MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 9080 02246 2409 Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries DEWEY Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Econonnics Working Paper Series INTERNATIONAL CREDIT AND WELFARE Some Paradoxical Results with Implications for the Organization of International Lending Kaushik Basu Hodaka Morita Working Paper 02-18 April 2002 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/abstractJd=xxxxx 10^ Massachusetts Institute ot Technology Departnnent of Economics Working Paper Series INTERNATIONAL CREDIT AND WELFARE Some Paradoxical Results with Implications for the Organization of International Lending Kaushik Basu Hodaka Morita Working Paper 02-18 April 2002 Room E52- 251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn. com/abstractJd=xxxxx " MASSACHUSETtS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 8 2002 LIBRARIES April 29, 2002 INTERNATIONAL CREDIT AND WELFARE Some Paradoxical Results with Implications for the Organization of International Lending Kaushik Basu Department of Economics Hodaka Morita School of Economics Cornell University The University of New South Wales Sydney 2052, Australia Ithaca, NY 14853, USA and Department of Economics E-mail: H.Morita(a) M.I.T. Cambridge, MA 02142, USA E-mail: Abstract This paper models a developing nation that faces a foreign exchange shortage and hence its demand for foreign goods is limited both by its income and its foreign exchange balance. Availability of international credit relaxes the second constraint. that in this setting the availability of intemational credit the borrowing nation worse off than if This 'paradox of benevolence' to intemational lending exchange it had to It is shown concessionary rates can leave borrow money at higher market rates. then used to motivate a discussion of policies pertaining and the Southern government's method of rationing out foreign to the importers. Keywords: Intemational JEL is at classification credit, foreign exchange, foreign aid. numbers: F30, LIO, D60. Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Abhijit Banerjee, Raquel Femandez, Arvind Wan and the participants of a conference where the paper was presented. Panagariya, Priya Ranjan, Debraj Ray, Henry the University of California, Irvine, at 1. There is Introduction a small literature that argues that the benefits of international credit do not accrue to the recipient developing country, ending up, instead, benefiting the donors or in the coffers of large corporations that sell goods to the developing country.' of this paper while there is to is subject this claim to careful theoretical scrutiny. no reason to believe that this hypothesis there do exist parametric configurations under enough because of its paradoxical nature. At credit (or, more which first is it sight What we The aim find is that, always or even generally is valid. it seems This is true, interesting of that the availability generally, availability of credit at better terms) cannot make the recipient nation worse off because the recipient has the option not to take the credit or to pay a higher interest than what the donors However, such simple demand (by, for instance, burning money). logic runs into difficulty in the domain of strategic international finance. We construct a formal model and show that when a nation buys goods from large corporations with monopolistic power, the availability of cheaper international credit actually leave the recipient currently borrowing institution worse money from may become worse off. In particular, a poor developing country that may is a profit-maximizing international bank or financial off if some 'benevolent' organization steps in, in place of the profit-maximizing bank, and begins to lend hard currency at a zero or subsidized interest rate. Since public foreign lending is usually motivated by altruism and to fill in For works that either defend this proposition or debate it, see Winkler (1929), Hyson and Strout (1968), Bhagwati ( 1 970), Gwyne (1983), Taylor ( 1 985), Darity and Horn ( 1 988), Basu ( 1 99 ), and Deshpande ' 1 (1999). for market failures (Eaton, 1989, p. 1308) situations where the it is indeed surprising to find that there are recipient nation does better when it gets its foreign capital from private sources. The reason, roughly speaking, is that the lowered interest rate for borrowing foreign exchange changes the strategic environment in which the developing country buys goods from large corporations and more, flow out of the country. interest rate, While the model we construct some of the such a manner that the benefits of the lower in finer details of reality, it is is theoretical and, perforce, abstracts motivated by real-world experience and the hope of influencing policy. One country lending money on enhancing its own exports is away from not unusual at all. to another or giving aid Many with an eye industrialized countries give loans to developing countries with the explicit requirement that the latter then use these to buy goods from Commodity expand who the main beneficiary is, multilateral organizations, such as the that give subsidized credit. there are situations some more) from longer the best this paper, or the loan-recipient or the exporter, as a consequence (Eaton, 1986, 1989; Fleisig Our model has important implications by Bank Credit Corporation often give loans directly to the foreign importers and not always clear sales the former. Organizations such as U.S.'s Export-Import The model and whose for the organization of international lending World Bank and, more pertinently, the IMF, in this paper alerts such lending agencies that where the benefits of cheap money may flow out to give relief to nations facing foreign by making is Hill, 