Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/pricecompetitionOOacem DEWEY HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series PRICE COMPETITION IN COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS Daron Acemoglu and Asuman Ozdaglar Working Paper 06-10 December 2005 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=901 803 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 2 2006 LIBRARIES Price Competition in Communication Networks Asuman Ozdaglar Daron Acemoglu Department of Department of Economics and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology 02142 Cambridge, Email: daron@mit.edu MA 02142 Email: asuman@mit.edu Abstract — We study the properties efficiency oligopoly equilibria in congested networks. of Our measure is the difference between users' willingness to pay and delay costs. Previous work has demonstrated that in networks consisting of parallel links, efficiency losses from competition are bounded. In contrast, in this paper of efficiency we show that in the presence of serial links, the efficiency loss relative to the social optimum can be arbitrarily large because of the double marginalization problem, whereby each serial provider charges high prices not taking into account the effect of this strategy on the to a general when are no delay costs without transmission (i.e., latencies at zero are equal to zero), irrespective of the number there of serial parallel providers, the efficiency of strong oligopoly bounded by 1/2, where strong oligopoly which each provider plays a response and all of the traffic is transmitted. equilibria can be However, even with strong oligopoly equilibria, inefficiency can be arbitrarily large when the assumption of no delay costs without transmission is relaxed. that in a parallel-link network with always greater than or equal to inelastic More 5/6. recently, Hayrapetyan, Tardos, and Wexler [13] studied pricing in a parallel-link users, network with elastic and homogeneous and provided bounds on the efficiency metric. This paper shows that the efficiency loss with competing service providers is considerably higher when we consider more general network topologies, suggesting that unregulated consumption have significant costs To equilibria are equilibria in strict best show [1] [15] extend this result network topology. Acemoglu and Ozdaglar and homogeneous users, the efficiency metric with an arbitrary number of competing network providers is profits of other providers along the same path. Nevertheless, and Huang, Ozdaglar and Acemoglu the illustrate in in general may networks terms of resource allocation. potential inefficiencies of price competition in congested communication networks, consider a parallel-serial destination pair we topology where an origin- linked by multiple parallel paths, each is potentially consisting of an arbitrary number of serial Imks. Congestion costs are captured by link-specific non- decreasing convex latency fionctions, denoted by INTRODUCTION I. There has been growing link interest in pricing as a of allocating scarce network resources (see, [19], [25]). Although prices may be network objectives, trolled by in practice [17], set to satisfy some many prices are con- for-profit service providers that at least in part, to increase their method e.g., charge prices, revenues and profits. Research to date suggests that profit-maximizing pricing may improve the allocation of resources in com- munication networks. Let the metric of eificiency be the difference between users' willingness to pay and delay costs in the equilibrium relative to that in the social optimum (which would be chosen by planner with full information and full a a network control over users). Acemoglu and Ozdaglar [2] show that with inelastic and homogeneous users, pricing by a monopolist controlling all links efficiency in a parallel-link network always (i.e., the efficiency metric is achieves equal to one). i. Each link is owned by /» () for a different service provider. All users are inelastic and homogeneous. This environment induces the following two-stage game: each service provider simultaneously for transmission Pi. Observing all of bandwidth on its sets the price link, denoted by the prices, in the second stage users route their information through the path with the lowest effective cost, where effective cost consists of the of prices and latencies of the links along a path sum [i.e., sum of Pi + li{-ys over the links comprising a path]. Our objective is to study the efficieny properties of the subgame perfect equilibria of this game. The main novel aspect of this model compared to the parallel-link case (serial) service is the pricing decisions of different providers along a single path. particular provider charges a higher price, it When a creates a negative externality on other providers along the same path, because this higher price reduces the transmission they receive. This li(x,),R the equivalent of the double mar- is economic models with multiple ginalization problem in monopolies, and leads to significant degradation of the equilibrium performance