Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with^ funding from Boston Library^Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/testinggametheorOOpalf ; working paper department of economics . R •• qq, TESTING GAME-THEORETIC MODELS OF FREE RIDING: NEW EVIDENCE ON PROBABILITY BIAS AND LEARNING Thomas R. Palfrey Howard Rosenthal No. 549 April 1990 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 TESTING GAME-THEORETIC MODELS OF FREE RIDING: NEW EVIDENCE ON PROBABILITY BIAS AND LEARNING Thomas R. Palfrey Howard Rosenthal No. 549 April 1990 / / Introduction I The rider problem free organizational bear activists transactions costs for benefit the with little risk affecting of Congressmen can avoid taking an unpopular election. (say, costs political processes. to congressional raising policing activities professors salaries) who of avoid of a large At committee onerous outcome the stand on other an of an issue congressmen are lesser powers can benefit from the mighty. the enough if , In international politics, willing to. Political Nonvoters can avoid bearing informational costs (free-riding) membership. and endemic is quite not teaching and grand so a level, assignments benefit from these activities because some colleagues agree to serve. All of these problems have in common the following features. group, all whose of members stand . both theory and experiments al,1983, 1984, about In this paper, be present particularly simple class a voluntary contribution threshold games Rapoport,1985, Lipnowski and Maital, 1988, generous the They have been studied extensively both theoretically and experimentally in most fields of social science. good problems: from They are all examples of public contributions of some subset of the group. good problems benefit to There is a 1989). a group In these games, w of N players "contribute" 1983, t^ as N) a (Van de Kragt et Palfrey and Rosenthal, benefit is produced if at least An individual obtains the their endowments. highest possible payoff (when w of public successful free rider- -the good is produced without the individual having contributed. Models of this kind of public goods problem that could eventually apply to natural settings should, information. certain we argue, incorporate some element of private Each individual will generally be incompletely informed about characteristics of other individuals. uncertainty as pertaining to endowments. own endowment, individual. values are we model is randomly private information to the and independently assigned according to a probability distribution that is common knowledge. formal model of decision-making, this How much an individual values his relative to the public good, Endowments Here subjects are assumed to In the be risk . neutral. The predicted outcomes under the assumption that players maximize expected earnings are provided by game theory. Game theory makes "rational expectations" predictions about behavior. In behavior reduces to a single binary decision our case, endowment or keep it. In order to make this decision, likely behavior of the other players. the assessment of is Players contribute. likelihood the given rational expectations setting, relevant the players other the these hypothesis: expectations will about the optimization player's each expectations probabilistic their given of each player assesses An equilibrium of the game imposes the behavior of the other players. following each that optimize then In our contribute the -- generates probability the distribution over behavior that everyone had been anticipating. This is called a Bavesian Nash Equilibrium of the game of incomplete information. Corresponding to any equilibrium, there will be a dual prediction about (1) probability the distribution over and outcomes, the (2) decision rules adopted by the players This presents paper experiments and compares number these in laboratory of experiments with the We report three major findings. the equilibrium predictions from game theory are very accurate, First, at least at an aggregate On a qualitative level, level. as we vary the the observed outcomes always move in the direction the theory treatments, would predict. provision theory. large a behavior the predictions of the theory. good from findings On a quantitative almost Furthermore, exactly level, mirrors the the efficiency of actual public numerical predictions of the the level of voluntary contribution is usually very close to the predicted level of contribution. Moreover, once subjects gain familiarity with patently the irrational rules of behavior observe game, we do (violation of dominated the not the kind of strategies) often observed in other public goods experiments. Second, to predictions, the extent that we observe variations from the theoretical there is a relatively simple model with is very successful in accounting for the error. Specifically, for some treatments we overcontribution, while for others we observe undercontribution. most part, these deviations are consistent with subjects observe For the behaving but optimally, approximately others that other that players are more In other words individuals underestimate the "civic-minded" than they are. probability assuming free We ride. compare explanation of the this variations from the theory to a variety of other possibilities, based on incomplete experimental control over utility functions. These alternative explanations fare poorly in comparison to the probability bias model. Third, we find little evidence that individuals update their inaccurate inclinations to free ride. beliefs about the other subjects' While we are unable to cleanly reject the hypothesis that individuals are learning about other individuals' behavior, learning hypothesis rigidity find the paucity of the Nevertheless, surprising. beliefs, of we data still are in support spite remarkably of such for a apparent the supportive of the equilibrium predictions from noncooperative game theory. While we thus want to emphasize that we found mostly small deviations the deviations do require further explanations. from the theory, to pursue two alternatives within the basic framework We chose of our decision-making model. One possibility is that the observations may have been measured badly, which in our case means that some variables we thought we were controlling perfectly in the laboratory setting were in not fact perfectly controlled. The most obvious possibility would be that the players were not risk neutral with respect to the dollar payoffs, but had a non linear utility function over the outcomes, that might even depend upon the payoffs to the other subjects. 2 A second possibility be wrong. expected is that the rational expectations hypothesis might This would not necessarily mean that players utility, but that their subjective did not maximize assessments of players' behavior was inaccurate or even systematically biased. one particular hypothesis about a systematic bias in players' the We propose expectations about the behavior of the other players: H: other Individuals overestimate the probability that others contribute. Equivalently individuals underestimate the probability that others do , not contribute. individuals underestimate the probability In looser terms, that others will be tempted to either free ride or to avoid the potential Here the hypothesis has been stated verbally. loss of their endowment. A precise specification of the hypothesis that will allow us to investigate its validity with our experimental data is provided later. H leads directly to predictions about how behavior will systematically deviate from the predictions of (risk-neutral) if only game theory. For example, of N individuals need contribute to produce the public benefit, 1 overestimation will lead to a reduced level of contribution. that, in any 1 of N game, The reason is raising the probability others contribute raises the expected utility of not contributing but leaves the expected utility of contributing unchanged. There The reversed in the