...MIT LIBRARIES DUPL Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/educationalpolicOObane 9 Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND THE ECONOMICS OF THE FAMILY Abhijit V. Banerjee Working Paper 03-09 November 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, This paper can be MA 021 42 downloaded without charge from the Network Paper Collection at Social Science Research http://ssm.com/abstract_id=380100 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 3 2003 LIBRARIES I Educational Policy and the Economics of the Family Abhijit V. Banerjee* November, 2002 Abstract This paper analyzes the implications of alternative ways to model decision- making by families for educational policy. We show that many of the policy impli- cations associated with credit constraints cannot be distinguished from the implications of models of the family that differ from the conventional Barro-Becker model. We then argue that it is the combination of credit constraints and non-conventional preferences that provides a robust basis for government intervention to promote educational investment. Keywords: Family; Intergenerational Transactions; Education. JEL Codes: 015; 016: D13. *I am grateful to Esther Duflo. Paras Mehta. Antonio Rangel. Debraj Angrist and T.N. Srinivasan for their comments. 1 Ray and particularly Josh Introduction 1 The family plays a crucial role in decisions about investment in education, at least in developing countries. The reasons are simple: Education is expensive and there very limited scope for borrowing in order to invest in education. Education because free and functioning public schools do not exist they do they are often free only cannot borrow to invest in in name (The Probe education because human in many places, is is only a expensive and even when Report, 1999, Kochar, 2000). One capital provides very poor collateral, and, in any case, credit markets function very poorly in developing countries. Most of the financial investment in education therefore has to As a result, be funded by the family. most theoretical and empirical studies of investment take a stand on how they think the family makes its decisions. This in education is have to an issue especially with respect to decisions about education that are taken when the children are young and parents are, at least nominally, in charge of financial decisions for the family. There however, very little is, agreement about how families make these decisions. Even a cursory glance at the literature on investment in education reveals a wide variety of views ranging from the Barro-Becker model (Becker, 1981; Loury, 1981; Mookherjee and Ray, 2000), where parents and children share a single unified generation model, where the family their children is who repay them with utility function, to the purely a nexus for transactions old age care (Kotlikoff pure overlapping — the old "lend" and Spivak, 1981; Cox, 1987; Cox, 1990; Cremer, Kessler and Pestieau, 1992; Cox and Jakubson, 1995, Barham et 1995). There is also a range of formulations that are in between these two 1 for example because they like al, —formulations where parents put some weight on the income, consumption or human capital of children, to their the "warm-glow" they get from what they have given the child. 2 However, to the best of our knowledge, there have been no systematic attempts to 'See Behrman. Pollak and Taubman (1982). and Ermisch and Francesconi (2000) for examples of formulations of this class. 2 See Glomm and Ravikumar (1992). Galor and Zeira (1993). Banerjee and and Moav (1999). Newman (1994). and Galor understand whether and in what way these things matter making each the positive and normative implications of The goal of this paper is to fill — in other words, what are of these alternative assumptions. We a part of this gap in the literature. present a simple one-good, two-sector growth model where goods are produced using skilled and unskilled labor. Everyone by investing are perfect in endowed with a unit of unskilled human capital. We either financed is human capital, production of credit markets, more we make the intensive in and that there are no human capital is skill has to be accumulated and investment human capital externalities. They potentially controversial. is in human getting the plausible and standard 4 assumption that the we assume that the production function assumptions but by the state 3 or by the parents of the child who In addition, skills is labor, consider both the case where the credit markets and the case where there are no capital Finally, is are than the production of goods. for skills exhibits We decreasing returns recognize that each of these last made mainly for strategic reasons. The assumption of non-convexities in the educational production function has been shown by Galor and Zeira (1993) to have a number of strong implications when combined with the — assumption of imperfect credit markets in particular, there are poverty traps and public Moreover, they argue investment in education that can increase steady state output. that their results are independent of the the non-convexity is large enough. Since way we model parental we preferences as long as are interested in the differences between the implications of different types of parental preferences, avoiding non-convexities clearly helps. in We do, however, take comfort in the fact that the evidence for non-convexities education is rather mixed. Psacharapoulus (1994) argues on the basis of evidence from a number of countries that the returns are highly concave. On the other hand, a couple of detailed studies from the U.S. find evidence of small non-convexities (Angrist and Krueger, 1999; Card and Krueger, 1992). human 3 capital externalities Where was driven in part Likewise, the decision not to allow for by the fact that the consequences of such the state could be the local government. 'This assumption goes back at least to Uzawa (1965). Rebelo (1991), education policy in growth models also makes this assumption. in his well-known study of been widely studied and externalities have in part by the seems to be very fact that there micro-evidence for the presence of large externalities of this type. 5 little We study this model under different assumptions about family decision-making. distinguish between the models of the family along three dimensions: altruism is private utilities of future generations sum of the — the formulation associated with the work of Barro Second, the nature of the inter-generational contract within the family: (1974). complete many whether First, perfect in the sense that each generation maximizes a discounted in the sense of generations does binding it all We present and future generations; span? Third, is if Is it incomplete, how there symbolic consumption in the sense of people caring directly about consumption or investment outcomes, and not only because they are a source of utility to someone their son going to Harvard because — the archetypal example it is is someone caring about Harvard, and not because of he will be richer because of having been to Harvard. We take as benchmark the case where there no symbolic consumption, credit markets. point of time contrasts with In this is i.e., model is perfect altruism but the so-called Barro-Becker model, combined with perfect (see section 3.1) the investment in human capital at any independent of current family wealth and parental preferences. what we find when we shut down the credit markets in section 4.1 both parental preferences and family wealth matter this case no contracts and This — in for educational investment. However, when we allow for more general preferences (section 4.2) this simple contrast between the perfect and imperfect credit market cases no longer holds. when there are credit constraints, there effect. only if) However, both of these there is a family wealth can arise effect true that and a parental preference even with perfect credit markets if (and symbolic consumption of educational investment. This raises questions about using these effects as The steady state 5 effects is It is still a way of identifying credit constrained households. implications of the benchmark model, given See Acemoglu and Angrist (1999) and Duflo (2000). educational externalities using cross-country data. Bils in section 3.2, are perhaps and Klenow (1998) make a case against even more striking. 6 irrespective of where they started, the steady state no inequality First, there is will end up with the same up with the same starts with an abundance of them. 8 run while a proportional tax on even increase the rate of return on Third, . we have either human human capital reduces 7 Second, an economy which subsidies have no long- human capital investment capital necessarily raise investment. when we shut down the perfect altruism, no symbolic consumption altruism and perfect contracting. 