Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/smoothingsuddensOOcaba Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of SMOOTHING SUDDEN STOPS Ricardo J. Caballero Arvind Krishnamurthy Working Paper July 5, 01 -26 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf ?abstract id=276675 T^ssfflilr Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of SMOOTHING SUDDEN STOPS Ricardo J. Caballero Arvind Krishnamurthy Working Paper July 5, 01 -26 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at This http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.tafSabstract id=xxxxxx Smoothing Sudden Stops Ricardo J. Arvind Krishnamurthy* Caballero July 5, 2001 Abstract Emerging economies are exposed to severe and sudden shortages of international financial resources. Yet domestic agents seem not to undertake enough precautions against these sudden stops. Following our previous work, the central role played by limited domestic development in we highlight in this paper ex-ante (insurance) and ex- post (spot) financial markets in generating this collective undervaluation of external resources and insurance. Within this structure, this policies to counteract the external underinsurance. paper studies several canonical We do this by first solving for the optimal mechanism given the constraints imposed by limited domestic financial development, and then considering the main - in terms of the model and practical relevance - implementations of this mechanism. JEL Codes: Keywords: E0, E4, E5, F0, F3, F4, External shocks, domestic and international collateral, underinsurance, credit lines, liquidity requirements, asset 'Respectively: MIT and NBER; Duke Research Workshop their comments, and Gl to market intervention. Northwestern University. We are grateful to the participants at the First especially to V.V. Chari for in International Economics, Venice, June 2001, and Adriano Rampini for helpful conversations. Caballero thanks the Written support. E-mails: caball@mit.edu, a-krishnamurthy@nwu.edu. NSF for the First draft: for financial May 2001. Introduction 1 To a first order, an emerging economy external can be described as an event crisis which a country's international financing needs significantly exceed its in international financial resources. Given that these events are a "fact-of-life" in these economies, it is puzzling that domestic agents do not undertake measures to precaution against them. Indeed, quite the contrary, they often increase the likelihood of these events booms, contracting dollar inflow A common anticipated is and so explanation for this behavior official is over- borrowing during capital on. that due to distortions created by it is interventions, such as crony capitalism, fixed exchange rates, and IFI's 1 bailouts. We liabilities, by have argued elsewhere that the external underinsurance problem in these economies more structural interventions. nature than one concludes from just pointing at potentially misguided in Underdeveloped financial markets, a basic feature of emerging economies, leads to a distorted valuation of international resources that in turn leads to external un- derinsurance. In this paper, we take this structure as given, and explore a solutions to the underinsurance problem. Since the strategies ing form by governments on which strategies gies that in we discuss are emerging markets, our main interest may work is better under different constraints. work within our model and discuss some of the series of canonical difficulties all used in vary- in providing We guidance identify the strate- they may encounter in implementation. In our framework, when a country's international collateral (or liquidity), the collateral (or liquidity). phenomenon. of this A financing needs exceed domestic price of the latter rises vis-a-vis depreciation of the exchange rate, for example, international that of domestic is a manifestation 2 However, when domestic financial markets are underdeveloped when its the domestic collateral value of projects is less — in our terminology, than their expected revenues - agents' external insurance decisions are distorted. The reason external resources cannot transfer the surplus generated by these resources to other full is that domestic agents in need of participants in domestic financial markets that do have access to the scarce external funds. Thus, in equilibrium, the scarcity value of external resources sions are biased against hoarding international liquidity events. The underinsurance with 'See. for example, Krugman is depressed, and private deci- and thereby insuring against these respect to external shocks takes (1998), Burnside, See Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001c). Eichenbaum and Rebelo many (2000). or forms: excessive Dooley (1999). external borrowing during booms, a maturity structure of private debt that toward the short term, dollarization of international lines, and so on. distorted is limited international credit liabilities, 3 In this paper we study in a unified framework several of the main solutions to this underinsurance problem. Section 2 presents the environment that we have used in earlier work, and reproduces the result of collective external underinsurance in the competitive equilibrium with only spot loan markets. suppress all aggregate shocks. The One