MIT LIBRARIES , 3 9080 02618 0999 . I ' . , ijiii: M-!|, ii;:ii-i JilSi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries IB31 • .M415 3? Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series PRICE AND CAPACITY COMPETITION Daron Acemoglu Kostas Bimplkis Asuman Ozdaglar Working Paper 06-37 December 12, 2006 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection 1 at Dewey Cr w ^i^» ' i.uVf U§RARlE S Price and Capacity Competition Daron Acemoglu* Kostas BimpikisJ and Asuman Ozdaglar* December 12, 2006 Abstract We study the efficiency of oligopoly equilibria in a model where firms compete over capacities and prices. The motivating example is a communication network where service providers invest in capacities and then compete in prices. Our model economy corresponds to a two-stage game. First, firms (service providers) independently choose their capacity levels. levels are observed, their demands they set prices. Given the capacities and across the firms. We first Second, after the capacity (consumers) allocate prices, users establish the existence of pure strategy and characterize the subgame perfect These equilibria feature pure strategies along the equilibrium path, but off-the-equilibrium path they are supported by "mixed strategies. We then investigate the efficiency properties of these equilibria, where "efficiency" is equilibria (oligopoly equilibria) set of equilibria. defined as the ratio of surplus in equilibrium relative to the the worst oligopoly equilibria of this game can be first best. arbitrarily low. We show However, if that efficiency in the best oligopoly (among multiple equilibria), the worst-case efficiency loss is 2(y/~N—l)/(N — bound is tight. We also suggest a simple way of implementing the best 1) oligopoly equilibrium. With two firms, this involves the lower-cost firm acting as a Stackelberg leader and choosing its capacity first. We show that in this Stackelberg game form, there exists a unique equilibrium corresponding to the best oligopoly equilibrium. We also show that an alternative game form where capacities and prices are chosen simultaneously always fails to have a pure strategy equilibrium. These results suggest that the timing of capacity and price choices in oligopolistic environments is important both for the existence of equilibrium and for the extent equilibrium with N is selected and firms, this of efficiency losses in equilibrium. Keywords: JEL capacity, competition, efficiency loss, industry structure, investment oligopoly. Classification: C72, L13. 'Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ^Operations Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, * Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1 Introduction This paper studies oligopoly competition in the presence of capacity investments. Our motivation comes from large-scale communication networks, particularly the Internet, which has undergone major decentralization since the mid 1990s. These changes have spurred interest ized network protocols new decentral- and architectures that take into account the noncooperative interactions A between users and service providers. is in key question in the analysis of these new network structures the extent of efficiency losses in the decentralized equilibrium relative to the efficient allocation Most of resources. of the work from in this literature investigates the efficiency losses resulting the allocation of users and information flows across different paths or administrative domains in an already established network (see, for example, [13], [2], [3], [1], [7]). Arguably, the more im- portant economic decisions in large-scale communication networks concern the investments in the structure of the network and in bandwidth capacity. In fact, the last 20 years have witnessed significant investments in is to broadband, high-speed and optical networks. Our objective in model price and capacity competition between service providers and investigate the properties of the resulting equilibria. Following previous research in this area, bounds on the efficiency losses Our model fixed this amount by these consists of of flow firms. by providing various worst-case performance N firms (service providers) paper efficiency we provide explicit results for equilibria. and a mass of consumers wishing to send a from a fixed source origin to a given destination using subnetworks operated Each user has an inelastic demand with a reservation utility R. Firms face a linear and potentially different cost of investing to expand the capacity of their subnetwork. For simplicity, we assume that once capacity is installed, there is no additional cost of allowing consumers to use the subnetwork. In our baseline model, firms play a two-stage game. They first choose the level of capacity in their subnetwork, and then set prices for consumers to use their subnetwork. This game has an obvious similarity to Kreps and Scheinkman's well-known model of quantity demand is precommitment and price competition for two firms, [9], but it is simpler because inelastic. For expositional purposes, we start with the special case with two firms. For this case, characterize the set of pure strategy equilibrium always exists. As in [9], subgame subgame perfect equilibria we fully and prove that a pure strategy perfect equilibria in which firms use pure strategies along the equilibrium path are nonetheless supported by mixed strategies off the equilibrium path. As part of our equilibrium analysis, we also provide a complete characterization of the set of mixed strategy equilibria following any choices of capacities by firms. We then investigate the efficiency properties of equilibria in the worst-case scenarios. We quantify efficiency as the ratio of social surplus in equilibrium relative to the social surplus (in the hypothetical first best). Since the equilibria, there are game maximum typically has multiple pure strategy two possible approaches to quantifying worst-case scenarios. The referred first, computer science and previous network economics to as "the Price of Anarchy" in the value of literature, looks at the worst-case scenario in terms of the possible values of the parameters and selects the worst equilibrium The second, there are multiple equilibria. if referred to as "the Price of and then looks Stability" selects the best equilibrium for any given set of parameters worst-case values of the parameters (see Our first result is [8], [2]). that even in the simplest structure with linear costs, the Price of Anarchy equal to zero, meaning that the equilibrium can be arbitrarily is that once that if we focus on the Price of Stability there the (socially) best equilibrium capacity competition is is form in between two firms also suggest a simple way if is of games which the firm with the lower cost show that also is Our second major 2v2 — 2 inefficiency that ~ the "incorrect" equilibria arise, there show that our main 2 ~ is selected, capacity equal to zero. two in reverse order according to then firms, this corresponds to a situation of capacity investment acts as the Stackelberg leader. This it may of regulation, for example by giving a arise as the focal point in the game. 5/6. results generalize to the is game with N firms. For this case, we again a bound on the The bound is the Stackelberg again l)/(N — 1), and also tight. differences in the structure of equilibria game and is Price of Stability (the combination of N— this show that and worst equilibrium) r worst-case parameters with the selection of best equilibrium), equal to 2(\/ we show that We (pure strategy) equilibrium and inefficiency in this (the combination of worst-case parameters Moreover, there and implementing the best equilibrium, by considering a game game has a unique bounded by 2\/2 — Anarchy from result characterize the pure strategy equilibria using a slightly different argument, and then the Price of meaning 5/6, may result a high degree of efficiency. sufficient to ensure game may be implemented by some type this Stackelberg equilibrium of the "appropriate" equilibrium first-mover advantage to lower-cost firms, or We if which firms make their capacity choices sequentially, "Stackelberg" bound maximum costs of investing in capacity. In the special case with in inefficient. is no more than approximately 1/6 of the maximal social surplus. These could be very large inefficiencies, but We a tight is selected, the results suggest that even in the simplest capacity price competition for the game and the extent of inefficiency suggest that the timing of moves is between our baseline an important determinant of the extent of inefficiency in this class of games. This raises the natural question of how the set of equilibria will be affected when We and capacity decisions are made simultaneously. pricing show that in this case there never exists a pure strategy equilibrium, which starkly contrasts with the result that a pure strategy equilibrium always exists in the sequential game. This nonexistence of equilibrium results from the ability of the firms to deviate simultaneously on their capacities and prices. In contrast, in the sequential and then its rivals of events in and then prices are first capacity first, set later is more reasonable (in constitutes a better approximation to a situation in which prices can change at it higher frequencies than capacities), suggests that its could also respond by adjusting their prices to this