MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 6500 :iiii m mm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Finite-Order Implications of Any Equilibrium Jonathan Weinstein Muhamet Yildiz Working Paper 04-06 February 6, 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at IVSASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FEB 1 9 2004 LIBRARIES FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS OF ANY EQUILIBRIUM JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ Abstract. Present economic theories make a common-knowledge assrmip- tion that implies that the first or the second-order beUefs determine all liigher- order beUefs. We analyze the role of such closing assumptions at finite orders by instead allowing higher orders to vary of underlying uncertainty is arbitrarily. sufficiently rich, Assuming that the space we show that the resulting set of possible outcomes, under an arbitrary fixed equihbrium, outcomes that best reply. For siu-vive iterated elimination of strategies that are many games, this solvable, every equihbriimi will imphes that, unless the game equihbrium is never a is be highly sensitive to higher-order thus economic theories based on such equihbria over, every must include may be all strict dominancebeliefs, and misleading. More- discontinuous at each type for which two or more actions survive our elimination process. Key words: liigher-order uncertainty, rationalizability, incomplete infor- mation, equilibrium. JEL Numbers: C72, C73. Date: First Version: September, 2003; This Version: January, 2004. We thank Jeffrey Ely, Stephen Morris, and the seminar participants and Yale for helpful comments. 1 at Berkeley, Stanford, 2 "Game theory tures to be ... is common deficient to the extent it assumes other knowledge, such as one player's probabihty assessment about another's preferences or information. game theory the progress of tions in the base of common I foresee depending on successive reduc- as Icnowledge required to conduct use- ful analyses of practical problems. of common knowledge assumption reality" fea- Only by repeated weakening will the theory approximate Wilson (1987) Introduction 1. Most economic theories are based closed after specifying the first on equilibrium analysis of models that are and second-order behefs, i.e., the beliefs about underlying uncertainty and the beliefs about other players' beliefs about underlying uncertainty. These models assume that the specified belief structure common all knowledge, conditional on the i.e., of the players' higher-order beliefs are sumptions may easily fail modeled, these theories liefs first and the second-order common is beliefs, knowledge. Since these as- in the in the actual incomplete-information situation may be on equilibrium behavior is impact might indeed be large misleading large. in when the impact of higher-order be- There are examples that suggest that some this situations (see Rubinstein (1989), Fein- berg and Skrzypacz (2002), and also Milgrom and Weber (1985)). To overcome this fundamental deficiency, one specifying more orders assumption. more orders that this is of beliefs, As Wilson We model at higher orders, hope that by specifying more and reality." We demonstrate how many orders of beliefs would "approximate show that regardless are specified, the closing assumption beyond that of to close the and hence weakening the common knowledge (1987), one might of beliefs, the theory not the case. may want is of required to gain any predictive power iterated elimination of strategies that are never strict best reply. FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS 3 Consider a situation where players have incomplete information about some payoff-relevant parameter. Each player has a probability distribution about the parameter, which represents his first-order beliefs, a probability distribution about other players' first-order beliefs, wloich represents his second-order and so beliefs, this on. Imagine a researcher who has computed an equilibrium of game, where a type of a player would like to make a U set of all actions that are out if an infinite hierarchy of his prediction about the action of a player equilibrium. Fix a type beliefs agree is of player i as his actual type, is whose (t,) for the first-order the set of actions that the researcher cannot rule he only knows the first-order beliefs and assumes that the player plays according to the equilibrium. Similarly, write A^ (t^) the researcher cannot rule out by looking at the first A°° i and according to this and write A] played by some alternative type of with U. This set i beliefs,' {ti) for the many) the set of actions that k orders of hmit of these (decreasing) sets as k approaches set of all actions that bitrarily for finite beliefs. Write infinity, i.e., cannot be ruled out by the researcher by looking at the (ar- orders of beliefs. This definition can be put another way. Consider two researchers who agree on the equilibrium played. of type The is certain that player is willing to agree with this assessment for the i is not have any further assumption. tj. The One researcher other (slightly suspicious) researcher set A'i first k orders of beliefs but does {ti) is precisely the set of actions that will not be ruled out by the second researcher. In a model that by the is first closed. is closed at order A-, all higher-order beUefs are determined k orders of beliefs and the assumption that made when the model We wish to emphasize the sensitivity of the model's predictions to the closing assumption. In a given equilibrium, the for is each possible set of beliefs at orders 'For technical reasons, we assume 1 model predicts a unique action through k, namely the equilibrium that beliefs at each finite order have coimtable support. JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 4 action for the complete type implied by and the this set of beliefs sumption. But in the general model, every other action in Af a type whose first k orders of beliefs Therefore, the closing assiimption.) will be exactly as we cannot closing as- (t,) is played by this type (but will fail any action in A^ rule out [ti] without resorting to the closing assumption. Our main result gives a lower of underlying uncertainty range, every action i.e., we show that eliminating lar, ^°° (ij) includes strict (ij) We (t,). all is On the other hand, A^ To in When explain why A] process. Let ii (tj) We ties, therefore Af° (i,) extend this charac- where the action spaces are one-dimensional compact classical main argument includes all and in the proof of the lower bound, we now actions that survive the first vary over the set of types that agree with concerning the other players' type implies that there are types equilibrium action profile. i^ own action concave in economic models. concerning the underlying parameter) but (i.e., In particu- there are no same outcome, and utility functions are strictly many illustrate the tj. a subset of actions is [ti) a subset of rationalizable actions. and the the —as k iterations of k iterations of eliminating strictly dominated actions, and terization to nice games, continuous first actions that survive iterated elimination of actions that best reply. first full played by some type. For countable-action games, precisely equal to the set of rationalizable outcomes. intervals assume that the space enough so that our fixed equilibrium