LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, P. A. II: A Non-Steady State Example Diamond and Eric Maskin* Number 237 Apri I 1979 * We gratefully acknowledge financial from Joel Yel in. I support from the NSF and mathematical assistance An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, II: A Non-Steady State Example Peter Diamond and Eric Maskin I . 1 ntroduction Consider of a market where individuals meet pairwise and where pa a i individuals makes at most one trade (or carries out at most one project). The market for waterfront summer rentals is one example. there are fixed (and equal) numbers of potential Suppose that tastes differ of two houses is better but in When the market opens, potential Poisson process. is In the For the same for each. good and poor. renters search for houses to rent, Searchers meet according to renters. When a meeting results in a v/here the renter's evaluation of the house tiated, a landlords and renters. assume that houses are ex ante identical simplicity, assume only two possible evaluations: landlords seek potential Assume that that two renters may disagree about which sense that the distribution of evaluations and ' . is a good match (a meeting "good"), a rental lease is signed, and both parties stop searching. is nego- When a poor match occurs, the parties will also negotiate and sign a contract, if neither already has partners, however, costs. If if a partner. Tl-.ey may continue to search for new the expected benefits of further search exceed the neither partner finds carry out the nepotiated rental. a If better deal, the two will ultimately , through search, one of We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the NSF and mathematical assistance from Joei Yell in. - 2 - them f 'nds a better match, he can break the original his former partner for the loss borne. lease and compensate The process terminates when no one wishes to continue search, at which point all contracts remaining in existence are carried out. We consider two distinct meeting processes or search technologies. In the first, the probability of a (assuming they are both searching) This process searchers. given renter's meeting is a given landlord independent of the number of other designated the quadratic case since the rate is of meetings rises with the square of the number of searchers. With the second meeting process, the probability of an individual's meeting someone at all is independent of the number of searchers. This is the I i near technology. With the linear process, the equilibrium pathsense of maximizing aggregate net output. the equilibrium path may not inefficiency. b"5 efficient in the With the quadratic process, efficient. Both arise from the effect of to search of others. is There are two sources of possible individual search on the return Were all searchers identical, they would choose to stop search at the same time. Since aggregate net output is the sum of individual net outputs, search would cease when the marginal reached zero. When those in social gain from search poor matches continue searching for a better. .match, however, searchers are not all identical since only some are partnerless. When those with poor matches stop search, they lower the return to search of others. Because they are not compensated for the external economy their search creates, those with poor matches always stop searching too soon. externality is created when two individuals contracts to form a good match; that is, in An additional poLltive separate poor matches break these when a double breach occurs^ On each side of the market, a double breach replaces two individuals with partners by — By 'fequi Ibrlum path" we mean the trajectory that the numbers of searchers follow when at each instant each searcher maximizes his expected net gain, given the behavior of others. -3^ i one partneriess person. This change benefits others because a searcher prefers the probability of meeting a partneriess person to twice that probability of meeting an individual with a partner. Because of this externality the equilib- rium path may involve too little double breach. Afrer setting up the model (Section 2), the paper begins with con- sideration of the quadratic process: Section 3 examines the equilibrium path assuming full compensation for breach of contract; Section 4, the efficiency implications of small changes from the equilibrium path; Section 5, the efficient path; and Section 6, the equilibrium path assuming no compensation for breach. with a partial The linear process summary is presented in Section 7, We conclude . The model just described is essentially that of our earlier paper ClU, except that we no longer postulate the continuous arrival of new searchers and so are no longer concerned with steady state behavior. To avoid repeti- tion, we do not describe the model as fully as in the earlier paper.. - 4 - The Model 2. We consider a model with two types of are distinguished by type only in individuals.— Individuals that each partnership (contract) requires exactly one partner of each type. Individuals search for a partner (of the opposite type) with whom to undertake a single project, are wel -matched, the project I output — ing is and only then completed. is We assume X 2X'. — is > X' worth 2X. > 0. If if partners they are not well-matched, After partners have stopped search- the project corresponding to their partnership Individuals are risk neutral and are able to make side pay- ments with no bankruptcy constraints. Each individual can engage in at most one project and belong to at most one partnership, can engage in at most one project and belong to at most one partnership. Individuals can meet new potential partners only and the cost of search is a flow, c, per unit time. (of if they search, For any two searchers opposite types), the probability of their meeting, under the quadratic technology, is a probability that We assume a is per unit time. a Under the linear technology, a is the given searcher meets someone at all, per unit time. sufficiently small so that we can ignore the possibility that two partners who are both searching will simultaneously find new 2/ potential partners.