^ ^. \ (3 /J O \ ^'^ o. o/ t-eC^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/effectsofeconomiOOjosk working paper department of economics THE EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC REGULATION By Paul L. Joskow and Nancy L. Rose Number 447 April, 1987 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 THE EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC REGULATION By Paul L. Joskow and Nancy L. Rose Number 447 April, 1987 THE EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC REGULATION By Paul L. Joskow and Nancy L. Rose April 1987 To be published in The Handbook of Industrial Organization. Richard Schmalensee and Robert Willig, Editors. We are grateful to the Editors for helpful comments and to Roger Noll for getting us started. f^.l.t. UBBARi |\iOV 1 2 1987 REGBVED First Draft: 1/31/87 4/15/87 Revision: THE EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC REGULATION By Paul L. Joskow and 1. Nancy L. Ros^ INTRODUCTION This chapter "economic and regulation" approaches alternative discusses reviews empirical the By "economic regulation" we approaches. refer measuring to both direct of effects employing literature to the these and legislation administrative regulation of prices and entry into specific industries or markets. We follow conventional treatment in distinguishing economic regulation from a host of other forms of government intervention in markets, including "social regulation" of environmental, and safety health and tax and policy, antitrust practices, tariff policies. This distinction is at in all these categories share best a Regulatory activities falling practical necessity. common foundations in welfare economy, and may affect the same economic variables. to all these type regulation of literature provide easily ^ types of intervention, a fill on in regulatory isolation making from economics it However, the last complete survey of current knowledge on an entire volume. We Firms typically are subject difficult to analyze the effects of one others. during economics and political therefore focus given fifteen all our regulatory discussion 03773 burgeoning attempt effects on Assistant Management, MIT, Cambridge, 2(i an years, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, and of Applied Economics, Sloan School of the MA to could effects of Professor 02139 2 economic regulation. This enables us to restrict our attention an extensive but to reasonably well-defined subset of the literature. Our survey intended is to provide a framework for evaluating and interpreting empirical studies of regulation, a guidelines for those embarking on their set of own empirical investigations, and a review of significant contributions to this literature. The measurement we that issues discuss arise in empirical analysis of all types of government regulation; we therefore have structured the methodological discussion so that has it broad applicability. While exhaustive survey of the literature, it present the different types of data and measurement techniques. what known, not known, is references to or methodological to cover a reader a good feeling for to give the from applications These are selected Where particularly useful, we include dispute.^ in by no means an is numerous examples of the use of includes range of industries and time periods sufficient study the regulation social more complete survey Interested readers should consult Joskow and Noll (1981) for a of the literature on economic and social regulation through literature. and refer 1980, the to other chapters in this volume for analyses of areas beyond the direct focus of this chapter. ^ Our regulation review literature; we research where relevant. broadly applicable has been the tendency public to relatively for enterprises Finsinger (1983). include The in We other that this are countries; U.S. focus international to the of empirical comparative or and empirical techniques we discuss are regulation of work of industries references theoretical study the little predominantly the reflects sort. regulated see other in A partial in Mitchell the and countries, explanation U.S. to be for there this organized Kleindorfer nevertheless expect major contributions from analyses of non-U.S. regulatory institutions in the future. though (1979) is as and more extensive 3 The chapter is structured as follows: Section 2 outlines the theoretical bases identifying and measuring the effects of government for Section regulations. 3 develops these frameworks in more detail, discussing theoretical approaches that are of relevance particular four describes through 9 and price of methodologies empirical Sections 5 regulation. students for measuring for on each regulation of: prices, and the distribution of income and Section regulation. economic of effects the 4 examine how alternative theoretical frameworks and empirical methodologies have been applied entry entry costs, study the effects of price and technological change, product quality, The rents. to summary and final section contains a conclusions. 2. THE EFFECTS OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION MEASURING The regulation, process, are the the environment these ? effects regulation," GENERAL: WHAT ARE WE IN of regulation, likely nature of industry's in to whether depend on regulatory economic a it "economic is variety of instruments and characteristics, which regulation takes place. regulation" factors: the structure and the or "social motivation regulatory the of and legal for political Given the substantial variation in economic and institutional characteristics, the expected effects of regulation are likely to differ considerably across industries and time. framework for analyzing regulation is therefore an empirical discussion of regulatory effects. Defining a theoretical important prerequisite to an Theory and measurement go hand in hand. Theoretical research on the economics of government regulation has proceeded from several different perspectives. theoretical research, what the "optimal" At one extreme is normative or prescriptive which focuses on when regulation "should" be introduced and form of regulation is. At the other extreme is a growing body 4 of regulatory research that takes a positive or descriptive perspective, focusing on the economic, and legal, political, bureaucratic that forces lead to governinent regulation and affect the behavior and performance of regulatory institutions. Normative research on government regulation can be (roughly) grouped into The two branches. first on focuses imperfections that lead unregulated markets sum social welfare function (usually the of identification to "market failures;" that perform suboptimally relative of consumer and producer surplus). monopoly, externalities, public goods, information failures, The second branch for volume with regard properties natural to different of Natural market a of this literature seeks to develop "optimal" policies market imperfections correcting some to and variations on these themes are standard normative rationales for government intervention into economy. is, (as discussed Recent monopolies). regulatory Ronald Braeutigam by mechanisms, on research which this incentive the explicitly in models the information structure of the regulatory environment and the strategic interaction between regulators and those they regulate, has enhanced by David Baron regulation is in • this comparative compared literature (discussed These extensions recognize that volume). even "good" imperfect, relative to an ideal in which regulators are costlessly and completely informed about sound this with variables of interest. all institutional imperfect analysis, which in what regulation: This helps to is markets imperfect the best that set the stage for we can do can be in an imperfect world (Kahn (1979))? Positive fifteen years. emerges and theories of regulation Historically, how it positive works intervention (Posner (1974)): subject to various constraints. were have matured "public based considerably interest" on theories normative of during why rationales the last regulation for optimal regulators were assumed to maximize social welfare In this paradigm, empirical analysis of regulatory effects implicitly becomes both a test of whether or not regulatory institutions are 5 successful achieving in welfare-maximizing their have rejected theories positive regulatory of model of regulation simplistic this objectives, a for basis During the past fifteen years, quantifying the costs and benefits of regulation. economists and objectives favor in and outcomes processes of (Stigler richer (1971), Posner (1974), Peltzman (1976), Wilson (1980), Kalt and Zupan (1984), Noll (1985b)). These recognize among interactions regulation that then consequences literature of regulatory processes respond interests groups that stand to benefit or lose of government intervention. regulation and become a from various types Specific positive theories of the political possible framework can predicted, regulation be within which measured and complex to the economy of and nature This evaluated. discussed in more detail in the essay by Roger Noll in this volume. is Empirical analysis of the effects of government regulation can be useful from both normative and positive perspectives. which framework motivates the to the analysis. It is, however, important The particular theoretical to articulate framework used develop hypotheses about regulatory effects can have important implications for nature hypothesis of tests, the effects one mean anything regulation compared to what?" generally measurement is. to measure, and the collection and use of of regulation" do not questions seeks defines It is The (at essential to We must framework implicitly) specify what these formal test of ask "the effects of that leads to the measurement comparative underlying basis assumptions regulatory and firm behavior as well as the base for comparison. foundation can one formulate and specification Most importantly, the "effects in the abstract. theoretical least data. the for about Only from this precise hypotheses and meaningfully interpret the results. There are several possible benchmarks against which regulated outcomes can be compared. if First, regulatory outcomes may be compared to those that would emerge the industry performed "optimally," as defined by some welfare criterion. Since 6 not in practice be attainable, great caution must be may these "optimal" outcomes exercised in drawing public policy implications from such comparisons. regulatory Second, emerge absence the in Two regulation"). may outcomes and price of apply cautions compared be to entry regulated industries have characteristics that it actually etc.) practice important is exist in to markets subject be regulation outcomes a would that (deregulation One should perfectly competitive regime; make this "no or not many assumption quite implausible. define what legal institutions (common law, franchising, "unregulated" the the choice of benchmark. this assume that the unregulated regime would be Moreover, to form of regulatory different a to may markets "Unregulated" regime. restrictions in (e.g., municipal franchise regulation rather than state commission regulation), not markets subject to no regulation at Third, one set set of all.^ may regulatory institutions The of regulatory institutions. be compared to some alternative alternative could involve minor changes within the context of a particular regulatory process— such as introducing into cost-of-service fundamental regulation changes— such municipal as and (Joskow articulate regulatory it is essential be effects clearly that the positive theories of regulation rely on measuring effects are being measured. ^ firms There are is, in subject rights, liability, of more state is to be useful for normative Similarly, to tests measure and of competing the actual effects of regulation, benchmark against which regulatory Each of these benchmarks can provide useful empirical reality, to place in benchmark used defined. also requires precise specification of the (1986))--or (1976)). empirical evidence on the effects of regulation evaluations of regulation, which bidding franchise commission regulation (Demsetz (1968), Williamson If Schmalensee more incentives no such common and and contracts. thing as statutory "no law regulation." institutions .A.t the very affecting least property 7 evidence for answering normative and positive questions, but only if benchmarks the are articulated clearly. 3. ALTERNATIVE FRAMEWORKS FOR EVALUATING THE EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC REGULATION 3.1 Efficient Regulation of Natural Monopolies traditional economic rationale for price and entry regulation The production of a particular good service or (or set of by "natural monopoly" (Schmalensee (1979)). characterized producer minimizes costs, and goods In is services) case, this that the a is single but an unregulated market would lead to prices or costs may that are on average too high and to price structures that and entry regulation may be optimal from be inefficient. normative perspective a production of one or more goods minimizes costs, i.e. if: (a) single the production Price firm function is subadditive over the relevant output range; (b) a firm with a legal monopoly will choose average prices and profits that are too high (excess profits), and individual prices that may be too high or too low (inefficient rate structure); (c) the threat of entry will not effectively discipline a single supplier and (perhaps) (d) inefficient may occur entry regulated. absence of in the legal a This rationale has been used electricity supply, natural gas transmission and sewer service, and cable television In these industries, monopoly even to justify if, or because, prices are price and entry regulation of and distribution, telephone service, water service.'* "good regulation" is supposed to: constrain entry so that the economies of single firm production can be achieved; constrain prices so that the firm earns neither excess nor insufficient profits; and regulate the structure of ^ This markets line of characterized there has been little argument by could "natural academic interest in principle oligopoly" in doing or so. be generalized imperfect to competition, encompass although 8 When rates so that individual prices are efficient (at least in a second best sense). we examine industries the effects of "costless," well-informed natural to ask assumed are that how to have natural price monopoly and entry regulation characteristics, it For example, well regulation achieves these objectives. in seems is the average level of prices constrained below what could be charged by an unregulated monopolist but above the level at which the firm would choose Do run? regulated earn firms efficient in a second-best sense? normal profits? Is the to exit regulated in the long rate structure Empirical analysis of the prices charged and costs incurred by franchised monopolies can, in principle, answer these questions. 3.2 "Imperfect" Regulation of Natural Monopolies in the "Public Interest" Regulators are unlikely to be perfectly informed, and regulation be costlessly implemented and enforced. to unlikely to our normative framework recognize inherent imperfections, the set of potential regulatory effects becomes quite Analysis rich. explicit of to set Price these. distort firms' (1970), Isaac Schmalensee choices or (1982)), (1986)). opposed to must include dynamics of regulation, the control instruments that sets (Averch and more generally may based rates alter on the "cost of service" Johnson (1962), Baumol and encourage X-inefficiency may Klevorick (Joskow and the rate and direction of technological distort quality choices (Spence (1975)); regulated firms pay for inputs (Hendricks (1975, is distributional political regulation ideal, change the financial by the owners of the firm (Brennan and Schwartz (1982)); and affect the Finally, regulation These as regulators, and the responses of regulated firms to all Regulation change (Capron (1971)); risk faced to regulation input the prices, and information available prices practical, consideration of the incentive properties of specific regulatory rules and procedures used of When we expand is economy likely to redistribute effects are of regulation. of 1977)), Ehrenberg income among various interested particular interest to those (1979)). parties. who study the 9 Regulation of Multi-firm Industries 3.3 Natural monopoly rationales have which several firms, rather than provide service. a inherent plausibility for industries in monopolist, franchised single some good the production of If less or service has natural characteristics, regulatory systems that permit or encourage service, subject Regulation economic to many in such been has industries have must regulation, allowed are many firms some other by rationalized to monopoly to provide explanation. "excessive" or "destructive" competition in an unregulated environment (trucking, banking, airlines) by or "natural unpersuasive. imperfection regulation and oligopoly" but (railroads), arguments these frequently are Skepticism about the need for regulation based on plausible market rationales naturally a an to effects on prices, profits, its firms operate in leads of investigation causes the of When competing and market structure. regulated market, the nature of price regulation itself typically changes, and the variety of possible regulatory effects expands. Regulated prices in industries with multiple competing firms generally are based on some measure of industry (1984)); average non-price (Joskow and Noll regulation are the regulatory effects legal 3.4 competition same may The Political it as approach regulation and its must those be many of costs carefully of each incorporated the variables described for regulated firm into (Daughety the analysis can be affected by that monopoly markets, the nature of from those that emerge when a single a particular market. of Regulation and Its Implications be of interest to compare the effects of economic regulation to ideal "public interest" theory" the differ considerably Economy may than While (1981)). monopoly firm serves While the rather costs does not effects. regulation, this simplistic "normative provide a sound The introduction as its structure, operation over time, and foundation of price for theory as positive positive theories and entry regulation, effects, reflect a of as well complex interplay among 10 groups that stand interests intervention— not efforts gain or to lose from different types of regulatory to maximize the sum of consumer and producer surplus. to Regulatory processes and outcomes depend on the magnitude and distribution of the and benefits of various regulatory interventions, the structure of the costs groups and regulatory self-interest. through the institutions legal from perspective, this reflect nature of pursue groups various "public interest" interest group political, their considerations, politics, but we the and nature magnitudes may Price and entry regulation of regulatory lead to prices that higher or lower than what would emerge in the absence of such regulations. Rather than seeking or may the this will necessarily be the case. outcomes can be quite complex. are which market imperfections on of effects and conditions, within outcomes Regulatory cannot assume that Viewed economic prevailing affected, interests scope, threat of regulation to provide consumers with the benefits of economies of scale may competition firms protect and lower interest group politics rather than that are not Rate prices. natural monopolies from the structures narrow efficiency criteria. are likely New technologies be discouraged, rather than encouraged, to protect incumbents. The to reflect may distributional consequences of regulation and changes in regulation become quite important for understanding the nature of the regulatory process time. Empirical distribution, and analyses the like, of the effects of itself regulation and how on it prices, changes over costs, income become central for distinguishing between competing positive theories. 