Tgk Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Sequential Decision Making: How Prior Choices Affect Subsequent Valuations Elie Ofek Muhamet Yildiz Ernan Haruvy Working Paper 02-40 November 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at Sequential Decision Making: How Prior Choices Affect Subsequent Valuations Elie Ofek, Muhamet Yildiz and Ernan Haruvy* November 2002 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES *Elie Ofek: Harvard Business School, Soldiers Department of Economics, MIT, Cambridge, at Dallas School of authors would MA 02163. thank Al Roth, Daron Acemoglu, George and Brian Gibbs for detailed Muhamet Yildiz: 02142. Ernan Haruvy: University of Texas Management, 2601 North Floyd Road, Richardson, like to helpful suggestions, MA Field, Boston, Wu comments on an TX 75083-0688. The and Vikram Maheshri earlier version. for The paper has also benefited from comments of participants at the Behavioral Research Council conference (Great Barrington, MA, July 2002). Abstract This paper develops and tests a model of sequential decision making where a of ranking a set of alternatives of these same maker who is alternatives. is first stage followed by a second stage of determining the value The model assumes a boundedly rational Bayesian decision uncertain about his/her underlying preferences over the relevant attributes, and who has to exert costly cognitive effort to resolve this uncertainty. Compared to when only valuation takes place, the analysis reveals that ranking a set of alternatives prior to determining their value has three primary effects: a) the spread (or dispersion) of valuations between most and least preferred alternatives increases, b) decision makers will, on expectation, exert more effort in the valuation phase, and c) the more each attribute contributes to overall utility the greater the relative impact of ranking valuation spread. for a product. with actual The analysis also sheds light The series of controlled lab findings have implications for situations ranging from auctions, on on how prior ranking impacts the demand These results are then corroborated in a prizes. is where there is many real a tendency to life experiments decision making prioritize items before determining a bid, to the ranking of job candidates prior to determining wages and benefits to be offered. More generally, the results bear decisions can affect future related decisions. on our understanding of how past Introduction 1 Past decisions are often used as input to guide future related decisions. This as beneficial light when the information conveyed in a previous decision on dimensions associated with the decision at hand, even identical. In the context of would affect the subsequent determination of maximum who downtown is reminded of the if decisions. willingness to pay for a given later, this same downtown A similar question may choose How would urban job arise even within a single Examples of such procedures are common: an employer might consumer among at an auction sellers before projects before deciding site with determining many similar items how much how much R&D In an ideal world where individuals first to bid until an item them out effortlessly, Individual's first preference structure with full rank the set made (Roth might have to repeatedly is secured (Peters rank order product development resources to devote to each one (Keefer 2001). know their preferences with certainty or can previous choices would not have an informational value for subsequent decisions. In reality, however, individuals seldom know their may need contingencies. Hence, most decision making tasks regarding multiple alternatives costly effort, in the to anticipate the likelihood of future usage/consumption form of cognitive thinking or time-consuming research, and How past choices potentially useful input. in determining valuations to ordering of the alternatives? when only How do these questions both theoretically Social-science literature has The then should we expect the effort will entail render expended be impacted by the knowledge of a prior choice or rank valuation takes place? preference elicitation. own confidence (for example, the exact trade-off between two product attributes) or to is the decision maker divides the complex decision problem into multiple sub- and Severinov 2001), and a management team might figure located or suburbia change of candidates interviewed before determining the details of each offer to be 1984), a is individual fact that she has chosen the lower-paying over the higher paying suburban job? decision previous choices or a big house in the suburbs. the willingness to pay (and thus bid) for a house located in the individual how has chosen a job offer with certain wages suburban town. Imagine that several months considering buying a small house if expected to shed an identical job that pays more wages but in a big metropolitan city over regarded these decisions are not such dynamic decision-making, we ask good. For example, consider an individual in a small if is is previous choices impact final valuations, compared The and goal of this paper is to provide an answer to empirically. examined the implications of various decision tasks on focus has been on how performing various tasks, such as choice, rating Tversky and matching can Montgomery 1988, et al. yield different et al. outcomes when performed separately Bazerman 1994, 1992, et al. Huber (e.g., et al. However, the implications of intertemporally combining a set of tasks on 2002). elicited preferences have not been studied. In this context, our paper focuses on previous ranking task, where the output required is how a an ordinal relationship between the where the output required alternatives, affects a subsequent valuation task, final is a measure of willingness to pay for each of the alternatives. To examine sequence of evaluating alternatives, we construct a model this prevalent of individual decision-making over a set of two alternatives defined over two attributes The that need to be traded-off. for central features of the examining the above decision sequence preferences (much in the vein of March model that make are: a) individuals are uncertain 1978, forgetful of specific details outcome of this decision phase (i.e., emerging from cognitive structure, own previous and That said, c) effort As though individuals during ranking, the such, our boundedly rational own choices as a source of information about their and may be perceived to have a preference for consistency in Yariv (2002)). about their the rank ordering of alternatives) can be incorporated in the subsequent determination of willingness to pay. agents use their relevant and Keeny and Raiffa 1976), b) through costly cognitive effort they can resolve part of this uncertainty, may be it utility (similar to the agents our agents also exhibit other specific patterns of behavior (also observed in our experimental setting) that cannot be explained by such preference for consistency. The model analysis of the reveals three interesting findings. the spread of valuations for the two alternatives precedes valuation. This is is, is as a result of ranking is overall utility is is on expectation, greater when ranking may induce the agent to think more perceived to be more valuable. the information Second, this increased spread more pronounced when the contribution higher. Lastly, we find that the effort (canonically) expected to be higher expended when ranking information of each attribute to in valuing alternatives is present, even though previous effort has obviously already been expended in the ranking stage. ine how prices) . We also exam- prior ranking affects the likelihood of purchase (with any given distribution of In particular, we show through a canonical example that the probability of a sale when are centered around the mean expected A shown that not only because of the extra information embodied in the rankings, but, interestingly, also because rankings when First, it is series of prior ranking increases prices are either very low or very high (but not when they value). experiments designed to allow comparison of valuation and ranking deci- combined sions (and their for future were carried out. The experiments used actual prizes effect) consumption of a familiar product category, namely dining at local restau- and were constructed to induce rants, (1964) mechanism. The truth-telling through a Becker-DeGroot-Marschak empirical results strongly confirm the implications of the theory, and were designed to rule out possible alternative explanations (such as learning or task familiarity) . In particular, we confirm that the effect of ranking on valuation spread be- comes more pronounced as the stakes involved of the prizes higher) is This provides an example . for (i.e., as the decisions themselves rest of the paper is the average value a general possibility that certain generated by bounded rationality (Rubenstein 1998) effects that are The in the task increase may get even larger become more important. organized as follows: In the next section we develop theory that allows the modeling of a sequence of decisions regarding the same alternatives, in particular, ranking model as hypotheses, which we then findings of the A To shed utility We formulate the central through a test series of controlled The paper ends with concluding remarks. experiments. 