value of the impact of uj is 0, because the bond price is linear in uj. A zero mean addition of volatility does not affect the bond price. The cnrx is = that, in the deterministic case {\ft,Mt of the interest rate: = A{T) + B Z{T,rt) {T)rt. By 0), the bond price is an afhne function contrast, intuition based on the expression t+T would suggest a convex function. exp (-/; „ds 'The independence of bond prices from volatility greatly simplifies the analysis. E, dMt could have jumps, which model a decision by the central bank. the volatility process to get the prices of bonds: only the drift part margin of flexibility to cahbrate volatility, for instance on is In particular, One does not need to specify necessary. This leaves a high interest rate derivatives, a topic we do not pursue here. Equally surprisingly, we can impose a lower bound without affecting bond prices, provided the lower bound less is than r< a. The intuition is process simply by setting the variance to be the new lower bound does not Existing models, such as We the following. below r. bond prices. Vasicek and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross, lutions for zero-coupon bonds. can make r a lower bound for the Since variance does not affect bond prices, affect are able to generate closed-form so- However, the quadratic process introduced by this paper can also generate closed-form solutions for perpetuities. Proposition 1 The price of a perpetuity is roo a+ .J, f3 - rt aP Proof. This follows directly from Eq. 2 roo V Zt / Jo Zt{T) dT _ 1 a a - rt (3) a/3 and -rtl P —a a 13 , rt- al P—aP a+Pap rt We now analyze the dynamics of the process in some further detail. If we start (T) = e~°''^ which is the value the bond would have if rt remained pinned at , 'Hence the process exhibits "unspanned volatility" in the sense of from rt = a, then a. However, rt is ColUn-Dufresne and Goldstein (2002). With a < (3, Eq.2 shows that Zt (T) ~ j^e~°''^ for T — oo. Hence a is the long run interest rate, a = — limr-.cxj Z' (T) /Z (T). Given the drift process (1), E [drt] > if r is below a, if r is above a. Hence, r is mean-reverting towards a. and E [drt] < P has two roles. First, it represents an upper bound to the interest rate: rt < f < p. Second, — P a is the speed of mean-reversion of the process. When /3 is high, the process mean-reverts faster. The process is defined only for rt <r < j3. If r^ > f, the process may explode in finite time. Indeed, when the process is deterministic (M = 0) and rj > f, then the process explodes in finite time, i.e., there is ii > t such that lims^fj r^ = oo. The assumption r^ < ^ is needed in the proof stochastic. > to ensure that the process is defined at times in Appendix A. we require the leading terms \t,t + T]. This guaranteed is if rj < /3, under the conditions of Finally, kr^ for a /c to be r^ in the definition the quadratic process, not (1) of 7^ 1. The empirical relevance of the quadratic term unclear. is It could be, for instance, that the quadratic term exists under the risk-neutral probability, though not in the physical probability. Also, and in many cases, for instance for options, assume Gaussian innovations rather than fat-tailed ones 2003, 2006). Quadratic processes allow for jmnps and fat-tailed innovations, as of course all processes are an approximation of reahty, the major counterfactual assumption (see Gabaix et al. the shape of the innovations (the The 2.2 of to dMt term) does not rest of this section considers Sum is more affect the prices. specialized topics in the one-factor quadratic process. two quadratic processes sum of two quadratic processes. This apphcation is premium and the dividend growth rate are time-varying. This section studies the when both the equity useful, for instance, Proposition 2 (Sum oj two independent quadratic processes) Consider two one-factor quadratic processes: drt dRt where n and N = -cp{rt - rt)dt + {rt -r^)'^ dt + dnt = -^ {Rt - R») dt + {Rt ~ R^f dt + dNt are martingales with uncorrelated innovations, d (n, t+T Et exp calling S„ + Rs)ds = + r^, Et exp and such 0, that (n. A'') is interest rate rt rt-r, S. first exp t+T r^ds + Rt, Pt = Et /q°° exp ( part S, is + 4> Rt-R. 5* + $ immediate using Ito's {n - (5. r,) {Rt - R,) + 0) (5. + (r^ + (4) Rs)ds\ dT (f) (5) lemma. The second part comes from the calculation -4>T e-(-+^-)^(l + (r,-r. 1^ ^^ + + ^) + <^ + $) J {2S, *) (5. of: P,= — R.ds R^, Pt Proof. The = t+T {rs and the price of a perpetuity with is, N)^ Then, a martingale. _ „-*T I l + {Rt- R.) $ -1 dT. Application to the pricing of stocks with a stochastic growth rate 3 This section applies the quadratic process to model the dividend growth rate of stocks. We start with a stochastic trend growth rate of dividends, continue with a stochastic equity premium, and finally analyze Time- varying dividends 3.1 The more complex examples. stock has a dividend Dt, which grows at a stochastic rate ^ = gtdt ct>{g,-gt)dt-{gt-g,fdt (dMt,dNt)/dt = = 9t > g>P dgt where P < 6 =c= 0, a, g* Nt is is a. gt: Mt martingale, and cgt is + dNt (6) + dMt (7) +b (8) (9) a martingale that ensures gt>g for some g > p. When the long-run growth rate of the stock. Innovations to dividends, dNt, can be correlated with innovations to the growth rate, dMtstrength of that correlation can vary with the level of the growth rate The discount factor is constant at R. The stock price =E Vt The gt- is: e-^'^'-'^Dsds