of the network. d most extreme form, the double marginalization problem leads to a type of "coordination failure", In its whereby units Rescrvalion utilily : R providers, expecting others to charge high all prices, also charge prohibitively high prices, effectively killing all data transmission low to arbitrarily Fig. 1 A . network with serial and parallel links. on a given path, and leading efficiency. This type of pathological behavior can happen in subgame perfect equilibria (what we OE), but refer to as oligopoly equilibria, we show cannot happen in strict subgame perfect equilibria, OE, which follows the notion of strict equilibrium introduced in Harsanyi [12]. In strict OE, each service that provider must play a strict best response to the pricing of other service providers, which strategies is sufficient to rule out the pathological coordination failures men- we show Nevertheless, ginalization OE that strict arbitrarily large efficiency losses can also have because the double mar- problem can again prevent any transmission on a particular path, even when such transmission is Instead, we define an even stronger notion of equi- librium, strong transmitted.' OE, We as a strict show that OE when in which all traffic latency without any equal to zero [i.e., k (0) = 0], there is a tight bound of 1/2 on the efficiency of strong OE irrespective of the number of paths and service providers in the network. This bound is reached by simple examples. In strong OE, the double marginalization problem is still present, and this is the reason why the bound of 1/2 is lower than the 5/6 bound in our previous work, [1]. Furthermore, we show that even with strong OE, when traffic is the assumption that li optimum can be These results (0) is it different among somewhat mind that among much better is [3], related who analyze network context under specific utility who and latency functions; He study competition cooperation demand study resource allocation in a wireless network previous work, Acemoglu and Ozdaglar and the [1] Hayrapetyan, Tardos, and Wexler [13], recent work, consider the performance of a network with competing No providers. other paper, to the best of our knowledge, has investigated price competition in the presence of serial providers or more general topologies. Model performance results which assume is consider a network with / parallel paths that connect two nodes. Each path I= {1, . . . , /} denote the the set of links on path and x Each always transmitted. Our model incorporates a = [xi,. link in the . . i. when this reservation i set consists of rii of paths and links. Let denote TVi Let xt denote the flow on path ,xi] denote the vector of path flows. network has a flow-dependent latency function li{xi), which measures the delay as a function of the total flow on link i (see Figure 1). the price per unit flow (bandwidth) of link j — \Pj]jeK,iei denote We are interested in denote by pj. Let the problem of routing of flow across the / paths. aggregate flow of We the vector of prices. not necessarily the case. All traffic will be transmitted in equilibrium utility is sufficiently large. [14], closely [5], Internet service providers under specific who to the social prices, e.g., [22] or [7], reservation utility for users, so that this More [4]). under fixed pricing. None of these papers, except our P traffic Johari and Tsitsiklis and of network design models; as well as Acemoglu, Ozdaglar, and Srikant i, realistic topologies, 'Models of selfish routing without all al. in a assumptions on the the examples pathological, and this begs the could be obtained in more et. (e.g., [23]); works of Basar and Srikant monopoly pricing We service providers might has to be borne in question of whether that market mechanisms Anshelevich are the Perakis [7], of resource allocation by [10]); Sanghavi and Hajek (e.g., arbitrarily large. have very poor performance relative are and Friedman [21], relaxed, the efficiency achieve satisfactory network performance in general. optimum Tardos [22], Correa, Schulz, and Stier-Moses II. = shed doubt on the conjecture that un- regulated competition Nevertheless, Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou [18], Roughgarden and and Walrand, socially optimal. that future work. left for related to our paper includes studies quantifying efficiency losses of selfish routing without prices (e.g., [16], tioned above. loss an area Work it strict is is many We assume d that this units is the "small" users and thus adopt the Wardrop's principle (see [24]) in characterizing the flow distribution minimum along paths with sum of network; in the i.e., u(x) the flows are routed effective cost, defined as the the latencies and prices of the links along that path (see the definition below). Wardrop's principle used extensively modelling in behavior trafiic is in trans- portation networks ([6], [8], [20]) and communication networks ([22], [7]). reservation utility R if the effective cost We assume also and decide not that users have a send their flow to exceeds the reservation utility. This implies that user preferences