1984). entirely (and then the recipient nation. In such environments a lowered interest way it international lending organizations is no exchange shortages. Hence, aware of this risk of an adverse them effect of international credit, urges international lending The model to be extra careful programs and selecting the interest rate. also highlights the crucial role of the limited foreign exchange is in designing their mechanism through which released to the importers in the borrower country by the the borrower government (or the Central Bank). The allocation rules followed by the government can make a crucial difference in determining or aid has on the well-being of the recipient nation. what Hence effect international credit the model, despite its use of a rather stylized framework, depicts theoretically the general idea explored empirically Bumside and Dollar (2000) on how critically by the nature of governance in the borrowing nation can determine whether aid (or subsidized international lending) will work to its advantage or not. In constructing our in order to model we try to steer a keep the algebra tractable and building make our model relevant to at least some show model this for the 'paradox of benevolence'. possible is to phenomenon tries to establish is the See also Collier ( 1 that certain is in reality, need in enough features of reality so we should warn that the purpose of a phenomena are possible. In this paper To determine how we need for empirical as to particular realities. Before proceeding to build the model theoretical path between using strong assumptions we show plausible this theoretically empirical work. In that sense what this paper work 997) and Hansen and Tarp (200 1 ). in a certain direction. The Model 1. Consider a two-period model South, and an industrialized country ovra currencies but for is This is in is as fixed at it it to buy more foreign goods some we treat the exchange rate 1 . That is, at the in that period. rigidity in the first period. going exchange rate The fact exchange of a country rate. For as fixed and, without loss of generality, one unit of the hard currency changes for one unit of the soft currency. This is not as strong an many We shall refer to the South's buy more hard currency facing a shortage of hard currency suggests treat - henceforth countries have their our model, has a shortage of 'hard currency' in the would do so and use we a developing country - henceforth North. The two the 'hard' currency. so in the sense that if it could reasons of simplicity is currency. 'soft' The South, which there inter-country trade and exchange the only acceptable currency the North's currency. This currency as the it all in assumption as appears at first sight. The fact that Third World nations do face a shortage of hard currency, suggests that exchange rates are at least partially rigid in reality. structure of international why, even exchange after economic relations suspect that there are irmate factors in the which cause developing country governments go for a rate to this. How else can one explain firee float and allow the be market driven, shortages of hard currency persist? The stronger assumption country government. which in this paper concerns the modeling of the developing We treat the government not as a strategic agent, nimbly maximizing some payoff, but as rigid rules, to We it a somewhat mechanical bureaucracy which has some adheres. In particular, we assume that there are m (>2) licensed importers in the South, to which the government (or the Central Bank) allocates limited foreign exchange balance in period abroad and them sell in the South. strategic agent is for simplicity; the also believe that this description One 1 ; and they are given the reason why we model has a surfeit is fairly realistic in treat the right to its buy goods government as not a of strategic agents. However, we the case of many developing and transition economies. We shall in this paper focus on one good, which the South likes to consume but does not produce. The good the good (may be in the is in fact North but also) Northern firm produces the good chooses the price p at produced by a firm based which it at a in the in the it North, which sells South through the licensed importers. The constant marginal cost sells to the South. Though c, in faces no fixed cost, and our formal model we work with one such firm, our qualitative results would be unchanged under n oligopolistic firms. Let us begin by modeling the South, in particular, the South's demand in period 1. We assume, without loss of generality, that the South has one consumer, who is a price taker and has to decide periods 1 and 2. The consumer's u = u(x, where x and y is the total period 2. on how much of the domestic and foreign goods are the function is (in soft currency) spent summing up of amount meant to in given by: amount of foreign and domestic goods consumed in period 1 and yj on foreign and domestic goods in spent on foreign and domestic goods in period 2 done here for algebraic convenience, but period is consume y, y2), amount of money This utility to it is not unrealistic either. In this model each be a long stretch of time (say, a few years). Hence, in planning over is two periods, most of us would think of the details domestic and foreign goods to consume) and on consumption in period and y2 2, to put away how much money exactly that variable. is consumption where the consumer chooses much money of today's consumption (how much of as savings Let the Southern consumer's is how much to put aside for total The standard model of an exact analogue of this. total amount of wealth be Y. This includes and hard currency endowment. Let the price of the domestic good be the foreign constraint good be is Since p. we how of each