- • <" Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/elephantsOOkrem (Otv j HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics ELEPHANTS Michael Kremer Charles Morcom 96-17 June 1996 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 ELEPHANTS Michael Kremer Charles Morcom 96-17 June 1996 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF Trr ' lJULlS 1996 UBttnn;u.~ 96-17 Elephants' By Michael Kremer and Charles Morcom 2 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 (617)253-3504 kremer@mit. edu chasm@mit.edu June 25, 1996 Existing models of open-access resources are applicable to non-storable resources, such as fish. Many open-access and resources, however, are used to produce storable goods. Elephants, rhinos, prominent examples. Anticipated future scarcity of these resources will increase current prices, and current poaching. This implies that, for given initial conditions, there may be rational expectations equilibria leading both to extinction and to survival. Governments may be able to eliminate extinction equilibria by promising to implement tough anti-poaching measures if the population falls below a threshold. Alternatively, they, or private tigers are three agents, may be able to eliminate extinction equilibria by accumulating a sufficient stockpile of the storable good. 'We thank Marty Weitzman, Andrew Merrick, John Geanakoplos, and participants at seminars at the JFK School of Government at Harvard University, the Hoover Institution, Princeton, and Yale for comments, and Ted Miguel for research assistance. This research was supported by the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research at MIT. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Bureau of Economic Research, and Harvard Institute of International Development. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Introduction I. Twenty-nine percent of threatened birds worldwide and more than half the threatened mammals in Australasia and the Americas are subject to over-harvesting [Goombridge, 1992]. Most models of open-access resources assume Gordon, 1954; Schaefer, 1957]. While inappropriate for Although 30% many that the may be this other species threatened of threatened mammals good is non-storable [Clark, 1976; a reasonable assumption for fish, by over-harvesting, are hunted for as illustrated in Table presumably non-storable meat, hunted for fur or hides, which are presumably storable, and approximately by the live trade 10% I. 20% are are threatened [Goombridge, 1992]. African elephants are a prime example of a resource which to protect as private property, and Africa's elephant population fell et al., 1990]. it is Dealers in is used to produce a storable good. from approximately Hong Kong is 1 .2 technologically difficult From 1981 to 1989, million to just over 600,000 [Barbier, stockpiled large amounts of ivory [New York Times Magazine, 1990]. As the elephant population decreased, the constant-dollar price of uncarved elephant tusks rose from $7.00 a pound in 1969 to $52.00 per pound in 1978, and $66.00 a pound in 1989 [Simmons and Freuteo., 1989]. The higher prices increased incentives for poaching. Recently, governments have toughened enforcement efforts with a ban on the ivory trade, shooting of poachers on sight, strengthened measures against corruption, and the highly publicized destruction of confiscated ivory. accompanied by decreases 4 This crackdown on poaching has been in the price of elephant tusks [Bonner, 1993]. changes reduce short-run ivory supply as well as demand, 4 In September 1988, Kenya's president ordered that it is not clear that the poachers be shot on sight, and took over Kenya's wildlife department. 1 Since these policy in April fall in price 1989 Richard Leakey would have been predicted under a this decline. However, the fall in static price model, and indeed most economists did not predict paper, under which improved anti-poaching enforcement by allowing the elephant population dynamic model consistent with the is may set forth in this increase long-run ivory supply to recover. the model, anticipated future scarcity of storable resources leads to higher Under current prices, and therefore to more intensive current exploitation. For example, elephant poaching leads to expected future shortages of ivory, and thus raises future ivory prices. Since ivory for a storable good, current ivory prices therefore rise, and this creates incentives is more poaching today. Because poaching rational expectations paths of ivory prices creates its own incentives, there may be multiple and the elephant population for a range of initial populations. In order to gain intuition for equilibria, it is that in xq. Then the population at the model initial multiple rational expectations two period example, is for which we thank a breeding season during which population population of x. Following the breeding season, an harvested. Denote the elephant population at the beginning of the harvest season year one as the may be each year there grows by an amount B(x) given an is there useful to consider the following Marty Weitzman. Suppose amount h why the population at the end of the harvest as simple as possible, end of the harvest in year we assume two will that the be xq - in h\ world ends year one will be x + B(xq after - two hi) - h2 years. . - h\, and To keep Figure Time Line for II Two Period Example Population Time Initial (year 1) xo After harvest, hi, in year xo 1 - hi After breeding in year 2 xo-hj + B(x - hi) After harvest, h2 in year 2 (end of world) xo-hi + B{x - hi) , - h2 Let c denote the cost of harvesting an animal, and denote the amount of the good demanded assumed at to a price of p as Dip). be the only cost of storage, There will be an equilibrium the initial population plus xo demand during < D(c) + is less than in is denoted 0. The interest rate, which is r. which the animal enough to satisfy is hunted to extinction demand during in year 1 if the first year at a price of c, the second year at a price of (l+r)c. Algebraically, this can be written as: D((l+r)c). There will be an equilibrium minus the amount required breeding season, the case if xQ If and D(°°) = Assume D' < - is in to satisfy first-year more than enough D(c) + B(x which the animal survives - D(c)) > demand to satisfy at price c, if the initial population, plus the births in the second period demand at price c. This will be D(c). both conditions hold, then there will be two equilibria. In one, the animal survives. In the other, the price the breeding that is high enough that the population would have satisfied second-period is eliminated in the demand never takes first place. period, and There will be multiple equilibria £>((1 the initial population if + r)c) + D(c) >x > 2D(c) - B(x Note is such that D(c)). be an extinction equilibrium for a that as the interest rate increases, there will diminishing range of initial population levels. For sufficiently high interest rates, there will only be a single equilibrium path of population for any non-storable initial stock, just as in fisheries models. Note is consumed. that the It example above implicitly assumes thus applies to goods such as rhino horn, good which is is not destroyed consumed when it in traditional We will call such goods storable and distinguish them from durable goods, Asian medicines. which are not used up when they are consumed. (Ivory durable good.) In an earlier version of this paper, equilibria in a two-period that except that the is often considered an we showed that there could model of durable goods. This paper models where noted, the results would be we In the remainder of the paper example of a be multiple storable, but we believe qualitatively similar for durable goods. use a continuous time, infinite-horizon model, which allows us to solve for steady-state population and prices, and to examine cases in which extinction prices is is not immediate following a shift in expectations, or the path of population and stochastic. The model level is carries several policy implications. steady, so that standard the species could still be vulnerable providing additional habitat. This governments have suggests that even if the population models would predict the continued survival of the species, eliminate the extinction equilibrium If It to a switch to would be is, an extinction equilibrium. One way to increase the population of the animal to by however, likely to be expensive. credibility, they may be able to eliminate the extinction equilibrium, and coordinate on the high population equilibrium, merely by promising to implement tough anti-poaching measures suggests that laws which provide little if the population falls protection to non-endangered species, and practically unlimited protection to endangered species may be justified Finally governments or conservation organizations extinction equilibria by building the animal sell the stockpile This somewhat analogous is exchange if rate (see, for below a threshold. This in some may be cases. able to eliminate the sufficient stockpiles of the storable good, becomes