LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries orking .department of economics ON STABILITY IN THE SADDLE-POINT SENSE David Levhari and Nissan Liviatan Number 73 July 1971 massachusetts institute of technology 'memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 Dewey ON STABILITY IN THE SADDLE-POINT SENSE David Levhari and Nissan Liviatan Number 73 July 1971 This research was supported by National Science Foundations grants GS-2530 for the first author and GS-1812 for the second author. The views expressed in this paper are the authors' sole responsibility and do not reflect those of the Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology or the National Science Foundation. 175.1060 . OCNCHAl. OOOKDINOING CO ^•^ 5551 E3 13 «U«LlTr CONtKOL MARK Introcuction In the following paper we discuss some properties of the op- path (..•i< the multiple capital goods case. Lit. We denote by n-dimensional veciOr of per capita capital and by the ^(k,k)dt fe V where the We ass;ame that the aim is to max- rates of change par unit of time. imize k k gives the maximum utility obtained i' from c:onsumption with given k and k, and 6 is the rate of dis- count. This is the case discussed in numerous papers and here we focus our attention on the behavior of the Euler differential equations around the steady state. Samuelson [5] has proved that for the case 6=0 we have, at an optimal steady state, a saddle-point with the characteristic roots coming in pairs of and X ~X For the analogues discrete . model he has proved [6,7] that the roots come in reciprocals and ?. X Thus, in both cases the behavior of the path around the steady state is that of a saddle-point. We refer to this situation as "stability in the saddle-point sense". Kurs [1] has generalised this Samuel son-Poincare considering the case of count rate. <S > 0, theorem by that is the case of positive dis- Kurz proves for this case that it is impossible for the optimal path to be^'^^table one; either we have a saddle-point around the steady state ofV^IHstability. * We T7ish to acknowledge NSF grants GS-253 f or Thus an optimal steady the first author and GS-1812 for the second author. 1) . . See Similar formulation in Samuelson and Solow [4] - 2 - state may be stable or unstable xn the saddle-point sense. 2) Kurz's presentation is different from that of Samuelson since his treatnent is based on a generalized system which includes the shadow prices. as wel^i.. cand con s iderably simpler^ >^^/ In this paper we give^lternativ^V^roof to the Kurz theorem within the framework of classical calculus of variations, as Samue.-son is using, without introducing dual variables. for ;) that if > X is a characteristic root then also a characteristic root. We prove -X+6 is ' Another problem which we take up in this paper concerns the possibility of having purely imaginary roots 6=0. and X for the case If this were possible then it would imply lack of saddle- point stability for an optimal steady state with seems very strange. [5,7] -X Indeed that for the case <, 6=0 6=0, which Samuelson 's writings seem to imply and concave production function and utility function (that is strictly concave V) it is impossible for the characteristic roots to be purely imaginary. That is, his conjecture is that when the integrand is strictly concave in e k and k it is always the case that the optimal path has a saddie-point behavior. Kurz, on the other hand, raised the pos- sibi.lity of total instability for the case 6=0. Kurz does not state, however, whether he is discussing the case of a concave in- tegrand or not. that when 2) 6=0 In this paper, we prove as Samuelson conjectures, the optimal path around the steady state has in- Tne case of total instability is connected with multiple optimal steady state in which some are saddle-points and some are unstable [2,3]. ~ 3 - deed the saddle-point behavior for strictly concave V. All the theorems are proved also for the discrete time model. Zr.i this case,, the aim is to maximize v(k^k, 3 j; where ,) k t=0 n-vect-or of per capita capitals at is (0 < g 3 V and 1) is the discount factor 3 arguments function giving the max- 2n is a t, imum utility of consumption for known We prove and k , that the characteristic roots come in pairs of X and the case V and 3=1 ^ k . ^r . In strictly concave it is impossible for any of the roots to be of absolute value and we always have a 1 This is the discrete time counterpart of the theo- saddle-point. rem stating that in continuous-time models we cannot have purely imaginary roots when 2. 6=0 strictly concave. V and The Continuous and Discrete Models. In the continuous case we wish to maximize As shown in [4] and (V^.^.)(y) + = l,...,n f j^ )-6(V3^ j^ 13 31 )] - y [(V,,.k.)+6Vj^ 13 j^ ](y) 13 n-vectors of deviations from optimal steady are state values and where i,j )-(V3^ 3^ 13 y = k-k* whera yields (k=0) HVj^ 13 . the Taylor's expansion o± Euler Equations [5] around the steady state (1) \;'(k,k)dt fe (V^ ^ ) k^kj , (V^ , k^kj ) , (V, ^ k^kj , (V, , k^kj ) , with matrices composed of nxn are notations for the ) the appropriate partial derivatives evaluated at an optimal steady state. Denote A = (Vj^ ^ i observe B' = (V^ , 3 ) ) j ^ S = ^^k ) j^ i j ^ ^ " ^\ i k ^ ' ^^'^ J (prime denotes the transposed matrix) 2. characteristic equation of this system iss "® . The = (2) ' (C+dB^I! = (B-B'-(SA)X - + IJAX^ . A Under the assumption of strict concavity the matrix (_ B , B _) C is negative definite, For the discrete case, as mentioned, the aim is to maximize 00 Z t 3 V(k ,k. V where ,) gives max itial utility for given k. ,k. ,, Taylor expansion of the system of Eu ^er-like difference equations 3) 1^ yields: • 3(V (3) .)