N of N game. reasoning is overestimation increases expected utility the contributing but of leaves the expected utility of not-contributing unchanged. in some overestimation games, predicted is More generally, individual increase to contribution; inother games, the prediction is reversed. We specifically chose experimental parameter values- -in terms of w, and the distribution of endowments relative value the to of the N, public benefit- -that lead to a prediction of increased contribution and those that In section 3, we show that lead to a prediction of decreased contribution. the predictions developed from overestimation of probabilities replicated by non-linear utility models by models or of cannot be cooperative or altruistic behavior. We were in fact overestimation rather led to develop than non- linear hypothesis the utility on the probability of basis of a set of experiments conducted at the California Institute of Technology in 1987-88 and Carnegie-Mellon University reasonably contribution successful games in (without in early accounting While 1989. for communication) the , outcomes there were theory game voluntary of systematic some departures from the predicted equilibrium rates of contribution. on the experimental parameters, we found that sometimes was Depending there was significantly higher contribution rates than predicted and sometimes there was significantly less than predicted. After developing H, we designed several experiments "critical" We original experiments. In conducted too in others, predicted; at the relative game to theory, was The results of these new experiments, little. California the than replicated the original parameter values. also overcontribution, new experiments, some with different parameter values Institute Technology of in the summer of 1989, also strongly support H. most adaptive expectations models or Bayesian learning models Finally, would predict that if an experiment environment with expectations about in other light of their information from in Forsythe, This has the experimental literature and Plott Palfrey, implications the for data, [1982], (e.g. Camerer as well. For in contrast to the non- linear utility explanations for deviations example, from in update will In fact there is a great deal of substantial favor of this elsewhere [1988]). subjects behavior players' McKelvey and Palfrey [1989], and Weigelt then groupings, random early play in the experiment. evidence conducted repeatedly in a stationary is our predictions, adaptive behavior, probability the bias together hypothesis, predicts that behavior will be closer to the equilibrium predictions as the number of replications increases. some evidence supporting this, but it is very weak. with Bayesian We find Overall, there appears to be a great deal of persistence to the biased beliefs. In Section II Section some III we of outline alternatives Section IV, experiments. we the to paper, the present model the model the develop we the game -theoretic model. of overestimation of risk experimental neutral design of probabilities selfish and Concluding remarks appear in Section V. the behavior. results of In and In the . II . The Equilibrium Model of Voluntary Contribution A group project requires A group consists of N persons. units of input. least w at Each group member is endowed with one indivisible unit of input, which may be either "consumed" by the individual or "contributed" to The voluntary contributions game consists of a single the group project. simultaneous move which in individual's each choice set pair the is {contribute, not contribute). The project succeeds if and only if at least w units are contributed. The value of the project to any individual is normalized to equal The 1. private value of the endowed unit of input to an individual is denoted c . i Each person knows his or her own c but only knows that the other players' c's are independent random draws from some common probability distribution with CDF F('). Assume F is continuous and strictly increasing on c>0, with F(0) = and F(c) = The payoff for player 1. with endowment (cost) i [0,c], is given by: c 1+c if i does not contribute and at least w others contribute c if i does not contribute and fewer than w others contribute 1 if i contributes and at least w-1 others contribute if i contributes and fewer than w-1 others contribute 3 No side payments are permitted. Individual for rationality 4 contribution. (complete Thus, information) equilibrium is and makes if than to 1 costs all fewer everyone for < c w not a necessary condition public information were players had c contribute. < 1, the Indeed, only total non-contribution is always an equilibrium unless w=l If l^w players had c< be of 1 in a game of complete information, there would pure strategy equilibria where exactly individuals contribute. these, where the w lowest cost "efficient" equilibrium. individuals contribute, (If side payments were permitted, would be One the it would always efficient be There be also are w the for lowest multitude a individuals cost of contribute to equilibria where some or if all wc<N.) of the players used mixed strategies (Palfrey and Rosenthal [1984]). Because communication among the players is ruled out in our environment, there is no direct way in which players can coordinate or correlate their arrive strategies or efficient outcome. players- -that outcome an at Moreover, similar asymmetries the since complete the to between their different endowments- -remain private is, information the information, asymmetries cannot be used, even tacitly, as a coordinating mechanism. It is natural then to assume that all individuals will use an identical when rule make they simultaneously. shown As contribution their Palfrey in decisions and Rosenthal independently [1988], a and symmetric Bayesian equilibrium to this game always has a particularly simple form. For any beliefs contribute, rule . that player there Therefore, symmetric a has unique best a is i threshold cost level, call it c , one equilibrium value of c guarantee existence of , decisions strategy which is a cutpoint response simply is characterized by such that contribution is optimal if c > c to c a < Vhile there may be more than . the mild regularity conditions imposed on F(') least at other players' the equilibrium and noncontribution is optimal if c about one such value. The equilibrium cutpoints is the set of all solutions (in c set ) of all such to the following equation: * c - 'V^h*r^ 1-F(c*) N-w Prob(k-=w-l) (1) where k is the number of contributors other than i. The interpretation of equation (1) is that a person with a private value of c to be faces an opportunity cost of contributing equal to c an equilibrium, opportunity costs it must sufficiently given others are using the greater than c c In order for c be that everyone with a cost below c low so as to be has better off contributing, decision rule and everyone with private costs have too high an opportunity cost. with a cost of exactly contributing. c . Therefore, individuals must be indifferent between contributing and not Since the value of the group benefit was normalized to one. that implies indifference contribution of cost the must equal the probability of being pivotal to the success of the group project. probability is Prob(k-=w-l) poses potential problem a possibility of multiple The . in evaluating data the However, for the experiments that we conduct, This solutions from to (1) experiments. the it turns out that there is a natural concept of stability of equilibrium that nearly always generates a unique equilibrium prediction with our range of parameters. We say that a Bayesian equilibrium is Expectationally Stable if the following tatonnement process converges to the equilibrium c*. Let c_ be cutpoint in the open interval initial some everyone started out using c^ as their cutpoint rule. players will observe a frequency of contribution on average, Then, F(Cp,) q^"= Suppose (0,c). Next suppose . that this results in each of the players having