2 and subsequent monetary valuation. Model of Sequential Decision Making light on our questions of interest, in this section with uncertain preferences. an agent confronted with two We then analyze the we develop a simple model utility of maximizing behavior of rank in different alternatives that she either needs to 1) order of preference, 2) provide an exact monetary value for each, or 3) first rank and then value each of the alternatives. Notation: dom We variable x, E [x\G] E [x] E [x\G] Pr(G). TZ + /", and 2.1 /"' for We The respectively. , is and Var (x\G) x given event G. the expected value of x and Var for the conditional expected value also write sets of real Pr(G) first, (x) the variance of x. and non-negative real We write and the conditional variance of G for the probability of event Given any three-times the Given any ran- use the following standard notation throughout. will and let E [x numbers are denoted by differentiable function / : TZ — > TZ, we : G] 1Z = and write /', second, and third derivatives, respectively. Set-Up Consider a boundedly rational agent who wishes to maximize the expected value of a utility function u, the parameters of which she does not know with certainty. The agent is make a normatively optimal rational in the sense that she wishes to but at the same time is constrained by the costliness of effort needed to resolve the This principle uncertainty. decision prevalent in models of is bounded rationality (e.g., Simon 1982 and Gabaix and Laibson 2000) and has been generally accepted as a factor not to be ignored in to real or laboratory settings become more informed in (Smith 1985). 2 Thus, it is possible for the agent making her decision by introspectively accessing information associated with the alternatives at hand. This introspection requires cognitive effort and can be thought of as a mental cost that is accompanied by disutility. 3 Ergin (2002) uses a few plausible axiomatic assumptions regarding decision makers that are consistent with our characterization above. In addition, while the agent details arising from cognitive become what clear in Assume our agent is E into account wa random : TZ — variable and u(Y) V, The and i = w a (ay) + a b X ax bx Y ay by 2 This principle deciding, and is we : in 1Z — 1Z are increasing functions, 6 > this notation, whose expected value are concerned with cases also related to i is: b (bi) we write knows 8wb{by). Thus, while the agent 6, and Y, each defined value the agent attaches to obtaining good E (X, Y). With not with certainty know to be non-trivial, wb and X b: wa (ai) + Sw where by the agent (the updating process presented with two indivisible goods, 1Z. tasks, the follows). terms of two attributes a and Here, ax, ay, bx, by forgetful about specific expended in any previous related decision effort outcome of such decisions can be taken will is E [5] is is u(X) wa (•) taken to be a non-negative real = w a (ax) + Svjb{bx) and l. 4 w\, (•) she does For the decision where no good dominates the what Marschak (1968) termed other. 5 as the cost of thinking, calculating, acting. 3 It may also be possible in some cases for the agent to expend resources in obtaining information by seeking out costly external sources. For example, speaking to friends, getting an expert opinion, conducting a survey of relevant literature, 4 Our results generalize to the cases value for obtaining good we i is: S a w a (ai) etc. where there are more than two attributes and where the agent's + focus on the case where only Sb{= 6) 8bVJi,(bi), is random, where 6 a ,6b are independent. For expositional ease reflecting the situation whereby the contribution of one attribute to overall utility is ex ante known with less certainty. 5 It is worth noting that the attribute conflict hypothesis of Fischer tradeoff in attributes will lead to preference uncertainty. et. al (2000) predicts that such a . Hence, without loss of generality, we assume — u>b{bx) > Wbiby) good We would be structure, she prefer 0. X to good indifferent Y X if < 8 such that for each c G our agent if and only knew her 8 if = p, = true utility and strictly p. associated with V (c), and variance 8. the agent 8, may expend effort c (measured For some c is a <5 of <5 = CDF We F(-;c). agent obviously obtains an estimate her utihty for each of the goods. (i.e., The 1Z+ x [0, c] —> [0,1] (1) 5, emphasize that 8 e is and 6 are stochastically treated as an estimator been expended. After thinking, the a number) that she can then use to establish net utility from each good with estimator 8 can as: lUa(Ot) = can easily be shown that Var(e) variance of the remaining uncertainty precision of : 6e, variable) before actual thinking has expressed F such that the remaining error associated with the estimator random now be consider a function c] independent, and 8 has (i.e., 0, (•; 6 where e > F c) is a cumulative distribution function (CDF) with mean where V (c) = Far (6). By expending c G [0, units of effort, our [0, c], agent can get an estimate It if and A& terms of utility). In our model, the agent has the following simple, non-adaptive way of acquiring information about 1 j^ > 0. Note that between and Y and only if To reduce the uncertainty in = write p A a = w a (ax) — w a (ay) > + 8w h (bi) (Var(8) is — c. Var{8))/{\ + Var(6)). Hence, the decreasing with Var(8), which measures the 8. In subsequent analysis, determining the variance of the estimators plays a central role. We will assume that Assumption 1 V satisfies the following condition: The function V increasing, strictly concave, is strictly and three-times continuously differentiate The condition that V is increasing she gets a more precise idea about 8 the error term e). is The concavity of sufficient for optimization, V (i.e., (i.e., (i.e., V > 0) implies that as the agent thinks more with lower noise, measured by the variance of V" < 0) ensures that the first order condition and more importantly, is consistent with the agent having an incentive to learn only part of the information about of the noise term positive when making her V has an inverse, which will be denoted by 8, decision. Since h(-). leaving the variance V" < 0, the first Var (e) derivative Subsequent Effort and the Updating of Estimators 2.1.1 In order to be able to trace the impact of a previous decision regarding the two alternatives on a subsequent decision, from the former into the importance of attribute this estimate, £o, if we need to specify Through latter. how the agent would incorporate information the agent obtains an estimate b, the agent then expends thinking about the relative initial effort Co in of 8 (with 8 <5o = SqEo). Given c\ units thinking about the residual uncertainty = 6 8iEi, she gets an estimate Si such that 8 independent, and 8\ has constrained so that the variance of the error term is not where (again) the estimators CDF (Here F(-;c\). c\ is So, Note that E{8 rendered negative). and <5i, = ] e\ are stochastically unbiased estimators. Note also that Var(8 Using the model described above, we A 2.1.2 hence E[eq] ) how information is = E[e{\ how our will analyze we this, = yielding 1, = V (ci). and Var(8i) ) subsequent valuation of goods. Before will affect her to illustrate = 1, = V (c E[8i] agent's previous rankings present a canonical example processed in accordance with the model. Canonical Example Consider the stochastic process D = e Zt E (t t [0, 1]), Z where t is given by the stochastic differential equation 1 9 dZ = —z<rdt + t and B that the expected future change in of as a ZQ = , D a standard Brownian motion. Thus defined, is t crdBt D is nil, random walk the agent goes through for the task at hand. In this context, E(D = and mind that E [8] = and 1 log 8 aggregate effect of \to,t c ] of length iV(— \a , all associations, Upon of each other. ~ (t c a t. D t can be thought to obtain relevant information should be thought of as an abstract point along the t continuum of information she can potentially consider. 2 any for 1 t) in her a martingale, which implies is t 2 ). That is, 8 can We can now express 8 as D± so be completely determined by the which are assumed to be stochastically independent thinking c units, she learns incremental information in an interval — to) = a log (1 + c); the resulting estimate is given by 8 = j^-, a fc log-normal random variable with Var{8) For {oca random 2 ) < 1, V = V(c) satisfies variable (with = mean E{8) = 1 + c) exp [a log (1 Assumption mean E(e) = 1 1. The and variance a2] - error 1 = (1 term e and variance Var (e) = a°2 + = c) 8/8 exp [(1 is - 1. also a log-normal — a log (1 + c))a — 2 ] . 1 = exp [a 2 + (1 ] c)~ aa — Note that 1). thinking c units, the agent would learn in this example, c all = exp (1/a) — 1, so that the information relevant for determining by 6. In the above example, the support of the estimators was unbounded. For simplicity, and without qualitatively affecting any of our findings, we will assume in what follows that estimators are uniformly bounded: Assumption 2 D> There exists some such that F (D, c) = 1 for each c 6 [0, c]. Ranking 2.2 We now describe how the agent ranks goods X and Y in order of preference. We explicitly problem and present a basic comparative define the agent's optimization static about the choice of introspection length. When asked to rank goods receive, the agent first decides units, she obtains of goods X < p. 6r i.e., X and Y in on the length terms of which good she would prefer to c r of her an estimate 5 r and based on and Y. thought process. this estimate , X if Therefore, her expected utility from choosing cr is that she prefers Ur (c r = E[wa (a x + 6w b (bx ) ) ) : K < p] -f if E[w(X)|5r E[wa (a Y ) + Sw b (b Y ) Note that the expectation operator, E, depends on cv thinking cv makes a preference ordering and only It is clear Upon : ] K> (through F(-;cr )). > -E[u(Y)|5 r ], p] - We cr (2) . compute that UT {Cr) = A b E[p -8 r Using (3), we obtain the Proposition and —|^— < Assume at each d that > 1 . F (3) c,.. is continuously differentiable, —^^ > at each d < 1, Then, tr = argmax c6 2. tr increases whenever both [o,c] <p} + E[u(Y)} - following proposition, which states a basic comparative static. 