has these elimination procedures lead to the is Af actions which are never a strict best reply under that survive the hence A°° is rich for includes aU actions which survive the A'^ {U) all cannot be a is bound with any may have any profile.) beliefs Given any action to his fixed belief about the parameter Our round of elimination ti at first order (i.e., beliefs at higher orders full range assumption whatsoever about other players' a^ of and some i that belief is a strict best reply about the other players' FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS actions, there is a type U who has these behefs play the strict best reply, as part of a^, in equihbrium, This argument in equilibrium. an inductive proof of the main 5 and therefore must will be formalized result. For general games, Nash equilibrium has weak epistemic foundations (Au- mann and Brandenburger (1995)) in comparison to iterative admissibihty (Bran- denburger and Keisler (2002)) and rationahzability (Bernheim (1985), Pearce (1985)). Yet, in application, researchers frequently use equilibrimxi analysis further focus on a particular equilibrium, invoking refinement arguments and such, so that they can power —beyond that make for Our predictions. result of om' elimination process from the assumption that is, and is (implicitly) shows that the predictive —obtained made when in this the model is way comes closed. That any such prediction, there are types that are ruled out by the closing assumption and that behave inconsistently with the prediction in the focused equilibrimn. Therefore, our result suggests that the closing assumption deserves a close scrutiny, and needs to be justified at least as sumptions of the model. It much as the explicit as- would be highly desirable to investigate whether the types that behave inconsistently with the prediction of the closed model can be excluded by a weaker set of assumptions. From an evolutionary nals, if point of view, when there are privately observed sig- a myopic adjustment process converges, the incomplete-information game with these its limit is a Nash equilibrium of signals as private information. result suggests then that the limit behavior of such a process elusive signals about the distribution of other players' nals about these signals, sophisticated and so may depend on Our the signals, higher-order sig- on. Incidentally, our result has counterparts in and Bayesian learning models: the learning of sophisticated agents leads to equilibrium if and only if the game is dominance solvable (Milgrom and JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 6 Roberts (1991)), and in a specific model, any sequence of rationalizable action can be a sample path in Bayesian learning (Nyarko (1996)). profiles Our result also points to a close link between higher-order reasoning and the equilibrium impact of higher-order uncertainty. When there axe no ties, assrmiing /cth-order mutual knowledge of payoffs and that a fixed equilibrium (with full range) of rationality played is is equivalent to assuming /cth-order mutual knowledge and common knowledge of payoffs." This implies that equihbrium impact of high-order uncertainty failvires of rationality is is large, when the the impact of high-order also large. In that case, predictions may be unreliable without a very accurate knowledge of players' reasoning capacity. It is well known that some Nash equilibria may be discontinuous in product topology and with respect to higher-order uncertainty, as in the electronic-mail game of Rubinstein discontinuity is. (1989). There is an interest in rmderstanding how severe this Monderer and Samet (1989,1997) and Kajii and Morris (1998) have analyzed the weakest topologies that make the equilibrium continuous over all games (see also These topologies are Milgrom and Weber (1985) cjuite strong, we formally not clear whether the equilibria used is establish) that, if the space of underlying uncertainty sufficiently rich, every equilibrium is discontinuous (with respect to topology and higher-order or it appUcations will be highly sensitive to higher-order uncertainty. Our result implies (and is a continuity result.) but since they focus on the worst case games, such as the electronic-mail game, in for beliefs) for every more actions survive our elimination The relationsliip straightforward; A'^ game at every type for product which two process. between assumptions about rationality and payofF uncertainty may differ from both rationaUzabihty and iterative admissibility. is not FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS As a precedent to our main result, Brandenburger and Dekel (1987) show that every rationaUzable outcome rium on is the outcome of a subjective correlated equihb- (see Section 3 for a discussion.) Battigalli this result to 7 and Siniscalchi (2003) djmamic games and investigated the imphcations of the first-order beliefs and common strong extended restrictions belief in sequential rationality rationahzable outcomes, which coincide with all equilibrium outcomes. It on the seems that, using their methodology, one can obtain sharp predictions in sequential games using lower bound relatively mild assumptions. Note that games, our in sequential usually weak, and assumptions about sequential rationality yield is strong predictions (Battigalh and Siniscalchi (2002) and Feinberg (2002)). Our next tion 3 is section contains the basic definitions and prehminary results. Sec- we develop our main notions and prove the heart of the paper. There our main theorem. Our main theorem terization in Section 4, is and to mixed strategies and to the spaces of uncertainty that are not necessarily rich in Section and discuss tinuity results extended to the nice games as a charac- 5. In Section 6, we present our discon- their methodological implications for global and robustness of equihbria. Section 7 contains a very negative result games about Com'not oligopoly as an application. Section 8 concludes. Some of the proofs are relegated to the appendix. Basic Definitions and Preliminary Results 2. Notation y-i = Given any 1. list Yi, . . . , y„ of (yi,...,yi-i,yi+i,...,2/„) e YL,, and (yj,y_0 Likewise, for any family of functions fj by /_, (y_,) = (/j {yj))j^,- : Y= sets, write = Y] -^ Zj, {yi, we fJi ^i> ^-z . . . = Yljjti ^j^ ,yi^l,y^,y^+l, define /_i : Y^i . —* Given any metric space {Y,d), we write A{Y) . . ,yn)- Z^i for the space of probability distributions on Y, suppressing the fixed cr-algebra on f JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 8 Y which consider a game with of underlying uncertainty and sets The support (j-algebra in product spaces. We open at least contains all of we use the product singletons; denoted by suppTr. it is finite set of players A'' = {1, 2, . Q The source n}. , . a payoff-relevant parameter 6 E is . where (0, d) is a compact, complete and separable metric space, with d a metric on set 0. Each player i has action space Ai and utility function w, Dekel (1993), a variant of an earlier construction with an additional assumption that the players' comitable (or finite) support. ^ A = E, where > where 0, A (-^fc-i) that have coimtable (or by Mertens and Zamir (1985), each beliefs at finite) is on A'o, X Xfc_i the set of probability distributions on Xk-i We endow support. each A Xk with player second order beliefs (about all the weak z's first order by a probabihty beliefs (about the