can be represented by the piecewise linear aggregate fimction utility u() Aggregate Fig. 2. depicted utility function. Figure 2? in Definition 1: For a given price vector ^WE ]^/ g jg ^ Wardrop equilibrium p > (WE) 0, a vector if max > ((i? — y^ Pi)xi— I /,(z)dz)(2) > jeM i^' '^^^ ^(/,(xr^)+p,) E R, < d, < We R. Q,E.D. For a given price vector p, the if denote the rainkeziZjeArJji^k") + set of WE at a given p by W{p). We adopt the following assumption on the latency Assumption [0, : tiable, oo) I—> 1: [0, For each oo) is i G I, the latency function convex, continuously differen- = nondecreasing, and satisfies Zj(0) 0. H^ : 1 W{j)), ]R^ zij hold. For any price vector is R^ p > 0, the set of nonempty. Moreover, the correspondence is Ij is strictly W the function : El i-^ in the sense that they all users are have the same reservation W is discuss potential issues in extending this and heterogeneous requirements in the work to users R. We with elastic concluding section. 1 hold. a singleton. Moreover, is strictly at a p > 0, the convex, and shows the given p. Since the correspon- it is 1 continuous. Q.E.D. next define the social problem and the social full control is the routing (flow central allocation) that network planner that has and information about the network. Definition 2: it is obtain: upper semicontinuous from Proposition and single-valued, We WE A flow vector x^ is a social optimum if an optimal solution of the social problem '^[R- "homoge- utility, we continuous. therefore has a unique optimal solution. This maximizea;>o This simplifying assumption implies that is objective function of problem (2) following optimization problem neous" Mi is Proof: Under the given assumptions, for any would be chosen by a Proof sketch: Given any p > 0, the proof is based on using Assumption 1 (in particular the nondecreasing assumption on the latency functions) to show that the set of WE is given by the set of optimal solutions of the li, i WE, W{p), 0, the set of optimum, which upper semicontinuous. on the G J, there exists some j G increasing. For any price vector further that for all Mi, such that dence sumption WE need not be unique further restrictions uniqueness of the Proposition 1: (Existence and Continuity) Let As- WE, Under Proposition 2: (Uniqueness) Let Assumption Assume p > functions throughout the paper except in Section IV-F. li ^ (1) in general. Z^eI^i'' = d with Pj} xY"^ < with i yx^<d. s.t. xf^ > 0, VJwithxr^>0, V subject to 2_. Xi lei < 'Y^lj{xi)\xi d. (3) . By Assumption 1, Proposition 3: Let Assumption the social problem has a continuous compact constraint objective function and a teeing the existence of a social optimum, set, guaran- x^ Moreover, . game has competition using the optimality conditions for a convex program, we see that a vector x'^ only A'^( if € M+ optimum if and such that a A^ > a social is < d and there exists = and for each i e -d) xf X^jgi xf X^f^i R-Y^ Ijixf) - xf J2 ^'ji^f) if ^f = Io A^ if xf > aj > 0. = {ieI\ ^ a, = 0}, Then 2: p°^ = with define the value of the > Jo (4) we some the set of is There are two cases 0. I. For a given vector x € M+, for ajX Iq the price Gl i Define the set = such that aj e Mi). Let Iq denote the cardinality of set Jq. for all j = = Proof: Let lj{x) (or equivalently, 0' Then a pure strategy OE. I, < ^^ hold and assume 1 latency functions are linear. that the W{p'^^) it to consider: can be seen that a vector (p*^^, for all € i Iq, x'-'^) e Mi and x°^ e j an OE. is objective fimction in the social problem, II. S(a;) = ^(i?iei as the social surplus, users' willingness to III. Y,ljix,)yi, (5) i.e., pay and the other service providers, p_j the profit of service provider j with j G nj(pj,p-j,x) in the Mi = \pk\k^j, per semicontinuous and convex-valued correspondence. game among exists x^^ 6 If refer to we that W{p'-'^) is an OE. Assume we have = finally that 7o generality 1 Xi e Iq- = x,, We show for all i EC{x,p°'') 1, and that without loss / = mini 1. of x € W{p^^), that for all x, Let ^ +pO^}. /,(xfc) Nash equilibrium. We If at least one of service providers as the price vector as the have by Proposition 2 which they do according perfect (p*^^, x*^^) > all i is a e I, j e Mi, Vpj>o, yx€W{pj,p^f). We 0, B{jP^) = p^^ remains to show that there it service provider forms n>r'Pef,x°^)>n,(p,,p?f,x), p^^ = Jo such that W{p'^'^) such that (6) holds. EC{x,p°'^) and for p'~'^ a singleton, and therefore (6) holds and {p^^, ^{p'^^)) (pure strategy) Oligopoly Equilibrium (OE) if x*^^ e W {pf^,p'2f) of a To complete the proof, competition game. A can use Kakutani's fixed point theorem to assert the existence conjectures about the actions of other service providers, subgame we Hence, is as well as the behavior of users, (7) [Bj{p^f)\. In view of the linearity of the latency fiinctions, it follows that B{jP^) is an up- is = PiXi, by other service providers, each pjXi. = B(p°^) Let where x e W{j[)j,p-j). The objective of each service provider is to maximize profits. Because their profits depend on the prices set Definition 3: the set total latency. network. Service provider j charges a price pj per unit bandwidth on link j £ Mi. Given the vector of prices of refer to the Bj{p°f) be iSWCpj.pO^) of which owns one of the links on the paths to the notion of let max {p^^,x°^)eaig the difference between the Oligopoly Pricing and Equilibrium owned by For some j € Mi, 1: such that jeM. We assume that there are multiple service providers, each links < /o p°^ of <R, holds, then one can EC{x,p°^) or show that Y^^^i Xi Substituting x\ = d convex = [xi]i^i, thus = <R = Y^{^i Xj d. — "^i^x, i^i ^i '" problem (2), we see that the objective function of problem (2) is strictly both in x_i EC{x,p°^) = R (6) Yl and hi.