Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/newkeynesianmodeOOblan HB31 .M415 DEWEY . Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series A NEW KEYNESIAN MODEL WITH UNEMPLOYMENT Olivier Blanchard Jordi Gali Working Paper 06-22 July 18,2006 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, This MA 021 42 paper can be downloaded without charge fronn the Network Paper Collection at Social Science Research http://ssrn.com/abstract=920959 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES A New Keynesian Model with Uneraployment* Jordi Gali^ Olivier Blancliard^ July 18, 2006 (first draft: March 2006) Abstract We develop a utility based model of fluctuations, with nominal unemployment. In doing nesian model with its so, its In developing this model, first we proceed in specification, productivity shocks have strained efficient allocation. wage We then introduce nominal how We it is We mechanisms real firms. New Key- focus on labor market frictions and unemployment. leave nominal rigidities aside. setting of research: the and focus on nominal rigidities, and the Diamond-Mortensen- Pissarides model, with We we combine two strands rigidities, two steps. We show that, under a standard utility no effect on unemployment in the con- then focus on the implications of alternative for fluctuations in rigidities in the unemployment. form of staggered price setting by derive the relation between inflation and unemployment and discuss influenced by the presence of the tradeoff between inflation of real wage rigidities. and unemployment We show the stabilization, nature and we draw the implications for optimal monetary policy. JEL Classification: E32, E50. frictions, search Keywords: new Keynesian model, labor market model, unemployment, sticky prices, real wage We rigidities. thank Ricardo Caballero, Peter Ireland, Julio Rotemberg, and participants in seminars Wliarton, Boston Fed, and at the UQAM conference on "Frontiers of Macroeconomics" for helpful comments. We also thank Dan Cao for valuable research assistance, t MIT and NBER * at t , ITAM, MIT, CREI, UPF, CEPR and NBER . Introduction 1 Two different paradigms have come to dominate macroeconomics research over the past decade. On New the one hand, the emerged as a powerful tool Keynesian model (the for NK monetary policy analysis model, for short) in the presence of has nominal rigidities. Its adoption as the backbone of the medium-scale models currently developed by many and policy central banks That success may be viewed its success. existing versions of the NK as the other hand, of search a clear reflection of surprising given that the in hours of work or employment.^ in and independently, the Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model and matching framework somewhat is paradigm typically do not generate movements unemployment, only voluntary movements On institutions (the DMP for the analysis of labor model, henceforth) has become a popular market frictions, labor market dynamics, and the implications of alternative policy interventions on unemployment.^ However, its assumption of linear utility and its abstraction from nominal rigidities (or from the existence of money, for that matter), has limited its usefulness for monetary economists. Our purpose of research. in this We paper do so not is to provide a simple integration of these for the sake of integration, framework that combines the two is needed two strands but because we believe a in order to accommodate simulta- neously the following properties, which we hold to be relevant in industrialized economies: • Variations in unemployment are an important aspect of fluctuations, both from a positive and a normative point of view. • Labor market frictions and the nature of wage bargaining are central to understanding movements in unemployment. • The effects of technology and other real shocks are largely determined by the nature of nominal rigidities and monetary policy, thus calling for an 1. Paradoxically, this was viewed as one of the main weaknes.ses of the ample, Summers (1991)), but was then exported to the NK model. 2. See Pissarides (2000) for a description of the DMP raodel. RBC model (for ex- analysis of the consequences of alternative monetary policy rules for the nature of fluctuations and the level of welfare. In our model, frictions in labor markets are introduced by assuming the presence We of hiring costs, which increase with the degree of labor market tightness. start by showing that, under our assumptions on preferences and technology, the unemployment. constrained-efficient allocation implies a constant level of Hiring costs, together with the fact that it takes time for unemplo3''ed workers to find'a job, lead to a surplus associated with existing with the wage determining ers. We how that surplus split is employment relationships, between firms and work- examine the consequences of two alternative wage setting structures N ash-bargaining we equihbrium. Under employment recover the property of a constant un- rate which characterizes the constrained efficient allocation, though in the decentralized efficient. That economy the implied result of constant level of under our unemployment is generally in- equihbrium unemployment, which stands among contrast to Pissarides (2000) and Shimer (2005), fact that, for utility specification, the reservation others, in comes Trom the wage, rather than being constant, increases in proportion to consumption and thus with productivity. proportional increase in real wages and productivity leaves all The labor market fiows unaffected. The above real wage finding leads us to consider the scope for and the implications of rigidity. As in Hall (2005), real wage but not employment in existing matches. of technology shocks on rigidity unemployment We rigidity affects hiring decisions, characterize the dynamic effects as a function of the degree of real and other characteristics of the labor market. In particular, wage we show that the size of unemployment fluctuations increases with the extent of real rigidities, whereas the persistence of those fluctuations sclerotic labor markets, i.e. is higher in economies with more markets with lower average job-finding and separation rates. Independently of their always inefficient in size and persistence, fluctuations of unemployment are our model. When we introduce nominal rigidities, mone- tary policy can influence those fluctuations, motivating the analysis of the conse- quences of alternative monetary policies. We first consider two extreme pohcies. We show that ployment affect fully stabilizing inflation leads to persistent in response to productivity shocks. unemployment movements in in unem- As productivity shocks would not in the constrained efficient allocation, this implies that these unemployment, and by implication, The degree suboptimal. movements of persistence of strict inflation targeting, are unemployment depends on the under- lying parameters of the economy. Interestingly, in light of the difference between the US and European more We persistent are labor markets, the more sclerotic the labor market, the unemployment movements. then show that stabilizing unemployment can be achieved, but only at the cost of variable inflation, with inflation increasing for an adverse technology shock. We finally derive the , some time in response to , optimal monetary policy. The latter implies stabilizing a weighted average of the variances of inflation and of unemployment. It implies therefore that an adverse productivity shocks lead to an increase in inflation and an in'crease in unemployment "for some time. Interestingly, while the implied responses of inflation are similar under the U.S. and European calibrations, the required fluctuations in unemployment are larger under the U.S. calibration. show how such optimal responses can be approximated reasonably We well with a simple Taylor- type rule which has the central bank adjust the short-term nominal rate in response to variations in inflation and unemployment, with suitably chosen response coefficients. We are not the first to point to the need for and attempt such an integration, with relevant papers ranging from Merz (1995) defer a presentation of the literature and Put simply, we see our contribution as the to Christoffel and Linzert (2005). of our relation to it We to later in the paper. development of a simple, anal5^ically tractable model, which can be used to characterize the effects of different shocks, their relation to the underlying parameters of the economy, and to characterize optimal monetary policy. Such a framework seems potentially useful in guiding the development of larger and more realistic models. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sets up the basic model, leaving out nominal rigidities. We capture The labor market frictions through external hiring costs. market tightness, defined as the ratio of hires to the unemployment of labor We pool. then characterize the constrained-efficient allocation, and show that productivity shocks have no effect on unemployment. is latter are a function The source of this neutrality that income effects lead to changes in the wage proportional to changes in productivity-as would be the case in an economy without labor market frictions. Section 3 characterizes the decentrahzed equilibrium under alternative wagesetting mechanisms. We first economy ditions under which the We assume Nash bargained wages and derive the conreplicates the constrained efficient allocation. then show that, under Nash bargaining, the neutrality property continues to hold. We then introduce real wage of productivity shocks on rigidities, and characterize the dynamic effects unemployment. Section 4 introduces nominal rigidities, in the form of staggering of price decisions by We firms. between relations lation it show how the model reduces, between iafiation, inflation to the standard effect of both the NK level to a close approximation, to simple marginal cost, and unemployment. We derive the re- and unemployment implied by the model, and contrast formulation. Put crudely, the and the change in model implies a unemployment on significant inflation, given ex- pected inflation. Section 5 then turns to the implications of our framework for monetary policy. It shows how stabilizing large and inflation in response to productivity shocks leads to inefficient (given that constrained-efficient movements in unemployment. It unemployment is constant) shows how the persistence of unemployment is higher in more sclerotic markets, markets in which the separation and the hiring rate are lower. It derives optimal inflation monetary policy, and the implied movements in and unemployment. Section 6 offers two calibrations of the model, one aimed at capturing the United States, the other kets. In each case, aimed at capturing Europe, with it its more sclerotic labor mar- presents the imphcations of pursuing either inflation-stabilizing, unemployment-stabilizing, or optimal monetary policy. Section 7 indicates how our model relates to the existing-and rapidly growing- on the literature nominal price market relative roles of labor rigidities in wage frictions, real rigidities, and shaping fluctuations. Section 8 concludes. 2 A 2.1 Assumptions Simple Framework Preferences The representative household by the unit interval. is made up The household continuum of members represented of a seeks to maximize / EoE/5' where Ct tution The e, is a CES at1+(I>\ (logC7,-^^j function over a continuum of goods with elasticity of substi- and Nt denotes the fraction of household members who are employed. latter must satisfy the constraint < Note that such a specification the (1) DMP iVt < 1 . of utihty differs from the one generally used model, where the marginal rate of substitution to be constant. Our business cycle, given specification its is, is (2) in generally assumed instead, one often used in models of the consistency with a balanced growth path and the direct parameterization of the Frisch labor supply elasticity by </). Technology We assume a continuum of firms indexed by i € [0, 1], each producing a differen- tiated good. All firms have access to an identical technology Yt{i) - At Nt{i) The variable At represents the state of technology, which mon across firms Employment and in firm (0, 1) is of workers hired assumed to be com- to vary exogenously over time. evolves according to i Nt{i) =^ {I with 5 e is - 5) Nt-,{i) an exogenous separation by firm i in period rate, + Htii) and Ht{i) represents the measure t. Labor Market Flows and Timing. At the beginning of period for hire, and whose t there is a pool of jobless individuals we denote by size Ut- We refer to who are available the latter variable as beginning-of-the period unemployment (or just unemployment, for short). make assumptions below that guarantee full participation, i.e. We at all times all individuals are either employed or willing to work, given the prevailing labor market conditions. Accordingly, we have = l-il-5)Nt-x Ut Among those unemployed at the beginning of period are hired and start working in the same t, a measure Ht = f^ H{i) di period. Aggregate hiring evolves according to Ht where Nt We = Jg N{i) di = Nt - (1 - (5) Nt-i (3) denotes aggregate employment. introduce an index of labor market tightness, of aggregate hires to the unemployment xt, which we define as the rate Hf The tightness index Xt is assumed to lie ratio within the interval , [0, 1]. ^ Only workers in the Note unemployment pool that, at the beginning of the period can be hired {Ht from the viewpoint of the unemployed, the index interpretation: It the job-finding the probability of being hired in period is rate. Xt t, < Ut). has an alternative or, in other words, Below we use the terms labor market tightness and job- finding rate interchangeably. Hiring costs. Hiring labor is costly. Hiring costs for an individual firm are given by GtHt{i), CES expressed in terms of the which is bundle of goods. Gt represents the cost per hire, independent of Ht (i) and taken as given by each individual firm. While Gt taken as given by each firm, is is it an increasing function of labor market tightness. Formally, we assume Gt where a > and S is = At Bxf a positive constant satisfying 6B < 1. In our framework, the presence of hiring costs creates a friction in the labor market similar to the cost of posting a vacancy and the time needed to the standard DMP Ut, it is useful to define an alternative measure of unemployment, and given by the fraction of the population who are a job after hiring takes place in period full participation, in model. For future reference, denoted by fill it t. left without Formally, and given our assumption of we have Ut = l-Nt In our model, vacancies are assumed to be ' immediately by paying the hiring cost, model, the hiring cost is uncertain, with its expected value corresponding to the (per period) cost of posting a vacancy times the expected time to fill it. This expected time is an increasing function of the ratio of vacancies to 3. which is filled a function of labor market tightness. In the unemployment which can be DMP expressed- in turn as a function of labor market tightness. Thus, is different, both approaches have similar implications for firms' hiring decisions and unemploj'ment dynamics. while the formalism used to capture the presence of hiring costs The Constrained 2.2 We Efficient Allocation derive the constrained-efficient allocation by solving the problem of a benev- olent social planner who and labor market faces the technological constraints frictions that are present in the decentralized economy, but who internalizes the market tightness on hiring costs and, hence, on the effect of variations in labor resource constraint. Given symmetry and technology, be produced and consumed will i in preferences e [0,1]. in the efficient allocation, Ct{i) lowers hiring costs, for any given level of (it hiring), the social planner will choose Hence the i.e. = good Ct for all Furthermore, since labor market participation has no individual cost but some social benefit and identical quantities of each maximizes social planner (1) an allocation with full employment participation. subject to (2) and the aggregate resource- constraint = Ct where Ht and At {Nt Xt are defined in (3) The optimality condition as and - Bxt Ht) (5) (4). for the social planner's problem can be written , XCtNt T— — ^ < -, 1 - /-, (1 + , +P{1 - \Tj a ajSxj 5) E, which must hold with equality Note that the left hand 1^ ^B if A''t < (xJVi + axt^.il- x,+i))} (6) 1. side of (6) represents the marginal rate of substitution between labor and consumption, whereas the right hand side captures the corresponding marginal rate of transformation, both normalized by productivity At- The latter first term corresponds to the additional output, net of hiring has two components, captured by the two right-hand side terms. The costs, by a marginal employed worker. The second captures the savings resulting from the reduced hiring needs in period 4. t + generated in hiring costs 1.'