endangered or to central the price rises and threatening beyond a banks using foreign exchange reserves to threshold. to defend an example, [Obstfeld 1986; 1994]). Stockpiles could be built either by deliberately harvesting animals, or by storing confiscated contraband taken from poachers, rather than either destroying or selling it. A number of other papers find multiple equilibria in models of open-access resources with small numbers of players [Lancaster, 1971; Haurie and Pohjola, 1987; Levhari and Mirman, 1980; Reinganum and Stokey, 1984; and Benhabib and Radner, 1992]. In these models, each player prefers to grab resources immediately leave resources in place, where they will if grow more quickly, others are going to if others will not do so, but to consume them immediately. Tornell and Velasco [1992] introduce the possibility of storage into this type of model. The if there are effects many examined in the previous models are unlikely to lead to multiple equilibria potential poachers, each of whom assumes that his or her actions have only an infinitesimal effect on future resource stocks, and on the actions chosen by other players. This paper argues there may nonetheless be multiple equilibria for open-access renewable resources used in the production of storable goods, because become scarce, and this will increase the price if others poach, the animal will of the good, making poaching more attractive. Because poaching transforms an open-access renewable resource into a private exhaustible 5 resource, this paper can be seen as helping unify the Gordon-Schaefer analysis of open-access renewable resources with Hotelling's [1931] analysis of optimal extraction of private non- renewable resources. The remainder of the paper Gordon-Schaefer fisheries model, model can be adapted organized as follows. Section is in which storage to allow for storage, and Section some impossible. Section HI shows probability the is some probability that the economy will coordinate economy on the IV will survival. V concludes with a discussion of policy implications. In the standard Gordon-Schaefer model, as set forth — where x denotes the population, h rate of population increase in the extinct, population is = 0, The poachers. rate by Clark [1976], = B(x)-h, n.i the harvesting rate, and 5(), the net-births function, 5 absence of harvesting. 5(0) = 1. 0, since if the We will measure the population in and B(x) positive and less than steady state for the population is is no more animals can be born. carrying capacity, so 5(1) This how The Standard Gordon-Schaefer Model With No Storage II. 5 presents the standard classifies the possible equilibria. Section discusses equilibria in which people believe there coordinate on extinction and is II is strictly negative for x This implies that, > 1. 5 is population the is is units of the habitat's strictly positive if without harvesting, the unique stable is 1 of harvest will depend on the demand and the marginal cost faced by The marginal cost of poaching, c, is a decreasing function of the population x, so often taken to be the logistic function B(x) = x(l - x). that c = c(x), with c'(x)<0. We assume that c'(x) is bounded and that there is a maximum poaching marginal cost of c m so that c(0) = cm , Given zero at price, p, and above a pm > cm so that , condition is consumer demand will which will restrict ourselves to the case in . some poaching D is continuous, decreasing in p, and D(p), where maximum price p m We be profitable, no matter how small the population. This necessary for extinction to be a stable steady-state. Since the good is open-access, and storage be equal to the marginal poaching equal to consumer demand, so h impossible is . is = is assumed Algebraically, cost. p= to c{x). be impossible, The must harvest must be exactly The evolution of the system D(c(x)). price its in which storage is thus described by: — =B(x)-D(c(x)) = F(x) H.2 at We assume that B, D, D(c(0)) > 0, so that F(0) II.2. at F(1)<0 some since fl(l) and c are differentiable. Since 5(0) = < 0, as illustrated in = 0, and£>(c(l)) point in (0,1), so that extinction there will generically be points positive on (Xu, and Xu, state, Xs . it will Thus, Xs ), equilibrium given initial is 0. we is whereas not inevitable. if it and p m > c m is , a stable steady state of We will consider the case in which F is positive Assuming Xs and X v so that F is negative extinct, storage For most of the sequel, and the notation, and is Figure n. 1. Thus, zero and negative and decreasing on (Xs become if > 0, starts , 1]. F is single-peaked and increasing on Hence, above Xu, that it if (0, population is 6 , Xu), between will tend to the high steady impossible, there will be multiple steady states, but a unique population. don't strictly need not too restrictive. F to be single peaked, but this requirement simplifies the analysis Equilibria with Storage HI. This section introduces the possibility of storage into a Gordon-Schaefer type model. We assume that storage is competitive, that there is no intertemporal substitution in demand for the good, and that the cost of storage is an interest cost, with rate r. We will look for rational expectations equilibria, or paths of population, stores, which poachers, consumers, and price in storers are section considers perfect foresight equilibria, in considers equilibria in which the path storage are the same as those in the (i.e. there are which the path stochastic. model without The steady storage, as is no cycles or chaotic at all times. This deterministic; Section states IV of the model with we show below. comprise the entire stable limit stable steady states. of the last section storage is behaving rationally and set of the Indeed, the system with attractors). We analyze the fairly general model introduced in the last section with two stable steady states, one at zero and the other at Xs. In fact, the propositions of this section can be easily generalized to cover states, or in Our much more which extinction is general models in which there are many stable steady not stable. strategy for finding equilibria absence of arbitrage opportunities in is as follows. Simple accounting arithmetic and the poaching and storage yield local equilibrium conditions on the possible equilibrium paths. Because there may or may not be storage or poaching, turns out that there are three possible different dynamic regimes: no storage, storage, and no poaching. Using the local equilibrium conditions, equilibrium paths in each regime. We will make a distinction The steady between a steady state, 8 we derive differential equations for the states give terminal or which equilibrium. it is boundary conditions a stationary value of population and stores, and an which allow us completely to determine the equilibrium paths, which we represent using phase diagrams in population-stores space. The steady states provide a terminal condition that allow us completely characterize the equilibrium paths. LOCAL EQUILIBRIUM AND FEASIBILITY CONDITIONS The local equilibrium conditions are determined by the absence of arbitrage opportunities for both poachers and storers of the good: The The Storage Condition As prices. possibility of storage introduces constraints on the path of in [Hotelling 1931], in order to rule out arbitrage, —= rp, if s m.l >0, dt where s denotes the amount of the good that people would sell their stores, to their stores or case, dpldt < rp, which the price Because poaching the population is rising slack if there is is x. Thus is is it were quickly, people slack when no poaching, in would hold on stores are zero. In this profitable to hold stores. if there is poaching at all, poaching another unit of the good, the "poaching condition" c(x), if there is rising less quickly, more competitive, to the marginal cost of p= This condition were because otherwise people would find good must be equal is c(x) if if stored. If the price poach more. This "storage condition" The Poaching Condition price of the and is is poaching. which case p < that HI.2 c(x). the Note that, in addition to the local equilibrium conditions above, there are some feasibility conditions: At "Conservation of Elephants" all times, the increase in stores plus the increase in population must equal the net births minus the amount consumed, or s Note that, as mentioned consumed. Note also good. earlier, that animals + x = B(x)-D(p). we assume that the m.3 good is destroyed which die naturally cannot be turned when into the storable and stores, s, must be non-negative at all times. The above conditions imply that, once on an equilibrium path, population, must be a continuous function of time. This would be anticipated and As we arbitraged. discuss below, there may be These conditions must be path. is 8 Finally, both population, x, price, it is stores, and because, with perfect foresight, jumps See Appendix A, proposition A. 1 for a more formal proof. an initial jump to get to the equilibrium path. satisfied at all points on a rational expectations equilibrium There are four conceivable dynamic regimes for the system, depending on which of the storage and poaching conditions (in. 1 and m.2) are binding at any time, but only three of these potential regimes are actually possible: No Storage Regime Stores are zero, but there poaching implies that p = The poaching. The zero profit condition for storage condition restricts the rate at and not induce storage (p<rp). Because the price rise g c(x). is We write the conservation condition as an equality. away is inversely related to the population, Because the price voluntarily. 