Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/productivityacroOObern HB31 .M415 rvo.<?3 working paper department of economics PRODUCTIVITY ACROSS INDUSTRIES AND COUNTRIES: TIME SERIES THEORY AND EVIDENCE Andrew B. Bernard Massachusetts Institute of Technology Charles I. Jones Stanford University 93-17 Oct. 1993 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 PRODUCTIVITY ACROSS INDUSTRIES AND COUNTRIES: TIME SERIES THEORY AND EVIDENCE Andrew B. Bernard Massachusetts Institute of Technology Charles I. Jones Stanford University 93-17 Oct. 1993 M.I.T. DEC LIBRARIES" - 7 1993 RECEIVED Productivity Across Industries and Countries: Time Series Andrew B. Bernard Theory and Evidence 1 Department of Economics MA Department I. of Jones Economics Stanford University M.I.T. Cambridge, Charles 02139 CA Stanford, 94305 October, 1993 1 An earlier version of this American paper was prepared for the August 1993 Meetings San Francisco under the title "LongRun Productivity Growth Across Industries and Countries" Huiying Li provided excellent research assistance. We thank Jushan Bai and Andy Levin for helpful of the Statistical Association in . comments. All errors are ours. Abstract In this paper, we test whether aggregate productivity movements, especially level. Using a new result on convergence, are also reflected at the industry the asymptotic normality of panel unit root estimators, we find evidence for convergence in total factor productivity for sectors such as services and construction in 14 OECD KEY WORDS: Panel unit roots, economic growth, total factor productivity, However, surprisingly, we find that convergence does not hold for the manufacturing sector. Convergence in total industry occurs as a result of the declining share of manufacturing and the growing share of sevices in these countries. convergence countries from 1970-1987. Introduction 1 A key issue in understanding long-run economic growth is whether technology flows primarily between sectors within a nation or across countries within an industry: are there sector-specific or country-specific sources of productivity improvements? We use cross-section and time series techniques to study OECD the movements of productivity levels in 14 of industry-level data countries. new The use on value-added, capital stocks, and employment to construct total factor productivity from 1970-1987. valuable We make The sectoral data are a resource in the empirical analysis of long-run growth. results at the industry level point out the importance of industry composition in empirical work on convergence across countries. Using a new result on asymptotic normality in estimating unit roots in panel data, we find that within sectors across countries, there some for tor productivity this convergence (TFP) is 1 evidence for convergence These differences across sectors industries, but not for others. count for convergence at the national is level. ac- Although aggregate total fac- OECD countries, appears to be converging across driven primarily by the non-manufacturing sectors of the economies. Within manufacturing we find only weak evidence for convergence over the period and find substantial evidence for divergence of productivity levels during the 1980's. Our results indicate that the lack of convergence found in larger samples of countries may be a consequence of varying sectoral composition in countries at different income levels. 2 Largely due to a lack of data on labor and capital, almost work on convergence across countries and regions has used capita. 3 all real previous GDP Using cross-section regressions, Baumol (1986), Barro and TFP per Sala-i- 1 Through the paper 2 See Barro (1991) for evidence against unconditional convergence for large samples of refers to log TFP. countries. 