— their matching poorly match. All so we shall — When two individuals meet, the probability of is p, with l-p, the probability they are a good parameters are the same for individuals of both types, and refer to just one type. E.g., buyers and sellers or lessors and 2/ — We lessees. have implicitly modeled contracting as instantaneous. Without instantaneous contracting, the assumption of no simultaneous meeting is an approximation. - Lot a partnerless number of M's, and a poor contract, the number of N's. h can disregard the number of never search. be designated by "M", and individual refer to an individual with 5 h,, M let "N" represent the will For most of our analysis, we individuals with good contracts, since they At the start of the market period there are h.,(0) M M's and no N's. We can classify search and breach behavior among four configurations. As we shall a see, two M's meet it will if be in their contract regardless of the quality of match. will breach only to form good contracts. interest to sign N's, on the other hand, Our interest in breaching behavior centers on whether N's will breach to form good contracts with both N's (double breaches) and M's or merely M's (single breaches). pari bus , it is Ceteris more advantageous, as we explain below, to form with an M than with an N. for an M as for an N. Similarly, search is a contract at least as profitable Thus there are three possibilities for search: it may be unprofitable for everyone, profitable for M's but not for N's, or profitable for both M's and N's. possibilities — In in two breaching either both single and double breaches are advantageous or only single breaches. I. The last case subdivides The four possible behavior modes are shown in Table The effects of various meetings on the numbers of M's and N's are shown Table 2. The equations determi by multiplying the n i ng the numbers of searchers are calculated induced changes by the frequency of different types of meetings. Under configuration A, both M's and N's search, and any good match results in a equations of — contract being signed. From Table 2 we can infer that the satisfy i/ All differential equations are equations in the mean, to avoid stochastic components. Thus we are assuming that numbers are sufficiently large to realize the expected number of meetings. - 6 - Table Behavioral Configurations 1 Search by M's Search by N's yes yes yes no yes yes A B C D low Change in numbers of each type: without Dartners (h,,) in poor matches in good matches (h^.) yes no irre evant irre evant Numbers of searchers. Quadratic technology Action f Double breaches yes yes no no Table 2 Rate of Single breaches poor match of M's good match of M's ^P^M a(l-p)h2 -1 + single .breach 2a(l-p)h^h^ 1 1 3(l-p)hN + -1 + double breach . 1 -1 -2 +1 + 1 - 7 2 The number of M's is diminished by matches between M's by the individuals left partnerless when two N's make 2 (a( l-p)h|^^) 2 (aph|^) The number of N's . is (2) h., > M ^ h^ > increased by poor matches between M's as h., 2 h..) . Notice that < h,,(l-p) M > N ^ ,^''i^,, „^^„-l ^ as h^ > h^((l-p)'^ + /, (1+p) ')(l-p) ^p , Under Configuration B, behavior double breach does not occur. I ) good match I I ( a and enlarged and diminished by good matches between N's and M's (2a( -p)hj.h^) and between N's (2a( -p) as (ahj.) is the same as under A except that The equations are, therefore, the same after deleting all terms involving double breaches: (3) (4) 2 h. . M = -ah.. M \ = h, < M > N < h,, 2a(l-p)VN ^P^M - as h,, > 2h,,(-!^). N p M < Under Configuration C, only M's search. are: (5) h^ = -ah^ < \ = ^P^M > 0. Therefore the equations - 8 - Finally, under Configuration D, there is no search at ail. Let us define the positional values of being an M or an N, when the numbers of M's and N's are as (h.,,h.,), M N V.,(h,,,h.,) M M N or respec- V,,(h,,,h.,) N M N ^ An individual's positional value is the payoff that he can expect, tiveiy. given that he and all others exhibit optimal search and breach behavior. The equations of motion depend on the prevailing configuration and the numbers of M's and N's. The private decisions which determine the choice of configuration depend on (correct) and the values of positions. solely on forecast of the equations of motion Thus positional values do, indeed, depend (h.,,h.,) M N For positional value to be well-defined, we must describe how con- Suppose that individuals tracting works. a contemplate signing j contract which would yield them a combined positional value of 2V. and Let V i and i V"' be the current (i.e. pre-contract) positional values of and j, respectively. Suppose further that and i contracts which specify that they pay damages D to their partners if they breach,— if and i j and ' - V^^ - d' - 2/ gain by signing the contract if division rule, and + V'' is S, individuals i and only j if S 2/ — This , respectively, D-^ We postulate . is The individuals positive. attain positional values Under our V + ^s S respectively, from the contract. If or j is currently partner ess, then D respectively. j_/ D"^ in sign the contract, then they divide output and/or make side payments so as to share the surplus equally.— and currently are Then, we can define the surplus of the contemplated contract as S = 2V - V that j i I division rule is = or D^ = 0, also the Nash Bargaining solution to the problem. 9 - sav, If, j i breaches damages equal to being partnerless, V-^ ) contract with j, we assume that a - y^. That that V^ (Recall is, (I) the positional value of maintains the same expected payoff he j had before the contract was breached. pensatory. is he pays The damages are, therefore, com- We focus on compensatory damage rules in this paper because they constitute the basic principle for assigning damages under common law and (2) they are efficient that a breach occurs if in and only the limited sense that they ensure if there is an increase positional value of the principal affected parties— their original partners, without damage payments. if any). In In in the combined (the new partners and Section 6 we consider equilibrium our previous article we also consider liquidated damages, thedamages that contracting parties themselves would choose. our simple two-quality model, two M's always wish to form In contract if they meet, since > N - V., V^, M and X>V.,. M a Furthermore, with com• pensatory damages an N will breach his current contract only when he finds a good match, because only then can the surplus of his new contract be positive. Notice that the incremental benefit that an M receives from any potential contract is larger than it would be were he an N, since he does not pay damages (which would diminish the surplus) and has tional value. for N's. a lower posi- Therefore, the benefits of search are greater for M's than We need not consider, therefore, a behavior configuration in which N's but not M's search. Finally, we observe that since an N would prefer to form a new contract with an M rather than another N, we can exclude configurations where double but not single breaches occur. where at any moment, all Thus Configurations A, — B, We consider only equilibria individuals in the same position behave identically. C and D are, indeed, collectively exhaustive. For analysis of this effect of compensatory damages, see Mortensen [23. 