deviation. Since the sequence which capacities are chosen the sense that much game, a firm could only deviate by changing it is important we do not view for industries this result as negative. Nonetheless, it with major capacity investments to choose structures of regulation that do not allow simultaneous deviations on capacities and prices. In addition to the newly-burgeoning literature on competition and cooperation between users communication networks, paper and firms in literature on capacity competition. Classic contributions here include Levitan and Shubik, Kreps and Scheinkman, rationing rule when is closely related to the industrial organization and Davidson and Deneckere [9], total this demand exceeds capacity. [5], A key issue in these papers Our simpler framework with avoids this issue and enables us to provide a complete characterization of the Nash perfect Most closely related to our and study the very which all when it decisions to the is the recent model on how investments firms are symmetric exists, paper is always may as efficient. The demand subgame paper is affect congestion costs, [15], but only focus on the case in this case, non-symmetric case (where of Anarchy result) and is an equilibrium, to consider inefficiencies are and indeed also to introduce capacity most communication networks. organized as follows. defines the price-capacity competition and Van Roy, Weintraub, Johari, and Van Roy put distinguishing feature of our work shown by our unbounded Price rest of the Johari, and there are no capacity constraints. In constraints, which are a realistic feature of The the of price competition with congestion externalities in fully characterize the equilibria in the general important work by Weintraub, efficiency properties of oligopoly equilibria. restriction little full set of is equilibria. who add investment [1] inelastic [11], game and Section 2 describes the model. Section 3 the oligopoly equilibria in this game. Section 4 characterizes the continuation price equilibria and the profits in the capacity subgames. Section 5 focuses of the results on the special case with two firms and characterizes pure strategy oligopoly equilibria game (as well as the mixed strategy off-the-equilibrium and provides various efficiency bounds for play). Section 6 contains our main the set of pure strategy oligopoly equilibria for Section 7 generalizes the existence and efficiency results to an arbitrary the case of two firms. number the best oligopoly equilibria can be implemented by a how Section 8 shows of firms. Section 9 analyzes a multi-stage game, where the low-cost firm acts as the Stackelberg leader. related game with simultaneous capacity-price decisions and shows that this game never has a pure strategy equilibrium. Section 10 concludes. Model 2 We operating = (x\, ...,xn) to "flows". c = (ci, ..., where is jiCi, c/v). > 7, We denote total flow denote the vector of flows. flow allocated to firm by i cannot exceed for i G {1, ..., We capacity, is We for firm i we < C{. G {l,...,N} by We costly. In particular, — demands refer to the assume that firm i.e., x-i of as a service provider i > Xj has a capacity and use 0, Cj for the > 0, and denote the vector of capacities the cost of capacity c; loss of generality), denote the price charged by firm for firm we (per unit flow) i "small" users. 2 We by pi (p\, ...,pw). we set d — the lowest cost firm whenever there is < R alH G for We assume that unused capacity with the lowest available cost exceeds the reservation that 7j 1. {1, ...,N}. This is utility. without this firm Further, N start is the aggregate flow of utility R; they choose and do not participate if we assume throughout the paper any firm with loss of generality, since have no incentive to be active and can be excluded from the set We this assume that the users have a reservation also i ignore are interested in the problem of allocating d units of aggregate flow between these firms and without loss of generality, will this reason, N}. 1 For simplicity (and without and denote the vector of prices by p many its Investing in capacity additional costs of servicing flows. We Each firm can be thought own communication subnetwork. For its firms' services as x N firms. model with start with the general i G {1, ..., 7$ > R N}. with a definition of flow equilibrium given a vector of capacities c and a vector of prices p. [Flow Equilibrium] For a given capacity vector Definition 1 vector x* is a flow equilibrium 'Alternatively, we could assume ,2 > and price vector p > "ft > 0, max 1} " (R - p { ) :r ? ) a with essentially the same results, but slightly, since there (1) . in this case Propositions 7 and 13 could be excess capacity in some equilibria. In the presence of additional congestion costs, this small users assumption would lead to the commonly used 0, if x* G arg below need to be modified c communication and transport networks Wardrop principle, where flows are routed along paths with minimum effective cost (see, for example, [10], [1]). In our context, there is no need to introduce this concept and it suffices to observe that users will choose a lower cost provider whenever this is possible. in (see [14]), We denote the set of flow equilibria at a given p and c by W\p, c]. This definition captures the simple notion that users will allocate their price firm up to the point users, they will allocate their capacity to the any more are where the capacity constraint of equilibrium for i This and only if if YaLi x i - problem for * is to the lowest reached. After this, if there second lowest price firm (as long as its and so on. price does not exceed their reservation utility, R), Using the optimality conditions this firm demand it (1), anc^ there exists A follows that a vector x* > > ~ such that A (J2i=i x\ is l) = a flow an d e {1,...,7V}, A if — A if > A if x* = < x* 0, < x* = (2) C{, Ci a convenient representation of the flow equilibrium, which will be used in the analysis is below. R - Pi < The following result on the structure of flow equilibria an immediate consequence is of this characterization (proof omitted): Proposition 1 Suppose that for that Let c Pm+i — +°° = some if (ci,...,c/v) M< be a capacity vector and p = (pi,...,pw) < pu < -R < PM+i (with N, we have M — N). < p\ Then, there x\ exists — < p2 ... be a price vector. the convention a unique flow equilibrium x £ W\p, c] given by min{ci, 1}, and m— 1 x m = min I cm , max JQ,1 - y^ xA i=i for all 2 < Remark m<M 1 equilibrium If is instead of pi 22 = when min{c2, We 1 P2 < < Pm < R, we have pi — pj for some i ^ j, the flow not necessarily unique, since users would be indifferent between allocating their flow across these two firms. states that < — p\ < p^ Note < also that in the special case with R, the unique flow equilibrium N = 2, this proposition simply will involve x\ — min{ci,l} and x\}. next define the social optimum, which chosen by a planner that has full is the capacity and flow allocation that would be information and full control over the allocation of resources. Since there social no cost of servicing flows beyond the capacity is optimum follows immediately. A Definition 2 costs, the following definition for a s s capacity-flow vector (c ,x ) is a social optimum if it is an optimal solution of the social problem N N R^Xi -£7, maximize x >o, c >o (3) «=1 i-l N /J^i < subject to Xj The optimum anteeing the existence of a social — cf = xf xf for , i i£ Cj, {l,...,iV}. problem has a continuous objective function and a compact constraint social have cf < lj for , £ {1, i £ {1, ..., JV}. We (c refer to c iV}, the social capacity -..., s ,x s is from the preceding that we also clear It is ). guar- set, s as the social capacity. In view of the fact that given as the solution to the following maximization problem: •' c s max £ arg c>0, 2i=l N Ci<l N f { I \ }(R ~ - %)ci > (4) . I For future reference, for a given capacity vector §(c) i.e., > 0, we define the social surplus as N Y,(R~li)*, (5) the difference between the users' utility and the total capacity cost. next consider the two-stage competition game firms compete The Game Price and Capacity Competition 3 We = c in which capacities are chosen first and then in prices as outlined in the previous section. price-capacity competition chooses game is as follows. First, the TV firms At the second i.e., firm i capacities set at the first stage, simultaneously choose prices, their capacities, c\ at cost 7j&j. stage, firms, having observed the i.e., the price vector of other firms, denoted by p_;, the profit of firm ±HlPi>P—ii X, where x £ W\p, c] is Ci, C—i\ = ViX% simultaneously choose firm i i charges a price pt. is "JiCi, a flow equilibrium given the price vector p and the capacity vector objective of each firm is to maximize profits. We Given refer to the c. The dynamic game between the two subgame firms as the price- capacity competition game, and look for the Since the capacities set in the of this game. vector c = first perfect equilibria (SPE) stage are observed by all firms, subgame, and subgame perfection requires that {c\,...,cn) defines a proper subgame, the continuation equilibrium strategies constitute a Nash equilibrium. subgame, we first exist in As we some capacity subgames. For Let equilibria. Hi B denote the space of this reason, all by H-i the product measure p excluding i m [Price Equilibrium] Let c We \pi(c) l p, £ BN (i.e., /i_j > = is For each capacity will also refer to as the product measure p\ x p\ x x ^i-\ x Mi'+i x ... be a capacity vector. subgame if x(c) will fail to £ W[p(c), c •• x Hn> an d ••• x Wv)- A vector \p(c),x(c)] c] and Vpj>0, Vx £ p-i(c),x(c),c]>ILi \pi,P-i(c),x,c], vector [pf,x c (p)} for all i £ c] is {1, a pure ..., W[pi,p^(c),c\. N}, (6) by PE(c). a mixed strategy Price Equilibrium in the capacity subgame and the function x c (p) £ W[p, each and mixed strategy price define both pure denote the set of pure strategy price equilibria at a given A in (Borel) probability measures on the interval [0,R]. Let strategy Price Equilibrium in the capacity n we 3 pure strategy equilibria will see below, £ B be a probability measure, and denote by Definition 3 we define the price equilibrium between the firms, which the (continuation) Price Equilibrium. every capacity if c N p £ & every p, and for c C d\ji i{Pi) x /iii(P-i)J ni[pi,p_j,a; (pi,p_i),c] [0,R]' c / '{o,R} N for alii £ {1, ...,N} and \ii £ ^- We Ikipi,P-i,x (pi,P-i),c]d(fj,i(pi) x fJti(p-i) v denote the set of mixed strategy price equilibria at a given c by MPE{c). In the following, with a slight abuse of notation, strategy equilibria. 