Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/rationaldebateonOOspec DEWEV HB31 .M415 '0^ working paper department of economics RA TIONAL DEBA TE AND ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONFLICT David Spector No. 99-09 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS RATIONAL DEBATE AND ONE-DIMENSIONAL CONFLICT David Spector No. 99-09 March 1999 , MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 Rational debate and one-dimensional conflict* David Spector (MIT) Revised version: February 1999 "It's like G.H. Hardy's old crack: says he believes in God, that's he doesn't, one can take C.P. This paper owes the Archbishop of Canterbury way of business, but if he says he means what he says." Snow, The Affair to Thomas Piketty, who took an active part in an earlier version. I am also grateful Michael Kremer, Augustin Landier, and two anonymous referees for their helpful much to Abhijit Banerjee, it all If the comments. All errors are mine. Abstract This paper studies repeated communication collective decision in a large population. regarding When a multidimensional preferences coincide but beliefs it is shown, under some communication causes the disagreement between about the consequences of the various decisions diverge, specific assumptions, that public beliefs either to Multidimensional vanish or become to disagreement allows one-dimensional indeed communication, including some which are orthogonal agents can communicate credibly. The for many the limit. directions to the conflict, of along which possible convergence towards a one- may be related many countries. dimensional conflict where no further communication takes place to the empirically at observed geometry of the political conflict in Introduction 1. This paper develops a model of repeated communication between agents facing We a collective decision. consider a situation where agents' interests coincide, while of the collective decision diverge, and their beliefs about the uncertain payoffs we analyze the dynamics of beliefs induced by strategic communication regarding this The uncertainty. main result multidimensional forever, as beliefs either converge some one-dimensional disagreement. We disagreement the that states all towards the model communication randomly selected agent observes a signal about the and publicly, agent is it which causes randomly selected to make all them state game^: of the world agents to update their beliefs. Then, another the collective decision. allows to ascribe the possible persistence of failure, as the infinite towards truth, or as a cheap-talk in every period, a talks about remain cannot The information some disagreement sequence of signals would be enough, to a known if structure communication to all agents, to let learn the truth. The intuition of the main simple geometric expression: a one- result has a dimensional conflict can be a steady-state, because there are only two "directions" of communication, so that a "left-wing" agent always wants to report a "left-wing" signal, and conversely, making communication impossible. The same logic implies long as the disagreement that, as multidimensional, agents manage to communicate credibly is along a more "neutral" direction, orthogonal to their conflict, and beliefs keep changing. These two arguments together imply starting that, from multidimensional a disagreement, repeated communication causes beliefs to change and converge toward a steady-state, characterized However by full agreement or one-dimensional disagreement. general the intuition seems, its formal modeling requires very specific assumptions: agents are infinitely impatient, communication is bound to be public, there a continuum of agents, the payoffs of the collective decision are not observed, and the model only considers a particular assumptions, we show We is common knowledge function and signal structure. Under these measure set of initial beliefs, convergence to a a positive probability event. believe this result theoretical viewpoint, utility that for a positive one-dimensional conflict in is we know may be of interest for two main reasons. relatively little about communication of diverging priors, of which this model is a case. in From a games with More important our view, our results might be related to an empirical fact generally considered a See Crawford and Sobel (1982). puzzle; contrary to the predictions of the most natural economic reasoning^, conflicts tend be organized along a one-dimensional axis^. model explains this, we the idea, explored in a Without claiming political that our believe that this coincidence pleads in favor of taking seriously growing literature"*, that political beliefs as about interests, so that studying much about conflicts are as communication about collective decisions is probably an important research direction for formal political science. The paper is organized as follows: section 2 introduces what simplest possible model allowing us to states; section 4 describes make our point; section 3 analyzes convergence and its we view stability its as the steady- and section 5 properties, concludes. 2. The model 2.1. Players and preferences We consider a continuum of agents partitioned into two groups into repeated communication over a discrete collective decision Mj = (x, , ^y, ) e 91 infinite contingent utility function U(M,s), depending on the decision state of the world s. M ^ = {x^,y^) of the world is 2), and engaged all M have the same t a state- and some uncertain U is given by U{M,s) = where and horizon t=0,l,... In every period be taken. Agents is to (1 is unknown -\M-M,f the optimal decision to the agents, when the state of the world and remains the same is s. The state in all periods. In addition, agents have an infinite rate of time preference, so that in period t they maximize the expectation of U(Mt). Along each of the two dimensions, there each be equal to either or 1. are two possible ideal decisions: Xs and ys can There are therefore four possible optimal decisions ^ See for example Arrow (1963). 3 Poole and Rosenthal (1991), Snyder (1996). '* For example, Banerjee and Somanathan (1998), Piketty (1995). 2 (0,0), and (0,1), (1,0) we decision, (1,1). will identify optimal decision A belief them and write is relevant only through the optimal for the state of the (i,j) world where the is (i,j). about the fx Since the state of the world state of the world an element (/iQo.MiO'A'oi'/^ll) °f is •^he three- dimensional simplex A. We assume denoted that all agents belonging to T The /x'^. fi . group have identical beliefs in period zero, i difference between beliefs across groups is the only heterogeneity between agents. We characterize the indirect preferences induced first by some belief |i. The quadratic state-contingent utility function yields the following simple relationship between beliefs and induced preferences: indifference curves corresponding circles around the most preferred decision, which is to indirect preferences are simply the expected most preferred decision. Lemma An 1: are represented agent's indirect preferences given a belief by the |i about the state of the world indirect utility function ViM) = -\\M-M*(n)f with M*(/i) = £(Mj/z) = (/iio+/iii,//oi+Mii) Proof: Appendix. Remark: as A belief can be any element of the three-dimensional simplex A, but as far induced preferences are concerned, only M*(|i), which varies in a two- the dimensional to that |J. set, matters. The information which conveyed by M*(fx) Xs and about ys: infinitely additional information preferences, the way it is is is new conveyed by the belief p. related to the correlation many beliefs irrelevant \i for information. between the agent's in addition beliefs about correspond the same M*(|i). Although the relevant for the analysis of the agents update is this induced preferences given quadratic communication game, since One might argue that since we view it affects the various dimensions of the collective choice as "independent" (as mentioned in the introduction), 3 we should restrict our attention to beliefs that are such that fi{(x^,y^)-(i,j))=fi{x^-i)/j.