t We start with the case b =c— 0, i.e., of no correlation between dividend level and growth rate. Proposition 3 (Modified Gordon growth model, with time-varying dividend growth there is no correlation between innovation the level of dividend and innovations to rate ({dMt,dNt) = 0), the price/dividend ratio of the stock V^./A where g^ {gt) from The is the long = ^ R- g* (l \ term growth of dividends, and + gt When is: ^^^^) R- + g^ — g* rate) their growth is (10) 4>J the deviation of the current growth rate the trend (g*). first term, R — g^, is the P/D ratio from the Gordon growth model, since 5, — is the long term growth rate of the dividend. The second term, gt g*, is the deviation of the current growth rate (gt) from the trend (5*). It increases the P/D ratio, by an duration factor 1/ (/? — g, + (p) that is decreasing in the discount rate R, and the speed of mean reversion (p. We now consider the case where {dMt, dNt) /dt = cgt + b. Proposition 4 (Modified Gordon growth model, with correlations between innovations and growth rate of dividends) The price/dividend ratio of the stock is: R - g* + + c + {gt - g*) {R-g,){R-g, + (l>)-cR-b' Vt/Dt The stock price is to the level (p (11) increasing in the correlation between the level of dividend and its trend growth rate. 3.2 Time- varying equity premium Consider the stochastic discount factor: = Qt The We price at time t exp ( -ri - -^ds - / Dsds of any asset yielding a dividend X^dB, / at time (12) s = Vt is: Et [J^ QsDsds] /Qt- seek to price a stock with dividend: Dt =^exp(gt- Assume that the risk premium, nt dnt where Nt is = = -(p XtO't, - {-Kt ^ds + / TV^ Dq. ) (13) follows a one-factor quadratic process: TT,) + (ttj - a martingale that ensures that the process that processes a^dBs / TT,)^ dt + dNt well-defined is and Bt are independent. Then, the price of a stock (tt^ < tF < tt* + 0)- Assume calling J^/^ the filtration is, associated with Nt, = Vo Eo Uo QtDtdt /Qo \2 * = Eo = Eo / Hg - exp r) i - / oo 2 , '^ / rt expUg-r)t- ' \2 Xi ft ds+ + a',, ds ^ = ^o / expl{g — r)t— so that, applying Proposition 1 to rt / Xsasdsjdt 1 r This TTf is is a equal to --- = —g + r + nt, we Vt/Dt + 7T» /. - = rrt + , /_ ^ ^2 {as-Xs) ^^U,|^N Jo Eq exp{{g / — r — Trt)t)dt get: - TT* + 7rt - g + TTt 1 g ias-Xs)dBs]dt r (14) ' Gordon growth formula, with time- varying risk-premium ttj. When its central value, tt*, we get the traditional formula, Vt/Dt — 1/ (r -|- the risk tt, — g). premium When ttj is different from tt,, we get an adjustment, equal to the effective rate of discounting, r + tt* — 5, ttj — tt, times the duration of that term, which plus the speed is of mean-reversion of the risk-premium. Time- varying equity premium and dividend growth rate 3.3 We now merge the two previous examples, to incorporate both a time- varying equity premium and a time-varying dividend growth rate. The stochastic discount factor and dividend are given as follows: where gt follows = exp {-rt- Dt = exp (/' gsds - -^ds + asdBs risk -^ds - / XsdBs / ) (15) Dq, the quadratic process dgt The rt ft )2 Qt premium, ttj = = -$ (gt - g*) dt - - g*f {gt + dNt. dt XtCti follows a one-factor quadratic process: d-Kf -(j) {iXt - TT*) dt + (TTt - TT,) dt + dnt nt, Nt are martingales satisfying the familiar quadratic conditions. Assume that the processes nt,Nt and Bt are independent. Then, the price of a stock, Vt = Eq [J^ QtDtdt] /Qq, is, by the where reasoning of the previous section. Vt = exp Et {r Define 5, = r -|- tt, V.ID. — = Formula 5*. ^ 1 _ + Tru- 9u) du 1 ds u=t L"'5=f (5) gives: ^i ""'^* 3t , 5* * +$ _ (TTt - {S. ttQ + (j>) {gt (5* - + + ^) + ^){S, + 4> + $) g,) (25. cj) (16) = 1/ (1 + tt, — g^). It is modified by the premium, and the growth rate of the stock. A stock with a currently high growth rate gt exhibits a higher price-dividend ratio, and this is amplified when the equity premium is low, as shown by the term (ttj — T^*){gt — 9*)In^the above process, ^("ffleaTFreverts, so the^rice/dividend ratio mean-reverts in (11). There is much recent literature on the predictabiUty of returns, in particular the predictabihty of the P/D ratio (Campbell and Shiller 1988; Cochrane 2006). The above setup may serve as a useful benchmark The central value is again the Gordon formula, Vt/Dt current level of the equity to evaluate the debate. ^Menzly, Santos and Veronesi (2004, Eq. 20) have a similar expression, even though the processes are quite different in their details. . Correlation between the dividend and the discount factor 3.4 We next study an example where the innovations to the dividend are correlated with the discount factor. We suppose: -—^ = gdt-V dNt We assume a quadratic process: with 7 is a fixed number, and Nt a martingale. dMt, and ' dDt \ -—-,drt) /dt , for two constants a and Proposition 5 The price E at time = J\ \e- f' -'^"D J L where A' and f >t + = = ^' X + e-^'(^-') "-^) - \ ji /J. — g — /x) D, (17) J a (18) {X-g)iix-g) + b (19) are the solution of e-lX + ii-g-a]( + Proposition 6 The price at time t iX-g){i.L-g) of a dividend claim yield ,-i:ruduj^ E Proof. By direct integration of A When gt the P/D 0. at every s > t is: + ii-g-a-rt Dt. {X-g)ifi-g) + b (17). quantitative illustration is at its long run value, g^, ratio also varies with the Eq. 10 gives the simple price dividend ratio 1/ {R — gt). However rate. To assess the quantitative importance of this effect, growth consider the following calibration using aimualized values: 2% and an equity premium of 6%; g^ typical values of long-run also take Ds +b= X , LJs=t of — is: X ^ AV 3.5 A) (r^ ^' satisfy X' i.e., s + 4^ — e-^'(-') — correlated with the interest rate. of a claim at date t [rt = an + b , may be Dividend growth b. , = drt </> = GDP 5%, which gives a Vt/Dt = = R= growth. This yields a central half-life of 1 R-g. + mean g.) P/D reversion of \ii2/4> 9t {R - 8%, which reflects a risk-free rate 3%, the long-run growth rate, which {R - = g, + 4>) 20-1- ratio of: = 1/ is proportional to {R — g,) = 14 years. This gives 200 {gt - a) 20. We dt+ With a — volatility ag^ deviation of 4, and the 2%, we get a{V/D) volatility of returns -.