good to buy today and shall take the exchange rate to 1 its soft and the price of be fixed at 1, the budget given by px + y + y2 = Y. In solving the utility maximization of one more constraint. we are now that that, in to, order to however, take account buy foreign goods, consumer is assuming here) or (more currency from importers who have it R is the hard currency endowment of the We later show that, from a modeling point of view, difference whether the Southern currency (as problem the consumer has This arises from the fact needs hard currency. Assume for Southern consumer. (1) assumed to it makes no have direct access to hard realistically) buys foreign goods using soft access to hard currency. We shall soon be considering the South's demand for international credit. Now, clearly the South will want to borrow hard currency in period 1 only current shortage of foreign exchange to be less acute in the future. make this assumption is to if it expects The simplest way So its future to suppose that in period 2 the South expects no foreign exchange shortage. In other words, the South's currency becomes convertible future. its demand is not expected to be constrained by its in the foreign exchange reserves. We shall here make such an assumption. keep the algebra essential but helps us tractable. This extreme assumption The Southern consumer can then devote foreign exchange reserve to buying foreign goods in period all its cannot borrow any hard currency in period 1 , not is 1 . Hence, if the South x must be such that px<R. The Southern consumer's problem Let us now assume is (2) then to maximize u(x, y, y2) subject to (1) and (2). further that the utility fimction takes the following quasi-linear form: u(x, y, yi) where (j) is — = ax + (|)(y) + y2, an increasing and concave function. Substituting (1) into this function, we can write the consumer's problem simply as follows; Max + ax subject to To From solve this, let a In other words, if Y - px - y px < R. us (2) first we ignore the constraint and choose x to maximize we have the first-order condition for foreign + (|)(y) 2 (jt.y) - bx = the following: (3) p. could ignore the foreign exchange constraint, the South's demand goods would be a linear function of the price of the foreign good. referred to as the unconstrained straight line aF. utility. Note that (3) demand curve, and this is depicted in can be written, alternatively, x=^^. Figure (3) will be 1 by the as: (4) . . Now to solve the (2). it If the value full curve of the South then the South's is demand is us take account of the constraint, satisfies (2), then x = (a - p)/b. If x = R/p. Hence, the actual demand given by: . = is let of x that solves the above equation (4) fails to satisfy (2), This maximization problem, rmn\^-J^A\ (5) demonstrated by the thick line in Figure [Figure 1 somewhere 1 here] Let us assume that a Northern monopoly produces the good that the South demands. The firm produces the good and choose the price p work with one such oligopolistic firms To fix at which sells to the South. firm, our qualitative results produced some it at a constant this good marginal cost Though is, if . a+c monopoly , and X* = . analysis a~c . 2 This point is illustrated by point E* 2^7 in we assumed demand that n for the North's were no foreign exchange shortage shows and quantity sold by the Northern firm would be given by: p* = if we in the North. there constraining the South), then standard faces no fixed cost our formal model would be unchanged useful notation, check that // the South's product were given by (3) (that in c, Figure 1 in period that the price charged 1 In order to focus on the interesting case, we shall South's foreign exchange reserve R, though positive, attained in period Assumption 1 1 . In other words, are making that the insufficient for this point E* to be the following assumption. a'-c' 0<R< : we is from here on assume 4b That the is, the shortage of hard currency monopoly is such that the Northern firm carmot fully capture rent associated with the unconstrained demand curve. We now incorporate international lending into our model, where we will consider the following Case Case I: two cases: There is to the South II: There a non-profit 'international organization' that lends hard-currency credit is at a subsidized interest rate. a profit-maximizing international bank (based in the North) that gives hard-currency credit to the South. Before continuing with the formal analysis, let us explain our assumption concerning the use of the limited foreign exchange by the South in period onwards, we will of hard currency the govenmient assume that the in period sets a 1. 1 From here . Southern government has a reserve currency of R units How does the quota for each of the government use m ( this? We will assume that > 2) importers. That is, each importer is given the right to acquire foreign exchange up to this quota limit by giving up an equivalent amount of soft currency. With this foreign exchange the importers buy goods from the North which they then sell to the Southern consumers in period 1 . While a slew of different methods for rationing out limited foreign exchange have been used by different developing countries and transition economies, the structure that we are using is not unrealistic, and, in the case of, for instance, Pakistan and India, especially through the seventies and eighties, fits reality We shall, for simplicity, assume that all quite well.'' importers are treated identically, and so each importer has access to currency. p, will It be assumed and the interest rate, i, R/m units of the that the importers take the international price hard of the product, as given and constitute a Bertrand oligopoly in the domestic market. It will be shown later (in Section 4) that, for the