MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02618 1096 HB31 .M415 no.06-27 2006 ii :')'.lHiii{lii:'i!l'.!HiJiHi^UliiJOimiifc:iiJii^m^itJ!^'^'J^^i-'^'-^^-- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries OPiA/Ey HB31 .M415 ^7 Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of PROGRESSIVE ESTATE TAXATION Emmanuel Ivan Farhi Werning Working Paper 06-27 September 25, 2006 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at LIBRARIES Progressive Estate Taxation Emmanuel Ivan Werning Farhi MIT MIT ef arhiSmit .edu iwerningOmit edu . September 2006 Abstract For an economy with altruistic parents facing productivity shocks, the optimal estate taxation is progressive: fortunate parents should face lower net returns tances. This progressivity reflects optimal mean on their inheri- reversion in consumption, which ensures that a long-run steady state exists with bounded inequahty —avoiding immiseration. Introduction Arguably, the biggest risk in inherit the luck, life is good or bad, of the family one their parents is born into. In particular, and ancestors, passed on by the wealth accu- mulated within their dynasty. This makes them concerned not only with skills and earning from behind the potential, but also with that of their progenitors. veil of ignorance, against these risks. are partly motivated to on work because their children's wellbeing. The newborns partly On their They own uncertain value insurance, the other hand, altruistic parents of the impact their effort can have, through bequests, intergenerational transmission of welfare determines the balance between insuring newborns and parental incentives. One instrument is societies use to regulate the degree of this intergenerational transmission estate taxation. This paper examines the optimal design of the estate tax by characterizing Pareto efficient allocations in an economy featuring the tradeoff between incentives of parents Warning is grateful to the hospitality of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Harvard University. This work benefited from useful discussions and comments volunteered by George-Marios Angeletos, Robert Barro, Peter Diamond, Mikhail Golosov, Jonathan Gruber, Chad Jones, Narayana Kocherlakota, Robert LucEis, Greg Mankiw, Chris Phelan, Jim Poterba, Emmanuel Saez, Rob Shimer, Aleh Tsyvinski and seminar * and conference participants at the University of Chicago, University of Iowa, The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, MIT, Harvard, Northwestern, New York University, IDEI (Toulouse), Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics (SITE), Society of Economic Dynamics (SED) at Budapest, Minnesota Workshop in Macroeconomic Theory, NBER Summer Institute and the Texas Monetary Conference at the University of Austin. All remaining errors are our own. and insurance of newborns. Our main result is that estate taxation should be progressive: fortunate parents should face a higher marginal tax rate on their bequests. We begin with a two-period Mirrleesian economy with two generations linked by parental altruism; we then extend our economy analysis to an infinite horizon similar to Atkeson and Lucas (1995) and Albanesi and Sleet (2004). In our simplest economy, a continuum of parents during the live period: first and parents are altruistic In the second period each towards this child. Parents work, consume and bequeath; children simply consume.^ Following Mirrlees (1971), parents and then exert work output, the product of the two, Pareto efficient allocations For this economy, if is publicly observable. and derive efi'ort We random productivity draw are private information; only study the entire set of constrained their implications for marginal tax rates. one assumes that the social welfare criterion coincides with the par- and ent's expected utility, then Atkinson applies: the optimal estate tax of children, observe a first Both productivity and work effort. replaced by a single descendent is is zero. Stiglitz's (1976) celebrated That is, when no income should be taxed nonlinearly uniform-taxation result is placed on the welfare (as in Mirrlees, 1971), but bequests should direct weight go untaxed. This arrangement ensures that the intertemporal consumption choice made by parents As a —trading off' their own consumption result, the inheritability of welfare across generations is perfect: rises one-for-one with that of its equality for the children's generation of no direct concern. expected While utility is by manipulating one is undistorted. a child's consumption at any their children's consumption. In- created as a byproduct, since their expected welfare Indeed, in this economy, would be higher this describes — parent. In effect, efficiency dictates that altruism be exploited to provide higher incentives for parents, is against their child's consumption if parent were not altruistic, the children's efl&cient allocation. efficient allocation, the picture is incomplete. In this economy the parent and child are distinct individuals, albeit linked through parental altruism, a form of externality. Thus, a complete welfare analysis requires examining the ex-ante both parents and children. Figure is peaked because 1 depicts our economy's Pareto frontier graphically, which altruistic parent's welfare decreases erable. The Pareto frontier: figure. In this paper if the child allocation discussed in the previous paragraph is is made relatively too mis- a particular point lying on the the peak which maximizes the welfare of parents; marked as point we explore other efficient A in the arrangements representing points lying on on the downward sloping section of the the Pareto frontier, to the right of Away from utility of its peak. point A, a role for estate taxation emerges: efficient allocations which lie to the right of the peak can be implemented with a simple tax system that confronts parents with separate nonlinear schedules for income and estate taxes. Our main result ^ Although some readers have remarked that they we extend the time horizon. find this assumption reahstic, it will is that the be relaxed when v„ Figure 1: Pareto frontier between ex-ante optimal estate tax schedule is utility for parent, Vp, and child, Vc convex: fortunate high-skilled parents face a higher marginal tax rate on their bequests. The intuition for this result against their parent's luck. the children's generation on them is The — which that progressive estate taxation arises to insure children progressive estate tax lowers consumption inequality within is desirable as long as in the social welfare criterion consumption still —while still some weight, however is placed A child's now does so less small, providing incentives to parents. varies with their parent's, providing some incentives, but than one-for-one, providing some insurance. In other words, consumption mean reverts across generations, making the estate taxes reflects this inheritability of welfare mean is imperfect. reversion: fortunate dynasties The optimal must progressivity in face a lower net return on bequests so that they choose a consumption path declining towards the mean. Our stark conclusion on the progressivity of estate taxation strongly contrasts with the theoretical ambiguity in the shape of the optimal seminal paper showed that for bounded income tax schedule. A'lirrlees's (1971) distributions of skills the optimal marginal income tax rates are regressive at the top (see also Seade, 1982; Tuomala, 1990; Ebert, 1992). More recently. Diamond (1998) has unbounded certain skill shown that the opposite —progressivity at the top — distributions (see also Saez, 2001). progressivity of the estate tax do not is true with In contrast, our results on the depend on any assumptions regarding the distribution of skills. We then extend our analysis for the two-period setup to an infinite-horizon economy with non-overlapping generations. This extension First, it is important for at least two reasons. provides a motivation for studying efficient allocations which do not simply maxi- mize the expected utility of the very first generation —the analogues of point A from Figure 