10 which the price can is positive, no one would throw the good it is may possible to translate this condition that prices the population may not fall too fast: differentiating p- not rise too fast into a condition that c{x), the condition that no one wants to hold positive stores becomes dx — >r-r^. c\x) c(x) m.4 dt In the No Storage Regime, the dynamics are the same as Section II, model with no the storage: x = B(x) - D(c(x)) s=0 P= Storage Regime p= c(x). c(x) Stores are positive and there is poaching, so dpldt - and rp, Here, the exponential path of the price translates into a differential equation for population: differentiating for the m.5 . No p= c(x) gives the same expression, but with equality, that we had Storage regime (HL4). Given the path of population and, hence, price and consumption, the dynamics of stores are determined by "conservation of elephants" (IH.3), and we can express all the local equilibrium dynamics x= in terms of the population, x: c(x) r~ c\x) s = B(x) - D(c(x)) - x P= No Poaching Regime the rate of stores, so stores must be must be rc(x) Stores are positive, but there change of population is is just the net birth rate. All falling at the rising exponentially at rate r. m.6 . same rate as demand is demand. For stores The dynamics can 11 no poaching. Without poaching, being satisfied from to be positive, price thus be summarized by: x = B(x) s = -D(p) p= Note No that since there is No Poaching Storage, that there is maximum no poaching, This it is is m.7 rp not possible to substitute c(x) for p. impossible if population no consumption, so the price must be pm but p m , is is positive, since greater than c m To be in steady state, stores must be zero because, which population and No which is the was no poaching. when they are positive, price must be rising exponentially. This means that there are only two stable steady in the would imply marginal cost of poaching, so there would have to be poaching, which contradicts the assumption that there population , it is stores are zero, and what Xs, stores are zero, and price is we states: extinction, in will call the "high steady state", in c(Xs). If stores are zero, then the which system must be Storage regime, and will thus have the same steady states as the model with no storage in Section II, i.e. x= orXj. DYNAMICS WITHIN THE STORAGE AND NO STORAGE REGIMES We shall begin by looking at the two regimes in which there is poaching: No Storage and Storage. Equilibrium Paths in the No Storage Regime. For the system to be in the no storage regime in equilibrium, people must not want to hold positive stores, so price must not be rising faster than rp. Since the price 12 is determined by the population, p= c(x), storage implies that the population cannot fall too fast. Specifically, from m.4 and m.5, rc(x) B(x)-D(c(x))>—-. ffl.8 c (x) As x e [Xu, is clear Xs*], just binding, If the to follow the from Figure HJ.1, where i.e. B - system No Xs ' D= and Xv * for small are the two r, m.8 critical points at < Xj rc/c'. Moreover, starts enough will hold if and only which the storage condition <X V <XS < Xs Storage Regime dynamics to Xs, the stable steady with no stores and a population of exactiy Xu, the unstable steady Here, as elsewhere, for the sake of clarity this in any we is *. with population in (XuJCs*] and no stores, then there. if state. it is If the state, the shall not discuss an equilibrium system starts system will stay measure zero cases like detail. s If the system starts with no stores and with population in [Xu, Xu), then the Storage dynamics will eventually take population to a point less than therefore, the system must leave the discuss this after we have found No Xu At some No point, Storage Regime and enter the Storage Regime. We the equilibrium paths in the Storage Regime. Equilibrium Paths in the Storage Regime The dynamics of population The dynamics of stores not consumed must be of stores, s, in terms are determined are determined stored. by the price, which is rising exponentially. by "conservation of elephants": what is harvested and We may rewrite m.6 as a differential equation for the trajectory of x: dx rc(x) c (*)J { 13 dx/dl is still just rc(x)/c'(x), Equation EII.9 which implies that rational expectations trajectories in population-stores space must have stores decreasing with population, increasing function of population a minimum at Xs*. To it would fall if x, if x < Xv , x e (Xu, Xs). There see the intuition for this, note that low, population would tend to III.l, bounded above. negative, and is strictly rapidly fall enough or x a is if > Xs would be prevent population from falling too rapidly, part of Stores must be an maximum of stores population rapidly without stores, and as that price . ', and seen from Figure rising faster than rate demand must be Xj very high or very is may be at In order to r. satisfied out of stores, and so stores must decrease with time. Xu* and Xs* are the points at which, in the absence of stores, the population would and Xs*, the price would stores, therefore, to make more than m.9 is population-stores space. the is enough more slowly than current the population fall fast Equation One rise fall just fast that price rate r with enough so Xs x e [Xu ,XS . ]. To The now to at which this still must increase r. positive, No Because population, stores and price are continuous at the same point at x e (Xu, Xs *), and at a point of transition from the Storage to and the system enters can possibly happen which it strictly is where population Storage Regime, in equilibrium, the enters the explained above, stores are decreasing as a function of x, so at the stores be determined by boundary conditions. see why, consider the following: to be in the is falling) if For an equilibrium with that price rises at exactly rate equilibria are must leave the Storage regime of time (x storage. Between Xu* r. the differential equation for the trajectories of equilibria in Storage Regime. The only place exactly no rise at rate demand must be being harvested and possibility is that stores run out while population is No would No Storage regime. 14 As increasing as a function maximum at x = Xu*. But stores No system have to run out Storage Regime, so stores must have been falling, (or at least not increasing or at only point at which a stores could run out maximum) immediately is, therefore, The other possible boundary condition run out. Since x is population must be consumed when become until they maximum To when p which reach zero as well. is extinct is It becomes bounded below while do not run extinct before stores stores are positive, the out. After that, stores will turns out that the quantity of stores remaining uniquely determined in a rational expectations see this, note that the price charged for the last unit of stores must be sell his or her stock. the population becomes while stores are positive, so is a rate price people are willing to momentarily to price at . that population extinct in finite time if stores becomes the population equilibrium. price decreasing is Xs until price reaches we can pm The before the transition. pay for the good, or a storer would The zero extinct profit condition in , the by waiting poaching implies that the must be c(0) = cm Price . calculate the amount, U(p), profit pm is rising exponentially consumed from the time when : Iln'- U(p) = The amount of stores remaining We at the \D(pe")dt. m.10 moment of extinction must, therefore, be U(c m ). have shown that there can only be two equilibrium paths in the Storage Regime (See Figure m.2) 1 High Steady State Storage Equilibrium x> Xs . The system evolves enters the No until stores In this equilibrium, population starts at run out Storage Regime. The equations when population p= c(x), path of population and price. Stores are given by s 15 = is Xs*, and then and dpldt = rp determine the s+(x), where sAx)=]^\B(q)-D(c(q))-r^p-\dq. ifc{q) Extinction Storage Equilibrium. In this equilibrium, population 2 at that moment, = U(cm ). The equations p = stores path of population and price. Stores are given by s s e (x) For this to stores s e (x), to If there is become negative is ever negative, none such, we say some at we that extinct, and where = U(cJ + ]^\B(q)-D(c(q))-r-^f-\dq. equilibrium. If se (x) s e (x). = becomes and dpldt = rp determine the c{x) be an equilibrium, stores must stay positive would have m.ll c{q)) [ at all HI.12 times along this path. If point in the future, this path is not an define Xmax to be the smallest positive root of Xmax = °°. To be an equilibrium, the starting population must