Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/formofpropertyriOOacem -^pr) . ("b B31 ^415 3^1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series The Form of Property Rights: Oligarchic Democratic Societies vs. Daron Acemoglu Working Paper 03-34 September 28, 2003 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=457724 BBWi fv/IASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Form of Property Rights: Ohgarchic vs. Democratic Societies* Daron Acemoglu Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA 02142 Cambridge, September 28, 2003 Abstract This paper develops a model where there property rights of different groups. An a trade-off between the enforcement of the is "oligarchic" society, hands of major producers, protects their property rights, where political power is in the but also tends to erect significant entry barriers, violating the property rights of future producers. Democracy, where poUtical power is more widely to avoid entry barriers. diffused, When imposes redistributive taxes on the producers, but tends taxes in democracy are high and the distortions caused by entry barriers are low, an ohgarchic society achieves greater efficiency. Nevertheless, because comparative advantage in entreprenemship shifts away from the inciunbents, the inefficiency created by entry barriers in oligarchy deteriorates over time. The typical pattern is therefore one of the rise and decline of oligarchic societies: of two otherwise identical societies, the one with an oligarchic organization wiU ffist become richer, but later fall behind the democratic society. I also discuss how democratic societies may be better able to take advantage of new technologies, and how the unequal distribution of income in an oligarchic society supports the oligarchic institutions and may keep them in place even when they become significantly costly to society. Keywords: democracy, economic growth, entry barriers, oligarchy, pohtical economy, redistribution, sclerosis. JEL Classification: P16, OlO. thank Robert Barro, Olivier Blanchard, Simon Johnson, James Robinson, and participants at NBER Summer Institute and Harvard University macro seminar for useful comments, and Miriam Bruhn and Alexander Debs for excellent *I the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research conference, the research assistance. Introduction 1 There is now a growing consensus that institutions protecting the property rights of pro- ducers are essential for successful long-run economic performance.^ There is no agreement, however, on what constitutes "protecting the property rights of producers" or on the costs and benefits of various where society different "forms of property rights". political power is in the One possibility hands of the economic elite, for is an oligarchic example, the ma- jor producers/investors in the economy. This type of organization not only ensures that major producers do not enables them fear expropriation or high rates of taxation, to create a non-level playing field and a monopoly position in essence violating the property rights of futiue potential producers from taking advantage of more profit opportunities). but also typically The alternative uted, thus effectively in the hands of poorer agents who can excluding democracy is appropriately, popuhst democracy), where political power (i.e., for themselves, is them (or perhaps more equally distrib- use their power to tax the producers' profits.^ But in return, incmnbent producers will be unable to create signifi- cant entry barriers against entrants, ensuring better property rights for future potential producers.'^ This paper constructs a simple model to analyze the trade-off between oligarchic and democratic riers. The model societies. features two pohcy distortions: taxation and entry bar- Taxes, which redistribute income from entrepreneurs to workers, are distortionary because they discourage entrepreneurial investment. Entry barriers, which redistribute income towards the entrepreneurs by reducing labor demand and depressing wages, tort the allocation of resources because dis- they prevent the entry of more productive agents into entrepreneurship.^ ^See, among others, the general discussions in Jones (1981), empirical evidence in De Long and Shleifer (1993), North (1981), and Olson (1982), and the (1995), Barro (1999), Hall and Knack and Keefer Jones (1999), and Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001, 2002). ^Although there is a close connection between dictatorship and oligarchy, some electoral democracies may be "oligarchic" according to the definition here, because the economic elite controls the parties or the electoral agenda. Mobutu, a highly predatory state, controlled either by an incumbent and future producers. The focus here is not these cases, but the trade-offs between distortionary redistributive taxation and entry barriers. A full taxonomy of regimes would distinguish predatory regimes from oligarchic and •^In certain societies such as in Zaire under individual or the political elite, may violate the property rights of both democratic regimes. * Entry barriers may take the form of direct regulation, or of policies that reduce the costs of inputs, especially of capital, for the incumbents, while raising them for potential rivals. to the chaebol appear to have been a major entry barrier for new Cheap loans and subsidies Korea (see, for example, firms in South Kang, 2002). See also La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes and Shleifer (2003) on the implications of government ownership of banks, which often enables incumbents to receive subsidized credit, thus creating entry The trade-off between these two different types of distortions determines more and generates greater aggregate output. ohgarchic or a democratic society is OUgarchy avoids the disincentive effects of taxation, duced by entry barriers. create a more are high and the efficient Democracy imposes higher When level playing field. ^ distortions caused but suffers from the distortions intro- redistributive taxes, but also tends to the taxes that a democratic society will impose by entry barriers are low, oligarchy achieves greater and generates higher output; when democratic taxes are efficiency whether an relatively low and en- try barriers create significant misallocation of resources, a democratic society achieves greater aggregate output. In addition, a democratic society typically generates a equal distribution of income than an ohgarchic society, because from entrepreneurs to workers, while an it redistributes more income oligarchic society adopts policies that reduce labor demand, depress wages and increase the profits of incumbents. More interesting are the dynamic trade-offs between these poHtical regimes. Initially, entrepreneurs wiU tend to be those with greater productivity, so an oligarchic society generates only hmited distortions. However, as long as comparative advantage in entre- preneurship changes over time, will eventually shift it away from the incumbents, and the entry barriers erected in ohgarchy will become increasingly costly to efficiency. therefore one where, of two otherwise identical societies, the oligarchy will pattern is become richer, but later fall distortions, also democracy is behind the democratic some parameter gests that, at least under I A typical The model therefore sug- configurations, despite its potential economic better for long-run economic performance than the alternatives. show that democracies may be than oligarchic society. first societies. This is able to take better advantage of new technologies because democracy allows agents with comparative advantage in new technology to enter entrepreneurship, while oligarchy typically blocks new entry. The above in particular discussion takes the pohtical regime whether the society research in political economy barriers for potential entrants. An is is and the distribution of political power, ohgarchic or democratic, as given. A major area of the determination of equihbrium political institutions. interesting case in this context is Mexico at the end of the nineteenth century, where the rich ehte controlled a highly concentrated banking system, protected by entry barriers, and the resulting lack of loans for new entrants enabled the elite to maintain a monopoly position in other Haber (1991, 2002). ^This argument does not deny the presence of entry barriers in democratic societies, for example in much of Western Europe, but suggests that the role of entry barriers in these instances may be to create rents to a specific group of workers rather than protecting incumbent firms (on cross-country patterns of labor regulation, see Djankov, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes and Shleifer, 2003). sectors. See When should we expect a society to become oligarchic and remain so even becomes increasingly costly? I when this analyze this question by embedding the basic setup in a simple (and reduced-form) model of regime change where groups with greater economic power are also more likely to prevail politically. Social groups that become substantially richer in a given political regime may be protect their privileged position. In oligarchy, incumbents have the poUtical power to erect entry barriers to raise their profits. able to successfully sustain that regime These greater and profits, in turn, increase their pohtical power, making a switch from oligarchy to democracy more difficult, even when entry barriers become significantly costly. Although the model economy analyzed in this paper is highly abstract, sheds light on a nimiber of interesting questions. The economic performance of democratic and ohgarchic societies. ples of both democratic and ohgarchic societies that growth. For example, the United States and much first set of issues it is nonetheless the relative In practice, there are exam- have achieved high rates of economic of Western Europe during the postwar era illustrate the potential economic success of democratic societies. In contrast, Japan both in the prewar and the postwar periods, and South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore in the postwar era are examples of ohgarchic societies that have pursued pro-business pohcies and achieved successful economic performance.^ The development experiences of Brazil and Mexico, on the other hand, illustrate both the potential gains and oUgarchic regimes. Haber (2003), for example, explains how significant costs of import-substitution pohcies in these coimtries were adopted to protect the businesses of the rich ehte the government.