Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/existenceofsubgaOOharr HB31 .M415 no. S'U f economics 1991 THE EXISTENCE OF SUBGAME- PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM IN GAMES WITH SIMULTANEOUS MOVES Christopher Harris Number 570 December 1990 massachusetts institute of technology - 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 THE EXISTENCE OF SUBGAME- PERFECT EQUILIBRIUM IN GAMES WITH SIMULTANEOUS MOVES Christopher Harris Number 570 December 1990 ft-'.. ' ' M.l.T. LiBi apr o 1 nm fl "-' Iffl The Existence in of Subgame—Perfect Equilibrium Games with Simultaneous Moves: a Case for Extensive—Form Correlation Christopher Harris Nuffield College, Oxford December 1990^ Abstract The starting point of this paper subgame-perfect equilibrium existence would be restored result of the if fails is to exist. a simple, regular, dynamic Examination of this game in which example shows that players were allowed to observe public signals. The main paper shows that allowing the observation of public signals yields existence, not only in the example, but also in an extremely large class of dynamic games. should like to thank Drew Fudenberg, Daniel Maldoom, Andreu Mas— Colell, Eric Maskin, Jean—Francois Mertens, Meg Meyer, Jean Tirole, John Vickers, and participants at seminars and workshops at Oxford, Stonybrook and Harvard for helpful comments on the earlier paper from which the present paper is drawn. The present paper is drawn from an earlier paper entitled "The Existence of Subgame—Perfect Equilibrium with and without Markov Strategies: a Case for Extensive Form Correlation". I 1 Introduction Consider the following example of a dynamic game. Firms set out with exogenously specified capacities (which are known to all). In period one they simultaneously choose investment levels (possibly on a random basis), and are then informed of one another's choices. The result is a change in capacities. In period two firms simultaneously choose production levels (within their capacity constraints), and are then informed of one another's choices. The result simultaneously choose prices. their products, but so is a change in inventories. In period three firms The vector of prices chosen affects the vector of demands for do certain exogenous random factors. Firms are informed of one another's chosen prices and of the final realised demands. second change in inventories.) The (The demands bring about a three period cycle of choices the begins afresh. And so on. This There is game a finite given period: all is an example of a game of the following general type. Time number of active players. There players (both active and passive) periods; the set of actions available to is is also a passive player, Nature. know the outcomes any active player is discrete. In any of all previous compact, and depends continuously on the outcomes of the previous periods; the distribution of Nature's action (which is given exogenously) depends continuously on the outcomes of the previous periods; the players (active and passive) choose their actions simultaneously; and the outcome of the period is simply the vector of actions chosen. The outcome of the game as a whole the (possibly infinite) sequence of outcomes of all periods, is and players' payoffs are bounded and depend continuously on the outcome of the game. This is as regular a class of dynamic games as one could ask for. A counter-example shows, however, that games in this class need not have a subgame—perfect equilibrium. is therefore necessary to extend the equilibrium concept in such a way that existence It is restored. l The problem is reminiscent of that of the non-existence of Nash equilibrium in pure What answer to is the most natural extension of the equilibrium concept? this question is One provided by the following considerations. First, if clue as to the we simplify the class of games under consideration by requiring that players' action sets are always finite, then subgame—perfect equilibrium always appears to relate specifically to the fact that we exists. Hence the non-existence problem allow a continuum of actions. Secondly, suppose instead that we simplify the class of games under consideration by assuming that players' action sets are independent of the way of approximating a large but finite game numbers of is to consider subsets of players' action sets that consist of it is Moreover, closely spaced actions. 2 increasingly fine approximations, and a approximations, then outcomes of previous periods. Then a natural if one takes a sequence of subgame—perfect equilibrium of each of the natural to expect that any limit point of the sequence of equilibrium paths so obtained will be an equilibrium path of the original game. 3 One can, however, find examples in which the limit point involves a special form of extensive—form correlation: at the outset of each period agents observe a public signal. 4 strategies. But there is one important difference: then subgame—perfect equilibrium does if agents' action sets are always finite, exist. 2 Hell wig and Leininger (1986) were the first to introduce such an approximation, in the context of finite—horizon games of perfect information. They proved an upper—semicontinuity result: they showed that any limit point of equilibrium paths of the finite approximations is an equilibrium path of the original game. Their result can, however, be understood in terms of the results of Harris (1985a). Indeed, in that paper it is shown that the point—to—set mapping from period—t subgames of a game of perfect information to period—t equilibrium paths is upper semicontinuous. Hence, in order to obtain their result, one need only introduce a dummy player who chooses n e IN U {qd} at the outset of the game. If n < od then the remaining players will be restricted to actions chosen from the n approximation to their action choose actions from their original action sets. sets. If n = od then they will be free to Convergence of equilibrium paths, as used implicitly in Harris (1985a) and explicitly and Leininger (1986) and Borgers (1989) seems more relevant than the convergence of strategies considered by Fudenberg and Levine (1983) and Harris (1985b). 3 in Hellwig 4 Fudenberg and Tirole (1985) consider two such games. They point out that the obvious discretisations of these games have a unique symmetric subgame—perfect equilibrium, and that the limiting equilibria obtained as the discretisation becomes arbitrarily fine involve correlation. Their games do not, however, yield counterexamples to the existence of subgame—perfect equilibrium. For both games possess asymmetric equilibria which do not involve correlation. These considerations suggest that, at the very least, the equilibrium concept should be extended to allow the observation of public signals. This minimal extension sufficient. For, first, it restores existence. Secondly, with correspondence of a continuous family of games limit, is it, is the equilibrium game whose action sets are an equilibrium path of the game. Thirdly, any limit point of subgame-perfect equilibrium paths of a The also upper semicontinuous. In particular, any point of equilibrium paths of finite approximations to a continua is game is e- an equilibrium path in the extended sense. 5 basic structure of the proof of the existence of subgame-perfect equilibrium in the extended sense is the same as the structure of the proof of the existence of subgame-perfect pure—strategy equilibrium in games of perfect information given in Harris (1985a). It breaks down The backwards program into is two main most horizon T. In such a game, it equilibrium paths of the game. period—T subgames. (The parts, the easily explained in the context of a More set of precisely, one solves first for (The set of is the convex for equilibrium paths of a a set of probability distributions over period—(T— 1) histories, And so reached, and a set of probability distributions over period— 1 histories There is period—T outcomes.) Then one solves a joint distribution over period—(T— 1) and period—T outcomes.) is finite the equilibrium paths of equilibrium paths of a period—T subgame the equilibrium paths of period—(T— 1) subgames. is game with what turn out to be the consists in solving recursively for hull of the set of probability distributions over period—(T— 1) subgame backwards and the forwards programs. on is i.e. until period 1 obtained. of course no general guarantee that the paths obtained in the course of carrying out the backwards program really are equilibrium paths until equilibrium strategies generating them have been constructed. To construct such purpose of the forwards program. The essential idea is this. 5 Its is the Pick any of the period— paths obtained as the final product of the backwards program. distribution over period— 1 histories. strategies Such a path is a probability marginal over period— 1 outcomes can be used to Chakrabarti (1988) claims that subgame-perfect e-equilibria exist. claim, but are unable to vouch for the proof. We believe this construct period— 1 behaviour strategies for the players. Its conditional over period— be followed from period 2 onwards in the event that histories yields continuation paths to players do not deviate from their period— 1 strategies. In order to obtain continuation paths in the event that some player does deviate from his period— 1 strategy, to choose from among the period—2 paths obtained in the course of the some path which minimises the continuation payoff of that continuation paths for all way period—2 subgames are obtained. Period—2 strategies are then obtained from the marginals of these paths over period—2 outcomes. finally sufficient backwards program In this player. it is And so on until period—T strategies are obtained. Implementing this proof does, however, involve two significant new complications. First, for technical reasons, it is necessary to mapping from period—t subgames maintain the induction that the point—to—set to period—t equilibrium paths This follows from a generalisation of the work of Simon and because players may are measurable. 