Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/rationalbehaviorOOdeke working paper department of economics RATIONAL BEHAVIOR WITH PAYOFF UNCERTAINTY Eddie Dekel and Drew Fudenberg Number 471 October 1987 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 RATIONAL BEHAVIOR WITH PAYOFF UNCERTAINTY Eddie Dekel and Drew Fudenberg Number 471 October 1987 Rational Behavior with Payoff Uncertainty Eddie Dekel and Drew Fudenberg* October 1987 ABSTRACT The iterated deletion of weakly dominated However, requirement for 'rational' play. the players have no doubts about doubts are introduced, deletion of all that weakly dominated strongly dominated. their strategies has this been advanced as necessary a requirement relies on the assumption that opponents payoffs. We show can be justified by an appeal to rationality strategies, followed by once such that one round of is iterated deletion of those which are This extends the Fudenberg, Kreps and Levine (1987) study of the robustness of Nash equilibrium refinements to the robustness of solution concepts based only on common knowledge of rationality. between various notions of what * Univerisity of California, Berkeley work was begun while the means for and Massachusetts second author was port from the Miller Institute and the it NSF is at the Our results also payoff uncertainty Institute of clarify to 2009749 relationship be 'small'. Technology, respectively. University of California, Berkeley. gratefully acknowledged. the This Financial sup- Introduction Nash equilibrium and tainty," in the sense that regarding how the game refinements describe situations with its each player knows and will be played. While is little or no "strategic uncer- correct about the beliefs of the other players' sometimes be the case, this will it also interesting is to understand what restrictions on predicted play can be obtained using only the assumption that is common knowledge that the players are rational. Bemheim (1984) and Pearce (1984) have argued that these restrictions are captured by the concept of rationalizabilily. notion that is of iterated deletion of strongly dominated strategies, which rationalizabilily.^ games While (correlated) has been argued that it extensive forms it rationalizabilily does not capture (Bemheim (1984, Section 6(b)), all be that is the be appropriate for generic normal form the implications of 'rationality' in non-irivial common knowledge of rationality might seem given by backwards induction. Nash equilibrium refinements are not 'robust' in the unreasonable. Now the way a player should on how he expects the opponents sistent with the players initial for the deviation is that some out of equilibrium play If ihe observed play lo date is not understanding of the game, one plausible inference the deviator's payoffs are different than that They then characterize satisfy strong equilibrium refinements) Extensive form players entertain is Werlang (1984). is discussed in Aumann small their ex-ante which can doubts of rationality, and equilibri- (1987), Brandenburger and Dekel (1987),' and about "justified" for different classes of such doubts. common knowledge reason FKL Correlated rationalizability, in contrast to rationalizabilily, does not impose the restriction thai each player believes the other players' strategy choices are independent. The relationship between solution concepts that ihe con- had originally been supposed. the sets of equilibria by allowing these rationalizabilily concepts, formal definitions of as respond to a deviation by hisAier opponents depends to play subsequently. model these inferences by supposing opponents' payoffs. FKL) have argued following sense. refinements succeed in restricting the set of outcomes by rejecting um more general equivalent to correlated Recently, Fudenberg, Kreps and Levine (1987, henceforth referred to as that A Pearce (1984, Section 4)) For example in games of perfect information the only solution consistent with to may it Tan and (made to -2- The question of what players should infer from behavior they did not expect restricted to equilibrium analysis: Rosenthal (1981), Reny (1985), Basu (1985) and In this paper alone. we adopt the the payoffs are different than FKL not of rationality explanation that the reason for the imexpected play had been supposed. Thus we are is Binmore (1987) common knowledge discuss this issue in the context of solution concepts based on occur to is that led to characterize the implications of small imcertainties about the payoffs for the predictions that can be based on the assumption of We 'rational' play. maintain that the assumption of payoff uncertainty here than in the equilibrium context. assume that the payoffs are This is if anything, because correlated rationalizability and common knowledge, its more apt refinements but allow the players to have imprecise and incon- sistent beliefs (inconsistent in the sense that they many is, may Yet disagree) about each others play. situations with substantial strategic uncertainty, the common knowledge in of payoffs assump- tion is suspect as well. There are two modeling issues which need First, a to be considered in order to achieve our objectives. sharp notion for the implications of rational behavior must be given for the games with small doubts. We chose the notion of iterated deletion of weakly dominated clearly incorporates the intuitive objectives of rationality postulates.^ strategies'^ since The second modeling related to the assumption of consistency. In the rationalizability approach to modeling uncertainty players are allowed to have inconsistent beliefs about each others' strategies. seems natural to allow them to have inconsistent doubts about each others' payoffs, so issue it is strategic Hence it we consider both the case of inconsistent and consistent beliefs. These modeling issues emphasize the various solution concepts given game. a sider. Briefly, is fact that the which sequence of games in evaluating the are to be considered we good approximations of say that a sequence of games converges weakly to a limit that the if we each game con- in the only difference between the games This is similar lo the use of strict equilibrium by FKL. The relationship between backwards and forwards induction (two primary notions of and weak dominance is discussed in Kohlbcrg and Menens (1986). . robustness of Section 2 introduces our model and explains the notions of convergence sequence has the same "physical extensive form," so ^ key question rationality) is in the beliefs the limit about the payoffs, and moreover almost game. The sequence converges strongly all types have almost the almost if types have exactly the all weak dominance with Section 3 proves our main result: The closure of iterated strong convergence described above the weakly dominated strategies.'