^ He further documents how aHgned with these import-substitution policies enabled ®A11 four countries approximate oligarchic societies. For example, in Japan, the pre-war era is commonly recognized as highly oligarchic, with the conglomerates known as the zaibatsu dominating both politics and the economy (the title of the book on pre-war Japanese politics by Ramseyer and Rosenbluth, 1995, is Politics of Oligarchy). The postwar politics in Japan, on the other hand, have been dominated by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which is closely connected to the business elite (see, for example, Ramseyer and Rosenbluth, 1997, and Jansen, 2000). In the Korean case, the close links between the large family-run conglomerates, the chaebol., and the politicians are well-documented (see, for example, Kang, 2002). In both cases, government policy has been favorable to major producers and provided them with subsidized loans and protected internal markets as well as secure property rights (e.g., Johnson, 1982, Evans, 1995). For example, in Japan, the Antimonopoly Act of 1947 imposed by the Americans was soon relaxed, and the LDP introduced various anticompetitive statutes to protect existing businesses. Ramseyer and Rosenbluth report that in 1980 there were 491 cartels, and "almost half [of those] had been in effect for twenty-five years and over two-thirds for more than twenty years" (1997, p. 132). However, it should also be noted that inequality of income in both cases has been limited, most likely because of other historical reasons, for example, the extensive land reforms in South Korea undertaken to defuse rural unrest fanned by the Communist regime in the North (e.g., Haggard, 1990). ^For example, he describes the formulation of policies in early 20th-century Mexico as "Manufacturers who were part of the political coalition that supported the dictator Porfirio Diaz were granted protection, War rapid industrialization both before and after World Beyond these sMps but also created significant and economic problems. distortions show that II, in the selective examples, cross-coimtry empirical analyses, e.g., postwar era, electoral Barro (1999), democracies have not grown faster than dictator- (wliich generally correspond to oligarchic societies in terms of the model), despite the weU-documented presence of disastrous dictatorships with very weak records of property rights enforcement. and oUgarchic The model is consistent with this pattern, because both democratic societies create distortions. from democracies that are Successful economic performances will relatively less redistributive, and from ohgarchic societies come where entry barriers are hmited or where heterogeneity of productivity in entrepreneurship is relatively imimportant. Existing evidence also consistent with the notion that democracies are is tributive, but introduce fewer entry barriers (2002, Table 7) cies. show that there than more entry are oligarchies. For more redis- example, Djankov et barriers in non-democracies al. than democra- Rodrik (1999) shows that labor share and wages are typically higher in democracies than in dictatorships. Democracies also appear to tax more than non-democratic countries. Figure against the 1 shows a significant positive correlation Freedom House measure of democracy, once the effect of log has been taken out from both variables. is between tax revenue over Appendix B GDP GDP per capita demonstrates that this pattern robust to controlling for education, population, continent dummies, and to excluding former communist countries and federal countries.^ The second set of questions that the and dechne of nations. A common model might shed some Mght on conjecture in social sciences also lays the seeds of futme failures (e.g., is relate to the rise that economic success Kennedy, 1987, Olson, 1982). The analysis in this paper suggests a specific mechanism formalizing this conjecture: early success might often come from providing prevent entry by security to new groups, major producers, who then use creating d3mamic distortions. This by the contrast between the economic their political mechanism histories of the Northeastern is power to illustrated United States and the Caribbean diuing the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. everyone else was out in the cold" (p. 18), and during the later era, "manufacturers could lobby the executive branch of government, which could then, without the need to seek legislative approval, restrict the importation of competing products" (p. 48). ^Moreover, at least part of the economic problems of some democracies also seem to stem from "antibusiness" policies. See, for example, Besley and Burgess (2003) for an interesting analysis of the economic costs of pro-labor regulation in India. ST o IN HRV _ LSO Q o BEL o £ O itaS'^'^ ''f^jADfPOL . KEN WS^^^^"^^ U) 5 c BtpflHA - cP^ '^^^^wUgXij.....-------^ Q) a. £ o o - mnGoj^„^ L;bG-TUB--roBRA<DEii'p __——-^ o_ ^AN SDN §m 1 mn '^'94iV ^'"'•arg CO 1 2 '(/) - o BHR - c\j 1 q: KWT ARE -5-4-3-2-101234 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Residuals from Democracy Index Figure Residuals of tax revenues as a percentage of 1: Freedom House democracy index in 1997-98. corresponding variables on log The Northeastern United GDP Both GDP in 1998 vs. residuals of residuals are from a regression of the per capita in 1998. See Appendix B. States developed as a typical settler colony, approximating a democratic society with significant political power in the hands of smallholders (e.g., Galenson, 1996).^ In contrast, the Caribbean colonies were clear examples of oUgarchic with pohtical power in the monopoly of plantation owners, and few rights for the societies, slaves that made up the majority of the population 1972). In both the 17th places in the world, United States 1995, and 18th centuries, the (see, e.g., Caribbean Beckford, 1972, and Dunn, societies were among the richest and almost certainly richer and more productive than the Northeastern (see, e.g., Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson, 2002, Coatsworth, 1993, Engerman, 1981, and Engerman and Sokoloff, 1997). Eltis, Although the wealth of the Caribbean undoubtedly owed much to the world value of its main produce, sugar, it seems that Caribbean societies were able to achieve these levels of productivity because the planters had every incentive to But starting ^This is invest in the production, processing in the late 18th century, the and export of sugar. Caribbean economies lagged behind the United a relative statement, not meant to deny the significant power of rich industrialists and landown- ers in the 19th-century United States (see, e.g., Beard, 1952). States and many other more democratic opportunities, particularly in industry Engerman and 2002, and societies, and commerce (Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson, Sokoloff, 1997). and Western Eiu"ope invested While new entrepreneurs in these areas, hands of the planters, who had no which took advantage of new investment power in the in the United States Caribbean remained in the interest in encoTiraging entry by new groups. ^° Though not as stark as the contrast between the Northeastern United States and the Caribbean, the experiences of other ohgarchic societies, including those of Japan, South Korea, Brazil, and Mexico, where initial growth supported by close relations between major producers and the government has shown a tendency to come to an end, are also consistent with the mechanism emphasized in this paper. Many studies on economic growth and the pohtical economy of development have pointed out the costs of entry barriers, while others have emphasized the disincentive effects of redistributive taxation. fully articulates For example, the classic by North and Thomas force- the view that monopoly arrangements are the most important barrier many to growth, and joint stock company, replacing the old regulated company" and "the decay of industrial cite "the ehmination of of the remnants of feudal servitude,..., the regulation and the declining power of guilds" as key foundations for the Industrial Revolution in Britain (1973, p. 155). This point of view is also developed in Parente and Prescott (1999), and in the recent book by Raj an and Zingales, where they emphasize the threat to successful capitahsm from the "incumbents, those who Ushed position in the marketplace and would prefer to see remain exclusive." (2003, 18). An even larger For example, Romer Tabellini (1994), literature, it already have an estab- on the other hand, focuses on the cost of (1975), Roberts (1977), Meltzer p. redistribution. and Richard (1981), Persson and and Alesina and Rodrik (1994) aU construct models in which the median voter chooses high levels of redistributive taxation, distorting saving, investment or labor supply decisions (see also Benabou, 2000, on how, imder certain circumstances, democracy may not generate enough redistribution). Barro succinctly summarizes the costs of a democratic regime as "...the tendency to enact rich-to-poor redistribution of income (including land reforms) in systems of majority voting and the possibly enhanced role of interest groups in systems with representative legislatures." (1999, am not aware of any analysis that relates the distortions created by redistributive democ- p. 49). Nevertheless, I racy and those caused by entry barriers in oligarchy as the two sides of the trade-off over ^"Sokoloff and Kahn (1990) and Kahn and Sokoloff (1993) show that many of the major U.S. inventors were not members of the aheady-estabhshed economic ehte, but new comers with in the 19th century diverse backgrounds. the "form of property rights", nor any analysis of the dynamic costs of oligarchy. Other closely related papers include Krusell and Rios-Rull (1996), Acemoglu, Aghion and Zilibotti (2003), Learner (1998), Robiioson and Vollrath (2003). The and Nugent (2001), and Galor, Moav result of potential cycles in oligarchy in the current model is related to the political-economic cycles in Krusell and Rios-Rull (1994). In their model, technology-specific investments create vested interests opposed to the introduction of new technologies. The pohtical power of these vested interests may lead to growth cycles. Ace- moglu, Aghion and Zilibotti (2003) develop a theory where protecting large firms at the early stages of development is beneficial because it relaxes potential credit constraints, but such protection becomes progressively more costly as the economy approaches the world technology frontier and selecting the right entrepreneurs becomes more important. That paper also provides some empirical evidence that economies with high levels of en- try and international trade restrictions suffer severe growth slowdowns as they approach the world technology frontier. Finally, Learner (1998), Robinson and Nugent (2001) and Moav and VoUrath Galor, vestment in may initially human (2003) discuss the potential opposition of landowners to in- capital. For example, Galor et al. emphasize how land abundance lead to greater income per capita, but later retard human and economic development. None of these papers contrasts the lation democracy and oligarchy or The rest of the paper is identifies the dynamic organized as follows. capital accumu- trade-offs between costs of oligarchy. Section 2 describes the economic en- vironment, and characterizes the equilibrium for a given sequence of policies. Section 3 analyzes the pohtical equiMbrium in democracy and ohgarchy, and compares the out- comes. Section 4 discusses a simple model of changes of regime between ohgarchy and democracy. Section 5 concludes. 2 The Model 2.1 I The Environment consider a non-overlapping generations There is a rmique agent has a single final economy consisting of a continuum good which can be used off'spring, and is for consumption or 1 of dynasties. for bequest. Each imperfectly altruistic with the utility function: u^^{i-py^'-^^p-^{ciY-'{b^,,y-4, (1) where the consumption of agent j at time is cj. and offspring, zj is the 6^^j is t, the bequest he leaves to his (non-pecuniary) cost of effort that the agent incurs if he becomes an entreprenem:. This utihty function convenient since is impHes a constant savings rule it for each agent of the form: ^+i=W, where W^ is the total income of the agent at time utility function of agent j at turn the I sum e — > 0. e of The reason can otherwise = 0, specific new there is demand also exist other equilibria, to . income is in death is and economy with to avoid the case where the a range of wage rates, which In other words, in the economy with in this case, the limit e -^ picks a set of equilibria. economy distinction in this up a firm = Wl — z\ Total i.e., Wl = Wl + h{. 