Dewey HB31 .M415 orking paper department of economics SEARCH IN THE LABOR MARKET: INCOMPLETE CONTRACTS AND GROWTH Daron Acemoglu 94-23 June 1994 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 SEARCH IN THE LABOR MARKET: INCOMPLETE CONTRACTS AND GROWTH Daron Acemoglu 94-23 June 1994 0CT21199't June, 1994 SEARCH IN THE LABOR MARKET, INCOMPLETE CONTRACTS AND GROWTH Daron Acemoglu Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Keywords: Search, Human Capital, JEL Wage Determination, Incomplete Contracts, Growth Classification: J31, O40 Abstract This paper shows that search in the labor market has important effects on accumulation decisions. In a labor market characterized by search, employment contracts are naturally incomplete and this creates wedge between the rates of return and marginal products of both human and physical capital. As a result, when a worker invests more in his human capital, he increases the rate of return on physical capital. a Provided that these factors are complements in the production function, of investment for firms. Then, because physical capital return on all human in human to accumulate capital goes up. Thus capital. Applying this and These pecuniary increasing returns lead to the possibility of multiple equilibria. They accumulation and shows that when technology choice wage formation am externality which may lead grateful to Paul Beaudry, marginal product, the rate of argument conversely, the presence of pecuniary increasing has an important impact on growth. Finally, the paper derives capital its model there are pecuniary increasing returns to scale the more human capital there is, the more profitable it is returns in physical capital accumulation also follows. inefficiencies not being paid desired level in this capital accumulation in the sense that human is this will increase the to amplified also imply that factor distribution of new is lii±s income between unemployment and human endogenized, search introduces a negative to excessively fast diffusion of new technologies. Roland Benabou, Olivier Blanchard, Ricardo Caballero, Russell Cooper, Diamond, David Frankel, Per Krusell, Thomas Piketty, Andrew Scott, Robert Shimer and seminar participants at Boston University, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, MIT, NBER Macroeconomic Complementarities Group, Paris and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona for helpful comments I Peter Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries . 1) Introduction Progress of knowledge that undoubtedly the most important engine of growth. Yet, despite the fact is most of the new productive knowledge can quickly spread across countries, we significantly different long-run growth performances. This leads many to believe that the incentives to acquire and apply this knowledge, therefore, the rewards to physical and economies. Numerous factors ranging from social regard (e.g. observe still human capital, differ across Sawyer (1949), Baumol (1990), Cole (1991)) to coordination across sectors (e.g. Rosenstein-Rodan (1943), Murphy et al (1989)) are et al obviously important in this process. But economic historians also emphasize the role of institutions (e.g. Mokyr (1990), North (1981)) and in particular, the importance of the relations between labor and capital (e.g. Bean and Crafts (1993), Eichengreen (1993)) to various skills and by implication the extended by a society we need rate of return how much market. Therefore to understand as determinants of long-run on physical economic performance. Rewards capital are determined in the labor of the available stock of knowledge will be exploited and to study the organization of the labor market and the instimtions governing trade within productive units. If trade necessary for productive relationships does not generate a high enough return capital to capital, sufficient investment will not be forthcoming. be accumulated This paper various if starts from workers and firms have to skills are produce. Our main argument is will sufficient is an important feature of most labor markets; both in costly search activities when they are looking for a parmer to that the presence of search will create a wedge between the marginal product of labor and the wage rate (and also between the marginal product of physical capital and of return) and that this will capital accumulation. The introduce important external effects in the process of role of human not appropriately rewarded. the premise that search engage But neither human and human and its rate physical physical capital externalities as a cause of divergent growth performance has been emphasized by Lucas (1988,1990) and by Romer (1986). Lucas assumes a worker increases his education, all exists a technological externality in human capital that when other workers also experience increased productivity, hence there accumulation. The seminal paper by Romer, on the other hand, assumes that technological social increasing returns are present in physical capital accumulation' Social increasing returns as formulated will be low compared to the an agent invests ' less, Other strands of the first-best, by Lucas and Romer do not only suggest that the level of growth but they also lead to the amplification of the inefficiencies: when everyone else's output and productivity will be lower and they too will be induced on Romer (1990) who relies on monopolistic competition and increasing on Rebelo (1991) who takes linear accumulation rules and constant returns to scale. literature build returns at the firm level or 1 words, the presence of this type of interactions imply that each agent's optimal level to invest less. In other of investment is increasing in an Cooper and John the sense of these models is that is it economy wide average (1988)). (or that there exist strategic complementarities in However, a possible objection to the mechanisms put forward by not clear what underlies such technological externalities and also in situations the importance of technological externalities within capital externalities" across generations appear more many a time period seem limited (though "human plausible). This paper will show that even when such technological externalities are absent, search in the labor market will introduce pecuniary social increasing returns to scaled within a time period. That do not is, as workers invest more in affect others' productivity, they increase the rate same argument Further, the their human capital, of return on other workers' human applies to firms' physical accumulation decisions of Lucas and to capital. and pecuniary increasing returns in physical capital accumulation will be present as well. Therefore the externalities do not only lead though they we emphasize lower than optimal growth but they also imply similar equilibrium strategies to those Romer and they similarly lead to the amplification of the inefficiencies in the accumulation process. The general, effects of the increasing returns, amplification development, influencing growth, potentially However organizational forms-'. this paper is only a first and complementarities that locational choices, we propose can be business cycles and even attempt at suggesting that labor market related imperfections and the presence of two-sided investments will lead to this type of complementarities and will therefore try too illustrate them by means of a very simple model. Suppose parmership of a worker and an entrepreneur and that both parties need that output to is produced by a undertake some ex ante investment; the worker in human output will be produced both parties are paid their marginal product and in practice there are two ways of ensuring this: (i) if human and capital and the entrepreneur in physical capital. The efficient level of physical capital can be traded in a competitive (Walrasian) market; (ii) ex ante complete contracts can be written to determine the rewards to the different factors of production. However, when trade ^ We in the labor market is not regulated by the Walrasian auctioneer but requires bilateral suggest the term "pecuniary increasing returns" because the logical alternative, pecuniary externality, often used when externalities, there is no market failure but only distributional effects. As is in the case of pecuniary our effects do not originate from missing markets. However, because prices are not always equal market mediated interactions still lead to increasing remms and significant to marginal cost in all markets, inefficiencies. See the recent survey by Matsuyama (1994) on the wide range of potential applications of the complementarities (or of "circular and cumulative causation" as called by Mydral (1954)) introduced by firm level decreasing average costs and monopolistic competition. ^ most workers cannot search, both of these solutions run into problems. First, since search implies that move from one costlessly firm to another, wages and the rate of return on physical capital will be determined by bargaining on the quasi-rents created by anonymity; workers do not them and know who this leads to a natural The implication is that their future this employers will be, as a wages and rates of return on also increase. human Now that human and capital that a firm expects to and firms find Consequently, the average level of physical capital also increases and by investing in not paid its human capital, the rate of return on into operation only comes employ physical capital are complements, an increase in the average capital increases the average product of physical capital is the rest of the story to both factors are positively related to average products, entrepreneurial profits will Next provided physical capital cannot contract with be equal to the marginal capital will not worker invests more, he increases the average human and because the return result, they incompleteness of contracts. products of these factors but instead will vary with the