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' '( Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries B31 .DEWEY ^415 i OB Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of TRADE INTEGRATION AND RISK SHARING Aart Rraay Jaume Ventura Working Paper 02-08 February 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/paper.taf?abstract_id=xxxxx [^^y Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series TRADE INTEGRATION AND RISK SHARING Aart Kraay Jaume Ventura Working Paper 02-08 February 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/paper.taf?abstractJd=xxxxx MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAR 1 5 2002 LIBRARIES Trade Integration and Risk Sharing Aart Kraay, Jaume The World Bank Ventura, MIT February 2002 What are the effects of increased trade in goods and services on the trade balance? We study the effects of reducing transport costs in a Ricardian model with complete asset markets and find that this increases the volatility of the trade balance. This result applies regardless of whether supply or demand shocks are the main source of economic fluctuations. Both type of shocks generate fluctuations in the trade balance that are in part moderated by stabilizing movements in the terms of trade. Trade integration dampens these terms of trade movements and, for a given distribution of shocks, amplifies fluctuations in the trade balance. To overturn this result, one must assume that either trade integration is sufficiently biased towards goods with strong comparative advantage and/or risk aversion is sufficiently extreme. We calibrate the model to U.S. data and find that, for reasonable parameter values, increased trade in services could double the volatility of the trade balance. Abstract : We thank Pol Antras, Antonio Fatas, Philip Lane and participants in the International Seminar on College Dublin, June 2001 for their useful comments. We are very grateful to Bjoern Bruegemann for pointing out a mistake in a previous version of the paper. The views expressed here are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of The World Bank. Macroeconomics at University , In the last more than thirty years, the During this tripled. have grown larger and more volume same same trade set of due is goods and economic volatile. It is in it industrial countries among these natural to ask whether there in particular, is has countries a connection whether they are both driven by Many have argued to a reduction in the technological services.^ Is the increase forces. among period, trade imbalances between these two developments and, the of trade that the increased and policy-induced costs volume of of trading possible that these cost reductions are also responsible for the size and volatility of theoretical channels through which this trade imbalances? If so, what are the main happens? Are these channels quantitatively important? Unfortunately, there is little in answer these questions.^ This state the form of received "wisdom" that can help us of affairs reflects in part the absence of a simple workhorse model incorporating the main insights of the theories of goods and asset trade and the key interactions between them. This paper attempts to strategy is to build in we assume assets, we assume to it. To motivate trade in some goods can be countries have different industry technologies. To motivate trade countries experience imperfectly correlated shocks to become that at prohibitively high transport costs (the process of trade integration as one in which "nontraded" sector). some nontraded goods traded. The main volatility we assume traded at negligible transport costs (the "traded" sector), while the can only be traded We interpret the gap. Our goods and technology (or "supply") and to preferences (or "demand"). As usual, rest this from the classic continuum model of Dornbusch, Fischer and Samuelson [1977] and add asset markets services, fill theoretical result of this paper is that trade integration increases the of the trade balance. This result applies regardless of whether supply or Baier and Bergstrand (2001) find that about 31 to 45 percent of the increase in the volume of trade can be explained by reductions in costs of trading goods and services. Of this total, tariff rate reductions and preferential agreements account for 23 to 26 percent, and transport cost declines for 8 to 9 percent. We think that these are very conservative estimates and the real numbers might be even higher. ^ A remarkable exception is Cole and Obstfeld [1991], who provide an example in which a drastic reduction (from prohibitive to negligible) in the costs of trading all goods and services has no effect on the trade balance. As we shall see later, their model obtains as a special case of ours. ^ demand shocks are the main source of economic fluctuations. Both type of shocks generate fluctuations in the trade balance that are in part moderated by stabilizing dampens these terms movements in movements and, for a given distribution of shocks, amplifies fluctuations balance. To the terms of trade. Trade integration overturn this result is not easy cases. The goods with strong comparative advantage. first goods must one requires in our framework, but that trade integration By this be we mean extreme. That is is, in two that the newly-traded aversion be likely to risk benchmark. be empirically relevant. trade integration increase the effects of supply shocks on the trade balance? Economy-wide fluctuations production of each good and also When risk either 'large' or 'small' relative to the logarithmic Why does the traded sector primarily raise the production of in is in labour productivity lead to fluctuations in the the range of traded goods produced by the small, shocks that raise labour productivity goods already produced lowers their prices and worsens the terms of trade. This in can be done preferences must exhibit a coefficient of relative However, these two exceptions are not increase the trade exhibit cross-country differences in productivity that are 'large' relative to aversion that country. in biased towards sufficiently those of existing traded goods. The second case requires that sufficiently it of trade in in the country, and this turn moderates the income and the trade surplus created by the shock. Similarly, shocks that lower labour productivity improve the terms of trade, moderating the resulting trade deficit. When reflected in the traded sector fluctuations effects on their prices in Why In shocks to labour productivity are mostly the range of goods produced at home, with only small trade. By increasing the size of the traded decreases the effects of supply shocks on the terms of trade volatility of the trade balance. does trade integration reduce the effects of demand shocks on the trade balance? The problem. large, and the terms of sector, trade integration and so raises the is intuition is simple and is based on the classic analysis of the transfer the presence of transport costs, there since domestic goods are cheaper at home is a home bias in consumption than abroad. Under these conditions, shocks that increase spending re-direct demand towards domestic goods and improve the terms of trade. This raises income and finances spending, moderating the trade deficit. in part the increase Through the same mechanism, shocl<s in that reduce spending worsen the terms of trade, moderating the trade surplus. By home weal<ening the demand shocks on Armed bias in consumption, trade integration lessens the effects of the terms of trade and raises the with these theoretical findings, we volatility of calibrate the the trade balance. model to U.S. data to provide a quantitative assessment of the effects of further trade integration. that future trade integration is likely to countries, services account for almost percent of exports and imports."