Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/isthereviableeurOOblan DEWEY — .-..- HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series IS THERE A VIABLE EUROPEAN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC MODEL? Olivier Blanchard Working Paper 06-21 July 11,2006 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, This MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Paper Collection at Social Science Research Networl< http://ssrn.com/abstract-916606 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 8 2005 LIBRARIES Is there a viable European social and economic model? Olivier Blanchard * July 2006 Abstract In this lecture, I argue that the efficiency cost of generous but well designed social insurance need not be very large, and that there model, based on three legs: competition in is indeed a viable European goods markets, insurance labor in markets, and the active use of macroeconomic policy. Europe has performed poorly more observers, on both sides of the Atlantic, doubt that there viable European definitive social More and since the beginning of this century. and economic modc;l. pronouncements on such large I While disagree. issues are unwise, I I very is indeed a realize that much believe that the European model can work. By "European model," I mean a model that combines economic efficiency and generous social insurance. So, put more precisely, I believe, based on empirical evidence, that the efficiency cost of generous but well designed insurance need not be very large. This in I two is the theme I shall develop in this lecture. shall do it steps. shall first present what I see as the architecture of a (actual implementations, across countries short, I good European model and across time, have typically but have informed us as to what works and does not work). as relying on three equally important legs: Competition in the I see the I am model goods market, insurance in labor maxkets, and the active use of macroeconomic policy. that, in giving this lecture here in the Netherlands, fallen I realize in effect bringing coal to Newcastle: In other countries, these three legs are seen as central to the Van Lanschot lecture, Tilburg University, June 2006. "Dutch model"... And think these other countries are basically right: These I Dutch may see the flaws days, the do, but, seen from a distance, the of their model more than foreigners clearly Dutch model seems indeed remain a good, to incarnation of the ideal European model. real flesh, then want to confront three issues, which are often behind the growing doubts I about the feasibility of the European model. The first is the slowdown in Eu- ropean productivity growth since the mid 1990s, and whether it is a sign that the efficiency costs of the European model have bo;come larger than they used to be. The second whether the labor market institutions which have proven is successful in one country can be imported with the tries, whether for example the much vaunted Danish really solve the problems of France or faced by those European countries that architecture of the me that worries The 1 I Italy. are The European model. To the most, for now and "flex-security" third members Euro imposes on the use of the third straints the same success by other coun- is system can the specific challenges of the Euro, and the con- leg, and thus on the anticipate, the last issue is overall the issue for the future. overall architecture stated that a good model must be built on three legs, competition in the goods me market; insurance in labor markets; and active macroeconomic policy. Let take each one in turn. 1.1. Competition The more we in goods markets learn about the workings of the economy, the more apparent the role of competition in goods (and financial) markets. Perhaps, more modest in my claims: of productivity, the more achieving efficiency. I my A I The more I I is should be have learned about the determinants have been impressed by the role of competition in shall just mention two pieces of evidence, both related to research interests: while back, MGI, the research ferences in productivity ipated in many among of these studies, arm of McKinsey, decided to investigate similar sectors across countries. comparing for I dif- have partic- example telecommunication or road transportation sectors across Germany and Prance, or banking sectors in Turkey or in a relatively at how, in came to the issue with tighter. I have been struck Russia to benchmarks in richer countries. My flat prior. many posterior beliefs are much cases, differences in productivity I can be traced to differences in the competitive environment rather than from access to technology, or capital, or skilled labor. technology more More intense competition truly forces firms to use the existing efficiently, and forces inefficient firms out. Turning to complementary and more quantitative evidence, very much the same come out from the wealth conclusions of data on job flows which the profession has accumulated over the The first major conclusion is how much last reallocation is taking place in economies: Each quarter in the United States, more than end. and roughly the The same percentage of jobs and on reallocation two decades: 5% modern of the existing jobs created. (These are "job flows". is flows of workers are even higher). Perhaps surprisingly, the levels appear to be very similar