average product. together: as a Second, search introduces immobility. the marginal product), the rate of return on the human when now by worker has improved the firms respond to the initial more the human rate of return capital investments of other it profitable to invest. same argument capital goes up. Therefore on physical capital workers (indirectly because investment). We thus end (i.e. that and indirectly, this effect comes up with increasing returns but these are pecuniary not technological. The same argument naturally applies to physical capital investments, and pecuniary increasing returns in physical capital accumulation are also present. the decision rules in our economy resemble those of Lucas (1988) and Romer (1986) As a;id lead to a result amplified inefficiencies. Obviously random matching (as assumed by most search models) and high costs of changing partners (in terms of foregone earnings in the process) are extreme assumptions and to the extent that our results issues, depend on we these, they will formally analyze wage determination under different matching assumptions and costs of changing partoers. (rather than full competition. have limited applicability to more organized markets. To deal with these We show that very small search imperfections randomness) are sufficient for The important all feature for our results and ex ante anonymity of matching our results as long as they rule out Bertrand type is that decentralized trade should be subject to some transaction costs. It is useful at this stage to relate our main mechanism to earlier literamre. most notably Diamond (1982) and Mortensen (1982) have stressed affect the probability distribution Although such The search that "actions taken literature, now by one agent over future states that others experience" (Mortensen (1982, p. 968)). externalities are theoretically appealing, their importance is limited. First there is a counter- acting effect; as the market becomes more crowded some agents will also find more it difficult to find parmers. Secondly, these externalities would manifest themselves in the form of increasing returns to scale in the matching technology and the evidence Pissarides (1986), Blanchard and Diamond is that the matching technology exhibits constant returns seem (1989)) and thus no aggregate externalities to (e.g. be present. This paper instead shows that important externalities are created by actions that affect the value offuture matches and analyzes this in a general equilibrium setting. All our effects are derived from market mediated interactions (thus the term pecuniary) and do not come from the properties of the matching technology (as would be it the case in Grout (1984) pointed out Diamond (1982) for instance). in a partial equilibrium setting that underinvestment would arise when investors could not capture the whole of the surplus they create because of ex post hold-up problems. first difference from Grout is that instead of constraints, all our results are derived contracts and makes and from bilateral search credit imperfections unnecessary. two sided investment and search lead inefficiency assuming incomplete contracts and imposing severe to the possibly to multiplicity of equilibria. and the ensuing pecuniary increasing returns imply that no possible allocation of property analysis, no feasible contract) rights literature (e.g. equilibrium setting rights is the finding that to a natural amplification of the initial Also the in contrast to bilateral ex ante investment aspect Mortensen (1982) or Hosios (1989), rights over the surplus (and in contrast to would restore efficiency. In this sense, our paper Becker (1975)'s seminal is related to the property Grossman and Hart (1986), Hart and Moore (1989)) which analyzes how rents. However, this literature does not obtain the economy- wide increasing returns we obtain from the general equilibrium interactions, nor does incompleteness of contracts from bilateral search. Davis (1993) and Caballero and qualities in a partial incompleteness of contracts leads to underinvestment and the allocation of property can help by changing the division of show how respectively liquidity which introduces the incompleteness of The more important innovation to increasing returns, Our the effects emphasized by Grout (1984) will influence the it derive the Hammour (1993) composition of job and the timing of job destruction and creation decisions. Finally Van Der Ploeg (1987) uses Grout's effect in a growth context to show the possibility of suboptimal growth rates. However, papers have one sided investment. As a result, all of these the pecuniary increasing returns, the amplification of inefficiencies (and the possibility of multiplicity) of our paper are absent in these models. The 3. The basic rest of the section 3(ii), model is described in section 2. The main results of the paper are contained in section paper extends our theoretical framework and obtains a number of we show production. Second, we that there exists new results. First, in an optimal distribution of income across different factors of demonstrate in section 4 that multiple equilibria are possible. Third, we derive a negative wage formation may be adoption externality in the presence of technology choice excessively fast due to this Finally externality. unemployment, show how high unemployment discourages human Appendix B contains a further multiplicity. Section 6 concludes. Appendix A offers a general equilibriimi in capital section technology we endogenize 5, accumulation and thus lead to the proofs of all the propositions while wage determination model that gives the wage rule we use in the on heterogeneity and the paper as the unique equilibrium under different assumptions main body of how and show matching technology. 2) The Basic Model and The Competitive We consider workers equal to 1 Allocation model of non-overlapping generations. Each generation a and a continuum of entrepreneurs also normalized of two parts. In the to 1 . consists of a The life they choose their investment levels. Each worker's first, of each agent consists human involves the extent to which he wants to learn and extend the stock of knowledge that in the economy education). Similarly, entrepreneurs decide (e.g. Production takes place in the second part of each agent's Consumption takes place parmership is assumed to at the life in to scale (1) capital decision is already present to invest in their skills. partoerships of one worker and one firm. end of the period and then agents be constant return how much continuum of The production function of a die'*. and takes the form yrAh:'zr" where h, is the human capital level of the function of a worker of generation t is worker and z, is the skill level of the entrepreneur. The utility given as 1+Y where in the " It is the human capital investment, economy defined Our economy is 7 is a positive parameter and H,., is the we human capital as^ certainly very stylized but these assumptions are only adopted for simplification. overlapping generations structure implies that entrepreneurs have to accumulate but stock of will often think of z, as physical capital. Also skills rather The non- than physical capital this setting requires that agents benefit from the stock of knowledge of their parents but again this is not a crucial assumption. If we use infinitely lived agents investing in human and physical capital in every period (e.g. as in Rebelo (1991)) and embed this in a search framework, we would still obtain the pecuniary increasing remms which are the key to all our results. ' This formulation will give us endogenous balanced growth. However, would also apply by (3). in an exogenous growth context where Ht , all the effects derived in this paper grows exogenously rather than being determined H^-rp^hUdi (3) where superscript human denotes worker i capital of the worker, h„ i and will be dropped whenever this will cause no confusion. The given by the following equation is /t,=(l-/,)(l-W-, (4) This formulation assumes that the worker absorbs and extends the stock of knowledge of either his parents or of the society by his can argue human capital investment, that the cost of effort (or alternatively higher According to (4), human human is proportional to Interpreting the utility function (2) in this way, 1,. Ht.i because the worker has to absorb information this capital inherited firom the earlier generations increases the value capital depreciates at the rate 6 if undertaken by the worker. The utility is maximized subject no further human to (4) we of leisure). capital investment is and the budget constraint c<W=w^^ (5) where W, is income the level of the entrepreneur has a similar worker and w, is the wage rate per unit of human capital. Each function given by utility l+Y where at ej., is time t-1 the investment of the entrepreneur and and the stock of entrepreneurial skills of the Z,., is economy defined similarly as is Z,_^=j\;_^di (7) and also Zr{l-e;){\-8)Z,_, (8) which has a similar explanation to (4). Each entrepreneur maximizes her utility, (6), subject to (8) and the budget constraint, c<R=r;:, (9) where R, is A the total complete description of behavior in worker and firm; and (iii) skill. a income of the entrepreneur and wage (ii) payments are hmnan capital and (b) involves; (i) an investment decision for each and a rate of return for each level of entrepreneurial We start with the Walrasian system which in time. That the auctioneer calls out on entrepreneurial capital, and their given the final rewards, the ex ante investment decisions are privately optimal. return economy will be in equilibrium iff (a) given the distribution of types, their allocation in equilibrium, is, the return to entrepreneurial skill. given the distribution of types of workers and firms, an allocation of workers to firms level for each level of The economy this rt is is frictionless wage schedule and all as a function of and trade