1. The Ur (c;p) decreases with wa and w b \p — 1|, and are multiplied by a constant A > 1 condition assumed in the proposition states that as the agent thinks longer, she obtains a is 1 :8T more precise estimator in the sense of second order stochastic dominance. (This somewhat stronger than the condition that V is increasing.) Under this condition, the optimal choice of introspection length before the ranking decision decreases with \p — 1|, which measures the degree by which one good ex ante dominates the other. 6 In addition, else equal, introspection length increases all when the stakes involved contribution of each attribute to overall utility) are higher. is (i.e., The proof of this the unit proposition relegated to the Appendix. we analyze our In the next two subsections, valuation decisions. To expended, we will effort when confronted with agent's behavior simplify our expressions and ensure an interior solution for the assume two additional regularity conditions. The first condition is: V'(0)>l/(A(E[6\c. r <p}) where A is a constant (that be defined will 2 (4) ), This condition guarantees that the later). agent will always think some positive amount in a subsequent valuation task, even The second she knows the outcome from a previous ranking of the two alternative goods. condition when is: V'(c)<l/(A(E[8\6 r >p}) 2 ) where c V (c) = given by is dition guarantees that Var (e r ) = Var (6) — ( some uncertainty will Var(8 r ) (5) j / 1 ( + Var(8r remain unresolved even ) ) . This con- after the valuation decision. 2.3 Valuation We now analyze how the agent decides on the value of X and Y, when required to provide the highest amount that she would be willing to pay for each of the goods. In a valuation decision, the agent must again first decide on the length 6 V for the relative importance of attribute u(X) and u(Y), for effort to will determine estimates ux and uy finally the exact amount of is costly, be expended prior to making a decision depends on how the valuation estimates be used to determine the agent's goods X some known and Y, et respectively. probability n. 7 al. One payoffs. (1964). For instance, let p > 1, in In this paper, we consider the following The agent provides estimates ux and uy of the goods (say good X) we draw a monetary Subsequently, uniform distribution on the interval [0,m] 6 and an estimate Given that thinking respectively. mechanism, proposed by Becker for b, of thought, c„, obtain for which case ex ante X some is large integer better than Y. is then selected with prize (say m. If px) from a the estimate for The assumption —g^ < 0, leads to g c gr < 0. By Milgrom and Roberts (1994), this shows that the optimal choice of introspection length decreases as p increases. T That is, each good is selected with probability selected are mutually exclusive. 7r; and the events that X is selected and that Y is the good is higher than the monetary prize (ux otherwise, she receives the monetary m > max {w a (a x so that 77i > max {u x ,Uy} a dominant strategy. Wai^y) + S v w b (by) That where 8V >Px), the agent receives the good (X); prize (px)- Consistent with Assumption 2, + Dw b (b x ,w a ) ) with probability is, + Dwb (by)} (a Y ) Under 1. this 6v ) the expectation of 6 conditional on is (6) mechanism, truth-telling = w a (a x + the agent submits u x we take all wb (b x ) and u Y is = the information the agent has by the end of the valuation phase. Note that (i.e., in reality pays p(X)) if when the agent and only our mechanism minus px reflecting the same . if . Thus, her payoffs for case, she good X, she buys the good would get what she gets under be the same as here minus a constant, will states that the agent multiplied by a constant that c„ units u x > px In that px preferences. Our next proposition cost of thinking. faces a price We is will write maximizes the variance of her estimator, determined by the specifics of the mechanism, minus the Uv (c„) for the agent's and submits valuations u x and uy take 2, utility (as defined above), to mechanism described above to determine her Proposition 2 Under Assumption expected when she thinks be followed by the payoff. m as in (6). Then, given any cv 6 [0, c], we have Uv (c) = AVar(8 v + B ) c„ = AV (c) + B - c, where A = ^H(bX )+wl(by)}, B = ~[E[u 2 {X)]+E[u 2 {Y)]]+nm-AVar{6), and 6 V is the estimator she obtains The proof is relegated to the Appendix. U'v Since V is upon thinking increasing, it {cv c v units. Prom Proposition 2 we have, )=AV'{cv )-l. (7) follows that the optimal length of thought in valuation (prior to providing utility estimates), cv = argmaxc € [o z£]Uv (c;A), other parameters affect c„ only through A. Note that A is is The increasing with A. increasing with probability that the estimate will be used for a given good), with w 2 (b x ) n (i.e., and w 2 the (by) the coefficients that translate the variance of 8 V to the variances of (i.e., and with 1/m respectively) (i.e., u x and uy, the probability that the price will be in an interval of unit length, measuring the need for precision). V Finally, since is concave, using the Cy = arg first max Uv order condition = (c) h (1/A) we obtain (7), (8) , ce[o,e] = where h {V')~ . From conditions (4) and (5) evident that it is G c\, (0, c). Ranking and Valuation 2.4 We now describe ranked. Our boundedly member the details of her introspection. In other words, by the nature of the ranking decision she how the agent determines the value of goods that she has previously rational agent knows which good is same (cv), effort she must but would need to go through the same effort again) to the relative importance of attribute prefers but does not re- and the optimal amount of preferred have expended to rank the alternatives trospection (expending the knows which good she in- recapture the pertinent details regarding b. During her ranking decision, the agent obtained an estimator 8 r with 8 = 8r e r (9) , where 8 T and e T are stochastically independent, and 8 r has argmaxc6 [o ie] Ur (as explained in §2.2). Let us first knows that she has ranked 8r < p. X at least as high as <5 r , she has no information about with 8 T ). Given the concavity of it is and 6r is V and the fact that is Furthermore, . Hence, based on subsequent introspection for purposes of valuation yields an estimator of e r that independent of 8 r and 8r , 8 £r , and = SrS^Era, e rv are stochastically independent obtained through an introspection of length P,K T = K r E[8\8 r < is satisfies 8 ] . sufficiently high so that the agent will choose to resolve only part of the uncertainty in e r where the the same, in any decision optimal for the agent to think about e r our regularity condition (5) guarantees that the variance of e r 2.1.1, = cr Y. This implies she must have found cost structure for resolving uncertainty regarding e r task subsequent to ranking, F(-;cr ) with examine the case whereby the agent Thus, while the agent has some information on e r (the residual error associated CDF Cr V p]. 10 . (10) and 8 Er is Her new estimator the estimator of e r for 8 is 8„, = .E^l^r , < Similar to the proof of Proposition 2, we compute the expected c rv units, given the ranking information, to Urv (crv \8 T < where Bt~g <p i is same the < variances are conditional on {8 r this p) + i% B defined in Proposition 2, as p}. from thinking be = AVar(6 rv \6 r < p) utility r <p - i c rv , except that the expectations and < Since Var(8 TV \8 r p) = (E[8\8 r 2 < p]) V {crv )^ becomes Urv {crv \8 r <p) = < Since (E[8\8 r c rv [8 T 2 < p}) < p} = 1, < P }fV {crv + A{E[8\8 r and c vo UV0 (Cu previous ranking. ) The p| c rv (11) . we must have arg max Urv (crv \6 T < < p) arg c£[0,c] where S| ir < ) max Uvo (cy = ) c vo (12) , c6[0,c] are introspection effort and expected utility of valuation without implication of the inequality (12) as follows: is knowing that she X at least as high as Y, the agent infers that she must have found attribute b has ranked not so important. Thus she chooses to think associated with its relative weight. Together with (4) crv [5 r In similar fashion, if <p} = h(l/(A(E[6\6T the agent were to than good X, then she would infer that remaining uncertainty less in resolving the know she and < (5), (11) implies that 2 (13) p}) )). Y previously ranked good she must have found 8 r > p, and the higher utility from introspection of length crv would be Urv {Cr v \8r > where Bn ances are > i now is the same as p) = B A{E[8\8 r > 2 P)) V (c^) + Br$r>p " l (14) Crv, in Proposition 2, except that the expectations conditional on {8 r > p}. In this case, the agent chooses to and vari- expend thinking effort Cr V [8 r Analogously to (12), is because the agent 8 it is >p} = h(l/(A(E[8\8 r > 2 (15) p}) )). straightforward to establish that crv [8 r now knows > p] > cvo . This she must have found attribute b relatively important, Note that Var{8 rv \6 r < p) = Var{6 £r E[6\S T < < p}) 2 V {c rv ), where the penultimate equality (E[6\S r independent. 