3 9080 02239 2317 HI* M .M415 no. 00-30 DEWEY i3i 15 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series INVESTMENT AND INFORMATION VALUE FOR A RISK AVERSE FIRM Susan Athey, MIT Working Paper 00-30 November 2000 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn.com ST1TUTE NOV 8 LIBRARIES Investment and Information Value for a Risk Averse Firm Susan Athey, MIT November 2000 2, Abstract This paper analyzes the problem faced by a risk-averse firm considering in a risky project. The firm receives a signal about the value of the project. sary and sufficient conditions on the signal distribution such that nondecreasing in the realization of the signal, and to their ex ante information value. Finally, (ii) identify a class of utility functions for (i) different signals we provide We which agents who are to invest derive neces- the agent's investment is can be ranked according conditions under which compare the incentive to acquire information across agents with we how much it is possible to different risk preferences, less risk averse and purchase more information. JEL Classification Numbers: C44, C60, D81. Keywords: Portfolio problem, value of information, stochastic orderings, comparative statics under uncertainty, monotone likelihood ratio order, monotone probability ratio order. *Some of the comparative statics results in this paper originally appeared in an MIT working paper entitled "Comparative Statics Under Uncertainty: Single Crossing Properties and LogSupermodularity," which has since been shortened to eliminate these results. to Christian Gollier, Jonathan Levin, Paul Milgrom, discussions, I am John Roberts, and Ed Schlee grateful for helpful and the National Science Foundation, graduate fellowship and Grants SBR-9631760 and SES-9983820, for financial support; I am also grateful to the Cowles Foundation at Yale University and the Hoover Institution for their hospitality and support. Corresponding address: MIT Department of Economics, E52-252C, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, athey@mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/athey/www/. MA 02142. Email: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/investmentinformOOathe Introduction 1 This paper analyzes the problem faced by a risk-averse firm project with uncertain returns. project. The paper The who must choose an investment in a firm can potentially purchase a signal about the quality of the consider three comparative statics questions. First, under what conditions on the information structure will higher realizations of the signal lead to higher investments on the we ensure that one part of the firm? Second, under what conditions can source) will provide higher ex ante value than another for all signal (i.e., one information such risk averse firms? Third, what conditions on preferences guarantee that one agent will be willing to pay more than another for better information? It turns out that the answers to the three questions are closely related. Consider the tion. Formally, the firm faces uncertainty to G Q C signal is M.. The agent has a X, with given by Fxiwi'l^)- investment problem is The and observes the realization of a X x G ques- about the state of the world, W, with typical realization prior, H(-), typical realization first C The K. posterior F\y\x('\ x ) is partially informative on signal distribution, conditional computed according to Bayes' rule. W The = w, firm's given as follows: max / w x {Lo\x), u(i\{a,uj))dF \ where uisa and (typically concave) utility function, on the investment, a G A. The marginal returns state of the world (cj). The optimal statics question concerns necessary the agent's level of investment is policy and is 7r represents a return function which depends to investment, -^7r(a,u>), are nondecreasing in the denoted a*{x). In this context, the sufficient conditions first comparative on the signal distribution such that nondecreasing in x. For two extreme cases of assumptions on risk preferences, the answer to this question has been established in the existing literature. First, if condition for investment to be nondecreasing the agent risk neutral, the necessary is and that x orders the poterior distribution is sufficient Fw x (-\x) \ according to First-Order Stochastic Dominance (FOSD). 1 Next suppose that risk preferences are unrestricted (not necessarily risk averse). In this case, a necessary and sufficient condition for the optimal choice of a to be nondecreasing in x Monotone Likelihood Ratio Order (MLR). versus low realizations of W, 2 is that x orders the posterior distribution by the MLR requires The /vy|x( w ffl a; )//W'|.x'( w i.l a; )> i s nondecreasing in x. pointed out the disadvantages of the MLR order: it is very stringent, and l See Ormiston and Schlee (1992) or Athey (1999) for alternative proofs. 2 See Ormiston and Schlee (1993) or Athey (forthcoming). restriction that 7r a assumption that n (a,cj) crosses 0, at is that the relative likelihood of high most once, from below, supermodular (Athey, forthcoming). More it is Many authors have equivalent to requiring generally, this result holds imposing only the as a function of a;, rather than our stronger maintained that the distribution be ordered by FOSD conditional on any two-point set of states. Thus, a small change in probability mass affecting only two points in the distribution can upset the order. Now consider incorporating risk aversion. Several important special cases of this problem have been considered au + — (1 For example, the standard portfolio problem has n(a,u>) in the literature. where o)u)q, u>q is = the risk-free rate of return. Eeckhoudt and Gollier (1995) showed in the portfolio problem that a sufficient, but not necessary, condition on increase her investment in response to a higher signal is F for a risk-averse agent to that the posterior distribution, Fw x (-\x), \ satisfies the "Monotone Probability Ratio Order" low versus high realizations of this ordering is FOSD allow for Many more Fw \x{ u h\ x W, restrictive than FOSD some "averaging" over ) (MPR), which / Fwixi^L^) but states than the fairly special. = 3 MLR. Both As expected, the MPR and Sandmo's (1971) model of a firm facing demand (P(a)+u>)a — c(a), Milgrom (1994) shows that any comparative statics For example, we might shocks, for example by allowing first main result is a; to Sandmo model. This like to generalize make the demand curve less elastic. that the finding from the portfolio problem can be generalized: MPR order, nondecreasing whenever the agent Furthermore, although the is risk averse. condition for comparative statics in the portfolio problem, allow for Now consider of information. functional form the model to allow for non-additive higher signals x increase the distribution in the when we x. and thus lead to more robust orderings. result that holds in the portfolio problem, also holds in the Our nondecreasing in other economic examples motivate a more general investment return function than that uncertainty, where Tr(a,uj) demand is , less restrictive of the portfolio problem. In a generalized version of is still entails that the probability ratio for if the optimal investment policy will be we show that MPR is not a necessary it is more general (supermodular) investment return functions a necessary condition it. our second question, which concerns the agent's preferences over different sources For example, an investor might have access to "inside information" about asset A returns, or she might purchase investment advice. firm might engage in market research, or it might learn from experience or experimentation. Consumers might have access to different sources of information about product quality. Formally, in the ex ante information gathering problem, the firm chooses between information sources, indexed by a parameter 9 generates a signal posterior X 9 and , and chooses an after the agent observes the realization of this signal, she / max / w x e{u>\x)dFx e{x) u{ir{a,u;))dF Gollier (1995) shows that a necessary condition is forms a — c(9). \ 6>ee posterior distribution Each information source action. Formally, the agent solves: max 3 6. for comparative statics in the portfolio problem ordered by "greater central riskiness." We will is that the not pursue that order here, because not apply directly to problems with a structure more general than the portfolio problem. it does we In this problem, and Fwx states, <>, Our approach (1988) derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the joint distribution of signals such that higher values of 9 increase the agent's ex ante expected utility. Lehmann to analyzing the agent's information preferences builds directly on AL and Athey and Levin (2000) (henceforth AL). Lehmann (1988) and when of deriving informativeness orders, payoff functions are restricted to lie in study the problem some U. 4 These set authors further restrict attention to "monotone