9 some level of skills as lump-sum taxes and Section 5.1 shows that these results also hold that level of education. then redistributed as a lump-sum educational subsidy. Finally, policies that if it is long as Every dynasty, unique: Economies that start with very few highly skilled people (and is therefore very few teachers) will end effects, in the steady state: To put things in perspective, credit markets, as and no contracting, or no it is worth underscoring of these results are very strong indeed. In particular the idea that an increase in the rate of return on education should always raise the level of investment is not at all obvious, since raising the rate of return also raises the price of teachers, which discourages investment. Section 5.2 turns to the case of symbolic consumption of educational expenditures. In this case none of the credit markets five properties listed above necessarily hold with or without perfect and irrespective of whether there is no altruism or perfect altruism: Long- run inequality and multiplicity of steady states are now taxes and subsidies have long-run 6 it is 7 8 The steady state, as well-known, is is effects. Proportional taxes on an inadequate proxy for and lump-sum real possibilities what happens human capital may after the short run, but the only one we have. Remember there no randomness is This says that even AIDS seems if there is in our model. a shock which wipes out a huge part of a country's human capital (as to be in the process of doing in sub-Saharan Africa), the country will recover (actually it says less than that because even a unique steady state need not be a global attractor). 9 The fact that the non-convexities, is in absence of credit markets does not make any difference in the long run, absent Loury (1981). The similarity of the two polar cases of no altruisms and complete contracts and perfect altruism and no contracts, arises from the fact that both lead to a perfect alignment of the incentives of parents and children. In this sense, these results are related to the intuitions behind Becker's famous "Rotten Kid Theorem" (Becker, 1981). sometimes raise average investment and increases in the returns to reduce investment in education by human capital making teachers expensive. Finally section 5.3 looks at the case of imperfect altruism: While this case to solve because we have may is harder to deal with time consistency issues, the results appear to be similar to those in section 5.2. Taken together these handicapped by the fact that elementary questions capital (as results suggest that the educational policy debate like recommended, we have no whether for it model of the would be good to family. substantially Even raise the rate of return relatively on human example, by Foster and Rosenzweig, 2000), seem to depend On on what we believe about preferences. of credit constraints settled is the other hand, by themselves may be it suggests that the importance slightly exaggerated, at least if we mainly care about the long run. 2 The Basic Model Production Technology: Consider a world where types of human inputs- -skill and unskilled labor. The there final is only one final good but two good is produced by combining the two types of inputs using a technology: y where = f(H,L,a) H and L are, respectively, the amount of skill and the amount of unskilled labor used in production, and a is a parameter describing the nature of the technology. We assume that the production function exhibits constant returns with respect to the two inputs together but diminishing returns with respect to each individual input. This formulation also imposes the restriction that all levels of of the insights of the paper by Mookherjee human capital are perfect substitutes and Ray, cited above, is —one that relaxing this assumption introduces an additional source of persistent inequality. Labor Supply: Each person labor. In addition, they own a in the certain economy number is assumed to own one unit of unskilled of units of skills, which correspond to the amounts they invested The no consumption is work or — all it. consumption they do We when people work and earn an income. is associated with for capital. Life Cycle: Agents in this economy live for three periods. In the of their lives, there period human in acquire is in the next period, when they no longer have wage income. In the second and each cohort is the level of = S(h) capital We The labor. human capital. Human Capital: of and (1 human capital is is assumed to be The population human > 0, The second and gf > 0, -§^= < 0,J^ > third assumptions capture the idea that the family atmosphere matters —though at a diminishing easier to acquire skills therefore find it markets for labor and skill wf Except in the this paper we skills, will make next section we Policy Instruments: The ^ > human where 0, is last skilled parents find it assumption imposes the not outweighed by the reduction now have more education and We the assumption of perfectly compet- will make assume that there is financed partly or entirely by a tax on the earning (1 — -y)w^)s(h t+ i, h lump-sum and partly a function t ) is w^ and an educational subsidy of This + being that of capital. E= ("fivj^ t the extreme assumption that there are where sum and h~ 1 The next two assumptions with the price of labor at time no capital markets and no assets other than human is < 7 < easier to educate their children. itive . is js(h,h~) units acquiring the and 0, is us that the cost function tell fact that the next generation will Markets: Throughout 1 is —children of rate. condition that the increased cost from increasing h coming from the capital who capital of the parent of the person increasing and convex, therefore ruling out non-convexities. in cost size 1. ^y)s(h,h~) units of unskilled labor, where § therefore produced using a combination of human capital cost of acquiring h units of — assume that s(h,h). disutility This income can be spent on current consumption or saved and invested stays unchanged over time and unskilled The second assume that labor has no period of their lives they also give birth to exactly one child. Human skills. period first eo + &\E, the amount the family spends on education. of the taxpayer's human taxes are of course standard while the tax on 6 members capital: human of society that T= is 1 To+Tihtiuf . partly Lump- capital earnings will turn out to . be a simple way to introduce redistributive taxation. In order to get sharper limit the number we of cases, will, for results the most part, focus on the case where we and start from a situation where the family was already spending some amount on education and then look at the effect of very small changes in the taxes and subsidies. This allows us to avoid the issue of corner solutions. 10 Preferences: level) outcomes. We allow people to get utility both from private and collective (family- Private outcomes includes both material consumption and symbolic consumption. Material consumption is middle-aged and when one to a person of generation consumption Pt+i his "warm glow" like the who is old: Uf(c t, is t is the consumption of the one final good when one the utility from material consumption accruing Uf, ,Pt+i), where in the last period of his ct is his consumption in middle-age and Symbolic consumption covers things life. of giving to one's children (Andreoni, 1989), pride in having children are well-educated or rich and the pleasure of being able to say that one's children go to an expensive school. In other words, the utility from private outcomes may take the form: Uf = where h t is the human son has a Ph.D."), The utility , { 1W H + consumption {^w H + (1 — y)w L )S(h t+ i) r from collective outcomes, is While U restrictions. In particular, 10 is the amount spent on the education therefore mU M + sl/f. t s=l utility, i.e. relatively general, we have assumed it U = Uf + still t additive separability at a educational subsidies and general income subsidies since even it clff imposes a number of stringent This formulation does, however, come with the cost that there the family could always cut back on what Uf = £«£.+£ w&- represent an individual's total this formulation that of the next ("my the next generation ("my daughter is is is given by s=l let - 7)» l )5(V0), level of to Exeter"). Total private utility &? = Finally (1 capital level of current generation, ht+i c (+1 is the drives a Porsche" and ("my son goes Uf{ht, ht +1 ,ct+1 if is number of different no way to distinguish between the subsidy were earmarked for education, was already spending on education. levels and we have ruled out children caring about the welfare A special case of this is = case where c = 1, S\ <5i altruism" to distinguish 6 S y^ 0, for s > 1, which the standard Barro-Becker formulation of altruism: This = = 6 and 6 S = <5 S for s > from the case where either it we "imperfect altruism". call where symbolic consumption this yields the of parents. ruled out, is i.e., s = We 1. 