Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/informationcompeOOathe noi HB31 .M415 working paper department of economics •'"'-^•^"-- massachusetts institute of teclinology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 y WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS Information and Competition in U.S. Forest Service Timber Auctions Susan Atliey Jonathan Levin No. 99-12 June 1999 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 MASSACHU-;,QLOeY_ NOV 2 5 1999 LIBRARSES Information and Competition in U.S. Forest Service Timber Auctions* Susan Athey Jonathan Levin MIT and NBER MIT First Draft: November 1997 This Draft: June, 1999 Abstract This paper studies the bidding behavior of firms in U.S. Forest Service timber auctions When in 1976-1990. conducting timber auctions, the Forest Service pubhcly announces estimates of the tract characteristics before the auction, opportimity to inspect the tract and form its own its and each bidder additionally has an We private estimates. build a model that incorporates both differential information and the fact that bids placed in timber auctions are multidimensional. on The theory their private information, includes both the Our a practice known as "skewed bidding." Using a dataset that pubUc ex ante Forest Service estimates and the ex post reahzations of the tract characteristics, information. predicts that bidders will strategically distort their bids based we test om- model and provide evidence that bidders do possess private results suggest that private information affects Forest Service revenue creates aUocational inefficiency. Finally, we estabhsh and that risk aversion plays an important role in bidding behavior. JEL *We Numbers: Classification are grateful to Glenn EUisonj' Sara MuUin, Whitney Newey, Mike Niccolouci, MIT, Toronto, Patrick Tufts, the Wang and DU, NSF D81, D82, L73. Ellison, Phil Haile, Jerry Hausman, Paul Joskow, Bob Marshall, Wally Tom Stoker and seminar participants at Alabama, Conference on Auctions and Infrastructure, and the Leigh Linden provided exceptional research assistance. We Berkeley, NBER would also IDEI Toulouse, for helpful like to comments. thank the numerous employees of the U.S. Forest Service and the timber industry who took time to answer our questions. Athey acknowledges financial support from MIT, NSF as well as the hospitality Grant SBR-9631760 and the Provost's Fund and support of the Cowles Foundation for for Humanities and Social Sciences at Economic Research at Yale University. Introduction 1 This paper studies the extent to which bidders in auctions obtain and strategically exploit private information. Since the private signals of bidders are not typically observable by an econometrician, it is in general difficult to test theories identify a setting in about how bidders make use of these signals. In this which ex post information about attributes of the object that affect the value of the object to all bidders. Using this information, we is common attributes, on behavior and the outcome of the auction. In as well as the effect of such private information we available, attributes are able to empirically examine the extent to which bidders possess private information about these particular, paper we are able to test predictions in the spirit of Milgrom and Weber's (1982) model of the "mineral rights" auction. The setting for our study is the U.S. Forest Service timber auction program in the Pacific Northwest from 1976 to 1990.^ Our analysis sale" — used by the Forest Service. Each relies on a particular auction format — called a "scale tract of timber contains multiple species. Before the sale, the Forest Service conducts a "cruise" and estimates the volume of each species (as well as other factors such as timber quality a month before the sale, at and logging prices is These estimates are publicly announced at least which time bidders have the opportunity to hire their own cruisers and form independent estimates. In a scale The winner costs). sale, firms bid a price per unit of volume for each species. the firm that places the highest estimated total bid, computed as the sum of the on each species weighted by the Forest Service quantity estimates. The contract requires the winner to remove Service measures the all designated timber from the tract. As the timber volume of each species, rates specified in the bid. Thus, there and the winner pays may be a for the is removed, the Forest timber removed at the gap between the average significant bid, weighted by the Forest Service estimates, and the average payment, weighted by the actual proportion each species. Such a gap is typical: on tracts with estimate of the proportion of timber that actual proportion that While in scale sales many government "indefinite quantity" ernment specifies its is is two main species of timber, the Forest Service's the primary species turns out to be within removed on only half of the may appear auctions. 5% of the sales. particular to the Forest Service, similar rules are in fact used Examples include bidding procurement auctions for^goods and estimated of demand for highway construction contracts and services. In for different goods, such procurements, the gov- which are used as weights in computing the total bids. But, the government can also choose to order more than those estimated quantities. Despite the prevalent use of scale sales, the equilibrium behavior of firms in such auctions has not to our knowledge received a general theoretical or empirical analysis in the economics literature. 'Other recent analyses of Forest Service timber auctions include Hansen (1986), Leffler and Rucker (1988), mins (1995), Baldwin, Marshall, and Richard (1997) and Haile (1998). Cum- Our formal model of equilibrium bidding behavior in scale sales can be described as follows. There are two species, 1 and 2, and each (risk-averse) bidder receives a signal about the true proportion of species and places bids 1, the proportion of species computed timber 1 and the xi, is If 62- the Forest Service has estimated that total quantity Qest, then the is total bid B = Qest x (^ia;i + 62(1 — ^i))- The winner, who submitted the highest pays P = Qact x (^iPi + ^2(1 — Pi))i where Qact is the realized quantity on the realized proportion of species is and 6i as ultimately and pi each species, for on the 1 tract. B is total bid, the tract, In such an auction, bidders have an incentive to "skew" their bids onto the species they believe the Forest Service has over-estimated. The intuition that a bidder can achieve the is winning the auction) while paying less if same total bid (and thus the the total bid is same probability of allocated mainly to species that are over- estimated, since each dollar bid on an over-estimated species increases the total bid by more than it increases the expected payment. To how see this would work in practice, consider a simple example. Suppose that the Forest Service announces a tract with 1000 units of volume, and estimates that half of the tract Fir, and half Western Hemlock. is A Douglas bidder can achieve a total bid of $100,000 by bidding $100 on each species. Another way to achieve the same total bid Fir, is is by bidding $150 per unit on Douglas and $50 on Spruce. Suppose that a bidder's cruise indicates that the expected proportion of Douglas Fir in fact 0.25, not 0.5 as the Forest Service estimated. is ($100,$100) yields an expected payment of $100,000. yields Then the bidding strategy However, the bidding strategy ($150,$50) an expected payment of $75,000. We analyze the equilibria of sealed bid auctions and a stylized oral ascending bid auction. The theory exploits a basic insight, that bid decisions can be decomposed into two components: choice of what species, that total bid is what B and a decision about how to to submit, level of bid skew, A6 = 61 — 62, to select. allocate that bid across the We Ixi — Pil) will skew their bids more aggressively, and will between submitted bid and payment. As a consequence, they oral ascending bid auction works in two show that bidders who have higher signals about the extent to which the Forest Service has over-estimated one species about a (i.e. be more optimistic about the gap will also submit higher bids. The a similar fashion, although some subtleties arise from the fact that bids at any point in time have two dimensions, a total bid and a skew. The theory we develop has the attractive feature that "skewing behavior at each stage of the auction corresponds to the optimal skew of a bidder who is just indifferent about dropping out of the auction. Thus, we can give a precise interpretation to losing bids in our oral auction data. We test 1976-1990. our theoretical predictions using data from sales in Oregon and Washington during We well as the bids match bidding data, which includes information from the Forest Service and bidder identities, cruise as with ex post cutting data from the tract. Since we observe both the estimated quantities of each species and the quantities that aie removed, we are able to use the difference between the estimated and actual proportions of species the private information potentially available to the firms. Our xi — p^, refer to this difference, we estimate "mis-estimate" of the Forest Service. Using this data, about Forest Service mis-estimates We 1, as a proxy for xi— pi, as the the extent to which information bidding behavior and Forest Service revenue. affects empirical analysis broadly confirms the predictions of our theoretical model. We find strong evidence that bidders respond to mis-estimates by skewing their bids, and also that higher-ranked bids tend to be better matched to mis-estimates than lower-ranked conditional on the level of a bidder's total bid, the have paid, had they won) affected is by mis-estimates. decreasing in We l^i — amount paid Likewise, bids. (or the further find that in a given sale, there is see that amount the bidder would Forest Service revenue Pi\- we is also systematically often heterogeneity in the extent and direction of the skew, consistent with private information on the part of the bidders. Higher bidders at an auction tend to also skew their bids more, and we find some evidence that bidders incorporate information in the course of an oral auction. Finally, we frequently observe firms using moderate skews, which can only be optimal for risk averse bidders (in or out of equilibrium) The results in this paper contribute to the existing literature in several ways. Milgrom and Weber's (1982) theory We have extended of mineral rights auctions to the case of "scale sales," as described above. Previous papers have looked at auctions with multidimensional bids and scoring rules, but these studies consider settings with independent private values, and there to the skewing behavior identified here.^ Baldwin (1995) and Wood is no analog (1989) have formally analyzed skewing: Baldwin considers the bid allocation problem, taking the bid level as exogenous. restricts attention to pre-selected linear bidding rules considers both the among the bidders. full and looks at second-price auctions. Neither decision problem and equilibrium behavior Baldwin Wood when information is dispersed also empirically estimates the degree of risk aversion of bidders at Forest Service timber auctions. Her dataset, however, does not include the ex post realizations of the volumes of each species on the tract, and thus her conclusions are based on revealed preference rather than direct measures of the returns to skewing. The effects of private information in "mineral rights" auctions have also been empirically ana- lyzed by Hendricks and Porter (1988) in the context of leases for off-shore oil drilling. Hendricks and Porter identify the effects of informational advantages using ex post information about the tracts (in this case, the amount 'of oil in the tract), have better information. In contrast to that it is lease auctions, scale sales have the attractive feature possible to distinguish the effect of information on each bidder's decision-theoretic choice about skewing (which does not directly ^Osband and Reichelstein in oil and testing to see whether "neighboring" firms (1985), Che affect the probability of (1993) and Bushnell winning the auction) from her and Oren (1994) study auctions where bidders can bid two dimensions (cost and quality in the case of Che, and fixed and variable cost in the case of Bushnell and Oren). The winner is determined by a scoring rule. strategic decision This paper is about the total organized as follows. Section 2 provides background on the Forest Service Timber Program and describes some of the relevant institutional details of the timber auctions. model that captures many 3 presents a formal sales. bid. of the Section main elements of bidding behavior Section 4 describes the data, while Sections 5 and 6 provide our main empirical at scale analysis. Section 7 concludes. Background: The Forest Service Timber Program 2 In the northern and western regions of the U.S., the national forests have been the primary som-ce of timber for mills, logging companies, and forest products companies. During 1976-1990, the Forest Service conducted well over a thousand auctions per year in these areas, generating annual revenue Our of around $1 billion. empirical work will focus on Forest Service Regions 5 (California) and 6 (Oregon and Washington); in the 1980s, these regions accounted timber sold and 80% of all for two-thirds of all Forest Service Forest Service timber receipts. USES Timber Auctions, 1976(1)-1990(2), Statistics Region 5 Region 6 6009 16,857 3752.6 3994.6 184,897 329,280 542,047 682,227 110.34 151.69 Avg. Number of Bidders 3.67 5.07 % 47.5 87.1 Sales Avg. Volume (mbf)^ Avg. Reserve Price Avg. Winning Bid ($) ($) Avg. Bid per unit vol ($/mbf) Oral Auctions Since details of the Forest Service timber program have been discussed elsewhere (see, for example, Baldwin, Marshall, and Richard (1997)), we touch only on a few key aspects of the industry organization, and focus our discussion on the process through which bidders acquire information and prepare a scale sale bid. / - Bidding in Forest Service sales is undertaken by a diverse collection of timber conglomerates, smaller mills, and independent logging operations. Timber from a sale mills proximate to the national types, each demanding forest. is frequently processed in In Region 6, there are several hundred mills of different different species and qualities of timber. Weyerhauser, Boise-Cascade, and Georgia-Pacific) own many be able to process the whole range of species and timber Conglomerate firms (such as mills all over the country, qualities on a given and may tract. Smaller mills and independent "gyppo" logging operations do not have win Forest Service auctions, they tend to resell some or this abiUty. When of the timber. In the 1980s, this resale all through prices posted by either through private bilateral trades or, in smaller quantities, was done these smaller bidders the mills (see Haile (1998) for an analysis of resale in timber auctions). The Forest Service begins preparation for a sale several months prior to the sale date. manager organizes a forest sale date. The manager cruise and publicly announces the also decides, based Once the submitting a deposit of 10% sale is findings at least 30 days before the on tract characteristics and expected competition, whether to conduct the sale by oral or sealed bidding sales are oral auctions. — Region in 6, the great majority of the announced, each firm must "qualify" 10% of the bid in a sealed bid auction, or the sale in an oral auction."