HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series The Interest Rate, Learning, and Inventory Investment Louis J. Maccini Bartholomew Moore Huntley Schaller Working Paper 03-04 January 2003 Room E52-251 50 Mennorial Drive Connbridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssm.com/abstract id=3 72 844 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/interestratelearOOmacc January 2003. The Interest Rate, Learning, and Inventory Investment Bartholomew Moore Department of Economics Fordham University 441 East Fordham Road The Bronx, NY 10458 (718)817-3564 Maccini (Corresponding author) Department of Economics Johns Hopkins University Louis J. 3400 N. Charles Street 21218 (410)516-7607 maccini@jhu.edu Baltimore, MD bmoore(a)fordham.edu Huntley Schaller Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 Memorial Drive 02142-1347 Cambridge, MA (617)452-4368 schaller@mit.edu [JEL Classification: E22. Keywords: Inventories, Interest Rates, Learning] thank We thank Heidi Portuondo for research assistance. For helpful comments we our discussant at the 2002 AEA meetings, Serena Ng, and seminar Ken West, participants at Brandeis University for Inventory Research. Schaller his research program. and the XII symposium of the International Society acknowledges the financial support of the SSHRC for ABSTRACT We derive parametric tests for the role of the interest rate in specifications based on the firm's optimization problem. evidence, finding little These Euler equation and decision rule role for the interest rate. We tests mirror earlier present a simple and intuitively appealing explanation, based on regime switching in the real interest rate and learning, of why tests based on the stock adjustment model, the Euler equation, and decision rule - of which emphasize short-run fluctuations in inventories and the unUkely respond to uncover a relationship. much A - Both simple and sophisticated a highly significant long-run relationship tests respond to confirm our predictions and between inventories and the interest rate. formal model of our explanation yields a previously untested implication that supported by the data. are analysis suggests that inventories will not to short-run fluctuations in the interest rate, but they should long-run movements. show Our interest rate all is 1 I. Introduction In their survey of inventory research, Blinder and Maccini (1991) observe that an important puzzle with empirical research on inventories to have little impact on inventory investment. been conducted over the survey by decade. last Ramey and West As an is But, very that the real interest rate little seems research on this issue has indicator of the lack of work, the recent (1999) barely mentions the effect of interest rates on inventories. The interest rate issue is a puzzle for two reasons. First, the lack of an effect of the real on inventory investment severs one of the conventional channels through which monetary policy influences spending. changing short-term interest Monetary policy implemented by which standard theory predicts should influence rates, Second, the financial press inventory investment spending. is is replete with statements by business people asserting that higher interest rates induce firms to cut inventory holdings. Although it is nominal, there sometimes not clear whether the is under discussion is real or nonetheless the perception of an inverse relationship between inventory investment and interest rates. Earlier empirical adjustment models. relationship interest rate Yet, almost no evidence exists for such an effect. work with Among the inventories utilized flexible accelerator or stock key issues investigated between inventory investment and interest rates. in this literature was the See Akhtar (1983), Blinder (1986a), Irvine (1981), Maccini and Rossana (1984), and Rossana (1990) for relatively recent studies using this approach.' These studies typically assumed that "desired stocks" depend on the current expected real interest rate as well as current expected sales and Stock adjustment models were first used in empirical work with inventories by Lovell (1961). See Akhtar (1983) for a survey of the relevant literature prior to the eighties. Current expected real rates were related to actual rates through expected input prices. distributed lag relationships and empirical work proceeded. These however, studies, generally failed to establish substantial and systematic evidence of a relationship between the real interest rate and inventory investment, especially with finished goods inventories in manufacturing. Furthermore, the literature was subject to the criticism that it lacked a basis in explicit optimization. In the eighties, the linear-quadratic rational expectations quadratic began to model of inventory behavior combined with be applied to empirical work on inventories. model of inventory behavior was developed by Simon (1960), and was revived (1982, 1986b) who used expectations, the relationship model between the the is in the model economics in analytical a very fruitful real interest rate The work. framework Muth and Holt, Modigliani, literature in the eighties When combined for empirical work. by Blinder with rational However, the and inventory movements was not a key issue under investigation in empirical research with the linear-quadratic model. research focused on attempts to explain sales, why why Rather, production seemed to fluctuate more than which contradicts the production-smoothing motive for holding inventories, and inventory stocks seemed to exhibit such persistence. Two approaches were employed in empirical research. Euler equations using generalized methods of this linear- moments One approach techniques. estimated Contributions using approach include Durlauf and Maccini (1995), Eichenbaum (1989), Kashyap and Wilcox (1993), Kollintzas (1995), Krane and Braun (1991), Ramey (1991), and West (1986). when In this work, it proved the discount factor, which difficult to estimate the structural is defined by the real interest parameters of interest rate, is allowed to vary. Hence, researchers invariably assumed that the discount factor which of course eliminates by assumption any is a given, known effect of the real interest rate value, on inventory investment. Given the finite sample problems with generalized methods of moments applied approach used in empirical work with the linear-quadratic to Euler equations, another model was to estimate to solve for the optimal choice it using Moore and Schuh maximum (1995), and of inventories, that likelihood techniques^. is, for the decision rule, and See Blanchard (1983), Fuhrer, Humphreys, Maccini and Schuh (2001). However, solving for the decision rule requires an Euler equation that is linear in its variables. Since Euler equations are nonlinear in the discount rate, and therefore in the real interest rate, researchers again resorted to a constant and known discount rate for reasons of tractability. A few studies departed interest rates to vary. from the linear-quadratic framework and allowed Miron and Zeldes (1988) utilize real an approach with a Cobb-Douglas production function that emphasizes cost shocks and seasonal fluctuations. Kahn (1992) and Bils and Kahn (2000) focus on a more rigorous treatment of the stockout avoidance motive. In these studies, when a check was made, no of the model was found when the real interest An constant.^ exception is Ramey (1989) who rate effect on the empirical implications was allowed to vary or developed a model that was held treats inventory stocks as factors of production, and found evidence of interest rate effects through relevant imputed rental rates. As is model. well known, the decision rule for optimal inventories can be converted into a stock adjustment A key difference between this approach and the earlier stock adjustment principles is that the now depends on expected future sales, input prices, and real interest rates as well as current desired stock expected values. ^ See Miron and Zeldes (1988) and Kahn (1992). Given the lack of strong evidence of a relationship between the and inventory movements, a number of authors conjectured standard model lend as much is that as they it assumes perfect want at that the real interest rate problem with the capital markets, so that firms given interest rates. may borrow or Rather, they argued that capital market imperfections arising from asymmetric information will impose finance constraints on the firm's inventory decision. These constraints suggest that the cost of external finance to the firm is inversely related to the firm's internal financial position, as measured by liquid See Kashyap, Lamont and Stein (1994), Gertler and Gilchrist (1994), assets or cash flow. and Carpenter, Fazzari and Petersen (1994) for contributions that such financial variables to this approach. They find do have an influence on inventory movements of small firms but not of large firms. This leaves open the relationship between the real interest rate and inventory movements for large firms The purpose of real interest rate empirical this paper and is to in the aggregate. take a fresh look at the relationship between the and inventory investment. work on the transmission and This We obviously an important issue for effectiveness complements the empirical work underway