1/^ for labor for arise in the oligarchic equilibrium. and capitalists/entrepreneurs on the or set implies that the indirect with a small probability e in every period, for introducing the possibility of one from the The key (dies) W^, It also dynasties are born. I will consider the Umit of this exactly equal to the may t. simply given by t is of earned income, VF/, and bequests, supply of labor e time assume that each dynasty disappears and a mass (2) is other. between production workers on the one hand Each agent can become an entreprenem:.^^ While all either be employed as a worker agents have the same productivity as workers, their productivity in entrepreneiu-ship differs. In particular, agent j at time t has entrepreneurial talent an agent needs to set G {A^,A^] with A^ < al up a firm, or alternatively, up a new firm may be father. Setting A^ To become an entrepreneur, . he could inherit the firm from his costly because of entry barriers created by existing entrepreneurs. Each agent talent a[ a firm. therefore starts period G {A^ A^], and si , I will also refer to G t {0, 1} with a level of bequest (income) h{ society, he an agent with may be = s^ 1 as a member politically more influential Within each period, each agent makes the following denoted by c^, In addition if z^ (effort), a bequest decision denoted by = 1, i.e., if of the "elite", since he 6^_,.i, barriers), wiU and in than non-ehte agents. decisions: a consumption decision and an occupation choice %{ G {0, 1}. the agent becomes an entrepreneur, he also makes investment employment, and hiding decisions, ^^See, for example, Banerjee entrepreneurial which denotes whether the individual has inherited have an advantage in becoming an entrepreneur (when there are entry an oligarchic , and Newman el, ll and hi, where hi denotes whether he (1993) for a model of occupational choice of this type. incurs an investment and operation cost of el will refer to profits of + With some abuse K'. as the profit function. Given a tax rate Tj tt an entrepreneur with talent (r„ TT li, ei, ai w,) i.e., = hi 1, and a wage rate Wt > 0, I the net a^ are: = i^(a^)-(e^y-(/^)- - as long as the entrepreneur does not hide his output, output, of terminology, = hi i.e., he avoids the tax, but loses a fraction 5 ^ - kX, - w^lj 0. < 1 If (4) he instead hides his of his revenues, so his profits are: TT {ruli,ei,ai,wt) The comparison = ^{ainei)'-^{lir - wtli 1 — ei a of these two expressions immediately impUes that - if tj kX. > 6, all entrepre- neurs will hide their output, and there will be no tax revenue. Therefore, the relevant range of taxes will be 0<Tt<5. Since, in the presence of entry barriers, entrepreneurship additional cost Kt for agents with an agent of type si = 0, il = an 1) entails the net gain to becoming an entrepreneur for a function of the pohcy vector (5^,0^) as (i.e., (kt, Tt), and the wage rate, Wt, is: U(kt,Tt,Wt where the last I sl,al) =meiX-K(Tt,ll,el,al,Wt) term indicates that if - (1 - sl)ktX (5) the agent does not inherit the firm from his father, he will have to pay the additional cost imposed by entry barriers. ^^ Notice also that 11 the net gain to becoming an entrepreneur, since the agent receives the wage rate Wt is irrespective (either working for another entrepreneur —thus having to hire one himself imphes that an agent will less —when he worker become an entrepreneur become an entrepreneur only if Il(^kt,Tt,wt ^^Private sales of firms from agents with when he s^ = sl,al) \ 1 > a worker, or working for an entrepreneur). This feature i£ Tl (^kt, Tt, Wt \ si , al) > (and can 0). to those with equivalently assumed to be subject to the entry cost Kt). This we is is is Sj = are not allowed (or they are without loss of generality, since, as where the equilibrium wage is do not have the funds to finance the purchase of existing firms from the will see below, entry barriers exist only in the oligarchic equilibrium, zero and agents with s^ = incumbents. Note that private sales of firms without any entry barrier-related costs would circumvent the inefficienfrom entry barriers. The absence of such sales, and consequently the existence of real effects of entry barriers, seems plausible in practice (see, for example, Djankov et al., 2002, on the relationship between entry barriers and various economic outcomes). cies 10 Labor market clearing requires the demand total Since entrepreneurs also work as workers, the supply for labor not to is equal to exceed the supply. 1, so: lldj<l, iilldj= (6) Jjeit where It is the set of entrepreneurs at time useful at this point to specify the law of It is also which determines the "type" of agent by equation (2). a firm, then liis The transition rule for si is Sq = that there is straightforward: offspring inherits a firm at time for all j, and also s^ = if motion of the vector (6j,Sf,aj) As already noted, bequests are given j at time t}^ ^^+1 with t. = i + 1 , agent j at time if t sets up so ^l (7) dynasty j is born at time Finally, I t. assume imperfect correlation between the entreprenemrial talents of different agents within a dynasty, and assimae the following Markov structure: {A^ with probability A^ G cfl Here (0, 1). with probability with probabihty an in entrepreneiuship conditional is on is is his father i.e., an < 1, is , . ^' ' having high productivity, and gl It is natural to suppose that more hkely to be highly productive important for the results dynasty, 1 - (7jy I- a^ al the probability that an agent has high productivity probabihty when his father has low productivity. so that an individual if with probability ai A^ A^ where aH^ = A" if a{ = A^ ii 4 = A" if Gj = A^ gh if his parent is is the uh > ct/,, so. What imperfect correlation of entrepreneurial talent within a so that the identities of the entrepreneurs necessary to achieve productive efficiency change over time. It can be verified easily that M = --f^G (0,1). ^^In fact, what is important for the purposes here is the subvector I Sj , a^ I . Bequests are introduced to and the incomes of current elites, which plays a role in Section 4. For most of the paper, there is no need to keep track of the distribution of bequests. It is also worth noting that the model could be set up with infinitely-lived agents, with little change in the results, though the analysis becomes somewhat more complicated, because agents would have to take into account the future implications of setting up a firm and becoming part of the elite. Since these issues are not central to the create a link between past profits focus here, I opted for the non-overlapping generations setup. 11 the fraction of agents with high productivity in the stationary distribution is (1 — M) ai)- Since there a large number of agents, is I (i.e., is to is 1, so that, without entry barriers, high-productivity entrepreneurs generate demand any point assmne that MX > ficient — an) a continuum of agents), wliich implies that the fraction of agents with high productivity at I (1 appeal informally to the weak law of large nimibers (ignoring comphcations related to the fact that there M. Throughout M employ the as large; in particular, I entire labor supply. Moreover, assume A > I more than svif- M as small and A think of which ensures that the workers are always in the 2, majority and simpUfies the pohtical economy discussion below. Finally, the timing of events within every period 1. Entrepreneurial talents, 2. The entry 3. Agents make occupational choices, 4. Entrepreneurs make investment and employment decisions, 5. The labor market 6. The tax 7. Entrepreneurs make hiding decisions, 8. Consmnption and bequest Note that I barrier for rate [a^], are new clearing and similarly : [0, 1] —> {A^ , reahzed. entrepreneurs wage on entreprenetus, used the notation the mapping sn J, is: [zj] [e], /j] rate, Wt, is determined. rt., is set. decisions, [a^] kt is set. [/ijl [cj, 6^^;^] are made. to describe the whole set [a^] .^ ^, , or more formally, >1^}, which assigns a productivity level to each individual for [zj], etc. Entry barriers and taxes wiU be set by different agents in different political regimes as will be specified below. Notice that taxes are set after the investment decisions, which can be motivated by potential commitment problems whereby entrepreneurs can be "held up" after they make their investments decision. employment decisions are made, it is Once these investments in the interest of the workers to tax are simk: and and redistribute entrepreneurial income.-'^ ^^This timing of events is adopted to simplify the analysis and the exposition. Because there are only 12 2.2 Analysis I start with the "economic equilibrium" which the (subgame perfect) equilibrium of the is economy described above given a policy sequence more formally, let ocj. = (il,elJl,hl,cl, {kt, Tt}t=o Definition (Economic Equilibrium) {[5^]}. type ket, (bPf.,sl,al), xl i.e., equation I now (2), (7) and (8) j, (1), and wt given characterize this equiUbriiim. Recall that Sq entry barrier would create waste, but not affect all fixed costs of operation entrepreneurs will hire the where, recall that, maximum amount = 4= can be written as Cj = Now using the = n (kt, , Tt, Wt I = (1 — fi)^/"ajA = -^-(1 1 —Q = 0, any positive scale technology Given this, E imply that It, investments will be: (10) where fj is the tax rate expected Tt). (9) and (10), the net gain to entrepreneur- equiUbrium wages, the status can be obtained si, a{) t. Ttf/^aiX. = ko (9) - ship, as a function of entry barriers, taxes, talent, for all j, X, equihbrium factor demands, and entrepreneurial and suppose for all j, of labor. Thus, for all j (1 at the time of investment; in equilibriimi, ft Sj^xi "^t+i)) enters entrepreneiorship) the set of entreprenemrs at time /j is (Alternatively, (10) who (&^_|.i, mar- [x^]. and the constant returns to II {tWfjj^Q clears the labor in the next period, so that in the initial period there are no entry barriers (since Sg The t. given poUcies kt,Tt, the wage rate Wt and his if, Each agent's type then follows from equations at time and a sequence of wage rates gi maximizes the utihty of agent (6) holds. define this equilibrium be the vector of choices of agent j 6^_,_j) constitute an economic equihbritun To • i si of the agent si)ktX. (11) as: TtY^'^aiX - WtX - kX - {1 - two types of entrepreneurs, it turns out that if workers choose the tax rate before investment decisions, they will set r^ = (see Appendix A). The timing of events here implies that they cannot commit to this tax rate, and consequently ensures a positive level of redistribution. In Appendix A, I show that the main results generalize to an environment where there are more than two levels of entrepreneurial productivity and where voters set taxes Tj at the same time as kt, i.e., before investment decisions. In this case, voters choose Tt > 0, trading off redistribution and the disincentive effects of taxation, as in, among others, the models by Romer (1975), Roberts (1977), and Meltzer and Richard (1981). 13 ^ Moreover, since = Xdj J. J = /j and the 1, A for all j, the labor market clearing condition (6) implies that mass of entrepreneurs total it= [ < dj any time at is: 1/A. Jjeh Tax revenues at time Tt and the per capita lump-sum transfers are given t = E W = Y3^^*(l - rO'^A J]a^ jeit Who will shows that any for Sj and dl, Wt and the = A^ agents with al = si \ and 5^ 1, = A^) > U al first = Sj We = will depend on can then define two economy? Inspection in this term will [kt, Tt, Wt | s^, Qf) > 11 of (11) immediately (A;^, Tj, 1^(15^ = 0, a{ always strictly greater than the third term. So is choose = Zj 0, = A^ the occupational choice of agents with al and (12) jeit become an entrepreneur 11 {kt,Tt, as: becoming workers. and = si On the other hand, and of those with 1 al = A^ kt. different types of equilibria: 1. Entry equilibrium where 2. Sclerotic equilibrium all entrepreneurs have al where agents with = si = A^ become entrepreneurs 1 irrespective of their productivity. An n entry equihbrium requires that [kt,Tt,Wt I si = 1, " 1 ai — a (1 = - A^) < 0, TtY^'^A'' IT that (^kt, Tt, Wt\ = si 0, al = A^^ > and is: -K-kt>Wt> -^(1 — a 1 Therefore, there wiU be an entry equihbrium only - tO'/"A^ - /c. if -^-{l-rtY/^{A''-A'^)>kt, 1 — a (13) ' i.e., is only if the net marginal product of labor of a high-productivity non-elite entrepreneur greater than that of a low-productivity the other hand, only if the converse of (13) Moreover, in an entry equilibrium, i.e., elite. is A sclerotic equihbrium emerge, on the case. when (13) holds, we have {^(l-r,)V">l^-K-A:,;0|. 