{y^ = independent across dimensions, that This j). is wrong, because with the is dynamics generated by our communication game (described below), beliefs would generally cease to be independent after communication took place. are going to write Q most preferred decisions belong to we Notation: Throughout the paper Lemma 1 implies that all Q. The communication game 2.2. The following sequence of events A signal (i) for the square [0,l]x[0,l]. is is infinitely repeated: drawn randomly according to a probability distribution depending on the true state of the world, (ii) A randomly is selected agent observes the signal and everyone learns "what the signal about" (see section 2.3 below), (iii) The agent who observed (iv) A randomly selected agent belonging to the group other than the speaker's takes the the signal speaks, collective decision. To keep the repeated game simple enough, we assume that in every 1 (resp. group 2) according to the (resp. randomly chosen in uniform distribution. The randomization is even) period, prior to decision-making, an agent (the speaker) group odd is independent across periods. The speaker then observes a signal at providing some information about the state of the world, updates his beliefs, and can attempt to communicate to other agents receiver) is then decision. to We by sending a message. randomly chosen assume that to r(t) agent in the other group (the be a dictator in period communication is public: everybody, and not only to the agents of his and An when an own group. t and take the collective agent talks, he has to talk We are going to write respectively for the speaker's and the receiver's group in period (s(t),r(t)) is (1,2) if t is t, s(t) so that odd, and (2,1) otherwise. The assumptions of a continuum of agents and of public communication imply that, except for the finite number of agents received the who directly observed a signal, all the other same information, coming exclusively from publicly sent messages. Therefore in period probability 1, t almost all neither the agent observed a signal agents in group who i have the same belief observes a signal in period t a receiver's decision following a , the speaker chooses mt B(|j.,a) from the belief message mt sent by the speaker Given the form of indirect preferences and the is 5(jU'^^'^' ,CT, ) starting )i, . With denoting that the M *(B(/i'^^'^' ,tni)). is fact that the speaker's belief to ji" nor the dictator directly an earlier period. This implies, with the expression in the belief held after updating the information speaks (i=l,2) when he minimize ^ A\ x^ *rr>r,i'^Wt \M*(B(fl'"",(7,))-M*(B(fi'"",m, j(')' In other words, the speaker sends the new most preferred his We assume expected utility. decision and the future dictator's. that although agents act, utility message which minimizes the distance between whenever they can, in order to maximize the derived from the collective decision, they do not observe their Therefore, agents learn nothing on their own and by the messages they hear. This strong assumption on learning imposed by communication. If is their beliefs are affected needed if we are to focus on own only limits agents could learn from their utility level, then they would learn the true state of the world at once: except for a zero-measure set of decisions, the four possible states of the world yield four different utility levels, so observing 2.3. The utility would amount to observing the state of the world^. signal structure To make the too informative. On problem interesting, signals the one hand, we must be neither too uninformative, nor are interested in the extent to which strategic communication may leave room for some disagreement. Therefore, a desirable feature of the model should be that making the infinite sequence of signals public would cause all agents to learn the true state of the world (under the mild assumption that initial beliefs assign a non-zero probability to the learn the truth results strategic truth): this will from a communication communication non trivial, signals failure. A similar assumption is made by Hart (1985). 5 the other hand, to who to make should not be completely informative: they were, then given identical preferences, the agent ^ On imply that any failure if observed the signal would . simply report We assumed make some very to about Xs and would be believed. it, specific assumptions about the signal be rich enough to allow not only only or only) ys but also It is for pure signals (providing information "mixed" for structure. signals providing information simultaneously along both dimensions, with various "ratios of informativeness" along both directions. We signal) along the two dimensions assume that this relative informativeness (the "direction" of the is drawn but that this piece of information alone precisely, the signal First, tells g [0, k) drawn is at world, with A< [O, — z= . A] is The also drawn direction at More steps. random, from a probability distribution independent of the state of the world with "signal intensity" a e to all agents, nothing about the state of the world. can be decomposed in two direction a random and becomes known at strictly positive density everywhere. random independently of the state and the signal intensity become knowledge, and they obviously provide no information about the state A of the common of world. Then, the agent randomly selected to be the speaker observe a signal which can take two values Safi or Sa^e+nstate of the world We write fijiS^fi) for the probabihty of observing ) = I if the is (i,j). We assume that the functions fij iSa,e S^q + a(A- COS0 + pj f^ have the following form: sin 6) with^o=-l.A=lThis implies that /^ (S^q ) The assumption A< + /^ (S^^e+j^ ) = —z= implies that 1 fij(S^Q)>0 foralli,j, a and 6. 2v2 This functional form has the following simple property: weights to if |i is fl all four states of the world (so that the belief assigning equal O M*{^.)= —,— )then V 2 2 M*(B{iJ.,Sae)) = 1 ^2 so that the 1 ^ 2 J \- + acose,- + asm9 change of the agent's most preferred decision, and a the direction of the is magnitude of this change. This example allows to signal direction (mod direction 9 more precise. information provides fio{SaQ) = make It only about — + aPi=fii(SaQ). , x^ and not all results: as will assumed above particular, occurs and it (mod about jt) y^, is is the signal is is since for i=0,l, then the signal provides more and more to the vertical. one of many which would yield the same bounded and common knowledge may seem more is that the signal appear throughout the proofs of the various propositions, what only that informativeness direction all other directions are mixed, and are informative about y^ (relative to x^ ) the closer signal structure at Similarly if Q=k/2 and of the should be interpreted in the following way: the example spelled out above, 6=0 (mod k) means information only about y^ The common knowledge the assumption of some commonly known information about "what it) is about". For the particular is is that in infinitely with a many is needed periods, each strictly positive probability. In natural to consider a signal structure which would allow for all directions of updating in the three-dimensional simplex, since there are four states of the world. The results would and the updating direction form above 2.4. is just common is chosen for still hold - as long as informativeness is