Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/settingstandardsOOacem ^EWsiy HB31 ,M415 orking paper department of economics m SETTING STANDARDS: INFORMA TION A CCUMULA TION IN DEVELOPMENT Daron Acemoglu Fabrizio Zilibotti No. 97-6 March, 1997 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS SETTING STANDARDS: INFORMA TION A CCUMULA TION IN DEVELOPMENT Daron Acemoglu Fabrizio Zilibotti No. 97-6 March, 1997 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 021329 •TiTUTE MUl. Setting Standards: Information Accumulation in Development* Daron Acemoglu Massachusetts Institute of Technology and CEPR and Fabrizio Zilibotti Universitat Pompeu Fabra and CEPR March, 1997 Abstract We propose a model in which economic relations and institutions in ad- vanced and less developed economies differ as these societies have access to different amounts of information. This lack of information makes it hard to give the right incentives to managers and entrepreneurs. We argue that differ- ences in the amount of information arise because of the differences in the scale of activities in rich and poor economies; namely, there is too little repetition of similar activities in poor economies, thus insufficient information to set the Our model predicts a number transformations as the economy accumulates appropriate standards for firm performance. and structural and information. of institutional capital Keywords: Information, Development, Agency Costs, Incentives, Relative Performance Evaluation, Risk Sharing, Sectorial Transformations. JEL Classification: D82, M13, 013, 014, O40. *We thank Piero Gottardi, Dilip Mookherjee, Jaume Ventura and seminar participants at Boston University, IGIER-Bocconi for useful comments. Zilibotti acknowledges the kind hospitality and financial support of the European Forum of the EUI. Introduction 1 The traditional approach views economic development as a set of interrelated changes ranging from the structure of production to social institutions. In this paper we propose a theory of development based on the evolution of principal-agent relations which emphasizes some of the same themes. Even though we are far from providing a unifying theory that can do justice to such a complex phenomenon, our model generate a host of structural changes in the process of growth. In particular, in will our economy, efficiency and productivity will increase, the extent of risk sharing will change, agents will use more sophisticated production techniques and more division of labor, the sectorial composition of output economy will evolve, and some new and the degree of specialization financial institutions will in the emerge while others disappear. Naturally, our analysis and therefore these results will be extremely stylized, but we will argue, they give some of the flavor of the complex process that is development. Our main argument can be broken 1. into the following steps: Delegation of tasks, employment relations and entrepreneurial activities are important for wealth creation. All of these give a first-order role to principal- agent relations in the organization of production (see for instance Mokyr, 1991, North, 1990, Pollard, 1965, 2. Principal-agent relations formation it is is fail when information is scarce and thrive when in- abundant. In particular, in the absence of adequate information, excessively costly to give the right incentives to workers, entrepreneurs 3. Stiglitz, 1987). Holmstrom, 1979, (e.g. managers and for a formal analysis). Societies accumulate information about a certain activity by repeating it, in other words, by allocating some of their scarce resources to this line of business. When a certain activity developed a standard iov it. is repeated many times, the society will have This standard can be used by the entrepreneurs to increase their efficiency, or by principals to control the entrepreneurs/managers by comparing their performance to historical study of Pollard (1965) ficiency were very in mining, textiles this standard. who is echoed by the explains that embezzlement common among managers and other new This view at first, and inef- led to high failure rates industries during the seventeenth century. and were eliminated only slowly over ment became part time. In the end, professional of the efficient organization of production. Regarding the importance of setting standards, Pollard writes: '^as ever there was consid- erable difference between the pioneers, ploughing a lone furrow, groups large enough will use as a body of knowledge...'' to develop case of developing a standard which we manage- is (p. and those in A 122). special the use of relative performance' evaluation our main example to illustrate how information improves principal-agent relations. 4. scarce, and there- in great quantity to every single activity. The result In a less developed economy, capital (broadly construed) fore cannot be allocated lack of repetition in is economy accumulates of activities, many capital, is areas and thus informational scarcity. it will start As the devoting more resources to a range and the accumulation of information improve in each activity will the principal-agent relations and productivity. These steps bring us to our formation which implies greater first main conclusion: prosperity implies more efficiency, and, in turn again, prosperity. in- This is a process of growth that would be called a "virtuous circle" by Singer (1949) or "circular cumulative causation" The mechanism through the by Myrdal (1956). accumulation of information and change of incentives an important, and to date is unexplored, alternative to the existing formalization of these ideas Shleifer and Vishny, 1989, or (e.g. Murphy, Matsuyama, 1994). What distinguishes our model is not only that we are offering an alternative microfoundation for "sectorial externalities", but the implications. The improvements principal- agent relations due to information accumulation lead to a number of the structural transformations which are not predicted by existing models. Before discussing the implications of our approach, we outline our formal model. Our economy has many sectors (islands). Production in each sector takes place within firms run by entrepreneurs (managers) using capital and labor. of each firm shock. The depends on managerial effort choice of the effort, an idiosyncratic shock and a sector-specific entrepreneur is her private information, introducing the principal-agent problem in our economy. if She can be induced to exert her compensation depends on her performance. Since this is costly. As the capital stock increases, different activities, enabling the parallel The output more employment all effort agents are risk-averse, capital will be allocated to of more entrepreneurs in each With many entrepreneurs sector. as an adequate standard and is be increasing effort earlier stages of and the level of productivity economy. Since productivity in the aggregate capital stock of the endogenously lower at performance can be used out sector-specific shocks ensuring better will filter As a result, the level of entrepreneurial incentives. will in a sector, average development, growth will be slower relative to a pure neoclassical version of our model. Now a) We the implications: economy develops and more information find that as the is accumulated, there are two opposing forces impacting on the extent of risk sharing. one hand, more information enables greater risk sharing at a given effort. On to exert more effort which reduces As a risk sharing. explain the interesting findings of Asian villages he finds the degree of if the level of the other hand, with more information entrepreneurs are induced result, risk sharing may U shape pattern. This result Townsend (1995a,b). In his studies of decline with development or follow an inverse may On risk sharing is lower in richer villages; "as consumption insurance, whether indigenous or otherwise, deteriorates with growth" (Townsend, 1995b, p. 95). We know of no other explanation for this interesting finding. b) Our model predicts that a less developed economy may be highly specialized in The order to economize on agency costs by investing only in a few sectors. structure of production will then ops. In particular, vary across when is economy devel- production and productivity in the sectors with will increase with development. pattern that the share of agriculture income, and this as the the importance of effort and the nature of uncertainty activities, relative more agency problems become more balanced is often explained by It is a well-known strongly correlated with per capita some sectorial "increasing returns" in manufacturing (Matsuyama, 1991, see Backus, Kehoe and Kehoe, 1992, some evidence). Our model offers for a microfoundation for this sectorial increas- ing returns in manufacturing whereby, even though technologically unbiased, growth c) Since If will favor Adam some sectors at the expense of others. Smith, division of labor is seen as an important engine of growth. the process of production can be separated into smaller or more special- ized tasks and delegated to different agents, efficiency can be improved. And yet, with division of labor there a need to provide the right incentives to is Our model the agents working in different parts of the production process. shows that as information is accumulated and agency costs decline, produc- become more tion with division of labor (delegation) will general prediction is that a developed society should use production techniques than d) Economic development is The more attractive. more "sophisticated" developed economies. less typically accompanied by urbanization. Bairoch (1988, pp. 246-248), for instance, describes how England (and many other countries) got transformed from an essentially rural society to an urban one. enables us to think of another dimension of this transformation. Our model The close-knit structure of villages provides "efficient" direct monitoring of agents, which certainly related to Townsend's and other is researchers' findings that simple vil- lage institutions achieve a high degree of consumption risk sharing. In contrast to villages, monitoring agents in cities tion that cities provide more privacy is much harder, hence the to individuals. common Our model then predicts that at the early stages of development, the close monitoring of villages be very valuable, but mation is this advantage diminishes as more decentralized " may infor- accumulated, and the right incentives can be given to entrepreneurs in cities without excessive costs. common no- More generally, this reasoning explains a perception, expressed succinctly by Rosenberg and Bridzell (1985): The move to wealth is a move towards greater possibilities of privacy and individual choice'' (p. 4). e) A similar reasoning to (d) also gives us a way of understanding the transforma- tion of financial arrangements over the process of