^ of technological premise is that 70 percent To some and policy-induced some be concentrated in services goes half the of the of value way and all in fall volatility of The paper is for 20 significantly Our over the next communications technology as well as We therefore study two scenarios in which trade in the way towards "catching-up" with trade economy. For plausible parameter values, we doubles the added but only extent this mismatch reflects a wide variety of these barriers are likely to regulatory barriers. services. In industrial barriers to trade that are specific to services. decade or two, spurred by improvements reductions in We argue in the rest find that trade integration almost the U.S. trade balance. organized as follows: section one presents a version of the Dornbusch-Fischer-Samuelson model of Ricardian trade with asset markets. Section two uses the model to determine the main theoretical effects of trade integration on the trade balance. Section three calibrates the model to actual data and provides a quantitative assessment of the effect of increased trade in services on the U.S. trade balance. Section four concludes. Moreover, much of existing trade in services is concentrated in transportation and travel. For instance, the U.S. these two items constitute roughly half of service trade but only five percent of service ^ in production. The Dornbusch-Fischer-Samuelson Model 1. with Asset Markets This section presents a simple model designed to study how the We build costs of commodity trade affect the behavior of the trade balance. classic Ricardian trade model with a continuum of goods due and Samuelson [1977], and then add asset markets lasts one period and consists endowed with labour, L and of L*. two countries: As usual an to it. to nature and on the Dornbusch, Fischer We consider a world that Home and Foreign.'' Each country is asterisk refers to Foreign variables. Countries use labour to produce a continuum of intermediate goods, indexed by ze[0,1]. that is These intermediates are then combined used for to produce a nontraded final good consumption. Countries trade in goods to exploit differences in the technology used to produce intermediates. The extent to which they are able to do so depends on the costs of trading these intermediates. In particular, we assume that a fraction x of the intermediates can be transported across countries without cost. We refer to these intermediates as the traded sector and assign them a low index, Z6[0,t]. the intermediates cannot be transported across countries and nontraded sector, zg(t,1]. We shall interpret changes in we refer to The rest of them as the the equilibrium as x increases as the effects of trade integration. Countries trade in assets to insure against risks. At the beginning of the period, countries are uncertain about their labour productivity consumption. As usual, we assume that they these variables, but not their realizations. * It is not difficult to write assume throughout know and their taste for the true probability distribution of In particular, we assume a multi-period version of this model. But there is little that there are point in S doing so, since we markets are complete and factors of production are nonreproducible. Under the standard assumptions that shocks are independent and identically distributed, and both counthes have 'ex-ante' identical time-separable and homothetic preferences, there is no incentive to engage in intertemporal trade and the multi-period model is equivalent to a sequence of oneperiod models. that international financial states of nature, indexed by s=1,...,S; and assign state s a probability tis. Since countries are risl<-averse, they have an incentive to share risks before the state of nature We revealed. is rule out frictions in financial markets and allow countries to set of Arrow-Debreu securities. freely trade a full 1.1 Firms, Technology and The Labour Market Each country contains many competitive firms intermediates. In the final good sector, firms technology that requires the use of consumption good is positive is strictly positive means nontraded, this in all Home and all that produce the final good and use a symmetric Cobb-Douglas intermediates. We shall see later that countries and states of nature. Since the final in all that the production of the final good is also countries and states of nature. Therefore, the prices of the strictly final good in Foreign, Ps and Ps*, are given by: 1 P3=exp (1) where ps(z) and ps (z) are the prices of variety Foreign. Since the final applies will if good is z of intermediates not traded, purchasing power Home and in parity (i.e. the prices of intermediates are equalized across countries. In Ps=Ps*) general, this not be the case. In Foreign is The W^a(z) — fg*. We shall Foreign firms produce intermediates cost of producing one unit of intermediate z and varies across countries and Home and the intermediates sector. using only labour. fs and jlnp3{z)-dz —W*^a . (z) and states , respectively. of nature in a refer to variation in fs and fs* in Home and We assume labour productivity way that is captured by the indexes as technology or supply shocks. This is the source of uncertainty first in this We assume that unit labour model. requirements vary across intermediates and across countries captured by the technology schedules a(z) and intermediates are produced intermediates are produced, only if —— > — a*(z) a"(z') a(z) a(z') ^ - , for all it equilibrium. in is Home Home produces the traded intermediates, To good is final good, the traded rule that z<z' and if exports while traded intermediates with high assume in which one country — a*(z) ^-^ that lim z^o a(z) that separates the good for which costs of production W that produce the them using the rule out states of nature in Let Zs be the index of the cutoff (2) way z,z'g [0,t]. This ordering rule implies that traded indexes are all to To determine where useful to order intermediates with low indexes are imports. a a*(z). Given our assumptions about the technology used all in Home Home = oo and —^— a*(z) lim ^ = exports and imports, and Foreign are the same: W prices of traded intermediates are the same in both countries and can be written as follows: W -^a(z) P3(z) = p;(z) = W' ze[0,Z3] . -^a(z) ze(z3,T] Nontraded intermediates are produced might i.e. ^.a(z3) = ^.a(z3) The (3) . z^T a(z) differ: in both countries, and their prices = p^(z) (4) ^.a(z) Equations (1)-(4) we need summarize W good. Then, final ^a*(z) firm maximization prices. (5) states that we have ifz£(T,1] and provide To complete clear. all the relevant the production side of Define Cs as Home's that: PC^^ L ,. =Z3+(1-T)W^L,'%,, + W, L .„ Equation = ensure that labour markets to consumption of the (5) p;(z) between goods and factor relationships model, and ^^ W3L + W3L , Home's share of world labour income or production equals the share of world spending on goods produced by Home. The of the shares of world latter consists spending on Home's traded sector and nontraded sector, respectively. Equations (1)-(5) are almost identical to those of the original Dornbusch- Fischer-Samuelson model. These equations determine the pattern of labour income and goods trade as a function model, we that Home's shares of world labour income and spending most by an exogenously given transfer or trade balance. This modeling strategy permitted an illuminating analysis of the After To complete the therefore need a consumption side for the model. Dornbusch, Fischer and Samuelson [1977] assumed differ at of the world distribution of spending. World Wars I and II, economic effects of war reparations. cross-border financial transactions were severely restricted and the transfers imposed on the defeated countries were determined mainly by political factors. today, when But this does not seem to be the appropriate modeling strategy a sophisticated international financial market exists can buy and environment, sell we in which countries a large array of securities. Recognizing this change in the economic next provide a market-based theory of the determinants of the transfers or trade balances. 1 .2 Preferences and Asset Markets Each country contains a representative consumer that maximizes the following utility U= (6) where nature is s. variation yn3- ^--^- and ds function: -^ and ds* are variables that We assume that ds and U' = Vn^ measure the value ^- of '^^ "^ consuming when the ds* vary across states of nature, and refer to this as preference or demand shocks. These shocks are the second and source of uncertainty in state of final the model. Representative consumers obtain income by inelasticaliy supplying a labour endowment equal to L and L*. Therefore, their income is equal to the wage times the labour endowment, and their budget constraints can be written as follows: s s XQs(PsC3-W3L)<0 (7) and s=1 where Qs state s. is JQ3 s=1 (p; c; - Wj L )< the price of the Arrow-Debreu security that delivers one unit of income These in constraints simply state that the total (across states of nature) value of consumption cannot exceed the total value of income. Naturally, in each state the values of income and consumption need not be equal. Maximizing (6) subject to (7) we ^3^ obtain: QsPsC3 _ v.d3.