knowledge. Beyond bounded that, the specific functional its clarity. Role of the various assumptions 2.4.1. Continuum of agents This assumption observe infinitely the truth 2.4.2. many is necessary: with finitely many agents, each of signals directly with probability one, and even without any communication. Public communication them would would therefore learn If communication were not bound communicate the signal at least to his to the truth with probability 1. The learn infinitely fact that this paper about the political debate (involving 2.4.3. Infinite group, since there many signals, and converge communication may be more relevant to think agents and characterized by a "public" situations. is made for simplicity. Given necessary for the results. At the very the complexity of we do forward-looking behavior in this stochastic context, it is many no prior divergence impatience This assumption extent is necessity of this assumption, as well as that of the continuum assumption, highlights the character) than about other own would within a group. Therefore each group be public, then the speaker would to not really least, the results modeling know to what should carry over, by continuity, to the case of very impatient agents. 2.4.4. Knowledge of the signal direction This assumption is made two signals along each direction of the communication games for simplicity. Together with the fact that there are only (for a given intensity), it either completely are implies that the pure equilibria uninformative or completely informative, which facilitates the analysis. 3. Steady states As we stressed in section 2.2 above, the existence of a implies that in the beginning of any period beliefs fi" starting from , and receivers resulting /i'°. is from updating all t, almost all continuum of agents agents in group i have the same the messages sent between periods This, and the assumption that the and t random determination of speakers independent across periods, ensures that in the beginning of period t+1, the speaker's and the receiver's respective beliefs are /i^^''' and /i''*'" with probability one. This allows us to keep track of the entire dynamics by using (/^'',/z^') as an exhaustive state variable. As always arises, since in there pure communication games, the question of equilibrium selection always exists, alongside any other equilibrium, 8 a "babbling" equilibrium where no communication takes place. However, since there are only two signals (once the uncertainty about a and belief distribution has been resolved), there exists for each and signal direction either the babbling equilibrium only, or the babbling equilibrium and the "communicative" equilibrium where the speaker reveals Whenever such the signal^. it. a communicative equilibrium exists, This defines a stochastic process We condition (/z'°,^^°). describe its dynamics first (fi" ,fi^'),^Q starting characterize such i.e. probability from some arbitrary initial steady states, which will allow us to its that if (fi" ,fi^') (/i\/i^) such that no further communication = (ii\fi^) then (^'"',/i"^') = is (//',/i')with 1. Notations: For i,j in {0,1 }2 let denote the vertex of Sjj probability distribution assigning probability other three events. the edges of A. two are going to select in Section 4. A steady-state is a pair of beliefs possible, we We corresponding to the and zero to the event {s=(i,j)}, 1 are going to call the segments [5ij,5i'j'] (where They correspond states of the A world (i,j) and (/,/') ?i to beliefs assigning a positive probability to the (j,j')) only to the There are six such edges, since there are four (i',j')- vertices. We first show why many there are dimensional conflict of beliefs, that is, steady-states characterized such that all beliefs by a one- belong to the same edge of A. The proposition below states that there exist steady state belief distributions with support in the interior of any given edge. Proposition {fl\^^)G 1: Consider an edge l} which has L of A a non-empty interior There exists a set of steady states in L?, and therefore, a strictly positive measure. Proof: ^ We omit mixed equilibrium, since one can easily show that for any belief distribution, they occur zero-measure set of signal directions and intensities. 9 for a ^ If L=[5ij,5i'j'] (with (/,/') number p (j,j')) then each belief belonging to by a single (i,j), the probability assigned to (i'J') being then equal to 1-p. L can be summarized denoting the probability assigned to the state of the world in [0,1] We consider a belief distribution such that the respective beliefs of groups and 2 are p and p'. We assume that there exists a communicative equilibrium when the signal 1 direction is 9, the intensity is a and the speaker belongs to group 1 . Given the signal structure, for all signal directions 9' < r with r = 1 + 2aV2 " 1-2aV2 Therefore, if in equilibrium the speaker reports the signal, the posterior beliefs of members of groups and 2 belong, respectively, 1 P'r pr and p + (\-p)r pr + (i-p) If pr pT + l-p if p'Hl-p')r than the receiver would after observing any signal. (i,j) the receiver expects the speaker to report the signal truthfully, then the best response for the speaker receiver to p'Hi-p')r'pT+i-p- then whatever the signal was, the speaker's posterior belief c assigns a lower probability to Therefore, (i,j), that is, to report the signal increasing the probability assigned is S^fi if ^'j''^"'^^ > frf(^a,e) Since this best response report of the signal By is group 2 is pT + \-p This inequality by the s^fi+ji otherwise. fi'j'^^ajd+n) independent of which signal the speaker observed, truthful there exists < if fij^^^fi+-^^ not an equilibrium and there same argument, the to the intervals is no communicative equilibrium. no communicative equilibrium with the speaker in . p'+(l-p')r is satisfied by a positive measure subset of L-^, which yields the result. q.e.d. Proposition disagreement is 1 is very intuitive: if all beliefs one-dimensional. Therefore any 10 new are on the same edge of A, the information (signals or messages) changes beliefs in a way one dimensional signals is makes new most preferred that belong to the same still are initially far apart, then, since the informativeness of set. If beliefs limited, policies extreme beliefs remain extreme whatever the signals (and, therefore, by prior the messages) they observe: posterior beliefs are determined mostly rather than by new information. This implies the receiver a "right-winger", the speaker that if the speaker is beliefs a "left-winger" and would always prefer the receiver to believe he observed a "left-wing" signal, irrespective of the signal he truly observed. This means he cannot be credible, and agents are stuck communication can take further The in this polarized belief distribution place. distance between priors in our model preferences, and Proposition greater the distance of preferences, the lesser Notice that these steady between x and correlation for i=0 or then 1, distributions edge containing them may may or not display all is [5oi,5ii] (resp. [5io,6ii]) agree that ys=i (resp. Xs=i) so that the disagreement about the dimension x (resp. y) and beliefs are not correlated. But [5oo>Sll] (resp. [5oi,5io]), there and between the equivalent of a distance communication takes place^. state beliefs y: if the all beliefs is the equivalent, in our context, of results stating that the is 1 where no is if a positive (resp. negative) correlation is only the edge is between xs ys. What by showing steady-state. are the other steady-states? Proposition 2 that a belief distribution such that It is the most important below provides a no belief belongs to an edge of A result of the paper, argument mentioned in the introduction: partial and it relies answer is not a on the orthogonal as long as agents assign a positive probability to at least three states of the world, there exists a signal direction moving the receiver's induced most preferred decision "orthogonally" to the disagreement, and information can be credibly communication transmitted along this direction. Given will take place in the future with probability one, distribution is not a steady-state. In other words. Proposition converse of the result in Proposition 1 : we do infinite all horizon, and such a belief 2 establishes a the steady states of Proposition only ones (there also exist steady states such that edges of A but the 1 partial are almost the beliefs are located on different not mention them because, as will appear below, the probability of converging toward them is zero Before proving Proposition 2, if tne initial beliefs are not degenerate). we need to state a ^ For example, Crawford and Sobel (1982). 