development. historical study, Goldsmith (1987) shows that premodern societies tions to intermediate funds, but these were quite different today. Intermediation was local and relied In a classic had institu- from what we have on heavy monitoring. In contrast, today a large fraction of funds are intermediated by stock and bond markets and even the banks which still play an important role do relative to village "usurers" of older times. cross-section when The same pattern is monitoring observed in a the financial institutions of low income economies are com- pared to their western counterparts is little little (e.g. Besley, 1995). information in the economy regarding be conducted, close monitoring is beneficial. how As a Again, when there a certain business should larger scale of activity in- creases the amount more relatively of decentralized information, different institutions efficient. As the discussion suggests, our paper the literature, and without doing growth aspect of our model structure is full justice to rather standard. evaluation using the linear structure now on H-M, first many (1981), The key Holmstrom More important We model differences the information is is the performance relative H-M, 1991). Models of for instance, Lazear and Green and Stokey (1983) and between our paper and these contributions endogenous our paper for The introduced by Holmstrom and Milgrom see also the apphcations in (1982), different strands of the insights of some of these. performance evaluation date back even further, relative Rosen related to is we borrow from information economics. (1987) (from become in our setting; and Shleifer (1985). are: (a) the fact that (b) the application of endogenous information accumulation to the process of development. Other papers closely related to our work are Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990), Greenwood and Smith man (1993,96). Acemoglu and (1993), Acemoglu and Greenwood and Jovanovic Zilibotti (1996,97), (1990), Greenwood and Smith (1993) and Zilibotti (1996) discuss issues of financial two compare the roles of Banerjee and New- development and the banks and stock markets. Acemoglu and last Zilibotti (1997) explain some patterns of the development process by exploiting the endogenous risk-return trade-off but does not feature agency problems. Banerjee and Newman (1993) account for the patterns of occupational choice over the process of develop- ment using a model shift of of agency. In Banerjee population from villages to are less severe in villages than cities, and Newman (1996) they explain the based on the assumption that agency costs The main cities. difference between their approach, which also brings back some of the important insights of the older velopment economics, and ours is literature on de- that they concentrate on the general equilibrium implications of wealth effects on the interest rate. In particular, when agents are poor, they have no collateral, and cannot borrow, but with development, these bor- rowing constraints are relaxed. Since of information mentary to is like all previous contributions, accumulation absent in their papers, their mechanism is different but comple- ours. The plan of our paper is as follows: section 2 describes the environment characterizes the equilibrium in the absence of imperfect information. is the core of the paper. equilibria It and Section 3 introduces imperfect information, characterizes the and determines the impact of capital accumulation on the organization of production and productivity. Section 4 discusses a number of implications of our model. Section 5 concludes and the Appendix contains all the proofs. The Model Without Informational Imperfec- 2 tions Technology and Preferences 2.1 We consider an Each generation generations. Throughout economy populated by a sequence his t is is of agents where A^ >> 1. The utility of an agent of dynasty h born as: ^(c^6^e,^) where e^ A'^ each agent inherits and invests his (her) parent's savings, earns life, given continuum consists of a labor income and makes savings decisions. in period of one-period lived altruistic effort, c^ = -exp (1) '--^{i'-ri^y^-M'^^^ denotes consumption and denotes the funds b^ left for bequest. These funds are invested at the market rate of return, and the returns accrue to the offspring as bequest. the amount Two features are worth noting. First, agents care about of bequest they leave rather than about their offspring's utility (An- dreoni, 1989). Second, preferences over total wealth exhibit Constant Absolute Risk Aversion (CARA). Each agent has a career He can become choice. either a worker wage w, or a manager (entrepreneur) and earn the managerial income will and earn the salary z. His total then be given as follows: 'rtb'l_i+Wt ^t = ftbt~i where x denotes income, and if worker < r^ + Zt if manager denotes the gross rate of return on savings. further assume that capital depreciates upon use, thus rj will also We will be the net rate of return on savings. Given the separability between the saving and effort decisions, utiUty maximization impHes that c^ = (1 — s)xi and 6j' — sx'l, thus the warm-glove bequests and Cobb-Douglas preferences ensure a constant savings rate s which will simplify the dynamics in our model. The indirect utility of agent /i can then be written as: U{xle1) -pU-yM = -ex^ (2) 2/5 = where we have defined p s^(l - s^'^p and P = cause no confusion, we will drop superscript There j G [0, 1]. a continuum is 1 of islands. Every period there are N All islands produce exactly the this in island j at time i = Vijt lijt is (/^ Cijt t, yijt + eijt + ajt) total labor hired a constant, is output Within the island, , min The amount of final role of [l, ltjtk]^t'^\ aff^ects all + (3) ^ijt kijt is capital, cr^) and ajt '^ firms on island j, We and eiji is an is an think of e^t as capturing the managerial ability ex-ante unknown to the All productivity shocks are independent N{0, good given by: is the effort exerted by the manager of this firm, ajt is importance of luck as well as the e^jt '^ final some others become workers. capital. idiosyncratic shock which only affects this firm. and we have economy. by the firm inclusive of the manager, island specific productivity shock which agents. N agents on each island same good. Production requires one manager, labor and produced by firm this will agents in island j will have to work there, but they of the agents will choose to be managers while where When s^'^p. h. can invest their capital in any of the islands of some - Labor cannot be transferred between islands but capital and can. Therefore, each of the /x 5^(1 N{0, u"^). from each other and over time, The Law of Large Numbers imphes (ignoring technical details related to the continuum) that in each period /q ajtdj and /o J2i ^ijtdj The form = 0. of the production function captures the idea that a sary for production there is ( "division of labor" ) and has to exert some manager effort is neces- but also that only a limited amount of capital and labor that the manager can produc- tively use (see also footnote 6 below). is = no need for workers to exert positive workers also have to exert Capital is effort Though managers have effort (or equivalently, imply that wealth we could assume that but they are perfectly monitored). owned and supplied competitively by the constant savings rate and to exert effort, there agents. As we will CARA preferences over the uncertain effects are absent, thus see shortly, income process will income distribution among agents does not matter for occupational choices and the dynamics of the aggregate capital stock. Also because capital is perfectly mobile, the distribution of wealth across islands is of no importance. Therefore, the be the unique state total stock of capital, Kt, will variable of this economy. we assume Finally, we that there exists a large set of potential intermediaries, which They can refer to as firms. owned economy and are capital, labor and one manager at time by generation t all distributed among the owners, and the owners. Since there owns an equal share if it makes a no aggregate is of all the firms bears makes a firm If no risk. positive profits, these are economy, an agent who Therefore, situation in which some agents owned a small subset depending on the each agent owns an equal risk in this profits. risks active firm rents the losses are also distributed loss, maximize expected It is Each agents. We assume that of the firms in the economy. among t this Both workers and managers have to for production. be hired from a competitive spot market. share of any of the islands of freely decide to enter into all firms will simply we started from a of the firms and thus faced straightforward to see that if then there would be Pareto improving profits of these firms, trades in shares. The Equilibrium Concept 2.2 Throughout the paper we will use a concept of equilibrium very close to the standard notion of competitive equilibrium, and we will model stage game in the presence of unfettered competition In the 1983). first be active. will denote this by If i stage, potential firms firm € first announce announces at time i M.jt- announced that they take the it We also let Mjt = t it among in j. island, be active number Mj = and We 'We also manager, will time i is it and labor and assume that if enter. UJt e. first G M.jt {^jt)j0Qi\ ^nd the We restrict each to denote the publicly observed stage announcements Mt, Kt) and capital demands Zj (ut, for all M(, Kt) i summarized 6 [0, 1], G M.jt and j G [0,1], for all j it will be active in island j and does not hire a This assumption ensures that in equilibrium only firms which a firm announces that incurs a small cost be active also use a set of factor return functions Wj {ut, r {u)t\yi.t)Kt), all i t. static equilibrium at by Mt, we economy, Kt, as given and compete to hire workers and firm to hire at most one manager."' A any, they of firms that have managers from island j and capital from the economy-wide market. state of nature at time if in island j, In the second stage stage announcements as summarized by total capital stock of the firms (see Townsend, which will H^M.jt be the be active in island will that as the equilibrium of a two- ^ lij (Mt, Kt) and 1. No by firm kij (Mt, Kt) € A4jt i , any j G for No firm can change expected 3. [0, 1] offering a different function amounts of labor and 2. such that:^ The its can than Wj, capital than lij strictly increase its and Zj, and r, or by expected profits demanding different kij. entry decision in the first stage and strictly increase its profits. resulting allocation is feasible, in the sense that: kjdi<N,yje / [0,1] (4) JieMji f f kijdidj< Kt. (5) Jo JieMjt 4. E In every island j [0, 1], given Wj [ut] Mj, Kt) and Zj {cut] M(, Kt), Mjt agents choose to become managers. 