Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/revisitingsupplyOOange -DEWEY Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Revisiting the Supply Side Effects of Government Spending Under Incomplete Markets George-Marios Angeletos Vasia Panousi Working Paper 07-18 May 4, 2007 RoomE52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection http://ssrn.coiii/abstract=986385 at Revisiting the Supply-Side Effects of Government Spending Under Incomplete Markets^ George-Marios Angeletos MIT and Vasia Panousi NBER May MIT 4, 2007 Abstract This paper revisits the macroeconomic effects of government consumption in the neoclassical growth model augmented with idiosyncratic investment plete markets, a permanent increase interest rate, the capital-labor ratio, in government consumption has no long-run and labor productivity, while These to the familiar negative wealth effect. markets. The very same negative wealth ment. This in *We MIT now increases we effect on the work hours due allow for incomplete causes a reduction in risk taking and invest- and lower wages. codes: E13, E62, Keywords: Fiscal at effect it results are upset once Under com- turn leads to a lower risk-free rate and, under certain conditions, also to a lower capital-labor ratio, lower productivity JEL (or entrepreneurial) risk. policy, government spending, incomplete Mike Golosov, Ivan Werning and seminar participants comments. Email addresses: angelet@mit.edu, panousi@mit.edu. are grateful to Olivier Blanchard, Ricardo Caballero, for useful risk sharing, entrepreneurial risk. Introduction 1 Studying the impact of government spending on macroeconomic outcomes ebrated pohcy exercises within the neoclassical growth model; the business-cycle imphcations of Some section of countries. and Eichenbaum all is fiscal policy important cel- understanding for Barro (1981, 1989), Aiyagari, Christiano and King (1993), and McGrattan and Ohanian (1999, 2006). maintained the convenient assumption of complete markets, abstracting from the possibihty that agents' saving and investment decisions changes in one of the most pohcy, the macroeconomic effects of wars, and the cross- classics include Hall (1980), (1992), Baxter These studies have fiscal it is — may crucially depend on the extent of This paper contributes towards fihing this gap. — and hence their reaction to economy. risk sharing within the the macroeconomic effects of government It revisits consumption within an incomplete-markets variant of the neoclassical growth model. Apart from introducing undiversified idiosyncratic ingredients of our model are the same risk in production and investment, as in the canonical neoclassical is CRRA/CEIS and markets are competitive. The focus on idiosyncratic production/investment motivated by two considerations. less other growth model: firms op- erate neoclassical constant-returns-to-scale technologies, households have standard preferences, all First, this friction is empirically relevant. This obvious for is developed economies. But even in the United States, privately-owned firms account one half of aggregate production and employment. Furthermore, the typical investor rich household —holds a very undiversified portfoho, private equity.-' And second, as we explain more than one half next, this friction upsets of which risk for about —the median is allocated tO some key predictions of the standard neoclassical paradigm. In the standard neoclassical paradigm, the steady-state values of the capital-labor ratio, productivity (output per work hour), the wage rate, and the interest rate, are all equahty of the marginal product of capital with the discount rate change in the level of government consumption, even values of these variables.^ On if it is pinned down by the in preferences. permanent, has no As eflFect a result, any on the long-run the other hand, because higher spending for the government means lower wealth for the households, a permanent increase in government consumption raises labor supply. It follows that employment (work hours) and output increase both in the short run and in the long run, so as to keep the long-run levels of capital intensity and productivity unchanged. The picture is quite different once that, in response to an increase in we allow for incomplete markets. The same wealth government consumption, stimulates labor supply dard paradigm, now also discourages investment. This is effect in the stan- simply because risk taking, and hence 'See Quadrini (2000), Gentry and Hubbard (2000), Carroll (2000), and Moskowitz and Vissing-Jorgensen (2002). Also note that idiosyncratic investment risks need not be limited to private entrepreneurs; they may also affect educational and occupational choices, or the production decisions that CEO's make on -behalf of public corporations. ^This, of course, presumes that the change in government consumption efficiency or redistributive considerations behind optimal taxation is is financed with beyond the scope of lump-sum this paper. taxes. The investment, is sensitive to wealth. We thus find very different long-run effects. First, a permanent And increase in government consumption necessarily reduces the risk-free interest rate. unless the elasticity of intertemporal substitution ratio, productivity, The of effect which is low enough, also reduces the capital-labor it and wages. on the risk-free rate consumption is second, an implication of the precautionary motive: a higher is government imphes a lower aggregate for the level of A possible in steady state only with a lower interest rate. does not necessarily imply a higher capital-labor ratio. This wealth for the level households, lower interest rate, however, because market incompleteness is introduces a wedge between the risk-free rate and the marginal product of capital. Furthermore, because of diminishing absolute risk risk aversion, the lower the level of wealth, the higher will premium on investment, and hence this government consumption, the capital-labor follows that, in response to an increase in It ratio can fall even a sufficient condition for this to be the case sufficiently high relative to the wedge. is be the if the interest rate also Indeed, falls. that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution income share of capital — a condition is easily satisfied for plausible calibrations of the model. Turning to employment and output, there are two opposing with complete markets, the negative wealth employment and output. intensity, productivity, on labor supply contributes towards higher the other hand, unlike complete markets, the reduction in capital elasticities of labor supply, either of the deviation from the standard paradigm titatively. the one hand, as and wages contributes towards lower employment and output. Depending on the income and wage The On effect On effects. is two effects can dominate. significant, not only qualitatively, but also quan- For our preferred parametrizations of the model, the following hold. First, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is comfortably above the government consumption to reduce the long-run value that suffices for an increase in critical levels of the capital-labor ratio, productivity, wages. Second, the negative effects on these variables are quantitatively significant: a in 1% and increase government spending under incomplete markets has the same impact on capital intensity and labor productivity as a 0.5% — 0.6% increase in capital-income taxation under complete markets. Third, these effects mitigate, but do not fully offset, the wealth effect on labor supply. Finally, the welfare consequences are non-trivial: the welfare cost of a permanent consumption The main is 1% increase in government three times larger under incomplete markets than under complete markets. contribution of the paper to financial frictions can significantly is how wealth thus to highlight modify the supply-side channel of effects on investment due fiscal policy. In our model, these wealth effects emerge from idiosyncratic risk along with diminishing absolute risk aversion; in other models, they could emerge from borrowing constraints. Also, such wealth effects are relevant for both neoclassical and Keynesian models. In this paper not because of any belief on which paradigm best fits we follow the neoclassical tradition, the data, but rather because this clarifies the value of our contribution: whereas wealth effects are central to the neoclassical approach with regard to labor supply, they have been mute with regard to investment. To the best of our knowledge, this ernment consumption particular framework in Angeletos (2007). saving, in the is we employ for this purpose That paper studied how and contrasted this is Buera and Shin idiosyncratic capital-income risk affects aggregate with the impact of labor-income and Smith, (2007), Caggeti novelty of our paper The rest of the characterizes its effects of gov- a continuous-time variant of the one introduced 1998). paper is is Bewley type models (Aiyagari, risk in Other papers that introduce idiosyncratic invest- model include Angeletos and Calvet (2006), or entrepreneurial risk in the neoclassical growth ment macroeconomic to study the first an incomplete-markets version of the neoclassical growth paradigm.'