6S ^ An and standard Barro-Becker preferences, which will call this case "perfect Ss or at least one of 8 S and , even more special case m— is the is a checked that It is easily 1. utility one is function of the form: U = J2^U M (c t+s ,p t+s+ i). (1) t s=0 Inter-generational Contracting: Since each generation may have to rely on edu- cational investment decisions taken by previous generations, inter-generational contracts can potentially play an important role in this analysis. Suppose, for example, generation t has to rely on generation t — human for its 1 does not care about the well-being of the next generation, possible solution is that generation with old-age care (p t ) in return for t But capital investment. if why would generation it t invest? the human capital investment (h t ). This depend on how much he gets to consume, will how much he has a budget constraint, clearly depends on man capital of the next generation (h t+ i). In other words, between generation between generations The same t and generation t +1 and issues arise even t + One contracts with the previous generation to provide would t + 1, will it c( , it clearly provide some incentives to invest. However, the amount of old-age care generation happy to provide —\ t is which, given that he have to invest in the hu- will depend on the contract which, in turn, will depend on the contract 2, etc. when there is some altruism. The basic point is that the preferences of the current generation over future outcomes can be very different from that who has control over that decision. Of course, there could be contracts (implicit or otherwise) between generations which would minimize these issues but there of the generation are obvious difficulties with contracts that span The many generations. fact that there are externalities across contracts suggests that the ideal contract may be one that covers all the generations. Under such a contract, {p t c , t , /i ( +i}t=o° w^ < be simultaneously chosen to maximize as a real contract: It is is ^ X t U t Obviously, one should not think of this . perhaps best thought of as a norm that binds particular dynasty. This This T, is what we will call a all generations of complete contract. One obviously an extreme assumption. alternative would be to go to the i.e., no contracting. Then each generation would have to be assigned control rights over a set other extreme: Simply assume that inter-generational contracts are impossible, We of decisions. impose the sensible restriction that this set should not include decisions about actions taken when they are not of generation t D We living. define the potential control set ={pt-i,Pt,Pt+i,Ct-i,<hiCt-uht,ht+i,ht+2}- t would be an allocation of a subset of D to generation t gets to take the exact corresponding set of decisions. 11 A third alternative, contracting a subset of —we assume that generation D U D t+i t average of their 1 where A . in utilities, Note that = in this t and t + 1 actual control rights such a way that each generation which allows some scope for contracting, to is assume bi-generational are jointly allocated control over such a way that each pair of generations get to take the exact corresponding set of decisions. and t — t The They then choose the contract U + XU +\, t t to maximize a weighted taking as given the contract between generations makes no contracting a t special case of bi-generational contracting 0. The Benchmark: The Beckerian Model 3 3.1 Properties of the Short Run Equilibrium Here we consider the case of our model defined by standard preferences, i.e., no symbolic consumption and perfect altruism combined with perfect credit markets and no contracting. 1. The first two assumptions imply that the preferences of each generation are given by Perfect credit markets "In other words, if amount generation get to decide on a vector Xt+S . t to assuming that anyone can borrow and lend as much gets to decide on a vector X = t {pt- c t . h t } then generation t + s will as they want at the market Under interest rate r. this assumption, each dynasty faces the inter-temporal budget constraint: uJt+i =r t (uj t -c -pt+Wt+ht{l-T )w" -(>yw" + (l-~f)w{')s(h t+u h ){l-e ) + e -T t t l ),Vt. 1 (2) where w t is the starting wealth of the investment ej) represents the in t th The term (710^+ (1 — j)wf')s(ht+ i, h generation. the next generation's human capital measured t ){\- in units of the good. Since there is no contracting, each generation consumption when middle-aged Maximizing the utility dUm {c = 7 <+ t (1 is its and the education (pt+i), 1 6r t dUm{ct+i,Pt+2)/dc t+i ,Pt+i)/dpt+i = 6rtdUm (c t+1 ,p t+2 )/dp t+ 2 - tKMVi, ht)(l - (7<! + (1 future expected level, its own of its child (h t+ i). under Equation 2 gives = us: (3) ei ) (4) - 7)^+1)^2(^+2, ht+i)(l - completely determined by the endowment h t and assigned control rights over ,p t+ i)/dc t t -[tu&iCl -Ti) Note that h t +i and old function given in Equation dUm {c ( (c ( ) is last equation, ei)]. taking as given the current h t+ 2- Remarkably no utility term enters this equation. This has two implications: First, there are no income effects, since the choice of h t+ i is unaffected by whether the marginal utility of consumption parental preferences do not affect the decision to invest in results follow is human high or low. Second, capital. Both these from the fact that under perfect capital markets, the decision to invest human capital can be analyzed entirely in terms of its net present value of person who invests in his son's education today can immediately 10 income in —the borrow back the implied increase in his son's future income and Observation consume 12 it. In a model with no symbolic consumption, perfect altruism, no 1: contracting and perfect credit markets, investment in how much money A I depends on the parents have nor on their preferences. say in the introduction, the main focus here steady state w^ = w(* capital neither Properties of the steady state 3.2 As human outcome is — w H ,io L = w^+1 = w L and h = h t+ = + 6s 2 (h,h) = a position to ask a in ht+2 = = rt h. in the steady state. r i+1 = r, c t — c (+1 , Assuming that such an above conditions reduce to one key condition: 1 now i t ( exists, the are on what happens economy where defined to be a state of the s 1 (h h) We is !~ Tl)/( 1 ei) 7 + (1 — j)w L /w „ ( 6 , number of questions L (5) - Ji about the nature of the steady state. Dependence on Parental Preferences: Preferences enter equation 5 only because they help determine the steady state interest rate, which turns out to be 1/6. Preferences of individual parents Inequality: Is do not enter anywhere into this equation. the steady state perfectly egalitarian or in the sense that different dynasties within the state levels of fixed value of 12 human capital? Or which same economy converge in the data may effects in this look like a wealth therefore raises h t+ i. In fact, the \ to different steady steady states for a w L /w H ? 13 amount of economy, there can be a parental human capital effect: keeping h t+ 2 fixed, lowers the marginal cost of investing h t+ possible inequality persists in other words, are there multiple However, while there are no income effect, is it human in For example, if 5j 2 < 0. an increase in h t , education (without affecting the benefits) and capital in all generations will go up. The increase in causes h t +2 to go up, which causes S2{h t+2 ht+i) to go down, which encourages further increases in , ht+i, etc. 13 We also have to check that the value capital that we would have in the o{w L /xv H so generated is consistent with the amount of human steady state, but we can always choose the production function to 11 The argument, made education, is tells above, suggesting that the children of educated parents get more small enough and the ratio S12/S11 of this paper where S12 = may be us that such multiplicity we focus on is and positive this this choice: First to add to when the dynasties only exists Second, their results. it consequence that S2(0, h) can be human capital. Under the assumption that — for 6 close to 1, less tells level of S12 = human Uniqueness: Do otherwise levels of human capital we need to 0, all dynasties converge to the To In h t+ 2 enters Equations 3 and level of h t+ i. Therefore, everyone up with same average level? To answer + 6s 2 (K h) - (1 8 7 ~ + Tl)/( 1 ~ €l , 1 (l \ -7)p(/i,Q) first. this question = ^ denotes = (6) the steady state relative human 1 S(h)(l - human supply of unskilled labor and capital, the net S(ti)(l - 7), a) - 7) and and h - wL = sense, this is just fL (h - S(/i) 7 1 , - an interpretation of what zero human capital means. 