even in "sclerotic'' Europe. This is dramatic evidence of the process of job creation/destruction described more than sixty years ago — but — by Schumpeter. without much empirical evidence at the time The second major conclusion is that reallocation is indeed the main force behind productivity improvements. Por example, a study by Foster et concluded that more than trade in the 1990s retail 90% al [2002] has of the large increase in productivity in U.S. came from reallocation, i.e. the replacement of less productive by more productive establishments, rather than from productivity growth within a given establishment. Behind this reallocation is the force of competition. These findings have two main implications. First, productivity implication, steady growth in the standard of living, reallocation. refer to One just cannot have one without There lies limiting means painful job also often be losses of jobs for called "dislo- some workers. the challenge for policy: allowing for reallocation and growth, while its painful effects on those who are displaced. This naturally takes me to the second leg, social insurance. 1.2. levels of the other. But what economists by the neutral name of "reallocation" can cation": Reallocation often growth, and, by come with high Insurance in labor markets A popular slogan is in FVance-at least "Protect workers, not jobs". among reformers, makes also many European from job how far among all politicians- system should do and should not do. It from optimal actual labor market institutions are countries: Faced with the demand by workers governments have too often tried to loss, not indeed a good slogan, which goes to the It is heart of what a social insurance clear if to protect limit job destruction, in them without understanding the adverse implications of their policies for job creation. easy to see the flaws of existing systems. And, based on both theory and It is a growing amoimt of empirical evidence from the diversity of experiences and body policies across countries (a no small part of empirical knowledge built in by Jan Van Ours and others here at Tilburg), also relatively easy to define it is the contours of what a good system should and can do: A good system should include some employment protection. But take a rather different form from what the form simply, it should be more financial, imposes economic costs on society, less judicial. it takes in A it should Europe today. Put firm that lays off workers only the unemployment and other benefits if that the worker receives while unemployed. These costs should be internalized by firms. The best way to do this is to have firms pay contributions equal to the benefits paid to the workers they layoff, rather than through payroll taxes as the case in is European countries today. Experience rating systems, such as that used in the United States, show the ways in whicli this can be done, for example by charging firms ex-post have laid-off, This shift and allowing for a for the benefits paid to the workers they smoothing of firms' contributions over time. away from payroll taxation should come however with a reduction the role of labor judges. Judges should be involved only it for age, sex, or union activities, is suspected. But nalize the costs of layoffs, judges should have justification of firms, as behind a is layoff. Letting the case in France, is no say if if in discrimination, be firms are made in assessing to inter- the economic them second guess the economic decisions the source of uncertainty and inefficiency, which benefit neither firms nor workers. Unemployment insurance the way of job search. cal evidence is The should be provided, but lesson from the it should not stand now considerable body in of empiri- that insurance should be conditional, not only on reported job search, a hard-to-monitor activity, but also on training and job acceptance if jobs are available. Such conditional insurance An is fair: older unskilled worker in a region with httle job creation should receive insurance for the rest of her working years if needed; but a younger, skilled worker, in a large have the option of living on the dole if jobs enough; what we have learned however ing way the other will The should not principle is simple the details. Defin- is always be fuzzy and somewhat unemployment agencies may not have unemployed back get the available. that the devil is what constitutes an "acceptable job" arbitrary. Public ai'e city, sufficient incentives to may be to work; private placement agencies — forcing workers into inappropriate jobs. Nevertheless, biased existing systems can be substantially improved, and the direction of improvement is a clear one. A specific There is workers to problem here is the employment of the least skilled or able workers. unfortunately no guarantee that the productivity of the least skilled will be sufficient to give be a decent standard of way the wrong living. A to i.e. what society considers minimum wage however high more to deal with the issue, unemployment than income them a "hving wage," likely to lead to any positive outcome. The right way is is clearly high unskilled negative to use a tax, under which firms pay workers according to their productivity, and the state then adds enough to allow these workers to achieve a decent standard of living. There be a role will still for a —low— minimum wage, so as to avoid the