reasons to deal with the underinsurance problem. is model difference in the current that our focus To keep matters is that is we on domestic arrangements simple, we do not discuss at all 4 international credit lines and other valuable insurance mechanisms that involve foreigners. Alternatively, one can think of our discussion as net of these external insurances. aggregate external constraint will be fully anticipated and ance, in its many capital inflow still A binding occur. External underinsur- forms, will simply collapse into excessive international borrowing during booms. While aggregate shocks have no role in the analysis, idiosyncratic ones are central since they generate the need for domestic financial transactions. Frictions in these transactions are at the root of the external underinsurance problem. In section 3, we show that if domestic agents are able to write complete insurance contracts with each other, the external underinsurance problem disappears. firms' collateral ex-post, and hence More domestic insurance increases the distressed their capacity to bid for the external resources held by other domestics. In equilibrium, this raises the relative price of international to domestic collateral, increasing the incentive to An important hoard international resources. aspect of financial underdevelopment, however, private insurance markets. In section 4, we assume that is the absence of these idiosyncratic shocks are unobserved so they cannot be written into insurance arrangements. We solve the mechanism design problem associated with the private information constraint within our structure, and show that the social planner can in principle get around this informational constraint and achieve the competitive equilibrium with complete idiosyncratic insurance markets. to implementation of the social planner's mechanism. We whereby private agents form a conglomerate and extend this arrangement and hence 3 is is individually incentive compatible, it is We then turn begin by analyzing a solution credit lines to each other. While not coalition incentive compatible not robust to the presence of spot markets, as in Jacklin (1987). Finally we See Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2000a) and (2001a). ''See Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2000a) and (2001b) for discussions of insurance arrangements with foreigners. explore two sets of solutions that require government intervention: Capital flows taxation or mandated international liquidity requirements, and sterilization of capital inflows. These solutions can also work, but they are subject to other forms of the coalition incentive compatibility problem as well. A 2 We model of external underinsurance begin by laying out the model and describing the external underinsurance in the com- petitive equilibrium with only spot loan markets. In the next sections this result is by better domestic insurance arrangements, or affected we shall discuss how in their absence, by centralized arrangements to directly deal with the external underinsurance problem. The environment 2.1 Consider a three date, t classes of agents in the — 0, 1,2, economy with a single consumption good. There are two economy: a unit measure each of domestics and foreigners. Both take as objective to maximize date 2 expected consumption of the good, U=E[c2 Each domestic is c2 ], >0. an entrepreneur /manager who owns and operates a production nology within a firm. Investing c(k) units of the good at date where c(k) is As part strictly increasing, positive, of the strictly results in capital of k units, = convex with c(0) 0, — d(0) 0. normal ongoing restructuring of an economy, one-half of the firms (ran- domly chosen) need j and tech- to re-inject resources into the firm at date 1 to achieve full output. Let e {i,d} be the type of the firm at date 1. Firms that are not hit by this idiosyncratic shock are i-types ("intact") and go on to produce date 2 output of Ak. Firms that receive Their output the shock are d-types ("distressed"). units of good, the d-firm can obtain A = A - a, and assume that 7A A > that it maximum to ak, but by reinvesting I additional units of goods at date With 1. full obtains the same output as an intact firm, Ak. In henceforth drop this falls reinvestment, I all = k, 2. We < k normalize a distressed firm cases of interest below, I < k, thus we reinvestment constraint from our discussion (while ensuring does not bind in our technical assumptions). The domestic economy has no goods at either are met by importing goods from abroad, which We assume that or date 1. All investment needs are paid for with funds raised from loans. endowments foreigners have large date of goods at all dates, and have access to storage with rate of return one. Firms face significant financial constraints. Neither the plants nor their expected are valued as collateral by foreigners. with w units of a good that arrives at date 2 lender courts. Instead, i.e. we assume that each domestic and can be pledged domestics can take out loans against Tangibly, bank accounts. we might think of w w is output endowed as collateral to a foreign that will be enforced by international as revenues from oil exports that reside in foreign Assumption 1 (International collateral) Domestics may take on loans ofw, and must international collateral