5. All Note managers choose in particular that concept that all maximize all price for capital. This is their utility. we have already imposed firms in island j will pay the and managers, and Finally, a effort to firms in the same economy will as part of the equilibrium (state-contingent) price for labor pay the same (state-contingent) a straightforward implication of competition djmamic equilibrium is among firms. simply a sequence of static equilibria linked through bequest decisions. We 1. will now analyze the equilibrium of the economy under two scenarios: Effort choices of managers are publicly observed (the case of perfect informa- tion). An equivalent definition of equilibrium can be given where all agents would be pure price-takers. This does not affect our results as long as the space of commodities is chosen appropriately, in particular, insurance contracts need to be allowed, and some incentive compatibility constraint would have to be imposed on these when there is imperfect information. Yet another equivalent model would involve managers hiring workers and capital, and writing co-insurance contracts with ^ each other while also respecting incentive compatibility. ^It is however possible in theory that two firms in island j offer different state-contingent functions, say Wjiloj) and w'J^{uJ) but workers are indifferent between these two functions and firms make the same expected profits. Leaving this case out is without loss of generality, since it does not happen in equilibrium, and enables us to keep the definition of equilibrium relatively simple. . 2. managers are not observed by any other agent Effort choices of economy in the (the case of imperfect information). In this case firms will have to obey the incentive compatibility constraints of their managers. Equilibrium With Perfect Information 2.3 Since output in this economy will be non-random and markets are complete, riskneutral firms will pay non-random wages, managerial salaries and interest rates. Therefore, Wj (cvt; Mt, Kt) = Wj (Mt, Kt), and similarly for Zjt and r^. Moreover, agents in the same occupation in island j will receive the same payment, and in island j will adopt the same technology and hire the same amount within an island must be indifferent between these two occupations. island j, — WjCM-t, Kt) + and Zj(M.t,Kt) is ZjCM-t, Kt) agreed level of where jg^^t Cjt is firms of capital Further because agents are free to become managers or workers, labor. all the effort exerted by each all all and agents Therefore, manager in the salary of the manager conditional on exerting the effort, Cjt. Before characterizing the equilibrium occupational choice in each island, we also assume that Kt>N~^, holds at time at time t t. (6) This condition ensures that there so that if this capital is enough capital is allocated equally across one firm in each island can be run with productive technology such that Ij'^kjt" = productive efficiency and fully state the following Lemma 1, \/j. When (6) is utilize all of their all efficiency, economy in the the islands, at least namely adopting a satisfied, all firms are managerial input. run with We can now Lemma.^ 1 Suppose (6) holds at time t and there is perfect information. Then, in equilibrium: — e^^ =P in all islands; 1. Cjt 2. the equilibrium is islands (for all j symmetric in the sense that E [0,1], Kjt = Kt). capital is equally allocated across The number affirms (managers) which ''Throughout the paper we ignore integer problems and use differential calculus with 10 Mj are active in each island is Mt = M{Kt) same amount of All firms hire the kiKt) 3. = (fy sothatl?kl-°' = the economy-wide interest rate, € tion in every island j r {u,- = N'^K]-''. and labor 1 establishes and {-^i l- and the wage rate and managerial compensa- are given by: [0, 1] M„ K,) = r{K,) = a = l{Kt) capital: {I - a) (^)" zM\ Mt, K,) = z{K,) = «(§)' Lemma (7) number ^ (m + ^ f) + l^i + of results. First, since there (8) ; f (10) • no informational is = imperfections, managers will agree to exert the first-best level of effort, e^^ which equates marginal cost to the marginal benefit of higher return (part ond, decreasing returns to capital ensures that the equilibrium sense that all same amount islands receive the Mt is increasing in Kt, thus the number of managers (firms) (7), as the amount of capital in the result, agerial occupation. Finally, although economy expands, = f^ (^ + Cjt) min [l, i^^/cj""] Mjt dj is output in any particular island = {fx + /3) N'^K}'''. associated who choose thanks to the large number of islands, total output in this economy Y^ Note that from development with capital deepening and a growing proportion of the agents Sec- 1). symmetric in the of capital (part 2). As a increases. is P, is is the man- random, non-random: Together with the lack of informational imperfection, this ensures that risk-neutral firms can offer full in- surance to the factors of production that they hire (part (9) state In particular, (8) and that in equihbrium the expected revenue of each firm net of the additional — a) and a. + to capital and labor with f ) is distributed (10) ensures that managers get exactly the same expected cost of managerial compensation, shares (1 3). (a* , return as workers. Given all Lemma 1, equilibrium dynamics are straightforward. Since a fraction s of earnings are saved, the equilibrium capital stock follows the recursion: 11 = sYt^s{fi + P)M{Kt) = s{f, + /3)N-K',-^. Kt+, We (11) (12) also assume: + P)> s{tx This condition - which is always satisfied the steady state level of capital is large N-^ when ' (13) A'^ is sufficiently large - ensures that enough so that more than one firm per island can be opened, and guarantees that the capital stock of the economy does not below a certain lower bound. Then Proposition is 1 Assume perfect information. : that (6) holds att Then, there fall is = Q, that (13) is satisfied, and that there a unique equilibrium sequence of allocations where within every period, the number of firms, wages and managerial salaries in each island, and the interest rate in the economy are given by aggregate capital stock, Kt, follows (11). steady-state capital stock, The sical: K^^ — [s (/x + /?)] Lemma Kt uniformly converges to 1, and the the unique '"A''. equilibrium dynamics of the economy under perfect information are neoclas- there is accumulation until a steady state capital decreases monotonically in the process. is reached and the rate of return on Furthermore, given the absence of informational asymmetries, neither the variability of rewards nor the power of incentives change over time. As a result, the behavior of managers and the organization of production are independent of the stage of development. 3 We The Economy With Imperfect Information will now assume that the effort choice of a manager is his private information. This introduces standard moral hazard considerations and implies that the manager should be rewarded conditional upon his performance, and thus will have to receive a random return. We also assume that while the ex-post performance of (a^) nor the rate of return to capital, and each individual firm can be costlessly observed, neither the island-specific firm-specific (ejj) productivity shocks are publicly observed. We will first characterize the equiHbrium wages, the form of equilibrium managerial contracts conditional upon the allocation of the 12 We capital stock to different islands. will next show that under certain conditions, only a unique symmetric equilibrium will exist, and we will fully characterize the dynamic equilibrium in this case. and a discussion static results Static Equilibrium Let us first earnings. manager the case of perfect information, Lemma 1. 2 Suppose for is all j e [0, 1], the given by Mj{Kjt) for the effort cost we had (6) holds at time Q= t. = Mjt such = N'^K]-'' and k{I<,t) = interest rate = j' Kjtdj {^y economy wide he takes (in for the risks are active in island j that: (^)'"" and the his Then, in equilibrium: same amount = compen- |). All firms in island j hire the kjt and as the wage component of number of firms (managers) which Mjt 2. with some comparative this section in island j receives additional to the compensate him will end Q {ut, Mt, Kt) = Zj {ut] Mt, Kt) — Wj {ut] Mj, Kt) define Q will of constrained efficiency. 3.1 sation that a We Kt. and of labor so that If.k]^ - (14) capital: = Ijt l{Kjt) = 1; and wages in every island j G [0, 1] are given by: r (a;,; wj {ut; where Et of time Part 1 of M^, K^) is = r (M„ IQ = -Q ^f^ft bjt M„ Kt) = wj {Mt, Kt) = jj^.Et [yjt the expectations operator conditional (^t; -Q M„ K^)] {cof, (15) , M„ Kt)] (16) on the public information set t. Lemma 2 is identical to part 2 of Lemma 1, except that under imperfect information the equilibrium does not necessarily have capital equally invested in islands. Part 2 of Lemma 2, issue of risk-taking the analogue of part 3 of Lemma by labor and capital (hence r , states that there is no and Wj do not depend on the state of nature Ut). The large number of islands ensures that there 13 1 all is no aggregate risk, thus risk-neutral firms can once more offer full insurance to the factors for no incentive problem. Therefore, which there is as in the case of perfect information, the expected revenue of firms net of managerial premium will be distributed between capital and labor, again with shares a and managerial compensation — 1 be random because individual managers will and In contrast to returns to capital a. will labor, have to bear some risk to provide them with the right incentives. The rest of .this section will characterize the contract which determines the managerial compensation. We start the analysis with two observations. structure, normally distributed to the results of adjustment of CARA H-M (1987) random effort levels, the CARA and variables, who prove economy has a linear First, since the utility, we can appeal that with this structure and continuous optimal contract is Moreover, thanks to linear. we can simply work with the preferences and normally distributed returns, H-M, certainty equivalent of the income process faced by the agents (see also an application). Even though we have so for and our structure would carry over unchanged for all, to be a segment of continuous time, chosen once we considered each period if their effort Using the result of Holmstrom and Milgrom this slightly modified interpretation of attention to linear contracts. effort as and managers continuously adjusted after observing previous performance. and thought of far 1991, Second, we our timing structure, we will restrict know from standard agency theory any variable which contains information about the effort level will that be useful in giving incentives to the agent (Holmstrom, 1979). In our economy, average output in the manager island of the upon. is in question will Average output of island j is be a useful variable to condition contracts correlated with beneficial because the variability generated incentive contracts. very poorly. If all To by ajt, this and conditioning