^ The 1994; Huggett, 1997; Krusell The paper and De Nardi (2006), Covas (2006), and Meh and Quadrini (2006).^ to study the implications for fiscal policy in such an environment. organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the basic model, Section 3 equihbrium, and Section 4 analyzes its steady state. The basic model fixes labor supply so as to focus on the most novel results of the paper, namely the steady-state government consumption on the interest rate and the capital-labor three extensions that endogenize labor supply. economy The 2 Time is basic i which in Section 6 examines the dynamic response of the government consumption. Section 7 concludes. t e [0,oo). and distributed uniformly over it Section 5 then turns to model continuous, indexed by indexed by labor, permanent change to a ratio. effects of There [0,1]. is a continuum of infinitely-hved households, Each household supplies inelastically in a competitive labor market. is endowed with one unit Each household also of owns and runs a firm, which employs labor in the competitive labor market but can only use the capital stock invested by the particular household.^ Households cannot invest in other households' firms cannot otherwise diversify away from the shocks hitting their firms, but can freely trade a bond. Finally, all uncertainty is purely idiosyncratic, and hence all and riskless aggregates are deterministic. is conducted in Heathcote (2005). That paper studies tlie impact of a cliange Bewley-type model like Aiyagari's (1994), where borrowing constraints limit the ability of households to smooth consumption, thus breaking Ricardian equivalence, but where market incompleteness does not impact the production side of the economy. In our paper, instead, the key friction is on the production side. Moreover, deviations from Ricardian equivalence are not considered: our model allows households to freely trade a riskless bond, thus ensuring that the timing of taxes has no effect on allocations. ""Related is also Obstfeld (1994), which assumes a continuous-time Epstein-Zin specification as this paper, but with an AK technology. ^We can think of a household as a couple, with the wife running the family business and the husband working in the competitive labor market (or vice versa). The key assumption, of course, is only that the value of the labor endowment of each household is pinned down by the competitive wage and is not subject to idiosyncratic risk. ''A related, in the but different, exercise timing of taxes in a Households and firms 2.1 The financial wealth of household and the riskless bond, denoted by i, x], is the sum of its holdings in private capital, bj: 4-I4 + KThe evolution of xj is Rt dvrj is = diri + the household's capital income +uJt-Tt- [Rtbi (i.e., the interest rate on the riskless bond, ut is (1) given by the household budget: dxi where the profits Whereas the sequences of prices (2) enjoys from the private firm the wage rate, Tt is game is the lump-sum condition is tax, it owns), and cj is also imposed. and taxes are deterministic (due to the absence of aggregate firm profits, and hence household capital income, are subject to undiversified idiosyncratic risk), In particular, d4 = Here, n\ is the amount [F{klnl) - ujtni is - Sk^jdi + ak\dz\. (3) of labor the firm hires in the competitive labor market, returns-to-scale neoclassical production function, risk ci\dt, it the household's consumption. Finally, the familiar no-Ponzi risk. fcj, and 5 is mean the introduced through dz], a standard Wiener process that F is a constant- depreciation rate. Idiosyncratic is i.i.d. across agents and across time. This can be interpreted either as a stochastic depreciation shock or as a stochastic productivity shock, the key element being that amount it generates risk in the return to capital. of undiversified idiosyncratic risk and can be viewed as an index of with higher a corresponding to a lower degree of risk sharing (and a markets). Finally, without serious the technology: F{k,n) = loss of generahty, k°n}-° with a G The scalar a measures the we assume = market incompleteness, corresponding to complete a Cobb-Douglas specification for (0,1).^ Turning to preferences, we assume an Epstein-Zin specification with constant elasticity of in- tertemporal substitution (CEIS) and constant relative risk aversion (CRRA). Given a consumption process, the utility process is defined by the solution to the following integral ecjuation: /oo z{cs,Us)ds (4) where „i-i/e z{c,U) ®The characterization production function; it is = of equilibrium 1-1/0 and the proof rT7^-(l-7)C/ of the existence of the steady state (5) extend to any neoclassical only the proof of the uniqueness of the steady state that uses the Cobb-Douglas specification. ^ Here, /3 > is > the discount rate, 7 is the coefficient of relative risk aversion, and > 6* is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution/ Standard expected utility is nested with 7 = XjB. We find to clarify that the qualitative properties of the steady state it useful to allow d depend crucially ^ I/7 on the in order elasticity of intertemporal substitution rather than the coefficient of relative risk aversion (which in turn also guides our preferred parameterizations of the model). However, none of our results rely on allowing 6 ^ it, 1/7. A who reader feels uncomfortable with the Epstein-Zin specification can therefore ignore assume instead standard expected utility, and simply replace 7 with \/9 (or vice versa) in all the formulas that follow. Government 2.2 At each point is deterministic, it is financed with lump-sum taxation, and The government budget private consumption or production. dBi where Bf denotes the a no-Ponzi level of game condition is - [RtBl government assets imposed + Tt- (i.e., does not it constraint is affect either utility from given by Gt]dt, minus the (6) level of government debt). Finally, to rule out explosive debt accumulation. Equilibrium definition 2.3 The Government spending time the government consumes output at the rate Gf. in initial position of the economy is given by the distribution of (/cq, &o) across households. House- holds choose plans {Ci,nj,A;|,5J}jg [0,00)1 contingent on the history of their idiosyncratic shocks, and given the price sequence and the government policy, so as to maximize their lifetime iosyncratic risk, however, washes out in the aggregate. We utility. Id- thus define an equilibrium as a de- terministic sequence of prices {i-Ot,Rt}te[0,oo)^ ^ deterministic sequence of policies {Gt,Tt}t£[o ^00) a deterministic macroeconomic path {Cj, plans ({cl,nl, prices fcj, &t}t6[o,oo))ie[o,i]i and pohcies, the plans /fj, Itjjgro^oo)! ^^^ ^ collection of individual contingent such that the following conditions hold: are optimal for the households; Bf = (ii) t; (iii) the bond market in all t; and (v) the aggregates are consistent with individual behavior, yt = 0, in all t] (iv) given the sequences of the labor market clears, J^nJ in all clears, J^ b\-\- (i) the government budget Q = /^cj, Kt is = = 1, satisfied /j^Ji ^md XF(/cJ,nj),inalH.s ^To make sure that (4) indeed defines a preference ordering over consumption lotteries, one must establish existence and uniqueness of the solution to the integral equation (4); see Duffie and Epstein (1992). ^Throughout, J. denotes