12 capital to the S(h)"f, respectively. Therefore fit. some To derive the function g(h, a) note that in a steady state where everyone has Wh = fn(h - S(%, 1 14 level of h. show that the steady state equation: production sector are given by make that same same identical economies that start with very different average has a unique solution where the function g(h, a) h units of independent capital in every period other than the very eventually end Sl (h, h) to wages. the 14 us that every dynasty chooses the must have the same is we have educated parent even when both see this, observe first that under this condition, neither h t nor which and implying that a more educated parent strictly negative, would have a lower educational expenditure than a 4, when s^ < However, making this separability assumption has the unfortunate of initial conditions. are providing zero 5 namely the case us that the steady state tells if can be shown that the multiplicity are sufficiently impatient equivalent of a Turnpike Theorem, which the case Galor and Tsiddon (1997) have already developed the possibility of multiple steady states we have nothing is large enough. However, in the rest the case where such multiplicity cannot arise, There are two reasons why we make 0. and indeed possible S(/i)(l - 7), a). — What happens when h goes up? Since /() to g(h, a) depends only on the ratio 1 denominator of numerator _Z h UZ Since, homogeneous is by assumption S(h) is of degree one, g(-) increasing in h, the ) this expression clearly goes down when h goes however, potentially ambiguous. However, is, • h if The up. neighborhood of a in the is on the effect steady state, - — d(h S(/i) 7 ) dh . = - - si7- 1 s 27 >1- Si7 , - ^27 = expression on the right is too large there of human number more than one of units of human the relative price of skills will go up. For the rest of the paper into this case and therefore we of h, the per capita is capital to the up when the we will will The all no effect fall in the + = ,1-7 <5 first lump-sum tax r on the long-run e{) is not too much if the subsidy will lead to human level of capital in the is 0, When this a reduction As a result, economy goes never so large that we get that g(h,a) is always increasing as a function capital in the economy. map (Equation 6) with to get the expression — (l-r )/(l-e —gi{h,a). (7 + (i -i)g\h,a)y 1 and Subsidies: We policy experiments. Consider or a — Basically, economy is 1 are ) always positive since s u positive. Therefore, the steady state has to Effects of Taxes e (1 capital to produce. differentiate the steady state , 22 level of In the neighborhood of a steady state this expression are large. assume that subsidy assume 7 51 (h) — Tj)/ capital available to the production sector. respect to h and use the fact that s i2 * <5s human unit of human To complete the argument, we +L increasing in h as long as the is true as long as (1 endowment of human s„ + ^g(h, a) over-investment in education to the point where an extra unit happens, adding an extra unit of in the ) ., (1 words the subsidy cannot be too may be capital costs This positive. is in other 1; 1 i Therefore, in the neighborhood of a steady state, g(h) larger than 6(l-r,)/(l— —ei— _,) - 1 , S22 and be unique. now in a position to look at some a small increase in the lump-sum educational subsidy - Since neither enters Equation 6, they clearly have investment in education, as long as the non-negativity 13 constraint on investment in education Changes and in e\ T\ clearly 15 not binding. is do have an impact on educational investment. checked that the first-best level of investment will be achieved when Tj collection costly, is the to subsidize education optimum is is presumably T\ = e\ = 0. = It is easily e\. Since tax Consequently, the only reason to counteract the effects of pre-existing taxes on human capital. Moreover, an increase in eo financed by an increase in T\ clearly reduces educational We investment. interpret this as saying that than taxes on human if education subsidies are harder to target capital, then the net effect of the subsidy may be to discourage education. 16 Raising Returns to Education: rate of return to education goes up. g(h, a) for all each level of values of h, h: if g(-) We we can look at what happens capture this by assuming that raising This amounts to an increase and can be interpreted as the promoting the adoption of a new that Finally, result, for when the a lowers in the relative price of skills, for example, of a government policy skill-intensive technology. 1 ' It is clear from Equation 6 goes down, h will have to up. Therefore, an increase in the rate of return on education does increase investment in education in this model. Observation has the same and In the 2: human their preferences. benchmark model the steady state is unique. Every dynasty capital level in the steady state irrespective of Lump sum taxes and subsidies have no taxes and subsidies tend to distort investment in human capital. effect, where they started while proportional Higher returns to human capital are associated with higher investment. 15 rate In the short run, however, changes in eo and through it — t , keeping all other policies fixed, do affect the interest investment in education. 16 Once 17 Foster and Rosenzweig (2000) suggest that the green revolution in India was an example of such a again, this is only true if the non-negativity constraint does not bind. policy. 14 Beyond the Beckerian Model: Short Run Proper- 4 ties 4.1 The Role Let us now credits markets are too of Credit Constraints consider a world where there are no credit markets, or at least the existing inefficient to be of relevance to most people. At this point we impose no restrictions on the class of preferences beyond what has already been imposed In this world, people invest in their children's schooling using their family in section 2. resources. Moreover, investing in education to the family. There Therefore, budget constraint its w\ + htw?{l - are, however, also taxes Ti) - (yui? + This constraint holds for every negative in order to make the in and any period (1 t. the only investment opportunity available is t subsidies, just as in the previous section. can be written - l)w^)s{h t+1 ,h t ){l - Moreover, consumption ei is ) as: -p + t e - of investment Marginal Q. (7) credit constraint meaningful. its effect must necessarily across people. = assumed to be always non- This assumption rules out the possibility that the decision to invest in could be evaluated in terms of r on the present value of income alter the distribution of utilities of human capital —changing the level consumption over time and/or consumption must therefore enter the calculation that determines investment in education, and since changes in income have an effect on the marginal utility of consumption, they will affect investment in specifically, L u> t from Equation 7 it is marginal Then utilities at least one of c t t +\ unchanged and Therefore h t+1 must go up. in . eo or Suppose h t+i did t would have to go down. Yet, because of our separability assumptions, new outcome with h investment t More and p would have to go up and the corresponding the marginal gain from additional investment in capital. income (say in current has gone up) must either go into a higher h t +\ or a higher c t or p not go up. the any increase clear that human human An capital. c< in or human capital unchanged and therefore p having gone up, cannot be an optimum. t increase in income must be associated with an increase Moreover the extent to which 15 is it would go up will clearly depend on the and therefore This logic makes relative weight given to these various will typically depend on parental collective preferences preferences. quite easy to formalize, but the wide range of preferences permitted here is notationally cumbersome. it outcomes in the We therefore limit ourselves to stating the implied result informally. Observation 3: As long as credit markets are imperfect, and/or different preferences income levels human capital. two dynasties with will typically invest different This remains true even if there perfect altruism is different amounts in the and no symbolic consumption. The Role 4.2 we go back In this section pand the This is of Non-standard Preferences to the assumption of perfect credit markets, but not entirely straightforward, in particular because even small departures from the Barro-Becker assumption about preferences is ^2 s=0 6 s U M (c +s,Pt+s+\)) t +\. Then generations "^X!s=i ^ S_1 UM ( t Let generations and c t+s, Pt+s+i) , + t ) utility function builds in 1 will t and see this, combine the utility function of generation (A + t + 1 have control over want to maximize which gives them an U M {ctlPt+l + This (i.e., To with the assumption of bi-generational contracting t stead of no contracting). h ex- symbolic consumption and imperfect altruism. set of preferences to allow for the Beckerian formulation can lead to unexpected complexities. t now 6) ^ 8 s ^ s s=0 5 [/ c t ,Pt+i (in- and M (c t+s ,pf+s+ i) + effective utility function: U M (c t+1+S:Pt+s+2 a form of hyperbolic discounting. As ). is well-known from the literature (Harris-Lai bson, 2001) this generates decision rules that are not time-consistent and therefore the current generations, in taking their decisions, The Beckerian model the reaction function of the next set of decision-makers. issue by making the very specific assumption that A = have to take account of avoids this 0. We now consider a model where there is symbolic consumption of educational spending 16 and potentially imperfect altruism: M Uf = U (c t , Pt+l ) + C/ s (( 7 <+ (1 s=l s=l It is assumed here that there are no taxes and implicitly having control over Ct,p +i and h t+ \. As noted above, t U + \U +i contracting. Maximizing "*"(«»«> dc t t maximum us that at an interior Note that s (( and t + 1 subsumes the case of no 7), tells that: x (8) t + 7 (1 + (1 - 7)^+1 )s 2 - 7)^)5! (ftj+i, /»») (1 - <+ (1 in writing consistency issues. This If S12 this t subject to the budget constraint (Equation must be the case it [w?+l {\ - n) - (jw?