stops when all allocations take place at human capital levels markets clear. Note one point and rates of first that the allocation problem with competitive markets is Kremer straightforward (e.g. (1993)); the most be allocated to the most productive entrepreneur because the marginal willingness worker is highest when level of capital the is In other words, highest. skilled to will be matched together when they have the same ranks in allocation, the competitive equilibriimi will wage rate and pay for the best i on entrepreneurial all and entrepreneur their respective orderings^. rate of return will imagine a ranking of entrepreneurs in descending order and then a similar ranking for workers, then worker j worker Given such an capital for each pair be determined as follows: Given these wage rates, the equilibrium accumulation decisions ("saving rates") will be given as; /,={(l-S)w(/i,^,)}'^ .11^ e={{\-8)r{h,^)V^^ which set the marginal cost of investment equal to the marginal benefit. This gives us our like all others in this Proposition 1: paper is proved is unique, symmetric^ and Pareto optimal. All equilibrium economy grows paths converge to a unique balanced growth path along which the and has z/h g ^=(l+{a"(l-a)'"'M(l-5)}'^^)(l-5)-l worker We fiilly efficient in will not increase the welfare of other worker. In particular, increasing therefore say that this all model does not the sense that different i, ^uj(J)= at a where capital investment by a reduces the pay-off to the will not is be Pareto improving. growth similar to the given point in time by investing more because ds ( Js: g*^ from Romer (1986) or Lucas (1988). In Lucas' of the external effects and moreover, each agent wants to invest more formally define for every worker amount it exhibit social increasing returns. This and Romer 's models, an agent would improve welfare More more human workers and firms more than is at the rate ratio equal to (l-a)/a. agents' investments by a small model of Uzawa (1965) or Rebelo (1991) and * which in the appendix. The competitive equilibrium This economy intratemporaly first result when others increase their investment and similarly for each entrepreneur j . Then i h,>hi and j have the same rank iff 12^(0 = fiFG)- I" the competitive allocation (or efficient matching) i and j will be matched together iff (i) they have the same rank or (ii) when i is unmatched and has the lowest rank (nw()) among the unmatched workers and 3j*: nvv(i) = fiFC*). andj has the lowest BpC-) among remaining entrepreneurs. ^ All workers choose the same investment level and likewise for all entrepreneurs. because of the technological increasing returns to scale. These features are absent in there are no technological externalities (within a period) and the labor market current generation does not take into account the positive effect that it there is no way that the future generations earlier ones) redistributions 3) Search, make and it is competitive. Yet the the productivity of future is still Pareto Optimal^ because can compensate the current one for the increased investment each generation consumes in only one period and there compensate model because on creates generations by investing more. Nevertheless, the competitive allocation is this no asset is that later generations (i.e. can use to therefore not possible to increase investment and then by a series of agents better-off. all Incompleteness of Contracts and Pecuniary Increasing Returns We now turn to an economy which productive partoerships are formed via anonymous random in matching. At the beginning of the second period of their lives (i.e. after the investment decisions have been made), workers and entrepreneurs are matched one-to-one, so that no worker nor entrepreneur remains unemployed parmer (see section 5, to another will on this). However, despite be costly ("search"). Note that investment decisions are taken first this lack this of unemployment, moving from one economy has an explicit temporal dimension; and allocations and equilibrium prices are determined later. This is obviously an extreme assumption; although important educational choices are taken before workers arrive to the labor market, an important part of the human capital is also accimiulated on the job. Such an extension will not however change our main results'. Combined with the presence of mobility costs, the timing of investment choices will introduce a classic hold-up situation. Although how much each agent has invested may be contractible, they cannot write a contract with their partner to relate their payments to this investment level because the identity of this parmer costly, they is unknown have at the time of investment. Further, since changing parmers at the search stage to share the surplus within the partoership of making sure that he or she will receive the return of and entrepreneurs' returns are * This is outcomes who invests more has no way higher investment. This implies that workers' m general related to the average product of their investment (as well as, or obviously not the only Pareto Optimal outcome. Yet that can it is the only one in die set of Pareto optimal be achieved by a competitive price system and also the one that maximizes the welfare of the current generation. Throughout the paper ' this and an agent is Acemoglu (1993b) shows we will use the term Pareto optimum to refer to model of training if workers and firms cannot guarantee The main externality there is between the current employer of that similar effects arise in a that their relationship will continue indefinitely. the worker and his fumre employers who this allocation. also benefit from the worker's human 8 capital. For the main resuh of the paper we instead of, the marginal product). lead to a wage determination wages and rates of return rule on whereby will assume worker obtains a proportion the that search imperfections of the jS total surplus, thus depend only on average product. Appendix capital A offers a wage determination model which gives this result as the unique equilibrium under a variety of assumptions on heterogeneity and matching technology. Although other assumptions on technology and bargaining would imply different sharing rules, from marginal products (i) Search in the all our qualitative results would go through whenever wages are different irrespective of the magnitude of this Labor Market and Pecuniary Increasing Returns In this section a worker random. This implies who is match with in a change parmers so the equilibrium allocation is - output y; obtains Wi=|8yi and matching naturally, in equilibrium will not follows that the expected income of a worker witii of entrepreneurs total is worker has an equal probability of meeting each entrepreneur and likewise that each for each entrepreneur irrespective of their skill levels to wedge. human be entirely random. some agents may decide From on capital h; conditional these assumptions it the average investment given as (12) w(h,f(z;y-''di)=pAh^fiz;y"'di The worker will always obtain a proportion |3 the entrepreneur z/ as well as his investment similarly given of the h,. total output which will depend on the capital level of The expected income of an entrepreneur with capital z, is by (13) R(f(h;rdi^;)=(i-p)A2!-''{(h:rdi Total incomes are not directly related to marginal but only to average product. Consequently, the marginal reward to one more unit of investment is proportional to average product. This implies the following investment rules; i,_,Hiia(i-s)Ahr'f(z;y-diy''' (14) e,_^={{i-m-<^){^-8>4zrf(h,Ydiy" The difference between these expressions and (11) present. However, in (14) they take the investment level a worker has a first is worth noting. In both, pecuniary interactions are form of pecuniary increasing returns to scale. order impact on the welfare of firms in contrast to (1 By 1) increasing where its the only impact was through the equilibrium rates of returns and thus was of second-order. Moreover, when a worker increases his human capital level of all the entrepreneurs. investment, this also has a first-order impact And by the same argimient, on the desired investment the increase in the entrepreneurs' investment decision will have a first-order impact on the welfare and desired investment level of aU workers. This is the channel decisions; which mtroduces pecuniary increasing returns and amplified by investing less inefficiencies in the accumulation workers (firms) not only create a negative impact on the welfare of other workers and firms but also reduce their desired mvestment levels. Proposition 2: The decentralized search economy with random matching has a unique equilibrium. All equilibria paths converge to a balanced growth path along which the economy grows and g''={U{a"(l-ay-"l3"(l-py'"(l-8)Ay'''){l-8)-l is at the rate g'' where g^ The decentralized economy less than is Pareto dominated by the competitive equilibrium and exhibits pecuniary increasing returns in the sense that a small increase in agents investment will all make everyone Since part of the emphasis of this paper increasing returns, it is is on better off. the amplification of inefficiencies instructive to assess the quantitative difference in the next subsection (3= a between share of labor in total output, So if .6. We take 6=0, competitive growth widens when 5 is generations and A 7= rate is 1 model very simple, is /3 (i.e. we do will see this as the base set these equal to the This implies that g''=0.51g''- economy grows this exercise become much 2% at larger in each period when we whereas g' is take configurations not have optimal distribution of income across factors). Because our should of course be interpreted with caution but amplification of inefficiencies through our (ii) and As we twice as high as our decentralized equilibrium. This gap equal to 13.5%, nearly seven times faster. These gaps not equal to 0=a to simplify the expression. equal to 0.569, the decentralized is g''. to pecuniary For instance with 6 = .9 which implies limited knowledge spill-overs across positive. where a and minimizes the distortions in our economy. Therefore taking case would minimize the difference between g" and g^ Let us then take 0.495. g*^ due mechanism can indeed be it still suggests that the quite significant. The Role of Institutions, Property Rights and Optimal Factor Shares The growth shared rate of the decentralized equilibrium, among workers and depend on the entrepreneurs. institutional structure The g'', depends on /8, the way that total output is division of surplus between the factors will in general of the economy and also on the allocation of property rights. Although investment and education subsidies financed by non-distorionary taxation could clearly restore efficiency, it will be more instructive to investigate property rights as captured by /3 (as in to the bilateral investment aspect, out that the externality whether efficiency can be achieved by changing institutions and Mortensen (1982) and Hosios (1989)). However, such a way of achieving efficiency we propose cannot be easily removed. 