6 randomise, That this is Zame upper semicontinuous. (1990). Secondly, essential to ensure that all the strategies constructed it is requirement can be met emerges as a natural corollary of the construction employed: one can always construct a measurable family of conditional distributions from a measurable family of probability distributions. 7 The organisation to the existence of game with two of the paper subgame—perfect is as follows. equilibrium. players in each period. Section 2 sets out the counterexample This example involves a three—period In this game, each player's action set is compact 6 Hellwig and Leininger (1987) were the first to draw attention to the desirability of ensuring that strategies are measurable. Their approach to the existence of subgame—perfect equilibrium is not, however, necessary in order to obtain measurability. Indeed, if the assumptions of Harris (1985a) are specialised appropriately (by assuming that the embedding spaces for players' action sets are compact metric instead of compact Hausdorff), then it is simple to show that exactly the construction given there can be carried out in a measurable way. Indeed, in the notation of Harris (1985a; p. 625), all that is necessary is to ensure that the functions gj this is possible follows Lemma can be chosen to be measurable; and that from the argument given in the first paragraph of the proof of 4.1 in the present paper. 7 Had we employed a dynamic—programming approach, the problem of ensuring measurability of strategies would have been much harder — see below for further discussion. Indeed, we do not know how to solve the measurable selection problem that arises when such an approach is employed. and independent of the outcomes of previous periods, and each player's payoff function continuous. is Section 3 formulates the basic framework used in this paper for the analysis of dynamic games. Section 4 shows that when the dynamics are continuous, players' payoff functions are continuous, and the framework subgame—perfect equilibrium signals, 4.1 provides a detailed for the exists. is extended to allow the observation of public This is the main result of the paper. Section overview of the proof. Section 4.2 develops the analysis necessary backwards program. Section 4.3 develops the analysis necessary for the forwards program. Section 4.4 exploits the analysis of Sections 4.2 and 4.3 to prove the main showing in particular how to deal with the infinite—horizon develop a perspective on the main result. types of game in and zero-sum games. It is also Section 5 attempts to shown there that there are which the introduction of public signals existence of subgame-perfect equilibrium: all It is case. games of is result, at least three not necessary to obtain the perfect information, finite-action games, shown that the introduction of public signals accommodates the equilibria that one can obtain by taking finite-action approximations to a game, or by considering e—equilibria of a game. signals that is it is. We do not know whether the introduction of public the minimal extension with these two properties, but it seems plausible to argue The Counterexample 2 A counterexample to the existence of subgame—perfect equilibrium in the dynamic games described First of for all, it must have in the introduction at least class of must have a certain minimum complexity. two periods. Otherwise the standard existence theorem Nash equilibrium would apply. Secondly, there must be at least two players in the second period. For with only one player in the second period, the correspondence describing the continuation payoffs available to the player or players in period one would be convex valued. between which he (The player is in period two can randomise over any set of alternatives So the existence result of Simon and Zame (1990) would indifferent.) apply to period one. Thirdly, there must be at least two players in period one. For the continuation—payoff correspondence for period one will be upper semicontinuous, and a an optimum. single player will therefore be able to find The counterexample presented periods, with two players in in this section each period. It example would class of not this minimal. has three For, aside from being in each period. dynamic games considered settle the question as to It would be of considerable interest to find an example with only two periods and two players minimal in relation to the is in this paper, such an whether equilibrium exists in two—stage games or not. The cast of the counter—example, period one two punters two, two greyhounds A and B pick a C and D each their attitude to the race. and They pick their choice variables, are as follows. 6 [0,1] and b € [0,1] receive an injection of size a c e [0,1] and d 6 [0,1] , they complete the course. In period three each of two referees winner, picking e 6 {C,D} and f e respectively. {C,D} respectively. + b , In In period which changes which are the times in which E and F must declare a In each period choices are made simultaneously, and players in later periods observe the actions taken by players in earlier periods. Punter A obtains a payoff of both referees, and D declare —1 — to win, —a —1 — b and and both want a They would = C and 1 — (a + — c) b)(l e if whether he or the other greyhound would prefer to run the race =D . That is, e if = D and 1 — (a E in the verdict of referee winner and c It will if — b)(l d) if e = C E Lastly, referee . D he declares : both referees wants C to win, to C greyhound 2c is if E way he but either , Also, he would prefer to be first rather as slowly as possible. + A if also like to keep their declared the winner by referee is —b 1 the form of his payoff depends on than second provided that he does not have to run too 2d declared the winner by obtains The payoff contributions to the injection as small as possible. e B is In other words, otherwise. result. C greyhound if Similarly, punter a otherwise. to be the winner, B wants D 1 The payoff fast. greyhound C like gets payoff d to be the winner. F Referee be seen that, in this game, each player's action he greyhound is only interested C he declares is 's , D to is to be the payoffs are identical. set is compact and independent of the actions chosen by earlier players, and that players' payoffs are continuous. The game c centres around the two greyhounds. < d and D when c > d , the race between the discontinuous payoffs (2c, c > d — (a + 1 b)(l them — d)) is < c if weights in the convex combination can depend on (c,d) therefore yield the following Lemma 2.1 Suppose that a distribution function + (a , (1 + b)(l-x)) for G + b > c (a = + d - b)(l c), 2d) if (Note that the . Standard considerations Then both C and D use mixed . given by G(x) xe .) - of timing with lemma. [$,1] = for x e [0,|] and G(x) = actions with (2x - l)/(2x - 1 . Notice that this mixed action its d C when chooses game essentially a and some convex combination of these two payoffs when , E Because referee is non-atomic, that probability mass concentrates at £ as a + b -» 0+ . its Not support is [j,l] , and that surprisingly, then, we all obtain: Lemma 2.2 one. d + Suppose that a The remainder of the b = argument straightforward. is d with probability zero. Hence both referees + indifferent as to C with b = , then c = d = choose a If + b $ with probability > then c will equal always agree. Also, each greyhound will will A win exactly half the time. The payoffs to other hand, a D Then both C and . —b. and B are therefore —a and with probability one. Hence each referee \ on the If, is which greyhound he declares to be the winner. Suppose that E opts D probability p and D probability q and with probability with probability 1 - q 1 —p A Then . and that F opts , 's payoff 2pq is for — for C with and B 1 's is 2(l-p)(l-q)-l. It is game with easy to see, however, that the no equilibrium. Indeed, any a > is strictly So the only possibility for an equilibrium B b to set = — otherwise A two is with probability one. But would raise a from zero. dominated A for if these payoffs between b to set = then Similarly, 2(1 A for a = it , A any b as is B and > for has B . with probability one and must be that 2pq — p)(l — q) — 1 > . — 1 > And these inequalities are mutually inconsistent. 8 This contradiction establishes the counter- example. The essence of the counterexample use strictly mixed actions. is this. As long as a + b > , both greyhounds This behaviour on their part generates a public signal endogenously within the game. The two referees use this public signal to co-ordinate their actions. in When a + b = , however, this signal suddenly degenerates, and the only which the referees can coordinate their actions one or both choosing D is with probability one. But way by both choosing C with probability if they both choose C then B gets A and B is see this, note that the sum of the payoffs of the two players if e ^ f. Hence the expected value of this sum is non—positive. If the expected value is strictly negative, then the payoff of at least one player is also strictly negative. If the expected value of the sum is zero, then e and f must be perfectly To 8 e = f and —1 correlated. In this case the payoff of the player against whom the decision goes is —1. if —1 . then So he would prefer the truly random outcome. Similarly, A will if both referees choose D wish to restore the truly random outcome. In the light of this explanation, it is players to observe suitable public signals. natural to try to restore existence by allowing In the present example, this would amount to allowing the two referees to toss a coin to determine the winner in the event of a tie (which would certainly restore existence). That such an extension yields existence case will be demonstrated in Section 4. in the general 10 The Basic Framework 3 The Data 3.1 There a is non-empty whose index also a passive player, Nature, is J= therefore J^i U {0} Time . J<A of active players, indexed by finite set is eX i e J must choose an and Jn «J= game is = j The . indexed by The . se J"= t 6 = STjd set of actions available to her or — X by a point—to—set mapping A..: -» Y,. — The vector x . is {0,1,2,...