4 Note that here x from the correspondence W(p,c). 3 A subgame is identified (•) is We we £ will write [/u,x(-)] not a vector, but a function of p, denote the profits for firm i MPE{c) i.e., in the x(p) is for mixed a selection mixed strategy price with the public history (of previous moves). Hence, the SPE notion requires that the is optimal given the other player's strategies, after every history; see, for action prescribed by each player's strategy example, [6], [12]. also that the pure strategy Price Equilibrium notion here may appear slightly stronger than the standard subgame perfection, since it requires that a strategy profile yields higher profits for each player for all x € \pi,p-i (c) ,c], rather than for some such x. Nevertheless, [1] shows, for a more general game, that this Note W definition of equilibrium coincides with the standard pure strategy convenient to work with). Given this relation, we have PE{c) there exists selection \(x, from G MPE(c) such that p ]p,c] with x(p) = x{-)\ W x. is subgame C MPE(c), perfect equilibrium (but in is slightly more the sense that for every \p,x\ £ PE(c), the degenerate measure with /J.{{p}) — 1, and x(-) is an arbitrary subgame by equilibria in the capacity II j [a*, x(-), c], [ Ik[pL,x('),c}= Ui\p,x(p),c]diJ.(jp). J\Q,R] We will also use the notation when U i finrij_uses_the_degerierate the mixed strategy \p.l st rategy (7) N ,ii-i,x{-),c} for mixed i.e., m some G [0,R] to denote the expected profits pi with Hi(pi) = 1, while the. remaining firms use_ \i-i. profit functions are discontinuous in prices, Note that since the it not obvious that each is capacity subgame has a mixed strategy price equilibrium. In the next section, we will show that subgame in each capacity We we a pure or mixed strategy price equilibrium always exists. c, next define the subgame perfect equilibrium of the entire game. For notational convenience, focus on the actions along the equilibrium path to represent the Definition 4 (OE) Oligopoly Equilibrium n for all a > 0, A [Oligopoly Equilibrium] and i [p(c for all {p{c if 0£; ),x( C [f.i,x(-)} Note that pure strategy OE ),x(c OE e 0£; OE s ),( C p £ OE may involve OE ,p(cOE ),x(c OE ) ,cef)]>n i x [/ I for all is )} a (pure strategy) {1, ...,N}, <= i perfect equilibrium. x(.),(c i ,cef)], refer to 'c OE as the (8) OE capacity. pure strategies along the equilibrium path, but mixed some refers to equilibria [c PE{c OE and MPE(ci,c° E ). We strategy continuation price equilibria in per, pure strategy )} vector subgame off-the-equilibrium subgames. Throughout the pa- where pure strategies are used along the equilibrium path. 4 Our first task Price Equilibria is in the Capacity Subgame With to characterize the entire set of expositional purposes, we start with the case where subgame N— 2, We number Firms perfect equilibria in this game. which enables us to provide an characterization of the equilibria and the extent of the efficiency losses. results to an arbitrary Two We For explicit generalize our main of firms in Section 7 below. consider an arbitrary capacity subgame, and then prove the existence of pure or mixed strategy price equilibria and provide a characterization of these equilibria. this characterization to properties. Since in this We will then use determine the form of oligopoly equilibria and analyze their efficiency and in the next section to these two firms using the indices i and —i. we consider only two firms, we sometimes refer Existence of Pure and Mixed Strategy Price Equilibria With 4.1 Let c be a capacity vector such that Proposition 2 there exists a unique Price Equilibrium in the capacity for?: = equation c\ + i < 1, it all p c2 that for (2)] a price pi, firm < c2 subgame q > and 1 [p, x] for i = =R such that Pi <E by the equivalent characterization follows [0,R] 2 , the flow allocation (ci,c 2 ) £ W(p, Then 1,2. and xi — C{ p-i G so that pi and Proposition 3 some Proof. z. This shows that [0, i?]. =R of a flow equilibrium c). [cf. Therefore, by charging can make a profit of Ui{pi,p-i,x,c] for + Firms 1,2. Proof. Since for all c\ Two Then Xi — C{, i = 1,2, pi is —R strictly =p t Ci, dominates other price strategies of firm all the unique Price Equilibrium. Let c be a capacity vector such that c.\ + c2 > 1, i, Q.E.D. Q > for = i 1,2 and c, < 1 there exists no pure strategy Price Equilibrium in the capacity subgame. Suppose there exists a pure strategy Price Equilibrium (p,x). The following list con- and profitable unilateral deviations from each, thus siders all candidates for a Price Equilibrium establishing the nonexistence of a pure strategy Price Equilibrium: • Suppose p\ < p2- Then the profit of firm 1 is IIi[p, p\ will increase firm l's profits, thus firm • Suppose p\ If • x\ = — P2 > If 0. X\ < min{ci, 1}, then, since Suppose pi = increase price its P2 = 0. x, c] = p\ + c2 > small increase in an incentive to decrease its price. firm 2 has an incentive to decrease 1, Since by assumption and make positive A has an incentive to deviate. 1 inin{ci, 1}, then firm 1 has c\ min{cj, 1}. a < 1 for some i, firm —i its price. has an incentive to profits. Q.E.D. Proposition 4 for some i. Then Let c be a capacity vector such that C\ there exists a mixed strategy Price Equilibrium Proof. The subgame following any capacity choice on [4], Proposition 4.3 any such subgame. When ci, c 2 > 1, We in [1] + Oi > 1, Cj the capacity c is a special case of the is i — model 1,2 and Cj < 1 subgame. in [1]. Building mixed strategy equilibrium this proof here to avoid repetition. subgame for in the capacity establishes that there always exists a do not repeat > in Q.E.D. an uncapacitated Bertrand price competition between two firms. Thus, we immediately have the following result (proof omitted). 9 Proposition 5 Let we have \p,x], p, > be a capacity vector such that Ci,c 2 for — i both firms make zero 1, 2, i.e., Then, 1. for all Price Equilibria profits. Characterization of Mixed Strategy Price Equilibria 4.2 We next provide an explicit characterization of the mixe d strat egy price equilibria and_the_prqnts^ in each capacity = Let c + c% — c c2 > subgame. be a capacity vector. Throughout (ci,C2) 1, (H > for i = strategy Price Equilibrium 1,2 < --and Cj = ui k By i. we focus on the case where Proposition the capacity subgame. Let [fi,x(-)] in and k denote the lower support of m, jj,i, some 1 for this section, 4, there exists a mixed denote the upper support of 1/4 i.e., inf jp = sup|p : ji { — lj, : Pi({p>p}) = {{p <p}) lj. Let (F\,F2) denote the corresponding cumulative distribution functions for the measure (pi,p 2 ), i.e., = Fi(p) m{{jp Recall that < p}), for [p,,x(-)] is = i 1,2. a mixed strategy Price Equilibrium n for all p e [0, R], and there will P ,/i-i,s(:),ft]<nf C /m, X (•) : We | exists a set Pi n, (see, e.g., [12]). i now [p, c] and only = nf if (9) I such that m{Pi) [k,ui\ , if for all p e = 1 and A (10) use this property of mixed strategy equilibria to derive three lemmas that will allow us to explicitly characterize the unique mixed strategy Price Equilibrium in the capacity subgame. Lemma i = Assume that 1 1,2, the c\ + mixed strategy c2 > 1, C{ > for fn cannot have — i all its 1,2 and c, < 1 for mass concentrated some i. Then, at a single point, for any i.e., p; cannot be degenerate. Proof. pi is By Proposition 3, both degenerate at some p\ £ Consider p\ for firm 2, > 0. which fi^s [0, R] cannot be degenerate. To obtain a contradiction, assume that (i.e., Charging the price p 2 is = strictly decreasing in cannot have an atom at p = p\. Suppose pi({p p\ e, it —e = Pi}) for = some 1)e We > then there 10 show that p.2({p yields a profit of (pi showing that p 2 ({p does;' first is < Pi}) = 0. We — < e) Pi}) = 0. minjco, 1} next show that p 2 a positive probability of both firms charging the price p\. 