decision problems." These are decision problems where (for a given 9 and U) all posteriors in the set such that, for every decision-maker in the class Of signal lead to higher actions. of the course, it is U {Fw X 9 ('\ x )i x £ i % can be totally ordered } under consideration, higher realizations of the just this comparative statics result that is the subject question addressed in this paper. first Lehmann (1988) studies the particular case where U is the set of single crossing property; Persico (1996) applies this order to several all payoffs that satisfy a economic problems, including AL generalize to allow for different classes of payoff functions. In particular, AL derive portfolio problems, but without fully exploiting the consequences of risk aversion. Lehmann's (1988) approach an information ordering problem when the firm However, AL for is supermodular payoff functions, which would apply to the investment risk neutral. did not consider the special structure that arises in the case of a risk-averse firm. This paper provides a new information MPR, is ranking for the risk-averse firm is the risk averse firm, the Just as the order over posteriors for order for this case. weaker than the MLR and stronger than FOSD, the information weaker than Lehmann's order and stronger than AL's information ranking for supermodular payoff functions. Our third question concerns conditions on agent preferences that imply ranked according to the information order identified above, one agent than another for a more informative On the other hand, an agent On the one hand, an agent who is more may risk-averse not find it may choose a policy that The approach Lehmann is of (1988) and necessary and sufficient for many authors (see, for (1951) informativeness order is how who is AL all more signal. responsive to on an approach taken contrasts with the approach taken by Blackwell (1951, 1953). Black- decision-makers to have a higher ex ante expected value from the decision example, LeCam (1964), Lehmann (1988) and often too strong to be useful in applications. exploits additional structure that arises in not comparable using Blackwell's order. is less risk as valuable to purchase better information. to the comparative statics of information gathering builds problem. As AL be willing to pay more Our approach well's order signals are pay to avoid the uncertainty that comes with an uninformative the realizations of signals, and thus 4 if signal. Notice that there is not a clear intuition for aversion should affect willingness-to-pay for information. risk-averse might be willing to will that, economic problems, allowing AL) have pointed The approach for the of ranking of out, Blackwell's Lehmann many (1988) and signals that are by Persico (2000) for the case of single crossing functions, and generalized by AL to arbitrary sets of payoff functions U. This paper identifies (rather stringent) sufficient conditions on risk preferences and so that one agent will purchase better information than another, family of utility functions for which agents who in particular, we identify a are less risk averse are willing to pay more for information. The Investment Problem 2 Stochastic Single Crossing and Comparative Statics 2.1 In this section, we introduce and the paper. Let X and on Q. Let TZ be the we define the set if R be compact subsets of R, and set of UR UR = For example, Q for all function / x > xq. : {u | u X : X— R > we P,Q / Q —> R, and V xh > x that weak is is have: are 1 //, for set of probability distributions to R. For a given set Q, %l, u(xh, ) single crossing at xq R (ZlZ, weak UR is - u(xl, € R}. •) the set of supermodular functions single crossing if f(x) if < there exists for all x < xo and f{x) > some x$ such that f(x) is single 5 E.V- Then r{u))dP{oj) Q > P dominates implies Shannon (1995)) shows that comparative statics be the bounded and measurable). / in the stochastic single crossing order for R, if r(u))dQ(uj) are stochastic single crossing orderings useful? application of Lemma x the set of nondecreasing functions, is crossing at xo- Then, Why V as the set of functions with ^-incremental returns. Formally, The function Definition 1 Let let bounded, measurable functions mapping (with incremental returns to A characterize several stochastic orders that will be used throughout The > for all following r 6 R. Lemma (which follows as an stochastic single crossing orders can be used to derive results. all order for R, then for xu > all xi, Fw\x('\ x h) dominates Fw\x('\ x l) in the stochastic single crossing g € UR , there exists a nondecreasing selection a*(x) from argmax a f g(a,u))dFw x (u\x). \ 5 Given the assumptions we use crossing order in terms of property. We in this paper, all of our results would also hold Milgrom and Shannon's (1994) if we denned the single crossing property rather use the weak single crossing property for simplicity. stochastic single than the weak single crossing r Now us define several important examples of stochastic single crossing orders, each cor- let We responding to a different set of payoff functions R. we subsequently, will identify the sets P Suppose that First, consider Second, p, with FOSD. let \x Q and Q y FO SD P Formally, be a measure on Q denoted P-, if : r is -. q(uio) q. and i-i single crossing m • weak • lo at+ loq a..e.-/j,. P{u)q) Q >~lr-u> Fw x {-\x) x orders € Q. Q are absolutely continuous with respect to P dominates Q according to single crossing of likelihood In other words, the likelihood of a state requiring that P for all lo 6 gH — —gM — and suppose that supp(P)=supp(<2)=fi. QM < P(u>) if such that £1 p and ^-lr-ujo (smaller) with q than p. If which they are stochastic single crossing orders. for are probability distributions, strictly positive densities ratios at ujq, R begin by defining the orders directly; by > lo P f° r MLR (<)loq relative to the likelihood of loq /^-almost is Q then all loq, is greater >~lr P- In this languange, equivalent to requiring that, for all xh > #l> \ Pw\x{'\ xh) >~lr Pw\x('\ x l)- Equivalently, the density fw\x must be log-supermodular, so that fw\x{u xH )l fw\x( u} xL ) 1S nondecreasing in to. \ \ Third, we can similarly define single crossing of probability ratios, replacing the density with Q ypR-uj P if grj) — puJ) s weak single crossing in lo at loq. If Q )~pr-u P for all ljo, then Q >~pr P. When Q ypR P, then for every u>q, the likelihood of state loq relative to the likelihood of all states lo < u>q is higher for Q than P. Requiring that x orders Fw x (-\x) by the distribution: i \ MPR is equivalent to requiring that, for all xh > x l, Pw\x('\ x h) >~pr Pw\x('\ x l)- Equivalently, F\v\x must be log-supermodular. It MPR is weaker than MLR (since log-supermodularity is preserved than FOSD (since the MPR requires that Fw\x{u xH I Pw\x(CJ xL can be verified directly that by integration) and stronger ) \ is nondecreasing in to, and the upper bound of the 2 Suppose that supp(P)=supp(Q)=Cl. r nondecreasing. if and only Q y PR The Q Q{- \ >~lr P- (i) The 1). Q yFOSD P following if an d on h o) 1 too) if J r jj,- 1 1 provides the relationships between them. W G {wi,^}) >~FOSD P(- W S {^1,^2}) for for Q{- W < w ^FOSD P(- W < (Hi) lemma dQ > f rdP for all almost all loq G all {^i,^} G Q if and only Q, if p. idea of this two-point 6 if (ii) is MLR, MPR, and FOSD, and alternative characterizations of the Lemma ratio ) \ We say set, Lemma while the that a function g can be stated in words: MPR is : CI equivalent to — R satisfies single pair (using the measure induced by p, on CI 2 ), g MLR is equivalent to FOSD conditional on any FOSD conditional on any lower interval of the form crossing almost everywhere satisfies single crossing (a.e.-|i) on {wi,w«}. if, for almost every (ui l ,uj h ) {ui : u < u>o}. Parts (i) and As a consequence the definitions. Lemma of this (ii) of (i) and are well-known, while part x orders (iii), Fw x {-\x) follows (iii) by the MPR if by checking and only if \ E^fr^^x, W < wo] is nondecreasing in x for MLR order must Note that because the uo 6 all Q and r nondecreasing. all be checked for every pair of states, independent of it is H and a signal distribution Fx \wi ^ x orders the posteriors Fw \x{-\x) by MLR, the same conclusion holds H replaced with any other prior distribution. In contrast, the MPR order might hold for the posteriors generated by a given prior H and a signal More the prior. precisely, given a prior if distribution Fx w , while it Fx w 7 might fail for is the posteriors generated by another prior G and the same \ signal distribution . \ Our next step is to define several classes of payoff functions of interest. which are weak single crossing, while rSC^o) RND wo! the se ^ js 5C r nondecreasing; _R f that, for The is the set of all r(-) a \\ r (.) which are weak single crossing at ' is the set of all ( 3( a; °) is the set of and quasi-concave, where the function changes direction are in iJ R sc sc<3( a'o) some for some An ujq- important subset of r nondecreasing, g{uj) following Lemma = l{ aJ < Wo }(w) • at ljq, while n sc Q( u} o) r(u>). all r(-) js Clearly, which are single crossing R SC Q is the set of the set of r which all functions g such RND C RSCQ C Rsc . characterizes the stochastic single crossing orders for these payoff func- tions. Lemma 3 Suppose that supp(P)=supp(Q)=Q. ND if and only if Q >~fosd P(i) Q dominates P in the stochastic single crossing order for R (ii) Suppose that either fl is finite, or else P and Q have continuous, strictly positive densities with respect to a measure (a) For loq £ J7, Q dominates P in the stochastic single crossing order for ftSC{uj p. (b) Q dominates P in the stochastic single crossing order for if an(j on iy ^ q y LR _ R sc if and only if Q y LR P. sc ^ u (iii) (a) Foruio > inf fi, Q dominates P in the stochastic single crossing order for R if and sc ®, if and only if Q >~pr-cj P- (b) Q dominates P in the stochastic single crossing order for R only if Q >-p R P. , /j,. )^ UJo , °> The proof 7 follows from However, under these conditions the MPR would hold for 3 and 4, and Athey (1999). 