3.5 Summary These frameworks suggest a diversity of regulatory effects as well as different motivations for and uses of empirical evidence on the impact of regulation. specific effects of interest will The depend on the theoretical model of regulation and firm behavior that characterizes the industry and regulatory process under study. 11 Different theories of regulation will lead and magnitude of effects, its to different predictions about the nature and the nature of regulatory effects have important implications both for making normative judgments regulation "good" is or We theories of regulation. effects of and "bad", will in for distinguishing among will, in turn, to whether alternative positive the remaining sections focus on as measuring the economic regulation on the following indicia of firm and/or market behavior and performance: 1. The average price level and the structure of prices (e.g., non-uniform and non-linear tariffs, pricing for multi-product natural monopolies). 2. The static costs of production, including: input distortions (i) X-inefficiency (ii) (iii) input prices paid (iv) 3. direct regulatory costs Dynamic efficiency, including the rate and direction of innovation and productivity. 4. Product quality and variety 5. Distribution of income and rents, including: (i) profitability of regulated firms (ii) rent-sharing with factors of production (iii) income transfers among customer groups (iv) 4. income transfers among producer groups METHODOLOGIES FOR MEASURING THE EFFECTS OF REGULATION There are four basic empirical methodologies for measuring the effects of regulation. Although particular features that these may approaches limit or are enhance not its mutually exclusive, each has value in a specific application. 12 These features are highlighted our in We make only below. discussion limited reference to examples from the literature in this section; a broader discussion of studies employing these methods to measure various regulatory effects sections 5 through 9. The four approaches we consider are: (1) Comparing regulated and unregulated firms (2) Using variation or markets in the intensity of regulatory constraints Controlled environment experiments (3) Structural estimation/simulation models of regulated firms or markets (4) 4.1 Comparing Regulated and Unregulated Firms and Markets A approach simple to measuring of effects the matched samples of "regulated" and "unregulated" firms difference between the samples are deferred to is subject This approach regulation. similar firms variation, differences to, in may under operating comparing is same the regulation is (or markets). to compare If the only the nature of the regulatory constraints the firms behavior rely performance and can be attributed to either on cross-sectional variation, comparing on time-series changing regulatory different firms regulatory structures, under operating a or environment. The cross-sectional environments across been analyzed. approach most frequently exploits variation in regulatory states, although other sources of regulatory variation also have Differing regulatory regimes across (Moore countries (1976), Finsinger and Pauly (1986)), exclusion of intrastate firms from federal regulation, (Jordan (1970)), and regulated industry variations in statutory may exemptions of some in or markets within a provide alternative sources of cross-sectional variation once regulatory jurisdictions are identified, performance measures are developed; the difference operating firms "regulated" jurisdictions and those in prices, their costs, levels operating in or other between firms "unregulated" 13 jurisdictions and estimated is attributed to This regulation. type analysis of requires both reasonable variation in regulatory regimes and an ability to control for relevant non-regulatory variations across firms. and Friedland's (1962) Stigler seminal paper on regulated electricity prices in "regulated" and "unregulated" states is example of a classic The this analysis. time-series, or "before-and-after," which during the regime regulatory The changes. performance of firms or markets before the regulatory innovation that after the innovation; the difference Effects typically (prices, costs, are in regulatory approach exploits variation This analysis requires identification of a time period (or environments over time. periods) method of identified is behavior and compared is to interpreted as the effect of regulation. from actual responses of performance measures innovations) to the introduction or elimination of regulation. This requires data prior to and after the change, and ideally would use a fairly lengthy time series to avoid basing conclusions on possible alternative approach, available for identifying some, but not to is be regulatory effects, all, estimate the expected effect of regulatory reforms on performance. accomplished through the use of financial market and data An responses. transitional This can "event study" techniques (see Schwert (1981), Rose (1985a), Binder (1985)). Either a available only and when controlled realization-based when it time-series is or an series approach is possible to identify distinct changes in regulatory regimes differences in other relevant variables Peltzman's (1973) study of the effect of for. time expectations-based FDA can be readily regulation of drug efficacy and Rose's (1985a) event study of regulatory rents in the trucking industry are examples of this type of analysis. Both cross-sectional and time series analyses involve the dependent variable of interest—such change-must be defined, and modelled as as price, a cost, function common method. a or of First, of technical exogenous economic the rate 14 characteristics that influence performance independent of regulation for influence the whether indicating variable The regime. "unregulated" Regulation generally regulation. of observation an effect magnitude of the coefficient on the regulatory This simple, First, dummy carefully articulated. regulatory state that noise that "unregulated" regulation "regulated" commissions, between regime example, for it bias firms. are Though the to regimes regulatory be important that to set commissions all with respect only minimum price to (or only estimates of the difference between "regulated" and Similarly, assigned in theory those with authority to set actual rates introduces to downward and sign the measured by the existence of is is the firms' behavior (particularly over rates as identical may from or practice warrant several cautions. in Treating commissions that have the power and entry). maximum) variable. differences the the If similar authority exercise dummy dummy "regulated" the variable approach has been used quite widely. essential is it inferred implementation and interpretation its from is regulation of measured by a is drawn is and a control if firms operating "unregulated" states in sample, the without commission interpretation of any differences in performance depends critically upon whether firms in these states are completely unregulated or controlled by some other set of restrictions. A clear specification of the alternative regulatory regimes, as well as careful inspection of the institutional structures governing firms' behavior in each, is critical to this type of empirical analysis. Second, care should between firms or markets. tests repeal positive of theories regulation taken be The controlling in political of regulation, as an economy characterizes endogenous choice. for non-regulatory literature, the which develops and design, introduction, This differences suggests a and systematic relationship between economic conditions that affect the behavior and performance of firms and the incidence of regulation. Similarly, regulatory changes may follow 15 upheavals in the distribution of costs and benefits, inducing systematic relationships between economic variables and the nature of the regulatory regime This argues strongly for developing analyses. structures, regulatory economic a detailed characteristics behavioral or performance measures of interest. empirical structure regulatory of tests time series model of the interaction of firms of in and markets, or the This model should then be used to To effects. extent the there that are systematic differences in important economic characteristics of firms and markets between "regulated" and "unregulated" regimes (across jurisdictions or over time), failure to properly control for these differences may bias the measured effects of regulation. Time involve a analyses series to more typically, may establish a regulatory agency with develop specific rules, regulations and procedures. and implementation clauses" significant These restrictions difficulties revision of are regulatory at Regulatory statutes may directly restrict firm which regulatory regimes change. activity or, determining the date complication: third In a broad mandate either case, "grandfather enforcement lags may cause the actual imposition of or on activity compounded structures administering agency's policies. lag to for behind the nominal date of regulation. deregulation. may take place In this may substantial changes through Moreover, these changes case, not in the occur through formal rulemakings, but may instead be signalled only by decisions in administrative cases. that Recent deregulatory experience such administrative revisions in airlines, may trucking, and banking suggests considerably pre-date congressional legislation. Expectations-based analyses that use event study techniques must identify the date on which expectations about the regulatory regime change, date the regime actually changes. late for this type of analysis. The effective date of In addition, it rather legislation will be than the much too will be difficult to identify regulatory 16 effects from most congressional anticipated the (see appear more conducive These to difficulties as congressional tend votes be to well- Administrative reforms therefore Binder (1985)). in results activity, expectations-based approaches. dating with regime suggest changes importance the of carefully analyzing the sequence of events leading to major reforms in regulation. Reading the statute creating (or abolishing) the regulation under study, reviewing contemporaneous trade press discussions of the regulation, and examining the the administrative rules, policies, and decisions established by the regulatory agency may help to determine a meaningful date for the regulatory change. Finally, it may be useful to combine the time series approach with one of the others described below. particular, the use of panel data on In can dramatically improve the power of empirical do we expect regulation tests of have the same effects on to firms or markets regulatory effects. all firms at all Rarely times. By specifying the determinants of differential effects and employing both time series and cross-sectional variation, industry-wide change we may obtain in regulation may stronger For results. example, an help some firms and hurt others, depending on their particular economic characteristics. Adding cross-sectional to the time series analysis and modelling the regulated-unregulated as a data on firms dummy variable function of these characteristics could increase the power of statistical of regulatory effects, (Rose (1985), Smith, Bradley, and Jarrell (1986)). tests Similarly, variations in economic conditions or regulatory intensity over time could be used to add a 4.2 Using Variations time series dimension In many cases to the cross-sectional in the Intensity of it may dummy variable Regulation not be possible to obtain data on firms or markets that are subject to fundamentally different regulatory regimes. regulate certain tests. industries, so that distinct Essentially cross-sectional "regulated" and "unregulated" environments simply may not exist. all states variation may between There may be no 17 shock during the time period of interest that makes before-and-after regulatory comparisons markets subject clearly there regulatory similar qualitatively to "dummy and space variable" approach discussed that, to under particular theories of regulation and yield may differences arise outcomes in from differences in one in or Yet above. to predict effects, would be These dimensions. regulatory structures or processes, or from For example, variations have been used, in the context of in the "tightness" of the rate-of-return constraint Averch-Johnson model, its more the effects of changing economic conditions on regulation. the This situation constraints. be quantitative differences in the regulatory constraints applied over time may variations we may have observations only on firms and short, not conducive to the is expected In feasible. variations factor in Spann (1974)) and productivity growth (Nelson and Wohar input utilization (e.g., Variations in (1983)). regulatory resources (Norton (1985)), the structure of specific regulatory instruments and procedures (such treatment "quality" effects of of as fuel construction regulatory costs adjustment clauses (Gollop and Karlson (1978)), and the work in progress), agencies (Navarro and (1982)) independent have been used and market values for regulated firms. environmental restrictions have been used to ratings to of the examine the Variations in the nature of measure the costs of environmental regulation (Gollop and Roberts (1983)). Proper variations application in of this regulatory rules approach requires a detailed understanding and procedures and the specification of a of precise model of how these variations affect the behavioral and performance variables of interest. The cautions discussed with regard time series approaches also apply. are much approach. to the comparative cross-sectional and The informational requirements stronger than are the requirements for the comparative Care must be taken to control for this approach "dummy variable" for differences in economic conditions 18 may that measures of regulatory intensity (such as allowed rates-of-return) affect independently of the regulatory structure. modelled, properly provide an economic changing with regulation of Interactions additional way regulatory identifying of may, conditions when effects. (Joskow (1974), Carron and MacAvoy (1981), Hendricks (1975), Burness, Montgomery, and Quirk (1980), constraints may regulatory this approach requires particular attention under study and how process it to regulatory not under the nature of works when economic conditions Joskow's (1974) model of state public utility commission behavior provides change. an example of 4.3 certain particular, In (1984)). be binding under one set of economic conditions, but Implementing another. the Greene and Smiley approach. this Using Controlled Environment Experiments Data generated by actual regulatory and economic conditions may not provide experimental sufficient evidence to estimate regulation.