+1 r t (7«;f To complete the subsidies. assume bi-generational contracting with generation description of the model, -L/' - lM)s(ht+1 ,ht)). )(l - ei - ) ej] - 7 )^L )s(^+i A))(7^f + down is (/7 (+2 ,/?, +1 this condition (1 -7 K )»i(^i.M(l L we have not had e to deal with the time because we assume both perfect credit markets and were not equal to zero, the marginal cost of educational investment S12 = 0. in the future would depend on how much the current generation invested and therefore the current generation's investment decision would have to take account of the responsiveness of future investment to current investment It follows marginal ht+\. from equation 8 that as long as utility, any increase in family XJ M and Us are subject to diminishing income (say ht goes up) necessarily must increase Moreover, parental preferences, given by the nature of the clearly play a role. Moreover, it nature and form of altruism that is evident that the result here we have assumed, 17 UM is and Us functions, uninfluenced by the since these terms do not enter the above condition. The key condition reduces to equation we 4, i.e., is that U^ ^ When U^ = 0: benchmark collapse back to the 0, the above condition case. Once again, this remains true whether we have perfect or imperfect altruism and whether we have no = contracting (A Moreover since symbolic consumption 0) or bi-generational contracting. of other people's material consumption is effectively just a form of altruism, adding this type of symbolic consumption does not alter the result. Finally, while not shown here, it is easy to show that the same result (that we get same results as the benchmark case unless there symbolic consumption of investment is in human capital) holds in the case of multigenerational contracting including the case of complete contracts. This leads us to the following. Observation Given perfect credit markets, there can be income 4: parental preference effects on investment in bolic It consumption of investment in follows from this observation human human capital if and only if effects there is and sym- capital. and the previous one that the evidence of income effects on educational investment (see Jacoby, 1994; Glewwe and Jacoby, 2000; and Carvalho, 2000) can only be interpreted as evidence for credit constraints assume that there is if we are prepared to no symbolic consumption of educational investment in itself. Beyond the Beckerian Model: Steady State Prop- 5 erties Credit Constraints in the Beckerian Model 5.1 5.1.1 We Case 1: Altruism Without Contracting are interested in the long run properties of the Beckerian ending are ruled out. We start with the case contracting with generation that there is t where altruism Model is having control over c ,p +i and ht+ i. t no symbolic consumption. 18 t if borrowing and perfect but there is no We continue to assume Using the budget constraint we can rewrite Ti)w" -(yw^1 + (l-"f)wf )s(ht+i,h )(l-e J t {h to the sequence t (7U& + } 1 ) Yl'tZo +e —T ^u t { c t,Pt+\) as YluLo 6 u(wf' +h t (l- ,p +i). Maximizing this with respect t yields the first order conditions: (1 - 7 )^L_ 1 )s 1 (/i t , ^_i)(l - ej) dU(ct-i,Pt)/act-i = Using the fact that in the steady state q_i ct , Pt — 1 Pt+iiwf — wH = wL and w\ \/t, this reduces to the condition Sl (h, h) which + be recognized as Equation will - 6s 2 (h, h) 6, ~! l)/{ } ~ 6l = 7+ (1 -~t)g(h,a)\ {1 6 0, the steady state condition under altruism and perfect credit markets. It follows that under the assumption that S\2 equalization in the long-run, even though the rich invest capital of their children. Moreover, the steady state and consumption The what they would be 0, there more than the poor unique and the in a first-best world. case^ —lump-sum taxes and subsidies have no and subsidies do have an effect, is complete human investment 18 same as in the and while proportional no taxes and no subsidies remain optimal. The general policy bias that comes from this model matters effect, is in the level of long-run effects of policy in this model, not surprisingly, are the benchmark taxes in the limit are is = is that, at least in the long run, what removing barriers that prevent the returns to human capital from being as high as possible. 19 Case 5.1.2 Complete Contracts with 2: In this subsection we consider This is Altruism the exact opposite model pletely selfish in the sense that parents 18 No do not care at essentially a deterministic version of the result in — a model where people are comall about what happens to their Loury (1981) showing that in the long run dynasties have the same distribution of consumption even in the presence of credit constraints. all 1 lar, The short-run effects of policy are. however, potentially different from the first-best case. In particu- because human capital is not instantly equalized, a subsidy financed by a tax on human capital does redistribute and the resulting increase in the income of the poor will typically increase their investment in human capital and thus hasten convergence. 19 where there children, but out is a complete contract covering all forms of symbolic consumption. In this world, parents all rule stil education will invest in the an imperfect substitute of their children, because the family here acts as We generations. for the missing credit market. In other words, parents invest in the education of their children in return There are several plausible reasons age care. for old be possible typically in lot more about selection; second, there their parents, but who do ties may be their children, social which may limit the may a transaction an economy where there are no other credit transactions: know a be emotional why such for First, parents amount of adverse norms that punish children who do not take care do not apply to those who fail to honor their debts; finally, there of may between parents and children which enable parents to "punish" children not take care of them. Given these assumptions, we can now write down the exact maximization problem facing a particular dynasty at time 0, given that and an obligation capital T,fl Q X t U(c w\ + To see t - T X )wf - (7wf + what happens (1 A[(l human maximize +e - ei) r - p = c u Vt. t ,p t+1 )/dc = dU(c _ u p t t + {\- 1 )wL) s ,(h t+l ,h ){\-e t - ri)wf+1 - (7^+1 + (1 5! (h, h) (9) t above interior solution exists) are: l t )/dp t )dU{c u p t+l )/dc t - 7M+i)s 2 (^+2,/it+i)(l - In a steady state the second equation reduces to the The of in the long-run, observe that the first order conditions for the XdU{c = amount and po and the budget constraint /i - 7 X)s(/i (+1 A)(l - maximization problem (assuming an {~iw? started with ho of po towards its parent. It has to choose {/it,Pi}t=i° t° ,pt+i) given the initial values ht{\ it + Xs 2 (h, h) = X (1 expression defining the steady state level of much more compact ~ Tl)/( 1 , human condition: \ capital 8. . Bl 7, 1 dition as in the case of true altruism, with A replacing 20 e 1 )}dU(ct+ i,Pt+2)/dct A is fall exactly the in A, much same like con- a fall in 8, discourages investment in generation leads to less capital —greater power in the hands of the older education. other properties of the steady state are relatively unsurprising: Under the main- The tained assumption that is human su = 0, there is no inequality in the long-run, and the steady state unique. Moreover, the changes in policy parameters have effects in the same direction as they would have in the case of true altruism. However, a number of new policy issues arise: First, if as-you-go social security system, investment in education will no longer There is is likely to collapse since parents the need for transfers from their children. Second, feel of whether the the government initiates a pay- government should try to no a priori reason why A, alter the it raises the issue balance of power within the family: which measures the bargaining power of the young, should also be the weight children get in the social welfare function. For example, the government may want to maximize steady state welfare rather than the maximand that actually gets maximized. In this case, unlike in the case of true altruism, a proportional subsidy to education or a mandatory schooling law the government may push may be optimal. In other words, people to invest more in education in order to safeguard the interests of the young. Observation 5: The introduction of credit constraints alone do not alter the properties of the steady state as long as there we have either perfect altruism is no symbolic consumption, and and no contracting or complete contracting and no altruism. One might wonder why the results described here do not extend to the case where we have both complete contracting and clear that there will be a steady state perfect altruism. in this case, complete contracting the weight on generation on generation t + 1. 