8 any prior distribution formed from H (using Bayes' W < a. by conditioning on the event Athey (forthcoming) focuses on problems where rule) 8 Athey (forthcoming), Theorems , (1994) single crossing property, rather than the weak R is the set of functions that satisfy Milgrom and Shannon's single crossing property used here (where r may become positive Athey (forthcoming), we may allow for supp(Q) to be greater than supp(P) (in the strong set sc it can be shown that order). When we consider the larger set R Q dominates P in the stochastic single crossing sc order for only if supp(P)=supp(Q)=fi. We maintain the assumption supp(P)=supp(Q)=f2 as a prerequisite and then return to 0). In , R rather than a conclusion in order to make it easier to state the definitions of the relevant ratio orders. . To connect part of (iii) Lemma 2 the function defined by g(w) = and part l[ UJ<u}0 y(oj) of Lemma (iii) t{uj) is in observe that 3, H sc Q(u o) Further, if r(-) is Lemma nondecreasing, 2 implies that if Q ^PR P, Jr(u>)-l {uJ<u o} (u;)dQ(uj) , Q(wo) l {ul<UJo }{u)dP{u>) J r(to) > _ P(wo) or, rearranging, l {w<W0} ( W )dQ(w) fr{ui) > |^| y r(«) • • l {w<a o} HdP(u;). , This in turn implies l {ltJ<llJo} (u,)dP(u,) fr(u>) In words, form Q P dominates l{o,< Wo }(w) • => is }( u; ) r ( w )- ' The • l {w<a o} (u;)dQ( W ) , nondecreasing, a subset of the counter-examples required for necessity in part l{w<w fr(w) > 0. in the stochastic single crossing order for the set of functions of the where r r(u>), > (iii) of Rsc<2. Lemma Further, we can construct 3 using functions of the form following characterization lemma, proved in the Appendix, builds on this logic. Lemma single supp(P)=supp(Q)=Q. For to q > inffi, Q dominates crossing order for R sc Qv^o) ( & q U ivalently, Q >~pk_ wo P) if and only if 4 Suppose that fr(u)dQ(u) > 2.2 ^p\ I'r(u)dP-(u>) for all r G P in the stochastic RSG Q^) (1) Comparative Statics in the Investment Problem Consider the investment problem of a risk-averse firm, as described in the Introduction, where the firm has access to the signal X and solves max ae ^i J u(Tr(a,Lu))dFyy\x(Lo\x) . In our analysis, we will refer to the following assumptions. Al For each x G X, supp{F-\y^x('\ x ))— ^- A2 Either fi is finite, or else, for each x G X, Fw \x('\ x ) has a strictly positive and continuous density. A3 u and it are C2 , the derivatives are absolutely continuous, and A, Q, and X are compact, convex subsets of K. A4 For all 8, x, the J u{ix{a,w))dFw \x{u\x) optimal choice of a is is quasi-concave in a and interior. C3 . Further, assume that for each A5 7r(a, ui) is nondecreasing in u, and further, the expected value of the project, J ir(a, co)dFw x ( w x ) l \ nondecreasing in is a. Assumptions Al and A2 simplify the analysis by allowing us to work with the without treating separately the possibility of moving support. that Q if is not finite, Further, A2 MLR and MPR allows us to assume the posterior distribution has a well-defined, continuous density, and that The each x, the likelihood ratio f(u>'\x)/f(u)"\x) exists for almost every (u',io") pair in Q. for differentiability assumptions (A3) simplify the notation and analysis. Assumption A4 allows us to ignore the possibility of multiple optima, and to assume that the first-order conditions characterize the optimal choice of investment (we clearly cannot impose the assumption neutral, however). when the firm AL (A3) and (A4) can be relaxed; see Athey (forthcoming) and Assumption A5 says that higher states are better, and that on average, the returns are non-negative. These assumptions are satisfied in the portfolio problem, is risk- for details. to investment and they highlight the elements of the portfolio problem that are critical for comparative statics results. Finally, note that paper focuses on the case where w this is u represents lead to monotone supermodular, incorporating the idea that the marginal returns to the investment. Now consider the role of risk preferences in deriving orders over posteriors that decision problems. The following Proposition summarizes the comparative statics results for two extreme cases: firms whose risk preferences are unrestricted, Proposition 5 Assume A1-A2, and suppose «*(•) is nondecreasing for all i\ supermodular, if u nondecreasing only if Fw \x{'\ x and only (that ) *s all is, Fw x (-\x) \ *s risk neutral firms. there is a unique optimal action for each x. u nondecreasing and if and linear (that ordered by FOSD. (ii) all a*(-) is nondecreasing for all firms with arbitrary risk preferences) and ordered by neutral firms), and all risk is, (i) all n supermodular, if and MLR. Proof. Under the assumptions of the proposition, weak single crossing of the incremental returns to a is necessary and sufficient for the comparative statics prediction, = u o it, g(u>,a) Lemma 3. functions. Now (ii) where u is Taking the Apply Lemma nondecreasing and class of linear, 7ris supermodular, unless u However, nondecreasing and concave, ^g{uj,a) all . Apply 3. monotonicity restrictions. not UR nondecreasing u returns the class of supermodular payoff preserved by nondecreasing, concave transformations. ir is Taking the class of functions supermodular, generates the set consider the problem faced by a risk-averse firm. supermodular when (i) for is Thus, g(u>,a) linear, or else any g{u,a) satisfies Notice that supermodularity = u o 7r u is where = u o tt convex and 7ris not not necessarily tv satisfies some supermodular and u the single crossing property. But, functions with the single crossing property can be generated in this way. 8 is is if u is is concave, Since the relevant set of payoff functions for risk averse firms ular payoff functions, but smaller than the set of payoffs larger than the set of is whose marginal returns supermod- satisfy the single crossing property, the comparative statics result for risk averse firms requires an intermediate con- on the dition distribution. It turns out this condition order for the set of functions R sc ® defined given that u' (Ti(a,uj))n a (a,Lj) is all ix MPR, is if and only nondecreasing in x for is x orders if MLR and stronger than FOSD. Eeckhoudt and Gollier (1995), who establish the is somewhat Fw x (-\x) < all The u concave and nonde- MPR. by for comparative find x, u concave, and approximate concave and 7T it is strictly larger is we construct in we can x, u'(Tr(x,u>))-J^Tr(x,u>), In other words, the set of functions of the form g supermodular, contains (and of r(w); but, for any such function supermodular, so that the marginal returns to this function. The proof result for the portfolio problem. l^ <a y(uj) 3 use payoff functions of the form statics, sufficiency part of this result generalizes necessity builds on our discussion from the last subsection: the counter-examples Lemma surprising, R sc ®. Appendix. As expected, the condition result is in the weaker than This in the last subsection. Then &*() supermodular, The proof of this equivalent to the stochastic single crossing not necessarily in the set Proposition 6 Assume A1-A5. creasing and is = u o it, where u is UR than) 3 The Value Now consider the problem of comparing the value of different signals. In particular, suppose the of Information {X e }g £ Q, where indexed by 8. Formally, the firm has a fixed prior, H(-), about the state of the world. Then, the firm chooses 8, firm can choose from a family of signals which determines the set of possible posteriors the quality of the signal {Fw x o (-\x) x € , X e } is as well as the likelihood of \ each. After observing the realization of the signal X — x, e the firm forms the posterior FW X 9 ('\ \ and solves max a£ _4 f u(Tr(a,to))dFw When x e(u)\x). evaluating the problem from an ex ante perspective, for each signal distribution, noted \ Fwx e(-, •). Fx w ei The , probability x), joint distribution and 8, the prior H and the determine a joint distribution over states and signal realizations, de- marginal distribution of the signal Pr(W < u\X e < X) is denoted Fx »{x\W < mass functions or Fwx e(-, •) is referred to as the information structure. Fx e(-). The notation i<V(u;|X w) represents Pr(X e < x\W < co). < The x) represents The corresponding densities are denoted by /. For a given payoff function : AxQ— > M. (such as g = u o 77), the ex ante value of information given by is V*{9;g)= max / g(a,u)dFwlx e(uj\x) dFxe {x). / J x e laeA J n In the next subsection, we review and extend the -2-1 conditions such that -§sV*{9\ uo 90 77) > results AL from that give necessary and sufficient for all payoff functions in a given class. Monotone Information Orders 3.1 AL develop a theory which can be used to order information structures for payoff functions of the form g AxX— » : UR functions As , A higher value of 9 provides a "more informative" signal for a set of payoff £§V*(9;g) if Lehmann in R. (1988), > g for all UR <E . AL's approach considers only "Monotone Decision Problems." That is, the set of admissable information structures must be "i2-ordered," so that the stochastic single crossing order for R, denoted >-r, all xh > UR g G is is a complete order on {Fw{-\x)} X £X- xl, Fw{-\xh) >~r F\v(-\xl). If Fwx 13 implies that for argmax ae ^ f g(a, Lj)dFw X B{u>\x) such there exists a selection a*(x;9) from , Lemma .R-ordered, is e In other words, for all that a*(x;9) \ nondecreasing in x; thus, throughout we assume that the agent chooses a nondecreasing policy. For each of the different sets of payoff functions restrictions implied for The restriction to we have considered, Lemma 3 describes the Fwx e. monotone decision problems allows us when the decision-maker's preferences. In particular, inherits properties R from g(a,cj). For example, if g make use to decision policy is is of our knowledge of the nondecreasing, g(a*{x\ supermodular and Fw x b(-\x) is 9), to) ordered by \ FOSD, then An a*(x; 9) nondecreasing in x and g(a*(x; 9),oj) realized X e supermodular in has no intrinsic meaning to a decision-maker: a transformation Y = T(X Why 9 is 9); ; T X : x so long as the ordering like, 6 — > Y d is Our approach is is that the value attached to a all that matters after the signal preserved. For example, and strictly increasing in x, [0, 1] we for each 9, It consider consider the signal as X8 . plays a central role in our characterization of the to ranking information structures can be outlined as follows. XH and XL L To do so, it is sufficient to 9^, with corresponding signals X "more informative" than . . We will provide conditions show that for that expected payoffs are higher than when under each g G there exists a policy (not necessarily optimal) that a decision-maker can use with signal X are free to we can must give the decision-maker the same payoffs such a normalization important? 9h > XH e having access to information orders. Consider (x, u>). the posterior distribution over the state of the world. For this reason, is normalize the signal as we which is important thing to note about the setup of the problem realization of is is XH , UR , such the decision-maker uses the optimal policy with signal L . 10 Consider how this might be accomplished. o*(-;8l) 9h) £*(; ' ' L —* A. This yields expected payoffs V*(#l; p). X XH — ^4, > For example, function a(x; 9h) = L A= if a*(x; 8i) Instead, our approach [0, 1], —x (3*(-,8 L ) [0,1] : A X = X mined. in the and X H = we have not policy, then to construct a policy, is XL rather than [-100, 100], if ) yields ex ante how a*(x; 8 L ) T X9 x Q — Y H = T{X H ;8 H L and ) > : ). a*(x;8 L ), so that using to construct = x, the the [0, 1], and rescale Next, we define L ) with signal /?*(•; YL is Then, our approach to ranking information structures . access to signal YH can do better than the agent with YL #l)- Since the realizations of both who has YH access to yet said anything about how main following proposition includes the results YH and in [0,1], lie . this transformation, T, should turns out that the answer depends on which class of payoff functions It The tion. /?*(•; well-defined for an agent course, = who has L access to Y using the same policy, Of XH not immediately obvious it is Y L = T(X L ;8 L by fi*(T(x;8 L );8 L ) reduces to showing that an agent is goal to choose a particular transformation, is equivalent to using «*(•; Ql) with signal this policy [0, 1] and take the optimal , not well-defined. is each signal, defining two new signals -» Our that (when the decision-maker has access to expected payoffs greater than V*{&L;g). Notice that this policy. UR Consider g G is be deter- under considera- about information orderings; proved it is Appendix. Proposition 7 Let H be a prior probability distribution over Q, let eterized signal distribution, and let Fwx Fx w be a e< smoothly param- be the corresponding family of information structures. e Assume A1-A2. (i) Suppose that for each 8, Fw x b(-\x) ordered by is \ and all g supermodular, Fw XB 1 by >~lr-uo i T(x;u>,8) For (Hi) all u>o 8, T(x;u,9) For is if, letting T{x\ 8) ordered by Fw x e{-\x) is \ n x for eac h ^o)- Then ™ 8 for all y > F OSD ordered by the -§qV*{8\ g) > Then -§gV*(8;g) > x. for MLR all in 8 and x all G is, R g G U all 6 (MIO-spm) [0, 1]. (that for Fw x e(-\x) \ , if is and only ordered if if we = Fx w (x\u)), e\ G fi and y G [0, 1], Suppose that for each by ypn-ui and only > T~\y; 8)) Suppose that for each (ii) let {- if FOSD in = Fx e(x), in x for each 8, Fw {- 1 X9 Fw x e(-\x) loq). i is -1 > T (y;u;o,0)) ordered by the is ordered by )^lr-u> MPR in x (that is, in 8. Fw x e(-\x) (MIO-sc) is ordered \ Then j^V*(8\g) > for all g G UR , if and only, if we let = Fx e(x\W <u), all loq > mtft, and y G [0, 1], Fw{- \ X9 > T~ l {y\LOQ,d)) is ordered by >pr- Uo in 8. (MIO-scq) 11 Part of this proposition (ii) originally is due to Lehmann (1988); AL. Part of single crossing orders over average posteriors by new was first stated in terms due to AL, while part is (i) it (iii) is (MIO-sc) has been applied in economics in the area of principal-agent problems (Kim, here. and auctions 1995; Jewitt, 1997) AL (Persico, 2000). apply (MIO-spm) to a number of economic problems, including adverse selection problems and oligopoly games. To interpret the three conditions, consider 9 H Notice that all > 6 L and the corresponding signals, X H and X L . three conditions are comparisons across information structures of the average over "high" posteriors (that is, posteriors corresponding to high signal realizations) where posteriors are , ordered by the relevant stochastic single crossing order. Each monotone information order requires XH that the "high" posteriors for the good signal, the bad signal, X L when are "higher" than the "high" posteriors for , monotone correspond to higher investments. For example, consider U R Recall that . the agent uses a agent whose return to investment changes direction at chooses a policy where, for some y, she invests implies that, cjo), if the agent instead observes signal when XH and , let If this ujq. X policy, higher signal realizations L A= {0,1}, and consider an agent observes signal > F~\{y\W < invests exactly she , Then, (MIO-scq) u>o). when XL XH > F~},(y\W < the average over the agent's posteriors conditional on investment are higher (according to Since the average of the posteriors is the prior, the conditions of Proposition 7 likewise require that the "low" posteriors for the good signal are "lower" than the "low" posteriors for the bad signal. Thus, another way to interpret the conditions is that they require the posteriors of an agent given a good signal to be more "spread out" in the appropriate stochastic order. The three they also monotone information orders differ in not only in the relevant order over posteriors; that different "normalizations," T, of the signals are used. are tailored to the class of payoff functions, Observe that in part u>q and they are derived (and similarly, in part (ii) (MIO-sc) by requiring that why, observe that differ Fw {\ X 9 >T in the proof of the proposition. we cannot (iii)), _1 ordered by the (y; lj, 9)) is appears twice in the statement of (MIO-sc): normalization T, and second, we check The normalizations first, simplify the statement of MLR in we 9 for condition on that the posteriors are ordered by >-lr-uj that the crossing point specified for the stochastic order is the same - ^ To see ujq in the all uj. important is as the crossing point used in the normalization T. Finally, jjR rpj^ "o ^ to we note that we could also orcj ers over posteriors AL establish that (MIO-spm) Lemma 2 (ii)). To verify that the definition of (MIO-scq). It modify parts (ii) and (iii) to consider the sets would simply be checked only holds for all priors, if (MIO-scq) is and only if UR "° for the relevant ojq. (MIO-sc) holds stronger than (MIO-spm), simply analogous (this is let ujq = supfi in can further be shown that, given a prior H, (MIO-scq) holds, 12 and if and only if (MIO-spm) holds = H(u\W < form G(u>) for all priors of the Lemma a) (analogous to 2 (hi)). Monotone Information Orders Characterizations of 3.1.1 This section provides two alternative characterizations of (MIO-sc) and (MIO-scq). The charac- may be terizations independently useful, because it is stated in terms of signal distributions rather than posterior distributions. The Lemma For (c) characterization first 8 For (b) G ) x Q, and [0, 1] (y,w all G ) 9h > 9; (d) for all (ii) The following four conditions are (i) all (y,u) all x Q, and [0, 1] Ol, F~]j > v ui v all (Fx l(x\W — , < Fx cj loq) (F~l(y\W e Fx , For (y,w all For G ) all (y,LO in 6; (d) for all Condition G ) 6H x Q, and [0, 1] > [0, 1] 6L is Lemma is we seek MLR) we signal when X L , if Fx l{X \W = V- We of the world v uiq) say that is v > XH Fx w is e < most Now y. e , is, ) | W<w ) is (ii) is new MLR, size, to that more informative than thereafter. r, is in all x G XL . nonincreasing in nondecreasing is for u> Lehmann all x G (1988), XL and . AL here. First, consider the interpretation of W> loq against the alternative with probability no greater than implement a is, XL test of size y signal, we if given the size of test y, is smaller with XH , With and consider Fx h (X h \W = if the true state X H than X L up when the true ojq. reject the null XH a test that rejects the null if, W= when . state Part is v (i)(c) < ujq. provides a uniformly more powerful L . consider the interpretation of part investment, for a test of size y. Observe that (given posteriors that In the terminology of classical statistics, for a fixed size y, Now loq nondecreasing in requires that the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis goes X is ) likely to reject the null incorrectly same nonincreasing in v) \ wo, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis test than W= suppose we gain access to another test of the is | ordered by (MIO-scq); to test the null hypothesis that the posteriors are ordered by l implementing a hypothesis w o) < are ) the statement of (MIO-sc) given by true, that is ui nondecreasing in is test that rejects the null hypothesis y when the null hypothesis are ordered by the = e , equivalent to (i)(d); part and we want a u>o, all e Fx (F~}(y\W < loq) W < v) is < w Fx (F~j(y\W < uj \W <v) u> F~ H (Fx l(x\W < u , part (i)(b). Suppose that < x Q, and > (a) l (i)(d) of this show that (MIO-sc) v all [F~] (y\W e W = wo) \ Fx w is ordered by (MIO-sc); (b) = loq) \W = v) is nonincreasing in 9; equivalent: (a) The following four conditions are equivalent: 9; (c) W given as follows. is # sc,(2( w o)_ Suppose that A= j n wor d S) r {0, 1}. Then, (ii)(c). is for Suppose that the agent's marginal return to nondecreasing on each 13 9, u> < ujq, and remains positive consider the policy where, for some y, the agent chooses to invest that it the true state of the world if Xe greater than is in the set {lo is < u> : F~]{y\W < v}, where v < loq, that the agent chooses to invest. In contrast, by part (h)(b), less likely makes signal the realization of if more it Part (ii)(c) requires a "better' signal makes when «>woa "better" chooses to invest. Given the agent's preferences, these likely that the agent changes increase ex ante expected a>n). utility. Notice that, unlike (MIO-sc), (MIO-scq) places requirements on the "average" signal distribu- That tions. W. is, in order to compute Fx l{- | W< we need u>q), prior distribution over Thus, while (MIO-sc) can be interpreted in terms of "classical" hypothesis testing in giving conditions for signals to be ranked for make use we must be As AL more discuss in of payoff functions R SC Q of the additional structure on the set detail, in order MPR order and (MIO-scq) are unchanged for a given signal family allow for an alternative prior of the form H{lo) The next lemma = H(lu\W < Fx e(-\u;) of x that implements only if 9 (i) than The y. is = F~], supermodular in — Define x(y;9,uo) supermodular in = w (y F~]{y (6,ljq), that \ o> W < uq). 9 ( interpret the result of X 'Lemma and W, where the "cutoff" level Then u>o). Fx w e is ordered by (MIO-sc) if and is, is nondecreasing in loq for all x. (2) Then if Fx w e is ordered by (MIO-scq), x(y;9,u)o) is ) , , is nondecreasing in u>o for all x. (3) ) Lemma 9 positive dependence (ii), -^j-x{y\ 9,loq) is a measure of the positive dependence defined to increase expected payoffs for the is To see this, we H = ~§gF o\ (x\LJo) > 0. Then, ) (2) x W 9 can also be used to establish directly the relationship between MIO-sc and MIO-scq. can define h{uj ;v) for is how 9 is, fx e{x\W <cj s W= places conditions on signal, ) 4 FX__x\W <u)— between Suppose that u>o) —-22 To \ (6,loq), that 7)qFX 9(x\W = — — — = fx e(x\W (ii) Lemma following changes in 8 and wo- this policy Define x(y; 9,ojq) x(y;8,iVo) we than the inverse distributions. The an investor follows the policy of investing when the realization of the normalized ;9,u)o), is greater Lemma if builds on the characterizations from parts (i)(b) and (ii)(b), stating the condi- characterizations can be understood in terms of the transformation function, T. T(X ), v). tions directly in terms of (average) signal distributions rather e R sc (rather than willing to specify a restricted class of prior distributions. Notice, however, that given a prior H, the for all 9, statistics, possible priors, (MIO-scq) requires a Bayesian all perspective, in particular, a pre-specified prior distribution. to know the to nondecreasing in ljq L i) e {v ,v"} as follows: when h{uio;if) is exactly log-supermodular (Karlin, 1968), (2) h(u ;T) L ) = e f (x\ujo), h(uj ;r} log-supermodular. Since integrals of log-supermodular functions are nondecreasing in u>o implies (3) 14 is nondecreasing in u> - relevant class of decision-makers (in this case, the MPR) the positive dependence (in terms of the Finally, consider briefly r nondecreasing is if Condition . X between 9 and W. (3) requires that 9 increases 10 an analogous characterization of (MIO-spm). In particular, notice that and only The requirement reduces MPR) to if it is J| in _R ~Pi(X e ?M. Now, 5C,< < F~}{y) (MIO-spm). Equivalently, -§gFWX 9(v,F~l(y)) \ > consider W < v) for all Lemma 8, > part for all v,y. (ii)(b), This is when cjq = u. equivalent to n v,y. Information Orders for a Risk- Averse Investor 3.2 For the problem of a risk-averse investor, payoffs satisfy single crossing of incremental returns, and so we can apply (MIO-sc). However, (MIO-sc) must hold conditional on any pair of is potentially a very strong condition. Its restrictions states. In contrast, (MIO-scq) allows some "averaging" over states. Thus, we would like to relax (MIO-sc) . The next result establishes that (MIO-scq) is the relevant information order for risk-averse investors. Proposition 10 Assume A1-A5. Assume Then x. if for result is all Fw x e(-\x) i u nondecreasing and concave and all tt is ordered by the supermodular, if MPR in and only (MIO-scq) holds. The proof of this it > -ggV*(9;u,Tr) that for each 9, in the Appendix. It builds uses the characterization of (MIO-scq) derived in The Information 4 The information Lemma = argmax ^" is 9. / / Jx Juj wx e(oj,x) - c{9), u(-n(a*(x\9,p),Lo);p)dF p, which describes the agent's risk preferences. Consider the following question about the comparative statics on information gathering: To When of information acquired by the firm increase in p? begin, we present a result that applies to the class of payoffs UR 10 Persico (2000) provides an analogous interpretation of MIO-sc. See also Jewitt (1997). 11 See AL and stated as follows: where we have introduced a new parameter, amount 7, Acquisition Problem acquisition problem 9*{p) on the proofs of Propositions 5 and for further characterizations of (MIO-spm) in terms of "marginal-preserving spreads." 15 does the X Proposition 11 Let H be a prior probability distribution and eterized signal distribution, Assume A1-A2. Suppose that 6 w(x,u) If for allx H When Fw be orders Fwx let let f2, FX W 9\ be a smoothly param- the corresponding family of information structures. 9 by (MIO-scq). Define e = over - g(a*{x;9,p L ),uj;p L ). g(a*(x;8,p H ),w;p H ) > xL w(x H ,co) -w{x L ,u) 6 RSCQ , then -§gV(9,u) , > -§gV{0,v). the relevant functions are differentiable, the requirement of the proposition is that ^0^g(a*(x;6,p),uj;p) £ R sc ® In other words, p makes the incremental returns to investment "more R SC Q." For example, this condition would be satisfied if g(a*(x;9,p),u>;p) = x r(u>), for . p r G R sc ®. This result is analogous to results established for R sc in Persico (2000) and R ND in AL. Now lio consider applying this to a risk-averse investor. problem, where ir(a,u) = aw + — (1 a)wo (this is Let us restrict attention to the portfo- not necessary, but it simplifies an already complicated analysis). Further, we add the following assumption: A6 There exists a c > such that for each Further, the investor The satiation condition is is = a*(x;9,p) eventually satiated: ui(c clearly undesirable, but Consider small changes in $(x,uj;8,p) 9, p, it Co; p) > = c for all realizations of the signal. 