10 is in our model, due not possible and this again points Proposition 3: i3=a achieves the highest balanced growth. For all values of the /3 economy is Pareto more unit of inefficient. The intuition is human capital investment and To minimize a straightforward, (1-a) is captures how much total output increases by one the incremental contribution of entrepreneurial investment to output. workers should receive a proportion a of the distortions, get a proportion (l-a). This also best could be achieved by makes making it total clear that if only one of the parties product they create and firms had ex ante investtnents, that party the full residual claimant of the final returns. case since both parties have important ex ante investments, they both need to be claimants and this is their ex ante investments. Yet, than a straightforward reallocation of property rights. In particular, since Although a social planner could implement a system of this this. In summary, market has important which /3 effects in if our the share of the this requires upon ex sort, the decentralized in full residual known who not it is a pair, efficient provision of incentives requires multilateral contracts conditional achieve made not possible. Expressed alternatively, efficiency can be restored worker (and of the entrepreneur) can be conditioned upon However first- will more form ante investments. equilibrium caimot easily our model represents the institutional arrangements in the labor on accumulation decisions but no value of /3 restores efficiency in this economy'". 4) Technology Choice, Multiple Growth Paths and Negative Wage Formation Externality Section 3 demonstrated the presence of pecuniary increasing returns and amplification (or strategic complementarities). Such interactions can in general lead to a multiplicity of equilibria, yet given the set-up of the previous model, equilibria negative we obtained a unique equilibrium. In this section can easily arise in wage formation We this setting. externality modify our model such is will also show that in the will show that multiplicity of presence of technology choice a naturally introduced. that the production function of a parmership is given as y=Ah, (15) so output We we is linear in human capital. Entrepreneurs on the other hand have a technology choice which determines A. At zero cost they can choose a technology that has a marginal product A, or they can incur an additional cost kH,., and obtain the higher productivity A2. The incremental cost of advanced technology Given the wage determination stage of Appendix A, more complicated sharing rules cannot arise in equilibrium. However, it is also straightforward to see that rules of the form Wi=f(yj) where f(.) is a nonlinear function but does not directly depend on ex ante investments will not help at all in achieving better allocations. '° 11 depends on the knowledge level of the society too. Specifically this because entrepreneurs have to absorb this knowledge assumption will ensure the existence of balanced growth paths. Again in this section (H,.,) no worker or entrepreneur remains unemployed. In this economy, there will in general be firms of high and low technology and as a result workers may want to switch from one firm to another. Appendix A shows that under some plausible assumptions, the possibility of such switches will not change the results of the previous section. are constrained to choose between discrete alternatives, this may no longer be true. Thus in contrast to the previous section, the size of the mobility costs (the costs of changing parmers) this we reason start low mobility costs which will then turn to a) with high mobility costs which will However, when firms may become illustrate the possibility will introduce the negative important. For of multiple equilibria; wage formation we externality. High Mobility Costs High mobility costs imply that because changing partaers firm he matched with and wages prohibitively costly, a is worker will be determined by bargaining between produce with the first the entrepreneur and the worker without reference to "outside options". Therefore workers again obtain a proportion of the /3 is total output, i.e. Wj=i8yi, as in the previous section. of firms that adopt the high productivity technology capital h, will have an expected wage equal to neutral, the optimal human capital investment (16) When will again at time t by T;, Now denoting the proportion this implies that a j8{(1-t,)A, +TtA2}h,. Since from worker of human (2), the worker is risk- given as is r(T,) = {^((l-T,>4i-T^2)(l-5)}^'^ all firms are expected to use the low productivity technology, the human capital investment of the workers will be given by (17) i,'"{oy{^^{i-s)y'y In contrast when will optimally all firms are expected to adopt the technology with the higher marginal product, workers choose the higher level of human (18) capital investment l,'"(l)={pA^{l-8)y'^ The profitability of the of the workers' human firms possess the new investment capital. In turn, for the entrepreneurs workers are willing new technology because their workers better-off and when workers invest more By is obviously increasing in the level more to invest average product section, pecuniary increasing returns are present. is in human capital when all higher. Therefore as in the previous investing in the new technology, firms are making in response, all firms experience increased profits. defining, B,=(l-5)(H-{i3A,(l-6)}"^) and B2 = (l-6)(H-/3A2(l-5)}"^), 12 the we have; Now Proposition 4: Suppose 'W=l3y„ then if (1-|S)A,B, < (l-jS)A2B, - k and (1-|8)A,B2 < (l-i3)A2B2 - k, in every period there exist two pure strategy symmetric Nash equihbria, one in which the high cost technology is adopted and one in which new technology Intuitively, for the terms of our model, However, workers will this not. to be productive, a large scale of production corresponds to workers choosing a high level of will only be the case when it is do all their when this they expect high rewards same forces were present, the required. In capital investment. high average products), and (i.e. future parmers are expected to choose the the previous section although the human is this more productive technology. Cobb-Douglas functional form In led to a unique equilibrium. Here due to the discreemess of the technology choice, multiple equilibria can easily arise". b) Small Mobility Costs With high mobility costs, the indirectly, a positive externality advanced technology creates a positive externality on workers and on fellow entrepreneurs. When possibility of heterogeneity across firms, The pairs. partoers intuition is clear, when cheap, he would want to is it may no a worker move is the mobility cost is small and there is the longer be appropriate to assume that Wj=/3yj for all matched with a firm of low technology and changing unless he paid more than a proportion is /3 of the output of the low productivity firm. Let us denote the cost of changing partners by knows that he will find a new parmer proportion of entrepreneurs who if To e. adopted the more advanced technology. its productivity slightly above Aj unravel the multiplicity of equilibria. between A, and Aj and thus leads due to the non-convexity. This is It is if that the In particular again If the his expected cost will be'^ e/r. Therefore the she could do this at let worker r be the worker keeps moving see the importance of the discreetness note that in the low equilibrium an entrepreneur increase '^ Appendix A. This implies as in he incurs the mobility cost matched with a more productive entrepreneur " e wage until rate that would prefer to a small cost. If possible, such actions would therefore the non-convexity (discreetness) that forces her to choose to the multiplicity. not strictly correct in general since The negative we must externality of the next subsection is likewise use the conditional probability that an unmatched more productive technology and this may be different from the proportion of entrepreneurs who have chosen the more productive technology. But we will only look at the cases where r tends to zero and entrepreneur has the to 1, and in both cases (19) applies exactly. Also note All workers will have the same rank same human that this is a special case of capital level, h, thus iiw(i)=0 for all as the high technology firms and they should 13 all receive /SAzh. i. Lemma 3 in Appendix A. Therefore they have exactly the a worker with human capital h receives when matched with a low productivity firm has him not to switch. This equation straightforward to explain. is he can get in a more productive firm minus the cost of moving of the pie he will obtain his share and if it to The outside option of the worker such a firm. than his share If this is less amount in his initial partnership or he switches