3 While convergence of labor productivity is predicted by many growth models, the use of output per capita instead of output per worker or per hour potentially confounds Martin (1991, 1992) and Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992) argue that countries and regions are converging, or catching-up, since grow faster than their richer counterparts. dence is not uniform. Barro (1991) and initially poor areas However, the cross-section DeLong (1988) show that the par- ticular sample of countries determines whether catch-up holds. Time results on longer OECD series for evi- series show evidence of common countries also trends but no tendency for convergence in levels (for example, see Bernard and Durlauf The 1991). neoclassical growth in output per model without technology predicts convergence worker for similar, closed economies based on the accumulation of capital. However, even in the neoclassical model, if the exogenous tech- nology processes follow different long-run paths across countries, then there will be no tendency for output levels to converge. In this paper, we exam- ine technological convergence by focussing on TFP. The sectoral differences are important for understanding income and productivity. disaggregated data is results indicate that movements in aggregate Further work on longer samples and with more needed to understand the relation between industry productivity, sectoral shifts, and aggregate variables. Convergence 1.1 The fundamental economies time. is in Aggregate TFP piece of evidence on cross-national growth in the OECD that productivity and output differences have narrowed over The TFP movements 1987 in Figure l. 4 TFP are shown for 14 OECD countries from 1970- has grown on average at a rate of 1.2% per year but the gap between the most productive country, the U.S. throughout the sample, and the least productive country declined consistently from 120% in changes in participation rates with changes in productivity. 4 The countries in the sample are U.S., Canada, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium, is denoted by a "o" and Japan is Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The U.S. denoted by a "+" in all Figures. 1970 to 85% The in 1987. overall decline in dispersion across countries can be seen in Figure 2 which plots the cross-sectional standard deviation of TFP. Dispersion has decreased from 17.5% to less than 13.5% during the period. Without the U.S. the dispersion is constant at about 13.5% until 1979 and drops steadily through the 1980's to is by regressing the average also captured on the 1970 TFP, levels for ATFPi = s.e. on the coefficient visual evidence 1.2 Two £ TFP The convergence growth rate for in levels each country rFf,1970 + g. 0.125 -0.0198 (0.0224) (0.0039) initial level is from the 1987. 5 as given in the following equation. a+ coef The 11% by R 2 (1) 0.4726 negative and significant, confirming the cross-section. Definitions of Convergence distinct definitions of convergence have emerged in the empirical work. Cross-section analyses focus on the reduction in cross-sectional variance of output per worker. This idea of convergence as catching-up is linked to the predicted output paths from a neoclassical growth model with different initial levels of capital. capital there Time is Once countries attain their steady state levels of no further expected reduction series studies define deterministic or stochastic. in cross-section output variance. convergence as identical long-run trends, either This definition assumes that do not matter within sample and tests for initial conditions convergence using the framework of cointegration. 5 Average growth rates here and throughout the paper are constructed as the trend from the regression of the log of TFP on a constant and a linear trend. This minimizes problems with measurement error and business cycle fluctuations. coefficient Both these OECD have implications within our sample of advanced definitions countries from 1970-1987. If these 14 countries are on their long-run steady state growth paths as of 1970 then the appropriate framework for testing industry level convergence However, we consider capital TFP is that of common rather than output levels, so had reached steady state values In Section 3, time series framework. we First, less will look for we it is possible that as of 1970 but technology being transferred from more productive to the sample. trends and cointegration. was still productive countries within convergence largely within the discuss the sectoral data and evidence on cross-section standard deviations. The rest of the paper and contains aggregate is divided as follows: Section 2 describes the data statistics on one digit industries; Section 3 presents a new result on testing for unit roots in panel data and empirical results on industries in the 14 OECD countries. Section 4 concludes and discusses future areas of research; Section 5 contains an appendix with the proof for Proposition 1. Cross-Section Evidence 2 Data 2.1 The empirical work for this paper employs data on total factor productivity for (a maximum of) 1970 to 1987. fourteen The fourteen mark, Finland, France, U.S., OECD countries are Australia, Belgium, Canada, Den- Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, U.K., and West Germany. The six sectors are Agriculture, facturing, Electricity/Gas/Water basic data source is countries and six sectors over the period (EGW), Construction, and Services. an updated version of the OECD (ISDB), constructed by Meyer-zu-Schlochtern (1988). 