* This deposit is The held until the contract is for an auction by of the appraised value of awarded. In addition to the scale sale format already mentioned, the Forest Service occasionally uses an alternative "lump-sum" format. In a lump-sum sale, each firm makes a fixed bid, and the firm with the highest bid wins the auction and pays that bid, irrespective of the realized volumes of each species. As described above, bidders in a scale sale submit a bid rate for each species and the winner pays the bid rate for the realized volume of each species. differs slightly between the two formats: in a lump-sum price for the whole tract; in a scale sale, there is a is minimum reserve price mechanism the Forest Service sets a fixed reserve acceptable bid for each species. and Western regions of the country. The main Scale sales are used mainly in the Northern motivation for using scale sales sale, The on the part to reduce risk of the bidders.^ If the bidders face substantial risk about the value of the sale, their bidding will be less aggressive (not only do they require a risk premium, but they bidder sum who wins is may be more concerned about the winner's curse, whereby the generally the one whose cruiser gave the most optimistic estimate). In lump- bidding, bidders bear all of the risk about the species composition of a tract. In contrast, a scale auction automatically mitigates uncertainty about the total volume of timber on a tract, and bidders can in principle insure against uncertainty concerning the proportion of each species on the tract by bidding the same profit margin on each species. Before submitting their sealed bids or qualifying bids, the bidders have the opportimity to cruise the tract and form their own estimates of tract characteristics. Cruising a tract has traditionally been considered something of an art by industry insiders, and many cruisers have an undergraduate degree in forestry (such a degree as well as two years of experience are requirements for admission In oral sales, a bidder can choose to raise the bid above the reserve price in this initial qualifying in round of bidding, which case the deposit must be equal to 10% of the bid. Forest Service personnel also bear political costs when their ex ante estimates are incorrect. The scale sale system has the potential to reduce the sensitivity of bidder outcomes to volume mis-estimates, thus making desirable. Firms in the industry have historically excercised great influence over Forest Service policy. it politically made to the industry association). According to industry sources, beginning cruisers in the 1990s about $30,000 to $40,000 per year, while more experienced cruisers made $60,000 or more. Large forest product companies have in-house cruising These cruisers from consulting companies. staffs, while smaller companies may use for-hire for-hire cruisers typically price their services either by the acre or by the hour. While the costs vary substantially from tract to tract, one firm estimated a "typical" cost of $10/acre. The average tract size in our sample is 380 acres, putting this cost at about .6% of the tract value. While bidders reportedly spend more resources on cruising sum" rather than for "scale" sales, industry sources in the Pacific Northwest report that "lump for unusual it is a bidder to place a bid on a tract without cruising. Moreover, firms that have incurred the costs of surveying a tract generally submit bids — thus, one can think of the decision to survey a tract as roughly equivalent to an entry decision. To job is this cruise a tract, the cruisers go out into the forest for several days. detecting potential defects in trees. For example, insects can may be difficult to verify from external characteristics; and caused problems in different areas of a forest. A damage difficult aspect of the old growth trees, but different kinds of insects may have Cruisers must guess at the defects in trees and determine the "merchantable" timber, which will be sold at the prices bid at the auction, and the "non-merchantable" timber, which The Forest (see, for is essentially scrap. Service has long been aware of the problems of "skewed bidding" in scale sale auctions example, GAO Report RCED-83-37, which documented revenue losses from skewing). In order to limit such behavior, rules have been adopted over time that limit the scope for skewing. For example, during the 1980s, in some forests bidders could only place bids above the reserve price on "major species," Forest Service which account moved for more than 25% of the volume. In 1995, some parts to "proportional bidding," of the whereby bidders are required to distribute their bids across species according to fixed proportions. 3 The Model In this section, we build a stylized model of equilibrium bidding behavior in scale auctions. abstract from a number of considerations, most notably heterogeneity We in the values of firms for each species of timber, as well as privately observed'cost or inventory shocks. Thus, our results can be viewed as providing insight into one component of bidding behavior, while stopping short of a analysis of the real-world auction setting. In particular, with private values as well as a full common component, the tract would be allocated in part on the basis of individual preferences and in part on the basis of signals about the had the same information common as the bidders value. It is important to note, however, that if the FS about the value and extraction costs of each species of timber (as in our formal model), there would be no need for an auction at The model can be commonly known outlined as follows. values > v-y which are the same vq,, xi (and let each species, x-z r\ = 1 and — We Each bidder has an be strictly increasing assume that vi > for all bidders. > and V2 r\ — pj > Q corresponds to an over-estimate of the proportion of species We will x^ is species for which we assume to be the difference between the estimated and actual proportion, so that public signal, volume that indicate the true, unobserved, proportion of and Xi auctioneer provides r^- i, 8i The of the species let 6i These species have 2. identical utility function defined over wealth u(-), and (weakly) concave. Let = and These estimates are announced, together with the reserve prices xi). r2. species, 1 Qest, and the proportion estimates of the total volume on the tract, 1, There are two all.^ p^ {1)2}, which i. All bidders observe a informative about the direction of the auctioneer's mis-estimate. is assume that x conveys enough information that all bidders will choose to skew in the same This substantially simplifies the analysis, without disturbing the underlying ideas, by direction. allowing us to ignore the extent to which bidders learn about the direction of the mis-estimate when they Each bidder j discover that they have won. also observes a private signal, d^, the auctioneer's mis-estimate (under the assumption below, assume that the total volume, Qact, necessarily equal to independently of (Al) (i) (i) 6-^. We on x-)^, = [x^ we can allow Qact and l,a;J E[6y\x,d^,...,d'^] {d^, ...,d^,6-)(), {Xi^x) ^^^ strictly affiliated implies that the public signal > and random signal). The affiliation is possible (that is, it varies for all {d^,...,d^); (ii) condi- {d^, ....,rf^) are exchangeable. in their assessment of the expected direction of the mis-estimate; however, public signal, any mis-estimate We variables: sufficiently informative that the bidders is in d^). to be stochastic so long as following assumptions about the — be increasing and commonly known to the bidders, though not fixed Alternatively, make the support(6j^|x, d^) tional Part Qest- is £^[6,^1^^] will about always agree even after seeing the the support does not change with the public and exchangeability assumptions (ii) will allow us to establish the critical comparative statics results in the analysis. We now consider the sealed bid auction and the oral ascending auctions in turn. We then discuss the empirical implications of the model. Proofs are deferred to the Appendix. 3.1 The Sealed Bid Auction Consider a first-price, sealed bid auction. After observing the auctioneer's announcements, the public signal x^ and a private signal d^, each bidder j submits a sealed bid for each species, 6] For this reason, set it is trivial to describe the a rate for each species equal to its optimal mechanism in this context: the Forest Service should simply value and sell to any bidder. the question of optimal auction design would become interesting. If one were to add a private value component, and 62) to The the auctioneer. total bid computed is After the sale, the true total volume wins. Ordering the bidders j = I,.., J Qact and = QESxY^ibl^i B^ as and the highest bid proportion of species in descending order of their total bids, the are realized. 1, Pi, winning bidder pays P'=QACT^ibjPi. It is allocating that bid over the two species, choosing i.e. each bidder j faces a two-part optimization: Ab^ , by, — b-,y.J Given opponent , any total bid allocation Ab^^{B^ d^)? Second, given that = any total bid B^ what first, for B two parts: selecting a total bid useful to think about each bidder's decision in is strategies, the optimal bid be allocated optimally, what will and is the winning the auction; his optimal total bid B^{dy)1 Only a bidder's decision about bid allocation is relevant only if his total bid affects his probability of he wins. Thus, bidder j's bid allocation problem, for which we assume a unique solution, can be written as follows maxEi u (qact ((A6;, - A^^) subject to: bi 6y > (letting Av-^ + ^^Q^) ) 4' X; I > ri, b2 V= ^s5t(v V/c 7^ j, 5'= (4) < B^ x)): • , (1) for the winner's curse) as well as his , private information. The bid allocation problem as choosing his "investment," due to 6-)^ is formally equivalent to a portfolio problem; think of the bidder Ab^ — by bidding a constant this as "full-insurance," and we Av-^^, in profit refer to the risky asset, neutral, he will invest as much any departure from of his total bid subject to the reserve price constraints. does not depend on our assumption that that there is, 6-^. is, The x is B 6-^ is as possible latter finding A6^ — Av^ > = r-,-^. Abt - Av^ > 0.^ bid sets b^y 0, We refer to if a bidder maximizing Aby is risk- — Avy quite robust (and in particular, it publicly observed). So long as the bidder believes but in general the solution (ii) If the bidder is risk-averse, = B/QBST + ^bxO-~^x) and b^^ (and vice- versa). < V — (t)2 — '"2), that Afe^ < Av^- will be some investment in the risky asset, interior. the bid allocation problem, (i) If a bidder is risk-neutral, then the optimal ^Note that b^ imply x, Av-^). a "skew." Assumption Thus, positive. on species is = on average, a mis-estimate, risk-neutrality implies that skewing should be maximal. Proposition 1 Consider If B-' bidder can eliminate the risk this strategy as In contrast, for a risk-averse bidder, the solution will involve that A margin on each species (setting Ah^^ (Al) ensures that the expected value of the risky asset 6^ and r2, where j conditions on winning with total bid B^ (accounting own = v-^ — v^y., ^"d 6^;^. and B^ = B/Qbst — Afc^^x^i > V— {v2 ^o choosing a risk-averse bidder will skew maximally, setting b^^ — '"'-^xt — 7*2), it is B and Ab^ optimal to set uniquely determines ^"^ ^^^ reserve price constraints Proposition risk, 1 tells us that the solution to the bid allocation problem entails taking on some despite the fact that a full-insurance policy is available. Consistent with portfolio theory, the next Proposition establishes that bidders with higher signals about Forest Service mis-estimates skew will their bids more aggressively. Proposition 2 Suppose that B^{d^ CARA preferences satisfy nondecreasing in d^ for is or lARA, any optimal AtP^{B^,dx) Proposition 2 also establishes that the optimal skew for this is straightforward higher total bid is will he k ^ > and that B^ j, nondecreasing in B^ and One increasing in the total bid. V. If d^. reason — when opponents use nondecreasing bidding functions, winning with a means that the also a further effect, is all which is distribution of (defeated) opponent types the reason we is more favorable. require constant or increasing absolute risk aversion (CARA or lARA). When the total bid (essentially) a position of decreased wealth. Under decreasing absolute risk aversion is There higher, bidders evaluate the species composition risk from (DARA) , this decrease in wealth would lead to an increase in risk-aversion and a reduced propensity to skew, introducing a competing effect that, though presumably small, would greatly complicate the model. Thus, while DARA would seem to be a reasonable assumption (and indeed, one that by Baldwin's (1995) empirical work), we rule We now it is supported out. estabUsh the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in which bidders with more optimistic signals skew more aggressively and submit higher that, for each bidder j, if all are nondecreasing in {B^^d'^ nondecreasing. Under opponents k and d^ this condition, ^ total bids. Our approach to is show j use identical strategies (A6^(B'^,d^),S'^(d^)) that respectively, then bidder j's best response must be similarly Athey (1997) has shown that a pure strategy Nash equilibrium exists. Proposition 3 (i) For each bidder j, suppose that the strategy 0{d^), which is nondecreasing in lARA, any all d^ vnth opponents k /?