11 few general results about how a signal most preferred decision of an agent whose behef does not belong affects the Lemma of A. to an edge 2 below states a few simple properties about the change of the most preferred decision induced by a signal. formal statement and Its its proof are in the appendix. Lemma 2: If the initial belief assigns a positive probability to at least three states of the world, then (i) any signal with a positive (ii) the direction intensity induces the most preferred decision to change, of this change depends only on the signal direction 6 and not on the signal intensity a. It moves clockwise when 6 does, which implies that there exists a one-to-one correspondence between signal directions and directions of the induced change of the most preferred decision. (Hi) as the signal intensity converges toward zero, the changes in the most preferred same magnitude. decision corresponding to the two possible signals tend to have the Remark: Part (iii) reflects the fact that as a converges to zero, signals become uninformative and therefore equally likely a priori. The agent's expectation of the change of change his most preferred decision being zero in belief), this implies that the (it is a linear function of his expected two changes have the same magnitude and cancel each other in expectation. The next lemma addresses a more summarized in the introduction relies beliefs in similar ways, so that if on the idea agent 1, is not true in general. different beliefs may As interpret the telling the truth argument changes different without any information, the following same orthogonality that a given signal between saying black or white, he should then prefer This the point: difficult is indifferent when he knows example shows, agents it. starting with signal in very different ways. If agent I's belief assigns a positive probability only to the states of the world (0,0) and (0,1), and agent 2's only to (0,0) and preferred decision "downward", decision is - — while , (1,1), then it observing a signal that is, moves agent S ^^ moves agent's the direction of the change of his 2's most most preferred most preferred decision upward 12 1 to the right . r K (the direction of this change — is since for ), a > all /j , S j V Lemma work 3 below qualifies remark, and this proof of Proposition in the 2. >fQO a, 6 J allow the orthogonal argument to this will formal statement and Its — jj^ a, its proof are in the appendix. Lemma 3: given a direction there exists a signal direction (p, decision of one of the groups along the direction and (p, moving the most preferred that of the other group along a K direction forming an angle with Lemma Notice that be possible to (p smaller than — 3 introduces a possible asymmetry between agents: given move group along the direction 1 forming an acute angle with 9, while the converse cp, it may and group 2 along a direction cp, may be false, as the above example shows. We can now state the central result of the paper. Proposition 2: Assume probability to to {jl more than ,^ ) is such that jl and three states of the world (that an edge of A). Then (ll\/l ) is is, assign a strictly positive jl none of these beliefs belongs not a steady-state. Sketch of the proof: The exact proof Figure 1. is in the appendix. Let us write M^ for M The argument summarized here *{iLi') (the M*{B(n' ,Sa^e)) ^nd Mf illustrated most preferred decision of group Lemma before any communication takes place). is 3 implies that, writing for M*(B(/i',5q0+;j-)) , i on agents M^ for there exists a signal direction 6 such that • M2M2 • Mj and M2 • (for example) is are located orthogonal to on the same M1M2 side of the Af j Lemma 2 implies in addition that the distances equal a if is small. 13 M2 • MiM^ and MiMf are roughly One can check • • that this implies that M1M2 <MxM2 M{ M2 < Ml M2 Therefore a group and agent wants to truthfully report 1 expects to be believed: his most preferred decision is of the indirect function stated in utility going M2 the receiver in group 2 to be if Mj is he reports Lemma 1 S^q he observed S^ q and if and the decision chosen by S^q , MJ above implies that inequality implies that a group this is 1 done by reporting S^q intensity is small and the sender neighborhood around that with probability beliefs are 9, 1, . receiver's. is in group so they occur with a some communication going to change. Therefore 1. if continuity there exist will take place in first he observed the signal direction strictly positive probability. (/x' ,fl^) is 14 By when The Similarly, the second agent wants to truthfully report S^ q^^^ Therefore there exists a communicative equilibrium The form implies that the sender wants to minimize the distance between his most preferred decision and the inequality otherwise. some is 6, many in a This means future period, not a steady-state. Q.e.d. the and (1,1) (0,1) (1.0) (0,0) Figure 1 4. Dynamics, stability For any initial and convergence condition bounded martingale, just as member belief of group (//'°,/i^°), any bayesian learning process. That time t, convergence theorem^ applies, and as t i's the stochastic process //'^ at Eyfi"'^^ /x" ) = fi" 15 ..Its is a conditional on a Therefore the martingale goes to infinity {}l' °See for example Neveu 0975). is, .h (^l^',^'^') ,jl ') converges toward ' some steady-state {jl The on with probability ) we examine states in Section 3, beliefs ,ii in this section that set varies as a function description of the belief 1^. of Having characterized the how set of steady the probabihty distribution of limit initial beliefs. dynamics starts with the following restriction about possible limits: Proposition 3: Assume that 2 1 distribution (I) either (II) or Proof: jl A {fl ,jl is ) fl and and /i fl and assign probability 1 to the true state of the world jl both belong to some edge [5^,5^] of A containing the true general result about bayesian learning does as welll^. > . If limit belief such that strictly positive probability to the true state jUj^ have full support. Then the fl case all agents in both groups (all belief. that if a belief assigns initially a of the world, then with probability does not hold, there exists a (i) Since almost is i.e. s, state of the world who except those a signal) received the same information between periods and w^ s its 1 limit such that directly observed Bayes' rule implies °°, that li\,li]^ fl }°/i J _ _ jJ-wfij^ t fl }^fi1 2 Therefore ji^^,>0 , . Pr(messages up to t|w) . ^~ Pr(messagesuptot|5) We know 12 interior of A, for {fi ,fL ) from Proposition 2 would not be a 2 I that neither nor /x /x 12 can be steady-state then. Therefore both fi in the and fi belong to [5y,5n,]. Q.e.d. "strictly speaking, the martingale somewhere with only if probability 1. The convergence theorem only implies limit has to be a steady-state the transition correspondence has adequate continuity properties, most informative equilibrium at that the (in the sense system will converge defined in section 3 above) which is the case if we select the each stage (selecting the truth-telling equilibrium whenever defines a continuous transition correspondence). ^0Aghionetal.