} . each player {1,2,...} him depends on which being played, and on the outcomes of previous periods. This situation is There . overall set of players or t j players play one of a family of In each active period . The action. or i discrete, For notational reasons, we assume that games, parameterised by x is or i e X is modelled — lists the parameter of the game being played, and the outcomes of any preceding periods, while A, .(x take C ) it period Y, A.^x that is t is - — ) = — Y,^ x for all (x ) = A,.(x x A X ,y, ) eX~ such that x payoff of any active player outcomes of vectors t > 1 . x all = periods. ~~ The 9 . (x ,Xp...) e X,0 EX - Y. set of . where Y. , X And outcomes possible y, e A,(x ) modelled by a function x is = simply the It is and Y.. x in set of all pairs — and , i.e. depends on which game x i It is — .: x for all ) — ~ X € nothing more than the set of profiles of actions that players can take. modelled by the point-to-set mapping A,(x For reasons of expositional economy, we the set of actions available. such that x Y. x u-: the graph of A, e Xw — t-1 = X is -» IR . . Finally, the played, and the Here / X 00 is N (x ,x. ,..,x,_.) n the set of V t-1 eX~ . for all (Nature does not have a payoff function.) We make the following standing assumptions about these data: (i) X (ii) for all i € X4 and all (iii) for all i e J<A , u- is , and all of the sets Y.. t > 1 are , , non-empty complete separable metric A..: X — - J6(Y,-) is spaces; measurable; bounded and measurable. This assumption does in principle involve a slight loss of generality. However, since any case fix Nature's strategy below, there seems to be little advantage in constraining her actions as well. 9 we shall in 11 mean (In this paper, 'measurable' will always Borel measurable unless explicitly stated to •%(•) will always denote the space of non-empty compact subsets of the contrary; and endowed with the Hausdorff metric.) These assumptions are designed • to ensure that every player possesses at least one strategy, and that associated with every strategy profile and every subgame there is a well defined payoff for every active player (see below). Stronger assumptions are needed to ensure the existence of equilibrium. Strategies 3.2 and extended strategies In the standard version of our model, the evolution of the beginning of period informed of x 1. players are told which 1, They then simultaneously choose . This completes period period 1. That is, sets for period 2. game they they are told y, . 2, 2. And so be identified with the set of subgames in period For each measurable function x t-1 , 6 f,.: t X > 1 and each ~~ -> is, 9Jl^{ i e J t , At the they are players are told the outcome of it goes on. — Definition 3.1 That are playing. can be summarised by a vector x t as follows. They then choose simultaneously from This completes period information in period is actions from their action sets for period At the beginning of period 1. game It their action follows that players' eX~ — X and that , can . a strategy for player in period i t is a _ 4 -) such that supp[f,.(x )] C A,.(x ) for all v t-l X Here 9Ji{XA denotes the set of probability measures over Y,. 'probability measure' will always mean . (In this paper, Borel probability measure; and spaces of probability measures will be taken to be endowed with the weak topology 10 unless explicitly stated to the contrary.) 10 {A all In the terminology of Parthasarathy (1967), a sequence of probability measures } C &M(Y.) converges in the weak topology to A continuous bounded x- Y -» IR f . iff Jx dX n converges to /xdA for 12 The For each are behaviour strategies. f.- thought of as the randomising device that player him available to in period when x t is t , and x i will use to i f, , .(x among choose the actions As such, the previous history of the game. independent of the devices used by the other players in period t and of , can be ) it is devices used in all preceding and subsequent periods. all Strategies and strategy profiles certainly exist under our standing assumptions. Moreover, given any strategy profile and any subgame, the payoffs of active players can be We may calculated in the natural way. therefore define subgame—perfect equilibrium as follows. Definition 3.2 such that, for A subgame—perfect — all x t > 1, all payoff in subgame x e equilibrium We {£. |t > 1} is £, > 1 . Then the information available to — ~~ =X period t C t > 1, e i Jj&> G X^" , player i cannot improve his in his strategy. subgame—perfect equilibrium Suppose that, = them when they make ,£ ) each active period outcome of the preceding period, but — (x at the beginning of [0,1] , where £ = their choices can be (£-,,..., of such vectors as the set of extended also of t ) We refer to the set subgames of the game in . Definition 3.3 period i — x [0,1] 1 a sequence of signals, drawn independently from summarised by a vector h H all 2 shows, however, players are informed not only of the , 1 therefore introduce the concept of an extended strategy. according to the uniform distribution. t and , by a unilateral change need not exist in general. a strategy profile <f,- — X As the counterexample of Section Suppose that is is A ti (x t_1 ) For each t and each > 1 a measurable function for all (x t_1 ,^) e f,.: H t_1 . H i e J , an extended strategy for player i in — — -> &J((Y..) such that supp[f,.(x ,£ )] 13 — Once again the the randomising device that player in period t , when x signals observed So are behaviour strategies. f,. i will use to choose — the previous history of the is up to and including period t . But f..(x among this <f. strategy profile 6 Jj6 , player i |t > 1, £ is the vector of public time this device t and of all him is independent, devices used in all the public signals. all A subgame—perfect Definition 3.4 can be thought of as ) the actions available to game and not only of the devices used by the other players in period other periods, but also of ,£ i e equilibrium in extended strategies X^> is an extended- — such that, for all t > 1 , all h cannot improve his payoff in extended subgame h eH~ , and all i by a unilateral change in his strategy. A subgame—perfect coordination: after the equilibrium in extended strategies allows a limited amount of outcome of a period has been realised, the players the continuation equilibrium to be played following that public signal. correlation is It is can coordinate on outcome by exploiting the next therefore a limited kind of extensive—form correlated equilibrium. limited in that the players observe a privately observing a single common component of a vector of signal, rather signals.) than each (The 14 The Main Result 4 We need the following assumptions: (Al) for all t > 1 (A2) for all t > 1 is given, and and f,*: J^i for all Taken in conjunction G J^i e i a strategy , (A3) i all , X u- f.* — -* the , mapping A.-: X ~~ -» J£(T..) is continuous; (and not an extended strategy) for Nature in period 9M (Y,,-.) is t continuous; bounded and continuous. is with the standing assumptions made in respect of the basic framework, they guarantee the existence of a subgame—perfect equilibrium in extended strategies. The present section is devoted to a proof of this fact. begins, in Section 4.1, with It an overview of the proof. The proof involves two main steps. The analysis necessary the first of these, namely the backwards program, is The given in Section 4.2. necessary for the other, namely the forwards program, is given in Section 4.3. analysis Section 4.4 then integrates the backwards and the forwards programs to complete the proof. reader may 4.1 Overview wish to read Section 4.1 and then skip to Section Imagine Then the proof from stage T for the finding , two The 5. purposes of the present subsection that the divides into essentially for steps. In the first step, game has horizon T . one programs backwards what turn out to be the equilibrium paths of the game. In the second, one programs forwards, constructing strategies that generate these paths and that constitute an equilibrium. The x T— 1 e basic ideas of the backwards X T— , find the set of Nash program are equilibria (including strategies) that can occur in the final stage of the probability distributions over sets are Y™ as follows. Nash equilibria in game. Let C™(x that result from these Nash compact and payoff functions are continuous, C™(x each history First, for ) equilibria. T— ) is a mixed be the set of Because action non-empty compact 15 set 9JC{Xrr) contained in point—to—set mapping G A T_ (x T— ^(^^(Yrp)) to , the upper semicontinuous. 