on shock reduces the power of see the intuition, imagine that firm i other firms in the island did well, this suggests that the island have been due to low same shock also Let us effort. performed badly, an adverse island specific shock, now drop time it is In contrast, if all likely that the not to low Zij = ^oij + of the manager other firms affected by the effort. subscripts whenever this will cause no confusion. (puj (Vij - A*) + </'2ij is poor performance was due to optimal compensation contract for the manager of firm the form:^ performed in island j must have received a favorable shock and the bad performance likely to ajt {vij - V'ji-i)) i in island j will where is 7/J(_ ) The then take the average ^See Theorem 7 of H-M (1987). Note that with this contract, the manager will sometimes have to receive a negative payment. However, for fi large enough this will happen very seldom, 14 productivity of all jf-th island firms except firm i.e. i, y"(_i) \ = lit - ~^^^ri~^- Rewriting in terms of the compensation of the manager additional to the wage, Qj Zij = + Wj C,ijJ. (ij where = (poij ~ 0oij = '^j- hij + (puj ivij - f) + ha of the firm (the term formance compared to the average output of term — yij y'^i^-^). (vij - Expressed all — yij (17) yj(-i)) Note that the compensation of the manager upon the performance ditional (recall fi), and the is made con- relative per- other firms in the same island (the differently, (17) will be a type of relative performance evaluation contract which sets the average performance of other agents as the stan- dard relative to which the manager firms in island j, Mj, increases, is Z/j(_i) judged. Quite importantly, as the Next, it be more strongly correlated with will the standard that the society can set will number become more Ujt, and accurate. can be shown that productive inefficiency is never compatible with equilibrium as long as there are at least two active firms in each island, and thus will limit we our attention to equihbria with productive efficiency (as defined in section Then, the problem of firm 2.3). of i on island j is equivalent to solving the following program: ^^\ ^ [y^i ~ ^ <P0ij,<Pliii'P2ij subject ^ = arg is yij The that the given by (3) and Qj first eflFort condition, (19), I (20) - Sij rf^^J I —e% - 4) - ^^«KOi) = is is as in (17). (18) = e*) (18) ' is *^Var{Qj) (19) ^</ (20) clearly the expected profit of the the incentive compatibility constraint. It requires choice of the agent should be the one that maximizes his payoff given the managerial contract. Note that will "^i^o max E{Cij) - £^(Cv firm. ~ to: e*^ where ^^i we have made use of the fact that the manager simply maximize the certainty equivalent of his income minus the cost of is effort. the participation constraint which requires that the certainty equivalent of the additional return (over and above the wage Wj) that the manager receives should and moreover, since there follows, we is accumulated wealth, negative payments are not problematic. In what ignore the constraint that wealth should be non-negative. 15 . exactly compensate him for the cost of effort. The participation constraint (20) necessary and sufficient to characterize the equihbrium occupational choices. see why, recall that there are no wealth manager rather than a worker, become managers effects, thus if is To one agent prefers to be a agents in the same island would also prefer to all irrespective of their wealth level. Therefore, in equilibrium all agents must be indifferent between the two occupations and (20) ensures .this. Also, note that in the objective function and the price of capital, r, we have imposed that each firm takes the (18), price of labor in island j, Wj, as given. This is understood as each firm taking the capital stock of the economy, Kt, and the stage announcements of price of capital all to be first- other firms, M^, as given and anticipating the equilibrium and the wage rate in island j in the second stage of the entry game (see section 2.2). CARA preferences together with linear contracts simplify the problem, allowing us to proceed in two steps. maximize the sum first and (j)2ij affect the solution, this max subject to (19). Next, The Lemma 1. and the manager's of the firm's is utility transferable, we can with respect to (jjnj subject to the incentive compatibility of the manager, (19). Ignoring terms which do not (20). In particular, because utility following (poij E{y,j | maximization problem can be written e*,) - ^e^ - as: ^Var{Q,) (21) can be determined by solving the participation constraint, Lemma establishes three important intermediate results. 3 Under imperfect information: effort choice of manager i in island j e*j = is given as: Picf>uj + cl>2ij). 2. the average productivity of firm 3. the variance of managerial compensation for i in island j is: (22) E{yij e*j) \ manager i is = (fj, + e*j) given by: 0-2 Var{zij) Lemma = Var{Qj) {<Puj + 02ii) 0-2 + </-2..j,2 _^ (/»2,.___ 3 enables us to fully characterize the set of equilibrium contracts. 16 (23) Proposition 2 Suppose have contracts: Q = Then (6) holds. + (p*oj (pij {Vij - l^) managers in equilibrium all +4'*2j (vij - T^^^'^ Vji-i))' 4 in island j "= ^i + Qj) where: 0-2 ^^^- = '^^^''^•^ 0;, = '^^(/^i) <i>h and Var{Q) is = = (M,.^ = ...... fr2)£|^+a2 .„. + J../, J,+ (Mj = given by (23) with + f (01, (fjuj = (p^j This proposition establishes that managerial contract and function of as the e*j = J3 Kj from number f^jj by the (f)2ij = managerial ^27- of both (j)\j and productivity. effort - depends on the number there are Combining the Symmetric We more firms, the society results of Proposition 2 vs. equilibrium whereby all > 0. Intuitively, can set more accurate and an increase with those of in effort Lemma 2, we on the allocation i.e. Asymmetric Equilibria we established that there could only be a symmetric islands receive the With imperfect -j^ next discuss this allocation. In the perfect information case, Mt). a on Mj implies that de' of capital across islands. = itself is of firms in the island, can easily obtain equilibrium factor returns conditional on Mj, Mjt (which same the organization of production - here captured solely standards; this enables a change in managerial contracts 3.2 Mj (p^j statics in section 3.4 will establish that commented above, when and (26) of firms in island j increases incentive contracts change. Also, since Mj. The comparative as and + ^^«KC;)- firms in island j will choose exactly the The dependence + 02j j (Lemma 3), level of all -^^i)' (25) ^ . l)iy2 uniquely determined for given this is (14))" .... (M,i/2 '^o(/<i) (24) + ,2)^ + ,2 + (M,-i).2' same amount of capital, Kjt = Kt (and information, relative performance evaluation and the en- dogeneity of information introduce an island-specific externality, and as a result, the ^ As we will see in more in island j information detail later, this feature implies that problems are profitable to increase the number less severe. of firms by This may when the number suggest that it of firms is larger could sometimes be sacrificing productive efficiency. However, the form of our production function (3) precludes this possibility. What matters is not the number of other firms producing in the same island, but total production. Mj appears in our expressions because when all firms are run with productive efficiency, total output explains the particular form of the production function chosen. 17 is proportional to Mj. This also equilibrium may the islands. More involve an asymmetric distribution of the total capital stock across specifically, information and incentives improve with the scale of production within an island and this counteracts decreasing returns to capital in the island. In an asymmetric equilibrium, islands which receive a higher (lower) than average amount of investments have higher (lower) capital to labor ratios, and this same time, the depresses (increases) the rate of return to capital. But at the (smaller) number of firms improves (reduces) information larger and productivity, and this increases (reduces) the rate of return to capital. Lemma 4 below establishes the uniqueness of a symmetric equilibrium under simple restrictions. Lemma 4 3/2 such equilibrium which We for that, all Kt satisfying (6), can see the intuition for this lemma which maximizes the number of firms across islands. Thus, of reducing the large, the high, 3.3 > there exists a unique /2, symmetric. is each firm produces irrespective of the (i.e. "iji as follows, fi is manager. The allocation effort level of the in the the amount of output economy has capital allocated equally the opportunity cost of allocating capital asymmetrically fx is number As a consequence, when of firms in the economy). opportunity cost of an asymmetric distribution of capital and there only exists a Dynamics of is fi is prohibitively unique symmetric equilibrium. Symmetric Equilibria Since asymmetric equilibria are complicated and of only indirect interest for the focus of this paper, in this section we will fully characterize cumulation and development with sjonmetric equilibria. only the dynamics of ac- We will discuss asymmetric equilibria in section 4.6. In the case of a symmetric equilibrium, managers in the same contract, and (^S^-^ 4>2{Kt) are given equilibrium Mjt = = (f)*o{Kt),(pljt = (l^li^t) , <Pht = all islands will receive exactly <P*2{^t), where (p*o{Kt), ^KKt) by Proposition 2 and simply depend on Kt since in a symmetric N°'Ki~°'. economy adopt the same Furthermore, given Proposition 2, all firms in the technology, and workers in different islands receive the same wage. Since a fraction s of all income is saved, the law of motion of capital with sym- 18 ) metric equilibria can be written /^,+i We =5[/i as: + y9(0*(X,) + 0;(/^,))]iV"/^^". can summarize our findings in (proof in the Proposition 3 Assume that the conditions of (27) text): Lemma 4 cind condition (6) are sat- isfied. Then, given Kt, there exists a unique symmetric equilibrium allocation at time In this equilibrium Mjt t. = contract (17) with (^^{Kt) 4>]{Kt) , = and (j)2U'Ct) all j 6 [0, 1], and all managers sign as given by Proposition 2, and choose Factor prices are: effort level as in (22). r{K,) N°'Kt~°' for - (1 a) ill + 13 miQ + r2{Kt)) - W<t)) [0 (28) = w{K,) The evolution of a{ii + P {cPlilQ + <p;{Kt)) - l-Q 4^1{K,)) (f the physical capital stock is given by (27). This proposition estabhshes that in the dynamic equilibrium of our economy, capital accumulation more is accompanied by an increase The information repetition. that is in the accumulated as a number of firms and result of this process enables the society to set better standards, and improves the effort level of managers and total factor productivity. Thus, the interaction of incentives creates a form of "scale externality". may be endogenous information and Because total factor productivity increasing in the capital stock over a certain range, dynamics are no longer purely neoclassical, and multiple interior stable steady states cannot be ruled out in general (though is can be established that it for /i sufficiently large, the steady state unique). Remark We have so far talked of islands. For consisting of different sectors results some may be more of our applications appropriate. would apply exactly to an economy where there sectors, each agent has a strong is start with, our a continuum of comparative advantage for one sector and the output of different sectors are perfect substitutes. would involve To an economy A more realistic formulation producing imperfect substitutes. In this case, different sectors aggregate consumption could be defined as a composite of different sectors' output, e.g. Ct = exp which sector to work of this paper - /q Cjtdj in. , and agents could be homogeneous and decide This setup - which was analyzed in a previous version gives similar results, but the analysis "Jensen's inequality" terms in aggregation. 