expectation in the cross-section of the population. Equilibrium 3 In this section optimal plan we characterize the equihbriuna for of the We economy. We given sequences of prices and policies. solve for a household's first then aggregate across households and derive the general-equilibrium dynamics. Individual behavior 3.1 Since employment is chosen after the capital stock has been installed and the idiosyncratic shock By has been observed, optimal employment maximizes profits state by state. scale, optimal firm employment and profits are linear in own capital: = nl where n{ujt) = and n{ujt)kl argmax„[F(l,n) — and uitn] the household's expectation of the return to shock mean as well as the zl, interpretation apphes to The key how constant returns to result here fit is = cZttJ f{iOt) its = f{ijJt)k\dt = max„ + adzl, [F{l,n) — totn] (7) — d. Here, ft = f{u)t) is capital prior to the realization of the idiosyncratic of the reahzed returns in the cross-section of firms. Analogous fi{uJt)- that households face risky, but linear, returns to their capital. this translates to linearity of wealth in assets, human future labor income net of taxes, a.k.a. let ht To see denote the present discounted value of wealth: /oo e--^i'^''^^{ujs-Ts)ds. sum Next, define effective wealth as the wi It of financial = x\ + ht = and human wealth: k\ + lJi + ht. follows that the evolution of effective wealth can be described dw\ The first prices linearity of and problem + \ftk\ term on the right-hand side of effective wealth; the The = Rt{\^t (10) + (8) (9) by ht)-dt\dt-Vak\dzl. (10) measures the expected rate of growth second term captures the impact of idiosyncratic in the household's risk. budgets together with the homotheticity of preferences ensures that, policies, the for given household's consumption-saving problem reduces to a tractable homothetic as in Samuelson's and Merton's rules are linear in wealth, as shown classic portfolio analysis. It follows that the in the next proposition. optimal policy Proposition 1. Let {u!t,Ht}t€[o,co) "''^d {Gt,Tt}te\o,oo) be equilibrium price Then, equilibrium consumption, investment and bond holdings for household cj where = mtw\, kl ^ and (ptwl, 6J = (1 - (pt)wl - and i policy sequences. are given by (11) ht, the fraction of effective wealth invested in capital, is given by (pt, n-Rt , (12) 70"^ while m-t, the marginal propensity to consume out of effective wealth, satisfies the recursion ^ = m^ + mt with pt mean = pt — })^4>1a'^ (0 - l)pt - (13) 6(3, denoting the risk-adjusted return to saving and pt (fitft + (1 — (i>t)Rt the return to saving. Condition (12) simply says that the fraction of wealth invested = — Rt, and the risk premium fit (13) essentially the Euler condition: to = is consume ff in the risky asset amount decreasing in risk aversion 7 and the is increasing in of risk a.^ Condition describes the growth rate of the marginal propensity it as a function of the anticipated Whether path of risk-adjusted returns to saving. higher risk-adjusted returns increase or reduce the marginal propensity to consume depends on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution. condition reduces to eiTective wealth) if m = dp — and only if {& 9 > — To 1) p, so 1. This see this more that higher p decreases is due to the familiar m (i.e., increases saving out of income and substitution effects. General equilibrium 3.2 Because individual consumption, saving and investment are linear at note that in steady state this clearly, any point in in individual wealth, aggregates time do not depend on the extent of wealth inequality at that time. As a result, the aggregate equilibrium dynamics can be described with a low-dimensional recursive system. = F{K,1) as the production in ci>{K, R)^:^ {f'{K) -S-R), and p{K, R) = Define f{K) intensive form and R+^ {f'{K) - policy rules of the agents and imposing market clearing, ^Clearly, in would fail any equilibrium nt must be to exist. positive, otherwise we 5 let u){K) = f{K) — - R)\ Aggregating f'{K)K, across the arrive at the following proposition. nobody would invest in capital and an equilibrium Proposition In equilibrium, the aggregate dynamics satisfy 2. Kt = f [Kt) - SKt -Ct-Gt (14) ^ = e(A-/?)- (0-1) 17^2^? Ht = Kt with LOt = ujiKt), 4>t Condition (14) = is and (l>{Kt,Rt), pt = (15) RtHt -uJt + Gt (16) -^Ht (17) = p{Kt,Rt)- The the resource constraint of the economy. depend on the degree of market incompleteness. It follows resource constraint does not from aggregating budgets across all households and the government, imposing labor- and bond-market clearing, and using the linearity employment of individual firm Yt = /,F(/cj,nj) = Condition (15) to individual capital together with constant returns to scale, to get = F{Ku Fif^klJ,r4) is 1). the aggxegate Euler condition for the economy. It follows from aggregating consumption and wealth across agents together with the optimahty condition propensity to consume. It also As has a simple interpretation. aggregate consumption growth unambiguously increases with unlike complete markets, aggregate consumption growth adjustment term. Whether more and hence whether whether the for this risk contributes to new term this is the same mean the complete markets, return to saving. But depends on also ^ja'^cp'^, a risk- a lower or higher marginal propensity to save, contributes to lower or higher consumption growth, depends on elasticity of intertemporal substitution, 9, property in the case of pt, now (13) for the marginal is higher or lower than The 1. intuition as the intuition for the impact of the interest rate in a deterministic saving problem, namely the opposing income and substitution effects of a higher rate of return to saving. Condition (16) expresses the evolution of the present value of aggregate net-of-taxes labor income in recursive form. It follows from the definition of human wealth combined with the in- tertemporal government budget, which imposes that the present value of taxes equals the present value of government consumption. Finally, condition (17) follows from bond-market clearing. More holdings across agents and imposing bond-market clearing gives (1 gating investment gives Kt = (ptWt, and combining the two — precisely, aggregating (pt)^Vt — Ht = complete ital). ((7 = 0), this is both cases, condition (17) ensures that possible only if/' {Kt) — S = while aggre- gives condition (17). These conditions characterize the equilibrium dynamics of the economy with or complete markets. In 0, bond cpt G (0, 1). either incomplete But when markets are Rt (meaning arbitrage between bonds and cap- Condition (15) then reduces to the more familiar Euler condition Ci/Ct — 9 [/' (Kt) — S — 0], and one can track the dynamics economy merely on the of the (C, A') space, using the Euler con- dition and the resource constraint. When, instead, markets are incomplete, only f (Kt) — 5 > rate. if -Rt- £ (0, 1) is possible which proves that the marginal product of capital must exceed the risk- free (j)t Moreover, the dimensionahty of the system now increases by one: along with (C, K), we also have to keep track of H, using condition Still, this is (16). a highly tractable dynamic system, as compared to other incomplete-markets — an dimensional object — mod- els, where the entire wealth distribution for aggregate equihbrium dynamics. Indeed, the equilibrium dynamics can be approximated with infinite a simple shooting algorithm: for any historically given Kq, guess some use conditions (14)-(16) to compute the entire path of {Ct,Kt,Ht) for then iterate on the special case that initial 9—1 guess {Ct,Kt,Ht) till (unit EIS), =P mt close is enough to = and hence Ct (3{Kt its + Ht) is a relevant state variable initial t € values {Co,Hq) and [O,^], for some large T; steady-state value. ^° In the for all t. One can then drop the Euler condition from the dynamic system and analyze the equihbrium dynamics with a simple phase diagram in the {K, H) space. Steady State 4 In this section we study the steady in Proposition 2) 4.1 and its economy the fixed point of the dynamic system comparative statics with respect to the an equilibrium would that of labor income. We fail level of government spending. Proposition 3. (i) the interest rate The steady R to exist if the present value of government spending exceeded thus henceforth parameterize government spending Gf as a fraction g of < aggregate output Yt and impose g < 1 — state exists a. and is- <P{K,R) Output (1 is unique, (ii) In steady state, the capital stock K are the unique solution to l-<PiK,R) C= (i.e., Characterization Clearly, and state of the then given by Y = f{K), the wage [\-a-g)f{K) R rate hy uj = (1 ^ — a)f{K), and ' consum.ption by - g)f{K) - 6K. '°This presumes that a turnpike theorem apphes; this continuity to the complete-markets case. is likely to be the case at least for a small enough, by Condition (18) follows from the Euler condition from the bond market clearing condition by namely (16), H^ {u - G) /R = {1 an international market R > same that has the preferences, technologies R aggregate wealth at which the precautionary motive instead, G (0, Therefore, rate.