11 is T— 1 . the set of continuation paths consistent with equilibrium For any v™ - given by is o <p ,y rp_ 1 . )] (This set consists, in effect, of those probability distributions over Nash that can be obtained by randomising over selection c T (x , • ) ^p 2 Crp(x , •) (For a general c,y(x . <p be at least one with Crp(x 2 c,y,(x existence theorem of T— , • that equilibrium ) is , T— 1 when • ) . , •) , Let mapping 2 ,•) which , it is this set This not. (1990).) may Crp_-. (x T— 1 be the is C™, a non-empty compact from X p 2 to )] , And is for For each .) find the set of game Nash specified is by essentially the content of the each Nash equilibrium associated Y™, * Y™ that results when and the continuation paths are given by 2 ) • ) be empty. But there will always find the probability distribution over played in period , Crp(xrj,_, the continuation of the set of such distributions obtained when both and the Nash equilibrium associated with T— ) T Simon and Zame "p , T— Cy,_|(x for ,•) p<_2 Crp(x equilibria in from the correspondence co[Cy(x equilibria that can occur in period Crp(x T— 1 co[C T (x YT , X T— from depend continuously on x be the history of the game prior to period x let ) C™ sets o •p Next, Because actions . subset of is Then are allowed to vary. &J£(Yrr<_i*Yrp) ^(^^(Y^ixYrp)) essentially the content of the generalisation of it, , and the point—to—set upper semicontinuous. (This Simon and Zame's theorem given is in Section 4.2.) The relevance of the assumption that players' action sets in period T depend continuously on the history of the game prior to period T emerges clearly in the context 11 of a two—period game. For each n game when the outcome of period 1 > 1 is , let y, , a? be a Nash equilibrium in period 2 of such a and suppose that (y^a^) -» (y^a^) as n -» <d i 's action set is upper semicontinuous in the outcome of period 1, the actually available to him in period 2 when the outcome of period 1 is y-, . Because player action a„j is . Also, because his action set in period 2 is lower semicontinuous in the outcome of period any deviation open to him in period 2 when the outcome of period 1 is y, can be approximated by deviations open to him when the outcome of period really is an optimal action. 1 is y, . Hence 1, a^. 16 Finally, iterate until period 1 T X...Y. distributions over is obtained for is C.(x reached, and a set eX x all game x out to be the set of equilibrium paths of the (The . of probability ) co[C,(x set will )] turn This completes the backwards .) program. Consider c,(x ) now co[C.(x 6 c..(x ) we can and each £ i definition of (i) C,(x ), there the f,-(x ,£ are given ) by c«(x of e, (x ,£ e [0,1] ) , ) given that y 1 f,-(x ,£ 12 1 < t < ) and cJx T and i e 2 2 ,£ J^£ intended to produce is ) . when is for all (ii) And so ,£ 6 c~(x ,-,£ — ,-) is always c,(x always the conditional distribution of e,(x ) This ensures that no single—period deviation is profitable follows is -» C,(x over Y-. ) ) For . By such that: ,-)] one obtains d„(x ,^ ), set of strategies eJx f,- ,( ), for all do produce the paths they are The essential points are that the — — ) , given ,£ with the conditional distribution and that y, . ) constitute a profitable. c, , .(x ,y,,^ ) is That they constitute an — equilibrium follows from the fact that the f,-(x ) when the continuation paths is ) )] ,f ,£ are given 1. 2 strategies really ,£ 2 in period 1 co[C (x ,£ we , ,•): [0,1] from co[C (x ) on until one has a complete That these X given Lebesgue measure. is y,, c«(x ,y-.,£ ) 6 over C,(x be the marginal of e,(x ) the outcome in period cJx ) variable e,(x [0,1] primarily a technical matter. expectation of e,(x . ) Nash equilibrium Similarly, beginning with f„.(x ,£ each x can be viewed as a randomisation over )] random exists a selection and ; find a d,(x is ) let constitute a ,-,£ we can ) whose distribution over C,(x each for associate a probability measure d,(x Also, for each d,(x . Suppose that, Since any path in co[C,(x . )] paths in C.(x ), the forwards program. Nash equilibrium. That no more complex deviation from a standard unravelling argument. This completes the forwards program. Overall, the essential ingredients of the theorem are the following: players action sets are compact; players' payoffs are continuous; Nature's strategy is action sets in a given period depend continuously on the history of the period; players observe public signals; continuous; players' game prior to that and players' payoffs are bounded. The role played 17 by the The three of these should be obvious. first role played by the fourth ensure that the point—to—set mapping from subgames in period those subgames upper semicontinuous. The role of the is point—to—set mapping from subgames in period convex valued. And the sixth in addition, we do that is t roughly, to is, to equilibrium paths of fifth is to ensure that the subgames to equilibrium paths of those t needed only is, for the relatively technical reason not insist that Nature's behaviour strategies have compact support. The backwards program 4.2 we develop In this subsection the analysis necessary for the backwards program. To this end: X, Y- for (i) let (ii) for all i (iii) let f*: X (iv) let Y= (v) let C (vi) for The : X4 6 -» all i e let , A-: 9>Jt (Y*) "jgjYj and gr(A) each i e -» J and Z be non-empty complete separable metric spaces; , X -> Jfc(Y-) be a continuous point—to—set mapping; be a continuous mapping; A(x) let = Y^ x ^Aj(x) x x for all £ X ; Jf(Z) be an upper semicontinuous point—to—set mapping; J^i , let u-: gr(C) -» R be a continuous function. similarity of this notation to that of Section 3 is deliberate, and is intended to be helpful, not confusing. With reference to the model of Section 3 and the discussion of Section A. of past histories; describes the dependence of player f* describes Nature's behaviour; u- is the payoff of active player what we have is C i . i 's 4: X is action set on the past history; describes the set of possible continuation paths; In terms of a the set and somewhat more abstract perspective, a continuous family of games parameterised by x e X . The three essential ingredients of such a family are: the continuity of the action sets; the upper semicontinuity of the continuation paths; and the continuity of the payoffs in the parameter, the outcome and the continuation. ^C(x) For each x 6 &Jt(Y Z) c * X we are interested in the set of equilibrium paths that are obtained when one is free to choose any randomisation over 18 C(x,y) as the continuation path following the outcome y G A(x) € Jc(x) the marginal \i (ii) the marginal /jg (iii) A possesses an Y of A over of Y* over \i a product measure with supp[/x] C A(x) is is • | C(x,y) for y)] C moreover the marginals of \i- y all e be helpful to state more explicitly what probability measures over A.(x) for fj,- supp[^(- |y)] C C(x,y) for that y all A(x) 6 is /u-(x,y,z)dA(y,z) improve Lemma Proof = his payoff 4.1 We #C , and the by changing is Then . i in game x semicontinuous. Let n- = measurable selection from P. n C(x,y)} . for all closed (By D definition p Z . y all . Suppose we are given (iv). and a transition probability v such Y«Z Then the payoff of an . Nash equilibrium map from X if active player no such player can p-(x,y) . is i , x , into Jf( 3>JC{Y and y A(x) 6 , let * Z)) . p-(x,y) the lowest payoff that can be imposed on Standard considerations show that {z|z e C(x,y) and u-(x,y,z) To . (x,y) semicontinuous. Hence P~ (D) -• when = p-(x,y)} We . p. is shall lower need a Following Deimling (1985; Proposition 24.3 and Theorem . C y) for • | with v 24.3), the existence of such a selection will follow if measurable v( is Let A be the measure over For each following outcome y P:(x,y) ; his probability measure.) begin with some notation. | player . an upper semicontinuous min{u.(x,y,z) z 6 C(x,y)} J constitute a \i- A(x) meant by is \£ all obtained by combining the product of the i v over Z over the Y- constitute a Nash equilibrium (j, the continuation path following outcome y may ; frt(*|x); r.c.p.d. (regular conditional probability distribution) such that supp[i/( (It A formally, iff: (i) (iv) More . Z be the resulting measurable = P7 (D) = this end, define oo if D {(x,y)|p.(x,y) selection. = (x,y) p n C(x,y) = = .) p. (x,y)} {(x,y)|D n P-(x,y) = min{u-(x,y,z)|z Like is p. , p • is j- 0} 6 D is lower measurable. Let q.: gr(A) 19 The proof now paths of game x that are consistent with Nature's the proof shows that this J6{9Jl^i Z)) * mapping B This It is is That is, that A(K) B clear that that is it is we need only show > 1— e that ffl(K) > 1— e A for all The second step. that it is that, for all B(x) e . £*( B(x) be the set of jx) • The . #C e is that X , part of into Since this graph closed. graph its is x this end, let tight in order to > first #C is is non—empty step accounts for the bulk of the proof. compact valued. To we need only show closed, let , to demonstrate that is non-empty valued, and is X mixed action that the graph of that remains all done in the third is need therefore show B(x) , e an upper semicontinuous mapping from is The second shows . clearly contained in that of valued. For each x divides into three parts. closed. e X show that exists a we be given. Since it is compact. K Y there exists a compact But there certainly All that compact c K C * Z such Y* such (V K to and we may therefore , ieX* AjW K let This completes the . be the graph of the restriction of C(x, first step. In order to begin the second step, suppose that -» A (x,A) . For . From all j i # , let j J and be player ^C(x (y )dA n (y,z) j all = continuous Xa ' = jy Y -» K supp(A )cgr(C(x ,.)) n n i 's (x ,A n' payoff from A , n y) 6 and gr^C] let it. , and that (x ,A n' n') be his payoff from one can deduce that: ) [/xi (y i )dA n (y,z)J |/x (y )dA n (y z) j j > continuous A y. i IX0(y0)dA n (y,z) for all r- the definition of /Xi (y i )x for all i • : Y. i -» yR and A (y )df (y ]xn ) J : .(5.1) Y. J ...(5.2) ; .(5.3), 20 where C(x (C(x n is n ,y) • , empty y t A(x n )) iff /Xi (y i )u i (x,y,z)dA n (y,z) for all active r M and i and i Equation a all . ni X\ :Y. -» R ; ...(5.4) and z) A.(x e (5.1) follows (5.2) follows ; continuous ) p ...