expectations q about the likelihood that a randomly selected opponent will contribute. One imagine this, for example as the outcome of a learning process after many repetitions with opponents using c_. Then the best response under these expectations (q^) is to use a cutpoint c^= G(Cq)= We exists an (c„-G(c ) .w-lT „, Jn-w' F(Cq) I-F(Cq) w-1 an Expectationally Stable Equilibrium is open set > (c^-c*) C 0. E a Bayesian Nash C (c*) [0,c such ] for that, all c^ there if (ESE) - G C E (c*) , define c* as being a Globally Expectationally We Stable Equilibrium (GESE) Thus, satisfying: c. fN-ll („, that c* say could if it is an ESE relative to the open set (0,c). equilibrium to our game is GESE if the adjustment process moves in the direction of the equilibrium from any initial cutpoint that is above or below the maximum possible cost, c. In the experiments we report on here F is always uniformly distributed between and exception, there and c < c there so is always is In that case both c an unstable equilibrium between and point of the adjustment process G(c c^> c . When w=N and c>l, c * =0 and with one - c c. For c^ < c while =Oisa ESE, = c are ESE and there is also and * ) one The exception occurs when w=N always a unique GESE. * 1. least at c = c * o , is unique GESE. c = the is the limit limit point if In all other cases with w > one with c - there are exactly two Bayesian equilibria, 1, the other with c and * * It is easily shown that c > 0. If w - other equilibrium is a GESE. 1 - is unstable but the then there is a unique globally stable Bayesian equilibrium. parameters, which also are There c, w and N. particular a some equilibria asymmetric subset (say player contribute regardless of their cost (i.e. c numbers < 1 . occur 1 through w) - c) . always This is possible as We do not consider these (or other) asymmetries. for nearly all of our experimental parameters we will have a * stable symmetric Bayesian equilibrium, c that provides a strong , prediction about individual behavior: PI. some - c for these players) and the Therefore, unique for — other members of the group never contribute (c c may An example of such an equilibrium would be one in * long as which Given c (N,w,c), predict 1 contributes if and only if c <c . Ill Explaining deviations from the theory . While Pi roughly is will we supported, many that individual The model might nonetheless be decisions are not in accord with the rule. This suggests the following hypothesis: correct in the aggregate. P2 see * * The aggregate probability of contribution is q »=F(c ). . A natural estimator of is q q, the observed frequency of contribution Standard tests can then be used to see if this observed in an experiment. frequency differs significantly from q . We will in fact find significant deviations, even in the aggregate, from the theoretical probabilities. section we discuss two different In this approaches to "rationalizing" these deviations, one based on relaxing the rational expectations restriction of the theory and one based on modifying the utility hypotheses of our equilibrium predictions. A. The biased probabilities hypothesis In consistently proposed we introduction, the underestimate hypothesis the probability the that individuals that others but freeride, otherwise behave roughly in accordance with expected payoff maximization. What does this hypothesis, predict about these deviations? H, There are several alternative ways to operationalize H to apply it to our data. One interpretation is simply act according to others that some H c implies > c That . individuals that believe expectations is that about the likelihood others will contribute exceed the equllihrlum likelihood others will contribute. Using these beliefs, they then use a outpoint represents the optimal decision rule given beliefs To study how c > c will affect the dT > < n ° .^ '^ "^ < w-1 > tn— (observed) decision rule c (2) 10 which c suffices (for small amounts of bias) to differentiate (1): dc c , it - Let q estimator consistent of contribution. the actual probability + of q relationship The .) P3a. If w>=l, q P3b. If w=N and P3c. If * < q is q at a * q H: 7 . "k St -4- 0<q <l,q >q^ + 0<q,q>q < w < N and I that evaluated (2), immediately leads to the following predictions under + (Note it ifq Sip < (w-l)/(N-l) and q + < q ^ St if q (w-l)/(N-l).^ ( design consists Our experimental of some of 1 experiments where we 3 always expect undercontribution relative to the game -theoretic predictions, some 3 of and 3 of 3 experiments where we always expect overcontribution, and some of 4 where the prediction depends on the value of c 2 2 We varied . to produce the appropriate contrasts. c * For our design, except in the unanimity game w-3 unique. * 9 solution In unanimity games, * when c-=l a second solution c > c * > 0, if c , 1, When . c < we have one solution with c 1, c is and a unique . . c =1 N-3 when > there is no q , * -2 = c and = c. Combining H with the auxiliary hypothesis that the bias is always with respect strong to the unique restrictions on expectationally stable observations. When equilibrium multiple thus leads to equilibria stable =0. exists, we will assume that the bias is with respect to c A second way to operationalize H is that players expectations about the likelihood others will contribute exceeds the empirical likelihood rather than exceeding the equilibrium likelihood. respect to actual contribution rates. contribution Again, In other words the bias is with rates, not the measurement problem data on contribution decisions, not on beliefs. rates of contribution, q infer what players , q beliefs would have , , we then state P4: equilibrium that we only have is However, for any obser\'ed we can estimate a cutpoint decision rule, c optimizing relative to those beliefs. e necessarily q^ > q"^ 11 to have been if they had and been Denoting these inferred beliefs by As we will discuss in the next section, this operationalization, while more appealing that P3 in some ways, has some drawbacks. B. Alternative Models of Non-Linear Utility and Cooperation The purpose of this section is developed on the basis of the to demonstrate that P3 probability bias generated from plausible alternative models. , the prediction hypothesis cannot be H, We first deal with non- linear utility and next with cooperation. Non-Linear Utility Since our experimental subjects were paid in dollars, rule out utility being non- linear in money as it is important to an alternative explanation Without loss of generality, we assume that each player's for our results. utility for the outcomes is given by the function u with: u(0) = 0; u(c) = c + q(c); u(1) = 1; u(l+c) = l+c+ 5(c)(3) The case of risk neutrality is q = = 0. 5 all players have the same utility function We continue to assume that and that the functions a and are each either always weakly positive or weakly negative. analysis focuses attention to < on c < With (3), equation c local changes in the equilibrium. This (1) - Q-Prob(k<w) - This requires q > games, the 1+c impossible in unanimity games. utility of our directs our generalizes to: 5 •Prob(k>w) (4) Let us begin by considering the common form of utility is Again, 1. = Prob(k=w-l) global risk aversion. 