^^ the open economy to admit a steady state. however, a unique what condition precisely R for but is open to rate. If G (0,1//?) just offset is by the gap between the both necessary and which the net foreign asset position of the is sufficient for given by (18). economy is zero, which (19) imposes. graphical representation K. For any given g, conditions (18) and (19) with respect to, respectively, the intersection of the graphs of these two functions identifies the steady To understand how state. R is For any such R, aggregate capital Let A'i(i?) and K2{R;g) denote the solutions to risks l/p), then diminishing absolute aversion ensures the existence of a finite and the discount interest rate A and bond, thus facing an exogenously fixed interest for the riskless level of 4.2 implied of the steady state of our economy, consider for a If, is H - a - g)f{K)/R. bound. is, Condition (19) follows 0. then the precautionary saving motive implies that aggregate wealth increases without 1//5' There C — (17), substituting for the steady-state value of To better understand the determination moment another economy (15), setting these graphs look lemma examines the next like, the monotonicities of these two functions with respect to R. Lemma The 1. dK\/dR > (i) if intuition behind part H reduces both and only is (ii) if 6 > j^. 8X2/ dR < (ii) For given K, and hence given simple. and (f>{K,R), and thereby necessarily reduces the R then for (19) to hold with the lower it must be that K monotonically decreasing function, as illustrated in Figure The intuition behind part (i) is a bit stationarity of aggregate consumption. gregate wealth. Since From Ct consume is given by right also falls. an increase in ui, hand It follows [pt — nnt) It K2{R) a 1. (18) comes from in turn is the same as imposing p — m. the steady-state value of the marginal propen- follows that aggregate wealth is stationary if and if p+{9-l)p^9p, where p state is equivalent to imposing stationarity of ag- Wt, this we have that m = 60 — {9 — l)p. is that R But side of (19). more convoluted. Recall that condition Clearly, this — condition (13), on the other hand, sity to only Wt = Pt^t — always. K is the and mean (20) return to saving and p the risk adjusted return (both evaluated at the steady for given R). Of course, this condition developing intuition. 'These intuitions are similar to those in Aiyagari (1994). 10 is equivalent to (18), but it is more useful for K K,{R) l<2iR\gio K2[R\ghigh) R ',3 Figure First, note that in is an increase in K reduces /' {K). course, the optimal The steady 1. 4> state and the K necessarily reduces p+(0— l)p. To see this, note that an increfise For given 0, this reduces p and p equally, thus also reducing must but this only reinforces the negative fall, shifted towards the low-return bond), while and the maximizes fact that higher government spending. effects of it R and p increase with R. But now the and only if either hkely to dominate (f> is low or 9 has an ambiguous effect on p fact that cp falls works is if 9 is high. high. Indeed, We + [9 completes the argument behind part we further (i) if (p > U-shaped curve, as illustrated in Figure in R risk K is of we prove that Lemma satisfied if and only 1. if — was small thus expect p (since the portfolio l)p. For given (f), both p this + is (9 — to start with. Moreover, l)p to increase with the case if if and only and only \f 9 R if > j^. > y^, which if 1. show that the steady-state the condition 9 j^ Of in the opposite direction, contributing Combining the above observations, we conclude that dK\/dR > In the Appendix, \)p. does not affect p (because of the envelope theorem to lower p. Intuitively, though, this effect should be small is on p — [9 p). Next, note that an increase in the impact of p effect p+ R is Intuitively, <?!i a decreasing function of R. Hence, is high enough. when R is It follows that close to /?, Ki (R) is a a marginal increase has such a strong positive effect on steady state wealth, that the consequent reduction in the premium more than offsets the increase in the opportunity cost of investment, ensuring that increases with R. As noted earlier, the intersection of the two curves identifies the economy. The existence and uniqueness of such an intersection the proof of Proposition an increase in 3). What we next seek to understand government spending. 11 is is steady state of the closed established in the how Appendix this intersection (see changes with The long-run 4.3 government consumption effects of Because g does not enter condition the Ki On curve. hence lower H as illustrated in Figure lump-sum in R unambiguously falls, the two curves intersect in the upward or the Lemma main 1 we know result of the Proposition rate and {uj), it the saving rate (s government consumption = 5K/Y) of capital to the discount rate (/' effect is {K/N) — on either R and only if state interest rate state capital-labor ratio consumption has no of the upward portion K\ if K downwards, effect of higher depends on whether curve. and only From > if or is equated to the discount rate {R is 6 = ,6). K/N, Y/N, It lower. It On fall R in — (3), ui, and s.^^ risk, if financed they have a precautionary mo- risk aversion, this motive is stronger by reducing household wealth, higher government follows that, can be stationary has to be lower, which proves that of this the follows that, in the long run, government spending stimulates precautionary saving. But then the The impact The determined by the equality of the marginal product Because preferences exhibit diminishing absolute the level of wealth y^^. of if with lump-sum taxation. Because households face consumption when (i) {g) necessarily decreases the risk- Here, instead, government consumption can have non-trivial long-run effects, even tive to save. part {K/N), labor productivity (Y/N), also decreases the capital-labor ratio With complete markets, the steady and the steady downward portion and then immediate. is 4. In steady state, higher free rate (R), while wage whereas the impact on that the intersection occurs in the paper shift simply a manifestation of the negative wealth is affect net-of-taxes labor income, government consumption causes the K2 curve to This 1. Clearly, taxes. means lower the other hand, because higher g an increase , an increase in government consumption does not (18), R risk-free rate at falls which aggregate saving with g?^ on the capital-labor ratio now depends on two opposing effects. the one hand, because of diminishing absolute risk aversion, a lower level of wealth implies a lower willingness to take risk, which tends to discourage investment. earlier, the other hand, a lower opportunity cost of investment, which tends to stimulate investment. risk-free rate implies a lower As explained On the wealth effect dominates when long as the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is d > yrs-^^ Since (j) < a, this is the case as high relative to the income share of capital. (as in Section 5). The only difference is that in the changes and hence and Y also change. '^A similar intuition underlies the steady-state supply of saving in Aiyagari (1994). ^''in the Appendix we prove that the steady-state (^ is a decreasing function of the stead-state R, and hence an increasing function of g. It follows that, whenever the steady-state is a. non-monotonic function of g, it is a [/-shaped function of g. Note, however, that a high enough 9 may suffice for d to be higher than <!