19 is more involved due to Some Comparative 3.4 Statics Equations (24) and (25) lead to a number of interesting comparative static results. Straightforward differentiation establishes: First, when cr^ To understand S<0, ^<0; S<0> S>0, ^>0; ^<o ^>o ^>0 both increases, (f)^ and ^2 decrease, and this result, recall that in this which makes variability S^<0, it and productivity effort economy costly to induce effort. (29) precisely idiosyncratic it is If cr^ = fall. 0, managerial contracts and 0| = 1, and provided that there are at least two firms in managers would bear no risk, and the first-best would be implemented. would specify the island, (fi^ — Idiosyncratic variability introduces noise to the signal coming from the individ- ual performance and makes managerial compensation random. Since managers are risk-averse, this lack of full insurance insurance and incentives. and there is costly, and managerial contracts trade increases, lack of insurance lower effort in equilibrium. Second, increases because with more As a^ is more (j)^ dominates and the net level of effort and productivity increase with the Third, as the number is more evaluation (higher ^2 ^^'^ lower 0j). managerial effort 0, costly, and (j)^ become effect is that the volatility of island-specific shocks. of firms grows (as a result of capital accumulation), the stan- dards improve, and again there ^> v^ increases, ^j falls island specific variability, relative standards informative. Overall, the change in and we have when becomes more off of relative and Once more the less of effect absolute performance through (j)^ dominates, thus accumulation of information (and capital) leads to higher and productivity. This contrasts with the economy with perfect information where there was no interaction between incentives and development. 3.5 Agency Costs and Development Agency costs are the costs incurred in principal-agent relations. In our exert less effort in the and (ii) by the society due to the imperfect information model these have two components: economy with asymmetric information than (i) managers in the first best; they require a risk-premium to be compensated for the variability in their 20 income. We capture both components with our concept of TAC{K), total agency costs that the society incurs per firm: TAC{K) = (/5-e*)-^(/3^-(e*f) + ^Var{C) (30) 2P where and e* and Var{C) depend on M{K), (23), and this TAG makes component and the second (jj\{K) and ^1{K) via equations depend on K. The term of first (30) is (14), (22) the effort the loss of utihty in certainty equivalent terms due to is the risk borne by the managers. Another useful concept is SAC(e, K) {shadow agency certainty equivalent of income that is cost) which is given by the foregone in order for managers to be induced to exert the effort level e (as different from the optimal level of effort, e*). Formally; SAC{e, K) = min {4'i,4'2} where Var{Q is ^ '^' +Var (C) s.t. (jjj+cp^^^ (31) given by (23). Proposition 4 Both TAC{K) and SAC{e,K) are weakly decreasing functions of the capital stock of the economy. This proposition establishes that more information as it always useful in our setting enables better incentives and risk sharing. Therefore, the cost of more effort at the margin and the in the amount due to incentive problems are decreasing total loss of utility of information, and thus in the total capital stock of the economy. Constrained Efficiency 3.6 We is have established that as the economy develops, and productivity. Can a achieves higher levels of effort social planner subject to the formational constraints ensure a more we analyze it efficient same technological and outcome? To answer the static problem of a planner maximizing the agents in the economy without any distributional concern.^ sum this question, of the utility of all We start with three sim- ple observations. First, as in the decentralized economy, as long as there capital to open at least two firms with productive in- is enough efficiency in every island, the planner would never choose productive inefficiency. Second, given our assumptions. ^We ignore saving decisions which will depend on the "discount rate" of the planner. 21 the planner will also choose linear contracts. Finally, the planner will offer the same contracts to written managers all in the same island. Then, the planning problem can be as: / ^^ s. ."'f/^ X {<plj,<p2jMj<f^j,ej}Jo ^^ + ^^^ ^i^«KO)^i "^^-ol Jo 2, -^ Zp [ Mj e]d3 (32) '• Jo subject to the incentive compatibility of the managers, (19), and the resource constraint (14), with Var{Q) given by (23). Proposition 5 Conditional on Mf, induces e^ = for e^ all The proposition j 6 [0, 1] the planner chooses = (plj (p\j, (p^- = ^2,- o-nd as given by equations (22), (24) and (25). on the allocation of capital across states that conditional islands, the planner would choose the same allocation as the decentralized economy, or in other words, she would choose exactly the same contracts and induce the same level of effort. Although there are many from decentralized competition are result, first externalities at work, the contracts that result efficient. To understand the intuition of this note that the effort level of a manager does not create an externality on other managers in the same as he exerts the effort level he island. is Given the additive structure of (3), as long expected to (a requirement in any pure strategy equilibrium), the signal extraction problem faced by all other firms is unaffected. This can also be seen in equations (24) and (25) where the power of incentives given to the the manager only depends on the number of firms) in the same total amount More if II is it is the allocation of capital across straightforward to show, along the lines of sufficiently large (say greater equilibrium. Therefore, we equilibrium that However, it is tuitively, when a j' will efficient, by the planner does not necessarily coincide with the equilibrium. specifically, externalities on island. Despite the fact that contract choices are islands chosen of production (or equivalently, when /^ is than /i^), larger than characterized above is be worse both /2 and /2'^, that the unique symmetric also the constrained efficient allocation. how Jjp compares to firm decides to locate in island j rather than /, creating: workers in island j will off 4, the planner will choose a symmetric not possible to establish unambiguously it is Lemma be better because labor demand and wages off it /2. In- ignores two and those in island will increase in island j and decrease in island /. These two effects do not always cancel out in the equilibrium, 22 hence the distribution of capital across islands useful to note at this stage that it is many is not necessarily of the applications Moreover, efficient. we will consider in the next section features technologies or sectors with different degrees of agency costs, and 4 in these situations, the decentralized equilibrium more is likely to be inefficient. Applications Risk Sharing 4.1 Since workers and capital owners bear no risk, the extent of risk sharing in our econ- omy is capturedby the variance of managerial returns Var This is {(^{M[K),(j)l[K), (fj2{K))). a component of total agency cost (see (30)) analyzed in the previous section. TAC{K) However, although true for the variance. That decreases with accumulation, this is, the degree of risk sharing is not necessarily may be non-monotonic or even decreasing with development. = Proposition 6 LetV{K) 1. ifp{a^ 2. if + ifpa^ > how then V'{K) p{o^^ + < J^^), M (i.e. < for K then 3 all /<; s.t. if K <K then V'{K) > 0, and K) < for K. all increases, shadow agency cost, SAC{e, K), falls but in the equilibrium level of effort e* also increases, and this requires more risk. if 0; p, then V'{K) mean time, agers to bear 13, then V'{K) Intuitively, as the < < P < pa^ K >k 3. u"^) Var{C{M{K),(j)l{K),(Pl{K))). Then: man- This interaction between two opposing forces determines the variability of managerial returns will change over the development process. Proposition 6 shows that the link between risk sharing and growth depends on the degree of risk-aversion and on the amount of noise that contractual arrangements are subject to. For instance, or the variance of the shocks risk sharing will improve. if is agents have a low degree of risk-aversion (small p) small, then, as more information becomes The opposite occurs when the idiosyncratic variability, o"^) is high. the degree of risk aversion (or In this case, because incentives are very low powered, the variability of managerial returns and increases over time. In intermediate available, is very low in poor economies, cases, the variance 23 is non-monotonic, and risk sharing increases first, and decreases afterwards. Even though only managers bear risks in our economy, the opposing forces impacting on risk sharing will apply more generally The to all agents bearing risks due informational problems. possibility that risk sharing U-shaped inverse (case 2), provides empirical evidence. is decreasing with accumulation (case 3), or an interesting interpretation to some recent often argued that less developed economies §uffer from It is serious agency problems (see for instance. North, 1990). However, Townsend (1994, 1995a,b) and other recent studies (as reviewed by Morduch, 1995) have shown that in Asian villages there is relatively low variance of consumption, thus quite good risk sharing arrangements. Moreover, pears to be lower in n'c/ier villages. Townsend (1995b) It is finds that risk sharing ap- tempting to interpret these recent findings as evidence that less developed economies do not in fact suffer serious incentive problems, and that growth and modernization "efficient" the organization of production prohibitively high. available, As the is decline. agerial whereby Our model provides an in less developed economies, highly inefficient because shadow agency costs are scale of economic activity grows, more information be- and more sophisticated contractual arrangements can be devised. Because these contracts induce higher may the factors destroying the organization of small communities and villages. alternative interpretation to these findings comes may be effort, the extent of observed risk sharing Possibly at even later stages of development, the variability of and entrepreneurial returns may again start falling as relative man- performance evaluation becomes more powerful. A related feature worth noting is that our model also has implications about the distribution of (labor) income. Income distribution of effort by managers and the 3 of Proposition it 6, growth is is determined by the choice variability of managerial returns. In cases 2 and "unequalizing" in less developed economies because leads to an increase in managerial effort and higher variability of managerial in- comes, and therefore to a greater difference between the average income of managers and workers. In case managerial returns among 2, however, as capital accumulates further, the variability of will decrease, and this will reduce both the observed dispersion entrepreneurs and the risk-premium that managers are paid over workers. the decline in risk-premia dominates the increased compensation for higher growth will bring about a more equal distribution of income in Therefore, our model with intermediate levels of risk aversion Kuznets curve. 