6 Mining, Manu- Intersectoral Database 6 With the exception of the services aggregate, all the other sectors from the ISDB. The services aggregate is constructed by summing rectly The are taken di- Retail Trade, For each country i, sector and year j, log of total factor productivity t, we construct a measure of the (TFP), designated This measure A{j(t). is constructed in the standard way, as a weighted average of capital and labor productivity, where the weights are the factor shares calculated assuming perfect competition and constant returns to scale. Details can Meyer-zu-Schlochtern (1988). Our construction our labor share and country is for sector-specific, by country and sector TFP Looking at the differences data, Table his only in that calculated as an average over time TFP reports average annual 1 for the period 1970 to 1987. by sector Industry 2.2 it is from in each sector. To summarize the the log of i.e. differs be found 7 TFP growth rates Similarly, Figure 3 plots for each country. TFP levels by sector in Figure 3, we can from the aggregate movements shown see several earlier. Sectors immediate do not show the same patterns in either trend or dispersion over time and countries do not perform similarly across 1.9% per year and there sectors. is little Manufacturing TFP grows on average at change in the overall cross-section dispersion. Within manufacturing there are substantial differences as Japan grows 4.0% per year and Norway no trend and there is at only 0.3%. On the other hand, EGW at has substantial narrowing of the large initial gap between Japan and Norway during the sample. The seen different sectoral contributions to aggregate more clearly in Figure 4 deviations of TFP TFP movements can be which plots the cross-country sectoral standard against time. Services and EGW show substantial evi- dence of catch-up, while at the other extreme, manufacturing has an overall increase in cross-country dispersion. Evidence on the other sectors is less Transportation/Communication, F.I.R.E., and Other Services. Government Services are excluded. 7 For a few sectors, 1986 is taken as the endpoint because of data availability. clear-cut, construction falls initially ically and then but shows little falls and then steadies, mining dramat- rises back somewhat, while agriculture changes within years net change. These results do not change from the sample. In fact the increase in if manufacturing the U.S. TFP is removed dispersion is augmented. The visual evidence on sectoral differences in TFP growth is dramatic. Sectors differ within and across countries. In particular, manufacturing ap- pears to be leading to divergence in TFP and the aggregate levels are con- verging only because of the dramatic narrowing in other sectors, such as services. Time 3 Series Evidence This section considers whether or not the provocative visual results found in the previous section we will extend a recent advance in unit root econometrics by Levin and Lin and then we (1992), attempt to 3.1 The can be supported with time series evidence. First, will apply this technique to the sectoral data in an test for convergence. Testing for Unit Roots in Panel Data: Theory sectoral data we employ is available for a relatively short time horizon of eighteen years for most countries, 1970-1987. years, unit root testing With such a limited sample of would appear to be out of the question. However, a recent paper by Levin and Lin (1992) illustrates the relatively straightforward technique of testing for unit roots in panel data. twofold: (1) that as both of the unit root estimator 8 Quah (1990) first N is and T go to infinity, centered and normal, Their basic findings are the limiting distribution 8 and (2) that the noted this asymptotic normality result using a random panel fields data structure