1 for the infinite-horizon Indeed, these allocations have everyone in distant gener- economy. ations converging to misery, with zero consumption. result shown by Atkeson and Lucas (1992) for a taste the Mirrleesian economy. Loosely speaking, last generation on the horizontal and further to the left, axis, if This is a version of the immiseration shock economy, which we extend here to we continue to plot the expected utility of the then as we extend the horizon point to-«^ards misery. A moves further This provides a rationale for focusing on allocations that place positive weight on future generations, the analogues of the sloping section of the Pareto frontier, to the right of point show here by extending the analysis in Farhi A on the and Werning (2005), figure. private one, a steady state exists, misery is avoided and there is is downward However, as we this result placing weight on future generations, so that the social discount factor efficient is special, by greater than the social mobility. Second, the infinite horizon version of our model allows us to make contact with a growing literature on dynamic Mirrleesian models, such as Golosov, Kocherlakota and Tsyvinski and (2003), Albanesi Sleet (2004) and others (see further references in Golosov, Tsyvinski Werning, 2006). In our model each individual draw and works, and is lives for and a single period, observes a productivity then replaced by a single descendant in the next period. As usual, perfect altruism implies that each dynasty behaves as a single infinitely-lived individual, so our model environment is identical to Albanesi and Sleet (2004). However, our intergener- ational interpretation of the infinite horizon leads us to study a different planning problem, one that puts direct weight on the expected that has a social discount factor that is utility of future generations, or equivalently, higher than the private one. one Indeed, to avoid the immiseration result mentioned above, Albanesi and Sleet impose an ad hoc lower bound on continuation utility along the equilibrium path; in contrast, our steady-state analysis requires no such lower imposition. The progressivity of estate taxes extends to this infinite horizon setup: fortunate parents face a higher average marginal tax rate on their bequests. Indeed, the average marginal estate tax rate formula is the same as in the two-period economy. the two-period and infinite horizon economies in the latter. We estate rate that in is is The main difference that tax implementations are between more involved adapt Kocherlakota's (2004) implementation, which yields a marginal tax zero, on average, for all parents when only the first generation is weighed the welfare criterion, the analogue of point A. Throughout this paper, we study an economy without tion equals aggregate produced output plus an capital, endowment. where aggregate consump- This no-aggregate-savings as- sumption allows us to focus on redistribution within generations and abstract from transfers across generations. Unfortunately, tion, only its shape. Farhi, it does not allow us to pin down the level of estate taxa- Kocherlakota and Werning (2005) extend this model among several — dimensions —including capital accumulation, and show that our main Our work on progressive estate taxation result relates to a elements and general life-cycle number is skill processes insensitive to this assumption. of recent papers that have explored the implications of including future generations in the social welfare criterion. Phelan (2005) considered a social planning problem that weighted the future at generations equally, which all studied This is equivalent to a social discount than one and higher than the private one. Sleet and Yeltekin (2005) have is less how such a higher social discount factor may arise commitment. None of these papers consider implications We equivalent to not discounting Farhi and Werning (2005) considered intermediate cases, where future all. generations receive a geometrically declining weight. factor that is organized the rest of the paper model environment and Section to an infinite horizon. The main for estate taxation. the following way. Section 1 describes the two period 2 introduces the associated planning problem. economy results for this two-period in from a utilitarian planner without are in Section results for that In Section 4 3. economy Our main we describe the extension are contained in Section 5. We use Section 6 for concluding remarks. A Two Parent and Child: 1 There are two periods labelled single child at an allocation t is = 1. = 0, 1. The parent The parent works and consumes, is and output, and altruistic is Ci assumed is replaced by a , where cq and yo represents the towards the child =E ti(co) over wq and is and represents the child's consumption. (3 < - hi = increasing, concave increasing, convex and — Wo The 1. vi utility function u{c) = ^ while the child only consumes. Thus, , where the expectations is during , i;o The lives a triplet of functions {co{wo) Ci{wo) yoiuJo)) parent's consumption The parent t Economy Period ) + (3vi child's utility li(ci) and (1) is simply (2) differentiable; the disutility function h{n) differentiable. Substituting equation (2) into equation (1) yields the alternative expression for the parent's utility: ?;o =E u(co) + Pu{ci) - h[ — Wo As (3) usual, the parent's expected utility can be reinterpreted as that of a fictitious dynasty that lives for two periods and discounts at rate /5. Following (Atkeson and Lucas, 1992) and others, we abstract from capital accumulation to concentrate on the distributional assignment of goods across agents within a period, not over time. An allocation not greater than the sum is resource feasible aggregate consumption in both periods if roo Co{wo)dF{wo) < / eo + JO We yoiwo)dF{wo) / (4) -JO ci{wo)dF{wQ) is is endowments and production; of POO Productivity and < ei (5) private information so incentives need to be provided for truthful revelation. say that an allocation is incentive compatible if the parent finds optimal to reveal her it shock truthfully: u{co{wo)) + Pu{c,{wo)) - h (y^^) > u{co{w)) + pu{c,{w)) - h (y^) (6) for all productivity realizations wq- 2 Social Welfare To study all and Efficient Allocations constrained efficient allocations for the two-period economy useful to it is work with the general welfare criterion W = Vo + aEvi, which places some weight a > on the expected trace out the entire Pareto frontier, since the latter (7) utility of children. is As we vary a we can convex, as illustrated in Figure 1. Substituting equjitions (2) and (3) into equation (7) implies the alternative expression W = E[u{co) + {P + a)u{ci)-h{yo/wo)]. Thus, the social welfare function discount factor /3 =P+a that is is equivalent to the parent's preferences but with a social higher than the private one as long as The planning problem maximizes the feasible welfare criterion and incentive compatible. Formally, the problem a > 0. W over allocations that are resource is />oo max co,ci,yo / [u{co{wo)) + Puiciiwi)) - h{yo{wo)/wo)]dF{wo) 7q subject to the resource constraints in equations (4)-(5) and the incentive compatibility con- / straints in equation (6). useful to divide the planning It is problem into two stages. In the first stage the planner chooses the profile of output yo{wo) and a schedule of incentives A(zi;o), which The key Ci(uio). imposed feature is equal to + Pu{ci{wo)) up to a constant. In the second stage, the how best to provide the incentives A{wq), using cq{wo) and utihty from consumption u{c{){wo)) planner solves the subproblem of is that the second stage involves no incentive constraints, these are by introducing in the first stage. Formally, A and U_ the full problem can be written as subject to max / co,ci,yo,A,C/ 7o A{w) + U_ = [u{co{wo))+ Pu{ci{wi)) u{co{'Wo)) + - h{yo{wo)/wo)]dF{wo) Pu{ci{wo)), the resource constraints in equations (4)-(5) and the incentive compatibility constraints A{wo) — h{y{wo) wq) > A{w) all wq. Note that the incentive constraint does not involve For our purposes, it suffices to focus Cq, Ci or U_; only A on the second stage that takes — h{y{w)/wo) A and and for t/o- yo as given, which allows us to drop the incentive constraint: />oo max [u{cq{wo)) u{co{wo)) + /3u{ci{wi)) / co,ci,UJq subject to A{wq) + [/ = + Pu{ci{wi))]dF{wo) and the resource constraints in equations (4)- (5). It is convenient to rewrite this problem by changing variables, from consumption to utility = assignments Uo{'w) and the constraints u{co{w)) and Ui{w) strictly convex. = u{ci{w)), since then the objective After substituting Uq{wq) = A{wo) + U_ the problem becomes /•CX) max/ [U + 0-(3)Ui{w,)]dF{wo) subject to /•oo / />oo C{A{wo) + U- f3Ur{w,))dF{wo) < Cq C{U,{wo))dF{wo) < ei Jo + / Jo yo{wo)dF{wo) '0 It is easy to see that both resource constraints must bind at an optimum. is then linear — PUi{wi) out The Main 3 In this section We section. We we Result: Progressive Estate Taxation main derive two show that first relies laid out in the previous on bequests must be progressive. implicit marginal tax rates then provide a simple tax implementation that income and economy results for the two-period on two separate schedules for labor estates. Implicit Marginal Taxes 3.1 For any allocation and constant R> we can define the associated marginal tax rates t{wo) solving the Euler equation Below, the constant R plays no savings technology, unimportant this value is not uniquely pinned anything that follows. for levels for the tax, The the role of the pre-tax gross interest rate. Since our but they do not Different values of first-order condition for Ui{wo), At is which strictly positive lagrange multiplier this equation Uo{iL>o) + it in equilibrium R — it is completely are associated with different affect its shape. is P-P + l3XoC'{Uo{wo)) where down economy has follows that Uo{wo) necessary and sufficient for optimality, = is XiC'{Ui{wo)). on the resource constraint and Ui{wo) move in the same for period t. direction with Wq. /3Ui{wo) must be increasing, in order to provide incentives, it From Since follows that both Uo{wo) and Ui{wq) are increasing; hence, both consumptions Coiwo) and Ci{wq) are increasing in Wq. Using the fact that C{u) rearranging is the inverse of u(c), so that C'{Ut{wo)) = I / u' {ci{iuo)) , and we obtain \ u'{co{wo)) \ u'{ci{wo)) Ao J From the follows first order condition for U_ we normalize so that Our first result, R= it J follows that I/Aq ^^ u'ic^iwo))- = J^{l/u'{co{w)))dF{w). For what j3, can be viewed as simply restating Aq/Ai. derived from ecjuation (9) when J3 = the celebrated Atkinson-Stiglitz uniform taxation result for our economy. Proposition t{wq) = 1. When (5 in equation (8) = (5 and the optimal allocation implies a zero marginal estate tax rate: the marginal rate of substitution u' [ci{wq)) / u' {cq{wq)) 8 is equated across all dynasties, i.e. Atkinson and for all wq. showed Stiglitz (1976) separable from work effort, that, provided preferences over a group of goods is then consumption within this group should not be distorted. In other words, the imphed marginal taxes for these goods should be equahzed to avoid distorting their relative to consumption —uniform taxation consumption at both dates, equalized across agents > /3 zero. and implies that the Ci, equation /? ratio of marginal utilities is zero.' implies that the ratio of marginal utilities (9) there must be not equalized across agents: cannot be In our context, this result applies —the estate tax can be normalized to In contrast, whenever is and cq optimal. is some distortion, so the marginal estate tax Indeed, since consumption increases with productivity estate taxation must be progressive. Proposition When $ > 8 2. estate tax: r{wo) ^ for all the optimal allocation implies a nonzero and progressive marginal wq and t{wo) R= is increasing in wq. For Q the marginal tax rate is r{wo) = -0lf3-l)u'{co{w,)) n^u'{co{w))-'dF{w)] and Co{wo), Ci{wo) and yo(^o) We fl^^e increasing in wq. emphasize that the interesting implication with productivity: taxation is overall level of estate tax cannot (10) progressive. for the tax rate here is that 3.2 down A increases Without an aggregate savings technology the be uniquely pinned down, it is completely irrelevant. Farhi, Kocherlakota and Werning (2005) extends the analysis to an economy with pins it capital, which the level of estate taxation. Simple Tax Implementation We next show that we can implement efficient allocations, and the progressive implicit marginal tax rates that go with them, with a simple tax system. In our implementation, the government We confronts parents with two separate schedules: an income tax and an estate tax. an allocation is say that implementahle by non-linear income and estate taxation Tf{yo), T2 and T^{b) ' if, for all Wo, the allocation {co{wo) Ci{wq) yo{wo)) solves , , max {u{co) + Pu{ci) - h{yo/wo)} co,ci,yo ^ One difference is that Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976) assume a linear technological transformation between goods, whereas we assume no possible transformation. Their result on uniform taxation implies that marginal rates of substitution are equalized across agents and that they are all equal to the marginal rate of transformation. Our result only emphasizes the former. subject to + h=yo-T\h)-Tf{yo), co c, Furthermore, without = bi + (y2 Rh, to change things so that It is trivial bi = - T2)/R + y2-Tl is it the child that pays the estate tax at we can assume that loss of generality 2/2 — T^ — 0. To i = 1. see this, define then C + b^ = yo-T\k-{y2-T2)/R)-Tf{yo)-T^{yo) =.y,-f\k)-fy{yo) where f^yo) Our next = Tf (yo) + T|(yo) = T\k - and f'ih) (yz - T2)/R). result establishes formally that efficient aUocations can separate nonlinear income and estate taxation. The idea is be implemented with to define T^{b) so that 1 = The proof then — t{w) exploits the fact that marginal tax rates are progressive to ensure that the bequest problem faced by the parent Proposition 1 3. convex. is Suppose cq{wq), Ci{wo), yo{'Wo) and t{wo) are increasing functions. Then there exists tax functions T'^{y) andT''{b) that implements this allocation, with T'^{b) convex. Proof. Use the generalized inverse of Ci{w), where possible flat portions of Ci{w) define dis- continuous jumps, to define -' ""'-'^ <'^' l-.((c,)-(o)) and normalize so that r^(0) function T^{b) is = Note that by the monotonicity of t{w) and = Co{wo) + R-^Ci{wo) income / Ty{yo) let be: We now the + T\ci{wo)) can express this in terms of output y by using the inverse of yo{wo): P{y) Then we Co{uj), convex. Next define net income I{wo) We 0. = yo — (co(/), Ci(/)) /^(yo)- Finally, let the = = I{yo ^(y))- consumption allocation as a function of net {coiI-\l)),c^{I-\l))). show that the constructed tax functions, T'^{y) 10 and T^{b), implement the alloca- / tion. For any given net income / the consumer solves the subproblem: V{I) subject to Co + constraint set R~^ci is + T''(c]) < convex, since = This problem /. convex. T'' is 1 It pu{ci)} convex, the objective is is concave and the follows that the first-order condition + T'"{b) Combining equation sufficient for optimality. + max{u(co) u'{cfy) (8) and equation conditions for optimality are satisfied by Co(/),Co(/) for (11) follows that these Hence V(I) /. all it = u{cq{I)) + /3u(co(/)). Next, consider the worker's maximization over j/o given by max{ViI{y))-h{y/wo)}. y We need to show that yo(^f^o) solves this problem, plemented since consumption would be given by Ci{wq). Co(/(j/o('"-'o))) Now, from the previous paragraph and our yo{wo) e argmax{y(/(y)) which implies that the allocation definitions = it Co(rfo) and is im- Ci(/(yo(ii'o))) = follows that - h{y;wo)} y O yoiwo) e argmax{u(co(/(y))) -l-/3«(ci(/(y))) - h{y/wo)} y •^ Wo e argmax{u(co(i(j)) w Thus, the first line follows from the {cQ{wo),Ci{wQ),yo{wQ)) 3.3 is Pu{ci{w)) which last, compatibility of the allocation, equation -I- (6). is - h{yo{iu) wq)} guaranteed by the assumed incentive Hence, yoiwo) is optimal and it follows that D implemented by the constructed tax functions. Discussion Without estate taxation there of parents and child move in is perfect inheritability of welfare. In particular, consumption tandem, one-for-one. This situation is only optimal when the children are not considered independently in the welfare criterion, so that insuring them, against the risk of their parent's fortune In contrast, still when insurance is is not valued. provided to the children's generation their consumption varies with their parent's, but less than one-for-one. of welfare is imperfect: consumption mean The intergenerational transmission reverts across generations. 