collateral. imperfect in the sense that not + the dij < w. all However we assume up to assume that these contracts are also Ak is collateral. collateral) that domestic courts are additionally able to enforce domestic (local) debt con- an amount of Xak where A do,i Assumptions latter as shall of the output of Assumption 2 (Domestic debt and tracts from foreign lenders against domestic can also take on a loan from another domestic. Unlike foreigners, domestics do accept the plants as We 1 satisfy a full collateralization constraint: doj A or date at either date 1 and 2 are + dij how we < 1 Thus, the domestic lending constraint . < Xak + w - (do,/ + di,f) define an emerging economy. Thus, an economy where pledgable assets are is: limited, we think of the and a large share of these assets are part of domestic but not international collateral. We define an external crisis as a date 1 event in which the financing needs of the economy, \k, exceeds the international financial resources available to not central to our concerns and results in this paper, it, (w - d we suppress all j). Since they are aggregate shocks. external crisis happens despite being fully anticipated. This simplifies our discussion means that below). external underinsurance will only take the form of overborrowing at date With some abuse underinsurance. at date 1 The of terminology, we The and (see will continue referring to the latter as external following assumptions on parameters guarantee that a crisis occurs in all the equilibria we study throughout the paper, and that there is external underinsurance in the spot loan market equilibrium: Technical Assumptions 1 (1) (2) (3) 2.2 C-i^Aa > „,_ c (c'-i (-$*•)) ^-l ^+a+Aa(A-l) Aa < w _ c (c /-l( ^+MA-l) j^ A ) ( Xa < 1 , Spot loan markets Let us begin by studying the equilibrium in this borrowing via a sequence of spot loan contracts. domestic insurance arrangements. economy when agents are Thus what we restricted to rule out for now are All of the investment needs of domestics (date goods from foreigners. The goods are paid each firm takes on foreign debt at date a plant of there is A its size k. by for 1) have to be met by importing Suppose that issuing date 2 debt claims. of doj and invests of these resources in building all Since firms are ex-ante identical, without loss of generality we can assume no domestic debt firm at date maximum and date 1 at time 0. finds itself either distressed or intact. If distressed, it borrows up to international debt capacity in order to take advantage of the high return of rebuilding/restructuring the firm: dij These resources are then invested After this, date 1 either, it must turn to — w- do j. until date 2, yielding intact domestic firms for funds. Intact firms have so they must borrow from foreigners This they can do up to their djjA. w— Unlike foreigners, domestics are slack. willing to lend to other domestic against their projects. Since firms to borrow up to Xak, we refer to this quantity as Denote the gross interest rate out the maximum loan as long as in this A> result of domestic domestic can use this collateral L 1 Then the firm takes collateral. domestic loan market as . L\. d\j As a at they are to finance the distressed firms. if d j of financial no output = Xak. borrowing the firm raises -j^ for investment, to yield -^ A at date 2. Combining the above transactions, and taking into account that date investment yielded ak at date 2, the profits accumulating to this firm at date 2 are, Vd = (w - d„,/)A + ^A + (1 - X)ak. Intact firms, on the other hand, have the opportunity to lend to distressed firms at date 1. As long as Li > 1, the intact firm will borrow up to d\j and invest these resources in the =w— its maximum foreign debt capacity, doj, domestic loan market to yield Zq value of date 2 claims that the intact firm purchases. Then . Denote X\ as the face the intact firm profits of, V = i xjLj +Ak + {w- d 0J - d hf ) = (w - dQf )L l + Ak. makes date 2 Finally, at date 0, firms are equally likely to V5 ^ = max - doj)(Li + A) + hw \^ 2 1 k,d j ( A + (1 - intact. A)o + V Thus they solve, ^AJ/ k i-i\ doj < w s.t. c{k) The only market be distressed or = do,f. clearing condition is that the loans issued by distressed firms must equal the loans purchased by intact ones: ~! dl,l w 2 where the one half in front of 1 = ^l, (1) each microeconomic decision reminds us that distressed and intact firms form equally sized groups. Definition. Equilibrium in the economy with only sequential spot loan markets consists of decisions, (k,d j,dij,dii,x\) and the domestic interest rate, L\. Decisions are optimal given Li, and given these decisions, the market clearing condition (1) holds. Figure 1 : Date 1 Market Clearing for Domestic Loans L i . A >v •v. // / 1 X / ^^. ^ L Increasing -v «* -x "•» w-d f Domestic loans . Figure 1 illustrates the market clearing. On the horizontal axis the quantity of im- is ported goods lent by intact firms /borrowed by distressed firms. The vertical axis of loans L\. The supply is elastic at L\ = their international collateral constraint of inelastic. It is for Demand for loans line is the middle solid line 1; the lower dashed line is d\j is =w —do,/, at which point ^£f 1. , which the case where L\ is downward is is sufficient lies strictly small and as a result sloping in L\. alternatives