0. greatly simplifies the argument. and define —[a*(x;0,p)uu(ir(a*(x;9,p),u);p)] dp u 112 (iT(a*(x;9,p),Lo);p) a*(x;8,p) -a*p (x;9,p) too uui(^(a*(x;9,p),iv);p) Uu(Tv(a*(x;9,p),u});p) +a*(x;9,p) + Then, we have the following comparative Proposition 12 Assume A1-A5, let (without loss of generality) that each for all 9, Fw x e{-\x) \ ing to (MIO-scq). is statics result for information acquisition. A= X8 ordered in the u in (iT{a*(x;9,p),Lj);p) Tr(a*(x;9,p),Lo) is [0,1], and suppose normalized so that MPR in x, Then, whenever ty(x,w;9,p) nondecreasing. 16 < = aw + (1 — a)u>o. Assume -§gFx e(x) = 0. Suppose further that ir(a,u}) and 9 orders and a* is the signal family Fwx e accord- supermodular in (x,p), 9*{p) is To make if interpret these conditions, observe that the agent more a* if is make the in (x, p) sensitive to signal realizations. Typically, this effect * < Then, $ < p reduces risk aversion. The requirement that to zero, only the supermodular term first utility function important. is more concave, which is Kin < 0. higher values of p would be more complicated. if , If a* likely to is close hold enough In words, higher values of p typically corresponds to greater risk aversion. This captures the idea that for a given decision policy, greater risk aversion makes information more valuable. The If a* other terms in capture the effects that arise because p changes the optimal decision policy. > (i.e., higher values of p make the agent invest more), then p can be interpreted most naturally as a decrease in risk aversion. second term is Under the same negative. relative prudence, — U ^(^.) W, is less is > 1. > and um(w,p) conditions, the third term than a future (multiplicatively separable) risk in addition, ojq If, negative is then the 0, if the agent's Since an agent's incentive to save in anticipation of increasing in relative prudence, this requirement can be understood as a restriction on the extent to which an agent is willing to pay to avoid exposure to a multiplicative risk. What more can we Consider first an agent with CARA increase in p (a reduction in risk aversion) a* is and a* mean x and assumptions are required to obtain this \I> supermodular in (x,p)? makes the agent more responsive < result. some 7 > the 13 an to signal realizations, for posterior beliefs, additional Now, consider our are that, for If variance independent of x, supermodular in (x,p). For more general functional forms verified that sufficient conditions for is 12 preferences, with coefficient of risk aversion —p. posterior beliefs have a normal distribution with i.e., ^ < say about preferences for which on ^. restriction 0, 1 > —p > 7, It can be and wo and inf Q are both greater than 2/7. Now consider another specific functional form, a quadratic utility function, where to provide a definitive prediction. Let ujq p > Co. Then define u : Q— > M. = 0, G (0, 1) for all x. is Note that Q= [w,o>] = pm — —m The with Co > > lo, and consider . not necessarily supermodular. Suppose that Eiy^lX 6 = x]/Ew[Vl/2 |^' e = x] first-order conditions for optimality entail that <**{x,p) 12 [0, 1], possible by u(m) Notice that u(au) A= it is = E W [W\X B = x] P E W [W 2 \X 9 = x] this utility function does not satisfy our satiation requirement, so to apply our proposition directly we would need to extend the arguments of Proposition 12. 13 Persico (1996) also analyzes this case, using Lehmann's (1988) information order. 17 If Fw \x 9 ('\ x) is ordered by the that the optimal policy is MPR, the optimal policy supermodular in (x, p) nondecreasing in x. This in turn implies is Observe further that . E w [W\X e = x] Ew [W 2 \X 9 = x]' / */ n ^ ^ x a a a *,(x;6,p)u n (7r(a (x;0,p),u>),p) = -p/ Since the optimal policy 0). non-negative, the expression is nonincreasing in p (so that ty(x,Lu; is 6, p) < Notice that ~u — —{m;p) — " \ ( «' l p-m a and d (~ u — —— fm;p)^ = dp\u> -i " ( ,y y 'J *. (p-m) 2 So, risk aversion decreases with p. In this case, the result says that as the agent averse, the policy To apply of signals, The becomes more sensitive to information, {X less risk and information becomes more valuable. these results, suppose that an investor can choose 9 becomes among the members of a family 8 € 0}, where the posteriors from each signal are totally according to : might correspond to different signals different opportunities for information gathering, as annual reports of a firm, a full auditor's report, or being a manager of the willingness to pay for signals in this family will be increasing in 6, if each ir^Q-ordered, and 9 orders the family by (MIO-scq). Then, the results in to provide conditions under which MPR. less risk averse firm. member The such investor's of the family this section is can be used agents purchase signals that more informative according to (MIO-scq). Finally, observe that (MIO-sc) in place of Persico (1996) or 5 if we are willing to impose the MPR and AL more stringent requirements of MLR and (MIO-scq), the requirements on risk preferences can be relaxed. See for details. Conclusions This paper derives sufficient conditions for comparative statics on investment and preference order- ings over information structures for the problem faced by a risk averse firm, make an investment where the firm must decision on the basis of a noisy signal about the investment returns. of payoff functions generated by class of decision functions, but smaller than the set of payoffs problems is The set larger than the set of supermodular whose marginal returns are single crossing. Since the orders over posteriors and information structures induced by the set of single crossing payoffs are fairly restrictive, the weaker orders derived in this paper are potentially more useful in applications. Using these orderings, we analyze how the value of information changes with We show that information. for a fixed policy, making a However, a decrease in utility function risk aversion often 18 risk preferences. more concave increases the demand makes an agent more responsive for to an informative signal, and for some utility functions (such as quadratic), this effect dominates. Then, who agents Appendix 6 Proof of Lemma necessity, observe that R sc Q(uo) P Q >-r of Rsc Q( and only if UJ o)^ The 4: fact that (1) \iQy R P j g is sufficient follows & c j ose(j convex cone. there exists a p if > R = RSCQ{u for To prove the G RSCQ("o) of RSCQ(wo)_ and only if That t )/P{u But, for any closed convex cone R, l{ UJ<u>0 }(u)) Thus, ). holds for if it by directly, observe that £SCQ(u>o) is, = Q(u and 6 R. u In the case = — l{ ul<UJQ }(u)) t(lj) holds for (1) for all r r e rSCQ{u> all ) and {r ) for : the un j on ig o Q >pr-u to > wo; f all linearity of the integral, (1) holds for all r 6 E SCQ ^°\ where E SCQ{-^ is a set of extreme points R SC Q("°) a set of functions such that any r e is the following sets: {-1{ W < W0 }( W )}> K^O — ^-{uokuko}^)}- Then, can be formed £,5C(?( o) The se t r(u) = l{ a <u,<Lj }{u)}, aJ of (iii) Lemma Consider 6: and a a; < > loo It u' (TT(a,u}))-i^it(a,cj) is so that 7r(a,w) and u' ra for u> Lemma positive , > 13 Consider n H < oj , straightforward to verify that (1) first necessity. The counter-examples equivalent is required for necessity a • we can also find a r(u>) for all is u, and then given this 7r, this, choose u so that v! choose n « when 1 concave. Before beginning, sufficiency. Now, r(o>). u concave, a n supermodular, and an j This u u>o. o»o, approximately equal to l{ a; < U }(w) •r(w). To see > g(u>,T] r; L , we need H) > and suppose that for either g(u,r) L ) for all and continuous, and suppose crossing at L a for a lemma. For variants on this Athey (forthcoming). Suppose further that rj = remains to establish result, see : 3 can be constructed using functions of the form l{ w < Wo }(w) observe that given r nondecreasing and a such that it is ir - P- Proof of Proposition in part implies and only if ^ using convex combinations, positive scalar multiples, and limits of functions in E SCQ{u For definitions. ^ desired. ) more result p if = r{u>) from checking the Jn rdQ > p JQ rdP such that checking the latter inequality for that the inequality holds only r more information. are less risk averse purchase ujq. letl(u>o) = ,T] H )/k(uJo,r] L ). / g(ut, f] satisfies = n L or E Q. Suppose that k{-\r] H )/k{u)Q\r] H ) Then f g(u,T])k(u},r))du) k(u lj r\ weak — 77 = H r} , that k(-;rj L ) g(-,n) and k{-;rj L ) / k{u)Q\r] L ) single crossing in r\. is e R sc ^o) k(-;r} H weak ) are single Further, for any n H > Then, H )k{u), H )du) > rj l(u ) / g(u, r/ L )A:(w, L )dw. T] 'See Jewitt (1986), Gollier and Kimball (1995), and Athey (1999) for alternative proofs. 