11 The progressivity of the estate tax schedule reflects this mean returns on bequests in order to give present, that is, reversion. Fortunate parents them incentives to tilt their must face a lower net consumption towards the towards themselves. Likewise poorer parents need to face higher net returns so that their consumption slopes upward. This explains the progressivity of estate taxes. Another intuition is based on the interpretation of altruism as a form of externality. In the presence of externalities', some form of corrective Pigouvian taxes are generally desirable. Think of a -parental bequest as a consumption good with a positive externality to the then the Pigouvian logic implies that we should subsidize bequests. Since expected our concern, and utility tion. concave, this externality Thus, the subsidy rate should be highest lowest no is — capital, the Pigouvian level of taxation turns However, the relative tax conclusion estates. None —or equivalently, poor parents. Optimal estate taxation for of these ity or effort greatest for children with low is utility is consump- the negative tax should be thus progressive. Since our economy has is out to be irrelevant in this child; —we may tax or subsidize argument remains robust. arguments require the private-information structure. However, if productiv- were observable, then the first-best allocation would be achievable. Consumption and wealth would then be equated across parents. Although one can still think of a progres- sive estate tax in this situation for out-of-equilibrium levels of parental wealth, irrelevant given the lack of parental inequality. In'this sense, our results rely between redistributive and corrective motives for taxation (see also it becomes on an interaction Amador, Angeletos and Werning, 2005). A 4 Economy with Mirrleesian We now turn Sleet (2004). to a repeated version of this t has ex-ante welfare = vt where /3 < 1 is the coefficient of altruism. An Utility = rC j^ with 7 > 1 Vt Et-i[u{ct) tion satisfies the Inada conditions u'{0) function h{n) economy with an Horizon infinite horizon, as in Albanesi and work and receive a random productivity draw. An individual All generations born into generation Infinite solving - h{nt) + Pi't+i], We assume that the utility function over consump= oo and u'{oo) = 0. We adopt a power disutihty to ensure that the planning individual with productivity w, exerting work problem effort n, is convex. produces output y = w n. can then be written as 00 Vt = Y.l^' ^*-i [^(^+«) - ^t+sKvt+s)] s=0 12 (12) where = 6t and hence t is = 0,1 . . w^'^ can be interpreted as a taste shock to producing output. is 9t, independently and identically distributed across dynasties and generations With innate . Productivity Wt, assumed nonheritable, intergenerational transmission of welfare talents not mechanical linked through the environment but may arise to provide incentives for altruistic parents. Since productivity shocks are assumed to be privately observed by individuals and their descendants each dynasty faces a sequence of consumption functions {q}, where sents an individual's consumption after reporting the history 9* reporting strategy a shocks We = {at} into a current report 9^ a sequence of functions is Any strategy a 9t. utility U{{ct},a;P)^Yl An allocation {q} is E {9o, 9i, 0*+^ -^ : Q . . , . that induces a history of reports use a* to denote the truth-telling strategy with at Given an allocation {q}, the at = {9^) = 9t for all 6** A 9t). maps o"* : repre- Ct{9'') dynasty's histories of G'"*"^ —< 0'+^ G 0'+^ obtained from any reporting strategy a is P'H^t{'^'iS')))-(^Myi'^\0')))]Fii9'). incentive compatible if truth-telling is optimal, so that U{{c,},a*;P)>U{{c,],a-f3) (13) for all strategies a. We identify dynasties An population. allocation yl{9^) represents the at date t their initial utility entitlement vq with distribution a sequence of functions {ct,yt} for each is consumption and income that a dynasty with after reporting the entitlements compatible to v\ and by 'ip and resources for all dynasties; (iii) sequence of shocks e, we say that an (ii) it Consider the all sum and entitlement v gets initial distribution of feasible if: (i) it is incentive periods: j Y,yl{9')?v{9')diP{v) / 1 \ 1 Y^at¥._,Vt=[l-^—)v, + ^ t=o The first t = 0,l,... of expected utilities weighted by geometric Pareto weights at oo p. is Cj(^*) delivers expected utility of v to all initial dynasties entitled lY,c\{9')Y>x{9')di,{v)<e+ > allocation (cj"} in the average consumption in the population does not exceed the fixed endowment e plus income generated in with P initial For any given 9^. where v, ip term is P y/ (14) = °° -^—T^'¥..,[u{c,)-9th[yt)]. P P i=o exogenously given, since we take as given a distribution 13 /3* (15) for the entitlements Vq- Thus, the welfare criterion initial utility is given by so J2P'^-iH^)-^tHyt)] (16) Future generations are already indirectly valued through the altruism of the current generation. If, factor in addition, they are also directly included must be higher than the When P = /3, in the welfare function the social discount more private one (see Faiiii and Werning, 2005, for details). the planning problem seeks the lowest constant resource level e to ensure that there exists a feasible allocation that delivers the distribution of utility entitlements precisely the efficiency problem studied in Albanesi and WTien Sleet (2004). ,5 > /3 we the social optimum as maximizing the average social welfare function (16), weighed by all feasible allocations. entitlements ip That is, This ip. is define over ib, the social planning problem given an initial distribution of and an endowment level e is to maximize Ju{{cn,a*,,d)d^{v) (17) subject to the the resource constraints (14), as well as the promise keeping and incentive constraints: v and = and U{{c^},a*\p) [/({cJ'},cr*;/3) > U{{c^},a;l3) for all initial entitlements v strategies a. We are interested in distributions of utility entitlements ip such that the solution to the planning problem features, in each period, a cross-sectional distribution of continuation ties vt that is also distributed according to of consumption and income to ijj. We also require the cross-sectional distribution replicate itself over time. We entitlements with these properties a steady state and denote Werning (2005), we approach term any them by Markov initial distribution of ip*. Follo^vang Farhi the planning problem by studying a relaxed version of solutions to both problems coincide for steady state distributions characterize. The relaxed problem has continuation utili- which ib*, is all it. and The we seek utility as a state variable that follows process. Steady states are then invariant distributions of this Markov to a process. Define the relaxed planning problem to be equivalent to the social planning problem except that the sequence of resource constraints (14) r •^ is replaced by the single intertemporal condition ^ 1 t=o 1 e' P Letting A be the multiplier for this intertemporal resource constraint we form the Lagrangian 14 L = J L" dib{v) where ^'' = E E-^'("(<(^*)) t=o - ^<(^*) - ^Myti^')) + %(^')) and study the maximization of L subject to v For any endo-Rinent cr. maximizing this The t/"({c«)}, > o-*; /?) = snpU BeUman where v some key properties JTie value — — oo,- it is -\- Xy{h{e)) -F 3k{w{e))] (21) = E[u{e) - dh{e) -F pw{9)] (22) is strictly = w and e.o'ee. (23) The next lemma u. concave and continuously differentiable on {v,v) unbounded below on both sides A:'(r) for forau of the value function k{v). function k{v) the derivative has lim^.^j, 1 and limi^,^f k'{v) limj^,^t^A;(i') = lim,.