underlying uncertainty 6) are represented t] order have finite = A(X,_0 Xq = Q and Xk topology and the cr-algebra generated by this topology. distribution and Types are defined using the auxiliary sequence "^ of sets defined inductively hy each k for ^ We endow the game with the universal type space of Brandenburger Yli Ai. {Xk} x : players' first order beliefs and the underlying uncertainty) are represented by a probability distribution onXi, etc. Therefore, a type a player's /cth-order of a player t^ ( YikLi ^ (Xk-i) are coherent, i.e., in ) i and t,i € This assumption 1.) Our type space redundant type is which the players different orders agree. any player is is is a beliefs contain information need the usual coherence requirements. of i We T made it is We member their write own f^^j A (Xk-i)- about his lower-order T = common knowledge know of beliefs will use the variables t,,tj YiieN -^* ^^^ f Since beliefs, we ^^^ subset that the players' beliefs and G their marginals from Ti as generic types of as generic type profiles. For every U e Ti, there exists to avoid technical issues related to measurability (see Remark dense in universal type space, and any countable type space with no embedded in our space. FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS a probability distribution (2.1) and 1 tf t} = on the = margQ/vt^, where S^k-l set {tf~^} margg^r^jY is _ )]'^\{>}«^ti strategy of a player ti and any x T_i such that (^^') the probabihty measure that puts probabihty is and marg denotes the marginal Kt^ type on 5j.-i xmarg0^[^(_Y,_2)]'^\«'^«.' given any distribution A Kt^ 9 x T_j, we can define on t^ G T, via (2.1), as long as always coimtable. i is any measirrable function profile s_i of strategies, we st T^ —^ At. : write 7r{-\ti,s_i) G Given any A (0 x A^i) the joint distribution of the underlying uncertainty and the other players' for actions induced mixed strategy we write BRi by ti and profile cr_i. (tt) s_i; vr is (-ItijCr^,) For each i E similarly defined for correlated N and for each belief for the set of actions Oj = {sl,S2, .) is vr e A (0 x A^i), G Ai that maximize the expected value of Ui {9,ai,a-i) under the probabihty distribution s* Conversely, distribution. a Bayesian Nash equilibrium iff A tt. at each strategy profile ti, s*{t,)eBR,{-K{-\t,,s*_,)). An equilibrium s* is said to have full range iff (FR) s*{T)^A. The following assumption implies that every equilibrimxi s* has full range. Assumption ai, 1 (Richness of 0). Given any there exists a probability distribution u on i E N , any /x G A [A^i), and any with countable support and such that BR, Lemma Proof. 1. The Under Assumption 1, [u x i^l) = {aj . every equilibrium s* has full range. proofs that are omitted in the text are in the appendix. D JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET 10 Elimination Processes. only witMn and We will use interim notions and allow correlations not between their strategies and the under- players' strategies but also lying uncertainty 0. Such correlated Siniscalchi (2003) YILDIZ rationalizability is introduced by Battigalli and Dekel, Fudenberg, and Morris (2003). Clearly, al- lowing such correlation only makes our sets larger. Since our main result lower bound in terms of these sets, this a is only strengthens our result. Moreover, our characterization provides yet another justification for this correlated rationalizability. Write Mi Towards defining for the set of all rationahzability, define sets S^ iteratively as follows. Set set of all for each 5° measurable functions / t_i. = [U] : Ai. For 6 x T_i Let also S'i"^ be the set of Note that E^7^ i^ the set of all for the set of all all actions a^ of in E^"-^. The > & N, U E -^ A^^ such that / all Ti, 0, let 5*^7^ (6*, T^ to A^. = /.-; 0, 1, C M_j t_,) G . . ., be the S*^"^ [t_j] probability distributions on 5^7^- possible beliefs of player U i [ti\, i each k allowable actions that are not eliminated in the S\{t^= x measurable functions from first k — \ i on other players' rounds. Write BR,{'K{\U,a^,)) that are best reply against set of all rationalizable actions for player i some of his beliefs (with type U) is CX3 sr [u] = n ^' [^^] • fc=0 Next we define the set of strategies that survive iterative elimination of strate- gies that are never strict best reply, Wf [U] = Wl" denoted by W°° [U] , similarly. We A, and [U] = [a,\BR, (7r(-|i„a_,)) = {a,} for some a_, e A (h/-^7')} > set FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS where W^^^ C M_i f{6,t^i) 6 W^''^ [t_j] the set of is each for all functions t-^. Finally, we / 11 x TL^ -^ A-i such that : set oo fc=0 Notice that we eliminate a strategy on the remaining belief not a strict best-response to any is if it smaller set than the result of iterative admissibility of weakly dominated strategies)."* yield strong predictions. In some games, For example, in leads to backwards induction outcomes. games 3. tions iterative elimination (i.e., iterative admissibility finite perfect may information games and weak predictive power. Equilibrium predictions with finite-order beliefs are interested in made sumption Let us it Nevertheless, in generic normal-form (as defined in Definition 1 below), all these concepts are equivalent usually have We Clearly, this yields a strategies of the other players. how is against the failure of assump- common knowledge at high orders, such as the failure of the at high orders. fix robust equihbrium We now an equilibrium s* formalize our notion of robustness. and a type of a player t^ librium, he will play s* (U). Now fcth-order beliefs of player and knows that equilibrium i as- imagine a researcher searcher can conclude from this information is that i i. who According to equionly knows the 5* is played. All will play first the re- one of the actions in In particular, gies will gies. if we use non-reduced normal-form of an extensive-form game, be outcome equivalent, in which case our procedure To avoid such over-elimination, strate- will eliminate all of these strate- we can use reduced-form, by representing equivalent strategies by only one strategy. many all outcome- JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET 12 Assuming, plausibly, that a researcher can verify only know player's beliefs, all a researcher can ever is YILDIZ finitely that player many orders of a one of will play i the actions in Ar[s\U] = f]Al[s\U]. k=0 We now ready are to prove our games where each player Proposition 1. range, any k E N, main has a countable or i games, result for countable-action finite action space A^. For any countable- action game, any equilibrium £ N, and any i i.e., with full s* ti, wnu]^Ai\s\t,]csnu]: in particular. wr[t^]^AT[s\t,\csm Proof. The Appendix Af A\ inclusion For = fc C games and for general [s*,ti]. [s*,tj] 0, all . . , . t^""^) ^'^d respectively. Let W':-' [I] L= ^ = h (t^j, {/|3/i U Wt-' : (/, established by Proposition 8 in the equilibria. is We will now show that W^ . . .) are the lower = (/, where h) and higher-order € TL,}. The induction hypothesis [{I h!)] C G Wj^ [ti]. \ti\ C given by the full-range assumption. write each t_i as t_t i, t^|\ h) is [ti] the statement For any given k and any player (tij, t?