with monetary policy. is of monetary policy, and interest rate rules as descriptions of begin by extending the typical approach taken with the linear- quadratic model, specifically to obtain a specification in which the interest rate appears in a separate term with its own coefficient. Essentially, this involves an appropriate linear approximation of the Euler equation in the real interest rate. This enables us to solve for the optimal level of inventories as a linear fiinction of the real interest rate and other variables. Using the linearized Euler equation as a starting point, we are able to derive specifications that allow us to parametrically estimate the effect of the interest rate on We inventories. use two approaches - the linearized Euler equation and the firm's decision rule for inventories (which can be derived from the linearized Euler equation). We undertake empirical work with monthly data on inventories for the nondurable aggregate of U.S. manufacturing for the period 1959-1999. existing puzzle: these specifications reveal Why rate displays We suggest that the answer transitory variation around stability show an lies in the highly persistently negative real interest rates in the 1970s). appear to enter regimes that exhibit results reinforce the significant effect of the interest rate. don't the Euler equation and decision rule on inventories? which no The effect of the real interest behavior of the interest persistent mean values In other words, real interest rates Regime changes are infrequent. In fact, careful econometric study has provided evidence that the real interest rate If the Markov regime switching [Garcia and Perron mean real interest rate is highly persistent, firms be a persistent change in the real interest rate. may - may find On little well largely ignore short- Under these when there seems conditions, econometric procedures that focus on short-run fluctuations in inventories and the interest rate as the older stock adjustment or the is 1996]. run interest rate fluctuations, altering their typical inventory level only to (e.g., for extended periods with temporary variation around a persistent level within each regime. described by rate, newer Euler equation and decision - such rule specifications evidence of a relationship. the other hand, firms will adjust their inventory positions if they believe there has been a change in the underlying interest rate regime. This suggests that estimation of the long-run relationship between the inventories and the real interest rate fruitful. We use two approaches. The into interest rate regimes - high, the interest rate is low. simple and intuitive: medium, and low - and (detrended) inventories in each regime. when first is We The second approach interest rate. the interest rate are cointegrated. we failure to find calculate the is more mean level of sophisticated. Using the derive the cointegrating relationship Cointegration tests show that inventories and Estimates of the cointegrating vector uncover a strong long-run effect of the interest rate on inventories. view of the divide our sample find that inventories are significantly higher linearized Euler equation as a starting point, between inventories and the we may be This finding is especially striking in such a relationship using specifications that focus on short-run fluctuations. We proceed to formally model the implications of regime switching in the interest rate. Of course, shift to a new it is sometimes difficult to distinguish persistent regime. To capture this difficulty, learn the unobservable regime fi^om observable Under between a transitory shock and a we assume movements the assumption of regime switching and learning, the that firms must in the real interest rate. model of optimal inventory choice yields a distinctive implication: inventories should be based on the firm's assessment of the probability that the economy is currently in a given interest rate regime. In particular, under the assumption of regime switching and learning, the probabilities of being in either the high or low interest rate regime should replace the interest rate in the cointegrating vector for inventories. significant evidence that the probabilities. We test this implication and find statistically long-run behavior of inventories is linked to these The next section presents the short-run relationship new tests for the role rule. the firm's optimization problem. between inventories and the Section III examines real interest rate, introducing the of the interest rate based on the Euler equation and the decision Section IV analyzes and tests the long-run relationship between inventories and the Section real interest rate. V introduces the formal model of regime switching and learning, derives the distinctive implication of the model, calculates the probabilities, tests the implication. II. VI presents robustness checks, and Section VII concludes. Section The Firm's Optimization Problem We its and begin by assuming a representative firm that minimizes the present value of expected costs over an infinite horizon. Real costs per period are assumed to be quadratic and are defined as C, where =^,Y, +|rr ,/ ,S ,a> ,<^ 0. (Ar,r- +|(iV,., +f X^ , real sales, associate with real input prices. discuss cointegrating vector.) exogenously. The costs on output. The first The how and Wt a , (We do not are not directly relevant to the relationship we stockout costs, where aX, is which we between inventories and the is will interest rate. In the modeling of unobservable cost shocks level of real sales, term real cost shock, include unobservable cost shocks, since they X, and the , two terms capture production last (1) Ct denotes real costs, Yt, real output, Nt, end-of-period real finished goods inventories, Section IV.B, -aX,y would affect the real cost shock, Wt, are given costs. The third term is adjustment inventory holding costs, which balance storage costs and the target stock of inventories. Let p, be a variable real discount factor, which is given by /?, = , denotes the real rate of interest. The firm's optimization problem is where r, + r, 1 to minimize the present discounted value of expected costs, ^oZ C,, (2) (=0 subject to the inventory accumulation equation, which gives the change in inventories as the excess of production over sales, 7V,-iV,_,=r,-X, The Euler equation where from factor (3) }^ = A^, that results - A^,_, + X, . from (3) this Observe optimization problem is that (4) involves products of the discount and the choice variables and products of the discount factor and the forcing variables. Linearizing these products around constant values, which may be interpreted as stationary state values or sample means, yields a linearized Euler equation: E\e[Y,-pY,^,YY[^Y,-ip^Y,^,^P^t.Y,^,)^^{W,-pW,^,) (5) where t] =J3(0Y + ^W) > 0, c = -rj3{9Y + ^W) < 0, /3=-^, \ and a bar above a +r variable denotes the stationary state value. This linearized Euler equation will serve as a basic relationship that III. we will use in the empirical work. The Short-Run Relationship between Inventories and the Real Interest Rate A. Euler Equation Estimation A common approach in empirical work on inventories is to apply rational expectations to eliminate unobservable variables and then use Generalized Methods of Moments We first investigate whether a short- techniques to estimate the Euler equation. run relationship between inventories and the real interest rate can be found using this approach. Assume that sales, X, general stochastic processes. from , the cost shock, W, , and the real interest rate, r, , obey Then, use rational expectations to eliminate expectations (5) to get e(Y,-'pY,^,) + y(^Y,-2^^Y,^,^-W-^Y^.^] + m,-pW,^,) where a:,' is a forecast error Since not all and Y, is defined by Y^ (6) = N, - //,_, + X, the structural parameters of the Euler equation are identified, adopt the widely used normalization and set S equal to 1. We we estimate the Euler 10 equation by GMM,'* using a constant, the variables are linearly detrended.^ GMM by many Yt-i, Wt-i, Nn, Xm and tm as instruments.^ All of Inventory Euler equations have been estimated by Eichenbaum (1989), authors, including Durlauf and Maccini (1995), Kashyap and Wilcox (1993), Kollintzas (1995), Krane and Braun (1991), Ramey (1991), and West (1986). A few papers have allowed for interest rate variation, for example, Bils and Kahn (2000), Miron and Zeldes (1988), Kahn (1992), and of our knowledge, however, this paper is the first to Ramey To (1989). provide parametric the best tests in Euler equations for possible effects of the interest rate on inventories. Estimates of the Euler equation under the assumption of a constant interest rate are presented in the first equation relevant to these estimates target inventory-sales ratio, weeks of sales, which is is A column of Panel «, is is of Table 1 . (The version of the Euler very precisely estimated and is plausible. Further, the estimate of the slope positive and significant, indicating rising marginal cost. approximately four of marginal E, , the parameter associated with observable cost shocks, theory predicts) but insignificantly different from zero. parameter, y but Y "* As is , is cost, 6 These estimates are consistent with those found by estimating analogous Euler equations in the recent Interestingly, The equation (4) with p^ set equal to a constant.) is literature.