5 last term in (4) must be 0. non-contribution is and 5 That is, Therefore, raised < 0. But in economics, in unanimity the outcome with payoff q > relative to implies the that the utility contribution, in turn implying less contribution, contradicting P3b. 12 of Having dealt with risk aversion, we turn to models where, in spirit with prospect theory in psychology, and partly risk-acceptant the utility function is partly risk-averse These possibilities are covered by either: . > and 5 > 0, with at least one inequality strict, (b) a < and 5 < (a) a In case (a) , with at least one inequality strict. the utility of non-contribution is raised relative to , contribution outcomes two the between lotteries interpreted as with respect to (0 non- contribution the the the The utility function is risk-averse for lotteries utility of contribution. between or utility function and outcomes. Case can (a) individuals who are for anchor formed by the natural risk-acceptant but 1) loss for be averse They are their endowment. risk averse for lotteries over the alternatives near the anchor point where there possibility a is lotteries of guarantee that being worse they will be off no but worse off than Since the utility of non-contribution always increases, predicts contribution that always falls relative acceptant risk are endowment. the however, case (a) neutrality. risk to for Therefore, case (a) is inconsistent with P3b and P3c. In Case (b) the situation of case , Now the utility of is reversed. (a) contributing is always increased and the individual is risk-acceptant for lotteries over the contribution outcomes. as ascribing completion of a non-monetary project. the bonus One can think of the individual effect prize or Alternatively, case the utility of contribution always successful captures (b) including the model of Palfrey and Rosenthal effects, the to altruism But since (1988). increases relative to risk neutrality, case (b) is inconsistent with P3a and P3c. The remaining possibility is q < utility function is globally weakly situation as a priori unacceptable. consider 1 of N games. and risk 6 > If 0. 5 acceptant. We On the other hand, In these games, the outcome > is if -q;c/(1-c) rule 5 out , the this < -qc/(1-c) impossible. , The inequality condition then implies that the utility of contribution has been raised relative to that of not -contributing. should increase, contradicting P3a. 13 Therefore, contribution . Cooperation Another alternative view of behavior is provided by various models of cooperative behavior. An bound upper could what to achieved be by cooperation is the outcome that could be achieved by the players if they This would have the w players with the had full information about costs. lowest costs contribute if the sum of these lowest costs In other words, total benefit. good the provided unless is total its less is cost than N. exceeds the Another model of full information cooperation is for the w players with the lowest costs to provide the good as long as none of these costs exceeded 1.0, the value of the public good. Given that costs are private information, these highly coordinated behaviors cannot be achieved. Moreover, they lead to predicted contribution rates that are just very much higher than anything we observe in the data. A more plausible model of cooperation is for players to use (perhaps as tacit collusion against the experimenter) cutpomt that maximizes * m expected group payoff. This always implies a contribution rate q > q * m where q is an ESE. As we will see in the Section V, q also substantially a a c , exceeds observed contribution rates. In summary, models we have established that models of non- linear utility altruism like that can interpreted be in terms of (and non- linear utility) cannot be used to generate predictions equivalent to those of P3 To see if H is supported as a behavioral hypothesis, presentation of our experimental design and results. 14 we turn to a . Description of the Experiments IV. A specification of detailed experiment each appears Table as The 1. experiments at Carnegie-Mellon University used 72 undergraduates. The 1987 and 1988 experiments at Caltech used subjects who were undergraduates Caltech or Pasadena Community college. used 1989 school high students The experiments participating Caltech. The subjects were mainly male. in one three or parameters. experiments, In None of the participants had prior matched pairs. for For the paired order of experiments. the were there No 12 program identical except These varied slightly between Experiments run in 1987 and 1988 used a computer program written at Caltech. computer of important order effects were observed. CMU and Caltech and within Caltech sessions. a set involving three sessions six everything was sessions, Instructions are included as an appendix. used Each experimental an experiment constituting a different CMU setting, the at A given experimental session consisted of or 12 subjects. 9 summer of program summer a experience in the tasks required in these experiments. session used in the at written at Experiments run in 1989 with Carnegie -Mellon, minor modifications made at Caltech. None of the factors mentioned to this point appeared to have a notable influence on results. All experiments were designed to have 20, 25, or 30 rounds. of rounds was made known to the subjects before the The number experiment started. Three experiments were inadvertently curtailed shortly before the planned end because of computer crashes At the beginning of each experiment, value, in "francs", subjects were told w, of the public benefit. cents they would receive, N, and the They were also told how many at the conclusion of the session. These values were held constant throughout an experiment. In each (endowment) 204 were round, . subjects were each given a single Token values in franc increments between independently drawn with replacement distributions and randomly assigned to subjects. the value indivisible of his other subjects. or her 13 from 1 and either 90 or identical uniform Each subject was told token but not told the values of the tokens Subjects were then asked to enter their decisions 15 "token" of (spend or not subject spend the received token). a nxomber least w of the N subjects If at of francs equal to value the of spent, the each public benefit if he was a "contributor". If he or she was not a contributor, the payoff was this number of francs plus the token value. In table 1, c shows the rescaling of the distribution of token values such that the benefit is rescaled to 14 1. Each round subjects were assigned to a new group in a rotation sequence which minimized the number of times any two subjects were paired together in the same group. The reason for doing this was to limit reputation and supergame effects which can occur with repeated play. effects appear to be very limited. Such In the ensuing analysis, we treat each decision as an independent observation. 16 V. Results Testing the Bavesian-Nash predictions A. 1 Efficiency predictions . We begin discussion of the results by noting that the Bayesian Nash Equilibrium is remarkably successful as a predictor of aggregate outcomes of the experiments. For each group in each round of each experiment, Using the actual token values computed the actual earnings of the group. drawn by group, the subjects, we also computed the then computed average earnings per subject, to for averaged out. from variations individual c the We . normalized so that the public We then compared predicted earnings actual earnings for each experiment. where predicted earnings assuming that play conformed to the theoretical outpoints, good had value 1.0 in each experiment. we These are aggregate comparisons round- to -round and group -to -group are (We maintain disaggregation across replicate experiments.) The results offer remarkably strong support for the For data theory. from all rounds, the regression equation is: Actual earnings = -0.046 + estimated constant The 1 . does 040*Predicted earnings, not differ R significantly 2 =0.95, from zero estimated intercept does not differ significantly from 1.0. data points are plotted in Figure Since there is substantial the success variation in endowments 2 the The actual (via c) across of 0.40), we checked of the model was not largely driven by between earnings and endowments. and 1. experiments (endowments and actual earnings have an R that N=33 the correlation Therefore, we also examined the increase in per subject earnings over per subject endowments. The results, plotted in Figure 2, continue to be striking: Actual Increase = 0.012 + . 