be less than Xmax. s e (x) that Xmax and Xs and s+(x) are parallel. is finite if and only Both have a minimum if s e (x) lies below s+(x). Xs at . It is If Xmax is finite, clear it from Figure must lie III.2 between Xu '. Transitions Between Storage and No Storage Regimes We now examine under which circumstances an equilibrium path can move from the No Storage to the Storage Regime. If the path can Xu > move to the Storage and the system initial population regime and, thence, starts in the No is to extinction. enough It may have to do this: if Storage regime with population less than Xu, then the system must eventually move to the Storage regime because fall fast small enough, an equilibrium to violate the storage condition 16 once it had if it didn't, the fallen past Xu*. population would On an equilibrium path, the system must move to the Storage regime before may move also the system = s e (x) move 0, must make the i.e. to the at regime when to the Storage X^. transition from the path in the If the it No doesn't strictly have No The system that point is reached. to. By continuity of stores, Storage to the Storage regime where Storage regime crosses X^, then the system can Storage regime path se leading to extinction. At such a transition, the rates of change of population, stores, and price will jump, but the storage and poaching conditions are not violated because the levels will not jump. We may thus define two sets of points on equilibrium paths in the Storage and No Storage regimes: A e, A+ the set of points leading to extinction, and , the set of points leading to the high steady state, as illustrated in Figure III.3. The system must end up on one of these of population and stores (x when there is ,so), paths, A+ or A e Given . arbitrary initial values there can either be an initial cull, or there can be an interlude no poaching, as discussed below. MOVING TO EQUILIBRIUM If the initial population and stores are not on one of the equilibria identified above, then one of two things will happen. If the initial point in population-stores space equilibrium paths described above, then the system equilibrium paths via a satisfied The cull. If the initial point is from stores with no poaching for a while transition cannot happen at Xs ', may jump 17 below the instantaneously to one of the above an equilibrium, demand may be until the path meets A e or A+ because the population would be falling there in the the system could never reach that point. is No Storage regime, so Culling If the system starts below an equilibrium path an instantaneous harvest, which enough that it is 10 jump will poaching up to the point at initial allowed make if it is is is and there , equal to the marginal required by rationality, such a unanticipated, or at the "beginning of time", as it is in this case. We a distinction between "initial" values of population and stores and "starting" values, which are the values just after the initial cull. for initial population (xq, so) population, c(xq) which the price Although continuity of price, population, and stores is may be shall call a "cull". In this case, the price starts high above the marginal cost implied by the will be instantaneous cost. we in population stores space, there and stores, and When we need (x(0), s(0)) to to indicate this, denote starting we (i.e. at will write time on the equilibrium path) values. In a cull, live elephants are killed means that, in and the population-stores space, the system total quantity Q = x + s. For a must lie below may s we = be rational, it moves up a downward sloping is conserved. must take the system identified above, line s = s+(x), We call this quantity to a point on one of the by culling, initial population and stores and x < Xs*. get to the path leading to extinction, if s e (x). If Xmox is finite, points also be other points diagonal, A e or A+. get to the high steady state equilibrium path below the To of elephants, dead or alive, cull to equilibrium paths To and turned into dead elephants one-to-one. This from which below X^ s e (x) is infinite, the initial point must lie can also cull to the equilibrium, but there this is feasible. In particular, if the curve s = s e (x) has a If the marginal cost of poaching became sufficiently great as the instantaneous rate of poaching became great enough, the harvest would take place over time, rather than instantaneously. Structurally, though, there is little two approaches: the rational expectations equilibria are determined by the boundary conditions (where people anticipate the system must end up), and these are essentially the same in both cases. real difference in the 18 tangent of gradient -1, then, as illustrated in Figure m.4, points above the curve, but below the tangent can also reach the extinction equilibrium by culling. the points at which s e (x) has gradient -1 are The value of Q the curve. the extinction equilibrium exist, at this Xu and Xs tangency, Qmax, may be and only points below se can is A quick look at III.9 shows that but only the tangent at , the maximum reached via culling. If Xu lies above Q may have so that value X^ < Xu, then this tangency doesn't cull to the extinction equilibrium. No Poaching If there are sufficient initial stores, there will below c(x), and there is be equilibria no poaching for a time while demand Eventually poaching must resume, at a point on in which the is satisfied A e or A+. While there is population will be rising, and stores falling as they are consumed. Price exponentially, at rate downward r. In population-stores space, trajectories with are all it. up on one of the A„ the In order for initial to the path leading to the boundary of the curve s We = no poaching, is rising no poaching must be s + (x). include a is no poaching point must high steady lie a unique, to be downward rational, on one of these state, the initial and sloping no poaching for an initial point to point must get we denote L+, and above the lie to the right of the of points on trajectories leading to A+, which To get to the path leading to extinction, the initial point set of points on trajectories leading to points on more formal treatment of this in the 19 end To trajectories (Figure III.5). set boundary of the than one. is less a point on one of the A, paths, price, population, and stores determined. Given the end point, there trajectory leading to the at is out of stores. sloping and population must be increasing so long as population When poaching resumes starting price Ae , must lie to the left of which we denote Appendix A, proposition A.3. Le . We have now found all the possible equilibria of the model with storage. illustrated in Figure HJ.6, population-stores may be space depending on whether there exist equilibria leading both. In the first region, there case if would lose would mean no equilibrium path leading that stores steady state. This were temporarily is is to most three regions to extinction. that killing This will be the and storing enough no equilibrium path leading and demand were to be low enough satisfied from that, to the high even equilibria, some to extinction, In this deterministic, perfect foresight model, determined by exogenously formed, be no region to the extinction set poaching If, if it lies poaching stores until they should run Ae , in which equilibrium is chosen is self-fulfilling expectations. which survival is either through a cull if above se is and some to the high steady Depending on parameter values, some of these regions may be empty. that there will if cannot recover enough to guarantee species survival. The third region where there are multiple possible to be held long enough that the storers the case if population and stores are to cease out, the population state. would have money. In the second region, there at to extinction, the high steady state, or and stores are high enough, so the initial population get to extinction is divided into As assured. If Xm^ it lies below is infinite, s e or , It is possible any point can get by an interlude with no . on the other hand, X^ is small enough (less than XJ), then there will be no region of multiple equilibria, and the fate of the system will be entirely determined by its initial point, and not by expectations. Note start that, if there is with even shooting with if No an initial no poaching the eventual fate of the system Poaching equilibria, is interlude, the population will extinction. and one should 20 be rising to There will often be over- not, therefore, become complacent if elephant populations are increasing. It see turns out that Appendix A, proposition A.2. This should not come largest population The Xmax and Q max are both decreasing in r, the storage cost. can be and still For proofs, as a surprise, Qmax tells us the reach extinction via culling and a storage equilibrium path. larger the population, the longer stores have to be held before extinction. This is clearly going to be less desirable with higher storage costs. Increasing the storage cost thus always reduces the region of phase space from which extinction increase storage costs by