11 p}\6 T is < p) due to the = (E[6\6 T 2 = p]) Var(6 ST \6 r < p) and 6 Er are stochastically < fact that 6 r — x and has a greater incentive to expend < Appendix we show that effort is positive, yet < c„, c make a more informed effort to and V(0) < V(cTV ) some uncertainty still (satisfying the regularity conditions (4) < In the decision. Var(e). Hence the optimal remains unresolved after the valuation phase and (5)). Clearly, the presence of ranking information impacts the optimal effort in the valuation What stage. with ranking information E [c rv ] Since Pr = Pr (o r ft < we have the < < p] + Pr 2 < p) h(l/(A(E[6\8r p) E[6\6 r + Pr p]) )) ft > (o T > p) E[6\S r p] > p) h{\ / (A(E[6\6 r = E[8] = l and (1 / 2 ) is and (4) (5), E [crv > ] expend more effort (in expectation) in convex. Note that h (l/x 2 ) increasing function of x. it h (l/x = c„ h (1/A), cvo (resp.,E is As we makes the agent a convex function ofx will discuss later, if place and provided that h (l/x 2 ) and only if x v'(h(i/x 2 )) 1S anon_ —V"/V is typically decreasing in x; we to decline faster than l/x for convexity. In the canonical case described in §2.1.2, 2 ) is indeed a convex function of x, 9 hence E [c™] > cvo and the presence of ranking information increases the optimal effort during the valuation stage (in expectation). proposition reflects the fact that when attribute b expend is when effort How 2.5 [c rv ] subsequently generating valuations for these same when no ranking has taken goods, compared to the case need p]) )). a convex (resp., concave) function ofx. In words, Proposition 3 implies that rank ordering a set of goods is 2 > following comparative statics result: whenever h ) effort is: Proposition 3 Under Assumption 2 and conditions c\j The ex ante expected the direction of this impact in expectation? is when found important 8r < /i(l/x 8T (i.e., 2 ) > is p) The convex, the greater returns to effort overshadow the lowered incentives to p. Ranking Affects Subsequent Valuation Having established how the agent incorporates her knowledge of previous rankings when selecting the optimal effort to allocate in the valuation decision, how we to the valuations themselves are impacted by such a sequence of decisions. will first establish when If V{c) = C t for ^,1/(1-7)3.2/(1-7)^ j s some 7 € examine To do so, the findings from introspection in the valuation phase leave the findings from the ranking phase intact, and alternatively, 9 we now turn (0,1), V (c) = indeed a convex function of 7 c^ x. 12 1 and h(z) = (z/ 7 ) when they can 1/(7_1) . lead to Hence, h (l/x 2 ) = < a preference reversal when the good found show that knowledge will valuations, as to have a higher value was previously Then, confining ourselves to a very large class of canonical functions, ranked lower). we (i.e., of the previous ranking decision leads to measured by the variance of the estimator for final more accurate This occurs not 6. only because of the extra information embodied in the rankings, but also because the agent induced to think more when the information is Using this we result, will show that knowledge perceived to be more valuable. is of a previous ranking decision increases mean squared the spread of valuations, as measured by the difference between the utility estimators for the goods, and that this effect becomes more pronounced as the stakes involved increase, as measured by the contribution of each attribute to overall Using the relationship in (10), we write / E[6\6 r - E[6\8 r for the estimator for 8 > Wa{ a y) + for the values of when the agent u (X) and u (Y). no previous ranking information e u ^, Uy derivations to define estimator 6 Er §2.4). , i.e., when she T Note that we have u£ [8 r We p\), respectively. 5 rtJ Wb(6y) < > p}6 Er [K p]6 Sr when the agent needs she has already ranked, and where 8Er and F(-;crv [6 r utility. < P ] p] to provide and p] 6 er also write if K<p if 6r > ,.., p monetary values > [S r p] for the goods that CDFs F(-; crv [5 r < p)) + Kv w b(bx) and Uy = have u^ = w a( a x) incorporates ranking information in her estimators Similarly, is [6 r < > we write v u ^, Uy (with estimator It will also available. 5 V0 ) when prove useful in subsequent as the agent's valuation estimates she were to use the if (hypothetically) ignores the ranking decision outcome (see - u? = A b (p-STV ), ue£-Uy- = A b (p-6Er ), andu^ -Uy = A b (p-6 V0 )}° For purpose of exposition, ranked good yields 6 Sr < X p, let as least as high as the new findings clearly keeps valuing us focus on the case where the agent knows she has good Y. When introspection in the valuation phase are aligned with the ranking information, hence the agent X higher than Y. When p < no longer favor X. But, since the difference is 8 Er > p/E[8 r \6 r < . £t p], the her rankings by giving Y new When findings strongly favor Y, a higher value than to the ranking information). In this last case, X p/E[6 r \8 r small, the agent value than Y, rendering the previous ranking intact. <5 < (albeit < the new findings gives X a higher p], still the result of introspection and the agent is in effect reverses with a decreased difference due we observe a preference reversal between the two decision tasks. 10 6 rv To see why, take for w b (b x )} [w a (a y ) + 6 rv example w b {b y )] = u™ — £™. One can (w a (a x - w a (a y )) ) 13 easily establish that 6 TV i"Wb(b y ) - ui b (b x )) u^ — u™ = w a(p. x ) + = A b (p - 6 rv ). \ » worth pointing out that when the agent knows she has ranked It is also than Y < 8T (i.e., she incorporates the ranking information into her p), new X higher findings by < p] < 1 (see (16)). By doing this, she lowers her valuations ur£ < u££ and Uy < up. 11 The reverse is true when 8 T > p. multiplying 8£r with E[8 T \8 r X for both and Y, i.e., The Impact 2.5.1 of Rankings on the Variance of the Estimators and the Likelihood of Purchase In a valuation decision, the variance of the estimator measures is when she provides her estimates. Thus, from previous rankings To —V"/V is non-increasing. express the variances of estimators for a function $ : — 7£+ understand how information critical to affects the variance of the estimator for 8. In this discussion, on the case when will focus it is how informed the agent 1Z 8, with CDF F {-;h (^)), one can define by V(x)=x 2 v(h(-^\Y\/x>0. When the agent expends effort have ^(E[8\8 r ty(E[6\6 r of ^ > < Var(6 V0 ) p\) = p\) = Var(8rv \8 T < Var(8 rv \8 T > p) 1 —V"/V is p) otherwise. The Under Assumption $ 1, is final mators as follows. One might When risk aversion X. This c), (— V"/V') and £>, a utility function, is functions with constant + p, has taken place we ranked higher than good Y, and following increasing. (8) results in estimator light Lemma describes the shape on how information from a 8. Moreover, ^ is convex whenever cM , which it is affects the variance of valuation esti- ranking leads the agent to think think that the information that the relative value of attribute is < 8T source of uncertainty. In our case, log (1 is and by non-increasing. increase her estimate for When V (before valuation) estimator for Based on the above lemma, previous ranking 12 X when good under the assumptions of our model, and sheds Lemma 1 (17) = h (1/A) in the valuation phase. This = ^ (1). Analogously, if prior ranking c\j ranking decision affects the variance of the 11 = no prior ranking has taken place, we have E[6] 8 V0 with variance we 12 not true. X has been ranked higher than will lead her to value of attribute non-increasing. In Economics, decreasing a, but to would lead her to is as well as the uncertain about decrease her estimate. —V"/V measures the absolute risk aversion. satisfy the Y compared The answer depends on the parameters when the agent knows the (CARA) and less much work has (DARA) above property. 14 Canonically, the absolute focused on the family of utility absolute risk aversion, such as 1 - e~ QC , when no ranking information the case is Given that the agent obtains available. additional information in the valuation phase, her ultimate decision informed, agent is i.e., Var(8 rv \8 r < prompted p) dominates %(E[6 r \5r < and to think more, also that ranking information effects = in this case (1) When Var(8 Vo ). > Var(8 rv \8 r Since ty. ^ is a sense is in > 8r > Var(8 VQ p) p, less the Recall ). Which incorporated into 8 rv according to (16). is determined by the shape of is < * p]) = less of these convex, ex ante, ranking information will lead to a more informed decision, as stated by our next Proposition. Proposition 4 Under Assumptions (6), and 2 and the 1 regularity conditions (4), (5), we have Var(6 TV ) > Var(5 V0 ) —V"/V whenever (18) non-increasing. is Proof. Under our hypothesis, the conditional variances are determined by Lemma 1, ^ is convex whenever Var(8 TV ) is < = Pr(<5 r < p)^(E[8 r \8 r < inequality holds (Pr(<5 r + Pr(8 r > p)Var(8 rv \8 r > p\) + Pr{8 r > p)^{E\8 T \8 T > < p)E[6 r \6 r <p} + Pr{6 r > = Var(8 V0 y(l) due to the penultimate equahty p) p)E[8 T \K > and by (19) p) p\) p]) ). facts that due to the is < p)Var(8 rv \8 r \&, we have non-increasing. In that case, Pv(8 r = p); the —V"/V = > * The and ^ is convex and that fact that E[8r ] — Pr(<5 r > p) = 1 — Pr(<5 r < 1. Proposition 4 establishes that, ex ante, prior rankings lead to more informed decisions. As we discussed earlier, this not only because of the information contained in the is rankings but also because such information leads the agent to think longer decision is turn to examine the implications of Proposition 4 for the ex ante likelihood Consider good X, with price px- of the agent purchasing a good. 8 the agent > q = (p x is buy willing to — wa (ax)) /w b (bx). X if and only = w a (ax) + if iix and x good = E[8 T \ 8wb(bx) > Px, i-e., Then x = 1 when there is = E[8 r 8 r < p] when the agent knows that he ranked X higher than 8 T > p] otherwise. The probability that the agent is willing to buy the no prior ranking, x , Given an estimate Let us write x for the conditional expectation of 8 prior to the valuation decision (before expending cognitive effort). Y the more important. We now 8, when \ is ii{x- q ) = ( i-F(^h Ax x' ! x 15 \ 2 We on the canonical example described in will focus = l-#( n(,;,) where $ The behavior of is = v V is approximately ^i example, we have + ^/2) 2 r^- log (-yAx ) depends on whether 7 II large, the function effort, CDF, the standard normal is 1 §2.1.2. In that the variance, and 7 is With non-decreasing marginal linear. the agent has an incentive to invest in cognitive effort until virtually resolved she invests at (if As all). it is we highly likely II (x; q) decreases, causing changes as x increases On to increase. II (x; q) now as x increases, as the agent may to because 6 converges to initially increase From the > (provided q < for each We q. also check that II (x; q) is q Hence, as plotted in Figure at x = q - 2 "' 1, { 7 > 1/2 1/2 if 7 1 if 7 <l/2 when 7 < - 7) 2(1 / (7 j4) 2 < 1 - 2 t) x 1/2, II and approaches = 1/2 easy to verify that if . (•;<?) is — x 1 as !