(•) > V. best response function S-'(d^) will be nondecreasing ^ j choose B^ according to If preferences satisfy and have B^{-) pure strategy Nash equilibrium exists in nondecreasing strategies where all bids > V. CARA (ii) or Thus, a submitted are greater than or equal to V. Recall from Proposition 1 that bidders choose to first-stage portfolio skew their bids as the optimal solution to their problem. Proposition 3 implies that bidders must skew to win. chooses a full-insurance policy that does not result in a sure loss can bid at most thus be outbid by an opponent who who who bidder B = V. He will believes that the Forest Service estimates are incorrect, since by skewing, such an opponent can generate a higher total the full-insurance policy. A The monotonicity bid, while still expecting to pay less than of the equilibrium bid functions implies that the bidder gets the highest signal about the mis-estimate will skew his bid the most and win the auction. Our model assumes that bidders have and oil and that this quality is exogenous Hendricks and Porter (1988) have demonstrated the importance of superior informa- fixed. tion in identical signal quality lease auctions; bidders who have already drilled a neighboring tract are better informed than outsiders. In the case of timber auctions, this extreme form of information asymmetry seems unlikely, although it seems plausible that firms with greater resources could invest more in mation gathering. Indeed, there "cruising" the tract. cision is significant evidence that bidders Persico (1998) has can have important consequences statics results we will seek to test would revenue predictions. Essentially persist in a acquisition. Heterogeneity of information quality it can invest varying amounts in shown that endogenizing the information for is infor- all acquisition de- of the comparative symmetric model with endogenous information a more difficult problem, and we will not pursue here. Equilibria in Oral Ascending Auctions 3.2 We now describe equilibria in a stylized version of an oral ascending auction. conducted by the Forest Service are "free-form": after each bid is The oral auctions placed (where each bid must specify bids for each species, not just the total bid), any bidder can choose to raise the bid. may bidder place a bid, stay silent for a time, and then become to raise her own more than one active again.^ If bidder indicates a desire to bid, the auctioneer selects one. Importantly, a bidder A is not permitted bid at the end of the auction. If an auction ends, the high bidder is stuck with the skew they have chosen. One concern with beliefs, this and oral auction data in particular, that is that announced bids may be non-winning bids problem might be acute since bidders have may not be accurate indicators of difficult to interpret. significant leeway to In the scale context, engage in strategic bidding behavior (such as skewing dramatically or onto the wrong species) early on to try to signal to or confuse the other bidders. Anecdotal evidence suggests these practices are not widespread, but nevertheless, we want to consider a more formal analysis of bidder behavior in oral auctions. In particular, we are interested in interpreting the skews of non-winning bidders, since these are observed in our data. in the course of We also wish to analyze the extent to an oral auction, as many comparative which information statics results (for is accumulated example, the prediction that the expected winning bid alnd winning skew will be larger in an oral auction than a first-price sealed bid auction) follow from this information accumulation. Our oral auction model is similar to Milgrom and Weber's auction, which requires total bids to rise smoothly The his bid Forest Service does have a rule stating that a bidder on any given species. (1982, henceforth MW) "EngHsh" and does not permit bidders to drop out of the who hcis placed a bid earlier in the auction cannot lower Past bids by other bidders do not place any restriction on a given bidder's behavior, except for the standard requirement that total bids must go up. 10 bidding and re-enter. (English scale auction) All bidders are active in small increments. increment. At any bid increment, They then announce The auctioneer at zero. bidders call out a skew (A6) for the next all their activity for the next increment. dropped out can become active again. If raises the total bid No bidder who has only one bidder announces activity, that bidder is declared the winner at her last announced bid. Observe that relative to MW, the scale auction has an additional ambiguity. auction, a bidder's only decision only that his signal a bid allocation. auction. A A is is whether to remain active — and by remaining bidder could conceivably reveal of his information in the all active, he reveals first round of the simple argument, however, suggests that in equilibrium, the release of information total bid was a distinct bid allocation depending on their signal. Aby^{B,d^) that maximizes their expected next increment. Then each that point on, all zero, conditional on the each bidder's strategy was to announce i?, For example, they might choose the value utility conditional on their signal and on winning at the bidder's information could be immediately inferred All bidders would bid signals of all of the bidders. until the expected all Given a history and a bid level the marginal signal. conditional from winning is Doing so would reduce We conclude B, we define the "marginal" private signal dy to be the utility conditional all same of signal types in equilibrium. that leaves a bidder indifferent between wirming and losing at S, each point in time, opponents. opponents, and give the deviator positive expected profits. must be some "pooling" maximize expected utility all This cannot be an equilibrium, since any individual bidder has an incentive to deviate by announcing a lower signal. the drop-out level of by bidders would have the same information and thus the expected value for the object. that there MW English above some lower bound. In the scale auction, each bidder must also announce must be gradual. Suppose that when the Prom In the active bidders on winning at B. We mimic the optimal bid when the skew is signal chosen to propose an equilibrium whereby, at allocation announcement of a firm with Further, bidders drop out at exactly the point where their signal becomes marginal, so that bidders with higher signals stay in the auction longer. Thus, our equilibrium has the same qualitative features as the and fully reveal their informatiibn MW equilibrium: when they drop are just indifferent between dropping out bidders with lower signals drop out out; (2) bidders and winning the auction information that can be inferred about active bidders some marginal (1) is = in the auction imtil they at the current bid; (3) the only that their signals aro at least as great as signal. Formally, order the bidders in descending signal order. Pk remain first, If k bidders have dropped out, {piT--,Pk} be the vector of total bids at which the drop-outs occurred. 11 let Then, define the B*{D; k,Pk) function as the solution to the following problem: = max Es."^ u[Qact [{^b - l\v)6 Ab. subject to Given earlier {B/Qest) : + A6;^(l V-B + ^^—-] |4 = ] ... 4-'= = Afc^xi > = Qest - xi) > ri, (B/Qest) - D,Pfc,x (2) 7-2 drop-out prices P^, the function B*{D;k,Pk) corresponds to the total bid level at = D can achieve a payoff of at most zero given that all other remaining which a bidder with signal d^ bidders also have signal D. Proposition 4 B*{D]k,Pk) is strictly increasing in D, and we have now Defining D*{B; k, Pk) to be the inverse of B*, drop-out points Pk, and bid level B. D*{B]k,Pk). solution We Proposition 5 Assume > B*{D;k,Pk) V. identified the "marginal" type given Let Ab^{B;k,Pk) be the bid difference that delivers the can describe behavior in the auction as follows: that utility functions are CARA or lARA. (i) There Bayesian equilibrium of the English scale sale auction vnth the following bidding that k bidders have dropped out tion until B— and until another B*{d^^;k,Pk). For each B< opponent drops = max E5 ^ J5* (d^ /c,Pfc), active bidders ; subject to Once total bid ({Ab-Av)6+^^^-£]) u [qact A6^ : I (B/Qest) + ^b^^^x - ^X' is greater than the maximum is willing to own more B) that wins the auction solves 4 = 4,4,...,4,x announcing a deviant bid allocation would is payoff-relevant only opponents the marginal signal D*{B,Pk,k). optimistic, they will stay in the auction, increased optimism lose money if is has the It also variety of deviations from the equilibrium strategies, the The main about to drop out, must beconie slightly optimistic about that bidder's more — any winning aggressive, until only the bidder with the following a larger than expected skew by a given bidder, marginal opponents, if all r-,-^ must skew to win equilibrium-path beliefs required to support the equilibrium are weak. only (3) the contract. Though bidders can make a wide is, Given announce Ab^{B;k,Pk). full-ii^urance bid with positive profits. feature that as the bid level rises, skewing becomes highest signal strategies. {^IQest) - Ab^X;^ > again, the equilibrium has the property that bidders a Perfect each bidder stays in the auc- out, (a) The player with the highest signal wins the auction, and the (A6, exists if If restriction i.e. signal. those The is that who idea is off- are that a bidder wins at that exact bid, that a deviation makes marginal bidders and no gain can be realized. The assumption of reasonable since a bidder with a signal less than or equal to D*{B,Pk-,k) the auction ended following a deviation. 12 As mentioned above, the real-world Forest Service auction differs from our theoretical model in Bidders can drop out and re-enter the bidding and the bidding several ways. However, even in a more rise in jumps. — where bidders do not necessarily have to indicate arbitrary jumps are possible — the behavior described model "free- form" their activity at every point may and where above can be supported in a Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium given strong enough assumptions about off-equilibrium-path beliefs. Consider an auction similar to the one above, except that after bidders indicate activity at a given round (for example, by raising their hands) one bidder , total bid and call is recognized and allowed to raise the out an arbitrary skew. Bidders then indicate their activity for the next round, and the process repeats. Moreover, bidders may drop out (not announce activity at a given bid) and then until re-enter later. In this auction, there will dropping out once and for all, be an equilibrium in which bidders remain active minimal increments, and skew raise the bid level only in the according to Ab^{-) as defined above. Essentially, two assumptions are sufficient to support this behavior as an equilibrium: following a "jump bid" or larger than (i.e. some minimum increment), an unexpected skew, opponents assign probability one to the deviant bidder having the highest possible signal. Moreover, if a bidder drops out and then re-enters, armouncing activity at a later time, bidders similarly assign probability one to their having the highest possible signal. off-path beliefs support the above strategies as to make an equilibrium, since there no way for a deviator positive expected profits. Although bidding behavior is unlikely to proceed in such a structured qualitative feature of the equilibrium is somewhat more robust: bidders consistent with having observed the lowest possible signal that This feature them is These to bid is natural because inducing more Forest Service. aggressively. The FS simply more optimistic way in practice, the announce skews that are makes them profitable beliefs main if they win.-^" by the opponents simply leads It is particularly useful for interpreting the data recorded by the reports the highest bid placed by a particular bidder. Since that bidder might have been willing to bid at higher prices than the last recorded price, this bid can serve only as a bound on the bidder's total value. However, if the bidder is playing according to the equilibrium described above, the bid does have an exact interpretation. The can be interpreted as the optimal choice by a bidder whose signal marginal for the level of the total bid. Although we will not pursue it liere, this fact could is losing bid allocation be used to recover parametric estimates of the underlying risk aversion and signal distribution in a structural model. Equilibria with this feature also could be constructed with different rules about activity announcement, as in Harstad and Rothkopf 's (1997) "alternating recognition" model, where only two bidders at a time announce 13 activity. Predictions of the Theory 3.3 We now summarize a number of theoretical predictions that we data. Since the private signals of the bidders are not observable, of the relationship between the observed bids will attempt to check against the we frame our predictions in terms and the Forest Service mis-estimates (the difference between the estimated and actual species proportions) From the perspective of the econometrician, . = both the mis-estimate, 6 The xy—pi^ and the observed model predicts a systematic theoretical Proposition 6 Assume auction, bidder j that utility functions are conditional on any fixed total bid We now some briefly 4> summarized is CARA it is or are random variables. in Proposition 6. lARA. In affiliated with 6 and 1. is when the bid and the skew of volume, 2. On statics implied over-estimated, so that S^ — AV(j) > by the model. To state = x^ — p^>0 is will for is i.e. = and Ab^ AV • b^ is is — 6-,^. positive direction. expected to be greater than the amount paid per unit • (5] > 0. Pr{A6^ — At)^ in the "right" direction: > 0} > 5; and further, increasing in 6^. be nondecreasing in the mis-estimate, i.e. — is a fixed total bid B^, £J[A&' ElAbrL — Av^f,], ElAbrL be Av\B^,6] larger, — Av^\B^ E[AV —Av\6] increasing in is increasing 6. both unconditionally and for any are decreasing in j. Conditional on the per-unit bid, the amount paid per unit of volume, E[P^ /Qact\B^ /Qest-, is 6. volume same of the higher ranked bidders should given bid level B, 5. skew 0\S^} and similarly The skews are in the E[B^JQest - P^ /Qact] = E[AV The expected skew in 6; 4. unit of average, bidders 'Px{Ahi', 3. i.e. holds useful to order the species so that the Forest Service mis-estimate be the species that The amount bid per sealed hid same conclusion the Observe that Proposition 6 holds no matter how we choose to order the species; 6 exactly and the oral BK summarize a number of comparative of the predictions, positive. Let B and A6 = hi —62, relationship, equilibrium choice of Ah^ 's bids, S(j,], decreasing in the over-estimate 6^. Under CARA, the second-highest bid should be more skewed auction, i.e. in an oral than E[Ab\ — Av^\S^,ORAL] — E[Ab\ — Av^\6^, SEALED] 14 is in a sealed bid increasing in 6^. Data on Forest Service Auctions 4 The Data 4.1 Our data and cutting data from Forest Service timber set includes a subset of the bidding described in Section To our knowledge, we 2. are the first to combine bidding and cutting data We to systematically analyze bidding behavior in timber auctions. ^^ where two species" sales, on the We tract. restrict attention to no more than two, each comprise at species, but least 25% have found the most transparent way to think about skewing is we restrict attention to oral auctions in required only a small amount "two volume of the in the context of two-species sales because bidders can skew their bids only along a single dimension.