21 t is The problem is that it is not because once we combine altruism and no longer a constant multiple of weight Beyond the Beckerian Model: Symbolic Consumption of 5.2 Human An 5.2.1 To see Capital example what changes with symbolic consumption of human capital, let us start with a case where the analytics are particularly straightforward: Consider a model where parents symbolically consume the issue of amount spent on the human altruism and no contracting. Finally, and that the cost of education from the s(h t+ i,h utility function of t ) constraint (Equation 7). It we assume we assume no that there is With is avoid the by assuming credit markets, i.e., that no age in old we can drop these assumption, each generation maximizes a U M (c + U s ((-fwf + (1 - j)w^)s(h +i)) t start no consumption unaffected by parental education, is function. the form In addition, To education. whether we should consider pre-tax expenditure or post-tax, we that there are no taxes and subsidies. ht child's ) t easy to see the subject to the budget order conditions for this problem first is u,s {{lwf + (i-tKX^+i)) U>M( W L + hw H _ ( F fl + (1 1, - j)w L )s{ht+1 )) which yields the steady state condition s H U' ((jw + (1 U' M (w L + hw H - (jw H Parental preference effect: It is j)w L )s{h)) + (1 - j)w L )s(h)) 1. (10) evident from the form of equation 10 that parental preferences, represented in the intensity of desire for symbolic material consumption will affect the accumulation of human consumption relative to capital even in the long run. Inequality: Both the numerator and the denominator of the expression on the of equation 10 are typically going to be decreasing as a function of h. w left Whether the curve given by this expression slopes up or down depends on which of the two decreases In particular, faster. This is it is not hard to find cases where not always true because for high enough values of h, increases with h. This requires, however, that the family words, it it must be the case that an increase in is goes up and down, generating it is conceivable that the numerator heavily over-investing in education. In other h actually reduces output net of educational expenditure. 22 — the possibility of several solutions, which imply that there can be inequality in the steady state. To more see precisely what constant relative risk aversion, going on here, consider is u(c) i.e., = j^, the case where there first and moreover v(-) = is 6u(-). In this case, condition 10 can be rewritten in the form: w L + hw H ,l.i = ! + (->. L 11 S {-yw + (1 ~i)w )S{h) using the fact that the function S(h) = _ , , checked, It is easily convex, and the fact that S(0) h, = 0, and therefore the value of h that that the left-hand side solves this equation is ni . (11) y s(h, h) is increasing and decreasing as a function of is unique. Consider next the other standard formulation for preferences, namely the constant absolute risk aversion family: i.e., u(c) — 1 — e~ ac and v(-) = 6u(-). In this case, Equation 10 can be written in the form: [w The ' + hw H + 2{{ 1W H + ) - 7 )w L )S(/i)) = a left-hand side of this equation defines a convex function of h. starts than Assuming h). and h = marginal ^ log e 8 and S(h)/h - bequests one at h 2 In both the effect of > oo as h Equation 10 does not actually hold at h utility of states, the — — * oo, There are three potential stationary values of h 1. h2 -w L > strictly less is since bequests cannot be negative, h If 8. S'(0) (12) = 0, it always is CARA stable and — = 0: than the marginal is we have the in this case^ case that = h What happens utility of 0, is h = is h\ that the consumption, but the optimal choice. Of the other two steady and therefore perhaps more worthy of CRRA cases the basic forces are the interest. —there same is an income being more educated, which makes educated parents more willing to invest. This, however, make log e by being downward-sloping but eventually slopes up (because S(h) grows faster in Figure is counteracted by the fact that an educated parent has to invest more just to sure that his child of investment is rising. one or more stationary 21 1 (1 is not Which less educated than he is, and, moreover, the marginal cost of these effects dominates level of h, This source of long run inequality and therefore whether there depends on the exact curvature of the is closely related to that in Galor 23 utility functions. and Moav (1999), though is 21 their Uniqueness: The argument inequality in the long run for capital will also tend to it is high likely that human There preferences. Dynasties that start with will also fail: Given that there capital. An economy we choose CRRA Moreover assume (purely for why = inequality, is number human uniqueness might preferences so that in the long run there convenience) that 7 more human that starts with a large capital dynasties will tend to have a high long-run level of actually a second, independent reason is this reason CARA end up with more human uniqueness paragraphs shows that there can be in the previous is capital. To fail: of highlight perfect equality. Under these conditions we can 1. rewrite Equation 11 in the form: =1 + S(h) ( Both the denominator and the numerator of the know 5 K ratio S that the ratio h/S(h) declines as h goes up since possible that 9 £ 'y increases in h at least over a (13) range a g^ + A are increasing in h. convex. However, is — ', g this will degree of substitutability between skilled and unskilled labor is in Figure 2. There are relatively small. + intuition: Teachers are cheap in an economy where there therefore the same high level of human capital Taxes and Subsidies: dies enter the preferences. e i) bequests buys more level of — e o)- This assumption is g'fA clearly three steady states in this case, of extreme ones are stable. The multiplicity of steady states human is entirely be the case when the therefore quite straightforward to construct examples where the function form given it is capital, lot of It is has the which the two reflects the following a We human simple capital and and as a result the initial how taxes and subsi- reproduced. 22 We now need One possibility to address the question of is that v = v^w" + (1 — 7)iUjL )s(/i t+ i, h says that people count as their bequest the entire t )(l — amount they have spent on education, but not the taxes they have paid which are then spent on subsidizing education. model 22 is An alternative possibility based on Stone-Geary type preferences for would be that people count the taxes they bequest and is This type of multiplicity of steady states, sustained by price Banerjee and Newman (1993). 24 therefore analytically effects, is similar more demanding. to the multiplicity in this case v have paid as part of their bequest. In e i) ~ the first ^o + t + 1 Tihtwf While the second assumption ). on the grounds that of these assumptions we Under the + from effects in this h{\ - )w H - Tl ) is )(l - prefer imagine that peo- difficult to going to pay for the educational hw H + (1 model: An - j)w L )S(h)(l - ~/)w L )S{h){l - ej) - e (1 this expression that Moreover, an increase in At very more conventional, we t assumption, the steady state condition turns out to be: v'{(jw H + It is clear is - j)w^)s(h t+ i,h (1 allow for both. first u'{w L it is payments that ple can identify the part of their tax subsidies, but = v((jwf + r ) ) and a cut in To promote investment and r that leaves the government human increases investment in - e changes in lump-sum taxes and subsidies have long-run increase in eo e + ei) capital. Indeed, deficit any increase in education. = unchanged (Ae in subsidies and taxes that keep everyone's net income unchanged (at the original steady state value of h) will increase investment. This between the increases because people is in subsidy and the increase Under the second assumption, the steady u'{w L + h{\ v'((-yw H )w" - Tl + (1 - (~fw H + (1 -y)w L )S(h)(l model do not make the connection in this in taxes. state condition is going to be: - j)w L )S{h){\ - ei + e - e - e + r + t^w?) ) x r ) _ ) In this case, changes in taxes and subsidies that do not change the public deficit have no effect on investment as long as there the other hand, an increase increase investment in If, however, there is in eo human 1, if where we have no inequality in the steady state. capital (at the expense of increasing the public deficit). inequality in the steady state, changes in proportional taxes there is CARA —and as a no change result there the public in deficit. may be is preferences and multiple steady states. a balanced budget, i.e., e = 25 Tihw H where h , an effect is To i.e., e\ the and on average Consider the case assume that subsidies are lump-sum but taxes are proportional, and that there On without any other changes in taxes or subsidies does subsidies have distributional effects investment even is in Figure simplify matters, = mean and tq level of = 0, human With capital. these assumptions we can rewrite Equation 12 as -w L - hw H + 2(>yw H + (1 - >y)w L )S(h) + 2(h First consider Tx is down 7"i shown left. in Figure 1. An for fixed values of we high values of for the stable steady state at h If wL and the = However, for larger increases in t\, the entire population by making the fixed. effect of 8. an increase ends up at This hi- reduce the elasticity of substitution in in human and h\ vanish, us that higher taxes can bring about tells —so far we have kept the in w L and w H capital holds even when wL and and wH capital, are endogenous. this leads to a large increase capital. fact that the steady state is not unique even when there steady state suggests a different possibility for a virtuous cycle. "bad" steady state, the government borrows subsidy to values production high enough. Therefore, the same Essentially, redistribution here helps start a virtuous cycle The human level of = steady states at h incomplete is mean namely that a lump-sum subsidy financed by a proportional tax on human human in For small changes in T\ starting at h. However, note that we can minimize the changes can increase investment in log e think of the population as being initially distributed across these two steady w L and w H result, . G remains and the stable "good" state as hi moves more investment. However, the argument of w H The and states, it is clear that the effect of increasing T] is to capital. H = - increase in T\ shifts the left-hand side of the above equation low values of h and up for = 0, what happens h)T lW human where there is capital. If the subsidy more and more human money abroad and large enough, this is capital no inequality richer, in the Suppose starting invests can set it at a in a proportional off and therefore investment becomes cheaper and cheaper. As the economy gets and repay the is a virtuous cycle in human capital the government can raise taxes initial debt. Reusing returns to education: The effect of changes in returns to education are CRRA best seen by looking at the steady state condition with g(h,a) + h = S(h) 26 . 