19 (4) 9(^,1^^, Vh)^ > / The first R sc (^o)^ in because ^g < 1 ) (>) t t°'^| for $»4 > is and it, u; where g(u,T} L ) is < The second positive. (>)0. If instead, inequality it is g(-,r] H ) that sec0 nd inequality hold replacing g(u>,r] L ) with g(u,r) H ); then, 0, g(u>,T] nondecreasing in Fix u and ^g e q Ua ij^y an( j H"o,riH ) since g g{u,fi L )k{uj,T) H )dw J inequality follows by our assumptions on g, since k follows because yufl! is 13: Suppose that g(-,r)L ) G ft scV°). Then, Lemma Proof of H H )k{u,ri L )dw > / g(uj,r) L )k{u;,r] L )duj 77. represent the marginal returns to a given x, which are set equal to let cf){a,x) zero for an interior optimum: <p(a,x)= w x {u\x). (FOC) u'(-n(a,u)))-n a {a,u))dF I \ Integrating by parts, = <f>(a,x) we have w x {ui\x) I ir a {a,uj)dF u'(ir(a,u>)) - u"(n(a,uj)) ir a w x (t\x)duj (a,t)dF i \ = + ip(a,x), £(a,x) where we define £{a,x) =u'{-n(a,£j)) n a (,a,u)dFw x (u>\x) / (5) \ ip(a,x) = - f u"(n(a,u))E w [ira(a,W)\x,W <u>]Fw x (u>\x)du. (6) \ Fix x H (a) by the > xL , fix Since u an is MPR, Lemma in x, Now by the let Ku o)= nondecreasing, implies that £(a,x#) (b) and a, 7r a (a,u;) is weak > single crossing at lies u> , F0SD - 'M < 1. Fw x (-\x) and x orders \ 13 implies that £{a,x H ) > £(a,x L )- Since £(a,x L ) > and l(u> ) < 1, this l(uJcj)£(a,XL). consider the second term, MPR ^S\£y Since the MPR im P and since TT a (6). (a,uj) is By Lemma 2, nondecreasing in 20 Ew[n a (a, W)\x,W < u>. Further, 7r a (a, o>) u] is nondecreasing nondecreasing in u> Ew implies that [ir a W) \x, W < (a, to] is single crossing in u. Since u" W< imply that -u"(7r(a,cj))Eiy[7r a (a, W)\x, < by assumption, these and satisfies single crossing in u> u>] facts nondecreasing is in x. > xL Fix x H 4>(a,x H ) > )(j)(a,x L ). l(uj Lemma Then, by . and the comparative (i) and H > ) Fw Combined with <f>(a,x) satisfies weak that implies (a), single crossing in x, statics conclusion follows. 7: Our approach to the proof of the prior, an equivalent condition to (MIO-scq) Fx e(X \W )ip(a,x L ). (iii) follows the proof provided in AL Before beginning, we recall that because the expected value of the posteriors (ii). e l(Lo Thus, we have established that Proof of Proposition for 13, tp(a,x is that for > all u> inf we ft, if T(x;iO ,9) let is = <u>o), {1 X e < T-\y; lu , 0)) is ordered by For the moment, we do not specify T; it will >- P h-^ - in 9 for y e all (MIO-scq') [0, 1]. be determined in the course of our analysis. Define V{9;g,P,T)= f f g(P(y),u;)dFW:X e(u;,T- 1 (y;9)) L(U r ,(3,0h,@l) Let be the minimized value of the following program: inf g£U R subject V(6 H ;g,P,T)-V(e L ;g,P,T) € argmax to: for all y, (3(y) / wX g{a,u))dF 9 (oj\X e — T~ 1 (y;&i)). \ If we consider small changes In contrast, 6h if is in 8, the envelope larger than 6i theorem implies that -§gV*{6;g) by a discrete increment, su.ppL(U R ,j3, 0h,6l), since the decision-maker might under /?*(•; 6jj, while the program that determines Ql)- Therefore, a finding that L(U R , j3, UR in the class ; for differential changes in To proceed, we begin by showing comparisons for small changes in 8, 6, XH is is g£U R\V*{6 h] g) non-negative for the condition is is — . utility functions take the In such a problem, a a = 1 if X 9 > T~ l {y\ 9), form g(a,u>) = nondecreasing provides all (3 XL for decision-makers necessary and sufficient. necessary and sufficient for informativeness restrict attention to U R We then a subset of agents in allows only a binary choice, a a r(u), where G r(-) is restricted to lie in otherwise. Fix a particular y e 21 and {0, 1}, monotone decision policy takes the following form: and > to use the policy . argue that the informativeness rankings are sufficient to compare informativeness for U R The special class of decision problems V*(6L',g)} choose a different (and better) policy more informative than that (MIO-scq) when we -§-V(rj;g, /?*(•; 9),T)\r,- L constrains the agent with signal 6h 9h, 6l) a sufficient condition for the conclusion that like to in.i = [0, 1], for all all admissable R. some y G and denote agents in [0, 1], let this policy by (P. Substituting in = /? /3*, and noting that the optimal policy will specify that a = 1 as soon as the expected returns are positive, the minimization problem can be rewritten as follows: Fw {lu\X h > T- (y;^ ,^))Pr(X ff > T- {y;u, Q ,0 H )) -Fw {u\XL >T-\y-,u Q ,e L )¥z{X L >T-\y-,u ,eL )) 1 inf r(cu)d / rcRJn subject to: l w (u\T(X L ;u)Q,0 L = y) = 0. / r(u)dF ) Jo, The constraint equivalent to the requirement that, given y, is where y corresponds to the optimal policy L(U R ,py,9 H ,9 L will ) be non-negative f r(cv)du Jet when for this r, we the agent has access to there exists a multiplier A(y) such that, for if XL all 15 . r Then, e R, u [FWiX L{u,T- 1 (y-,u Q ,eL ))-Fw xH {u,T- 1 {y-,L}Q ,eH )\ (7) , L -\{y) I r{uj)dFw {io\T{X Jn where we used Bayes' rule (together with the oj ] ,e L ) fact that the R are only concerned with r £ = y) > 0, expected value of the posteriors is the prior) to simplify the expression in brackets. R— Focus now on the case where l{w<w }( u; ) Fw xL {u , and when = -l{ w<wo }(w) Fw x „{u ,T-\y-uj ,8 L )) - 1 In words, when loq), the policy function j n particular. First, ,T- l {y-LO ,8 H )) = X(y) Fw (cu Bayes' rule implies that X(y) is checking (7) when | = XL = T-\y-io Q ,9 L )). yFw{^o) — yFw(^o) minimizing the difference between expected payoffs at signals 6h and \{y) = 0, by Bayes' rule, (7) holds if / r{u))dFw (u\X ' ?£'<£fer»'» w Pr(x^<r 1 (y; o,fc'L)) / Jn and only L 16 if: <T-\yw,0 L )) > ^ '« rfF We The approach we when 6>£. i x" ^ ; (8) ^*"».»-»- L have ignored the possibility that fn r(u>)dFw{w\T(X 9 L ) = y) might be discontinuous this possibility by making the constraint an inequality does not affect the analysis. 15 = written as a function of the signal using the "correct" normalization, then optimality of the policy function does not pose a binding constraint When = r{to) requires that , = Fx e{x\W < Letting T(x;loo 9) 0. r{uS) RSCQi^o) in y. Allowing for take here (looking for a multiplier, A, that makes (7) positive) can alternatively be phrased in terms of Gollier and Kimball's (1995) "Diffidence Theorem"; see also Jewitt (1986) or Athey (1999) of this approach using tools from functional analysis. 22 for a discussion F 9 Then, using Bayes' we have rule, Pt(X h <T-\y;cu Pi(X L <T-i(y;<v H )) _ Fw xH {uj ,T- ,9 l Fw^L^T-\y- u> ' ,9 L )) w {uo\X H <T- {y;uj w Q \X^ < T-^(y;u l {y-u ,6 H ))/F . L ))/ , ,6 H )) (9) ' {u} ,9 L )) Using Bayes' rule again and substituting in the definition of T, we have Fw X H{cv x "" V^o.^H^o^l)) Substituting (10) into and then (9), J Fw (lo F Fw (u Lemma Finally, \ ) \ W< W< uj ) 1. oj (10) ) f / )) „ 4 implies that (11) holds for all established that (MIO-scq') H for all y, which in turn implies that X is rWdFwlu, y and all r (11) X H < F-l(y\W < Wo x | ,/n )) > )) | u> | we have holds. Thus, w {u X L < F-\{y\W < u r(io)dF L f ) in turn substituting (9) into (8) yields X L < F~l(y\W < u w,< XyflH ;< FFx- H (y\W I FxH (F- H (y\W < co FxL (F-l(y\W < u ,T-\y;u;Q,e H )) ^ £ rSCQ(u, and only )^ if equivalent to the result that is more informative than X L for )) l(U if (MIO-scq') rSCQ( " o) , /^, H agents in this restricted all r G i? 5C ' class of decision-makers (with utility functions given by ar(cj), for Consider a more direct approach to proving that (MIO-scq) Lemma to applying appropriate T, (11) utility XH with r G rSCQ{uj ) y-^ ^ 4) for the informativeness is satisfied if ancj ^ the agent observes X , and only if when she = K= r(u) J so that investing - 1 construct a is new r{u)dFw {u> when XL | X L = F-l(y\W < > F~ L (y\W < X lvq) L . u> Oh = 0l + d9 (that is, )) (that T Suppose that (11) . K, adding K was chosen F / w is, some fails for (3^ is is no optimal when l{ w<Wo }(u;) to r does not for just this reason. XH {lo \ X L = F~l(y\W < w using the policy Observe that an agent with payoffs af are lower with (11) fails. If from the result that given the Then, where the agent with payoffs af, with signal utility for start payoff function, for which . l{ w<tJo }(w), a necessary condition (as opposed not necessarily optimal for the agent, there L Observe that, given any constant K 3( aJ o)). an agent with payoff a r has greater ex ante expected whether (11) holds; indeed, the transformation define f(u) We comparison. uses the policy {$ Since the policy We now immediate contradiction. affect X than with L is < /?