worst cases of exploitation; but such a be used for accumulating body of evidence, coming tax, Were such should not purposes of income redistribution. Here again, the devil details, in particular the details of the negative income minimum wage is is in the income tax schedule. But an in particular from the U.S. negative helping design better systems. institutions put in place, Obviously, the correct answer is: We how large would the efficiency cost be? do not know. But looking around gives us Europe have a hints. These days, economists and affair with Denmark: The Danish combination of low employment protection and active labor market policies, politicians throughout the so called "flex-security model" , with low unemployment and a solid economic performance. Love fickle. The has lost its love have come affairs are previous one was with the Netherlands and the Dutch model, but flame as the Dutch labor market has softened. My that the two love affairs were and are justified. Not everything country, and the flaws are surely more visible from close. is sense however it is perfect in either But both countries. as well as a few others in Europe, provide convincing evidence that high social insurance is not inconsistent witli low unemployment and sustained growth. In other words, they provide evidence that the efficiency cost of generous social insurance need not be very high. 1.3. Active macroeconomic policy The measures I can operate as have described aimed at the supply efficiently as possible, that potential be. But, to take up an old Keynesian theme, there output always equal potential output. will Some have argued nomic policy side, will that, if is making sure that firms output is as high as can no guarantee that actual the measures sketched earlier are taken, macroeco- no longer be needed. They argue that "flexibility" will lead the economy to remain close to potential output without macroeconomic policy argument however intervention. Their ferent meanings of the word meaning of the word is is "flexibility" . based on a confusion about the In the context of labor markets, one the ability of firms to adjust employment in response to changes in the economic environment. In this sense, the need to allow firms to be flexible. to remain close to potential output is What is I have indeed argued needed however a different dimension of a strong response of nominal wages in response to activity. for the for economy flexibility, namely The two dimensions do not necessarily come together. Perhaps the best example of is dif- this proposition the United States: U.S. firms have nearly complete flexibility in adjusting their labor force. Yet nominal wage flexibility appears very limited: Nominal wages adjust slowly to labor market conditions, more so indeed European tlian in most countries. This has a simple implication, the need to use macroeconomic policy to maintain output close to potential. Adopting a passive policy stance, and letting nominal wages adjust slowly to labor market conditions, would lead to too slow an adjustment process. In the United States, the lesson has been weU understood. Faced with sharp movements authorities have not hesitated to step aggressively. This The same was very much consumer spending or in in, and to use in asset valuation, monetary and lesson applies to Europe: Increasing potential output sure actual output is equal to potential macroeconomic pohcy. fiscal policy in evidence during the 2000-2001 recession. is just as important, is good; making and requires active me Let take stock. I have described the basic architecture of what viable European model. have argued that real I see as a I flesh incarnations, in countries such as the Netherlands or Denmark, as well as specific experiments in other be very high. countries, suggest that the efficiency cost of insurance need not At this point, that simple? you are In the second part of make a longer Issues 2 2.1. likely to ask: The answer list, my is, Are things talk, I want really that obvious, One to turn to three such reasons. but these three are at the top of really my could hst. and worries The European productivity growth slump European productivity growth has been very low 1 is it There are plenty of reasons to worry. as always, no. since the mid-1990s. Table (based on the work of the researchers at the University of Groningen) gives total factor productivity members of the growth for the United States, for the European Union before the recent extension), Netherlands, since 1980. Until the mid-1990s, It TFP EU-15 (the 15 as well as for the leads to two conclusions. Europe than in the United growth has increased in the United growth was higher States. Since then however, productivity in And European TFP growth States, decreased in Europe. is now substantially lower than in the United States. 