* The strategies, is the set we call same payoffs \WIZ. This set is computed same payoffs. respect to the by deleting first and then continuing with iterated deletion of strongly dominated intuition for this result is the following: and so by our rationality postulate will not second round of deletion players must know Each player knows his/her own payoffs, In order to do a choose a weakly dominated strategy. that all the others will not choose certain strategies. small amount of payoff uncertainty caimot alter strong dominance relationships, but can break ones, so that after the round we can only proceed with the iterated deletion of strongly This result suggests reconsidering the intuition that since anything inated strategies. iterated deletion of weakly dominated anything might occm" goes to first is as in strategies is appropriate. The point is that if may A weak domoccur the reason that because of uncertainty about the payoffs, then iterated weak dominance far. Section 4 shows that weak convergence with respect to extensive form payoff perturbations. also considers the closure of a slightly more IWIZ which yields the set To facilitate is the closure of IVV/Z comparisons with FKL, Section 4 restrictive version of iterated weak dominance, namely the iterated deletion of strategies that are never strict best replies. Section 5 discusses the altemative interpretation of the how unexpected, and the robusmess program two interpretations in terms relate to of how our two definitions of convergence. more, using the notions of lexicographic beliefs derived Dekel (1986) it is * In in argued that the distinction between the two notions of convergence IWIZ two person games lowing for correlation — cf. Section 6 gives this coincides with Bernheim's (1984) extension of trembling hand perfec- footnote 1. For n person games this differs is analogous some examples solution concept. tion to the context of rationalizability. Further- Blume(1986) and Brandenburger and between perfect and sequential equilibrium. to the difference help explain the players interpret strategies which were from Bernheim's notion by al- to Perturbations, Elaborations, and Convergence 2. Since this paper examines some implications of "small" amounts of payoff uncertainty, a crucial issue is to consider what forms of uncertainty are small. A definitions for the convergence of sequences of games. physical the is common those explicitly specified cisely, Y with tree e we begin U = {f\ formalized by using different basic premise throughout the paper with a in the given extensive form) are about each others' payoffs. finite / player game of perfect recall, representative nodes y, terminal nodes f:Z -^ R } foT each player E. information sets z, game E This t' H, and We assume of E, for each possible^hoice node y of Y then just //'(}') The X that each player move is / utility denoted by at (j, r) for all r played. Each summarized by is is £ called and "personal has one copy of Y move at Similarly ;'s information at node y is tree ? e T = Yl^'- e T. t is utility function, (This function. a utility function £ informed of his/her is U. The game identify T' with by Nature, which (s)he has a of If pl^yer / has a {;'). beliefs of each player tional beliefs v'(-|r') T'. we can game have doubts about the the players that which nature randomly chooses in receives no information regarding the other players' types" in FKL.) Therefore pre- a utility function u' and then an extensive form with the same structure as e T'. their More prescribes a player's beliefs about the true payoffs, about his/her opponents' information, etc. the players' type that /. E payoffs by considering "elaborations" for each player, is knowledge, and the only doubts the payers entertain (other than Following Harsanyi (1967-68), we model the idea u' is form (who moves when and the players' information regarding extensive opponents' actions) This on the set / arc derived T~' from s FTr-' of For technical reasons the measures p' and pure strategies of player / in game £ is a prior p' on the set T, which determines condi- the other players types and marginal beliefs v' are denoted S'. assumed to have finite support. The ^[' on set of Player z"s mixed strategies are denoted by o' € Z' H A(5'), and beliefs over S~' are denoted by c~' e AiS~'\ where A(A') is the set of probabil- ity - 5 - measures over X. we In general in this paper denoted £„. To E games and sequences of elaborations of E, distinguish between the strategy sets, utility functions, etc. in the elaborations and the game £, we add pure strategies of citly as will be considering / ~ and a in £„. To £„ a subscript of n to the appropriate symbol, eg. S'^ denotes the further emphasize the distinction the game an argument, eg. [W'{E„) denotes the of weakly dominated strategies in the game £„. set of strategies of When may be added which survive / in expli- iterated deletion discussing a particular elaboration £„ it will occasionally be necessary to refer to the utility functions or strategy choice of a player in a particular version of Uie game, that is when each player is This of a particular type. is done by including the type explicitly as an argument, eg. C^(f', /"') denotes the utility function for player of type f'. Since this from the notation. utility does not depend on the version, of the other players Finally, the support of the limit of the beliefs the support of the limit of the beliefs v^(- Now we tj^pes | r') will ji'^ be denoted by m'(r') which we call weak convergence, has that the payoffs are "almost" as in the original close utility functions, and the former is almost one to the payoffs being close c will (The latter a probabilistic .statement to those in the original related notions of convergence are immediately apparent. / is <z T', and T~' be used. the interpretation that each player game. when will drop r~' denoted by m' is can formalize the different forms of convergence which we : is The weakest "almost" sure "almost" requires a definition of ~ each player attaches probability game). One might Two suonger, and closely