^') showing that EC{x,p^^) = = Yl x = x. If R, then ':»(*')' OE price. which, by the assumption that The next proposition shows that functions, there exists a pure strategy for linear latency for OE. establishing our claim. some j G Mi, implies Ij that Xi is = strictly increasing Xj for all i ^ 1, For some x £ W{p'^^), consider the vector — {d xi Since x-i ^i^^-i) chosen such that the providers on link X]i=^i is incentive to deviate, it x'-'^ = uniquely defined and is follows that (p^'^, x'-^^) A. of OE Inefficiency have no 1 is an OE. we In this section, and Q.E.D. Efficiency Analysis IV. strict study the efficiency properties of OE, OE and strong The existence result cannot be generalized convex latency functions as shown to general following the in optimum, E>{x'^^)/E>{x^) [cf social (this set includes, Example flow be Consider a two link network. Let the 1: = rf 1. Assume total that the latency functions are given by games but is = < a; < x>5. if (° hix) 0, - and 6 = ^2(2:) > 1^^ or games with Given a III). consider OE strict linear parallel-link and latency OE{{lj}) denote the set of i, OE x^^ = [xf^ji^j at an OE (or strict depending on the context). We define the efficiency some x^^ e OE{{lj}) at as 1/2, with the convention that 00 for verified that there exists at the flow allocations (5 metric some e > when e = 0, for OE larger than, latency functions, see Section We (5)]. have that network with / paths, Ui links on path functions {li}(jeN, iei)' h{x) take as our of the social surplus ratio equilibrium flow allocation to the social surplus at the price competition example. We (defined below). measure of efficiency the > a; no pure 5. can be easily It OE strategy for small e (see [1] for details). (8) Nevertheless, a mixed strategy define a mixed strategy OE as a OE always mixed perfect equilibrium of the price competition Dasgupta and Maskin, (Borel) probability measures on total Let number of € B he fij B Let [9]). [0, We exists. strategy subgame game (see be the space of all T denote the T = ^j^i nt. R\ Let . links in the network, i.e., where x^ /x we equilibrium, so Equilibrium (p) for every (OE) p e [0, mixed a is the if strategy (pj) X rK{Z,},xO^). inf show first that the performance of an 2: n*_j {p_j)) and pj e B, where Ilj{p,x*{p)) is the profit of service provider j at price vector p and x*{p) e W{p). strategy OE thus requires that there profitable deviation to a different probability is no measure for each oligopolist. The existence of a mixed strategy can be established along the lines of the analysis in which leads to the following result (proof omitted): 1 with identically OE [1], Proposition 4: Let competition (/iO^,xO^(p)). Assumption game has a 1 hold. mixed Then strategy latency functions and one link on path 2 with latency function l{x2) A; > 0. Let the total flow be d (1,0). Now this = example Each of the three service providers on path by i = 1, 2, and 3, charge price p\ = provider on path 2 charges p2 that there 1 is is no deviation that = 1, 1/2. is 1 , the x^ = denoted while the service It can be verified profitable for any of the service providers. First, consider the serial providers on path 1 ; given the prices of two of the serial service providers, there will always be zero traffic on path OE, = and the consider the following strategy combination. the remaining service provider price can be Consider a two path network, which has reservation utility be i? = 1. Uj{pj,p_j, X* {pj,p-j))d {pj (pj) X p*_- {p_j)) The unique social optimum for mixed OE arbitrarily bad. Example for all j A are function R]^ and nj{pj,p^j,x* {pj,p-j))d {p* / we [18]), of an oligopoly fi-j. kx2, where > Following the look for a lower bound on inf 3 links on path / the latency fiinctions utility. interested in the worst performance We Definition 4: {iJ,*,x*{p)) W optimum given the reservation is on the "price of anarchy," (see literature and the vector of these probability measures excluding j by Oligopoly R a probability measure, and denote the vector of these probability measures by x*{p) e a social is and {Ij} is would lead (since any price for this provider profits). are not Moreover, it 1, so playing a best response to zero can be verified that these strategies weakly dominated, since if i = 1,2 were to play = and the provider on path 2 were to set a high = 3 would choose to play pf = 1. (This also establishes that the OE will be trembling hand perfect, p\ see [11], pp. 351-356 for a definition). Finally, Given the consider