>/ {1 — <t>) for all feasible levels of g, and hence for to be a globally decreasing function of g. '^This result is latter case, while true even K/N and when Y/N labor supply is endogenous continue to not change, K A'" K K 12 > j^ is easily satisfied. For be 65% of GDP. Then H is about For empirically plausible calibrations of the model, the condition 9 example, take the interest rate to be GDP, 16 times state j3j = ^, i? or equivalently 4 times = 4% and labor income K, we assume a if capital-output ratio of about 0.25. This j^ this exercise gives a calibrated value for to is of the recent empirical estimates of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, around 1 if not higher. ^^ follows that a negative long-run effect of It 4. Since in steady far lower than most which are typically government consumption on aggregate saving and productivity appears to be the most hkely scenario. Numerical simulation 4.4 We now numerically simulate the steady state of our economy, to get a first pass at the potential quantitative importance of our results. The economy P is fully is parameterized by (a, the discount factor, 7 rate, 9 is /?, 7, 5, 9, where a a, g), is the coefficient of relative risk aversion, 5 is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, return on private investment, and g is In our baseline parametrization, a the (mean) depreciation is the standard deviation of the rate of is the share of government consumption in aggregate output. we take a — 0.36, — 0.96, 7 = 5, a (3 For risk aversion, we take are standard in the literature. the income share of capital, and value 5 — these values 0.08; commonly used in the macro-finance hterature to help generate plausible risk premia. For the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, we take 9 = 1, a. value consistent with recent micro and macro estimates.-'® the share of government, our baseline value alternative What is g — 40% remains is (as in a. Unfortunately, there the "typical" investor in the risks are significant. entry is less some European US is = 25% g (as in the United States) and a higher countries). is no direct measure of the rate-of-return risk faced For instance, the probability that a privately held firm survives five years after than 40%. Furthermore, even conditional on survival, the risks faced by entrepreneurs ment, not only there is also the volatility of the large: as Moskowitz and Vissing-j0rgensen (2002) docu- a dramatic cross-sectional variation in the returns to private equity, but book value as that of the index of public firms of a (value- weighted) index of private firms —one more indication that private equity public equity. Note then that the standard deviation of annual returns for the entire pool of pubhc firms; firm-specific risk); be similar and it is it is about 40% is is is twice as large more risky than about 15% per annum over 50%o for a single public firm (which gives a measure of for a portfolio of the smallest public firms (which are likely to large private firms). '^ See, for example, Vissing-j0rgensen and Attanasio (2003), Mulligan (2002), and Gruber (2005). See also (2006) and Angeletos (2007) for related discussions on the parametrization of the EIS. 16 by economy. However, there are various indications that investment and private investors appear to be very to For See the references in footnote 15. 13 Guvenen Given and this suggestive evidence, these numbers are somewhat — 20% a baseline parameterization and consider want of a better in and a = 40% comparable is Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX), we take a = 30% is 3% to its empirical counterpart. For in- Malloy, Moskowitz and Vissing-j0rgensen Similarly, using data that include for non-stockholders). goods, Ait-Sahalia, Parker and Yogo (2001) get estimates between tions, per 8% stockholders for consumption of luxury 6% and 15%. In our simula- on the other hand, the standard deviation of individual consumption growth annum our the volatility of reassuring: (2006) estimate the standard deviation of consumption growth to be about (and about for Although for sensitivity analysis. arbitrary, the following observation individual consumption generated by our model stance, using the alternative, less is than 5% (along the steady state). Putting aside these qualifications about the parametrization of titative effects of a, we now examine the quan- government consumption on the steady state of the economy. Table 1 reports the per-cent reduction in the steady-state values of the capital-labor ratio (K/N), labor productivity {Y/N), and the saving rate what (s), relative to CM Complete markets are indicated by Y/N CM IM s CM IM -10.02 -3.73 -1.14 17 -12.18 -1.21 20 -6.78 -4.57 -2.5 -0.88 12 -17.82 -6.82 -2.05 28 Table J 1. The steady-state effects of the size of government. In our baseline parametrization, the capital-labor ratio when g = 0. Similarly, productivity point lower. These are significant effects of is is about effects. 4% They = 25% about 10% lower when g lower and the saving rate is about 1 than percentage are larger (in absolute value) than the steady-state eff'ects of a marginal tax on capital income equal to 17% (The tax rate on capital income that would generate the same effects in the complete-markets under complete markets given in the last column of the table, as r^guiv) Not surprisingly, the effects are smaller because then risk matters row): productivity is less. almost 18% On if a is lower (third row) or '^Here, since labor supply is if 7 is the other hand, the effects are larger lower, the saving rate on capital income that would have generated the same is is precautionary saving reported in Aiyagari (1994). They are equivalent to what would be the steady-state case. CM = 40% = 20% = 40% g g were 0.^^ eqmv IM baseline a a if and incomplete markets by IM. K/N CM would have been their values exogenously fixed, the changes in is g = 40% and Y under complete markets coincide with those in not the case in the extensions with endogenous labor supply in the next section. 14 when 2 percentage points lower, effects K lower (not reported), K/N (final and the tax is 28%. and Y/N\ this , Table 2 turns from increase government spending first case, productivity marginal level to by 1 reports the change in it 25% percent, either from by 0.19%; falls effects: in the second, have been under complete markets the and about g g Table 2. = 25% = 40% Long-run effects of a equivalent to is what would 0.8 percentage points in the second case. Y/N CM equiv IM CM -0.52 -0.19 0.75 -0.71 -0.26 0.8 IM ^ 26% ^ 41% we the tax rate on capital income by about K/N CM s as 26%, or from 40% to 41%. In the to by 0.26%. This effect of increasing 0.75 percentage points in the first case, K/N, Y/N, and permanent 1% increase government consumption. in Endogenous labor 5 In this section we endogenize labor supply economy. in the We consider three alternative specifi- cations that achieve this goal without compromising the tractability of the model. GHH 5.1 One easy preferences way to accommodate endogenous labor supply model in the is to that rule out income effects on labor supply, as in Greenwood, Hercowitz and particular, suppose that preferences are given u{ctM) where It denotes leisure and u = by Uq iziz [ct — + Eq /q°° e~'^^u [ct, where I {ui) argmaxj {v (l) — Huffman k) dt, with 1-7 f22^ The a strictly concave, strictly increasing function.