^ positive (as The estimated adjustment positive, a result that is consistent with the existence of adjustment cost costs, imprecisely estimated and not significantly different from zero. discussed by West (1995), estimation by case where they are 1(1), as long as (in the on pages 201-202. ' The interest rate is included because in the interest rate, and it is it GMM is latter case) valid both in the case where sales are 1(0) and in the they are cointegrated. See particularly the discussion appears in the Euler equation specification that allows for variation desirable to use a consistent set of instruments across specifications. * The ' See, for example, Durlauf and Maccini (1995). results are qualitatively similar if the Euler equation is estimated without detrending. 11 Estimates of the Euler equation under the assumption of a variable interest rate are presented in the second simple test for the effect of the negative, but the coefficient Even variable if 7 interest generally, is column of Table is interest rate 1 , Panel A. The improve the statistic on 77 provides a on inventories. The point estimate of insignificantly different from not significantly different from zero, rate t rj is zero. it is possible that allowing for a could improve estimates of the other parameters and, more fit of the Euler equation. Informally, a comparison of the first and A suggests that allowing for a variable interest rate makes some second columns of Panel quantitative difference in the estimates of the other parameters but little qualitative A formal test procedure, which is based on a comparison of the overidentifying difference. restrictions between the two models, for the test is will tend to straightforward. If a be is described by model is statistics is distributed x^ ^ (1987). The intuition incorrectly specified, the J statistic for the large; the difference in J statistics whether the improvement in specification Newey and West between two models provides a is statistically significant. The model test of difference in J with degrees of freedom equal to the number of omitted parameters, here equal to one.^ The Newey- West test statistic is 2.752, so it is not possible to reject the constant interest rate restriction. In the remaining panels of Table 1 , we check the robustness of the results to changes in the specification of the model. In the empirical inventory mixed evidence on Panel B For the the importance of adjustment costs and observable cost shocks.^ presents Euler equation estimates from a specification that includes observable test, the same weighting matrix should be used; we use interest rate specification, since ' literature, there is See, e.g., the surveys it is the weighting matrix from the variable the "unrestricted" model. by Blinder and Maccini (1991), Ramey and West (1999), and West (1995). 12 cost shocks but sets y to zero. Estimates of the other parameters {6 dramatically affected. As in the Panel A coefficient but is insignificantly different , ^ and , results, the interest rate enters from zero. a) are not with a negative Also as in Panel A, the Newey-West test fails to reject the constant interest rate specification. C Panel sets ^ equal presents estimates of a specification that allows for adjustment costs but to zero (so observable cost shocks do not enter). Panel D presents estimates of a specification that excludes both adjustment costs and observable cost shocks. neither case is In there statistically significant evidence of a role for the interest rate. Overall, the Euler equation results presented in this section statistically significant relationship consistent with much between inventories and the earlier research, which has typically found show no evidence of a interest rate. This is that inventories are not significantly related to the interest rate. B. Decision Rule Estimation An alternative approach in empirical decision rule for optimal inventories that We is work with inventories is to estimate the implied by the firm's optimization problem. next explore whether this approach can detect a short-run relationship between inventories and the real interest rate. equation, (5), and X 2 may be In the appendix, we show that the linearized Euler written as a fourth-order expectational difference equation. denote the stable roots of the relevant characteristic equation. We Let show /L in the appendix that the firm's decision rule for the optimal level of inventories can be expressed as a function of current given by and expected fiiture sales, cost shocks, and the interest rate; it is 13 ^'''^- E,N,={X,+ l,)N,_-\^_N,_,+ -zRMr-iAr' (^-^2)^ (V) ^,^,.. where ' yP y5 Assume Then ' that the firm carries out its production plans for time the inventory accumulation equation, (3), implies that (A^, which means rp ' yl5 so that EX = Y, -E^N^) = -{X^ -E^X^^ Define in effect that inventories buffer sales shocks. t, w;"^ = -{X,- E^X^ ) as the sales forecast error, then the relationship that defines the firm's actual inventory position is M^ where again '^,^. is defined by Assume now that \7"+l E,^,^.+u: (9) (8). sales, real input prices, and the real interest rate follow independent AR(1) processes, and that the current information set of the firm includes lagged values of sales, and current and lagged values of input prices and the interest We show in the appendix that under these assumptions (9) N, with gives =T, + {X,+ l,)N,_-X,X,N,_,+T,X,_,+T,,W,+T^r,+ < (10) rate. 14 r^-0, r„, <0,and T^ <0. Note the expected sign of the coefficients general, ambiguous, as it we An we coefficient on sales in is, expect a positive coefficient, which expect stockout avoidance to dominate. increase in real input prices, The balances production smoothing and stockout avoidance. Nonetheless, based on prior empirical work, implies that in (10). which increases It follows from F^ < that an costs, should cause a decline in inventories. increase in the real interest rate should induce the firm to reduce inventory holdings, as implied by F^ Under identified . the assumption the decision rule specifically < is made above just identified assume a that the stochastic process for sales is and can be estimated by OLS. (In later sections, unit root process, but the result that the decision rule and can be estimated by OLS AR(1), is we just holds more generally for any AR(1) process.) Inference can be carried out with standard distributions, regardless of whether sales are 1(0) or 1(1).'° As noted above, a number of authors have estimated the decision rule, including Blanchard (1983), Fuhrer, Moore, and Schuh (1995), and Humphreys, Maccini, and Schuh (2001)." Based on previous studies surprising if '" we found it would be mildly was of the theoretically that allow for interest rate variation, that the coefficient on the interest rate See West (1995) for a detailed discussion of estimation and inference issues. Our estimation procedure is also valid if there are unobservable cost shocks (including serially correlated shocks) for the decision rule unless the shocks are 1(1). We consider the case of 1(0) observable cost shocks in this subsection and 1(1) observable cost shocks in Section VI. ' ' These studies have typically estimated procedures, whereas in this paper we structural parameters via nonlinear maximum likelihood form parameters. However, since the and since rj appears only in the are in effect estimating reduced relevant structural parameter connected to the real interest rate is reduced form parameter ^r the results for the role of the interest > estimating structural parameters using nonlinear procedures. r] , rate are unlikely to be improved by 15 On predicted sign and statistically significant. the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, no one has previously reported estimates of the decision rule for inventories that allow for a variable interest rate. Prior studies that have allowed interest rate variation have estimated Euler equations. We begin by considering the most general specification of the decision rule (allowing for both adjustment costs and observable cost shocks) in Panel Under the assumption of a constant interest rate, the coefficients the decision rule are significantly different coefficient, indicating that the stockout have a negative Under r), we from zero. on all A of Table the variables in Further, sales has a positive avoidance motive dominates, and real input prices coefficient, consistent with the predictions of the theory. the assumption of a variable interest rate (specifically an AR(1) process see from equation (10) that the interest rate also enters the decision rule. second column of Panel positive, a result which A is shows that the estimated coefficient on the for The interest rate is contrary to the implications of the linear-quadratic model of inventories with a variable interest rate, although the coefficient on the interest rate insignificantly different essentially no effect B zero. on the signs and real input prices, or the Panel from 2. is Further, allowing for a variable interest rate has statistical significance of the coefficients of sales, lagged inventory stocks. presents decision rule estimates from a specification that includes observable cost shocks but excludes adjustment costs. This changes the empirical specification of the decision