threatening prosecution of The international ban on ivory trade For sufficiently large multiple equilibria at all; r, may have had is possible. anybody found to be storing the good. this effect. Xmax will be less than Xu, and there will be no region of the ultimate fate of the species is the storage possible, given the Governments could same initial same conditions. In this sense, our as in the model with no model converges to the standard Gordon-Schaefer model as storage cost rises. If Qmax > Xs, then even starting from the high steady state with no stores, the population will be vulnerable to coordination on the extinction equilibrium. This highlights another possible policy response to limit the possibility of extinction: the government or private conservation organizations may Increasing the habitat, while leaving population, Xs , more than increase the size of habitat available to the species. demand unchanged, proportionally. At the Appendix A, proposition A.4 same will increase the steady state time, Qmax will that, for sufficient habitat, 21 We Xs will be above Qmax, species will then be safe from speculative attacks leading to extinction steady state. fall. when show, in and the it is in the high Non-Deterministic Equilibria IV. So the far, economy we have focused on future possible paths of the all agents believe that which agents may attach positive probability economy. One reason to a number of to consider this broader class of equilibria the perfect foresight equilibrium concept has the uncomfortable property that there be a path from greater than steady which will follow a deterministic path. This section considers a broader class of rational expectations equilibria in is that perfect foresight equilibria, in state. Xs A to B, , and from B then for sufficient For a system to C, but not initial from A to C. To see this, note that if may Q max is population, the only equilibrium will lead to the high that starts in the high steady state, however, an extinction storage equilibrium would also be possible. Note also that the concept of no poaching regimes is also much more stochastic paths are admissible, since in order to have an equilibrium with must be stores, and the only way stores can be generated within the model relevant when no poaching, there is through a storage equilibrium. However, within the limited class of perfect foresight equilibria, people must assign zero weight to the possibility that there might be a switch from an storage regime to a no poaching regime. While we have not fully categorized the extremely stochastic rational expectations paths, which we conjecture equilibria in that, when illustrates we have been some more general which agents believe there this is broad class of equilibria with able to describe a subclass of equilibria, aspects of behavior. We consider a constant hazard that a sunspot will appear and happens, the economy will switch to the extinction storage equilibrium, with 22 no possibility of any other switches. 11 Thus all agents know that the economy the extinction equilibrium eventually with probability one, but they are unsure divide time into two section. In this section, when. before the sunspot (B.S.), and after the sunspot (A.S.). parts: equilibrium behavior A.S. will switch to is we simple: it is just the extinction equilibrium we found We The in the last look for equilibria B.S. in which the population does not become extinct. We first derive a stochastic analogue of the storage condition. We then show that there are equilibria with a small switching hazard in which the behavior is similar to that seen in section HI: the B.S. steady state population is Xs, and no stores are held in this steady state. There are also equilibria with a higher switching hazard in which positive stores are held in B.S. steady-state equilibrium in anticipation of a switch to the extinction equilibrium. There cannot be equilibria with a hazard rate above a certain threshold, because in this case extinction would become so jump immediately likely that it would become certain and the system would have to the extinction equilibrium. We also show that while the species can survive a series of small increases in the hazard rate of switching by building up stores after each increase, sustain the same increase in the hazard rate if it it might not be able to took place in a single jump, because the required increase in storage would be so great as to drive the species into extinction. In this section, it is mathematically more convenient to work with the and population, Q, rather than working with stores, s. Since Q = s + x, some is of stores equivalent to (x,s). For the sake of clarity and brevity, we relegate In working with (x,Q) total cases, extinction is all instantaneous after the switch, so there ascribe positive probability to any further switch. 23 proofs to Appendix B, where is no way we that agents could rationally to derive the results of this section more formally. B.S. Equilibrium Conditions Let the B.S. state be (x, Q, p), and the A.S. state be (xe Q, , there are positive stores, the expected profit from storage must be zero, so that, if we If denote rate that the sunspot will appear: p + (p t - p)n = If stores are zero, it must be because expected ifs>0. rp profits IV.l from storage are not p + (p e -p)n<rp ifs = positive, and so rv.2 0. & IV.2 are just generalizations of the storage condition when the price change is IV. 1 stochastic, We there is no and not necessarily continuous. shall consider equilibria in which, once the system possibility of further change. (xe , equilibrium path derived in section HI. In this that, since the Q doesn't change when the sunspot appears. switch happens instantaneously by culling, by n the hazard p e ). Note some path to which the system could jump. jumps to the lowest possible population function of Q: xe {Q) is Q) must, on is in therefore, cases, there he on the extinction storage may be more this path. Thus the population after the switch is a + xe (Q) = Q. This is where . The system must, Qm^ >Q>x> xe {Q). assumption, the system jumps to the extinction equilibrium path 24 to we must have x > xe (Q). We will also only formally consider cases in which Qnuu is bigger than Xs By system Because harvesting cannot increase the population, for people believe in the possibility of a switch to the extinction equilibrium therefore, be in the region than one point on We will consider equilibria in which the the smallest population such that s e (xe (Q)) illustrated in Figure IV.l. the extinction equilibrium, if there is a sunspot. We may, therefore, determine the A.S price as a function of Q, the total stores plus at function of Q (as we prove When Q < U(cm ), the system jumps the population We Q is conserved during the the time of the sunspot. population jumps first to in Appendix B, proposition B.l), straight to extinction, switch. and it is p t is a decreasing continuous on andp e = U~\Q). When [0, Q> gj. U(cm ), xe (Q), and/?, = c(xe (Q)). consider the system dynamics when there are positive stores, so that IV. 1 holds. By Q > x), the system evolves before the sunspot according to the differential equations: an argument analogous to that used in Section HI, while stores are positive (i.e. Q = B(x)-D(c(x)) = F(x) x= —— 1 r [(/ IV.3 + K)c(x) - KPe (Q)]v C \X) s B.S. Steady States It is rather easy to solve for the steady states of IV.3. for total stores Xy), just as and population was to The first equation tells us that, be constant, population must be either Xs, or zero (we ignore the case in the deterministic case in the last section. We are interested in the steady state at Xs. Given the population Xs, the B.S. price will be c(Xs). To determine the steady state level of stores, note that the more stores, the lower the A.S. price will be, and so the less profitable it will be to speculate on the sunspot' s appearance. There unique level of stores plus population, Qs, that The second equation of IV.3 allows us rate, the satisfies the storage condition will thus be a with equality. to solve for this level of stores in terms of the interest sunspot hazard, and the characteristics of the extinction equilibrium after the sunspot: Qs =p: Jr + n ——c(x 25 \ s )\. IV.4 Because stores must be This will be the case for 7t > positive, this is only a feasible B.S. steady state if 71/, < rc(X s = ' 7t ) rv.5 . p e (X s )-c(X s ) the storage condition cannot be satisfied with equality at 71/, - where 7i, If Q s > Xs Xs , and there must be zero stores in steady state. Because case that Qmax- it must be possible we must have Even if Qmax Qs < s e (Xu) is infinite, this to reach the A.S. equilibrium path via culling, + Xy. If equation Qmax still the right is finite, hand side of IY.5 holds, as if stores are too large at cannot cull to a point on the extinction equilibrium. For is it this to hold, 7t Xs also the is just one , must be below % h , where *&* nh = In stores. summary, In this case, then, if Xs is Tt < 71/, then there stores outweigh the expected If 71/ < 7C < 71/,, is no B.S. steady a steady state with no stores, just as case of section IE: the sunspot probability profit then there is when rv.6 . c(Xy )-c(Xs ) is low enough it state was equilibrium with positive in the perfect-foresight that the costs of holding positive the sunspot happens. a B.S. steady state with positive stores, (Xs , Qs ). possibility of the sunspot causes agents to hold positive stores in anticipation, so the likely the sunspot's occurrence, the higher the stores held in anticipation of it (see The more Appendix B, proposition B.2). 