932*Predicted Increase, 17 R 2 =0.93, N=33 conventional at Again, levels, significantly from zero and the not differ significantly from differ did not slope did intercept the unity. from data, the from theoretical show systematic deviations viewpoints, though even occur results impressive These other predictions. We discuss these deviations next with a series of tables where the rows show value the of and c designate columns the combinations used in the design. results experiment each for In each cell matches that different four the of the the order The experiments within cells always matches the order given in Table lines in Table 2 1 N we present table, cell. w, of Solid 1. separate cells in the later tables. Individual Behavior . Table 2 individual shows risk-neutral that corresponding level classification using the game -theory to There PI. theoretical For w=N=3 outpoint was used where it existed. , many are outpoints. succeed at not does w<N, (For errors the of non-zero the the zero cutpoint was used. More on this later.) On the other hand, the prediction is qualitatively correct. Contribution rates are decreasing reported here. For in all contribute/not table cost, as shown by probit experiments, contribute cutpoint/endowment below cutpoint, the vs. analysis standard x endowment 2 test above is not the 2x2 equal to that for or -3 is significant at p < 10 . In the 19 experiments with a non-zero cutpoint where subjects had endowments above or at the benefit level, significant at p < = .0436 Thus, lO''' excluding after except in the CIT 7/31/89 of 4, 2 p=.0882 for and = subjects, such in .0002 the CIT in the the 7/26/89 CIT 8/8/89 test 2 2 is of 4, of 3. the prediction is qualitatively correct even if we exclude subjects who have weakly dominant strategies of not-contributing. When a subject has a dominant strategy, in accordance with the model, occurs in early rounds of a 2 as of 3 involving the high school students. the subject almost always acts shown in Table experiment and a The 3. 3 of 3 only exception experiment, both The classification errors of the model 18 are almost entirely from the behavior of subjects without dominant thus strategies. 3 15 Aggregate behavior . The game- theoretic model fares somewhat better at the aggregate level of predicting the frequency of contribution, noted be game- theoretic comparative important an that model other hand, c, for c contribution fixed, claim in the , contribution that should of the N fixed, As contribution is cheaper on . On the falls. c increasing not is w/N, in which A naive view of volunteering table. should It For w, data. contribution occurs more frequently as increases from left- to-right might c 4. prediction static strongly supported by the is contribution is strongly decreasing in average for low shown in Table as increase w/N as increases since larger fraction of the group is needed to produce the public benefit. a This naive view is not supported by the data. If we examine each cell in the table, we find results that are sometimes in "ballpark" the significant of deviations, but theory, the leading Of 25 rates that experiments, are with P3 . of of the Experiments 0. 19 consistent with w=N=3 Only (Relative to the with H. On the observations can not equilibrium, other hand, be However, . one are evaluated of .05 the six level. statistically inconsistent In contrast, significant. statistically because any positive contribution is there contribution rates for two of the cells. these them have observed contribution observations is statistically significant at the 15 P2 statistically Consider first experiments with w H. all but six of consistent many find also rejection to deviations are mostly consistent with < N. we are also equilibria q — consistent with 100% The observed contribution rates are obviously below those given theoretically and so, relative to the 100% contribution equilibrium are inconsistent with H.) Results similar to those presented in Table 4 are obtained when we basis the analysis only on those subjects with dominant strategies. appear in Table "altruism" 5. The results Two alternatives to H, non- linear utility that leads to and cooperative behavior always predict contribution in excess 19 . of the Bayesian Nash levels. probabilities outpoints c that q Table In would result if 6, display we followed players contribution the cooperative the (To provide readers with a sense of how parametric variation . affects the probabilities, the probabilities are also shown for cells where no experiments were run.) 6 enables us to 3 and c = 2.25, The information in Tables 4 and When w = N = make comparisons across the 33 experiments. both the cooperative and self-interested models predict zero contribution. (In this extreme case, benefits.) closer to In the the the expected cost of providing the good exceeds the other cases, 31 Bayesian predictions observed the than except for the two observations where w =N 3, we always represent made the strong evidence -= cooperative the to On are predictions whole, the self-interested behavior always (For w = N and c = 3/4. 3 Bayesian prediction.) for frequencies the data comparison in -= to full cooperation. B An alternative test of the probability bias hypothesis . To this point, with bias we have only examined the hypothesis reference to local properties the about probability predicted equilibrium probability that a randomly selected individual will contribute. we began by considering a unique stable equilibrium outpoint, at the implied contribution frequencies if everyone adopts in the optimal outpoint) if then looked that strategy, then calculated the derivative of the reaction function (i.e. change direction of departed from expectations expectations" in a neighborhood of the equilibrium. That is "rational If that derivative was positive then our prediction was an observed level of contribution greater than the equilibrium level of contribution and if the derivative was negative then we predicted the opposite. That method of evaluating H has two potential weaknesses. probability bias is measured with respect to the not with respect to the objective frequencies of doing. First, the equilibrium prediction, what players are actually Second, the sign of the derivative evaluated at the equilibrium may be different that the sign of the derivative evaluated elsewhere. That is we are making global comparisons by extrapolating from a local calculation. 20 we next examine whether the To show that these are not serious problems, expectations overestimated the actual frequencies of contributions. We do this in the following way. Suppose that we observe an empirical frequency of contributions equal to A A Ignoring individual differences, q. -1 F implies a cutpoint rule c(q) this - " We may then perform the following that the players are following. (q) First we maintain the assumption that players are using best calculation. given their beliefs, responses, expectation others that are so that they are all maximizing under the with contributing probability equal to q A (possibly not equal to q) Next we ask "what value of . the use of the strategy c(q)?" would rationalize q because it > q then H is confirmed, If q A means that q can only be justified as deriving from best response behavior A A if players beliefs, q exceed , A Care is required in comparing q and q it is possible that q 4 experiments, cutpoint not is observations best a reject then H is contradicted. If q < q q. response to 2 of and 3 of 2 sufficiently high that the implied cutpoint. any hypothesis any Thus, such responding that subjects of 3 experiments where a best there are two values of q that are consistent with joint the optimally to biased priors. response can be found, is for the First, . Second, in 2 are A observed the cutpoint. If both of these exceed H q, is unambiguously A But the data are ambiguous if only one exceeds supported. q. A w = N = and 3 > c we are guaranteed that q 1, > q unless experiments with these parameters, H cannot be put to Finally, for A = 0. q For a test. A Table displays 7 experiments. and q q (the latter in The hypothesis H is supported in all all but one of the 1 of 3 experiments. In the 2 parenthesis) 3 of of 3 for all experiments and 3 experiments, three A experiments great to rejected the joint hypothesis consistent be with since optimizing the value behavior. In of q was three too other A experiments, of 3 one q experiments, experiments. 