*) is )), optimal policy for SC Q^ UJ °) Then, ex ante expected f G R . than with we consider a small change X L using the policy in 9), the ffi, because envelope theorem implies that increasing 9 decreases ex ante expected payoffs for the agent with payoff function af. Thus where far, we have established informativeness orderings for a special class of decision problems, utility functions take the form g(a,uj) = a -r(u>). It is 23 straightforward (see AL) to show that , 6L ) > the monotone information orders are further sufficient for larger classes of decision problems. most this easily, observe that when (A1-A4) / J\Q. '[o,i] we may hold, w / -^9{(3{y)Mdu>F Jn °y integrate by parts to yield V(8; g, To /?, see T) {LO,T-\y-6))dy. = (12) (To see an approach without using integration by parts, see the proof of Proposition 12 below.) Then, the inner integral of y r (12) nonincreasing in 9 whenever is = y, and T(x;lo ,6) = Fx e(x\W < w (so that G RSC QM, (MIO-scq) implies that (7) holds. Proof of Lemma 8: Consider part (ii) (part between (b) > u>o, and v and (d). Fx „ Suppose that Fx l v) to (FX L(xy \W < as desired for (d). Finally, apply both u> and sides, )\W < Fx h is {-\W io < lvq) ^-#(/?(y),w), But we have shown that 0). for this T, if analogous). First, consider the relationship {F-\(y\W < letting xy < F~ Hl (FxL ) = equivalent to requiring that, for <v)< FxL (F~ Hl (y\W < u )\W But then, apply F'j, (-\W < (i) is This (b) holds. = X(y) ) holds for r(u>) (7) )\W < v) = F~\(y\W < w ), and > 6H 9L . we have <v)\W<v), (x y \W to both sides, u> all = Fx l let y' (x y \W < v) . This reduces to FxL (F~l < we can exchange Since ujq if (c) holds. Thus, (b) Now v, (y'\W and (c) the roles of < Fx h (F"i ) and u>q v, so (y'\W FxS (-\W < w ), 7. v) \W<u> (13) ). 9h > if and only (a) implies (b), building all 0l, are equivalent. > In particular, fix v (MIO-scq') implies that = 1^ <v \(lo) .Finally, < that (13) holds for consider the relationship between (a) and (b). First on the proof of Proposition r v (uj) <v)\W< w and loq, holds for (8) all we show that recall that, using the r £ rSCQ(uj use Bayes' rule and the fact that Pr(w < v) is ) _ transformation Theil) check ^ for constant in 6 to write the condition in terms of conditional probabilities, as in (b). Now, we show that (b) implies (a). Fix v and only nonincreasing in is equivalent to (11). In turn, (11) for rv if (8) Then, we have just argued that ujq. holds for rv is 6, if > is . The proof of Proposition 7 Fx e (F~l(y\W < o>o)|W < establishes that (8) equivalent to Fw {v\X L <F-\{y\W<^)) _ Fw {v\X H <Fx H {y\W<^)) > " Fw (w X H < F~ H {y\W < w )) Fw (lo X L < Fx l(y\W < w )) x l ' Q ' ' | I Finally, consider the case condition (c) requires that (8) that implies that (14) where v < fails for rv wo, and recall that (b) implies . This is fails. 24 (c). Using Bayes' equivalent to requiring that (11) fails. rule, Finally, v) Then, we have established that >~pr-uj in Q, Proof of ^ desired for Lemma (MIO-scq) from 9: Lemma 8, if (b) holds, then i*V(- (MIO-scq'), which We prove part part (ii) (ii); = Thus, ^ T>i{X e (this part X >(*y\W<v)- 10: ) W< | v) M (MIO-scq) holds If if (i) is if analogous. Recall the characterization of we = xy let < xy \W<v) m x(y; 0,ujq) = F~](y\W < uq), for all v >u UR ) " W<U}Q) \ and only with an appropriate u and n. us assume without loss of generality that and only if , <o; if (3) holds for all x. U Necessity follows from Proposition 7 because, as argued above, payoff g G we use the Fx°(xy\W Mxy does not affect the information content of (MIO-scq) hold). ordered by 'de Proof of Proposition let is Fxe (xy \W <v) + fx e(x y \W < v)—F-l(y\W < u>„) < F~l(y\W < w Before beginning, uo)) F~l(y\W <u; )\W <v) p we can approximate any < F~}(y\W < equivalent to (a). Notice that, (b). ^?T(X e < de is X6 | fact that Pr(W < X , so X e is Now consider sufficiency. normalized so that -§gFx e(x) = MPR or also does not affect it with v) does not vary 8, whether Lemma 9 implies that if Fwx e(v,x) oe . is nondecreasing in v for all x. (15) W\X' (v\x) Now, observe that by the envelope theorem, ^V*(6;uon) = Integrating by parts (which is valid it follows that d_ J Ju(7t(a*(x;8), >))d by (A3)) and w,x» (uj,x) letting subscripts denote partial derivatives, we have: - fa*x (x;9) d fu'(iT(a*(x;e),Lj))ir a (a*{x;e),u;)dul Taking the inner integral and integrating it FW,a-»(w,x) dx. by parts again (grouping together the of the integrand, analogous to the proof of Proposition 6), we oe we have the last (16) two terms following condition which will refer to as (II): -u'(7r(a*(x;0),w)) fir a (a*{x e),oj)d u ; -qqFw<x b{u),x) (II-a) U "(7r (a*(x;0),a;))7r a; (a*(x;0),a;) -I g? J?*, *»(<**(*; tr,.v 0),*H:i F m 25 w,x»^< x ) m FWiX »{u),x) du: (Il-b) To ensure that the first -§qV*(8\ u o n) > to establish that this expression 0, it suffices positive is whenever order conditions (FOC) hold. Those, too, can be integrated by parts (as in the proof of the comparative statics proposition). Multiplying by -1, the marginal returns to a are given by: f n a (a*{x; 8),uj)d^Fw{X 9(u>\x) -u'(Tr(a*{x;0),u>)) + Notice that the L\ t ] term of first ^" w\x > e)^)d \r.^a(a*(x £oo*.("-(^).WlS^ (FOC-a) this expression is (FOC-a) Fwlx o(uj\x)duj (FOC-b) ' u non-positive, since is nondecreasing and the expected marginal returns to a are positive by assumption. Thus, a necessary condition for the sum of the two terms to equal zero Our approach holds only by showing implies (II-b)> (a) Consider we have established that implies that (II) > 0. (FOC) Let us proceed always under our assumptions, and second showing that (FOC-b) > (Il-a). Integrating by parts again yields (a*(x-e),u>) TT a — Fx where the sign follows since -§qFx b{x) because A. -§qF wx b{uj-,x) > = e(x) - / n auJ (a*(x;e),ui)—FWX 9(u,x)dw >0, by our normalization of x, by supermodularity of (as discussed above, the latter inequality under our normalization of Now non-negative. is 0. -u'(ir(a%x;e),u)) (b) as follows. Since is show that (FOC-b) > to 0, it suffices that (II-a)> first that the second term (FOC-b) to the remainder of the proof (FOC-b) > if is x, §§Fx e(x) = consider the second term. (17) 7T, and equivalent to (MIO-spm) = Fw x e(iv\x), and define is 0). = Kl{u) Define K{u\kl) \ Kh(u) = K(cj\kh) = (15)). lp{lo\ki) is weak 13.Let 0(u;,k) in —u and Then, by K H ( \ Notice that -§gF = P^ Let <p{u\n) follows because WX 9(LL>,x). -7r a (a*(x; 8), t)dt ffij^ > K L \ \ for t < lo g(cj, k) is Lemma is non-negative and nonincreasing (by First, observe that ip(u>\K — 7r a (a, t) is is nonincreasing in nonincreasing in 13, since Proof of Proposition be the joint distribution of p, H > ) t). ^"rl is Next we apply t. is nondecreasing in w, $^ g(u, K,)K{u\K)du} who 11: W (II) Fix and > w Ye . p(uj\k l ) (this Second, note that weak nondecreasing in K by our previous arguments, and since u" Thus, we have established that parameter /'l -u"(n(a*(x;8),u))-Tr LJ (a*(x;9),ui)-ip(uj\K), where g(u>,KL) crossing in k. In other words, (FOC-b) > utility - K and — iT a (a,t) single crossing in —a;, since = H Lemma single crossing < and satisfies tt^ weak > 0. single implies (II-b)> 0, as desired. 0, which implies that -§gV*{6\ u G fi, and define o n) > 0. Y = Fx o{X \W < e e oj ). Let G WY e Let (3*(-;8,p) be the optimal policy for an agent with observes the signal Ye . Further, define w(y,u) 26 = g((3*(y;8,p H ),u>;p H ) - g((3*(y;9,p L ),Lu;p L ). By the Envelope Theorem, -^V*(9;g(.;pH )) Assume A that w(y,u>) for all i Then is finite. = = w(yu u) - ^V there on is some [yi,yi+1 ). Let r^uo) = w{y [ri(W) Y e+de > yi | Pr (Y e+de > ~\ - yi ) i=2 < ... and note that < n j/w+i, such £ rSCQ{u ) if £>,y [n(W) | Ye > yi ] Pr (y 9 > > y>) 0, j=2 we showed in the proof of Proposition 7, holds for all r, (MIO-scq) holds (simply use the to rerrange (10), (9), is Jj), < yi n J2®w if < with y\ , Lo)-tu{y i _ u il - &V(0,g(-,p L )) > n which, . : series of cut-points {yi}™=1 Then, ^V(0,g(-,p H )) 2,...,N. =ff "Md^ {G w^(u y)} *(9,g(.;p L )) high). The and case where Proof of Proposition is ftSCQ{ujo) an(j a jj fact that the expectation of the posteriors (11) so that in each case A £ we condition on y^ jf an(j on iy must equal the prior the probability that the signal convex follows via a limiting argument. 12: Use subscripts to denote partial derivatives. For each p, the first- order conditions for optimality define a*{x;9,p). Building on our integration by parts ((FOC-a) and (FOC-b) from above), and using our assumptions about the upper the first-order conditions can be written as follows for each j u u (n(a*(x;0,p),uj);p) a*(x;9,p) first V(x,uj;9,p) we can and simplify (Il-a) increasing information condition I *(x,u>;e,p) (t\x) increasing in p dO P W,X<> 9 ao ~dS^'w,x Fw x e(uj\x)dw = 0. \ Fw x o(u>\x)du) = (oj\x) and use the utility, differentiate with respect to p, yielding Fw{x e(t\x ^ (t-LJ )dff J—oo Juj (II-b), (II) is we can W\X J—oo Jul Likewise, (t-wo)d, / : 'Fw\x°Hx) order conditions hold as an identity, on the marginal p: W\X )d J—oo Jul Since the -u (t / limit 0. (18) \ fact that ^gFx g(x) = to 0, show that the if (t,x) ( (V i d_ 39 x) FWX 9(ut,x)duj > (19) : of Proposition 10 (starting with part (b)) showed that The proof (18) holds, then an expression analogous to (19) holds. 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