rule, leading to the omission of the second lag of inventories. Panel C presents estimates of a specification that allows for adjustment costs but excludes observable cost shocks. The specification in Panel D excludes both adjustment costs and 16 The estimated observable costs shocks. positive sign, although different from zero. on the Moreover, the signs and in the decision rule are little affected is never significantly of the other variables statistical significance by whether or not always has a interest rate important to note that the coefficient is it coefficient the interest rate is variable or constant.' It is straightforward to summarize the results from the different specifications of the decision rule; there rate is no evidence of a on inventories. Again, between inventories and the The Long-Run Relationship between Inventories and Why is that it is Figure 1 mean 2% the figure illustrates, there are long periods for much of real interest rate to a value 1980 and remains high (around and for much of the 1990s, the 1960s A the 1960s. show no A possible clue lies plots the ex-post real interest rate over the when centered around a given mean. For example, the real interest rate value just below '" the Real Interest Rate. of the real interest rate on inventories? in the behavior of the interest rate. As interest rate. estimates of the Euler equation and decision rule statistically significant effect period 1961-2000. of the interest with most earlier research, which has failed this is consistent to find a significant relationship IV. statistically significant effect is the interest rate centered around a In the early 1970s, there is a shift in the of about -2%. The real interest rate rises sharply around 5% on average) for much of the real interest rate returns to a 1980s. In the late 1980s mean value that is close to level. minor exception is that the coefficient of sales is a bit variable. Also, note that excluding observable cost shocks sales, suggesting that more significant seems when the interest rate is to reduce the statistical significance excluding cost shocks creates an omitted variable bias problem. of its 17 What implication does this behavior of the interest rate have for empirical estimates of the effect of the interest rate on inventories? highly persistent within an interest rate regime, firms If the may interest rate is largely ignore short-run interest rate fluctuations, adapting average inventory levels only persistent mean when change in the opportunity cost of holding inventories. If seems to be a this is the case, then there econometric procedures that focus on short-run fluctuations in inventories and the interest rate may find little evidence of a relationship. In this section, interest rate. test: a We we The consider two tests of the relationship. are inventories lower more focus on the long-run relationship between inventories and the sophisticated test, on average during the high first is interest rate a simple, intuitive regime? The second is based on deriving and estimating the cointegrating vector for inventories under the assumption of variable interest rates. A. Tests of Means Our first test of the long-run relationship between inventories and the interest divides the 1961-2000 period into regimes characterized Specifically, we by different mean rate interest rates. classify the period 1972:02-1980:02 in the low-interest-rate regime, 1980:12-1986:04 in the high-interest-rate regime, and the remaining observations in the medium-interest-rate regime.'^ The rate regime and lowest inventories ^ results are presented in This is is about 8% in the Table Inventories are highest in the low-interest- high-interest-rate regime. The level of detrended higher in the low-interest-rate regime than in the high-interest- an intuitive definition of the regimes; Section V. 3. we introduce a foraml procedure for identifying regimes in 18 The rate regime. highly significant. difference in To means between the high- and low-interest-rate regimes the best of our knowledge, this for the long-run effect of the interest rate is is the first time that this simple test on inventories has been reported. B. Derivation of the Cointegrating Vector A more sophisticated test of the long-run relationship between inventories and the interest rate is to derive the cointegrating relationship rate, between inventories, the interest and any other relevant variables. The advantage of the cointegration approach over the simple test of means presented earlier is that it accounts for the effect of variables such as sales and observable cost shocks on the long-run level of inventories. To (5), in derive the cointegrating vector, such a way + p5 as to put Note '"^ Y, that is N- 'a- "<-«' X H^ again given by we helpfiil to rewrite the basic most of the variables V where it is in the form of first differences + {\-/3)W, + rir,+c =0. : (11) J [For the derivation of (11) from (5), see the appendix.] (3). can express equation (11) as E, [Xt+i] - ^ See Kashyap and Wilcox (1993) and Ramey and West ^^^ ^^^ appropriate definition of (1999) for derivations of the cointegrating relationship for inventories under the assumption that the interest rate '^ Euler equation, is constant. We are agnostic on the issue of unobserved cost shocks, which are not of primary interest in this paper. a result, we do not include a term comparable to Ud in Hamilton (2002) or Ramey and West (1999) in our model and thus do not address the issue of whether unobservable cost shocks are best modeled as 1(0) As or 1(1). Hamilton (2002) argues that, if one were to include unobservable cost shocks under his preferred assumptions, the same variables would appear in the cointegrating vector, but the coefficients would be altered. It is possible to show that his argument can be generalized to our model, which includes a time- varying interest rate and observable cost shocks. Under assumptions similar to Hamilton's, the same variables appear in our cointegrating vector. remain the same. The coefficients are altered, but signs of the coefficients 19 ^^^, expectations Rational X,^2 = Z,i.2 ~ E, root; in other ;jf,^2will "will {Zi+2} words b^ serially X+2 = that X, , W, and be 1(1) and the stationarity of Zt+i implies that inventories, real interest rate will 1 r, are 1(1). ^,^2 Then sales, the cost shock, is 1(0), TV, and the 135 H^ ADF usual sense that the tests show #, tests fail to reject the above derivation, p5 135 J , X,, W, and r, to be 1(1) variables (in the the null hypothesis of a unit root). it '^ follows that the cointegrating vector is the same regardless of whether adjustment costs are included in or excluded from the model. see why, consider the costs. Note will , useful to note that From Since ^/+2- be cointegrated, with cointegrating vector V It is error uncorrected and therefore cannot have a unit Suppose for the moment also be 1(0). expectation the that Since £",{^,^2 1=0' is 1(0). ^,^, implies first To term in parentheses in equation (11), which reflects adjustment that all the elements in this term enter in the form AY . Thus, if Y is 1(1), all the elements in this term will be 1(0). The parameters a below equation form of (5), that a regression, X, their coefficients will above. An , , is S , E, positive. W^ and r,^, are assumed When will to be positive, and the cointegrating vector have signs opposite to those shown In other words, in the long run, we is shown, expressed in the in the cointegrating vector expect inventories to be inversely related to between inventories and the forcing form of a stock adjustment principle defined by the "desired" or the "equilibrium" stock of to express the decision rule for optimal inventories in the which case the cointegrating relationship is Such a procedure yields an identical cointegrating vector. inventories. is we have be on the right hand side of the equation, so alternative procedure for deriving the cointegrating relationship variables in 7 , 20 and the the cost shock motive for holding real interest rate, and, if the accelerator inventories dominates the production smoothing motive, we expect inventories to be positively related to sales. C. Cointegration Tests and Estimates of the Cointegrating Vector Johansen-Juselius tests of cointegration between inventories, sales, observable cost shocks, and the interest rate are presented in Table 4 for levels, logs, and linear detrending of the variables. The evidence is consistent with the theory: the tests reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration. We turn next to is DOLS as described estimation of the cointegrating vector. by Stock and Watson (1993). Our estimation procedure In contrast to SOLS estimation of cointegrating vectors, DOLS assumptions) in samples. In addition. Stock and Watson (1993) find that the minimum finite corrects for biases that can arise (except under rather strong DOLS has RMSE among a set of potential estimators of cointegrating vectors.'