domestic collateral between one and A; demand so collateral is constrained that intact firms have excess supply of funds and the interest rate The parameter assumptions in Technical Assumption L\ into the A and one - between strictly i.e. market clearing condition the solid lies is ensure that equilibrium will have 1 line. In this case, substituting date , — 1. w-doj Given 2. If between these and foreign =1 c'(k)^j— = left and if program can be written this price, the first order condition for the date where the 1 this is w were large so that on the margin some both w and Xak in their portfolio, then again Alternatively, domestic investor was holding claims against hand as: &- * f (3) side represents the expected opportunity cost of the marginal units of international collateral spent on setting up a plant at date 0, while the right hand side the expected marginal revenue associated to the marginal plant. Proposition 1 Consider two economies indexed by X and • A-Li(A)< A-Li(A'); • Welfare • Date is s 2) above the international interest rate of one. The reason for would imply that L\ must be that L\ decisions 1~- foreigners were willing to hold claims against Xak, then arbitrage it 1 Xak the asymmetry between domestic and foreign agents embedded in assumptions assets one. gives, Li = Note that L\ completely it is The figure represents three the case where there the case where A the price to the point that the intact firms saturate A > L\ > easy to see from the figure that A= up given by the curve, is demand: The highest dashed that 1 is increasing in X, so that V sp°'(A) > V s A', where X > A'. p°*(A'); investment and borrowing are decreasing in X so that k sp? l (X) Proof: Follows after a few steps of algebra, from Then, V spot , (2), and (3). < k spol (X'). is The proposition highlights the role of A the market clearing condition rises in 1. A firm that decides to borrow At date which 1, As A prices. increasing in A. Thus Fixing as A of A. This has an important effect less, is essentially case, despite the fact that the resources yield constrained. 0. 1 is and k, from rises, L\ on date "saving" these resources until these resources are either used internally to yield A, or lent externally, only internalizes L\ of this return. date welfare, decisions, see that L\ toward the marginal product at date decisions. date we can on rises, to the borrower, the lender Again, this occurs because the borrower the spread between A and L\ This leads to greater investment at date rises prices are less distorted A 1 falls is collateral causing firms to save more at and welfare increases. Essentially, as A by the credit constraint and the intertemporal savings decision better reflects marginal products. Public information of types and date 3 domestic insurance markets Our aim in this section is to insurance contract at date l. 5 At may seem odd glance this intuition is, may because at date way 1 under our spot market equilibrium, into the hands of the distressed and firms. suggest that the ex-post allocation cannot be enhanced by further reallocating domestic collateral to distressed firms since the scarcity collateral, of a domestic that shu- es resources from intact to distressed firms at date the international resources find their all of That first show that welfare can be improved through the use this has already been fully transferred. is on international However, in our setup, the welfare gain from domestic insurance comes entirely from affecting the ex- post price of international resources, Li, and bringing this closer to decision of k to set L\ = is less A, Assumption The shock on A so that ex-ante the borrowing/investment distorted. Moreover, reallocating ex-post wealth affects V — Vd 1 , beyond what is needed but not decisions, equilibrium, or ex-ante welfare. 3 (Public information) at date public information and insurance contracts can be written contingent 1 is j. Consider the following domestic insurance contract: All firms sign a grand insurance contract at date xo,i{d) type-j. = > xo,z 0. with repayments in date 2 goods of xqjl{j), where xoj(i) Since the types are observable, this contract can be Repayments are enforceable made = —xq,i and contingent on as long as, xq,i <w — doj + Xak Since there are an equal measure of each type, the insurance payments to distressed firms are exactly funded by the receipts from the intact firms. At date 1, collateral of its an intact firm sees the domestic interest rate of L\ w - doj, and an insurance liability of xn,/- > 1 and has international Suppose that the firm lends international collateral at L\, then its total resources are date 2 goods (w - doj)L\ Against this it has the liability of xo,( 1 ^Recall that our focus is j)Li of, of, + Ak -xoj. not on the possibility of more or less insurance from foreigners, rather domestic arrangements given the limited access to international financial markets. 