and obtains expected value). In the previous sections, the outside option was never binding whereas this in From increase and equation (19), rate that see that as a firm invests, the outside of option of all firms using the old technology have to pay higher prices. This looks very all pecuniary externality that rate we can is what is more, his outside option would be binding and he would is obtain his outside option (either he gets this wage be tvj=max {^^h, I3A^--} (19) for to also present in competitive models; as the demand now. it is workers much will like a for labor increases, the goes up. However, a pecuniary externality in a competitive labor market will increase the wage faced by is all funis thus will not bias the technology choice. In our case the outside option is never binding for fums that have adopted the advanced technology and wages are set with reference to average product. Therefore as workers increase their investments, high productivity entrepreneurs make more profits. Yet low technology firms are forced pay higher wages because the outside option of to their workers becomes binding. Consequently, as more firms invest in the new technology, a negative wage formation externality is created and the low technology becomes less attractive relative to the advanced technology. To analyze the interaction in technology, for In contrast, positive values of all when this a high e, case more carefully, let e-»0. If no firm chooses the advanced workers will have no binding outside option and number of firms choose the more advanced technology, from will obtain |SAh. (19) workers can always obtain /SAjh (either they meet or switch to a high productivity firm or their outside option when they bargain with a low productivity firm). investment equal to technology is l,.i(l) as in (18) above. proportional to {A,B2 - strategy equilibria, e^, one productivity technology if in is (l-j8)A,B, > - this level Whereas fiA.2^i}- technology will be proportional to {(l-j8)A2B2 Proposition 5: As At Anticipating this, they choose their of human human binding capital capital investment, return to the return to choosing the low more productive k}. (1-/3)A2B, - k and A2B2 - k which the high productivity technology used. is > is A1B2 there exist two symmetric pure adopted and one in which the low The advanced technology can be adopted even when optimal to do so. 14 it is not socially As wage formation a result of the negative diffusion of new technologies. anticipate that they will human the higher When a high economy may experience externality, the number of firms are expected to adopt this technology, firms have to pay higher wages even when they do not possess the new technology and capital of workers makes the new technology sufficiently attractive. be borne in mind that the negative externality counteracts the positive externality far, thus it may reduce the inefficiencies. But, since excessively fast technological diffusion 5) Unemployment, number of new may it has to we have emphasized so also result'^. Capital Accumulation and Multiple Equilibria we all relax the assimiption that and a new source of strategic effects However, can more than offset the positive externality, it Human In this section too fast workers find employment. This will introduce a interactions. In order to illustrate these points we maintain the model of the previous section but instead of a technology choice entrepreneurs have to decide whether to be active or not. In the previous section both sides had ex ante investments and here workers have a human capital investment an "ex ante investment" The utility and firms have sufficient to give us all of entrepreneurs now is to be active or not; t^ only takes the values active entrepreneurs. worker has or The cost of to absorb the stock of 1 results. The former denotes . the entrepreneur deciding to be inactive to allocate her talents to production. E, becoming productive depends upon H,., to market becomes entrepreneurship are related to search become entrepreneurs congested'''. is A at time ''• Young (1992) government the measure of It also depends upon because of decreasing returns when t formulation that captures the idea that the costs to to derive ijl(E) from the standard matching function (1990)). According to this interpretation, each entrepreneur incurs a set-up cost to is whereas because in the same way as the knowledge of the society so does the entrepreneur. number of agents who decide the entrepreneurial '^ this is also given by 61=1 implies that the entrepreneur has decided Et, the our ex ante whether vXc„e,)=c-n(E,)e^,_, (20) where to decide tjq (e.g. Pissarides and also decides how for instance argues that such excessively fast adoption occurred in Singapore but attributes it policies. This type of congestion would follow from search, product or factor market competition. If this type of decreasing remms were active and one not present, where none we would have two extreme Also from a standard matching ftmction by are. as noted before, the mobility cost e relating require the second part of each agent's the possibility of life to it one in which all entrepreneurs are we have used so far can be derived equilibria, to time lost while searching for a be specified as a continuum) and unemployment but we preferred not to concentrate 15 on it up new partner (which we would this already implicitly to this point. assumed many When vacancies to open. filled falls and each entrepreneur needs we wUl (1989); thus in no point ingredient is of vacancies. to vacancies, the probability that each vacancy will get open more vacancies. Note capture all (or active employers) workers looking for a job (which assumption for us is that v<l vacancy getting we can assume these features form where the number of jobs is (i.e. The require increasing returns in the search technology. the natural one that the probability of a To in particular that according to this matching technology can be constant returns to scale as found by Blanchard and interpretation, the Diamond more open there are equal to in our 1 v+^ can be decreasing in the number filled is that the search technology takes a U given as E=V''U^ where is V model) and less than or equal to is number of the 1). crucial is Cobb-Douglas number of the vacancies. The key This implies; ^(°^=''« (21) lim£_i At(£)='» The intuition is simple. filled is 1, thus When all As the number of vacancies goes an entrepreneur can become active at to zero, the probability that a no additional cost except for entrepreneurs are active, each entrepreneur needs to open a very high order to be matched with a worker. Since in general not all vacancy becomes the set-up expense number of vacancies r/g. in entrepreneurs enter the market, there will be unemployment among workers. In particular when E enti-epreneurs are active, the unemployment (rate) will be equal to Ut^l-Ef Random matching entrepreneur. Since his expected remrn implies that each worker has a probability (1-u,) or E, of ending we assumed that the worker's is not productive when he is unmatched, li{l-u,)Ah, Therefore utility maximization implies The investment decisions of workers and the presence of unemployment the lower will the growth the growth rate of this in (23); in particular, the higher rate be. However this is also endogenous, so the correlation between Acemoglu economy is the be further distorted due will unemployment rate of the to economy, only a partial equilibrium result since unemployment unemployment and growth variables differ across economies and time periods (see (1992), capital is (22) is human up with an will depend on how Aghion and Howitt (1992), Bean and structural Pissarides (1993b)). Next we need to determine the unemployment rate of the entrepreneurs. Entry will stop only when in this economy. For return to entrepreneur ship cost, thus equilibrium requires 16 is this we equal to turn to the behavior its M(£,)=(l-iS>4(l-5)(l-{/3£^(l-5)}i/^) (24) Inspection of (23) and (24) indicates the presence of pecuniary increasing returns to scale. entrepreneur decides to enter the market, will be unemployed invest more, all And falls. workers. This amplification of the 1 made when open and thus the the loss of skill of the unemployment remains shows some unemployed high. In our in capital but since labor When unemployment is not paid its is unemployment equilibria with different similarity to that of Pissarides unemployment economy, the unemployed but via forward looking choices of capital investment to undertake. human intuition of this multiplicity and right-hand sides of (24) are both left more than once and the proportion of the long-term level of When workers equation (23). - also leads to the possibility of a further multiplicity shows. The two curves that denote the increasing in E,. These curves can intersect (1992) where more better off because they share the increased productivity of the initial inefficiencies and growth rates are possible. The is effect high, fewer vacancies does not work through workers on the low, workers find how much human marginal product, entrepreneurs benefit from Diamond (1982) and Mortensen (1991) where to multiplicity of equilibria. does not depend on such technological assumptions. Robinson (1993) it relates human higher this also similar capital formation to is However, our result another paper that has a similar unemployment we do as here, but again based based on technological externalities. Finally, Acemoglu (1993b) also obtains a complementary result it is that high unemployment discourages technological innovation and human reason that with high is adopting new At we is in technological increasing returns (respectively in the matching technology and the production function) lead result, especially as more profitable to invest it investment and are more willing to be active which then reduces unemployment. The result to an workers are made better off because the probability that