require that the players are "almost" sure that their payoffs are precisely as in the original game; or that they are absolutely sure that the payoffs are "almost" as in the original game. convergence and convergence in payoffs respectively. These two notions will In this section only strong be examined, since the results are most intuitive and simplest to prove for be called strong convergence will this case. The other notions, which will be discussed the next section, are important both for clarifying the relationship of this paper with FKL, and to help understand certain issues related to the re.sults in this paper. In addition to the importance of distinguishing between various notions of convergence, it is important to consider the implications of assuming different restrictions on the information structure For example, of the games of incomplete information. in the context of consistent priors, FKL con- sidered the implications of assuming that the players' beliefs over each others' types are indepen- dent (whereas in the "personal types" model p need not be a product measure). With independent types player /'s observation of y's play can not effect /'s beliefs over k's type. examine with care the role of assuming consistent priors (p' = p, for all This of our results hold with either consistent or inconsistent priors. we Interestingly, several /). is In this paper because the effects of inconsistent priors over the payoffs can be duplicated by appropriately specified inconsistencies in Thus, while the conceptual distinction between the players' beliefs about each others' strategies. strategic uncertainty (beliefs about the strategies) and structural uncertainty (beliefs about the payoffs and other parameters of the game) tor' in Brandenburger and Dekel (1986) where without loss of generality is assumptions about one of these kinds of imcer- from assumptions about the other. tainty cannot be separated can be found is clear, whereas once consistency is when it is Another discussion of similar issues shown that the existence of a 'media- beliefs over a state space are allowed to be inconsistent, required this is In that paper a limited no longer the case. form of consistency in the beliefs over the spaces of strategic uncertainty (namely the existence of a mediator) is achieved by shifting the inconsistency to the beliefs over the state space. the distinction between Propositions 3.1 and 3.2 below clarifies, the beliefs over the type spaces can be achieved (in Proposition 3.1) only inconsistency over the beliefs over ilie strategy spaces. So when In this paper, as consistency the players in by incorporating the latter is it into an ruled out (as in Pro- position 3.2) the consistency of the beliefs over the type spaces can no longer be achieved. In order to state our main result strong convergence must be defined. simpler for the case of consistent priors, so the limit of /j^ limit of the common (which in we the consistent case prior /7„). The set start is with that case. f '. is definition is the support of equal to the support of the marginal on T' of the of possible types of often be termed "sane" types iind denoted by Recall that m' The / according to the limit beliefs will Clearly in the consistent case f' = m' DEFINITION A 2.1: sequence E„ of consistent elaborations of E converges strongly to E (£„ — £)if: (a) (i) \T'(E„)\ < <B (b) \u'^\ (ii)For all 7'' bounded in n, E and Note the limit. With f~'. where all this u[(t'') if: (ii) that every "sane" type for all for all e f', Thus E„ -^ M t' (i) / /i, and = n; u' the number of types and the set of types with payoffs different than those in (with the obvious E has probability zero in because of the assumption of consistency the conditional beliefs v„(-|r') of m f' are that the other players are very likely notion of convergence versions in the absolute value of the piiyoffs are uniformly £ we are treating as identical a have the same payoffs as mapping of £. in be "sane," so that m'{t') c game E and an elaboration E to So the two games in Figure are identical 1 This way, each type plays a pure strategy, but strategics of player 2). a player can have a nondegenerate belief over the strategies of the other players (because beliefs over their types DEFINITION lim £ is 2.2: nondegenerate) which A ^i^,{t)^U[') is sequence of strategies = equivalent to them playing a mixed strategy. d'„ will be said to converge to a' (written &'„ -^ a') if o'. This notion of convergence requires that player /'s play converge to cr' at everj' (even those which are not reached by g' regardless of the other players' strategies). information set Iteraled 3. A u'(s' is strategy a~') for , s' all is weakly dominated a~' e A{S~'), and (i.e Damme there is the inequality another strategy for is strict such that u\s', a~') > s' some <j~' . Any strategy which s' full support belief the support of a~' is S~') over i's opponents strategies (Pearce (1984, Appendix B), Van is said to be admissible, and is a best reply to (1983), Gale and Sherman(1950)). Kohlberg and Mertens (1986) provide the following argument in support of iterated weakly dominated) their if if some not weakly dominated, a~' Weak Dominance and \WIZ as a weak dominance minimal solution concept. First note that if the players are imcertain in fact that admissibility itself is a basic postulate consequence of uncertainty about the environment. under uncertainty which lead to this postulate, between strong dominance and expected a in way which is analogous to Blume provided in burger and Dekel (1986) and Luce and Raiffa (1957).) In any case if to — of decision theory and not only a Axiomatic characterizations of preferences utility rationality, are opponents payoffs, they should not expect them of (Kohlberg and Mertens environment, they should never play a weakly dominated strategy. (1986) argue which are (that is, ileratively deleting strategies the relationship (1986), Branden- the players know their play a weakly dominated strategy, and thus each player should only play strategies which survive two rounds of deletion of weakly dominated strategies. If the denoted W. payoffs are More common knowledge generally kWlZ is used this argument leads denote the to to iterated set of strategies remaining of simultaneous deletion of weakly dominated strategies, followed by strongly dominated strategies. example IWIZ. Each of denotes the projection of WTien k or these sets kWIZ on is / is infinity there would