^® is u>l} (1998). In v(Zt)] then proceed as in the benchmark model, with labor supply in period = assume preferences t given hy Nt analysis can = I — I {uit) . This specification highlights an important difference between complete and incomplete markets with regard to the employment impact of in fiscal Under incomplete markets, an increase government spending can have a negative general-equilibrium This is never possible with complete markets, but increase in g reduces the capital-labor ratio, labor supply. Indeed, with in shocks. GHH it is effect possible with incomplete markets and thereby the wage preferences, 6 > j^ on aggregate employment. sufiices for rate, both which K/N in and when an turn discourages N to fall with g both the short run and the long run. To allow for d ^ I/7, we let Ui = E( J^ z{cr + v(It), V-r)dT, 15 with the function z defined as in condition (5). Although it is unlikely that wealth effects on labor supply are zero in the long run, they weak well be very positive shock to In the light of our results, one in the short run. may may then expect that after a government consumption both employment and investment could drop on impact under incomplete markets. ^^ KPR 5.2 A preferences second tractable way to accommodate endogenous labor supply homothetic preferences over consumption and u{cult) where It The denotes leisure and ip G (0, 1) is benefit of this specification comparable to previously reported is = = Eg / e""^*u {ctJt) dt, (7o that it is standard is now = I and Ct (for given Christiano and Eichenbaum (1992), we take A The only essential novelty is that T — . -IpUJt now captured by is the negative relationship ip — with King, Plosser, and Rebelo (1988) and line 0.75. This value ensures that the steady-state worked approximately matches the are as in the baseline specification of the 5.3 The homo- tot). For the quantitative version of this economy, in fraction of available time with one another. ^^ , neoclassical effect of wealth on labor supply A''^ cost in tractability once — L {ut, Ct) where I between leisure the 'benchmark model. ^^ given hy Nt the literature (making our results then preserved and the equilibrium analysis is L{ut,Ct)^The in comes with zero also it problem theticity of the household's optimization aggregate employment (23) ^° a scalar. results), while in with Th^[cl~'''lt]'-', augmented with the assumption that agents can trade proceeds in a similar fashion as King, Plosser, and Rebelo (1988). In leisure, as in by particular, suppose that preferences are given to assume that agents have is US data. The rest of the parameters benchmark model. Hand-to-mouth workers third approach is to spht the population into two groups. The holds that have been modeled in the benchmark model; we first group consists of the house- will call this group the "investors". '^This discussion indicates that an interesting extension might be to consider a preference specification that allows for weak short-run but strong long-run wealth effects, as in Jaimovich and Rebelo for 9 ^ I/7, we let Ut = Et J^ 5(c?/}.-*, Ur)dT, with z defined as in ^°To allow ^'Clearly, this last assumption with individual wealth. is for modeling convenience: ^^The proofs are available upon request. 16 it (2006). (5). allows individual leisure to increase proportionally The second group consume consists of households that supply labor but their entire labor income at each point workers". Their labor supply is we in time; do not hold any assets, and simply group the "hand-to-mouth will call this given by Nhtm^^e^^fjhtmyc^ where C/'*'" denotes the consumption of these agents, e^ labor supply, and Cc > parameterizes the wealth This approach could be justified on its own (24) > parameterizes the wage elasticity of elasticity.^'' merit. In the United States, a significant fraction of the population holds no assets, has limited abihty to borrow, and sees income almost one-to-one. This But model. is what the unclear hand-to-mouth workers preserving A is model "right" a crude way for these of capturing this elasticities of that is it households is. Our form of heterogeneity The point labor supply. Whereas the is freedom also gives benchmark specification with in the model while parameterizing the wage and in KPR preference specification imposes e^ = — e^ = the specification introduced above permits us to pick evidence. of heterogeneity than our its its tractability. side benefit of this approach wealth model fact calls for a richer consumption tracking its much lower elasticities, consistent with micro not to argue which parametrization of the labor-supply elasticities appropriate for quantitative exercises within the neoclassical growth model; this long debate in the hterature, to which we have nothing 1, to add. The point here is is is more the subject of a rather to cover a broader spectrum of empirically plausible quantitative results. For the quantitative version of this economy, we thus take are in the middle of most micro e^^ — What then remains estimates.^'* income absorbed by hand-to-mouth workers. As mentioned above, a population holds no assets. For example, using data from both the (2006) reports that the lower accounts for about 70% consumption even when of aggregate economy 80% of the wealth distribution of aggregate consumption. Since their net worth consumption accounted is for zero, 70% is value of the relevant parameter that one would estimate consumption data —we can deduce this and Cc = —0.25, which the fraction of aggregate significant fraction of the PSID and the SCF, be an upper bound We able to and smooth for the fraction thus opt to calibrate the of aggregate consumption. This if US Guvenen of aggregate wealth some households may be likely to 50% is owns only 12% by hand-to-mouth agents. so that hand-to-mouth agents account for 0.25 the model were to match US is also the aggregate from Campbell and Mankiw (1989)."^ = Ci" — n^", for appropriate CcCnand Blundell and MaCurdy (1999). ^^Note that the specification of aggregate consumption considered in Campbell and Mankiw coincides with the one implied by our model. Therefore, if one were to run their regression on data generated by our model, one would correctly identify the fraction of aggregate consumption accounted for by hand-to-mouth workers in our model. This impHes that it is indeed appropriate to calibrate our model's relevant parameter to Campbell and Mankiw's estimate. ^'Preferences that give rise to this labor supply are Ui ^"See, for example, Hausman (1981), MaCurdy (1981), 17 The long-run 5.4 Our main effects of theoretical result (Proposition 4) continues to hold in benchmark model: the wage rate a; if it also reduces the capital-labor ratio and only if K/N, above variants of the labor productivity the elasticity of intertemporal substitution 9 not clear anymore is of the all steady state, a higher rate g of government consumption necessarily reduces in the interest rate R; and What government consumption with endogenous labor the effect of g on is i^" and Y, because now Y/N, and higher than yrs-^^ is is A'' not fixed. On one hand, the reduction in wealth stimulates labor supply, thus contributing to an increase This the famihar neoclassical effect of government spending on labor supply. is as long as ^ > j^, it is is elasticity of labor GHH supply is sufficiently high relative to its where the wealth specification, permanent increase effect hand-to-mouth workers, where we have freedom KPR preferences, of overall unambiguously positive under complete markets. to a reduction in long-run emploj^ment after a in the The therefore ambiguous under incomplete Other things equal, we expect the negative general-equilibrium wage the other hand, the novel general-equihbrium effect due to incomplete markets. is government spending on aggregate employment markets, whereas A''. the reduction in capital intensity depresses real wages, contributing towards a reduction in N. This effect of On in the where both in is zero. It in government spending, income elasticity. can also be verified choosing these elasticities are restricted to dominate, thus leading effect to elasticities, This is if the clear for the case of but not in the case equal one. Given these theoretical ambiguities, we now seek to get a sense of empirically plausible quantitative effects. As already of pedagogical value. economy with KPR We discussed, the GHH case (zero wealth effects on labor supply) is merely thus focus on the parameterized versions of the other two cases, the (homothetic) preferences and the economy with hand-to-mouth workers. Table 3 then presents the marginal effects on the steady-state levels of the capital-labor ratio, productivity, employment, and output for each of these two economies, as g increases from to 26%, or from 40% to 41%.