1990-1995 2000-2004 1995-2000 U.S. 0.6 0.5 1.1 1.7 EU-15 1.1 1,2 0.9 0.4 Netherlands 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.4 Source: Timmer, Some have 1980s Ypma and Van Ark [2003], and GGDC data base. read tliese numbers as showing that the European model The arguments are many: "Rigidities" to adjust, killing reallocation make are obviously off the mark. First, it doomed. impossible for European firms and growth. Low hours of work (the "lazy Euro- peans") translate into low productivity. technological frontier, it is it is And so on. Most of these arguments normal that, as Europe has gotten has experienced a decrease in growth. Second, "rigidities" were very much its to the rate of productivity present before 1995, and did not prevent nearly of productivity convergence to the U.S. full work mean a lower income per worker have no obvious implication Still, one must look at the facts at appear to have done well, Third, low hours at a given level of productivity; they for productivity the facts are worrisome. level. growth. To make progress in a more disaggregated understanding their cause, level, to find which sectors have done poorly in which sectors Europe relative to the United States. Here, again, Herculean work has been done by the Groningen team. read I There is its conclusions as follows: no evidence of a productivity growth problem across the board. In manufacturing for example, while productivity growth has decreased over time (presumably as a result of catch up with the United States), than in the remains higher it United States. Instead, the difference in performance between the two sides of the ocean can, from an arithmetic viewpoint, be traced mostly to what has happened in three sectors, retail and wholesale trade, and in financial services. Given the difficulty of measuring productivity be skeptical of what productivity trade U.S. and European almost As reflects retail trade in that sector. Productivity trade productivity growth numbers retail some true is mean one should nearly as hard to measure, but the difference between the in retail is statistics in financial services, difference so large that is it between the two continents. a heavy user of IT (information technologies), many observers have identified the source of the difference as coming from the use of IT. Firms in the their United States, the argument goes, have been better at using IT than European counterparts. limits to competition he al I I am skeptical. I am more inclined to think that behind much of the difference. The paper by Foster talked about earlier has shown that nearly all et the productivity growth in U.S. retail was due to the replacement of less efficient stores by more efficient ones (the so called "Wal-Mart" revolution). There exists no equivalent study for Europe, but there is plenty of evidence that zoning and other regulations have led to lower turnover of stores; this appears to be a good candidate for explaining lower productivity growth over the period. In short, there to the is no strong evidence that a deep structural problem, intrinsic European model, hes behind the poor productivity growth performance of the last decade in Europe. At the same time, the most hkely explanation for the slowdown in retail trade (namely the protection of existing establishments) provides a good example of the efficiency costs of good intentioned policies. reasonable for European governments to protect the quality of their city It is But the centers. cost may not be negligible, and Europe may have to accept permanently lower productivity (although not permanently lower productivity growth) as a Can 2.2. I result. labor market institutions be transplanted? argued earlier that, while no country is perfect, the Dutch models embody many of the characteristics of the economic and had in mind. But, to put Danish One may well The summarized first, bluntly, it if doubt it. me Let in give the graph above, gives the Denmark and lower. It is conclusion relation may be World Value Survey) "Can piece of evidence my is Put another way, the more in Denmark indirect, papers, with much trade-off will between may or in the Netherlands. Phillipon [2005]. in the 1990s), clear: OECD It shows the and the unemployment Again the conclu- countries. Countries with higher trust appear to have experienced smaller unemployment This correlation remains when controlling rates. existing measures of labor market institutions. again that there is more to success than just a tions. Especially in the labor tant. be between a measure of trust between business and labor (based on the increases in modify it but also potentially more general. Thomas rate in various decades since 1965, across is OECD steeper, the efficiency cost of insurance answers to a World Forum survey of firms sion across There are large differences across countries: in the four countries. from one of it clear: R-ance and Greece than in The second take mean answers by no means obvious that the system of unemployment benefits insurance and search effort I country of origin? in their the Netherlands score very high, France and Greece score work the same way be higher is I which you have no right? (never=l, other an- justified to claim state benefits to The model you two pieces of empirical evidence: countries to the following question (from the swers=0"). social France and Italy were to import Dutch or would they work just as well as institutions, Danish or the —elements such as market, "trust" , less I for read this evidence as saying good design of formal —and easy to measure less institu- easy to or the quality of labor relations, are impor- Importing institutions from Denmark or the Netherlands may not deliver Dutch or Danish unemployment rates. Or, put in a positive light, designing a 9 Nw Dk Swd Nth Source: Ajs Cahuc and Algan, good European good labor Usa Uk Cd Che Jp Ire The Euro is Sp Pd R Mx Bg Chi Fra a* Gre 2005. This naturally takes The