10 of + Ak giving date 2 profits V = {w-d all it is on . distressed firm borrows against its international collateral of The the proceeds in production to yield a date 2 return of A. w- and invests do J As long L\ < A, it borrows d\j, in the domestic debt market, satisfying the constraint that, d\,i Thus it makes date 2 we studied (4) a in the only loosens d\j., little [w - more do,/) A+ A- We know closely. previous section and that d\ without is, if loss of generality the inequality in (4) was Li)-^ + Xak + x ( dj That (4) t profits of, Vd = Consider < Xak +xo i. ; t i that = if xo,i we can then x — 0, we are back in the situation Xak. Since increasing i can be reduced until equality, while only V 1 and , but just, l(w-d 0J )(A + L + ^(A+ V*"= max 1 ) S.t. doj <W c(k) = x o, Lemma Vd welfare (recall that agents are risk neutral). Given this, the date not decisions or date is this point . loosening the insurance enforceability constraint and affecting the level of problem from xo,; set, = Xak + xqi strict, ,/ L\ i a )k + l(A-L Xak X0 ^ 1) 1 ' do,/ <w — do,/ + Xak 2 In the insurance market equilibrium: ^=A Proof: We can see this firms will increase xo,i <w— do,/ two Suppose that intact firms at date 1 have ( fall for Substituting Lx — xo,z from the program, as long as xo,j is = A > L\, the enforceability constraint that = w — do,/ + Xak — 6, with 6 > 0. no international resources, and market clearing loan market would require that L\ which x0) can First, steps. Second, the only limit on xo,/. + Xak. in A. As a comment, there is As in 6 —* 0, the the domestic a large interval within this to hold. A into the program gives the c'(fc)A Contrasting this expression with the first = first ^p. order condition for investment, (5) order condition in the spot market equilibrium, (3), implies: 11 Proposition 3 Let k ins 1. and k 3? 01 be the solution to (3). Then: //A-Zf'X), k S 2. be the solution to (5) If/S.—L i° = 0, spot > k yins md ins the two first order conditions coincide > yspot and decisions as well as welfare are the same. By signing date at date 1 until it insurance contracts firms bid reaches A. As a result, firms up the price of international collateral borrow less at date leading to a better allocation of external resources across date the insurance solution leaves no role for A. Indeed by loosening the domestic and date 1. Note that market insurance market circumvents these collateral constraint. 12 invest less, thus this is the point. Since the loan at date 1 is affected by collateral frictions, the date frictions and 4 We Private information of types and planning solutions A equal to one, as shall henceforth set importantly, from now onwards we plays a limited role in what follows. it acknowledge the many shall difficulties More encountered by domestic insurance contracts in emerging economies and assume: Assumption 4 (Private information) The shock at date 1 is private information of the firm. This assumption means that the insurance contracts of the previous section are not possible since, at face value, all However the spot loan market still 4.1 implement the full firms will prefer to claim to be distressed is still We now investigate feasible. and avoid payment. whether it is possible to insurance solution. Mechanism design problem We take a standard mechanism design approach. The types at date and must be 1 are private information by the mechanism. As usual, we appeal to the revelation principle to elicited focus on direct revelation mechanisms. At date Consider the following mechanism. collateral to the planner. The mechanism 0, 0, of international defined by, is m = {k,yi,yd ,Xi,xd At date w agents hand over ). the planner hands resources to create capital of k to each firm. At date 1, agents send a message of their type, j G {i,d}. They then receive an allocation of international collateral (or imported goods) of yj and a claim on date 2 domestically produced goods of x3Thus the planner solves the following problem: V m = max m s.t. -(Ak + yi + 2 c{k)<w (RC1) - {yi + yd ) 2 {ICC) yi ,y d (RCX) xi + (DCC) Xi, (ICd) + -(ak + y d A+xd 2 {RCO) (ICi) Xi) + c(k)<w >0 xd <0 xd > —ak Ak+y +Xi> Ak + y d +x d ak + yd A +x d > ak + y A + x; 2 t 13 ) The RCO and RC1 constraints are as follows: on importing goods for investment. Since agents eral to the planner at date 0, the transfer to can shu- e claims on date 2 goods — that this shu- ing does not create new maximum are date and date hand over all them, of their international collat- must be non- negative. The planner yj, domestic collateral i.e., — The last On DCC requires states that the given by their domestic is it. The asymmetry between Assumptions and RCl. RCX 1. two constraints impose incentive compatibility so that each type prefers the bundle intended for To import goods at date collateral in the aggregate. the planner can shu- e away from any of the agents collateral constraint, ak. resource constraints 1 and 2 are embedded 1 in can be used - hence for investment, only international collateral the other hand, these goods can be shu- ed around transferring claims against domestic collateral - hence RCO, RCl and DCC. DCC. We among RCO domestics by think this asymmetry is a distinguishing feature of an emerging economy. In a developed economy most assets are both domestic and international which case we could do away with collateral, in DCC and rewrite the RC's to include the domestic collateral of ak. Given convex, linearity in y's we will and x's, we will arrive at corner solutions in have an interior solution in solution, rewrite the xd (xi + yi) + yd xd + yd +{A-l)y d > xi + y +(A.