argue, is is convenient to rounds rounds of deletion of use / (for iterated), for kWlZ' ;'s strategy space. sequence of ne:u-by games, and any strategy if is / after k a Cartesian product of strategies for each player, so Proposition 3.1 below says that any strategy' in Thus it weak dominance, in IW for WVIZ is close to a strategy in nearby games is IW for close to a strategy in some IWIZ. "small" payoff uncertainty in the sense described by strong convergence (as, typically the case) then ruling out any strategy in IWIZ is questionable, even if we we -9- agrce to rule out PROPOSITION —> E, and strategies PROOF: Only tI, 3.1: s' = [r', f '), fW when not in all strategies e IWIZ'(E) rW{E„) e s'„ if and only such that where «'(r) = p assigns probability Thus, ment is s'. So among / only if We when £„ in claim sane or all IW{EJ = that: Step J: is', s') € W{E„). that equivalent to a £„ is is / is strategy choices. The common and for each player r', s;me and hisAier play crazy, all J' full is 1. {{J' , s') / s' J' e 1U7Z'(£) best reply to d~' support belief over S . ~'. when Such probability c So crazy. is when Since, / sane, is hisAier beliefs over S ~' by ordered this ele- first (the pairs implies the steps. W'{E), there (3"',^') where the eS'J Obviously s' the all that all the others are crazy beliefs are denoted € 1U7Z'(£), prior the other players are crazy. all we can consider Proving the claim involves two Since a | Let constructed. can either be a "sane" type (with payoffs as written as an ordered pair {a'„, a'„) is sane, and the second part of Proposiiion A(5~') such sequence of consistent elaborations E„ being of type / opponents strategies) as elements of A{S~') x A(S"'). a„"') a all his/lier players) to the event that only his/her opponents are either (ct„"', is /(n-l)/(/(n-l)+l) and the conditional probability is play I's —> 0. to all the players a? Player /'s strategy l/(/(n-l)). there sane, Ihe conditional probability v'„{-\t') that (s)he assigns to the event that is / players are sane is - number of the when 1 = and u'{t') u' E), or "crazy" and completely indifferent is si, if In this direction of the proof the sequence of elaborations If: in l/nl (/ common knowledge. payoffs are exists a full support belief a"' a best reply For future reference let to a be (a~',a~') which e is the smallest weight assigned to any pure strategy s~' by a~'. Step 2: If need to (J', s') show superset of e nyiZ'(£) x S' that (J', s') IWIZ-'{E) x is then (J'', i'') e 2W{E„). a best reply to a full support belief S"'. Since j' e lVyiZ'(£) there is This can be seen as follows. over H''~'(£„), which by step a a"' e UV~'(£) to which 1 We is a J' is a 10- - best reply. Specify that the sane types of the opponents play <y~' with probability small and is specified below), and with support distribution ct"' such a strategy a'~' over that the all complementary probability P the sane types play any the strategies in IW'iE). The opponents /(/i-l)/(/(;j-l)+l) (1-1/N)(1-/3)<t~' is (l-l/N){l-p)a~' j3(A^-l)[CT~' Step 2 can now if will be iterated (l-l/A^);36-~' to full crazy types of the opponents play and a~') show This suggests that strategy could be deleted (For convenience set A' . The induced + {\/N)(r"' which we want This that if (I', s') a~' is l/N.) by achieved is be a probability measure as long as that in step 2 the fact that J' J' is a best reply. that + cr'~' = l-\/N, and l/(/(«-l)) = [l-(l-l/A^)(l_/3)]a"'. - d~'] which Remark: Note which + is weighted average (weighted by the probabilities of the crazy and sane opponents, and of the sane opponents playing d~') of s l{n-l). Then 1-^ {where p j3 setting a"' equal to a~' + = (s', s') g rw'{E„). fmding o~' e 1W"'(£) to not have found an elaboration to "justify" s' e liyiZ'(£) was used by strong dominance. payoffs should not be able to undo the iteration of be to < a/{N-\). e IWIZ'iE) x 5" then we could strategy for j's strict in Intuitively, "small" uncertainties about dominance, so should be necessary for a characterization of the "closure" of fH^. This that the IWIZ IZ step in verified in the proof of is the "if direction below. This direction also involves two steps. If: Step I: is e si, ni"(£J a best reply to 2^v^(r~' r implies s\7') e some full -» 1U"(£) for ')cr~'(r~') w'hich is a full support belief same € f. This follows from the fact support belief a~' over S~'. Hence x'„{r') I (s)he is of type t' is the all 7' a best reply to is over S~'. Since player /'s as his/her utility function in £, clciirly 7'„ is that J'„ utility function d~' = when not weakly dominated in £. Step 2: O' ' = s'„ € nVlZ(£„) implies s"„{7') g 2W(£). y^5~'{r'')v^{r~' \t') for some 5~' which is We know that J'„{7') is a best reply to supported by strategies in U'~'(£„) since some J'„ e 11 - As noted 2W'iE„). earlier, by condition - of the definition of convergence in types v„{t~'\t') (ii) converges to a measure supported by f "', i.e. same payoffs for those types t~' it £. Further, by step 1W~'(£). belief over step) as in Taking limits has been shown that ?„(/') now be iterated to The reason now is a is / in the definition best reply to lima"' almost certain that the others have the of a~' which we know f~' in (in the is that after In step a~' was found, but 1 second sentence of is a this supported by IW~'{E), hence show that s'„it') is an element of 1W/Z'(£). ^' it is D one round of deletion of weakly dominated strategics only strongly dom- inated strategies could be deleted follows from the difference between steps the proof. that d„{t~') dominated within UV"(£). s'nit') is not strongly Step 2 can 1, player the possibility of crazy types of j full ^ and 2 a~' which has full support. support within \W~'{E): It's support a best reply to a strategy does not have 1 and of course i, its may have limit in the //part of In step 2 a similar larger because of is smaller support than IW-'(E). Since the solution concept used here involves iterated deletion procedures for inconsistencies in the su-atcgic beliefs of the players. position 3.1 a players' beliefs in steps 2 and 1, particular, in the first step the crazy types in iterating the else. The is of step 2 need not be the same. In to play d~' , in the second step o'~', and second step the beliefs over the opponents would be different each time. very similar to the hierarchies of beliefs think that j proof of the "only if part of Pro- In the in the iteration were e.xpecied inherently allows it in Bemheim's playing a certain