(1991). 16 it exists . The second case corresponds Proposition only steady 1, convergence toward the steady to states described in characterized by a one-dimensional conflict. Although these are not the states. Proposition 3 rules out convergence to any other (for example belief distributions such that beliefs belong to different edges). There remains to prove one-dimensional conflict indeed happens strictly positive probability. Although we do not cases: the one state initial belief distribution is and the one where (Proposition 4), with a we dynamics, fully describe the where the at the limit that focus below on the following two close to a one-dimensional steadyare beliefs initial close to each other (Proposition 5). Proposition 4 shows that if the belief distribution initial steady-state, then there is positive probability of that this probability converges to 1 is close to a one-dimensional converging toward a nearby one, and as the initial belief distribution converges to such a steady-state. This result is important: it means that the steady-states of Proposition locally stable (as long as they assign a positive probability to the truth): if state is locally perturbed, the probability. This is equal to 1 is a system converges back weak notion of stability, for small perturbations since to a similar we do - we only prove that 1 are such a steady- one with positive not prove that this probability it converges to 1 as the size of the perturbation converges toward zero. This proposition implies that the steady-states of Proposition 1 are meaningful: convergence toward a one-dimensional conflict occurs with a positive probability for a positive-measure set of Proposition 4: Consider an edge {fl*^,H*^) 1. in the interior L of A containing the true belief 5^, a steady state of L^ and a neighborhood , There exists a neighborhood V initial beliefs. of (fl*^ ,fl*^) then with a strictly positive probability (fl W of (fl*^ ,fl*^) in It \t ,/l A^ such in l} that if (fl^^ ,il^^) eV )f>o converges toward a limit belonging to W. 2. This probability converges to I as (/z ,fl is in the Sketch of the proof: The exact proof (see figure 2): " y^ = 1" (the assume proof ) converge toward (fl* ,fl* Appendix. Its main ). lines are as follows that steady state beliefs assign a zero probability to the event is dimensions). If (/i* ,/i* less ) is intuitive if steady state beliefs are correlated across a steady state corresponding to most preferred decisions 17 (* Mj * , M2 N I, Mi,M2j then one can check that beliefs inducing most preferred decisions close to must be close to (fi* ,ji* ). One shows such beliefs are that first characterized by "almost vertical" communication (Result 2 of the proof): horizontal 1 communication that as long as is infeasible at (/i* ,/i* 2 and ), this implies by a continuity argument most preferred decisions are respectively in the interior A^BiCiDy and A2B2C2D2, communication can cause them directions very close to the vertical. initial beliefs this probability move to only along standard property of martingales implies that assign a very small probability to the event enough probability initially the A of the squares " y^ = remains small forever (Result most preferred decisions are in the small squares 1" 4). around if then with a large , This means that Mj and M2 , if then with a large enough probability, the most preferred decisions cannot leave the squares Ai^iCjDi and A2B2C2D2 by moving across the lines cannot either cross the vertical lines Aj fij or A2 B2 : fijCj and 52C2. But they the fact that communication almost along the vertical direction implies indeed that a given movement corresponds total vertical oscillation to a total vertical "oscillation" total probability assigned to the event y^ = i" is horizontal of comparable magnitude, but the must remain very small (with a large probability) " is if the initial small, and in particular if initially the most preferred decisions are in the small squares around Mj and M2 (this is shown in Result 4, building on the theorem about the quadratic variation of positive martingales). This implies that if initially the most preferred decisions are in these small squares, then with a positive probability, the most preferred decisions never leave the "large" squares AiB^CiDi and A2B2C2D2- Belief convergence and Proposition 2 then imply limit distribution I'sbelief lying that the must be characterized by a one-dimensional disagreement, with group between Aj and Dj and group 18 2's belief between A2 and D2- (1,1) (0,1) (0,0) Ai (1,0) Figure 2 19 — The next . then convergence toward the truth - and total agreement Proposition enough enough result qualifies Proposition 4: if initial beliefs are close 5: If the ratios to 1, then all beliefs ^^ .„ - to each other, occurs with probability (for all pairs (p,q) of states 1 of the world) are close converge towards the truth with probability one. Proof: Appendix This result stronger than a continuity property around identical initial beliefs: is one could have expected the probability of convergence instead of being equal to The proof relies on one around a given to the truth to with identical initial distribution the following idea: since in period t almost converge to one, all agents in both groups observe the same information (the sequence of messages up to period — - implies that be close to This is 1 at y- is independent of t, so that any steady-state, meaning if it is close to 1 beliefs. t), Bayes' rule initially, it that the limit beliefs are close to must also each other. impossible, as one can show, with arguments similar to those of the proof of Proposition 1, that one-dimensional conflict requires To summarize, we have shown some distance between beliefs. in this section that convergence toward one- dimensional conflict occurs with a positive probability for a positive measure-set (though not the entire 5. set) of initial belief distributions. Concluding remarks One may wonder how sensitive the results are to the various assumptions. explained in Section 2.4, they would number of agents, or if fail for obvious reasons if there an agent could speak to his own group only. were a As finite We have a less clear idea about the possibility of relaxing the assumption of infinite impatience, as the forward-looking behavior this would induce makes the analysis of the communication game difficult (at the very least, a continuity argument should allow our results to carry over to the case of very impatient agents, with the set of possible steady-states converging toward the one found here as the rate of time preference goes to 20 infinity). we do Similarly, know not The reason of extended. to which class of utility uncertainty this geometry of bayesian updating in several functions our results can be the very counterintuitive nature of the is dimensions, exemplified by the fact that the changes of the most preferred decisions of two agents having observed the same signal can go in very different directions (Section These problems may weaken the 3). orthogonality argument. Extending the results to particularly welcome: would make it more meaningful. The the link with the evidence here difficulty, again, establishing that updating directions can be be possible, at least, to extend our close to more than two groups would be results, made is small enough, or if all initial beliefs - Political Science lemma with generalizing close enough to each other. by continuity, two main groups belief distribution lies from for to the case example if all It where the 3 - should initial groups except two are can be partitioned into two sets of neighboring beliefs. Generalizing the model to more than two dimensions seems straightforward: after extending the signal structure in a natural way, it relatively should be sufficient to consider a plane containing both beliefs in the corresponding simplex, to apply Proposition in that plane. and 2 to that plane by restricting the attention to signals leaving beliefs This would show that steady-state beliefs must belong to a common edge of the simplex. Further developments in bayesian theory might allow to assess argument is, and how relevant it may be in terms of political the subject of future research. 