24 If effort, advanced economies. is consistent with the Sectorial Transformations 4.2 Sectors typically differ in terms of the structure of uncertainty they face as well as be more serious their technology. This will imply that agency problems will sectors than others. When the scale of production is in certain be very limited, there will little information to be used in agency relations, and sectors where agency matters more will accompanied by result, capital Even though applications, in this section we this insight may accumulation will be where agency problems sectorial transformation towards activities more important. are As a have relatively lower productivity. have a number of potential will consider the implications of our model for how the share of agriculture in total production evolves over the process of development. As discussed above, the variance of common of idiosyncratic shocks relative to the variance Now shocks are crucial for the extent of agency costs. implausibly, that agriculture is subject to large common suppose, not shocks due to weather, while the variation due to idiosyncratic uncertainty (or managerial talent) are more important in industry (manufacturing). This assumption provided by Pollard (1965) pirical evidence (1995b) more most who volatile Let us accord with the em- the very high failure and eighteenth century of this to managerial mistakes or negligence, Britain, and and with Townsend reports that individuals involved in entrepreneurial activities suffer consumption than farmers. now develop a very simple version of this sectorial transformation story by making three strong assumptions: as in who documents rates of managerial firms during the seventeenth attributes is There are two goods. (i) We think of the first an agricultural and the second as a manufacturing (industrial) product. Half of the islands can only produce agricultural goods and the other half can only produce industrial goods. On each agriculture, while on each island j E industrial goods, (iii) The (ii) island j E [0, 1] [1, 2] there are A'^ there are A^ agents which can only produce Agricultural and industrial products are perfect substitutes. variance of idiosyncratic shocks in agriculture for the idiosyncratic shocks in manufacturing is a] > absent in "agriculture".^ However, note that since u^ ^ All agents which can only work in 0. > is o"^ = and the variance Thus, agency problems are 0, agricultural output may three assumptions can be relaxed. For instance, islands can be allowed to choose whether to two goods may be imperfect substitutes with elasticity of substitution greater than one, and this would also enable us to match the relative price movements over the development process, but again is not crucial for our argument. Also, specialize in agriculture or industry. Instead of perfect, the 2 ^> 2 ;^ rather than ct^ = would be sufficient in general. 25 be subject to more variability than manufacturing. The technology is essentially the have a quasi-Leontieff technology same as in the one-sector economy. Workers cannot move across islands but like (3). can invest their wealth in a balanced portfolio of will we bear no Since in equilibrium risk. All firms all the firms in the economy, thus firms are run under productive efficiency, all have: 2/4 = + e<;, + a^) Z(// Vie [0,1], (33) yijt^f^ Z measures where + eijt + ^ijt + will also aj~iV(0,i.J), and e(, ~ iV(0, a^). assume, in analogy with the result of are such that within each sector there M^ [1,2], the productivity of agriculture relative to industry. Furthermore: af<^N{0,,^l), We Vie c^jt M/ = M' for all j e is [0,1], Lemma 4, (34) that parameters only a symmetric equilibrium, though in general managerial contracts in agriculture z^ (or C/^^ will differ M^ ^ MK Mj^ i.e. = Moreover, from managerial contracts in industry z^ (or C^) because of the differences in the structure of uncertainty. Consequently, managerial effort in agriculture, e , will differ from managerial effort in industry, e^. In particular, since the return to agricultural firms within each island are perfectly correlated, the first-best effort level can be implemented in agriculture, that = e^ is number = + — 0. Instead, industrial contracts will induce the with 0J and (f)^ given by (24) and (25). Note that the the industrial sector will be conditional on the information - thus, the effort level e' contract in ZjS and Var{z'^) of firms ^{(pl - cf)^), in the industrial islands. now write the rate of return on capital in the two sectors, r and make zero profits and labor is paid its marginal product. As in the Let us firms r , when previous sections, these are given as: -^ (1 r - a) 1^// + e^ - IfO!, y- - = = ^ ^ kl f l/ar(CO j (i _ ^^ (35) (/x + f - TAC\M')) (36) k' k' 26 where the second equaHty of from defining (36) follows costs in industry analogously to (30). to this factor will be equalized across Since capital all islands, is TAC^ as the total agency perfectly mobile, the return therefore, we must have = r^ then ^ r^ which implies: ^_ First, observe that if there and -^ (/x + f-TAC^(MO) were no agency costs in industry [a'j = 0), would be constant irrespective of the stock of capital of the economy. This implies that the perfect information version of this model would have sector-balanced growth. Next, consider the case with M^ > a"] 0. In this case, as capital accumulates grows, and from (37), jj increases. Therefore, there than in agriculture. in industry As a is faster capital result, the shares of industrial deepening production over total production and the share of expenditure in industrial goods over total expenditure also grow with development. Additionally, productivity and wages also increase in industry but remain constant in agriculture. in the presence of imperfect information fact that technical progress is is As a result, economic growth endogenously sector-biased, neutral across the two sectors. very salient pattern in the development process of almost This is despite the consistent a countries: at the early all and stages of development, a large fraction of resources are allocated to agriculture, as the economy grows, more development growth is is much resources are transferred to industry. This pattern of usually explained by assuming that the potential for productivity higher in manufacturing than in agriculture due to some "sectorial externalities" (e.g. Matsuyama, 1991). Our mechanism can therefore be viewed as suggesting a microfoundation for these externalities. 4.3 From Villages to Cities In the model discussed in the previous subsection, by construction, the share of total employment and the model has in agriculture remained constant. This feature is easy to change, interesting implications about migration from "rural villages" to "industrial cities", another salient pattern of economic development. To do introduce an additional factor of production, say land, which to previous sections, we now assume that labor can agents can choose in which island to work. 27 The move is this, we immobile. In contrast freely islands, and model can also between interpretation of the ) be modified to example. Agricultural islands have low agency costs not only this fit because of the different structure of uncertainty (as in the previous subsection), but also because of the way villages are organized: the close-knit communities lead to tight peer group monitoring. do not allow easy In contrast, the privacy and anonymity in cities hence principal-agent relations have to use direct monitoring, decentralized information and incentive contracts to induce effort. This point emphasized by Banerjee and cities as Newman who (1996) less severe. these issues, let us modify the Leontieff part of the technology in both agricultural and industrial have (where q land). In this case, is also obtain migration from villages to a result of borrowing constraints becoming To model is to: min l,q°''>l°''k^^~°'>~°'''> instead of min l,l°'k^^'°'^ both the rate of return to capital and wages will be equalized across islands, but the rental rate on land will not be. The formal argument Now, with labor is very similar to that used to analyze the two factor case. perfectly mobile, wages and the rate of return on capital will be equalized across islands, and this implies: aiZ (Ai V - = a,Z = ^ where l^ {k^) and V + (/i + f ) f _ - dustrial firms, respectively. ' a, number total villages to cities. mechanism: (^9) From Then, from {f^ + l-TAC\M^)) Z (40), in agriculture The reason in- (38), it follows that: jx + (/. f number and ^ ^ of firms is declining -^, ^ and decreasing agency have to grow. of firms in industry relative to agriculture, employment (3«) denote labor (capital) employed by agricultural and Capital accumulation implies an increasing the f k^ V__k^_ l^-k^costs in industry. - TAC^M')) ' V - TAC^M^)) (/. + f + (/i =— ) \^ [k^) ai is This implies that growing. Therefore, and agents must be migrating from for this transformation is again related to our main villages provide direct peer-monitoring thus reduce agency costs (i.e. without informational problems, there would be no migration). At the early stages of development, this is a very important resource and a large fraction of the popu- lation lives in villages, even because there is though productivity excessive capital and labor 28 is lower there (partly endogenously in these islands). As more capital and information are accumulated, cities take advantage of reduced agency costs and ex- pand. Finally, note that during the process of industrial expansion and migration, the productivity of capital and labor in agriculture also increasing because fewer is workers and capital are working with the same amount of land. 4.4 Direct Monitoring and Financial Development At stages of development, specialized financial institutions intermediate funds all from savers to However, there are very important differences between the firms. institutions in poor economy and those in a more developed society. In his historical study Goldsmith (1987) finds that in most pre-modern societies funds are provided by direct lending institutions such as usurers, or local intermediaries, or at best, local banks. This contrasts with the larger banks, stock A developed economies. by carried out and bond markets of more crucial difference concerns the degree of direct monitoring different financial institutions (see Diamond, 1984, on the monitoring role of financial intermediaries). In this section, with we assume that each type. free entry into tutions which we there are two types of financial intermediaries, First, in each island there exist local credit will call village intermediaries {VI). These intermediaries funds from savers in the whole economy at some market rate firms located in their managers that they services and is is c own island.