10- Positional Values, Trajectories and Boundaries 3. Market: Decentralized in a Quadratic Technology We assume that an whether to search value when deciding individual maximizes positional Positional value, however, depends on the and breach. future evolution of the economy and so must be determined by working bacKwards. We are interested in Nash equilibrium time paths. An equilibrium path specifies a behavior Configuration at each instant of time and has the property that each individual finds the behavior prescribed for him optimal given the specified behavior of the others. To calculate the evolution of an equilibrium path, we derive and solve differential positional value in each of the Configurations. Configuration at any instant is equations for We then examine which consistent with equilibrium. configurations are all consistent at some instant - When several i.e., when there are multiple equilibrium paths - we select the Configuration involving the most search and breach. So, for example, we select Configuration A over B, C, or D We assume everyone is partnerless at the start,— i.e. We begin the analysis with Configuration C. of (h|^,h^,) and arbitrary. h We refer to the set pairs where Configuration C behavior occurs on an equilibrium path as Region C. trajectory is zero, h^, in In Region C, only M's search Region C, h|^^^ is and, therefore, along a steadily declining, while at only p times the rate of hj^'s decrease. h|^ is increasing Because M's make better partners than N's the gains from search monotonica ly decline for both M's and N's. I Thus, a transition from Region C to either A or B is Impossible. N's stop searching, they will never wish to resume. Consequently, positional value of an M In Region C, depends only on h^. M incurs search costs cAt in a small In In Once all Q V|^, Region C the arj, Intervel of time At and finds a partner the appendix we drop this assumption. with probability ah^^At, The value of positional value at t+At, where pX' (l-p)X -t terms, defining for h^ using less search costs. Thus the expected output from a match. is = IT position at t equals the expected -cAt+ah^t(pX' + (l-p)X) + (l-ah^t)V^(hj^(t+At)); - V^(hj^(t)) (c) a pX'+(l-p)X, Rearranging letting At tend to zero, and substituting yields (5) dV 9 (h • ) P M Equation (7) completes the first piece of the analysis: the change values in in calculation of Region C. Because h^ declines steadily in Region C, it ultimately reaches ^ h^, |, where the gain from search for the next instant is zero. At this point the search cost equals expected gross gain: (8) c = ah^.. Thus, search ceases at h|^, and the line h^ = boundary between Regions C and D.-/ To find I h|^ P V^j, serves as the transition therefore, we merely solve r (7) with terminal condition V.,(h') 1^ M (9) where G -1/ ,, v^ = n = |- ( I n - ^ = 0. We obtain ^-^ + g-, - I). We refer to the locus of possible transitions as the transition boundary, Since part of this locus may be in Region A or, alternatively, may not be reachable from an initial position on the h axis, the actual boundary of Region C is a proper subset of the transition boundary. -12- The transition Next consider possible transitions from B to C. boundary separating B from C falls at that critical number of M's h", where an N finds search just barely profitable: (10) c = ah|;;|(i-p)(X-X'), where X-X' is one half the surplus of N when further search by N's a contract between an M and an unprofitable. is note first that the value of the N position is is X' (2X-V^-V,,-D) = (2X-2V,,) = 2{X-X'). M since N's do no search further Thus, damages are X'-V|^, and the surplus from a new once Region C is reached. contract To understand this equation, N N Notice that (l-p)(X-X') < Therefore h" > h', and transition borders appear as in Figu'-e n. where D borders I, only on C, and C only on B. Next, consider positional values in Region B. searches for time At beginning at time t. he will Suppose that an M With probability ah^(i-p)At, meet another M and form a good match, giving value X. meets an M and forms becomes V . If poor match (probability a I f he his positional value ^Phj^^Ai) he encounters an N with whom he makes a good match (prob- ability a( '"P^^n^At) his positional value is V of 2X-Vj^-Vj^-D = 2X-2V . plus one-half the surplus Otherwise his positional value is Vj^(h|y|(t+At) ,h|^(t+At) ) Thus, we have (11) V^(h^(t),h„(t)) = -cAt+aAth,,(l-p)X+aAth,,pV^(h,,(t+At),h.,(t+At)) + aAth„(l-p)(X-V,,(h,,(t+At),h,,(t+At))+V.,(h,,(t+At),h (t+At) N NM N MM + (l-aAth,,-aAth,,(i-p))V.,(h,.(t+At),h,,(t+At)). M M N N M N - 13 For an N, only a meeting with an M where a good match is made Positional value becomes changes positional value. y +h (2X-2V ) = X. Thus we have (12) V^(h^(t),hj^(t)) = -cAt+aAth|^(l-p)X+(l-aAth|^(:-p))V^(h|^(t+At),h|^(t+At)) Taking limits and substituting from the equations of differential • equations we obtain the pair h d^M B B -7^- = c - a(l-p)(h.,+h,,)X-a(ph^,-(l-p)h,,)V,, + ah^V,, -^MN dt '^NN ^M MM (13) 3+—= + a(l-p)h,,V^. c - a(l-p)h,,X ^ ^ M M N dt Using th^se equations, we can conclude that from The surplus r to A is impossible. r In Region B, is S a transition from Region B a double breach is S = X+V,,-2V,,. M N negative since double breaches are unprofitable. Furthermore, ' R rlV^ dS _ °'m = (14) rr dt -rz dt HV^ °'n ,. ^ . ,^ c ^ ,v uB,.., < n 2 -rr- = -c-a(X-V.,) -p)h.,+ph.,)+ah.,S 0. ( dt M M N N ' „ . ( I . Therefore, the double breach surplus never becomes positive, and movement from B to A is ruled out. Because transition from B to A is impossible and since h" > h', any trajectory crossing Region B must then move into Region C. (See Figure I.) Thus, once Region B is reached, N's never again contract with other N's and so v., N becomes a function of • by solving the differential Vp/h") and V^(hV) = X' MM N I . h., M alone. We can calculate positional values equation pair (13) with terminal conditions For p / Jj we obtain in B '^w^'^m''^m^~ 14 X a(l-2p)h^ ^M^^M'^N^ M ^ h": M 2u2p-2 a(l-p)(l-2p)'^(h|;;|)^P"' -c(l-p)h.. N ap(l-2p) chf. ap(,.p)(h^)P (15) k2p-3 a(l-p)(l-2p)(h|;;|)^P M where H and J are chosen so that the initital conditions hold. We now turn to an examination of Region A, of new opportunities in Region the same. in For an M, the arrival Region A follows the same rules as their arrival Thus the differential equation for the change B. in value is For an N, the value of search falls more rapidly because of the added opportunity of double breaches. and add X-2V A + A V^^ These occur at the rate a(l-p)h to value when they occur. Thus the differential equations for values in Region A satisfy ^= ^^M A A c - a(l-p)(h^th^)X-a(ph^-(l-p)h^)vJ + ah^V^ A ^^N = c - a(l-p)h,, (X-vJ) - a(!