model works the same way as a model in purpose of our analysis, such a which the Southern government gives consumers direct access to a fixed amount of foreign exchange is unrealistic, its mathematical equivalence to the above more demonstrated formally later in Section 4) implies that assuming that the Southern government gives amount of foreign exchange the Southern in order to consumer under this Hence, we are with the government addition, we is this develop our model by exactly what 1 . The behavior of we worked out above and available to the Southern shall consider the possibility that the The Southern consumer can return at exchange balance of R units consumer in period 1 , and, in consumer can borrow additional hard the interest rate, i, chosen by the borrowed hard currency with interest (if any) in the second period, because the South's currency becomes convertible in period Writing in the very early nineties on Pakistan, Baysan (1992, bans and restrictions, be realistic specification (to in period that this entire foreign currency from the Northern lending institution institution. Though . (5). now assuming made is 1 citizens direct access to a certain its buy foreign goods assumption which gave us the demand fimction, we can in period p. 468) observed, "Distinct from import value limits on individual licenses against cash for imports of machinery and 2. . 11 We shall, throughout, assume, without loss of generality, that the market interest rate for hard currency credit is zero have direct access the Northern to the Northern credit market, but the international organization and bank have access cost of lending money to the borrowing country never in reality and there is The Southern consumer and government do not . to So it. South defaults. is to these latter agents the opportunity (interest) zero. Though As described above, we assume that the default (or the threat of default) is important a substantial literature that investigates this (for surveys see Sachs, 1984; Kletzer, 1988; and Eaton and Fernandez, 1995), to introduce default would be a distraction, given the focus The of this paper. analysis of Case I is straightforward. Let us suppose that the international organization lends to the South at the opportunity cost interest, that zero. Once is, an interest rate of the South has access to such credit, the foreign exchange constraint of becomes immaterial. South's demand for the product is R given by equation (1) and the equilibrium price and quantity are given by p* and x*, which are represented by point in Figure E* 1 Case II is Southern country the interesting case, and may be better off in this case depict the equilibrium that will arise in Case interaction II can be formalized in what Case two we go on to show, than under Case later, is that But I. the we need to first II. different ways. First, between the bank and the firm occur at the we same time could assume that the in period and the firm, confronting the Southern demand as captured by equation 1 . The bank (5), millwork have been (and still are being) maintained .... These ceilings function as nontariff barriers and serve as a nonprice rationing mechanism for the allocation of foreign exchange." . . . 12 simultaneously announce, respectively, an interest rate and a price. In this sub-case the relevant equilibrium notion is naturally the Nash equilibrium. We characterize such a Nash equilibrium below. Secondly, and this assuming that the may seem more natural to some, Northern bank has a first-mover advantage. sub-case by assuming that period bank announces the 1 and then 1 price. These two stages could be thought of as two 1 . This is formalize Case by II We shall formalize this can be thought of as broken up into two stages. In Stage the we may interest rate in Stage 2 the firm instants, announces the with Stage 2 following Stage simply a construction to capture the realistic possibility that the Bank has a first mover advantage. The natural equilibrium notion in this sub-case equilibrium. is that of a sub-game perfect We shall here fully describe such an equilibrium. An interesting finding is that the paradoxical result (whereby the South does better under lending from a maximizing firm than from an international organization giving subsidized remains valid in both these sub-cases. In other words, we show below that profit- credit) our result is robust to the sequence of moves. Since the central issue in the analysis of Case between the firm and the bank useful to begin in period 1 II is the strategic interaction (either simultaneously or in sequence), by deriving the main ingredients of our it is analysis, namely, the reaction functions (more precisely, as explained below, 'implicit reaction functions') of the firm and the bank. Let us start with the firm. Consider whatever the South buys from the North has no foreign exchange endowment. it first the case where R = 0, that is, has to borrow money from the bank, since for it 13 [Figure 2 In Figure 2, aF is somewhere the South 's unconstrained Suppose the bank charges an (1)). the effective price to the Southern curve is here] interest rate consumer given by the line a'F where implies that the firm's best response Oa = is to of i. Then is (1 + (1 + i, and plotting the mid-point choose a price it is the firm's 'implicit reaction function.''