21 how general our economy. This should be . Appendix Proof of Lemma 1: Given a belief n about the M, equal to (writing is V(M,fi) = state of the world, the expected utility M*(n) induced by the decision for E[M^\fij) = -2/^J MM*{jl)+M*{jl)M^ -J^nAMM, J V c 2\ + 2MM*{ii).M*(fl)M^ + M*{pL)M^ s 2 X/^. M*(fl)M^ which yields the result. Q.e.d. Lemma 2: Iffi assigns (i) for a all strictly positive probability to at least three states a>Q and M *{jJ.)M *{B{p.,S^Q)) denote in) (ill) it M *(B(fi,Safi))* M *(^). 6, is of the world then The direction of the vector independent of a and moves clockwise as 6 does. (pu(0) hereafter, (p^ is a one-to-one function from [0,2k] into (MHB(^,S^^e)))^0. Y da a=0 — M*ifi)M*(B(fl,S^^e))+M*{^)M*iB(fl,S^^0+^)) We itself = 0. aa a=OV Proof of Lemma We consider a states 2: belief /i = (//qO' Ao'j"oi Ai) ' assigning a positive weight to at least three of the world. 22 . M * (//) = £(mJm) = The coordinates of M*(^) U//) = \y(fi) = + /^i (/^lo 1 '/^i + Ml I ) are /iio+//ii Moi + flu Bayes' rule implies that observed the signal S^q if , an agent's then his new initial belief belief //'= 2^y"'oo('^a,0) = /^o(l + 2a(-cos0-sin0)) ^^'oi(Sa,e) = MQi{^ + 2(^(-cosO + sme)) Z/i'lO (5^ = /iio(l + 2a(cos0 - sin0)) = /Xii(l + 2a(-cos0-sin0)) was // B{ii,S^q) = (/iQO'/^iO'/^i'/^ii) ^^i^ is he given by (1) ) I//'ll(5a,e) with E (a function of a and 6) is given by Z - jUqo(i + 2(3(-cos0 - sin0)) + //qi(i + 2<3(-cos0 + sin0)) + /iio(l + 2a(cos0 - sin0)) + jUj i(l + 2a(-cos0 - sin0)) Notice that the assumption The change in A < —=r ensures that E> M*(|l) induced by observing ^a,6 , (2) . denoted AM* = (Ax,A3') Substituting (1) and (2) in this expression yields -^= (cos0 + sin0)[(/iii+//oo)-(/^ll-/^o)(j"ll-/%)+/^l-/^lo)] + (COS0 - sin 6l)[(/iio +^0-(llio-lJQi )(/fio - /ioi - /^O + /^l -1^= (cos0 I )] + sin0)[(/Xii+/A)o)-()"ll-i%)Xj"ll-AADO-/^l+/^lo)] - (COS0 - sin 0)[(/Xio + /ioi ) - (A^IO - ;^l X/ilO - /^l + /%) - /^l 1 )] 23 is equal to n Result We assume 1: &^ that Then Ajc>0_ Ax + A3'>0. This implies that 0,- TT (Ax, Ay) ^ (0,0) for any 6 e 0,. In addition the direction of (Ax, Ay) independent of is Proof: n For^e L.(Ajc 0,- (3) implies + Ay) indeed that (cos0-sin0)/ oi r ^[(/^ii+/^o)-(/^ii+/^o) J- cos6> + sin0 \/ \ i^n"^oA^io~^w (cos0-sin0) (/^ll+/A)o)UlO+/A)l)If three at least of the cosO + s\n6 (mi probabilities 1-/^0 )(/^io-/^i ) /^0'/^lO'i"oi'^ll (/^11+/%))(Mio+A^i)>(/^11-/%))(/^10-/^i)- Also, 1 > are strictly (cos 0- sin 0) positive, if cos0 + sin0 0e then K Therefore (cos0-sin0) (/^ll+/^)(/^l0+P0l)> and Ax + Aj > (/^ii-/%))(mio-/^i) . Similarly, for • cos0 + sin0 6e "I ^ (3) implies that Z.(Ajc) = (cos + sin 0)[(/Xi +/%))- (/^l - /^ )()"l - /^O - /^lO + ^1 ))] 1 1 1 + (cos0-sin0)[(/iio+/^l)-(/XlO-/^l)(/ilO-/^l+Mll-/^o))]- If 1^1 three 1 at least of the ~ /A)0 ~ A'lO + Ak)i < I 1 probabilities ^"d |/^10 /^O'A^lO'/^l'/^ll ~ A^l + A^l ~ A)0 < 1 24 ^ are strictly positive, then ^^ ^^at the factors in brackets The are strictly positive. that Ax > Any • cos0 + sin0>O and inequalities is of these two For every 6 2; different from (0,0) kK e [k . In addition (3) independent of a. Q.e.d. is [0,2k] the change (AK,Ay) ofM*(fl) induced by observing in and its depend on direction does not (k implies that a. If one writes <P •S^.e (0) for k + l)K T' ^ [Ax, Ay) ^(0,0) inequalities implies that strict this direction, then for every integer (i) imply then . implies that the direction of [Ax, Ay) Result cos0-sin0>O (jo^ 4 - l)7t {6) 4 (k + 2)7r 4 ' ^ ^ and ^\k-l)K (kK\ {k + l)K^ e (ii) (Pn V ^ y V Proof: 7t By Result 1 we know 7t respectively (p^iO) if ^^ that if 0,- then integers and We proved 7t By symmetry two n — .. < (i) for k=0, and it that remains true for all k because of the symmetry of the model. >-— .. These two inclusions imply (p^ (6) ^^ {Q) In particular (p^(0) (p^ (Oj A(x + y)>0 and Ax>0, implying n K 57t 4'4 n K 0e then tnese (p^ A) inequalities < <jO^ — > , n have the following counterparts: ^;^^ .. , and and so that ^^ (kn\ — — k=l. 25 ({k-\)n {k^\)K\ e , is true for k=0 and . Again, the symmetry argument implies that it is K Result 3: We assume that ^^ true for every integer k. Q.e.d. Ay 0,- Then is . a increasing function of 6. Proof: K ^y Notice first that by Result 1 is . always defined if ^ 0,. + sin 0) - C(cos - sin 0) ns ^ + sm 0) ^r o - sm + E(cos D(cos 6 6 9) 5(cos derivative BE+CD of the function 7;; , implies that the derivative of ~^ , Ay — Ac (3) ^^^ and the fact that the ^^™^ ^^^ ^^ ^^g"^ has the same sign as [(i"ii+/^oo)-(Mii-/^o)(j"ii-/^oo+i^i-i"io)I(/^io+/^i)-(/^io-/^i)(/^io-/^i+Moo-i"ii)] + [(/^io+i"oi)-(Mio-/^oi)(i"io--"oi But the term each bracket in --"oo+/^ii)][(/^ii +/^oo)-(/^ii -i"oo)(/^ii -i"oo-/^oi +/^io)] is strictly % positive if three at least of the are strictly Ay positive, so the whole expression Result 4; The function and (P (0) (P (d) is is positive ^ "•I , ^„ (^) belongs to direction of the vector {Ax,Ay)^ —= increasing with 6, and that^^ (^) a increasing function of 6. Q-e.d. itself ;r^ 7t by Result 4'2 tan((i()^ (0)J . moves clockwise Result as 2. Since 4 implies then does. (6) (p that By symmetry, 9^ is (^) the is this is true [0,2;r] This implies that the function to the is a one-to-one correspondence from [0,2k] into 7t 9e T~ moves clockwise as 6 does. Proof: If^e for and same value Result 5: For any as ^ W) moves from 9 -— (m [$ a one-to-oae correspondence, since to 27i. Q-e.d. ^0. *(B(/i,5q g))] a=0 26 it comes back . Proof: K e Again, consider Z(a,0)(Ax) ^ (3) implies (cos0 + sin0)[(//i,+/A3o)-(Mll-/^o)(/^ll-/%) + /^l-Mio)] + (COS0 - sin 0)[(/iio + /ioi ) - (/^lO - /^i )(j"iO - /^i - /A)0 + /^i The right-hand side of this equality in Result 1), let us denote it is )] independent of a and different from zero (as proved C{0) Differentiating the above equality at 0=0 yields =^C(e)^O.Q.e.d. (Ax) da 1 a=Q ^(0'^) Result 6: For any e, = —[Mi*{B{^i,Sa^e)) + m*{B{^,S^Q^j,))) (0,0) a-0 Proof: We proved above that —-(Ac(5^ q)] da Therefore — (ax(5^^0) + Ax(5^ = 0(6) a=0 = C(d) + C(e + K) = 6+^^)) 0. a=0 Similarly = —[^y{S^^Q) + ^y{S^^Q^J,)] , implying a=Q Y(^HB(^,S^^e)) + ^*(B(^,S^,e+n))) a=0 -(Ax{S^^Q) + Ax(S^^e+n)) _ '-^(^yiSa,e) 27 + ^y(Sa,e+n)) (0,0) a=Oj . Q.e.d. Results Result Lemma 2: 6 prove to 1 part (i) is just Results 2 and (ii) is 4, Result 5, and (iii) is 6. Lemma 3: If ^^ and the world, then for function of (pn [12 assign a strictly positive probability to at least three states of any direction (p in [0,2 n], we have (writing 6^ ((p) for the inverse ): Min\^ (p^^ (0^2 (<?)) -(P^(Pti2 ^^^^ ^^/^l ~^)^2 In other words, one at least of the scalar products -^ M*(/ii)M*(5(//,,5^.(^))).M*(/i2)M*(5(//2,^^.