_j, Sf At-' [s\ [I h)] (V [l h) e is / = beliefs, that T_,). h' Fix any type s* (ti) Qi e = ai ti and any and the A'i [s*,ti]. first a^ We will construct k orders of beliefs are same under Now, by best reply for type ti if ti ers' strategies, i.e., BRi definition, for a^^)) = and some a^i G A{W'll'), {a,}. Let ti, ii such that showing that a, is the unique (T_j on the other play- P {-[ti, a_^) be the probability assigns probability distribution (tt (-l^i, ti a type FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS distribution x L x A^t induced by on a_0 G suppP esis, for each some Hence, there exists a mapping n h. (^, /, and Kt^ suppP : By G W^'^ a_,), a_, (-It,, a^t. 13 {-{ti, the induction hypoth- [I] C At',^ [s\ (IJi)] for a^i) -^ Q x T^i, /i:(^,/,a_,)^ (^,/,Ma_„^,/)), (3.1) such that sU(l,h{a^i,e,l)^=a_i. (3.2) We U by define i^U = ^(•|^t,o--j) O/i x T_j by the mapping the probabihty distribution induced on probabihty distribution P (-It,, o^i). Notice that, since and the action spaces are countable, the which case of /.i, the first marge^^/vj-^ k orders of beliefs (about = msigQ^^P {-{U^a^i) where the second inequality P (-[ti, cr_t). is by o (3.1) P (-1^,, s\) = of 7 to TT That of ti is, Ki^ last equality suppK;j-^ {\ii, s%) . is o 7-1 due to the t'l and the ji has countable support comitable, in (•|tj,(T_j) is By well-defined. construction U and are identical mider /)) U: = margQ^^P {\U,a_^) = margg^L/^ti, by definition of and the ki^ last equality is {6, : and = P (.|t„ a_,) o fact that /, s*_^ h) \-^ on ^r^ o 7-1 /i is [6, /, s*_^ (/, /?)) x L x A_i , we can is = P {.\U, a..,) , the inverse of the restriction Therefore, = margexL^ {'lU, s%) the equilibrium beliefs of about Kj^ is Moreover, using the mapping 7 check that the distribution induced by where the (6', n'^ suppP set measurable. Hence trivially /i is \ = marge^^P (-1^^, c7_,) = U about it {-lU, a-i) x A^t are identical to the x A_i when U assigns probability distribution (T_j beliefs on the other JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 14 players' strategies. Since o^ ai in the only best reply to these is beliefs, ii must play equilibrium: s* {U) (3.3) e BR, {n {]{,, s^)) = BR, {n {-lU, a_,)) = (aj . D Remark beliefs 1. Notice that the countability assumptions about the finite-order and the action spaces are used only to make sure that kj defined probability distribution, or measurable, our proof games in which /,i is is valid. In measurable; The conclusion that VV^ that we know a information. [tt] Suppose is measurable. the next section, /i C A^ player's beliefs /i may also that he has In fact, whenever first that aj will be played in equilibrium that is closed at order k and if fcth order and do not have any further an action a, that survives k rounds of Put it — we cannot differently, if for some rule out we have a model an action survives k rounds of iterated elimination of strategies that cannot be a best reply for a type within the model, then cannot rule out action a^ as the closing assumption. first is can be spelled out as follows. Suppose k orders of behefs are as specified. Then, s*. jj, present another class of iterated elimination of strategies that cannot be a strict best reply type whose a well- not be measurable in general. [s* ,ti\ up to the we is an equilibrium action for that we type without invoking Hence, any prediction that does not follow from the k steps of this ehmination process comes from the closing assumptions, rather than the assumptions that lead to a specific equilibriimi s*. This suggests that, contrary to the current practice in economics, a researcher needs to justify his closing assimiption at least as rationale for equilibrium selection. much as the other assumptions, such as the FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS The part Af [s*,ti] for all equilibria (see somewhat involved, Notation [ti] proved in the Appendix for general games and is Proposition it is it is common knowledge C [s*,tf^ [9)] edge of 6' = Si = Sj for 9 = i who has has k the proof (9), that, if {9]. each strictly — is A;th-order is That is, if a player a player j has k knowledge of ^ Ist-order knowledge of 9 j plays an action in S^~^. = 9. = ^ 9 = is i has fcth-order knowls*) will survive — {9}.) kth restric- [s*,tf^'^ [9)] C Ist-order knowledge of But any type of player certain that every other player j Hence, in equilibrium, he Since his equilibrium action such a belief (with support contained in is Notice that as follows. Towards an induction, assume that Aj"^ j. who i dominated strategies under the j will play an action in Sj~^ (under 9, the general case 9. then his equilibrium action (according to ^, tion that (9)] = that 9 means [tf^^ [9]] round of iterated elimination of [tf''^ for straightforward for the complete-information case. For the types of the form tf^ A'^ Although the proof 8). For any 9 E Q, write tP^ (O) for the type of a player 2. certain that C S^ 15 S'iJ^), it is is certain that a best response to must survive the A;th round of elimination. Brandenburger and Dekel (1987) show that, given any rationalizable outcome of a game, by adding payoff irrelevant types, we can construct a type space with an equilibrium that yields the original rationalizable outcome.'^ Since we need to choose a different equilibrium is for each rationahzable outcome, there a large multiplicity of equilibria, and thus equilibrium as a solution concept does not have more predictive power than rationalizability has. One may want to ignore this multiplicity by focusing on a particular equilibrium or relying on one ""See of the many refinements developed in the last few decades Bergemann and Morris (2003) for an important application of tliis adea. — in order JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET 16 to cope with the usual multiphcity problem. abandon artificial restrictions on type space, Our YILDIZ result shows that, once we this unpredictability reappears as high variability of any fixed equilibrium with respect to very high-order beliefs, albeit with There is somewhat smaller scope due an intuitive relation between these two general can be embedded beliefs at finite orders we can to the stronger elimination process. results. Since type spaces in in the universal type space, given and a any fixed set of fixed equilibrium behavior in a fixed type space, envision a coherent type whose lower-order beliefs are as the former but whose higher-order beliefs assigns high probability to the will give a best reply to the equilibrium in the latter. latter. That type Hence, multiplicity of equilibria in various type spaces tends to yield high variability of equilibria with respect to the higher-order however, does not yield a proof. beliefs in universal This types in Brandenburger and Dekel are is all type space. This intuition, because the distinctions among the payoff irrelevant, and thus their type spaces are not contained in the universal type space. More importantly, the equilibrium behavior in various type spaces need not be different witliin a fixed equilibrium. In fact, Brandenburger proof; hence, if and Dekel use a single type space in their their type space were contained in the universal type space, the equilibrium behavior in this type space would be uniquely determined by the equilibrium in the universal type space. Om: next example shows that be strict. Hence, (i) some either of the inclusions in Proposition 1 rationalizable strategies may may not be in A°°, showing the distinction between the results of Brandenburger and Dekel and ours, and (ii) A°° may include some weakly dominated strategies, distinguishing our result from the