(5.5) ) . n' from the independence of the marginals of A from the A fact that is its (5.4) holds follows conditional payoff. (• |y) is supported on C(x because the expectation of u-(x from the strategy u (It is ,y) to a set of actions, each of supported on A(x 6 A(x is ir y mass of player which yields him important to avoid the word 'support' here. For player him r. need not be and no matter what the if . , and a.s. 's ) , Equation . ) i This mixed his equilibrium i 's continuation so the set of pure strategies Inequality (5.5) states that player closed.) payoff must be at least what he would get this deviation for all is conditional on y. ,-,-) payoff /u-(x ,y,z)di/ (z|y) need not be continuous in y yielding of A \i fact that, in equilibrium, the probability must be confined over the Y. consistent with Nature's strategy. Relation (5.3) follows from the facts that the marginal and that Z to = ^/^(y^dA^z) /p i (x n ,y\a ni )dA n (y > for all active Equation all Y empty—valued) correspondence from regarded as a (possibly is ) he were to deviate to a • i and 's if, equilibrium following realised choices of the other players, the worst conceivable continuation path from his point of view occurred. idea that no redistribution of probability mass Equation (5.4) captures the among equilibrium actions is worthwhile. Inequality (5.5) captures the idea that no redistribution of probability mass from equilibrium to out—of—equilibrium actions Now Also, since it is ic is worthwhile. easy to see that relations (5.1), (5.2) and (5.3) are preserved in the limit. = /u-(x ,y,z)dA (y,z) , x . -» ir. . Hence (5.4) is preserved too. Lastly, for 21 any A.(x) a- e of A. there exist a , Since also w- . A-(x e . such that a ) lower semicontinuous, (5.5) too is has a closed graph will therefore be complete x and A (5.5) for , -» . which we a- , The proof preserved. is we can show if by the lower semi continuity #C that that the analogues of (5.1)- imply that A shall refer to as (5.1')-(5.5'), 6 ^C(x) . Using standard considerations we can deduce from (5.1'), (5.2') and (5.3') that the marginal Y* over /x /j Y of A over f*(-jx) is , and that A has an supported on C(x,y) for specified by v a product measure supported on A(x) is all y A(x) 6 The marginals . \i- of need not constitute a Nash equilibrium for this game. However, by (5.4'), the set Y- of deviation by active player from i to /x. 6 , is game with continuation paths consider the over the Y. \l that the marginal of v over Z such that £(-|y) r.c.p.d. Now . , a- 6 A.(x) such that the Dirac measure concentrated at a- a- 1 will , 1 i raise his payoff that remains an it = K- K- 17) ^ but i one i. above y. 6 Y- r.c.p.d. of a ly) y. 6 It is . for all i of no importance , and K-|y) how we we therefore constitute a Jc(x) * 7j e if q (X|y) . v{ • | if y) y. e Yj\Yj set for all j Y. for more than deviation no longer is profitable. The //• . non-empty valued. To dense in A.(x) game x . $C has closed graph, this end, fix For each . in the natural existing , Nash equilibrium with these continuations, and therefore A Having proved that N} We ^(-|y) equal to £(-|y) in this case. Inequality (5.5') ensures that, set with the new continuation paths specified by v < define = way v in such a but such deviations are no longer attractive. A, Y\Y therefore alter (Such a y corresponds to a coordinated deviation by two or more players.) For definiteness, € We may has //.—measure zero. x. 1 < way from The family N < x and od , that remains each find, for construct a finite the existing of all game x games obtained as . i show that \?C a sequence {y game with And N , to is for varies N= is is that action sets a> continuous, and non-empty when {y is - 1 1 < n simply take the equilibrium correspondence therefore has compact values and a closed graph. standard results show that the set of equilibria } is N < od . its Moreover It follows that 22 it is non-empty Lemma N= for cd too. 4.1 captures the essence of the backwards program: we begin with an upper C depending on semicontinuous correspondence the sequence of outcomes up to and including the current period, and end up with an upper semicontinuous correspondence depending on the sequence of outcomes preceding the current period. There further complication. When we come is however one theorem in Section to complete the proof of the 'I'C 4.4, the continuation paths in Z will themselves be probability measures over sequences of future outcomes. = ^^(W) , In the present, where W more a complete separable metric space. is itself *C equilibrium paths described by by writing Z abstract, setting this can be captured 9JC{Y lie in $>JC(W)) x With this notation, the This means that . What cannot serve directly as input for the next iteration of the backwards program. required instead &JC{Y of x W) 9>Jl[X those of is More : -> 9JC{Y x W) (The point . is is that elements are probability measures over sequences of future outcomes, whereas x 3>JC{yi)) PJC^&Jt^)) elements of ^C X a correspondence #C Such a correspondence can be obtained by replacing are not.) with their expectations. xGX formally, for each ^C(x) let c ,?1(Y x W) be the set of measures A such that: (i) (ii) the marginal \i the marginal \l* A possesses an (iii) A(x) e over of A of over \i is Y* v over r.c. p. d. a product measure with supp(/z) C A(x) is W fg(x) ; such that it v{ /j. of \i over the Y. may be helpful to expand on (iv). is &JC(k.{xj) and a transition probability v such that € A(x) of the (jl- Then . y) e co[C(x,y)] for all active player The //• i 's constitute a payoff is constitute a y r/(- |y) for all y . u(- |y) G co[C(x,y)] /u-(x,y,^(- |y))d/i(y) Nash equilibrium Nash equilibrium when Suppose that we are given 6 . • | the continuation path following outcome y (Once again ; ; moreover the marginals (iv) Y if , where /z is \i- for all y the product no such player can improve his payoff 23 by changing Lemma his p. .) Suppose that the domain of definition of u-(x,y,z) 4.2 suppose that u(x,y,z) X semi continuous mapping from It on linear in z is *C domain. Then Jtp(?JC(Y into should be noted that, when its we come W)) x convex in is an upper z and , . Lemma to apply is u-(x,y,z) 4.2, defined as the expectation with respect to z of an underlying function of (x,y,w) convexity of the domain of u.(x,y,z) in z and the , natural consequences of the problem structure. #C roughly speaking, that Lemma 4.2 will be in z , . So the will be proved by showing, the image of tfC under the projection that consists of is &J£($ J((W)) by > replacing elements of linearity of u-(x,y,z) be will their expectations, and that this projection is continuous. Proof Let A G r.c.p.d of j/(-|y) fi ^JC{Y Z) x over Z. Let for all y£Y. , fj, let = fi Then the measure with marginal , be the marginal of A over and let u{- |y) X projection and conditional v \i of the r.c.p.d. chosen for \i A The .) . = /z d^(z|y) of A onto (It , and is v be an let be the expectation of M(Y « W) is X should be clear that step of the proof first Y the probability is independent to show that projection 6 9JC{Y is continuous. To that {A~ n} this end, let C ?JC(Y /x(yMw) for all x {A n} W) dA~ (y,w) n C 9Jt{X x converges to -. /x(yMw) continuous functions x- Y"K converge to A Z) Xe^(YxW), it x Z) suffices to . Then, to show show that dl(y,w) and ifr. continuous linear functional defined by 1(k) W -» IR . Let t 3>JC(W) = /^w)d«(w) . Then -» K be the 24 /x(yMw)d!n (y,w) = Mw)di/n (w|y) / x(y)d** (y) n (by Fubini's theorem) = (by definition of = / K\(-\v)) x(y)d/* (y) n €} / /<z)di/ (z|y) x(y)d/x (y) n n (by definition of the expectation of u (• |y)) /x(y)^(z)dA (y )Z ) n (by Fubini again, and because = // // But the ). latter expression converges to /x(y)4 z )dA(y,z) by definition of weak convergence, and this integral is equal in turn to /x(y)V(w)dA"(y,z) by reversing the above argument. This completes the proof of continuity. To complete the proof, it suffices to show that gr(^C) under the projection that takes (x,A) into (x,X) Then the payoff from A /Uj(x,y,z)dA(y,z) Suppose first the image of gr(^C) that is = / /u (x,y z)di<z|y) > d/x(y) i = /u (x,y,/zd^(z|y))d/i(y) i (by the linearity of u-) . is (x,A) G gr(^C) . 25 = /u (x,y,K-|y)) d /i(y) i (by definition of V). But u{- |y) G co[C(x,y)] because supp[*/(- |y)] C C(x,y) /u-(x,y,P(- |y))d/z(y) e gr(*C) is by definition the payoff is To the projection. G gr(#C) We . standard considerations show that C(x,y) gr(co[C]) u{ let | (for y) -» = c(x,y,F( | example, one could y)) for all y set v{- |y) = u- , Lemma 4.2 is Then C has a . non-empty is G (x,A~) gr(#C) of which 9Ji{V) with closed graph, and z G co[C(x,y)] iff The standard G A(x) &-, , and x , let • | such for y). y) it to the work existence theorem for each player's strategy set is a of C Let . to gr(co[C]) , be arbitrary for y £ A(x) Then it can be checked as A obtained by combining the marginal ^C(x) lies in v{ . the basic result justifying the backwards program. present subsection by relating If need to find (x,A) that the measure with the transition probability v follows. easy to see that it is &JC(7j) be a measurable selection from the restriction of above, using the linearity of Jl So . C(x,y,z) be the set of k G this end, let expectation z and such that supp[/t] C C(x,y) c: A~ and . Suppose now that (x,X) (x,A~) from , Simon and Zame We conclude the (1990). normal—form games can be expressed compact metric space, and if there is as a continuous function associating a vector of payoffs with each vector of strategies, then there exists a vector of (possibly mixed) strategies that forms a (1990) extended this result by showing that correspondence associating a convex exists a selection from this if, Nash equilibrium. Simon and Zame instead, there set of payoffs helpful to reinterpret their an upper semi continuous with each vector of strategies, then there correspondence and a vector of (possibly mixed) strategies that forms a Nash equilibrium when the payoff function In order to explain is how Lemma work slightly. is given by this selection. 