(,p))) is strictly positive (i=I or i=2). Proof of Lemma 3: We use the same notations as in the proof of Lemma 2. — IcTt Result 1: If -^ 9= (k integer) and (Ax, Ay) is the 2 observation of S^g, then the product Ax. Ay has the across dimensions, that - /ioi/Zio Hi iHqq is Proof: It is enough the same sign as same /^n/^oo positive (resp. negative), then (p^ (O) ^n^ (negative) while (p^ is, change of M*(il) induced by the K -— \^J to 2 ~ A'oiA'lO- - and (p^^ •^^'^ {k) implies that if - Tt are positive 3k (2>K and "••" sign as the correlation of il are negative. ^^IT prove the result for k=0. We know already (from Result 2 in the proof of Lemma 2) that ^ (P^(0) V prove is K K^ 4'4y that if . Since Ay and (p„ (O) - have the same sign, the only thing 0=0, then Ay has the same sign as 28 /ij j/iQo - //qi/^iq - we need to . Substituting A}' 9=0 in (3) (in the proof of Lemma 2) implies that = //i + /ioo - (/^l - /^o)^ - (A^IO + Poi ) + (^10 - /^l )^ 1 1 -Uo + /^i) + (/^io+/^if +4(/illA^0-j"l0/^l) = (/^ll+/^o)-{Mll+/^o) = 4(/^iiA^o-i"io/^i) (the third equality uses the fact that the probabilities which yields the This result is result. add up to 1), Q-e.d. intuitive: a signal providing information about only one dimension if changes the belief regarding the other dimension, then the changes along the two dimensions must have the same (opposite) sign if the initial belief is characterized by a positive (negative) correlation across dimensions. n Result 2: We know Lemma 3 holds with from Result 2 s (p (in the proof of Lemma 2) that ^i(^) We distinguish three cases, according to the correlation of • If Ml and (Pi\^j<— /^2 If A'l and (i=l,2) so that if for /^2 < = (p -><p = <pj example (^j (cp)] < (p^ 6i((p) [62 < and M2 across dimensions. by Result 0,- ((p) > e^y (O) > that (i=l,2). If for (p2fe(<p))><P2(^l('P))^<P2(0)>-T so 29 1 then by Result 4 (in the Ojicp) ((p))<— so belong to \(pi (Oj ((p)) - <p| < — display negative correlation across dimensions, then by Result <p,(0)<0 (i=l,2) so that then Oiicp) display positive correlation across dimensions, then proof of Lemma 2) • A'l and example e^icp) that \(p2{d^{(p))-(p\< < — 1 &2.{(p) . >> • If j"i and ^2 display respectively positive and negative correlation then, by the same n | > 02 argument, < that <pi (<?>) < (02 {(p)) By symmetry, Lemma Proof of Proposition ^ - ^2 (O) and ^ \(p^ 3 holds for and [<p,(0),(Pi(f) (Oj (<p)) all - <p| < y values of (p. • (Result 1) implying Q-e-d. Q.e.d. 2: -> Let ^e[0,;r)be M*{}1 1 ) ^ the M *(ll 2 ) , direction orthogonal to the vector M *{ll 1 )M 9 *{il ) if and any direction otherwise. Let us define for every 6 the vector —> V(d) = (cos 0, sin 0) that, Using the notations of lemmas 2 and . with 62 = 62{(p) , 3, we can assume for example the inequality V{(p^{e2)).v{(p2{e2))-vi(pi(e2)).v{(p)>0 (i) holds (this Parts (i) is and an application of Lemma (ii) of Lemma 3). 2 implies the existence of X,X'>0 such that for a enough "" 2 2 — -> M*(r)M*(5(//^5^. )) = a(A + (9(a))V(<?)) and ^2 — M*(^^)M*(BmKs^.)) = aa'+0(a))V((p2e2)) 30 small > We now claim signal is after ^a,ei+K By symmetry, M^ M *(/i^) is , a group show 1 and enough, small suffices to it M * {B{[i\S^fi J) for the difference it is commonly known there a exists that the communicative that truth-telling is optimal for the speaker M^M2 - identity 2 M1M2 - V, - . M," M *{B{ii\SaQ^^^)) for between the speaker's expected when he believed) and M1M2 The with he observed Sa,Qi Writing (and o"^ > > that if the speaker belongs to S^^Oi equilibrium. ) lied utility when he and M,tells for the truth is (2). = v,-V2 V2 2 M1M2 . =M^M2. i'i+V2 implies that — -^ Mi"^M2 + Mi"^M2 7 r -2a{X + — -> — -> 2MiM2 + 2Mj^Mi-l-M2M2 + M2M2 0(a))V((p). V — y / -2a(A-l-C>(a))V((p). 2^ \ -> -> A 2M1M2 - 2a{X'+0(a)) V((pi (62 ))+ aO(a) ^ = 4AA'a2 V((p).V((Pl(02))+O(a) which positive is strictly definition of V((p) The expression observed 5^ , implying in (2) gu+^j- by (1) if a is small enough (the last equality results from the Mj M2 .V((p) = ). and the corresponding expression open (and therefore positive probability) subset of odd period the speaker signal's intensity in the case where the speaker are continuous functions of 9 and a so they are strictly positive for an is in group 1 and there and direction are going to be in 31 is (0,A]x[0,7t). In the beginning of any a strictly positive probability that the this subset, so there is a strictly positive probability that an informative equilibrium will occur. Therefore i/i ,ii ) is not a steady-state. Q.e.d. Proof of Proposition 4: Let L be an edge of (ji* ,11* A containing the true belief in the iriterior ) direction orthogonal to L). [5y,5n,] L Note . first that We consider a steady state there exists a unique direction along the direction 6i does not affect beliefs belonging to that a signal L- of <5y. We write hereafter and p,q for the two other , states w for the state of the L 0^ such (it is the world such that of the world. Notations: It be convenient to denote the coordinates of a most preferred policy (an element of will the square sides of Q Q) with respect (in diagonal of Q. case s and to the axis w formed by [s,w] and [p,q]. These axis are either agree on one dimension and disagree on the other) or a One can check that the coordinates u(fx) and v((x) defined by ^s-^w uW 2 if [s,w] if and [p,q] are sides «(/!) = 2 '(ji,-nj v(/x) = 2-^(/i^-^^) [s,w] and [p,q] are are coordinates this of Q, and by diagonals of Q (modulo a constant) of M *(//) according to these system of coordinates to describe elements of example M* (ji) = (m(^), v(jU)) where u(ft) and 32 Q uew hereafter, so that v(fx) are axis. We will use one can write for defined as above. Result 1; 12 As (fl ,fl 1 converges towards {jl* ,/i* ) 7 ), the change in beliefs induced by communication converges toward 0. Proof: This sequence {}i'\li ") converging converging towards {ji* ,/!* some 0'^dj^,di+n: to would a simple continuity result. If this were not true, there is such that communication is , ), exist a a sequence of directions 6^ and a sequence «„ converging toward some a>0 possible with a speaker in group 1 , or equivalently M*(Bifi^\S^^^e))M*(B(ii^\S^^^e)) < M*(B(H^'\S^ ^e))M*(B(n^\s^ ^e+^)) for e = e,^ and e = 0„+7t. This implies at the limit that M*{B{fi*KSa^e))MHBifi*^,Sa,e)) ^ M*(B{fl*\Sa,e))M*(Bifi*^,Sa,e+K)) for 6-6' and 6 - 6'+n distribution is 12 {/i* ,fi* so that there exists a communicative equilibrium ), which is 12 impossible since (jl* ,fl* ) is when the belief a steady-state. Result 2: Consider the edge L'=[s,w] of [0,l]x[0,l] containing the most preferred policies associated to beliefs in L. 12 neighborhood Vq of (fi* ,fl* equilibrium and , ] that u(/l* and some K>0 such 2 ) , Av,- ) , the inequality < K{Max[Avi Av2 ])^ , holds. 33 — u{fl* that if {jl realization of uncertainty, denoting the preferred decision by (Au^ MojcfAwj Aw2 ) Assume 1 ) = B >0. 12 ,fl ) There exist a G Vq then for any change of a group , i agent's most Remark: this of the changes of the most preferred result implies that the direction decisions tend to become orthogonal to L. It is Max[Aui,Au2\ would only require in fact stronger than that (orthogonality converge to zero). that the ratio M<3x[Avj Av2 , J Proof: Assume for intensity is change example that there an equilibrium where the speaker a and the signal direction in a group i agent's is 6. We denote is in (Ax/",A>'/") (resp. most preferred decision induced by the 5q e+n: ) Since the most preferred decision group 1, (Axf ,Ayf) signal S^ q a linear function of the beliefs is the signal ) the (resp. (it is the expectation) and bayesian updating implies that the expectation of next period's belief the current belief, the expected change in the Pr5'a.e ll^\Aut ,Avtyv\s^^e+KWVui The signal structure is such that the ratios most preferred decision is is zero, or )=0. 