-» > a U-shaped function minimized ^Ax 1 > Since 00. > (jAy 7~ " 1, II g) is (-; an . the impact of prior rankings on the ex ante probability of sale taking place? is Recall that x can take the values ante probability of sale Pr (Sr When 7 < 1/2 and only if increasing function in the allowable region whenever q What it is II (x; q) 2-7-1 3-r-2 , q/x properties of the log function, if increasing (7^4) we sale occurring, x) but will eventually decrease 37-2 l-T 1 > uncertainty On the one hand, 1/2). the latter effect from increasing variance will be small. In fact, = returns to focus on this case. in probability as its variance goes to infinity. iim Tl{x;q) is the other hand, the variance v also increases thinks longer. n (x; q) this the region 7 (in all . end up in a corner solution will when 7 > 1/2, we believe our theory is more relevant for 7 < 1/2 and To understand the impact of prior ranking on the probability of examine how When 7 greater than or less than 1/2. is = aa 2 < pj n is 1, < E[6r 8 r \ higher with ranking (E[S r \Sr < p]; q) + Pr (s r p], if > and E[8 r and only p) II \ > 6r p]. Therefore, the ex if (E[6r \K > p]\ q) >n (1; q) . (20) Since Pr (ST < p) E[Sr \6r (20) holds E[6 T \6 r > if and only if II (•; q) is and When p), 1). II < p] + Pr (K > p) E[6 r \K > p] = 1, convex with respect to these three points (E[6 r \5r (-; g) is convex 16 (resp., < p], concave) with respect to these Y= ^^--^__^ \ 0.3, A= 20.9 q = ' 0.9 1 q = 0.2 q = 0.8 03 - 0.7 0.6 q = 0.9 0.5 "q^i v^^^— "*" 0.4 - qTl.5 __ 0.3 ^<^^^ /s 0.2 q = 4 0.1 q = 8 4r ~-^ Figure . i II 1: — 1— i as a function of t x for 7 < 0.5. (.4 = 1/(0.167)). three points, prior rankings increase (resp., decrease) the ex ante probability of sale. In particular, assuming that both E[6 r 6 r \ to check whether II g) is (-; < p] and E[8 r convex or concave around consider the case that the price (and hence q) figure). In that case, II (; q) is convex at x = 1, is 8r \ 1. > p] We very small are close to 1, refer to Figure (e.g., when q < we need 1. First, 0.3 in the hence prior rankings increase the ex ante When the price of the good is around the ex ante value of the good (e.g., when 0.9 < q < 1.5 in the figure), II (; g) is concave at x = 1, hence prior rankings decrease the ex ante probability of sale. When the price is very high (e.g., when q > 4 in probability of sale. the figure), II (•; q) is again ante probability of sale. convex at x = 1, hence prior rankings again increase the ex In summation, prior ranking tends to increase the probability of a sale occurring at extreme prices (that are relatively high or low) in our canonical example. The Impact 2.5.2 of Rankings on the Dispersion of Valuations Having established in Proposition 4 that prior rankings increase the variance of the esti- we can derive a testable hypothesis about the spread of valuations submitted mator for 6, for the two goods. We measure the spread by the mean squared difference between the valuations for the two goods. Hence, of the valuations with E [{ii™ — v.™) 2 } and E [(u v^ — Uy) 2 are the spreads and without information from a previous ranking 17 ] decision, respec- tively. = A b (p — u ^ — Uy 7 Since [(t# - uTYv E [(t# - u vJ) 2 = 2 ] — uVy = v and u £ = A 2 E[(p - E ) 6 rv ) 6 rv ) A = A2 2 } - <5„ ), we have [Var(8 rv ) + (p b (p 2 - l) and The } following proposition A 2 E[(p - 6 V0 = A2 2 } ) [Var(8V0 ) + (p an immediate corollary to Proposition is 2" - l) 4. . states that It under our usual regularity conditions, knowledge of previous rankings increases the ex ante spread between the maximum amounts the Proposition 5 Under Assumptions and 1 agent and the 2, willing to is pay for the two goods. and regularity conditions (4), (5), we have (6), E whenever —V"/V The above is on the We - >E 2 fi?) ] - [(«£ 2 fi"?) (21) ] non-increasing. proposition establishes that by them valuation spread between The next [(&£ proposition examines is first higher than how if ranking a set of goods, the subsequent valuation alone were to be performed. the effect of ranking on valuation dispersion depends relative contribution to overall utility of each unit of the attributes (a, first define Notation hi). some notation. > Given any A obtaining good and i is \(w a (a wa multiply 0, + 6w b {bi)). l ) wb and by A so that the agent's utility from Use superscript A to indicate that the payoffs are multiplied with A. Proposition 6 Assume: decreases is when we (i) F increase the -V non-increasing, and (Hi) (•; •) is such that E[6 r \8 amount of (h (1/x 2 )) p] increases and E[8 T \6 effort c to obtain the /V" under the same assumptions of Propositions (h (1/x 1 and Var{tTV - Var(8 ) is > 2 )) is estimator 6, (ii) < p] —V"/V a convex function of x. Then, 5, X J (22) increasing in A. The first assumption estimate in a sense that (ii), and the fact that h (i) is is states that as the agent exerts more effort she gets a better stronger than the second-order stochastic dominance. Given decreasing, (Hi) can be replaced by the assumptions that 18 V'/V" (weakly) concave and h(l/x is An V (c) = when clearly satisfied (i), is ) c7 a convex function of and 7 € > E\8 T \8 T Var(8 rv ), as $ the agent exerts 1 convex by — Var(8 creases [Var(8 TV ) )]. — see (ii) x. These two assumptions are as in our canonical example. more two ways. in )] effort in becomes larger while E[8T \8T < p] is (0, 1), — Var(8 VQ increase in A increases [Var(8 rv ] then from Proposition by 2 Since Var(8 Vo ) (19). A gets larger the ranking decision. becomes p] First, as 13 Hence, smaller. This increases is not affected, this in- Second, an increase in A increases A, and hence leads the agent to exert more effort in the valuation stage as well. This increases both Var(8 rv ) and Var(8 vo ). Under difference [Var(8 rv ) (Hi), it impacts Var(8 rv ) more and thereby further increases the - Var(8 VQ )}. Proposition 6 also implies that the greater the contribution of each additional unit more pronounced the of the attributes, the That tions. is E is, E [(u £ - u rYvX r x [(u x r x 2 £ - u^ will test in ) ] We now ] /A 2 - E.[(v% x 2 ) f - uvYoX ranking on the spread of valua 2 ) } = A 2 A 2 , {Var{8^) - Var{8.>V true even without condition (Hi).) is oA - My [{u effect of v ] /A 2 is also increasing in A, J Finally, an implication we our experiments. Testing 3 ) - E (This statement increasing in A. T 2 Model Implications present the results of a series of experiments designed to examine the model findings in actual decision making situations. Given the interest in understanding the impact of ranking on subsequent valuation (compared to when valuation alone is con- ducted) we focus on the findings of §2.4-2.5. In particular, one can state the primary testable implications in the form of three hypotheses as follows: Hypothesis 1 When valuation comes is known, the squared the goods is (or absolute) difference higher than Hypothesis 2 The after ranking if and the rank ordering of alternatives between the monetary values stated for valuation alone takes place. relative impact of ranking on valuation is increasing in the con- tribution of a unit of each product attribute to overall utility. Hypothesis 3 When is known, the 13 effort The assumptions valuation comes after ranking and the rank ordering of alternatives expended in determining valuations (i-iii) of the proposition are all satisfied 19 for all goods is higher than by the canonical case described if in §2.1.2. valuation alone takes place. In addition, we will examine the implications of our analysis in §2.5.1 for the effects of prior ranking on the likelihood of purchase in a given price range. Experimental Design and Method 3.1 To test the above hypotheses, we conducted three experiments. All three presented individuals with decisions regarding pairs of restaurants that were described in terms of two or three attributes. The MA), Type set of possible attributes included Location (different areas Food Quality of Food and Decor; see Appendix B (Table Bl) for a more detailed description. Subjects were recruited from the general Cambridge and Boston (MA) areas and included both students in Cambridge, (Asian, Indian, Seafood), Service Level, (undergraduate and graduate) and non-students. Subjects were promised a $10 for their willingness to participate explained below. The main and a chance to earn more goal of Experiment 1 was to test to replicate the results of Experiment 2 and of in cash or prizes as Hypothesis valuation spread, and together with Experiment 2 to test Hypothesis also allowed a test of Hypothesis 3 regarding effort expended. minimum 2. 1 regarding Experiment 2 Experiment 3 was designed rule out alternative explanations (we describe these issues in greater detail below). 3.2 Experiment 1 Participants were presented with eight separate decisions, each describing two restaurants (one pair at a time). Table Bl (Appendix B) lists the set of alternatives. Stimuli were presented using a computer interface and responses were recorded through the same interface. Subjects were randomly assigned into one of two conditions- a "valu- ation only" condition (VO) and a "ranking and valuation" condition (RV). In the VO condition (N=44), subjects were asked to state their dollar value for a dinner- for-two (which included an appetizer, main course and dessert) at each restaurant. Subjects were told up-front that at the end of the experiment prizes would be awarded as lows: one of the sixteen (2x8) restaurants for fol- which they provided a dollar value would be selected with equal probability. In addition, the computer would randomly draw a number between 0-50. If the dollar value the individual stated for the dinner-for-two at the selected restaurant was greater than the randomly drawn number, a dinner-for-two voucher (non-transferable) at that specific restaurant would be granted to the individual. 