4.2 extends the result of Much as we do Simon and Zame, in the proof of consider a sequence of finite approximations to their basic game. Lemma Suppose these it is 4.1, they 26 approximations are indexed by Nash equilibrium of game N N for , suppose that the mixed strategies some selection equilibrium payoffs of this equilibrium be strategies 7iVr- , and payoffs /a- 7iYr- . from its Then /a^- payoff correspondence, and their proof shows that, constitute a limit point of the strategies /a^- ir- constitute a the the mixed and payoffs then there exists a selection from the payoff correspondence of the original game such that the constitute a \i- function Nash equilibrium with equilibrium payoffs when the payoff ir- given by this selection. In other words, they demonstrate a limited form of is upper semicontinuity Lemma first is relatively family of games. for a particular continuous family of 4.2 therefore extends the result of minor: it games. Simon and Zame shows that upper semicontinuity holds The second is more substantive. The in two ways. 12 The little Lemma continuous for a general Simon and Zame result of about the behaviour of the equilibrium strategies and equilibrium payoffs, but very if let tells us it tells us about the selections from the payoff correspondence that enforce these strategies. 4.2, by contrast, concerns a comprehensive description of equilibrium. Such a description of equilibrium is not without intrinsic interest. the purposes of the present paper problem that would otherwise is arise that it But its main significance for allows us to avoid a measurable selection when we come to program forwards. 13 As it stands Lemma 4.2 is not a direct generalisation of the result of Simon and Zame. But it can easily be adapted to obtain one. To do so, view Z not as a space of probability measures over a compact metric space, but more generally as a compact metrisable subset of a locally convex topological vector space. (This perspective is more 12 , and includes the general, subset of IR , Z possibility that then one can define u-(x,y,z) is = a compact subset of z. .) And IR ^C(x) define . If in a Z is a compact more limited way, to consist of pairs (/a,7t) G &J((Y) * IR where /a is the distribution of a Nash equilibrium and ir is its equilibrium payoff vector. (This more limited definition of $C is the price one must pay for the more general Z .) Then a proof almost identical to that of , Lemma 4.2 shows that $C is a continuous projection of $C, and therefore upper semi continuous. 13 -» IR It would be tempting to conduct the backwards program as follows. Let II: gr(A) be an upper—hemicontinuous convex—valued correspondence describing possible continuation payoffs. Then $11: X -» IR the correspondence describing possible Nash equilibrium payoffs for the current period, is upper hemicontinuous; and so therefore is co^II] the continuation—payoff correspondence for the next iteration of the backwards program. This simple program is, however, difficult to reverse. For, in order to reverse , , it, 27 4.3 The Forwards Program In this subsection this we develop the analysis necessary for the forwards program. purpose we shall need a measurable selection c from #C . This function can be thought of as part of the output of previous iterations of the forwards program. describes the equilibrium paths that For It must be followed from the current period onwards if the strategies calculated for earlier periods by the previous iterations of the forwards program are really to constitute part of Lemma There x [0,1] -» (i) 4.3 an equilibrium. measurable functions exist $>JC{W) such that, for all (x,£) e X C A(x) themarginal^0(-|x,£)of/z(-|x,£) over (iii) i/(-|x,-,£) for all y 6 an -» ^J({Y * W) Y r.c.p.d. of Y A(«|x,£) over is W ity{-\x); such that u{- |x,y,£) v{- |x,y,£) Moreover /A(- |x,£)d£ = following outcome y c(x) for all x e X c(x) all, conditions (i)—(iv) imply that therefore tells us that, on the basis of the current public signal £ if is Nash equilibrium for all y e A(x). . 4.3 captures the essence of the forwards First of = € co[C(x,y)] A(x); when the continuation path /A(- |x,£)d£ Y a product measure such that is constitute a explanation. * : the marginals /j.(-|x,£) of /x(»|x,£) over the Y- Lemma and w.X ; (ii) is x [0,1] * [0,1] the marginal /x(-|x,£) of A(-|x,£) over supp[/x(-|x,0] (iv) X A: program. A(- |x,£) € the equilibrium path e [0,1] , It requires ^C(x) is some The . condition chosen from ^C(x) then the overall path will be precisely one must be able to find, for any measurable selection ir from #11 a measurable selection $7r from II such that the game with payoff function $7r(x,-) has a Nash equilibrium with payoff 7r(x) This is not a standard measurable—selection problem. For what is actually required is that we select, for each x a function $7t(x,-) and that these choices of functions be coordinated in x to obtain a single measurable function 3>7r (A version of this non—standard problem did arise for Mertens and Parthasarathy (1987; Lemma 1 of Section 6, pp 41—42). In their case, however, the functions $7r(x,-j could be taken to be continuous.) , . , , . 28 c(x) Lebesgue measure (If . conditional distribution over Y x x W ?JC{Y -» [0,1] Secondly, the .) assertion \i-\ period. Y lemma x W , then /A(-|x,^)d^ [0,1] and , A(- |x,-) if the marginal distribution over is goes beyond the simple assertion that there exists such that A(- |x,£) G *C(x) for X , the proposition delivers a v that (x,£) all x [0,1] -• &J((Y.) are precisely the strategies of the players Fourthly, the restriction $c of v to gr(A) X A: For, while this . measurable in (x,y,£) is the is would automatically imply the existence of a v that was measurable in y each (x,£) the W) x the marginal distribution over is for Thirdly, jointly. for the current describes the equilibrium x [0,1] paths that must be followed from the next period onwards. the input for the It serves as next iteration of the forwards program. Most Proof Lemmas of 4.1 The x X G , of the considerations necessary for the proof have already arisen in the proof, and first step supp(d(x)) The 4.2. c is present proof will therefore be brief. X to find a measurable d: \PC(x) and the expectation of d(x) an argument very similar to one used in the proof of measurable mapping 9JL ( $>JC(Y -• A: X x [0,1] &J£(Y -» x W) Lemma x W) is precisely d(x) 'measurable' representation theorem, The third step £(-|x,-,£) an is e.g. to find a measurable is x for all r.c.p.d. of A(- |x,£) |x,«): [0,1] . W)) such -» that, for all This can be done using we need Next, 4.2. such that, when measure, the distribution of the random variable A(- ^Ji(Y c(x) is * given Lebesgue is [0,1] 9Jl{Y a x YV) over Such a mapping can be obtained by applying a . Gihman and Skorohod mapping for all u: XxY (x,£) e X x [0,1] x [0,1] . (1979; -» Lemma 1.2, &Jt(W) such In other words, p 9). that we need 'measurable' version of the standard result which asserts the existence, for each (x,£) an r.c.p.d. v{- |x,-,£) of A(- |x,£) forwards program, and since the literature, Let we /x(- . Since this we have not been is, , a of in effect, the central step of the able to find precisely the result we need in sketch a proof of this. |x,£) be the marginal of A(« |x,£) over sequence of sets that generates the Borel a—algebra on Y Y . . Let {B For each 1 N 1 < , let n < <d} be a 5?™ be the 29 a-algebra generated by {B &** Since 5?-^ Y on N} < And . . give an explicit formula for an r.c.p.d. of A(-|x,£) For each y . ^l#(W) v be a fixed element of let Y G and each measurable W W we C set A(YxW|x,Q -x^L = -L-- - ,,;, n 1 < we can is finite a—algebra given the 1 " (W|x,y,£) l N M(Y|x,0 Y if z, = &N of It is containing y and /i(Y|x,£) immediate from these formulae that and therefore that the convergence , K lim!/v,on and v Certainly u is — v outside K what im M (- 1 is, i/ u{- |x, •,£) There are two u(- |x,-,£) e co[C(x,y)] . . The To obtain A(x) Lemma of u-^ is |x,-,^) exists is an &„ |x,£) //(• r.c.p.d. of difficulties for all y the . To A(x) measurable. Set v , is effectively a version of the the martingale convergence theorem — a.s., and that u(-\x,',£) given the Borel ; stands: it it may and the marginals is a version of a—algebra on not be the case that /z(-|x,£) when the continuation path first property, let of A(-|x,£) need following outcome y to be q(x,y) q be any measurable selection from co[C] wherever obtain the second: for each 4.1; let measurable in jointly A(-|x,£). This completes the third step. with u as 6 is is fourth and final step constructs a v that does have these properties from redefine i>(-|x,y,£) G K set measurable. Also, since i/^(-|x,-,£) not constitute a Nash equilibrium u(- |x,y,£) and u-^(- |x,y,£) effectively the conditional expectation of A(- |x,£) is Y. That v , . conditional expectation of A(- |x,£) given implies that > = KW) N (W|x,y,£) otherwise. (x,y,£) atom the is 7r.(x,£) = i , it let does not q. lie in co[C(x,y)] for , and some y be the function defined in the proof of Ju-(x,y,v(- |x,y,^))d/i(y|x,^) ; and let Y.(x,£) be the set of a- 30 6 such that /u.