(Q3.P3)V ^^^ Qs-pjc; vd;(QsP:)T ^Q3,.W3,.L |]v.d,-(Q3.p,)'T XQs-Ws'.l |^v.d;..(Q3..p;)T s'=1 s'=1 s'=1 s'=1 Equation describes The share of nature. (higher (8) of spending and consumption tTs) how consumers is higher yields higher in states of nature that are consumption good is ds). The ambiguous. amount On usual, the On consideration dominates while the second consideration dominates the one hand, in if risk if risk aversion is in of nature. To which consumption aversion is is low, y<1, high, y>^. In the magical distribution of not affected by the price of consumption. Equilibrium in international financial markets requires that the world value of consumption equals the world value of income (9) To which the case of logarithmic preferences, y-^, the two effects cancel and the is between the other hand, consumers are risk averse and want should spend more on those states first lil<ely relationship consumption as evenly as possible across states attain this objective they spending more of total consumption. should spend more on those states cheap. to distribute their total As is to achieve the highest possible attain this objective they expensive. (higher utility spending and the price of consumption (Qs-Ps) consumers want spending across states distribute their in each state of nature: p3C3 + p3*c;=w3l + w;l Equations prices of all income and (8) and (9) implicitly define the distribution of Arrow-Debreu securities as a function consumption and the of the world distribution of labour price levels. This completes the presentation of the model. Equations (1)-(5) and (8)-(9) describe the solution of the model up to a choice of numeraire. For a given distribution of spending, the production side of the (1)-(5)) model (as described by Equations determines the world distribution of labour income, price levels and the pattern of levels, the goods trade. For a given world distribution of labour income and consumption side of the model (as described by Equations price (8)-(9)) determines the world distribution of spending and the pattern of transfers or trade balances.^ 2. Determinants of the Trade Balance Our goal integration in this section is to develop results about the effects of trade on the trade balance. To do we make this, three strategic assumptions:® A1. (Identical size) L=L*=1; A2. (Symmetric technologies) Let the relative technology schedule for the traded sector be A(z;t) = a*(z) — —^ for ze[0,T]. Then, A(z;t)- A(t-z;t) = 1 for all x; a(z) A3. (Symmetric shocks) Let 5^ = such that ((t)s,5s)=(<j),5), ^ and = (t)s -!- . If there exists a state s with ns-n then there exists another state s' with tis—n such that ((t)s',5s)=(<t)-\5-^). Assumption A1 simply states that countries have the same size and normalizes and forces it to one. Assumption A2 centers the (log) productivity differences to relative technology schedule at 0.5t be symmetric. This can be understood as saying that no country has a superior technology on average. By writing the ' The Arrow-Debreu model in different states of nature. of asset trade These generates predictions about the transfers that countries predictions are robust in the sense that enlarging the menu make of assets consumers can choose from would not affect these transfers or trade balances. But it is difficult to find assets that resemble the set of Arrow-Debreu securities that the theory postulates in existing financial markets. Nevertheless, we do not believe that this observation invalidates the theory. The key assumption underlying the model's predictions for the trade balance is not that a full set of Arrow-Debreu securities is actually traded, but instead that is possible to manufacture them with the available menu of assets. Whether this assumption provides a reasonably good description of actual financial markets is a hotly debated question. Nevertheless, we shall adopt in what follows. Since we do not specify the available menu of assets, we interpret the theory as being silent on what specific assets are used to implement the equilibrium transfers or trade balances. Recognizing this, we focus only on its predictions it it for the trade balance. ^ We will relax these assumptions in the next section when we 10 calibrate the model to the U.S. data. technology schedule as an we recognize that a(z) and sectors. its explicit function of the size of the traded sector, shape depends not only on our technology assumptions, a*(z); but also on how we distribute defined this distribution is absolute shocks. This generate fluctuations is in in A(.;t), i.e. goods between traded and nontraded Assumption A3 says that both countries face the same Note that i.e. distribution of shocks. terms of relative shocks as opposed to in shocks can anticipation of the finding that only relative the trade balance and the terms of trade. Together, these three assumptions ensure that the two countries are symmetric and this simplifies the algebra of the problem substantially. An implication of assumptions A1-A3 is ^Q3W3.L wealth 'ex-ante', ^^| . X^s^-ds-(Qs-Ps)'r ^7r3^-d;-(Q3-p:)T seS sgS In this particular case, Equations (8)-(9) admit a simple and intuitive closed-form solution for P^ C share of world spending, 63 = ^ e3=e(co3,S3;x,Y)^ 1 where co^ = W— — W3/f3 This variable exchange /f ! will !- is Home's ^ Ps-c^+pjc; ' (10) real ^Q^WJ-L* = ^^^ i.e. have the same that both countries ' ^ + 63-(03<'-^>T Home's relative labour costs or double-factoral play a crucial role in what follows and rate or ratio of price levels since —I' lead to an appreciation of the real exchange = cOg^'^ . is terms of trade. closely related to the real Since higher terms of trade s rate, this means that 9e — ^> 3co, 11 if y>^ , and de — ^< if Y<1. Note also that trade integration reduces the effects of changes in the terms of trade on spending. Let Xs be the share of traded defined as A(tXs;x) = c% function. Then, . Assume X3=x(co3;x)s goods produced A(.;t) is invertible ^' ^ in , Home, and let i.e. Xs is implicitly A"\.;t) with x(t03;x) = 1-x(a)3V) be and its —^<O.The T effects of changes in i on distribution of unit labour X3 are aco3 ambiguous, since they depend on how the requirements of the marginal traded goods compares to that of existing traded goods. In the top (bottom) panel of Figure which the inverse distribution of unit labour requirements is 1, we depict the case in uniformly less (more) dispersed across marginal goods than across existing traded goods. This leads to a counterclockwise (clockwise) rotation requirements is is we say that in unit labour in the top panel biased towards goods where comparative advantage the bottom panel in the Xs schedule. Since dispersion the source of comparative advantage, trade integration while in it is is weak, biased towards goods where comparative advantage is strong.