71 > 71/,, probability is high enough, extinction becomes self-fulfilling even before the sunspot happens, If there exists no B.S. steady state at Xs- 26 This is because if the sunspot and there is B.S. Equilibrium We now this are in diagram Dynamics summarize the main features of the B.S. equilibrium dynamics. Details of Appendix B, propositions B.2 in x - Along is n< is critical and run out < 7t < The system continues ith, *, and X"' the B.S. equilibrium path probability of a sunspot just at the steady state. is 71. is s+*(x) when population where the storage condition x = Xs, s = in the No Appendix B, proposition B.4, Xs* . the saddle path of the fixed point (Xs Qs), This means, as is not surprising, that higher, then higher stores will be held for all if the population levels, not We illustrate the dynamics in Figure IV.3. consider unanticipated changes in n decreases, of course, in the = Xs Comparative Statics and Unanticipated Changes in If , to the B.S. steady state As we show Xs° = Xs This saddle path rises with increasing Now we ignore them. as for the perfect foresight case. analogue of Xs at Xs', the stochastic decreasing with n. Obviously 71/ same we value Xs". In this case, population decreases towards Xs over time, and just binding. If totally unstable, so be some level of positive stores Storage regime exactly as in section in. is always then the dynamics are basically the 7i/, stores are falling IY.2 B.7. Figure IV.2 illustrates a possible phase Xu are the equilibrium path, there will above a - Q space. Steady states for population If sunspot apart from extinction. state equilibrium before the no steady the price would have 71, to fall to get it the transition hazard. If back to the stable manifold, stop for a while in a non-deterministic version of a no poaching equilibrium. 27 12 71 increases , and poaching would the B.S. equilibrium path moves up, and there will be a cull to get to the from the old one, so long as the increase required cull will be so large that the will switch in new 7t is new not too big. If the increase in equilibrium path n is equilibrium path cannot be reached, and the system immediately to the extinction equilibrium. Note that a large increase necessarily lead to extinction if If the increase in n is it happens gradually, Thus, if a policy maker knew higher probability of extinction, and would be best to in a series slow enough, then the equilibrium the equilibrium ceases to exist altogether make is in sustainable up to the point at which (i.e. 7t/,). that there had somehow had to be a shift in expectations towards a control over the timing of that shift, have access to continuously changing information about the this k need not of small, unanticipated steps. the shift gradual, rather than rapid. This hints that if policy be best for them to release too big the state it makers of the population, it might information on a regular basis, rather than simply trying to cover up bad news about the availability of the resource and hope that the situation repairs itself before people find out. This can only be conjectured, however, because in the model, there is no uncertainty about the population, only about what other agents are thinking. We conjecture that if there was a chance of switching to a no poaching equilibrium at any point on the A.S. trajectory, the have to rate of growth of prices would be higher. Similarly, the possibility of switching back to an extinction equilibrium from a no poaching equilibrium would mean lower in the extinction equilibria in the no poaching equilibrium. Note equilibrium makes it that the rate of growth of prices would have that the possibility of switching to a 28 be no poaching harder to have a storage equilibrium, just as increasing storage costs would. to V. Conclusions and Policy Implications This paper has argued that there may be multiple rational expectation paths of population and prices for open-access resources used in the production of storable goods. Expectation of future poaching will increase future prices, and this will increase current Note prices, thus rationalizing the initial increase in poaching. apply to non-storable goods, such as fish, because the price of fish depends only on current supply and demand, and not on expectations of prices. goods, such as oil, argument does not that this It also does not apply to privately held since anticipation of higher prices will lead people to postpone extracting the resource. It is becoming areas of Africa cost-effective for people to assert property rights to elephants in a [Simmons and Kreuteo, Most 1989J. few elephants, however, continue to live in open-access areas, and only a fraction of the elephant population can profitably be protected as private property. (It is expensive to protect elephants as private property, since they naturally range over If huge territories and ordinary fences cannot contain them [Bonner, 1993].) elephants can only be supported as private property above a certain price, then there one equilibrium in which they are a plentiful open-access resource at a equilibrium in which they are a scarce private resource The it may be equilibrium with a higher level of poaching. If in fact be vulnerable to a switch extinction equilibrium is to and another it indicates that in order to necessary to preserve a large enough herd not only to allow the species to survive at current equilibrium may price, be high price. analysis carries several policy implications. First, assure the survival of a species, safe, but at a low may poaching Q max > Xs , levels, but also to prevent then the population in equilibrium. One way may appear to rule out the increase the habitat for the animal, so that the steady-state 29 an population becomes greater than Qmax- It may be possible for governments and international organizations to avoid the extinction equilibrium could keep prices if they can commit down and reduce to drastic the incentive to poach. If a organization could credibly announce that protection the if below a the herd fell money, whereas if the measures to prevent extinction. This it would spend a certain critical size, it government or international large amount on elephant might never actually have to spend same government spent a moderate amount on elephant protection each year, the herd might become extinct. The model thus suggests a rationale for conservation laws that extend little protection to a species until then provide extensive protection without regard to cost. who hold which the species becomes stores will prefer to coordinate extinct. In fact, although is declared endangered, and 1 While conservationists and governments may wish equilibria, people it game to coordinate on low-poaching on a high-poaching equilibrium, officials in Zimbabwe removed in the horns of some rhinos in order to protect them from poaching, poachers killed the rhinos anyway. The their New York Times [July behavior by saying "If 1 1 Zimbabwe or 12, 1994], quotes a wildlife official as explaining is to lose increase the values of stockpiles internationally." Note that if there were not subject its entire rhino population, such news would 14 were a "George Soros" of elephants who had to credit constraints, he or she could use his or her sufficient resources, or market power to coordinate on the extinction equilibrium simply by offering to buy enough of the good high enough price. On It is a A speculator who already owned some of the good would make the other hand, the model suggests that if the enforcement that the long-run harvest will decline, because this may lead to a rush to poach. government plans to impose such strong anti-poaching should announce these regulations before they are imposed, it also possible that the poachers killed the rhinos to obtain the stumps of their horns, or to poaching easier at in the future. 