„(v./oo is, 200(7g = = g* at gt ^3^ = = 4. The P/D 10-. = ratio has an annual standard 20%. Application: Long term gro^vth risk 3.6 = Consider dCt/Ct such a model with gt, = Thus Ct+r/Ct = exp gsds). (J^ dT=j exp(-p5-(7-l)y ^^'^i-^] J we gt stochastic. The price of a stock in is: Vt/Ct If — gsdsUT. define: n = P+(7we obtain Vt/Ct = /q°° e^Jt '^"'^^ds, l)5i, the perpetuity price. We study the process in two representative cases. (Ttdzt, with A = + 75* < we have: For a quadratic process, drt = [rt — A) (rj — /z) (it+ /i /O A \ Therefore, the volatility of the P/E ratio is, /U at the central value rt = A: 0"r|r=A '^dlVi/Wt /^ We calibrate using which ratio of 1/A, dr = — i.e., (/J — A) (r — is 3, 14.3. A) dt a time scale of 1/ = 7 {jj, + — = 5 cr\dzt. X) 2%,/) Around = We A, = 1%, which yields A = 7%. We choose a central P/E the process behaves like a Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, select jj. = 15% and a speed of mean-reversion jj, — X = 8%, 12.5 years. We pick (Jr = 0.5%. This yields a standard deviation of growth rate of approximately: ar {2{fj, — X)) = (Tj./0.4. Taking 1.5% as the standard deviation of the growth rate, we have: ar (2 8%)~ ar = 0.4 1.5% = 0.6%. With a growth rate volatility of ag = 0.5%, we obtain interest rate volatihty = 15%, this yields a stock price volatility aw = y^ — 10%. of ar = "fCTg = 1.5%. Choosing ' fj. 4 The multifactor quadratic process Several factors are needed to capture the dynamics of bonds (Litterman and Scheinkman 1991) and stocks (Fama and French 1996). Accordingly, we study process. 10 the multifactor version of the quadratic ' . Definition and basic properties 4.1 A . M" has quadratic process X^ S = n = the form - AXt) + {n /3'(Xt-X.) + r, dXt {b dt r^) (Xt - X,) dt + dMt (20) (21) n X n matrix with positive eigenvalues {5i)-_-^ „. b,P, G ]R",X, = A~^b e lR",r* £ R. E[dMt] = 0, but its component dMu, dMjt can be correlated. As in the one-factor process, the volatility of dMt must go to zero in some limit regions for the process to be well-defined. We defer this more technical issue until later. with: yl is Mt 6 M" We a is a martingale, so calculate the price of a zero coupon, Zt (T) Theorem 2 (Price of a bond for a maturity T, given the state Xt, n— factor = Et exp ( — process) The price at time = e-^*^ + e-'-' V p-AT _ 1 {Xt J We use a function / (A) for a matrix. The notation is standard. = Yl fn^^, then / (A) = J2 InA'^. If A is in diagonal QDiag (/ (Ji) ..., , t j . of a zero coupon bond of is: Zt (T) pansion f (x) then / (A) = rgds J^ / (5„)) - X,) If / is form, (22) analytic and admits the ex- A = QDiag {5i, Some 4.2 perpetuity, -- -/3' {A + rJn)-' {Xt - X,) Pt = (23) exEimples Example 1. Example 2. and a = 5n) ^~^, fi-^. Proposition 7 (Price of a perpetuity for a n— factor process) The price of a L Zt (T) dT, is, with In, the identity matrix of dimension n: Pt ..., For n = 1, we obtain the expressions of the one- factor quadratic process. Dividend growth rate as a sum of mean-reverting processes (e.g., a slow fast process) The growth rate gt is gt = ff* + X] -^^^ dXit = -(piXudt - {gt - g*)Xitdt + dMu a steady state value g^, plus the sum of mean-reverting processes Xu- Each Ai, and also has the quadratic perturbation {gt — g^) X^dt. Xit mean- reverts with speed We apply the Theorem dividend T periods ahead 2, with P' = (1,...,1), A = Dia^ ((;/>i, ..., 0„). is: " Et [Dt^T] /Dt = e^-^ + e^'^ ^ 1=1 11 1-e-*--^ ^ X The expected value of a ' and, for the price-dividend ratio of a stock: = ^'/^^ Each component Xit perturbs the ^ R-9* baseline A 3. dLt cf>{Lt-rt) = . R — g^, (24) ] which + {rt-r,f [c^{r^-Lt) the short term rate. Lt The second equation — E ~{R- f\. 9*+9i) is 1/ {R — g*). the term 1/ The perturbation (i? — g* is Xit, + (^J. short rate and a long rate dr, Tt is + \ Gordon expression times the duration of Xi, discounted at rate Example f1 is dt + dM} + {rt-r^){Lt-r^)]dt + dM\2 the long term rate. Because of the expresses that Lt goes to a steady-state value — — first r,. equation, drawn to rj is The process is Lt- enriched by which make the process quadratic, hence making bond prices tractable. In practice, it is reasonable to expect \rt — r^\ and \Lt — r,| both less than 5%, so that the magnitude of the quadratic terms is less than 5%^ = 0.25% per year. the terms We and r,) (rj apply the Theorem with get, {rt r't = rt- r*, L't = 2, Lt r*) {Lt with - Xi'=(^'j,/3=(M,A=(^ Example ~ r, ^ ip 4. rt ip J '^'^ L ( I' (j) — ip \(j) (p — ip "^^'^ ''' + r. (r, r^ ^ "J' r,, (j) Pt r»), (j>) r, (r, + 4>) (r, having a time-varying trend -|- ip) In the post-Volcker era, interest rates tended to have predictable trends of increase or increase, which may be captvued by the following trend growth rate Sj of the interest rate: with first A, /U > 0, if = dst = and A expression. negative drt St -|- ^ > - r^f dt + dMu [-XfJ.