^ of effects the As an alternative to relying on the "natural experiments" provided by actual experience, evidence from controlled experiments is effects (Smith (1982), Plott (1982), Hausman and Wise These to experiments designed are used increasingly generate data to (1985), measure regulatory Cox and Isaac suitable for testing (1986)). specific hypotheses about the effects of variations in institutional arrangements and public policies. Two experiments types may of experimental evidence are potentially be designed to study the behavior of real economic economic conditions or institutional structures are varied these, and behavioral responses are used to This specifically is, (or of regulation. significantly) agents. In in systematic ways, Field experiments have been conducted to of course, a potential problem with more Field quantify the effects of alternative regulatory, public policy, or market arrangements. ^ available. related to all econometric work, and not efforts to estimate the effects 19 study the of effects programs, insurance deregulation of experiments are the peak-load time-consuming in a market and housing tax, (Hausman pricing power bulk increasingly popular alternative. participate income negative a and and (Acton human (or of laboratory "games," designed set programs, Wise (1985)), Besen (1985)). health and the Field Laboratory experiments expensive. In these, subsidy an are animal) experimental subjects provide the subjects with to economic conditions that they would face under various market and institutional arrangements. Institutional details can be varied in a for other causal This approach variables. Rassenti and Smith (1986), to mechanisms applied barge inland to a 4.4 Structural/Simulation Models of Regulated Firms and Markets major impact on the study of regulation, there too no are many cases, significant transportation; evaluate the effects of incentive had In all (1982), to While experimental techniques have not yet monopolies. to legal Plott investigate the performance of unregulated wholesale markets; and Cox and Isaac (1986), electricity on rules that carefully controls Hong and used by: is examine the effects of regulatory pricing way this approach certainly promising. is none of the previous approaches can readily be used: variations regulatory in regimes, in the intensity of regulatory constraints, or in economic conditions that would enable one to measure directly the experiments effects may outcomes, but less regulated regulation of on behavior or be too expensive or complex to perform. may benchmark. Even when there we may lack confidence is provide a We observe regulatory substantial behavior or performance, sample variation In these cases, structural combined with simulation means of estimating regulatory in in our ability to control for important differences that affect both performance and regulation. of Controlled not have the sample variation to compare these outcomes to a regulatory incidence, models performance. effects. techniques, may 20 As an example, suppose we arc interested constrain agencies levels, the what the difference or not the rate structure for monopolies charge below monopoly the average regulated under prices and entry discrimination assumptions varying restrictions, system the for solve to cost functions price level to the costs of costs. about the We can solve for degree of price and compare these simulated prices actual prices (Smiley and Greene (1983), Greene and Smiley (1984)). use and whether prices, By estimating the demand and "optimal." determine the relation between prices and to monopoly the determining whether regulatory between regulated and monopoly we can compare these firms, production is is franchised that prices in Finally, non-uniform and non-linear second-best the to we can prices, and estimate the welfare gains from more efficient pricing (Brown and Sibley (1986)). In similar a vein, estimates of firms' information on input prices, can be used production to test combined functions, with whether regulated firms make cost- minimizing input choices. The success of this approach depends critically upon the ability to identify and demand and accurately estimate cost This task functions. is in some ways easier for firms operating in regulated industries than for those operating in unregulated industries. revenue, Regulatory agencies frequently collect detailed firm-level information on outputs, input investment, and the and tend to be uniform system and prices like. quantities, operating stocks, These data often are available over long time periods, comparable across firms and over time due of capital costs, There accounts. are, however, to a the agency's use of a number of potential impediments. Estimating demand functions for regulated firms or markets should present no unique difficulties. The issues involved in obtaining consistent demand estimates should be independent of regulatory status; the availability of high quality data should make this task easier to execute in regulated markets. We are not as 21 Estimates of production or sanguine about cost or production function estimation. cost functions from observed combinations of outputs, and inputs, input prices, costs tend to rely on a number of implicit assumptions, including equilibrium conditions and exogenous factor These may be implausible for many regulated markets. prices. For example, the bulk of Once with putty-clay technology. implying that input Moreover, prices. Assuming static prices increase costs input proportions are close to fixed, place, proportions are likely expected respect unreliable results. input in investments are long-lived sunk investments input to current Similarly, there (particularly wages; by restrictions on is input prices, as Hendricks are factor use exogenous, or fails to as is (1975, (such To done, often of the assumptions implicit in as 1977)) and inefficient will this yield can route directly structures one treats factor the extent that may We This be quite misleading. is we find urge, however, careful consideration implementation, and modifications to account for its the peculiarities of the particular regulatory process under study Although time. long-run in is discourage the use of structural estimation/simulation approaches; their careful application quite informative. approach generally is ratemaking, the relationship where appropriate. quite information-intensive, in some cases very simple calculations can be instructive. cost over constant model explicitly direct regulatory constraints on to production decisions, the resulting cost estimates not be to changing input to considerable evidence that regulation affects imposed on regulated transportation firms). prices unlikely are prices unresponsive be to input price expectations, or assuming that the firm with equilibrium utility between For example, under depreciated original a utility's stock price and (regulatory accounting) book equity per share varies directly with the relationship between its expected return on investment and cost of capital (see Schmalensee (1986) and the references he the firm is cites). expected A to utility's price-to-book ratio will exceed (fall below) earn more (less) than its cost of capital, 1.0 and will equal if 1.0 22 when the utility expected is earn to exactly cost its of Given certain capital. assumptions about earnings and dividend growth paths, the price-to-book ratio and other financial data can be used estimate the difference between the expected to drawn about return on investment and the cost of capital, and inferences can be whether prices are too high (1983) and Greene and how much too low and by or Smiley While (1984)).^ approach this and Greene (See Smiley applies only to regulated firms subject to depreciated original cost ratemaking, analyses based on Tobin's "q" could provide similar inferences independent of the form of regulatory ratemaking (Lindenberg and Ross (1981); Salinger (1984); Smirlock, Gilligan, and Marshall (1984); and Rose (1985b)). Another Regulation as simple may application of models structural operating certificates for regulated trucking companies crude oil accruing to the holder. with medallions in other many allocation of theory. (as asset values is the operate and television broadcast licenses, broadcast jurisdictions); interpreting their value resources scarcity. (such These as licenses If these assets are becomes complicated with case such value of expected regulatory rents the capitalized Measuring assets scarce regulation-imposed Schwert (1981). pricing to (i.e., entitlements, and state liquor licenses (Schwert 1981). traded, their prices .will reflect bundled asset create assets that have value only in a regulated environment, in the specified market), taxicab medallions, radio an uses broadcast the and other is issues are if and licenses difficult their sale if spectrum) discussed at is taxicab they reflect well as length by as Despite potential complications, regulatory assets permit a fairly clean test of profitability effects. ^ A regulation price-to-book is too lax. with regulatory lag ratio greater than The combination of may promote static a one does not necessarily imply that modest wedge between prices and costs and dynamic cost minimization. 23 5. THE EFFECTS OF REGULATION ON PRICES There has been on the average regulation emerges from this level on research empirical extensive and structure of the effects no simple generalization prices; Depending on the industry, type of regulation, time work. and norm for comparison, regulation has been shown period, economic of to increase prices, decrease prices, distort the structure of prices in a variety of different ways, and sometimes have no significant effect on prices to regulation for depends therefore prices on at The implications of all. regulatory the economic and characteristics of the particular industry being studied. 5.1 Franchised Monopoly Regulation We first address research that focuses on "natural monopoly" industries; those for which price regulation combined with de facto franchise exclusivity has been on justified monopoly natural These include and (perhaps) transmission, telephone distribution electricity, service, and water natural few studies have estimated the regulation, surprisingly and sewer effects of regulation on the and structure of prices charged by franchised monopolies. Existing while analyses price gas Despite the central role of "natural monopoly" in normative theories of service.'^ level grounds. effects level focused has on electricity prices, work on of rate structures have covered both electricity and telephone pricing. These ^ particularly these outside industries. always, (1983)); the In not are In U.S. the U.S., always provided by private for-profit firms, Europe, government-owned enterprises dominate water and sewer service typically, is but not provided by government agencies; municipal and cooperative distribution companies and services account gas for about distribution local telephone service 20% service is is of electricity sometimes sales (Joskow provided by sometimes provided by cooperatives. and Schmalensee municipal utilities; 24 and Friedland (1962) provide the Stigler the of effects comparative state commission cross-sectional on regulation methodology systematic econometric study of first measure average electricity to commission regulation of electricity rates relative states with states without such regulation, controlling for differences state They use prices. electricity to production in a prices in prices in costs. The results indicate small and generally insignificant negative effects of regulation on prices, and may suggest The over time. monopoly Friedland, state regulation and prices. commission state regulation There little During the time period studied by regulation clear "regulated" between is constraining effect of regulation the in do not imply that state-regulated prices were identical established The takeover. increase interpretation of these results highlights two methodological issues. First, insignificant results unconstrained slight a typically compensation dummy variable replaced rules municipal the in case measures therefore Stigler of to and franchise municipal difference the and municipal regulation or ownership, not "no regulation." reason to expect this difference to be significantly positive.^ Second, caution should be exercised in generalizing these findings beyond the time period they cover. utility in the, 1920s ^ The fact and 1930s was probably much more that Samuel InsuU, the the day, was a leading proponent of state suggests that Whether this demand faced by In particular, the state resulted regulation from may higher leading elastic electric a franchised electric than utility it was in later entrepreneur of Commission regulation (McDonald (1962)) have prices led to to higher consumers regulators (in the form of nonprice concessions or bribes) is or electricity lower unclear. profits. payments to 25 years, and the unconstrained monopoly price much lower relative of cost Alignment of "regulated" and "unregulated" prices may reflect low production.^ monopoly power as much Application of regulation approach this study contemporary effects of public utility to by precluded the pervasiveness of the structural/simulation methodology, which uses estimates of the cost public for commission state natural alternative to the comparative cross-sectional approach One regulation. ^° as ineffective regulation. essentially is functions the to utility service calculate to under prices is and demand about assumptions industry structure, behavior and performance in the absence (or with a different Numerous form) of price and entry regulation. studies have estimated demand functions for electricity at different levels of aggregation (Taylor (1975), Baughman, Joskow and Kamat and (Christensen (1979)); Greene demand short-run ^ Electricity Real today. outside use of demand was largely expanding, is much use prior to the areas, as restricted late as to 1925 no they references smaller. 1930s was were rates had the electric elasticity for electricity elasticity electricity urban and (1976) estimates of the long-run have estimated others quite electricity lighting. Some studies interstate incidence regulation on (Norton 1985)). the have This suggests that prices could be much more high; service; Although discretionary than of costs to commission of production exploit the regulation (Petersen especially and residential electricity use electricity remaining rapidly consumption variation estimate (1975)) was (1974)). and The idiosyncracies associated with the few commission regulation by the 1960s makes these is customers, industrial to it many more than half of industrial tried Contemporary cite). average about unity; the was accounted for by self-generation (Edison Electric Institute ^° functions cost utility the on in effects systematic states not results difficult to interpret. the of risk adopting 26 raised profitably below monopoly electricity prices Demand and well as prices, compared to MR equate (to regulated levels. are electricity 20 prices. Using this 50% higher than to compute unconstrained monopoly to Greene (1983) and Greene and Smiley (1984) find for type approach, Smiley of monopoly approach also find level. In regulation that regulated actual Breyer contrast, constrains and monopoly that unconstrained a model of prices electricity level data for below the pure prices electricity and Baron and prices. Using firm production cost characteristics and electricity demand. they which can then be prices, Taggart (1977) introduce an explicit regulatory constraint into 1970, constrains regulation that and second-best efficient first-best actual implying MC), information can be used cost as and MacAvoy's (1974) application of this to natural gas pipelines suggests little, if any, effect of pipeline regulation on prices. Utilities' market-to-book ratios information on regulated prices, as for common may equity described in section 4.4. substantial systematic late 1970s, variation point in time, which may such program as construction be a in and presently are market-to-book Electric regulatory price effects, slightly ratios There above unity. across utilities, at is any function of firm-specific economic characteristics size, magnitude of nominal rate increases, nuclear plant under construction, and excess capacity. in (1984)). market-to-book ratios were generally far above unity in the 1950s and 1960s, below unity by the fell provide Market-to-book ratios have varied tremendously over time and space (Greene and Smiley utility also These suggest substantial variances although there have been few efforts to relate these variations to regulatory and economic conditions (see Greene and Smiley (1984)). The endogeneity of allowed (1972) and return rates of return has been empirically Hagerman and Ratchford decisions reflect firm (1978). financial modelled by Joskow Joskow (1972) finds that allowed rate of performance and economic conditions. 27 Hagerman and Ratchford (1978) examine the effects of both financial political agency decisions, and conclude that economic variables are of most variables on These studies highlight the time-specific importance in determining allowed returns. of character and of studies regulatory price are results effects: likely to depend upon the economic conditions over the sample period. critically Joskow's (1974) study develops an explicit model of the link between economic His model of the behavior of state public conditions and regulatory price effects. commissions utility directly with nominal that nature the costs predicts rise regulation that constraints regulatory of be will essentially non-binding. vary As during inflationary periods, regulators attempt to minimize or delay price increases, and regulation becomes increasingly constraining. the predictions generated by this model on electricity prices and regulation will With constant or declining nominal prevailing economic conditions. model the costs, predicts different economic regimes. to electric utility Regulation seems of state public utility the effects test to Joskow uses performance during financial bind most when nominal costs are These results are confirmed by Greene and Smiley (1984) using more rising quickly. recent data. Experimental techniques have been used the price effects and desirability of regulation compared The recently Federal experiment for southwestern include a approach. Energy Regulatory certain United States (Acton control group, but wholesale this and Besen relied Removing regulatory and quantities, although Commission short-term instead be a sponsored a a deregulation transactions before-and-after consequence more about in the The experiment did not (1985)). on to learn an unregulated regime. to electricity restrictions appeared to may way in a limited have of little the comparative effect on prices minimal regulation currently imposed on wholesale transactions of the type covered by the experiment (Joskow and Schmalensee (1983)). 