strategy, but ; definition of raiionalizability, thinks j thinks / thinks that J is where This i is may playing something srraregic beliefs are not consistent. Tliis suggests that allowing in addition for incon- sistent beliefs over the rypes will not change the result, as Corollary In order to formalize the inconsistent case the definition of be extended accordingly. Recall that in Definition 2.1 the 1 below confirms. convergence of elaborations must common prior p was used in defining the 12 set r' = m' of possible types of player we then required that for any player game. When expanded definition of type r' . to ask /, whether we If so then any player in t' f' had the same payoffs as in the original Of we will define f to require that r' as follows. some permutation of players /:, /, ;,..., converges strongly when conditions extended definition of f'. If k, (i) t'' I, and 7" (so z's prior should also be in t' / thinks j tliinks m'', then (ii) i' t' e e m''{t''), t' f. A want all However we use an r-' in m\ if f '. Continuing ... k thinks / e m'{t') ,..., r-' thinks a iieratively, may be has payoffs as in the original giime E. e still must asymptotically assign Furthermore, for any in £). player h thinks (in the limit) want c we want m' course We too weak. is have the same payoffs as in E. has positive probability in the limit, then we need t 7"'. in the limit to / having the same payoffs as to 1 types all / For a sequence of elaborations to converge the player's priors differ this convergence requirement the possible types of player probability in the limit. /' r* of type Formally, for e m'(r') for general sequence of elaborations then of Definition 2.1 are satisfied with respect to the Since the two definitions of f' coincide when p' = p for all;, the extended definition of convergence agrees with the previous one when beliefs are consistent. COROLLARY strategies s'„ PROOF: The 3.1: s' s 1U7Z'(£) e /U'"(£„) such that J'„ proof of Proposition above. The "only if direction if is 1 and only -4 if there is a sequence of elaborations E„ -^ E, and s' proves the corollary also, exactly the same. The when 7" is of 7' in the inconsistent iterative definition case corresponds to the iteration applied in the proof of the "if direction. redefined as discussed D 4. - 13 - Payoff Perturbations and Strict Best Replies. This section discusses the implications of using weak convergence, instead of strong conver- The gence, to characterize "small" doubts. may have payoffs would expect, strategies in u'„ is that in to the payoffs u' in survive FW in nearby games. In fact, llie more sequences of elaborations converge is £, instead of to a given resulting set we denote respect to extensive form payoff perturbations, which IWIZ weak convergence 1 never a convergence and u' for all n. strict best reply, but the converse strict best replies we is in As one is that the closure of is game £) we can show the iterated deletion of strategies which are never strict best replies. is = IWIZ more with WJZ. Moreover (again because close to a strategy which satisfies a stronger requirement than dominated u'„ the types in f' consequence of allowing more convergent sequences of elaborations the E which converge difference DV A in any strategy that in nearby games, namely strategy general false. are also able to clarify the relationship which is weakly In considering between our weak results and those of FKL. To understand biliry. In the results of this section Brandenburger and Dekel (1987) as a posteriori equilibrium is it is it helpful to review briefly a result shown (Aumann 1974) which is that correlated rationalizability is the same roughly the same as a Nash equilibrium with a subjective correlating device (about which the players may have So, an alternative to I\V as a refinement of IZ introduced. on rationaliza- inconsistent beliefs) explicitly Nash equilibrium look at strict condition (i) of Definition 2.1 holds, is to with subjective correlating devices. DEFINITION 4.1: E„ converges £ in payoffs to p _ (£„ -? £) if and: (ii) For all t' DEFINITION eT\ 4.2: illit') Two -^ u' strategies for player / arc cquivalcnr if Uicy lead to the distribution over endpoints for all strategies of the opponents. A Nash same probability equilibrium (i'',..., s') is - each players' strategy strict if not equivalent to LEMMA than any other strategy strictly better against s~' ~ If best reply (up to equivalent strategies) to i'' is not weakly dominated then each elaboration £„ so in knowledge. Let u'„{z) = u'{z)+\ln on all it some a~' e is p a best reply to is the that endpoints utility z some s~' with full support. functions (defined next) are reached by E where A(5~'). s' and a"', and u'„{z) 4.1 provides the intuition for Proposition 4.1 below. It shows that Let T common = u'{z) by allowing extensive form payoff perturbations, strategies which are not weakly dominated can be best replies. Proposition 4.1 below weakly dominated" for extensive DEFINITION is strengthened to is oth- for small made strict an analog to Proposition 3.1, where the notion of "not "is a strict best reply" and convergence is weakened to allow form payoff perturbations. £„ converges weakly 4.3: to and: £ (£„ -h^ £) if condition (i) of Definition 2.1 holds, ^ For all t' e f' PROPOSITION tegies which D erwise. (ii) s' not weakly dominated then there exists a consistent sequence E„ -^ is be a singleton Lemma docs - s' 4.1: If s' s' is a strict PROOF: s' 14 s'„ , 17^ 4.1: If -^ s\ such Remark: Proposition -^ i' thai Any e l\VIZ'{E) then there I,' is 4.1 relics equilibrium strategies thai game £. it'. may a sequence of elaborations is a strategy in a strict £„ -=^ £, and stra- Nash equilibrium of £„. on inconsistent elaborations in an essential way to obtain as a Nash not be played in any objective correlated equilibrium of the original subjective correlated equilibrium appropriate subjective correlating device is is a Nash equilibrium of the game where explicitly incorporated into the strategy spaces. the The - point is that nature's move 15 game, which determines the types of the players, the beginning of the at serves also as a subjective correlating device. - (The difference between subjective and objective correlating devices corresponds to the cases of consistent and inconsistent priors.) PROOF: The T' possible types is £" each elaboration each player's set of partitioned into two sets, the "sane" types f' and the "crazy" types T'. f' is elaborations are constructed as follows. isomorphic to \\VIZ'{E) and T' these isomorphisms we isomorphic is will write t' = J', and In of /'s pure strategics in E. to the set S' = r' s' The .) priors p'„ will be types in T' are possible in the limit, which explains the abuse of notation. 