the provider on path 2. the serial providers on path and a fixed 1 let us strategies of fc > 0, be verified that the optimal strategy of this provider set P2 = 1/2. The can it is to resulting equilibrium flow allocation is OE and Price B. Strict enough p2,i Characterization In this paper, rather than allowing coalitions to form, we study a stronger concept of equilibrium, Harsanyi's equilibrium (see [12], or [11], pp. 11-12), which strict requires each player's best response to be unique. Re- OE Nash equilibrium and our standard that the call concept only require each player, weak service provider, to play a particular each in We now best response. strengthen this condition. „0£ -[»^U A Definition 5: vector (p°-^, x"^^) (Oligopoly Equilibrium) which involves routing 2 (though not all of the all the admitted traffic on path for all i €l, £ j if > Afi, admitted). traffic is necessarily Therefore, the efficiency metric for this example n,(pf^,pef,xO^)>n,(p„p2f,x), is Vp, r2({/,},x^^) which goes = Eli^?^-l2{x§^)^§^ _ as to Example 2 This result is at why — some is strategy OE with the inefficient. much 1 inefficiency is The because charge unreasonably high a best response (even weakly undominated) It is them for to do because other providers so, also charge unreasonably high prices, so there is no transmission on this path and they suffer no adverse We may expect this pathological situation not to arise number of reasons. firms First, may not coordmate on such an equilibrium (especially when other exist). In this case, for realize that if they all all make we may example, higher profits and would on a path to still be playing equi- we may even expect providers It to the results particular to the tight Nash equilibrium, where is of our previous work, bound on because, once serial providers along a path form a would be to behave path, thus removing the double marginalization problem. In in our previous of 5/6. work [1] applies both equilibria, in we {^j}(jeA/'i, igi). have not changed the behavior of the users given by the also that we since as is WE (as in Definition 1). have removed the qualifier "pure well known, strict equilibria Notice strategy," always have to by equilibria, definition, involve players being indifferent among the which they are mixing). Therefore, there which a mixed strategy OE exists, but strategies over strict OE does not. Moreover, are also situations in but a We strict OE 1 can be verified that there this as a serious exists, shortcoming, since, above showed, even pure strategy for linear latency functions. proof of Proposition 3, we have The proof and therefore Proposition 5: Let Assumption 1 OE do the following result is is similar to the omitted. hold. ther that the latency functions are linear i OE does not. do not view Example it which a pure strategy not always exist. Moreover, [1], in efficiency of 5/6. This subcoalition, their optimal strategy as a single provider along that of for a best response, while the former does not. Notice that their only providers along a given path can form coalitions, would lead OE at a strict The difference between Definitions 3 and 5 is obvious. The latter requires service providers to play a strict as can be verified that a special form of coalition-proof subgame perfect OE strict to denote the set \x^^\i^i network with latency functions equilibria expect them to form a "coalition" and coordinate pricing decisions. = flow allocations x'^^ focus on (9) )• are situations in reduced their prices, they would librium actions. Second, we be pure strategy (because mixed strategy consequences from charging unreasonable prices. for a refer to and we use the notation 0£({Zj}) levelpathological, however. so service providers on path prices. We oo. topology can be arbitrarily there >0,Pj^ vT^ ^ ^ ^ w^fe-,p-f p^^ as the strict OE price. l/Ak In the remainder of this paper, + establishes that pure strategy parallel-serial link reason fc OE a strict is a;°^ G w(pf'^,p'^f'] and Assume and fur- for all e I, there exists some j G A/i such that Ij is strictly Then the price competition game has a strict increasing. OE. this case, the analysis and leads to a bound We strict next provide an explicit characterization of the OE prices, which will be essential for the subse- , quent efficiency analysis. The following lemma Lemma sumption Let {p^'^,x^^) be a 1: 1 hold Then pf^xf^ > strict for estab- OE X and E i The Assume Proof: pOE^OE ^ to Q fpj arrive gQjjjg any price pj with pj Z > pf^, we nj{pj,pOf,x) contradiction a at G j and j € have that example shows OE Defini- (cf. shown OE Inefficiency C. Example while others are making positive profits. We n make Example 2 shows R= non-strict OE profit, no longer holds for the parallel-serial topology. on the other hand, ensures that it holds for of all OE Consider a one path network, which has = d = 1/2, with a = 1/4. Using the x^ x/n. Let utility be this example corresponding social surplus price characterization given in WE, Proposition 6 and the definition of a charge the price p'^^ 1 and = and the reservation 1 there exists a unique strict Lemma strict