28 Theoretical research on efficient pricing for natural monopoly services (peak- Ramsey pricing, load empirical interest non-uniform pricing, pricing, the in rate established structures has etc.) by led to considerable This regulators. work focuses on both the practical implementation of efficient pricing schemes (Joskow (1976), Turvey conform (1968), Nelson (1964)) to these ideals. The Department 1970s, and evaluations of how closely regulated prices with of Energy sponsored varying degrees of success numerous (Aigner field experiments during the one In (1985)). the of better analyses of this experimental data, Acton and Mitchell (1980) use evidence from a Los Angeles experiment estimate to the welfare They find pricing of electricity for residential customers. the additional relatively costs small of gains associated that, after with peak-load accounting for metering, the welfare gains from time-of-day pricing are and are limited to consumers using relatively large amounts of electricity. Experimental techniques have been used extensively Brown and rate structures. cost to to analyze electric utility Sibley (1986) employ structural estimates of demand and infer the price changes and welfare consequences associated with efficient pricing of telephone service. variations responses in to the use of time-of-day outcomes in the U.S., Mitchell, Manning, and Acton (1978) use international peak-load pricing. pricing They for rely electricity on differences to industry identify between where peak-load pricing was rarely used prior regulatory to the late 1970s (Joskow (1979)), and public enterprise outcomes in Europe, where extensive use was 5.2 made War II. Considerably more research has been devoted to of peak-load pricing after World Multi-firm Regulation economic regulation in estimating the price effects of multi-firm industries such as airlines, trucking, railroads, 29 property/ insurance, liability Many restrictions. licensing have experiments natural studying for approach; the deregulation "shock" makes it undergone regulation possible using state to substantial time a of series a series observe changes that take to regulatory constraints on prices and entry are removed or changed in when place of effects the subject This provides regulatory reform or deregulation since the mid-1970s. wellhead petroleum professions industries these of and gas and commodities, agricultural certain production, natural hospitals, fundamental ways. contrast In public to industries—particularly regulated regulation, utility trucking, airlines, prices many in natural railroads, of these and gas, property/liability insurance—were in principle based on average cost characteristics for groups of firms, rather than the costs of individual firms. licensed entry professions, market-clearing conditions. regulation structures, however, still others, may not and prices are determined by regulators fix price, be intertwined with attempt to focus its on competition, eliminate entirely As in directions other than prices. it may prices In regulated is but leave supply Under unrestricted, to be determined by market conditions. essentially channel supply or In others, such as may but these instead on a result, the effects of regulation We effects on costs and product quality. effects price all this in section, and defer will, most discussion of cost and quality effects to subsequent sections. 5.2.1: Airlines In the restricted industry, airline entry the Civil Aeronautics new markets, but firms could into dimensions, particularly on service quality. the effects of useful CAB theoretical regulation model approaches described Board (CAB) in of is to compete in prices and non-price Douglas and Miller's (1975) analysis of particularly noteworthy. regulation Section 4 still set and measure applies its This study develops several of predicted effects. the a empirical Douglas and 30 work, along with related studies by Levine (1965), Jordan (1970), Eads Miller's and Keeler (1975), shows (1972), that, on average, both regulated rates and airlines' Graham and Kaplan service quality, choices were too high (See also Bailey, Chapter and Miller analyze two aspects of Douglas 1). proximity of flights on short notice with estimates of the marginal valuation (more costly) service than consumers desired were and Douglas high. too the margin, implying that average at Miller with unregulated comparable routes, CAB intrastate fares use also comparative approach (relying on Jordan (1970)), fares the Their results indicate that airlines provided higher quality of service quality. ^^ prices quality: passengers' desired departure times, and the probability of to to obtain a seat being able service (1985), "regulated-unregulated" a compare regulated interstate to They California. in report for that regulated fares were higher and average load factors were lower than were unregulated California fares and load factors. Studies efficient sensitive of pricing to regulation airline the Because rules. of effects and denser routes were too the structures find that fare CAB's fare formula also market density and distance on high relative to densely traveled routes were too low. costs, was costs, from deviate sufficiently not fares on longer and those on shorter and less Regulators also discouraged or prohibited the use of peak-load prices and non-uniform rates, even where these could be justified by and cost demand conditions (Bailey, Graham Kaplan and The (1985)). deregulation of the domestic airline industry in the late 1970s provides an excellent natural experiment for testing hypotheses about the effects of regulation. evidence on the effects of deregulation ^^ These although factors their are quality other used airline regulation. to measures work uses measure are is used still quality in being accumulated and analyzed, directly average load most While their in factors other as a simulation proxy. analysis, Average load pre-deregulation studies of 31 several recent studies shed some light on the effects of airline regulation on prices by comparing industry behavior and performance before and after deregulation (Graham, Kaplan and Sibley (1983); Meyer and Oster (1984); Bailey, Graham and Kaplan and Keeler (1985) Morrison and Winston (1985); Call Graham and Kaplan compare observed Bailey, been had the CAB fare formula changes and cost changes. They find average operating costs and less Graham, and Kaplan p. Morrison (1985). (1985), and predictions of what continued also compare price they less than did would have under regulation (Bailey, Similar results are found by Call and Keeler 61). Winston They on average, fares increased that, than what fares would have fares to be used. to (1986)). (1986, pp. 22-24) compare actual 1977 fares to 1977 fares would have been under deregulation, and conclude 10 percent higher, while average would be on average that deregulated coach fares discount fares would be 15 percent lower under deregulation. The permanence tend be to markets of these price declines remains questionable, however. lower relative that served are to by (Graham, Kaplan, and Sibley suggest that one markets that are in or (1983), post-deregulation the strategic oligopoly are costs more Call of the competitive behavior, not contestability. suggest that the recent wave "no-frills" cost airline and in entrants and Keeler characterized is by Today, many of the new entrants These concentration and entry view that the airline industry of Call (1985)). environment no longer independent players in the market. results are inconsistent with the low and Keeler concentrated less Prices is "contestable" and merger activity might reverse the early price declines observed under deregulation. Deregulation also increased the variance of prices across markets. long-haul routes and denser routes fell considerably relative to the fares simulated by the CAB's ratemaking formula, while fares on short haul and increased above the levels that would have prevailed under Fare on less dense routes regulation (Bailey, 32 Graham and Kaplan, Routes 54-56). pp. arguably have much higher demand more flexible Whether choice their in on heavily rely that than do business travellers and are elasticities departure times, exhibited especially low fares. of has yet to reflects efficient peak-load pricing or price discrimination this who tourists, be determined. Surface Freight Transportation 5.2.2: Studies of regulatory sector have applied a between number and railroads on prices in the surface freight transportation Differences in regulatory structures of methodologies. appear trucking motivated have to choices different of Trucking regulation was characterized by restrictive entry theoretical frameworks. policy effects and collectively set rates with price rigid empirical floors; research has focused on price and profit effects, and testing whether regulation cartelized the Rail industry. maximum regulation been associated with restrictive has Empirical rate policies. rail merger, and exit, research has focused on possible modal choice to optimal trucking studies. and welfare effects of the regulated rate structure relative distortions regulation. The approach comparative Snitzler and has been extensively used Byrne (1958, 1959) provide one of the in earliest regulatory applications of the comparative time series approach in their studies of the effect of regulation on They find trucking rates for certain agricultural products. of food products decisions fell exempted by an average of 19 their to 36 percent that rates for a variety when a series shipment from price and entry regulation. of Sloss court (1970) used inter-provincial differences in Canadian trucking regulation with a comparative He found average revenue cross-sectional approach was roughly percent lower in "unregulated" provinces, although the limited cross- provincial 7 variation environments with in to measure rate regulation regulation create and effects. the potential some difficulties in that correlation of interpreting economic this result. 33 Moore (1976) found larger differences in his comparative study of trucking rate regulation in the U.S. and Europe, but the absence of controls for differences in economic environments may confound the A second of studies set The operating effects. uses asset results. market data ICC certificates required by the the value of regulatory price and entry restrictions. reflect Moore (1978), regulatory market Therefore, significant positive implying supracompetitive pricing. rents, and Frew (1981) to serve a particular they have no intrinsic value apart from are a classic example of a regulatory asset: values measure regulatory price to Breen (1977), find evidence of substantial certificate values in all While a number of complications limit confidence in any the trucking industry. particular point estimate of the aggregate value of operating certificates, the results of analyses these rates. provide evidence strong trucking in ^^ Trucking regulatory reforms during the series increases regulatory of late 1970s and early 1980s provide time Unfortunately, there variation that could be used to identify price effects. have been few systematic econometric studies of price behavior over time. Kaserman, and McClave's (1986) comparative time rates suggests Moore (1986) that intrastate ^^ the value to profitability, certificate a may certificates roughly by rates 14 percent. the not sales to control for changing economic conditions (particularly the Rose (1985a) provides indirect evidence on regulatory price recession). Only reduced of Florida trucking reports some evidence of price declines coincident with deregulation, but does not attempt 1981-82 deregulation series study Blair, small be tied percentage to purchaser only the typically of purchases of are of improving excess ever certificates other firm his network profits bundled, on with the trade; prices assets; purchases may configuration certificated resulting prices mixture of routes and commodities with different characteristics. of reflect or system route; reflecting and a 34 methodology effects, using the variation in regulatory regimes with an event study to Her evidence models of regulation. test with consistent is the "cartelization" suggestive of deregulation-induced price declines. view of trucking regulation, and is Consistent with earlier studies, the appear effects be largest to in the less-than- truckload sector. Evidence on price effects of ICC measurement efficiency the of distortions of ICC regulation. estimation of cost and rail regulation typically has been ancillary to with associated losses modal and choice The dominant methodology combines demand with conditions output structural These techniques. simulation analyses highlight the importance of clearly specifying the framework within which regulatory are effects benchmark This deviations from indicative of first-best unregulated (Friedlaender losses unlikely alternative power in marginal (Levin be to the alternative to marginal cost prices (Boyer (1977), Levin to and appropriate is however, rates. pricing If Spady (1981), This attainable. least if outcomes; benchmark (Winston at is Friedlaender and Spady (1981), Winston (1981), Braeutigam and Noll 1981), (1984)). what particular, in studies, because of their focus on efficient allocation compare regulated prices traffic, (1978, measured; be Numerous current regulation. of to is it may (1981)). not be in understanding feasible, nor is marginal cost results it in (1983)), first-best outcomes are second-best (Ramsey) prices an as Since railroads are likely to possess market some markets, unregulated prices may deviate considerably from we therefore may consider unregulated cost; interested long-run at Keeler suggests (1981)). one The choice depends critically prices as a third benchmark upon what questions we wish to answer. Most of these studies estimate modal choice demand functions for commodity groups, then either estimate rail and trucking Spady, Winston) or use ICC cost data (Boyer cost (1977), functions (Friedlaender Levin (1978, 1981). and These 35 estimates are used to simulate rates and traffic divisions under various behavioral Studies assumptions. find typically that average regulated (1977), Friedlaender and and Noll (1984), in rates rail although there center the in marginal prices cost Winston (1981), Braeutigam variation substantial is across from existing prices relative losses range to above marginal costs (Boyer are rates (1981), Levin (1978, 1981), (1983)), million $900 of $1.8 to to billion (Braeutigam and Noll's (1984) critique of the methods 1986 dollars. in employed Keeler estimates prices: annually Spady rail These studies find large welfare commodities. first-best compare regulated that some of these studies suggests true that may welfare losses be even higher). Both regulated and marginal cost rates result in substantial losses for railroads. Levin (1981), for example, estimates railroad rates of return on book value or replacement cost of assets at .75 to 1.6 roughly 2 percent under ICC regulated percent under marginal cost pricing and at This suggests that regulation has held rates. average rates substantially below unregulated unregulated regulatory rates rail rates cost under effects a variety of confirms this. Levin's (1981) simulation of levels. assumptions about rail competitiveness and For most plausible scenarios, average would increase under deregulation, with the extent of increase most dependent on the degree of interrailroad competition. commodities, suggesting considerable The regulatory results vary substantially across distortions of the Boyer (1981) also analyzes rate structures, by relating regulated rates rail to characteristics of shippers characteristics suggests a conditions do not influence model of "equalizing and shipments. rail rates, He and argues discrimination," an rail finds that that the and trucking many cost-based pattern ICC policy between "advantaged" and "disadvantaged" shippers. structure. rate rates equalizing of His of analysis trucking rages reveals patterns consistent with a cartel model of regulation. of 36 The regulatory controlling for on grain effects other (1986) uses this time series variation to MacDonald the late 1970s and early 1980s. identify underwent substantial regulatory reform during rail industry, like trucking, He transportation. changes taking place during this the notes (such period difficulty a of declining export demand), but argues that grain shipment rates appear to decline during the This even after allowing for these effects. 1980s is broadly consistent with the Friedlaender (1986) also provides an results of the earlier simulation-based studies. Further research along these lines seems analysis of rail rates under deregulation. desirable. A transportation final mode— inland relatively little recent interest, although experimental studies directly related experimental techniques posted attracted has been the subject of one of the few regulatory issues. Hong and Plott (1982) use compare the properties of negotiated prices This system. price to to it transportation— has barge experiment was intended to advise the to those of a ICC their in consideration of a regulation that would require carriers on inland waterways to file proposed rate changes with the ICC Hong and Plott's results suggest that a lower volumes, and new 5.2.3: at less fifteen days before they take effect. least pre-notification policy leads to higher rates, efficiency than a policy that allows shippers to file and use rates immediately. Insurance The personal effects of rate regulation on property and liability insurance lines extensively property since and Smallwood (auto, Joskow's liability (1975), residential fire, (1973) insurance Walter (1979), homeowners paper on industry; Williams regulation see Ippolito and have insurance) and been competition (1979), Whitman premiums for Samprone (1973), studied in the (1979), Kunreuther, Kleindorfer and Pauly (1983), U.S. Department of Justice (1977), and see Harrington 37 (1984) for a recent survey.