-l)y i sum everywhere in we were compatibility constraint can be slackened by lowering yi = and = 2(w - c(k)), and xd an = be at its 0, yd x, and yt and increasing us, ak,x d = gives, 771 first on highest value and x d to be at V = max -(,4 + k yi — 2(w - c(k)),Xi = and rewriting the optimization problem . a) A; + A{w - 2 order condition to the planning problem c'{k)A is = A+ 2 14 then the incentive £j. Thus consider Applying the same argument to (x d -ak. Combining, gives m= (k,yi — The interior point Xi at its highest value. dictates a solution of y d to yd at i the program except in this last incentive compatibility constraint. If the solution of as, + Vi > appears as a is In order to see which corners determine the two incentive compatibility constraints Xi Note that k. them. Since c(k) a c{k)). -ak). its lowest. + yd ) Thus, Let k* be the solution. The last step is to verify that compatibility constraints. That the solution satisfies the incentive is, A(j/d - Vi) >Xi-x d >yd -yi or, A(w-c(k*))> ak* >w-c{k*) which can be shown to hold under Technical Assumption 1. Proposition 4 The optimal mechanism under private information of types implements full- insurance public the information solution. This follows directly from comparing the first order conditions in this solution and the insurance solution of the previous section. The mechanism works because it between distressed and intact firms. receives exploits the differential valuation of imported goods If a firm claims to be distressed rather than intact 2{w — c(k*)) imported goods, but forgoes 2ak* claims on date 2 goods. The rate implicit in this choice where the technical assumption ensures w - c(k*) that A > L\ > borrow at L\ and intact ones lend at L\. insurance solution is We now ' A, while the intact firm values at Both it at one. Thus distressed firms effectively is enhanced, and the full- achieved. — to act Domestic credit first distressed firm values the 6 turn to the implementation of the planning solution and consider three sets of private consortium The A l. types' welfare alternatives, noting that each requires the planner 4.2 interest is, 1 imported goods it solution —which in some instances could be a (and hence be able to monitor) on a different margin. lines we consider is a credit-line/banking arrangement akin to Diamond and Dybvig's (1983) deposit contracts in the context of consumption insurance. Suppose that all firms hand over w — c(k*) to the bank at date 0. with c(k*) for the purpose of building a plant. The bank then withdraw 6 w - c(k*) Also note that L\ < at date 1 L\ since k" as well as a credit line to < k. 15 offers This leaves each firm each firm the right to borrow an additional w- c(k*) at . the interest rate of L\. Funds not withdrawn at date date 2. 1 earn the interest rate of L\ until 7 At date 1, bank and withdraw distressed firms return to the w- In addition, c(k*). they choose to take out a further loan against domestic collateral of ak* at the rate of L\. This gives them imported goods of exactly 2(w - c(k*)) which they invest date 2 at until the private return of A. Since intact firms' alternative use of imported goods returns only one, intact firms choose not to withdraw their funds at date return of L*(w - c(k*)) = 1 and instead wait until date 2 providing to make any it That side trades. is first pointed requires the fairly strong restriction that agents not be allowed is, all firms must be the bank and be barred from trading in a market. arrangement total ak* This structure clearly implements the planner's solution. However as was out by Jacklin (1985) them a If restricted to exclusively trade with we drop banking this restriction, the no longer coalition incentive compatible and the allocation reverts to the competitive equilibrium. 8 In our context, Jacklin's critique can be formulated as follows. Suppose that one firm chooses to opt out of the banking arrangement, and privately makes an investment decision of k. At date 1, the firm is either distressed or intact. suppose that If distressed, it approaches a firm within the banking arrangement and offers to borrow at the interest rate of L{ against domestic collateral of ak. Since this return banking arrangement, the firm withdraws some of to the rogue firm. The return to the rogue firm Vd = A(w while the firm in the banking arrangement offers to lend to a firm in its as good as the return in the international collateral and offers it is, c(k)) + 77 A, unaffected. is is If the firm is intact, it instead the banking arrangement at the interest rate of L*. Once again, the banking firm accepts, and the rogue firm's profits are, V* Combining these last = L\{w - c{k)) two expressions gives us the date V T °9^{L\) = max -(u; - c(k))(A + k 7 L\ We is left L\) program in free to adjust in the out-of-equilibria event that of, + - ( A77 + a) 2 \ 2. do not impose a sequential service constraint as Thus there + Ak Li-y k. I Diamond and Dybvig (1983). which more than half of the firms decide no "bank-run" equilibrium. 8 Thc result that competitive spot markets may undermine insurance arrangements means that to withdraw. is See for example. Rothschild and Stiglitz(1976). Atkeson 16 and Lucas (1992), or Bisin arises in many settings. and Rampini (2000). The first order condition for this program + Ll)=J2 + c'(k)(A Comparing < A L\ is, planning problem, we can see that this to the first order condition of the > the rogue firm makes a choice of k A. k* and attains strictly higher utility participated in the banking arrangement. Given this, the banking arrangement if it for than would unravel. We can take this to its end by explicitly accounting logical trades in the planning problem. This is for the possibility of side done by adding a constraint that, ym > yrogue^ Now the objective in the planning problem Vm = = Substituting in L\ w ^ k .