'Av,- — jy are -, bounded away from zero "^^Sa^e+nV'] and infinity uniformly (that is, ri-2AV2 H-2AV2 ,- jU and independently of a, ) as they belong to the interval j= f=, Ll+2Av2 l-2Av2 Therefore there exists some uniform K^ such that _l_ Aui < Au'l < K^Aui and — Av,- < Av,^ < KiAv} K, Let us suppose without loss of communicative equilibrium implies generality that a group most preferred decision moved by (Am/',Av/")) observed S^q than by falsely reporting S^ q+jj- The existence of a AmJ > agent who observed S^q (and whose that , 1 is better off . by truthfully revealing or II 19 The left-hand side is >0. equal to 34 he . [b - 1(B + Au2 -Auy, Av2 - Avi + Am2 - ^ui Av2 - Avj*" J , J + Au2 - Aui f + (av2 - Avi"^ f -\B + Am2 - AuJ^ f + (avj - Av^ f = (25 + Am2 + Am2 - 2Ami'*" J(Am2 - Aa2 j+ iAv2 - Av2 J(Av2 + Av2 - Avf - AvJ^ j = [b If (/i\fi^) is close enough Au2, Am2 have opposite SAwJ absolute value than 2(1 + Ki )v^Max(Av^ 5Am2 ^ 2(1 )< 2(1 + Ki)[Max[Av^ close enough to , Av^ )j ,/i * ) then >0 and negative and greater in smaller in absolute value than Av'^ )f second term is greater in absolute value than sum is positive), or . L = [S^,5^^,], are interior to (ju * that the , is is negative and the condition states that their first in + Ki )[Max(Av2 Since fi* ,/i* (and the facts that Am2 1 Similarly, the second term • The equilibrium condition implies the first (since the Result ), signs) implies that the first term Avj*" , (jU*^/i* to Am2 < there exists AmJ*" < K2AU2 K2 such , that if (// ,/i ) is so that the inequality above implies BMax[Aui Am2 )< , 2(1 + K^ )(1 + K2)[Max[Av^ , AvJ^ )f . This implies in turn BMax\Au^ ,Au2]< 2{Ki f (1 + K^ )(1 + K2)\Max[Av2 Avf )f , so that the result holds with Result 3: Let us fix ifl*\ld*^)such that K = 2(/i:i)^(l+ A:j)(1+ /^2)- some 77,0 0. There if (fi^^,ll^^) exists a neighborhood Vi(ri,£) belongs to Vi(r7,e) then, writing [Au'' ,Av'') 35 of for the change in the most preferred decision of a group i agent between periods t and t+1, the following inequality holds: <£. Pr Vt>0 Proof: Note first that if L consists of beliefs agreeing along one dimension (so that the corresponding set of most preferred decisions while if [p,q] is a diagonal then then Av' is a side of Q) then Av = 1 -X Afi^i-Afiij In A/i^'+A/ij both cases, the following inequality holds: r>l r>l The following any (real-valued) positive martingale results holds for ji^ (see Neveu (1975),p.l86): Pr l(M'-/-lf>; <3a-y. \t>l This inequality applies to {ip and beliefs. /I'J which are martingales conditional on agent Therefore 2 2 >a Pr (0 fi <3a ftp Kt>i f But Pr 2 1 /O /i >a >/.fp. so that \t>\ iO Pr <3a-l-^andPr l^s iO XlA/^i') U>1 36 >« <3a -l^P d' i's ^ I(av"F >4a' implying Pr 3a-'{^f+H'^^) Mf t>\ This provides the result: JO fip . 77 = 4a then defining the set Vy(ri,£) by ./^re^-^ ..io +^q < 12 1 • /* /"O if implies that Pr ,* I <£ l(^v^'f>ri if (jd^^,ii^^) belongs to V'i(t7,£) f>i Result (// * I Let 4: ,/i * ? some us fix )such that 90 10 if {{i ri,£>0. ,ji ) There exists L (z=p or z=q), Pr ..\ I \ k)>n t>Q implies that: / Max k)>n M' t>Q r f and the inequality Pr Max\ii^l]>r] ,/0 >MfPr r>0 leads to Pr Max\^^[]>r] t>Q \j^ fTn Therefore defining the set V2(,ri,e) by the inequalities 37 k)>n Max^ t>0 J of J <£ Proof: the "maximal inequality" for positive martingales (see Pr V2{'T],£) belongs to V2(rj,£) thenfo, for any of the two states of ¥2(7], £) then f the world z not belonging to a neighborhood Neveu (1975), p. 23) (0 .iO f^s (0 ,,(' ^^ I* 1 -^s <2^s ( implies that Pr <e Max k)>^ if (/i^^,/z^°) belongs to V2(77,e). f>0 Result 5: Let us fix some neighborhood dimensional" belief pairs) and some (lJ.*^,^i*^) A^ in such that W of (jJ.* 12 ,jl* £>0. There ) in exists (that is, a set of "one- a neighborhood belongs (/i^^,/i^°) if L2 to V(£) V(£) of then \ Pr L^m(//^^JU^') eW >l-3e Proof: Notice Am' first = that Am' A/if-A/i'' IV 2" A/if-A/i^ if s and w agree on one dimension otherwise so that in both cases Am' < and 1 A/i^'-A/ilt Therefore the set of belief pairs <(2K + l)rifor = 1 converges towards Let us j(// * ,// * choose V^) c {(/i\/i2|^l^ such r\ > )j as and r\ 1,2] converges to zero. V'(ri)(zVQ, that /4 > o|. Consider a pair of beliefs (/i^^,//"^^) belonging to Vi(r],£)nV2{T],e)nV'(-n)n-\\ jii,ii2 m' -M(/i' 38 ) <77 V'{ri)nL (zW , and , (//^°,//^^) e V2(T],£) implies by Result 4 that for i=l,2 f MaxWL ]< Pr rj and Maxui'' 1< r>0 >l-2e. 77 ^ f>0 (/i^°,/i-^°)eV2(^>e) implies by Result 3 that for i= 1,2 <£ Pr t>] Therefore the event E: Maxi/ip ] < T] and Maxi/i^^' j < 77 occurs with a probability greater than Let us assume that E = The Mm {l u''-u(fl'*) fact that E occurs (1 . j > T] — 3e) occurs, and let us u" -u(j2'*) >{2K + l)T] tQ ^ (Av" and assume that for some period t, and i=l or i=2, Consider then >(2K + l)riOT implies than for Therefore Result 2, applied to all u^' all t -u(^^*) >(2K + <tQ, (^ If pairs of beliefs (/x ,,2r. ,^ ) ,// e ) 1)77}. V'(??) for t c Vq <tQ, implies i=l and i=2 ''+l-«'' 0<t<t„ ( <K 5;(vl'-^l_,l'f + (,2r+l_,2r]2 + .'0 «"^ -«(/:' 0<r<f„ 39 ) <2/ir77 + 77 = (2/: + l)77 that for , Therefore it is impossible that This implies that if (//^^,/x^^) u''o -U{fl'*) >(2K + l)T] for i= lor 1=2. belonging to {li^^,^^^)GVi(T],e)nV2(ri,£)nV'(Ti)n\(iii,H2\u'-u(^'*) then Pr((/x'',/i^')G\/'(n) for But (fi',/1 °° ') some {n°° ,ii same the to edge V(U) )> l-3e. Pr((/i^°°,/i^~)e V'(ri) > 1 - 3e has to converge to belong ji all t) e |(/i \ //^ ) /xi (i=l,2) so that iji °° °° ,fi j g L . of °°), and by Proposition 2 We A. Therefore and /i^ > o| implies > <n just the that if (/i '" /i^~ , ) /i and showed that assumption that e > V'(ri) then //£" Therefore with a probability greater than 1 — 3£ fi^°°,fi^'-)e(v'(T])nL^)czW.Q. e.d. Proof of Proposition We 5: consider a pair of initial beliefs ifi ,fi j such that for all pairs of states of the world (p,q) « <£. ^'?4'' We want to show that , if e is small foo Let us assume that with a positive probability 40 enough, then with probability 1. By we know proposition 2 assume for // and °° /i belong to the same edge of A. Let us example they both assign weight only Let us define for i=l,2, (1,0). °° that = {Iiq and p,- , let to the states of the world (0,0) and us assume that pj < p2 (group 1 is "to the left" of group 2). Step 1: Assume (a the signal direction is horizontal (6=0) and the signal intensity is maximal -A). The signal structure implies that for i=l,2: 5(/i'~,S^,o)(l'0) + 1A) Cpi + 2A) + (l-pi)(\-2A) Cpi+I-Pi Pl{\ = Plil and Pi(l-2A) B{fi'"',s.^)im With C= Since (/z group 1, 1 Pl(l-2A) + (l-pi)(l + 2A) Pi+C(l-pi) + 2A 1-2A ~ ,/i > I °° 1 is a steady state, it must be the case he wants to report the "left-wing signal" wing signal" 5^ q, which is 5^ ;j that whenever the speaker even after observing the "right- true if P\C Pi P\C PlC P\C+\-p\ P2 + C(l-P2) PlC+\-Pi P2C+I-P2 or Pl{\-p2)C -P2(l-Pi) P2+C(l-P2) which implies |(pi-p2)c|> (P\-P2)C < P2C+I-P2 ^^fX! + C(l— Pt ^\ pi(^-P2)C^-P2(^-pO P-) ) 41 is in C> 1 K^l - P2 )c\ > a 1- and pi < P2 imply that /^2 (1 P2 (-/'.) (l-Z'l) i^-Pl) P\ (I-P2) P\ Step — PiC^-Pi )C^ - - Pi ) . or equivalently 2: For every period Bayes' rule implies that t, /^iVio ^ /^fp/^^ ^ Pr(messages up /zj>;0 to t|(l,0)) Pr(messagesuptot|(0,0)) /iJ'o/iJO ^10^00 ^ ^10^00 so that ^00'"lO Taking the ^00^10 limit of this identity as t tends to infinity yields P2(^-Pl) ^ ^10^00 Step 3: Steps 2 and 3 imply that if for all pairs (p,q) of states of the world, -1 <e then C" 1- P2 Pl C^ Pi (I-P2) so that eC^ > C^ P2 Pi (1-/^2) and /'I <e Pi (1-P2) (1-P2) P2 >C^-l-£ C^ /'I (l-/'2) 42 . which cannot be true if e This proves that if characterized by e is a is close enough to zero, given that close enough to zero, then i^ one-dimensional conflict, 43 ,/i so C> j that 1 cannot be a steady-state (by Proposition 2), References Aghion, P. P., C. Bolton, Harris, and P. JuIIien, 1991, "Optimal learning by experimentation", Review of Economic Studies, vol. 58, 621-654. Arrow, K., 1963, Social choice and individual values. New York : Wiley. 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