^ finance. The A r, insti- collect but can only lend to VI can perfectly monitor the effort of the local cost of providing these intermediation/monitoring per firm. For simplicity, we assume that monitoring takes place interim publicly observed. This implies that a V7 monitors before their final performance stochastic monitoring is all the managers it lends to revealed (more realistic assumptions, for instance, would not change the results). Second, there are some global intermediaries (GI) which offer their service at some lower cost, but cannot monitor (for instance, generality, they lack the local expertise). For simplicity, and without loss of any we assume that of these GIs as of banks we can think and which operate at the economy-wide is zero. We intermediaries more may have can think scale, or, alternatively, that firms can raise their funds through a stock market (see Zilibotti, 1996, for a ^Many the cost of providing these services Acemoglu detailed analysis of these different institutions in a local "expertise" which would justify this. The assumption that Vis borrow from savers in the whole economy may not be very realistic. In practice, they can do so by borrowing from other financial institutions. Witli Vis only using funds from their own islands, our analysis would be more involved, but the main result would not be affected. 29 . model with moral hazard problems). The important assumption here is the absence of informational imperfections, intermediation through GI ficient than intermediation through firms which receive funds via Vh We VI. also more ef- assume that the performance of by firms run through are observed is that, in GI, and this assumption rules out potential coordination problem. Clearly, the comparative advantage of local intermediation clines as the scale of economic activity expands and more information We the activity of firms in the economy. Proposition 7 Let ation is is and mor\itoring de- K be such that is revealed by can prove the following proposition: TAC{K) — provided by "village intermediaries" , c. Then, for while for all Ki < all Kt > f^ K intermedi- intermediation provided by "global intermediaries" This result tions are is consistent with the empirical evidence that local financial institu- predominant in poor economies and decline as development proceeds (see Besley, 1995, Fry, 1995, Goldsmith, 1987). Intuitively, Vis do not need decentralized information since they carry out direct monitoring. Therefore, as more information is accumulated, global intermediaries become relatively more attractive. Note also that even though our simple model predicts an abrupt switch from local to global intermediation, the analysis could be easily extended to yield a smoother transition. 4.5 Division of Labor Division of labor on is is a complex phenomenon, and different approaches concentrate different aspects of this process. An important aspect of the division of labor the delegation of tasks to agents who are not residual claimants of the returns they generate. In our economy, the most important form of delegation managers running information is firms. In this extension we show will be limited. This view is to have that in poor economies where scarce, production techniques that do not rely lationships will have a comparative advantage is on principal-agent and the extent re- of division of labor in line with a simple reading of historical patterns. During the First Industrial Revolution firms were predominantly family-managed, and this managerial structure recently, especially starting chical organizations have is still dominant in many developing economies. More with the Second Industrial Revolution, complex hierar- emerged and played an important distribution (see Pollard, 1965, Chandler, 1977). 30 role in production and We analyze the issue of division of labor with a very simple extension model. We refer to our benchmark technology of production The alternative is primitive production (PP) which entails no delegation of tasks to Output a manager. of unit Vijt Since with is as the factory production (FP). PP there = no is in island j using i + + {f^ ajt) min PP is given as: + l,klfi"'lijt°' "fixed cost" of production, the (41) eijt number of firms using PP indeterminate. However, to facilitate the discussion and without loss of generality, we impose that for all i,j, lijtkljt^ = so that 1, we can "number of talk of the still firms". We now assume that € (| — TACocf — TACi) where agency cost incurred with factory production when there are TACm m firms in the island. PP This assumption ensures that when there are very few firms, FP. In contrast, when there are sufficiently many is because, FP generates when there are m less than some critical level K to division of labor, there fi + etofx + an increase is e*{k) (where e*{K) It is useful intensive but that is would be preferred division of labor The If more in this case if economy capital, becomes given by economy switches from ^^ - ^^Var{C{K)) = PP from 0). economy the switch from primitive produc- PP was is more capital intensive. In other words, in the absence preferred to FP at is some capital level Kq, and thus more information, agency relatively more costs decline , the and attractive. more general "sophisticated" products or production techniques are at the intensive" when limited by the extent of information: analysis of the last two subsections also suggests a more "information is at all other capital levels too. Hence, loosely speaking, the division of labor in our economy has more the K in the level of productivity per firm more information it is FP. of division of labor, not due to the fact that division of labor of informational imperfections, it - to emphasize that in our tion to division of labor for all capital stocks K, the economy does not make use > K, all production takes place with TAC{K) = ^ — 6. Note also that at the point when and when /Li an analogue of Proposition 7 whereby state preferred to is + | — TACm whereas with income equal to /x + 6. It is now a certainty equivalent of income equal to we can preferred to active firms in the island, each firm with PP, each firm produces a certainty equivalent of clear that is firms so that the society can set accurate standards, agency costs are low and division of labor {FP) PP. This the total is because monitoring 31 is principal. same time harder or because they involve Figure 1: Asymmetric Equilibria m.ore delegation, then as a society develops, the range of products will expand, the production methods With tasks. all will be become more refined and there will be more delegation of of these changes, as in our division of labor example, the productivity will often increase. Development and Specialization 4.6 Less developed economies are typically highly specialized and invest a large share of their resources in only a few narrow sectors. This when we view is consistent with our islands as sectors. In particular, the analysis of section 3 model showed that asymmetric equihbria are possible with imperfect information, even though with perfect information, only symmetric equilibria can exist. Asymmetric equilibria correspond to the economy being specialized in a few activities at the expense of the rest. some The reason is to economize on agency costs by generating information in selected sectors. To get more insights into development and specialization, we can consider a simple diagrammatic exposition of asymmetric equilibria. the rate of return to capital in island j if 32 Figure 1 an amount of capital Kj draws rj{Kj), is invested in that island (thus with schedule downward is and our condition and rj{Kj) is in M{Kj) active firms). straightforward to see that It is sloping everywhere, there can be no asymmetric equilibria, Lemma 4, that /^ > /I, ensures Suppose instead that this. now increasing over a certain range. Let us < K2- It is K2, and K € no island increasing around K' make fix , thus will if all K2 must be capital the remaining as drawn in Figure an additional firm opened in is this island, it is determined equal the aggregate stock of capital. It is now would in order to have the clear that conditional specialized. For instance, thinking of the islands as sectors, this an economy which invests a large fraction of As the economy becomes economy becomes societies In characterized as follows: on Ki and K2, a smaller aggregate stock of capital impHes that the economy the 1. as in Figure 1, then compute;-'" demand sectors. —A 1 have a capital stock equal to K' because rj[Kj) the fraction of islands with more capital is /2 islands can have capital equal to positive profits. Then, an asymmetric equilibrium Ki and K2 That K2) so that not straightforward to see that Ki and particular, note that is (A'l, < /i concentrate on asymmetric K2 and equilibrium in which a fraction A of islands have capital have Ki this if richer less specialized. and its is very would correspond to resources in a small fraction of the K increases, X(K) increases too, and Therefore, our model predicts that poorer tend to be more specialized as a way of economizing on agency costs. Conclusion 5 This paper crucial role. offers a theory of development where principal-agent relations play a Wealth is generated by delegating tasks to agents residual claimants of the returns they generate. costly, productivity is low. the society generates is We When who are not the the control of these agents is argue that the amount of decentralized information a crucial determinant of how easy it is to control the agents. In turn, the structure of information depends on the scale of production. When more agents are engaged in the same activity, the society will develop a better standard for this activity, 10, and As the argument this will enable relative suggests, performance evaluation. Therefore, as when one asymmetric equiUbrium others. 