they in response to this they decide to invest entrepreneurs are of equilibria as Figure all When unemployment, the technologies this stage it is is capital accumulation effective cost of training that firms take into account outcome of in their who human use their economy. Since the will get jobs should be educated (i.e. capital skills. as the decentralized The and some of them, just as crucial difference is is all purpose this constrained by exactly the social planner cannot random matching), in the decentralized economy. For this define the constrained Pareto efficient allocation where the social planner only workers when higher. instructive to also look at the efficient same matching imperfections but the workers will make sure that have to invest outcome, will be unemployed and not that the social planner will internalize the spillovers and instead of setting the ex ante investment given by (23), he would choose r(E) = {A(l-6)E}"^, thus in investing in human capital, he will take into account that entrepreneurs will also benefit Similarly, in (24) entrepreneurs ignore the positive externalities they create 17 on from this investment level. the workers, neither do they > LLI cr U. o ^^ £ r 3 3 CU "S c ^:5.Co *•* C/) cc 0) C CD f— LU =L < consider the negative impact they have on fellow entrepreneurs by increasing their entry costs. The social planner will internalize all these effects and replace (24) by (25) fi{E)^EfjLXE)=A(l-8)(lHA{l-8)Ey''^) Proposition 6: Consider the economy described above. If 7/o>(l-i8)A(l-6), there exist either one equilibrium with no activity or three balanced growth path equilibria with different unemployment rates'^. Pecuniary increasing returns are present. Equilibrium with lower unemployment Pareto dominates the ones with higher unemployment and 6) all equilibria are constrained Pareto inefficient. Concluding Remarks The main argument of on accimiulation this paper is that imperfections in the labor decisions. Search and related imperfections create a market have important wedge between effects the marginal product of factors of production and their rates of return, as a result they distort the investment incentives for accumulable factors. Also because of search, a natural incompleteness of contracts induced and is prevents the possibility of providing the right incentives at the ex ante investment stage. only tip of the iceberg; rate but, since the wage when workers accumulate rate is less human capital, this not only not equal to the marginal product of labor, it However this this is depresses the growth also reduces the profitability of physical capital investment. As a result, there will be less physical investment but, by the same argument, this reduces the rate of return on Consequently the original inefficiency is human capital and all the workers will also want to invest less. amplified and increasing returns are obtained, yet the externalities are not technological but derived from interactions in the labor market. The paper shows that this type of framework implies that labor market institutions have a direct impact on the rate of growth and that there exists an optimal distribution of income across factors. Further, a number of other interesting results naturally follow. First, a multiplicity of equilibria is shown Second, the possibility of a negative wage formation externality with small mobility costs Finally, when unemployment is endogenized, a unemployment and a new source of This paper is a first new link multiplicity of equilibria attempt at pointing out between human is capital is to exist. illustrated. accumulation and obtained. important interactions between search and Note that because of our simple setting, the equilibrium at time t does not affect the likelihood of high or low unemployment equilibrium at time t+1. Therefore, there exist non-balanced growth equilibria in which there is high growth and low unemployment for a number of periods and low growth and high unemployment for '^ some other periods. 18 accumulation/investment decisions. First, there, new of the effects suggested in this paper require more research. wage determination with matching and heterogenous agents needs equilibrium an attempt Many at this see Shimer and Smith (1994)). Although the may effects also be introduced. effects emphasized For instance, interesting questions to to be in this fully solved (for paper will survive be answered are; whether with sufficient heterogeneity, small mobility costs create a "large" divergence between marginal products and rates of remrn under different modelling assumptions; what the extent of equilibrium misallocation of workers to firms will be in the presence of non-negligible mobility costs; what the effects of matching are in the presence of unemployment (on this see Acemoglu (1994)). Second, a efficient more forward looking model of capital accumulation would be useful. Using such a model, the quantitative effects of the mechanisms proposed can be evaluated more carefully. Third, an investigation of the in this paper empirical relationship between factor shares and growth rate of output and of productivity will be informative. Finally and most importantly, it should be investigated whether the dealing with the imperfections created by the process of costly exchange. the organization of the markets. industrial We know development went hand in firom the accounts of economy can The first candidate economic historians hand with the development of markets find is ways of to change that the process of (for a fascinating account see Braudel (1982)) and that in general a number of markets have become more centralized in the process while also certain others such as the labor market can be argued to have become more "decentralized". will be interesting efficient are is to and to investigate how what the conditions for centralization and for this they interact with the process of (human) capital accumulation. change the organizational forms of firms. An example of such a phenomenon is It process to be socially The second candidate analyzed in Acemoglu (1993a) where changes in the internal organization of the firm correct "general equilibrium" inefficiencies created by moral hazard and adverse selection. No such solution is possible in the model of our paper, but with more structure, the joint determination of organizational forms and market allocations can be studied. I hope to be able to pursue these issues in future work. 19 . Appendix (i) A A - Wage Determination Simple Model of General Equilibrium Wage Determination Let us assume that once a pair is formed, both parties incur a cost equal to e when they change parmers. This can be interpreted as a monetary or non-monetary mobility cost or a flow loss because finding a new parmer takes time'*. We will show that in our framework, even for very small values of e, from the relevant marginal products. We also assume that no agent can simultaneously bargain with more than one party and Bertrand type competition is ruled out. Thus our bargaining stage will be similar to Shaked and Sutton (1984) which is an extension of the rates of return will be completely decoupled Rubinstein's (1982) framework. following the random matching (Figure Al) where y is More precisely we assume the following structure. After pairs are stage, the entrepreneur (firm, F) the total output produced if there is W, and the worker, agreement in this formed play a subgame r(y) subgame. First, the firm makes a wage demand (node A) which can be refused by the worker (node B). If the worker refuses, he no cost make a counter offer (node C) or decide to leave and find a new parmer at cost e (to both parties). If he makes an offer, the entrepreneur can refuse this (node D) and quit at cost e. If she decides to continue with bargaining. Nature decides whether the firm or the worker wUl make the last offer (node can at E)'' and is at this stage quitting is denoted by /3. no longer permitted. The probability This strucmre in a simple way We choose worker will make the offer captures the importance of institutional regulations that determine the balance of power between workers and firms. bargaining position and vice versa. that the /3 If /3 is high, the worker has a strong as a parameter rather than use an infinite horizon game with alternating offers and equal discoimt factors because this formulation enables us to investigate later whether a particular value of /3 (which can be also seen as a particular allocation of property rights on returns) would internalize the externalities bargaining, both find new parmers we final emphasize. In the case where one of the parties terminates (incurring the cost e) and play a similar subgame r(y') (where y' is not heterogeneity). The presence of the mobility cost same as y if there is e is the crucial feature for us; it capmres in our setting that search and changing parmers are costly. Without this cost our economy would be frictionless. As e becomes smaller, the amount of frictions are diminished; in the standard matching framework where search costs are foregone earnings, this corresponds to the discount necessarily the rate approaching 1 At any point in time, this economy will have a complicated history which describes the way agents have matched and bargained up to that point. We are only interested in equilibria that do not depend on this history in a complicated way or are Markovian and implies that all agents will play the same strategies number of agents, when a worker This would imply that switching end bargaining, no new would be even less attractive thus bias the result in our favor. Since we have a continuum of agents, we can avoid this problem by assuming that there always exists some unmatched agents so that switching partners is always possible, yet the set of unmatched agents may be of measure zero. This modelling assumption is also a convenient substimte for the more rigorous strategy of looking at the steady state of a bargaining market with entry and exit (e.g. Osborne and Rubinstein (1990)). '* With a partners finite may exist. (or an entrepreneur) decides to partners We have chosen Namre to move at node E to simplify the game tree, however an alternative game form where the worker and the entrepreneur asymmetrically alternate in making offers would do equally well as long as there is some sort of discounting (e.g. a small probability that the game will end without agreement after a rejection). However, applying the Nash solution irrespective of the extensive form would not be satisfactory since this may not correspond to the equilibrium of a well specified bargaining game (see Binmore, Rubinstein and Wolinsky (1986)). It can also be argued that in Rubinstein's (1982) framework with alternating offers, /3 will only depend on discount factors. But, in real world bargaining simations many other features seem to be " more important in determining the relative bargaining strength. 