^ Using this notation, /l^s-cos (11) 1 we can now rewrite Equation (5) to obtain: =^.x(co3;T) + (1-T).e((03,S3;x,Y) + (t)s-«s This definition is not devoid of some ambiguity, since tliere is no reason for the distribution of unit labour requirements of the marginal traded goods to always be uniformly more or uniformly less dispersed than that of existing traded goods. For instance, if trade integration is biased towards goods weak comparative advantage, the distribution of unit labour requirements of the marginal traded goods has more mass both in the tails and around the mean than that of existing traded goods. In this case, the rotation of the Xs schedule is counter-clockwise near the middle, but clockwise in the extremes. Obviously, more complicated shifts are also possible. To eliminate any ambiguity, we assume from now on that the distribution of unit labour requirements of the marginal traded goods is either uniformly more or uniformly less dispersed than that of existing traded goods. It is straightforward to extend the analysis to the general case. that exhibit either very strong or very 12 The left-hand side of Equation (11) production, while the right-hand side Equation (11) implicitly is is Home's share world spending on defines the equilibrium value of balance as a share of world income, and imports, T(1-Xs)es, we can ts, is cos. income or of world labour Home produced goods. Since Home's trade the difference between exports, TXs(l-es), write: t3=T-[x(co3;T)-e(co3,53;t,Y)] (12) We shall next use Equations (1 1 )-(1 2) to study the cyclical behavior of the trade balance and the effects of trade integration. sections 2.1 and 2.2 on spending. That is, we assume we restrict To streamline the discussion, that fluctuations in the in terms of trade have no effect the analysis to the logarithmic case in which y=1- This restriction leads to a clean description of the effects of trade integration on the trade balance. In section 2.3, we examine the consequences of removing this restriction. The 2.1 Cyclical Behavior of the In this to world economy, countries use asset markets ex-ante to transfer income those states of nature consumption are made Trade Balance is high. in The which their labour productivity is trade balance records the transfers between countries that ex-post. In general, the nature of these transfers distribution of shocks and low and the value of their effects. next two polar examples where all To isolate the main forces the shocks are of the Consider first an economy where fluctuations depends on the in same at work, (j)>1. We two states of nature s=H,L; with refer to the trade balance are driven ((})H,5H)=((t),1) and we assume ((t)L,5L)=((l)"\l) these as the high and low states, respectively. The 13 study type. exclusively by technology or supply shocks. In the top panel of Figure 2, that there are we AS with schedule plots i.e. Home's share of world labour income the left-hand side of Equation (11). The slope higher terms of trade raise Home's relative AS is schedule Home's for different relative productivity the larger is Home traded relative labour its i.e. plotting the trade Equation (12). The equilibrium value for to the cog TB Home in ts is in this depends on the AD The is in low. If balances are small same spending When Home's in these movements in which (i) large in productivity Home's share in if enough , the both states despite the on the terms of trade, is high, its i.e. on terms of trade of world labour first to provide an influential example of to eliminate trade balances. Their there are only supply shocks, t<1 in income and when Home's the terms of trade are strong, trade (ii) —^ 3ws result also holds uses absolute value. Cole and Obstfeld [1991] were the movements could be Home the high state and a trade deficit effects of productivity gains schedule. quite standard. lowering the required trade surplus. Naturally, the opposite applies is AS and AD size of the trade balances that are required to deteriorate moderating the increase productivity i.e. the low state and finances this by selling income able to achieve the is TB obtained by projecting the equilibrium the top panel of Figure 2 labour income. in the slope of the in of this schedule. story depicted fluctuations model for different The slope obtained by crossing the cOs is the high state. By running a trade surplus achieve AD balance for different values of the terms of trade, asset markets to purchase income low state. produced goods the right-hand side of Equation (11). schedules, while the equilibrium value for in Home income. The goods. The top panel of Figure 2 also shows the schedule The share of labour income. The negative because ceteris paribus higher terms of trade reduce the is for value for its across states since, holding constant the terms of trade, the larger shifts values of the terms of trade, demand positive because, ceteris paribus, wages and schedule plots the share of world spending on schedule is values of the terms of trade, provided that y=^ 14 = and (ill) how these terms example t=0. is of trade the special case of our Our model shows that their Consider next an economy where fluctuations exclusively by preference or assume shocks. refer to these ((t)H,5H)=(1 ,5) is the demand for Home shifts because, ceteris paribus, the larger lower is demand the for Home and is AD Home's share nontraded goods. The Home's share is exports and the higher is we ((t)L,5L)=(1 ,5'^); as the high and low states. The across states because, ceteris paribus, the larger spending the higher the trade balance are driven the bottom panel of Figure 2, In there are two states of nature s=H,L; with and 5>1. Once again, we shifts demand in TB schedule of world schedule also of world spending the demand the for Home imports. The story depicted Home uses asset markets selling income surplus is high. in in to purchase income the low state. the low state, The the bottom panel of Figure 2 in Home in the high state and finances this by By running a trade is also quite standard. is deficit in able to spend more when the high state and a trade the value of consumption size of the trade balances that are required to achieve this the effects of increases the slope of the AD in spending on the terms of trade, schedule. When Home spending is i.e. high, depends on on both the its shift and terms of trade improve, raising Home's share of world labour income and lowering the required trade deficit. Of course, the opposite applies when find that movements if in Home spending is low. Once again, the terms of trade are strong, trade balances are small we in absolute value. The intuitions developed in these two polar examples carry almost directly to the general case with many mixture of supply and demand shocks. Instead, we does trade build on these integration states of nature and with intuitions to change the We shall some of these states involving a not pursue this point further though. address the main question of cyclical this behavior of the trade balance? 15 paper; how 2.2 The Effects of We Trade Integration have seen that supply and demand shocks generate fluctuations trade balance that are moderated trade. Next, we show how trade part in by integration stabilizing movements dampens these terms and, for a given distribution of shocks, this amplifies fluctuations To see this, in in the the terms of of trade movements the trade balance. in apply the implicit function theorem to Equations (11)-(12) with y=1 to obtain: dts. (1 + ^t. <t>s-»3)' (13) dx ^ *s (1 9Xs + <|)s-«s)^ +T ax.^ """ dz J T 9«s Our symmetry assumptions A1-A3 imply that the average trade balance is zero. Therefore, a necessary condition for the volatility of the trade balance to increase with t is that sign(ts) = sign ^dt ^ — 3x for all s. Since dx 5. < o we have , 3co, established the following result; Result #1: and Assume that trade integration volatility is changes unbiased, is i.e. — ^ = dx . do not affect spending, i.e. y^1; Then, trade integration increases the the main result of the paper and provides theoretical support for the view that a reduction in the costs of trading goods and services for larger trade imbalances. distribution of is the terms of trade of the trade balance. This number in Note that Result #1 does not place any shocks beyond assumption A3. of states of nature with In particular, part responsible is in restriction there could be any any mix of demand and supply shocks. The simple: trade integration both flattens the AD 16 on the schedule and makes it intuition less sensitive to changes in the world distribution of spending. The first of these effects reduces the impact of supply shocks on the terms of trade and increases their impact on the trade balance. The two effects combine also terms of trade while increasing is It Result #2: If trade integration it trade integration reduce the impact of demand shocks on the impact on the trade balance. their also immediate to provide a comparative advantage, If to first is sufficiently qualification to our result: biased towards goods with strong could lead to reduction is main in the volatility of the trade balance. biased towards goods with strong comparative advantage, the Xs schedule rotates clockwise. schedule might become steeper large and the equilibrium lies in If this effect is strong the middle range. in this Assume that AD enough, the shocks are not too range. Then, trade integration increases the impact of supply shocks on the terms of trade and reduces their impact on the trade balance. Therefore, the example economy that proves Result #2. effects of demand shocks on It with supply shocks of section 2.1 provides is also possible that trade integration increases the the terms of trade and reduces their impact on the trade balance. But since trade integration makes the we need AD the world distribution of spending, in slope more than "compensates" for the smaller with demand shocks schedule less sensitive to changes the extra requirement that the increase in economy an shift. When this happens, the of section 2.1 provides an additional example that also proves Result #2.