1 ,,1^1 + ( 5 K preferences (with 7 = 1): It is clear that a shift in a that shifts g(h, a) down (a skill-biased change), has to reduce investment in education, since at any stable steady state the function 9 ' a / a declining function of investment in education is human h. An human increase in the rewards for capital in this case, because it this from the rewards from education extreme assumption, clearly an is capital always reduces this result derives fact that given the specification of preferences, the size of the While has to be makes teachers more expensive and produced using teachers. Clearly the strength of do not matter to the parents. + |, it not is implausible that parents will care less about the returns to education than about the costs, given that they pay the costs and their children get the returns. Symbolic Consumption of 5.2.2 The problem with this example is no credit markets, no altruism) now Let us — 7)w L ( . ( s )s(/i( +s+1 ))] it The General Case Capital: builds in a in addition to the consider the case where kets into this scenario. (1 that Human we introduce number of assumptions (in particular, assumption of symbolic consumption. and perfect credit mar- perfect altruism Each generation now maximizes Yl s =o P s [U M ( c t+s) subject to the budget constraint As already noted, one 2. of the first-order conditions for this problem which, in steady state reduces It is + (1 - ~f)w L )s(h)) + hw H - (yw H + (1 - -y)w L )s{h)) implies that in a steady state r = ii is (jw H + (1 that U' A1 (c t ) - y)w L )s'(h) = r t (3U' M (c t ' +i), ^ which 1/6. Note that the left-hand side of equation 14 is exactly what we had same reasons may be non-monotonic. The expression on the however clearly increasing as a function of h (because s" likely Equation 8 ii- r easy to show that another first-order condition for the is to: s H U' {(jw U' M {xv L + U s (('yiu^+S + > 0). in equation 10 and right of equation 14 This probably makes is it less that the curves representing the two sides will intersect more than once (compared to equation 10, where the right-hand side In particular, since we is a constant), but is by no means impossible: are essentially free to choose the shape of the U' S /U' M function we can always generate cases where there are multiple steady sates and therefore inequality 27 in the steady state. In terms of the question of the uniqueness of the average level of fact that w L /w H is human capital, the an increasing function of h does make the right-hand side of Equation 14 steeper, which probably goes against multiplicity; but on the other hand, at least in CRRA case, the it also makes the left-hand up more side go which tends to favor steeply, multiplicity. The income fact that there are these multiplicities is clearly related to the presence of strong effects, even in the steady state, and given that these income effects are impor- tant, the distribution of investment. income will matter for the steady state level of human capital Hence, policies that redistribute can improve the efficiency of investment, exactly as in the example above. Observation 6: In the presence of symbolic consumption of steady state may run investment in levels of not be unique. The human history of each dynasty capital as will their preferences. subsidies will affect long run investment in subsidies human may human capital, increase the efficiency of investment in capital, the matter for their long- Lump sum taxes and and proportional taxes and human capital. Higher returns to capital are not necessarily associated with higher investment. consistent with there being perfect credit markets 5.3 may human These results are and perfect altruism. Beyond the Beckerian Model: Imperfect Altruism, Incomplete Contracts The steady state analysis has so far avoided the problems that arise from the fact that the current generation's preference over future outcomes preferences of the generations who have possible. The problem obviously Finally, in the not be the same as the control over those outcomes. of perfect altruism avoids this problem because preferences. may all The assumption generations, in effect, have the also does not arise when a complete example of symbolic consumption same contract in the previous subsection, parents only care about the amount spent on the education of their children, which 28 is is — entirely under their control. However, this issue becomes unavoidable once we depart from the assumptions of perfect altruism and complete contracting and allow each generation to have preferences over outcomes controlled by future generations. To the different generations. what see up a game between In effect, this sets might imply, consider a particularly simple this example which combines symbolic consumption and imperfect altruism: generation reduces to the case where there generation contrast tion t t + cares only about U([ic t ) t 6U(1 — In the case where /x)c t+ i). \i = 1/2, this imperfect altruism but no symbolic consumption, since is if \x ^ 1/2 there is By necessarily an element of symbolic consumption since genera- cares about the next generation's consumption but differently from how generation own consumption. 23 Note, however, that the symbolic consumption here involves the material consumption of others, rather than how much human they have, as in the previous example. As we saw above, this distinction understanding short run behavior interested in whether this is still in a human without symbolic consumption of It is assume that values the next generation's consumption exactly as they themselves do. t cares about their in We true is very important model without credit constraints capital when capital was much better behaved. —the model We are now there are credit constraints. evident that the preferences assumed here build in a conflict of interest between the generations —the current generation cares only about the next, while the next gener- ation cares about the one after. the generations dollar that invest). it Ex This raises the issue of strategic interactions between ex ante each generation would like to promise that gets from post, 24 it will its it will consume every parent's investment (this maximizes the parent's willingness to want to share some of that money with their own children. Since contracts are ruled out, each generation's maximization problem should take account of 23 A potential interpretation of these preferences on the next generation anything to in old 24 age its is for old that each generation age support. The next generation parent, but consumption is is is also selfish purely selfish but depends and does not want to give a family public good and therefore the parent's consumption proportional to his son's consumption in middle age. See Bernheim and Ray (1987) difficulties of is for a different model of this class, which, once again illustrates the working with such models. 29 the next generation's equilibrium decision rule for allocating their earnings between con- sumption and human capital investment. Unfortunately, this gives rise to the possibility To of multiple equilibria, which differ in the decision rule adopted by each generation. limit the number we of equilibria, confine ourselves to looking only at the set of Markov- ian equilibria. These are equilibria where each generation uses a decision rule of the form h +i(h t t ). In other words, the human capital investment by each generation depends only on the amount of human capital that an equilibrium easily checked that such However, economy this by itself since everything does not and A 5.3.1 parent and the index of time. 25 its We tell much about us very t show that for ), the steady states of this which more u(n{w^ + +6u((l - = x — ^4>x 2 ht(l - ri)tuf m)K+i + . Assume in we need to detail. also that s(h t +i,h t ) = (1 - j)wf)s(ht+1 ,h )(l t - T1M+1 - (7^+i + (1 " (1 - «W((1 - ^)c t+1 )(l - ei ) 7KL+i) rx ) - human of time is capital, there is +e - r 1. )) s (^+2, fcn-i)(l /i t+1 7KL M1 - ei) /xJK^l - = as: - eij +e - turns out to be: (15) s{ 1W ?