20 Otherwise, the individual would get the see that this Marschak mechanism induces (1964). random number and truth-telling in actual dollars. It is easy to consistent with Becker, Degroot is and Participants were presented with several examples before beginning the experiment to help familiarize them with the above mechanism. RV In the in the VO same condition (N=44), subjects faced the condition in two separate stages. In the eight pairs of restaurants as first stage, participants were asked to rank the two restaurants in each decision in order of dining preference (again for T a dinner-for-two), by designating with a preferred alternative. The two and were asked to state I decision was first first stage randomly selected, they RV selected, a invoked. I On mechanism select either a stage same a dinner-for-two ranking designations. I prizes or a stage II decision. would receive a dinner-for-two voucher at identical to that described '1'). above If for the a stage VO their II If a most decision condition was average, 20 minutes elapsed between a particular ranking decision in stage and the need to value the same alternatives in stage and most eight observations per individual details their least condition, subjects were informed that preferred restaurant (the restaurant they designated with a was '2' by an explanation of the mechanism by which would be awarded (with examples). In the stage their dollar value for Subjects were reminded of their stages were separated the computer would most preferred and a In the second stage, subjects were sequentially shown the eight pairs of restaurants at each alternative. their likely II. This process provided us with a reduced the recollection of any specific from introspection in a particular ranking decision. 14 3.2.1 Results of Experiment 1 Given the valuations supplied by subjects for each of the decisions, we could test whether or not prior ranking affected the squared spread of valuations using the following regression model: {u A where q is - uB an intercept term, specific decision, RANK is a prior to the valuation phase, 2 ) =a + dj, j 6 dummy and e is [1,2, Note that the same attributes appear decisions. In the decisions used in ..., + a r RANK + e, 8] are dummy (23) variables to control for the variable denoting whether ranking had taken place a standard normal error term. The results of the regression analysis are presented in Table 14 ctjdj 1. in only Experiment 2, two cases that are separated by several intervening there were no two exactly overlapping attributes per decision. 21 Table 1: Ranking on Valuation Spread Effect of Prior Parameter Estimate t-stat p- value 69.71 6.01 <0.01 1 11.34 0.73 0.46 Decision 2 -19.93 -1.29 0.20 Decision 3 -32.72 -2.05 0.04 Decision 4 -25.61 -1.66 0.10 Decision 5 -40.11 -2.59 0.01 Decision 6 -22.53 -1.46 0.15 Decision 7 -37.80 -2.44 0.02 RANK 30.526 3.95 <0.01 Intercept Decision As can be seen from the above table, ranking alternatives prior to determining will- ingness to pay significantly increases the spread of valuations for any two alternatives. Experiment 1 gression (23) difference. thus strongly supports Hypothesis we use the absolute The This result also holds 1. decision pairs) all was in the re- between valuations instead of the squared difference average absolute valuation difference between alternatives (across if $5.2 in the VO first and second ranked condition and $7.1 in the RV condition (see Table B2). Experiment 3.3 In this experiment and N=39 in the 2 we had VO and subjects consider dinner-for-one dining alternatives RV (N=37 conditions, respectively). Given that the contribution of each attribute to overall willingness to pay (or utility) is expected to be lower than when the same alternatives are considered for a dinner-for-two, 15 using responses from both experiments enables us to test Hypothesis 2. were a subset of those used in Experiment we wanted 15 It The restaurant 1 (see pairs used in this experiment Table Bl). To examine Hypothesis to compare the time subjects spent thinking in the valuation phase 3, when could be the case that a dinner-for-two prize introduces considerations not present with a dinner- pay given the same restaurant alternatives (and hence same attribute between Experiments 1 and 2 (comparing same decisions and same conditions, see Appendix B), we believe that we are capturing a formulation consistent with Proposition for-one, but since willingness to levels) is higher Table B4 6. in Vouchers for dinner-for-two cost exactly twice as restaurant. 22 much as dinner-for-one vouchers for the same prior ranking was or was not performed. In order to do so, we equated the number of VO and RV conditions to avoid confounding effects associated 16 in the experiment and/or learning effects. Thus, in the VO decisions performed in the with overall time spent RV condition we had subjects state dollar values for ten pairs of restaurants, while in the condition we had subjects rank five pairs of restaurants and then state dollar values for same these five pairs (ten decisions altogether). the five pairs in VO pairs of the first five The construction was such that the last condition corresponded to the five pairs in the VO to that of Experiment condition were ignored). 1, RV condition (the The reward mechanism was identical with subjects able to receive dinner-for-one vouchers or cash (and the computer randomly drawing a number between 0-35). 3.3.1 Results of Experiment 2 The average absolute valuation difference between first (across all decision pairs) with dinner-for-one options $4.1 in the RV condition (see Table B3). and second ranked alternatives was $3.3 A similar regression to in the condition and (23), again confirms that prior ranking increases the spread of valuations (significant at the how VO 10% level). To examine increasing /decreasing the relative contribution of each attribute to overall utility spread of valuations between the two conditions, we compute the following affects the variable: - uB f + u B y/2 (u A V (u A [M) This variable "normalizes" the valuation spread by an average measure of the (or wiUingness to pay) relative from the two alternative restaurants. Thus, a comparison of the impact of ranking on valuation between the dinner-for-one and dinner-for-two scenarios is y 16 utility possible. To do so, we estimate the following regression equation: = p + 0,(1, + /3 RVl RV*D1 + (3 HV2 RV * D2 + /3V02 V0 *D2 + In Experiment 1 we observed that on average subjects monotonically decreased the e, amount (25) of time they spent with each subsequent decision (perhaps due to boredom with the experiment or learning effects). Hence, because subjects in the phase while those in the VO RV condition had eight ranking decisions prior to the valuation condition immediately valued the eight pairs, there would be a confound between the number of decisions previously encountered and whether more or less time was being spent as a result of having ranking information available. Theoretically, since the number of decisions is doubled in RV condition, the probability that a particular decision will be chosen for prize is divided by two, substantially decreasing the optimal effort in RV condition by (7). The set-up in Experiment 2 was designed to overcome these concerns. In addition, trade-offs between different attributes (see Table Bl). 23 in this experiment all relevant decisions involved where an intercept term, dj,j € is fi RV specific decision, are dinner-for-one and VO are [1, 2, ..., 8] dummies and dinner-for-two are for the dummy variables to control for the experimental condition, arid indicators, respectively. The results D1,D2 from estimat- ing the above regression model are given in the table below. Table Effect of Prior 2: Ranking and Attribute Importance on Valuation Spread Parameter Estimate t-stat p- value 0.15 4.65 <0.01 -0.08 -2.20 0.03 Decision 2 -0.124 -3.15 <0.01 Decision 3 -0.01 -0.58 0.56 Decision 4 -0.02 -2.47 0.014 RV*D1 0.04 0.94 0.35 RV*D2 0.18 4.35 <0.01 VO*D2 0.001 0.02 0.98 Intercept Decision As the 1 results indicate, the higher the "stakes" of the decision at each attribute is expected to increase overall Thus Hypothesis valuation spread. validity RV from a pilot 2 is utility) hand the (i.e., the more a prior ranking impacts strongly confirmed. 