^ Note that hiring costs (normalized by productivity) at time t are given by BxfHt . The 9 Consider = Ct the case no hiring costs first AtNt with the efficiency condition , B— (i.e. (6) XA^^*<1 0). In that case we have simpHfying to (7) , thus implying a level of employment invariant to technology shocks. This invariance is the result of offsetting income and substitution effects on labor supply, and is standard in this class of models. Absent capital ac- cumulation, consumption increases in proportion to productivity; given a specification of preferences consistent with balanced growth, this increase in consumption leads to an income effect that exactly offsets the substitu- tion effect. In the presence of hiring costs to (6) still {B > 0), it is easy to check that the solution implies a constant level of employment, ' N* = where x* is / - ,, = - N(x*) the efficient level for the tightness indicator, implicitly given as the solution to {l-SBx") x/V(x)'+^ < l-(l-/3(l-(5))(l+a) Bx^-p{l-5)a Bx^+'' We assume an interior solution < x* < 1 (8) for the previous equation (which must hence hold with equahty). This in turn imphes an interior solution for The term Bx" employment and unemployment.^ levels of consumption and output are proportional to productivity, in (6) captures the increase in hiring costs resulting cost per hire unchanged. The term aBx'f reflects tlie effect from an additional hire, keeping on hiring costs of the change in the tightness index Xt induced by an additional hire (given Ht). The savings in hiring costs at have two components, both of which are proportional to 1 — 5, the decline in required hiring. The first component, Bx"_^.^, captures saving resulting from a lower Ht^i given cost per hire. The (negative) term aBx" (1 — Xt+i) adjusts the first component to take into account the lower cost per hire brought about by a smaller Xt^i (the effect of lower required hires ift+i t + also 1 , more than A offsetting the smaller unemployment pool Ut+i). (8) is given by x(l condition will be satisfied for any given values for 5 and B, as long as x (but below) one. 5. sufficient condition for an interior solution to — SB) > is 1 — B. That sufficiently close to 10 »« g 03 O _g "c o o CD a CD c "03 o o CD » ' a g ' and given by C; Figure in 1 = AtN* (1 - 5Bx*<') and Y; shows graphically the determinants of the = At N* . employment efficient level of our model. The dashed (blue) lines represent the efficiency condition in the case of no hiring costs, while the solid (red) lines correspond to the hiring costs. to the left They The upward hand model with sloping schedules starting off the origin correspond side of (7) and (8), respectively, normalized by productivity. represent the (normalized) marginal rate of substitution x{Ct/At)N'^, as a function of the (constant) level of employment A''. Note that the red schedule is uniformly below the blue one, due to the downward adjustment of consumption by a factor (1 hiring costs. side of (7) — 6Bx") resulting from the diversion of a fraction of output to The schedules and (8), originating at (0,1) correspond to the right and capture the marginal rate employment and consumption of employment. declining when It is (again, normalized of transformation by productivity), hand between as a function constant (and equal to one) in the case of no hiring costs, but hiring costs are present, capturing the fact that the increase in employment needed to produce an additional unit of consumption is increasing, as a result of the increasing level of hiring costs. Having characterized the constrained-efficient allocation we next turn our attention to the analysis of equilibrium in the decentralized economy. the case of flexible prices. 3 We We consider first • , Equilibrium under Flexible Prices start looking at the problem facing The solution to that problem de- Then we characterize the equilibrium firms. scribes the equilibrium, given the wage. under two alternative models of wage determination. 3.1 We Value Maximization by Firms first look at firms' behavior, given the wage. Each firm produces a differen- tiated good, whose price it sets optimally each period, given demand. Formally, 11 the firm maximizes Et its value {Pt+kmt+k{i) ~ Pt+kWt+kNt+k{i) Y, Qt.t+k - Pt+kGt+k Ht+k{i)) ' ' k subject to the sequence of for i = (real) 0, 1, 2,. demand constraints ..and taking as given the paths for the aggregate price level Pt, the wage Wt, and unit hiring costs Gt, and where Qt,t+k = P'' ^^ -p^ is the stochastic discount factor for nominal payoffs. The optimal price setting rule associated with the solution to the above problem takes the form: P^{i) for all t, where M. =-^ is the optimal MC^ = ^^^ Bxt is the firm's (real) marginal cost. by productivity, = MPtMCt as well as /3(1 markup and - The (9) 5) E, latter 1^ ^ Bx^+i} (10) depends on the wage normalized on current and expected hiring costs. In particular, marginal cost increases with current labor market tightness (due to the induced higher hiring costs), but it decreases with the expected tightness index, since a higher value for the latter implies larger savings in next period's hiring costs current employment.^ the firm decides to increase its In a symmetric equilibrium we must have (9) if Pt{i) = Pt for all i G [0, 1], and hence imphes Roteraberg and Woodford (1999) were among the first to point out the implications of the construction of marginal cost measures. They assumed hiring costs were internal to the firm and took the form of a quadratic fxmction of the change in employment. 6. liiring costs for 12 for all Combining t. and (11) and rearranging terms we obtain M - Bxt+P{l - At A (10) S) £:,|^ ^ S:r,v} characterization of the equilibrium requires a specification of tion. We start (12) wage determina- by assuming Nash bargaining. Equilibrium with Nash Bargained Wages 3.2 Let Wf^ and W^^ denote the value to the representative household of having a marginal member employed or pressed in consumption units. is given by unemployed The at the beginning of period i, both ex- value of a (marginal) employment relationship i , Wf = Wt-xCtNr +l3Et i.e. the sum {^ [(1 - S{1 - of the current payoffs (the x,+i)) W,^i + 6{l - x,+i) wage minus the marginal rate tution) and the discounted expected continuation values, with 5{1 probability of being unemployed in period at time Wf+i]| t + 1, — of substi- Xt+i) is the conditional on being employed t. The corresponding has taken place value from a member who remains unemployed after hiring is: wf = PEt {^ [x,+i w!i, + (1 - x,+0 Wf+j} Combining both conditions we obtain the household's surplus from an established job relationship: Wf-Wf - Wt-xCtNr +/?(i-5)£;,|^(i-x,+i)(w/ti->v,'^o} (13) 13 On the other hand the firm's surplus from an! established relationship is simply- given by the hiring cost Gt, since a firm can always replace a worker at that cost (with no search time required). Letting d denote the relative weight of workers in the Nash bargain, the latter requires Imposing the and rearranging terms, we obtain the Nash latter condition in (13), wage schedule: dBxt - ^(1 - S, 5) At At 1^ ^ (1 Equation (14) can now be used to substitute out Wt in equilibrium under xCtNf At = Nash bargaining - x,+i) (12), d 5xf+i| with the resulting being described by 1 —-{l + d)Bx? M +/?(l-5)E,|^^B(xr+i + ^xr+i(l-x«+i))} together with It is (14) (3), (4), and (5), and given an exogenous process (15) for technology. easy to verify that the equilibrium under Nash bargained wages involves a constant level of employment: Ar"fe = (5 where x"^ is X„nb - + (1 -^ = /v(x"h -(5)x^ the (constant) equilibrium job finding rate, implicitly given by the solution to: X(l - 5Bx") N{xy+^ = -^ - (1 - /3(1 - 6)) (1 + 19) Ex'' - /3(1 - 5)d Bx" (16) 14 and where consumption and output by C^'' = At{l- (5S(x"'')°)A^"'' are proportional to productivity, and Fj"'' = At N^'K imposing the equilibrium conditions Finally, and given in (14), we obtain an expression for the equilibrium Nash bargained wage: -^ = — -(1-/3(1 -<5))5(x"^r tJ/nb Note that, in the is 1 (17) under our assumptions, productivity shocks are reflected one-for-one Nash bargained wage and thus have no on employment. That effect result independent of the elasticity of hiring costs with respect to Xt or the relative weight of workers in the Nash bargain. Such a result stands in contrast to Shimer (2005). The reason is that, in line with the DMP framework, Shimer assumes linear preferences and, hence, a marginal rate of substitution that an increase to changes in productivity. In that context, a than one-for-one increase less and inducing firms to create jobs. invariant productivity leads to in Nash bargained wage, increasing in the new is Shimer then shows that , profits under plausible assumptions about the matching function and the relative bargaining strength of workers and firms, the employment response Our model is likely to be small. allows instead for concave preferences and an endogenous marginal rate of substitution between consumption and labor. specification, the Nash bargained wage Under our-standard-utility increases one-for-one with the marginal rate of substitution (which, in turn, increases with productivity), at any given level of employment. Thus, changes in productivity have no effect on (un)employment, independently of the hiring function, or the relative bargaining of workers and firms. ^ In a , way analogous to the standard DMP model (see Hosios (1990)), one can Nash bargaining will cor- derive the conditions under which the equilibrium with 7. Notice however that the equal increase in C and W is tlie result of both our specification of preferences and the absence of capital accumulation. In the presence of capital accumulation, employment would typically move, as it does in conventional real business cycle models. 