6 was below H was q, the other above. supported. H was In the remaining six not supported in the In three of the four such experiments, there is 2 2 of 4 no q^ that A rationalizes above q , q; in the remaining experiment, the other below. 21 one of the two solutions is examination alternative this Summarizing, of hypothesis produces somewhat more mixed results hold most probability the While than before. experiments, bias there the are some Stronger support for H is found in studying whether the priors q move players have hypothesis seems to for the of parameter values for which it clearly fails. Learning C. the in direction of during q* experiment. the likelihood that others systematically inaccurate prior beliefs about the will contribute, then as play they the game If observe and sample a of contribution rates, one would expect them to adjust their beliefs in light of this new information. This will implicitly lead to a dynamic learning process that will be reflected in changes in the observed q's. One natural hypothesis that this adjustment process will produce q is that are closer to the equilibrium q* late in the session compared to the early rounds of session. the rationalized in the last experiment and one of 2 There 28 cases Counting as rounds. 10 are a where success can q one 2 be of 4 experiment that could be rationalized in the last 3 10 rounds but not in the first 10, we find that 22 of 28 cases move in the right direction. An alternative hypothesis about learning is that the difference between A q and the 6 q less in the last 10 rounds than in the first 10 rounds In is of 5 remaining experiments, this is the case indicating that even in these Summarizing the experiments there is evidence that subjects are learning. evidence for the aggregate data, the hypothesis that players' the direction of movement of q priors on q supports are biased upward initially, but they adjust these priors in the correct direction during the course of the experiment. Somewhat surprisingly, even at the aggregate level, we find the amount of movement is slight. Table first five indicates Statistical rounds a with higher tests for 8 compares frequencies of contribution in the contribution rate of in the contribution differences in 22 last in 5 the A rounds. first aggregate behavior " five over the +" sign rounds. last 5 compared to the first 5 rounds are generally weak. There are 33 tests, only three of which have p- levels below 0.1. We are thus left, hypothesis, for now at least, together with with a successful probability bias Bayesian-Nash equilibrium predictions, as the major sources of explanation for the variation in aggregate contribution rates. However, a more definitive statement of the results, especially regarding learning effects would requires a rigorous analysis of the data at the individual level that is beyond the scope of this paper. 23 . Table 1 Description of Experiments Range Cents Rounds Reveal Sequence Date Site w N U/21/%9 CMU 1 3 90 0.7 2.25 12 20 No 3 5/2/89 CMU 1 3 90 0.7 2.25 12 20 No 1 7/26/89 CIT 2 4 204 0.1 2.22 12 17 No 1 7/31/89 CIT 2 4 90 0.3 2.25 12 20 No 3 8/8/89 CIT 2 4 90 0.3 2.25 12 20 Yes 3 4/27/89 CMU 2 3 90 0.7 2.25 12 20 No 1 5/2/89 CMU 2 3 90 0.7 2.25 12 20 No 3 4/27/89 CMU 3 3 90 0.7 2.25 12 20 No 2 5/2/89 CMU 3 3 90 0.7 2.25 12 20 No 2 7/13/88 CIT 3 90 0.5 1.5 12 30 No - 2/15/89 CMU 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 2 2/16/89 CMU 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 2 7/31/89 CIT 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 2 8/8/89 CIT 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 18 Yes 2 11/22/87 CIT 2 3 90 1 1.5 9 20 No - 12/3/87 CIT 2 3 90 1 1.5 9 20 No - 12/20/87 CIT 2 3 90 1 1.5 9 20 No - 2/15/89 CMU 2 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 1 2/16/89 CMU 2 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 3 7/31/89 CIT 2 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 1 8/8/89 CIT 2 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 Yes 1 7/21/88 CIT 3 3 90 0.5 1.5 12 30 No - 2/15/89 CMU 3 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 3 2/16/89 CMU 3 3 90 0.3 1.5 12 20 No 1 12 25 No 1 Sub j s c 20 « 8/3/89 CIT 3 3 204 0.1 2/21/89 CMU 1 3 90 0.2 3/4 12 20 No 1 3/1/89 CMU 1 3 90 0.2 3/4 12 20 No 3 2/21/89 CMU 2 3 90 0.2 3/4 12 20 No 2 3/1/89 CMU 2 3 90 0.2 3/4 12 20 No 2 2/21/89 CMU 3 3 90 0.2 3/4 12 20 No 3 3/1/89 CMU 3 3 90 0.2 3/4 12 20 No 1 7/26/89 CIT 2 4 204 0.1 2/3 12 25 No 2 7/26/89 CIT 2 204 0.1 2/3 12 24 No 24 . . Notes to Table Francs 1. This gives the upper end of the uniform (in integers) - of endowments in This number and c can be used to francs. distribution calculate the franc value of the public benefit, B - Francs/c. Cents The number of cents paid per franc earned in the experiment. - Subjects Ro\ands The number of subjects in the experiment. - number The - Experiments of 20, Experiments of 17, 18, parameters. duration. (non-practice) of rounds or 25, for ran rounds 30 given the for (w, N, c) planned the and 24 rounds were prematurely terminated by computer crashes Reveal When this parameter is "Yes", - Subjects could match individual token values and decisions but each round. could all token values were revealed after identify not Otherwise, individuals. the values token were not revealed. Sequence Only one set of subjects was run on a given date. - subjects played three sets of parameters in sequence. order in which the were parameters used. The sequence shows the the In subjects were used, subsequent to their play of a 3 of experiment 3 game, 8/3/89, for two other subjects were run for only one set of parameters. Other - which franc The c value of 2.22 was values had been integer 91 resulted in c - The 18 experiments at drawn endowments 2 . rescaled from in to 90 Within each c C.*iU value, the 204. 2.25 condition in Setting B to the 22 form a matched set in which the same randomly used with were treatment for a six all of sets the order of the w-1 , Two subjects. subjects were run for each of three different values 0.75). on When this entry treatments in which groups were fixed rather than rotated. is blank, Some sets of 2, sets of and of c (2.25, and experiments was 3 1.5, permuted so that the first experiment and third experiments were reversed for the two sets of subjects. The endowments in the 1 of date and on 3 in the CMU 1 of 3 c experiment at CIT on 7/31/89. 8/8/89 followed the same - 1.5 (The sequence experiments matched three experiments on that but differed assignments and the Reveal treatment.) Otherwise, new random draws were used in each experiment. 25 were in endowment Table 2. i Classification Errors, Bayesian Nash Predictions w/N 2/4 1/3 c 26/240 29/240 2i 2/3 49/204 44/240 29/240 64/360 33/240 34/240 53/240 35/216 li 2 3/3 46/240 38/340 23/240 31/240 23/180, 30/180 37/180, 31/240 39/240 112/360 47/240 60/240 40/240 68/240 132/300 20A 205 46/240 61/240 61/240 61/240 3 126/240 143/240 4 73/300 67/240 2 3 * The errors. first number for each experiment is the number The second number is the total number of decisions. 26 of classification . Table 3. Endowments at Least Equal to Benefit: Contributions/Endowments i w/N c 25 2/4 1/3 6/112 (2/36) 2/139 2/139 0/141 3/141 , 2/124 (2/24) 0/77 1/77 1/77 2/69 1- 2/3 ' 3/3 6/147 (1/3A) 0/147 2/138 0/138 0/61, 0/67 0/61, 1/89 0/89 0/89 12/89 (2/20) 19/127 (2/17) 0/87 4/87 The first number is the total number of contributions when the endowment was at least equal to the benefit. The second number the is total number of occurrences of endowments greater or equal to the endowment. contributions of this except zero, boldface where type in the shown in small last five font. rounds Reveal The number of of each experiment was experiments shown in . For the 2x2 comparison spend/not spend vs. < benefit, the standard x 2 endowment > benefit/endowment test was always significant at p < 10 —L . The same holds true for the first 10 rounds of each experiment except two experiments where the rounds p- levels except for were two .0003 and experiments .062, with rounds) 27 respectively and for p- levels .0006 and the .0001 last (last 10 8 Table 4. The Frequency of Contribution w/N 2/4 1/3 c 2'- 0.217 0.213 (0.192) 0.309* (0.192) 0.221^ 0.200 2/3 (0.132) 0.192 (0.104) 0.159 (0.104) 3/3 (0) (0) 0.096 0.129 (0) (0) ; 2 0.311^ 0.221 0.263^ 0.333 0.292 0.300* 0.333. 