14 will (14) = A^) This follows because, in eqiiilibrium, If it were 11 (fcj, r^, lut si \ strictly positive, or in other words, if the = 0, al = A^) wage were less must be equal than w^, all would be "excess demand" for labor. This argument also shows that it = agents with MX high productivity would enter entrepreneurship, and since, by assumption, > this economy. Labor supply ing as a function of the wage rate. This holds, so that there exists demand portion i.e., MX supply at the wage given in > 1 1, while labor demand is demand decreas- drawn under the assumption that figiu:e is first (13) portion of the curve shows the = A^ and sj — 1, and the second those with aj = A^ and si = 0. These two agents with aj high-productivity non-ehtes, groups together demand constant at an entry equilibrium. The of high-productivity ehtes, is for is there 1 1/A. Figure 2 illustrates the entry equilibrium diagrammatically by plotting labor and supply in to zero. i.e., workers, ensuring that labor demand intersects labor (14). LS k 1-tJ«^^-k 1 1 !!;(>-',)"*'-' LD " l-a k-TJaA^-K-k^ ' " — xu 1 Figmre 2: Labor supply and labor demand when (13) holds and there an entry exists equiHbrium. who In a sclerotic equilibrium, on the other hand, low-productivity agents si = ,r^{l - Ttf'^A^ - k\ firm from their parents will remain in entrepreneurship, deaths so that e Wt e [max = 0, we would have {j^{l - Ttf/'^A" - k - exactly equal labor supply supply of 1. if = 1/A and kt\Q] for i.e., Sj_;^. If inherited a there were no any , labor demand would — 1/A agents demanding exactly A workers each, and a Hence, there would be multiple equiUbrium wages. In contrast, when e the measure of entreprenetirs who could pay a wage of Yr^(l 15 ~ Tt)^l°'A^ — k is total > it 0, = (1 — at any wage above the lower support of the above range. This imphes that the equihbrium < e) it_i 1/A for wage would be equal is > all t thus there would be excess supply of labor at this wage, or 0, al economy where e — > 0, = it In the remainder, 1/A. which picks I t^^I°-A^ = A^ between entrepreneurship and working, in equilibrium a entrepreneurship, and — {jz^{l wage agents with Since at this identical to (14). max to this lower support, and sufficient si ~k— = kf, O}, which are indifferent number of them enter focus on the Umiting case of this max {y3^(1 — TtY^^A^ — wage even when labor supply coincides with labor demand k for — kt;0] as the equilibriimi a range of wages. ^* LS ^ ik ^Jl-.J«.^-. LD 1-E Figure 3: 1 Labor supply and labor demand when (13) does not hold and there exists a sclerotic equihbrium. Because (13) does not hold in this Figure 3 Ulustrates this case diagrammaticaUy. case, the second flat portion of the labor agents with aj. = A^ and Sj = 1, demand curve is for low-productivity ehtes, i.e., who, given the entry barriers, have a higher marginal product of labor than high-productivity non-ehtes. Finally, since at time i Wo ^^In other words, the = we have ko = 0, will also give initial period equilibrium will feature: = max |-^(1 - ro)^/°A^ - wage max-^ 13^(1 ~ TtY^^'A^ — k — kt;0> equilibrium set where the equilibrium correspondence I the is o| at e . = is the only point in the (lower-hemi) continuous in the relevant expressions for the case where e 16 k; > 0. e. For completeness, In the remainder of the paper, I assume -^^{l-Sfl'^A" >K, < so that, for any tax t and 5 In addition, note that at ically, A; = f = (15) the equihbrium wage 0, is positive. entrepreneurs have high productivity. 0, all More specif- define ^i, = Pr {al = A" as the fraction of entrepreneurs at time the economy starts with ^* _ ~ ixq = 1. CTHl^t-i J = 1?, who t The law + = 1) I = (g^' A"" \j G h) are high productivity. In the initial period, of motion of - /^i-i) 0-^(1 Pr /i^ is then given by:^^ (13) does not hold if . \ This law of motion also imphes that (13) holds if (13) never holds, lim4_^oo if fJ-t = . ^^^^ • 1 ^< ^i i-^-, the frac- tion of high-productivity entreprenexirs limits to the average fraction of high-productivity agents in the population. The following proposition summarizes the main results in this subsection (proof in the text): Proposition Given a policy sequence 1 equihbrium, there are = it {kt,Tt}f.^Q-y , an equihbrium always exists. In 1/A entrepreneurs and each entrepreneur hires A workers, and undertakes the investment level given by (10), and the equihbrium wage is given by (14). In addition: • if (13) holds at tivity, i.e., is Ait = Zj = i, an individual becomes an entrepreneur only = A^ => Qj 1 does not hold at t, productivity entrepreneurs with 19 For e > he has high produc- and the fraction of high-productivity entrepreneurs 1; • if (13) • if (13) , if the equihbrium has is /Xj = anl-i-t-i = 0, this 1 , and satisfies limt ^oo equation £ ^* I 1 is + modified (1 fit = = + cl(1 — never holds, then the equilibrium has yUg i-j. M< /i^ = s-j., and the fraction of high- A't-i); anj-i't-i + "^/-(l 1. to: e) (cTH^t't-i + crz,(l 1 — Mt-i)) if (13) does not hold if 17 (13) holds ~ /^i-i) starting Political Equilibrium 3 To obtain a full political equilibrium, we need to determine the policy sequence I will 1. {kt, rt}^^Q ^ consider two extreme cases: Democracy: the poUcies and kt r^ are determined by majoritarian voting, with each agent having one vote. 2. Oligarchy among voting the policies (elite control): the ehte at time t. I and kt take the ehte to be those firm from their parents, or in other words those with In this section, oligarchy is determined by majoritarian tj are St assumed to be "technological" = who have inherited a 1. in the sense that irrespective of the exact pohtical institutions, those with control of the productive resources of the society and greater income have more say pohcy choices reflect their preferences. whether the society in pohtical decision-making, In the next section, democratic or oligarchic is is and consequently, analyze a model where I determined in equiUbrium. Democracy 3.1 The timing of events imphes that the tax rate at time decisions at time decisions are t, t, Tt, is decided after investment whereas the entry barriers are decided before. Both of these pohcy made by majoritarian voting.^° Recall also that the assumption A > 2 above ensures that non-elite agents are always in the majority. At the time taxes are set, investments are sunk, agents have aheady cupation choices, and workers are in the majority. maximize per capita transfers. We fj is the voters. tax rate expected by entrepreneurs and output, and tax revenue wiU be affect n U This expression takes into account that 0. Tt is if tj their oc- Therefore, taxes wiU be chosen to can use equation (12) to write tax revenues I where made > Tj is 5, Tt as: > the actual tax rate set by entrepreneurs will hide their a fxmction of the entry barrier, kt, since this can the selection of entrepreneurs, and thus the X^,g/, al term. At the time the entry barrier, kt, is set, agents choices. Low-productivity non-ehte agents, ^"Appendix A presents a more general version i.e., have not made their occupational those with s^ = and a^ = A^, know that of the model, which has both policy choices simultaneously, and yields identical results to those in the text. 18 made they will always be workers, and thus simply receive the equilibrium wage and transfers. Therefore, the utihty of agent j with t// where fej is = Sj = 6^+ < al = A^ + Tt [kt, Tt and ft) {kt I the bequests he has inherited, and wl[kt equation (14), but with the anticipated tax rate is f,) \ equilibrium, naturally, Tt wt {kt\ ft) = ft)- ft replacing i.e., to maximize tUj {kt same and they the also given is + ft) \ by those with Consequently, (18). Tt {kt,Tt | Sj = A \ I \ ft) + is Tt {kt, Tt \ Because taxes are set after investment decisions, workers prefer redistribution of income ^^The S and w^ {kt | results are identical does not depend on when ^^ ^^ such that: ft) - = Tt T {kt, Tt from the entrepreneurs to themselves ft) a pohcy sequence is Jt=o,i,... L {kt as: ^^^^ ^^^^ {[^]}t=oi and \kt,ft> ) t=o,i,... (4, ftj e argmaxiWi h,Tt = non-ehte agents are all democratic equihbrium economic equilibrium given \kt,ftr at Tt , non-elite agents will choose kt and economic decisions {[^]}j^oi '?'*(• (fct, al shows that a democratic equilibrium can be defined Definition (Democratic Equilibrium) 4, all = A^ may become Tt, wt sf = 0, al = A^) and 11 (19) are in the majority, the democratic equihbrium will maximize these preferences. This analysis I conditioned on the expected Since the preferences of ft)- is Thus: entrepreneurs, but as the above analysis shows, in this case, so their utihty is the actual tax rate (this = max S^^^il- ft)'/'' A''-i^-kt;o\. High-productivity non-ehte agents, 0, the equiUbrium wage given by ft) is because the labor market clears before tax decisions, so wl tax; rate, fj; in (18) I 6 to \ maximize the ft) is maximized r^.^^ taxes are on income rather than output. In this case, the objective [1 — Tt)wf{kt ft)+Tt {kt,Tt fj), with Tj (A;t,Tt fj) unchanged because tax revenues now include taxes from wage income, but this is offset by the lower tax revenue from entrepreneurs, who are now paying taxes only on their net income, i.e., output minus wage function of the median voter would be: | \ | (this is bill). It can be verified that this expression derivative of this expression with respect to Tt — which Y3^(l is maximized at tj = S. To see this note that the is ^ rv always positive since, by definition, for — Tt)~^ Xal > is still all j — G It, we have t^(1 — 7"t) ° Aa^ —wf > wl, implying that voters would like as high a tax rate as possible, 19 0. i.e., Therefore, Tt = 5. - Inspection of (17) and (19) shows that wages and tax revenue are both maximized when = kt so the democratic equihbrium will not impose any entry barriers. 