and rejected convergence of per capita output for a large cross-section of countries over 1960-1985. His estimator does not permit country-specific intercepts. power improvements. setting permits relatively large We consider the following general model with country-specific intercepts: Vit where the en ~ moments some for iid(0,a^) 6 > t p and + pya-i ~ iid(ji, <r£). fJ-i fii and that EfiiEn regularity conditions are Let p and = be the assumed to +e = it (2) . We also for all i assume en has and t. 2 + 8 Other standard hold. OLS parameter estimate and i-statistic. Levin and Lin prove the following lemma: Lemma drift, if 1 (Levin-Lin) Under N and T go the null hypothesis of a unit root with no to infinity with y/N/T going to zero, Ty/N(p-(1-^))^N(Q,10.2) y/T25t p Furthermore, + V1.875N when this result holds a => JV(0, common 1). time trend is included in the regression. Several when comments concerning this lemma are relevant. First, notice that country-effects are included in the specification, a small-sample bias enters the distribution but disappears as independent of N and is analogous described by Nickell (1981). T goes to infinity. This bias is to the bias in standard panel data analysis Second, this leads the i-statistics to require a correction in order to be centered at zero: the uncorrected ^-statistics are biased in the negative direction. The Levin and Lin (1992) result provides asymptotic normality for the panel unit root tests in some that paper nonzero is common settings. One setting not considered in the case in which the data generating process drifts is a unit root with but time trends are omitted from the regression specification. West (1988) shows that asymptotic normality obtains this setting. 9 The for the N=l case in following proposition extends West's finding to the panel setting. Proposition 1 Consider the regression model hypothesis of a unit root with nonzero drifts in (fi{ Equation ^ 2. Under the null 0), VWT^-l)^(0,^y. (3) Proof: See the Appendix. This case differs substantially from that asymptotic normality of p occurs as T in Levin and Lin (1992). The goes to infinity because the results are driven by the time trends in yu; in constrast, the normality in the Levin-Lin proof is sition 1 N driven by the averaging across also has the advantage that it non-normal distributions. Propo- can be extended to allow for some dependence in the cross-section. 3.2 Evidence To examine the convergence hypothesis while taking advantage series aspect of the data, Letting country 1 we 9 levels. denote the benchmark country, our tests will be based on Aij(t), Following Bernard and Durlauf (1991), 1 if TFP focus on cross country deviations in DA^t) = A l3 {t) - ing to country of the time DAij(t) is stationary. we i = 2, ..., N. will say that We country i is converg- do not necessarily require Aij(t) Park and Phillips (1988) generalize this result substantially and show that asymptotic critically on the presence of only a single nonstationary regressor. normality depends to exhibit a unit root with drift, although pretesting indicated that this null hypothesis could generally not be rejected. 10 The time horizon cost of the short that is we cannot examine the pothesis that only a subset of the fourteen countries are converging. we hy- That is, the panel test focuses on the extremes: all fourteen countries are converging against the alternative that as a group test the null hypothesis that they are not converging. With the difficulty of constructing longer time series for TFP, we are unlikely to be able to test convergence in smaller groups of countries. A related issue is how to choose the benchmark country. Asymptotically, of course, this choice should not matter, but in small samples We report portant. results when country 1 is it will be im- chosen in two different ways: as the most productive country at the beginning of the sample, 1970, and as the median country in terms of productivity in 1970. Choosing country 1 as the most productive has the added advantage that we can construct a rough of convergence in terms of the in-sample trend: if productivity devi- from the most productive country exhibit a positive trend ations this common in sample, would constitute strong evidence against the convergence hypothesis. The results of our time series tests for convergence are reported in Table Because of the small-sample