— d ^(i.') = — oo: and Our first = — oo. Steady States aiid Progressive Taxation 5 We are interested in steadj- state distributions v' that have result is that this is not possible l3 is equation Denote by g^{v,6) and g^{v,9) the optimal policy function 1. is (20) u{d)-dh{d)+pw{e)>u{e')-eh{e')+dw{9') Lemma Maximizing L -^ V characterizes and of the subproblem: i". = maxE[u(^) - Ac(«(^)) - 9h{9) - L^({cr},cr;/3) for all v U{{c{i4)},a;,3) for aU a. continuous, concave, and satisfies the subject to > the component planning problem k{v) defined by equation (20) \'alue function of ^(lO L'({(^'},o"*;,i3) equi-valent to solving the relaxed problem. is k{v) = (19) a unique positive multiplier A(e) so that the level e. there exists Lagrangian = equi%'alent to the point^ise optimization, for each subject to V Pr(^*) e« = ,3. We when The at miserj- v. future generations are not weighed directly, so that then show that, in contrast, whenever 3 with no mass at misery. no mass > i3 efficient allocation displays generations that keeps inequaUty bounded. a steady state distribution exists a form of The mean reversion inverse Euler equation which implies that estate taxation 15 is is mean rex^ersion across characterized progressive. by a modified An 5.1 For /3 = Immiseration Result we have P, distribution ip to modify our definition for the Social Planning problem. problem of initial welfare entitlements, the planning is to For any minimize the net resources required to deliver the utility entitlements in an incentive compatible way: inf e (24) subject to, j Yl^dl{0') - < yl{e'))di>{v) e (25) e« [/({cj'},a;/?) t/({c;'},a*;/3) . From paper. this We > = i; ally for C/({cj^},a;;3) for ally Proposition andd (27) program, we can define an invariant distribution exactly as are interested in steady state distributions first result is (26) that this 4. is basically not possible when (i Suppose that limu^ooSupc"(u)/c'(ii) invariant distribution ip* -0* = < without full in Section 4 of the mass at misery. Our j3. Then oo. if § = P, there exists no without full mass at misery. This result extends the immiseration result in Atkeson and Lucas (1992), endowment economy with who study an privately observed taste shocks, instead of the Mirrleesian pro- duction economy with privately observed productivity shocks studied here. They show that the cross-sectional distribution of consumption disperses steadily over time, with inequality As a growing without bound. result, almost everyone converges to the misery, consuming nothing, while a vanishing fraction tend towards bliss, consuming the entire aggregate en- dowment. Thus, no steady state distribution with positive consumption of our knowledge Proposition 4 is the first on continuation (3 utility to = (3 To the best formal statement of an analogous result in the context of a Mirrleesian economy, where private information Researchers that assume exists. is regarding productivity shocks. have been typically forced to impose an ad hoc lower bound avoid misery and ensure that an steady-state distribution exists (Atkeson and Lucas, 1995; Albanesi and Sleet, 2004). 5.2 Steady States and a Modified Inverse Euler Equation We now We first return to efficient allocations where future generations are given positive weight. derive an important intertemporal condition that 16 must be satisfied by the optimal allocation. This condition has interesting impHcations optimal estate tax, computed for the later. Let A be the multiplier on the promise-keeping constraint and Then the multipliers on the incentive constraints. for u{d) represent the first-order conditions for interior solutions and w{6) are p{e) - Xc'{u{6M9) - Xp{B) - J2 ^(^' ^') + 6' - Pk' {wie))p{e) pxp{e) The envelope condition is k' {v) = -/3J2 a^(^> ^') + From the A. E E ^(^'' ^) = z^^^'- ^) = (28) e' /? o (^9) 6' 8' CLAR let ii{9,9') first-order condition for w{9) we obtain the equation ^k'{v) = 9 This equation encapsulates the mean-reversion force ^k'{v^) P/P < 1 acts as an mean reverts back to (30) Y.^'i9'"iv,d))p{9). P = in the model. In sequential notation Et[k'{vt^,)], (31) , so that autoregressive coefficient ensuring that over time the derivative k'{vt) zero, mean-reverting force provided by where the function k{v) finds /? > /3 is exists, increasing inequality (Proposition when /3 = /3 no such central and immiseration ensues and no steady state exists resolution of the tradeoff between incentives for altruistic parents and in- surance for newborns gives — In contrast, 4). The optimal welfare maximum. The crucial for the existence of steady state distributions with bounded inequality, which we prove below. tendency its interior rise to in contrast to the case a less than one-for-one intergenerational transmission of where P = p. The descendants of a rich parent are fortunate than those of a poor parent, but less and less so the more distant the impact of the initial The more weight less intense is is is more the descendant: fortune of dynasties dies out over generations. put on future generations, the higher is the link between the welfare of parents and child. even the smallest amount of mean-reversion in the form oi P compared to /?, and the But as we will now show, P > P puts enough limits on the transmission of shocks across generations to prevent the distribution of consumption and welfare from exploding. 17 , The first-order conditions (28)-(29) = ^k'{w{9)) imply that and l-Xc'{u{9)) ^k' (v) = where u_ should be interpreted as the previous period's assignment of Substituting relation's in equation (32) into the tion. CLAR ~ 1 \c' {u_) utility (32) from consump- equation (30) we arrive at a Modified Inverse Euler equation The left-hand side together with the The second term on Euler equation. and is strictly negative We now show when > (3 first term on the right-hand side the right-hand side is is novel, since the standard inverse it is zero when (3 = j5 (5.'^ that a steady state exists whenever the welfare criterion places direct weight on children so that (3 > (5. The proof follows Farhi and Werning (2005) quite closely, which proves such a result for an economy with taste shocks. Proposition implied by misery v. (a) 5. g'^ . (b) There exists an invariant distribution Moreover any invariant distribution Suppose that limu-*oo sup away necessarily has a support bounded An c" (u) / c' (u) bounded away from < misery. It distribution has consumption invariant The ip* is then any invariant distribution when absolute risk aversion To follows directly that the allocation implied and work on the force effort that are for mean see this mean-reversion force logarithmic utility case, u{c) ^Farhi, Kocherlakota = is bounded, so the invariant distribution has a compact support, that log(c). Then and Werning (2005) show that is by the invariant bounded above. This ensures that the also a steady state of the original planning problem, for result relies heavily equation (33). oo,'' oo, from, v. invariant distribution always exists, but that limu^ooSupc"(u)/c'('u) has a support bounded away from tp* < for the Markov process {vt} ip* reversion that is some endowment level behind equation (31) and most clearly consider, as an example, the l/u'{c) = c this equation, and equation and its (33) can be written implications for estate taxation, generahze to an economy with capital and an arbitrary process for skills. * This is the case for most common preference specifications, such as CARA or CRRA utility functions. Indeed, the proof of this result actually shows that promised continuation utility Vt is bounded for all realizations of the shocks, starting from any vq in the bounded support. It follows that promised utility t't is ^ bounded that is, for all reporting strategies. This in turn implies that the proposed allocation is incentive compatible, that the temporary incentive constraints in equation (23) imply equation (13) (see and Werning, 2005). 