{rt- r^,) - {X + iJ.)st]dt+ {rt-r^)stdt + dM2t stdt 0. + in Economically, Sj is mean-reverts for two reasons: the predicted trend in interest rates, as per the first, because of the interest rates are too high); second, because of the 12 — {X —X/j, {rt + ^) st — r,) term. term {st becomes We apply Theorem Z{T) = with Xi 2, = {n, 1 = + St (r, r, (r* Those examples show Comparison 4.3 (1, e-^'^ V Pt = /?' st), it is + + A — A (/i - r») / + ^) (rt + ;u) 0),A={^ ^ ^ A) We . ) ' fj.[fj. get: — \) A) (r. quite easy to get closed forms with easy to interpret processes. \vith existing processes Comparison with the The affine class afhne class (Duffie and Kan 1996; Duffie, Pan and Singleton 2000; Dufhe 2002) comprises processes of the type: dXt wtw[ with Tt before, = u+ 0' {Xt - X,). X, = A~^b, assumed Under mild technical with r, where situation is e R"^", {Ho,Hi) e M" x ]R">^",cr e E. We (T) = bond prices have the expression: exp {-r.T + T {T)' {Xt - X,) + a^a (T)) if Hi = 0. In that case, {T) = T exp {-r.T (T) = 7 + 7 (T)' (T), with {Xt 7 (T)' = P' [e'^'^ - X,) + a^a {T)) - l) M- The Then: (25) . express can be contrasted with the expression for the quadratic process (20): Z^^{T) = e-^'^{l+'r{TyiXt-X.)). If note, as a (T) and T (T) satisfy a typically compUcated ordinary differential equation. simpler Z^^ The A b,Xt e M", to exist. conditions, Z^^ = {b- AXt) dt + wtdzt = a^{H[Xt + Ho) 7 (T) Xt is small, the two expressions are the same, second order in in fact affine, a. and Hence, a quadratic process vice-versa. is up (26) 7 (T) Xt, and to terms of second order in a good approximation if the underlying process is In most cases, the two values are likely to be close, so that existing estimates of parameters in the affine class can be used to calibrate quadratic processes.^ Comparison with Heath, Jarrow and Morton forward rates are factors. In the Heath, Jarrow and In the quadratic process, bond prices are factors. The Morton model, HJM does not 'That equivalence gives a useful way to calculate easily functionals of quadratic processes, that can be expressed One first works with the affine process, setting volatility to 0, doing a first order = a + b{Xt — X,) + o{Xt — X,) -'r o\u ), Taylor expansion of terms in {Xt — X.). One gets an expression; P for some constant a, 6. Then, one knows that for the corresponding quadratic process, the value of the asset is; as a linear combination of bonds. P^^ =a + h{Xt-X.), exactly. 13 . yield essentially any closed forms, but has proven very useful to price options. Applications of the quadratic process to options are not investigated in this paper. 4.4 Additional remarks The following relation highlights Lemma why 1 Suppose that process yt G VT > C. Then, the quadratic process yields linear expressions. ' = -ffr^ds Et dLs As Lt = As a yt, We linear Ls ^ get = ^''^'^ - /dt = Cytdt + rtytdt, for some q ^ q matrix e^^ T ds yt+T e'^^yt. (27) ys ^-ffr,ds Et corollary, consider Lemma, price of we [dyt] 0, Et Proof. Call Ls Et satisfies M.'' + CysdS + rsysdS) ^_rsysdS m ^^'^yt. which would have a constant Dg that an asset yielding a dividend = r* (l price. We CLs can easily — P'A~^Xs) using the above see, at each date has a constant s, 1. close bond with the following Conjecture. If true, the quadratic term is the only way to obtain prices. Conjecture 1 Suppose that Xt is a Markov process E" such with values in that the interest rate is — p {Xt), and bond prices are affine in Xt, i.e., there are deterministic functions a (T) and r (T) with values in M and R" respectively, such that, for all X in the domain of definition, a function r \/T > 0,E exp — ( Jj p{Xs)ds] \ Xt — X = a(T) +r{T)'X. Then, Xt follows a quadratic process. 5 5.1 Conditions to keep the process well-defined The With one practical bottom factor, the process is line well-defined stays within r if it < with f f, < fx. For an n— factor process, the following algorithm gives the conditions for the initial state vector to yield a well-defined process. First, one diagonalizes the matrix A, root not necessarily ordered. Then, one The sets:^ process is The Q = Diag well-defined, i.e., ({n'l3)j /6j] if sets A = QAQt^, A= with Diag{5\, eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 5j This rescales the eigenvectors, so that in ...,5„), (Oij)^_j with the ^. fi-^ the initial value of Vi= L..n,^ is mm{5i,5j] Xt satisfies the Qjk {Xk - X^k) < the diagonal representation, r 14 n = 5' X inequalities: 1- (28) which we being in the "Root" region. call define = In matrix form, one defines Tij '"'"^^'' '' ( and the , j n the sense that the inequality holds for each of the If criterion FQ {Xt — is: X«) < (1, ..., 1), in coordinates. the initial value of Xt satisfies (28), and increments are continuous, then future all Xgyt also satisfy (28).