^' Much of this literature uses a comparative approach, (many exploiting either cross-sectional differences in regulation across states have introduced open competition laws) or variation time-series The deregulation of rates took place after the mid-1970s). studies (much states of the show that the effects of rate regulation have varied widely over time and space. Joskow's (1973) study concluded that the provision of most lines of insurance was structurally competitive, with many suppliers, easy entry and low concentration. Prior approval price regulation appeared to be a "producer protection" initiative by the insurance industry, undertaken after a the antitrust industry. laws applied the to joint 1944 Supreme Court decision voted that ratemaking open rating system Joskow examined the effects of in the early 1970s, New and found that it insurance the was not covered by (Earlier court decisions had concluded that insurance the antitrust laws.) of activities York's introduction of an led many firms to set rates different from the "standard rates" normally filed by the insurance rating system and approved by regulators. cost direct writers He also suggested (Cummins and Vanderhei that price competition (1979)) was partially restricted by regulation, leading to higher rates (and costs) on average. that non-price competition and excess demand from lower Finally, he hypothesized for insurance could be a consequence of regulatory ratemaking procedures that fixed prices but not competition in other dimensions. Harrington (1984) surveys the voluminous literature since Joskow's 1973 study. The findings of these later studies are mixed. Some discover in unregulated states than in regulated states; others find still are others find higher rates in unregulated states. There commercial has been almost lines of insurance. no analysis of no effect of regulation; Rates charged by direct writers almost always lower than rates charged by insurers ^^ that rates are lower the who effects distribute insurance of regulation on 38 through agents, and direct writers appear increase to their Stringent rate regulation also has adverse supply pricing constraints are removed. some consumers into residual markets side effects, forcing market shares when assigned risk pools) (e.g. for insurance. variation This not is given surprising, terribly dramatic changes in the may be that economic conditions faced by property/liability insurance firms. during the early 1970s, It before the acceleration of inflation, regulated rates were By higher than competitive market levels and deregulation led to rate reductions. the late 1970s and early 1980s, rapid inflation could easily have led to a situation in which "regulatory prevented regulated rates from keeping pace with increasing lag" depressing regulated costs, relative prices to competitive This variation levels.^'* would be consistent with the interaction between economic conditions, regulation, and regulatory described lag by Joskow (1974) in the context of electric utility regulation. The variation may in results also arise from dummy the inadequacy of a simple variable for capturing differences in regulation across states and the difficulty of measuring prices accurately. varies among even the insurance market, the intensity of regulation In "regulated" or "unregulated" Some states. insurance commissioners have been very consumer-oriented; others have focused on protecting A dummy producers. variable cannot capture these variations. Futhermore, most of these studies approximate prices by loss ratios instead of using actual prices. ^^ as Regulatory cost and profits administrative Rapidly minimize lag costs arises when it nominal may have do regulators Some regulatory change. process; changing Regulatory lag can costs also reflect increase important its effects lag not is strategic effects on the continuously a natural and on price/cost and on the quality of service (Joskow and Schmalensee prices outcome of the political incentives adjust With motivations. relationships. firms (1986)). have to 39 and free entry however, long-run exit, of regulatory intensity. loss ratios will tend to equalize, independent Regulatory effects will be manifested by variations in the range of available insurance products, excess demand, and differences of The service. difficulty of and measuring controlling dimensions of insurance output contributes substantially for in the quality these non-price wide range of to the results that have been obtained. 5.2.4: Energy The effects of administrative regulation of field been studied extensively. 1960s MacAvoy and Pindyck (1974), natural gas have of have examined the effects of area rate price Studies ceiling regulation beginning in the early MacAvoy prices (MacAvoy (1973), (1962, Pindyck 1971), Breyer Brown (1974), and (1970), Erickson and Spann (1971)) and the effects of regulations introduced in 1978 by the Natural Gas Policy Act (NGPA) (Broadman 1978 of and Montgomery Braeutigam (1981), Braeutigam and Hubbard (1986), Kalt and Leone this analysis uses a structural and econometric (1986)). (1983), Most of approach, drawing on econometric models of demand engineering models of supply to compare regulated outcomes or with simulated market outcomes. There is reasonably broad agreement that the Federal Power Commission's area ratemaking approach, introduced clear The the market, NGPA tried resulting to in correct in the early 1960s, kept field prices too low to shortages and inefficient utilization of natural gas. some of the resulting distortions incredibly complex system of field price regulations. by instituting These included: an extending regulation to intrastate gas; maintaining a uniform national ceiling price at a level far below market clearing levels; raising ceiling prices for certain supplies of "new gas;" deregulating certain categories of high cost gas; indexing ceiling prices; and phasing out price regulation in 1985 (Braeutigam and Hubbard (1986), table and 4). 1987 for selected The immediate categories effect of the of gas NGPA, 40 by the dramatic exacerbated increase price oil constraints led competition non-price increased to sharp a evidence that is form of longer the in was 1980, There also increase in prices for unregulated categories of gas. price and 1979 in contracts and larger take-or-pay provisions for price controlled gas (Hubbard and Weiner (1984), Masten and Crocker (1985), Crocker and Masten early there was substantial concern that the scheduled 1980s, certain categories of gas provided for by the in prices NGPA for these categories of gas, since ceiling equivalent price for (Bracutigam oil 1985 and collapse of oil prices in (1981), p. 1985 deregulation of would lead to a sudden increase prices were far below the Btu 180). Instead, many 1986 left During the (1986)). pipelines the and distributors with high-cost contracts for gas that they could not market in competition with 5.2.5 unexpected oil. Other Industries number In a of industries, supply or entry determined by the interplay of example of this demand and type of regulation is directly regulated, but prices are is (constrained) agricultural A prominent supply. regulations in agriculture, especially in milk marketing, have been considerable Ippolito and research Masson (see MacAvoy (1978), Shepard (1977), Masson (1986)). structural estimation and simulation approaches. which permit producers to market all Supply side marketing orders. and These output through a Debrock studies They find the subject of (1980, tend to 1982), rely on that marketing orders, common agency, restrict the supply of milk or other agricultural commodities available in certain "prime" markets (e.g., class substantial A fluid milk). supplies into This tends to raise prices secondary markets secondary market prices below competitive (e.g., levels. in primary markets and shift powdered milk), thereby forcing The efficiency losses from these regulations can be quite large (Ippolito and Masson, MacAvoy). Licensed occupations are and related supply-side a second sector in which regulation imposes entry restrictions and without directly regulating price. Interest 41 in professionals subject to state licensing requirements was stimulated by Benham's (1972) study of eyeglass prices, which found that prices were lower in states that to advertise allowed professionals Kwoka than in states that restricted advertising. (1984) finds similar effects in an analysis of advertising's impact on optometrists' prices and qualities. Cady (1976) found a similar result for prescription drugs. some restriction on State licensing laws by their very nature provide at least entry. However, the strength of these possible to regulatory Shepard intensity. dentists' measure fees in effects uses (1978) an restrictions from with licensing reciprocity states (i.e., that states it regulatory in approach comparative making states variations interstate interstate across varies to measure waive licensing requirements for dentists licensed in other states) relative to fees in states without reciprocity. He found that did that states not provide for (implying more restrictive entry constraints) had dental fees 12 those in states with reciprocity. to as 15% higher than this analysis number of offices a and the number of hygienists reciprocity regulations. to Conrad and Sheldon (1982) expanded consider commercial practice restrictions on advertising, the dentist could operate, licensing reciprocal They found a dentist could employ, as well that reciprocity restrictions increased fees, but did not find any systematic effects from the other types of restrictions. contrast, Haas-Wilson finds (1986) that state optometrists raised quality-adjusted prices by 6. commercial 5 to 13 practice restrictions In on percent. THE EFFECTS OF REGULATION ON STATIC COSTS OF PRODUCTION When regulation is implementation may give we analyze regulatory efficiency issues: regulatory cost less rise than to effects a as The it necessarily is host of production distortions. on production cost-minimizing increases. ideal, input effects costs, practice, In this its section, focusing on static production proportions, of in x-inefficiency, regulation on dynamic and direct efficiency 42 (productivity growth and technical change) are covered in section a We 7. begin with discussion of the evidence on franchised monopoly industries and then consider studies of multi-firm industries. 6.1 Franchised Monopoly Regulation production cost Most empirical research on and particular, Johnson Baumol (1962), and monopoly franchised of The Averch-Johnson (A-J) model regulation focuses on the electric power industry. (Averch effects Klevorick Bailey (1970), has motivated a substantial amount of empirical analysis. (1973)), in This simple model of rate-of-return regulation yields clear empirical predictions regarding input utilization: overcapitalization cost of capital. when the allowed exceeds the rate-of-return Papers by Spann (1974), Courville (1974), Petersen (1975), Atkinson and Halvorsen (1980), and Nelson and Wohar (1983), among others, have to whether determine electric utilities employ inputs regulation induces systematic biases in input mix. similar regulatory effects in a efficiently, all and sought whether Baron and Taggart (1977) test model that differs from the A-J model and more carefully accounts for financial and tax considerations. indirect utility's evidence on A-J effects, when he finds that Rothwell (1985) provides utilities' are most consistent with a model of net present value (profit) technology choices maximizing behavior. These papers typically employ cross-sectional firm or plant level data (sometimes . both and sometimes as a panel data to identify potential effects on set) and use variations production decisions. in regulatory intensity Nelson and Wohar use aggregate time series data for the electric power industry, and Petersen also uses a comparative cross-sectional approach, estimating costs in "regulated" versus "unregulated" states. Spann (1974), Courville (1974), overcapitalization, consistent with and Petersen (1975) find evidence of significant the predictions of the A-J model. Nelson and Wohar's (1983) results are unstable and raise questions about the model and/or the 43 For most time periods their estimates imply a value for the data they utilize. regulatory constraint that requires that the value a significant lie negative, is the fact the that model they use For the 1974-78 period they find between zero and one. A-J effect, but given the implausible results for the other periods, the and data reliability of their specifications find undercapitalization, which Halvorsen despite (1980) find is Baron and Taggart (1977) uncertain. Atkinson and inconsistent with the A-J model. is regard with overcapitalization to the capital/labor ratio, inefficient input utilization with regard to the fuel/labor mix, but efficient input Since capital and fuel account for utilization with regard to the capital/fuel ratio. the bulk of electricity production costs, this suggests that input inefficiency due to A-J type regulatory biases this is unlikely to be large. Atkinson and Halvorsen attribute "negative" result for capital/fuel and fuel/labor to the use of automatic fuel adjustment clauses, and suggest that countervailing distortions are somewhat implausible, particularly rationalization seems work. at This in light of empirical studies of fuel adjustment mechanisms such as Gollop and Karlson (1978), discussed below. These studies are subject to a number model and other theories of regulation and theories of the plant . One must be of potential weaknesses. its First, effects are theories of the firm, not careful using plant-level data to test firm-level Plants are not built and utilized in isolation, particularly in an electric theories. power system. Investment and utilization decisions at the plant-level should be evaluated in the context of the overall optimization problem for the firm. we have the A-J Second, serious reservations about basing production efficiency conclusions on are essentially ex post cost functions, particularly when what long-lived sunk investments are important, input prices are uncertain and change over time, technological change in generating technology is taking place (Joskow and Rose, 1985a, b), and plant efficiency varies over time (Joskow and Schmalensee (1985)). Investment decisions should value be evaluated by the expected present discounted of available 44 The proper alternatives at the time the investments are made, not after the fact. way to stock evaluate fuel and labor utilization decisions given. as Except Baron for and post gx. Taggart, the is to take the capital literature exhibits little sensitivity to these considerations. contemporary Finally, comparisons between identification problems. analyses regulated Few of electric and states regulation utility unregulated regulatory effects. specific unregulated comparison of Petersen's example, states, for is costs during the availability of intrastate gas. in. We are Attributing inclined serious costs it difficult to identify between regulated and Texas (McKay (1976)). 1970s, reflecting both locational advantages to to agree These and the the presence or absence of regulation the cost differences between these plants and coal or implausible. have quite sensitive to the fact that seven of his nine "unregulated" plants are gas-burning plants located had very low on rely had not introduced commission regulation by and these may have atypical characteristics that make 1970, may states that oil plants located elsewhere with McKay's (1976) conclusion that is the results of these studies are unreliable. Despite increasing theoretical interest in incentive effects of regulation e.g.. (see, Baron and Besanko (1984), Shleifer (1985), Laffont and Tirole (1986) and the studies cited by Baron in this volume), empirical Much of this literature eliminates firms' regulatory processes either of how is in this area is sparse. based on the recognition that pure cost-plus regulation incentives are work in to minimize fact purely costs or cost-plus, improve efficiency. there has been While few little analysis close existing regulatory procedures are to such a system, or of the extent to which incentive-dampening effects of regulation induces higher costs. Gollop and Karlson (1978) mechanisms (FAM), and find find some examine little the effects of automatic fuel evidence of FAM-induced input biases. FAM-induced x-inefficiency, adjustment They do consistent with predictions of the theoretical 45 Joskow and Schmalensec (1986) argue models. prudency ratemaking— investment utility regulation from incentive policies, arbitrary, and a the Schmalensee point reviews increasing of effects many out, these of these two features of standard public and lag—distinguish regulatory The design and adoption of pure cost-plus contract. while that during recent policies years, Joskow As uncertain. are somewhat been has explicit and schemes may introduce new distortions of firm behavior. Regulation of capital. may also raise firms' costs The nature of by increasing financial risk and the cost regulatory process will affect the the systematic risk faced by regulated firms and therefore their cost of capital (Brennan and Schwartz (1982)). These effects may vary with economic conditions interact asymmetrically with variations in economic activity. dependence likely the of cost-of-capital on if regulatory constraints Unfortunately, the features specific of process has not been generally recognized by regulatory agencies. serious problem as regulators consider changes that re-allocate risk between firms in regulatory the may This be a regulatory rules and procedures and consumers (Joskow and Schmalensee (1986)). For example, Clarke (1980) analyzes the effects of fuel adjustment mechanisms systematic risk, approach. He little if using firm data financial and a comparative time series finds that FANls reduce regulated utilities' systematic risk, but have any independent effect on risk-adjusted stock market values. Norton (1985) analyzes operating utilities states. level on in He compares concludes "strongly that "strongly "betas" regulation regulated" risk effects regulated," of regulation "weakly for a regulated," sample of electric and "unregulated" (from a Capital Asset Pricing Model of returns), and reduces systematic and "weakly regulated" Norton's risk. states is distinction between based on differences in the resources devoted to regulation; unregulated firms are in states without commission regulation. This methodology raises two concerns. First, using regulatory "inputs" 46 to distinguish the the regulatory environment by Second, failing (1974)). utilities, particularly results. In coal with respect particular, utilities characteristics risk commercial, and less cyclical of cyclical sensitivity to demand, may depend on cyclical industries (such that fraction than may of will industrial located in Minnesota and Texas, Joskow for differences in economic characteristics across large a arbitrary; characterizing is effects seems preferable (Hendricks (1975), its to control and iron mining) for different regulation across states intensity of their largely steel, residential, Norton's six "unregulated" loads. as the revenues are likely to have serving utilities bias utilities, be unusually risky, given their dependence on the highly cyclical iron ore and petrochemical industries. -^^ Despite theoretical interest in franchise bidding as an alternative to traditional commission regulation (Demsetz (1968), Williamson little been relatively empirical analysis of the consequences of using municipal franchising in place of commission Williamson's (1976) case study of a cable regulation. franchise illuminates some problems that arise (1984) compares the costs of CATV and (1976)), there has concludes wasteful that the expenditures. franchisees to, process arise as has In led municipal compete over the services they provide than on the basis of product price and quality. ^° municipal franchising.