7"', we to play be say that was "told" to play s[, and if /'s tj'pe The payoffs and J').. is = tl J',, Note f/., simply that since these payoffs have probability zero To make sequence e„ i J;, 0. in set the payoffs £,, has full and thus m;ike change the IWIZ' si. is si that / = e tl was told and so that the elaborations converge /, uU^k) so that J^. be a ver\' different than strict best reply for type e IWJZ' there exists a we can a strict best reply (up to is FKL for an explicit construc- those in £, the tj'pes in T must -» Also there exists support si may in the limit. Since a best reply to a^'. <j^' type e IWIZ' we say equivalent strategies) to any belief a"' over the other players. (See Since If /'s E. to For each crazy type tion.) chosen so ihat only beliefs will be chosen so that in each elaboration playing as told will best reply for each possible type of player a strict weakly / (Using a <7^' :!. we proceed € A(nS-') with full c^' e A(irTlU7Z-'). such that increase the payoffs a strict best reply against a;~'. fact that Jl is a best reply against CT;"'. at all is follows. First fix a support, such that si is is a best reply to cl^'. endpoints reached under a^' and si by Furthermore This J{. as this chcuige in payoffs will not because no other pure strategy of / can - 16 - increase the probability of reaching the endpoints for which payoffs were increased. Next we specify tional Let /"s beliefs over the others' types, condi- the beliefs in an elaboration. on his/her type be For "sane" types as follows. /^ the beliefs v'„(-|f^.): (i) assign probability E„ to all the others being crazy, with the distribution of crazy types corresponding to ct^'; and assign probability l-£„ to For each choose / a all sequence of marginals which converges with probability one the Proposition (say s\ = For crazy types the others being sane. The t{). ^'„ over 7" which has to the sane type priors p'„ which of player / arc generated :[., full are exactly the sane types f'. Finally told is brium. we Thus £„ converges weakly of are such that iJ.'„ have positive probability E. /, each type playing as Nash equili- D turn to the question of finding a converse to Proposition 4.1, that the converse to Proposition 4.1 is weakly tion to in the incomplete information on the payoffs, payoffs of £. perturbations bations. gests that ask which stra- IWJZ{E). This is in £ in a which are sequence of because sequence of elaborations converging we The problem game. to the original to £, IWIZ is in addi- allow for perturbations of the extensive form Hence, roughly speaking, since the 'closure' of l\V allows for extensive form payoff it can only be equal Since weak domin;mce we we weakly dominated strategies elaborations that converge to £, but which are not elements of normal form solution concept, whereas i.e. There are strategies not precisely correct. the limit of strategies that survive iterated deletion of to ... 7", and in the hj'pothesis by the v^ and observe that by construction, for each n and each player tegies can be justified using elaborations that converge a u support on f' a strict best reply to the others playing as told, hence playing as told is a strict Now we is to the beliefs are arbitrary. which was the sets of types which, in the limit, players think that others think that (ii) to a solution is concept which is closed with respect to such pertur- not closed in this sense, neither could achieve a generic converse to Proposition 2.1, we is IWJZ. believe Although it is more this sug- interesting provide a complete ch;u-acterizalion. In order to chuify the nature of the converse direction we begin with a partial converse that with respect e 5" identical to £„. E if there exists a except for the payoffs which are no such sequence, then If there is s' round of deletion first not weakly* dominated is PROOF: Step s'„ which s' is instead of not weakly dominated in E„ full J'^ ^ £, j; Consider the versions of E„ where I'„ is i .v' is s' -^ s' is not e 2H"'(£J, J^Cr') best reply to is a replaced by e S'{E), then measure which is supported by types £). Hence by 1, for those types r~' in the support of lim v„(-] A{lW*~'{Ey). step Taking limits in the lirst l\V '(£„). t~' ;')). e 1W*/Z'(£). that satisfies u'„{t') = ^a-~'(r~')v(r"' with payoffs which u~'{t~') limcf„"'(^~') is — > | t') for u'„{t'). Hence we — t ' | ;') for from £„ -^ u~' (this follows {') we know then have that s' is i.e. s' e some converges |f') that a~Xr~') e a best reply to supported by 1W*~'(£) (and where the Hence s' is a best reply to the strategy lim d~' which is supported n by lW*-'(£), «'. n n v'„(-| s' sequence of beliefs v„ii sentence of step 2 some weighted average of lima~'(f~') where weights are given by for Tlie an analog is weak convergence. Y cf~'(r~')\'„(f"' some &~' = to a in say that e 1W*(£). i.e. s' which supported by strategies f' £ <j„ is Proposition 4.2 a best reply to d"' weak* dominated, we Formally, denote strategies which sur- IW. of any type is players agree about not weakly dominated in is We Let £„ be an extensive fomi identical to support. e S' such that Step 2: Since ^ e !W'{E„), £„ 4.2: If J^ I: some d~' with any W* 1 'closure' sequence of extensive form games E„ weakly* dominated. is in that the tlie is, taken. is such that u' > "if part of Proposition 3.1 when strong convergence PROPOSITION Any — u'„ vive deletion of weakly* dominated strategies by to the is partial taken in a consistent manner (that is the perturbation) and only the closure of the a strategy s' The converse easier to prove. is payoff perturbations to - 17 - IW* 1Z'(£). Step 2 can be iterated to show that s' e nV'*/Z'(£). D Proposition 4.2 not a converse to Proposition 4.1, so is we have weak convergence of sure' of the set of itcratively admissible strategics with respect to do so both Propositions In order to tions. and \\V*IZ' must be replaced by the same respect to convergence in payoffs. DEFINITION lions This set IWIZ'{E) 4.4: s' e and set, to The be strengthened. elabora- IWIZ' sets be the 'closure' of \WIZ' with this set will denoted by IWIZ. is -^ if 7'„ and 4.2 need 4.1 not yet characterized the 'clo- and i' e s'„ IWIZ E„ for some sequence of elabora- _ P E„ —^ E. PROPOSITION PROOF: € IW{E„), £„ 4..3: s'„ ^ E,sl s' ^ E, if and only if s' e IWIZ\E). This follows from a simple diagonal argument and Proposition 3.1. //. then there exists a sequence -^ E„ and exists Ei,„ ^ T^. „ ~ £„ -> p — > J'„ with with s'„ — > iind s'„ s' € IW\e;,). f^. „ By e IWIZ'CE„). Clearly "^ „ -^ If s' g \WIZ'{E) Proposition 3.1 there ^ and E'„_„ s' £ as required. Only is We if: are given a sequence R'^= limsup^^ where k;, = £„ -^ £. Let R' denote {s' e S' | for some ii, the strategies played e IW'{E„)and some 7' Construct the following elaborations £„ which will converge in payoffs to £. types for each player will be denoted all tj'pes lows. 4 and by is / s',.