18 Theorem 2 in Farhi . with sequential time notation as or simply = -Q + Ci+i where c = A""^ is 1 - - c j + with Et[e(+i] et+i = average consumption at the steady-state cross-sectional distribution. As the last expression indicates, with logarithmic autoregressive coefficient equal to /3//3 < utility, consumption itself is autoregressive with an 1. Tax Implementation 5.3 Any ( allocation that is incentive compatible and feasible, and has strictly positive consumption, Here we can be implemented by a combination of taxes on labor income and estates. describe this implementation, and explore some first features of the optimal estate tax in the next subsection. For any incentive-compatible and feasible allocation mentation along the lines of we propose an implcr, Kocherlakota (2004). In each period, conditional on the history of their dynasty's reports 9^~^ 6t, {cj'(^*), yj'(^*)} and any inherited wealth, individuals report their current shock produce, consume, pay taxes and bequeath wealth subject to the following set of budget constraints ct where Rt-\,t is + ht< yt{e') - Tt{e') + - (1 Tt{e'))Rt-i,tht-i t = 0, 1, . the before-tax interest rate across generations, and initially 6_i are subject to two forms of taxation: (34) . = Individuals 0. a labor income tax Tt{9^), and a proportional tax on inherited wealth Rt^i^th-i at rate Tt{9*).^ Given a tax pohcy {Tj^(^'), t^{9^), y^{9*)}, an equilibrium consists of a sequence of interest rates {Rt^t+i}', an allocation for consumption, labor a reporting strategy {cr]'{9^)} such that: (i) {q, income and bequests bt, to (34), taking the sequence of interest rates {Rt^t+i} and (ii) the asset market clears so that / at} maximize dynastic and the tax policy E_i[6"(6'*)] d(p{v) {c^{9^), b^{9^)}; = for alH = {Tt, 0, 1, and utility subject yt} as given; Tt, . . . We say that ^In this formulation, taxes are a function of the entire history of reports, and labor income yt is mandated Q* ^> E* being implemented are invertible, then if the labor income histories y'^ given this history. However, : by the taxation principle we can rewrite T and r as functions of this history of labor .income and avoid having to mandate labor income. Under this arrangement, individuals do not make reports on their shocks, but instead simply choose a budget-feasible allocation of consumption and labor income, taking as given prices and the tax system. 19 a competitive equilibrium is incentive compatible if, For any feasible, incentive-compatible allocation tion {cj*, y'^}, it induces truth = - yt{e') with strictly positive consump- interest rates {Rt-i^t}- These choices work because the estate tax ensures that for any reporting strategy a, the resulting consumption allocation bequests = 6J'(0*) satisfies the labor income tax allocation less of is with no such that the budget constraints are satisfied with this consumption this no-bequest choice is optimal for the individual regard- the reporting strategy followed. Since the resulting allocation it {cJ'((t'(0*))} consumption Euler equation and no bequests. Thus, by hypothesis, setting and ct{9') any sequence of The telling. we construct an incentive-compatible competitive equilibrium with no bequests by Tl'{9') for in addition, follows that truth telling is optimal. The is incentive compatible, resource constraints together with the budget constraints then ensure that the asset market clears.^ As noted above, in our economy without capital only the after-tax interest rate matters so the implementation allows any equilibrium before-tax interest rate {Rt-i,t}- subsection, we This choice is set the interest rate to the reciprocal of the social discount factor, Rt-i,t natural because state in a version of our 5.4 In the next it = P~^- represents the interest rate that would prevail at the steady economy with capital. Optimal Progressive Estate Taxation In our environment, the relevant past history is encoded in the continuation utility so the estate tax T{9^~^,9t) can actually be reexpressed as a function of Vt{9^~^) notation we then denote the estate tax by Tt{v,9t). invariant distribution, The average we also Since we and dt- Abusing focus on the steady-state, drop the time subscripts and write t{v,9). estate tax rate f{v) is then defined by l-n^) = E(l-^(^'^)M^) (36) ^Since the consumption Euler equation holds with equality, the same estate tax can be used to implement allocations with any other bequest plan with income taxes that are consistent with the budget constraints. 20 Using the modified inverse Euler equation (33) we obtain fiv) = -A-i^'(c_(^))(^-l) In particular, this implies that the average estate tax rate is < negative, f{v) that 0, so bequests are subsidized. However, recall that before-tax interest rates are not uniquely de- termined in by With our (35). are pinned our implementation. As computed a consequence, neither are the estate taxes particular choice for the before-tax interest rate, however, the tax rates down and acquires a corrective, Pigouvian role. DifTerences in discounting can be interpreted as a form of externalities from future consumption, and the negative average tax can then be seen as a way of countering these externalities as prescribed by Pigou. our setup without capital, this result depends on the choice of the before-tax interest However, the negative tax on estates would be a robust steady-state outcome In rate. in a version of our economy with capital. In our model it is more how interesting to understand the average tax varies with the history of past shocks encoded in the promised continuation utility increasing function of consumption, which, in turn, taxation is The average tax is an an increasing function off. Thus, estate progressive: the average tax on transfers for Proposition more fortunate parents is higher. In the repeated Mirrlees economy, an optimal allocation with strictly positive 6. consumption can he implemented by a combination of income and estate state, invariant distribution ip* is is v. , taxes. At a steady- the average estate tax f{v) defined by (35) and (36) increasing in promised continuation utility v. The progressivity of the estate tax reflects the mean-reversion in consumption. The for- tunate must face lower net rates of return so that their consumption path decreases towards the mean.'^ Concluding Remarks 6 When only the first generation's welfare is of concern, we obtain familiar results that echo those obtained in intragenerational settings. In particular, in our simple two-period economy we recover Atkinson-Stiglitz's uniform-taxation result. As a consequence, bequests should be undistorted and the transmission of welfare perfect: consumption of parent and child should move one-for-one. In our infinite-horizon model, ^Farhi, Kocherlakota we prove an immiseration and Werning (2005) explore more general versions of intuitions. 21 result that parallels this result and discuss other Atkeson-Lucas': a dynasty's consumption inherits a random walk property, inequality grows without bound and everyone converges to misery. In contrast, when planner values insuring children against the family they are born and study the allocations We role that estate taxation find that the estate taS should can play section for consumption Farhi, Kocherlakota and welfare a number of issues are still result unexplored. capital, of remain open questions We characterize efficient in implementing these allocations. is then bounded: a steady-state cross- and Werning (2005) explore some extensions —and show that the main human into. exists. capital accumulation, modeling life-cycle elements the child's taken into account, the be progressive to ensure that consumption and welfare exhibit mean-reversion across generations. Inequality generations is the expected welfare of future generations and allowing —by including physical skills to be correlated across on progressive estate taxation holds. However, For example, the effects of parental investments in endogenous and variable for future research. 22 fertility, and of intervivo transfers all Appendix A Proof of and Strict concavity limits of k bound and k' at /c"'^, for Lemma 1 differentiability follow from standard arguments. In order to derive the the bounds of the domain, we derive a lower bound which we can compute the corresponding easily limits. Consider the solution {u^°{9^),y'"°{0^)] to the relaxed planning problem all V < vo, define {ul'>{d'),y^°{e*)} and an upper A;""'" for a given vq. For by ul°{9*) y^o((?