-p)h„(X-2vS+ vfj N -rr— M N N M dt '^ dvj ,_A "^ dvj -a(n-p)h,,+ ph^))(v2-v2) d^V^ ^^2 ^ = a(l-p)(h,+hjc+a2(l-p)ph,(h,+hj(v;-vj) > 0. ^^ M M N N M M N "^ -i:?- see that trajectories can move from Region A directly to any We shall of the other three regions. However, there are two distinct patters. For one set of parameter values, the equilibrium path moves from an initial in For the remaining values, movement from A is directly A to B then C then D. to either C or D and Region B does not exist. two We first show that which of these patterns aoplies depends on which region, A or Then we consider position B, contains the line h M =h" M • turn, transitions from A to B, C, and D. in We observe from (2) that the direction of movement is as shown in Figure 2. For an initial position on the of the line = h,, while h,,(l-p) axis, the trajectory can never be to the left h^^ In Region A: movements across the line are not possible with Configuration A behavior, nor are transitions from B or C to A. In the appendix we briefly consider initial positions in this area. In the text we consider Region boundaries only to the right of this line (although this restriction is often unstated). Consider the point either this point ) negative, ) (h" h point cannot lie this point, f ' v., M ) for some positive bi I ity, is in equals N I values on the B-C border. Region If B. V,,(h'').V,, M M is h part of Region A. N ' (h" h^,^^) equals X' in if is Region I To If the surplus Is on the B-C border then, at and we have -2D = 2X-4V„+2V,, M N M B. the surplus is positive, the =2(X-2X'+n-f-l^.^(ln|n-- D) = From Figure . we need to evaluate the surplus from a double using positiona S = 2X-2V, (17) ^iljh the B-C border, or it Is on check the former possi breach at (h",h ( M 2(X-X'H|.(|-p)|n ^i|;Pl^^;;;:^,) )<_.0 -16- cither all the points (h",h,,) Sincc (17) decs not depend on h,,, B-C border or they are all Region A. In (17) thus is lie on the necessary and suf- a ficienl condition for the existance of a B-C transition border. indicates that for X-X' sufficiently small (17) the surplus at (hILh ) is X is relative to X', the Sufficiently small p in negative, and a B-C border exists. also lead to p makes good matches easy to find, equations Decreasing increasing the benefit to an N of remaining (relative to X') or small p a double breach opportunity. implies that Region B exists. holds, we know that Region B exists and can (17) The smaller negative surplus. a the search market rather than taking advantage of If X' less valuable is a good match and hence a double breach, values of Therefore, small X-X' relative to integrate the value backward, ultimately reaching the A-B transition border. border Is defined as the locus where there + V^(h^,h.,) ^-^"^l^^J M M N N M ('8) ^ is This zero gain from a double breach: = 0. Using the equations (15) and (16), we can write (18) as: \ = h^C-(l-p)2+(l-2p)(h^/h^)P+p2(h^/h;^)2P-']-'x Cp(i-p)2|n(h^/h;;;)-2(i-2p)(h^/h;;;)P (19) V(i-2p)"'((h^/h;;)2p-'-i) +p(l-p)(l-2p)in((pX'+(l-p)X)/(l-p)(X-X')) +(l-2p)(2-p)]. This locus is shown in Figure 4 limit since 2 p . +(l-2p) equals (l-p) As 2 . h^^^^ approaches h" h^^^ increases without - 71 In A Figure we show the transition boundary. 4 lies to the right and B to the that this is correct. left of We have not confirmed locus (19). To see the potential complication, consider the pos- sibility that an equilibrium trajectory, when more than once This suggests that Region in Region A could cross (19) see Figure Al and the discussion in the Appendix). ( this If were possible, only the last crossing would be a bonafide A to B transition, since we assumed the occurrence of the equilibrium path with the most breach. It would mean, furthermore, that Region A protrudes to the left of (19). have not been able to rule out such multiple crossings. We can claim with accuracy, therefore, only that the A-B transition border is a locus (19). We subset of . II If as defined by S A transition from B to A of rlqht 3 S h MM = h", (17) i s impossible. and Regions C and D 1 Region B, ie to h^ = positive, the line h^ is in exists, it if lies Therefore the left. Region A. lies to the a positive implies that no equilibrium path can go from Region B to another Region, thu s precluding the existence of B. When B does not exist, we need to determine the A-C or A-D borders. The A-C border is described by the curve showing indifference to continued search by N's: (20) c = a(l-p)h^(X-X') + a(l-p)h|^(X-2X'+V^(h^)) The shape of the curve (20) depends on the c>a(l-p)h' (X-XM. h' h!l'> "y^, ^ sigii of X-2X' Note that . M define """"" h"' by V^(h"') "'^ Jf X <2X', "M "^ 'M^"M the rhe A-C border lies to the right of the line mw h^ ' toward the line as i h increases. This possibility is = 2X'-X.Then i shown = in n h"',and tends Figure 5 -18- If X >2X', the A-C border reaches the line border exisfs and is This case i s shown of direction +. Figure 6, In In this case an A-D a(l-p)h|^(X-2X').' In Figure 6 we have omitted indication of movement in Region A. lines separating the areas h'. - given by c = a(l-p)h^(X-X') (21) = h,, One may readily verify that the straight of different direction of movement of Figure 2 may bea-- any relation to the point of intersection of Regions A, C and D. By analogy with the A-B border, there is the question of whether an equilibrium trajectory Region A can cross the A-C ((20)) or A-D ((21)) in transition borders more than or;:e. Multiple crossings can be ruled out by the fact that an equilibrium trajectory ( is flatter than N>-l) (since the aggregate number of searchers the transition borders are steeper than a 45 is a 45 line decreasing), whereas from implicit differen- line: tiation of (20) we have (22) '\" "= . - '-' ^-^''Vlf <-l X-2X'+V^ M ^^M "c The Inequality follows since is not worthwhile). There is in A, it As one moves backward must remain worthwhile to search -and to double Movinga backwards, both Is c (since further search M V., M The same conclusion holds for the A-D border (21), ' therefore >0 (see/Q)) and X* > one remaining loose end to check. along trajectories breach. v' h., M the return to search. and (h,, N + h,,) M are increasing ^ and so too Moving backward along a path, the surplus from a double breach, cannot change sign (see (16)) since both terms are negative and dominate the term in S If S approaches zero. -19- 4. Inefficiency of Equilibrium In Section 5, examine the change we describe efficient paths. in In this section we aggregate net output from perturbations of the equilibrium transition boundaries.