(x,y\a.,^(- |x,y,£))d/z(y|x,£) A-(x) v{- = |x,y;0 = (x,y) if qi 7 £(• |x,y,£j otherwise. and the Y^YjCx.O 6 for all j * ^(x,^) but yj i Then we may . Y(x,0 and £ , Standard considerations show that the resulting v A(- |x,£) e C(x) fact that A(-|x,£). . > implies that u(- |x,»,£) is still an v{- |x,y,£) is measurable, r.c.p.d. of o Completion of the proof 4.4 Before proceeding, we need to define the equilibrium correspondence for a family of We games. In making this definition we encounter a minor technicality. equilibrium as a strategy profile that is Nash equilibrium in in every strategy profile specifies players' behaviour for the entire family of Hence an equilibrium face. 6 set X We therefore . A such that A of paths equilibrium. by x t— 1 e Theorem from define X t_1 E.. (x ) , , we can the set of equilibrium paths of correspondences E. for Suppose that (Al)—(A3) hold. Then E, games t > is for 2 each game x game x , to be the set by some as a family parameterised . map an upper semi continuous J6{9Jt{**_ Yj). into . The main (see Section 5). games that they might game x the equilibrium path generated in define, subgame. But a whole family of paths, one Similarly, reinterpreting our basic family of X t— 4.1 is will generate a have defined an interest of Theorem 4.1 derives However upper semicontinuity from the is itself fact that of interest: implies existence it it is reassuring to know that our concept of equilibrium possesses this standard regularity property. Proof The proof proceeds period t B. is — in three steps. Let B.(x that are consistent with Nature's strategy. an upper semicontinuous map from X — into I sequence of correspondences {C. 1 1 < t < cd} is ) The be the first set of paths beginning in part of the proof shows that ®Y JGi^JC^ S — )). X s constructed, each of which In the second, a is upper 31 semicontinuous. In the third shown that it is = E. B For notational convenience, we show that for all co[C.] t . To upper semicontinuous. is this 1 B?(x end, let be the set of marginals over ) backwards programming argument similar and 4.1 shows that B, 4.2 Y J6{9Jt{* _, _.Y This completes the converge for ) $, (C for each T . , , ) T 1 < t < C let , T step, let T ^("/iY.) So B, , too, is converges upper semicontinuous. be given. For each > 1 T (x t— > T t C Now T = define C. n t Hence C, too ™,C. for each is , T It is A [^ t (C. 6 paths from C, [^ (C^ t follows. 1 < T < +1 , It is also S ^ the case that (C, od t_1 ) T and A can be enforced by continuation definition, T . T belong a fortiori to C, C = n C t T=i*t( T+l^ Since . ,) , together with C,,, parameters x By . C. ,, in for all C. C *+(C. Finally, ) To ,) C C.. , 1 But paths . )](x )](x , Then ,] .) cC. whenever T obvious that C, t see this, let . upper semicontinuous. t > 1. upper semicontinuous. is B. T= onwards when the continuation paths can be chosen from co[C, t T 6 T = C. let , the set of equilibrium paths that are obtained is ) . the backwards program ensures that each C, A iff its T for period > S. } C into be defined inductively by the formula . C (In other words, . t. all map from X Lemmas first step. Turning to the second And, Then a ). but simpler than, that developed in to, an upper semicontinuous is B,(x of measures in But a sequence of measures {A )). PJCi* marginals over ,Y « To . ' . Hence the rec* uired conclusion see this note that the correspondences T= for ,-, And Lemma C T . , for , form a continuous family of games with cd 4.2 shows that the equilibrium correspondence of — such a family is upper semicontinuous. certainly a limit point of points in Overall, then, {C.| 1 < = co[C,] t < a) } for all such that C, t . We We show first c, from co[CJ we obtain is do that It follows that any [^.(C. A 6 C. (x ), also lies in ,)](x ) , [* t (C, which , is ,)](x ). a sequence of upper semicontinuous correspondences = ^ t (C. this for co[CJ also a selection t C , = E, for all ,) 1 . only. t . 1 So remains only to show that E, The other It suffices from E It . let to C. cases are analogous. show that any measurable selection be any such selection. Then 32 repeated application of the forwards program starting with strategies and a measurable selection c.,, from co[C.,J such f,. , the f.-(x ,£ continuation paths are given by onward when the f.. c, ,(x , ,•>£ are employed in period c. It . programming argument that the strategy follows from (ii) We now show that E, c E,. C co[CJ any subgame-perfect equilibrium -» Y 3>JC(X * ) in f is given. Now ) (i) for all t when follows from To game x is certainly c™,, is the t and a standard dynamic (i) f t And an equilibrium. precisely c, (x this end, let describe the paths followed from period = <f.. |t > 1, > 1 t , This . ) i it X<> € let H c ,: be ~~ onwards when the strategy inherits measurability c, in period and the continuation paths are given by profile f constitutes . , and (") the paths obtained from period extended strategies. For each employed. The mapping profile t that the equilibrium path in completes the proof that co[CJ Nash equilibrium constitute a ) are precisely those required by c.,, that: t > 1 — H~ ,()e (x yields, for all c, from f . T Let be > 1 T a selection from co[Cy,,]. Also, suppose that c,, is a 1 selection Nash at T J from co[C. equilibria for period once that that c, is for t some 1 < t < is a selection from co[C a selection from co[C, a selection from co[CJ . Since f is when the continuation paths T c, T. ] . T , ] . an equilibrium, the are given by c. , f,- . It specify follows Proceeding inductively we therefore conclude Moreover, allowing This completes the proof. T to vary, we obtain that C, is 33 5 Existence with and without Public Signals This section provides a systematic discussion of the question of existence of equilibrium in the dynamic model introduced in Section namely of the main games satisfying the standing assumptions result for this case, when that, 3. It begins with a recapitulation public signals are allowed, any family of (Al)—(A3) possesses an equilibrium. However, the section also addresses two further questions. Under what circumstances can existence And be obtained without the use of public signals? subgame—perfect equilibrium obtained by allowing is the extension of the concept of the observation of public signals sufficiently rich? 5.1 Existence with Public Signals The Theorem following result 5.1 an immediate corollary of Theorem is 4.1: Suppose that (Al)—(A3) hold. Then there exists a subgame-perfect equilibrium in extended strategies. Proof Pick any x eX . Then, by definition of E..(x By Theorem ) , game x . potential drawback of this result equilibrium in what is E,(x ) is non-empty. Pick any A E.(x In particular, there exists an equilibrium! is that, in order to obtain the existence intended to be a purely non-cooperative situation, extraneous element into the model, namely public signals. to discover circumstances under 6 there exists an equilibrium of the family of games that generates equilibrium path A in The 4.1, which equilibrium exists It is it therefore of introduces an some interest even without this element. ). 34 Existence without public signals 5.2 There are existence: games of which public signals are not needed in Theorems Then a subgame—perfect equilibrium Oddly enough, Theorem (Intuitively in and zero—sum games. The and 5.2, 5.3, for 5.4 respectively. Suppose that (Al)—(A3) hold, and that the family of games has perfect 5.2 information. Proof game perfect information, finite—action games, games are summarised results for such Theorem at least three classes of it 5.2 would seem obvious is a exists. not an immediate corollary of when only one player that, Theorem 5.1. acts at a time, public signals do not allow players to achieve anything they could not achieve using mixed strategies. But there a minor complication: players observe not only the current signal, but also is However, an equilibrium can be constructed using the correspondences C, past signals.) used in the proof of Theorem and define f,.(x selection co[C 2] L.(x We • begin with any measurable selection to be the marginal of c,(x from co[C J that enforces = C^ ) ) 4.1. Hence c„ is also a to be the marginal of c (x 2 c, . over ) Since the Y... game Next, . is a game measurable selection from C« ) over Y,. . And so on. . let c« c, from C-. , be a measurable of perfect information, So we may define o Indeed, one can even show that there exists a subgame-perfect equilibrium in which players employ pure actions only. We do not demonstrate this here, since the argument does not appear to be a simple corollary of the construction that we have employed. 14 Note that the proof of Theorem 5.2 shows incidentally that allowing public signals in a game of perfect information does not enlarge the set of equilibrium paths. 14 See Harris (1985) for a treatment of the case of perfect information. The argument used there can easily be adapted to the present context. Alternatively, one can work directly with the apparatus used here, taking care to purify the selections as one programs forward. 35 Let us say that a family of games t and > 1 Theorem all 1 x" 6 * A^x 1 , *) is of finite action a finite of equilibrium paths Theorem Proof if X is finite, 5.3 is compact. is more exists. or less well known, and for all if, set. Suppose that (Al)—(A3) hold, and that the family of games 5.3 Then a subgame—perfect equilibrium action. it. X1 is Moreover, and there is (See Fudenberg and Levine (1983) for a different proof.) for is each x of finite X 6 , the set more than one way of proving So we merely note that can it be proved by a simple adaptation of the methods of this paper. The basic idea can be expressed in terms of the notation of Section 4.2 as follows. Instead of defining #C(x) to be the set of equilibrium paths that can be obtained by choosing continuation paths from co[C] one defines , it to be the set of equilibrium paths that can be obtained continuation paths from x e X this , It that X new C. Because definition still yields X is finite, by choosing and because the A.(x) are finite for all an upper semicontinuous correspondence. should be noted that both finiteness assumptions are needed. Indeed, suppose but that one or more of the A-(x) are infinite for some is finite happen that there is a sequence of equilibria of signal generated endogenously game x, x. Then it can each of which involves a public by players' randomisation over their action sets A.