^^ The case of with hand-to-mouth workers by CM is indicated by KPR preferences HTM. is KPR, indicated by 25% while the case In either case, complete markets are indicated and incomplete markets by IM. Regardless of specification, the marginal effects of higher government spending on capital intensity K/N and labor productivity is wealth effect of so that A'' is for aggregate employment increases with higher g under either complete or incomplete markets. is weaker under incomplete markets, especially true as long as the steady state benchmark model. is in the the However, the economy with hand- unique, which seems to be the case but has not been proved as in the Also, in the variant with hand-to-mouth agents, we have to be cautious to interpret of private equity to effective wealth for the investor population alone. ^^We henceforth A'', higher g turns out to dominate the effect of lower wages under incomplete markets, employment stimulus ^^This are negative under incomplete markets (and are stronger the whereas they are zero under complete markets. As higher g), Y/N focus on marginal rather than level effects just to economize on space. 18 4> as the ratio K/N CM g g = 25% = 40% N Y/N CM IM Y CM IM CM IM equiv IM CM KPR -0.33 -0.12 1.4 1.27 1.4 1.15 0.52 HTM -0.3 -0.11 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.27 0.46 ^ 41% KPR -0.52 -0.19 1.76 1.53 1.76 1.34 0.68 HTM -0.36 -0.13 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.44 0.48 26% -^ Table to-mouth workers. The same complete markets, but less so are on average equivalent to 3. is Long-run effects with endogenous labor. true for aggregate output: under incomplete markets. what would have been the it increases under either incomplete or Finally, the incomplete-markets effect of increasing effects the tax rate on capital income by about 0.55% under complete markets. Dynamic responses 6 The results so far indicate that the long-run effects of affected by incomplete risk sharing. We now impulse response of the economy to a Starting from the steady state with g in government spending. to g = 26%). = examine how incomplete shock. fiscal government consumption can be significantly risk sharing affects the entire ^^ 25%, we hit the We then trace its transition to the economy with a permanent 1% new steady state (the one corresponding We conduct this experiment for both the economy with KPR and the economy with hand-to-mouth workers, each parameterized either case, the transitional increase (homothetic) preferences as in the previous section; in dynamics reduce to a simple system of two first-order ODE's in [Kt-Ht] when 0=1?^ The results are presented in Figures 2 and 3. Time in years is on the horizontal axis, deviations of the macro variables from their respective initial values are on the vertical axis. interest rate differences. and the investment rate The As evident different solid lines indicate ai"e in while The simple differences, the rest of the variables are in log incomplete markets, the dashed lines indicate complete markets. in these figures, the quantitative effects of a permanent fiscal shock can be quite between complete and incomplete markets. The overall picture that emerges "^Note that the purpose of the quantitative exercises conducted here, and throughout the paper, the abihty of the model to match the data. Rather, the purpose is is is that the not to assess to detect the potential quantitative significance we took from the standard neoclassical growth model. ^Throughout, we focus on permanent shocks. Clearly, transitory shocks have no impact in the long run. As for their short-run impact, the difference between complete and incomplete markets is much smaller than in the case of permanent shocks. This is simply because transitory shocks have very weak wealth effects on investment as long as agents can freely borrow and lend over time, which is the case in our model. However, we expect the difference between complete and incomplete markets to be larger once borrowing constraints are added to the model, for then investment will be sensitive to changes in current disposable income even if there is no change in present- value wealth. of the particular deviation 19 10 5 (a) Aggregate Output Yt 10 (c) (b) 25 15 (e) 20 25 2. Dynamic responses 26 Aggregate Employment Nt (d) Investment Rate It/Yt 30 Labor Productivity Yt/Nt Figure 20 30 Capital-Labor Ratio Kt/Nt 15 15 (f) to a permanent 20 Interest stiock witii Rate Rt KPR preferences. 30 (g) (i) (h) Capital-Labor Ratio Kt/Nt (k) Figure Aggregate Output Yt (j) Labor Productivity Yt/Nt 3. Dynamic responses Aggregate Employment Nt Investment Rate It/Yt (1) to a Interest Rate Rt permanent shock with hand-to-mouth 21 agents. employment and output stimulus of a permanent increase now we see that the This picture holds for both the economy with But there are workers. of incomplete markets stronger in the some also government spending And whereas we incomplete markets than under complete markets. long-run response of the economy, in same is true for already its is weaker under knew this for the short-run response. KPR preferences and the one with hand-to-mouth interesting differences between the two. on the employment and output stimulus economy with hand-to-mouth workers. As a of result, The mitigating effect government spending whereas the short-run is much effects of higher government spending on the investment rate and the interest are positive under complete markets in both economies, and whereas these the economy with KPR preferences, effects remain positive under incomplete markets in they turn negative under incomplete markets in the economy with hand-to-mouth workers. To understand this result, consider for a to-mouth workers and labor supply change in is moment the benchmark model, where there are no hand- completely inelastic. Under complete markets, a permanent government spending would be absorbed one-to-one in private consumption, leaving investment and interest rates completely unaffected in both the short- and the long-run. incomplete markets, instead, investment and the interest rate would long run. Allowing labor supply to increase in response to the and the interest rate labor supply is jump upwards under complete weak enough, the response fall fiscal on impact, as well Under as in the shock ensures that investment markets. However, as long as the response of of investment and the interest rate can remain negative under incomplete markets. As a final point of interest, associated with a permanent 1% we calculate the welfare cost, in terms of consumption equivalent, increase in government spending. drops by 0.2%, whereas under incomplete markets cost of an increase in government spending is it Under complete markets, welfare drops by 0.6%. In other words, the welfare three times higher under incomplete markets than under complete markets.^'' To recap, the quantitative results presented here indicate that a modest level of uninsured idiosyncratic investment risk can have a non-trivial impact on previously reported quantitative economy with KPR preferences classics in the related literature, Aiyagari, Christiano and Eichenbaum evaluations of fiscal policy. Note in particular that our quantitative is directly (1992) fiscal comparable to two and Baxter and King (1993). Therefore, further investigating the macroeconomic effects of shocks in richer quantitative models with financial frictions appears to be a promising direction for future research. ''"Here we have assumed that government consumption has no welfare benefit, but this should not be tal<en hterally; nothing changes if Gt enters separably in the utihty of agents. 