(^'t+2^ ^ ^^\i^j>-^^^V Vt ^t-l^t + (V . values, i.e., x. V =0 . {V ^ t— i -I A = h = B'« . kj = k.-k*. W We denote observe ) n-vectors of deviations from optimal steady state are x. (x. V'^ Ic where ) . )5(^t^l^-^ 1.3 ^t-l^t-1 , {V ^ . ) = B W~i , (V ^ . )=C and ^t-i^t-1 The characteristic equation of the Euler- K.'j_ c. like system of difference equations is iJgB'X^ + (4) CA+3C)A + B|J = . Characterizations of the Optimal Path Theorem tion (2) Proof. 1. If then X -X+6 is a characteristic root of the polynomial equais a root as well. Let us substitute A{6-X)^ + (B-B'-6A)(6-|^) 3) -X+6. - (C+6B} This yields with trivial calculations = AX^ -S- (B-B •+6A) (-X) - (C+6B') See the analogous case in Samuelson [5,7] with characteristic equation of the same form. . : ' - 5 - However, we already know that |jAX^ ' + (B-B''-6a)X - (C+6By = || and as transposing does not change the value of the determinant, we This theorem gives Kurz's con- is also a root. -X+6 find that clusions that the only possibilities are either saddle-point or complete instability. We cannot have complete stability since if, say, the real part of X related root is negative then the real part of the cannot be negative too. -X+& In the following theorem, we show that in the case 6=0 we always have a saddle-point, that is purely imaginary characterixtic roots are impossible. Theorem The characteristic equation 2 ' |}AX + (B-B')X - posesses i\\ no purely imaginary root. Assume Proof. AX 2 (AX = 10 (B-B')X - C -s- 2 X to be a characteristic root. possesses a non-trivial solution {B-B')X - C) (x+iy) = + The matrix real vectors not both zero. where x and y are n-dimensional Multiplying this equation by (x-iy) we get (5) (x-iy) ' [AX^ + (B-B')X - C] (x+iy) = . Let us now compute the following quadratic form (defining to be the conjugate of (6) [X (x-iy) ', (x-iy) X) 'I + X (x-iy) 'B (x+iy) As (7) X X (^ ^') L^^+iy^^ + X (x-iy) 'B' (x+iy) X is purely imaginary -(x-iy) 'A (x+iy) X^ + (x-iy) Thus, we see that: ' = -X = XX(x-iy) 'A(x+iy) ^ + (x-iy) 'C (x+iy) and we obtain for (B'-B) (x+iy) X + + . (6) (x-iy) 'C (x+iy) . . . ' - 6 - [X(x-iy);x-iy]' (^ (8) = ^') [^^^^J^^] = -(x-iy)'[AX^ + (B-B')X - C] (x+iy) = where the equality to zero follows from A However, the matrix B _ (» (5) is a symmetric negative definite ) matrix and for any negative definite symmetric matrix quadratic for z'Hz", left hand side of as in (8) is negative for (5), z H, the 0. ^^ Hence, the should be negative, a contradiction. It follows that all the roots of this characteristic equation must have non-vanishing real parts. Theorem (4) then Proof. (The discrete case) 3 1 yq If , is a solution of equation X ^^ also a solution. By substitution in &B' (^)2 + we obtains (4) (A+BC)^ Multiplying all the elements by trix is multiplied by B^X^^ Transposing, we finally have B -}- BX . 2 the determinant of this ma- and we get BB'X already know that ^|(BB'X^ + (A+BC) 2 + (A+BC) + X + B' (A+BC) = 0. ^|j + BBX^. However, we + B. X X Thus, ^ is also a root.* We find then that it is impossible for both roots to be within the unit circle. In the case 1 < [Xj < ^ both roots will be outside the unit circle and we shall obtain the unstable case. the case of no discounting, B=l non-saddle-point is the case of Ail this assumes that singular case. X j^ t In the only conceivable case of |XJ =1. or that ^ However, the following j^H f^ i we neglect this - 7 - theorem shows that in the strictly concave case this is impossible. Theorem The equation 4. + ^|jB'X (A+C) X + b(| = possesses no roots on the unit circle. Assume that this equation possesses a root on the unit circle, i.e., X As is a root with B'X 2 + X-X =1. is a singular matrix, there is a non- (A+C) X + B trivial solution to the system. (A+C)X + B] (x+iy) = [B'X^ + Multiplying on the left side with X(x-iy) . and using ° XX = we 1 find (9.! (x-iy)'[B'X + (A+C) + BX] (x+iy) = . Let us look at the following quadratic form (10) [X(x-iy)',(x-iy)'] However, as (A+C) A ( B , ^) = [^(^tiy)] (x-iy) ' (A+C) (x+iy) + (x-iy) 'B' (x+iy) X = (x-iy) 'B(x+iy)X + (x-iy) '[B'X + (^, ) + bX] (x+iy) = . ... . is negative definite symmetric matrix . multiplied on both sides by conjugate vectors it should be negative, a contradiction. 3=1 Thus, also for this case, we find that is always a case of saddle-point and again, complete instabi- lity is impossible in the case where V is strictly concave. REFERENCES [1] Kurz, M. , "The General Instability of a Class of Competitive Growth Processes'; Rev. Economic Studies 35 ^ 1968, 155-174. [2] , 'Optimal Economic Growth and Wealth Effects'^ Int. Economic Rev. [3] 9 [1968], 348-357. Liviatan, N. and P. A. Samuel son, "Notes of Turnpikes: Stable and Unstable" J. of Economic Theory , Vol.1, Dec, 1969, 454-475. [4] Complete Capital Model Involving Heterogenous Capital Goods'^ Quarterly J. of Economics, Samuelson, P. 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