0, by protecting incimabents, and a intmtive: workers have nothing to gain is since such protection reduces labor demand and = A^ The and only if il = I only if following proposition therefore follows immediately (proof in the text): . Proposition 2 if lot to lose, wages. Since there are no entry barriers, only high-productivity agents will become entrepreneurs, or in other words Qj This al A democratic equilibrium always features Tt = 6 and kt = = A^, and = 1. The equihbrium wage rate is given by 0, and il = 1 /ij a -f = 1-Q (1 and the aggregate output Y,^ - sy/'^A" K, is = Y^ = ^(l-J)V-A^ + 5iLJ) 1- a 1 - a " ^^, (20) ^ ^ 1-tt Notice that in the and the second term equilibrium is first line is of (20), the tax revenue at the rate that aggregate output is term first Tt = is total production net of taxes, 5^'^ An important feature of this constant over time, which wiU contrast with the ohgarchic equilibrium. Finally, note that since n {kt = 0,Tt,wt si 1 = 0,ai = A")=U {kt = 0,rt,wt \ = 1,4 = A^) = sj 0, high-productivity agents are indifferent between entrepreneurship and production work. Nevertheless, entrepreneiirs earn greater incomes to compensate costs of entrepreneurship. In fact, in come (net of bequests) I ^^The expression above have been subtracted. ^^To obtain T = 5. periods, production workers have a post-tax in- :^'^ W- = -^-(1 — K, all them for the non-pecuniary a - 5Y^^A" 1 refers to total output, Output net of these -K + 5^^—^ — " A"", before the costs of investment, costs is (21) a given by q(1 — e, <5)-'/°j4^/ (1 and operation, — a) + aS{l — wage, (19) and tax revenues, (17), with r = with equilibrium factor demands (9) and (10), (21), use the expression for the equilibrium To obtain (22), use the production function (3) and the fact that output is taxed at the rate t = f = 5, then subtract the add W^ which is what the entrepreneur receives as a worker himself. , 20 total wage bill using (19), and while each entrepreneur receives: W^ = {1- + kX + W^ > Sy/^'A^X W"". (22) Oligarchy 3.2 In ohgarchy, only existing entrepreneurs (agents with and process, elite is = 1) participate in the pohtical determined by majoritarian voting among this policies are nature of the ohgarchic equilibrium within the si is set of agents. The simpUfied by the fact that the only heterogeneity between high-productivity and low-productivity agents. This implies that majoritarian voting wiU lead to the policies most preferred by whichever group in is the majority within the ehte. To with it = state this formally, let = St This 1. whereas 1, an agent at time St t, = 1 j2t fi^ from is different ^j, which refers to the entreprenerus, refers to the agents in the elite, chooses it = those with i.e., St = and does not become an entrepreneiu, he and thus takes part wiU not be be the fraction of high-productivity agents among those in the determination of the tax rate, i.e., 1. those with Notice that is still though if in the elite his offspring in the ehte.^"* In addition, note that the most preferred policies of an ehte agent with productivity al are given U^ where = 6^ is by bi kt and tj that + max {n {kt, maximize: Tt,wt the bequest the agent I = l,a{) ; hcis inherited, the net return to entrepreneur ship, Tt, si lUt, O} the + w\ (h \ ft) 11 fiuiction, given by (19), is + Tt {kt,Tt from (5) \ ft) above, denotes the equilibrium wage rate and given by (17), denotes transfers. This expression incorporates the fact that the agent will become an Then let entrepreneiu- ordy if the net return to entrepreneurship An and economic decisions <A;t,ft> L it alternative modeling assumption = 1. It can be characterized here eqiuUbrimn oligarchic { [2^] },^n i J t=o,i,... would be to I a poUcy sequence is such that {[^]}j^oi and \kt,ft\ economic equilibriiun given \kt,ft\ ^*An non-negative. us define: Definition (Oligarchic Equilibrium) with is is ^^ ^^ such that: J t=o,i,... limit the decision on the tax rate only to agents verified that the equilibrium in this case is identical to the non-cycling equilibrium (i.e., it does not contain cycles even 21 when condition (24) holds). * > if Jit 1/2, then argmax {max (ll [kt,ftj e Wt\ {kt, Tt, si = 1, si = l,a^ = A") al ; + O) Wt {k \ ft) + Tt ft) + Tt{kt,Tt {kt, Tt \ ft)] kt,Tt * < if /it 1/2, then € argmax {max (kt.ft) where To Tt {kt, Tt \ ft) is (n(fci,rt,ii;t | given by (17) and wf {kt characterize the oligarchic equihbrium, let us productivity ehtes (i.e., those with = si and 1 al = \ = A^) O) ; ft) is first = kt G [ir^(l ~ 0. Equihbrium wage, given ft)^^°'A^ — in (19), will Without K, oo). | given by (19). A^). Since these agents wiU remain as to be as low as possible, = be minimized at wf any generahty, loss of (/cj consider the preferences of high- an entrepreneur, they would always hke the wage and taxes ft + iw" 0, i.e., by choosing any focus on a particular I point in this set, kt = = -^{l-5)'/''A"-K. — k^ Next consider the pohcy preference si = 1 and al = A^). His payoff is he remains an entrepreneur, making redistribution). Or it is worker receiving income jz^{l ^ - of a low-productivity ehte maximized = kt - 5)1/" and - k+ 5)^^°'A^ [a{l either profits equal to maximized by (23) a 1 Tt yz^(1 by kt = {jz^A^ — = - S, (i.e., k^ and an agent with X (plus k) when he chooses 6)'^^~°'^/"A^. = Tt 0, when wage and become a to As long as + 5{1 - (5)(i-°)/°] A" -K 1— profits tion.^^ from entrepreneurship are greater, and low-productivity ehtes prefer the Therefore, when (24) holds, both low-productivity and high-productivity have the same preferences over pohcies, and vote tion is for kt = k^ and the ohgarchic equihbrium, and results in equihbrirun wages In this equihbrium, aggregate output Yt^ ^^Note that if the pohcy of kt = k^ and Tj = when = 0. This wf = 0.^*^ tj op- elites combina- is: = f^tj^A" + 1 — a to remain in entrepreneurship. However, first is (I - pit)Y^A^ 1 — a (25) elite would always prefer between entrepreneurship imposed, the low-productivity deciding policies, the choice is with kt = k^ and Tt = 0, and production work with kt =Q and Tt = 5. ^^ This result also shows that even if taxes that only apply to labor income and transfers directed only to the elite were allowed, there would be no need for the elite to use them, since wages are already at their minimum value. 22 \ ft)} ; where ^ij = an/J^t-i M, sequence converging to aggregate output Urn Yt^ The reason ^ given by (16), with + <^l{^ ~ A^t-i) y^-^ is /ig = Since 1. /Xj is a decreasing also decreasing over time with:^^ —^ (A^ + M{A" - A^)) = Y^ = (26) time goes by, the comparative advantage of the members for this is that as of the eUte in entrepreneiirship gradually disappears because of the imperfect correlation between parents' and children's talents. Another important feature of ings) inequahty. Wages this are equal to each entrepreneur earns and XYf.^, equiUbrium 0, is that there is a high degree of (earn- while entrepreneiKS earn positive profits — in fact, their total earnings equal aggregate output. This contrasts with relative equahty in democracy. when Alternately, preferences from high-productivity ehtes. Therefore, the equilibrium depends on the ratio of high-productivity vs. low-productivity ehtes, i.e., on When /ij. — productivity ehtes are pivotal and the above characterization applies = ft 0. poUcy (24) does not hold, low-productivity elites have different when In contrast, equihbriimi pohcies are < Jl^ — kt p.^. i.e., > 1/2, high- kt = k^ and and 1/2, low-productivity elites are in the majority and = fj Therefore, at date 5. the equilibrium will t, be identical to the democratic equihbrium. However, entry of high-productivity agents when into entrepreneurship will /ij_,_i time + t and the eqmlibrium 1, alH < and t satisfying t = will revert when taxes. Therefore, periodicity gh < implies that /jj be greater than 1/2 and high-productivity k^ and for = kt 1/2, then even at will prefer A;^ = t-|- 1 and Then provided 1. elites will : < ^^ = mint f be that an > 1/2, in the majority again at back to the sclerotic one with entry barriers (24) does not hold, the mint E N can be defined as f, t = equihbrium wiU be cyclic with 1/2. Alternatively, using the fact that N e : u, i < i/-=^.28 if Jl^ = /i^ on the other hand, low-productivity agents will be the majority within the ehte, r^ = 5, so the ohgarchic equilibrium will be identical to the democratic one. Therefore, we have the foUowing proposition (proof Proposition 3 as given by E (24) holds, then the oligarchic equilibrium has rj and the equilibrium (23), ^^For the case where e - (1 mJt^A^ and be less than 1/2 /U£ = 1 > r^ = ^*In other words, this we have is 0, Jlf < we have ^ ^^ is =e+ = and always sclerotic and features wl = + '^lO- ~ = [\ — e) [aiilJ-t-i Mt-i)) ^"^ "^t^ 0. = kt k^ Aggre- l^tT^-^^ "'" (a^ + ,_,\%:l^^^J A" - A^)). the level of for the first while in the text): time at t fJ-t-i = i. such that were the equilibrium to remain But because the equilibrium switches 1/2. 23 sclerotic, /ij would to the entry equilibrium, gate output If (24) economy and an > does not hold and starts with = /Xq and 1, satisfies the law of motion = i where i is defined as t = min i G N kt = k^ as given by (23) lit ^ ni for any : = /if and jumps up ni, t 7^ /.ij 1/2, then the ohgarchic equilibrium t any n G N, and If (24) 1 ii t to is = an < t The = ni ~J'^ n G N, and nt for some n G N, so iZ^A^ when does not hold and < ^ |l^_l = given by (25) with ^j for it . Tt The = anfJ-t-i + cl(1 — A^t-i) The equilibrium has r^ = = 5 and kt = if t = ni for anlJ^t-i + "^/-(l ~ A^t-i) declines during all if ^ 7^ ni periods where some n G N. is identical to the 2. Comparison Between Democracy and Oligarchy last two subsections highlighted a number of oligarchic equihbria. This subsection differences between democratic and compares aggregate output and democratic and ohgarchic equihbria.^^ To simplify the discussion, where (24) holds, so that the oligarchic equihbrium does not have The first important equihbritmi, i.e., Y(f, result is y^ = > Therefore, for aU 5 because it is is its I dynamics in the focus on the case cycles. that aggregate output in the initial period of the oligarchic greater than the constant level of output in the democratic equi- hbrium, Y^. In other words, 0, 5 > — if 0, then — - sV-^A"" < Y.^ = -^A"". -^(1 (i-*)-A"<n' a oligarchy initially generates greater output than democracy, protecting the property rights of entrepreneurs.^*^ However, the analysis also shows that Y^^ dechnes over time, while economy may subsequently depends on whether (1 is cyclic. jj.^. 1/2, then the ohgarchic equilibrixmi democratic equihbrium in Proposition 3.3 with given by (26). some n G N. Aggregate output for = j^A^ given by (25) and decreases over time starting at Yff Yf = Y^as limt^oo until is - 5)^ A"/ (1 - Y^ q) is fall Y^ is behind the democratic greater than > {A^ + M[A" - Y^ as given A^)) / Consequently, the ohgarchic constant. (1 - society. by (26). q), or Whether it does so or not This wiU be the case if if l-c (1-5)^>^ + m(i-^). (27) can be verified that all the results here also hold for the comparison of net output levels. ^°The result that the oligarchic equilibrium always generates greater output than the democratic equilibrium at time i = is a consequence of the assumption that the only source of distortion in oligarchy is the entry barriers. In practice, an oligarchic society could pursue other distortionary policies to reduce wages and increase profits, in which case it might generate lower output than a democratic society even at time f = 0. ^^It 24 If condition (27) holds, then at some point the democratic society will overtake ("leapfrog") the oligarchic society. (27) words, if democracy will is more hold likely to when The economy is if low and high-productivity entrepreneurs average of high-productivity agents of taxation in democracy democratic is M are low. In other the cost of misaUocation of talent low, then the oUgarchic equilibrium always generates greater output. cost of misaUocation of talent will be low, in turn, trepreneurship A^/A^ and pursue highly "populist" poUcies imposing high taxes on busi- nesses in order to redistribute income to the poor, and in the 5, is is limited is limited high (M and the when {A^/A^ high). either the skiU high) or On when gap between the population the other hand, if failiue to allocate the right agents to en- very costly, then societies stuck in oligarchy will ultimately societies. the extent fall behind ^^ Output in democracy Output in oligarchy Figure 4: Comparison of aggregate output curve depicts output in oligarchy ^'Notice that if (24) does not hold income than the case discussed when and the in the text. in democracy and (27) holds, and the oligarchic equilibrium More is oligarchy. solid The dashed hne when cyclic, then it it does not. generates greater formally; let Y^^ be the aggregate equilibrium output time t, and Y^^ be the aggregate equilibrium output in the Suppose that condition (24) holds as an equality, so that both the noncyclic and the cyclic equilibria exist. Then, we have that Y^^ = Yf.