-'^ In of our analysis, sales much Region 6 (Oregon and Washington) that of road construction.-'^ In Section 5.4, we consider sealed bid sales Region 5 (California). in In the bidding data, cruise: its we observe information that the Forest Service makes public after all estimated volumes of timber, the reserve price, and also and projected processing selling values The bidding data costs. bidders and their bids. In the oral auctions, the bid annoimced bid.-'^ The we observe same records used In our empirical analysis of skewing and revenue, X. These include the volume not the sale was a small-business set-aside include the number higher density may material, which is of months we we that bidder's last is sale, to bill the winning bidder). include a number of control variables, and the average reserve and controls Cummins price, whether or These for other sale characteristics. more variable volumes) the volume of per-acre ; and the estimated A variety of additional sale characteristics are required. also available report are robust to our choice of controls. In our analyses of skewing (1995), life who number of bidders. •'^ Last, uses the cutting data to analyze we include dummy how the timing variables for of timber harvesting varies of the timber contract. analyzing skews, we simply ignore any bids,and/or mis-estimates on the remaining species. In contrast, when we study ' for bidder j in the contract per unit of volume; the density of timber (where a control for the with market prices through the When also includes the identities of all essentially scrap; the estimated logging costs for the tract; in the data; the results '^Although see we of the tract indicate "old-growth" and thus amoimt of road construction (but not revenue), estimates of end-product cutting data allows us to observe the total volume and species proportions actually removed from the tract (these are the referred to as its its revenue, we consider bids on all species. In Forest Service auctions, bidders are "reimbursed" for road-building using a system of credits that can be redeemed for timber. Restricting attention to sales where road construction is minimal allows us to more directly interpret the prices paid by the bidders. ' is As noted above, a bidder's last observed bid might bear only a distant relationship to the highest bid the bidder willing to place, but our theoretical to place '^Our much model gives higher bids, the observed skew results is some guidance in interpreting the data: even if the bidder is willing optimal for some "marginal" signal. about the number of bidders should be treated with some caution, since unobserved features of the 15 the time period, for several large forests, and for several Appendix B provides further I contains species combinations. about our data sources and sample selection criteria. Table statistics. Preliminary Observations 4.2 On summary details common average, the revenue the Forest Service collects from a given sale To sample, $40,692) less than the winning bid. arises, we can decompose see how term first the -^'olume cut is is • Qact, 6) than the volume estimated), and the second term less amount than he bid term accounts for terms averages out to $10,582. Thus for Chart I for the average thousand board feet of timber removed from less than it bid (the average winning bid The about one of six sales (17%). Chart (the difference $143). Service estimates and in the Forest Service estimates of the species proportions differs 5% from the proportions removed by more than in is shows the distribution of Forest Service mis-estimates, demonstrating the potential return to information. 10% due to the bidder a "representative tree" from the tract. In A second feature of the data is the significant variance in the Forest of skewing. is $30,110 of the $40,692 bid-revenue gap, while the second a tract, the auction winner pays about $4 amount our main the portion of the bid-revenue gap due to the volume shortfall (on average, 5.8% first (in as follows: it systematically paying a different our sample, the 9% around the gap between winning bid and revenue B-P= {B/Qest){Qest - Qact) + (A6 where the is II in nearly half the sales (45%) and by more than shows how the winner distributed between the total bid and the reserve price) among the two his or her overbid species. As established in the theoretical analysis, a risk-neutral bidder with information would place his or her entire overbid on one species or the other, but the chart shows winning overbid Finally, significant dispersion and many sales where the distributed across both species. is we note one aspect of the data that is, strictly speaking, inconsistent with our model. While our model assumes the existence of enough public information so that in equilibrium same bidders skew in the scatter- plot of the tract may affect direction, this is clearly not the case in practice. skew of the wirming and second-place bids (III. A), both participation and skewing behavior. However, our feeUng endogeneity problem is less significant than in is Chart III all shows a and of the winning and that for skewing regressions, this standard analyses of auctions, where the main dependent variable is the magnitude of the bid. Here, the unexplained portion of a bidder's skew should correspond to private information obtainea during the cruise. If one thinks of the cruise as tantamount to an entry decision, it is plausible that unobserved factors leading to entry will any event, our both the omission of the number of bidders as an explanatory variable, as well as results are robust to to instrumenting for the as the forest and number be unrelated to information obtained after the decision to cruise of bidders using district of the tract some of the standard approaches from the existing and related measures, as 16 in Hansen (1985) and Haile (1998)). is made. In literature (such third-place bids (III.B). variation. In some 1, dependence but also significant scatter- plots exhibit a clear positive auctions, bidders overbid on species skew the other on species in entirely opposite directions: one bidder has all of the 2. Bid Skewing: Some Examples 4.3 To Both some sense give of the pattern of bid allocation in oral auctions, we briefly discuss a few "case studies" of bidding in oral auctions. In our theoretical model, skews increase monotonically with oral auction bids. Moreover, in While many many sales in the data, the on one an important — at by no means the species, so that the reserve prices are binding. In fact, there are by theory. The following is is role an intermediate skew, and the skews one such case: Example: Monotonic Bidding Behavior. Ab - Ar % 6 = .019 overbid on sp. 1 (A6 - Ar) Bidder B/Q^.^^ 1 347.8 339.39 .94 6.45 2 346.5 334.39 .94 6.35 3 285.6 50.39 .56 .96 4 277.5 33.39 .52 .63 5 250.72 .39 .48 .007 On rule. one of the bidders few examples of auctions where every observed bid are ordered exactly as predicted it is least auctions, the reserve price plays places his entire overbid relatively this is the case in Sp. 1 skew: 6i where the occasion, skevnng can have very large consequences. Consider the following sale bidders skewed heavily in one direction at the start, then switched later in the auction. Example: Switching Skews. A6 — Ar % — .227 (A6 - Ar) Bidder B/Q^^j. 1 234.3 523.96 1 118.9 2 233.9 522.96 1 118.7 3 207.6 4 193.8 Sp. 1 skew: ; overbid on sp. 1 -396.62 -90 -353.66 -80 In this example, earlier bids are skewed into species turned out, the average payment was less 2, Forest Service would have received which was than half of the winning had been awarded the contract, they would have paid The 6 17 ^i in fact under-estimated. As it bid; if the third or fourth bidder significantly more than more revenue from awarding the bidders. • their average bid. tract to one of the lower There are a small number of cases where bidders seemed to place a "surprise" skew at the end of an auction. Boise Cascade did this in two instances. In each instance, several lower-ranked bidders had placed large skews in one direction, and Boise Cascade won the auction with a very- small increase in the average bid, but with a switch in the skew of several hundred dollars. one case, the skew turned out to be in the right direction; in the other, it was wrong. It In appears that information affects allocation of the tract, since the winner pays a very different price than the next-lower bidder would have for the winner anticipates same object, and the winner's behavior reveals that the this. Evidence on Skewing 5 We now turn to testing whether the predictions of the theory are consistent with the Forest Ser- Before presenting our empirical analysis, vice data. we discuss two choices we made that merit discussion. First, the theoretical allocation; that model suggests thinking about the skewing the variable of interest is, We to the "values" in our model. in the values of the species, this amounts to a i.e. A6 — Av. However, the data contain no exact analogue use the difference in reserve prices as a proxy for the difference we assume on the restriction is relative to a "full-insurance" that coefficient of Av = Ar. In a linear regression of Ab on Ar, Ar. Such a restriction seems reasonable — in a subsample of 97 auctions where mis-estimates are small and the reserve prices do not bind, a regression of A6 on Ar leads to a coefficient of 1.055 on Ar (with a standard deviation of .171 and ani?2of0.28). A second point concerns the way in which we order the species. unconditional relationship between (A6i,<5i) = — (A62,62)). Ab and Yet we would 6, If we were interested only in the the order of the species would be irrelevant (because like to control for the possibility that some observable features of the tract might explain the fact that bidders skewed in the right direction. This suggests studying the relationship between the absolute magnitude of the mis-estimate {6^ skew in the "right" direction predictions. In Section 6, is correct, infer and then 5.1 We x we Ab^ — Ar^. We > 0) and the follow this approach in order to test the model's consider an alternative approach: namely, (the species that the winning'tidder believes is most we assume that the model likely to be over-estimated), directly estimate bidding functions A6j^(-),.B(-). Winning Bids Reflect ex ante Information begin with the primary question of whether winning bids in Forest Service auctions reflect ex ante information about Forest Service mis-estimates. 18 The following cross-tabulation suggests that winning bids tend to be skewed in the right direction, especially when the Forest Service makes a significant mistake in estimating the species proportions. Mis-estimates and Skews in Region 6 Oral Auctions Incorrect (Ab^ Small Skew Skew - Ar^ < -20) Correct Skew < Ab^ - Ar^ < (-20 (A6^ 20) - Ar^ > 20) Small mis-estimate {6^ < mis-estimate Larger ^ {64, 83 44 90 139 104 239 .025) > .025) Overall, the winning bid is skewed correctly {Ab^—Ar^ > 0) in 58% of the sales. Table 2 reports a probit regression, confirming the theoretical prediction that, conditional on the control variables (X) larger mis-estimates correspond to a higher probability that the winning bid , right direction. An increase in the magnitude of the mis-estimate of .01 a 1-2% higher chance of the wirming bid being skewed correctly. relationship is Column most interesting result is that the number (2) establishes Of the test of is that the a 2-4% increase control variables, the of bidders increases the probability of skewing in the right direction. This finding supports the hypothesis that information To obtain a more rigorous skewed in the associated with roughly concave: the initial effect of an increase of .01 in the mis-estimate in the probability of a correct skew, but the slope diminishes in S^. value beyond is is whether bidders in what can be publicly observed, we would is revealed in the auction. ^^ fact have ex ante signals about the ex post like to account for the competing hypothesis that Forest Service estimates are systematically biased, and bidders have realized this and just skew systematically in response. To do this, we ask whether unanticipated deviations in 6 help to explain the winning bid allocation, controlling for exogenous sale characteristics (X) that might "predict" the mis-estimate. However, theoretically we have no reason to expect a linear relationship between X and the skew; X might affect the bidder's risk aversion, or her beliefs, in a variety of ways. Since empirically, X correlated with 6^, important to isolate the effect of the mis-estimate from a potential nonlinear relationship between X and the distribution of 6^. To accomplish this, we is it is consider the following model: ; Ab^ - Ar^ where X As dicussed as bidders h{X) + 6^j + e, contains sale characteristics as described above. information about S^, ' = we should in footnote 15, it find 7 = If (4) the bidders do not have ex ante 0. seems plausible that the number of bidders must cruise the tract to learn about mis-estimates. Our 19 is exogenous in the skewing regression, results are robust to excluding this control. We (as listed in h{7i) + W^, Table 2) into where h is Z and dummy continuous regressors X Dividing the control variables consider a semi-parametric approach to estimation. variables W, we = allow /i(X) We an arbitrary continuous function of two indices (Ziai,Z2Q!2)- begin by estimating A6^ - Ar^ = and hs take a double-index letting /lA, f^w model is still W = hwCZ) + ew and 8^ = hs{Z) + + ea, /ia(Z) somewhat form.