— We show that the C-D boundary is efficient, but that shifts to the left of the B-C, A-C, and A-D borders (Implying increased search) raise aggregate net output. breach resulting from a shift to the left in The increase in the A-B border also raises net output. First consider the border between Regions C and D. If 2 search, the social soc gain per unit time is ah^(pX'+( -p)X) I cost 2/ is ch^.— expresions, is , M's all while the social Thus, the efficient C-D border, obtained by equating these the same as the competitive border. This coincidence may seem suprising, since an additional searcher creates an externa ity (an I improvement in the positional value of other searchers) that does not seem to be captured by compensatory damages. artifice of the model's of the individual symmetry. gains. The coincidence however is an The social gain from search is the sum Since, under Configuration C, all searchers are identical, the social gain becomes zero precisely at the point where any individual gain vanishes. Thus the social and private Incentives for search are the same.— In doing these perturbations, we assume they do not affect earlier behavior. _[/ 2/ — Aggregate output and search costs are twice these figures, but we continue to focus on one of the two types that make a pair. If individuals differed In search cost, all lowest cost would search too little. 3/ but the searchers with -20- Next consider a slight shift to the left of the equilibrium B-C border. If the N's cease searching when from those still in - h the market is h^,X'+h"Vj^^(K^) Suppose that N's continue . The presence of N's following Configuration to search an instant longer. B behavior does not alter the time path of do not affect aggregate net output h" h,,, since single breaches the number of M's (equations (3) and (5) are the same). Thus after the N's cease searching, the trajectory 3. The cost of the N's additional search ditional output per unit time good matches, 2a( l-p)hh(X-X' ) is ch,, N is the same as per unit time. in Section The ad- is the aggregate surplus from the resulting . The N's receive only half of this surplus. Thus the private incentive to search is smaller than the social gain. A shift to the left of the B-C border (increasi ng search) raises net aggregate output since c < 2a( I -p)h''(X-X' M ). We next consider perturbation of the equilibrium A-D border (which exists when X The border > 2X'). is the locus of points where N's are just willing to search given that they receive half the surplus from bothsingie and double breaches and where M's are willing only if N's do so. to search M's find search (more than) worthwhile at the A-D border only because they receive part of the surplus from single breaches.— Again there is — too little search the A-D border raises aggregate net ouput. a shift to the left of The net gain from continued search is the surplus from matches bewteen M's, from single breaches, and from double breaches, minus the search costs: — M's find search at least as profitable as N's. Thus when N's are indifferent to search, M's are more than willing to continue searching. -21- (23) ah^((l-p)X+pX')+2a(l-p)h^h^(X-X')+a(I-p)h^(X-2X')-c(h^+h^) At the equi I ibriijm border, search implies (24) a (21), indifference of the N's to continued net social gain from continued search of h^(ah^((l-p)X+pX')+a(l-p)h|^(X-X')-c) But from the indifference of N's to search ((21), again) (24) becomes (25) ah,.(h,,+ (l-p)h„)X', which is positive. To obtain the efficient A-D border, (23) is set equal to zero. Consideration of the A-C border introduces a new element, not present in discussions of the other borders: the effect of double breach on the search environment as effect is a result of changing the number of M's. The external irrelevant at the A-D border because all search ceases there. V* be the aggregate value of continued search. nave V* equal to h,,V„(h.,). Q Since is V., Once region C increasing the A-C border generates an external economy. in h,, a is Let reached we double breach at Thus both single and double breaches have social values that differ from their private values to N's. The increase is in aggregate value from continued search by N's of both types the full value of single and double breaches plus the increased value of the search process for M's: (26) 2a(l-p)h h 1^ N (X-X')+a(l-p)h^(X-2X'+V^(h +a(l-p)h.^h^v'^(h..)-ch, N M M M N N . MM )) -22- (26) Using (20), (2^) which Thus in is a becomes a(l-p)h^j^(X-xM=a(l-p)h^h/^^, positive. leftward shift in the A-C border, resulting in more search, is desirable part because of the externalities from double breaches. to zero. cient border we set (26) equal We turn, finally, For the effi- to the A-B border. A slight shift of the equilibrium border induces no change in search but affects breaching behavior. We show that the continuation of double breaches beyond the A-B border is worthwhile, assuming the rest of the equilibrium process is unchanged. At the A-B border, a double breach yields no private gain; nevertheless, there is a social gain. (28) The value of net output of continued search in Region B is V* = Vm^^^M'^^ '-^1%'^^' A double breach creates a good match, adds one M and subtract two N's. The impact of these changes on aggregate value is (29, AV« = X . ji- (h„V^.h„vB, - 2 |- M , KN, ^^ i-p '-P ^M MM ^M TT^) ^TT") since K. > h" on the A-B border. M M derivative.) (h^/h")^P"'-l , h|^ ' + (-) C-r^ + a vS^h^V^) -N ,o > ,c.,p(2-p) a < > X P" > ^M (We have used (15) to. calculate This -25- To understand the externalities created by breacii, we can examine the impact of a (the two breachers and their partners). from a good match with an N. X-2V,,+V., the principals remain N's. If An M gains X-V if is the double breach does not occur, now we I and an N, X-V , party left partnerless, while an M gains from a poor match with this party. meeting the breacher (who whereas an N gains , breach occurs, an M gains X-V from a good match with the principal Vj,-V parties double breach on individuals other than the four principal I Neither M nor N gains anything from -matched)-. Thus the sign of an M's net gain from double breach is the same as that of (30) P(V^-V^) + (l-p)(X-V^-2(X-V^)) whereas the sign of the N's gain (31) is Thus, when the principal carrying out breach P(V^-V^) + (l-p)(2V^-X-V^); the same as that of (|-p)(X-V^-2(X-V^+V^)). At the A-3 border, X-2V,+V„ is zero. M N there. = is a Hence both (30) and (31) are positive parties are themselves ' indifferent about double breach, the overall externality induced by such positive. a -24- 5. The Efficient Path Since the C-D border is efficient, we can straightforwardly derive the efficient A-C and A-D borders from the perturbation analysis above. To complete the analysis, we verify that an efficient path can never cross from Region C to either A or B and that it never entails Configuration B behavior. To describe the efficient A-C and A-D borders, we the perturbations of these borders with zero. (26) equal to zero yields equate value of Thus setting (23) and the border equations. In Figures 7, 8, and 9 we compare the efficient and equilibrium borders. When X > 2X' an A-D border exists and (23) equal is obtained by setting to zero: (32) a(l-p)X(h^+h^)2-2a(l-p)h^(h^+h^)X'+aph;^X' = c(h^+h^) or ^2 "' (33) c = a(l-p)h^(X-X')+a(l-p)h^(X-2X')+aX'(p The equilibrium equation, term on the right. (21) differs from (33); + j^^ M N it (l-p)h^). does not contain the last Thus for any value of h^, there is a smaller value of for the efficiency border than for the equilibrium border. h For the A-C border, setting (26) equal to zero gives (34)c = 2a(l-p)h^.