^ Is there any reason to expect trade integration to be biased towards goods with strong comparative advantage? without actual data. But some trade integration with most popular as a situation in its Naturally, this question intuition cannot be answered can be obtained by comparing our model of alternative. We have modeled trade integration which the transport costs of a small set of goods falls dramatically in these two examples, x — tg 9X Note that ^ has different sign and dx 17 is larger in absolute value than T from prohibitive to negligible, without placing any restrictions these goods. An alternative way to model trade integration transport cost for all goods and consider a small reduction goods high transport costs only transport costs fall goods well. In this alternative now apparent shortly, integration cases it aversion AD cost. In this case, at in this start to be traded as in Trade we remove in which changes the restriction that y=^ . in the terms of As will become not possible to derive general results on the effects of trade is first economy where the high, y>1 , If the terms of trade and the respect to the benchmark. AD If aversion the effects of supply shocks this If i.e. in is low, y<1 , —^ < —^ < . If of spending depends negatively on If risk still is _ is Home's share The high, only difference with the spending becomes counter- the trade balance with respect to the low, the opposite applies. 18 of the qualitative description of dcOg applies. aversion volatility of aversion 5. 1-T 9cOs Figure 2 quantitative. risk ^ = dx benchmark case the effects of terms of trade changes on increases the benchmark case. dx — and the TB schedules rotate counter-clockwise with 9a)g and i.e. we fluctuations are driven by supply shocks. rotate clockwise with respect to the risk spending are not too strong, is simplify matters, spending depends positively on the terms of trade and both and the TB schedules benchmark case To this section that trade integration is unbiased, logarithmic preferences. cyclical same always biased towards goods of section 2.1 allows us to derive useful intuitions. Consider the the on the trade balance. However, a detailed examination of the two polar assume throughout risk is of more general case is, assume weak. Terms return to the trade affect spending. That is is to advantage are traded. As with strong comparative model, trade integration which comparative advantage We is weaker comparative advantage with 2.3 Spending and the on the characteristics of shows what can happen Figure 3 if the effects of changes on spending are strong. The top panel shows the case AD high that the 3es ^ 3cOs -X 1-T of trade is spending schedule becomes upward sloping 8X3 10 When Home's productivity even larger and, as a shows the case in which upward sloping in some an improvement in aversion risk is so the region of the equilibrium, in high, the deterioration in the so large than Home's share of labour income is which terms 3(03 result, in risk aversion range, is falls. However, the decline in the qualitative behavior of the terms of trade and the trade balance remain the same as case is in the terms of trade in in the benchmark case. The bottom panel so low that the —^ < —^ . That is, TB schedule becomes the Marshall-Lerner condition that the terms of trade worsens the trade balance fails. This is the only which the qualitative behavior of the terms of trade and the trade balance are different than in the benchmark case. When Home's deterioration in the terms of trade leads to increase in Figure the 2, labour income. the low state. an increase The opposite occurs when economy now runs An trade deficits in implication of this discussion Marshall-Lerner condition productivity fails, the volatility of in is high, the spending that exceeds the productivity is low. Unlike the high state and trade surpluses is that, unless y is the trade balance In so small that the is increasing in risk aversion. In this relationship weakens more general model, the size of the traded sector affects the between spending and changes this relationship terms of trade. In the limit spending regardless of in the terms of trade. Trade integration as the real exchange rate becomes less sensitive to the as x^1 changes , risk aversion. This is in a the terms of trade have no effects on new channel through which integration affects the volatility of the trade balance. If trade the Marshall-Lerner condition holds, through this channel trade integration increases the volatility of the trade ^° The AD schedule might be increasing analysis of Equation (11) shows that the as a result, the equilibrium is unique. in some ranges and decreasing AD in schedule always crosses the 19 an schedule from below and, others. Despite this, AS balance if aversion risk Lerner condition fails, balance through this If condition fails, this low, but lowers it if by illustrates this is high. volatility of is new channel might be strong enough to generate a negative of the trade balance. Figure 4 volatility plotting the volatility of the trade values of y that do not depart lowers the some ranges volatility of The is much much from balance against the size of the in if which an increase aversion risk in in simpler to analyze. Naturally, risk if low that the Figure 2 is so high that the applies. This benchmark case is is shown quantitative. reinforced by improvements i.e. —^< —^< shocks in If risk aversion is trade balance increasing relationship holds at all in ^, the 1-x Figure 2 3cOs still applies. But sloping, the qualitative description 5. aversion The only is high, increases in benchmark case in risk An in difference with the spending are the terms of trade and this increases the low, the opposite applies. is 3(JL)s schedule becomes upward sloping or so Figure in the trade balance with respect to the risk AD TB schedule becomes upward still extreme, the effects of terms of trade changes on of spending are not too strong, aversion sufficiently which fluctuations are driven only by demand shocks qualitative description of the effects of supply if is the size of the traded sector 3cOs even that at the trade balance. other polar case Home's share we find one, trade integration monotonically of the trade balance. But volatility there might be the trade high enough, or else sufficiently low that the Marshall-Lerner traded sector for different values of risk aversion. Not surprisingly, increases the the Marshall- If channel. between trade integration and the relationship aversion risk trade integration always lowers the aversion risk is volatility of of logarithmic preferences. implication is If that the volatility of the aversion. Unlike the case of supply shocks, this levels of risk aversion. As we have already discussed, integration has the additional effect of in the more general case weakening the 20 of this section trade effects of the terms of trade on spending. In the increases the aversion volatility of high. is becomes economy strong It is with conceivable that enough to create a the trade balance. example which the volatility of this Result #3: We in in is is high low, but lowers enough 6, risk it if this effect which trade integration reduces the have however been unable which y- In all is to find a numerical analogous to Figure cases, the relationship 4, shows how risk aversion is monotonically increasing. can now be summarized as follows: is sufficiently higher or sufficiently lower than the benchmark case of logarithmic preferences, reduction aversion aversion risk range happens. Figure results of this section If if risk if the trade balance changes as the size of the traded sector increases for different values of The shocks, through this channel trade integration the trade balance volatility of in demand trade integration might lead to a the volatility of the trade balance. Figure 4 provides examples that prove this claim. To sum up. Result #1 provides theoretical support for the view that trade integration raises the volatility of the trade balance. Results view by showing what can go wrong violated. 