5 > xzipuPi) < mm{c 2 generates higher profits for firm same applies to player the price = p2 Pi + e strictly increasing in ,Uj's If 1, showing that p, 2 < R- p\, < for e, If 2. thus e min{c 2 , yields a profit of (pi Finally, . + e) mass concentrated all its for <5 + 1}, then, since c\ cannot have an atom at p 2 should have /j 2 = x 2 {p\,P\) it - then charging a price of p\ 1}, , (1 - at p2 some small > c2 1, the firm 2 charges if min{ci, 1}), which is = R- However both i. Then: cannot be degenerate, thus we arrive at a contradiction. Q.E.D. Lemma Assume that 2 c\ + c% > > 1, <H for (i) Fi and F2 have the same lower support, (ii) Fi and F2 have the same upper support, (iii) Fi and F2 are strictly increasing over — i Cj — 1% = i.e., l\ i.e., and 1, 2 ui = some 1 for L = u2 < u. [l,u]. Proof. (i) Assume that < l\ by Proposition l2 follows that for 1, it < Let pi e Pi, p\ G Pi be two prices such that p\ . = x € W[(p, p 2 ),c] satisfies Xi all P2 p2 £ and p Thus the min{ci,l}. = p\ or p = < p\ l 2 Then, . any flow equilibrium p[, profits of firm 1 at prices pi, p[ are given by < ni[Pi,p 2 ,x,c] =pixi nifpi,p 2 ,x,c] =Pi^i, contradicting (10). (ii) Assume that u\ Proposition p = p'j, 1 > u2 . and the assumption c\ + c2 > 1, it any flow equilibrium x £ W[(p,p 2 ),c] of firm 1 at prices pi , < Let p\ £ Pi, Pi £ Pi be two prices such that u 2 p[ are given follows that for satisfies x\ =1— pi P2 p2 £ all min{c 2 , < 1}. p[. Then, by and p = pi Thus the or profits by < ni[pi,p 2 ,z,c] =P\Xi Iii\p'l) jd, 2 ,x,c] =p[x 1 , contradicting (10). (iii) Assume Pi) Pi same p2 , £ to arrive at a contradiction that Fi [l,u] interval. p2 £ P2 with pi < Suppose such that pi We p'j. F2 this implies F2 is [pi,p'i] for some constant over the not constant over this interval, which implies the existence of is £ W\p, i \ X 2[P,P2) show that will first < p2 < p 2 < for all flow equilibria x(p) constant over the interval is = c], p\- By Proposition and the assumption 1 we have i\ i X2{p,p 2) = \ < y 11 l-mm{ci,l} ifp<pi, \, mm{c 2 ,l) ifp>p . f ' .. , 1 . c\ +c2 > 1, Since F t is constant over [pi,pi], this implies that the profits of firm 2 at p'2 are higher than those at po, which, since P2, F2 are constant over By [pi,Pi]- = p\ higher profits than P2 and P2, leads to a contradiction. Hence, the distributions F\ G p'2 a similar argument as above, for firm 2, leading to follows that P2 it = V\ yields another contradiction and establishing this part of the lemma. Q.E.D. Lemma (i) Assume 3 The that + C2 > c\ = 1,2, distribution Fi, i > 1, C{ for = i 1, q < and 2 1 for some i. Then: does not have any atoms except possibly at the upper support u. (ii) (iii) Both distributions Fi cannot have an The upper support u is atom upper support at the u. equal to R. Proof. (i) Without any p G at p G [l,u] (l,u), we consider loss of generality, i.e., (which Assume {l,u). F\ (p+) satisfies I show that F\ cannot have an atom first to arrive at a contradiction that there exists > F\ (p—). < u By Lemma view of in small such that the prices p 1, We F\. — e Lemma and p + e 2(iii), 1). F2 an atom at some strictly increasing over the interval is Thus, there exists some belong to P2, and p + e < e > sufficiently P. Using Proposition the profits of firm 2 at these two prices can be written as U 2 [p-e,fj,i,x(-) y - - e) (p - - min{ci, 1}) + (1 - F - e)) (p - e) min{c2 Fi (p.+ e) (p + e) (1 - min{ci, 1}) + (1 - Fi (p+ e)) (p + e) min{c 2 it follows that for small Fi (p c] e) (1 x (p , 1}, . 1}. and n 2 [p + e, pi, x{-), Since Fi (p+) > c] = 1 - min{ci, 1}, f>Mi»2'(-). c ] > n 2 [p + e,^i,x(-),c], Fj (p— ) and min{c2, 1} > enough e, we have B2[pyielding a contradiction. We next show that F\ cannot have an atom at p support must satisfy I > 0. If I = 0, since I 12 G P» = I. for i We first prove that the common lower = 1,2 [cf. Lemma 2 (iii)], this implies that the profits of either firm at any price vector are equal to some for Hence, small i, follows that it / > = p the profits of firm -i at u cannot be equal to U2 + [l there - [l = e,/ii,a;(-J,c] e /ii,x(-),c] ) is = {1-F l an atom at I, + {l e))(l > Fi(l+) i.e., from the preceding two relations that Tl 2 contradicting equation Assume that both [F\ (I - e for some sufficiently for firm 1 (u, u) - < [F2 (u+) - inin{ci, 1}. 2. By R. which belongs to e, min{c 2 e) , +F 1} then since > e,/i a ,z(-),c] atom F2 (u— > Uo[l at 0, )] Then charging than charging a price of p\ Assume that u < 0, + 1 1 (1 - + + e)(l min{ci,l} + P2 : e)(l - min{ci,l». < min{c 2 ,l}, follows it e, e,/ii,x('),c], (9). the same applies to player say player [l + I - e)min{c 2 ,l}. for sufficiently small distributions have an {u+) — Fi {u—)\ Suppose X\ (iii) 1 e, Consider next the profits of firm 2 at the price (ii) I a< any flow equilibrium. at Consider the profits of firm 2 at price 0. Tl 2 If Since by assumption 0. = u. If p — u. Then, both firms = part (ii), it follows that there — follows that with probability be charging a price of p u— e u. cj + c2 > 1, lemma. no atom at u is = generates higher profits min{ci, l}, then, since establishing this part of the 2, will a price of p\ x\ (u,u) it for one of the players, Then Uj[u,id 2 ,x(-),c} — u (1 - min{c 2 ,l}) < showing that the upper support u cannot be Ui[R, p, 2 ,x(-), strictly less c] = R(l - min{c 2 , 1}), than R. Q.E.D. The next proposition characterizes the expected profits of the two firms in capacity subgames with continuation mixed strategy price equilibrium. Proposition 6 Let Ci < 1 for some The expected i. c Let = + (ci,c 2 ) be a capacity vector with c\ [/j,,x(-)j > be a mixed strategy Price Equilibrium profits Hi[p, x(-),c] t c2 t for i = R{1 — c-i) 13 f — 7,c,', c,; > for i in the capacity 1,2 are given by R(l—Cj)cj { 1, ^ otherwise. = 1,2 and subgame c. Proof. Assume that subgame c by < c\ c2 We . nf We will now . denote the equilibrium profits of player use the characterization of mixed strategy equilibrium in equation (10) to explicitly characterize the equilibrium distributions Fi and m G and F%. Note that we have k € Pi Pf. By Lemma 3(i), upper support R. Using the Flow Equilibrium characterization given in Proposition ni[pi,/^2,2:(-),c] Similarly, for all atom except possibly the distributions F\ and F2 do not contain an write the expected profits of firm p2 G P2 , 1 for PiCi(l = nf. ^ and P2 and at the we can 1, as -mm{c2) l})F2 (pi) ~ 1\C\, - F2 (pi)) +pi(l we have R, p 2 min{c 2 ,l}(l - Fi(p 2 )) = nf = nf + 71C1 ^R any p\ G Pi, p\ = n 2 [p 2 ,/ii,:r(-),c] = Let in the capacity i + p 2 (l - - Ci)Fi(p 2 ) I2C2, nf. nf = nf + 72 c 2 F2 (p) Solving for F\(p) and . preceding relations, in the we obtain ^1^)= ^(pH Let Fi(Z) I denote the = F2 (/) = 0, it common ci /2 + mm{c Ci nf -"j + mm{c 2 , , n lj - VP ' i Cl I = 11 2 , p^i?. 1 , lower support of follows that Vp£F n 1} — T , GFl!P ^i?, 1 and ji\ flf/min{c2 nf = nf , 1}, ,u 2 , i.e., lj = l 2 = I Lemma (cf. 2). Using and Cl min{c 2 1} , By Lemma atom at arrive at u 2 = and Lemma 3(iii), we have = u\ u2 = R. We R, and therefore the characterization in (11) distributions cannot have an atom nf it , at the use the characterization in (11) for p =R F1 {R) = is also valid for i.e., Fi(R-) < follows that F2 (R— < a contradiction that F\ has an atom preceding relation between Elf and next show that F\ does not have an at R, ) 1. 1. p = Then, using But, by Assume R. c\ < Lemma c2 to and the 3(ii), both upper support, yielding a contradiction. Hence, we can to write min{c2 ,l} 1 Ci + 14 - min{c 2 1} , 1 which shows that nf = ^E = fl(l-Ci)Ci 1 The argument > for c\ c 2 is we prove We Equilibria. terization, min{c 2 , 1} Q.E.D. similar and completes the proof. Two Oligopoly Equilibria With 5 In this section, fl(i-ci), the existence and characterize the properties of pure strategy Oligopoly OE provide a characterization of pure strategy first Firms Using capacities. this charac- we show that the price-capacity competition game always has a pure strategy Oligopoly Equilibrium. We then use this characterization to study the efficiency properties of pure strategy Oligopoly Equilibria in the next section. Proposition 7 Assume that capacity if and only c\ if + c-i < R 7j = 1 for some = i 1,2. A capacity vector c = (ci,c 2 ) is an OE and R-n < 2R - 7 < (H c-i, (12) , for some % = 1,2, We Proof. (Sufficiency) since c\ + c2 < 1, first show that c\ + c2 = 1 together with (12) Proposition 2 implies that the profits of firm U i \p(c),x,c} = (R-j )c i i £ = 1,2 profit for firm are i is c,- / Cj by firm TLi\p(ci,c-i) ,x, (c;,c_i)] no profitable deviations with Next consider Cj > Cj. so that the deviation or c_j < 1. equilibrium • If Cj i. is Clearly, cx < if 6i,c_j = < Cj, (R — < OE capacity First, are (13) Proposition 2 7i)c, an , where p(c) denotes the continuation equilibrium price vector, which Consider a deviation is in this case still applies is (R,R). and the resulting n,[p(c) ,x,c], establishing that there C{. > 1, Proposition 5 applies and not profitable. So suppose that q, + c_{ > 1, Cj, IIj[p (cj, c_i) c_^ > and , x, (cj, c_j)] = either c"i < 1 Proposition 4 applies and the deviation will induce a mixed strategy continuation /i. There are two cases to consider: Suppose that Cj > c_j, Cj > c_j and c, < c_j. which by Proposition 6 implies that the deviation TJi\p,x{-) (ci,C-.i)] ) = i2(l-c_j)-7iCi, = (i? < n,;[p(c),X,c] 15 - 7i) Cj - 7, (^ - Cj) profits of firm i are where the second equilibrium profits from (13) together with deviations with t% > Suppose that < c_,. c, + C2 — line exploits the fact that c\ > c, and the third 1 line uses the definition of c_j, establishing that there are no profitable C-%. Then by Proposition tUM), 6, we have = ftidHi} ~ 7i5i> (it, c-i)} (14) Let c?wx denote the capacity that maximizes (14), given by _ = -max Ci < di Cj < < < Cj C-i, C2 = 1 (Necessity) Clearly, any c\ + ci < R cj can increase that there exists an Without OE together with (12) < is Similarly, Cj. Therefore, for all capacity equilibrium with c\ we assume that C\ + C2 > c%- > Consider the deviation to c\ = 1 — [ Co < c\ by firm fact that 71 1 capacity, since the firm cannot be a pure strategy 1, Ci > for i = Then Proposition 1,2 and cj < 1 for 6 implies that 7 iCi. (16) which by Proposition 2 yields profits = i?