0.417* 0.308^ 0.308^ 0.363. 0.379 (0.306) (0.271) (0.271) (0.271) (0.269) 20* 205 (0.239) 0.311 (0.222) 0.196 (0.244) 0.250 (0.238) (0.238) (0.238) (0.238) 0.440 (0) (0) (0) (0) * 3 tt 0.379 0.404 0.521 0.558 (0.392) (0.392) 0.500 (0.523) 0.580* (0.596) 0.525 (0.596) 0.596 (0) (0) (0.674) 2 3 The entries in parentheses in each cell are the theoretical contribution frequencies for symmetric Bayesian Nash equilibrium under risk neutrality. The frequencies were calculated using the actual token draws in the experiment. The absence of an entry in a cell indicates that no experiments were run for the parameters corresponding to the cell. Actual frequencies that represent deviations from the theory that are not consistent with H are shown in boldface. Note. * Departure from theoretical frequency statistically significant at 0.05 level on basis of t-test, using Normal approximation to binomial. 28 Table 5. The Frequency of Contribution, Endowment Below Benefit Level w/N 2i 0.525 0.485 (0.465) 0.620* (0.465) 0.505^ 0.465 0.466 0.325 0.380^ 0.485 0.415 (0.466) (0.399) (0.399) (0.399) (0.395) 4 'I 2/3 2/4 1/3 c (0.293) 0.430 (0.248) 0.409 (0.248) 0.453* 0.531^ 0.630^ 0.483^ 0.470^ 0.576^ 0.523 See Table 4 for explanatory notes. 29 3/3 0.206 0.304 (0) (0.361) 0.399 (0.354) 0.366 (0.370) 0.398 (0.378) (0.378) (0.378) (0.378) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) Table 6. Theoretical Contribution Probabilities for Group Optimal Behavior w/N 2/4 1/3 c 3/3 (0) (0) 0.625 0.567, 0.431_ 2/3 2i 4 (0.25 (0.134) ) 0.75 0.646 0.5 1 2 (0.313) 204 20S 0.712 0.567 0.610 0.834 (0.424) (0.381) 3 (0.250) (0.293) (0) 1 (0.500) 0.75 0.875 (0) 1 4 (0.431) 0.627 (0.625) (0.500) 0.765 0.889 (0) 1 2 3 (0.453) (0.667) (0.529) * Note: (0) The lower entries in each cell are the theoretical contribution probabilities for symmetric Bayesian Nash equilibrium under risk neutrality. The upper entries are the contribution probabilities generated by the outpoint that maximizes expected group payoff. 30 Table 7 Estimated Prior Probabilities in the Experiments Last 10 Rounds All Roxinds obs Date Site 4/27/89 5/2/89 CMU CKU w=l, N=3, c=2.25 17 13 7/26/89 7/31/89 8/8/89 CIT CIT CIT v-2. N-A, c-2,.25 .309 .221 .200 4/27/89 5/2/89 CMU CMU w=2. N=3, c-=2,.25 .192 .158 4/27/89 5/2/89 CMU CMU w=3. N-3, c-2,.25 7/13/88 2/15/89 2/16/89 7/31/89 8/8/89 CIT CMU CMU CIT CIT 11/22/87 12/3/87 12/20/87 2/15/89 2/16/89 7/31/89 8/8/89 obs e q e q q .242 .225 .263 .288 .298 .217 .192 .488 .315. .685 .232, .658 .183 .150 .291, .719 .215, .785 .096 .129 .464 .538 .075 .108 .411 .493 w»l, M=3, c=1.5 311 221 263 333 292 .317 .424 .394 .293 .338 .292 .233 .250 .342 .302 .339 .408 .387 .284 .327 CIT CIT CIT CMU CMU CIT CIT .342, .638 .500 .311 .289 .467 .317 .292 .392 .358 .371, .629 .433, .567 w=2, N=3, 300 333 417 308 308 363 379 7/21/88 2/15/89 2/16/89 CIT CMU CMU v=3, N=3, c=1.5 .311 .196 .250 .683 .542 .613 .258 .142 .175 .622 .461 .512 8/3/89 CIT w=3, N=3, c=204/205 .440 .662 .325 .569 2/21/89 3/1/89 CMU CMU v=l, N=3, c=3/4 .379 .404 .467 .449 .408 .408 .446 .446 2/21/89 3/1/89 CMU CMU v=2. N=3. c=3/4 .521 .558 .266, .734 .298, .702 .583 .583 .323, .677 .323. .677 2/21/89 3/1/89 CMU CMU w=3. N=3, c=3/4 .525 .596 .373, .627 .332, .668 .492 .575 .393, .607 .343, .657 7/26/89 CIT v=2, N=4, c=2/3 .500 .156, .551 .458 .136, .582 7/26/89 CIT v=2, N=3 .580 318, .682 558 390, .610 , c=1.5 c=2/3 31 1 .302 .308 - - .363, .647 .363. .647 . . - .388, .612 .323, .677 - Table 8. Differences In the Frequency of Contribution: First Five Trials Frequency Last Five Trials Frequency - w/N 2/4 1/3 c -.03° 2i + .02° 4 , 1 1- 2 + .12° + .10° + .02° + .08° -.05° + .05° -.02° -.05° + .03° + .02° + .06° + .05° -.02°, .00° -.13°. -.05° + .08° -.07° + .03° + .07° + .22^ .00° + .28^ 204 205 3 4 -.27^ -.05° + .03° + .03° + .10° + .14° 2 3 Likelihood- ratio test significant at p > 10 2 3/3 2/3 Likelihood-ratio test significant at 10 32 -2 > p > 10 + .05° .00° References Camerer, C. Econometrica Reputation Model," Cox, J., B. "Experimental Tests of a Sequential Equilibrium and K. Weigelt, Roberson, and V. Auctions," Smith V.L. in Greenwich: JAI Press, 1982. Cox, J., V. Smith, . 1988, "Theory and Behavior or Single Object Smith, Research (ed.) and J. Walker, R. , Palfrey, I. and Maital, S. and Palfrey, T., R. . Plott, 1983, C, 1982, 50, . 12, Economics . 207-12. Valuation "Asset in an 537-67. "Voluntary Provision of a Pure Public good as Journal of Public Economics the Game of Chicken," McKelvey and Econometrica Experimental Market," Lipnowski, T. Experimental in "Tests of a Heterogenious Bidder's Theory of First Price Auctions," Economics Letters Forsythe, 1-36. 55, . 1983, 20, 381-6. "An Experimental Study of the Centipede Game," Working Paper, California Institute of Technology, 1989. Palfrey , T., Rosenthal, and H. "Participation and Provision of Discrete Public Goods: A Strategic Analysis," Journal of Public Economics . 1984, 24, 171-93. "Private Incentives and Social Dilenimas: The Effects ^ of Incomplete Information and Altruism," Journal of Public Economics 28, 1988, 309-32. , Game . with Press) Private "Testing for Effects of Cheaptalk in a Public Goods Information," Games . 33 and Economic Behavior . 1990 (in Rapoport, A., "Public Goods Political Science Review . and the MCS 1985, Van de Kragt, A., J. Orbell, and a 79, R. Experimental Paradigm," American 148-55. Dawes, "The Minimal Contributing Set as Solution to Public Goods Problems," American Political Science Review 1983, 77, 112-21. 34 . : APPENDIX These are the instructions for the laboratory session run on 7/31/89 at Subjects were seated in front of the California Institute of Technology. computer terminals that were separated by partitions. These instructions but were read aloud to the subjects. were not distributed, In addition, the payoff tables were distributed to the subjects as indicated below. After reading the instructions for the first experiment, two practice rounds were conducted to familiarize the subjects with the procedures and computer the sense that practice subjects were round. practice The screens. rounds very controlled were instructed exactly what actions They were also shown how to access a take to in the in the "history screen" which summarized the past decisions made and outcomes in the games they had played in previous rounds. After going through these two practice rounds, all subjects were given a quiz to make sure they understood the details of experiment the how and would earnings their be Any computed. misunderstandings were clarified and the experiment commenced. After the first experiment of the session had concluded, subjects were briefly informed of the new rules for the second experiment, second experiment layouts were Because commenced. similar in all and then the keyboard tasks and the the three experiments screen conducted in each session, practice rounds and quizzes were not always conducted before the second and third experiments. At the end of a session, in a separate room. subjects were paid in private Each subject was then dismissed from the expermiment before the next subject was paid. Similar procedures were followed in the other sessions. INSTRUCTIONS This cash at the is an experiment end of the in decision making. experiment. The amount You will be paid in of money you earn will depend upon the decisions you make and on the decisions other people make. It is important that you do not talk at all or otherwise attempt to communicate with the other subjects except according to the specific rules 35 If you have a question, of the experiment. feel free to raise your hand. One of us will come over to where you are sitting and answer your question This session you are participating in is broken down into a in private. separate three sequence of rounds. All money experiment, expeiments. denominated is you will be paid Each At Francs. in $.30 for experiment every the will end of Francs 100 last the 20 last you have accumulated during the course of all three experiments. RULES FOR EXPERIMENT #1 At the beginning of every round of every experiment, assigned to a group with two other subjects. you will be randomly Each round in the experiment you will have a single token to use in one of two ways: Option #1: Spend the token. Option #2: Keep the token. The amount of money you earn in a round depends upon whether you keep or spend your token that round and how many others in your group spend their Each round, you will be told how many Francs your token is worth if token. you do not spend it. This amount, called your token value, will change from round to round and will vary from person to person randomly. more specific, from 1 to in each round, Francs. 