3. An if the two conditions stated These cases however do not seem Application to Trade Our objective in this section is #2 and #3 likely to in in qualify this Result #1 are be empirically relevant. Services to develop a sense of the quantitative importance of the effects of trade integration on the trade balance. To achieve goal, we calibrate the model and use it to study the effects of 21 an increase in the this While further trade integration tradeability of services." different industries, we think that the example is lil<ely of services given the glaring mismatch between the share of services share in is to occur in many particularly interesting in production and their international trade, in industrial countries, the service sector accounts for almost 70 percent of value added but only 20 percent of exports and imports. To a large extent, this bias in trade flows induced barriers to trade change in is in ser\/ices. the near future. the result of both technological and policy- There are signs however that We interpret the two-country model in section 1 as describing the United States (Home) and the rest of the O.E.C.D. countries (Foreign). model using available data and then consider two scenarios. increase the share of traded goods in we In We calibrate the the first services to half of that observed In the second one, observed in the rest of the economy. one, in increase the share of traded goods the economy. that this is likely to ^^ we the rest of in services to 3.1 Calibration To calibrate the model, we need three pieces of information: (1) the size of the traded sector; (2) the relative technology schedule; and (3) the distribution of shocks. ^^ Throughout utilities, this section, wholesale and health, education, we retail will trade, use the term services FIRE to refer to transportation, (finance, insurance and real estate), communication, and other services (notably and other professional services). As the textbook example of haircuts suggests, many services are inherently more difficult to transport than manufactures and commodities. Services also tend to be more vulnerable to a wide variety of nonbarriers to trade, such as professional licensing requirements that discriminate against foreigners, domestic content requirements in public procurement, or poor protection of intellectual property rights. But this seems to be changing rapidly. The last decade has brought a series of technological improvements that are making many services increasingly tradeable. As a result of advances in telecommunications technology, outsourcing abroad of computer programming, data entry, and call center services is becoming common practice. With the appearance of e-commerce, wholesale/retail sales and brokerage services can now be offered worldwide online. And the development of new software has raised the ability of architectural, engineering and other types of consulting firms to better interact around the globe. But this is not all. Recent multilateral negotiations under the Wodd Trade Organization's General Agreement on Trade in Services have made substantial progress towards dismantling a wide array of policy-induced barriers to trade in services. The harmonization of rules and regulations within the European Union has also contributed to this process. tariff 22 For reasons of data how discuss Item availability, to obtain The 1 economy as Our as the reference year, and objective here is to the U.S. This is in the O.E.C.D. sum in produced either is let at home is is X/(1-v). on U.S. exportables plus U.S. spending on these simply X, and since equally across goods, the latter or v be the share of 1997. O.E.C.D. spending on U.S. exportables of foreign spending The former exportables. is We do so by taking seriously as overall U.S. exports and imports, and GDP are traded determine the size of the traded sector a whole, and at the industry level. X and M some goods In all industries, : the theoretical implication that every traded good abroad. Define we of these three items in turn. size of the traded sector while others are not. for the each we choose 1997 all countries distribute their spending simply Xv/(1-v). Following the same argument, we can calibrate O.E.C.D. spending on U.S. importables as M/v. This means that the traded sector of the O.E.C.D. U.S., we is X/(1-v)+M/v. in O.E.C.D. production the non-traded sector of the O.E.C.D. X, and obtain the nontraded sector in the simply take gross output, G, and subtract the traded sector, X/(1-v). Under the assumption that the U.S. share GDP, To M from the is the (G-X/(1-v))(1-v)/v. 1997 U.S. input-output table sectors and find that the share of traded goods, To is to same as We economy. The first X and M column of Table 1 for 33 x, is industries. In services, 3-digit industries we ^^ repeat the spanning the entire reports the share of tradeables in in gross output the share of traded which account for 62 percent of production, tradeables represent only 3 percent of production. (primarily manufacturing in use data on G, roughly 10 percent. or production by industry. There are substantial differences goods across share compute the traded and nontraded obtain the size of the traded sector industry-by-industry, procedure using data on G, its In the rest of the economy which accounts for 28 percent of production), tradeables represent 22 percent of production. " Note that we are expressing tradeables as a fraction of production, rather than value added. For the in value added in 1997 is 0.23. U.S., the share of exports plus imports 23 The Item 2. technology schedule relative technologies to match data on trade in goods and impose some additional structure on the data. relative productivities within that it well is come up variance (a,) data to determine ii, for 5'^ we industry means that our calibration each goods industry. This in each we do industries not mean (^ij) and use the trade assumption means that we restrict the the 95"^ percentile to be roughly 5 times that of goods does not seem unreasonable. industry. This find that the results are robust to sensible a*(z) '^ ; and have enough changes in the value of o. Define the relative technology schedule for the traded sector of industry as A|(z) = to treat the distribution of with two parameters per industry, namely, the percentile within Moreover, we distribution. This We therefore set 0,-0-0.5 for all relative productivity of the In particular, in To do so we need services.^" of log productivity differences. Unfortunately, information to do so. in We calibrate differences each of the 33 industries as unobservable, but assume approximated by a lognormal procedure must : and order goods by using the rule that z<z' if and only i if ai(z) a*(z) a*(z') —- Assume that, >-^ . ai(z) within an industry, the distributions of log productivities ai(z') in the traded and nontraded sectors are identical. Then, our assumptions imply that In Ai(z) ~ N(|j,|,a) for industry average the share of exports i. in To obtain the value of X| = for each the traded sector of industry share of traded goods for which A|(z) > P[A|(z)>co]=X| where ix, co . i industry, note that on corresponds to the We therefore choose \m to ensure that — . Inverting this probability gives: X|/(1-v) + Mi/v Could we have estimated productivity differences directly? A vast number of papers report crosscountry estimates of productivity levels. However, only very few provide disaggregated productivity comparisons based on disaggregated purchasing power parity adjustments for inputs and outputs, which are essential for meaningful productivity level comparisons (see Harrigan (1999) for a review). Because of the difficulties in collecting disaggregated price data, these papers focus on only a subset of industries (for example, Harrigan (1999) reports estimates for machinery and equipment manufactuhng productivity levels across several O.E.C.D. countries). But without information on productivity levels comparisons for all sectors and for all potential trading partners, it is impossible to construct a relative technology schedule. 