bias problem, the reported 2. test f-statistics in the panel unit root regressions are not adjusted according to Levin and Lin Rather, critical values calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation (1992). with 500 repetitions are reported. The first result tivity deviations of note pertains to the simple average trend in the produc- from the most productive country. For for all sectors except 10 When levels, tests total industry and mining, the average trends are negative. The presence no time trends are included in the test for a unit root in the panel of the test fails to reject for every sectoral group. With a single common TFP trend, the only reject the unit root null for the agricultural sector, but this sector exhibits a significant positive trend. - of these trends constitutes evidence in favor of the convergence hypothesis for all sectors except facturing sector is mining. Interestingly, however, the trend in the manu- the smallest for the six sectors and the least significant of the negative trends. Furthermore, the trend when Japan only slightly negative and is Column is (2) reports the results of the is excluded from the sample insignificantly different zero. when no time panel unit root tests trends are included in the specification, as in Proposition from The reported 1. estimates of p have been adjusted using the exact calculation of the bias according to Nickell (1981) and therefore should be centered at their true values. if 11 It should be noted that the point estimates may be biased upward there are deterministic trends in the deviations. The point estimates for agriculture, mining, EGW are all significantly than unity, providing evidence against the unit root null in these sectors. less The and and ^-statistic for the construction sector These services fail to reject the null. convergence in agriculture, EGW, mining where the trend total industry also reject the In contrast, the results for manufacturing null hypothesis of a unit root. for and in provide evidence for statistics construction, and total industry (less so column For services and (1) is positive). especially for manufacturing the results cannot reject the no convergence hypothesis. Columns (3) and (4) reports results when the productivity deviations are taken from the country with the median level of productivity in 1970. (3) again uses the specification given in Proposition 1. common time 11 (4) adds a trend as in Levin- Lin (1992). These results again highlight a Nickell (1981) calculates the asymptotic bias as phmN^p-p - Column Column -— - (l -- Given an estimated value of T — p, this - j {1 formula N— *• (1 is oo for a fixed _ p)(T _ (2). 10 this to be [1- t-jztj-I ) p, and the result is formula yields a good used to solve for Monte Carlo simulations suggest that approximation even with N=14. reported in column 1) T difference between the manufacturing sector and many of the other manufacturing as is sectors, the only sector with point estimates consistently greater than unity. Total industry shows evidence of convergence in the specification without a time trend, as does construction. services reject the unit root null again, however, a lack of difficult to interpret. power Agriculture, construction and when a common time trend in the tests makes these is added. Once results somewhat 12 Overall, the panel/time series results are generally supportive of the graphical results documented using the cross-sectional data. Evidence in favor of convergence appears to be strongest in the non-manufacturing sectors and weakest Movements 3.3 To in the manufacturing sector. in Sector Shares man- reconcile aggregate convergence with apparent lack of convergence in ufacturing, we examine movements in sectoral shares in total private output. Figure 5 plots the share of total private output for each of the six sectors. For Services, Agriculture, Construction, and Manufacturing, the trends are similar across countries. The share of manufacturing is declining in every country, as are the shares of agriculture and construction. only sector to show substantial share growth for at least 49% and While as services much as 64% the of total industry output in 1987. remain substantial differences across countries. In particular, there is little similar. Also, since all sectors except in productivity levels is countries, accounting for growing as a share of output and manufactures is clining in all countries, there more all Services de- in sectoral shares tendency for shares to become manufactures show convergence and the share of manufactures gence of total industry productivity is is declining, the conver- not surprising. is 12 Notice that the estimates of the general trend in the panel for each sector no longer has the convergence interpretation since these results are for deviations from the country with median instead of maximum productivity. 