<) = u^°(^*) for all = y^'<'(^') for t > alH> 1 Let oo /^"'"(^O = J]/3'^-iK°(0O - Ac«n^*)) + >^yl°{0') - dthiy:°{9'))] t=o Since {w^°(^*),y^°(^*)} fc"""(f), for all V < vq. incentive compatible is We and delivers welfare level v, we have k{v) > have k"'""{v) 1 = l-XE h'{h{y^°{e°) + Vo-v) Hence lim D^ — oo Since k{v) > k'^^"{v), for all v < Vq k"'""{v) = 1 and both k and fc™" are concave, lim k'{v) D— — oo < this implies that 1 » Next define oo k{v) = sup^p'E.MG') - Xciu{9')) + \y{9') - 9th{y{9'))] t=o s.t. oo v = Y,l3'E_,[u{0')-d'h{y{9'))\ This corresponds to the relaxed planning problem, but without the incentive constraints. 23 Hence we have k{v) < k{v). Let m = maxu — \c{u) + Ay — Oh{y) u,y,9 Then k{v) < sup^/3*E_i[u(^') - Xc{u{9')) + \y{9') /3*^_i [-\c{u{e')) + Ay(^0] - eth{y{d'))] + 1 m 4=0 < i; + sup i ^ + [ VI t=o Hence if we 1 m -p 1 1-/9. define C(^;)=inf5^/3*£_i[cK0'))-y(^*) t=o s.t ^ = X;/3'£;_i[u(^*)-^tMy(^*))] t=0 and k'^^{v) = v- 1 +m C{v) 1 1-/3 1-/?J we have < kiv) Denote by {u'-^ {9^ , v) y^ {9* v)} the solution , , /c'"^'^(z;) of the program defining C. Combining the order conditions for u{9^) and the envelope theorem, get = C'{v) for alH>0 ——- = C'{v) for all t c'{u^{9\v)) 1 we ^ Till 9th'{yC{9^,v)) This implies that lim C'{v) = •^—00 lim u^{9\v) > — CX) =u im y^{9*,v) = lim = 00 Hence k'^^'iv) 24 1 > first < Since k k"^^^ and both and A: k""^^ are concave, this lim k'{v) > imphes that 1 we already have Since k'{v) < 1 this implies that lim k'{v) D— — OO = 1 » Note that we always have lim C'(i') = +00 v—>v lim A;"^'(u) = -oo v—*v Since /c(t') < k'^^{v),&nd both k and k™^ are concave, this implies that limk'{v) = — oo V—fV Finally, note that = ^"'"^^(^') lim V—V lim k'^^^iv) = -oo V—'V Hence lirn V —*v B k{v) = lim k{v) Proof of Proposition 4 In order to characterize the optimal allocation The Lagrangian theorem guarantees with = — oo v—*v go = 1 convenient to study a relaxed problem. that there exists a unique sequence of multipliers {qt} on (25) such that solving (24) t>o it is ^ is equivalent to solving the following program: $* subject to (26) and (27). Note that this problem 25 is equivalent to the minimization v by v of subject to > U{{di],a*-I3) Hence C{v; {qt}) welfare v to the is first U{{dl},a;p) a for all the least possible cost of an incentive compatible allocation delivering generation. It is trivial to see that C{v; {qt}) is the solution of the following Bellman equation C{v; {qt+s}s>i) = inf E[c{ue) - y{he) + qt+iC\we, {-^}s>2)] (37) subject to V U0 For future use, 6^ when 0100 of multipliers. Hence there E[ue — 9h.g + f3we > U0: - + (5w0i - exists 6h0i is v. exists an invariant distribution -0*, Since 9hg\ us denote by g'^{v, 6^) the continuation utility after a history of shock the initial welfare entitlement Suppose there t. let + = -0 is and let {qt} be the associated sequence a state variable for (24), this shows that qt+\/qt < g < such that qt+ijqt 1 time dependence on the sequence {qt} = in Ct[v; {qt}), q for all t. We is independent of can therefore drop the and simply write C{v) as a shortcut for C{v,{q%>,). Lemma 2. Then q> Suppose there exists an invariant distribution ip* without full mass at misery. (3. Proof. We will make use of two possible state variables. The one: v, promised future utility. u_. Indeed, from the first The other one order conditions, first utility attained is state variable is the natural by the previous generation easy to see that these two state variables are it is related by d{u_) The existence of an invariant distribution = ^C'{v) with not mass at misery ip*{'^') existence of an invariant distribution '4)*{u-) with no mass at misery. Let xq = ug + Pw0. Then we can rewrite the Bellman equation (37) as C{v) = inf E[c{ue) - y{hg) subject to V = E[xe 26 - 9h0] + qCiwg)] is equivalent to the xe — Ohe > — xgi + Pwg = ue 9hgi Xe Hence, given a value x for xg, ug and wg are given by the sub-program minc(u) + qC{w) subject to + (5w = u The solution is given by the first X order condition c'{x-pw) + ^C'{w) = Using the implicit function theorem, we can then compute du lC"{w) dx ^C"{w)+f5c"{x-Pw) Hence du — < dx < This in turn implies that there exists max M> \ug' — 1 such that ug\ < M max hg 9,6' The first 6 order conditions for ug in in (37) imply that ^C'(^_) = E[c'{ug)] Hence ^d{u_) = E[d{ug)\ < d{ue) Therefore, log(^) + log(c'(u_))<log(c'M) and hence log(^) + log(c'(^_)) < log(c'(n_)) 27 + { max ^ [Ug - U- which we can rewrite as log(f) -. r- c"{u) \ ( \rnayiu^[u_,ue} Hence c'{u) < — Ug - - U- J £ 0, for all ^ log(^) M max '^ gi^Q c"(u) \ ( In order to allow for bunching in (37), < ug — u.. convenient to consider the following program it is - y'p„{c(ii„) inf hgi y(/i„) + gC('u;„)} n n -6nK + This problem and ,ity constraint on any let Ur, its h. + (3Wn U^+l + Pw^ + But objective function. constraint of the Of must (OT is which U = 1,2, . . . , K- 1, do not incorporate the monotonic- this notation allows us to consider bunching in the following way. If bunched, then we group these agents under a single index and pn be the total probability of this group. Likewise of 9 within this group, i We notation require some discussion. neighboring agents set of > -9nhn+l + is what is let 9n represent the conditional average relevant for the promise- keeping constraint and the Let 9n be the shock of the highest agent in the group. rule the highest agent in each The incentive group from deviating and taking the allocation group above him. course, every combination of bunched agents leads to a different program. The op- timal allocation of our problem must solve one of these programs with a strictly monotone allocation —since bunching can be characterized by regrouping agents. acterize solutions to these The first programs with order conditions for y'{hn) This implies strict Thus, below we char- monotonicity of the solution. /i„ ^n is = in particular that at C'{v)9n + 9nfin,n+l ~ 6'„_i^i„_i,„. the optimum, for any of these programs (and hence for the program solved by the true optimal allocation), y'ihi)>C'{v)9. It is easy to verify that C > C, where C 28 is the solution to (37) without the incentive — compatibility constraints. Let v be the upper C bound of the domain for v. Since both C and are increasing and convex, and since \\mC[v) II = and oo C'{v) Jim — V ^V = oo = oo *oo we have = oo \imy'{hg{v)) = hrnC(f) and lirnC'(i') Therefore, V —>v and since h0 has is decreasing in = 6, lini/ie(i;) this in limhe{v) v—*v —^v V But => oo = Ofor aU e e e turn impUes that log(^) < " '' / c"{u) \ lim inf(u0 — u_) V- (^maxue[u_,„^] ^,^^^^ Suppose that q < functions ue are all bounded away from p. This implies that for v or equivalently w_ high enough, the policy such that ug u. This > u^. This in turn implies that ^p* necessarily has a support in turn implies that C'{v)dij*{v) = I c'{u^)dTp*{u_) < oo Integrating f^C'iv) over V, we Since 0* doesn't have P— E[C'{we)] get I that = q, a. full mass C'{v)di)*{v) at misery, = ^ j C'{v)dr{v) we have J C'{v)dip*{v) > 0. This in turn implies D contradiction. 29 We have therefore proved that q > P at ^C'iv) we see that C'{vt) any initial random But then from the equation ip*. = E[C'{we)] By a positive supermartingale. is value vq for v, the sequence of random the martingale convergence theorem, for variables {vt} converges almost surely to a variable C^°° with E[Cl°°] Suppose that there must < C'{v). > exists a v* such that Pr(C^'?' We 0). show that will this is not possible. For any realization 9°° define the set of periods where e ^ since we have is finite, that with probability one Pr{#0e{9°°) Hence there value, exists an event = and #0^(0°°) Since g'^{v,9) is 6°° oo for Hence Pr(C^°° > 0. 0) = = oo for v, 9 E Q. Hence all all e 0) ^ values of 9 occur infinitely often = 1. = Therefore for 0. Since ip* has full ip* is start with 3. 