15 respond to the constrained efficient allocation. To see this, we just need to com- pare equilibrium condition (15) with condition (6) characterizing the constrained efficient (interior) allocation, and which we rewrite here for convenience: l-(l + a)5xr+/3(l-<5)£;,|^^i?(x,% + axr^i(l-xe+i))| At The two equations are equivalent if and only if the following two conditions are satisfied: M. = First, must 1 goods market hold. In other words we must have perfect competition (or alternatively, a in the production subsidy which exactly offsets the market power distortion). Second, the workers' relative share of the surplus in the Nash bargain, coincide with the elasticity of the hiring cost function, a. analogous to the Hosios condition found in the standard requires that the share of workers in the of the i?, must That requirement DMP framework, Nash bargain corresponds is which to the elasticity matching function with respect to unemployment. Figures 2 and 3 show graphically the factors behind the equilibrium under Nash bargaining, and contrasts allocation. The latter is them with those underlying the constrained represented by the intersection of the solid (red) which match those in Figure The downward ting, 1, lines, already discussed above. sloping dashed line gives the ratio equation (10), after imposing MCt = employment allocation (constant over mand efficient time). Wt/At implied by price set- 1/-M, and evaluated at a constant It can be interpreted as a labor de- schedule, determining the (constant) level of employment consistent with value maximization by firms, as a function of the (productivity adjusted) wage. Its slope becomes steeper with B, while that the schedule is flatter than its its curvature increases with a. Note also counterpart in the social planner problem, re- flecting the fact that in the decentralized economy firms do not take into account the effects of their hiring decisions on hiring costs. The upward sloping dashed (green) line gives Wt/At implied by the Nash wage 16 05 c '03 sz if) 03 3 LU C "c '03 &_ 05 CO 03 E 3 3 O" CD -I— c o it: LU X schedule (14), evaluated at a constant employment allocation. Its slope ing in workers' relative weight in the !?, line reflects workers ' Nash is increas- bargain. Its position above the red bargaining power. Figure 2 represents an equilibrium characterized by inefhciently high unemploy- ment. This a consequence of two factors: is market (which shifts the labor bargaining power by workers As we have a result A''"^ demand > {"d (i) a positive markup schedule downward), and in the goods too much (ii) a) which makes the wage schedule too steep. < N* which , implies an inefficiently high unemployment level. Figure 3 illustrates graphically an equilibrium which leads to an ployment level. we have M. = mined by i9) Two I. assumptions are needed unem- for this, as discussed earlier. First, Second, the slope of the upward sloping wage schedule (deter- exactly offsets the flatter labor determined by a), making both intersect We efficient restrict ourselves to equilibria in rate of substitution when the latter at demand schedule (whose slope is A'^*. which the wage remains above the marginal is evaluated at employment: full W, -^^>xil-5B) for all rather t. participation (as all the unemployed would and that those without a job in any given period are This condition guarantees work than not), (18) full involuntarily unemployed. Thus, any inefficiency in the equilibrium level of ployment cannot be attributed to an it is inefficiently low labor supply.^ Note that only because of the presence of hiring costs that this private efficiency of existing employment em- is consistent with the relationships.^ RBC or NK models, in which suboptimal levels of eman inefficiently low labor supply. 9. In the absence of such frictions any unemployed worker would be willing to offer his labor services at a wage slightly lower than that of an employed worker (from a different household), which would bid down the wage up to the point where (18) held with equality. 8. This is in contrast ployment are with standard also associa.ted with 17 Wage Equilibrium under Real 3.3 As shown do not tivity leaving equihbrium wage under Nash bargaining in the previous section, the moves one-for-one with productivity Rigidities variations. As a result, changes in produc- change the rate at which workers are hired, affect firms' incentives to unemployment unchanged. In our model, that invariance result holds in- dependently of the elasticity of the hiring cost function and the Nash weights, and hence, independently of whether the equilibrium supports the efficient allocation or not. Following Hall (2005) and Blanchard and Gali (2005), we examine in this sec- wage tion the consequences of real More rigidity on employment and unemployment. and to keep the analysis as simple as precisely, possible, we assume a wage schedule of the form Wt = 6 where 7 G [0, 1] an index is of real wage A]--' (19) and rigidities 6 > a constant that is determines the real wage, and hence employment in the steady state. Clearly, the above formulation we shall is meaningful only for 7 = (and setting schedule corresponds to tlie of a rigid A'' (1 - (1 an assumption = 1, hand for side of (17)) the any given wage relative share d. equation (19) corresponds to the canonical ex- we assume that (2005). Also notice that — allow for the possibility that the efficient /3(1 In addition to (18) - 5)) g[x*)) (if we in addition M. — if \.) we assume . t, stationary, wage analyzed by Hall steady state can be attained for all to the right Nash bargaining wage, At the other extreme, when 7 G = is maintain here. Note that ample technology if M At which guarantees that firms will ^ ' want to employ some workers without incurring any losses. Combining (19) with (12) we obtain the following difference equation representing 18 the equilibrium under real wage rigidities. 9^r = if-B.? + «l-fla{^^B<«} The previous equation can be rearranged and Bxt = f;(^(l - where !vt^t+k flexible (7 > = 0), variations in market tightness solved forward to yield S))" E, |A,,+fc {Ct/Ct+k) (^t+fc/A)- We (21) (-^ - A7.) see that as long as } wages are not fully- current or anticipated productivity will affect labor (or, equivalently, the job finding rate), with the size of the effect being a decreasing function of the sensitivity of hiring costs to labor market condition, as measured by parameter a. In particular, a transitory increase in productivity raises Xt temporarily, which implies a decrease in unemployment, followed by an eventual return to From the anatysis above it its normal level. follows that in the presence of real wage rigidities the equilibrium will be characterized by inefficient fluctuations in (un)employment. We defer a full characterization of these fluctuations to later, after duced sticky prices and a policy, namely role for inflation targeting, the outcome economy without nominal 4 Introducing Sticky Prices much intro- monetary policy (Under a particular monetary in the Following we have for real variables is the same as rigidities.) of the recent literature on monetary business cycle models, we introduce sticky prices in our model with labor market frictions using the malism due to Calvo (1983). Each period only a fraction 1 — randomly, reset prices. The remaining firms, with measure for- of flrms, selected ^, keep their prices unchanged. 19 Appendix A, As shown in in period t is tlie optimal price setting rule a firm resetting prices for given by Etlf^e" {P: Qt,t+kYt+kit M - Pt+k MCt+k) lfc=0 where period + fc for desired markup. a firm resetting The MCt = is newly P^ denotes the price f real by set its marginal cost embody previous equations t, and M. =jzi now given by is t, is. The marginal rigidities cost is, The first step around a zero is same form costs: it as in the leads firms to the price stickiness parameter. B and a) and real wage we turn. 7). requires log-linearizing the system, the task to which Dynamics to derive the equation characterizing inflation. Log-linearization inflation steady state of the optimal price setting rule (22) = ((1 - 9){P^y~'' + and the 6'(Pi_i)^"')'^, yields the standard dynamics equation^" nt 10. 