17 This result also derives study we conducted whereby we assigned respondents to conditions with no incentive mechanism in place more VO and subjects were paid for their (i.e., participation in the study, but there were no prizes allocated that depended on their responses). In this pilot, where the "stakes" for the valuations supplied were in a sense nil, there was no significant overall effect for ranking. In fact, in five of the eight decisions the spread was actually greater in the Experiments 1 and 2, condition. It is also when examining the average amounts in each decision for their common VO most preferred vs. noteworthy that in both subjects were willing to pay least preferred alternative, there was no pattern of divergence for the increased spread across conditions. In some cases both most and compared least preferred alternatives to the VO were given a higher value in the condition (though the spread still increased), in RV some condition cases both valuations were lower, and in other cases the most preferred alternative was given a higher value in the 17 Once RV than in the VO condition and the least preferred a lower value. again, these results were corroborated if in (24) 24 we used absolute values instead Though of squares. we realize our experiments are between subjects, we believe these results are consistent with our model on how valuations (see §2.5, result of a prior ranking). As we measured the duration we both goods can increase or decrease as a of time subjects spent making each of their decisions, could also determine the effect of prior ranking on the effort expended in valuating pairs of dinner-for-one alternatives. T= where 7 for 18 is T is the time the subject an intercept term, We l0 estimated the following regression model: + lj d + lr RANK, (26) J spent determining valuations for any given decision pair, dj are as in (23) and RANK designates if a ranking decision had preceded valuation. Estimation results are given in the table below Table 3: Effect of Prior Parameter Ranking on Time Spent Estimate t-stat p- value 15.09 5.54 <0.01 20.09 5.74 <0.01 Decision 2 6.00 1.71 0.087 Decision 3 1.41 0.40 0.69 Decision 4 5.63 1.61 0.11 10.90 4.92 <0.01 Intercept Decision 1 RANK As clearly evident from Table 3, significantly increases the time spent alternatives (compared to of time spent (across all in Valuation Phase having performed a prior ranking of alternatives on determining willingness to pay when no such ranking takes place). for the In fact, the average same amount decisions) determining valuations for a decision pair in the RV 50% higher than that in the VO condition (32.16 and 21.72 seconds, 19 Table B5 in Appendix B). This result is consistent with Hypothesis 3. condition was almost respectively; see 18 Given that related behavioral decision theory has mainly been concerned with how different decision tasks, when examined separately, would yield different outcomes, it is not clear they would entirely bear on the focus of our study (explicitly combining two decision tasks). For example, it is not clear that 'anchoring and adjustment' (Tversky and Kahneman 1974) is relevant in this case, because a ranking is a different output measure altogether than a valuation (or rating) measure. Even if subjects were to 'anchor' on the rankings, one might expect the most preferred alternative to be 'adjusted' to have a higher (average) value in the RV condition than in the VO condition, and the opposite be true for the least preferred alternative. As indicated, this pattern was not prevalent in our experiments. We believe that in the last decision subjects were perhaps hurried to conclude the experiment, and 25 One additional point regarding the connection between the experimental results and the theory developed is worth In our model, the ex ante stressing. same estimates for a given alternative should remain the has taken place, since E[6] = support for this property in regardless of whether ranking ] 1 -E restaurant across subjects in each condition (see Table statistically significant difference for only B value of the ^™] = 1- We find strong, between subject, Experiment 2. Comparing the mean valuation for each E[8 vo = mean B4 Appendix B), in reveals a one restaurant out of ten (namely, alternative in decision pair 3). 3.3.2 The Impact We examined how the demand also affected of Prior Ranking on Likelihood of for by prior ranking. Recall from each restaurant, as a function of price, would be §2.5.1 that, under certain conditions, ranking expected to increase demand when To examine whether this holds in our experimental setting, m p = defined by price points: a) m p - = one Table B4), b) VO) m when p - < v k restaurant, mean i.e. We is either very low or very high. we looked at three regions value for a restaurant in any decision (see standard deviation below the mean, deviation above the mean. each treatment (RV, prices are extreme, the sales c) p m = one standard then separately counted the number of individuals in that would be willing to pay for a dinner-for-one at a given l , p m < v k and pm l , < v\ , where v\ for restaurant k (there are 10 restaurants). In Table 4 below, is individual i's we present the valuation difference between the two treatments in the percent of individuals willing to buy at each price (denoted A% sales are more ). As Table likely to 4 shows, our experimental results support a pattern whereby take place at low or high prices as a result of alternatives being rank ordered and then valued. Around the mean, willingness to pay is first relatively unaffected by a prior ranking. hence the times are levels is less divergent across the two conditions. again strongly confirmed. Note that this 2 3 that h (l/a; ) is likely is See also §3.4 where the result on effort also consistent with the discussion after Proposition to be a convex function. 26 Table 4: Effect of Prior Ranking on Demand at Different Price Points A% p m- p m p m+ Decision Restaurant 1 A 5.1% B A B A B A B A B 5.4 2.7 2.6 5.1 2.7 2.7 2 3 4 5 0% 7.7% 12.8 21.6 7.7 5.4 8.1 8.1 7.7 10.3 2.7 8.1 1% 4.5% Average 7.1% Experiment 3 3.4 While in Experiment 2 we controlled by having five "filler" decisions in the RV for the overall valuation decisions in the number VO of decisions each subject faced condition (in lieu of the five ranking condition), one cannot entirely rule out alternative explanations for the results presented in Table 3 based on a difference in the nature of tasks in the two conditions. about valuations in the decisions may be In particular, there last five decisions of the had already taken place). used a set-up similar to that in the with five relevant five irrelevant greater 'task familiarity' or learning specificity VO To account VO condition (given that five valuation for such alternative explanations, condition of Experiment 2 (i.e., valuation decisions) except that subjects (N=49) restaurant pairs. 20 This way, in both the RV and VO first we dinner- for-one rank ordered conditions, subjects faced ten decisions, five ranking and five subsequent valuation decisions. 20 The first five ranked pairs used in the five valuation decisions. 2 and for suggesting We thank Al Experiment 3 to VO Roth condition were different restaurants than those in the last for pointing out the potential us. 27 problem arising in Experiment Results of Experiment 3 3.4.1 Table B6 five (in Appendix B) presents the amount of time subjects spent valuation decisions. For convenience, corresponding RV , was 10.2 and Hypothesis RV dinner-for-one condition (using re-estimated equation (26) with the 7r we juxtapose new 1% significant at the data. level. in each of the last these results with those from the data from Experiment The parameter estimate The We 2). also for prior ranking, results once again strongly corroborate 3. In addition to replicating the results on effort levels, re-estimating regression equation new data (25) with the yielded a parameter estimate (significant at the 1% P RVl and (3 V02 were not significantly different from 0. Thus As for the likelihood of sales, the results from Experiment 3 while the parameters level), supporting Hypothesis 2. support higher demand in the the =0.15 (3 RV2 mean (in mean at the RV condition when price is one standard deviation below analogy to column 3 of Table 4) and no difference in analogy to column 4 of Table 4) (in . When price is demand when price is one standard deviation above the mean, no difference between the conditions was found (as opposed to expected higher demand in the RV condition, see column 5 of Table 21 4). Conclusion 4 Whether among implicit or explicit, the tendency to first obtain a relative sense of ranking alternatives prior to attaching a specific value to each seems pervasive in making decision contexts. In this paper, we set out to decisions affects the final valuation of alternatives examine how and the amount of arriving at these valuations. The model we have proposed rational optimizing behavior and bounded many this sequence of effort expended in incorporates aspects of both rationality. Several interesting findings, supported through a series of laboratory experiments, have emerged. We find that, on expectation, first ranking a set of alternatives increases the spread of values generated in a later stage and increases the in the valuation phase; this 21 That said, is in addition to the effort already amount of effort expended expended our Experiment 3 was conducted almost a year after Experiment 2. in first ranking Because we are VO data from the former with RV data from the latter, there was the potential for inflationary and/or seasonal effects. Comparing the mean valuation for each restaurant in the VO condition between comparing the two experiments reveals that the new new valuations are in fact slightly higher (by 7%). If valuations for each subject by this factor, the in fact higher (by 10% on demand at we average) with prior ranking (in analogy to column 5 of Table 4). 28 deflate the one standard deviation above the mean is Furthermore, we have shown that prior ranking can affect the likelihood alternatives. of sales taking place. we In particular, using a canonical example, predict that prior ranking tends to increase sales when prices are either very low or very high. Given that the ranking of alternatives often viewed as a is way to simplify valuation decisions, believe that these results bear significance for our understanding of we many decision-making contexts. At a practical level, our results have implications for real tendency to rank alternatives prior to determining valuation attempt to use this two-stage process to their advantage. is life situations where the encountered. Sellers For example, car dealers may will of- ten refuse to discuss the price of any vehicle before they have taken the customer through the lot and seem, is work to made him/her rank The dealers' reasoning, it would that encouraging a ranking of alternatives (mainly on non- price attributes), will their advantage in subsequent price negotiations. In addition, the growing per- vasiveness of Internet has the set of relevant cars. made commerce and this two-stage process far digital information dissemination in recent years more pronounced. For instance, in consumer elec- tronic auctions, consumers are often given a listing of several relevant products in the desired category. For each alternative, attribute levels are specified in the description of the product. After reading first (or if all descriptions, consumers must decide which item to bid on multiple items are required a complete rank ordering of all). 