30 make rhino substantial profits may be more by inducing coordination on the extinction equilibrium, so likely in the absence of government intervention, assuming the parameters are such that both extinction and survival equilibria The model by accumulating a also suggests that it may be more is likely to possible to eliminate the extinction equilibrium becomes and threatening to release it onto sufficiently endangered. (Note that this be time consistent than policies which promise to spend arbitrary to preserve an animal. If the animal is already amounts of resources reason not to exist. sufficient stockpile of the storable good, the market if the animal goes extinct or policy this equilibrium sell the stockpile.) As illustrated in Figure HI. 6, if going extinct, there Qmax is finite, no is but greater than the high steady state, Xs, then an extinction equilibrium will exist in steady state if the government does not stockpile stores. If the government or a conservation organization holds stores greater than the boundary of the region where the extinction equilibria cease and credibly promises to release them onto the market if the population falls threshold, the extinction equilibrium will be eliminated. would have to pay the the price might be interest costs worth paying if on the stores, and below a The organization holding this would to exist, stores entail a financial loss, but the organization valued conservation, and the stores eliminated the extinction equilibrium. If (2™ is infinite, stores cannot eliminate the extinction equilibrium, but they can extend the range of the survival equilibrium. For example, suppose that the and the due initial stores are zero, to disease. If there are no but that there demand is if there satisfied Bergstrom [1990] has suggested by stock is X s, an exogenous shock to population, for example stores, then the species will population dips below Xj. However, equilibrium in which is initial be driven to extinction are sufficient stores, there will be a stores the no poaching and the population can recover. that confiscated 31 if contraband should be sold onto the market. This analysis suggests that confiscated supplies of goods such as rhino horn should be held and released onto the market only if it appears that the market is coordinating on the extinction equilibrium. For example, a rule might be adopted that confiscated rhino horn would be sold only above a certain if the rhino population dipped below a certain level, or the price rose level. Stores could be built up not only by confiscating contraband, but also by harvesting. Sick animals could be harvested, and animals could be harvested during periods population is temporarily above its when steady state level, due, for example, to a run of good weather. Building up stores will reduce the population, but only temporarily. Once the target stockpile has been accumulated, harvesting to build the live population will return to the same up the stockpiles can be discontinued, and level as in the absence of stockpiling. The presence of the stockpiles, however, will permanently eliminate or reduce the chance of a switch to the extinction equilibrium. If Qmax were less than Xs it is stockpiles gradually, so as to prevent the population particularly important to build from falling up below Qmax, and thus creating an opportunity for coordination on the extinction equilibrium. Many conservationists oppose selling confiscated ivory on the market, for fear that would legitimize the ivory trade. Building stores achieves the same goal of depressing it prices, but without the disadvantage of legitimizing the ivory trade. Stores could potentially be held until scientists develop cheap and reliable ways of marking or identifying "legitimately" sold animal products so they can be distinguished from illegitimate products. While stockpiles may help promote conservation of animals which are which are storable but not durable, such as rhino horn, durable goods, utility from them. Elephant ivory 32 is this analysis does not killed for strictly goods apply to often considered an example of such a durable good. The government has no reason to wait before selling confiscated durable goods, since in any case, private agents will store any durable goods sold on the market. In practice, however, there are few completely durable goods. Even ivory durable, since due to it depreciates, and uncarved ivory is in the high steady-state. seals. model of Section HI, no private However, not perfectly not perfectly substitutable for carved ivory, changing styles and demand for personalized ivory In the perfect foresight is stores if the price is stochastic, either were held by speculators due to sunspot coordination, as in Section IV, or to exogenous shocks, such as weather or disease, then speculators may hold stores, and government stores may crowd these out. In the example considered in Section IV, government stores would crowd out private stores one for one, until the government accumulated greater stores than would be held by private agents. Any further accumulation by the government would reduce the range of equilibria in which agents could anticipate extinction. Finally, it is worth noting that this model reinforces the case for coordination of conservation policy by suggesting that, ivory by protecting its if international one country reduces the price of elephants, this reduce the incentive to poach in other countries. In conventional models of non-storable resources, increased anti-poaching efforts will initially drive Under this up the price of the good, encouraging extra poaching model, increased anti-poaching efforts in one country other countries, both in the short run and in the long run. 33 may in one country in other countries. reduce poaching in REFERENCES Joanne C. Burgess, Timothy M. Swanson, and David W. Pearce. Elephants, Economics and Ivory^ London: Earthscan Publications, 1990. 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While there x, would imply an instantaneous in price that the equilibrium price A jump up in price would violate the storage condition, and path must be continuous in time. a jump and poaching conditions imply is poaching, p = c(x), which is continuous and monotonic, so population, must be continuous. In the no poaching regime, population develops as HL7, so is continuous. Population cannot jump suddenly across regime changes, either, as that would require a jump an instantaneous harvest. Population in price so there is is thus continuous. Stores are differentiable within regimes, and so are continuous. For there to be a jump in stores across regimes, there jump in price, which is would have impossible. to Hence be an instantaneous harvest, which would require a stores are continuous. Proposition A.2 (a) The maximum initial value of population plus stores the system the storage equilibrium path s e (x) is { Qmax is decreasing in storage cost, Proof (a) 2mor must either be tangent to se (x) of gradient gives dsldx = -1). s e (x) is -1 . e (Xu) get to + Xu). A.l r. X^, or the point lying on the s = These tangencies occur concave still Qmax, where Gmax = max X^, s (b) may have and at Xs, at Xv or Xs (F(x) = axis and the in so £?max cannot be associated with Xs. Al equation m.9 (b) If Qmax = X„ax, then s,(£?ma*) = Differentiating with respect to 0. r, *;(2™)%^(0=o or or s e '(x) is just (ITI.9), and 9s/dr is: rc(u) F(u) ar| ^rc( M ) = -±(s = --(s since * > Xs', and .s e (;c) storage condition Because s e (x) is t Qmax = s(Xu) + Xu, F(M) must be non-negative. The second term strictly and decreasing at then, because c ^77 ("), dr rc(u) A.3 «=*. + x-X s ')<0 (x) satisfied with equality, must be — a*; c(M) + x-Xs ')- (x) Xu is that is precisely is zero, because at what is in , the the parentheses. [ m" J <0. A.4 ,;(X_) independent of r, same way, the result follows in the but then the equivalent of A.3 holds because the second term vanishes because independent of Xs X^, -~or dr If c(u) .x e du\ = ; J 3r A.2 Xu is r. Proposition A.3 If initial population {x ,s and stores are )e\Jp<p_ (A )=E l then (xq, sq) i i if, and only if A.5 , r=0 where P is the projection operator P(x,s,p) operator mapping [x(0), s(0), p(0)} to resumption time t p so that §t(xo,so,po) = (x,s), i = + or {x(t), s(t), p(t)}, is e, there and is ()), is the time evolution a starting price p and poaching an no poaching equilibrium leading to the point A2 (x, Si(x), c(x)) at time equilibria leading to PA+ or (xq, so), PA e on x. These equilibria are not, in general, unique. to another point. If there are multiple equilibria from the same point then the one with the lower starting price must have a steeper trajectory in s-x space, consumed since stores will be In other words, there Xs if and only if L+(x ) < faster with a is and so lower price. a no poaching equilibrium ultimately leading to the steady state sq > s+(xo), where L+ is the left boundary of the in A.5. Likewise, there is an no poaching equilibrium leading to extinction L e (xo) < so, and See Figure same line if so > s e (xo). III.5. L, are downward EH.5. L, are downward Proposition A.4 is will be the > Thus x = §IK. We assume poaching marginal that demand, measured total population, in real units in real units, is is by (j>. independent of habitat, and cost, c, is a function only of population relative to habitat. The dynamics of the population <j> which implies it Qmax- Denote the available habitat by K, and the c(ty/K). no poaching increasing. Proof = if If the habitat available to the population is increased sufficiently, always possible to make Xs c(x) £+ defined and only Le and L+ sloping, because they are possible and so stores are decreasing, while population that the sloping. if set X^ < Xu- Proof By Figure paths, There may be A, and A+. There may also be cases where the equilibrium passes through way