^ The above conditions are simply sufficient, but one conjectures that they are actually optimal, domain in the of conditions requiring only Some examples For n = n linear inequalities. the condition 1, just is condition for the stock with time- varying growth rate With n factors, if the process Q = the identity matrix, is wV^2^j=l ' ^jj \~^^ (^Pj/5j), A= i.e., fj,, gt Diag < r, The (f>. equivalent with r — Y2Pi^i^ ^"_j """^" ^ -^Xj < {6i, ...,5n), and the condition is : Vi, ''hen 1, ^ i.e., ^ '^ ^ 1 max((5.,(5j) When n — Diag diagonal, is i.e. < rt — — g* > —(p- rt is: 1, with A = Diag (61,62) X I and r = J2i=i ^i^ii the root region Zi + X2 < and -iXi 1 + X2 < is: 1 62 In Example i? — with Pi gt, — —1. Therefore, the condition Vz = Example rate, so to speak), Diag T= ( {\/(j),(f>/'ip)Q,~^ ( -, I , . ^1^=1 -^it, , one applies the When > cp and the long ip we rate, (the short rate get moves 5' = faster {(f>,ifj), fl = than the long and the conditions become: —— < 1 and — —< ; ; \ and L cannot deviate from 1. ip (p Intuitively, r + max(0i,0j) 3 of section 4.2, with the short rate Q = )i J, g* is: ^^>-l. l...n,V ^-r' In = 2 of section 4.2 with a dividend growth rate gt = criterion to rt their central value, r, by a value order of magnitude the , speed of their mean-reversion. __ . 5.2 We The rest of this section justifies these claims. It skipped in a first reading. _ _ __ Notation and motivations consider a diagonal process, open subset of We may be rescale X cases, if we can rely i.e., on needed, so that P = A= Diag{5i, ...,(5„), with 6\ < 6, and so that r = ^ 6iXi. ... We this case after diagonalizing A. We < 5n, define reason and n > 1. In a dense = and 5n+i = 6n(5o first in the deterministic version of the process. One can show that another, strictly more stringent, sufficient condition, 1. 15 is Vi = l...n, X^"=i ^Si<Sj Qjk {^k — X.k) < . We use n tests vectors, F^^^ wr ..., r("\ with Vi = {x G M" = 1..., = l...n, F^') Vz e M". n, F'*^ X I We study regions of the type: < l| (29) We want to make sure that, if the process hits the boundary of to, noted duj, then it goes back inside To express this, call m{X) = E [dXt/dt Xt = X] = {r - A) X the drift of Xt at X. If X £ du, then call j the coordinate such that F'-^^ X = 1; then, we want to ensure F'^^ m[X) < 0. We w. \ calculate: f(^) to • = (X) f(^)' {r-A)X = = r-1we So, require, for all i > 1: ^ {Vj i, F^^') • X (aT^'A' < 1 and (1, ..., impose this condition only for i > 1, because 1)', which requires a special treatment. Call St = {X region The iOr to and if St^^ X l} F'^^ | following Lemma < < is 1, at an initial - T^'^'AX (S-AT^'A-X. X= l} =^ Xt < date St^ = 1, J2j AF^')) boundary in practice, a F'^^ - {S -^jt^ then for X then dSt/dt all i > < 0. of choice = to, S'f is F'^' = — 1). rj {St < 1. So, the automatically non-repelling. completes the reasoning, by providing a sufficient condition for the region be non-repelling. Lemma each e R" 1, X= F^^) We So, St cannot cross rV^'^'X = i 2 (Sufficient condition to get a non-repelling region) Suppose 2...n, there is a ai > and a non-negative vector ip^^' T'^^' = G M", with (1, ^ ..., 1)', ipj = and that for 1; Vi < 1; such that: ai5+{l- aiA) F^') = ^ i>fr^^\ (30) j Then, the process does not escape from region w. Proof. Indeed, then a, [5 5.3 - AF«) X = [ -F(^) + J2 ^f r(^) • X The Root region -.(i) wr defined by F^.J = 5i/s,j/5i, where i Aj = min(i,j). Because it involves the eigenvalues of A, we call it the "Root region". Heuristic arguments lead to the conjecture that the Root region is optimal, in the sense that it may be the largest non-repelling region that can be defined by the intersection of no more than n inequalities expressed as linear combinations of the We consider the region factors. 16 , Theorem 0Jr= is = 3 The Root region wp, defined by the boundary vectors Tj {x eW\yi= < l...n,r(^'-X 5i/^j/5i and l| non-repelling. Conditions on volatility 5.4 In dimension some for £: 0, or (r) o" ~ A; (f — In dimension n, the analog should be v^^' near the boundary. is wfH [X i^(')of =^ var \ that dMt) = (r'^'' X= Mi,T^^^ 0. It a > 1/2 or a = 1/2 and when r('''X( = 1, (while r)° with near the boundary. The simplest condition neighborhood Xt G = we require that var [dMt) 1, > is can be in a region — [// e, /x], k large enough. X € aJr), that, for each i = then var l...n, (r''^' there • dMt) an open is l], such that In other terms, the noise along the projection on becomes T^^' 0. A a simple way to ensure that the process we practice very small, Ke (X) = where, as always, 1 {A) We start from an well-defined is is the following. > For an e 0, in define the killing function equal to is A 1 if 1 I is max T^^ • X < 1 - ej (31) otherwise. true, or arbitrary continuous martingale process, dMt, and then define a new continuous martingale: dMt = K,{Xt)dMt. become In other terms, aU variances region wp- Otherwise, the process if is X is (32) within a sraaU neighborhood of the limit of the root not modified. This "killing" procedure might be the most convenient to use in practice. Condition with diagonalizable matrices 5.5 we diagonalize and define the new In the general case, given a diagonalizable matrix A, Diag {5i, ...,(5n)- We set Q = Diag ((J7'/3)j /5i)-Q.''^, it, A = nAn~\ with state vector to be: Yt A = = QXt- Then: = = 5'Yt As r(') rt • = 5'Yt, y < 1. 5' Diag{{n'(3)J5i)n-^Xt l3'n-n-^Xt = l3'Xt = = Diag{{a'f3)^)n-'^Xt rt. Yt satisfied the conditions of this section for the tests, As r(') • Yt = r'-'^'QXt = Ylj ^QjkXk, that does not depend on the prior ordering of the roots: Vi, condition announced in (28). 17 and the Root region is:Vi = l...,n, the condition can be re-expressed in a ^ '^ ^ QjkXk < 1, way which gives the The process 6 time in discrete This section studies the discrete-time version of the quadratic process, which many reasons. In applications, discrete-time technical issues by discrete-time examples. are clarified The key object the stochastic discoimt factor is Ds a stochastic dividend of maturity useful for several is The simpler than continuous time. is T S >t at date is: mt 6 The K!