20 nP> CD dd O c .[] -< J} Q C m (D -< (D -< in each completely identical thus we 1: r(y). Markov are only interested in Lemma is subgame We would also want all strictly positive values of Proof: Consider the extensive form in Figure entrepreneur by V^^ which we subgame perfect, Perfect Equilibria (see for instance Fudenberg and Tirole (1991)). With homogenous agents, random matching and the unique equilibrium for the equilibrium to be Al and let the subgame r(y) as described above, W|=(8y e. us denote the will try to determine. If the supremum expected remrn of game reaches node (l-B)y. Next consider node D; since the E, the expected remrn of worker is By and that of the firm is same game, the maximum the entrepreneur can expect from changing parmers is V^^-e. On the other hand, she can say no and stay in, reach node E and obtain (l-6)y. Since we are looking for the supremum of her equilibrium pay-offs, let her return at D be given by the maximum of these two amounts. Therefore at node C the worker has to offer the firm max{V^E-f,(l-B)y}. Now move to node B, the worker can say no and continue with bargaining in which case the game will proceed to node C and he will obtain y-max{V^£-e,(l6)y}. Alternatively, he can say no and leave to obtain his outside option. Since we are after the supremum of the pay-off set of the firm, let us suppose that the worker gets his infimum, denoted by V'^. It then the follows that at node A, the supremum of (Al) Now all the pay-off set of the entrepreneur pairs are playing the exact is F/=y-max{Fj,-e,y-max{F/-e,(l-/3)>'}} noting that V^£-I-V',^,=y, this equation has a unique solution which We can now it is This not equal to zero) in lemma tells is a unique equilibrium irrespective of the value of which the worker receives By. us that even with very small search frictions, there that when he left would get her marginal product, equilibrium, when the worker leaves, he if the firm he meets is the pair would The inmition simple. If the is e. However, in will meet another firm and enter a very similar bargaining exactly the credible) and bargaining will take place over the defmed wedge between a large just bargain over the surplus, same as the one he expect anything better and hence his outside option will not be binding wages may be the firm, he would get his marginal product and the entrepreneur likewise simation. In fact, e (as QED the marginal product of factors of production and their rates of return. worker could ensure V^E=(1-B)y. repeat the above argument with the infimum of the pay-off set which will imply that V'E=(1-B)y. Thus given the extensive form, there long as is is bargaining with, he cannot (i.e. the threat to quit whole of the pie and the "inside" option is not will determine remrn from r(y) without the right to exercise the outside option). (1971)'s famous result and to Shaked and Sutton (1984). It follows from this results that if we augment the model of the paper with the wage determination game outlined here, the result of Proposition would be the unique symmetric equilibrium. The analysis of the ("inside" option This intuition is is very similar to as the Diamond next subsection shows that in some other cases The we can limitations of this result should also actually also rule out be noted. First, of heterogenous agents because the worker (or the entrepreneur) will return to this point in the next subsection where we will it non-symmetric may be moving show to a better partner. same results if e competition so that a worker becomes is arbitrarily small. Second, we We that with efficient matching, the presence of heterogenous agents does not change our results and with random matching, exactly the equilibria. does not always hold in the presence we again obtain are not allowing Bertrand type never able to bargain with two firms simultaneously. If we allow a firm meet two workers (or vice-versa) with a certain probability, then there will be a closer relationship rates of return and the marginal products but the competitive outcome will not be achieved unless we remove the mobility costs completely. It is natural that in our context that two workers would never simultaneously meet an entrepreneur and vice versa. If a worker is bargaining simultaneously with to between the 21 two firms they who Thus ex ante a firm will both get zero surplus. or employed by, already in negotiation with, is will have no incentive worker to contact a another firm. Third, although I believe this formulation, where each party has the right to exercise the outside option, captures the most important and we know from the literature surveyed and analyzed by Osborne and Rubinstein (1990) that when Namre decides when bilateral bargaining will end and parties will be forced to take their outside realistic effects, options, bargaining markets converge to the competitive equilibrium as the discount factor tends to 1, e.g. Gale (1987)'^ (ii) Robustness of Wage Determination: Heterogeneity and Efficient Matching The divergence between marginal products and rates of return plays a crucial part in our results. The first is random matching; the second is to homogenous agents in Lemma 1) and the third is that multilateral (i.e. before the investment stage. Relaxing the last assumption would take us away Three assumptions have been used to obtain this result. concentrate on symmetric equilibria contracts cannot be written from we the investigation of the decentralized equilibrium" (but see concluding remarks). In this section will relax the first two. Agents certainly do not randomly run into each other when they want distribution of characteristics influence To results? investigate this efficient, initial we who that the highest skilled the highest capital. In other words, the initial foomote 6). i whom. to trade. Prices random matching Is and the the source of our define the polar case; efficient matching. If the matching technology matches are organized so in section 2; for instance will trade with and j match will worker is matched is to the entrepreneur with be the same as the competitive allocation analyzed will put together in the initial match if they have the same rank (see This implies that in the presence of efficient matching, more investment increases not only the average product but also the likelihood of ending up with a good job. Such a matching technology may in general take us nearer to a competitive allocation where wages not only distribute the final returns across different factors of production but also allocate the "right" Lemma Let us assume that matching 2: determination stage. Denote the equilibrium we have efficient i entrepreneurs and workers). parties switches, they will and entrepreneur We move j j to the "right" jobs. and agents are potentially heterogenous output of worker Wi=/3yij where entrepreneur Proof: Consider worker '* total is workers i with entrepreneur and worker i j by yy. Then at the in the wage unique have exactly the same ranks. such that 12^(0 =0 and fip(j)=0 (i.e. highest skilled want to establish that Wij=jSyjj for this pair. Suppose one of the subgame r(y) where y<yij. Suppose for concreteness that the worker first to The closest strucmre to our paper is in Bester (1989) which has a spatial competition model where moving between locations is costly. He shows that as this cost (which corresponds to our mobility cost, e) tends to zero and discounting disappears, the equilibrium converges to the competitive outcome. However, this is due to the assumption that at the beginning of each subgame Namre decides who will make the first offer and there is discounting within the bargaining subgame. Thus with the cost of moving going to zero, any buyer the first to make the offer can quit and eventually find a match where he will be the first one to who is not do so and vice versa for the seller. This implies that with the mobility cost arbitrarily close to zero, the outside option cannot be worse than the inside option which can only be true in the competitive equilibrium. In our case, after a separation, agents find themselves at an identical node and thus even for very small values of the mobility cost, the inside option may be preferred to the outside one. '' Also this would require the relaxation of (1990) show that when this assumption is the ex ante anonymity assumption but Rubinstein and Wolinsky relaxed there exists no limit theorems for the decentralized equilibrium converging to the competitive outcome. 