characterization of Brandenburger and Keisler (2000). FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS Example Take 1. = A'' {1,2}, 6= {^o,^i}, and let 17 the action spaces and the payoff functions for each 6 be given by (Note that 9 aO a' a 0,0 0,0 a 0,0 1,1 not payoff relevant.) Define s* by is = s* iU) otherwise. a} Clearly, for each U, while > A: 4^ [s*-tf^ Proposition we have 1, {9o)] = W^*^ [U] = {a^,a'}, and Af [s*;f ^ yields a characterization 1 {a^} and S^ = [ti\ (^i)] = {cP,a^} for each {a'}. whenever the payoffs are generic in the following (standard) sense. Definition non-zero We 1. say that the payoffs are generic at 9 a G R^\ and u, {9, a[, a_j) or (ii) distinct a,, a[, a^i, Y.a, ^ (^0 u^ {9, ai, a_,) Wlien the payoffs are generic then any action that some belief (at is at 9 1. = a'_j Y.a, it is there do not exist such that " (i) u^ {9,a^,a^i) ('^0 ^^ (^' ^'' ^-r) common knowledge = — 0. that 9 each round), and hence the two elimination processes 1 = 9, generic at some 9, r„* fCK A^[s\ti will be yields the following characterization. For any finite-action game and any equilibrium if the payoffs are i, not strictly dominated will be a strict best reply against equivalent. In that case, Proposition Corollary and and iff then for each \k 5f [tr i and {0)] . k, s* with full range, JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 18 That finite games, a researcher's predictions based on in generic finite-action is, orders of players' beUefs and equihbrium will be equivalent to the predic- tions that follow from rationalizabihty. This characterization will be generalized to the following widely-used class of games. 4. We will now Nice games consider a class of "nice" games (Mouhn (1984)), which are widely used in economic theory, such as imperfect competition, spatial competition, provision of public Af [s*,ti] = Definition is [U] for 2. A game is said to be nice iff for each = (oj, a_j) and strictly i, concave in use the strict concavity assumption to make function for any fixed strategy profile of the others his We own action. (Single-peakedness is is A^ = full [0, 1] will show that range. and u^ {9, ai,a_i) a^. sure that a player's utility is always single-peaked in not preserved in presence of uncertainty.) use the continuity assumption to response We etc. each k whenever equihbrium s* has S^ continuous in a We goods, theory of the firm, make siire that a player's strategy best continuous with respect to the other players' strategies. complete information types, our results in this section weaker condition that Uj(^,-,a_j) is will single-peaked with a For the be true under the maximand that is continuous in a_,. Now, since our players have always unique best reply, our ehmination processes (4.1) will be equivalent, yielding the functional equation W= S. . FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS Moreover, our next we only need lemma 19 ensm'es that, despite our uncountable action spaces, many to consider coimtably actions for types with countable sup- ports, allowing us to circumvent the measurability issue discussed in Remark 1. Lemma S-t 2. For any nice game, for any i, U, k, and any a, G S^ there exists [ti\, E 5^7^ such that = BR,{TT{-\t,,s_,)) Together with Proposition Let also suppni Q C x Lemma (4.1), 2 gives us our 2. For any nice game, T be a countable subset of X T-i. eN, Then, for any k main be let s* Q {a,}. x result for this section. any equilibrium with T such that for each E N, and i full range. ti G ti € %, Ti, in particular, sr Proof For any W_~^ such that a^ G 5f o^ is [u] = = Ar [u] Wj" [u] , by [s\u] Lemma a strict best reply against 2, tt {-{ti, there exists s_i G S*^"^ s_j). Since «£ has comit- able support, P(-|ti,s_i), the probability distribution induced by on G = k^^ and s-i X L X A^i, has a countable support: suppP (-Iti, 5_,) = {{6, Hence our proof of Proposition 1 necessarily in Tj) such that 5* [u] 1, s_^ [6, 1, applies. = Qi and h)) I [6, That t-" = 1, is, h) G suppACj,} there exists tf* for each m< . U G k. Ti (not D jonathan weinstein and muhamet yildiz 20 Extensions 5. For ease of exposition, we have so with fuU range. In this section, we Mixed gies, we A we Strategies. Since will focus mixed strategy (tt extend profile a* each [\ti,a*_^)) for the set of types by supper* (tj) all games are equilibria in nice who i is any measurable function and ti. Writing T^' play pure strategies, = {sf {t^)}. We the set of ii {T"' ) iff s'^* whose all we = define a {ti\ 3. full supper* iff mapping -^ A(y4j). Ti : Isuppcr* We sf : C = 1} for Tf —^ Ai (ij)| * (tt) say that a* has full set 1 under a* by some type k orders of beliefs are identical to those of equihbrium has pm^e strate- in then use this "pure part of" a* to extend our actions that are played with probability first Proposition = A and ai Bayesian Nash equilibrium previous definitions and results to mixed strategies. range mixed strategy oiir results for on the comitable-action games. Using interim formulation, define a mixed strategy as BRi will on pure strategy equilibria and beyond the full-range assumption. equilibria 5.1. far focused range under Assumption 1, i.e., when For any countable- action game, any equilibrium a* with full range, any k < co, i Clearly, every t^. sufficiently rich. is (possibly G N, and any mixed strategy) ti, Wt[t.]CAl[a\t,]CSf[t,]. Proof. In the proof of Proposition restrict the uerr'. range of /i 1, insert s'^' and the domain of 7 to everywhere s* appears, and x Tf*. Notice that, by (3.3), FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS That first is, if a* has full range is (e.g., if k orders of a player's behefs, then 21 and we know only the sufficiently rich) for any a^ W^ [U], G we cannot rule out A; > 1, assumption can replaced by the weaker assumption that A^ C U;^ supper* (tj). that 5.2. is ttj played with probability Without large changes. full range. Our according to a* 1 For . the full-range range assumption allowed us to consider full A researcher may be certain that it is common knowledge that the set of parameters are restricted to a small subset, or equivalently, the equilibrium considered change. may We much not vary will now as the beliefs about the underlying uncertainty present extension of our Local Rationalizability. For any i e N,k e^,tieT^, S'^~^ [B] C M_j is = U the set of such that f {9,t^i) G 5^"^ [B]t_i\ procedure as iterated • • result to such cases. x 5„ C A, define sets strict BR,{n{-\U,a.,)), measurable functions / all for each i.,. dominance, except that the k increases. Hence we define the set of initial set is restricted and W°" [B] t,] {a, e A,\BR, [e\a_,) = fj^o Um=fc ^^r our process, which is become larger as by oo m=k may be much version of W°°, similarly, by setting the same {^[jsr[B-Mk=0 Notice that the set S'^^lB^ti] is locally rationalizable strategies oo sr[B-x] = x T_j -^ A^i : Notice that this to a subset. Unlike iterated strict dominance, these sets can W^ [B-U] = S'f [B;ij], by setting S'^[B-U] where x _Bi main W^ [B; U] = {aj larger = for than B. We define local Bi, some a.i G [^; U]- Notice that we no longer an elimination process. A (w^"^ [B])} consider all , actions in JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET 22 Proposition 4. For any equilibrium s*, if the YILDIZ game has countable action spaces, then Wt [s* if the game (T) C Al [s\ = t,] statement implies that, last C [s\t,] S^ [s* (T) ; [s* 