efficiency losses OE of Strict 4). for OE, strict For any n, the unique social optimum for any Lemma 3: even with l. S(x'^) positive profits (see [1], that this result providing bounds on large. the total flow be have in [1] that for parallel-link topology, if at one of the providers makes positive in links with identical latency fianctions l{x) is the providers that can be arbitrarily As shown in Example 2, the result of the preceding lemma does not extend to non-strict OE prices, i.e., there may be OE in which some of the providers make zero profit be useful will it a gen- and as the inefficiency of price competition. However, the next Q.E.D. tion 9). is at = n,ipf^p1f,xO^), contradicting the definition of the strict price characterization in Proposition 6 eralization of the price characterization in [1], in that paper, Then, Afi. .OE\ r.OE Pf OE. Let Asall by prices are given OE. lishes that all path flows are positive at a strict flow is x'^^ example is = l/(n = 1). -f- OE, in + 1), l/(n The it which follows that all providers and the equilibrium efficiency metric for this therefore allows us to write the optimization problems for each provider We in terms of equality and inequality constraints. first order optimality conditions to obtain an explicit characterization of the i n+ljn+l y'- can then use the Proposition 6: Let Assumption G X, j € Mi, we have 1 strict ri{{lj},x^n (l-i)i OE prices. hold. Then, for all which goes as to An (-+1)- n — > cxd. This example establishes that even with (a) strict OE, which rules out the pathological coordination failures discussed above, efficiency losses can be arbitrarily large. The rea- fceM son for this is again the double marginalization problem, which increases the cost of transmission so much that there is no transmission in equilibrium along certain (b) Pf' paths n — some > for ky^j, s / (e.g., along the single path in the example as oo). This type of behavior level, especially when we also pathological at is think of networks where i, the reservation utility, R, of users high enough. This is leads us to define an even stronger notion of equilibrium, R-EkexJkix?"^] strong OE. ^f^[E.eM/;K°^) + — ' Definition 6: E,^. OE otherwise. ^jgjxp^ = (10) In particular, for two links, tive cost is less than R, for z when = the 1,2, j minimum e M, effec- the strict A vector {p^^,x'^^) (Oligopoly Equilibrium) strong d. OE price In this case, if it we and denote the is > a strong is a strict OE, and refer to p'-'^ as the set of strong allocations in a network with latency functions by m\{lj}). OE flow by {Ij} difference between Definition 5 and Defini- The only tion 6 is we that in the latter require utility, R, of users is of the potential be the case when the flow, d, to be transmitted. This will reservation all some for that OE with Two Paths = i where each 1,2, link is owned by Assume even with strong illustrates that was shown n links 4: Consider a on path 1 latency functions and — x^jl. utility be The unique OE social optimum By the definition of a for this example x^ is Using Proposition 6 and the definition of a price of link j G OE) A/i at the and (where for all R— the is pf^ This combined i. with the preceding relation shows that a;*^^ = WE, WE, we have xf^ > EjeMM^?"") > E.-eM^r ^ is a social Q.E.D. The following lemma provides total flow admitted at OE an and a relation between the optimum. at a social fiows x'^^ must satisfy Lemma For 3: a be an E h^-T) + ^?^ E ^;(-?'^) [ + 'K-?'')] + x^^ = strong OE 1 shows E-: • latency 1 hold. Let ^E^ ieJ unique that involves Proof: Assume to arrive Eiei^f^ > Eiei^ffor some at the social strong We OE to (0, 1) as optimum is 1, » We surplus at while the social surplus goes to 1/2 as n — > at the oo. G y je^f^. > we would have also have lj{xf^) lj{xf) for lj{xf) definition of the we = some j e I'Axf) = Afi. for all which yields a contradiction by the optimality Afi, conditions (4) and the fact that next present two lemmas, which will be useful in that xf^ > xf Hence, i. [Otherwise, j contradiction a This implies that lj{x?'=)>lj{xf cf), + 2'n + 2/' n — oo. The social Vn which goes fiinctions {p^^,x^^) optimum. Then and x^ be a social OE E Substituting for the latency functions and solving the above together with a;f^ OE of set Assumption {lj}{jeM'i, iei)' '^t = we have U'R-J2lj{xf))xf optimum. R=\. (1,0). (3)], in [1]). and the reservation 1 problem [problem optimum and every a social is a feasible solution to the social networks (which one link on path 2 with latency function l{x2) = = T,zel {T,jeMjji=^i)) ^i is which two path network, which has with identically Let the total flow be d every implying the efiiciency loss in parallel link be bounded below by 5/6 to Example OE that x^^ € OE{{lj}) a different provider. First, consider the following example, can be worse than that optimum, I. RY^i^jxf. Since x^ We now characterize the efiiciency properties of strong OE. We start with a two path network, with rii links on path = ri{{lj},xOE) Then Xg- social a is large enough. Proof: D. Efficiency of Strong optimum social OE{{lj}) G x*^^ WE Eiei ^f < ^-l Using the and the optimality conditions (4), obtain providing a bound on the efficiency metric for strong OE. Note that these lemmas The first lemma allows us generality that are valid for to all OE assume without RYlLi ^f - ELi h{xf)xf > as well. loss fl-E in the Combining subsequent analysis. j Lemma 2: Given a set of latency 0.