\ , this is, can be rewritten V™=±(w-c(k*))(A + Note that this objectives in with the is V™ the same as the expression and maximum in in VTOgue yr °9 ue + ha + A). {w - c(k*))A + ±(Af; + A)k*. Ll) for as, V r°9ve if evaluated at k = weakly exceeding that of 1 is _ = to choose k* Vm k . r °9ve Given this, Since both maximum, we can conclude so that, ak rogve w- c(k °9ue r )' These are the same optimality and market clearing conditions that arose 2.2. . are strictly concave, they each have a unique that the best that the planner can do markets of section k* in the spot loan In summary, Proposition 5 (a) The ner can credit-line arrangement implements the full-insurance solution as long as the plan- restrict agents restriction, from making side the credit-line trades, arrangement collapses loan markets. 17 (b) to In the absence of this exclusivity the competitive equilibrium with spot . Capital inflow taxation/Liquidity requirement 4.3 Let us consider next a tax/ transfer scheme based on date borrowing (or investment of Since the primitive problem in the spot loan market equilibrium k). borrow /over-invest at date The planner taxes proceeds (T) in a all 0, that agents over- a tax has the potential of achieving the optimal solution. external borrowing at the rate of r and redistributes the date lumpsum is fashion at date 0, T = rdoj = rc(k*) The program a firm for h wI max k This gives the first is, c (k)-Tc(k)+T)(L 1 +A) + ^ (A + A-^-)k. 2 \ L\ J order condition, c'(A:)(l + + A) = (a + Aj-] t){L x Thus, 1+T= 2A ^4+f" LL- A + Li A + a where, U = L\. It is straightforward to verify that for L\ An < A, alternative, but similar in spirit, implementation of the borrowing tax - d oj of all an interna- foreign borrowings be retained as a liquidity requirement for one-period until a crisis arises). Then, since firms choose to borrow c^ j, saving exactly the right amount until date While unlike the credit market is suppose that the planner insisted that a fraction, tional liquidity requirement. For example, JU the optimal tax will be positive. for loans, line this (i.e., arrangement has them 1 arrangement each of these solutions can co-exist with the they do require that the planner observe all external borrowings. If agents could evade the tax/return scheme or liquidity requirement, and trade in the loan market at date 1, they would prefer planner's control since L\ Finally, date it is to. Moreover, this incentive rises as more firms fall under the falls. worth pointing out that and then remove the tax at date this 1. If arrangement requires the planner to tax at the tax is left active for both periods, the equilibrium would be exactly as in section 2.2, with the exception that the interest rate on international collateral would rise to 1 + t. In general, this will lead to a worse than the case of no-taxation. 18 outcome Proposition 6 planner can observe // the external borrowings, a borrowing tax or all liq- implements the full-insurance solution. uidity requirement Capital inflow sterilization 4.4 Consider a government that issues b face value of two period bonds at date Thus the international reserves of £-. on these bonds interest rate is L , in return for and in order to purchase these bonds, firms increase their external borrowings by -jK At date using the government simply buys the bonds plus claims against domestic collateral international reserves of ^-. Finally, at date its taxes of 1, T in order to balance its budget. at the interest rate of 1^, the 2, the government raises Since the investment of reserves at date budget constraint for the government lumpsum 1 is done is, ^-L 1 + T=b, where we note that L = if Li, budget balance is achieved without having to raise taxes. There are two assumptions we make on the government. tax liabilities are rationally Thus the anticipated collateral of each firm is First, and constitute a reduction we assume that future in seizable endowments. reduced by T, so that, for example, the domestic loan capacity becomes, d\,d <w-\-ak — Second, we assume that the government bonds that That they are is like T are sold are only domestic collateral. ak and hence foreigners do not purchase these bonds. In this context, suppose a firm purchases b bonds at date 0. Then its program can be written as, max „, 1, —(w k,b 2 s.t. c(k) Market clearing c(k) + - b WT -r-)(Li 1 /\, AX m + A) + \ ( Ak + b - T + , —A (ak + b - T)) — <w La is, L\ — ak +b-T There are two cases to consider, depending on whether or not the international borrowing constraint 9 is slack or not. Consider first the case that, c(k) + £- < w. Since firms are at See the appendix in Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2000b) for a model justifying this assumption terms of a risk of suspension of convertibility. 