9, captured by hiring cost parameters price index equation P( inflation (23) however, influenced by the presence of labor market Log-linearized Equilibrium 4.1 the gross is a weighted average of current and expected marginal (measured by To make progress in the essence of our integration: with the weights being a function of frictions (as output t. price setting equation (22) takes the choose a price that • (22) Yt+k\t is the level of standard Calvo model7given the path of marginal costs, = eAr + Bx?-P{l-5)E,!^-^^^Bxf^,'^ The optimal • at time price in period the firm's real marginal cost in period The two \ J See, e.g., Gali ^P and Gertler (1999) for Et{nt+i} + \ fnct (24) a derivation. 20 = \og{MCt/MC) = log{M MCt) where mct represent the log deviations of real steady state value and A = — — marginal cost from its The second to derive the equation characterizing marginal cost. Letting Xt — step \og{xtjx), is Ct = log(Cf/C), and g = (1 I39){1 we can write the Bx°' 0)/9. first-order Taylor expansion of (23) as mct = agM Xt-P{l-5)gM where $ = MW/A = Et{ict - - at) 1-(1 — /3(1 — S))gM. < = the steady state productivity to unity {A - at+i) + a Xt+i}-^-r {ct+i 1 at (25) and where we have normalized , 1), letting at = logA* denote log deviations of productivity from that steady state. The third step, using (4) and (5), and letting nt linear approximations for labor 5xt ct The = + at \og{Nt/N) is until = nt-{l-5){l~x)nt^i — l-6g now) to Ct where it = nt + I- p- (26) — - nt-i l-5g 5g 5 Xt is consumer (which Et{ct+,} - {it - Et{TTt+i} - (28) r*t) = p— at + Et{at+i}, the interest rate that supports the efficient allocation. The equilibrium of the model with wage rigidities is fully characterized tions (24) to (28), together with a process for productivity, monetary (27) get: denotes the short-term nominal interest rate and r^ = — log/3, to derive the log market tightness and consumption: last step is to use the linearized first order conditions of the we have ignored p = by equa- and a description of policy. 21 Approximate 4.2 The characterization Log-lineeirized we have Dynamics just given can however be simpHfied considerably under two further approximations, which we view as reasonable: The first is that hiring costs are small relative to output, so consumption by The second is Ct = at -\- we can approximate nt-^^ that fluctuations in Xt are large relative to those in rit, an approx- imation which follows from (26) and the assumption of a low separation Combined with our its first assumption this allows one to drop the term rate.-'^ q — a^ and lead from the expression for marginal cost (25). These two approximations imply that we can rewrite the expression for marginal cost, equation (25), as: mct - agM These approximations and {xt - P Et{xt+i})- $7 this expression for at (29) marginal cost allow us in turn to derive the following characterization of the economy: • First, combining equation (29) with equation (24) gives a relation be- tween inEation, current labor market tightness and current and expected productivity: TTt = agMX Xt - A$7 ^/3'= Et{at+k} (30) k=0 Note that, despite the (30), inflation is More expected inflation does not appear in a forward looking variable, through current and future and expected fact that Ot's, and current real marginal costs. xt, which itself its dependence on depends on current -^^ 5 are of the same order of magnitude as fluctuations terms involving gut or 5nt are of second order. 12. In other words, (26) implies that 5 Xt is of the same order of magnitude as rit and, hence, it cannot be dropped from our linear approximations. We assume the same is true for terms g Xt (i.e., we assume that 5 and g have the same order of magnitude). 13. This can be seen by solvmg (29) forward, to get agM Xt = Yl'kLo 0'' Et{mct+k + $7 at+h}11. precisely we assume that g and In Hi, implying that m 22 • Second, = let ut (after hiring) Ut from —u steady state value, u its Then, using equation denote the deviations of the unemployment rate — (5(1 and the approximation (26) — • = - (1 - 5){1 - x) ut-i (1 - + = — (1 — Uj 5{1 u) — rit, unemployment us a relation between labor niarket tightness and the ut x))/{x x)). gives rate: u)5 xt (31) Third, using the log-linearized Euler equation of the consumer, together with the approximation rit Ct = rit + at, gives a relation between the and the approximation Ut unemployment rate and the — —(1 — u) real interest rate: Ut where, as before, at + Et{at+\}, = Et{ut+i} it is with p + [l - u) - {it Et{7Tt+i} rl) (32) the short-term nominal interest rate and rl = — log/?. Note that (12) relates the and anticipated deviations of the rate to current - = p — unemployment real interest rate from its efRcient counterpart. These equations, together with a specification of monetary terize the equilibrium. We shall look at the policies in the next section. We imphcations of alternative monetary hmit ourselves here to a few remarks about the inflation and unemployment: Assume that productivity follows a stationary relation between parameter p^ 6 [0, 1). We where i& = AR(1) process with autoregressive can then rewrite (30) TTt X^/{1 - Ppa) > policy, fully charac- = agMX Xt - as: "^I-y at (33) 0. Using the relation between labor market tightness and unemployment, we can then derive a "Phillips curve" relation between inflation and unemployment: . TTf = -KUt + K;(l-(^)(l-a;) Ui_i-\E'7 Oi (34) 23 where k, = agMX/5{l — TTt = -k(1 - (1 u). - Or equivalently - 5)(1 x)) ut - k(1 which highhghts the negative dependence of change in the unemployment Given that constrained stabilize - J)(l - inflation on both the efficient unemployment both unemployment and monetary authority to simultaneously. There is, at level and the rate. inflation. is constant, it would be best to Note however that, to the extent that the wage does not adjust fully to productivity changes (7 for the Aui - *7 i) fully stabilize > 0), it is not possible both unemployment and to use the terminology introduced inflation by Blanchard and Gall (2005), no divine coincidence. The reason affect the is the same as in our earlier paper, the fact that productivity shocks —the unemployment rate that would wedge between the natural rate prevail absent nominal rigidities rate. Stabilizing inflation, which —and is the constrained efficient unemployment equivalent to stabilizing unemployment at its natural rate, does not deliver constant unemployment. Symmetrically, stabilizing unemployment does not The next 5 deliver constant inflation. section examines the implications of alternative monetary policy regimes. Monetary Policy, Sticky Prices and Real Wage Rigidities 5.1 We Two Extreme start inflation Policies by discussing two simple, but extreme, policies and unemployment, leaving the derivation and their outcomes for of the optimal poficy for the next subsection.-'^ Given the paths of inflation and unemployment implied by each policy regime, equation (32) can be used to determine the interest rate rule that would implement the corresponding allocation. 14. Throughout we rely on the log-linear approximations made in the previous section. 24 Unemployment stabilization. Recall that in the constrained efficient alloca- unemployment tion unemployment and all t, is A constant. poHcy that seeks to requires therefore that Ut its efficient level and hence that, given ^f (which is = -*7 Xt = for is increasing in the degree of wage . unemployment Ut = ttj = we can determine the in (34) evolu- rate under strict inflation targeting: (1 - (5)(1 Note that the previous equation under = a function of underlying parameters other than 7), Strict inflation targeting. Setting tion of the rit at the size of the implied fluctuations in inflation rigidities 7.-^^ = gap between ' TTt Note stabilize the - x) ut-i - i^ij/K) at (35) also characterizes the evolution of unemplo3''ment flexible prices, since the allocation consistent with price stability replicates the one associated with the flexible price equilibrium.-^^ Equation (35) shows that under a ployment rate will display some strict inflation targeting policy, the unem- intrinsic persistence, i.e. beyond that inherited from productivity. The degree of pends critically on the separation rate 6 some serial correlation intrinsic persistence de-' and the steady state job finding rate x, while the amplitude of fluctuations are increasing in 7, the degree of real rigidities. In a sclerotic labor market, with high average unemployment and a a low average job finding rate x, unemployment will display strong persistence, well beyond that inherited from productivity. More active labor markets, on the other 15. Intuitively, the .stabilization of unemployment (and hiring cost vary with productivity, according to fnct The amplitude of those fluctuations is = —$7 at, costs) makes the real marginal generating fluctuations in inflation. increasing in the degree of wage rigidities 7 and in the persistence of the shock to productivity po, but decreasing in the degree of nominal rigidities (which is inversely related to A). 