^ for all i < i and Y^^ > Y^^ for all t > t. Nevertheless, democracy may still generate greater aggregate output than the cyclic oligarchic equilibrium. In other words, Y^^ < Y^ is still possible, though more difficult (and naturally, this will only be the case if Y^ < Y'-', where, by definition, Y-^ is the minimum aggregate output level reached in the non-cyclic oligarchic equilibrium at cyclic oligarchic equilibrium. by the cyclic oligarchic equilibrium). 25 Figure 4 shows the both of these possibihties diagrammatically. The thick illiistrates for the case where or Y^, which may it and does not. Both of these curves asymptote to some hmit, either Y^ below or above Y^. The dashed curve shows the case where (27) lie l^-^, holds, so after a while (in the figure after date democracy. When (27) does not hold, the oligarchy asymptotes to a level higher than It is also useful to point out that both democracy and ohgarchy a society may taxation, and may restrict the let t'), oligarchy generates less output than sohd curve apphes, and aggregate output in Y^. some alternative arrangements would dominate terms of aggregate output performance. For example, in amount to redistribution by placing a constitutional Hmit on the decisions on entry barriers be made democratically. Alternately, it prevent entry barriers constitutionally, and place the taxation decisions in the hands of the ohgarchy. The perspective here practice because of the inherent power in their it is is that these arrangements are not possible in commitment problem hands make the poUcy credible. Consequently, decisions, and previous promises are not necessarily their political power to erect entry them not poUtical power with the poorer agents and expect What about income democracy than in oligarchy. To barriers, or vest to favor redistribution. the preferences of different groups over regimes? are always better off in It is clear that non-elites see this, note that non-elites born with bequest bl is comparison, Assimaption (15) guarantees that the wage rate in democracy, W^, receive By in pohtics: those with the poUtical not possible to give political power to incumbent producers, and then expect them not to use fej. other two curves depict the . as a function of time for the case where (27) holds output in oligarchy, level of Y^ The aggregate output in democracy, level of hne flat given by (21), in ohgarchy, so the utihty of a non-elite agent is positive, so the same agent will have utihty bj. + W^ > bj.. Therefore, non-ehtes are always better off in democracy. In contrast, as long as condition (24) holds, aU elites prefer kt = k^ (if the ohgarchic solution, since, as shown above, they vote for Tt — and this condition does not hold, high-productivity ehtes prefer ohgarchy, while low-productivity ehtes prefer democracy). There and all is therefore a confhct between the ehtes non-elites over the type of pohtical regime. Oligarchy also typicaUy generates more inequality relative to democracy. RecaU that in democracy, workers' and entrepreneurs' incomes are given by (21) and (22). In contrast, in the non-cychc oligarchic equihbrirmi, entrepreneurs (ehtes) erect entry barriers to depress labor demand and wages, and consequently, workers earn wl = 26 0, while entrepreneurs earn Wf = XY/'.^'^ than The analysis also reveals that there equihbrium in oligarchy: in oUgarchy, the firms, whereas in democracy there is is is greater social mobility in democracy sclerotic and the same dynasties run the continuous churning in the ranks of entrepreneurship and production work. New 3.4 Technologies The Introduction discussed the possibihty of a more democratic society, such as the United States at the end of the eighteenth century, adapting better to the arrival of ment or here also provides a potential explanation for this pattern. Suppose that at some date new technology as a i' > a new technology arrives exogenously.'^'^ Let us think new production method, 1 where ip invest- technological opportxmities than an oligarchy, such as those in the Caribbean. The model of this new > 1 and enabling entrepreneur j to produce: —a al is the talent of this entrepreneur with the new technology. Therefore, entrepreneur j's output can be written as —a [l The I cost of operating this technology is —a J assumed to be the same as the old technology, kX. Also to simplify the discussion, assiune that the law of motion of al is similar to that of al given by , ^^The ratio of elite to non-elite income is always higher in oligarchy. typically higher in oligarchy. This (absolute) income gap — is The equal to XY^^ difference in incomes is also = n^j^A^ X + [l— fif)Y^A^X A^ X + kX in democracy. The income gap in democracy, as we saw above, compensates entrepreneurs for the costs of effort. It can be verified that as long as Y^^ > Y^, the income gap is greater in oligarchy than in democracy. However, if Yf.^ is much smaller than Y^, the converse may be the case. This happens only for extreme parameter values: when A^ is very low, so that aggregate income and thus entrepreneurial profits are low in oligarchy, while 5 is low and k, is high so that the compensating income differential that entrepreneurs receive in democracy is large. For example, in oligarchy, and to (1 '" 5) the condition (1 is - a) ((1 - 5)i + kA) < A^/A" + sufficient (but not necessary) to ensure that the M {l - A^/A") income gap between entrepreneurs and workers always greater in oligarchy than in democracy (also note that this condition "^^An interesting question sities to invent new is , is compatible with (27)). whether democratic and oligarchic societies would have different propen- technologies, which is is sidestepped here by assuming exogenous arrival of the technology. 27 new ,j ''*+i for all > t and Pr t' in particular is a^,, _ ~ I (a^ with probability = ^-^ | with probability 1 = a|) Af for It is - any = A^ cjl and create is if a{ if a^ ' This implies that a^'s. and t', reasonable since new = A^ a^, In contrast, in oligarchy, the ehtes are in power at time they would do not have comparative advantage condition Y^ as given not is new technology by (20) to —a 1 is satisfied, and technologies exploit agents with comparative advantage for the become the entrepreneurs, so aggregate output jumps from of condition (24) ' comparative advantages than the old ones. different at the time . Sj, straightforward to see that the structure of the democratic equiHbrium affected, , ^ M irrespective of the talent of — 1 = A^ = A^ = ^^ = yl-^ and a^ In other words, t,i with probabihty a-j. if a{ l-an independent of past and future a^, if with probabiUty the individual with the old technology. This different skills an with probability gl A^ A^ ^ M and with probability A^ A^ t', and as long as a modified form remain the entrepreneurs even like to if they working with the new technology. This modified for is: -1- [^(1 _ sy/- + 5{1 - (5)(^-)/"] i^A" - K ' j^ma^{^PAL,Ai^}-K It states that ^ ' remaining a low-productivity entrepreneur with the new teclmology, with productivity ipA'^, or a high-productivity entrepreneur with the old technology, with productivity A^ , in at the competitive wage and receiving (which gives an income of is satisfied, new maximum entry barriers, both cases protected by j^ [a{l - preferable to working redistribution at the rate S in the entry equihbrium + 5{1 - Sy/"' (5)(i-")/°] i/jA" - k). As long as (29) the oligarchic equilibrium will remain sclerotic even after the arrival of the technology. How aggregate output in the ohgarchic equihbriim:! changes after date whether ipA^ > A^ or not. If it is, Y^ = and remains ^ {A^ at this level thereafter. This weak law of t' depends on then aU incumbents switch to the new technology and aggregate output in the ohgarchic equilibrium at date the is is if + M{A^ - jumps up A^)) to , because al and al are independent, so applying large numbers, exactly a fraction M of the ehte have high productivity with the new technology, and the remainder have low productivity. 28 If, on the other hand, ipA^ < A^ , then those ehtes who have high productivity with new technology the old technology but turn out to have low productivity with the to use the old technology, and aggregate output after date ^ Yf = with /i( [MiPA" + /ijl - M) + il- A^' 1.1,) given by the same process as before, (16). Intuitively, who have high productivity with the new technology and motion follows the law of t' (1 - M) M"-] prefer , now the members of the ehte who have low productivity those with the old technology switch to the new technology, while those Avith high productivity with the old and low productivity with the new remain with the old technology (they switch to new technology only when they technology). As a result, = with limt^oo Y,^ jz^ [M^pA^ More important Y^ — Y^ gap or Y^ — Y^ new technology the arrival of the M {1 - M) A^ + {1 - is decreasing over time, Mf ipA^] easy to verify that, as long as it is (or whichever is relevant) is always greater new technology, Y^ —Y^ (for t > i'). Y^ < Y^, was Y^ — Y^ < richer In other words, the arrival of makes before the arrival of the than the democratic new technology society immediately 0, i.e., full at date use of the t'. society, the than the output gap creates a further advantage for the democratic society. In fact, have been the case that oligarchic society + that Y,^, just like Y,^ before, for the focus here, before the arrival of the the we have with the old lose their high-productivity status new but the ranking Intuitively, tliis is new technology by it may technology, the is reversed after because the democratic allowing those who have a comparative advantage to enter entrepreneur ship, while the oligarchic society typically fails to do so, and therefore has greater difficulty adapting to technological change.'^'* Regime Changes 4 The previous section characterized the political equihbrium under two different scenarios; democracy and ohgarchy. Which pohtical system as exogenous. Why prevails in a given society are certain societies democratic, while others are with the ehte in control of pohtical power? One possibility at historical accident, while another is was treated more ohgarchic, this point is to appeal to to construct a "behind- the- veil" argument, whichever pohtical system leads to greater efficiency or ex ante utility would whereby prevail. Nei- ther of these two approaches are entirely satisfactory, however. First, since the prevailing ^''in practice, it than of may also be the case that entrepreneurial talent matters more for new technologies another reason for democratic societies to take better advantage for old technologies, creating yet new technologies. 29 political regime influences econoniic outcomes, rational agents should have preferences over these regimes as well, thus boding against a view which treats differences in regimes as exogenous. Second, pohtical regimes matter precisely because they regulate the conflict of interest between different groups (in this context, between workers The behind-the-veil argument is unsatisfactory, since it and entrepreneurs). recognizes and models this conflict to determine the equihbrium within a particular regime, but then ignores is it when there a choice of regime. Finally, neither of these two approaches provide a framework for analyzing changes in regime, which are ubiquitous. be to let consider an racy, while ehtes interests satisfactory approach make a prehminary attempt economy where non-ehtes would Uke would be mediated? whichever group tive more would the same trade-offs emphasized above also affect which regimes wUl emerge and persist in equilibrium. In this section, I I A adopted in is like to A preserve the ohgarchic system. plai:isible answer politically or mihtarily this section, and the fornas itself into a that there more powerful conflict is from oligarchy to democ- How wiU no easy these conflicting compromise,'^'^ and This is the perspec- power of a group is hnked to will prevail. its between the ehtes and the non-ehtes, the increasing in their relative economic strength or in elite will prevail is their relative wealth. This is political or military economic power. In other words, in the Ukehhood that the to switch in this direction.