-'^ While it es, (5) should be noted that our double-index our results are robust across a wide range of specifications of restrictive, the two indices Zi and Z2. In the specifications we report, we Zi be the average reserve let price, while Z2 contains the remaining continuous control variables. Denoting the residuals from these semi-parametric regressions as eA,Gw and GA Our estimate of the coefHcient in the mis-estimate of .01 We can 7 ss, we then use ordinary = ew/3+e6-f + e. for the estimate of 7 7 = at the to encourage more = 1% level. an increase X/3. These findings can be compared As shown of 383.8 with a standard error of 140.1. magnitude of the is, associated with a $4 increase in the skew (in the right direction). is reject the null hypothesis that OLS (6) 406.8 with a standard error of 114.8. That is with a simple linear specification, assuming /i(X) an least squares^^ to estimate in Table Table III (2), this yields III (3) includes a control bid; this captures the idea that part of the effect of the mis-estimate aggressive bidding. we Indeed, is find a positive, significant effect of the value bid on the skew, alongside a somewhat smaller point estimate of 7 (319.6 with a standard error of 121.9). However, we are cautious about interpreting these coefficients as structural parameters we have ignored the of the bidding function, due to the fact that per-species reserve prices bind in about able to skew as much as they 42% would have issue of the reserve prices. of our observations; this implies that bidders were not liked, without further raising their overbid. Further, the magnitude of the overbid, an endogenous variable that depends on the reserve prices bind. Thus, we interpret the coefficients in Table deferring a more formal While establishing a '^To estimate, e.g., III as — Ar<^) and 6^ to be linear relationship js sufficient for testing our hypotheses about bidder Ab^ — Ar^ = /i'a(Z) -t- ea, we used the average derivative method of Powell, Stock and Stoker (1989) to obtain consistent (up to scale) estimates of ai,Q:2, where /ia(Z) = /iA(Ziai, Z20C2)- Ab^ — Ar^ used a routine described in Stoker (1989) to choose the bandwidth (the values were 1.1 for the second), whether or not reduced-form correlations, between (A6<^ kernel estimator (with a normal density) to estimate the function /ia, estimating We 6^, determines analysis of the reserve prices to Section 6. Finally, all of these specifications restrict the relationship linear. The and we used a trimming rule of 5%. Tom = We then then used a /ia(Ziq:i, Zi20C2)+£a- .41 for the first index and Stoker generously provided portions of code for the estimation. '*As Robinson (1988) points out, the OLS OLS estimation of ca on ew and es yields consistent estimates of /3 and 7 and standard errors are correct. See also Stoker (1989) for a clear discussion of the model we consider. 20 information, it is To do mis-estimates. Z = (Zj,Z2) and of Powell, Stock more generally interesting to inquire W into the relationship we estimated the model A6^ — this, Ar^^ = between skews and /i(Za, 8^) + W/3-|-e (where are defined as above), using the density- weighted average derivative and Stoker (1989) of specifications of the index Z, statistically significant at a 5% is as described above. The main finding, robust across a variety that the average derivative with respect to 6^ level of confidence. To method is positive and see the shape of the functional relationship. Chart IV plots the resulting estimate of the relationship between the skew and the mis-estimate (/i(Za,5^), evaluated at the mean of Z). The chart illustrates the positive slope and a generally convex shape over the region of 6^ with most of the density weight. Bidders have Different (Private) Information 5.2 A key aspect of our skewing model, and indeed of any "common-value" auction, is driven by private information rather than preferences.-'^ optimistic about the gap between bids bids. Thus, we would We in their skews. like to know the right direction: because information The top bidder should are more data whether higher-ranked bidders were more aggressive is likely to be skewed in revealed during the course of an oral auction, the more information than the + [j l)«*.20 pjnally, our j*'^ model two bidders should exhibit very similar skewing of information revelation implies that the top behavior. who In our model, bidders whether higher-ranked bids are more highest bid should incorporate strictly that allocation and payments skew more aggressively and submit higher in the also seek to test is stay in the auction for only one bid increment past the second- highest bider, while lower-ranked bidders will in expectation drop out at significantly lower bid levels with significantly To less aggressive skews. more investigate whether higher-ranked bidders allocate their bids accurately, we look at the following model: 4 Dummy(Skew We in right direction)jt = 2_\ (^j ' Dummy(Rank + Xt/3 + ut + Sjt- (7) estimated this as a fixed-effects linear probability model. Using a fixed effect for each auction eliminates the auction-specific sale characteristics effect of the rank. The results dre reported in and the disturbance Table FV. As expected, Industry sources reported complaints by bidders that mis-allocation results information (i.e. suggests that ut, we allowing us to isolate the find that the winning when their and opponents have "bad" were "over-optimistic" about the skew). As we noted in Section it j) all 4.2, our theoretical model is not consistent with the data on this point, since in equilibrium, bidders will skew in the same direction (which that bid j in an oral auction will be based on is not the case in practice). However, the result more information than bid j of models. 21 -I- 1 should be robust across a wider range second-highest bid are significantly and fourth-highest We to be skewed in the right direction than the third bids. The second question we more hkely is whether the skews of higher-ranked bidders are more aggressive. Here, restricted attention to sales where none of the top four bids is censored by the reserve price.-^^ estimated 4 - {Ab^ = Ar^).^ ^ Dummy (Rank j) + Xt/3 + Ut + Cjt, Qj again using a fixed effects specification. As shown is in Table IV (8) the winning and second- (2), highest bids were similarly skewed, while the third and fourth-highest bids were significantly less skewed (by roughly $20-30).^^ The third column of Table IV reports a the dependent variable an alternative measure of aggressiveness: the absolute magnitude of the is accurately and concentrate solely on the size of the skew. are very close, while the third and fourth bids are less We again find that the top two bids skewed. In this case, there between the magnitude of the third and fourth-highest skewed than the top Our where This specification separates out the fact that higher-ranked bidders skew more bidder's skew. difference final specification bids; is a substantial both are significantly less bids. findings are consistent with the hypothesis of differential information among the bidders. Suppose, alternatively, that bidders have identical beliefs about the true volumes on the tract and choose optimal decision-theoretic skews. In this case, observed differences in bids and skews might be driven by differences in costs, private values due to different bid levels and values for the species, or risk aversion (either intrinsic or for the tract) . For instance, then bidders with a higher overall value risk aversion, aggressively.'^^ if bidders have decreasing absolute for the tract would be willing to skew more Such a model has higher-ranked bids being more skewed, though the same direction. Idiosyncratic variation in Av all bids skewed in also could generate variation in skewing, simply through differences between the "full-insurance" allocation. These private value explanations have number of shortcomings. First, there is no reason to think higher-ranked bids should be more accurate. Second, there are numerous cases in the data where we observe a given bidder bidding on some combination of two species fir) in multiple sales and skewing in different directions in different sales. ^'Although this restriction leads to a non- representative sample, ferences in behavior across ranks within pronounced skewing behavior than the One concern reserve prices. is We that we have an auction. full We it is still We hemlock and Third, reconciling the possible to test predictions about dif- expect that the sample of uncensored auctions displays which none of the top four bidders were constrained by the obtained similar results all sales where the top three — no significant distinction between the top two bidders; the third-highest bid tends to be closer to full-insurance. We less sample. relatively few sales in performed a robustness check by enlarging the sample to include bidders were unconstrained. (e.g. are grateful to Phil Haile for pointing out this potential explanation for monotonicity of the skews. 22 observed data with differences in private values or risk parameters seems to require implausible The differences across bidders. some compression can fact that bidders timber and subcontract logging suggests resell among in values for the different species. Yet, the subset of 72 auctions in which the top four bids are not close to the reserve price, the average difference between the largest and smallest skew was substantial — $46 (with a standard deviation of $86 and maximum of $393) To . place this in perspective, the average winning bid was $167, while the average magnitude of the winning skew was $87. Finally, while our information-based model of bid allocation with the similar skews of the top two bidders relative to the others, be explained in a model without some aspect of We informed." is This might sale. reflect either Second, hard to see how this could differential information. draw three conclusions regarding the variation skews can be large within a given it is consistent is it skews across bidders. First, dispersion in in appears that bids later in the auction are "more more accurate prior estimates or the fact that information acquired during the auction. Third, given that winning bidders are effectively paying a lower percentage of their bids than lower-ranked bidders, the logical consequence of our findings is that information should have an effect on allocation. Revenue 5.3 Effects One simple consequence of the scale sale format is that losing bidders might have actually generated more revenue than the winners, given the actual volumes have generated more revenue in million, 17% cut. In our sample, a losing bidder of the sales; the revenue "loss" from this misallocation would is $5.39 about 1.7% of the total revenue. While such discrepancies have attracted the attention of policy-makers (see GAO report RCED-83-37), such magnitudes should be interpreted with caution: the losing bids as well as the wirming bids were placed taking into account the benefits of skewing, so clearly, any change in the allocation rule would also change the equilibrium bidding strategies. Given our model, Service error, that is it is interesting to ask when 6^ Service per unit of volimie is With two increases. equal to how revenue changes ^^ , so the change in revenue A60 increase in 6^ affects both the magnitude of the bid • 6^. Consider first the latter effect. We when Ar^ > 0, the mean > of iSb^ = ' ^<t> - ^h- have already established that as well. But, $99; is if Ar<^ when Ar^ < 0, (9) and the gap between bid and payment, favor of a reduction in revenue. However, the sign of A6<^ then on average we expect A6<^ by the Forest O Q ^^Revenue = -^t-^/Qest - -w^^h An an arbitrary Forest species, the revenue collected B/Qest — ^b^ Q in response to < ambiguous. is 0, the we cannot mean > g|-A6</, If Ar^ is a force in greater than 0, sign A6<^. In our sample, of A6<^ = -$46. To capture the net effect of the mis-estimate on the gap between the bid and the payment, Table 23 0, V (1) reports the results from the following specification:^^ B/QeST - P/QaCT = Overall, the gap between the bid Ar<^, but derivative is larger + <5<;il{Ar^<0}72 + X/3 + £. ^.^l{Ar^>0}7l and the payment when Ar^ > is (10) increasing in 6^ irrespective of the sign of < than when Ar^ ($110 with a standard error of 34, versus $82 with a standard error of 24) Now consider -^B/Qest- Our theoretical analysis established that the level of the bid increases when 6y^ increases. However, it is not necessarily true that (^ = x- As analyzed above, Pr(^ = x\^<l>) is nondecreasing in 5^; but, for those cases where (f) ^ x^ then is 6(j> affiliated with —d-)^. leads such bidders to be less optimistic about the magnitude of the mis-estimate, Overall, if Pr((/i = x\^<^) is see that when Ar<^ < B/Qest on 0, may be higher mis-estimates lead to higher bids, but not report the relationship between revenue An specifications as above. with a {P/Qact) and the The is when Ar^ > on revenue, on Ar<^ > effect is relatively less. V (10). (2) We 0. in Table 0, is V (3) same associated small in magnitude (a associated with roughly a $12,500 reduction in revenue). Conditional on the is associated with an (even smaller effect on the revenue received by the lower-valued species being over-estimated, a larger mis-estimate in from mis-estimate, following the increase in the mis-estimate, conditional statistically significant reduction in revenue. mis-estimate of .05 ambiguous.