11 4 Conclusions and Future Research In this paper, we show that aggregate productivity widely differing sectoral behavior. Across 14 movements may OECD disguise countries from 1970- 1987, total industry productivity exhibits convergence with decreasing cross- country variance. However, evidence from 6 sectors shows that aggregate convergence masks considerable differences. convergence, the cross-section variance sectors, such as services, is Manufacturing exhibits little actually increasing, while other show more catch-up. We extend existing results on asymptotic normality in panel unit root estimators in panel data and find additional evidence for differences across sectors. Manufacturing again shows least evidence for convergence and Our examination EGW the most. of sectoral productivity countries raises several interesting questions. movements in these To extend our OECD analysis to discriminate between capital accumulation and technology accumulation as potential sources of convergence, we must do further work using more disag- gregated data on output per worker. As suggested in the introduction and shown in last section, the role of aggregate TFP changing sectoral composition influences movements, especially ferent levels of development. The in samples with countries at very dif- implications of sectoral composition for productivity movements in broader cross-sections of countries remains to be explored. Finally the methods employed in this paper analysis of productivity movements may be across the U.S states. 12 applied to the References [1] Barro, R. (1991). "Economic Growth a Cross Section of Countries." in Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 407-443. [2] Barro, R. and X. Sala-i-Martin. (1991). "Convergence across States and Regions." Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 107-158. [3] . (1992). "Convergence." Journal of Political Economy, 100, 223-251. [4] Baumol, W. (1986). "Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: What the Long-Run Data Show." American Economic Review, 76, 1072- 1085. [5] Bernard, A. and S. put Movements." [6] DeLong, J. Durlauf. (1991). "Convergence in International Out- NBER Working Paper no. 3717, Cambridge B. (1988). "Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: Comment." 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"Asymptotic Normality Root." Econometrica, 56, 1397-1418. 14 When Regressors have A Unit Appendix: Proof of Proposition 5 The OLS estimate . of p can be written as _ Efai ELifa* - - yi)(yu-i for y,- and y,_i denote the mean m • y.--i) L,-=iL <= i(^-i-y,-i) where 1. 2 and yu-i respectively. Substituting of y, t yn under the null hypothesis and normalizing appropriately, reveals /i™3/2/. VNT'{ P t u = 7n -l) ~3'2 - E,-=i E«=i(y««-i ^ lT . 3 n t E,=i y«-i)(e«« T ^ Et=i(j/»t-i Now, consider the numerator and denominator - ^ Efai £ »-«) ,_. r—r - J/i-i) 2 , separately. (5) First, some algebra reveals that ~ y.-i = Vit-i T +-1 /*«(* g where a tilde -*\ ) + (jfit-i is 3 2 6 = J" / £>,_! - fc.,)^ - t=l Arguments such ^? Et-i as those (6) 1(1) £ E with zero drift. Define *.)• (7) t=l below reveal that the terms involving the expression £ ^ _ i ^. r -i/2 t=l + r 1 /2 The second is y, t _i) e »* are °p(l)) so that -3/2 6 = T that E t=i used to denote a variable that is ~ r _1 £ (8) £jt t=l (r ^yiMei( -r (r 1 to last 1 term of 1 ^, _i)(^e,t) + this equation is t T -1 / 2 oP (i). multiplied by a term asymptotically a demeaned Brownian motion, so that term 15 is op (l). term of the equation involving Also, the third Then the op (l). t- 3/ % West (1988) begin results of = r /^^-^r 3 3/ 2 T 5Z t=1 £u is obviously to apply: 1/2 ^.t + oP (i) t=i (9) t=i T T l = Hij\s- -)dW(s) where a\ with is mean the variance of /2 and variance e, t 2 <r , (m is i.i.d. (10) ^K + K 2 2 ^(o, /i consider the denominator of equation ). 