5f for nice (V^, t,] then with notation of Proposition is nice, Sf [B; U] The C A^ t,] ; {T) ij 2, t,) games, even the U) ; BC for any (Vz, k, ; A:, s* (T), . slight changes in very higher-order behefs will have substantial impact on equilibrium behavior, unless the which a game is locally dominance-solvable. slight failure of common knowledge to substantially different outcomes 6. It is well known —as assiunption in very high orders leads in Section 7. Continuity of Equilibrium may be that equilibrium product topology. In this section we will 6.1. A. this violated in every equilibrium on a very large set. sequence (a'")^gf^ is there exists k such that d we will We Equilibrium in pure strategies. A write write A' D {B) = [s\t] Definition much weaker than show that even respect to the product topology. is We discontinuous with respect to the introduce our notion of continuity with respect to higher-order beliefs, which appears property There are important games in 3. = An uct topology) at sup{d{a,b) Yl^ \a,b ^f [s\U], 5^ equilibrium t iff < for t'' some a € m> ^ iff for > 0, BC A, each Given any subset e for each G B} for the diameter of B. As usual, we fl, S^ e [s\t] = s* is said to Vfc] ^ [s* k. [t,], etc. be continuous (with respect each sequence {i[m\)^ P [m] -^ weaker continuity consider an arbitrary metric d on said to converge to (a"^, a) continuity with of type profiles {i[m]) -^ s* {t)] . to prod- FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS An equilibrium 5* t iff each for e > said to be continuous with respect to higher-order beliefs at is there exists k such that for each 0, [r = The 23 latter continuity r ym <k]^d (s* concept is (t) , i, s* {t)) < e. uniform continuity with respect to the prod- uct topology (on the type space) of discrete topologies on each order of beUefs. Of course, continuity with respect to discrete topology other topologies. Lemma The next lemma For any equilibrium 3. (1) If s* is continuous at beliefs at (2) s* is t, presents s* then some and for any s* is t, is much weaker than basic facts. the following are true. continuous with respect to higher-order t. continuous with respect to higher-order beliefs at t iff D i^A'^ [s* ,t\) -^ as k ^' CO. Ifs* (3) {s* is continuous with respect to higher-order with 5°° [t] Lemma range full = is 3.3 and Proposition 2 imply that {s* (t)}, yielding the following discontinuity result. < if an equilibrium t, then (One can obtain [t] = {s* (t)} with I.) Proposition 5. For any nice game, every equilibrium continuous with respect to the higher-order each type profile files. = then continuous with respect to higher-order beliefs at a similar result for count able- action games by replacing 5°° |M/°°[f]| A^ [s* ,t] t, m. For nice games, s* beliefs at t beliefs s* with full range is dis- (and the product topology) at for which there are more than one rationalizable action pro- In particular, if a nice game possesses an equilibrium, s* that is continuous with respect to higher-order beliefs or with respect to the product topology, then the game is dominance solvable. JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 24 6.2. Mixed-strategy equilibria in finite-action games. Endow the space mixed action of profiles, A (A), with an arbitrary metric tions of continuity with respect to product topology mixed-strategy equiUbria a* by replacing Definition A 4. s* Now, continuity in t iff Extend the and higher-order with a* in Definition mixed-strategy equilibrium a* with respect to higher- order beliefs at d. is defini- beliefs to 3. said to be weakly continuous there exists k such that for each i, product topology implies continuity with respect to higher- order beliefs. For finite-action games, the latter in turn implies weak continuity with respect to higher-order There we 6). we show beliefs, as in the Appendix show that strong and weak continuity of a* also < to Wgher-order beliefs imply that \A°° [a\t]\ 1 at t (see Lemma with respect and A°° [a\t] C supp(o-* (t)), respectively. Tliis yields the following result. Proposition For any finite-action game and any equilibrium a* with 6. range, \W°° [t]\ < beliefs at or (ii) at t t, and a* {t) is I whenever a* is (i) That 6). is, is continuous with respect to higher-order weakly continuous with respect to higher-order beliefs pure. Proof Either of the conditions Lemma a* full (i) Hence, by Proposition for sufficiently rich and 3, (ii) {W^ implies that [t]\ < |yl°° [a*, t]| |^°° [a*,t]\ 0, every equilibrium is < I. < 1 (see D discontinuous with respect to higher-order beliefs (and the product topology) at each type profile for which two or more action not be a profiles survive iterated elimination of strategies that can- strict best reply. These type profiles include the generic instances of FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS 25 complete-information without dominance solvability. At each such type profile, even the weakest continmty property Example fails if the equilibrium actions are Consider the coordinated attack 2. game with Attack No Attack 1,1 -2,0 0,-2 0,0 Attack No Attack where there are two pure strategy equihbria: the efficient Attack) and the risk-dominant equilibrium (No Attack, each action is a strict best reply, no action process. Therefore, Lemma coordinated-attack game 1 is piu-e. payoff matrix equilibrium (Attack, No Since Attack). eliminated in our elimination and Proposition 6 imply that when we embed the in a rich type space as a type must be discontinuous with respect to higher-order Rubinstein's (1989) electronic-mail game profile, every equilibrium beliefs at that type profile. presents a type space in which any equilibrimn that selects the efficient equilibrium in the coordinated-attack game must be discontinuous with respect to higher-order uncertainty. In that example there is also a continuous equilibrium, profile for each type equilibrium is an profile. which selects the risk-dominant action Our example shows that the artifact of the small type space utilized, latter continuous and in fact in a rich type space, no equilibrium could have been robust against higher-order and thus every equilibrimn theory would have been sensitive to the beliefs, assumptions about higher-order uncertainty, strengthening Rubinstein's position. Following Carlsson and Van Damme (1993), global games literature investi- gate the equilibria in nearby type profiles that are generated by a model that is closed at the able, first order. At these type and the resulting equilibrium action profiles, the game is dominant profile converges to the solv- risk-dominant equilibrium as these type profiles approach the coordinated-attack game. In this JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 26 way, they select the risk-dominant equihbrium. result uncovers a difficulty every equilibrium must be discontinuous at the limit- methodology: in this Our ing type profile, and an equihbrium selection argument based on continuity is problematic —as there is another path that we could have taken the limit in which we would have selected the other equilibrium. This the equilibrium outcome is is despite the fact that robust against higher-order beliefs in these nearby type profiles themselves (by Proposition 8 in the Appendix.) On a positive note, Kajii librirmi That is is, if and Morris (1997) show that the risk-dominant common robust to incomplete information imder the common prior puts sufficiently high weight prior assumption. on the original game, then the incomplete information game has an equilibrium in which the dominant equihbrium is played with high probability according to the prior. Similar positive results are and Ui equi- risk- common obtained by others, such as Ui (2001), Morris (2003). This suggests that, when there common a is prior, it may put low probability on the paths that converge to other equilibria. 