33 exists, there will also exist many a society accumulates more capital, will lead to higher As managerial well as explain number why it will also accumulate more information. This and productivity. effort the process of development may be slow, our theory has a of important implications, reminding us of the older theories of development We with their emphasis on structural transformation. find that the extent of risk sharing will change with development, the sectorial composition of output will there will be more division of labor, there will be less reason for close-knit village communities to survive, and financial institutions some of the same problems as our will be transformed. Approaching paper with a somewhat different emphasis, Besley (1995, p. 121) writes that "(local institutions do disappear as capital markets develop. and enforcement)... do seem cause, the decline of this type of in general This reflects the fact that monitoring and other technologies improve in the development process. ... Whether a symptom or a non-market institution in the development process vividly illustrates the idea that they use certain information structures ment shift, technologies that are eroded by the transformation to a and enforce- modern economy." In terms of Besley's quotation, we are arguing that the relative decline of a host of institutions and sectors is a consequence of information accumulation and develop- ment, but also that such structural transformations have important implications regarding the range of products, organization of firms and productivity. Our list is not even close to being exhaustive of the transformations on the way from poverty to prosperity. It is also not exhaustive of the development implications of changing principal-agent relations. that more results specification. can be done. Our model is sufficiently simple and tractable can be obtained by modifying certain aspects of the baseline However, we hope the implications we draw give the fiavor of what We also hope that our model suggests other approaches to the same problem: more information will improve agency relations not only via better relative performance evaluation but also through alternative uses of information. Some of the implications will be similar while others will are derived differ. As different testable implications from these approaches and are confronted with data, our understanding of the development process will improve. 34 Appendix Lemma Proof of Part 1. Since markets are complete, firms and managers will 1. agree on the first-best level of effort which, from (2) and Part We 2. start by showing that we prove that all islands have the First, since firms game = ^ that = the capital per firm in island kj, tonically increasing function of Mj, the (3), is eijt number same number compete to maximize /3. j, is Given of firms in this island. of firms using proof profits, we must have a mono- by contradiction. in the second-stage Y (where the superscript — indicates that these are '^ . this, partial derivatives "from below"). Then, from the unitary elasticity of substitution between = labor and capital, 7^ Since when holds (6) case from (4) that island, *) we have (all firms in island j adopt the firms are productively efficient {l^kj~°' all lij = ^^^^ 7^ = Ij ^ = = ^ind kij kj = same technology). = 1), it must be the -^. Then, aggregating within each that: N^KJ-" = Mj which can be rearranged to give: ^^A" Now, suppose that there > that Mji -f- > Mjii. l-Q _fN „., are two islands, /, /' such that Kji This implies from (43) that and because -f— (42) Iji < Ijn both islands managers exert e in / capital in firms of island > Kju. (42) imphes and kji > kjn. Therefore, = the rate of return to jS, lower than in j". Since the rate of return to capital is has to be equalized across islands, this gives a contradiction. Therefore, we must have Kj, = Part 3. Kjn = Kt and Mji From plies that all firms a)E \yj — [zj — part 2, = ;j^ Mj,, = Mf = ^^. Hence, and Wjlj = aE [y^- — {zj — = (8), (9) and fi + Cj, Cj (10). = /? " f-^) profits. = and first kj stage = {jff game im- Therefore, rkj Wj)]. Since, agents ent between becoming managers or workers, hence Zj that yj = Free-entry in the must be making zero expected Wj)] Ij Wj + -^- must be = (1 — indiffer- Now using the facts and that the equilibrium must be symmetric, we obtain This concludes the proof of 35 Lemma 1. QED Proof of Proposition that if Kt ^t ^ + P)N. s(/i Since Kt+i is By assumption Kq > , strictly Then N'i^^. neighborhood of N^"^ Kt+i in the right is an increasing and is 1: > condition (6) ensures Kt- Next, given (7), Kt+i concave function of Kt and since Mt < N, we have Therefore, there exists a unique steady state level of Kt, K^^. a strictly concave function, this unique steady state also globally is stable. To = characterize the steady state value K^^, note that K^^ Then using K^^ (7) gives the expression of + P)M{K^^). The rest of the s{fj, in the proposition. QED. Proposition follows immediately from the analysis discussed in the text. Proof of 2, Lemma Part 2: 1. The proof Lemma identical to the proof of is part 1 except for the symmetry argument. Part Since firms are risk-neutral, by a standard argument, they will offer a 2. non-random return compatibility constraints. Therefore, the rates of return to labor and capital are non-random. The exact expressions by the same argument Lemma Proof of Ui{eij, .) = where Qj E{Cij is 3. eij) I Lemma as part 3 of Part The 1. + wj - ^e^ - given by (17), and straightforward. Part 3. 1. (16), follow QED. manager utihty of ^Var{Qj) =9+ i {(puj in island j + (j)2ij) (m is + we have = E [Qj - e^j —E 0oij] = ^{(puj + (pujio-j + given by eij) terms that do not depend on collects Var{C,ij) and for these rates of return, (15) the manager chooses effort to maximize Ui, {cf>nj which there are no incentive to the factors of production for - ^4' Cij. t/'aij)- Since Part 2 + <j^2ij{^ij - <^ij) is l2 Es^i + 4>2ijf a^ + <Pliji^' + ^hj$^] QED. Proof of Proposition max [/i 2. Using Lemma 3, we + p{(j)uj + 02ii)]-x(<^iii+<?^2ij)^-^ L <Plij,<P2ij write the maximization of (21) as: ihij Z \2 2 <p2ij) (j' + v2 ,,2 + 0H,i^' + , /2 '^ 2 I r2iojf^z\ (44) Solving the two first-order conditions gives (25). e*. = To find 0oij 13 (0*^. + = 05j) 0^,.)(from we use the Lemma 3) (^uj = 4>\j and (f)2ij = 4>*2j as in (24) and participation constraint, (20), and the facts that and E{C 36 \ e^) = (/-S^ (from (17)). QED. ^sj) Proof of Lemma 4. Let us define the rate of return to capital in island j when a total amount of capital Kj is invested there, the labor market clears, firms choose the optimal contracts and make zero profits as: = rj{Kj) The + /? mKj) + (!-«)(/. same fact that capital should receive the that for all € j rj{Kj) [0, 1]: A necessary condition for - 4^;{Kj)) <Pl{K,)) ^^^ rate of return in islands implies all = r (Mf, IQ. asymmetric equilibrium capital, Kji, Kj", such that rji(Kji) = is that there exist two levels of Therefore, a sufficient condition for rjii{Kjii). < We the equilibrium to be unique and symmetric is now prove always the case. To see this note that: (i) the that for first not depend on 0, ^^^ and there sufficiently large this term on the second term of Kj > /J, RHS fi; (iii) from < S" < Then, and 3/i exists a unique equilibrium QED. Proof of Proposition Recall that ject to (19). (7^) Given the definition of (14) it such that V/i and (pi TAG <f)2 from , is (l)*2{Kj)) > /I [0, 1], (5{(P\+(l)l) Then, we can write rem imphes that and Var{C) = - (30), this [((</-! (f>o{Kj)] 35" such we have that Kj = + is will (ii) (;^)" , the does that for any r'j{Kj) K (capital are chosen to strained maximization of fi+^—TAC{K) with respect to Lemma 3 that e* = for all Kj. decreasing in Kj] follows that whereby Vj G distributed across islands). 4. a)fj, - a)p [(</'J(/<j) + {I (24), (25) 00. — of (45), (1 = (45), <i/{Kj) is that r'^[Kj) is maximize < 0, equally (21) sub- equivalent to the uncon- (pi ^a)'^' and + ^2- Now recall from (-/-l)'^' + i^l?-^) TAC{K) = T AG {M {K) (t>\{K) (j)l{K)) The envelope theo= = 0. Therefore TAC'{K) = ^,M'{K) = ^gf , , ^^ . -f('/'2)'(^AF(l-^)(f^<0• For the second part, from the definition of 2 SAC{e, K) = min 02 (a' K - + |-*2 + i'') I Differentiating this with respect to / SAG we have that: \ 2 2 •''+ ,,Z, J l and once more using the envelope theorem, we have SAC2{e, K) <0. QED. 37 Proof of Proposition Conditional upon Mt, 5. first-order conditions of (32) once Cj and ferentiation leads to (24) Proof of Proposition and ^2 by the are given substituted from (19). Straightforward is (23), (24) and it (25), dif- QED (25) exactly as in the decentralized equilibrium. From 6. (pij follows that: + (M-l)i/2)(cr2 + Mi/2) + (M - l)z/2) + (a2 + Mz/2) 2£i ((72 (a2 To Let Ttv denote the numerator and the denominator of the right hand-side ex- pression. Then: = V'iK) ^ {[{a^ ' D + (M - ly) + (a2 + Miy^)] TD-2(l + [((72 + Mjy2) E^-(^a'' + {M- l)i/2)l where some straightforward algebra line. If This expression establishes that, sign /90-2 p(o-2 + M(A:) 1) > 0, > /?, 1/2) > then < then V'{K i3, K) ^< all M(/<:) = pa^ < 1, if V'{K) and all for where w^^ and r"^^ are r^^k{Kt) The all . u"^), 0, try in the first-stage game ^ we have V'{K (part 2). + Mv^) = 1. If (cr2 j M K for all \ such that M{K) = Moreover, for M (or K such that Therefore, there exists QED. K as defined in the proposition. We Kt < through Vis profit, since an equilibrium. intermediation through GIs to the second Next, set 3. M (thus K). K, V'{K) < i.e. profit of this firm will is + p{a^ — fl and V'{K) < 0, is the unique equilibrium. Suppose (fx+^ — cj the equilibrium factor returns = c - TAC{Kt) < tion through V7s f3 — — w^\Kt)l{Kt) when there Now, consider a deviation from a firm which diation through VI. instead of VI. sign v^ first In this case, free entry ensures that active firms intermediation through V7s. which are using V7s make zero < < 1) 7. First, consider is = which proves part V'{K) < K> intermediation [1^'(/'C)] decreasing in is sufficiently large V'{K) > show that K Finally, Proof of Proposition will for all I but since K <K, V\K) > (part 1). 1 equivalently for necessary to go from the is 'f) T^v} is be (// + f only interme- decides to use GI - TAG{Kt)) - w^^{Kt)l{Kt) - TAC{Kt) > TAC{k) = We is + r'^^k^Kt), c. Hence, intermedia- then show that in the same case {Kt not an equilibrium. Assume it is, < K) then free en- ensures that active firms which are using GIs make zero - TAC{Kt)) = w^'{Kt)l{I<t) - r^'k{Kt). Now, consider a devif ation from a firm which decides to use VI instead of GI. The profit of this firm will profit, i.e. (a* + 38 be (//+ f - c) - w^\Kt)l{Kt) - r^'k{Kt) = TAC{Kt) - c> 0. 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