19 in an interior in their purchase of bonds, must be that Lq it — and therefore L\, T = 0. Substituting this back into the market clearing condition: —) = L 1 (w — c(k) + ak +b ak w— c(k) In other words, intervention has no effect in this case. The other case sells where the international constraint binds. Suppose that the government is enough bonds so that As always, the RHS c(k*) + -^ — L\ at date optimahty Since d{k*) = "4^°, we < A, we have that exactly c(k*) left, is the opportunity cost d(k*)(L{+A) Ll at Lq, sold Given the intervention, on these bonds be, - arrive to, Lo is either L\ or A. for the private sector requires that the interest rate L° = For L\ The LHS be invested in the government bonds and the proceeds reinvested at 1, order condition for the private sector first the return from an extra unit of k. is of these resources. d{k) could otherwise at w. The Lq > ~ A + ^a 2A A + a A + Lt Lv L\. Since after purchasing these bonds the private sector has amount of firms invest the optimal k* , and the full-information solution achieved. Essentially, the implementation has the bond with an interest rate exceeding L\. investment. However, On requires It 10 endowments, On borrowing or does require that the government be able to tax and issue bonds. first power this tax the other hand, arrangement we it discussed, is not any stronger than what we gave the private does come with a buried assumption. As in the banking if agents had the option to not pay taxes, not buy govern- ment bonds, but be allowed to trade with the this option. 10 no knowledge of date the one hand, since we have assumed that taxes come out of otherwise privately seizable sector. it government "subsidizing" savings by offering a As in the firms banking arrangement, the are paying taxes, they would prefer sterilization policy See Holmstrom and Tirole (1998) or Woodford (1990) 20 who for is the converse case. not coalition incentive compatible. However, it seems reasonable to believe that coalition incentive compatibility with respect to taxes is easier to achieve than that of ruling out side trades in a private banking arrangement. We label this policy as sterilization because, in practice, emerging markets that sterilize accumulate international reserves on the one hand, and issue government bonds on the other. policy. However our bond policy is "real" and may seem closer In Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001b) "real" side of a sterilization policy sheds light only the standard, purely monetary, side of Proposition 7 we have argued than to monetary that emphasizing this on observed outcomes that are puzzling when it is considered. Sterilizing capital inflows at date and consequently reversing to fiscal by issuing two period government bonds, the transaction at date 1, achieves the full-insurance solution as long as the planner has the power to tax endowments tional collateral by foreign investors. 21 and bonds are not viewed as interna- Final 5 As Remarks our previous papers, we have synthesized emerging markets' in terms of volatility in two basic ingredients: weak links with international financial markets and underdeveloped domestic financial markets. The need for external insurance stems from the former ciency, while the latter is The contribution insuffi- behind the external underinsurance problem. of this paper is twofold: First, we have explicitly modeled the infor- mational constraint on domestic insurance markets and have thereby been able to discuss the feasibility of contractual arrangements to solve the underinsurance problem. we have explored in a unified setting several of the main Second, management international liquidity strategies available to these countries. If domestics can write complete insurance markets with each other, external underin- surance disappears. However the mechanism behind this result channel. The main problem allocation of its of the its not a standard insurance economy during a sudden stop limited international collateral but Domestic insurance improves is efficiency is not in the domestic on the aggregate amount by aligning the price of international of the latter. collateral marginal product. In this sense, domestic insurance relates to our discussion and Krishnamurthy (2001c) of the incentive of a countercyclical monetary policy in in with Caballero — as opposed to the standard liquidity— virtues economies subject to sudden stops. In there fact, we argue further that such policy could in some instances substitute for the absence of domestic insurance. If that domestic insurance it is not possible - when types are unobservable - we showed was possible to design mechanisms that could attain the same aggregate outcomes and welfare of the however, practice is full information case. their failure to meet a The common Achilles' heel of these solutions, coalition incentive compatibility constraint; which means that they may not be robust to the existence of secondary markets to opt out of the mechanism. that bond-policy is Among the solutions of these type we studied, or in ways we argued probably more robust than the others, but this policy can also have potentially large drawbacks illiquid i.e if the intervention secondary markets during crises (see is not large enough and public bonds have Caballero and Krishnamurthy (2001b)). 22 References [1] Atkeson, A. and RE. Lucas, Review of Economic Studies [2] Efficient Distribution with Private Information," 59, July 1992, pp. 427-453. and A. 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