^. price at time Pt = E [mt+i...msDs]- The = Et [mt+i...mt+T] t of a claim yielding price of a zero coupon bond is: Zt (T) For instance, the gross short term interest from = time process, mt exp f — j^_.^ Vudu 1 to t -|- i 1 is (33) l/Et [mt+i\- In terms of the continuous . Discrete time, one factor 6.1 The most obvious generalization we propose is: Emt+\ quadratic of the process, in does not work. Instead, the tti^, generalization Etmt+i = a < a < 6. We assume that The expected value of m,t+i is with the other hand, 1 ^ mib (mt — if there is no -), so that, for the process -^ such that for is in a then m,t goes to the attractive root, 1/a. 1 p \mt a = p — a/h. Indeed, Et [mt+i] On — l/a However, its j +oimt a/feG(0, 1). (34) behaves like a autoregressive process lation coefficient p mt > 1/b}^ times, all neighborhood of 1/a, Et mt+i Hence (34) abrrit increasing in mt, so the process has a positively autocorrelation. noise, mt + \- m, = 1/a, and autocorrebond and perpetuity prices, AR(1), with central value functional form yields tractable shown by the following Proposition.^^ as Proposition 8 (Price of There are many ways series of a zero-coupon bond in the 1-factor, discrete time case) The price of a zero to ensure that mt remains above independent, positive random variables rj^, with E a lower [tjJ = 1, bound and m set; S [1/6, 1/a). mt+i = [^ + The j simplest one — ^^ m) rj ^ is to get + rn. As m > and rrtt+i > m. The reason to impose mt > 1/6 is that, if we had mt < 1/6 mt > me [1/6, 1/a), ^ + ^ — ^i^ some t, in the deterministic version of the process, there would be a time s > t such that m., < 0, which is not for allowed for a discount factor. "The 1/ (1 - correspondence with the one-factor process T/3) ,mt = rEt i.e., E [n+i - Tt] 1 - [rt+i = {n rrt. is the following; for a small t, a - /3) = 1/(1— Then, (34) reads; -rt] = - {E [mt+i] - mi) = -a){n-l3)T + (r), i.e., I \a E [dn] mt) { - - mt] J \o = 18 (n - —= J m.1 a) (n - /3) dt. (ri q) (n - 1 — TTi ra), 6 = coupon bond of maturity T is: = Zt (T) Summing over the maturities, Proposition 9 (Price of we —- — a'— + _j^u a-' iilf ~ ,-T''^t b-' "^ -ib — a get the price of a perpetuity. (35) . 12 The price of a perpetuity a perpetuity in the 1-factor, discrete time case) is: a + b — I — m7 „ ^-= (a-l)(6-l) The above discount factor can be enriched by a stochastic component, This section studies the case with a number of factors n a stochastic discount factor with eigenvalues in i?* (2«) as in Eq. 15. Discrete time, n factors 6.2 (i) .„. • - = + r, > 1 0, ( — 1,1); (iv) mj S R*^_; a vector /3 > € R"; and, A 1. quadratic process Xt £ M"; a state vector (ii) (iii) a matrix is given by: F £ E"^", a central value of the gross interest rate (v) with: Rtirit mt We assume that the process is = ^{l-p'Xt). well-defined for all ^'s. The conditions that ensure this are analo- gous to the continuous case, and will be specified in the next iteration of the paper. To get some intuition for the process, steady state value of roots, then Lemma vr > Xt is X is 0, we yt £ R'^satisfies Et [yt+i] is = Proof.__Call Lt- the left-hand _side._I/i = = = _E\yt+\\ = Pt — is In general, contractive, the if T has positive mt term. Et [mt+i...mt+Tyt+T+i] = Et {mt+i...mt+T-iCyt+T] Et [mt+i (1 + = C^ qxq matrix — mt C . Then, (37) =.Cytlmt, and Et {mt+i...mt+T-iEt+T [mt+TVt+T+i]] = CEt Alternatively, one can try a price process of the type Pi equation: 1//J,. Cyt/mt, for some 0, Et [mt+i...mt+T-i2/t+r] ' mt positively autocorrelated, with a small modulation introduced by the 3 Suppose that process Lt+i As T consider the steady-state. first so the steady-state value of = Pt+i)]- 19 A-\- = CLt- [mt+i...mt+T-iyt+T] B /mi, and solve for A, B that satisfy the functional Theorem 4 (Price of a zero-coupon bond in the multifactor, discrete time case) The price of a zero-coupon bond of maturity Zt (T) Proposition 10 (Price price of a perpetuity, Pt Proof. a + = r:^ - R-J-'p'T (/„ - = '}Zt'=i (38). b'Xt/mt, and solve for a 6 + Pt+i)]. with /„ the identity matrix of dimension n: is, r)-i (/„ - r^) ^. ^t (^)' ^''' ''^'''l-^ (38) mt of perpetuity in the multifactor, discrete time case) One simply sums Et[mt+iil 7 T Assume i?, > 1. ^n the identity matrix of dimension n: Alternatively, one can try a price process of the type: K and 6 The e R" that satisfy the functional equation: = Pt Pj = — m Conclusion Quadratic processes are very tractable, as they yield closed forms are linear in factors. They for perpetuities, are likely to be useful in several parts of economics, rates, or risk premia, are time-varying. and when prices that trend growth Hence quadratic processes might be a useful addition to the economists' toolbox. 