(x), and that this sequence converges to a limiting equilibrium which does not generate any such signal. infinite. there is Suppose, on the other hand, that the A.(x) are finite for Then it at least can happen that there one player coalesce in the limit. for If this whom is all xgX a convergent sequence of games in at least one player for whom at least but that X , X and that two actions player randomises over his two actions, then he generates a public signal which disappears in the limit. It is precisely in order to compensate for the potential disappearance of such endogenously generated public signals that the exogenous public signals are used in our basic existence theorem. o is 36 To complete our discussion of the existence of subgame—perfect consider the case of a family of zero—sum games. (A family of games contains precisely two elements, and = Theorem if E. j/^\ Then a subgame—perfect equilibrium period zero—sum games. It is known well convex in such a game. But the if it is J<A .) helpful to recall is of zero sum. some facts about oneis regarded as the set of probability set of equilibria, Hence, even in a zero—sum game, the set of The set of players are allowed to observe a public signal. equilibrium payoffs, on the other hand, will not. to co-ordinate if that each players' set of optimal strategies distributions over outcomes, need not be. equilibria will be enlarged sum we exists. In order to understand this result, equilibria of zero Suppose that (Al)—(A3) hold, and that the family of games 5.4 two players is equilibrium, For the public signal merely allows the on a choice of Nash equilibrium have the same equilibrium payoff (namely (v, for the —v) , game, and where v is all Nash the value of the game). Proof Note first that our proof of the existence of equilibrium shows, in particular, that the extended family of games has a Nash equilibrium. It follows immediately from standard considerations that this family also has a value. That measurable mapping v, (Indeed, since v.,(x ) is X : such that v, (x simply player upper semicontinuous, v, Similarly, there exist -> [R is mappings v X is there exists a the value of extended payoff from any path in E,(x actually continuous. extended game beginning in period With l's ) is, ~~ -» IR We do not need this such that v.(x ) is ), game x . and since E, fact, is however.) the value of the t. these considerations in mind, we can construct a equilibrium of the original family of games as follows. subgame—perfect The construction follows the construction of an equilibrium of the extended game, but takes care to avoid the need for a 37 public signal. The step first to find a measurable selection is measurable selection from C, may product measures. So we be the marginal of c,(x rather than co[C,] ) define strategies over from co[CJ that enforces the Y... f,. ) 2 C9 But . continuation payoff, namely v (x Similarly, . X -» ^^(Y.-) by strategies £.: X t_1 ?JC{Y.^ -» Since c, . A e co[C (x are already setting f,.(x to ) c« if Cr, generate the same )] 2 a is generates a measurable selection c, a measurable selection from is then (L generates the same continuation payoffs as c« Hence the • f, • can be (The continuation paths specified by c« do not • necessarily constitute an r.c.p.d. of c, Iterating this of course.) , for all > t 2 argument we obtain o as well, Approximation by finite—action games Suppose that we are given a single game singleton) satisfying (Al)—(A3). Then a roughly speaking, a new family corresponding to n = is oo of X a family of games for which (i.e. game finite—action approximation to this games indexed by n e IN the original game; for each n 6 of finite action; and taken as a whole the is marginals over Y, In particular, . enforced by <L just as well as by c« 5.3 all its , f,.: from C, c, new family of U{od} IN , is, such that: the game the games a is game corresponding satisfies (Al)-( A3). to n (Here (Al) ensures that players' action sets in the original game are continuously approximated; (A2) ensures that Nature's behaviour is continuously approximated; and (A3) ensures that active players' payoffs are continuously approximated.) Finite-action approximations to a single Indeed, we can even To do (Al)-(A3). i 6 J, {yjj|n let game satisfying (Al)-(A3) certainly exist. construct a finite-action approximation to a family of games satisfying this, we need the following ingredients. Yt be dense in 6 IN} Secondly, for each n € IN , Y|| let = - ; and m {y | 1 < {yj|n let m< n} . each First, for 6 IN} be dense in Thirdly, for each 6 IN, o£j:X let -» Y.. be a continuous function such that, for — — a..(x ) A..(x ). YQ = t > 1, — — n belongs to A,.(x ) , and ay(x all x and each > 1 t e X X°. i J and G — : — ) is as close to y?. as any other point — (Such a function exists because A,.:X -» J£(Y..) is continuous. In in 38 Nature's case the function -. MY ti be defined by ) Fourthly, for each such that, for close to f rt(x simply constant with value y.* ^(x 1-1 = and n t > 1 x all is e 6 X : as another ) IN, ) {aj^x* let ^\*: supp [</> measure X -1 — j(x C )] {y™0 ^.(x 1 1 < 1-1 ) m< n} . Yj = X Finally: let = A (x t_1 ti ) and ; for all t > In terms of these ingredients Q 1 {y A\ . &J((Y. *) for all t > 1 f ; and x we can n} for all x v X t-l n a.-: let t_1 X t_1 e . &JC(Y.q) be a continuous function -» t( in m< )! 1 < And .) < m < n}; whose support t_1 e , 6 i X t_1 and is ^ (x rt(x is ) as contained in Jj6 and x let <P t t_1 t_1 6 = ) X t_1 (x f t0 let , t_1 ) . define a larger family of games, which can be interpreted as a sequence of families of finite-action games approximating the original ssr\ family, as follows. First, let Secondly, suppose that X ^t— X be the union over n t the restriction of aj-(-) to > 1 , f.0 is the restriction of in the obvious Now X — s\ 1 ; fl^-) A. to t > 1 = A x- X . • and X. {n} of the sets Then: for all * Yn ie 7, A,. = gr(A.) . Thirdly, for all — . Finally, payoff functions u- are defined suppose that we are given a finite-action approximation to a single game. is simply a family of games parameterised by n e is it IN U {qd} upper semicontinuous in any subgame-perfect equilibrium path of any game n equilibrium path of that game, 6 IN is, n. in particular, and Hence, an follows that any limit point of subgame-perfect equilibrium paths of the finite-action games is an equilibrium path of the original game. our solution concept (namely subgame-perfect equilibrium in extended strategies) includes everything that can be obtained by taking finite-action approximations to a (or, . ^ /\ /\ s\ satisfying (Al)-(A3), its equilibrium correspondence And U {qd} way. Since this approximation since IN has been defined for some S\i is 6 more precisely, everything that can be obtained game by taking continuous finite-action approximations to a game satisfying (Al)-(A3)). 5.4 Approximation by e-equilibria One can a given single also game is show that any limit point of subgame-perfect e-equilibrium paths of an equilibrium path of the game, by combining the techniques of this 39 paper with those of Borgers (1989). Indeed, suppose that we are given a family of games satisfying (A1)-(A3). For each t > 1, x t_1 e X t_1 and e > , let E (e,x t_1 ) be the set t of equilibrium paths of except that: (i) subgame x each player i G Jji of a family of is it is identical to the original replaced by a sequence {t-|t > 1} of agents; each agent chooses actions that are at or within Then games e game (ii) of being optimal in each subgame. easy to adapt the methods of Section 4 to show that E. is upper semicontinuous. But this implies the required result. For any subgame-perfect e—equilibrium path of the original game path is is also an e-equilibrium path; any e—equilibrium an e—equilibrium path of the game in which each active player sequence of agents; and the 0—equilibrium paths of the game in is replaced by a which each active player is replaced by a sequence of agents coincide with the equilibrium paths of the original game. 40 Conclusion 7 The general results of this paper concerning the existence of subgame-perfect equilibrium in dynamic games create a small dilemma. If one adopts the point of view that the observation of public signals violates the spirit of non-cooperative interpretation of the counterexample of Section 2 continuum of actions are somehow wholly non—pathological in all is If, theory, then the presumably that games with a intrinsically pathological. other respects. game After all, that example seems on the other hand, one thinks that games with a continuum of actions are an indispensable part of non-cooperative game theory, then presumably one must accept that games must be extended to allow the observation of public signals. Faced with dilemma this There actions as pathological. too simplistic. First, are, tempting to dismiss games with a continuum of however, at least two reasons why may this reaction be can be argued that a solution concept should be robust to small it errors in the data of the equilibria that occur in it is games games to which it applies, in the sense that arbitrarily close to the game under one should not rule out consideration. 15 (In other words, the equilibrium correspondence should be upper semicontinous.) Provided that such errors are confined to payoffs, the solution concept of subgame-perfect equilibrium satisfies this requirement when applied to finite—action games. present in the extensive form semicontinuity do violate the is itself, to be satisfied. spirit of If, however, such errors then public signals must be introduced Secondly, it is if may be upper not entirely clear that public signals really non-cooperative game theory. 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