(l-c2 )-7ici, ni[/x,x(-),(ci,c 2 )] where the inequality exploits the 1, > OE Suppose, to obtain a contradiction, 0. n M ,x(.),c]=i?(l-c 2 )1 c_j. capacity. any c\,C2 both firms are equal to loss of generality, an < cannot be a pure strategy 1 by raising profits capacity, since the profits of i. C{. n,[p(c) ,x,c], OE + some < Cj This proves that any OE (£i,c-j)] establishing that there are no profitable deviations with 7j c™ 1 < (12) that } we have fti[/ix,a;(-), with , [ 2# 2 we obtain from equation c_j, ' ' ' Since min{c-j,l}7i 1 - > i?(l = nil>4,a;(-),c], > c2 ) -71C1, and establishes that such an equilibrium cannot exist. Next, to obtain a contradiction, suppose that there exists an equilibrium with (12) is violated. Without loss of generality, assume that « < fe 16 c\ < Co, C\ + c2 = 1, but so that <"> Now consider a deviation by firm from Proposition To 6, 1 to c\ = cf ax by as given (15). In view of (17), cf ax > C\ and the deviation profits are given by > Rc\ - 71 ci = IIi[/i,x(-),c]. we consider the function see that the inequality holds, f , (i?-(l- v Cl ) 7i) 2 4ft(l-ci)(/fci-7ici)' for ci (for ci 7^ decreasing in = c\ for c\ 0, < Note that the function f(c\) the inequality holds trivially). Therefore, for ofl~1i all cj < ^"ll^ is strictly , This implies that 2 (i?-(l- Cl ) 7l ) > i?ci -71C1. 4fl(l-ci) The right hand side in the preceding relation that there cannot be any equilibrium OE is equal to capacity with Ili[//, x(-),c] c\ + c<i — 1 by (13). This establishes that does not satisfy (12), completing the proof. Q.E.D. Since we have c\ + C2 = 1 for all OE capacities, the relation in (12) can equivalently be written as "-» S 2R - 7i - * *S ~ 2H - 72 (18) and c2 Note that and (19). < 7j < i?, i = (19) 1,2, the capacity vector c = (1/2, 1/2) satisfies equations (18) Thus, we immediately obtain the existence of a pure strategy Oligopoly equilibrium as a corollary: Theorem for all = l-Q. » 1 The price-capacity competition 6 In this section, efficiency to game has a pure strategy Oligopoly Equilibrium. Efficiency of Oligopoly Equilibria we quantify the be the ratio of the efficiency losses of Oligopoly Equilibria. We take the measure of OE to the social surplus social surplus of the equilibrium capacity c 17 of the social capacity c , equation We (5)]. 71 and 72, either for the worst equilibrium among efficiency metric at c s is some c OE 6 C({ji}) denote the set of 72, let bound on investigate the worst-case the set of oligopoly equilibria or for the best equilibrium Given capacity costs 71 and where [cf. problem instances characterized by this metric over all among s S(c OE )/S(c s ) OE the set of equilibria. We capacities. define the C({7?.}) as the social capacity given the capacity costs 7; and reservation utility R [cf. (4)]. Following the literature on the efficiency losses of equilibria, we are interested in the perfor- mance both the worst and the best of In particular, we first look for a lower OE capacity bound on the worst performance commonly is C ({-n}) Anarchy referred to as the Price of in a capacity equilibrium, r(H},c OE ), inf inf {0< lt <R}cOE e which equilibria of price-capacity competition games. in the literature (see [8]). We then study the best performance in a capacity equilibrium given an arbitrary price-competition game, and thus provide a lower bound on which commonly is Example < e < 1 r({7},c os ), sup inf {0< 7! <fl} c OB g referred to as the Price of Stability in the literature (see Consider a price-capacity competition min{l, R}, 72 — R— 2 e . The unique 7, it s = ) oe = oe OE (cf cf) , e. OE )= ( 2 {c 1 v ; R e \R + ' an is firms, follows that the capacity vector c is game with two social capacity S(c Using Proposition (20) C({ 7i }) e ' R+ e capacity with social surplus + R) R+e eHl {OE)= K Therefore, as e — > 0, J the efficiency metric gives limr({7,;},c^) = limi^l=0. 18 = and [2]). 71 — R— t for some (1,0) with social surplus Recall that 7i — > 72 (as e when — > 71 = 72, §(c 2 S(c 5 ). Instead in the preceding example the efficiency metric converges to 0), The preceding example Theorem OE ) = we have that as 0. implies the following efficiency result: Consider the price-competition game with two firms. Then r({7i}, cP inf inf B = ) 0, {0<-n<R}cOE<z c({ 7l }) i.e., the Price of Anarchy of the price-capacity competition We game is 0. next provide a non-zero lower bound on the Price of Stability of a price-capacity competi- tion game. Theorem i e 3 {1, ...,N}, Consider the price-competition game with two firms. Then, < for all 74 < R, we have sup inf r({7;}, c OE ) > 2V2 - 2, {0<7i<«} c°S€ C({ 7? }) i.e., the Price of Stability of the price-capacity competition game — bound is Then, the capacity vector (cf cf ) = is 2\/2 2 and this tight. Proof. (1,0) is We assume without loss of generality that 71 a social capacity (unique social capacity if 71 < 72. < 72), , with social surplus S(c s ) =R— 71. Using the definition of the efficiency metric r({jl },x OE ), we consider the following optimization problem: oC QE Ho_ WiOE _~2*£2_, K~n sup c Since for aU c OE G clearly attained at OE e C({ 7l }) C({ ji}), we have cf E , some c OE £ equations (18)-(19), the + c® E c® E value of = 1, the supremum maximum C({-yi}) with the maximum (21) fl at an OE in the value of c® capacity is E . above expression By Proposition 7 and given by ^ = 37^Substituting cf E optimal value is = 9fi _ and c® E = or- m 12 the objective function in (21), given by o _ -"- .R71 2A-72 _ (fl-72)72 2R--y 2 R-11 19 is < we 22 > see that the We we are interested in finding a lower bound on the preceding over < all < R with ji < 71 i.e., 72, consider the following optimization problem: (fl-72b:2 2fl- 72 Rli R 2A-72 inf R — 7! 0<7,<i? 71<72 This problem has a compact constraint set and a lower semicontinuous objective function [note = that for 71 R, the efficiency metric For 72 solution (71,72). j2 ^ = satisfies r({ji}, c R, the objective function is strictly increasing in 71, = the optimal solution of the preceding problem is (2 is has an optimal < showing that 72 1, = showing that 71 — V^jR it 0. It For R. all follows then attains the infimum, showing that given by (71,72) = - \/2)R\ with optimal (0, (2 2V2-2. value Finally, to see that the = with 71 > 5 and 72 relative to social We now bound = optimum — (2 — of 2\/2 \/2~) 2 R. As 5 limits to 2\/2 — 2. tight, consider the best is — > 0, OE capacity of the game the surplus in the best oligopoly equilibrium Q.E.D. Equilibria and Efficiency 7 With N Firms generalize the results on the characterization and existence of pure strategy Oligopoly Equilibria (cf. Section 5) and the efficiency bounds argument results provided so far generalize, the is (cf. Section 6) to slightly different, characterizing the expected profits of the firms for all N firms. and does not While rely the all on explicitly mixed strategy Price Equilibria. Preliminaries 7.1 The next G {1, N} ..., (since Proposition 8 Then = Note that in our analysis of mixed on capacity subgames in which set of results generalize Propositions 2-5 of Section 4. strategy price equilibria, Xi Therefore 1]. ) R, the objective function value that the unique stationary point given by 72 i OE = if c$ it is = 0, sufficient to focus profits are equal to for i G Let c be a capacity vector such that 5~Jj=i R) N ci ^ 1> p e firm can make a profit of , ^ follows 1 anc^ °i subgame [p, x] > ^ov * ^ ..., .V}. =R and {1, such that pi by the equivalent characterization of a flow equilibrium that the flow allocation for all i ^— {l,...,iV}. Proof. Since JZi=i [0, for all for that firm). there exists a unique Price Equilibrium in the capacity Cj > Cj (ci , Co, ..., c^) G W(p, Ri\Pi,P-i,x,c\ =PiCi, 20 c). Therefore, by charging a price pi, for all p-i e =R so that pi i, N~ R} [0, l =R This shows that p* . = and Xi € (%, i {1, N}, ..., strictly dominates assume that there some exists with ]Cili j <H Q.E.D. the unique Price Equilibrium. is Let c be a capacity vector such that ^2i=i Proposition 9 other price strategies of firm all Q> — Cj <l. Then > 1, c; for all € i {1, ..., AT} and there exists no pure strategy Price Equilibrium in the capacity"subgame. exists a pure strategy Price Equilibrium (p,x). Proof. Suppose there < suppose that p\ p = 1 {j — Pj : Let P\ be the set of players whose price pj, for all j. The pi}. Without following considers list all is loss of generality equal to p\, i.e., candidates for a Price Equilibrium and provides profitable unilateral deviations from each, thus establishing the nonexistence of a pure strategy Price Equilibrium: • p\ < miiij^ipj, = P\ i.e., Then {1}: small increase in p\ will increase firm 9 Pi = set Pi. If — Cp < Let 0: Cp = 1 T2 ie p = minj^ipj c% than the reservation utility R. Firm Pi — < R, and make positive minj^i pj < Then R: firm flow allocation and thus increase Cp > x — x\ we consider the 1, < has an incentive to deviate. Then, since by assumption Yli=\ R: firm j e 1 A pimin{ci,l}. be the sum of capacities of the firms that belong to > R and < thus firm — H\\p, x,c] is 1 ^ Pi, such that pj with If l's profits, 1 then we have to consider the following two cases: 1, 1 = p\ j — > miiij^! pj the profit of firm 1 making zero is j can change its > ci there exists firm 1> j, profits, since its price is greater = R— price to pj e, for some e profits. can increase slightly its price without affecting its its profits. following two cases: min{ci,l}: Firm 1 can decrease price slightly, its and increase its flow and its profits. — x\ Xj Pi = = < min{ci,l}: = 0. profits. Let's consider increase ~ t 1, minjcj, 1}, which can decrease minj^ipj Yli=i c i Cp > Since cj its < 1- price If Cp < 1 1, Note that j its and increase price then firm next the case when 1 Cp > 1 can increase 1. profits. 