20 . Appendix A. Regularity conditions for the one-factor process This appendix details conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the solutions. We recommend Katatzas and Shreve (1991 Chapter 5.5) and Revuz and Yor (1999, Chapter IX) for systematic treatments, and Ait-Sahalia (1996, Appendix) and Dufhe (2001, Appendix E) for pedagogical overviews. of V= (r, r) the domain of existence of r, and c an arbitrary point in V. We call fi (r) the and assume dMt = a (rj) dzf. We make the following assumptions. (i) The drift and diffusion functions are continuously differentiable in r in V, and a^ (r) > We call drift r, in D. The integral of m (r) = exp ( JJ^ 2/i {u) ja"^ (u) duj /a'^ (r) converges at both boundaries (iii) The integral of s (r) = exp (/J 2^ (u) /a^ (u) du) diverges at both boundaries of V. of V. (ii) (iv) for is ij, any e > If Lipschitz continuous, and there 0, /,q conditions . p {x)~ dx = +oo, and a function p {x) R-|- —> (x) - a (y)\ < p{\x - y\) is |cr are satisfied, then there (i)-(iv) R-j., : is a unique Ito process {rt,t solution of the stochastic differential equation (1) with initial condition ro is Markov. The key substantive point This condition is crucial, as if that the process is we started with ro > with p is /?, defined for (0) = 0, such that . > all i = > is a strong Moreover, {rt,t r. 0, 0} which > 0} and does not explode. the process would explode in finite time with would not be defined for all times. guarantee the existence and uniqueness of the solution up to the positive probability, so that the process Conditions variable The may intuition (i), (ii) and (iv) hit the boundaries. is Condition (iii) implies that the boundaries are actually not reached. as follows. Consider the correct boundary. Condition the process tends to return inside P, and also requires that Sufficient conditions to ensure (i)-(iv) differential equation (1) Conditions (iii) imphes tends to a'^ (r) (i) and (ii) fast p. (f) < enough 0, so that as r 1 f guarantee that the stochastic admits a unique strong solution. Those conditions are verified in the following (iii) guarantees that the end points V of are natural boundaries. assume p{f) < and limr^r p (r) > 0, so that close to the end points of V, the process tends to go back inside V. In the case p{r) — [r — a)[r — /3), with a < P, this corresponds to f G (q,/3) and r e [— oo, a). Conditions (ii) and (iii) are verified if the following conditions [C-V) hold. For r in a leftneighborhood of r, cr^ (r) ~ /c (f - ry, with (k > 1 and fc > 0) or (k = 1 and < fc < -2m (f)). If cases. Condition We > — oo, for r in a right neighborhood of r, a'^ (r) ^ k' {r — r)'^ with (k' > 1 and k' > 0) or (k' = 1 and < fc' < 2m (r)). If r = — oo, then r is a natural boundary if, for r in a neighborhood of — oo _(j^(r) ~ \r\_, w[th k> and P < 3, Those last conditions imply assumptions (ii), (iiij. For r = — oo, the situation is complex for condition (iv), as the standard conditions found in r , fc textbooks do not apply, p (r) is not Lipschitz continuous, as p' that a simple weakening of condition (iv) will allow the case r If r > — oo, the for a large above conditions (C-V) also imply enough constant K. 21 (iv), as = [r) is unbounded. We conjecture — oo. one can take p{x) = K max (x"'^, x'^ ' ,x Appendix B. Proofs Proof of Theorem 7.1 It is sufficient to Vt = Et exp ( — Jj 1 prove the statement for an r^ds) , for G t [0,T]. The -nVt + We seek a solution Vt = Wt condition Wt = arbitrage equation of Vt wirt,t) = A{t)rt imphes A (T) = and which in the case dMt = + = (r — a) (r in the functional fusion) is 0. The — form PDE is /3), we have {r, t) + Aw (r, t) + Ati; (r, t) = A (t) (41), the Ito second-order Q= B{t) (41) cr 1 . We call A the infinitessimal [rt) dzt is: ^/" (r) = = —w {w, (r — a) {r t) = — 0). Importantly, term (equal to ^—^d'^w/dr'^ —w {w, in the case of a dif- t) + B{t)] + A{t){r-a){r-p)+[A'{t)r + B'{t)] + B' it)] + r {-B [t) - (a + /3) A (t) + A' (t)] -r[A{t)r [aPA (i) Importantly, the r^ terms cancel out. This explains why adding a quadratic term to the standard Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process substantially improves tractability. The and only because d'^w/dr'^ = with: Q = —rw (r, t) + Aw (r, t) + if is; (40) becomes: —rw Given Ar and define (40) B (T) = Af (r) = {r-a)ir- P) f (r) + PDE T > fix E \dVt] /dt = 1 diffusion operator of the process, The We 0. with the functional form: Wt = The boiondary time equal to initial PDF Q = is satisfied for all r if: al3A{t) + B' {t) -^Bii)^- (q +-,0)-A(t)-+ -A^i)Differentiating the last equation, we = ^ get: -B'{t)-{a + p)A'{t) + A"{t) = which imphes, via a^A (t) + B' [t) = a/3 -0 Q 0: A (t) - (q + /3) A' (i) + A" (i) = 22 0, -(^)- , which satisfied is by a function e^* if = a and so that the roots are C equations for c and it is that - nWtdt] = 0, (a Wt = Eq = ^' - (^ - a) (^ /3) some constants c and C, A 1 and (42). We get: = (t) '- ^e"^'-^ P-a + —rtWt satisfies [dLt] = [Lt], i.e. + ' E[dWt]/dt To conclude the we have Et martingale, which implies, Lq + /3) e + (i) = ce"' + Ce^'. The A (T) = 0,5 (T) = = A (t) n + B the equal to the bond price. Et [dWt - if: Therefore, for ^. are given by Wt The above shows a/3 and only — we proof, P-a exp ( — Wt = 1, but not yet that Lj = exp — /q Tsds\ Wt- As and 0, define Et [exp (- /J r,ds) {dWt Wq = Eq j^ e ( - nWtdt) rgds Wt = j 0. Hence Lt is a En I.e. p — a exp p - a r.ds the statement of the Theorem. which is 7.2 Proof of Proposition 3 The Proposition is a direct re-expression of (3), applied to the process rt = R — gt which follows, = R - 5«: drt = -4>{t* - r) dt + {rt — r^)^ dt — dMt. also present an alternative, arguably more direct derivation. We look for a formula: Vt of the We with r^ type Vt = v {Dt,gt) = Dt{a + b {gt - g.)) which implies: dDt = E E\dVt]/dt /dt Dt = gt{a Expressing the above in terms of _ --Q - - is {gt — 5 -J-- ^(a-+ -(^j"^^)) = [1-Ra + g,a] + which satisfied if + hE \dgt] /dt Dt {gt and only - + [(^^ 5.) + b{gt- g,)) + b g*) rather than _ ^^y+ ^^] [(a + + bg,- [-Rb a gt, + -4>{gt the i (^- 60] + - g*) PDE is -gM+ {gt - g^f - {gt - g*) Dt — RVt b [(^ (gt [b - - + E [dVj] g») - {gt /dt = 0: -'g*f b] if: — Ra + 5,a = -Rb-^a + bg^-bcf) = 1 The term {gt — g*) cancels out, which justifies its 0. inclusion in the definition of the quadratic process. 