(^?^)-P?^) >fi-E {iAxf)-xfi^{xf)). of £ Afi, the preceding with lj{xf^) with functions strict inequality for some > j, lj{xf) for all and j^'^>xY'^l',{xY'')>xfl^{xf), {^j}jeM, ieT, assume that [using Proposition 6(a) and the fact that xl'{x) E(E '.•(-f)K = ^E iei iei creasing, Q.E.D. cf Assumption 1], we is nonde- obtain a contradiction. •5 ^y+yfl The next theorem provides a tight lower bound on r2{{lj}, x°^) [cf. (8)] for a strong OE. In the following, we assume without loss of generality that Theorem on path links = i where each 1,2, link E2/f = function Suppose Ij. that i. e Ni has a latency Assumption 1 holds and the h,j + h{yf-y?^)<ilv = y<y?%, i game has r2({/,},x°^)>i, Moreover, the bound x'^^ e O^ a strong V OE. Then a;°^ G ag'{0,}). {{I]]) that attains the lower bound and + problem mum are interested in finding a lower bound for Strict OE Constraints. r2{{lj},x~- ') ^'''xOBeOE (12) Ij ({/,}) let The conditions for a social are the same to {Ij} for which symmetric, xf^ < j € We xf. i we such that can xf restrict < constraints of the optimum and a by lj{-) here]. Condition (15) xf. social ourselves we at the denote by problem guar- OE strict is claim that since and (19) capture the convexity = is and essential the optimality condition for the optimum. Condition (18) uses the nondecreasing we we must (13) (which OE). In relating the values kjj'ij and the convexity assumption on the latency inf G X, we i A/i, and Z'() lj{-) ifj, {ifjY [note that the assumption lj{0) i=l is some as the conditions for a strong assumption on txo-=f:xf=i. This implies that there exists some opti- problem antee that these values satisfy the necessary optimality particular, conditions (14) Since the problem for equilibrium and the social optimum, which lij,l'-j,lf,,(lfjy. {Ij}, and social characteristics of the infinite dimensional optimize over the possible values of x°^ e 0^{{lj}) and let x^ be a social optimum. By Lemma 3 and the fact that x'^^ € OE {{Ij}) (i.e., it is a strong OE), we have Given dimensional finite that captures the equilibrium over the entire fionction jnf^ (19) given in (12). This implies that instead of optimizing the problem inf jsM, l,2, Problem (E) can be viewed as a We (18) in (11). Proof: The proof follows a number of steps: Step 1: ^ieM, (11) there exists {Ij} is tight, i.e., (17) owned by is a different provider, and link j price competition (16) d=l. Consider a two path network, with n, 1: Y.{llj)')<R, fiinctions; x^^ < are focusing on {lj{-)} such that x'1' have h,j+l[,j{yf-y?'')<llj, where for all j ^2 - mmimize ,s G A/i . Finally, the last set of constraints are the necessary conditions for a pure strategy OE. In particular, for a „OEs OE two path network, using Proposition 6, the Strict Constraints are given by R-y?''{'i:,eM.h,)-y^'={T.jeMM) (E) R-yf{T.j^^fA,i)-y|{T.j >ieM. jeK h,j) n2y§^ subject to [ tj<yiiii,j)', i = E jeM 1,2, jG^f^, jeU2 ^i. + jeJ^i E^+E j6A^2 '^- jeAf^ (14) [and therefore ni and n2 are also decision variables in -I- ) ^f(E(C)') problem (E)]. Note problem (12), we (EC)+^f(E(0')' any feasible solution of same objective function value. Therefore, optimum value of problem (E) is indeed a lower bound on the optimum value of problem (12). (E) with the (15) that given have a feasible solution for problem the Step 2: Consider the following change of variables for problem (E) mi = myf^ and Next, using the transformation 7712 = n2y2^ to write: OE = mm To ^2^2^^ 1 h = 2_^ ^iJ' m2>0 mi, = 2^ ^2 '2J1 h < subject to I2 jeM we though OK = mmimize if ,(if )'>o T2 iE') Now '2% (21), By Finally, = Example 4 shows 3, 2=1 Note that this 1 problem has a very similar structure of [1] to for parallel-link networks. Let ^{ify Ji,l'i,yi ^yf^) denote the optimal solution of problem (E'). We have shown in [1] that if = Q for {Ji 1 = 1,2. Step 3: Using Tf we for = i 1, 2, and k =0,l[= 0, strong OE 1- 1 > - -. 2 is tight, i.e., ^ i 2' ^2y£f (20) R focus on strong OE, there exists 1/2. In contrast to the ensures that which considered in is all of the case in Example traffic is transmitted the key to the existence of a This [1]. is again because of the double marginalization problem: each provider along path a greater incentive to increase all provider), because along path 1 , its 1 has price (relative to the these links are it owned by the same does not internalize the reduction of the other link owners along the same path. Consequently, in min is bound on the inefficiency of equilibrium. The bound with strong OE is nonetheless worse than the efficiency bound in the parallel-link topology in the profits see that r^^ = r.OE\ r2{{lj},x^ when we bound of benchmark where = OE- bound that this mm in equilibrium, Constraints. the finite-dimensional problem considered in the proof of Theorem also Q.E.D. Therefore, OE it is l,2, a tight Strict thus 1, ihi x0^eOE{{ij}) h + l[{yf-y?'