7. Application: Cournot Oligopoly In a linear Cournot duopoly, the sition 8 (in the game is dominant-solvable, and hence Propo- Appendix) implies that higher-order beliefs have negligible im- pact on equilibrium. (This has also been shown by Weinstein and Yildiz (2003) and is also implied by a result of Nyarko (1996).) Cournot duopoly with three or more firms, than or equal to the monopoly production is On any production rationalizable, sition 2 implies that a researcher cannot rule out firm no matter more disturbing how many fact. the other hand, in a linear We Focusing complete- information types, when is less and hence Propo- any such output orders of beliefs he specifies. general oligopoly models we will show that level that will level for a now show a t*^^ {9), for fairly there are sufficiently many FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS any such outcome firms, s* will be in S^ [B; it^^ {&)) Therefore, by Proposition t^^"^ (^)] 27 for every of any outcome that is than monopoly outcome as a firm's equihbrium output. General Cournot Model. Consider n cost c > P {Q; 6) we assume that 6 sume P (O; ^) > that limQ^oo P firms with identical constant marginal Simultaneously, each firm 0. output at price 6, B even a slight doubt about the model 4, in very high orders will lead a researcher to fail to rule out less neighborhood (Q; ^) = is 0, 0. where produces i Q = ^^ q^ (•; ^) is strictly G decreasing when Q sell its For some fixed We {^}. 7^ Therefore, there exists a unique and at cost q^c the total supply. is a closed interval with P qi also as- and positive, it is is such that p{Q-~e)=c. (In order to have a nice game, we can impose an upper bound than Q, without affecting the equilibria.) We assume that, on [0, for q, larger Q], P [,6) is continuously twice-differentiable and P' It is well function, u known {q, Q;6) that, = q + QP" < 0. under the assumptions of the model, {P {q + Q) — c), is strictly the profit (i) own output concave in the unique best response q* [Q-i) to others' aggregate production Q_i decreasing on some A < [0,(3] 0); (iii) with slope bounded away from equilibrium outcome at t'-^''' (O), s* (i.e., is q; (ii) strictly dq*/dQ^i < A (iP^ (^))' is for unique and symmetric (Okuguchi and Suzumura (1971)). Lemma 4. In the general Cournot model, for n< 00 such that for anyn > n and any B = \s\ A with > 0, we have any equilibrium (tf^ {d)) - t Sr[B;t''''{e)] = [0,q''] i^ieN), e, s\ s* , there exists [tf^ [9)) + e]" C . JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 28 where q^ n be any Proof. Let any n > A; > 0, By n. 5"^' monopoly output under the is Define integer greater than B= (iii), = Q^ = - {n 1) — A 1) < 1, (0) = - (n = = I^ + l. - and 1) ^) + 1/ where A |A|, < with q° g", if is = q'^ q* {{n = g^ and Q* Q*^ = - {n - 1) as in By (f. g% 1) — 1) s* {t'^^ {9)) is Proof. BC q^ By is the (i) is, 5'= s* [T] as in any > = than —1. Hence [S; t^-^' (^)] = [O, 4, this we have 4. lemma > k. D yields the following. Q= \9 — e ,9 + e] the best-response function q* {Q^i\9) is where Q-i = Then, (VzeiV), [0,q''] P (•;^). a nice game. Hence, yielding the desired equality. decreases g^^]" for each k the others' aggregate output in equilibrium. Lemma Q'' [0,g^^]". and that 0, so that ' monopoly output under above, for and Q^ increases with k and takes value Ar[s\tf^{9)] = where (ii), Take . a continuous and strictly increasing function of 9 at (^Q-i,9^ (n (ii). . In the general Cournot model, assume that for arbitrarily small e is q'"') Q* {Q"-^) strictly less finite k, That Together with Proposition 7. {n some at 1) g^^ at 1 some Q* {Q^-') and Therefore, 5°° [5;t^^ [O]] Proposition q'-') 1) the sfope of Q* with k and becomes Q* - Q'' g^ for (•; [g^ q^y\ where q* ((n Q' Since (n [<?°,9*^]" = [B; t^'^ {9)] q' P Lemma 4 By the hypothesis, there exists and Proposition 4 imply FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS In Proposition that 5 a payoff-relevant parameter. is ficiently the assumption that q* (Q-z; 0) 7, many dominance Our proposition be invalid whenever we To plete information model. common knowledge that it is that 9 = 9 = is |^ — ^| level that is the a first < c is is c and his confident that it only willing to concede and agrees with the A-th-order > and is willing arbitrarily large finite k. any output states that the skeptic nonetheless cannot rule out not strictly dominated. 8. It is from the idealized com- an arbitrarily generous skeptic; he to concede the above for arbitrarily small Our proposition not implied by strict The former while the latter 6, that He 9. is see this, consider the confident researcher common knowledge mutual knowledge of guaranties suggests that, with suf- slightly deviate slightly skeptical friend in the Introduction. is responsive to is any equilibrium prediction that firms, will 29 common Conclusion model after only specifying or second order beliefs, using a (mostly implicit) common knowledge practice in economics to close the assumption. In this paper, we have investigated the role of this assmiaption in predictions according to an arbitrary fixed equilibrium. and upper bounds shown that it is for Finding strong lower the variations with respect to this assumption, we have this casually made common knowledge assumption any prediction that we could not have made aheady by strategies that can never be strict best reply. In games that drives iteratively eliminating like Cournot oligopoly, this implies that no interesting conclusions could have been reached without making a common knowledge precise as sequential games, our lower sharp predictions using assiimption. In some other games, such bounds are weak, and one may plausibly make much weaker assumptions. Therefore, it is essential for assuring the reliability of theories to pay special care to closing assumption and justify it at least as much as the other assumptions. JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 30 When there there are two or more actions that survive our ehmination process, an inherent unpredictability wliich cannot be avoided without mal<;ing is an assumption on many infinitely orders of beliefs, as by some types whose played with probability 1 arbitrarily high orders. In that case, equilibrium with respect to higher-order there are no there ties, and beliefs in all of these actions are finite-order beliefs agree for necessarily discontinuous is product topology. Moreover, when a one-to-one relationship between this sensitivity to is higher-order beliefs and sensitivity to higher-order assumptions about players' rationality. It the then becomes very common knowledge of rationahty as a Appendix Proof of Lemma support, and let /i = 7 (7 o (•slj)~ Proposition Proof. For k some k - T-iC I > j = = vx^. i^x/i. 0, Hence, LxH where L = any i, s* [U) and (u^Z^ Let v be as in Assumption Notice that the proposition 0, i.e., for good approximating assumption. Take any 7 6 A(T_i) with countable Oj. A {A-i). For any equilibrium 8. = G o (slj) as the type such that kj^ i/x and any i analyzing these situations to justify Proofs and further results A. Take any 1. difficult in is = BR^ (tt each for for A (X,_i))"~ i_,;, and A'^^ H= take any U with (A.l) ^T_i ff^ = t™^ for all m< margexL^t^ ^L the proof, X (kj^ H = k. = BR, [s*,t_j] (jj'^,^ members (;/ t, x 7)0/3"^ = ai. D and k < 00, {v x n) and any Assume true by definition. spaces of lower and higher-order beliefs with generic Now i, = Kf^o/3~-^ [\U, s*_^)) any player s* , = s*_^ tt (-1^;, Define 1. ti tiiat it is C 5^7^ and true for [^-^1- A (X;_i))" I = Now, are the h, respectively. Clearly, margexi'^t,- because of the coherency requirement, which has no impact on the rest of and Kj put probability 1 on the subset T_i.) , FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS For each G (0,/) OxL with margexL^^t" (i?,/) = 31 H) > k,;({(6I,0} x be the the probabihty distribution on A-i induced by the behef on and P (•|6', Z, si-) s*_^ conditional 1)} x {9,1), i.e., P (a_,|0, (A.2) there exists a-i 6 for each such sU) A (M_,) = ^u {{{0. 