its some p for t in real units without storage will be: = KB{<plK)-D{c{<!)IK)), that A3 A.6 Thus x = B(x)--D(c(x)). The steady is and states Xs, zero. Differentiating, functions of habitat, K, and are such that the Xu will be we A.7 RHS of A.7 find that dXr -- 4 A-* dXrj -** A8 " " This means that increasing the habitat more than proportionally increases the population in the high steady state. This In the region is not unsurprising, given that where Q^^ is close to Xs, Qmax X v( F(- u U r s demand has = Xy + nr^r^w U{c{q)) D{c{q)) not changed. s e (Xu). „(„\\^' re rc{q) C Xi)) When we W dqA A Q A.9 . rc(q) differentiate this expression with respect to K, dQ^ Thus Qmax We may write this as: is falling therefore, that with AT we can find at dX v a rate U X ? D(c(q))c'(q) bounded away from K large enough that Qn^ < Xs A4 A.10 zero. . Xs is rising with K. It must be, Appendix B Proofs for Section IV Proposition B.l pe Qe [0, a decreasing function of Q, continuous on U(cm )], pe(Q) = IT\Q). For Proof Q< is IfQ> [U(cm ), U(cm ), the system jumps l U(c m ), the price will be U~ (Q). xe (Q) l is Qe decreasing in Q. U~ (U(cm )) Proposition B.2 = cm = c(0) to Q^}, Pe(Q) = increasing in x, and increasing in 7t. For n Qmax]. For c(x e (Q)). xe (Q), and the price is then c(xe (Q)). If is decreasing in Q, and continuous as required. IT = c(xe (U(c m )), when x = Xu or Xs- The dQIdt = [0, sop e line continuous is where dxldt = at U(cm ). 0, Qo(x), is in a suitable region (see below), there are two steady states, (Xu, Qu), and (Xs Qs), and , g+n -.1 , n Both Qi are increasing with 7t. The line x= where i is U or 5. B.l ) *,(£)) is a trajectory of the system. See Figure rv.2. Proof Since dQ/dt = dxldt = F(x), dQ/dt = iff x= Xs ov X v From IV.3, . the line where satisfies (r+K)c(x) = np e (Q B.2 (x)). Differentiating with respect to x, (r c' and pe are both negative, so ' same equation with respect Q + 7t)c'(x) = KP :(Q (x))-^. must be increasing with x, for given B.3 7t. Differentiating the to n, c(x) = Pe (Q ) + KP :(Qo )^. Bl B.4 1 So that, on rearranging, c(x)-pe (Q dfio dn ) B.5 np t When the system jumps, population cannot rise, so price cannot B.5 positive. is Steady states are where dQIdt = dxldt = 0. fall. Hence, c(x) Substituting <p e, and Xs or Xu into B.2 quickly yields B.l Proposition B.3 {Xu, behavior. (Xs, Qs) is Qu) is totally unstable; there hyperbolic for all The 71. may may or not be oscillatory stable manifold is thus a line, upward sloping, and passing through (Xs,Qs)- See Figure IV.3 Proof Consider x and are small. Q near the steady states, Using Taylor's theorem on IV.3 (and assuming f K\ 8 The eigen-values of this c are always negative. strictly larger than (r negative. This + means this fixed point. + £, (X, that we're Qi + 9), allowed where ^ and to), to first order, -IxxJ B.6 \*. t ) linearized system are: (g ' = np'AQ.) iw +% F'(X p e and (x,Q) 2 tc) , + n)±. F(Xu) > 0, f (8 ^„,2 + n) and At (Xu, Qu), the discriminant - c\X F(XS ) < 0. Thus and so one eigen-value that, locally, there exist 47tF(X,) P ;(e,) 1 is strictly t B.7 ) (Xs Qs) the discriminant at , positive, the other is strictly dimensional stable and unstable manifolds for is less than (r + tc) 2 , and may be eigen-values have, therefore, stricdy positive real parts, and the steady state B2 is negative. is totally Both unstable. Xs ' Proposition B.4 which Xs* = Xs , decreasing with K. is < so that for n< %i, Xs ' > Xs, and is for > Xs There always * . K>K Xs < Xs * t, exists pe s s ) the point at which: ) C (A s A(x,k) = [ 0, this is the same + n)c(x) Tip e (x) (r below, dA(Xsydx - as the relation defining ] / c'(x). Xs Figure IV.4 shows *. Since the line A(x,ti) for constant , then n Xs *. Let crosses F(x) from > F(XS"). Hence, / 3A X/ = Xs B.9 e ) —*-— + — = —-F'^ If at . F(X sK = —^-rA(r + 7t)c(X"s )-7tp (X's )] When 7t = 7C/ E iXlL_ _J (X )-c(X 1 Proof Xs* Xs° = Xs ax; dA dA ax; OK OX dK OK F(XS ) = 0, so it/, if it => ^r/ dA n -= d%.,_— <0 r ax; J —OK ' B.10 ox = Kp e (Xs ). Because p e > exists, satisfies (r+7t)c(X5 ) c, solution does exist. Proposition B.5 Xs* > Xs, in which case Proof The Xs* < Xs, If stores rate then A{Xs, k) maximum, it is a run out, they must do so minimum of stores. If Xs* of change of stores goes from > 0, and so x is - at Xs*. This < Xs is to it to + a is only possible if maximum. as x falls across Xs*. But if increasing, not decreasing. Thus stores are at a as stated. Proposition B.6 For given parameters, there see Proposition IV.8) in the storage regime. If K B3 < 7ti, is there only one equilibrium path (but is a path Q = s+*(x) + x where a stores run out at Xs equilibrium path is Proof If * > Xs and no storage regime. the system reverts to the K< 71/, then stores may run out at Xs', hazard of switching (r+K)c(Xs) The system cannot go is not? Proposition IV.3 proves that itp e (Qs) the stable manifold, it is it to extinction before the switch, In that case, assuming a to. would have Qs- This to tend to a point = (r + would mean with not run out at Xs *, but the system < it)c(Xs ). If 7t strictly that, if the n Kt then system were on negative stores, which not rational ever to be on the stable manifold. If may happens: stores the meaningless. The system cannot follow the stable manifold of < Kp e (Xs), so we must have Xs > allowed. Thus 7t/, and we get exactly the same because that path would be the one the system would switch Why k> the stable manifold of the fixed point (Xs , Qs). See Figure IV.5 equilibrium structure as in section HI. (Xs, Qs)- If may move it > 7C/, is not then the opposite along the stable manifold in equilibrium. n> system must be Proposition B.7 If %h which Qs = Qmax, or is the hazard rate at Kh, then the in the extinction equilibrium, where c(X u )-c(X s ) Proof Qs is increasing in before the switch to extinction. before the switch. Thus If there is a 7t at which if n As and, once past 7t/, discussed above, (Xs, Qs) is Q < Qm^ for all points Q > Qn^, the stable manifold to (Xs Qs = Qm^, then it satisfies: npe(Q max) = just c(Xu) (recall Figure IV. 1). Solving this for k, such a B4 the only stable steady state , in equilibrium Qs) cannot be an equilibrium. (r n h does + n)c(Xs ). But p e (Qmax) exist, and is as claimed. is Table I: Some Species Used Sources: [Goombndge for Storable Goods or by Collectors 1992], (Life 1994], [Wall Street Journal 1994] and others Bears Lizards Medicinal Plants Other Plants Giant Panda Horned Lizard Latin American Spectacled Caiman Caiman crocodilus Tegus Lizard Monitor Lizard Varanus niloticus species of Dioscorea Himalayan Asiatic Black Bear Grizzly Bear South American Spectacled Bear Malayan Sun Bear Himalayan Sloth Bear Cats Tiger . Ocelot Felis partialis F. wiedii Rauvolfia serpentina Chisos Mt. Curcuma spp. Parkia roxburghii Voacanga gradifolia Key Tree Cactus Nellie V. salvator Rauvolfia V. bengalensis species of Aconitum V. flavenscens Python reticulatus molurus C manan C. optimus P. curtus P. geoffroyi Eunectes spp. Orchids Dendrobium aphyllum Boa D. bellatulum Leopard Cat F. sebae Constrictor Rat snake Ptyas Other Mammals Black Rhino Amur Leopard Caucasian Leopard Markhor Goat Cory Cactus Rattan Calamus caesius Snakes Geoffrey's Cat F. bengalensis Hedgehog's Cactus Orthosiphon aristasus P. tigrina Margay Dioscorea deltoidea exanthematicus Lynx canadensis Little spotted cat F. Yew V. Cheetah Lynxfelis Ephedra Green Pitcher Plant Sm. Begonia species of mucosus D. chrysotoxum D. farmeri Dog-faced Water Snake D. scabrilingue Cerberus rhynchops D. senile Sea snakes (genus D. thrysiflorum Lapemis and Homalopsis) D. unicum Saiga Antelope Cape Fur Bull Seal Sea Otter Toads Trees Colorado River Toad Astronium urundeuva Aspidosperma polyneuron African Elephant Chimpanzees Turtles Ilex paraguaiensis Hawsbill Sea Turtle Didymopanax morotoni Egyptian Tortoise Araucaria hunsteinii American Box Turtle Zeyhera tuberculose Butterflies Atriplex repanda Schaus Swallowtail Cupressus atlantica Cordia milleni Homerus Swallowtail Cupressus dupreziana Bird wing Diospyros hemiteles Queen Alexandra's Aniba duckei Birdwing Ornithoptera Ocotea porosa alexandrae Bertholetia excelsa Birds Abies guatemalensis Red and Blue Lorry Tectona hamiltoniana Parrots Mahogany Quetzal Pharomachrus Teak Dipterix alata I | | I mocinno 1 Roseate Spoonbill Ajaia I ajaia P Macaws Ara ' Hyacinth spp. 1 Macaw 1 K&Jl u-n/VU_v*o Stance. A I Harvest *J>(cC)0) Kei-^v^»s = fcC*> -f>X m^^^^ y^/////////^m c x = ^(k)-DC^)eFCx) J a. i>X f^iA>re. "2-1 A &> x* £* *, Kfl '-i A fco^Cfe Tff'l ' 5Wa^r^c\vie G^UWw**feW>s >v^x : S A- ^=00 if S^'S^ *T $ A * b^ouAvVToa y 7 ^ / \ 'ftguefl* "15- • A / N £>A <>k>OfcS Fi^u.'re. IE.*'?) ^r^wJo©^ Ojf Q*VS*S* i? I/* ?*?jL>k©v\ 'pCgw^HT.^ k^U'W^ WC-VL Wo ?o£c^^ 5* T; 1 <juT€^ IE- 6>eM*sti2AAG2- of E^uuJW&na. fl 6^vs*A ij—Copj^r^. JXL'(p ^VV K <x Xe fe) ' S^AcM^^^ BcWJW 0-< ^u^UV^W, «> **a fvW* a(c^) K Ac W% lA-N/^-^ w-i L Q=-K*5 qi^^uv/UWvVvv, Xu SkMl-V^^^ ftAU 0<PIaA^\\>*A fr^re. 32-a MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00988 2868 (fcM-S ^ vv*« . 7^4 ir^o *-Q SVsfc X Xc w Pr^ce, jy .'3 popiAs^)^ > ^ Date Due DECS! m Lib-26-67