^)<lf, + r2{{lj},x inf min i > ni,n2 R, 2 = (13), this implies that + yf{ify, + yfiify < li<y?^l'^, satisfies it The corresponding optimum value inf if integers. an optimal solution to the program is 1, 2, 1) and moreover, 1/2. if 1, and n2 are that n\ a solution to (20). + yUi2y = .OE can verified that (l2,l'2^yi'^ ,y2^ ,'fhi,m2) it (^, YiO, vf.yr'^>° subject to il R. also have to ensure that the solution to this program ensures I'lVi < 7711^2' i=\ and rewrite problem (E) as ti + m2l'2 = E= jeATj ,";>o y^'^1'2, mil'2 J6JV2 j€A/i (21) R l2.'2 and this Example 4, there are higher prices induces greater fraction of users to 2, increasing inefficiency. To see the role of more clearly, consider a modified version of Example 4, where all n links along path 1 are owned by the same service provider. This would make the example choose path serial links subject to I2 < 2/2*^^2' nij/f^/^ 1=1 < R. equivalent to a parallel-link topology. In this case the OE xf ^ = 2/3 and unique strict X2^ = 1/3, and this example reaches the 5/6 [1] rather flows are given by than 1/2 bound of Example 4. bound of E. We OE of Strong Efficiency with Multiple Paths next consider an I path network, with Ui links provider. OE properties of a strong in Example 5: Consider an on path 1 I path network, which has one link on each of the paths = latency function l{x) = x{I and the reservation 1 Clearly, the unique social of a 2, . . R= be [1, 0, WE, unique . . , . optimum it OE arbitrarily l high even that involves parallel example for this is at the = 1 the In 7: 2/n)^ OE owned by + 2/n) (i.e., all same the „OE 2 \l which goes n to 1/2 as — > 3e if e ) ' (1,0), ^ 0, 1. inefficient equilibrium is a result oo. > is similar to that of Theorem generalizes Theorem and 1 1. The proof 6, we have that x'^^ —* Therefore, the highly of the parallel-serial there Theorem m links Ij. which Suppose that game Assumption 1 holds and the has a strong OE. Then we In this paper, presented an analysis of price com- communication networks with congestion. petition in V x^^ G Og'CO,}). s tight, i.e., competition in networks with the serial-parallel topology. there exists {Ij] and parallel-link topology studied in [1], the parallel-serial bound in (22). OE Congestion bound on the does not generalize once that li{Q) relax the assumption = 0. OE the social optimal. In particular, due can now be to an extreme (pathological) form of double marginalization, whereby arbitrarily inefficient. efficiency loss of strong we of pure result is that contrary to the case topology leads to significant efficiency losses relative to Unfortunately, the the efficiency implications of price (22) {{Ij}) that attains the lower Positive Latency at Conclusions V. Our major Moreover, the bound E congestion, 2 on efficiency, quite close to, but slightly lower than 5/6. is The focus has been rj{{h},x°^)>\, oS positive i price competition x°^ € — again a tight bound of 2\/2 £ J, where each link is owned by provider, and link j, j G Mi, has a latency on path a different function 2: Consider a general / path network, with is is congestion. In fact, [1] shows that with latency at parallel topology, but positive latency at omitted. is 1 have otherwise. —> 1 and e and r2({/j},x°^) -^ Consequently, 6 + 2/n) links along path topology, not of the assumption that there The next theorem network assumption same example with n we would provider), is 1 2 for a with the parallel-serial useful to note that in the is It example 1-i OE inefficient. I (1,0), r/({/,},^°^) we presence of positive latency zero congestion, strong 1 efliciency metric for this oo, > serial links if the the parallel-link topology Hence the — and n 1 and the efficiency metric at a strong and topology can be arbitrarily (/-l)(l _ relaxed. This establishes: is Proposition at + 2/n'(/-l)(l + 2) definition is 2/n „0£ ^ + 1. can be seen that the flow allocation strict (strong) en e(n ' This example shows that the efficiency loss could be Using Proposition 6 and the 0]. (0, 1), > unique at the by +b + 2) 2e xP^ — The flows (1,0). hj^/n. Then, as 6 l)/2. Let the total flow utility = r2(0,},xO^)^0. / with the same , . = e have that Zj(0) = a;'^ - n latency functions and x^ are given e(n an / path network. with identically is OE x^^ Let be d (strong) strict link is owned by a different i, where each The following example illustrates the efficiency on path links optimum social serial all This is partly providers on a particular path charge pro- on that path to the concept of strict OE, which hibitively high prices expecting others do so as well. Example n links 6: on path Consider a two path network, which has 1 with identically latency functions and one link on path 2 with latency function l{x2) for some scalars e > and 6 > 0. = ex2 +b Again the unique We showed requires removes loss all that service providers to play strict best responses, this pathological behavior, but the efficiency of strict OE is also unbounded because of the related double marginalization problem. 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