21 1, Cp < x such that j £ P\ and its profits. its By assumption £ Pi, since otherwise and make positive ^ there exists firm j price and make positive there exists J2i-i c % ~ cj < 1- some Firm j with j can Q.E.D. Similar to Proposition 4, the next proposition establishes the existence of a mixed strategy Price Equilibrium in capacity subgames with no pure strategy price Equilibrium (proof follows from Proposition 4.3 in [1], and therefore omitted). is Let c be a capacity vector such that ]Ci=i Proposition 10 and suppose that there with YliLi exists j fy - Cj < Then 1. > ci 1, > c; there exists a for G {1,...,N} z mixed strategy Price Equilibrium in the capacity subgame. Proposition 11 Let > and Ci i.e., all for firms i G {1, make ..., N}. Then, for — each j G {1,...,N}, J2i=i ci for all Price Equilibria \p,x], we have pi = for G i cj > 1 {1, ...,iV}, zero profits. The proof Proof. be a capacity vector such that c follows from a Bertrand price competition argument among the N firms. c, where Q.E.D. we In the remainder of this section, c such that Yli=i is > <H 1, fy > for consider a G i subgame defined by a capacity vector {1, ...,N}, and there exists j with J2i=i °i ~ cj < ! Proposition 9 implies that there does not exist a pure strategy Price Equilibrium in this subgame. However, Proposition 10 implies that a mixed strategy Price Equilibrium probability measure of prices used by firm of Hi by lemmas regarding the structure Lemma 4 Let c l t i.e., (i) (ii) strategies, i.e., / = tG p,Ct For all i > 1. G Pi, °i min,; e Pi=={i£{l,..,,N} E of the We : k ~ r 1 < cj 2 = ... i ) l}. 1- ./v} U- Let / Let in denote the denote the (essential) support Next, JFJ. we will provide a mixed strategy Price Equilibrium. be a capacity vector such that YLi=\ that there exists j with X^i=i mixed in this equilibrium. and the corresponding cumulative distributions by [Zj,Ui] series of i exists. ^ > denote the 1, Q > for minimum i G {1, ..., N} and assume of the lower supports of the Let P; denote the set of firms whose lower support is Then: the distribution F; does not have an atom at I. Proof. (i) Suppose to obtain a contradiction that Xwgp 22 ci — !• Let I' = min^p, U. Then consider firm j e Pi deviating to such that the new cumulative distribution Fj p,j p<V (0 ( where is F is YlieP c i p>V Fjip) Essentially the original cumulative distribution. shifted to 1) all the mass between I unchanged In such a deviation profile, the flow equilibrium remains I'. ^ given by: is and I' since, Dut tne P r ces charged for positive flows by firm j have increased, thus its i profits increase, leading to a contradiction. (ii) We first show that jePj. Assume to arrive at a contradiction that j ^ Pi. i^i te.Pi where the second inequality holds by the assumption that ^;=i contradicts part We showing that (i), next show that > I 0. j Assume £ c» ~ cj < L But to arrive at a contradiction that [see I = 0. This implies that the characterization of mixed equations (9)-(10)]. However, by the assumption that Yli=i c i~ cj cf. this Pi. the profits of firm j at any price vector are equal to strategy equilibria; Then, we have < L, there exists a price vector and a flow equilibrium at which the profits of firm j are nonzero, thus showing that Note that the > I 0. cannot consist of only one firm, since then this firm has an incentive set Pi to increase its price. Let m/nbe contradiction that distribution prices that l—e, Fm I + e, and Fm two firms that belong to has an atom at I, By Assume to arrive at a considering the profits of firm n at using a similar argument as in the proof of cannot have an atom at Pi. Lemma 3[ii], it can be seen I. Q.E.D. Lemma 5 Let c be a capacity vector such that J2i=\ c i that there exists j with ^Zj=i c i the mixed strategies, > ck (i) (ii) Ci, for all i e {1, u i.e., . , . . " cj < 1< > Let u denote the — max^/j ^ r ..,N\ > f° r maximum ^ {!>•> * of the u i- Let k be a firm with the N} and assume upper supports of maximum capacity, N}. Then: At most one distribution Fi can have an atom at the If 1> c i the distribution Fj has an atom at u, then 23 a = c^. maximum upper support u. i.e., Ill, The maximum upper support u equal to R. is Proof. (i) We first show that at most one distribution can have an atom = {» Patom € with probability HiePatom (Fi(u+) p Let — Catom = . . • -F z N} , > (u-)) atom Fi has an : Patom at a contradiction that Suppose to arrive a price of {1, at u. We define the set at u}. has more than one element. 0, all follows that It firms that belong to Patom will charge u. Ci J2iePatom D res = and max{0, - Ei0Pa4om 1 We c*}- have r Catom where the price its some h € tou-e Patom-, Pa tom firms in all X] ^ > maX strict inequality follows there exists which = Yl Ci ~ i ~ 5Z < mia{ch, 1}, e > (since firm h ' f by the assumption that X)i=i such that Xh{p u ) Dres Ci ci > where p" charge the price u. Then, firm h can increase some for l ' ) This implies that !• the price vector for is undercutting the rest of the firms in is = This show that there exists at most one distribution, which has an atom at p (ii) at u. We will Let Pi denote the set of firms whose lower support is I, i.e., Assume that the We firm first i's Yli=\ c i show that profits ~ cj < G i Pi. when he Suppose that < c^. Let YLi FL, Using i, Lemma Then show that since = P; {i J2heP u are equal to 0. G ch C; — {1, > . Patom)- u. Cfe. . , . N} c f- 1 [ Zj : Lemma = I}. 4(i)], Using the assumption that to that in the proof of Lemma 4(ii), it can also Pi. and respectively at the where Pi. = charges the price p Suppose to obtain a contradiction that ci £ i and an argument similar 1j be seen that k & atom distribution Fi has an by reducing its profits Sfc for the only firm with atom at u, firm i, we have denote the expected profits (plus the capacity costs) of firms mixed strategy Price Equilibrium (i.e., fL = II, +7^ and Sfc i and k = Hk+lk ck> denotes the equilibrium profits of firm j in the mixed strategy Price Equilibirum). k € Pi, and the fact that Fi, Fk do not have an 4(ii)], it can be seen that fL = cj and n = t flfc frA Cfc 24 = c^l, atom at the lower support I [cf. which implies (23) upper support since the Next note that of Fi is u and no other firm has an atom at u, it is also the case that using equation (23), this impl ies n =R fc Now e > £ : - = R-e consider a deviation for firm k to charging a price p The expected 0. Since c^ > a and = l l Therefore, for e > J2j=i cj i-E c with probability 1 for some profits for firm k following this deviation satisfy ti k (iii) 1 ( 1> >(R-e) \1-J2 we h ave that -£ ^ c sufficiently cfc ) > i f = Cj The proof similar to the proof of is -s^+^)^( enough, the deviation for firm k diction and proving that of this part 1 c;; is ,Cfc i -i:^ profitable, yielding a contra- . Lemma. and 3 (hi) is omitted. Q.E.D. Proposition 12 Let be a capacity vector such that J2i=\ c ~ suppose that there exists j with X3i=i c» maximum mixed of the upper supports of the the expected profits Ilj[/i, x(-),c] are given i? Tljlfj,, Proof. Let IIj an atom at the x(-) , = Uj c] + = ^ ( 1 + c — I 1 +c— Let c = i.e., 1, Cj > for maxj^,.,.^ q. u = ?' e {1, ..., TV} and Let u denote the maxwi^,.,, N\Ui. For firm j, by C J2i=i c i) 5Zi=i c < j' jjCj as in the proof of maximum upper 1- strategies, „ > R < ci Q > support, then ) f~ 7j cj> ^ ^j — ^ ^j 7j cj> Lemma Lemma 25 5. If h as no atom at u, an atom at u. ^ ias the distribution of firm 5 implies that Fj is j, Fj, has the only distribution having an atom at the price p =R maximum upper =R support u and, moreover, c ; = Firm c. is charging We consider j with positive probability and II,- [i?, //_.;, = ZJll-^Ci z(0,c] AT -£ = R 1+5 i=l Thus, Ilf = /? ( 1 + — c X^ili c ' an d the expected profits of firm j are given by ) IIj[/i 1 s(0,c] =R + c-J^c, 1 I -7jCj, J as claimed in the proposition. Suppose next that F, does not have an atom maximum at the upper support. the following two cases: • None atom of the distributions have an zation given in Proposition are given at u. Then, using the Flow Equilibrium characteri- we have that the equilibrium 1, profits for firm j at price pj =R by *& \ Note that firm j has to satisfy Cj Then, as argued belong to set Pi Lemma in = Assume otherwise and c. both firm 4, — (recall that Pi {i : = k the Flow Equilibrium characterization which j, I}, let such that X^i=i is where is I the = c. nrm & firm k be such that c^ ~ ci minimum cj < 1> an<^ lower support). Using we have that * ti k =R 1-X> ^k V However, since it j, has to be that k € P; = c.j n • The the distribution first Ffc , cjj. [ the proof of [as in = M x , c. ( • ) , 5] then ft/. = Rj^. For this to be true, Therefore, c] =R 1 has an atom at the part of the proof Ck Lemma t — c and - ]T Ci = i? f 1 j maximum upper flj = 26 R(l + c — + c - ]T c. . 