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(Proposition l)Under our model Ur where / dUT (c; = (c; = A b j" (r- p) we set-up, Sr write (3) as + E{u {¥)} - f [K] c) dS ) , dF/dc. Then, p) p d_ = A, %{p-'^)f{fr,C dp Jo r=P = A (p-p)f(p;c) fc + M f (<5 r |E ;cJ d8 T i»( y )'-| c = A b F(p;c). f(6T c)d6 ; J [f>- dp Thus, d 2 UT d {p; c) _ dcdp Then, by hypothesis, is decreasing with argmax c6 [o )e fr ] To ( and so p, c ;p) prove, part any p for 2, is > 1, with dc[ we have \p — 1| A F(p;c)]=A b dF{p;c) b —g^g' = p— 1. Qc = A& —^^ < Similarly, for 1, hence argmax c€ < any p increasing with p, and hence decreasing with |p is note that when wa and (r - wb is multiplied with A, —gig 1, — 0) c] > = —p + 1| [ 1> UT (c; p) hence 1. we have cp Ur (c; A) = AA fc / Sr + XE [u (Y)} - f (K; c) d8 ) c. Hence, dUr (c; A) dX which is tP = Ab l (r-6 r )f{6 r ;c^d8 + E[u(Y)}, increasing in c under the hypothesis of the proposition. Proof. ux estimate Uv Here, the (Proposition 2) Given u(X), and given that is selected, the value of having is = {ux) first — m /""* 1 Jo — m 1 u {X) dp x + f m \ m If =— ^u m (u(X)ux- 2 x + 1 Pxdpx Jux ~2 V / equality expresses the fact that the agents will receive otherwise, while calculation, X px and the is distributed uniformly on final [0, m]. We one by adding and subtracting 32 X if px < ux and px , obtain the second equality by simple ^u (X) 2 . Similarly, Given u (Y), and given that Y selected, the value of having is m/2. Therefore, given the true value ~ + nUv irUv (ux) U(8v) *- 2m (fa Wb TV i - » po) 2 - +w ) - , cnf + *j (» y 8V - where A= 2 2m Wb tt- {i>x) E (K - sf On [U{8 V ) + Wb {by) (8e v - [. (x) 2 is + u yf + irm ( u{X) 2 +u{Y) 2 + 2m irm -Km. is AE Cv = E \fv (e - } ~ u ?)) + 2m u ?) + {K-6) + ^[u(xf + u{ Y) andB '=2^ E 2 2 8) 2 8 Therefore, the value of introspection of length c Uv (c) = E (^ Y the utility of having an estimate 8 V (by) b Uv (uy) — — 5m is -^^y) (bx?{K~s) w b (bx ~2m {uy) 8, uy l) 2 ] = (8-8) 2 + B'-c, U (xy + 7rm. ,(Yy 2 E[6 V ]E (27) [(e v - l) 2 ] Now, = E^Var (e v ) the other hand, Var(8) = E = -1 {8 v e v E[8 v }Var(e v ) =E + E[eI]-\ = e\8 v ]{E[eI]-1)+E Var(8 v ). Substituting the previous equation in this one, - (8 V ) where B = B' Var {8) - AVar When ux > m , - Var{8v the agent gets — Uv (c) when the tails of and argmax[/„ = Var {8) - Var(8 v ). ) + B' - c = AVar(8v + B - Cy = ) AV{cy) +B- c, {8). not bounded, we need to correct Therefore, obtain we obtain Substituting this in (27), Uv {cv = -A 2 8) we [E Uv u(X) independent , by adding a term [u x :ii x of her estimate ux- Hence, be >m]+E[u Y :u Y sufficiently close to the 2. 33 8V is in the order of > m]] . the distributions are sufficiently thin, and (cy) will when m is sufficiently large, ones computed through Proposition (Boundary Conditions on c™ and V(cr V )) The boundary conditions (which are Proof. By omitted) are not binding: > V{ct V [8 t < p\) follows that the V (0) < (4), V'(c TV [8 r c^^r > Var(e), hence p] < p}) < < Cr < V'(0), hence Cr V [8 r c. < Since c rv [8 r V < < p}) < V(crv [8 r > V^Cyo) < p]) > p] < p] boundary conditions are not binding. Moreover, since V(cr V [8 r < < Cy is From 0. (5), > Cr V [8 r by p], it we have increasing, Var(e). Hence, some uncertainty remains unresolved in each decision. Proof. (Lemma and V", which V and 1/ (Ax will 2 1) In this always be h (l/ (Ax *' (x) will 2 = 2xV + x 2 (V) (h (1/ - V (h (1/ {Ax Since )). V omit the arguments of the functions V, To show that interchangeably. ), we proof ^ is (Ar 2 )))' 2 increasing, ))) we = first = 2xV + j(h (1/ (Ax 1/ 2 we ), V" ', , will write compute that (Ax 2 )))' , where (Ax 2 )))' (h (1/ Since is V" < we have 0, = h> (1/ (^x 2 )))' (h (1/ > (Ar 2 )) (-2/ (Ax 3 )) > Hence, *' (x) 0. --^. = at each x > (28) 0, showing that * increasing. Towards showing ^ convex, is we further compute that = 2V + 2x(V>).(h(l/(Ax 2 )))' + ±(h(l/(Ax 2 )))" *"(x) = 2V + ^(/ (l/(^x 2 )))' + \(h(l/ l By (28), Using 3 fc we further compute that <v (*")))* = _ 6 Substituting (30) and (31) in (29), ' * Since {x) [x) zv -2V V > 4{V )2 v" and V" < 0, V 3x + x 3 V" A 2 x 6 {V") 2 Ax 3 V" 4V" _ 6(y') 2 _ AV" (V'f ~~ (Ax 2 Y(V"Y V" ~ (V"f j(-a^)' {Ax 2 ) 2 V" *» V" > 2V (V'/V")' = -^ ut 1 ' wnen v (V'\3 )3 4V '"- {V ' • is - 2V'"V'/{V"f < *" > non-increasing, 0, showing that proof. will now prove Proposition ~ (vy this implies that —V"/V ' we obtain 6(r)2 I ^ ' firff\2 We (29) we have (28), ( (Ax 2 )))". 6. Firstly, 34 2 V (V whenever V /V" is 2 1 ) V" 1 2V" f \ " (V") V 2 - 2V'"V'/(V"f < also non-increasing, hence V" > %$- > 0, i.e., we have !%$-, and completing the Fact 7 y < y' Given any convex function f, any x,x' ,y,y' £ R, and any 9,6' 6 and with 9x + (1 — Of Proof. (Proposition 9) y (x) = + 6'x' — (l and 9 with Ox (x, y,0; By + ) - (1 V (h(l/(Ax 9 _ 0') (y') f . 2 ))) (32) A 2 V"{h(l/{Ax 2 ))) dA x, y, f 0'f (x note that 6) First d*(x;A) Given any <x < we have 9') y', + (l-0)f (y) < with x' [0,1] + (1 — 9) y, define A) =0y(x;A) + (l-0)V(y; A) - * (1; A) (32), y(h (i/(Ax* ))) '^2 dA Since y// f Ax ; <M is v _ j V"{h(l/(Ax 2 ))) concave in Now, given any A and A' z, > we have dcf>/dA < we have with A A', %X.~~X Varied) - VartfL] (i/ (/i #[£!£ 0, hence ;.V X = By assumption -A -A E[8 r \8 T > (E[o r X Var(6 v < is increasing in A. %v , xA' X X \o r > p},Pv(o r \6r > />], X X \5 </> p},E[o r in the hypothesis < E[6 r \6 T > p]. second inequality holds because <j> ' ; P); AX ) X )-Var(8V0 ). and by Proposition Together with Fact is a <p) a < p);A x ') Pr(# < -A' -A' (i) -A' -A' p] X 4> (h (im)) V"[h{l/A)) <p],£[5;i(5; >p],Pr(£ (i5[£|£ < p},E[o T > y V))) ( V"(h(l/(Ay 2 ))) 7, 1, 35 \5 T < -A -A p] < E[6 r \8 r < this gives the first inequality. increasing in A, which definition. E[5 T is p] < The increasing in A. Equalities are by Appendix — Supplement to Experimental Findings Lj Table Bl: Restaurant Pairs 7 Decision Alternative'' Type c Location" A Indian Kendall Sq. B Seafood Inman 1 2(1) 3(2) 4 5 6(3) Food Quality 6 Service Quality ' Decor Sq. A Harvard Sq. 12 13 B Central Sq. 17 16 A 20 14 B 17 16 A 21 16 B 17 19 A Kendall Sq. 15 16 B Harvard Sq. 17 13 A Indian 17 B Asian 12 7(4) A 16 13 20 6 8(5) B A B "Number ''In Seafood 15 Indian 18 in paranthesis denotes decision used in Experiment 2 (which only had 5 restaurant pairs). each decision, subjects were presented with two options designated "A" or "B" Restaurants were . not identified by name to reduce chances of personal biases. c Denotes the type of cuisine served at each of the alternatives (Asian, Indian or Seafood). d AU restaurants are in Cambridge, Massachussetts (at either one of the following squares: Central, Harvard, Inman, Kendall). This allowed prizes to be relevant to the subject pool recruited from the general Boston area. e (see Denotes the quality of food at the given restaurant based on the restaurant guide/critic "Zagat" The scale for food grade ranges from 0-30, where 30 in the Zagat scale implies highest possible food quality. Subjects were informed of the scale and its meaning prior to the beginning of the experiment. -^Denotes the quality of service at the given restaurant based (see The scale for service on the restaurant guide/ critic "Zagat" grade ranges from 0-30, where 30 in the Zagat scale implies highest possible quality of service. 9 Denotes the state of interior furnishings and the emphasis on decorative style at the given restaurant based on the restaurant guide/critic "Zagat" (see The scale for decor ranges from 0-30, where 30 in the Zagat scale implies an excellent/extraordinary level. 36 9 Table B2: Mean Absolute Decision Pair VO Difference in Valuation (Experiment 1) Condition RV Condition (N-44) (N=44) 1 7.71 8.98 2 4.02 7.75 3 4.59 6.91 4 5.20 4.98 5 4.36 5.96 6 4.84 7.59 7 4.36 6.23 8 6.11 8.48 Average 5.15 7.11 Table B3: Mean Absolute Decision Pair VO Difference in Valuation (Experiment 2) Condition RV Condition (N=37) (N=39) 1 2.97 4.10 2 2.97 4.00 3 3.23 4.31 4 3.40 3.54 5 3.75 4.31 Average 3.26 4.05 37 Tale B4: Average Willingness to Pay For Each Restaurant 22 Experiment Decision 23 3(2) 6(3) 7(4) 8(5) 22 Only the Number 2 RV VO RV A 23.25 20.52 11.94 12.90 B A B A B A 25.73 24.01 14.64 15.72 31.64 27.71 17.94 18.08 27.14 22.89 15.13 15.05 24.61 23.32 13.45 14.46 21.73 21.68 10.76 12.82 24.23 24.05 14.16 14.15 B 25.23 23.91 14.97 15.80 A 29.64 25.43 15.30 15.74 B 27.75 24.36 14.35 14.05 Table shows the average willingness to pay (across tion). 23 Experiment vo Restaurant 2(1) 1 five common all respondents in a particular study and condi- decisions across experiments are presented. in parenthesis is the corresponding Experiment 2 decision number. 38 Table B5: Time Spent in Valuation Phase (Experiment 2) Decision Pair VO Condition RV Condition p- value (N=37) (N=39) 1 27.41 53.46 <0.01 2 17.78 35.13 0.02 3 20.78 23.33 0.42 4 20.89 31.46 0.02 5 21.73 19.70 0.45 Average 21.72 32.16 Table B6: Time Spent in Valuation Phase (Experiment 3) Decision Pair VO Condition RV Condition p- value (N=49) (N=39) 1 35.27 53.46 <0.01 2 21.56 35.13 0.04 3 17.78 23.33 0.03 4 19.98 31.46 <0.01 5 17.49 19.69 0.26 Average 22.4 32.16 39 Date Due 3 ^ Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02527 9727