90 pattern to your To be this amount is equally likely to be anywhere There is absolutely no systematic or intentional token values or the token values of anyone else. The determination of token values across rounds and across people is entirely random. Therefore, token values. everyone in your group will generally have different Further- more, these token values will change from period to period in a random way. You will be informed privately what your new token value is at the beginning of each round and you are not permitted to tell anyone what this amount is. Specific instructions: At the start of each round you are told your token value for that round. Remember that members of the same group will generally have different token values and these values change randomly for every one after 36 ] each round. After being told your token value, you must wait at least 10 Your keyboard will seconds before making your decision to keep or spend. When everyone has made a decision, you be frozen for this period of time. are told which members your of round spent given a each round of experiment 1, you are their and token what This will continue for 20 rounds. earnings were for that round. each group randomly new token value Following randomly and , your reassigned to a new group. Payoffs: In members your in group decides spenders and nonspenders) addition, nonspenders in to spend least their token, group will in your your at if group also 2 the of every member each earn earn their out 50 (both In Francs. token value. 3 what happens in your group has no effect on the payoffs to members of the other groups and vice versa. These earnings. table are Therefore, shown in in each round, the following you have three possible table: [Hand out earnings . Earnings Table for Experiment You Spend Number of Others Spending Yes 1 Y'our Earnings Francs Yes 1 60 Francs Yes 2 60 Francs Your Token Value No No 1 Your Token Value No 2 Your Token Value + 60 Francs 37 Specific instructions for Experiment This is 1: experiment exactly the same as 1 except that only spender 1 is needed for all members in that group to receive 60. PAYOFFS In each round, group decides nonspenders) nonspenders to in spend your in your if at their group least 1 token, will each out of the every earn member 60 members 3 (both Francs. group also earn their token value. in your spenders In and addition, What happens in your group has no effect on the payoffs to members of the other groups and vice versa. Therefore, in each round, These are shown in the following table: you have three possible earnings. [Hand out new table to subjects and collect old table.] Earnings Table for Experiment You Spend Number of Others Spending 2 Your Earnings 60 Francs Yes Yes 1 60 Francs Yes 2 60 Francs Your Token Value No No 1 Your Token Value + 60 Francs No 2 Your Token Value + 60 Francs 38 Specific instructions for Experiment 3: First of all, There are three differences in this experiment. has 4 members instead of spend in order Third, all for 3. Second, members 2 each group out of the 4 members of a group must of that group to get extra payment. the the extra payment is 40 instead of 50. PAYOFFS In each round, group decides nonspenders) nonspenders to in spend your in your if at least their group 2 token, will each out of the every earn group also earn their member 40 members 4 (both Francs. token value. in your spenders In and addition, What happens in your group has no effect on the payoffs to members of the other groups and vice versa. Therefore, in each round, These are shown in the following table: you have three possible earnings. [Hand out new table to subjects, and collect old table.] Earnings Table for Experiment You Spend Number of Others Spending 3 Your Earnings Yes Francs Yes 1 40 Francs Yes 2 40 Francs Yes 3 40 Francs Your Token Value No Your Token Value No 1 No 2 Your Token Value + 40 Francs No 3 Your Token Value + 40 Francs 39 Notes Up this to our point, approach the is utility model of the Van de Kragt et al . same Rapoport's (1985)expected experiments. Weimpose game as (1983) theoretic equilibrium restrictions, which Rapoport does not do. 2 See, Palfrey and Rosenthal's for example. altruism model or, (1988) context of risk averse behavior in sealed bid auctions, inthe Robertson, and Cox, Smith (1982) and Cox, Smith and Walker (1983). 3 Variations of game the with different payoff structures can be treated. Similarly, the model can be generalized to allow for a non-zero lower support to F(c) and to F(c) non-uniform. Palfrey and Rosenthal See 1989). (1987, Here we introduce only parameters varied in the experiments reported below. 4 Since F is continuous and any specific c has zero measure, wewillfrequently simplify matters by being imprecise about knife - edgesituations in this case , c=l. See Palfrey and Rosenthal (1990) for a theoretical and experimental analysis of the game when preplay communication is permitted. Moreover, the iterated map defined by GESE in all but two cases. '^ c G(c converges globally to the ) In both those cases, G(') is explosive, but there exist monotone transformations of G that will converge. 7 8 9 Note that if w=l * , for any F( • ) , there exists a unique q > 0. Note that for w < N, there never exists an equilibrium with q , Showing uniqueness is direct with N=3 since q=F(c equation (1) noting that is quadratic in q ^ . In the w=2 — , = dq 40 =1. * * ) is linear in c while N=4 game, uniqueness follows from 2 =0 if q = 1/3 and * if q= 2/3" This assumption can be relaxed. In the actual experiment, subjects know prior to play that, post play, they will not only learn their payoffs but also the total number of contributors It is possible that subjects attach utility to these reports in the group. (Is being the contributing non-contributor sole when no one else in does?) unanimity a but , worse game choose we than ignore to not this complexity. 12 data The can be obtained by mailing a request and a 3.5" high density diskette to either author. 13 These costs were generated pseudo-random number generator. in advance by a standard computerized In the three 1987 experiments, token values were assigned directly in cents. There do not seem to have been any important effects from the manner of presenting or scaling the payoffs. 14 There do not appear to be important effects associated with either the manner of presenting the payoffs (francs vs. cents) or scaling the payoffs. Finding per\'asive use of dominant strategies is in fact surprising since the same result does not occur in Prisoners' Dilemma experiments. difference between our experiments and the Prisoners' Dilemma is A key that in our experiments "All Contribute" does not Pareto dominate "All not Contribute". 16 ^ In those toward q cases where there are two solutions for q . 41 e , both solutions move ! 1 o u 017 MIT LIBRARIES 3 TDflD OObSSBVfl P