16. The full stabilization of prices requires that firms markups are stabilized at their desired marginal cost remains constant at its steady state level, i.e. In the presence of less than one-for-one adjustment of wages to changes in level or, equivalently, that the real fnct = for all t. productivity, that requues an appropriate adjustment in the degree of labor market tightness and, hence, in unemployment. . 25 hand, will be characterized by a high average job finding rate, and will display persistent unemployment fluctuations under the stric inflation targeting pohcy.^'^ Optimal Monetary Policy 5.2 In this section To less we analj^ze the nature of the optimal monetary policy in our simplify the analysis and avoid well understood but peripheral issues, sume the unemployment model. we as- fluctuates around a steady state value which corresponds As shown to that of the constrained efficient allocation. in Appendix B, a second order approximation to the welfare losses of the representative household around that steady state is proportional to: EoJ2l3' where au = A(l + > 0)x(A^*)'*"Ve Hence the monetary authority by + auU^t) (36) 0. will seek to of equilibrium constraints given form of the welfare (TT^ minimize (36) subject to the sequence (34), for loss function the t = 0, 1, 2, ... Clearly, and given the optimal pohcy will be somewhere between the two extreme pohcies discussed above. The first order conditions for the above problem take the following form: Trt = Ct auUt = K Ct- I3{1-6){1- x)k Et{Ct+i} for t = straint. 0, 1, 2, ...where (t is the Lagrange multiplier associated with period Combining both conditions t con- to eliminate the multiplier gives the optimal targeting rule:^^ TTt=P{l-5){l-x) Et{7rt+i} + 17. The hypothesi.s that more sclerotic markets might lead ment was explored empirically by Barro (1988). 18. Note that when a^ corresponds to utility {au/K) ut to (37) more persistence to unemploy- maximization we have ^^ — =— "^ ^ 26 Equivalently, and solving forward, = (-) Yl(^{l-5){l-x))'Et{ut^k} V K an adverse productivity shock, the central bank should Hence in response to partly accommodate the crease up to the point Combining (37) and (38) where (34) unemployment inflationary pressures, while letting its we can in- anticipated path satisfies (38). derive a second order difference equation describ- ing the optimal evolution of the unemployment rate as a function of productivity: ut = + Pq q ut-i Et{ut+i} - s at - where .^-au + K^il + Pil-d^il-xy)^'' and k(1-/?(.1-(^)(1-x)pJ^P7 a„-FAc2(l The unique + /?(!- ^ ipu Ut-i where = i'u by (39), the (37), and ment and -x)2) stationary solution to that difference equation Ut Given 5)2(1 it 1- Jl - - is given by: ipa at (39) ' 4/3g2 \-^-^e 0,1, s ^a= > behavior of inflation under the optimal policy is then determined can be represented by the following linear function of unemploy- productivity: Tft = ipuUt- ipa Oft where ^ .'^"~ <^ /c(1-^(1-x)(1-5)V'„) _ ^°~ r. ' Pjl - 5){\ - x)^pu^PaPa k(1-/?(1-x)(1-5)^0 27 Calibration and Quantitative Analysis 6 In order to illustrate the quantitative properties of our model we analyze the responses of inflation and unemployment to a productivity shock imphed by the We three monetary policy regimes introduced above. start by discussing our cal- ibration of the model's parameters. We take each period to correspond to a quarter. For the parameters describing preferences e = We 6 (impljdng a gross steady state = set 9 which we 2/3, the hterature: in markup A1 = set the degree of real standard DMP wage rigidities, 7, of real a we exploit a simple model. In the latter, the V H = Z U^V^^'^ , we have are typically close to 1/2 Below we analyze two and unemployment US and We 1, wage rigidities, equal to 0.5, the midpoint in the mapping between our model and the expected cost per hire is is proportional to given by V/H denotes the number of vacancies. Assuming a matching function of the V/H — Z'^ [H/U) 1-1 hiring cost function corresponds to 77/(1 77 = ,0 -^^ the expected duration of a vacancy, which in the steady state of 0.99 which implies an average duration of prices of three quarters, In order to calibrate form — 1.2). we do not have any hard evidence on the degree admissible range. where j3 roughly consistent with the micro and macro evidence on price setting. At is this point so we assume values commonly found , — rf) we assume a in the = 1 . Hence, parameter DMP model. a in our Since estimates in our basehne cahbration. different cahbrations for the steady state job finding rate rate, which we think of as capturing the characteristics of the the European labor markets respectively. think of our baseline calibration as capturing the US. We rate x equal to 0.7. This corresponds, approximately, to a set the job finding monthly rate of 0.3 Under an (overly) strict interpretation of our model, 7 can be obtained tlirough a regression wage growth on productivity growtli wliich is exogenous in our model. Such a regression yields a coefficient between 0.3 and 0.4, so a value for 7 between 0.6 and 0.7. Stepping outside our model, obvious caveats apply, from the measurement of productivity growth, to the direction 19. of real — of causality. 28 we consistent with U.S. evidence. ^°. In our baseline calibration which is consistent with the average u we can determine the separation unemployment u to set 0.05, rate in the U.S. Given x and = — u){l — x)). rate using the relation 5 ux/{{l This yields a value for 5 roughly equal to 0.12. We choose our alternative calibration to capture the more sclerotic European labor market. Thus we assume x monthly rate of 0.1) and u = = 0.25 (which 0.1, values in line is roughly consistent with a with evidence Union over the past two decades. The implied separation Finally,, we need to set a value for B, rate which determines the for the is (5 = 0.04. level of hiring costs. Notice that, in the steady state, hiring costs represent a fraction 5g GDP. Lacking any direct evidence baseline calibration that fraction upper bound. This implies B= is on the latter we choose European B = SBx" so that under our one percent of GDP, which seems a plausible 0.01/(0.12)(0.7) ~ 0.11 Note that the above calibrated parameters, combined with the assumption efficient steady state, allow us to pin down The Dynamic x — x- Specifically, (8) implies under the our baseline/U.S. calibration, and x 6.1 of — 1-22 of an 1-03 under the European one.^^ Effects of Productivity Shocks Figures 4 and 5 summarize the effects of a productivity shock under alternative policies. In Figure 4 we assume a purely transitory shock {pa = 0), which allows us to isolate the model's intrinsic persistence, whereas in Figure 5 = Pa 0.9, a more realistic degree of persistence. In both figures we we assume display the responses for both the U.S. and European labor market calibrations. In we all cases report responses to a one percent decline in productivity, and expressed in percent terms. See Blanchard (2006). 20. (1 — in Europe by assuming a We compute the equivalent quarterly rate as x,n + (1 — x„^)xm + Xni)^im, where Xm. is the monthly job finding rate. 21. Note that our model can only account for a higher efficient steady state unemployment rate larger disutility of labor. Alternatively, we could have assumed an steady state only for the U.S., and impose the implied x to the European calibration as well. In that case, however, the steady state unemployment would not be efficient. and an efficient additional linear term would appear in the loss function, which would render our log-linear approximation to the equilibrium conditions insufficient. , 29 constant constant u policy: inflation h3 -^ tt policy: unemployment — us — eu Ql I ^ Q.® ..e..®.©^-®~@ @-Q-@-<3 'S"g" S & ®Q . '' . 10 5 ' 15 ' h' 20 optimal policy: unemployment optimal policy: inflation 1— 0.14 0.12 0.1 ,^ 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 ' Figure 4. Dynamic Responses 3 €> &'G @-€h»'^»-@-e' a-Q •& Q to Transitory Productivity Shock Sr^r&-s^-e^-ei4 constant u policy: constant n policy: unemployment inflation ^ 8 • / 'i. 6 ^/% 4 '' X\ X \ \. \sc 2 _i [ , ' ^^"Q^^gi 10 optimal policy: unemployment optimal policy: inflation \ /-\ 0.5 - \^ %^ 0.4 \^ 0.3 ^^t 0.2 0.1 1 r , 10 Figure 5. , '""'^^^i. 20 Dynamic Responses to a Persistent Productivity Shock 20 us us caltfctration: inflation 0.5 •e— optimal -^ taybr — 1 0.5 0.8 0.4 \x 0.3 ^° calibration: unempfoyment \ - O.S ^N, • 0.41- 0.2 ^ ^. <?