Euro, macroeconomic 3. Aul Ger policy, me to my just importing and requires developing trust between labor It relations. O Ita and economic model implies more than social formal institutions. hfe capital, and last topic. and wage adjustments an exciting project. But there is no question that participation in the Euro imposes sharp constraints on national macroeconomic policy. Namely, the loss of monetary and exchange rate policies, with only it worth it? Many fiscal years ago, Mundell gave us the basic answer. countries to join in a common pohcy The left. Is costs for currency area will be smaller, the more limited the size of country-specific shocks, or the higher the labor mobility between countries, or the higher the To wage flexibility within each country. state the obvious, these conditions are far The result has been a Reunification in series of rotating slumps, as countries Germany slump from which scenario: satisfied today in Europe. have experienced and then gone through long and painful adjustment processes. specific shocks, In Portugal, a from it led to a a real appreciation, followed by a has taken the best of ten years demand boom A boom boom and in anticipation of the and an appreciation loss of competitiveness, for Euro has in the late 1990s, a large current account deficit Germany to reemerge. led to a similar which has turned into a and anemic growth in the 10 Unemployment and Trust 1965-74 1975-84 1985-94 1995-2002 6 3 labor trust Source: Blanchard and Philippon. 2004. 2000s. that of and to growth The way its out for Portugal competitors, or productivity growth above that of do so for many years. Neither other Euro members, the in nominal wage growth below to achieve low is growth, something difficult to is competitors, its easy to achieve: Given low nominal wage first may well require negative nominal wage achieve in the best of circumstances. And, while Portugal has plenty of room to improve productivity, the required reforms are politically hard to sell and to Elsewhere (Blanchard 2006), Portugal I is for many more could go on. Italy tiveness, and little is I implement when the economy have argued that the most same problems in a similar policy, I. see and for a slump. predicament, with a steady loss of competi- wage adjustment. Spain, where in the not too distant future. blame the Euro, or suggest in years of low growth and current account deficits. internal steady growth but also to very large current account the is likely forecast for its abandonment, but deficits, will My to demand has led to probably face point however is not to draw the implications for the implementation of the "European model" in Euro countries. two such implications, neither of them being much emphasized these days. 11 , Absent monetary policy and the use of the nominal exchange tries must adjust using two Both must be used actively; tools. Fiscal policy, which one, or Euro coun- rate, and nominal wage adjustment. what combination, depends on the in need to adjust internal or external demand. But the bottom hne is that both are essential. This means returning to an active use of tool. And, more importantly fiscal in the context of policy as a niacroeconomic policy my argument, countries must be able to adjust nominal wages so as to maintain competitiveness. This adjustments up, the case of Portugal and Italy, or, as in wage. If Portugal could, overnight, reduce would imply a much smaller decrease goods would adjust downwards as its of the nominal nominal wages by 10 or 20% (which wages as prices of domestic in its real well), down may imply it would substantiahy decrease its current account deficit and restart growth without having to endure years of high unemployment. Can these adjustments take place? — they can only take place I believe that, because of coordination issues, at least take place quickly collective bargaining at a centralized level and perhaps the and Social state. Council...). But I they come out of between business and labor unions, this in turn requires representative unions, beheve however, that fiscal policy lead to a rejection of the first two. It is it continuous dialogue —go very much against the current in their absence, the third leg. In the absence of this third leg, who — a centralized bargaining structure in case of need, representative unions, a between unions and firms, active grain. if (Think Wassenaar here; think of the Dutch Economic can negotiate on behalf of workers. All this ready to be used — will European model will lack its work poorly, and quite possibly my main worry for the future. 12 References Blanchard, Olivier, 2006, "Adjustment within the Euro; the Portugal", difficult case of mimeo MIT. Blanchard, Olivier and and unemployment", Thomas NBER Philippon, 2004, "The quality of labor relations working paper 10590. Cahuc, Pierre, and Yann Algan, 2005, "Civic attitudes a.nd the design of labor market institutions: Which countries can implement the Danish Flexisecurity model? ", mimeo Foster, Lucia, Paris I, September. John Haltiwanger, and C..I. Krizan, 2002, "The hnk between aggregate and micro productivity growth; Evidence from retail trade" , NBER working paper 9120. Timmer, Marcel. Gerard Ypma. and Bart van Ark, 2003, "IT pean Union: Driving Productivity Divergence?", Research 67, in the Euro- Memorandum GD- Groningen Growth and Development Centre, October. 13 o35 21 Date Due Lib-26-67