^ Table 5 presents estimates of the cointegrating vector. The interest rate enters the cointegrating relationship with a negative sign, and the t-statistic which is is greater than five, very strong evidence of a long-run relationship between inventories and the interest rate. This is a very striking result, especially when compared with the results reported above indicating no evidence of a short-run relationship between inventories and the interest rate. '^ DOLS essentially adds leads and lags of the first differences of the right hand side variables to the cointegrating regression to ensure that the error term is orthogonal to the right hand side variables. (For a brief description, see, e.g., Hamilton (1994), p. 602-612.) In theory, the Monte Carlo evidence number of leads and lags could be of fixed investment) that relatively high numbers of leads and lags are the most effective in reducing bias. Caballero (1994, p. 56) finds that the bias is smallest when the number of leads and lags is 25 for a sample size of 120. We set the number of leads and lags to 24. (Recall that we are using monthly data.) infinite, but this is impractical. There is (for the case 21 The point estimate of detrended variables) coefficient in Table 5 therefore economy moves from interest-rate impHes a decrease the high to the interesting to comparison of means on interest rate (based in low compare these is about 6.8%. The estimated in inventories of about results with the findings in Table 3 shows that inventories are about and observable cost shocks in the high-interest-rate Table 8% The simple 3. lower in the high- ~ as the cointegrating regression does theoretically predicted sign relationship that many The estimated -0.8 and 11% lower variables enter and a coefficient the cointegrating regression that is significantly different with from zero, a empirical studies that focus on short-run fluctuations elasticity the fail of inventories with respect to observable cost shocks to is -1.0. The only previously we ~ regime than the low-interest-rate regime. cost Interestingly, of which as the interest rate.'^ leads to a qualitatively similar but slightly larger effect. Inventories are about between 11% regime than in the low-interest-rate regime. Controlling for other variables, specifically sales uncover. linearly -0.016 and the difference in the interest rate between the high- is regime and the low-interest-rate regime interest-rate It is on the the coefficient reported cointegrating vectors for inventories which allow for a variable interest rate are aware are in Rossana (1993), which uses a rather different approach. Instead of including the ex post real interest rate in the cointegrating vector, he enters the nominal interest rate and the inflation rate as separate variables and (using two-digit industry-level data) are equal in magnitude and of opposite signs. results he reports real interest rate. It is tests the restriction that the coefficients therefore not straightforward to determine from the whether inventories have an economically or statistically significant relationship with the 22 V. Formally Modeling Regime Switching and Learning In the previous section, we suggest an intuitively appealing explanation for the The behavior of the lack of a relationship between inventories and the real interest rate. real interest rate is strongly suggestive persistent may mean of regime Because mean interest rates. shifts, with transitory variation around interest rates are highly persistent, firms largely ignore short-run variation in the interest rate. changes in interest rate when there has been a regime two explanation, tests Consistent with this shift. confirm a highly significant long-run relationship between inventories and interest rate. In this section, modeling regime Instead, firms respond to we go shifts in the real interest rate a step further. and then show how We begin by formally this affects inventory behavior. This leads to a distinctive implication of regime switching and learning for the long-run behavior of inventories. In subsection D, we test this implication. A. Regime Switching and Learning Regime switches can be formally modeled by assuming that the real interest rate follows r, where s,~ i.i.d. = N(0,1) and St econometricians. the interest rate regime (with the In particular, Garcia in the U.S. is well described that is Regime-switching in the real "state"). assume (12) rs,+^s,-^, e that St when St = 1 {1, 2, 3} by a interest rate has follows a the real interest rate is that the real interest rate Markov switching model. Markov switching for been formally explored by and Perron (1996) show three-state mnemonic S process' . Let in the low-interest-rate regime, We /^ < when therefore Tj < St = For a comprehensive discussion of Markov switching processes, see Hamilton (1994, Chapter 22). rj , so 2 the 23 real interest rate is in the moderate interest rate regime, rate is in the high-interest-rate regime. St and s, and when assumed are the transition probabilities governing the evolution of St Collecting these probabilities into a matrix Interest rate the economy has Pii P31' P22 Pn Pn Pn ^33. regimes are not directly observable. low = 3 the real interest be independent. Denote p.j = Prob(iS', =j \ = /). 5',_, we have Pu = P Pn just entered the by to St No interest rate regime. one announces to firms Instead, firms that must make inferences about the interest rate regime from their observations of the interest rate. In other words, firms learn about the interest rate regime. To be precise, we assume that the firm Markov switching process but does not know therefore infer St from observed assessment of the true state by ;r = Prob(5, =1|Q,)' ;r. ?Toh(S,=2\n,) ^. Prob(5, is set, the firm's estimate at date To understand t t-1 denote the firm's current probability =3|Q,) Q, , includes the current and past values of of the probability that the real interest rate the learning process, consider the current real interest rate to develop end of period We the firm uses ;?z-,_, The firm must is. ^„ where the firm's information TTi, That the structure and parameters of the the true interest rate regime. interest rates. Ut. knows its how the firm uses probability assessment, ;t, . its is in Here, rt. regime i. observation of Beginning together with the transition probabilities in P to at the form 24 beliefs about the period evaluates ;r.,|,^, interest rate state prior to observing t = Prob(S, = / 1 Q,_| ) for i = r, That . is the firm 3 using 1, 2, 71, \t\i-\ Pk^t-\ n.it\t-\ (13) n 3/|/-l Once the firm enters period and observes t r, uses the prior probabilities from (13) it , together with the conditional probability densities, /(r. \S, -1 =/) = exp c.. to update n. ;r, for r(r,-i;-r r = 1, 2, 3, (14) 2o-. according to Bayes' rule. Specifically, ~— 7Z,,., , lt\t—\ - V 2;r 5', Jfix, \ I • I \ I = i)J . f. - — * tori =1,2,3. (15) Y.^,^,-^f(J^S,=i) 7=1 Thus, the firm uses Bayes' rule and its observations of the real interest rate to learn about the underlying interest rate regime. Given ;r, , may then be computed real interest rate, where /^ = r/ p^^x^ the right = [r, , r, the expected real interest rate, , r, ] , + P22h ^ P3ih + /j.^r, + p^^x^ Since ;r„ +;;r,, +;r3, hand side of (16) E,r„, as ,r, y^= p, which may be interpreted as an ex ante y^ , = p,^x^ =1 by + p,,x, + p,^x^ and definition, , we can eliminate 7^2, from to obtain = (r, - ^2 ) ^1, + ih - Yi ^3, + Yi (17) 25 Now, to isolate the expected real interest rate in the linearized Euler equation, partition (5) so that E,{e[Y,- pY,^,) + y[^Y,-2/5^Y,^, + ft'-^Y,^,)+^{w,- pw,^,) (18) Then, substitute (17) into (18) to get E,[e{Y,-'pY,^,Yr[^Y,-2p^Y,^, + 'p'^Y,^,)+aw,-'pw,^,) (19) +5p{N, - aX,^, )} + r]{y, - y, );z-„ + To summarize this sub-section, we have r]{y., period t. In the i, (). introduced a formal model of regime switching and learning. The key variable in the model probability of being in interest rate regime - y, )n^, +r]y,+c = is tt., , the firm's assessment of the conditional on the firm's information set in model of optimal inventory choice under the assumption of regime switching and learning, these probabilities replace the interest rate in the Euler equation. In the next subsection, we will show that this leads to a distinctive implication of regime switching and learning and then use cointegration techniques to test this implication. B. Derivation of the Distinctive Implication of Regime Switching We can now and Learning follow the same approach as in the Section IV.B in order to derive the long-run implication of regime switching and learning. (19) so that most of the variables are in first differences. Begin by re-writing equation 26 E,{r(^Y,-l|3^Y,,,+p'^Y,,,) - + m^,.^+^,J oii--p)- ',_ J3S N. f3S V + Suppose now X,,W^, that ^(l-y9) - a- , Again, note W, , that, , tt^, when and n^, will have signs opposite We earlier (just 20 Then will be 1(1) TV, Vih-Yi) and inventories, ViYi-Yi) /3S fiS expressed in the form of a is be on the right-hand-side of the equation, so their to those below equation shown in the cointegrating vector above. (5)) that complicated fiinctions of the elements of P and unambiguously for (20) +c = TlYi the cointegrating vector coefficients will have shown + (l->^)^^} X, 1(1). ps /55 regression, X^ - /3^AW,, and the probabilities will be cointegrated with cointegrating vector sales, the cost shock, 1 and n^ are n^^ j3SaAX,,, J + 7(^3-72)^3/+ 7(ri -72)^1, - + 0AN, Tv, 77 > 0. so it {y^-Y-y) ^iid -^-jjare not possible to sign them is mathematically feasible values of P and all (7-3 ry. They can, however, be signed for the empirically relevant values. Using empirical estimates of the elements of P and rv,^' we coefficient obtain on ;r„ will {7\-Y2)<^ and {Y2,-y2)>^^ so the model be positive and the coefficient on tt^ will be negative. predicts that the This accords with our intuition of how the probabilities should affect inventories. If, ' for example, there Since 1(1). 