24 Hi=ln(co)-a*-\l-Xi) (14) where denotes the cumulative normal 0(.) we need procedure, relative wages, average relative wages by equating O.E.C.D. income with the observed 40 percent U.S. share We interpret differences in average capital between the U.S. and the on years of wage of co total this 1 GDP in 1997. human in . number productivities, ranging average O.E.C.D. and measure them usingdata rest of the O.E.C.D., at hand, and the assumption that a=0.5, |j.iS. The results are There are large differences across sectors . in the U.S. share of productivity as reflecting differences (14) to obtain a set of estimates for the of Table this education. ^^ This leads us to an estimate of the productivity-adjusted = 1 .33 With To implement information on the average values of productivity-adjusted We obtain co. distribution function. in we use shown calibrated in Equation the third column mean relative from 0.47 to 2.68. By construction, these differences relative productivities reflect differences share of tradeable production (reported in exports as a the second column of Table in the most noticeable feature of column 3 across industries is in Perhaps 1). again the difference between services and the rest of the economy. Although tradeables as a fraction of services production quite small, exports as a share of tradeables rest of the economy productivity is much larger in services than in is the (79 percent versus 30 percent). This implies that average relative must be substantially higher in services than in the rest of the economy (2.54 versus 1.31). Given values of i^i obtained in this way, we can construct the empirical analog of the inverse of the relative technology schedule as a weighted average of the industry distributions of relative productivities: ^^ Specifically we use the Barro-Lee (2000) data on human capital stocks to find that average total years then and in the rest of the O.E.C.D. in 1995 are 12.2 and 8.3, respectively. We of education in the U.S. assume a Mincer coefficient of 0.1 , and adjust relative 25 wages by a factor of e " = 1 .07 . x(co;t) (15) = ^ ^~^ ^-^ = Y.h- '- i=i where denotes the share of industry t; procedure are depicted in the 95*^ and in The schedules the overall traded sector. in 5'^ in productivities. percentiles 22 percent, assume respectively. way to the level of the trade scenario). This for the rest of the in in is The around goods in 7.5. share turn increases tj in each industry within services, we i that industry increases to half the level of economy (in the first scenario), economy the rest of the (the share of industry each of the industries within services, in calibrations indicate that in in technology schedule schedule was not possible case of Item to match the means that remember that our in is substantially higher our example, trade integration in such a rightward the examples in shift in the result, in is the the relative technology Section 2 where we restricted attention symmetric technology differences across countries. 3. The distribution of shocks : We calibrate shocks to demand cyclical properties of the U.S. trade balance. know the value of the risk aversion coefficient, y. It is section 2 that this coefficient plays an important role trade balance. the overall traded sector) and becomes steeper than shifts to the right that the all the second which the U.S. has comparative advantage. As a benchmark case. Note also to the in relative productivity in services the rest of the economy. This biased towards goods relative US i (in and increases Equation (15). To understand the effects of trade integration on the relative technology schedule, than ratio of productivities services increases from 2.5 to 10, and in In particular, for that the share of traded the trade share results of this labeled "Scenario 1" and "Scenario 2" correspond to our assumptions that the share of traded goods to The Figure 7 under the label "baseline". Note that there are substantial cross-country differences between goods i In To do this, we and supply first need clear from the discussion determining the to in volatility of the the absence of strong priors on the magnitude of this parameter, we 26 in consider scenarios in there are two equally (|)"\5"Y As shocks to supply in Section which y tal<es the values likely states of nature s=H,L; the parameters 2, cyclical properties of the U.S. trade and (2) its (\) with in and We then 5. which assume ((l)H,5H)=((t),S) and that ((t)L,5L)-( We then choose (\> of and 6 to match the balance as a share of O.E.C.D. income over the summarized by comovement 1 and 5 regulate the standard deviation and demand, respectively. period 1970-1999, as 0.5, (1) its standard deviation, which income measured as the slope 0.5 percent; is of a regression of the U.S. trade balance on U.S. income (both as a share of O.E.C.D. income), which 0.3. We do this for each that we the - of the three values of the coefficient of relative risk aversion consider. The In is results of this benchmark case procedure are presented in the of y=1, a combination of supply deviation of 2 percent and demand shocks first two columns of Table 2. shocks with a standard with a standard deviation of 10 percent are required to match the cyclical properties of the trade balance. Since the U.S. trade balance tends to decline when incomes shocks and small supply shocks difference between and 5 percent, in are high, If require large order to match the data, demand and supply shocks respectively). we y=0.5, we need (with if y=5, demand we need a smaller standard deviations of 8 percent a larger differences in the volatility of demand and supply shocks (with standard deviations of 17 percent and 3 percent respectively) in order to match the observed cyclical properties of the trade balance. To understand these differences, remember that fluctuations in the magnify (dampen) the effects of demand shocks smaller demand shocks the larger if y>1 (y<1)- This terms of trade is why we need is y- 3.2 Results The remaining columns of Table 2 summarize the result of our trade integration exercise, reporting the predicted standard deviation of the U.S. trade 27 balance as a fraction of O.E.C.D. income integration scenarios discussed above. trade balance is equal to three rows of the first in tine By baseline 1997 scenario, and the two construction, the standard deviation of the observed value of 0.5 percent of O.E.C.D. income its column. Moving to the right illustrates in all the effects of goods and services trade liberalization on asset trade. In benchmark case the on the integration volatility of of y=1 , we find quite substantial effects of further trade the trade balance, which rises from 0.5 percent to 0.7 percent when services are half as tradeable as the rest of the economy, and to 0.9 percent when services are equally tradeable than the rest of the economy. This suggests that the main effect of trade integration on the summarized Result #1 in is On quantitatively important. volatility of the trade balance the other hand. Result #2 which qualifies our main result does not appear to be empirically very important. Although in this example trade has comparative advantage, To we find isolate the effects of this bias, assumption that the baseline scenario. balance is relative In this biased towards goods Y=5 we which the U.S. technology schedule does not change relative to the case, we find that the in standard deviation of the trade we allow for a bias show the in trade integration. effects of trade integration that the effects of trade integration integration scenario. To understand on the standard deviation of the this difference, fluctuations in the terms of trade induce fluctuations As fluctuations in the trade balance. fluctuations in the terms of trade on spending ^^ Remember we have when the terms of trade also affect spending.