1 1 support, for j some k ^ j. Then by Yli=i ci)- Moreover, j,k G Pi, which implies that J 3 We conclude that ck { jc k {r[ N n^i x(-),c]=R[l + c-J2 c <)i > Q.E.D. Oligopoly Equilibria With 7.2 In this section, we provide Firms TV a characterization of Oligopoly Equilibria capacities with Similar to the analysis for two firms, we N > 2 firms. will use this characterization to establish the efficiency properties of Oligopoly Equilibria. Proposition 13 Assume that > i-e., Cfc c % for all k £ {1, . A N}. , . < R 7j . some for maximum Let k be a firm with the i. capacity vector c is an OE capacity if and only if capacity, J2i-i c i = 1 and R-li for all i ^ + {(H 2/1-7* .. < c fc ) Ci < (24) ck, k. Proof. (Sufficiency) We Note that since 53i=i — ci first li show that X^i=i — ci 1 Proposition 8 implies that the profits of firm n,[p(c),x, C] = (i?- 70c. 1 profit for firm are i is from by firm C{ Cj > C{. ..., N} and is Y^ J7a cj < q, Clearly, in the original vector to {1, if c\ 1 in = 0, 1- m Firm i has the maximum (i? c,:, - Proposition 8 7j)£j < t {1, ••AT}, are (25) Ilj[p(c) in this case still , x, applies c], is (R, ...,R). and the resulting establishing that there X2i=i c i — 1 an d c, = 1 (i.e., firm the new), Proposition 11 applies and tli\p not profitable. < = < e C{. ms Therefore, we must have case, Proposition 10 applies a mixed strategy continuation equilibrium • If c\ i. EIj[p (cj, c_;) ,x, (q,c_,)] so that the deviation £ ^ no profitable deviations with Next consider j c\ ?',i capacity. , where p(c) denotes the continuation equilibrium price vector, which Consider a deviation OE together with (24) define an li. We capacity in the 27 i changed {c\, Y2j=a cj c_j) +Q > , its capacity x, (c;, C-i)] 1, and the deviation Cj will > — for induce consider the following two cases: new subgame, i.e., c\ > Cj, for all j. Then, Proposition 12 implies that the deviation profits of firm %{), Ililfi, Thus, in this case, there Firm i Cfc is the = R 1 - Y^Gj I ~ liCi, = j& J V (R- 7O a - ji {di - < U t Ci) , \p{c) ,x,c). no profitable deviation. is maximum does not have the such that &, c-i)} are i maximum new subgame, capacity in the capacity and Ui[ii,x(-),(ci,c-i)] = > c\z i.e., there exists Then by Proposition c{. — ' some k 12, (26) 7iCj. Let c™ ax denote the capacity that maximizes (26), given by -max < _ ~ all c; < c\ < _ ^j^k,i 2R 2 Front equation (24) we have that <>r2L Therefore, for c kli 1 ' ( ci 2 + c k) < c% < (Necessity) Any all j, < R Y2i=\ profits of all firms are equal to 0. capacity equilibrium with JZi=i with Y] i=1 Ci - Cj < 1. together with (24) 1 capacity vector c such that capacity, since the firm with 7; vector c such that for ~ Cj °i is Xw=i an ci fc [)u l < b\ OE < c" iax < Ci. 1 c&. capacity. cannot be a pure strategy can increase profits by raising ~~ c j — 1 Cj. cannot be a pure strategy Similarly, OE > 1, c» > for i £ {1, ..-,N} s(0,c] > capacity, since the and suppose that there Cj for all j. = ij(l-^Ci] - lk c k 28 . OE any capacity Suppose, to obtain a contradiction, that there exists an Consider the profits firm k for which Ck n which implies that , Ui\p(c),x,c], establishing that there are no profitable deviations with c% ,„-* [() we have Cfe, tli[lJ.,x(-),(ci,C-i)) This proves that any J2i=i Cj OE exists j Then, we have (28) Consider the deviation to n ck fc = 1 - < Y/i^k c * b y nrm ck = R [/j,,x(-),(c fc ,c_,c )] - 1 . fc & 1 - profits -7fe4, X/> / £-eH #* V = which yields ¥*= \ > ' -TfcCfc, / ni[//,a:(-),c], establishing that such an equilibrium cannot exist. — Next, to obtain a contradiction, suppose that there exists an equilibrium with J2i=\ ci but (24) Without violated. is assume that firm loss of generality, ci<^=-^-(ci + Now consider a deviation by firm from Proposition to c\ 1 violates (24), i.e., c fc ). (29) c™ ax as given by = 1 1> (27). In view of (29), c™ ax > c\ and deviation profits are given by 12, the , ,# n^xQ.tcrv-r - (i Ej#i,/c cjj - ( i - Ej-i,/c <y - ci j 2 71 4fl(l-£#i <*-ci) lfc > i?ci-7ici, = Ili[/z,a;(-),c], This establishes that there cannot be any equilibrium not satisfy (24), completing the proof. 7.3 We OE capacity with N = 1 that does Firms next investigate the Price of Anarchy and Price of Stability The ci Q.E.D. Efficiency of Oligopoly Equilibria With firms. Ei=i for oligopoly equilibria with TV following example shows that the efficiency loss in the worst oligopoly equilibrium (Price of Anarchy) can again be arbitrarily high. Example < e < 2 Consider a price-capacity competition = min{l,i?}, 72 ... = 7jv — R— e 2 - game with two The unique firms, social capacity and 71 is = R— (cf,^) = with social surplus §{C Using Proposition . oe _ 13, (r it OE [l S = ) €. follows that the capacity vector pE\ = ( _i r OE r '* '"' w \R + ' e' R R \ (R + t)(N-iy-'{R + e){N-l))> 29 e for some (1,0, ...,0) is an OE capacity with social surplus t '(i OE _ Therefore, as e — > 0, + fl) R+e v the efficiency metric satisfies ^= lim r({ 7i },c^) The R) z; ~^+ _ lim -L__i = preceding example implies the following efficiency result: Theorem 4 Consider the price-competition game with inf inf {0< 7i <iJ}cO^ C({ 7,}) i.e., 0. N firms, N >2. r({ 7l },c OE )=0, the Price of Anarchy of the price-capacity competition Next we provide a non-zero lower bound on the Price Then game is 0. of Stability of a price-capacity competition game. Theorem i 5 Consider the price-competition game with N firms, N > 2. Then, < for all 7, < R, G {1, ...,N}, we have sup ""*- ' c° £ e c({ 7i }) i.e., OJ5w -VW-1 },0>2 —" " r({ " V L 7i /'J / > jit game the Price of Stability of the price-capacity competition bound Proof. is 1 -1 iV is 2(yN — 1)/(N — and 1) this tight. We assume without then by definition jj == capacity vector (ef cf , , loss of generality R for ..., all j, cfj) = that 71 < so that the equilibrium (1, 0, ..., 0) is .m ji min$e /2 and and that 71 < R [if = R, Then, the social surpluses coincide]. a social capacity, with social surplus S(c 71 s ) = R — 71. Using the definition of the efficiency metric r({ji},x OE ), we consider the following optimization problem: n sup c O£ € Since for all c 0E G clearly attained at maximum C({7;}), we have ^=1^'^ "-71 C({ 7l }) 51 $2J=i cf = 1, the (30) , supremum some c OE G C({7i}) with the maximum value E at an OE capacity is given by in the of cf above expression E By Proposition . is 13, the value of cf c R OE = . R + zZ'LiR-ir) 30 (31) Substituting c? B --- i?/(i? {2, ...,7V} in the objective function in (30), R - Ry/jR + n] (R - - see that the optimal value 0<ii<R is bound on the preceding over < all i 6 71 < for given by ^IW + ^(^ ~ Z?=2( R ~ - Rji/jR + Y;?= 2 (R - -ft) - Ejl 2 (-^ 5 R — Ji fl mf + YL 2 {R- 7i)) 7i )/(i? 7,)) 75 < R with we consider the following optimization problem: e -> i- lit we £f=2 (fl ~ 7j) - -We-are-i-nterested in finding a lower min^g/2 and c° E + EL(^-7i)) + Ef=2 (i? - 7j)) 707i/ (^ ,„, (32) • ~ti<ii This problem has a compact constraint set and a lower semicontinuous objective function [note = that for 7! R, the efficiency metric solution (71,72, ...,7jv)> For 72 there should exist at least an function is i = ... — 7/v = Therefore it has an optimal R, the objective function value is 1, < such that yz R. For showing that 71 strictly increasing in 71, OE ) = satisfies r({-y1 },c = 1]. Moreover optimal solution to (32) will satisfy (71,72, ...,7jv)=(0, 7, •,7), then that the optimal solution value — given by (71,72, •,7/v) 5 > bound (0, 72 = R, , j^j_i ... = 7jv iv-i = 7- It follows R) with optimal In this case, as 5 optimum An tight, = -=7y= N _ 1 is 2 — Vn-i J^_-} iV-l . > OE capacity of the game with the Price of R- the ratio of the surplus in the equilibrium and the surplus in the social Q.E.D. interesting implication of this result Anarchy equal coordination with a limited there are consider the best is and 72 is = i.e., not hard to see that the it is 2^f^. Finally, to see that this 71 is [R,---,R), the objective all (72, ...,7at) r" 0. showing that many competing is that as the number of players increases not only is to zero, but the Price of Stability also goes to zero. Therefore, while number of players can ensure that inefficiencies remain firms even the best equilibrium has interesting in part because it unbounded bounded when inefficiency. goes against a naive conjecture that increasing the This result number of oligopolistic competitors should increase efficiency (or even ensure that the equilibrium limits to a competitive allocation). as the number The reason why this naive intuition does not of firms increases, investment incentives 31 become apply in this case potentially more distorted. is that Stackelberg Leader Game 8 We have so far characterized the set of pure strategy equilibria in the baseline price-capacity competition game, where a set of competing firms choose capacity simultaneously compete demands in prices (and users allocate their in the third stage). The first and then analysis has shown that different equilibria within this set have widely differing efficiency features. In particular, the worst equilibrium from the set of pure strategy equilibria can have arbitrarily low if we from the select the best equilibrium / be 2(v ]V — — l)/(iV" 1) (in particular, worst efficiency performance will set of equilibria, the 2\/2 — with two 2 This raises the question of firms). may be a natural and simple multi-stage we of used to affect equilibrium selection. While an analysis on equilibrium selection is how some type the equilibrium will be selected from the set of pure strategy equilibria and whether regulation while efficiency, game beyond the scope is of the current paper, there that implements