7ti, and 713, is an increase in ;t„ , the firm believes that the have a restricted range, one might wonder whether We note two points. First, in careful such as the nominal interest rate, are is better to is model them entering as 1(0) or applied econometric research, variables with restricted ranges, modeled as 1(1) variables when Stock and Watson ( 1993) and Caballero( 1994).) Second, unit root See the next sub-section. it economy they are highly persistent. (See, tests indicate that ti,, and 113, e.g.. are 1(1). 27 This will lower the expected opportunity cost of a persistent low-interest-rate regime. holding inventories and should therefore lead to an increase in Nt. cointegrating vector, we can see lead to an increase in Nt (since regression). Similarly, since firm believes the economy is With this effect. ;t„ //(^^j will -;k2) rjiy^ -;/,)< , Looking an increase in at the ^r,, will be on the right hand side of the cointegrating > , an increase in ti^^ , which indicates that the entering a persistent high-interest-rate regime, will lead to a decrease in Nt. Thus, the distinctive implication of regime inventories will be cointegrated with the probabilities on TT^^ C. will be positive and the coefficient on Calculating the Probabilities ;z"„ and ti:^, will switching and learning ;r„ and n^^ and is that the coefficient be negative. k^^ In order to test the distinctive implication of regime switching and learning, must construct the probabilities ;r„ and n^^ . we This can be done using the techniques described in Hamilton (1989 and 1994, Chapter 22). parameters of a three-state that Markov switching process We begin by estimating the for the real interest rate over our sample period. Our estimates of the elements of the transition probability matrix are P= =0.98 ;72, =0.01 ^3, p,2 = 0.02 P22 = 0-98 P32 ;7,3=0.00 Our =0.00' p,, estimates of oi, 02, ;733=0.96 ;?23=0-01 ri, X2, and = 0.04 xt, (annualized) are -1.71, 1.61, and 5.15, and our estimates of and 03 are 1.90, 0.80 and 1.96, respectively. 28 Two features of the behavior of the real interest rate stand out First, since estimates. highly persistent. pn, P22, and P33 are regime regime next period. this period, there is a regime next period. infrequently. is a 98% Similarly, if the 96% probability that economy probability that it is in the will be in the low- is in the high-interest-rate be in the high-interest-rate it will anticipate that the current regime will persist for time. regimes .7 will it economy Furthermore, once the firm comes to believe that the economy has entered Second, note that the difference between the 1 that, if the This suggests that changes in the interest-rate regime will occur a particular interest rate regime, some close to one, the interest rate regimes are For example, these estimates indicate low-interest-rate regime this period, there interest-rate all from these is large relative to the standard deviations. mean of any two interest rates For example, r2 - ri = 3.3, which is times as large as the standard deviation of the white noise shock in regime one. This suggests that, within a given regime, white noise shocks that are sufficiently large to be mistaken for a regime change will not be common. Figure 2 plots the behavior of tiu, njt, and 7131 as obtained by applying equations (13), (14), and (15) to the real interest rate data in our sample, required for subsequent illustrate ;r,, tests, since the sirai of the three probabilities in Figure 2 for completeness.) This figure confirms that, the perspective of the interest rate consists Markov switching model, most of the is the filter in is not but we (tt^, 1, when viewed fi^om short-run variation in the real of temporary fluctuations around the mean interest rate for the current regime. For the most part, the probability of being in a given interest rate regime 29 is or close to the mean 1 . Only occasionally does the Markov switching model identify shifts in real interest rate. D. Tests of the Distinctive Implication of Regime Switching and Learning In Section V.B, and testable we show implication: probabilities that the that regime switching and learning have a distinctive inventories economy in the is be will with cointegrated low and high-interest nn and linear detrending of the variables. 7i3t sales, observable cost are presented in Table 6 for levels, logs, The evidence is the rate regime, respectively. Johansen-Juselius tests of cointegration between inventories, shocks, and the probabilities and n^, Tin and consistent with regime switching and learning: the tests reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration. Table 7 presents estimates of the coefficients in the cointegrating vector between inventories, sales, cost shocks, and the probabilities switching and learning, the coefficient on that tt^^ is tt^^ and tt^^ . Consistent with regime- negative and highly significant, implying an increase in the probability of the high-interest-rate regime reduces inventories in the long run. The point estimate of the rate from 1.6% (the mean point of reference) to coefficient on implies that an increase in the interest interest rate in the medium-interest-rate regime, 5.1% (the reduces inventories by about 7%. Although ^Tj, mean The interest rate in the high-interest-rate coefficient on 7^^, is less precisely estimated, the point estimate implies a moving from in Table 5, a is the regime) positive as predicted. change the low-interest-rate to the middle-interest-rate regime, that change implied by the estimates which in inventories, is similar to the decrease in inventories of about 5%. The 30 estimated cumulative effect of a interest-rate regime is move from the low-interest-rate regime to the high- a decrease in inventories of about 1 2%. VI. Robustness Checks A. Adjustment Costs and Observable Cost Shocks In Section III we examine the robustness of the Euler equation results to the inclusion or exclusion rule of adjustment costs from the model. As discussed in Section IV.A, however, adjustment costs Intuitively, this is and decision make no difference to the cointegrating vector. because adjustment costs affect dynamics in the short run but do not affect the long-run relationship. In the inventory literature, sometimes that they are 1(1). it is sometimes assumed (See, e.g., Rossana (1993, 1998), and West (1995).) cost shocks have a unit root, 1(0), we that cost shocks are 1(0) and Hamilton (2002), Ramey and West (1999), Although ADF tests suggest that observable consider both possibilities. If observable cost shocks are we carry As Panel A of then inventories, sales, and the interest rate will be cointegrated. In Table 8 out cointegration tests for the case where observable cost shocks are Table 8 reports, interest rate. probabilities is we find evidence of cointegration The evidence of In Table 9, we between inventories, cointegration between even stronger, as shown in 1(0). inventories, sales, sales, and the and the Panel B. estimate the cointegrating vector under the assumption that observable cost shocks are 1(0). The predicts, but insignificantly different coefficient on the interest rate is negative, as theory from zero, as shown in Panel A. Panel B presents estimates of the cointegrating vector for the case of regime switching and learning. The 31 point estimate of the coefficient on Table 7. As We literature in Table 71^, is somewhat greater than the estimate reported in 7, the t-statistics on^Tj, are large. present the results in Table 9 for completeness, because the inventory has modeled cost shocks as both 1(0) and 1(1) processes, but the results in Table ADF 7 are preferred for two reasons. First, as noted above, cost shocks are 1(1). very large observable Second, the coefficients on observable cost shocks in Table 7 have t-statistics, raising the potential of omitted variable bias shocks are excluded fi-om the cointegrating regression. likely to tests suggest that Thus the observable cost if results in Table 9 are be biased due to a misspecification of the cointegrating relationship, specifically the omission of observable cost shocks. B. Serial Correlation of the Interest Rate within a It is Regime possible to allow for serial correlation of the interest rate within a regime through suitable modification of the Markov switching model for the interest Allowing for serial implications. First, it correlation of the interest rate within a regime has yields different time series of tt^^ resulting probabilities are fairly similar regardless of correlation). to a Second, it more complicated and two main k^, (although, in practice, the whether or not changes the expectation of the interest rate set rate.^^ we (i.e., allow for serial £',[r,^,]), leading of interest-rate-related variables in the Euler equation. Table 10 presents estimates of the cointegrating vector that allow for correlation of the interest rate within a regime. ^^ Again, we ^^ serial focus on the specification See Garcia and Perron (1996) for details. Following Garcia and Perron (1996), we focus on the case where the stochastic component within a regime follows an AR(2) process. Details of the derivation are available from the authors. 