23 . The last two equations give: = \/{R-g.) = a/{R-g^ + 4>), a b I.e. ''-'* ,^(i+ R- \ R- = v, g^ g* Proof of Proposition 5 7.3 This is Theorem a simple corollary of the initial time to 0, g = 0, Dq = and Girsanov's theorem. To simphfy notation, we normalize 1 Define: 1. ^ jj^ where IN]^ is the quadratic variation of A'' up eiv.-lN]./2 to time t. dM^ = dMt-d (Mt, Nt) = Define dMt - [an + h) dt then dn (r - {r'^ (r- drt Let Q Girsanov's theorem, 7.4 ^-J^'r^dujy dM^ - n') dt + dM^ is (43) dQ = -S^Tudu Nt-\N]J2 a martingale under Q, so = e^' '^"/•^dP: - S<3 Theorem 1, /(' Tu du applied to process (43) gives: Proof of Theorem 2 It is sufficient to consider to consider r* = bond A') {r id) denote the probability with Radon-Nikodym derivative V=E By - + dMt {X + IJ.-a)r + Xfi + b)dt + dM^ A) {r - 0, X« = by redefining of maturity T. The 6 = rj by redefining Xt to be Xt — X^ if needed. Also, it is enough to be Tt — r,. We consider the Z {Xt, T) the price of zero-coupon 0, arbitrage equation for Z\s: = -TtZ + E [dZt] /dt. guess the functional form Z {Xt,T) = 1 + 7' (T) Xt, for a function 7 (T) with values in IR" to be determined. With this functional form, E [dZt/dt] = 7' (T) {-AXt + nXt) - drZ {Xt, T), so that We 24 PDE the becomes: = -r,{\+^'{T)Xt)+i'{T){-AXt + rtXt)-^l{T)'Xt = -n-j'mAXt-j^yiTyXt. The rtXt terms we obtain: One cancel out, which justifies their inclusion in the quadratic process. Using = -/3'-y(T)A-^7(r)' = ^ jt^iT)' 7.5 We bond finally the earlier expression for the = e-^^ - 1 /3' A price. Proof of Proposition 7 integrate (22): Pt = / Zt{T)dT= Jo = e-'-'^dT+ Jo = ^+P' 7.6 boundary condition 7 gives: 7(T)' (f e-'--^/?' Jo e-('--+^)^ - e-^'^dx) J (Xt A (Xt-X,)dT - X.) + P'(^r^--)U^t-X.) = --P' r. \r^+A rtJA r. r^ [r^\ + A) Proof of Theorem 3 = We use the convention Jq We check the conditions of and Sn+i Lemma J 2. = ip- 5n- > We 0, = (3'Xt, -'y'(T)A-p'. integrates this matrix equation hke a scalar equation, using the which and = rj define qj and =l 25 = 1/(5,4. i ^^'^ (Xt-X.) (0) = 0, We next calculate each side of (30), evaluated at the k—th. coordinate. LHS,-1 = (a.5+(l-a,^)rW) ^i+i and, using J2j'^j = - 1 /^ + = fl - We obtain: i^) ^ - 1 Si J \ !> RHS,-i = E^fr^^-E^;' = J E^f (ri'^-i 3 3 ^J]<5,-(<5,+i-5,_i)l,<,(^-l SiSi If k > L RHSk -1 = = LHSk -l.llk<i, Sk RHSk-1 = yj—y]Sj{Sj+i-6j_,)l k<j<i \j:-i , "^ k+l<i<i 1 5i5i+i k+l<j<i \k+l<j<i 1 [(5j+i + 5^- 5k+i [((^i+i + 5i - (5fc) - 5k) 6k - 6i+i5i + Sk+iSk 5i5i+i 1 - 5k 1 5i+i5i {5i+i 5i5i+i LHSk So, 7.7 We we get V/c, i^iJ^t - 1 - 5k) {5k - 5i5i+i 1 = LHSk - 1, i.e., (30) holds. Proof of Proposition 8 have: Zt (T + 1) = Et [mt+i...mt+T+2] = Et [mt+i...mt+T+iEt+T+i ['mt+T+2]] 1 Ef. mt+i...mt+r+i I a a ZtiT + l) = {l + -] + 1 1 b abrnt-f-T+i Et [mt+i...Tnt+T+i] T-Et ab I + l)zdT)-^^Z,iT-l). 26 [mt+i...mt+T] 5i) - ^, which has roots l/a and 1/6. Hence, the solution is: ^^ = (^ + ^) ^ = Aa~^ + Bb~^ for some constants A and B. Using the values Zt (0) = 1, is of the type: Zt (T) and Zt (1) = Et [mt+i] = l/a + 1/6 — 1/ {abmt), we get the announced formula. The characteristic equation , Proof of Theorem 2 7.8 = Etlmt+i...mt+T] = Et[mt+i...mt+T-iK^{l-p'Xt+T)] = R~^Et \mt+i...mt+T-i] - K^P'Et lmt+i...mt+T-iXt+T] ZtiT) V Xt r \R*J as the previous Lemma, applied to Yt = Xf and mt C = F/i?,, gives Et [Tnt+i...mt+T-iXt+T] = (i^j'^^^-Thus, R'^Z (T) = R^-^Zt (T - - 1) R^^pT^— mt and so, summing from 1 to T, RlZt Appendix C. A (T) = 1 - R-^P' = y ^ r^^ mt 1 - R-^/3'r^JL^^, -T In mt admitting a closed form for per- class of processes petuities The following Proposition shows a way to generate processes that have closed form for perpetuities. However, typically that functional process does not yield a closed form for finite-maturity claims, unlike quadratic processes. Proposition 11 (Class of processes admitting a a process iptt <^''^d constants a and /3 such that dipt where dMt is = + {rtipt an adapted martingale, and is art is a solution of the perpetuity that make PDE: 1 — rtVt the process well-defined, then Vt Proof. Call Vt = (V't 1 - - = dt perpetuities) Suppose that there (44) /dt = 0. If dMt satisfies regularity conditions the price of a perpetuity, Vt = Et J^oOe-/>udu^5 + a) //3. rtVt + E [dVt] /dt=\- is + dMt, ^ + E [dVt] is (3) form for essentially arbitrary except for technical conditions. 'Then: V. closed rt'^^^j^ 27 +^ (r^^t + o^n - /3) = 0. Vt A first example is the, quadratic process: Tp{r) = r, a = — = (X + — rt) / (A/i), the formula 3 for perpetuities. A second example is d{l/rt) = <P{rt-r*)dt + dMt (A + /x),5 = Eq. —Xfi. 44 gives fi where dMt ensures tuities equal rt > 0, i.e., rt mean-reverts to a central value r*. This yields a price for perpe- to: F.= by applying Proposition 11 to ip interpretation. If rt remains at long run central value r* , = (r) its 1/r, ^)/(l + ^) (^ + a = ^,b = l + The formula (f)r* . (45) (45) current value, the perpetuity price would be admits the following l/r-f . If rt was at its the perpetuity price would be 1/r*. 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