1, h) \sU h) many {9,t^j) Note that according . {I, such that u-i ({s_i|s_j and a^i ({s_j|s_i {9,1), 5'_~~ G fixed S-i 1, Since there are only countably at each a_i. each a-i, the probability that a_i is = = a_,}) /k^^ {{{9, 1, h) = s_i (0, t_j)}) = =P (a_i|0, is P (a_i|6', always otherwise for 1 /, Z, slj. By Oi s*_^ some and for induction a.,(^[s-,\s^,{9,l,h)&S'lt[{lM]])=^- (A.3) Moreover, each for {9, 7T{{9,a-,)\U,a_^) a_j) with is = > t| (9) 0, fl^g^-g^P{a-,\9,l,s*_,)dKt,{0,l,h) = / l{e=e}-P {a-^\9, 1, s*_^) Kt. ({(61, l^g^^Kt^{{{9,l,h)\s*_i{l,h) = where l/g-gi t\ (9) = = ((0,a_O |ii,slj TT 0} x H) dmargQxiKt, P (a_j|0, 1, , the indicator function for {0 slj) does not t] {9) = ij {9) = depend on 0, we h, trivially {9, 1) = a^^})dmavgQ^Ld%{9,l) = ^}; the first by integrating over a-i appropriately; the second equality When a_j}) to a-i, at each {9,1) in the support played > with margexL^j- (^,0 (9,1) {9, H) we then have hypothesis, 0. tj 0, let and the third equality have n a-i) {{9, \ti, is is a-^) is obtained due to the fact that equality due to (A.l) and (A.2). = n {{0, a-^) \U, slj = Hence, s* {U) where the Proof of Lemma G BFU [n last inclusion is Lemma 5. 2. {-It,, s*_,)) = BR, {n {-lU, a-,)) by (A.3) and definition of It follows 5^^ C S^ [U] [ti\. D from the following lemma. For any nice game and for any i, ti, k, the D following are true. . JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET YILDIZ 32 = Sf (2) For each a^ G 5f [ti] some af,a^ S [a^,a^] for (1) Ai, which depend there exists s_, [ti], G S.~^ such = BR,{n{-\t^,s^i)) Proof. We will use that part 1 each for induction on true for is some — A; For k. i.e., 1, This implies that Sj^ j. topology).' Moreover, by the singleton, member of BRi{iT {\ti,s-^)) i Sj^ [S_~ ',ti] — 5f payoff of type ti /3j strict {n {-jti, s_j)) concavity assumption, (s^i) that maps each S_~ s_j f j = [a*^, a'^] This readily proves part for in Aj Assume = [0, 1] for s-i)) (tt (-1^^, it is convex as We this it is claim that Part 2 follows from the definition 1. = by setting Ui{ai\9,t-i,S-i) and BRi df G Ai. a*^, each {9,t-i) G supp^t; and strictly concave, an upper-semi- compact and convex, is some is G S_~^ to the unique S'^~^;ti is for each cr_i G for each s_i G S_~ , Ui{9,ai, s-i{6,t-i)) at A iSj^ ), the expected is (A.4) / Now, take any a closed interval is is, /3j [ti\. Clearly, Ui [tj\ true by definition. 1 is compact and connected, and hence define function Ui{-\9,t^i,s-i) Qi. 5-""^ continuous. Since is Towards proving our claim, each part 0, ;ti] is unidimensional. That Pi = that {a\]. Maximum Theorem, BRi and hence the function implies that P^ /c on U. a closed, convex metric space (with product is continuous function of s-i. But by the is . a^ > Ui {ai\9, t_,, s-i) dKt^ (9, t-^) da-^ {s-^) df. Then, for each {9,t-i,s-i), by definition of concavity of Ui{-\9,t-i,s-i), we have U^{a^\9,t-i,s-^) < J7, aj^ and [d'^\9,t-i,S-i). It strict then follows from (A.4) that d^ yields higher expected payoff than at for each (T_j G A D ( S'^jM, and thus ^Proof: space of all a^ Firstly, Yl(e 5; [ti]. ^j~^ t i) measurabihty convex. is ^^ i^A measurable functions / these two spaces, namely 5^7^' Similarly, a^ i^ : Si [ti] for each aj < af ^ compact space by Tychonoff's theorem. x T_i -^ R'^\^'^ is But the closed. Hence, the intersection of compact. Convexity of 5^7^ follows from the facts that preserved under point-wise multiplication and addition and that the range is FINITE-ORDER IMPLICATIONS Proof of 2 Lemma and the any e Part 2 follows from the definitions, and Part 3 follows from Part 3. D {A°° [s*,i]) < D [A'' [s*,t]) fact that > and any sequence such that i'" [fc] = 33 f^ for 6;^ > that converges to m each each for < For each 0. k and d [s* {i[k\) To prove Part k. there exists fc, t [k] D {A'' [s*,t]) /2 - > s* [t)) , take 1, e^ so that 0<D(^A''[s\t]^<2d{s*{i[k]),s*it)) (A.5) But, by definition, for each k — > Hence, oo. s* is if m and each k > m, i^ continuous at t, then as the right hand side of (A.5) converges to part 2 that s* Lemma 6. is [k] = — oo, s* (i fc That 0. + >• i'", D is, 2ek. and hence i™ [/c]) — continuous with respect to higher-order beliefs at For any finite-action game, — (^A'' [s*, t]) > i™ as » and thus s* (f), + — [k] showing by 0, D t. the following propositions are ordered with logical implication in the following decreasing order. (1) a* is continuous with respect (2) a* is continuous with respect to higher-order (3) a* is weakly continuous with respect to higher-order (4) A'^[a\t] C mixed Lemma 3.1, (1) write T,B = {a A (yl) disjoint the B and C, ds^c minimum beliefs at [a* ,t]\ < of ds^c imphes |supp (a) (2). C To show that B}, which = min {(i(aB,Q;c) among such that whenever whence supp(a* (f)) (t)) — {a}. t. all disjoint B \o^b is (2) implies (3), for a compact and C. Clearly, i"^ nsupp(a* = t'" for (i)) 7^ m each —hence < (3). The laist statement in the k, (3) f'" lemma if But d[a* i'" 0. ,a* (4) for < because also follows rfmin for then that there (t)) each A, each < dmm, (2) implies (t) BC for Write d{a,a') imphes = > each Then, set. £ "^BjO^C G E^} a E A'^ [c*!^] and each k, there exists i such that supp(a* beliefs at 1. the supports of a and a' have non-empty intersection. exists k t. strategies can be considered as pure strategies with values in A{Ai), by G t. supp{a*{t)). Moreover, (2) implies that \A°° Proof. Since product topology at to m c^min/2, for < from the each k and latter JONATHAN WEINSTEIN AND MUHAMET 34 observation because a* {t) YILDIZ cannot be arbitrarily close to two distinct pure action D profiles. References [1] Aumann, R. and A. Brandenburger (1995): "Epistemic Conditions for Nash Equilib- rimn," Econometrica, 63, 1161-1180. [2] Siniscalchi (2003): "Strong Belief and Forward-Induction Reason- Journal of Economic Theory, 106, 356-391. ing," [3] and M. Battigalli, P. BattigaUi, P. and M. Siniscalchi (2003) "Rationahzation Advances in Theoretical Economics, Vol. 3: No. 1, and Incomplete Information," Article 3. Morris (2003): "Robust Mechanism Design," mimeo. [4] Bergemann, D. and [5] Bernlieim, D. (1984): "Rationalizable strategic behavior," Econometrica, 52, 1007-1028. [6] Brandenburger, A. and E. Dekel (1987): "RationaUzability and Correlated Equihbria," S. Econometrica, 55, 1391-1402. [7] Brandenburger, A. and E. 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