22 meets a firm j* with Zj. can only get more than of the match, initial < Zj Wy off for all if i an equality the argument of Lemma the entrepreneur gets But /Syj.j.. 1 applies). Obviously, the worker below her inside option when matched with the worker y^. <yij also implies that the loss that entrepreneur j* is worker larger than the gain of equilibrium, worker (if this is i. Thus worker if i wanted to switch, making must be she would too. Therefore in cannot get a higher wage in any subgame r(y) and hence would end-up positive values of The same argument e. applies to entrepreneur j. Now worse strictly given that the highest ranked workers and entrepreneurs choose not to switch, the same argument applies to the next highest ranked and they too can only move to a worse match, so the outside option Thus products is this lemma demonstrates that the divergence between is not binding, etc. rates of returns QED and the marginal not due to our random matching assumption but caused by the presence of transaction costs of new parmers). Next we can also state but only when e is arbitrarily small. Yet decentralized trading (costs of breaking-up parmerships or finding a similar result for random matching with heterogenous agents to characterize the fiill equilibriimi when e is we have been unable at the wage determination Lemma stage and matching assume 3: Let us that matching is is non-negligible, agents are heterogenous random; random and agents are potentially heterogenous at the wage determination stage. Denote y^ as the total output of worker i with entrepreneur j. Then as e-^, the unique equilibrium is Wi=/3yij where entrepreneur j has exactly the same rank as worker i. Proof: Since the mobility cost workers to entrepreneurs to a better partoer - is as in the proof of Lemma 2 to the outside option. Therefore, for all Both efficient small, agents will switch partoers until the best allocation of e is arbitrarily achieved. But in this allocation, no worker (or entrepreneur) can be i and j - and since e is still positive, the inside of the same rank, Wjj=/3yjj. (i.e. the most skilled is preferred QED matching and random matching with small mobility costs lead heterogenous agents are matched in the "right" way option moving where to a situation worker with the most skilled entrepreneur). But given this allocation, the outside options will never be binding because no party can be moving to a better match; entrepreneurs. Now we can thus the option determines the wages and rates of return to "inside" state; e^, the equilibrium of economy even when agents are allowed to use Corollary to Proposition 2: With efficient matching or with random matching as Proposition 2 is non-symmetric the unique equilibrium of the fully specified strategies. Proof: Consider a case in which two workers of the first above worker has higher h, (by continuity) utility and hj > hj, human capital h, and hj have different utility levels. If then the second worker can increase his investment to slightly and get a better rank thus the same job and the same utility (or arbitrarily close it). If h, <h2, this time he can reduce his investment to slightly above h, and the same argument applies. Hence a contradiction and all workers have to obtain the same level of utility and the same applies to all entrepreneurs. Given that the problem we have is strictly convex, this can only be possible, if they all choose the same level of ex ante investment and this gives exactly the same outcome as Proposition 2 as to the unique equilibrium The 3 still intuition of even considering non-symmetric outcomes. this corollary is straightforward. QED The wage determination rules of Lemmas give concave pay-off functions to each agent which leads to a situation in which they 23 all 2 and choose the " same and in levels of investment ex ante Appendix B - same this case the result is exactly the as Proposition 2^°. Proofs of Propositions 1-6 Proof of Proposition 1: (11) defines we optimal decision rules. Substituting from (12) get ——-=—a K^— //!+/,) (A2) for all pairs. Balanced growth is e,il-e,) l-aH,_, when growth only possible the rate of Z; and that of H, are equal which implies investment levels ^^^^ l=e={a''(l-ay'"A{l-8)} (A3) makes sure that both Hj and Z, grow Equation (A2) also implies that capital is z/h ratio if wUl be accumulated, and vice versa same at the and output than (l-a;)/a, is less the ratio if rate is more more than will also grow at this rate entrepreneurial capital than (l-a)/a. Thus the balanced g^ human growth path globally stable. Pareto optimality follows from the observation that this allocation maximizes the welfare of generation t given H(., and Z,.i and that there is no possibility of redistribution welfare across generations, so increasing the investment of current generation to improve the welfare of future generations will not be a Pareto improving action. Proof of Proposition their problem is 2: QED Equation (14) implies that concave, thus they will argument applies to entrepreneurs. all Imposing this '^ (A4) for all pairs. Balanced growth is all workers face the same distribution of returns and choose the same level of human capital investment and the same only possible condition ' obtain ^ = when we the ^ growth rate of Z, and that of H, are equal which implies 2 y^^) 7_„_/„,a/i and therefore the economy grows z/h ratio ^ „,\l-aQa/i o\l-a l=e={a%l-ay-''P''(l-py-''A(l-8)}'' is at the rate g** Efficient matching human is not always innocuous. By as given in the text. different than the one consistent with balanced growth, When the same argument i.e. Q;j8/(l-a)(l-(8), as above, if the transitory dynamics workers face the risk of being unemployed (as in section workers to increase their likelihood of being employed and this may lead to an "education race". The intuition is that with unemployment, there is ex post heterogeneity and workers will 5), higher capital enables change their ex ante investment decisions to influence their likelihoods of ending-up in different groups. the model of the section 5 we change the matching technology to efficient matching, an equilibrium fails to (details available from the author). These issues are further investigated in in the presence of non-convexities, small values of e will lead to 24 new Acemoglu effects (1994). Also which we study next. If in exist similarly, economy back to balanced growth. Both on and off the balanced growth path, will bring the levels, all agents prove to is make everyone be proportional better-off. is inefficient. The a small increase in last thing all agents Consider such a change. The impact on the welfare of a worker {l-S)(l-a){l-p)Ah"z,'"dz^H(l-S)a^hrW'yi'}dh, coefficient of dh, worker will better-off. all Therefore the dynamic equilibrium off. to (A6) The a Social Planner imposes the competitive investment that pecuniary increasing returns are present in the sense that investment will will can be made better if is be positive. equal to zero by the first-order condition and thus the effect on the welfare of the A similar term applies for the welfare of the entrepreneurs Thus a small increase in the investments of all current agents future agents) better-off and the Proof of Proposition equilibrium is still economy 3: Straightforward Pareto dominated for is current agents (and so, all subject to pecuniary increasing returns. maximization of all makes and they too are made values of /3. g** QED gives 13= a but by the above argument the QED Proof of Proposition 4: If an entrepreneur chooses the advanced technology when all others are expected to choose the low technology, workers will only invest 1,(0), thus the entrepreneur will make {(1-/3)A2B2k}Ht., and if this is less than {(l-i3)A,B,}H,.i, there exists an equilibrium in which the advanced technology is not adopted. Conversely, the profit to adoption when others are anticipated to adopt all is {(1-|S)A2B2- workers now choose 1,(1)); if this greater than {(l-i8)A,B2}H,.,, then there exists an equilibrium which the new technology is adopted. Since both conditions can be satisfied simultaneously, there exists k}H,.i (since in multiple equilibria. QED Proof of Proposition 5: First consider the case in which e is positive and t tends to zero (i.e. all firms choose the low productivity technology). This implies that the worker will have to switch infinitely many parmers before finding a firm with the high technology and thus his outside option is not binding and he always receives /3A,h. This gives us the same value of 1,(0) and the same condition as in Proposition 4 for investment in the less productive technology to be an equilibrium. Next consider the case with t-^1 and e-^. Equation (19) for the wage rate implies that a firm without the more productive technology has to pay exactly the same wage rate as the more productive firms. Thus the return to the advanced technology is low productivity technology as before {(l-/3)A2B2-k}H,.i. is {A,B2 - /SA2B2}H,., The comparison of whereas the return these to the two amounts gives the new technology to be adopted as A2B2- k > AjBj. contrast for the new technology to be adopted in the first best we need; 2 j_ A^{1HA2{1-S)}'')~k-AUC>A,(U{A,(1-S)}y) condition for the In (A7) A^^-k-^UC>A^B^ where AUC.H,., (A7) is more is the utility cost of higher investment for each worker. restrictive than A2B2-k> A,B| even when AUC technologies that would not be adopted in the first-best can if e is small enough. is still It is straightforward to see that set equal to zero. Therefore, be adopted in the decentralized advanced economy QED Proof of Proposition 6: Random matching again implies that all workers are facing the same convex maximization problem and they will all choose the same level of investment. Thus the intersections of the two curves denoting the right and left-hand sides of (24) characterize all the equilibria. When no 25 human capital at all. If rjQ is greater than (l-/3)A(l-5), an who deviates and decides to enter would not make enough profits to cover her start-up costs human capital investments of the workers. However, we also know from (21) that if all firms entrepreneur enters, workers do not invest in entrepreneur given the want to be active, this is infinitely costly for the last firm, thus in the neighborhood of 1, fi(E) is vertically to active entrepreneurship. Therefore, if the two curves will intersect must intersect at least two more times. 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