^^ assumption is more democratic one plausible: a non-democratic regime often trans- in the face of threats or imrest, and the degree to which the regime wiU be able to protect itself depends on the resoiuces available to (e.g., 4.1 see the discussion in Acemoglu and Robinson, it 2003). Basic Model Suppose that the society starts as an mains democratic thereafter. in a reduced-form way, democracy I oligarchy, model the and effect of if it switches to democracy, economic power on political it re- power and assume that the probabihty that an ohgarchy switches to is Pt=p{ABt), *^See Acemoglu and Robinson (2000, 2003) for a class of models of equilibrium political institutions, with an emphasis on shifts in political power between poorer and richer segments of the society. These models do not consider the economic trade-offs between distortionary taxation and entry barriers. ^^It may be argued that there should be room for compromise, since one of the regimes generates greater aggregate income (efficiency), and this income can be redistricted in a way to make all parties better off. This type of argument ignores the constraints that commitment problems place on feasible redistributions (e.g., Acemoglu, 2003). 30 where is the per capita wealth difference between the ehtes and the non-ehtes (workers) at the beginning of period tP I the beginning of the period. assume that regime change takes place immediately Using Df = to denote oligarchy and £>t = 1 at to denote democracy, the points emphasized above can be captured by the following law of motion for A: with probabihty {01 \-p {ABt) with probabihty p {ABt) 1 The assumption that economic power buys poUtical power decreasing. In the analysis below, Definition (Equilibrium a policy sequence is II [^1J l*_n J f_U,l,... is L -^ equivalent to p (•) being With Regime Changes) An equilibrium with regime changes and economic decisions A;t,ft > { [x{] j^^^ ^ such that and an economic equilibrium given \kt,Tt> J j^o,l,... • if Dt = 0, then (kt^Ttj is the oligarchic equihbrium policy sequence, and • if A= 1; then [kt^ftj is the democratic equilibrium pohcy sequence, where Dt is given by (31) with Dq = and ABt = P (ASi_i + and Y^^-j^ is XYf_,) if A-i = given by (25). This definition makes oligarchic equilibrium, and the is (31) . 1 allow p () to be non-increasing. I (^ an A-i = if A-i = if A-i = if vise of the fact that since Dj B^ = fact that in oligarchy = 0, 6q = for all j and lyf = ABt = Bf. It then uses the savings rule in each member of the the ehte earns an income of XY^^. 0, thus in (2) ^^Note that an alternative would have been to make political power a function of the relative wealth and workers. In the current model, this is not possible, since the long-run wealth level of workers is even if they start with positive wealth. To accommodate this possibility, we can assume that the minimum wage is positive, say w>0, for example because of an outside option. In this case, it can be shown that if all agents also start with positive wealth, the ratio of elite wealth to worker wealth will first increase and then decline. The result that there can be multiple steady-state equilibria derived in Proposition 5 below generalizes irrespective of whether or not the relevant measure of inequality increases monotonically in oligarchy it only relies on the feature that there is greater inequality in oligarchy than in democracy. levels of elites — 31 Now imagine the eqmlibrium path of this economy starting at disciossion, suppose that condition (24) not Since each agent cyclic. is is satisfied, so that i = To 0. simplify the the oHgarchic equilibrium is imperfectly altnoistic, the possibility of regime change in the future does not affect behavior, so the equiUbria characterized above as a function of the political regime continue to apply. Therefore, at equilibrium, with no redistribution and = t we 0, wages, and so Wq' = will XY(f and Wq' and Wq^ denote the per capita incomes of ehtes and non-ehtes given by (25). Given the savings rule impUed by is Sf = ABi = With the same argument, if more we Wq^ = respectively, 0, where and Fq^ therefore have pXYo^. the society remains oHgarchic, 5f = AB2 = or (2), have the oligarchic I3XY^ we have + ^'AVq^, generally, t Bf = It is clear that ASj is and Bf = AB, = A (32) J] ^"^^-n- an increasing sequence, and so pt will be a non-increasing sequence. Therefore, the longer the society remains as an ohgarchy, the bigger the wealth gap between the elites and the non-elites, and the more difficult for the society to transition to democracy. Moreover, note that vyE lunABt = where Y^ exists AB also exists is given by (26). < ABoo such t Now two that such that for allt to democracy before t, it will AB^ = -^, can be interesting cases (33) distinguished:'^^ (1) There p (AB) = 0. (2) p {AB^o) > 0. In the former case, there > f, we have ABt > AB so ii the economy does not switch , be permanently stuck in oligarchy. In the second case, as time passes, the economy wiU switch out of oligarchy into democracy with probabiUty The next 1. proposition summarizes the equilibrium path with potential regime changes (proof in the text): Proposition 4 In the economy described above, the equilibrium with regime change as foUows: the economy starts with Dq = and the oligarchic equilibrium, and is transitions A third possibility is lim(_ooP (ASj) = 0, in which case the nature of the limiting equilibrium depends on the rate at which p (ASj) converges to 0. ^'^ 32 motion as given by to the democratic eqioilibrium according to the law ASj = with (31) t A V2/3"l^-?„, and remains democratic thereafter. In addition: n=l AB • suppose that there exists by then i, • (33), it let i will = min t G > Pr (limi_oo A= 1) 0, = : If the — Dj i.e., if {AB) = where ABco is given economy remains oligarchic until = for all 0, = then Dt t > t; then the society will become democratic at some point, 1- Path Dependence and Finally, consider such that p N ABt > AB. always remain oligarchic suppose that p (ABoo) i.e., 4.2 and < AB^o Instability a generalization of the above framework where democratic societies can switch back to oUgarchy, and to simphfy the discussion, assume that oligarchy, the agents with s| = 1 (i.e., the initial eUte) become the if there is a switch to ehte.^^ In particular, assume that when democratic, a society becomes oligarchic with probability qt where now q (•) is gap between the si = 0), thus = q{ABt) a non-decreasing function, q initial elite (those ABt = X,,.=i Kdj/X - with s\ /^,^.^o (0) = = 1) 6^dj/ (1 0, and ABt now and the - initial refers to the wealth non-ehte (those with A). Similar arguments to before establish that 1 — p (ABt) with probabiUty p {ABt) with probability q [ABt) with probability 1 — q {ABt) with probability In addition, the law of motion of which exploits the numbers, a fraction ABt is = Dt-i = if A-i = if A-i = if -Dt-i if (34) 1 1 given by: fact that after the switch to democracy, by the weak law of large M of the previous eUtes and a fraction M of the previous non-eUtes wiU become entrepreneurs and earn the higher income Wt given by '^The alternative would be for the agents who 33 the average = 1 to become the elite. This would becomes quite involved. currently have Sf require us to keep track of the entire wealth distribution, which (22), so incomes of previous differences The way by among and elites individuals non-elites will be equal, and the only source of wealth differences in their bequests, is an equilibrium with regime change definition of i.e., "initial" conditions. modified in a straightforward is replacing (31) with (34). In addition, in order to provide a simple example of path dependence, I now aUow the society to start as democratic, Rather than providing a on certain cases of = with Dq 1. description of all potential types of equilibria, here full which are summarized interest, i.e., I focus in the following proposition: AB < ABoo such that p (Afi) = where AB^ is given by (33) and let t = mini G N ABt > AB with ABt given by (32), and that there such that q (aS^ = 0, and let i{t') = mini e N ABt < A5 where ABt exists AB > Proposition 5 Suppose there exists ; : is given by (35) starting at • If Do = = then Df 1, = i i' ABf with 1 for all i; i.e., if given by (32). Then: a society starts as democratic, it wiU remain democratic thereafter. • If Do = A then and A' = 1 for democratic for • If Do = oligarchic • If Do first in i = = aU the 1 for i > i'; time in first i.e., = for all t and remains = and D^ time at time t > t' and non-decreasing G < [f, i' t' + i{t')] , and remains remain democratic thereafter. i, = then Dj oligarchic until 1, 1 for all i a society becomes democratic at if i{1f) periods, it will and Dt A= and t', i, then it for aU i; i.e., a society starts if always remain oligarchic. will then the probability of switching back to oHgarchy for the after the switch to in i', with democracy limt_+oo Qt\t' = — at i.e., i', Qt\t' is non-increasing a society faces the highest probability of switching back to oligarchy immediately after the switch from oh- garchy to democracy, and this probability is higher if it has spent a longer time in oligarchy. The why first three parts of the proposition foUow from the preceding discussion. the last part in oligarchy, so A greater i is correct, note that a greater t' i', see implies that the society spent longer ABt, and hence the probability of switching back to ohgarchy, given To on the other hand, corresponds is liigher. to the society having spent a longer time in democracy, reducing the wealth gap between the initial elites and non-ehtes, and consequently, the probability of switchback to oligarchy. Moreover, as t—t' -^ oo, equation (35) implies that AA ^ 0, so g (AA) ^ 0. 34 There are two interesting sibility of results contained in this proposition. Of two path dependence. identical societies, if The the pos- first is one starts oligarchic and the other as democratic, they can foUow very different pohtical and economic trajectories. With the assumption that generate an income level and therefore q = 0. q (0) Y^ On the = 0, the initial democracy will always remain democratic, and an equal distribution other hand, if it starts ohgarchic, equilibrium, with an unequal distribution of income. will enable them to have the no transition to democracy power to sustain the tmtil some of income, ensuring that The it wiU foUow the oligarchic greater income of the elites and oligarchic equihbriimi, point, date i (which may be t = 0), than workers to be able to sustain the ohgarchic regime sufficiently richer ABt = if there is they will be forever. This type of path dependence provides a potential explanation for the different development experiences in the Americas suggested by Johnson and Robinson (2002). originally an Engerman and Sokoloff (1997) Similar path dependence will also result and Acemoglu, if a society but then switches to democracy and remains democratic oligarchy, sufficiently long period of time, so that inequality created during the ohgarchic is for a phase diminishes significantly and democracy becomes fully consohdated.