-^® 1983, revenues Shew franchising requirements with subscriber benefits franchising These in TV (CATV) to a significant authorities to the force amount of potential municipality, rather Rather than yielding optimal prices, from large industrial customers accounted for 50% of investor-owned utility (lOU) revenues in Minnesota, 36% in Texas, but only 28% for the U.S. as a whole (Edison Electric Institute (1983), page 67). ^® Research by Prager (1986) and Zupan (1987) suggest that the contractual problems perhaps Williamson in large identifies have not been urban areas franchised since 1980. very serious in practice, except 47 municipal franchise bidding results in excessive expenditures on cable facilities that are valued highly by local politicians, but are of lower value to consumers. 6.2 Multi-firm Regulation Many examine the studies Joskow industries. cost effects of economic regulation and Steinwald (1981), Sloan in multi-firm Sloan (1981) and Melnick, (1980), Wheeler and Feldstein (1981) use an interstate comparative approach to evaluate the effects of rate regulation and/or certificate of need (entry) regulation on hospital They generally conclude costs. that rate regulation tends to reduce costs, but that certificate-of-need (entry) regulation does not. Pre-deregulation studies of airline costs focused primarily on the consequences of quality competition (low load factors), and secondarily on the costs of inefficient service communities small to Comparative time other regulatory dramatic changes series and the may have been much inefficiencies There larger. Graham and Kaplan well as to competition. effects of More work remains ICC regulation of considerable attention in the regulation inefficiency costs. have in the been and labor (1985), Chapters 4, 5 and These changes are convincingly attributed airlines' ability to optimize their routes free considerable labor in airline route structures (hubbing), aircraft utilization, Morrison and Winston (1986)). Cost on analyses including post-deregulation cost data suggest that productivity since deregulation (Bailey, 8; regulation of effects to CAB certification restrictions, as be done in this area. surface era. trucking from to freight transportation received Regulatory route restrictions led industry. Private carriers to and exempt agricultural carriers inherently tend to have unbalanced loads, and regulations that prohibited them from hauling regulated commodities on empty backhauls and commodity authorities) a severe problem restrictions on (MacAvoy and Snow regulated carriers their (1977), return pp. (including trips 25-26). many made Route one-way increased their level of empty backhauls and partial loads relative to 48 the unconstrained level; circuitous route authorities and gateway restrictions prohibited from travelling carriers the via most direct ( route increased route) vhich mileage. Despite widespread agreement on these qualitative effects of regulation, few Moore (1975) estimates studies attempt to quantify them. costs would decrease by were reduced carriers based indirectly, rents to more plausible a 1986 dollars) (in Moore to that of regulated carriers. calculations of with S3. 2 billion assumptions on and capital that unregulated carriers their if empty backhaul infers cost effects for regulated regulatory about price effects annually in 1986 dollars. ^^ to 8 1 and Combining Moore's (1978) assumptions labor. 10 percent discount rate to translate firms' rents into terms implies cost inflation of level annual percent of revenues, or roughly S4.5 billion 1 These calculations could now be refined using data on deregulated system operations; we await such a study. Investigations of regulatory cost increases in rail transportation have focused on two areas. The area first is ICC restrictions on route abandonments, which require railroads to maintain service on lightly travelled, unprofitable routes, and result in excessively large (from systems Friedlaender and Spady (1981) analyze this issue and trucking cost functions and transportation equilibrium analysis, they find would reduce billion in on p. 142). costs by Sl.l that a 10 cost-minimizing a in a structural model of railroad demand functions. percent reduction 1986 dollars (p. standpoint). 134; see, in Using partial low-density track however, the caveats Keeler (1983) summarizes various authors' estimates of the total cost of excessive route mileage at S900 million to SI. 8 billion in 1986 dollars. A second major regulatory cost arises from inefficient freight car utilization. Studies typically conclude that the ^^ Moore's (1978) own percent (70 percent pre-tax). ICC calculations set car rental rates (the rates that railroads assume an after-tax discount rate of 35 49 pay for using other railroads' boxcars on their system and that shippers pay for keeping cars on their sidings) below their opportunity investment in freight cars, and suboptimal utilization returned be rates. via most direct routing-which the also too in rules requiring cars contribute to inefficient Estimated annual costs of these inefficiencies range from S2.7 utilization. little To counteract some of American Association of Railroads established these effects, the to resulting cost, to S3.1 billion in 1986 dollars (Keeler (1983)). Essentially all the empirical approaches discussed above also have been used to measure the effects of environmental, health and safety regulations on production Perl costs. the effects and Dunbar of electricity. New the and Gollop approach (1982), for example, use a simulation to estimate Source Performance Standards on the cost of producing Roberts (1983) variations exploit across in states the intensity of environmental constraints on electric generating plants to estimate the costs of sulfur emissions Joskow and Rose (1985a, b) make use of constraints. variations over time and space in power plant emissions scrubbing requirements, as well as variations in intensity of scrubbing to estimate the costs of scrubbers. The general approaches to estimating the effects of regulation on costs can be applied quite widely analyze to the effects of "social" regulation as well as "economic" regulation. 7. THE EFFECTS OF REGULATION ON INNOVATION AND PRODUGRQT^TTSH Technological change and innovation has played real incomes in the U.S. over time. Several a heavily central role regulated in increasing industries have exhibited unusually high rates of productivity growth over long historical periods. These include the Joskow (1987)), electric the trucking industry. power industry telecommunications until 1970 industry, (Joskow and Rose (1985a, b) and the airline industry, and the Others, for example railroads, have poorer productivity records 50 see Caves, Christensen, (when correctly measured; a number of channels through which incentives returns competition Shifting innovation. to and could regulation Price innovate. to price change from diffusion the by indirectly, pattern the price raising the dimensions Restrictions on and slow services could delay the introduction and service costs expected of non-price to process introduction of innovations— both and directly, and diffusion affect and reducing the value of net revenues associated with the innovation (Braeutigam (1979)). present In product, of new might regulation entry could increase incentives for rapid adoption of product innovations. entry and approval of rates for There are and Swanson (1981b)). spite of surprisingly this, little empirical devoted been has research to quantifying the effects of price and entry regulation on innovation and productivity growth. The existing evidence on the effects of economic regulation on innovation Gellman includes anecdotes, case studies, and a few systematic econometric studies. (1971) documents several examples of how the Interstate Commerce Commission's rate policies delayed the introduction of piggyback rail cars car in the late 1950s and early 1960s. that the adoption of the unit train restrictions. rail carriage, late-1970s (1971) was delayed considerably by ICC commodity rate in piggyback the in mid- to (1986)). argues is that CAB regulation of the casual evidence to suggest that encouraged rapid diffusion of larger, faster aircraft. (1985) document significant gains gains cannot be rail argue persuasively multiple car and unit trains after ICC deregulation innovation, and there innovation. SIoss (1967) These conclusions are reinforced by the rapid increase (MacDonald Phillips MacAvoy and and the "Big John" attributed airlines CAB Bailey, did not retard ratemaking policies Graham and Kaplan in airline productivity after deregulation, but these specifically to an increased rate of technological Shepherd (1971) hypothesizes that regulation retarded innovation in 51 telecommunications in a variety of different ways, but provides empirical little support for these hypotheses. A few on effects industry-specific econometric studies have tried to measure regulatory growth productivity and Wohar and Nelson innovation. analyze productivity growth in the electric power industry using an A-J type of model and exploiting variations in the intensity of regulation. They find that regulation had both positive and negative effects on productivity growth, depending on the time Given period examined. Joskow (1981) finds however, these results should be interpreted cautiously. effect, and certificate-of-need regulation of hospitals slowed the diffusion of that rate scans, meaningful regulatory the problems they have identifying a and pushed them out of hospitals into physician's offices (1979)). Caves railroad industry railroad industry. et al. lagged Russell substantially behind that in the unregulated U.S. Canadian During the 1956-1963 period, Canadian railroads averaged the differences were even more been 0.6 percent for U. striking, attribute these differences to the U. has also (1981a) find that productivity growth in the regulated percent productivity growth, versus There (see considerably at 4.0 S. 1.7 Over 1963-1974, railroads. percent versus CT 0.1 percent. They regulatory environment. S. more interest in measuring the effects of environmental, health and safety regulation on productivity growth and innovation. Peltzman (1973) uses to measure the a comparative time series approach and effects on new drug introductions of a the simulation approach 1962 amendments tightening the FDA's regulation of the safety and efficacy of prescription drugs. He finds that the costs of reduced innovation, as measured by the reduction in the number of new drugs introduced, greatly exceeds savings from avoiding ineffective drugs; total costs, including the cost of reduced competition, are estimated at 5 to 10 percent presents a of the related annual S5 billion expended on drugs. Wiggins (1981, 1983) and updated analysis that disaggregates drugs into therapeutic 52 Vernon (1983) and Temin categories (see also Grabowski and FDA significantly regulations (1980)). He new drug introductions during reduced finds that 1970s the (Wiggins (1981)), and reduced company expenditures on research (Wiggins (1983)). Haveman and Christainsen (1981) measures crude use variations of in the intensity of federal regulation over time to measure the aggregate effects of "public They find regulation" on productivity growth. 15% about for responsible are of manufacturing between 1973 and 1977 Siegel The crude measures (1979)). between correlation over time (e.g. competition) increases in that increased regulatory constraints slowdown the (see also of growth in Crandall (1981), Denison (1979), and regulation regulatory productivity in used and and intensity the other almost perfect economic shocks energy price increases, inflation, stagnant economic growth, import limit confidence the one can place point these in estimates, and suggest the desirability of further, more sophisticated analyses. It is distressing that so little effort has been devoted to measuring the effects of regulation on innovation and productivity growth. now quite dated. compared to The the static historical productivity growth. Much of what we do know is gains and losses from regulation are probably small gains in welfare Further research on what, resulting if from and innovation any, effect regulation has on the dynamics of productivity growth and the development of new goods and services therefore seems essential. 8. THE EFFECTS OF REGULATION ON PRODUCT QUALITY product quality have been fairly The most intensively studied regulation-quality interaction has been in the Empirical analyses limited. airline industry, of perhaps regulatory because effects we have on a good relationship between quality, price regulation and the theoretical number model of the of competing firms. Following Douglas and Miller ((1975); (see also Schmalensee (1977)), the "quality" of 53 airline service measured is by both frequency the departures of more (the departures, the more likely will there be a flight close to a passenger's preferred departure time) and the probability of finding an available seat on the flight closest departure preferred passenger's the to Empirical time. applications summarize both dimensions of quality by the average load third (Chapters 2 and 6) also perform may is, total capture a Douglas and Miller expected crowding on a flight). dimension of quality: that factor, passengers divided by seats available on a route (load factors also usually more sophisticated stochastic simulation involving a departures, flight size and passenger valuations of time. Most studies (see and Douglas Graham, Kaplan and Sibley Miller (1983), Bailey, (1975), Keeler Graham and Kaplan Eads (1972), (1975), (1985)) find that price regulation induces non-price service competition, yielding equilibria that on average give passengers too much quality; that is, given consumer valuations of service quality, flights are too frequent, load factors are on average too low, too and costs are Furthermore, the price/quality relationship depends on the number of high. competing firms on each route. Routes with large numbers of firms have very low load factors, as service quality competition drives average cost per passenger up to (or above) competition relatively average does revenue not occur, low quality. In per so their passenger. passengers empirical In pay monopoly high relatively work, Douglas non-price markets, and fares and Miller show that average load factors vary inversely with the number of airlines certificated a particular Despite the route, fact as that predicted entry was get to serve by their theory of price-constrained competition. restricted, the industry did not appear to earn sustained excess profits, or even reasonably stable profits during the regulated era (Douglas and Miller, page competition, and perhaps 18; Bailey, Graham, and Kaplan, supracompetitive labor costs pp. 23-26). resulting in Non-price part from 54 regulation (discussed in section 9), appear to have ensured that high airline prices did not lead to excess returns for the owners of airline firms. Deregulation of the airline industry in 1978 provides data for a comparative Graham, Kaplan and Sibley compare load time series analysis of service quality. They find factors after deregulation with those observed before deregulation. load increased factors regulation, peak-load and pricing passengers. expected); on based the mitigated Using withholding of apparent this high decline fare anticipation in quality for Graham and Kaplan simulation approach, Bailey, a However, increased usd of seats service in models of airline traditional should reduce average service quality. this reservations (as that of late time-sensitive also show that convenience did not decrease appreciably after deregulation, despite the increase in average load factors. in smaller percent), markets Morrison and Winston (1986) find that travel time and increased while flight percent on larger in frequencies that almost net service deregulation, as has aggregate consumer welfare. and-spoke networks, along with also have helped There effects on is to many (for in increased They conclude average). markets an all average increase of 5 markets (by 9 of sizes quality has improved with Increasing load factors, and hub- other supply side changes after deregulation, reduce the cost per passenger-mile by increasing productivity. anecdotal product evidence to suggest that trucking regulation had adverse by variety, quality-varying foreclosing complained that they were disadvantaged by their inability quality or high rate/high quality service (see We fell to rates. Shippers obtain low rate/low MacAvoy and Snow (1977), pp. 10-14). are aware of no studies that attempt to quantify these effects. Joskow (1980) uses a cross-sectional interstate comparative approach to measure the effects of rate and certificate-of-need regulation on the service quality of hospitals. will be Hospital quality turned away is because inversely indexed by the probability that a patient the hospital is full. Joskow argues that the 55 of characteristics 1970s insurance hospital gave hospitals incentives to and provider reimbursement systems engage He competition. quality in the in finds that hospitals located in states that regulated rates and entry had lower service quality than states that did not impose such regulations. (1980) examine the effects of a variety of regulations on Munch and Smallwood intrastate comparative the solvency of property/liability insurance firms, using an Solvency approach. quality a is attribute insured by a company that will be able to pay off if a Smallwood find that the probability of insolvency that impose minimal They of small entrants. loss is prefer be to Munch and incurred. reduced by state regulations is This insurers. by making entry at small scale more accomplished number on requirements capital policyholders because costly, reduction is reducing the thereby also find that firms operating in states with rate regulation have a lower probability of insolvency, but that the difference between states with approval prior Freeh significant. Samprone and and regulation without those (1980) attempt to it