9 This an invariant distribution, C'{vt) full mass at zero, i.e. 5 two lemmas, and then proceed to prove the proposition. The following inequalities hold 7(1 all 0. at misery. Proof of Proposition Lemma for mass for all C'{g'^{v,d^)) converges almost surely all v, This in turn implies that the stochastic process C'{vt) converges almost surely to C We w* a contradiction. ^y*, distributed as C'{vq). This implies that the distribution of C'{vo) has that = oo this implies that g^{w*,6) incentive constraints are not binding at for all v. finite g'^{v* ,9^{9°°)) converges to a finite value w*. and i^0g{6°°) implies that C'{vt) converges in distribution to is particular value such that C'{g'^{v*,0*-{6°°))) converges to a positive and all continuous in E Q. This implies that the to some takes on as Then 6 6t - k\v)) E Q, where + (^1 - < 1 - k'{g^\e,v)) < 7(1 - k'{v)) + (l I) - | the constants are given by j = mm{l + 9n-i-E[9\9>9n]/9n-i}. andj={f3/P) — 2<n<N 30 (/3//3) max {(1 + ^„ — E[^ | 9 < 9n])/9n} program Proof. Consider the max y^pnjun - Ac(u„) + - Xy{hn) 9nhn + Pk{lUn)} n = ^pn{Un + PiUn - V O-aK) n -dnK + This problem and ity constraint any let on Un But Un+1 + PWn+1 is of 9 within this group, which constraint must U = 1,2, . . . , K- I, do not incorporate the monotonicbunching in the following way. If bunched, then we group these agents under a single index and pn be the total probability of this group. Likewise objective function. We ioT this notation allows us to consider neighboring agents set of + -d^hn+l notation require some discussion. its h. + PWn > what is is let On represent the conditional average relevant for the promise-keeping constraint and the Let 9n be the shock of the highest agent in the group. rule the highest agent in each group from deviating The incentive and taking the allocation of the group above him. Of bunched agents leads course, every combination of to a different program. The op- timal allocation of our problem must solve one of these programs with a strictly monotone allocation —since bunching can be characterized by regrouping agents. acterize solutions to these The programs with monotonicity of the solution. strict first-order conditions are PniX^y'ihn) -On + Pr,0k'{vJn) where, by the envelope condition A Summing = A^„} /3{fin the first-order conditions for Wn, we = we E[k'{g-{v,9))] The first-order conditions for .^ ^ n = 1 + 0„fXn " ^n-l/^n-l fin-l) < = k'{v). XE[y'ih{9))] Summing up - - PX} + the first-order conditions for hn, Thus, below we char- get 1 - k'{v) get = ^k'{v) imply ., 9i /^i Xy'jh,) ^ XE{y'{hg)] ' 9, p^ 9, - 9, 31 _ 1-A 9, , This implies Pi Oi Qi Using = -A - - — k [wi) we get ^-^-('-4 > fc'K) + 1 /c'(t;) ^1 Similarly, writing the first-order conditions for (1 _ A) - ^/f^zi = Ok V n = K, we (^^) 01 get _ 1 eK Ok Pk Oi ^E[c'(/ie)] > + ^1 -A K This implies ~ Pk TK -(1-A) K-\ 0K-1 Using P. ru we "~/3 \^U7/- /V PfJ-K-l , 1 7 get k' [iuk) < A- fK-1. P For any n, 1 + lO/^- < zi^„ < 0K--[_ +i \ Ok 1 _0K-\ 0K-\. < A;' eK 1 ^A'-l ^A'-l (u;„) ^1 /3 After rearranging, P 1 k'{v) /3 <e 1 ^A' tfi, 1-^' ^1 P _/5 -A,/''! 7/^ 1+ fc'(f) ^A'-l L ^A'-l + we obtain /5 + {l-k'{v)) + l-^>l-k'{g-{e,v)) ^1 >e p[ 1 1 + K-\ 0. 7k ^K-\ {l-k\v)) + P l P D 32 By Lemma we have 1 = that \[my^yk'{v) then using the bounds we obtain that = ^ < \imk'ig'"(v,9)) v^v for all 1, = 1 limk'{v), v-*v Oee. The lemma following Lemma We 4. have Proof. Consider the when v goes describes the behavior of the optimal allocation g'^{v, 9) > u and Y\rag'^{y, 6) = V —^V u, Ym\g^{v, 9) V —^v = to v. oo program max y^p„{u„ - Ac(n„) + - \y{hn) hK + ^K'^n)] n n -9nhn + Un + fiwn > -^„/i„+i The first order condition for u„ < Since k'{g'^{v,9)) j, P we \\mc'{g'"{v,9)) That lim5f''(t', ^) = is + u„+i + /9u'n+i 1-Ac'(u„) have,ii„ > u. = '^k'{wn). Y\m.k'{v) = 1, 2, . . . , —^v or equivalently = 3, p - /"C 1-Ac'(£f"(t;, 9)) Moreover, since \imk'{v,9) = 1, ^k'{g'"{v, 9)). we have Y\m.g^{y,9) = u 00 follows from m[y'{g\v,9))] and Hence V = n for = l~k'{v) = L D Since the derivative k'{v) is continuous and strictly decreasing, we can define the transition function Q[x,9) for all a; < ^ if utility is = k'\g'^{{kr\x),9)) unbounded below. For any probability the probability distribution defined by TQ{yi){A) for any Borel = j l(c?(.,e)eA} set A. Define ^^'- = n 33 d^{x) dp {9) distribution //, let Tq{ii) be For example, Tq^ni^x) starting with k'{vo) is = the empirical average of {^'(^<)}"=i The x. distribution by considering the limits of We now are lemma following {7q O"^^^ ^^^ histories of length n establishes the existence of an invariant „}. able to prove a proposition that implies the part Proposition first 5, and describes an algorithm to construct an invariant distribution. Proposition i.e. For each x < 7. in distribution, to Proof. For ^ all I there exists a subsequence {TQ^^n){^x)} that converges weakly, an invariant distribution on (—00, G l\mQ{x,e)= lim next show that the sequence {Tq{5x)} compact set tion T^{5:,) K^ such that Tq{5^){K^) > — 1 {P/pyk'{vo) -> 0. is 6) = (—00, : 1) tight, in that for k'{vo) < -A){-A) + (1 ^ (—00, !) x any e The expected e, for all n. simply ¥.^i[k'{vt{d^-^))] with x is = ^ <1. k'{g'"i9,v)) Note that we have a continuous transition function Q{x, We under Q. 1) > there exists a value of the distribu- Recall that E_i[k'{vt{e^'^))] 1. = This imphes that mm{0,k'ivo)}<E^,[k'{vtie'-'))] < for all A> 0. T5(<5,)(-oo, - T^{5^){-cx>, -A))l Rearranging, ra(4)(-co,-A)< '-;;y°-^> Hence we can find ^^ > such that e T^((5,)(-oo,-/l,)<^ Define a^ by 1 — = Oe sup Q{x,6) xe\A,,i) Since for T^{Sx) all 6 e Q, -rn-l/ lim k'{v,d) II—>— 00 = Tq^-' {5,)), < | < 1, we have a^ > 0. In addition, for all so th8.t m5,){l - a„ 1) < T^-\5,)i-c^,A,) < - Since we also have 34 n > 1, this implies — Taking K^ is [A^, 1 — a.-], impHes that {7g(5x)}„>i this is tight, and therefore {7Q('5x)}n>0! tight. Tightness imphes that there exists a subsequence Tq distribution, to some probability distribution on (— cxd, tt [S^] that 1). converges weakly, Since Q(x, 9) is i.e. in continuous in x, then Tq{Tq\5j:)) converges weakly to TQ{'n). But the linearity of Tq impHes that and since — (f){n) Note that > for oo we must have Tq{tt) contained in (— oo,|]. 5. We < Suppose that lim„^ooSupc"(n)/c'('u) will make use n implies that the support of 5. We finally u_. Indeed, from the away from first The it is prove a distribution ip v. other one order conditions, Then any invariant oo. of two possible state variables. one: v, promised future utility. The first utility attained is state variable is the natural by the previous generation easy to see that these two state variables are it is by 1 The = This proves the second part of Proposition necessarily has a support bounded related Tq^tt) tt, that implies the last part Proposition 5 Lemma Proof. D tt. any invariant distribution 3 lemma = - Xc\u^) = ^k'{v) existence of an invariant distribution ip*{v) with not mass at misery existence of an invariant distribution ip*{u_) with no mass at misery. Let X0 = uq + Pws- Then we k{v) = can rewrite the Bellman equation (21) as sup E[ub - \c{ug) - 6he + 'Xy{hg) subject to V xe — = - E[xg Ohg > + (5we ub 35 9he] xq' = — OHqi xg + Pk{we)] is equivalent to the Hence, given a value x for xq, uq and we are given by the sub-program — maxzi \c{u) + pk{vj) subject to + Pw = u The solution is given by the first X order condition = 1-Xc'{u) ^k'{^) = Using the implicit function theorem, we can then compute urf x-u \ , dx _lk"{^) + Xd'{u) Hence du — < dx 0< This in turn implies that there exists M> maxlufl/ 1 such that — < ug\ ' ' M max hg e e,0' Consider the program (C). The where A = k'{v). first order condition for h^ is This implies that y'{he)>kl-k'Ov) A This shows that lim y' {hg{v)) = oo =r- and since hg has is decreasing in \irnhi{v) V—fV V—>V 9, lim hg{v) = for 36 ah 6^ e 9 = The first order condition(33) implies that c'{u.)>^c'iue_)-X-\^-l) which can be rewritten as L'{u^) + X-\l-^)>c'{ue) /3 /3 This in turn implies that for all 9 E Q ^^] exp^Mmax/ie max + X-\l - i)] > ( L'{u_) c'{ue) Since lim/ie(t;) =Ofor all^ e e we have / M max hg y e lim exp u--*u This in max u€luj,ug} C'[U) turn proves that for u^ high enough, Hence any invariant distribution -0* c"(u)\ —— — all 1 for all ^ £ the policy functions uq are such that uq necessarily has equivalent to saying that any invariant distribution from = ) a' i^} support bounded away from necessarily has a support Ti. < k_. 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