^° Another interesting result collapse right after transition previous ehtes are gap wiU decline, still is that a democracy is predicted to be most susceptible to from oligarchy to democracy, because, substantially richer than the workers. and democracy wiU become more stable. oHgarchy before the switch to democracy, the larger and the workers, and the less stable is is at this point, the As time goes by the wealth Moreover, the longer Uved is the wealth gap between the ehtes democracy. Conclusion 5 There is now development. a general consensus that "institutions" have a first-order effect on economic But we what these are far from understanding institutions are. Many economists and political scientists beheve that the extent of property rights enforcement is an important element of this set of institutions, but even here there are fundamental unanswered questions. Most notably, whose property question becomes particularly pertinent when there is rights should be protected? This a conflict between protecting the property rights of various different groups. ""^See also Benabou (2000) and policies that are equality for a model featuring multiple steady-state equilibria, one with high inmore favorable to the rich, and another with lower inequality and greater redistribution towards the poor. 35 This paper develops a model where protectuig the property rights of current producers comes at the cost of weakening the property rights of future producers. This effective protection of the is because property rights of current producers requires them to have pohtical power, which they can use to erect entry barriers, violating the property rights of future producers. This pattern of well-enforced property rights for current producers and monopoly-creating entry an oligarchic society contrasts with barriers in relatively high taxes on current producers but low entry barriers in a democratic society. I develop a simple framework to analyze the trade-off between these two different forms of property rights enforcement. I efficiency, who because agents show that an oligarchic society first generates greater are selected into entrepreneurship are often those with a comparative advantage in that sector and oUgarchy avoids the distortion tributive taxation. But, as time goes shifts by and comparative advantage away from the inciunbents to new effects of redis- in entrepreneurship agents, the allocation of resources in ohgarchy worsens. Contrasting with this, democracy creates distortions because of the disincentive effects of taxation, but these distortions do not worsen over time. Therefore, a possible path of development for more democratic/open The model of many an ohgarchic society first rise with ohgarchic for featiu'es, why they both fall relative to a historically and dxu-ing the postwar era, often run into significant growth slowdowns. In predicts that oligarchic societies may fail to take advantage of new growth op- was the case with the highly ohgarchic and relatively prosperous Caribbean portunities, as plantation economies, which failed to invest in indvistry and initially-less-prosperous I also and then society. but also suggests a reason it to therefore provides a potential explanation for relatively high growth rates societies addition, is new technology, while the North American colonies industriahzed. use this framework to discuss endogenous regime transitions, in particular, to highlight the possibihty of path dependence. Path dependence arises because those enriched by the ohgarchic regime can use their resources to sustain the system that serves their interests. As a pohtical regimes may two otherwise result, identical societies that start with different generate significantly different income distributions, which in turn sustain different political regimes and hence economic outcomes. The paper also suggests a a number of questions are number left of areas for future research. On open. First, the model assimies that can only keep their status by managing their own firms, even if the theoretical side, members they have low-productivity. In practice, delegating managerial positions to more productive agents 36 of the elite is an option. In- corporating this possibility into the current framework there might also be more interesting angles to study. ers are sufficiently liigh, high-skill individuals may is relatively straightforward, For example, not start their when own but entry barri- businesses, thus creating a sufficient pool of managerial talent, and indirectly increasing the profitability and durability of an oligarchic regime. Second, in a world with innovations destruction, sufficiently successful (creative) entrepreneurs buy protection and entry poUtical resources to tween initial model of success and politics in this later stagnation. paper is the economic and barriers, thus creating another link be- Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the rudimentary. More micro-founded models of nomic power buys pohtical power need to be developed side, it is may possess and creative in future work. On how eco- the empirical important to further investigate whether distortions in oligarchic societies are introduced by entry barriers, while those in democracies are caused by anti-business and redistributive pohcies, and decUne of and whether there are any systematic patterns related oligarchies different from the dynamics of democratic 37 societies. to the rise Appendix: 6 Here I briefly outline A More General Model a simple generalization which ensures that even at the beginning of the period, tax rate, and all i.e., the results of the we can dispense with the hiding which trades voter, if voters choose taxes before investment decisions, they would set a positive main analysis generalize. In addition, in this model, decisions, hi , by the median since the tax rate preferred off redistribution versus disincentive effects, is always less than 1. Consider an economy similar to the one analyzed above, with the same technology and preferences, but with three levels of productivity, productivity is a generaUzation of agents in the society and M^ (8) . Define M^ as the fraction of very high-productivity A (M^ + M") which imphes that the "marginal" entrepreneur if A^. The law of motion of as the fraction of high-productivity agents. XM^ < 1< even A^ > A^ > is (Al) , the high-productivity type, because, there axe no entry barriers, the very high-productivity entrepreneurs cannot hire the entire labor Let us now assume 1. Entrepreneurial talents, 2. The entry 3. Agents make occupational choices, 4. Entrepreneurs 5. The labor market 6. Consumption and bequest [a^] new , is as follows: are realized. entrepreneurs kt and the tax clearing wage rate, Wt, is decisions, taxes, Tj, are the same time as the entry barriers, now kt. rate, r^, are set. [z^] make investment and employment Most importantly, by themselves force. that the timing of events barrier for Assume that decisions, [ej,/j]. determined. [cf,6^_^]^] are made. set before the Moreover, there investment decisions, exactly at is no hiding decision commitment problem). Assumption (Al) implies that, in democracy, the equilibrium --^(l-r,)^/"/l^-«;Oy 1 —Q i ~a / while tax revenues are: 38 wage will be (in fact, no A where is a weighted average of J^ and A^ reflecting the ratio of very high to high ^ productivity entrepreneurs. In particular, A = XM^A^ + Next note that in democracy, A^ productivity equal to either " 1 —a i.e., (1 - XM^) A" > A^. once entry barriers are or A^ + -^r(l-r)'^A — given by the wage rate plus redistribution (plus is —agents with al they receive the same utility in this case. Since maximize (A2). The ^(1 - tV-^A" - 1-a^ ^ ^ with complementary slackness. Inspection of r = 0, which justifies made the claim solution to this problem = A^ may M^ first-order condition for this - W-^A —^(1 1-Q^ (A2) a 1 the bequest they have inherited) the preferences of agents with by are given :i-r)i/"y4^-/c because, in equiUbrium, their utility 0, < 1/2, the democratic tax rate will maximization problem - tV-^-^A < -t(1 a this condition set > A = A-^ then as ^ > A^ the shows that if However, as long and voters is and r ^ ^ in footnote 17. is strictly positive, become entrepreneurs, but , , a positive tax rate, - A^ ,^ <1, ,, — A" A/a A r'= to redistribute The income from the entrepreneurs to themselves. rest of the analysis in the text applies, with the democratic equihbrium tax rate given by (A3), and the ohgarchic equilibrium unchanged. is (A3) As a result, output in democracy now: Yf = Y^^-^{l-r,)'^A, — 1 whereas output in oligarchy in the initial Y<f = a period is: -^A > Y^, —a 1 but then limits to lim t->oo Whether Y^ Yf = yf = {A^ + M^iA"" T^ —a A"^) + M^(A^ - A^)) < Yq^. 1 is lower than Y^ or not is determined by a similar analysis to that in the text, with the only interesting twist being that higher precisely when there is productivity. This impUes that, greater inequality somewhat now among the equilibrium tax rate, the entrepreneurs in terms of paradoxically, ohgarchy in societies with greater inequality in terms of productivity. 39 r'^, is may be more efficient 7 Appendix B: Here I shown of Revenues and Democracy Tcix briefly discuss the empirical relationship in Figure GDP 1. in 1998 Appendix Table Bl includes regressions of tax revenues on the democracy index and various unless otherwise indicated, are from the the democracy index for 1998. is The Freedom House measure 1 is shows a strong raw indicates that a change in is is variables, transformed so that both indices assign higher important to note that tax revenue as a percentage of correlation. government. The magnitude, democracy from the score (1) would increase tax revenues over that this relationship AU economic World Development Indicators 2002 dataset, and refers only to the revenues of the central Column controls. as a percentage from the Freedom House for 1997-98 or from the PoUty IV dataset scores to greater democracy. It GDP between tax revenues and democracy, level of that in GDP by 2.5 (standard error Myanmar 15 percentage points. = 0.3) (7) to the best Column 2 shows robust to using the Pohty index. Since democracies are typically richer than nondemocracies the relationship in columns GDP increase with economic development. To control for this, colunms 3 and 4 add log GDP per capita. Even though this reduces the coefficient on democracy a little, and log GDP per capita itself may 1 and is significant, the 2 economicaUy reflect the fact that taxes as a percentage of overaU relationsliip significant correlation is unchanged, and there remains a statistically and between democracy and tax revenues. The remaining columns focus on the Freedom House index and add additional controls, including log of total population in 1998, average years of schooling in 1995 (from the Barro and Lee dataset), continent dummies, and dummies communist The countries, finally, relationship remains strong continent and Handbook and formerly same variables at the and though the addition of the significant in all cases, 11 repeats the regression of finally, OPEC member column 10 adds aU of these dummies somewhat reduces the magnitude Column tries, and for column 12 excludes of Federal Countries, 2002). time. of the relationship. column 3 excluding the formerly communist counall federal countries (according to the None tax revenues and democracy. 40 of these aff'ect fist from that the correlation between 8 References Acemoglu, Daron (2003) "Why Not a Commitment and Political Coase Theorem? 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Tax revenues are 1997-98 and Polity IV for 1998. between 1 and 7, with higher scores comesponding to more democratic countries. the population over age 1 5 is for 1 995. from the Barro-Lee Data Set. errors in parentheses. from Freedom House of schooling of {12)_ 1.714 Avg. years of sctiooling Robust standard (11) (0.487) Log population R-squared (10) countries 2.537 per capita N (9) federal countries (0.301) democracy index GDP (3) Excluding communist for 3837 ni for central government only. Date Due Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 7508