^® trade balance are substantially smaller, with the latter rising to only 0.6 percent second trivial. re-estimate Scenario 2, but do so under the the rows with y=5 and y=0.5 we find in that the quantitative effects of this bias are allow for the possibility that changes When is 0.95%, as opposed to 0.94% when Finally, we integration in in the remember that when y>1 spending which amplify trade integration proceeds, the effects of fall, and so the volatility of the trade shocks in each row of Table 2 to replicate changes in the volatility of the trade balance aross different values of y for a given level of trade integration reflect changes in our assumptions about both (i) the shocks which drive fluctuations, and (ii) the degree of risk aversion. that observed fluctuations in re-calibrated the underlying the trade balance. As a result, 28 , balance increases by less than much the benchmark case of y=1 in larger effect of trade integration latter rising to 0.9 percent intuition for this is just in the first on the volatility of . When y==0.5, we find a the trade balance, with the scenario, and 1.2 percent in the second. The the converse of the case where y=5: through their effects on spending, fluctuations in the terms of trade attenuate fluctuations in the trade balance, and the importance of this attenuation declines with trade integration. To sum integration example suggests up, our empirical on the trade balance can be substantial, with the volatility of the trade balance almost doubling Although in that the effects of trade in volatility of the benchmark case of log preferences. our example trade integration biased towards goods is has comparative advantage, the quantitative effects of this bias in which the U.S. are negligible. Departures from the assumption of log preferences do affect the quantitative effects of trade integration, with larger (smaller) increases in the volatility of the trade balance when risk risk aversion low (high). However, in our calibrations the additional effects of aversion are never sufficiently strong to reverse our qualitative conclusion that trade integration 4. is will increase the volatility of the trade balance. Concluding Rennarks In this paper, we have used analyze the question of contribution will how a simple model of trade in goods and assets trade integration affects the trade balance. induce others to explore this issue We hope our from alternative theoretical perspectives. We differences technology and imperfectly correlated shocks. But one could for in have motivated trade instance allow for differences in as an additional motive for trade in factor in in to goods and assets by postulating endowments and/or increasing returns to scale goods. Similarly, one might introduce differences time preference and/or rates of return to capital as an additional motive to trade assets. We conjecture that the main results of this 29 paper would survive in in these more general frameworks, except for extreme cases. The interesting question new and would arise that cannot be studied realistic effects Finally, we hope whether our simple framework. in good that our contribution also provides a is theoretical grounding to empirical studies of the effects of trade integration. By isolating key theoretical channels, the studies on this subject. model here can sharpen the By interpretation of providing a fully specified model, we also econometric hope to aid in the task of developing quantitative assessments of the effects of trade integration on the trade balance. simple In this illustration integration respect, our calibration exercise should or example. A serious be interpreted only as a quantitative analysis of the effects of trade on the trade balance would be a major project on its own. References Baler, S.L. and J.H. Bergstrand [2001], "The Growth of World Trade: Tariffs, Transport Costs and Income Similarity," Journal of International Economics 53, . 1, 1- 27. and J. Lee [2000], "International Data on Educational Attainment: Updates and Implications," Harvard University Center for International Development Working Paper No. 42. Barro, R.J. Cole, H. and M. Obstfeld [1991], "Commodity Trade and International Risk Sharing: How Much Financial Markets Matter?" Journal of Monetary Economics 28, 1, 3-24. . J. [1999], "Estimation of Cross-Country Differences Functions," Journal of International Economics 47, 267-293. Harrigan, in Industry Production . Dornbusch, R., S. Fischer and P. Samuelson [1977], "Comparative Advantage, Trade and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods," American Economic Review 67, 823-839. , 30 Table 1 : Trade and Relative Productivity by Industry Averaae Tradeables/ Exports/ Relative Production Tradeables Productivitvd) Agriculture 0.13 0.41 1.34 Metallic ores mining 0.21 0.31 1.18 Coal mining 0.09 0.84 2.46 Crude petroleum and natural gas 0.38 0.03 0.60 Nonmetallic minerals mining 0.11 0.29 1.15 Construction 0.00 0.00 0.47 Manufacturing Food Tobacco 0.10 0.39 1.32 0.15 0.74 2.08 Textiles 0.17 0.32 1.19 Apparel 0.44 0.09 0.78 Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures 0.15 0.22 1.03 0.21 0.18 0.96 Paper 0.16 0.36 1.25 Printing 0.05 0.49 1.49 Chemicals Petroleum Refining Rubber and Plastics 0.26 0.39 1.30 0.11 0.33 1.22 0.17 0.28 1.13 Leather 0.75 0.06 0.71 Nonmetal Production 0.16 0.23 1.04 Primary Metals 0.22 0.22 1.02 Fabricated metals 0.13 0.31 1.18 0.39 0.43 1.37 0.50 0.31 1.18 Motor Vehicles 0.37 0.16 0.92 Other Transportation Equipment 0.44 0.51 1.53 Other Manufacturing 0.40 0.30 1.16 Transportation Services 0.12 0.77 2.17 Communications 0.00 0.00 0.89 Electric Utilities 0.01 0.15 0.89 Gas 0.00 0.00 0.89 Trade 0.05 0.71 2.00 FIRE 0.02 0.88 2.68 Other Services 0.01 0.77 2.19 0.10 0.37 1.49 0.22 0.30 1.31 0.03 0.79 2.54 Agriculture and Mining Construction Industrial Electrical Machinery machinery Services Utilities Weighted Averages (2) Overall Rest of Economy Services Notes: (1) This column reports E[Aj] = e"'*° (2) The first column uses shares in total production as weights; the remaining columns uses shares tradeables production as weights. 31 in Table 2: standard Deviation of Calibration Res ults US Trade Balance/OECD GDP After 1 ^ 5 0.5 1.03 1.17 1 1.02 1.10 5 1.05 1.08 Before Scenario 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.91% 0.74% 0.58% 1 Scenario 2 1.24% 0.94% 0.60% Notes: (1) To obtain the standard deviation of the trade balance as a fraction of U.S. 32 GDP simply multiply by 2.5. Figure 1 : Effects of Trade Integration Case 2 on Relative Technology Schedule Trade Integration Weakens Comparative Advantage 1: n High \ .t--"^ >v \low t x'^ b\^^ \ ^^^"-s,^\^ 3 1? 1 - < ^^"^"^^^r-^B. N 0.5 1 X Case 2: Trade Integration Strengthens Comparative Advantage 2Low t\. ^^-'^^ \ High T XA\_^^\bNw ^"^-^^S. 3 1? X < 1 - ^^X;:;;^.^^^ ^Vv^^^~~--~-,.^A' ^"\>\ > 0.5 X 33 1 Figure 2: Effects of Supply and Demand Shocks, y=^ Supply Shocks TB CO fASH El Eh Trade Balance AS, AD AS, AD Demand Shocks ADh TBh / Trade Balance Note: These x=0.5; 4)H=1 .5 figures are in drawn under the assumption the top panel and 5h=1 .5 in that x(co)=co"7(1+co") with a=0.2; the bottom panel; 34 AS and y=1 . Figure 3: Effects of Supply Shocks Y»1 ASH AS, Trade Balance AD Y«1 \ (1) ^^ Ypr El\ / Eh\ /y Note: These (t)H=1-5; figures are and y=5 /ASH / X^" \ AD AS, Trade Balance T=0.5; Z^^'" \ in AD drawn under the assumption that x(co)=co7(1+co"°) with a=0.2, the top panel and y=0.2 in the bottom panel. 35 Figure 4: Effects of Trade Integration with Supply Shocks 0.03 Note: This figure (t)H=1 .5; and is drawn under the assumption that for the indicated values of y. 36 x(co)=co 7(1 +co") with a=1; t=0.5; Figure 5: Effects of Demand Shocks Y»1 TBh CO AS, Trade Balance TBii \tBh AS, Trade Balance Note: These T=0.5; 5h=1 AD drawn under the assumption that x(co)=co""/(1+(jl)'") with a=0.2; and y=5 in the top panel and y=0.2 in the bottom panel. figures are .5; AD 37 Figure 0.05 *•* 0.04 6: Effects of Trade Integration with Demand Shocks ^ n - 4- o o d CO Deviation ard o d K3 c 0.01 - n ' 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.8 1 T Note: This figure 6h=1 .5; and is drawn under tiie assumption that for the indicated values of y- 38 x(co)=co""/(1+co"") with a=1 T=0.5; Figure 5 7: Estimated Relative Technology Schedule n yi 4.5 - 4 - 3.5 - 1 \ — "^ Baseline — Scenario ~-» Scenario 2 1 3 . 'P < 2 - 1.5 - 1 - ^--C>-:^^^. ' 0.5 i~^iii"" - N U 3 ( 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 X 39 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Date Due ^1 P^lo^ MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02246 0981