is not estimate statistically the welfare consequences of non-price competition in regulated property insurance markets, but their method competition leaves much we Finally, regulated quantifying for electric, to note gas the regulatory-induced increase in non-price be desired. that and regulatory telephone agencies utilities have sometimes claimed that build systems with systematically excessively high reliability (quality); in some recent cases, agencies have disallowed cost recovery requirements. on plant and equipment deemed to be in excess of "prudent" reserve Using the model developed by Joskow (1974), Carron and MacAvoy (1981) argue that regulatory quality effects are exactly the opposite. high service quality when regulatory regulators resist They expect during periods of increasing productivity and stable prices, constraints do not bind. price increases, firms As inflation increases nominal reduces their capital costs investment, and and 56 quality. service their therefore Carron and MacAvoy 48-53) (pp. declining cite reserve capacities, increasing delays, and increasing equipment problems during the 1970s support of in their appealing, intuitively convincing. the The quality evidence and MacAvoy's argument While Carron argument. they effects of natural present and incomplete is not is entirely monopoly regulation remain uncertain. THE DISTRIBUTIONAL EFFECTS OF REGULATION AND DEREGULATION 9. Distributional consequences of regulation play a fundamental role in explaining incidence of regulation and the economy theories. regulatory change, according to modern Alternative regulatory arrangements (including what is called "deregulation") generally imply different distributions of benefits political popularly and costs. These distributional effects drive the competition of various interest groups, which in turn determines the nature of regulation through the political process. Until recently, information on the distributional consequences of regulation was primarily a byproduct of the studies of regulatory price, that we have already discussed. some In sense, this and quality effects cost, not is terribly surprising. Most regulatory research draws on neoclassical economic theories, which focus on economic changes Furthermore, efficiency. in prices and costs is tracing often quite through difficult. the ultimate Identifying incidence "first of order" winners and losers from regulation and measuring the magnitudes of these effects is, however, practicable; this is the focus of a growing segment of the regulation literature. A number of authors have analyzed distributional effects of regulation in the context of implicit or explicit tests of political economy models of regulation. (1981) measures the winners and losers Kalt from 1970s petroleum price regulations by comparing the outcomes of regulation with the simulated outcomes in the absence of price regulation. These results are then used to analyze Congressional voting 57 Kalt finds that both constituents' economic interests and measures of behavior. congressmen's ideology are important explanators of votes. A similar approach used to study the 1977 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act prices. of examine the effects on regional incomes of deregulation of natural gas to Olson and Trapani (1981) attempt using airlines a simulation They norms. various (SMCRA) by Kalt and Leone (1986) use a simulation Kalt (1983a) and Kalt and Zupan (1984). approach to measure the effects of CAB regulation approach that compares regulatory outcomes with argue that consumers from lost regulation, aircraft These manufacturers benefited, and airlines benefited during some time periods. have been analyzed for various issues also and Oster Pashigian (1985) "social regulations;" see (1982), for example. Rather than we regulation, regulation. We attention restrict discuss a ("rent-sharing"), to these tests of political economy models of broad range of evidence on the distributional effects of transfers to the consider' four types of regulatory redistributions: owners of regulated firms transfers (profits), transfers to factors of among consumer Empirical studies of these effects tend groups, and production such as labor transfers among producers. focus on regulated multi-firm industries; to evidence from franchised monopoly regulation 9.1 is is discussed where available. Profits Positive theories of regulation predict that regulated firms should, at least in some cases, gain from regulation. This is particularly true where industry were strong advocates of regulatory intervention. from the diversity of regulatory price effects, profit .As effects members of the might be expected vary considerably across regulated industries. A variety of approaches have been used to measure profitability effects. discussed in section 3, market values of regulatory cleanest tests of regulatory effects on profits. assets As can provide one of the Kitch, Isaacson, and Kasper (1971) 58 provide one of the earliest applications of this approach They use taxicab medallion taxicab regulation. Although of SI 15 million (1986 dollars). differences in regulation taxicab this across their study of in Chicago prices to estimate regulatory rents approach could be applied been has there municipalities, to estimate little additional work in the area. This method has, however, been applied extensively to analyze trucking regulation. Moore's (1978) sample of 23 certificate sales suggests that certificate values are roughly common to carrier certificate values The sharp decline also find evidence of substantial certificate values. in certificate around the period of trucking deregulation confirms the interpretation of values certificate values as regulatory rents (Moore (1986), A changes in (1982)). the regulatory environment to analyze regulatory effects. approach congressional analyze to deregulation responses on the 15 carriers declining by 9 percent. that to values of finds reforms substantial traded publicly These correspond to a decline of and share general commodity percent, and those of specialized 19 on S925 million (1986 32 firms in her study, or about 8.8 percent of .Applying the sample rent/revenue ratio to aggregate revenues present the She relies Rose (1985a) ICC administrative of market with dollars) in capitalized rents for the 1978 gross revenues. effects trucking industry. the deregulation, to freight carriers declining by suggests Mabley and Strack second type of asset market approach, the event study technique, this price this Breen's (1977) study of household goods carries 1986 dollars. operating certificates and Frew's (1981) study of uses Applying 1972 yields a present discounted value of rents of aggregate industry revenues in $5.5 to S7.9 billion in percent of gross revenues. 15 discounted value of rents earned by the 345 Class I general freight carriers in 1978 was S2.6 billion in 1986 dollars (Rose (1987)). Levin regulatory effects uses (1981) on effects depends on a structural railroad which estimation/simulation profitability. competitive approach to estimate Although the precise magnitude of scenario is selected, he finds substantial 59 increases in profitability under under regulation was $570 million, replacement cost of was income net transfers away from in 1986 dollars, or a 2 percent rate of return on Under moderate competition and deregulation, estimated assets. $3.4 Net income but the marginal cost pricing cases. all $11.3 to billion (1986 dollars). This suggests substantial capital under railroad regulation. Results for the airline industry are mixed. Few era specifically address the question of regulatory studies during the regulatory profits. A number of authors argue that higher prices raised service quality, raising costs and preventing high prices price from translating policies failed into high to While profits. increase rates of this return, may indicate that regulatory regulatory entry policies nevertheless of raised profits above normal levels (see Schmalensee (1977)). support for this view airline deregulation is found (Kahn in (1983)). the strong opposition of most Opposite results are found may Indirect trunk carriers to by Morrison and Winston (1986), who find that simulated deregulated profits would have been higher than were 1977 profitability in regulated the early profits. 1980s They argue that observed declines in airline were largely the result of fuel price shocks and macroeconomic conditions, not deregulation. Natural gas and petroleum price regulations, while not themselves creating have generated enormous rent transfers to and from various interest groups. oil price controls reduced the incomes of producers by SI9 to S65 billion annually (in 1986 dollars) over 1975-1980, and rents, For example, Kalt (1981) estimates that crude increased the income of refiners by roughly 60 percent of this amount over the period. Smith, Bradley, and Jarrell (1986) use an event study technique to estimate refiner gains from the early Crude Oil Allocation Program adopted in response to OPEC's 1973 9.2 price increases; their results indicate substantial refiner gains. Factor Rent-Sharing 60 of the effects of regulation and most studies of regulatory Many formal models on effects may Regulation may assumption This environment. regulatory assume that factor prices are independent of the prices rents transfer other to invalid be factors many for regulated when production, even of industries. capital Empirical analyses of the effects of economic regulation on earns normal returns. There factor returns (other than capital) have focused almost exclusively on labor. bargaining positions of regulated firms and workers. regulatory process allows through by higher prices, wage of Interstate of cost We part, union regulation--such Commerce Commission labor, (1978)). in price perhaps by nonunion workers effects," the as to operating the relative completely passed tough bargainer are diminished, Ehrenberg (1979)). constraint ratio Some by used the evaluate trucking rates-may reduce the shadow this tendency Daughety (see (1984), by unionized employees may be realized, as well. among and quickly be to alter the extent that the to First, result (Hendricks (1975), exacerbating also note that gains "threat increases a firm's incentives to be a and higher wage settlements may forms may channels through which the regulatory process several are other The labor economics factors, tend to Moore at least literature suggests that raise nonunion wages in industries with large union gains (see Lewis (1963, 1986)). Second, entry restrictions can shut down by a strike create a situation in which suppliers that are cannot be replaced by rival suppliers, because the alternative suppliers are not authorized to provide services in the "struck" markets. conflicting may effects on the distribution of bargaining power. On the This has one hand, it increase union bargaining power by increasing the disruption caused by strikes and the consequent public pressures 96-97). On to settle them (Bailey, Graham and Kaplan, pp. the other hand, eliminating the ability of potential competitors to take over a firm's customers during a strike is likely to reduce strike costs to the firm. 61 This tends other things equal, by eliminating post-strike customer defections. to increase the firm's bargaining power vis-a-vis the union. Third, extent the to that regulation entry, restricts may it be easier to organize a regulated industry and easier to sustain high wages without the threat of Some authors have suggested entry by lower cost nonunion suppliers. regulation for may enable members (Arnold its example, coal), This utilities may will may to cartelize Annable to an industry and realize monopoly profits (1973)). introduce apply entry consideration political non-labor inputs as well as labor to buy local pressures be subject to political into input choice inputs. For products (e.g. rather than cheaper substitutes from suppliers in other states, to bolster the economy. local (1970), regulation Finally, decisions. union a that unionized Depending on the employees when they state, they might also come under pressure to use otherwise might not, or to sign lavish wage agreements (Ehrenberg (1979)). A number of studies have investigated the effects of regulation on wages. Hendricks (1975) examines wage settlements by He finds that regulated firms' bargaining incentives and depend on the nature of the regulatory constraint they a non-binding rate-of-return restraint (due more aggressive bargainers immediately adjust rates are lower for in the context of models of the regulatory process, using an interstate comparative three different approach. electric utilities utilities to that than pass firms to face. wage settlements Firms operating under regulatory lag or benign neglect) are that expect the through higher wages. As regulatory a agency to consequence, wages expect to bear increased costs themselves, and higher for utilities that expect regulators to flow through cost increases. While Hendricks (1975) focuses on differential wage patterns within industry, most subsequent empirical average wage levels . work attempts The evidence on this to question a regulated measure regulatory checks on is mixed. Hendricks (1977) 62 distribution the investigates wages of for workers regulated fourteen across industries and the unregulated manufacturing sector, using microdata on individual workers human estimate a conventional to capital earnings equation with controls For most occupations and occupation, industry concentration, and regulation. for most regulated industries, regulation appears average wage industry, The dominant exceptions levels. electricians radio in and have zero or negative effects on to truck drivers in the trucking are television, and possibly airline certain occupational categories; these groups are associated with higher wage levels than in manufacturing as a whole. and Carrol Ciscel's executive compensation concludes that executive compensation in study inter-industry (1982) is of significantly lower regulated industries (utilities and transportation) than in unregulated industries. This work suggests that regulatory wage gains and may be stronger for workers in certain may be limited to certain industries, key occupations (such as drivers in the trucking industry). A number of other studies explore wages within a particular regulated industry. Ehrenberg's (1979) detailed empirical analysis of worker salaries categories of suggests workers. average wage levels workers wage in levels in et al. New York Telephone Hendricks (1975, 1977), Substantial (1975)). the wages higher other hand, least partially a 147). finds The relationship between has been studied extensively (Eaitsell The pilot's union has been Kahn (1966), successful in extremely attractive wage and work rule arrangements, which appear at many to that empirical effort has been focused on regulated transportation industries. airlines on paid Telephone Company the electric utility industry are below those for comparable unregulated sectors. and regulated Pulsifer in that New York to pilots (1971), negotiating have been consequence of regulation (Bailey, Graham and Kaplan, p. 139- Hendricks, Feuille, and Szerszen (1980) use microdata on individual workers and data on characteristics of collective bargaining agreements to investigate the 63 extent of regulated airline workers' gains relative to a manufacturing benchmark. They find mean wages than worker quality appears workers across that airline manufacturing their primarily (but be associated to even counterparts, Graham and Kaplan, Bailey, also (see wide variety of occupations have higher a Industry regulation. of regulatory wage effects. Mechanics, whose pilots. airline industry, were are skills least affected easily transferable and out of the in by concessions (see also Card (1986)). uses a variety of aggregate earnings data Moore (1978) and microdata wage equations union rent-sharing in wage premium, he calculates Teamster rents (in simple calculations. wages premium to estimate 50 percent union a at S2.6 to billion S3. 4 variety of problems with inferences based on these nonunion regulatory phenomenon. a from regulation to In particular, unionized workers in most industries earn higher comparable than Using regulated trucking industry. There are 1986 dollars). positive airlines obtained all Similar analyses have been performed for the trucking industry. the be with concessions concentrated deregulation, after confirm deregulation to Cappelli (1985) reports that virtually some form of union concessions among responses differential may themselves unionization and concentration in the airline industry, which functions for with the high levels of exclusively) not This 18). p. controlling after rents There also are workers; an requires a variety to explanation for why reasons of the attribute union entire this more wage pervasive cross-sectional estimates probably overstate the level of union premia (Lewis (1986), Rose (1987)). The deregulation provides variation more precisely. that As in of the trucking can be used the airlines to industry in the late estimate the industry, 1970s and early extent extensive of contract unemployment concessions by rent-sharing low-wage, nonunion entry (combined with the 1981-82 recession) squeezed existing union substantial labor 1980s carriers. This led to for union drivers and ultimately resulted in considerable the Teamsters Union (Perry (1986), Rose (1987)). 64 Econometric of analysis wage industry behavior confirms (1987) Using microdata estimates of contract evidence (see also Hirsch (1986)). wage equations Rose by the industry wage premia for the 1973 through 1985 period, she finds that union decline from an average of 50 percent over nonunion wages during the regulated period to the trucking union for the economy premium as a Contrary to Implied aggregate union losses are $700 million whole. annual losses for or rent spillovers to truck drivers to $1.3 owners of trucking models of nonunion rent-sharing, Rose finds nonunion wage declines union premium level of the average blue collar to the billion per year, or roughly twice the estimated firms. This decline reduces than 30 percent during the deregulation period. less little outside evidence of the regulated trucking sector. Although regulation did not create rents for owners of railroads, labor appears to have gained from regulation, particularly through enhanced union bargaining power. The ICC, for example, required very costly labor protection agreements as a prerequisite to merger approvals (Lieb (1984)). restrictive in industry, While requirements. and these tend cannot enforce to be Rail work rules are attributed pay higher solely and regulation to unions might have evolved independently of regulation), regulation their effect. In the wake among may the most higher (strong labor rail contribute to of rail consolidations and route rationalizations following deregulation, labor appears to have made limited concessions in some firms, although made by trucking and airline employees (Lieb Economic regulation may have important distributional effects across customer these do not approach the concessions 1984)). 