^^ Table sale characteristics, following the specification Finally, to estimate the net effect of a Forest Service mis-estimate we and to bid 6^ high enough, the expected value of the winning bid should be increasing in the actual mis-estimate 5^; but, in general the relationship reports a regression of A higher magnitude) increase in revenue. Summarizing, mis-estimates appear to have a negative we mention Forest Service. However, include only linear functions of when we X several caveats. and 6^. The While the first is result functional form; the specifications about revenue loss is only reinforced allow for richer functional forms for X,'^^ the functional relationship between and 6^ appears to be non-monotonic, and our estimates are somewhat B/Qest sensitive to specification. Second, as discussed above, we have not accounted for the fact that the reserve prices constrain skewing behavior in ^* As 42% of the sales. return to this issue in Section ^^Even if -^B/Qest > 0, results' report the gap between the bid the magnitude of aversion of bidders and the variance of also estimated the 6. B/Qest — P/Qact ^ Ab^ the sales in our sample have more than two species, approximation. The empirical We We • 6^, although this and payment including -^-B/Qest depends on is a close all species. a number of factors, including the risk 6. models of Table V (2) and (3) following the two-step procedure described in equations (5) using the semi-parametric methods from Section 5.2, and (6). In the bidding equation, our estimates of 7i and 72 are 110 with a standard error of 43, and -16 with a standard error of 39, respectively. In the revenue equation, our estimates of 7j and 72 are 49 with a standard error of 42, and -121 with a standard error of 37, respectively. Thus, relative to the linear model, these results suggest greater revenue loss. 24 Sealed Bid Auctions 5.4 We now some evidence on report We sealed bid auctions. auctions because the interpretation of skewing behavior relevant in the event that the firm wins, and so it is is are especially interested in sealed bid unambiguous - each firm's bid is only a dominant strategy for each bidder to choose the skew that maximizes expected utility conditional on winning and the bidder's private signal. Using a small (63 sales) sample of "two-species" sales from Region We conducted on the oral auction sample. we 5, reprise the main tests chose Region 5 because sealed-bid auctions were more prevalent there. The first column of Table VT reports sealed bid estimates of the probit model from Section where the dependent variable 5.1, is the probability that the winner skewed correctly. Overall, the 65% winner skewed in the right direction in when the the right direction The mis-estimate was large. increasing in the mis-estimate 5^ (Table VI and was more of the sealed bid sales, (2)). size of the winner's skew in skew (Ab^ — Ar^) is likely to An increase in the mis-estimate of .01 is associated with an additional $3.80 skew in the right direction (our point estimate in the oral auction sample was $3.83). Thus it appears that in sealed bid auctions, as well as in oral sales, the winner's bid does incorporate information about the species proportions beyond what is known from the Forest Service estimates. The last three columns of Table VI report sealed bid estimates of the cations, analogous to Section 5.2. We restricted the sample three bids (colimin (3)) and then (columns (4)- (5)) to a bids are unconstrained by the reserve prices (that is, first still to sales where there were at least smaller sample where the top three where the overbid was large enough the skew that the reserve prices do not bind). Across ranks, we did not in the accuracy of the skews, nor in the magnitude of the skews in the We skew did, however, find that the winner's skews of the lower-ranked bidders. In fact, is fixed-effects panel specifi- find significant diff'erences right direction significantly larger in absolute the magnitude of the skew is Since there is no learning in a sealed bid auction, more accurate information than other optimistic, it is likely to skew One larger in theoretical prediction that an oral sale. we were unable Our samples though not perfectly not clear that the winner should have larger absolute in the right direction, this should skews in the right direction (which we did not observe). to test of Region 6 oral sales is — Ar^). magnitude than the bidders. However, according to theory, the winner and hence skews more aggressively,^leading to Because bidders are (A6^ ordered by rank. These findings are fairly consistent with the logic of information-based skewing, so. relative to is more skews (which we found). presumably also lead to larger ^^ that the skews of the second-highest bids should be and Region 5 sealed bid sales are sufficiently different (Region 5 sales generally having younger, less-valuable, second-growth trees, and fewer bidders) that we did not confident and is making direct comparisons. Moreover, the choice of auction format is conditioned on sale characteristics endogenous. In exploratory work using a mixed sample of sales from Region 25 feel 1 (Idaho and Montana), we did Moral Hazard 5.5 An alternative story, is in Cutting: An Alternative Hypothesis many of the empirical regularities described that can potentially explain that bidders do not have private information ex ante, but instead are able to destroy timber on the tract rather than pay for it. some of the This would lead to a moral hazard problem, where sale winners would have incentives to destroy low-quality timber rather than harvest accounts from the industry suggest that loggers post measurement process. above, may have Anecdotal a limited ability to manipulate the ex This would help to explain the and observed volumes. ^^ Moral hazard could it.^^ 6% difference between the estimated also explain observed skewing, since higher bids on a given species would imply a larger motivation to destroy low-quality logs of that species^^ — thus generating a correlation between skews and differences in estimated and cut species proportions. Of course, the presence of moral hazard and might is not inconsistent with our story of ex ante information reinforce incentives to acquire information see whether it will be easy or difficult to — bidders may want to examine a tract to destroy low-quality timber of a given species. We can place this in the framework of our model by thinking of easy-to-destroy low-quality timber as being simply not present. In general, the more skewed the bidding, the higher the incentives for ex post destruction of one of the species;^^ and, conversely, the easier particular species ex post the more it is to destroy low-quality trees of a incentive to skew. Several pieces of evidence weight against an explanation of the data based solely With pure moral hazard, the ard. total on moral haz- volume of timber destroyed should be strongly correlated with the "observed mis-estimate." But in the data, the correlation between the proportions mated and cut and the total volume estimated and cut a t-statistic of 0.32). This finding is very low and insignificant: 0.053 (with confirmed when we control for observed sale characteristics.^"^ Moreover, the distribution of skews within sales We found in is is hard to rationalize with a moral hazard some A difference between skewing behavior in oral and sealed sales, skew in the right but perhaps due to the very small sample the were sensitive to specification. results ^* story. Section 5.2 that the second-highest bidder was just as likely to skew in the right direc- tion as the winner, while the lower-ranked bidders were significantly less likely to find esti- similar story has loggers colluding with the monitors responsible for measuring the timber as ^^Leffler and Rucker (1988) analyze the eflFects of various policies on the harvest rates showing that a higher percentage of the estimated timber ''"Only logs that at a different rate. low price for meet a certain threshold are counted is at extracted all; when it leaves the tract. on Forest Service contracts, contracts are shorter in duration. broken limbs and other damaged material is charged Thus, a bidder could avoid "stealing" timber simply by breaking a log into pieces and paying a it. Interestingly, one Forest Servi::e official told us that cutting was monitored intensely when bids were especially skewed. We also looked at how the gap between estimated and Because timber prices were quite were a primary concern. On volatile, average, it cut total volume and species proportions varied over time. one would expect the gap in total remained relatively stable over time. 26 volume to vary a lot if moral hazard direction. This is sensible in the context of an ex ante information story, but if the primary force, the winning bidder's cutting behavior should respond to her moral hazard were own skew, while the second-highest bidder's skew should be less closely related to the actual difference in proportions. Bidder Heterogeneity 5.6 model assumes that bidders are homogeneous. However, our background discus- Our theoretical sion on the timber program, we raised the issue that bidders can be a very heterogeneous group, in with giant conglomerates bidding against small independent logging operations. Because seems it plausible that there could be systematic differences between different type of bidders in terms of their skewing behavior, we our attempts to uncover observed differences between briefly note bidders that might be major (un-modeled) determinants of skewing behavior. We classified the bidders into three groups (small, mid-size and large) on the basis of the number of employees. Small bidders have less than 100 employees, mid-size bidders 300, and large bidders have over 300. We then looked in a variety of ways for systematic differences in the skewing behavior of these groups of bidders. give a brief summary right direction, However, it somewhat more We also of our findings. No likely to win. Overall, specific empirical results, particular class of bidders was their bids we more likely to skew likely to in the large, smaller bidders were did not find large differences between bid groups. None examined the individual skewing behavior of a few frequent participants. more we somewhat more dramatically. appeared that in sales where the mis-estimates were these were significantly skew of in the right direction, although a few bidders (such as Boise Cascade) skewed more aggressively (that We Rather than report though larger bidders did appear to skew also have between 100 and might attribute this behavior to a lower is, the average magnitude of the skew was larger). level of risk aversion, as Boise Cascade is a large conglomerate. 6 Direct Estimates of the Skewing In the previous section, out in the data. correct we Model tested whether predicted relationships between variables were borne We now take a somewhat different cut at the data, by assuming that the model is and attempting to directly derive and parametrize bidding functions. There are a number of reasons to take this approach: /of bidders first, if the model skews to information; and second, it is correct, it allows us to quantify the sensitivity allows us to investigate in which the reserve prices constrain skewing behavior. 27 some detail the way in Structural Bid Functions 6.1 We by assuming that bidders have (approximately) start We be ignored. CARA utihty, so that wealth effects can impose a number of functional form assumptions, beginning with an assumption about the species values v. (Bl) = tifc rfc +X ^fc+7?, for fc = 1, 2 (so Avy = Ar^), 77 independent of r, X,a;^, Sy,. In an oral auction, the winning bid allocation solves equation (3) from Section 3.2. ing the information that this bid is conditioned on as d^^, we can Writ- express the winning skew as Ab^{B,dy,'K,r,e,x-)^), where 4^^-^)/^^^^ iind^,X,e)>^iB-R)/QEST A6,(-)-Ar^ = ( When otherwise /(dj^-,X) [ the reserve prices do not bind, our assumption that the utility function is that the optimal skew /(•) is independent of the total bid. Moreover, Proposition any equilibrium bid A6^ > Avy^ at = CARA 1 implies implies that Ar-^ so the reserve constraints can only prevent bidders from skewing as much as they want. The function of interest the optimal unconstrained skew /(•), which is we observe only when the reserve price constraint does not bind. Because whether or not this constraint binds depends on we need the total bid level B, (3) in to model this selection. Section 3.2, and can be written as B{-)-R ^ level again solves equation 5(d^,X, r,e, 77,0;^): ( p^(d-,x,X,r,e,r7) 1^ 5"(d^,x,X, Qest The winning bid r,£, if /(d-,x,X,£) > ±-(B - R)/Qest otherwise 7y) To complete the model, we make assmnptions about functional forms. Under the assumptions of our theoretical model, the bidders observe x, which provides information about the direction As of the optimal skew. that Aby, — Ar^ > 0. this can be inferred directly from the winner's skew, we order species so Thus, both the overbid and the skew will always be positive in our model. This motivates a specification of the bidding functions in logarithms (recalling that our continuous control variables are denoted Zj (B2) = ~6^ (B3) dj IniS^ + .3); Xi^ = ln(dp = 6y^ and the ln(Z.) + e,e dummy + W^ independent of /() = ~6^ai + Xa2 + saia^. (B5-) ln5(-) = '6^P, + X/32 + eP-^a, + r^P'^u^. (B4) In variables are denoted r, X,x^, 6-^. 28 Wj): Consider the interpretation of these equations. First, (B2) introduces logarithmic transformations of the continuous control variables; since our low as —.27, we add estimate is error term. .3 sample includes sales with mis-estimates of as (B3) states that the bidder's signal about the mis- to the mis-estimate. the sum We interpret e as the error in the bidder's estimate of of the (transformed) actual mis-estimate, and an independently distributed more optimistic about the extent of the over-estimate on species <5t^; a bidder with a higher e x- In (B4) is and (B5), we assume that the log of the overbid and the log of the skew are both linear in the log of the signal. Of course, the and we do not attempt to functional forms in (B2)-(B5) are ad hoc, relate we the primitive utility function; but they offer several distinct advantages. First, below an assumption on the distribution of the thus, we will assume below that e and t] errors, and the normal distribution will them to will require be convenient; Second, although we did not are normally distributed. formally model the choice of transformation, several back-of-the-envelope calculations^^ indicated that a logarithmic transformation of the skew and overbid provides a better elasticity estimates are fairly robust to the way in fit than linearity. Our which variables are scaled. Third, and most importantly from a computational perspective, our functional form assumptions imply that the probability that the reserve price binds Pr(res does not bind) Notice that x-^, is a linear function of observables and unobservables: Pr(/(d;^, x, = Pr(/i(d-,x,X,r,X;,)< is .25. 45% full and our focus on sales B to results The [.25, .44]; call this (524 sales). In group A, the reserve prices bind when the a crude approach 30% group A and the of the time, as opposed to understanding the effects of the on skews and bids sales are divided according to in each group and compare whether the reserve prices were binding in following table summarizes the results about the effects of mis-estimates:^^ we performed Box-Cox estimation on uncensored subsamples ignoring censoring; however, that approach These due to Forest Service bidding with two primary species, our data set includes only sales where One-fourth of the observations (170 sales) have x^ € In particular, ^'' u). distribution of u. However, in practice, of the time in group B.; This suggests practice. (11) Thus, in principle, variation in Xy can reserve prices: estimate the effects of mis-estiiriates them X, r, e, 77)) required to achieve the desired level of skew. complement group to 5"(d;^, x, observe that for a small Xy, only a small restrictions > < its effect, be used to identify the Xy X, e) the fraction of the volume estimated on the over-estimated species Xi affects whether the reserve price binds. To understand overbid — = elasticities were estimated using is not rigorous unless censoring OLS is of the data, as well as the accounted full sample for. with robust standard errors, and using the specification of control variables as in Table VII. 29 Contrast: low Elasticities of: Skew A Group w.r.t. 0.065(0.025) Overbid Group 0.045 (0.021) mis-est. 6^ The A high v. Group mis-est..