•." ^^^ 0.1 % 10 eu 15 20 10 eu calibration: inflation "-K 0.5 \\ \i\ 0.4 0.6 0.5 ^= 0.4 0.3 "^^Si. .o "n. caSibratfon: 15 20 unemploymsiit n \ 0.3 0.2 0.2 '*^*^^; 0.1 0.1 . 10 Figure 15 6. 20 Taylor-type Rule vs. Optimal Policy 10 15 20 We begin by discussing the case of a transitory shock. As shown in Figure 4, and implied by the analysis above, under a pohcy that stabilizes unemployment, a transitory shock to productivity has a very limited impact on inflation, which rises less than ten basis points under both calibrations, and displays no persistence. The size of the effect is Under inflation stabilization basis points one. its Most initial on impact interestingly, on the other hand, unemployment rises by about 70 European in the U.S. calibration, 60 basis points in the and as discussed above, unemployment remains above value well after the shock has vanished, with the persistence being significantly greater is almost identical for both calibrations. under the European calibration. The difference in persistence a consequence of both a lower job finding rate and a smaller separation rate in Europe. Not surprisingly, the optimal policy strikes a balance achieves a highly muted response of both inflation between the two, and and unemployment. The ferences in the responses across the two calibrations is dif- very small, with only a slightly smaller inflation response of inflation in the U.S. cahbration being de- tectable on the graph. Interestingly, the persistence in both variables negligible is (though not zero) under both calibrations. Perhaps the most salient feature of the exercise is the substantial reduction in unemployment under the volatility optimal policy relative to a constant inflation policy, achieved at a small cost in terms of additional inflation volatility. Figure 5 displays analogous results, under the assumption that pa realistic degree of persistence. 0.9, Now the size of the response of inflation is substantially under the constant unemployment than 70 basis points on impact under both reflects the — policy, amplified with an increase of more calibrations. This amplification effect forward looking nature of inflation and the persistent effects marginal costs generated by the interaction of the shock and real wage Note a more on real rigidities. also that inflation inherits the persistence of the shock. Given the strong inflationary pressures generated by a persistent adverse productivity shock, it is not surprising that fully stabilizing inflation in the face of those pressures would require large movements in unemployment. This is con- 30 firmed by our results, which point to an increase of 6.5 percentage points (!) in the unemployment rate under the U.S. cahbration. Interestingly, the unemploy- ment increase under the European calibration significantly smaller (though unemployment huge): 5.2 percentage points. In both cases with is is highly persistent, The degree response displaying a prominent hump-shaped pattern. its persistence is still remarkably larger under the European calibration, of same for the reasons discussed earlier. Under the optimal policy, the increase in unemployment on impact Note that the inflation targeting. size of The such responses price for having a is about 1 under the European percentage point under the U.S. calibration, half that size one. is several times smaller than under smoother unemployment path sistently higher inflation, with the latter variable increasing is per- by about 60 basis points under both calibrations. path of inflation implied by the optimal pohcy Interestingly, while the the same under both calibrations, the increase in unemployment smaller under the European calibration. do with the fact that The explanation larger sacrifice ratio. This is in turn a implied by our calibration (0.12 is reason for that result calibration , thus implying a economy with a high separation that the sensitivity of marginal cost to changes in the clear, the has to consequence of a higher separation rate rate depends on the effects of the latter on the tightness index x. makes substantially vs. 0.04) the Phillips curve flatter in an is roughly K-the coefficient measuring the sensitivity of inflation to unemployment changes-is smaller under the U.S. Why is is higher is the separation rate the smaller change in unemployment on x. This is in turn explained aggregate hirings with respect to unemployment an economy with high turnover, a change in when 5 is The unemployment As equation (26) the effect of a given by a lower is rate? elasticity of high: intuitively, in employment of a given size can be absorbed without much upsetting of the labor market. Figure 6 illustrates how the optimal responses of inflation and unemployment to a productivity shock can be approximated fairly well by having the central bank 31 follow a simple Taylor-type rule of the form it = + p (p^ TTt - (pu Ut Casual experimentation with alternative calibrations of the rule suggest that (f).,^ = 1.5 and (j)u — 0.2 the U.S. calibration. good job work On fine at approximating the optimal responses under the other hand, a rule with ^^ at approximating the optimal responses ~ 1.5 and 4>y, = 0.6 does a under the European calibration. Notice that in the latter case the larger coefficient on unemployment is consistent with the smaller required variation in unemployment. Relation to the Literature 7 Our model combines of (4) consumption and four main elements: leisure), (2) labor As a price staggering. result, it (1) standard preferences (concave market is frictions, (3) real wage utility rigidities, related to a large and rapidly growing literature. Merz (1995) and Andolfatto (1996) were the first to integrate (1) introducing labor market frictions in an otherwise standard ticular, RBC and (2), by model. In par- Merz derived the conditions under which Nash bargaining would or would not deliver the constrained-efficient allocation. Both models are richer than ours in allowing for capital accumulation, and in the case of Andolfatto, for both an extensive margin (through hiring) and an intensive margin (through adjustment of hours) for labor. In both cases, the focus nological shocks, and Cheron and Langot in both (2000), cases, the was on the dynamic effects of tech- model was solved through simulations. Walsh (2003) and Trigari (2006, with a draft circu- lated in 2003), integrate (1), (2) and (4), by allowing for Calvo nominal price setting by firms. Their models are again much richer than ours. Walsh allows endogenous separations. Cheron and Langot, as well as Trigari allow extensive and an intensive margin for labor,. with efficient for for both an Nash bargaining over hours and the wage. In addition Trigari considers "right to manage" bargaining, 32 with the firm choosing freely hours ex-post. Those models are too large to be analytically tractable, and Trigari's papers and are solved through simulations. The focus of Walsh on the dynamic is and Langot study the ability of the effects of nominal shocks, while Cheron model with both technology and monetary shocks to generate a Beveridge curve as well as a Phillips curve. More recent papers, by (2006) al. Walsh among (2005), Trigari (2005), others, introduce a Moyen and Sahuc number of extensions, in preferences, to capital accumulation, to the models complex in these papers are relatively and Andres (2005), from habit persistence imphcations of Taylor DSGE et The rules. models, which need to be studied through calibration and simulations. Shimer (2005) and Hall (2005) were the gued that, of in the unemployment DMP standard first to integrate (2) model, wages were too was too to technological shocks and flexible, (3). Shimer and the response small. Hall (2005) showed the scope for and then the imphcations of real wage rigidities in that class of from ours because of their assumption els. These (in addition to their being real models). mod.els_differ of this difference. But our their conclusion that real We results, using a wage have shown standard rigidities are real wage staggering a for nominal cally, and is rigidities. la Calvo. utility specification, reinforce needed to explain fluctuations. Being a real model, however, Their model is mod- earlier the implications Their model allows for standard preferences, labor market (3). first of linear preferences Gertler and Trigari (2005) have explored the implications of integrating and ar- it (1), (2) frictions, and has no room again too complex to be solved analyti- studied through simulations. Their focus is on the dynamic effects of technological shocks. The paper closest to ours (1) to (4), with standard preferences, labor market is by ChristofTel and Linzert (2005). Like and nominal price staggering by complex than and either ours, allowing for efficient frictions, real firms. Again, their model is it integrates wage rigidities, us, substantially both extensive and intensive margins Nash bargaining, through simulations. The main focus or right to is on manage. The model more for labor, is solved inflation persistence in response to monetary policy shocks. 