(X-X')+a(l-p)h„(X-2X'+vJ:ih,J) M MM N . +c(l-p)h^h-'ln(h^/h^). When X > 2X', the coefficients for hand side of (34) exceeds that of h (20) and h are both positive and, the right the equilibrium border equation. -25- Thus the efficient border lies to the left of the equ This relation and -the A-D border are shown Figure 8 we illustrate the case where In equilibrium border and X that the coefficient of ,,qN ^ ' _M_ = h' M < 2X' in h., vanishes at (34) is In the line values of h.,==h., M h positive at the (rrom (9)) one sees \' V is satisfying h., is where the market equit'ibrium has a this case the efficient A-C border has the same characteristics its equilibrium counterpart: -s 7. X-2X*-i-V,,(h,,) i border. asymptotic to this line. The remaining case to consider B. Figure Substituting for . ibriurr: I PX'+(l-p)X 2X'-X Thus the efficient border Region in i M . it intersects the h^^ axis and is asymptotic to Of course the two borders do not coincide (the particular are different). This is shown in Figure 9. As the figures show, we have too little search in equilibrium unless h (0) is in Region C or Region D.— This discussion at efficient borders implicitly assumed that N's never return to search after having stopped, i.e., that the efficient path does not enter Regions A or B from Region C. such transitions are impossible. In We now prove that Region C, the dynamic programming We have assumed throughout that all N's stop searching at the same time. This assumption is justified since the social value of search by an N decreases That is, just to the right of the hypothesized when another N stops searching. borders, 3 V* exceeds X', and, when these values are equal, it Is socially worth- J_/ while for all N's to stop searching simultaneously. -26- value equation for aggregate net output is V*=3V* 8V* + h,, ^2 3V* h,, 2 3 V* ^ "'=^5-^, Jh^ " ,—^ <36) '''"'-„ =ch„ - a(l-p)h^ X, where is V*(h.,,h,,) M N aggregate value from those not addition, we know that, good matches. in In Region C, the marginal social value of N in is constant, since N's simply accumulatef ^(3^1 (37) ^ dt = 3h,/ From these two equations we can contradict the rise the value of in search by N's which would necessarily accompany a transition from C to 2a( -p)h^(t) (X- Search by an N at time t has net value either B or A. I — 3 V* )>c. ^-r N in region C,h|^(t) 3 V* i5-7-— -\ < X is Furthermore decreasing and all other terms are constant. because an N can, at best, make a good match. Thus the value of search declines, and so a C to B transition is impossible. To consider available N's. a move from C to A, we must consider search by The aggregate return to search by N's 2a(l-p)h,,h,,(X- 3V* 5-1— M N 9h., N Using (36) to eliminate (38) 3 ) 2 + 2a(l-p)hf-, ^ N V*/ 3h 3V* . , , !3V* 3 h., ch, we derive the return to search per N, 2a(l-p)h|^ (X-3V^) + 2a(l-p)h^ (X-2 3V* Sir '^ N + (ah^)"' (aph^^ TTTN "" '^ (l-p)h (X- 3V*) + 2a(l-p)h„(2-p)(X-3V* -c<2(i-p)h„hj;;'+h^). ^* """N • +a(l-p)h,, X - c)) - ch„ M N 2a the [ M N I is ,., ^ +^-^)(X-2-^^ 3 h., al ) - -27- Di • ferentiating with respect to time (and using (37)) we have 2a(l-p) (39) (X - d\i*) + (2-p)h„) (h,. -c(2(l-p)((h^h^ VMVh^)+ - 2a2(l-p)(X-|^)(-h^ = + h^) (2-p)p h^) N -ac(2(l-p) (ph^+h^) + ph^) since (2-p) in p<l. Region C and , 0, to search by N's decreases per N while Thus the return therefore, < can never become positive. We now turn to the proposition that the efficient trajectory never We show that there is a higher net output involves Configuration B behavior. flow from either Configuration A or C behavior the efficient trajectory leaves Region B— if there a border where This contradicts the possibility of Configuration B behavior on the efficient path. border. is First consider the B-C The excess of aggregate net ouput flow that accrues from Configuration B behavior above that yielded by Configuration C is the additional output from single breaches less the search cost of N's, '^»'2="-P'VN<'<-|f'--''N- , N If a B-C efficient border exists, Since N's search no further 3V* 'g-pj— = is defined by the equation (41) — h., M MM h,, it is the locus where (40) equals zero. ^j , X' at^ ^, the ,border. = h.., where = 2a(|-p)(X-X') Nor can it stay indefinitely in Region B. Therfore, the border -28- The difference between the Configuration A and B rates of aggregate net output is the social gain from double breaches: (42) a(l-p)h'^(X-2 |^+ ^) At the B-C efficient border, |Vl . x' and |^M N C given by (9). ( 43) . exist. where, ) -^ afi^ M = X-2X'+n-2(l-p)(X-X') = p(X-X') is V^(h^)+h V^(h Thus, at the border, X-2 4r- + ii- = X-2X'+nN ^^M Formula (42) = > therefore positive, and so an efficient B-C border does not That is, when the social return to search by N's and that of M's is positive, double breach An efficient B-D border value of double breaches. from double breach, is is socially worthwhile. similarly ruled out by the positive social At a B-D border, (42), close to zero is yJ— - n Z— and the aain = x' is , (44) a(l-p)h^, (X-2X). N At this border the additional net output from search is just zero. (45) ah^n+2aCl-p)h^h^(X-X') = c(h^+hj^) That is, . Furthermore, search by N's must be socially worthwhile at the border. is. Configuration B must be more efficient than C, (46) 2a(l-p)h|^(X-X') Subtracting h., N > c . times (46) from (45), we obtain (47)ah2n< ch^ implying h >_ h That or . -29- From the condition > h c > en. ,11 = (47) becomes h^, 2(t-p)(X-X') 'M or (48) 2(l-p)(X-X') > (l-p)X+X' This last expression implies X > 2X', breaches ((44)), which is a implying a positive gain from double contradiction. The last remaining possibility transition from B to A. is a At the A-B border, the surplus from double breaches must be zero; hence .1^ X-lpl (49) Under configurate the dynamic programming value equation B, V*(h,,(t),h„(t)) -4x M N dt (50) = 3V*h, TT ' = -ah/-^+ ^ 8 3V* Tr~ (aph^ - 2a(l-p)h^h^-) 9V* = h,, .. N c(h^ + h^) a(l-p)(h^ + 2h^h^)x. - h 9 h.u Solving for + is V* using (49) and (50) w& obtain 3h, 2 (51) - (a(2-p)h 1^ + 2a(l-p)h^h.,)3V* = c(h.