5: \t=l t=l naturally thought of as two terms. (1988) apply, so that the are distributed the numerator behaves asymptotically like i=l t=l which \i{ wfy = Now Assuming that the . first term will Once «'=1 / again, the results in behave asymptotically like West a time trend: T r- 3 $>£-i t=i T = £(w(*-i) + fa-i) a (12) t=i T = J" 3 ^^ 2 (* - I) 2 + t=i 2/z.T- 3 J> t=\ 16 !)£,,_! + J" 3 J] yl_, t=\ = 2 /i t r- 3 XV + op (i) t=i 1 2 Similarly, the second term (ignoring the is summation over N for the moment) T _3 T -2 = T-iyU^T-^j^y^Y T = (T- 2 = 2 ^^) (13) 5 T (T- 5>(*-l) + y,,-i) 5 t=i 1 By 2 putting these two terms together, and summing across i the denomi- nator becomes Denom Finally, proposition combine the is * ±Efi 2 = ^(<r 2 + results for the 2 ft (14) ). numerator and denominator, and the proven: vnt^-d ^m^P 7/^2 = _i_ r.2\„2\ 1 (15) Q.E.D. 17 Table 1 Average Growth Rates of Total Factor Productivity Country Agric. Mining Mfg. E/G/W Constr. Svs. Tot. Ind. U.S. 0.015 -0.037 0.016 0.006 -0.020 0.002 0.003 Canada 0.009 -0.060 0.008 0.006 0.014 0.006 0.004 -0.002 0.018 0.040 -0.012 -0.022 W. Germany 0.043 0.015 0.003 0.007 na na 0.015 -0.028 France 0.040 -0.036 0.017 0.027 0.009 0.012 0.017 Italy 0.020 na 0.029 -0.017 -0.017 na 0.010 U.K. 0.036 -0.015 0.012 0.007 -0.006 0.005 0.009 Australia 0.018 -0.008 0.014 0.019 0.008 0.044 0.013 0.024 -0.012 -0.010 na na 0.005 Netherlands Belgium 0.037 -0.012 0.035 0.028 0.011 0.005 0.016 Denmark Norway 0.041 0.082 0.019 0.032 -0.011 0.010 0.014 0.021 0.074 0.003 0.004 -0.003 0.007 0.015 Japan 0.013 0.013 Sweden 0.020 -0.037 0.011 0.022 0.021 0.009 0.012 Finland 0.022 0.019 0.026 0.014 0.015 0.013 0.017 AVERAGE 0.026 -0.002 0.019 0.009 -0.000 0.008 0.012 18 Table 2 Time Series Tests for Deviations from Most Deviations from Median Productive Country in 1970 Productive Country in 1970 (1) Sector Agriculture Convergence (4) ,3) (2) Trend TStat -.0119 -7.54 .742 -7.60** TStat .846 -5.60 .808 .876 -6.98** .970 -4.06 .953 -4.78 1.141 -3.37 1.091 -2.36 .914 -4.73 .936 -5.10 .977 -5.80** .770 -5.90** P P TStat Mining Manufacturing .0159 2.84 -.0033 -3.58 1.083 Elec/G/W -.0226 -14.54 .951 -6.24** -6.84** .869 -7.65** -2.99 Construction -.0207 -18.59 1.0235 Services -.0068 -17.02 1.186 -1.25 .846 -4.06 Total Industry -.0097 -25.35 1.113 -4.04* .971 -5.30* Column (1) reports estimates Columns (2)-(3) report panel unit root Notes : paper, i.e. a single trend and is 1.0844 of the average trend in the panel. tests based on Proposition exlcuding time trends from the specification. common P Column 1 in the (4) includes based on Levin and Lin (1992). All regressions include country-specific intercepts. The p estimate in columns (2) and (3) is adjusted using the exact bias formula and the p estimates in (4) are adjusted by 3/T: the bias according to Levin and Lin under the null of a unit root. If the true p is less than one, the point estimates in (4) will be biased upward; the t-statistics, in Nickell (1981), however, remain correct. Critical values for the t-statistics were tabulated using a Monte Carlo sim- ulation with 500 iterations, and significance levels are indicated in the table by asterisks: sector, TFP 10% levels (*) and 5% (**). For the Monte Carlo simulation for each by country were differenced and then means and standard first differences were used to generate the data for the deviations of these Monte Carlo with N=14 and T=18. 19 TStat -6.95** -2.54 tlgUlC -L Total Industry 1970 1978 1980 Year 1972 Figure StdDev 1988 2 of In(TFP): Total Industry 0.175 0.17- 0.1650.16- §0.15555 0.15- 0.145 0.14 0.135 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 Year 1982 1984 1986 1988 Figure 3 Agriculture 1970 1975 1980 Year Mining 1985 1990 1980 Year Manufacturing 1990 1970 Elec/Gas/W 1975 1980 Year 1990 1985 1990 1985 1990 Services 1980 Year 1970 1985 1975 1980 Year Construction 1985 1990 1970 1975 1980 Year Figure 4 StdDev(logTFP): Mining StdDev(logTFP): Agriculture 0.42 StdDev(logTFP): Services StdDev(logTFP): Manufacturing 0.22 0.23 StdDev(logTFP): Elec/Gas/W StdDev(logTFP): Construction Figure 5 Agriculture Mining 0.15 1980 Year 1985 1990 1970 Manufacturing 1970 1975 1980 Year 1980 Year 1975 1985 1990 1985 1990 1985 1990 Services 1985 1990 1970 1975 Elec/Gas/W 1980 Year Construction 0.06 0.01 1970 1975 1980 Year 1985 1990 1970 LL O 1975 i U 44 1980 Year MIT LIBRARIES 111 3 1Q60 ooasbio 1 * 5 Date Due b, 2 A • - Ift09««