33 This brief (and surely partial) review makes clear that we cannot Our aim was originality of purpose. enough that its to develop claim fully and present a structure simple solution can be characterized analytically, the dynamic effects of shocks can be related to the underlying parameters, and optimal policy can be derived. In contrast, any normative much analysis, of the related literature described due to the complexity that our analytical model above falls models involved. of the short of We think a needed step in the development of these more is complex models. Conclusions 8 We have constructed a model with labor market and staggered price New setting. role of ^<, rigidities, integrates the key elements of the in all needed -.« - . effects of monetary pohcy one if movements to explain is in changes in productivity on the economy, and the shaping those effects. have derived the constrained-efficient allocation, and the equilibrium in the decentralized economy The optimal monetary unemployment and The - three ingredients above are unemployment, the We wage Keynesian framework and the Diamond-A-Iortensen-Pisarrides search model of labor market flows. The The model thus frictions, real extent of real in the presence of real policy has been shown wage i.e. of persistence is prices. inflation fluctuations. wage rigidities determines the amplitude of unemployment unemployment fluc- displays intrinsic The degree persistence beyond that inherited from productivity. decreasing in the job finding rate. Hence, the more sclerotic the labor market the more persistence In the presence of real wage the best monetary pohcy. is As in targeting does not deliver Blanchard and Gali (2005), the reason The is unemployment. rigidities, strict infiation distortions vary with shocks. inflation, and sticky to minimize a weighted average of tuations under the optimal pohcy. Furthermore, persistence, rigidities best policy implies is that some accommodation of and comes with some persistent fluctuations in unemployment. . , 34 Appendix A: Derivation New of the Keynesian Phillips Curve with Hiring Costs The Optimal Price Setting Problem X Let Xt+h\t denote the value of a variable reset its price in period ofc .Ct_Pt_ jg j^Q^ P^ t. - nmx Et ' i + fc for a firm that last denotes the price set by this firm at time t. Qt,t+k stochastic discount factor for nominal payoffs. ^j^g resetting prices in period T4(A^,_i|0 in period t maximizes J^ its value, given Qt,t+k [Pt^Yt+Ht O'^ - A = firm by Pt+k{Wt+kNt+k\t + Gt+kHt+k\t)] k=0 oo + {l-9)EtY,^'Qt,t+k+iVt+k+i{Nt+k\t) (40) fc=o subject to Yt+k\t ^'^At+kNt+k\k ^m-|t=(;^) where Ht+k\t = - A^t+fc|t (1 - {Ct+k + G,+,.Ht+k) and Pt ^) Nt+k-i\t (41) = (^J^ (42) PtUY'' djj '" is the aggregate price index. Notice that, in contrast with the Calvo model without hiring costs, the payoffs associated with the current price decision the period after the end of the life of the now newly include a term corresponding to set price. That term takes the form of a weighted average of the value of the firm at the time or resetting the price, with the weights, (1 — 6) at each possible horizon. 9'^ , corresponding to the probability that this happens The reason the payoff's of that period through is that P^ will its effect still have some influence on on inherited employment and, hence, on hiring requirements. Even though the by its That profits of a firm resetting its price at time t will be be influenced lagged employment, the price decision will be independent of past variables. result, which allows our model to preserve all the aggregation properties of 35 the basic Calvo framework, follows from our assumption of linear hiring costs at the firm level. and using constraints Differentiating objective function (40) with respect to P^ (41) and (42), as well as the must hold = envelope property V^{Nt-i\t) = (1 — J) PtGt (which we obtain the optimality condition for all t) EtY,e''-Qt,t+k yt+k\t - (.1 + ej ^ e 'n+fc|t t-rh-iL p* - ft+k'^t+k t-rA.^t--r'v r^ JD* k=0 -6(1 - j)(i - E, 9) j: 9^ Q.,+,,1 '"'^''"^^r-''^"^ Nt.kit * k=0 where dHt+k\t _ dP; = for fc = 1, 2, 3, ..and Collecting terms = ^ and ^ 1 dYt+k\t_ At+k dPt* -^ [^t+k\t -^ letting M. _ _ - (1 - dPt* -- mt+k-i\i] k^O. Nt\t for dYt+k-i\t 1 cN 'At+k-i ' - =^ denote the gross desired markup we have EtJ29''Qt,t+k[Yt+k\t k=0 -M^ (Wt+k + Pt Gt+k - (1 - 5)Qt+kMk+i^^Gt+k+i) Pt+k \ which can be seen to be independent of setting their price in period t will Nt-i\t, thus employment Nt+k\t] J implying that choose the same price their price history (and, hence, their is /. P/', all firms re- independently of in the previous period). This a consequence of our assumption of hiring costs which are linear in the firm's hiring level, thus implying that lagged or marginal revenue (even though it employment does not affect marginal cost will influence the level of profits). In turn, that property allows us to preserve the aggregation properties of the basic Calvo model. 36 Rearranging terms we have oo • = EtJ2^'Qt,t+kYt+k\t{P:-MPt+kMCt+k) fc=0 where MC. 5 + .(.,)-«l-.)S.{l^^ .(.,«)} 37 Appendix B: Derivation Under our assumed of the Welfare Loss Function utility specification u(Ct) = we have: = log Ct c + ct and v{Nt) = X l + (p 2 l + . where we have made use of the Hence, the deviation of period is '2 "^ cf) fact that utility up from to second order its ^'~^ c:i rit + \ nf steady state value, denoted by Ut, given by ' UtC^Ct~xN'+*rit + ^{l + cP)xN'+^nj Next we derive an equation that and nf.. Market good clearing for Integrating over i relates, i up (43) to a second order approximation, requires that At{Nt{i) — g{xt)Ht{i)) = Ct Ct{i). yields: At {Nt - g{xt) Ht) = / Ct{i) di Jo = CtDt where A= /o (^j di. Thus we can write AM-' = -'^''^ n; 38 Notice that the right-hand side term equals —5g our assumption on the order of magnitude of 5 and relative to employment fluctuations. Thus already of second order g, it is suffices to derive a first-order it under in the steady state. Hence, Taylor expansion: H 9{^t) -Tf - Sg + - 5g + g{l-5 + a)nt- ag5 xt + g{l-5)nt- g{l-6) where we have made use of equation - g{l + <5)(1 nt-i - q(1 x)) rit-i (26) as well as the fact that g'x — ag . Hence we have g{l-5 + CtD-^ ^ g{l - 6){1 , l-5g AtNtil --Sg) Taking logs on both ihultiplied a) sides, and 1 realizing that the + - terms - ajl x)) ^ 5g and Ut-i are in nt pre- by g and hence are already of second order: ^ l-g(l + a)^ , I- gll - + a(l 1-Sg S)(l 5g Lemma.: up to a second order approximation, dt = logDt — x)) ^ , , I vari[pt{i)). Proof; see appendix C. Using (43) and (44), we can write the expected discounted sum of period utilities as follows: CO "" t=0 f=0 t=0 «=0 +t.i.p Assuming that the economy fluctuates around the efficient steady state, we can 39 use (8) to show that the coefficient on The rit equals zero. following result allows us to express the cross-sectional variance of prices as a function of inflation: Lemma: ESo/^* Proof: vari{pt{i)) =- { YT=q(^^ ^t Woodford (2003) Combining the previous rate ut, with our definition of the unemployment results, together we can write the welfare losses from fluctuations around the efficient steady state (ignoring terms independent of policy or lagged as t=o where Q'„ = (A(l + (^)x(l - u*)'^~^)/e > 0. 40 Appendix C From the definition of the price index, in a neighborhood of the zero inflation steady state: = exp{{l / - e) {pt{i) - pt)} di Jo c. 1 + (1 - - Pt) [\ptii) e) ^i^ + di ^ Jo f\p,{i) - p,f di Jo thus implying Pt^ f^ Pt{i) di + —-— (1 - ^ Jo By e) f^ (ptii) / -ptf di Jo definition, - 'p.M-- "' ^ = « L I / exp{-e I * {pt{i) -pt)] di Jo - 1 W {pS) -Pt) + — + ^^^ \\pi{i) - Pif - di 1 = It follows that dt 1 + {pt{i) dx + - Ptf di "^ 1 / {pt{i)-ptf :^ (e/2) / ^ Jo Jo vari{pt{i)) ^ ^\p,{x) - p,f di di up to a second order approximation. 41 References Andolfatto, David (1996): "Business Cycles and Labor Market Search," American Economic Review, 86-1, 112-132 Andres, Javier, Rafael Domenech, and Javier Ferri (2006): "Price Rigidity and the Volatility of Vacancies and Unemployment," mimeo, Universidad de Valencia. 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