{m) isomorphic where .s[ to M' copies of ^', where € R' for k = 1 K, and M' = m = by sane types, that = s'J. € f', The If!^''!- 1,..., M'. For 7'„{t') set of possible The t>pes a given ; and k slim) have the same payoffs (independent of m), and these payoffs are determined as Since s'„ 4 e /?', then taking a subsequence G I\V'{E„). with payoffs as in £„. Hence there exists a~' € That me;ms in if necessary, there exists A(AV"'(£„)) such particular thai s"„{t') = I'^ and r' is a best fol- with 7l,{t') that s'„ is a best reply to s'f. £'^ in reply lo = g~' a~' = -19- ^a„"'(r"')v(f"'|7'), with payoffs lima"', it u',X'')- Although a best reply to &~' if the payoffs at is s'„{t') is not necessarily a best reply to by the endpoints reached all = a~' the strategies s'„{t') n and a"' are increased by a sufficiently large 'bonus' of verges to zero since \imJ'„it') Furthermore, the bonus required con- £„. _ slim) be equal - i plays si- is E„ such IWJZ{E„). Recall is in Nash equilibrium a that /'s beliefs be such that if (s)he type R~' X (k), s'j.{m) playing all full support when this strategy /-tuple opponents will be an /-I tuple of types in /?"' x Ij'pc undominated a x^' the payoffs are is determined by a~' (see above). which to Now we show e A(5~') such w^(r'). The their type that J'„{t') strategy a{. is payoffs are changed to include the bonus £„ described above. best reply to the full support strategy of the opponents because of the second stage gated all the types equilibrium. bility is in the into be expanded proof above. one type .?|.(1) to And is it is in a best reply to t"' with s'i,{m) the payoffs as described is a when playing R~' x {kj plays then each type sUl) playing si for each k the tjpe ^^-(1) a sj^ t^T'. the is a D rather than using only /?', /?', This is not weakly dominated. So each type copies of Then s[{m) best reply to z~' a where each type M' With 4 = particular full support strategy of the opponents to a best reply. Let /'s matched. This shows that is that still But these strategies are not necess;uily admissible. we need one ing si" s^m) to K]. {I slim), then (s)he believes that the opponents can only be of Nash equilibrium. is Remark: The type spaces need where each type 4('") of that the strategy /-tuple playing the strategy Since J^(7') e I\V'{E^), there claim that there hence of s[ is a We now E. >• strategies, in and the distribution over R~' best reply to the opponents each type is P — Since £„ -» 0, £„ to u'„(r') with the £„ bonus. exist beliefs v„(-|-) for the elaboration each player Let the payoffs of type a best reply to a~' with payoffs limu'„{t'). is is above would because to if still we aggre- be a Nash show admissi- which "each type sl(l) play- best reply against a different full support -20 strategy t^ Hence we need '. The above 5.2). Any to allow different types for / 's results suggest an additional interpretation of the following result in £ quasi-c-perfect equilibrium in is FKL equal to the the limit of a sequence of perfect equilibrium. A c-perfect equilibrium is may be correlated and inconsistent (that trembles). A c-perfect equilibrium strict E. The of A best replies to the test sequence. strictly c-perfect equilibria in a observation first is that strictly c-perfect equilibria Nash Tliis Lemma convergence closure with respect to (consistent) in payoffs of undominated) is / and j may test strict the same where the The obser- sequences for is limit strategies are the limit of a sequence of is the elaborations, the set of limits Nash c-perfect equilibria are equilibria the set of strict where we showed same is that So, the theorem cited above says that payoffs of undominated weak convergence of 1H7Z (which in payoffs to by the small payoff perturbations allowed by weak weakly dominated. in of a quasi-c- as the set of limits of c-perfect equilibria: The second observation 4.1. Nash assign a third player k different a c-perfccl equilibrium is result is closest in spirit to Proposition 4.3, vergence is when considering weakly convergent equilibria in strategies that are not the closure with respect lo where the quasi-c-perfect equilibrium of games E„ follows from recall the defmiiion sequence of consistent elaborations E„ which converge any c-perfect equilibrium can be made convergence. is we a perfect equilibrium each player strict First (Section strict equilibrium of a sequence of consistent elaborations E„ which converges weakly to E. vations below provide a simpler statement of this result. D opponents as a function of k. Nash is equal to the equilibria. This that the closure with respect to con- as correlated rationalizable strategies which equal to the closure with respect to (inconsistent) weak convergence of the set are FW - 5. We when way sketches a different is Q.' / Alternative Interpretation motivated the consideration of payoff uncertainty by asking what players should infer they observe play that player An the set of all is not consistent with their understanding of the game. specify i's beliefs over possible utility functions for surprised if is is questioned in this paper u' if marg^-i^' same way = 0. is that This approach is 7-'. is to show how our believes at node a L; player 2 believes expect to play. 1 that 1 for Supp mmgjiq'i- that player 2 will L and natural form of backwards \ c H~' | S~') strategy choices. This 3.1. payoffs are as in node since induction rationality is it when L as 1 in this In Figure 2, will play 1 to assigns probability expected players' lo the £, and so player 2 does not already clear that the is best seen is play'L and that the payoffs are as in £, so that the H~') Our purpose proof of Proposition in the <?'