^ + M N r-r— M 9h, h^,) N 9 - a((2-p)hf, M + 2h,,h,,(|-p)X, ^ M N or (52) ^ av* ^^N _ ^^^M "^ ^N^ a((2-p)h./ + 2(l-p)h,,h,,) M M N 2a(l-p)h,, ^ M -30- If ' configuration B (53) (I.e., ,, is at 8V* 3h^ ^ - least as efficient as C, however, then 2a(l-p) non-negative value of search by N's), Since fneqaulities (52) and (53) are mutually contradictory, we conclude that there is no efficient Region B. -3I' 6. Equilibrium Without Damages We have considered equilibrium assuming an law's provision of compensatory damages. themselves of these damages. that individual sdo One way of modelling this behavior individual on that match when further search has found a poor match^ he can unprof itab is le, to assume Instead, fallback provided the fallback partner and that individuals do not replace an earlier fallback with a long as the earlier one is available.— in is We assume that only one fallback contact is preserved, available. still Often individuals do not avail not sign contracts unless they stop searching. we assume that after an is idealization of the common Sections 2 and 3 if two individuals make a complete the project is later one as This behavior is captured by the model damages are always set at zero. We assume that after poor match, the decision to stop searching and to jointly made. If the search decision were not joint, each partner would find search individually profitable, assuming his fallback partner did not search, at the point where search becomes jointly unprofitable. The C-D border is the same with or without damages since only M's are InThus volved. V (h ) is the same in Region C as previously. Region B does not exist, because a double breach for a good match is always profitable with zero damages. Thus we that the absence are interested O'f in A-C and A-D transitions. damages lowers the incentive to search. come out of surplus before its division. half the damages to one's old partner. Thus a We shall see Damage payments new partner effectively pays This monopoly power over new partners serves as a further incentive to search for the original partners when damaces are positive.— In Configuration A search by each cAt. — 2/ — a pair of N's for additional time At costs Each has probability a(l-p)h Atof forming a good match with an These two assumptions are discussed below, This theme is explored .. in our previous paper which examines the damages which partners would choose to set (liquidated damaoeiLJ . -32- • \ M, yielding a gain to the pair of one-half the surplus, Js(2X-V -V (but not paid) of V -V less the damages suffered . Each partner has probability a(l-p)h|^At of a double breach with surplus h(.2X-2\l^) the same damages, V -V ), , and When the pair is just willing to search, V . equals X', and we have the A-C border equation (54) c = a(l-p)h|^(X + 7 - V|^ I Because new partners do not share X' )+a( l-p)h^(X-2X'+V|^) in damage payments, equation (54) differs from the A-C border with compensatory damages, (Symmetry implies no change is less • (18), by -a(l-p)h|^ '^(X'-V the gain from double breaches.) in ). Thus there incentive to search without damages and the A-C border lies to the right of its position with damages." A-C border by setting V We can derive the A-D border from the to zero. equal Again, there is less search than with compensatory damages. The behavioral assumptions in modification of the basic model. incentive inherent in this section have permitted a simple This modification illustrates the search With a further modification, we can damages. illustrate the role of compensatory damages joint maximization by partners. in We assumed that there were no single breaches for the sake of replacing one poor match with another. individuals have an Incentive to do so. Yet When two M's form a poor match, they plan to evenly divide the output^ 2X', should they carry out the nratch. If oneof these N's meets a new M just as he is about to stop searching, the N can gain from breach even a poor match. the M receives Forming a new partnership, the N receives V^. + '5(X'-V|^). previous partner from X' to V„, — Is if — his new partner is X'+ ^^(X'-Vj.) while The breach reduces the positional value of the Thus the aggregate positional value of the The surplus from breach, V -V Just as N's are due. to stop searching, V =X' positive everywhere, however, not just at the A-C border. . -33- partners has declined by one-half the compensatory damages that are original not being paid. If the original partners have no efficient breaching behavior, they will order condition model, (18), find search for the erd of search will 'MM way to control this inless profitable. The first differ from that by - %ah,,(X'TV,,) rather than the factor - 5^ a ( in the basic MM l-p)h.,(X'-V,J in the first modification. It is artificial to assume that individuals keep track of only one fall- back partner. So too, in the basic model it is artificial toassumethat in- dividuals do not keep track of potential partners they have met with whom they do not form partnerships. would be interesting the model Introducing a more complicated information structure but would add considerably to the difficulty of analyzing -34- Linear Technology 7. When the density o^ potential trading partners technology may be reasonable approximation. is the quadratic low, However,when the density high is or the information about location is good, a searcher's problem Is less one of finding a potential partner than of finding one who yields a high surplus. Such a situation can be approximated by assuming a constant probability of meeting someone at all, independent of the numbers of potential partners (although constancy is improbable IS If the numbers of searchers are sma I I ) . Ana lysi quite different from that above since the market possibilities do not alter as time (and the numbers of searchers) changes.— entire hi^-h^, space is characterized by 2/ or D, depending on parameters.— a single configuration. A, C, That is, find a good match, or search until individuals search until they their first match, or do not search What is more, the equilibrium path at all. Thus the is efficient. There are three possibilities: c > all search is not worthwhile (Region D) air > c > a(l-p)(X-X') search is worthwhile for M's but not for N's (Region C) c < a(l-p)(X-X') search is worthwhile for N's, no bad matches are made; — V,, N implying that = V., M (Region A). ^ This result would change if those with poor contracts searched and wefe changed so that poor contracts were sometime carried the.imodol , out. 2/ — If search continues until a good match is made a poor match s of no additional value over being partnerless. Thus double breaches are profitable and Configuration B does not occur. i s -35- With this technology and behavior positional values are independent of the numbers of searchers, giving M V.