9.3 Transfers groups. influences Among Customer Groups The on multi-product pricing that nature act of through many regulated regulatory industries procedures and and political appointment processes create a situation ripe with potential cross-subsidies; these frequently are 65 exploited particular benefit to Studies groups (Posner (1971)). interest Quantification inter-customer of of these distributional effects tend to effects, when available, tends to be an outgrowth of analyses focusing on efficient price structures in section qualitative. be we summarize 5; These studies are discussed regulated industries. length in at income transfers below. their implications for Cross-subsidies— i.e., subsidization of some categories of customers by othersis common theme throughout a sometimes argued utilities skewed toward lower higher is utility customers industrial industrial for rates by public relative the residential for rates users, that to efficient rate example, For regulation. for structure and commercial electric users, Similarly, rates. is it and implicit coordination of rate-setting between the Federal Communications Commission and state regulatory commissions resulted in telephone pricing procedures that elevated long-distance substantially rates below-cost prices subsidize for above costs service, local rural customers (Johnson (1982), Noll (1985a), and levels in order and raised urban rates to subsidize competitive MacAvoy and Robinson to (1983), Bailey (1986)). The critically of ability upon regulators their control to maintain such redistributive policies over substitute products or suppliers. depends In the case of telephone pricing, technological advances in microwave communications, combined with court rulings that eliminated AT&T's legal monopoly on long-distance service, created the system, forcing possibility price that high-price increases on long the distance remaining customers would leave the The subsequent customers. reductions in long distance prices have decreased, though not eliminated, subsidies of local service; sufficient to cover As noted variety of regulators its continue to resist rate increases in local service appropriable costs (Noll (1985a)). earlier, the airline fare structure under cross-subsidies. Fares on dense, long CAB distance regulation built in a routes were elevated 66 substantially above costs, in part to generate profits that could be used to balance explicit about the protection of air service deemed essential, but service at "low" of cross-subsidies carriers with was imposed. fares (relative to costs) extensive serving carriers to these and entry, prices, exit eliminated air service frequency service Winston (1986)). many for a small Rail number of cities regulation fares markets CAB Deregulation low density, short-haul markets, in small communities, and generally increased have retained that created service air protection similar (Morrison and on low shippers for Despite costs that appear to have been in excess of service value density routes. on to has increased This networks (enforced by route disapproval of carrier abandonment of unprofitable small city routes). of both were Not only was service small cities. to was accomplished through both direct subsidies and CAB Congress and the below-cost fares in sparse, short-haul markets. of these routes, the ICC refused to allow railroads to abandon the service, preferring instead to subsidize such service through transfers from capital owners. Energy regulation created transfers among numerous special interest groups. Kalt (1981) analyzes these effects for petroleum regulation during the 1970s. finds that regulation established Regulation-induced subsidized. were given "rights" to many groups whose energy purchases were shortages gave rise "priority" to more certain production flows, and heavily who consumers, some in He cases, lower Agricultural users, for example, were given high priority, assured supplies; prices. automobile (1983b)). users, low priority, and uncertain, often inadequate (Kalt supplies Natural gas regulation created similar disparities among customer groups. Rather than increase natural gas prices 1970s, regulators under which relied industrial on rationing. customers to avoid chronic shortages during the mid- This typically led to were a series shut off of curtailment rules, the system during shortages, existing residential customers were entitled to unlimited supplies, and new 67 residential customers were excluded 9.4 from hooking up Industries are not monolithic, and regulation more distributional than (or effects of at expense the of) may drug specializing can regulations substitution differential regulations' in two on effects R&D and EPA be Oster (1982) finds that state explained groups patented specializing in generic drug production. and most extensively for social studied large firms relative to small firms within an industry. companies of drugs, Bartel and at least and Thomas in by part pharmaceutical smaller manufacturers (1986) find that OSHA regulations have important intraindustry competitive effects that firms work attempted has that the large firms: exploit via "predatory" advocacy of particular regulations. little The intraindustry segments. other regulation have been benefit some segments of an Pashigian (1984) finds that environmental regulations tend to benefit regulation. generic system (Breyer (1982)). Among Producer Groups Transfers industry to the may There has, however, been quantify intraindustry transfers resulting from to economic regulation. In carriers contract the at case the of the trucking industry, ICC regulation protected expense of exempt or partially exempt carriers. carriers possibilities of to no contract more than eight shippers limited the carriers. Prohibiting private carriers regulated Rules restricting size and expansion from using owner- operators or sub-leasing their equipment and drivers on return trips to avoid empty backhauls increased their costs vis-a-vis regulated carriers. limited to exempt regulated carriers. in the late commodities, or required to sign Owner-operators were long-term with contracts Contract and private carriers, dissatisfaction with ICC regulation 1970s led to a conflict within the American Trucking Associations (ATA) over the ATA's lobbying position on deregulation initiatives, and ultimately have contributed to the success of deresulation initiatives. may 68 Kahn regulation. may disagreements intraindustry Similar argues (1983) that number a been have of operative carriers air airline in believed that regulatory route restrictions constrained their business opportunities by more than constrained competitors. their overseas op rations by the Pan Am, which These included CAB, and number a of intrastate and which were precluded from expanding service by the CAB's and long-standing refusal to certificate new trunk was confined commuter to carriers, restrictive entry policy In contrast to the service. it major trunks, these airlines basically supported deregulation. Energy distributional resulted in intrastate transfers large of 1978 of prices based (NGPA), to had substantial interstate producers relative exempt to which extended Federal the Energy Regulatory The NGPA's complicated intrastate wellhead prices. on different categories of natural gas resulted in benefits to some wellhead producers and As discussed have regulation of natural gas prices Interstate from to This situation changed with enactment of the Natural Gas Commission's jurisdiction set producers. away appear regulations allocation effects across producers. Act Policy and price earlier, losses to others (Braeutigam and Hubbard (1986)). Kalt (1981) finds that crude oil price regulations created an enormous pool of rents, which regulators divided among various producer and consumer groups. interest Initial regulations in 1973 refiners with historical ties to "old," price controlled oil. resulted in large rents This system was replaced by the Entitlements Program, which redistributed income among refiners. tended to raise the income of refiners who depended largely on imported crude and lower the income of refiners who had access number domestic crude. This oil, In addition, a of arbitrary redistributions, such as the "Small Refiner Bias," were built into the system (Kalt 1981, 1983b). Smith, Bradley, and Jarrell (1986) combine an event study with an economic model of OPEC to for price hike and U.S. oil oil regulation to analyze the joint effects of the regulations on producers. Their results, like Kalt's, 69 suggest that prior to the entitlements program, crude large transfers from U.S. crude producers access to price-controlled crude 10. to those U.S. regulation created price oil refiners with substantial oil. CONCLUSIONS Systematic empirical analysis of the effects of economic regulation originated with Stigler and Friedland's 1962 paper, which sought commission regulation of franchised state found that commission regulation had electric little or to measure the effects of Stigler utilities. and Friedland no effect on electricity prices. Since 1962 there have been several hundred scholarly studies of the effects of economic These have analyzed regulation. a broad range of industries, measuring regulatory effects against a number and a variety of empirical methodologies. the development of both positive and normative theories of of different benchmarks, and using different types of data This empirical analysis has coincided with and regulation its effects. The empirical regulation of literature the twenty-five last years clearly demonstrates that regulation frequently has substantial impacts on the behavior and performance of regulated firms. propositions about the effects of It is, however, impossible economic regulation; conclude that economic regulation always leads being we cannot, for simple example, of regulatory effects vary depending on the structure of the regulatory process, the industry examined, and the economic environment. regulatory effects should not be surprising. many generalize lower prices than would emerge The nature and magnitude in the absence of regulation. substantially, to to The diversity of observed The term "economic regulation" covers different types of economic control applied to quite diverse industries with a variety of objectives. however. Several common themes emerge from the empirical analyses, 70 1. The effects economic regulation often differ considerably from the of predictions of "public interest" models, which presume that regulation ameliorate market imperfections and enhance efficiency. simply from the observation that regulation is intended to This conclusion follows not outcome of the is a political process, but from analyses of the impacts of regulatory intervention. 2. In classical "public utility" industries, price regulation generally constrains prices below the level an unconstrained monopolist with a legal exclusive franchise The would choose. structure of prices and distribution of revenues across classes of customers often reflect distributional and political objectives, however, rather than efficiency objectives. would be under a Furthermore, regulated prices may not be lower than prices fundamentally different industry structure with multiple firms and free entry. 3. regulated markets with multiple competing firms, the effects of entry In regulation on prices are more complex. In some industries (airlines, surface freight transportation, insurance), price and entry regulation seem to have been introduced to protect incumbents from competition. Despite this intent, the ability of price regulation to transfer income to the owners of the regulated firms has been sharply constrained by non-price competition and factor rent-sharing. further limits the benefits constrained from adapting The immutability the railroad to of regulation time, as regulated firms are the introduction of competing products and suppliers. of regulation can transform protectionism into strangulation, as in industry. Regulation often persists despite the apparent absence of economic rents because regulation has would lead through Institutional inertia to large losses for so distorted industry structures that changes incumbents (McCormick, Shugart, and ToUison (1984)). In other multi-firm industries, price regulation has been introduced primarily to protect consumers from precipitous price increases. petroleum, hospitals, and to some extent electric This utilities is true of natural gas, with expensive nuclear 71 These regulatory plants. appear initiatives be to self-limiting. At some point, With prices efforts to keep prices below market-clearing levels cannot be sustained. below the marginal cost of additional supplies, shortages develop and the quality of These effects generate intense pressures for regulatory reform. service deteriorates. direct and indirect effects on the costs Economic regulation has important 4. Regulatory influences on input choices, of production and the quality of service. and technological change tend X-inefficiency, and variety of alters the quality to quantify. tends It when regulated prices Regulation levels. may cartelization device by that— too are just through non-price competition its intention capture" models, which view simplistic. owners of conducive to exact regulated to the keep prices regulation a Price firms. to as a producers, number of and entry Moreover, labor appears industries; regulation perhaps more so than seem to be especially development of strong unions that can use their bargaining power higher wages. Although the performance of regulated firms 6. economic conditions, economic forces. regulatory structures Regulatory systems tend the economic and political environment. 1930s to distributional impacts of regulation are complex The an important beneficiary in be is which firms transfer income from consumers and vary with economic conditions and across industries. to above competitive levels. "producer Simplistic quality lower service quality when below their market-clearing 5. service structurally competitive industries are in Regulation also costs. services, although these effects often are difficult increase to increase to gave rise to a vast array through the next forty years. of to are quite is sensitive impervious respond only to to to prevailing exogenous profound changes The massive economic disruptions of federal regulations, in the most of which persisted The recent wave of federal regulatory reforms from the substantial supply shocks and macroeconomic disturbances of the arose 1970s, 72 which have been characterized as the most severe disruptions the since 1930s. These reforms have dismantled or refigured much of the 1930s federal regulatory apparatus. Our understanding of the economic of effects last many The profound changes in twenty-five years, but considerably over the both regulatory institutions and economic conditions during some of these questions, A number through careful analysis of the effects of these changes. measured have however, may these be early responses observing regulatory to behavior, transition new regulatory environment. response to a advanced questions remain unresolved. the past decade provide a valuable opportunity to answer studies has regulation reforms. In of recent some cases, than a steady state rather Further analysis of the behavior and performance of industries that have experienced major changes in regulation will be invaluable in discerning permanent impacts. With the decline of U.S. federal regulatory efforts, the research payoffs more intensive study performance in a state regulation and to comparative studies of industrial some industries has expanded These regulations experimentation and diversity are to fill the uniform seldom types of differences if in void created by federal across the across economic states, as well characteristics comparative studies are more difficult, but "privatization", deregulation, and as of as states; growing This research will proceed most we improve our measurement of differences regulation be substantial. provides valuable variation through at the state level which we can measure the effects of regulation. productively may variety of regulatory and ownership settings State regulation of deregulation. of to developing regulated the intensity and better controls for in firms. Inter-country other developed economies consider regulatory reforms, there is probably much to be 73 learned by comparing the outcomes of different approaches to industrial ownership and control. developed over the among competing research that of empirical measurements of large collection Finally, the last twenty-five years provides a data base to better distinguish theories tests regulatory effects the of alternative theories positive of has regulation legislative voting behavior (almost exclusively at the federal level), on the relationship This work is Congressional surprising that the behavior We do variables, This that of tells these not find constituent reflects discretion political considerations. economic of the focused on and particularly between legislative voting behavior and constituent interesting and important. voting Much economy of regulation. political regulatory it surprising, however, that Nor do we find interests. agencies is interests. sharply constrained it by us simply that regulation has effects on various have effects impacts distributional that create constituent interests, and that groups representing diverse interests respond in the political arena. 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