(• convergence used are related At node b 2 has been surprised and updates his beliefs to specify the beliefs at the third litera- determined by a sequence in the elaborations. when observing unexpected playing Rl and the payoffs being as in £", so 2 will play need has partitions on / Here a conditional probability results and the different notions of will play only update their beliefs related to the formalization in this paper in essentially the simple example which mimics the construction 1 s U, (Recall that T^ Q.'. Each player . that beliefs at all information sets in sequential equilibrium are idea of updating beliefs on payoffs player A that players Here we allow determined by a sequence of elaborations and the strategies in a e even when observing an unexpected strategy choice of beliefs (generated by completely mixed strategies). section q' assumption (implicit in the refinements traditional the player docs not update his/her beliefs on 9t by Q.' The assumption /.) This section begin, note that the state space for each formalized by Supp margj^^' = u' Q' determined by the extensive form. The which To to formalize those inferences. = Yl^S^ x T^) and about the payoffs ture) - 21 at 1 beliefs node a. playing one There L is to no satisfies a over payoffs can be updated. The above argument shows how strong convergence corresponds precisely updating beliefs. That is, it satisfies Supp Tn^gj,q'{- \ H~') = u' if H' was to the ideas of assigned positive prior - probability by q' . when is the player 22- This interpretation does not allow for the payoffs to be "almost" equal to u-' not surprised, which points out an interesting distinction between strong and weak convergence, analogous between sequential and perfect equilibrium. the difference to In sequential equilibrium each player's beliefs at information sets along the equilibrium path are pre- Similarly the definition of strong conver- cisely that the equilibrium strategies are being played. gence requires that game) any types which receive (in the limit have precisely the payoffs of the limit game. beliefs are that the game = (L Therefore IVV/Z x ) 3b (so as in Figure is {/ ). On the other So 1 hand at positive probability are believed to player 2's information set in Figure 3a, 2's R can not play because in perfect equilibriinn, it is even weakly dominated). information sets at The along the equilibrium path the players allow for "trembles" in the opponents strategies. that "trembles" are allowed for even along the equilibriimi path can be formally understood using the approach of lexicographic beliefs in papers suggest that the limit (where £ is {^,^1 X game which corresponds R is to weak convergence is (1986). These below as in Figure 3c no longer weakly dominated, hence 1H7Z = in fact (r,/). this comparison between weak and strong convergence, we note seems more appropriate opponent's payoffs modeling if / modeling the idea for closure that a player / obser\'es an unexpected strategy choice the question of robustness of a refinement wider class of perturbed games which the Blume (1986) and Brandenburger and Dekel an infinitessimal). In this case To conclude for fact of iteratively is admissible it may by that the latter update his/her beliefs about an the opponent. On seems more natural to the other hand allow for the formalized by weak convergence. Tlie similarity between strategies with respect to either notion of convergence emphasizes the close relationship between these two objectives. One more point regarding this interpretation of the model is worth clarifying. Our approach allows a player to update his/her beliefs about the opponents' payoffs whenever surprised there is a "rational" explanation interesting extension of this by an opponent's strategy which does not require changing model involves imposing first tries to — even beliefs about the payoffs. the restriction that a player who is if One surprised explain the observation without violating the assumptions -23 that payoffs and rationality are common knowledge. - Instead the player assumes that his/her beliefs about the opponents strategy choice (or the opponents beliefs about other players' strategies, were wTong. Only if the "deviation" can not be explained by questioning the players' beliefs over the elements of strategic uncertainty payoffs doubted. etc.) is the more basic assumption regarding common knowledge of -24- 6. We tion of The conclude with two examples. weakly dominated strategies between our tegies. Examples and Conclusion results In the first is in the first stage meant both motivate the simultaneous dele- to of \WfZ, and to further clarify the relationship and the idea of updating beliefs about payoffs example of Figure 4 the order in which observing unexpected after first x (L). The argument round follows the intuition of backwards induction: payoffs are certain to be as specified, player both L and R tegies. 1. reasonable. However 1 will M, and knowing never play This argument yields (U, D) x (L, R) as the the only reason for 2 to be willing to play But precisely these doubts are needed Deleting both strategies are deleted matters. players' dominated strategies simultaneously, and then iterating, yields |U) against simultaneous deletion in the R set this in the intuition for ruling out a If the 2 should find of reasonable stra- (s)he entertains is if stra- no doubts about weakly dominated strategy for either player. Our second example helps explain why we do not IW. In this example should be sure that (s)he what is will node is at So 2 b. if 2 plays L which is strictly In conclusion we would like to We or might argue - M what explanation that and then both U and C is should play review the main points of weak dominance (Section 3). being 1 this paper. when is true that 2 U because at c? at c is play to Perhaps 1 we argued rationality and payoffs. a in surprised," are particularly Including sharp and intuitive characteri- Also, the distinction between the two objectives of this line of research, the updating of beliefs on null events. C First, as helpful in understanding the relationships between weak dominance; and between It can be justified. payoff imcertainty in the model and using weak convergence yields and strong convergence 1 there for is assume only common knowledge of zation of the "closure" of iterated will play U. M. 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Nature Figure 1 E' Figure Figure 2: 3: Figure 4: U 2,1 1,1 M 2,1 0,0 D 1,1 2.1 L M R 5,-9 -2,-2 0,1 2,-9 0,1 Figure 5: C D 1,-1 -3,-3 -5, 4 -5,3 36(1 102 *\ MIT LIBRARIES 3 TDflD DOS 13D ^^7