^ M '' = V? = X - Thus aggregate net output, V*, process — is a N is " ad-p)' linear in h implying that the competitive efficient.L' The efficiency of the competitive process under the linear technology robust to generalizations of the model. (See our earler paper.) is not 36- Brief Summary 8. We have studied an allocation mechanism in which a searcher's meeting opportunities arrive according to a Poisson process. Conf igurations A and B under the quadratic technology, In for example, poor opportunities arrive at the rate aph (t) and good ones at a( l-p) (h,.(t )+h,,(t) endogenousi y; ) The values of these opportunities are determined . they depend on the evolution of the allocation process. The first part of the paper examines equilibrium evolutions: time paths where search and breach decisions are individually optimal. An equilibrium time path consists of a sequence of behavior con- figurations determined by the parameteres of the search technology (a,c), of tastes(p,X ,X ' )and of possible sequences. involving all paths It initial position {h|^(0)). Section 3 enumerates all demonstrates for example that the only equilibrium four behavior Configurations are paths beginning Region A and proceeding in The heart of the paper turn to B,C, and is in D. the demonstration that under the quadratic technology, search and breach give rise to externalities that generally cause inefficiency a in in positive economy for other searchers. equi I Search by an individual creates the market process. Because this economy ibr um, N' s stop searching too soon for efficiency. i is uncompensated, Double breach also creates external economies; it alters the search envi ronment by replacing two N's by an M on each side of the market. breach is individually just worthwh i I e) , a Since (at a point where double searcher prefers the probability of meeting an M to twice that probability of meeting an N, is a positive externality. such a replacement Therefore, equilibrium paths entail too little breach; i.e., the transition from Region A to B occurs too soon for efficiency. -A I APPENDIX In this appendix we discuss two issues: first, the possibility of multiple equilibria and, second, the nature of equilibrium paths from Initial positions that are not on the Whenever h^. axis. Nash equilibrium is the solution concept, as the question of possible multiple equilibria arises. multiplicity in everyone else stops searching, the remaining If individual must obviously find search unprofitable. equilibrium path and altering it so that, individuals switch toConf iguratlon if D^ Thus, taking any at some arbitrary point, all we trlvally generate a new equilibrium. this change may require modification of earlier transitions.) Similarly, to the left of the line only We avoided discussing the text by considering only the path with the maximum search and breach. (Of course, this paper, In other N's a 1 h., = = M h'' M an N's search h'", Thus an equ so search. uration A between the lines h,, I 1 I br I urn path fol lowing Conf ig- and the A-C transition at any time, switch to Conf iguration C behavior and still equilibrium trajectory. worthwhile Is locus could, remain an Indeed, an equilibrium path between these two curves could oscillate between Configurations A and C arbitrarily. More Interesting A-B transitions. If Is the possibility of mulltple equilibria involving We have neither confirmed nor ruled out this possibility. multiplicity were possible, a Configuration A trajectory would necessarily cross the A-B transition border as In Figure Al . Anywhere on A-B transition border (more precisely, just to the left of the border), an N finds double breach unprofitable uration B behavior. If everyone else follows Config- Therefore, any equilibrium path an equilibrium continuation In in Region A has Region B beginning at the A-B transition -A2- Suppose, however, that when an equilibrium path reaches the border. individuals persist with A behavior. border, such behavior can be in equilibrium. The question The answer is yes if whether is and only if the Configuration A trajectory from this point crosses the A-B transition border again. Now let us turn to equilbrium paths with initial the h., axis. h., = h.,( I N in As long as the initial -p) '(see position' lies below the the analysis (2)) is as before. fore, the question of A-C transitions when the this line and when Region B does not exist. ition border derived border in in positions not on line Consider, there- initial position is above Figure A2 shows the A-C trans- the text (not yet shown, however, to be the region the present case) and a family of Configuration A trajectories. Moving backwards on one of these trajectories, the surplus from double breach remains positive as does an N's gains from search (see (16)). fore, Region A consists of all There- points to the left of the A-C transition border that lie above the trajectory just tangent to this border (see Figure A-2). This analysis implies that positional values are not continuous positions. initial V = X' until As the initial Region A The reason for this d i is position moves up the h^ axis, reached, at which point V increases scronti nu ity is that equilibrium paths A are impossible below Region A. Starting from a in d i scontinuousi y Configuration point just below this Region, for example, an N's gain from search and double breach would be positive for awhile. However, if ever the Configuration switches from A to C or D (as it must on an equilibrium path), the gains from search would be negative just before the transition, an equi I i br ium. preventing such a path from being References Diamond, P. and E. Maskin, "An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach Journal Steady States, " Bel 10 (1979) of Contract, I: I Mortensen, D., "Specific Capital, Bargaining, and Labor Turnover", Bel (1978), 572-586 I Journa 9 Pifcc+xOA^ FiQw-e 1, o-^ f^oi-ioA U F<e.Q,^^^i / iV'-f^p D Beoiio<\ 4 ^r^ A^^a>^s ifsti.f-a+e cl<t^t^.o^ oV F.CN^ve DiVftctvO^S 2. O^ tAo^O/v / S.- Sj \i\ Rcr>i9^ A .A " ^,^'-f^ / r / n / H.-- / / ^ / ^1 (*[ rAoVio. fe c <3A<l"b F^^wC 3 E.X<£V2'^<2' O? ^C^i'^'v (^ x-x Pees Fi^^rHS. ^ f^"^^ CLX»s+* E^^^,./^0..^P.e^tO^S UDWa >*^ < V^ ^liv^*^ ^.x' W4 c E w a ut^^ -'> '•: Py"cxar<2, U. 5" Cquvlt'lor'"^^ RcoiO/\S vOV<W\ X<2X^o.aA. /^ Re 3'»Oa C -> c i^; Fi ^are. 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