+x + (1 - 7 )<i)(l " ei)§^]. claim, that given our assumptions about preferences technology for The index h t+i and that 7 s order condition for utility maximization with respect to We now 25 - (Twf + fh+iO- u'(^t)M7< + = determined Linear-quadratic Example Using the budget constraint, we rewrite the family's maximand first itself is a specific choice of parameters, h t+ i(ht) this allows us to characterize the solution in Assume that u(x) The It is exists. depends on the function h t+ i(h look at a parametric example: linear got from In order to understand the possibilities that arise in this case, equilibrium. is it and the production a linear solution to this maximization problem. In there to allow for the possibility that path. 30 wH and wL change along the equilibrium r )). + » other words, there that = ^^ rj and t+1 fact that u"(c t ) = = - (1 differentiate = u"(c t+ \) ftwf^w? + (1 —^ This equation defines property that will also ^^ = r/ t l-ei this, assume t - Tl ) ei)(l " ri) - ei )(7< + 5(1 - 7 ( <+ - (1 (1 - 7^(1 - ^^g tKK+i] terms of a set of constants and in i] t+1 be a constant, which confirms that there is 1 ] 2 (16) - As long . as rj t+1 is a solution with the Vt. t, Using the steady state conditions (including the fact that reduces To show ,Vt. r) Equation 15 with respect to h to get (using also the 7K Ml - - = </>): ^^[^(1 - a constant, ^j^1 -^ a solution that takes the form is = rj t = 7] t+1 77), Equation 16 to: *rr^i (7 (i - l-/z ^r^'") *"<— 1-ei 1 f 7)9W ) = l 1 2 i (7 + - ,),(*» - r ~ ei \ 12 "r^r'"' or S where h is the average The two 8r) _ 2 "(l^) + amount of 1 - Ti ^l-e human 1 l (7 1 + (l-7)#)) economy capital in the is close to zero and increasing zero for high values of for 77 Therefore, 7/. in the equation there must be a second. In Figure 77 and 77. Note that both more education The 77 will 77 and 77 for The right-hand any side, fixed value of h. It neighborhood of zero but decreases towards there if tj steady state. in the sides of this equation are represented in Figure 3. represented as H(rj), defines a non-monotonic function of (17) 1 is 3, are positive: at least one value of 77 that solves this these two steady states are identified as As in the previous models, parents with have children with more education. multiplicity of possible values for means that each generation responds 77 to is not particularly surprising an increase stantially increasing investment in its children's 31 in its human — a high value of own human capital. capital by sub- This amounts to saying that the current generation of the middle-aged get a low rate of return on their investment in children which may responsive to their We do not lead them own human may to invest less, but capital. take a stand on which of This is and rj r\ what is also make their investment gives us the multiplicity. The the right solution. using the stability properties to eliminate solutions is more usual method of problematic here given the complex, forward-looking dynamics associated with Equation 16. However we can say something more about the properties of rj. Rewrite steady state condition 15 in the form = S and combine it 8 1 e£M I with equation 17 to Sn 1 — T\ ~ ei 1 (7 «V) 77 > 1 if _jl, A an even larger increase if ji ' > 1/2. positive shock to h t+ i, and so in which corresponds to the case, not implausible where the balance favors the (19) y l-fi and only dynastic trajectories will tend to diverge: state, will generate (1 get: V((l-/i)c) This immediately implies that + ~ 7)gW) elderly, is better on. In the case where h t , will focus where /j = on the case where 1/2, which is fj, < 1/2 and the case where there consumption. In this particular case it is is 1 The case where /i < 1/2 in the context of developing countries behaved since 77 > starting at the steady it implies 77 case, dynasties will return to their steady state values following a shock. we 77 < 1. Note that < 1. In this Henceforth, this rules out the case only imperfect altruism and no symbolic evident that 7/ = 1 and there is no symbolic consumption. Finally, observe that the steady state condition 18 is not unlike the corresponding condition for the first-best case, the one difference being that 8 has been replaced by naLLLnzl It is not clear how these numbers compare since there is no reason why :+S V (1-M)u'«l-M)c) the 8's should be the same, but from 1/2, it can be shown that if they were the same, then, at least for 6 u ,. ( > , 8. \i not too different In other words, a result of the strategic :+Sr) (1-m)u'((1-m)c) interaction between the generations is that there 32 is underinvestment in education. Parental Preference Effect: Parental preferences mination of human ,"' (mc through the term T) \ , clearly play a role in the deter- and therefore have an , on investment effect in capital even in steady state. Inequality: These different values of will typically lead to \i < They long-run inequality in the sense that those dynasties will have ferent steady state levels of as long as represent different dynastic strategies. 77 consumption and human = 1/2, u u^°\ c) ^^Zfz^ 19 that in this case, high values of 77 \ is c capital. increasing in c. To It dif- see this, observe that follows from Equation be associated with low values of steady state will consumption. 26 Uniqueness: As suggested steady state, the presumption in the previous sub-section, is 77 is inequality in the that there will also be multiple steady states: Intuitively, an economy which starts with only high which starts with only low once there dynasties will be different from an economy 77 dynasties, even in the long-run. However, as before, it is also worth checking whether there can be multiple steady states without any inequality. In equation 18, there is yet another possible source of multiplicity. more involved discussion than we strating multiplicity will require a here. However actually demonfeel is appropriate We therefore confine ourselves to explaining the logic of the construction: Suppose h were to go down for some reason. This pushes the curve up in Figure 3 because g(h) goes down. As we know, the all dynasties started with has to go up (assuming tells \i 77 < = 77, 77 77 depends on the initial initially 1/2), contradicting our premise that everyone was at pushing h down. There The is 77. The reasoning "positive feed-back" basic intuition for the multiplicity there are two equilibrium values of Since c is value of Assuming 77. goes down, which means that in the steady state, h us that there cannot be multiple steady states in this case. where 2e has on effect this 77. An is , is exactly the h had gone up. This Now consider the case same but now goes up, 77 creating the possibility of multiplicity. closely related to the explanation for increase in h lowers the rate of return to why human typically increasing as a function of h, this implies that high values of the marginal propensity to invest in education will go with this implies that high values of 77 will less overall investment. Moreover, since h t+ i(h t ) go with low values of h :va . = ho+rjht, capital, when which has both an income and a substitution effect the income effect dominates. human Taxes, subsidies and returns to capital: do not enter Equations 17 and 19 and therefore have no values, of and 77 L c. However + e — To, 7)tu )(l -ei) lead to a fall in be to increase be a An 18, fall c in 77 since in steady state c h for any fixed and an increase in c and which c, \i who started at those who started at < know whether this Figure in 7: human + (1 — None This will 77, the effect will initially at there 77, fall in raises and reduces < 77. For 1/2). For h though we do not yet 77 the effect = is an always positive, but 77. of the long run properties of the Beckerian we introduce imperfect \jl effect. logic also applies to the case of 77, when 77 h (assuming initial fall in The same negative the standard disincentive which capital. Starting at it is is uniqueness, the effects of taxes and changes in the return on hold once sh{^/w H which can be seen from equation /7, 3, a further would counteract the rule the possibility that Observation initially at who were 1/2). For those the net effect can be positive. increase in the return to we cannot on the steady state direct effect who were are fixed. This this will lead to 77, 77, 77 down also pushes the curve those subsidies h. under the assumption that c and it and raises the curve in Figure 3. increase in T\ has a direct negative effect on However taxes = w L + hw H (l —T\) — For those 77. and h (again assuming both Lump-sum an increase in the net (lump-sum) subsidy to the household sector will lead to a decrease in will Investment goes up effect. human altruism, incomplete contracts model (equality, capital) necessarily and symbolic consump- tion of other people's consumption. This result namics of unstable. this We is, however, relatively tentative, since model —the steady we have yet to understand the dy- state with the perverse properties also looked at a very special may be example and we do not know how results generalize. 34 globally far these Conclusion 6 The main point of this paper was to underscore the important differences between the implications of alternative ways of modeling the family in a world where educational investment is largely financed by the family. In part, this suggests that we need more theoretical research aimed toward putting some structure on the nature of family decision-making. Rangel (1999) is one example of this type of work, arguing that the requirement that the implicit contract within the family be enforceable imposes important restrictions on the family's choices. In part, it suggests an empirical agenda aimed toward identifying and testing the peculiar implications of these and other models of the family. 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