the best equilibrium. In this section, discuss this multi-stage game, which involves the firms choosing their capacities sequentially, acting in reverse order of their capacity costs. In the special case with two firms, this to the lower-cost firm acting as the Stackelberg leader To simplify the exposition, in this section and chooses Cj. Then game works firm —i, after observing two firms simultaneously choose their demand. = If 7$ This game form firm. Alternatively, 7_j, the may if prices, and it is as follows: is first. again use if 7, < game where let may have game us suppose that 71 two firms choose their prices simultaneously. its A i to moves advantage to the low cost an incumbent in the industry, we firm 1 chooses —i and 7_j, firm chosen its may think that this capacity before the possible to imagine situations in which the lower cost firm For the rest of this section, i same time. their capacities at the not the incumbent, in which case such a Stackelberg to the multi-stage —2 and result as a focal point, giving the first-mover the low cost firm capacity and prices are revealed, users allocate after capacities two firms choose its equivalent chooses c_^. After the capacity choices, the Cj, equilibrium will arise naturally, since the incumbent entrant. However, N we suppose that denote the two firms. In this case, the Stackelberg first and choosing is < will 72, capacity is new the entrant not arise naturally. and by a Stackelberg game, we first, followed by firm 2, refer and then the pure strategy Stackelberg equilibrium is defined as follows. Definition 5 [Stackelberg Equilibrium] best response capacities for firm BR.2{c\) For a given c\ > 0, let BR2{c\) denote the 2, i.e., = arg max cn>0 32 IT^i, .t(-), ci^co]. set of A vector [c SE ,p(c SE ),x(c SE €BR2 (c^E ), PE(cSE ),4E U for all ci > 0, )] is £(•)] [//, 1 [p(c SE ),x(c SE ),(cf e MP-B(ci,c 2 ), and < 71 72 < c2 i?. SE E ,c! E > U1 )} 5# 2 (ci) G Then SE ), x(c SE )} G J,,x(-),c 1 [f ,c 2 }, (33) . there exists a unique Stackelberg equilibrium — #- , i 2i? _ _ SjB C2 p= pf* = p and xf E j? Proof. (Existence) cf^ is 1, first It = cf c\ , follows a best response for firm note that any £ < cf E xf s = + c2 > cf 72 - ii-72 2i?- 72 72 ' B . from the sufficiency part of proof of Proposition 7 that given cf 2, i.e., S cf G BR2 (cf E )- To see that there Next consider gives lower profits. to that in the proof of Proposition 7 >. > - (Uniqueness) From Proposition other choice of Denote the we have the i = E An argument . identical c\ will satisfy 72 the analysis in the proof of Proposition 7 establishes that firm R, cf for firm ^ - 72 1 1 2i? < > no deviation , Since 1. Theorem c\ is shows that the best response of firm 2 to such C\ 7i \p{c which r Ci c\ if &nd Proposition 14 Suppose that in a (pure strategy) Stackelberg Equilibrium, (SE) c\ 7, this is by make lower profits. the equilibrium with the highest level of can be improved upon by firm set of Stackelberg equilibria 1 will 1 deviating to cf E SE ({71}) • . Combining Any c\. Q.E.D. this result with Theorem 2. following result. 6 Consider the Stackelberg game described above with two firms. Then, for 1,2, all we have se € c SE £L SE({ 1 /({7*}.^)= 7i }) SU P r({7;},c c se € SE{{ lt }) S£ ) = 2v/2-2, i.e., both the Price of Anarchy and the Price of Stability of the Stackelberg game are 2y2 — this bound is < tight. 33 2 and we In this section, Game Simultaneous Capacity-Price Selection 9 consider the alternative one-stage competition between the two firms: firms simultaneously choose the capacity levels c t on their links and the price pi they will charge per Given the price and the capacity unit bandwidth. firm i set C-i, the profit of firm, p_j, is = PiXi - Ui[{pi,p-i),x, (a, c-i)] where x £ W\p,c], The c. by the other £ i.e., 7iCj, a flow equilibrium given the price vector p and the capacity vector is objective of each firm to is maximize We profits. next define the one-stage Oligopoly Equilibrium for this competition model. A Definition 6 vector [c*,p*,x*\ x* £ W\p*,c*} and for all n > for all pi 0, q, > 0, i i and £ < with ji, 1 x £ W[(pi,pti), for all ji N < if {1, ...,N}, [(^,pi i ), a: *,(ct ci i )]>ni [(pi ,pi i ) ]a;i Proposition 15 Consider Given any a (pure strategy) one-stage Oligopoly Equilibrium (OE) is (cj, i £ ci i )] (34) 1 clj]. firms playing the one-stage R, ( Cil game described above with N > 2. does not exist a one-stage Oligopoly Equilib- {1, ...,N}, there rium. Proof. Suppose, to obtain a contradiction, that there We [c*,p*,x*]. J2i = i c* < first show that in this equilibrium, the profit of firm 1 is < [c*,p*,x*] R, by increasing c\ slightly, firm c* > *• Then affecting its price and flow for 0, firm some e an<^ V\ p £ [0,-R]^ and — R- If ^=i c t < 1> = ( Pl -7i)ci. increases 1 (35) its profits, contradicting the claim that 1 > firm j changes can increase 0. its Then = (x*j,pj), since it reduces its < c*. Clearly it capacity costs without allocation. Hence, we must have Xw=i c\ — 1 there exists j € {2,3,.. .,N} for which x* profitable for firm j to deviate to {cj,pj) x\ for all — a one-stage OE. is Consider next YliLi is c] c* given by lW,z*,c*] Since 71 we must have J2i=i then since the flow allocation vector c £ W.\p, 1, Equilibrium exists a one-stage Oligopoly its — 1 and ^so Pi capacity level and = R make by equation positive profits. the profit of any firm j £ {2, ...,N} capacity and price to (cj,pj) — 34 (1, (35). R— is 5) for at 5 0, Assume next most (R some = If c\ > — 7/)(l and 8 — then since that c\ e). < (R — = But e if ~fj)t, it make will a profit of R-5- Oligopoly Equilibrium. -yj > (R - showing that there does not e), Conclusions efficiency of oligopoly equilibria in a we studied the over capacities and prices. This problem may it is relevant arise in the process of capacity modern communication networks. extension in To model where firms compete not only of theoretical interest, but is understanding the extent of potential inefficiencies that for exist a one-stage Q.E.D. 10 In this paper, - jj){l main economic isolate the interactions, we considered the following simple game form. Second, after the capacity levels are observed, firms independently choose their capacity levels. they set prices. Finally, consumers allocate First, demands their across the firms. This game has an obvious similarity to Kreps and Scheinkman's model of quantity precommitment and price competition, rely on [9], but it is simpler because demand is inelastic and because results do not have to specific rationing rules. Using similar ideas to the analysis egy equilibria. by mixed A in [9] and in [1], we characterized the entire set of pure strat- pure strategy oligopoly equilibrium always exists in this game but strategies off-the-equilibrium path. The complete is supported characterization of the equilibrium set enables us to investigate the worst-case efficiency properties of oligopoly equilibria. Our first result here is Price of Anarchy) of this oligopoly equilibrium Stability) is that efficiency in the worst oligopoly equilibria (also referred to as the game can be arbitrarily low. if the best selected, the worst-case efficiency loss (also referred to as the Price of can be bounded. With two firms, this an arbitrary number of firms, N, the bound Interestingly, this However, we also show that bound goes to zero as the is bound is and equal to 2\/2 — tight again tight and equal to 2(\/~N number of firms, N, — With 2. l)/(-/V — 1). increases. This result contrasts with a naive intuition that the efficiency of oligopoly equilibrium should improve as the number of firms increases. The reason why this intuition does not apply in the current context is that with the greater number of competitors, ex ante investment incentives become potentially more distorted. We also suggested a simple way of implementing the best oligopoly equilibrium, which involves the lower cost firms acting before higher cost firms as the "Stackelberg leaders" and choosing their capacities. loss With two firms, the Stackelberg bounded by 2\/2 — Finally, game gives a unique equilibrium, with the efficiency 2. we studied an alternative game form where 35 capacities and prices are chosen simulta- neously and showed that it always fails to have a pure strategy equilibrium. that the timing of capacity and price choices in oligopolistic environments These is results suggest important both for the existence of equilibrium and the extent of efficiency losses. Many features of the model analyzed here were chosen to simplify the exposition. The analysis here can be easily generalized to arbitrary (convex)_costs functions for investmen t in ca pacities, without changing the essence of the analysis or the Another more important generalization important feature of libria and many communication is results. to include potential congestion costs, networks. Existence and efficiency of oligopoly equi- with congestion costs (but without capacity investments) are analyzed efficiency of oligopoly equilibria which are an in [1], and existence with congestion costs and with capacity investments case with symmetric firms are studied in [15]. The problem is much more challenging in when the there are asymmetries, either in the costs of investing in capacity or in the extent of congestion costs within a subnetwork. We leave the analysis of this general model to future work. References [1] D. Acemoglu and A. 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