^^ w.r.t. (A) Xy, x-^^ Contrast: Reserve prices binding (B) B Not bind Bind 0.018(0.010) 0.020(0.011) 0.032(0.011) Group B Not bind Bind 0.013 (0.008) 0.010 (0.009) 0.035 (0.011) elasticities in this table are all some ambiguity about interpreting the evaluated at the (overall) sample means. Note that there elasticities is with respect to mis-estimates, as we are consid- ering the effect of a larger mis-estimate in the "right" direction as perceived by the bidder. In sales where the reserve prices bind (286 in sales sales), bids and skews are more where the reserve prices did not bind. But when censoring ding and skewing are less sensitive to mis-estimates. when latter is exogenously more likely, than bid- conforms to our theoretical model: bidders are unconstrained in their skews, they are able to optimally adjust their skews, in turn allowing sales, The sensitive to mis-estimates we them to place higher bids without expecting to pay more. Notice that in uncensored and find only a small insignificant relationship between the overbid and the mis-estimate. This indicates that in sales where firms chose to skew "moderately," they also chose not to increase the total bid in response to the mis-estimate. On the other hand, when they skewed aggressively, they also increased the total bid sharply in response to higher mis-estimates. The fact that the the censoring is way in which the sales are divided affects our endogenous. Of course, our theoretical model predicts tion equation, u, is comparisons indicates that this: the error in the selec- correlated (though imperfectly so) with the errors in the skewing and overbid equations. Formally: - £^[ln(A6^(-) E[ln ( ^]^~ V Qest ] ( most fits efficient Ires does not bind] = - ~6^P^ l-^^ai + Xa2 + aiasE[e\u > h{-)] + X(3l + EleP'la^ 4- vPsf^vW > into the ) Ires binds] = ~6^(3l + X/32 + E[el3l<7e + 7?/3^a^|zv < h{-)]. (14) approax;h to estimation entails estimating the system of equations simultaneously; x,^ further implies that we could allow functional form for the distribution of the errors. However, for computational simplicity is (13) K')] framework of sample selection problems (Heckman, 1976). Of course, the with sufficient data, the exogenous variation in our dataset (12) J ^Q^~^ E[ln The model Ar^)|res does not bind] limited, selection routines (for computed using full we for a flexible and because instead estimate each equation indi\adually using standard single-equation each equation, we used Heckman's two-step procedure, with standard errors information maximum likelihood). Thus, 30 we assume that r] and e are standard normal, so that -E[e|^ > h{-)] = P£^j^{h{-)).^^ Also for simplicity as well as robustness, we did not impose the cross-equation restrictions between (11) and the other equations. Our results from this estimation are reported in Table VII (1) and We use a somewhat more (2). parsimonious specification than in earlier tables. First consider the probit estimates. As expected, higher values of ln(a;^) lead to a lower probability that the reserve prices do not bind. the mis-estimate is close to zero, although it is !=a /3"). consider the skewing regression, incorporating the selection correction Table VII (2). parameter estimates can be interpreted as mation of the mis-estimate The average value of the elasticities, (this requires multiplying the estimates skew is by one standard deviation by E[6y]/{E[6y^] $103.50, while the average mis-estimate (.075), on average the skew rises between the error in the selection and skewing equations the definitions of Q!i is i/ and e above, if e and Our although we must correct for the transfor- is by about large if + .3) = We .014. is increase in the mis-estimate leads to a .022% increase in the skew. Thus, that effect of somewhat imprecisely estimated. This implies that mis-estimates affect the overbid and the skew at approximately the same rate {ai Now The .0461). find that a 1% the mis-estimate rises $12. Finally, the correlation and negative, at —.80. Recalling are independent or positively correlated, this implies r] large relative to /3". In words, the skew is more sensitive than the overbid to the private signal about the mis-estimate. The selection model can be least squares regression The usefully contrasted with several alternatives. first is on the observations where the reserve price does not bind; the second a standard censored normal regression model (CNR), which requires that censoring The CNR model E[A6^ - ^ry.] = _ _ 6y-ai results are reported in hinds}0^i(^eE[e\6y.ai + Xa2 - R R _ _ + Xa2 + l{res. Table VII (3) and from the selection model are greater than the Intuitively, considering OLS term than the The CNR model, To evaluate the robustness when polynomial -e]. (15) ^x estimates and smaller than the may be censored. On CNR estimates.^^ the other hand, ignoring the ^^ is positively correlated with leads us to exaggerate the inferred effects of both variables censored observations. < -= Notice that the coefficients on the mis-estimate (4). endogeneity of censoring yields an upward bias: the fact that 6-^ exogenous. only the uncensored sample leads to a downward bias, as sales where skews are particularly sensitive to mis-estimates both e and is is estimates: West The an ordinary on the desired skew for model places a smaller weight on the censoring correction selection more conservative estimates about the leading to of our results to the normality assumption, functions of the Mills ratio (j>/{l — we verified that effects of s and 6y^. our results do not change $) are included as explanatory variables. Such an approach serves as a simple first pass at semi-parametric estimation. We also estimated (but did not report) on the mis-estimate variables were about an ordinary 2% least squares regression on the full smaller than the censored normal regression. 31 sample; the coefficients Now estimate is Accounting sales; elasticity of the overbid approximately .01 and significantly different from for selection (as On the other Sy,. The consider the results for overbids. opposed to (unreported) OLS only at the CNR) or is approximately .03. effectively and efficiently, and thus their bids will to reconcile our results with the intuition model does not confidence level. lowers the estimated effects of This finding runs counter to the following intuition: we would expect that when the bidders are constrained by the reserve way 15% hand, we find larger and significant effects of mis-estimates on overbid for censored the elasticity skew as with respect to the mis- fully is be price, they will not be able to less sensitive to mis-estimates. One to consider the possibility that the econometric account for the heterogeneity across For example, the sales where sales. censoring occurs and bids are high, might be sales where the bidders are more confident about the direction of the mis-estimate. Another hypothesis is that our functional form does not fully capture nonlinear effects of the mis-estimate. Recalling our analysis from Section 5.3, we now use our estimates to calculate the effect of mis- estimates on revenue. Equation (9) indicates that an increase in 6^ affects the magnitude of the bid as well as the gap between bid effect of Ab^ is and payment, Ab^-S^- In contrast to Section 5.3, we now examine the an increase in the mis-estimate in the direction of x- In our sample, the average predicted quite large (107.8), so that an increase in the mis-estimate leads to a large increase in the gap between the bid and the payment. respect to mis-estimates is We find that for uncensored sales, the elasticity of revenue with -.0066; thus, an increase in the mis-estimate of one standard deviation (.075) leads to a reduction in revenue of $4.74 per Mbf., or about $14,560 on the average sale. In sales where the reserve prices bind, the bid increases at a rate proportional to the skew. For these (less frequent) sales, the elasticity is we find that revenue actually increases the mis-estimate grows; .0032. Overall, the magnitudes of our estimates in this section should due to the when fairly still be interpreted with caution, strong functional form assumptions. Nonetheless, our results insight into the direction of, and relative importance of, may provide some the effects of the reserve prices; as well, they indicate that skewing leads to small but statistically significant reductions in revenue. 7 Conclusion In this paper, we have considered the effects of information on bidding behavior in Forest Service timber auctions. The rules of the "scale sales" create incentives for bidd,ers to distort their bids. By using ex post information about the value of the tract, we are able to provide evidence that bidders are risk-averse, have private information about the underlying characteristics of the tract, and exploit this information in their bidding behavior. in allocating the tract This information appears to play a role between bidders, since bidders who take larger gambles are more 32 likely to win the auction. Further, larger realizations of the mis-estimate typically lead to lower revenue for the Forest Service, consistent compensate Our for the large with the hypothesis that the bidders require a risk premium to gambles they must take to remain competitive in the auction. use of ex post information has an additional advantage: our results provide evidence about the validity of several of the assumptions commonly invoked of pure private values, which requires that concerns the bidder's bidding behavior is own private costs also inconsistent and all The hypothesis in auction studies. private information on the part of a given bidder benefits, not supported by our analysis. Observed is with risk-neutrality. Finally, bidders clearly expend resources to obtain strategically useful information, suggesting that attention should be given to the process of information acquisition. In future work, it may be possible to use the ex post value information in a structural model. For example, values for the tract and private we might be able to assess the relative salience of heterogeneous signals about mis-estimates. Alternatively, estimates of bidder risk-aversion. We more complete we could explore direct might also quantify the extent of the winner's curse in this market, and the value of additional information. However, these questions would require a number of demanding extensions to the theoretical and econometric models. 8 Appendix A: Proofs The following results are used in the formal analysis. (1982) for basic results about affiliation and further treatment of these lemmas following definitions. ^ Milgrom and Sharmon, 1994) if for all : 5ft^ —> 5? is bivariate x^ > x^ and y^ > y^ g{x^ ,y^) — > ^ increasing. If/ is positive, /is (strictly) log-supermodular if log(/) and z are random variables with positive and z are (strictly) affiliated if (Lebesgue measure). A Lemma random is (strictly) is (strictly) log-supermodular in If y Lebesgue measure, y (y, z) log-supermodular in {zi,Zj) almost everywhere, for nondecreasing in supermodular. almost everywhere variables z with a positive joint density /(z) 7 (Milgrom and Shannon, 1994) If 9{x,9) axgrnsx-x g{x,0) is joint density f(y, z) with respect to and only if/ vector of affiliated if /(z) is (strictly) If we need the for a unified (>)0 implies g{x^ ,y^) — g{x^,y^) > (>)0. A function /is swpermodular if, for all yL^ j^yH^^^ _ ^y j^ L ^^ jg nondecrcasing in z; f is strictly supermodular if the difference is g{x^,y^) yH y and Athey (1998) references. For our purposes, single crossing in {x;y) (see See the appendix of Milgrom and Weber is (strictly) all i j^ j. satisfies bivariate single crossing, x*{d) = OP there are multiple optima or no optima for some parameter the strong set order (Milgrom and Shannon, 1994). 33 values, the set of optimizers is nondecreasing in Lemma 8 Let {y,z) be affiliated random variables with conditional density f{y\z). If g{x,y,z) and super-modular in {x,z), then f g{x,y,z)f{y\z)dy bivariate single crossing in {x;y) is is bivariate single crossing in (x\ z). Lemitna 9 Let u{w; ofu{w;6) (uw{w\0) ficient of absolute risk aversion is and increasing in w, and suppose that 6 decreases 6) be differentiable is the coef- Then J u{x y;6)f{y)dy log-supermodular). bivariate single crossing in (x; 9) Lemma 10 If(y,z) are Lemma 11 Suppose that (y,z) are [ai,6i],z = G 12 modular in [ai,bi],i and = hi for all is increasing, then E[g{y)\z\ is increasing in z i. If g{y) is increasing, then E[g{y)\ (i) is 2. The supermodular, then .6^ " ^i > + vx- -^-\ ) 4, x; VA; I ^2 ''i, > is as a function of Moreover, from (At), 6y^. U{A.h-^\B^ ,d]() is fix d^. An CARA an increase in it or i.e. B^ has two effects. g^- super- # j, First, it is Then be nondecreasing in B^ bidder j's by Lemma 8, for of fixed Milgrom nondecreasing in d^ for a fixed acts as a for in and increases A^. Lemma 11 this effect favors a fixed d^. Q.E.D. = ^v-^ (i.e. bi = Vi), bidder j can ensure a payoff of zero. If /?(•) > V, then any total bid B < V also results in a payoff of zero, so bidder j can restrict attention to bids that are greater than or equal to V. We now establish monotonicity. Define m^-' = max/^j{d' }. Since the signals were assumed to be Proof of Proposition exchangeable, m^-' is 3. (i) First, affiliated A6j^, the bidder chooses B to with notice that d^^ by bidding B—V downward movement risk-averse increases the set of opponent types defeated; by will BK The monotonicity theorem lARA, makes the bidder no more A6^. So A6j^(5^,d^) < B^ B\d^^) crosses zero once from below are affiliated. Thus, then implies that A6^(B-',d^) 7) increase in wealth, which, under Second, (6;^-,<i^,d^'') bivariate single crossing in (A6;^,d^). and Shannon (1994) (Lemma (Lemma 9). is '^2, bivariate single crossing in (Atj^-,^;^), payoff function, u(-) Now {x]bi). J g{x,y)f{y\z)dy Let C/(A6;^;S-', dj^) represent the objective in this optimization program. Fix . and bid allocation problem can be written as: subject to: B^ G (x, z) max Es^ u (qact U^b^ - Av^) j5^, Zi If g{x,y) is bivariate single crossing in (ii) l,..,n] is bivariate single crossing in (x;ai) and g{x,y) If (y,z) are affiliated, Proof of Proposition A6x and g{y) strictly affiliated, l,..,n] is increasing in ai {x;y), then E[g{x,y)\ Zi Lemma strictly affiliated, and Ahj^. (Milgrom and Weber, 1982). Given an optimal choice of maximize expected be convenient to break the interaction between B 34 utility. In order to analyze the problem, and d^ into two components, the it will direct effect of d^ on payoffs for a fixed A&^, and the indirect of A6^ depends on dy,. U{B,di^^y) To separate the two = effects, UiAV^iB,y),B,d^). f J and show that To do result. To we write we show that -^U{B,d]^,y) begin, consider the effect of y on fact that the optimal choice payoffs as ^\p^^-.