32 including observable cost shocks. (The inclusion or exclusion of adjustment costs no difference Table 7, the point estimate of the coefficient on magnitude of the estimated coefficient on Table 7. As As to the cointegrating vector, as noted above.) in Table 7, the t-statistics is tz^, is tTt^^ in the estimates reported in negative. somewhat associated with tt^^ makes In fact, the absolute larger in Table 10 than in are large (in this case, around 6). VII. Conclusion We present a variety of new evidence on the relationship between inventories and the real interest rate. effect of the interest First, we develop a tractable rate in the Euler equation findings parallel previous work based on way to parametrically estimate the and decision rule for inventories. the older stock adjustment model: there is little evidence of a significant role for the interest rate from the Euler equation or decision Second, up in we propose is own that the real interest rate with transitory variation within a regime. or those of previous researchers. shows evidence of highly relationship Table 3, regime. If our explanation is Moreover, interest rate and find we interest rate. when the to interest rate in response to short-run variation in correct, there should between inventories and the inventories tend to be lower much The key persistent regimes, Because of the persistence of regimes, firms do not adjust their inventories the interest rate. rule. an explanation for the fact that the interest rate does not show econometric estimates, either our our explanation Our be evidence of a long-run In fact, there economy is is. As shown in in the high-interest-rate derive the cointegrating vector between inventories and the that: 1) inventories and the real interest rate (together with sales and 33 observable cost shocks) are cointegrated; and 2) the estimated coefficient on the real interest rate in the cointegrating regression is statistically These results are consistent and economically with our explanation, but we go significant. We a step further. formally model optimal inventory choice under the assumption of regime switching and learning, derive a distinctive implication from the model, and Briefly, the implication is that inventories should implication. test this be cointegrated with the probabilities of being in the high- or low-interest-rate regime. The data confirm this implication. We view our results, which emphasize regime switching and learning, as complimentary to research that focuses on finance constraints. Finance constraints will also lead to a relationship between inventories and the interest rate that is stronger in the long run. If finance constraints are important, in the short run inventories strongly influenced rate) and by the by financial market conditions (that are not captured availability of internal finance.^"^ may be more by the For example, in 2001 and parts of 2002, the interest rate was not high, but financial market conditions made it firms to raise fimds, and the economic downturn squeezed internal funds for In circumstances like these, the cost of fiinds may be be weak. In the long run, even affect inventories in the presence difficult for many firms. greater than the market and the relationship between inventories and the observed interest rate, still shadow interest of finance constraints, the interest rate may interest rate will because long-lasting periods of low or high interest rates will span different short-term financial market conditions and, when finance constraints do not bind, firms will adjust inventories to the prevailing interest rate. ^'' As noted above, Kashyap, Lamont, and Stein (1994), Gertler and Gilchrist (1994), and Carpenter, Fazzari, and Petersen least for some firms. ( 1 994) find evidence that finance constraints are important for inventory behavior, at 34 The paper can be extended in at least two One directions. is to test the the two-digit industries of the nondurables sector of total manufacturing. to The model on objective is see whether certain two-digit industries exhibit a stronger long-run relationship between inventories and the interest rate than other two-digit industries. more is substantial extension relationship and to include the durable is a long-run goods sector as well as the nondurable goods Humphreys, Maccini, and Schuh (2001) emphasize the importance of such an extension. inventories are larger and that durable whether there between input inventories (materials and work-in-process inventories) and the interest rate sector. to investigate empirically The second and more establish several stylized facts that Specifically, they that input volatile than output inventories in manufacturing, goods input inventories are larger and more input inventories. show Such an extension requires a volatile than nondurable goods substantial extension of the include input inventories as well as output inventories, but it and model to would permit an empirical analysis of the sensitivity of the highly volatile level of input inventories to the interest rate. 35 REFERENCES Akhtar, M.A. (1983), "Effects of Interest Rates and Inflation on Aggregate Inventory Investment in the United States", American Economic Review 73, 319-28. 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Using can be written (3) in (5) the linearized Euler equation as the following fourth- order difference equation in Nt: E\e[N,-N,_,+X,-p{N,^,-N,+X,^,)yy[N,-N,_,-{N,_,-N,_,) + X,-X,_, -2^(iV,,,-iV,-(iV,-iV,_,) + Rearranging X,,-X,) + ^^(7V,,,-7V,,,-(7V,,,-7V,) + X,,,-X,,,)] we have E\f{L)N,^2\ = E,^, (A.l) where y/3L W V J ^^. -^['M^-'P)Y'-jL' and —^(W,-pW,^,)-^r,^i —^- + ^X,, Let X .,\= 1,2,3,4 , denote the roots of the fourth-order polynomial on the left-hand side U of (A.l). Order these roots as X — and A ,= ^= pX, ,= (8) ^— PX^ , with U I < ,1 , I , II' UJ U I , I 21 Solve the unstable roots forward to obtain < < U ^ ^ . jl < I/I4I. It follows that Suppose further vv that U I , I , 11' UJ< I 21 1 39 PKK Note that X j and are either real or /I , 7T. \V+' /77, complex conjugates, so \^'+' that pyv /^i + /I2 (7) ^'^d A^A^ are real. Derivation of (10). To resolve the forward sum on the right-hand side of (9) note that assume X, = that sales ju^ and input prices follow AR(1) processes: + p^Xj_^ + £^, where , s^, ~ id.d. (0, crl ) W,=/u^ + pJV,_, + s^, where f„, ~ , We allow for the special case of p^ 1 .) The terms involving J3A,Z. where Note a, E,X,^j.^ It i.i.d. (0, crl) and . = p^^=l. X on the right-hand side of (9) can be written as ^+1 /TT^ \>+' x{Mr-(M) -X,^2+j + '^\^t+]+j ~ '^O^t+j +'^^/-l+y =-L[^ + 7(2 + /?)]and ao=-L^^0 + r(l + 2j3)-aSj3^. that, for j = 0, 1 , 2, . . . =mA^ + pJ + pIE, , E,X,,. X,_,,,, = /i, + p^E^ X,,,^. and E,X,,,,j = ju^(l + p^ +pI) + pIE, therefore follows that '^,+2+j +^\^i+\+j [-(l ~^O^i+j +-^^,-I+; + A+^.') + «lO + P.x)-«o]-".x + -p^+a^p;-a^p^ + E,X,_^^j Fand thus, we X,_, (A.2) 40 \ \7+l "^r+2+j +«1^,+1+; -^O^t^j +^X,-Uj _ fiX[-{\ + p^+ fr) + a,{\ + p^)-a^~\ /"r \-/SX, >0 +/3X, -P.+«l/^. (A.3) -«0A+^2 S(y&A,.y^<^<-W J^')j;=0 For the AR(1) process governing Xt ,the forward sum in (A.3) E,X,_,,^ Y,(P^)' /?^,A = 1 -+- (l-/?A,)(l-^A,,9j j=0 is -X. (\-/3X,p^) This in (A.3) gives f YiP^T -X,^,,.+a,X,^,,j-a,X,^^+jX,_,^j E, c{p,,X.)^^+p2.. -P.x+«iP;-«oP.+ V F (l-y^/l ,/>,)-' (A.4) X,_, where c{p,,^) = pX,[-{\ + p^+ pl) + a,{\ + p^)-a,] {l3X;)'[-pl+a,pl-a,p^+/3-') ^ \-px, Using (A.4) we can rewrite the term (A. 2) as A m X(M)' -(y^^) .'+> (^ ~ ^ {\-/3X){\-pX,p^) 2 ) 1 \-/+l f -^,+2+j +«i^,+i+y -«o^/+; '^"«2"^'-i+./ L=0 - where c^^. = , _^ J c(/7, , A ,) - c(/3^ , ^ )] //^ (^A- + ^X^,-\ and 1 r^ -;^^l,^(-y9>a,/7^-«0/7,+;5-^) (l-;9/L,pJ(l-/?/l,/7j (A.5) 41 2.) Proceeding as with the terms in X, the terms involving W on the right-hand side of (18) can be written as s \ f \\ ^ r/] ^. j{A,-z,) I (Mr / ^. \j+i EXW,^j-m.uj)\ = c^+^^vW, -(A) ^4-t[cCc„,^i)-cO„,'^2)]a,.. {A,-A,) -P'A,^_ {j3Af(l-/3pJ c(/?v.>-^,) A„> and = X-PX, r^- (A.6) [,=oL %= where \/+i {\-/3A;){\-/3X,pJ {1-Pp.) A-^A-y Note . that if /I ,/l then 2> F^ < {\-/3X,pJ{\-/31,pJ 3.) Similarly, assuming that rt follows r, = /j^+ p^ r,_, + s^, where , e^, ~ i.i.d.(0,a^ j , we obtain that ' 7^ Y/3 A,A, TT. \>+' ){\-X,) / 77^ Xi+l s(Mr-(M) (A.7) ^/,.i./hc,+r,r, [,.=0 where c_ 7^ =r A ,A r. . (l-y5^,){l-y51,) and r, = f_l] {A,A,) (/^^^f (M2f (\-/3A,){\-fiA,p^) (l-/3X,)(l-/31,p^) + Pr -, •Pr Pr Note that, \i \?^>^ then T^ < . [\-l5X,p;)[\-l3X,p) 4.) Finally, ^-P P\K kyP- J -/+' / 7T. \>+l 2:(Ar-(A) (^-^2)11: c^ = -/I ,/t , = rC. y[\-[5X,)[\-l3X;) (A.8) 42 5.) Using the Eg = where from (A.5), (A. 6), (A. 7), and (A. 8) results c,^ +Cj^ — +c^+ —^ ^^ ^\ - _^ — c in (9) we have , (\-j3A,)(l-fiA,) and where r;^. —0 T^^ < F^ < . < Equation (10) in the Model witliout Adjustment Costs. In the model with y = that has equation (3) in (5) yields a second-order difference equation in Nt one stable and one unstable root. Denoting the stable root by /I , , equation (10) becomes N, = T,+A,N,_,+r,X,_,+r^W,+r^r,+ u% where T y, = f-A, d (10') [0p^-[9/3 + a5/3)pl\\- r.H^|^(i-AAO PX.P, \l^x J -A, 1 and l-/^^,A.y r. 6 1 IPr \-px,p,j Derivation of Equation (11). Use equation (3) to substitute for Yt and Yt+i in equation (5) and rearrange to get 43 E\y[^Y,-2/3^Y,^,+p'-^Y,^,)-p9{^N,^,+^x,^,)^e^N,-j35a^x,^, +aW,-/3W,^,)+5J3 N. a X. + Tir,^, + c = (A. 11) /35 Use ^{W, -J3W,J = -J3^AW,^,+{1-J3)^W, and rjr,., = rjAr,^, +W] in (A.H) to get (11). 