22 Conclusion 7 This paper revisits the macroeconomic effects of government consumption version of the neoclassical growth model. Incomplete markets make an incomplete-markets in individual investment sensitive government spending can crowd- to individual wealth for given prices. It follows that an increase in out private investment simply by reducing disposable income. As a result, market incompleteness can seriously upset the supply-side even if wages financed with an increase in government consumption, reduce capital intensity, labor productivity, and ta:xation, tends to both the short-run and the long-run. For plausible parameterizations of the model, these in results lump-sum effects of fiscal shocks: appear to have not only qualitative but also quantitative content. These results might, or might not, be bad news for the ability of the neoclassical explain the available evidence regarding the macroeconomic effects of fiscal paradigm to shocks. However, the goal of this paper was not to study the ability of an incomplete-market variant of the neoclassical growth model to match the relevant data. Rather, the goal was to identify a mechanism through which incomplete markets modify the response of the economy to fiscal shocks. This mechanism was the dependence of individual investment on individual wealth. In our model, this property originated from uninsured idiosyncratic investment risk combined with diminishing absolute risk aversion. Borrowing constraints to wealth (or cash flow). Also, this in the neoclassical would lead to similar sensitivity of investment mechanism need not depend on whether paradigm) or sticky Keynesian paradigm). The key insights of (as in the paper are thus clearly more general than the specific model we employed importance of these insights within richer models of the macroeconomy An important aspect left outside our analysis tures. In this paper, as in much spending lump-sum is financed with prices are flexible (as is is — but this the quantitative an open question. the optimal financing of government expendi- of the related literature, we assumed that taxation, only because we wished the increase in government to isolate wealth effects from tax distortions. Suppose, however, that the government has access to two tax instruments, a lump- sun tax and a proportional income as to maximize ex ante tax.'^^ Suppose further that the government chooses taxes so utility (equivalently, a utilitarian welfare criterion) subject to no inequality) constraint. Clearly, with complete markets (and exogenous increase however, it is in likely that an increase in government spending Further exploring these issues Werning is to finance any financed with a mixture of both lump-sum tax would disproportionately agents, using both instruments permits the in would be optimal budget government spending with only lump-sum taxes. With incomplete markets, instruments: while using only the 'As it its is left (2006), this might be a government to trade affect the utility of off less efficiency for for future research. good proxy for more general non-linear tax schemes. 23 more poor equality. Appendix: Proofs 8 Proof of Proposition Let 1. J{iL',t) The value function depends on time {u^i, Rt}telQ,oo) t denote the value function for the household's problem. because of discounting as well as because the price sequence used not be stationary. However, the value function does not depend on because z, households have identical preferences, they have access to the same technology, and they face the same sequence of prices and the same stochastic process for idiosyncratic equation that characterizes the value function = max{ Tn,4> z{m.w,J{w,t)) + —-{w,t) at I is risk. The Bellman given by + -— (w, t)[(/)fi + aw - (1 (l>)Rt - m]w + --—^{w,t)(frw'^a' I ow^ (25) The first term of the Bellman equation from current-period consumption; the (25) captures utihty second term takes care of discounting and the non-stationarity in prices; the third term captures the impact of the mean growth in wealth; CRRA/CEIS specification of preferences, an educated guess and the last term (Ito's term) captures the impact of risk. Because of the is that there exists a deterministic process Bj such that J{w,t)^Bt- 1-77 Because of the homogeneity of J in w, the Bellman equation then reduces to dJ dJ = m^|z(7n, J(l,t)) + ^(1,0 + ^(l,i)[^fi + ,, so that the optimal = max m,0 The first m and (p ^ |——^[B.^m^-i/^ Iju 1] + i order condition for first (1 - ,,„ (j) + f^ ~ -l [0n 7 + and (1 1^2 J - m] + l^(l,i)<^2^2 , 4>)Rt are independent of w. Using (5) - (26), the <t>)Ri I ^ (3?) above becomes - m] - \i4>''A (28) I gives 0t while the the (26) . order condition for m = n-Rt 7^2 (29) ' gives ;ives i-e rrit = (30) 24 Substituting this into (28), using the definition of o This ODE, (30), this — = -T:ri is is ^*- (0 - l)f>t the Euler condition (13). labor supply Fk 137 + equivalent to Proof of Proposition wage + together with the relevant transversahty condition, determines the process for Bt- Using — = m, + mt which and rearranging, we get pt, — [Kt, 1) Combining uJt = Fi this if and only with Kt — is = n{u)t)Kt if {Kt, 1) and, similarly, the equilibrium The bond market, on 5. demand Since aggregate labor the labor market clears is 1, satisfies 2. J^n\ 1. It = n{u)t)Kt follows that the equilibrium mean return the other hand, clears if and aggregate and only to capital satisfies if = (1 — (t>t)Wt ft + = Hf. 4>tWt gives condition (17). Combining the intertemporal government budget with the definition of human wealth, we get (31) Expressing this in recursive form gives condition Combining the - [ptWt Kt — latter - [RtHt - Wt + LOt — Ct — Gt- Ct) ftKt (16). = pWt — Ct-, we have Kt = Wt — Ht = + Gt) Using ptWt - ft<i>tWt + Rt{l- (pt) Wt - nKt + RtHt, we get Together with the fact, in equilibrium, ftKt + uJt = F {Kt,l) — 5Kt, this with Kt + Ht = Wt and Wt . gives condition (14), the resource constraint. Finally, using Ct Ct = [pt — f^t) = Wt and rht/mt + Wt/Wt (13), gives condition (15), the aggregate Proof of Proposition K and = and therefore Ct/Ct rritWt, 3. First, we together with Wt = PtWt — Euler condition. derive the two equations characterizing the steady state R. In steady state, the Euler condition gives = (p -/?)- (0 - 1) 1^0-2 02, where Combining and solving directly from (16) and for /' {K) gives condition (18). Condition (19), on the other hand, follows (17). Next, we prove existence and uniqueness of the steady state. 25 Let n{R) and 4>{R) denote, respectively, the risk by premium and the weahh fraction of effective held in capital, when K given is (18): m^{^^{^) Note that ^i'{R) < and 4>'{R) < 0. Next, and m^^l^^^^^f^)- K {R) let denote the solution to (18), or equivalently 1 ^{R) K[R) + 6 +R Q-l (32) a Finally, let This represents the ratio of the net foreign asset position to domestic capital of an open economy that faces an exogenous interest rate Y— and G f{K) = K", where a > 0,^ > of the steady state (for the solves R = D{R:g) (Note that we have used (0, 0). 0, dosed economy), it i+e PV^'^ is finite and hence both /i(/3) = DiR; 0, g) ^ implying hrn D{R;g) = (1 this, establish existence show that there = — 0"*" > and K{P) ^lim^ = p D {R) ^ " Kcompl - a - g)K{Pr-']- - — a)Y, G — gY, and uniqueness exists a unique R that and R —^ P~ Note that . /i(0) = in lim R^0- ^ = + 1 = +-• (/')~^ (0) J- + 1 = is finite. It follows -oo. (p{R) R, ensure the existence of an R £ (0,/3) D (R) = 0. we now show that D {R; g) strictly decreasing in is R, then we also have uniqueness. To show note that from (33), dD dR -^ = {l-a-g) " Now {\ A'(0) are finite. It follows that These properties, together with the continuity of If To I.) as /2 - a - ,)i.(0)"- (/>(/?) (1 and (j){0) D fi-»/3- such that < = 0. ^lim^ Furthermore, g suffices to Fix g henceforth, and consider the limits of ( + and a ui K{R) Q-l ' i?2 ..-.«ll^-: + ^. note that a ' K a-lf'{Ky 26 02 ^2 ' (34) . we suppress the dependence /here dD K, of and ji, on <p R for notational simphcity. 2 l-a-gf'{K) a ~dR R^ ^ a /i' {R) < and R < f (K . . R all G / . ja^ R^ {R)) for follows that + l~a-gRfi' + R-f'{iq Since It II- (0, /?), we have that dD/dR < for all R e (0, 0), which completes the argument. Proof of Lemma 1. Recall that (18) is equivalent to 9{p-p)-{9-l)jci>^a^ = where p we — (j)f' {K) + {l — (p) R and cp = (/' (A') /'jcr'^. Applying the implicit function theorem, get dK 4>-e{\-<j)) OR which proves i) g) A'", we ' " ' ' " = [f {!<) - I dK which proves that 8X2/ dR < Proof of Proposition dD/8R < 0, this g on the steady-state on g and is f [K) = R)/ja^, aK'^'^ and w - G - get 4. always. From (33), we have that dD/8g < imphes that the steady-state K <0 i^: (i-«)^ 'dR that /" i^<oo^< ^. the other hand, from (19), using — a— + 1 that: dR On <^(^ (18) 81 (1 — R) 0, R R if and only 27 if 9 Together with the property necessarily decreases with then follows from the fact that Ki {R) increasing/decreasing in 0. is , g. The impact of defined by (18), does not depend higher/lower than (p/ {\ — (f)) References Ait-Sahalia, Y., Parker, J. A., M. Yogo (2001), "Luxury Goods and the Equity Premium, " NBER, Working Paper 8417. Aiyagari, of R. (1994), "Uninsured Idiosyncratic Risk and Aggregate Saving," Quarterly Journal S. Economics 109, 659-684. Aiyagari, S. R., Christiano, L., and M. 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