^^s}i^y')dFim-^\x,diJ, [0,1] U{B,d-'^,d--^) is bivariate single crossing in so, due to the effect arising (5;d^), which by d\ and y single crossing in is -^U{B^ dl^,y). Lemma a.t y = 7 will imply our djj.. Letting subscripts denote partial derivatives (and applying the envelope theorem in computing g^U{B,dl.,y)), we have ^^ -U{B,d{,y) = U,iAb{(B,y),B,d{)^Abi,iB,y)f{p-HB)\x,d{) +UniAbi^{B,y),B,d^)^Ab{{B,y) !{,(.- )<b}K')^^("^x^Ix, 4)- • |^^^^_^ Applying the envelope theorem again, we know that C/i(Ab^(S,y),B,<i^) our arguments in Proposition 2 imply that [/i2(A6^(i?,y),i?,d^) CARA/IARA and Lemma g^U{B,d{,y)>Oaty = d{. tion of Now 10. -^U {B consider the effect of d^ on ^A6^(S,y) > Since , d-'-^,y) when y is > at y = at y = d^. = d^, using the by Proposition fixed. We 2, it Further, assump- follows that introduce some additional notation: U{B,Ab{,d{,m-^)= f u{7r{Ab{,B,6^))dF{6^\d{,m-^,x), 7[o,i] so that f7(B,d^,y) By = J U{B,Abi^iB,y),d{,m-^) ^_^ the envelope theorem, -^U{B,d^,y). To apply we can Lemma {B,Tn^-'). This will in turn and bivariate ^u 7r ( (it single crossing (Ab{, B, 6y^^ A6^,S,5;^.j is The argument (ii) rem we need 8, (5;m^''). = -^^u'{tt). nondecreasing in Then, since 6^ and m^-' are 5j.. ignore the effect oi 6-^. B in U through A6^ when computing U is supermodular in {B,dy^ and on show that to imply that the integrand in' 1{^(^-.)<b}(V)^^(VI^'4)- U{B,dy,y) supermodular To'establish the desired properties of Recall from Proposition 1 that Since affiliated. is u is concave, Lemma it U (B;d^) we compute Ab{{B,d{) > Av^, and thus follows that 12 implies that J7, in is -^u is nondecreasing in supermodular in (5;m^-'). for (5; d^) is analogous. The above argument for the case of verifies the single crossing condition in Athey's (1997) existence theo- two bidders. The result can be applied to the case of J sjonmetric bidders by 35 looking for a fixed point in the best response correspondence for a single bidder, when all opponents play the same nondecreasing strategy. Proof of Proposition exist some Q.E.D. R < Suppose to the contrary that 4: 61,62 such that = '^) Qest{^ B*{D;k,Pk) and < B*{D;k,Pk) n < < bi Vi. Then V. there This "safe" portfolio has strictly positive expected profits for any resolution of uncertainty, contradicting the fact that the optimal skew gives zero expected > optimum, Ab^{D;k,Pk) ((A6 — Av)6 + {V — B)/Qest) and We price constraints. = Since A6* D; it is is decreasing in Then, > D*{B;k,Pk) B B since 5. for only S = consider announcement are the same as if all Finally, if d^, < / ^ A^;,^ if if j' But A,^. The is increasing result follows. (J. £'./?. j follow the strategies described in the all that can be inferred B =^ will consider player knows that i3*(d^;O,0), bidder j = d^- 0, 0) that is For him to earn non- he wins, he must announce A6-^(B;O,0). So bidder j has no incentive B Moreover, as rises past B*(d^;O,0), j can not possibly make he wins. So he will drop out just beyond 5*(<i^;O,0). that in fact, d^- if j if had when B < Consider 5*(<i^;0, 0). first an that following such a deviation, opponent's beliefs announced A6^(S;O,0), that we know = > Suppose no one has dropped out; we bid allocation announcement Ab' (this follows Ab and dM. So /. and opponent's signals are equal to D*(jB; B*(dj^;O,0). j''s if this event, A6 B active at a bid B, still A6 < A6^(5;O,0). Suppose to any lower A6. lower 11 implies the right-hand side of (16) Suppose bidders (i) deviation will be payoff-relevant only Given Lemma decreasing in tt is each opponent positive expected profits Now S-^^. opponents are if all negative expected profits to deviate at • denote the Lagrange multiphers on the reserve deviate from the equilibrium strategy. At j's incentives to he will win at A-,;^ = Qact Let K{Ab,B,6) r^. at the + A6;^(l - xi) - n] + A^;^ [{B/Qest) - ^b^xi - ra.] increasing in Proof of Proposition d}^ and > v^ 1, u Ee^ > Av^, n Proposition. let A;^ > b'^ Now, by Proposition V. have +A;^ {(B/Qest) in which implies that Avy^, > So B*{-) utility. is, opponents do not update at bidder j actually wins at B, signal D*{B; > D*{B; 0, 0),-so j 0, 0), i.e. if d^^ = all. Then D*{B; 0,0) for he would prefer a skew of Ab^{B; certainly prefers a from the fact that the objective defining A6-^ is skew of Ab^{B; 0, 0) to the all. 0, 0) any bivariate single crossing in this deviation is not profitable. suppose B < .B*(d^;O,0) and consider a deviation to Z)*(S;O,0), then j's expected profits from bidding opponents already believe that d^ > theip beliefs they will revise upward. Z)*(B;0, To 0), it this end, 36 Ab > Ab^(B;O,0). Note Ab > A6-^(S;O,0) are negative. Since makes sense to assume that assume that any opponent that if / they do update who is marginal, i.e. who plans to drop out immediately, revises his behefs about j to be that d^ where D''"(5;O,0) D*(S;0, 0), make no revision in their beliefs about > by bidder j to A6 large is A6'^(S;0, 0) opponents have more optimistic same arguments can be applied enough to deter With dl^. after from dropping out. All other bidders these off-path beliefs, a bid allocation deviation cannot increase and beliefs I > i?+(5;O,0) > may about his signal and decrease j's expected payoffs (since will stay in the auction longer). The any number of bidders have dropped out, which ensures that the proposed strategies form an equilibrium. Note that a variety of other off-equilibrium-path belief restrictions j, would also suffice. opponents are at will So long as in the event of a bid allocation deviation by some bidder least as optimistic about his signal as in the equilibrium we have described, he have no incentive to deviate. (ii) The proposed equilibrium fully reveals the signals of all players except the player with the Q.E.D. highest signal. Proof of Proposition 6: The result follows because nondecreasing functions of affiliated variables are affiliated. In the sealed bid auction equilibrium of Proposition 3, and B^{d-^) creasing in both arguments, Since in dy. d-^ and is nondecreasing, so that Aby,{B^ (d^,) A6^ and are affiliated, so are 6-)^ 6-)^ on dropping out. Suppose k bidders have dropped point B and skew Aby^ Since each of these signals then 6 = 6y and increase in — djj. A6 = 9 A6 is Ab-^^ increases and Ab. Thus 6 and be higher, the higher will affiliated so 6 A6 and with 6-)^, and A6 are d. Since, is , d-^) is will Each bidder 5. be affiUated with x= Now fully reveals their Then the next observed drop-out out. affiliated conditional conditional on nonde- nondecreasing the signal of each of the lowest k A6^ is (and similarly for a fixed bid B). consider the oral auction equilibrium described in Proposition signal A6^(5, d-^) random 2, ^ on x Finally, 6-^. = + If 1- and —d^ are X = 1 signals. if 2, x = !> then, an affiliated, so are 6 Q.E.D. are affiliated. Appendix B: The Data In this section, we briefly describe our data sources and criteria for selecting our sample. The data can be divided into two categories: "bidding data" and "cutting data." The bidding data contains sale appraisal information as well as the highest bids placed data is by each bidder at the auction. publicly available from the Forest Service immediately after the auction. The the ex post information about the timber actually removed from the tract. This data available from the Forest Service. different species of difficult to sources. Because the Forett Service uses different This cutting data is is also publicly coding systems for the timber in the bidding and cutting data, the Forest Service data is somewhat work with, and so we purchased "matched" data from one of the leading industry data Timber Data Company. 37 We selected a number of forests, two major 5, The species. Forests 3, 5, 6, forests 10, 11, and focusing on larger forests that had a large fraction of sales with we obtained include Region 14-18. Among where the matching process met certain number 6, Forests 1-6, 9-12, and 15-18; Region the sales from these forests, reliability criteria. We we consider only sales then narrowed the sample along a of criteria. In Region price, as 6, we ruled out sales where the average bid per Mbf. was within $1 of the reservation such sales leave Mbf. was less than 5% little scope for skewing; similarly, we ruled out sales where the overbid per of the appraised diflFerence in values, Ar. We further ruled out sales with extreme mis-estimates (greater than 27%) or gaps between aggregate volume sold and cut (greater 30% than magnitude on the in sale, or circumstances (for example, cutting outliers along a number 25% on may either species), as these sales have been aborted for some reason). of dimensions, including only sales with Mbf. and 25000 Mbf., and density less may We have special then dropped volume estimated between 100 than 115 Mbf./acre. Finally, we dropped sales where road construction was greater than 2.5% of the value of the sale. Since the government reimburses road construction using a complicated system of credits, bids in sales with low road construction can be interpreted more directly in terms of expected payments. For Region 5, we used essentially the with one notable exception: we allowed sales with road construction valued at up to same criteria, 100% of the appraised value of the tract. This allows a larger sample size, a problem for Region 5 sealed-bid auctions. Finally, we note a subtlety that arises in interpreting the bidding data. Forest Service regulations require that no matter what the appraised values and minimum value, known as the "base rate." costs, all per-unit bids On a small number of sales, must the base rate clear a certain is greater than the reserve price. Thus, the Forest Service might accept a bid that violates the base rate rule. In such a case, the Forest Service uses a pre-announced mechanism to lower the bid on some species and raise it on others. In reserve price constraints. for us to this way, firms can sometimes achieve skews that violate the posted Fortunately, the Forest Service data includes the information required compute the amount a bidder anticipates paying when the bid as the "statistical bid," and all is placed. This is known of our results use the statistical bids. In any case, only a few sales are affected by this rule. 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Sample of 699 Region 6 oral auctions. jfei 0) o o i o oooqsooood ufflaamtjoiQ iBH Uio o^tKBiroatiDQ i o ° i §o°o o oo Q) q o° ° o. w T3 05 £ en O O O o 9^ o o o°o°oO oo°o o «0 On Q ° O °o ^ O 0@CEO O 6-0 03 o Oo ^ „X) O o o °o o ° o §P o ooo o o o cP o o o o o „o I > o .5 - O c o 0^° CD > O O' c O O o o O o o <s> o o o ° o o o O "Dq, .P o o © o o o o ©0 o o SD O p^o o 06) o o 6> o o o f fliltfptftn HMiifteanHiajnoaa^iDCEffiais odd u. o oo o ooo 1 I .2 .1 Magnitude Chart EI: of .3 Over-estimate Percentage of overbid placed on the over-estimated species against the overestimate. Sample of 699 Region 6 41 oral auctions. 1000 500 5 0) CO CM c <o -500 - -1000 r~ "1 1000 500 -500 Rank Chart IIIA: Plot of Rank 2 Skew Against Rank Sample of Region 6 1000 1000 Skew 1 Skew 1 (onto over-estimated species); oral auctions with 3 or more bidders - 500 5 0) CO o CO o o O- On c CO tr. -500 1000 n I -1000 I -500 500 Rank Chart niB: Plot of Rank 3 Skew Against Rank Sample of Region 6 1 1 Skew (onto over-estimated species); oral auctions with 3 or 42 1000 Skew more bidders ULUnLL ULUULOJIUIV KERNEL DENSITY do 10 C\\c^A 20 30 IV: 40 50 60 70 80 s 90 Kernel (TG^essio^. Table 1: Summaty Statistics for Oral and Sealed Auctions with Two Primary Species Region Regior 6 Oral 1 N 699 Mean 5 Sealed 63 Std. Dev. Mean std. Dev. Bidding and Volume Variables = b1 166.06 138.99 118.38 108.88 s2 bid rate = b2 135.34 116.42 106.00 111.42 56.37 si bid rate = r1 76.43 73.65 53.40 s2 reserve rate = r2 76.54 73.65 35.86 35.83 si market value 439.90 98.16 344.18 108.27 s2 market value 438.42 88.87 309.30 97.22 3.25 3.71 1.70 3.37 3.02 3.35 1.85 3.80 74.95 55.69 43.70 33.23 0.520 0.125 0.543 0.126 0.517 0.138 0.529 0.156 467380.10 620525.50 247820.40 682193.00 426688.40 566565.30 259778.20 741056.60 142.98 83.44 104.85 56.73 139.07 81.23 99.91 52.53 si reserve rate Volume est. (mmbf) Volume cut (mmbf) Average reserve price (per mbf) Estimated % of Volume on high-valued species Actual % of Volume on high-valued species Tot. Bid (B) Tot. Paid (P) S/Q est (Tot. Bid)/(Volume Est.) = (Tot. Paid)/(Volume Cut) = P/Ocut Skewing Variables % of (Tot. Bid - Res. Price) on over-est. species Skew onto over-est species: Ab-A r Revenue Shortfall from Skew Revenue Shortfall from Undercut Misestimate Variables 0.57 0.40 0.49 0.30 30.79 150.88 -5.35 139.15 10581.69 57819.42 9780.05 28956.45 30109.96 110740.90 -21737.85 88802.78 -0.066 0.157 0.036 0.125 0.003 0.076 0.015 0.072 0.057 0.051 0.049 0.054 # of bidders 6.06 3.12 5.32 2.60 SBA dummy 0.21 0.41 0.17 0.38 (Volume Cut-Volume Est)/(Volume Misest. on s1=high-valued sp: Est. Est.) % si - Act. % si Absolute magnitude of mis-estimate Bidder Participation Variables Sale Characteristics Contract Length/Volume Density of Timber (mbf/acre) 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 27.98 24.31 12.32 14.74 mmbf 80.87 168.29 0.00 0.00 (thousands of $) Road construction (thousands of $) 401.05 566.08 159.34 213.17 0.61 3.02 11.21 31.12 Volume per-acre Logging costs material per est. 44 in m en r^ in CM ^ o o o o P OvJ oA r- o CO CD Gi CVJ C\J CO CO CM <t O CO O CO O o o in in CD CM CO O o CM o o o o O O d d o CD in to CD CO ? s in CO o o CD d^ CD en CO to II o 0) •^ Q £ o o £o •Q < V 4i^ 2 O) "^ QC E 0. o (A c i O) 5 2 c 5 0) w CO 00 CO (0 « <o ± OA oo 0) T3 CD CO E * CM CD O 1TO CO d d •* CM CO CM o o m "? o o o o CO ii d d. d CD in CO CO 1<r d o CD CD * o o d d •<t 5 d. en CO 00 CO S3 o o S o o d d o 9 E E 3 00 ^ CM ^ o d 9 CO CO CO * CO o o o o o o o o o " CD o d CD CO CO <*• <t TO o 'o CD 2^ o CT o £ CO cr » O A ^ X» O qIo (0 o- f CO 0) & E .s .i D T3 O T) <a 3 CO DL 0) •D 3 O Mi II ^J (U Q. CO O ^_ CO XI E .8 'a k_ <B c CD _o 0) j3 T3 E E 0) ^ CO Q) 'o 0) to I CD c5 <1> <0 q> £ c T3 C .o 'k_ CO CO I •§ Q) o D CO I cr Qj c (0 CO E E 3 Q. (D d. o (0 CD •Si Q T— cc _c JO CO * CL CO x: II «0 (0 cr CD <D CO o I- £2. 1 cc o c 1 ^ CO •^ S CD NCM •— ^ S H O O O O S- C3 d o 3 SI Q co o o ^ o 9 ^ o 5 o o o o o o o o o d cp ep > o 00 Q CO en 00 in CO 52 ?j CO CD iL (U w Si CO Tj- CM in CO 2 V-» J ^ CD 00 CO -M II 4-> s: T— * o o o o o o CD o d> o u t„^ (0 00 en ^— CO 00 CD CM in in CD Q. •D 0) k_ ca 0) £ o CO CD 5: .1 I .o E ^^ cr a> cu CD E _2 o E _2 o TD •g > > (D O •e CO <D in o 2 « .2 "O CQ 0? CO «o CO TJ ro <D E _g o ro E E 0) o CD i- ^ (0 iL CD C3 a. CO o E 3 o c (D Q > C CO 3 CO 2 o (O c o CO CD iT 'en £ CC CO to cu T3 t5 "o CD (D c E E (D . < m c O CO > c o CL W CD O O ^^ O) c c CO (0 'to en c o o _i o o l CO CO CD O z (U (0 O) 3 O c CD Q. E CO CO in in in CO (0 M- o (M 3 TJ-' ^ ^ ^ C\J r~- C\J d n ^ o t CO CO CD Oi * CO o o d d d CD CD d c:: ^ h-. 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