44 APPENDIX B Data Description The real inventory and shipments data are produced by the Bureau of Econoic Analysis and are derived from the Census Bureau's Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders survey. 1996 chained shipments is dollars, They are seasonally adjusted, expressed in millions of and cover the period 1959:01-1999:02. An implicit price index for obtained from the ratio of nominal shipments to real shipments. The observable cost shocks include average hourly earnings of production nonsupervisory workers for the nominal wage rate; materials price and indexes constructed from two-digit producer price indexes and input-output relationships (See Humphreys, Maccini and Schuh (2001) for details); Nominal input prices were converted nominal interest rate is the and crude oil prices as a measure of energy prices. to real values using the shipments deflator. 3-month Treasury bill rate. The Real rates were computed by deducting the three-month inflation rate calculated by the Consumer Price Index. 45 Table 1 Euler Equation Estimates Panel A: Including Adjustment Costs and Observable Cost Shocks Constant Interest Variable Interest Rate Rate e y ^ a 6.210 11.113 (2.042) (2.071) 1.026 1.098 (0.593) (0.433) 0.814 1.185 (0.469) (0.484) 1.060 1.317 (7.334) (4.691) -.659 7 (-1.407) Constant -.043 0.142 (-.347) (0.599) Newey-West 2.752 [0.097] test Panel B: Including Observable Cost Shoclcs but no Adjustment Costs Constant Interest Variable Interest Rate Rate e 6.482 15.072 (2.637) (2.331) 1.172 1.359 (0.797) (0.497) \ a 1.068 1.513 (9.181) (4.609) 7 -1.003 (-1.780) Constant -.045 0.283 (-.441) (1.045) Newey-West 3.171 test [0.075] Point estimates and (t statistics). The last row reports the Newey-West tests the constant interest rate specification against the specification in value is reported in square brackets. statistic, which column two; the p- 46 Table 1 Euler Equation Estimates Panel C: Including Adjustment Costs but no Observable Cost Shocks Constant Interest Variable Interest Rate Rate e Y 7.714 12.401 (2.752) (2.527) 0.912 1.035 (0.467) (0.377) 1.094 1.376 (7.450) (4.921) a V -.687 (-1.377) Constant -.023 0.199 (-.183) (0.856) Newey-West 2.074 [0.1501 test Panel D: Excluding Observable Cost Shocks and Adjustment Costs Constant Interest Variable Interest Rate e Rate 8.495 17.091 (3.191) (2.591) 1.131 1.611 (8.702) (4.611) a V -1.060 (-1.695) Constant 0.370 -.003 (-.030) (1.318) Newey-West 2.991 [0.0841 test Point estimates and (t statistics). The last row reports the Newey-West tests the constant interest rate specification against the specification in value is reported in square brackets. statistic, which column two; the p- 47 Table 2 Decision Rule Estimates Panel A: Including Adjustment Cost and Observable Cost Shocks Constant Interest Variable Interest Rate Rate Constant Nm 0.032 0.031 (4.206) (3.306) 1.072 (23.548) Nt.2 -.114 (-2.529) Xt-i W, 1.072 (23.514) -.114 (-2.526) 0.045 0.045 (3.736) (3.733) -.034 (-4.126) -.034 (-3.798) 0.001 Tt (0.081) Panel B: Including Observable Cost Shocks, no Adjustment Costs Constant Interest Variable Interest Rate Rate Constant Nt-i 0.034 0.033 (4.451) (3.482) 0.959 (101.04) Xt., W, 0.960 (99.052) 0.043 0.043 (3.615) (3.612) -.036 (-4.333) rt -.036 (-3.979) 0.002 (0.10175) OLS Estimate of Decision Rule with (t-statistic) 48 Table 2 Decision Rule Estimates Panel C: Including Adjustment Cost, no Observable Cost Shocks Constant Rate Constant N.., 0.007 (2.073) (0.969) 1.108 (24.377) N..2 -.130 (-2.844) Xt-i Variable Rate 0.013 1.105 (24.330) -.127 (-2.784) 0.010 0.015 (1.137) (1.645) 0.024 rt (1.583) Panel D: Excluding Observable Cost Shocks and Adjustment Costs Constant Rate Constant Nm 0.014 0.007 (2.227) (1.045) 0.981 0.980 (118.369) Xm Variable Rate (118.570) 0.006 0.012 (0.729) (1.313) rt 0.026 (1.682) OLS Estimate of Decision Rule with (t-statistic) 49 Table 3: Means of Linearly Detrended Interest Rate Mean Log Inventories in Different Interest Rate Regime Regimes Test Statistic Low Medium High 10.405 10.341 10.327 0.077 Inventories (5.34) (Detrended) [0.000] The cells under Interest Rate Regime report the mean of linearly detrended inventories column reports means between the high and low and the [p-value], where the t-statistic is based on Newey-West standard errors (allowing for an MA(12) error term) from a regression of linearly detrended inventories (in logs) on a constant and dummies for high and low interest rate regimes. Test results are similar for quadratic detresnding and an MA(24). (in logs). The last the difference in interest rate regimes, the (t-statistic), 50 Table 4 Cointegration Tests Inventories, Sales, Observable Cost Shocks and the Interest Rate Null hypothesis: that the number of cointegration vectors <1 <2 50.011 27.528 7.854 [0.035] [0.129] [0.636] Logs 68.733 35.984 15.872 [0.000] [0.015] [0.094] Linear detrending 77.879 41.795 19.151 [0.000] [0.002] [0.034] Levels Johansen-Jeselius test statistics with p-values in square brackets. is 51 Table 5 Estimated Cointegrating Vector Inventories, Sales, Observable Cost Shocks, and the Interest Rate Constant 60901.23 Levels Logs 0.351 -1070.78 (-5.11) -401.814 (-5.55) (2.44) [0.0001 [0.7201 [0.0151 [0.0001 [0.0001 1.000 -0.015 -0.843 (8.029) (-5.19) (-5.27) 10.248 (-1.51) [0.0101 [0.1321 [0.0001 [0.0001 [0.0001 0.891 -.000 1.069 -0.016 -0.922 (8.76) (-5.33) (-5.84) (5.40) [0.0001 DOLS w r (0.36) (2.60) Detrended 10.248 X (5.46) 3.407 Linearly Time (-0.82) [0.4151 [0.0001 [0.0001 estimates of the cointegrating vector with (t-statistic) and [p-values1. [0.0001 52 Table 6 Cointegration Tests Inventories, Sales, Observable Cost Shocks and the Probabilities Null hypothesis: that the number of cointegration vectors <1 <2 Levels 94.11 54.94 [0.0021 [0.0471 [0.0821 Logs 91.68 57.88 35.97 [0.0031 [0.0241 [0.0331 Linear detrending 92.37 58.11 35.95 [0.003] [0.0231 [0.0331 Johansen-Jeselius test statistics with p-values in square brackets. 32.33 is 53 Table 7 Estimated Cointegrating Vector Inventories, Sales, Observable Cost Shocks, Constant 51839.61 Levels (2.82) [0.005] Logs 2.722 (1.02) [0.308] Linearly Detrended DOLS and the Probabilities n\ ^3 w 41.767 0.237 3845.719 -5.263 -301.177 (1.03) (1.06) (1.73) (-6.36) (-4.34) [0.306] [0.289] [0.085] [0.000] [0.000] 0.970 0.052 -0.072 -0.647 (4.64) (1.35) (-4.23) (-4.12) [0.000] [0.178] [0.000] [0.000] -0.707 (-4.51) Time 41.767 (-0.36) [0.722] X 0.679 0.000 1.015 0.056 -0.073 (2.29) (1.52) (4.74) (1.37) (-4.32) [0.023] [0.131] [0.000] [0.171] estimates of the cointegrating vector vi^ith (t-statistic) and [0.000] [p-values]. [0.000] 54 Table 8 Cointegration Tests Inventories, Sales, and Interest-Rate-Related Variables Panel A: Variable Interest Rate Null hypothesis: that the number of cointegrating vectors <=1 Levels Logs Linear Detrending 39.93 19.56 [0.012] [0.031] 38.95 16.23 [0.015] [0.094] 38.84 15.82 [0.015] [0.107] is <=2 3.17 [0.071] 6.38 [0.010] 6.05 [0.012] Panel B: Regime-Switching and Learning Null hypothesis: that the number of cointegrating vectors <1 <2 34.77 Levels 71.52 [0.001] [0.047] [0.258] Logs 68.46 36.48 20.43 [0.001] [0.029] [0.023] 68.13 35.97 19.81 [0.002] [0.033] [0.028] Linear detrending Johansen-Juselius test statistics with p-values in square brackets. 12.64 is 55 Table 9 Estimated Cointegrating Vector Inventories, Sales, and Interest-Rate-Related Variables Panel A: Variable Interest Rate Levels Time 15288.81 62.082 0.213 -499.931 (0.56) (0.81) (0.52) (-0.80) [0.574] [0.421] [0.606] [0.425] 0.584 62.082 0.879 -0.005 (0.16) (-0.65) Logs r (0.73) (2.65) [0.876] [0.465] [0.009] [0.518] 0.099 0.000 0.904 -0.005 (0.27) (0.09) (2.61) (-0.54) [0.789] [0.931] [0.010] Linearly Detrended X Constant [0.589] Panel B: Regime-Switching and Learning Levels Logs Linearly Detrended Time -16692 -32.84 0.733 (-0.97) n\ n-i -3686 -Mil (-1.50) (-3.07) (-0.61) (2.56) [0.335] [-0.545] [0.011] [0.135] [0.002] -5.803 -32.84 1.454 -0.078 -0.094 (-1.94) (-1.15) (5.39) (-1.89) (-3.24) [0.053] [0.250] -0.476 0.000 (-1.73) [0.085] DOLS X Constant [0.000] [0.072] 1.410 -0.087 -0.094 (0.70) (5.23) (-1.84) (-3.08) [0.482] [0.000] [0.067] estimates of the cointegrating vector with (t-statistic) and [p-values]. [0.001] [0.002] 56 Table 10 Estimated Cointegrating Vector Allowing Serial Correlation of the Interest Rate within a Regime Including Observable Cost Shocks Constant Levels Logs Linearly Detrended DOLS Time X 601.618 -13.790 0.602 -2211.669 (0.105) (-1.098) (9.528) (-3.384) [0.916] [0.274] [01 [0.001] -0.920 0.000 1.141 (-0.899) (-1.876) (14.743) [0.369] [0.062] [0] 0.177 0.000 (1.329) (-1.433) [0.185] [0.153] 1.188 (14.963) [0] W K, TV, -5556.076 (-6.474) [01 -63.431 (-1.579) [0.116] -0.021 -0.112 -0.279 (-1.224) (-5.932) (-2.430) [0.22203] [0] [0.016] -0.019 -0.117 -0.337 (-1.069) (-5.989) (-2.967) [0.286] [0] [0.003] estimates of the cointegrating vector with (t-statistic) and [p-values]. 57 CD d -J CD 17 CD ~i CD D c-t- CD -J CD CO Q) c± CD 58 a O o ro r\) o) _> a o M _k *. o o i\) cn _., o _» c o o *- IV r\i 0) CO Ul CO _. _» *. CQ cn cn CO ^ 0) o 0) o 01 CD 0) cn < o tn <i ' ^ V'-* _» _^ o < CD d 1 i CD c ? CJl CD -J CD IV) l\) n m o _ —— ^ 7^ ^'"""^ =^ no > .y S. 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