* 0, the firm's implicit reaction function horizontal axis. By the effective monopoly demand analysis that is represented by the considering different interest that represents the firm's best response for each obtain the firm's best response curve. This call Hence i)p. firm charges a price of p, if the i)Oa'. Standard midpoint of line segment a'H', shown by point E'. rates, demand curve (given by equation The reason why we we We represented by the broken line E*E'C. The reader should would be call this i, also a vertical line from check that, if c E* down an 'implicit' reaction function is were to the because, unlike in a conventional reaction Sanction where the two variables chosen by the two players are represented on the two axes, here the interest rate represented on any axis, but is implicit in the effective [Figure 3 Now let The mathematical (1995). is demand chosen by the bank, is not curve. somewhere here] us bring in the fact that charged by the bank i, R> 0, as shown in Figure such that the effective demand curve is 3. If the interest rate, i, a'F, then the actual properties of the implicit reaction function are spelled out in Anant, Basu and Mukherji 14 demand curve (the one which takes into account the does not need to borrow hard currency) and D. The firm's impHcit reaction E*E'C curve value of i, starting from = by point E' i=0, and rises E' moves The 0. jump occurs. To passes through point is jump K in Figure 3. the total cost indifferent To i is point B, is B South where E*K is a is represented by point E* when positive but sufficiently small. Then, as to point B. Let us denote Clearly, the firm B see this, gradually increase the see that this will happen, suppose that price that corresponds to point same and in Figure 2. when R units, the to southwest direction. But before E' reaches point in the the firm's best response point will the E*K' and firm's best response (see Figure 2) up given by the thick Hne, going through points fiinction is truncated segment of the i is fact that i K (in Figure 3), by K' the point where such that the is i line, a'F, better off by choosing the is strictly rather than point K; since at both prices revenue is the smaller at point B. Hence, there exists point K', where the firm between choosing point K' and point B. Now we turn to the bank's reaction function (which we will need for the Nash equilibrium analysis, though not for the subgame perfect equilibrium sub-case). First suppose that the firm has fixed a price, p, such that —> P — holds. In this case, the b South does not borrow hard currency because the consumer's demand given by the unconstrained demand curve (i.e., currency. Then, any value of i is p - a-bx) feasible without borrowing any hard the bank's best response, because the any profits from lending to the South for Next suppose is that the firm all i>0. has fixed a price, p, such that —< p condition means that, bank carmot make — holds. This b under the price, the consumer's demand given by the unconstrained 15 demand curve is not feasible without borrowing hard currency because the Southern government has only strictly the 1 , R (> 0) units of hard currency in period between the prices represented by point bank can make a which is B and in Graphically, the price Figure 3. from lending hard currency profit in period 2 Given such to the is price, South in period given by 7!^b(0 [Figure 4 has fixed a price at = somewhere Graphically, the bank's profit is HP ^a-pil + i)' represented by area p=p' and the bank has chosen i so that the area QRST is maximized. bank chooses i such that point R in Figure bank's best response is to QRST in Figure 4, where the represented by a'F. Given i p', the R here] bank chooses given D 1. p', the The maximization implies [Figure 5 We call somewhere it that the 4 becomes the midpoint of QZ. Then, for any choose i such that corresponding a'F line goes through the midpoint of QZ. Plotting such midpoints for different values of p', the broken line in Figure 5. firm we obtain the bank's 'implicit reaction function.' here] We are now ready to characterize the case where the bank and the firm move simultaneously and to identify the Nash equilibria. Superimpose the firm's implicit reaction function (E*K' in Figure 3) here. A Nash equilibrium is then depicted by the point of intersection of the two reaction functions, shown here by point N, where the 16 equilibrium price is demand curve aF call this the . given by This is p and the interest rate is the one implicit in the effective an equilibrium in which a positive amount is borrowed. We N-equilibrium. Note that the N-equilibrium does not always exist because the broken line does not necessarily intersect with E*K'. Note also that there exists another Nash equilibrium, where the firm chooses the price that corresponds to point and the bank chooses a very high This interest rate. is an equilibrium in B which no lending occurs. The Paradox of Benevolence 2. We now demonstrate that the paradox of benevolence can happen in the Nequilibrium. The aggregate surplus earned by Figure 6 as the area call this, in brief, the South when W'' where b , W" , somewhere where the the lender of credit aggregate surplus is when the Northern is for is shown in STQpa. [Figure 6 Let us the South in the N-equilibrium tt here] is a reminder that this represents the welfare of a profit-maximizer. Let us denote South's lender benevolence. Our claim is benevolent (and charges no interest) by is that where W'' > W". there are parameters of the model 17 Note that, the South's overall aggregate welfare is lower say that the 'paradox of benevolence' occurs To prove this we need price of the Northern examining Figure 6 good it is is in Case I than in Case inequality if this to first depict W''. Recall that borrow from a benevolent lender (Case Now, we W^ > W" under our specification of the South's consumer's utihty, I, Hence W** clear that a priori we is Hence, we will is true. when the South can freely above) equilibrium occurs given by p*. II. implies that By the area of aE*p*. cannot say which is E* and the at point larger W'' or W . are able to state the central result of the paper. Proposition 1: For any parameter values that satisfy Assumption c (>0) such that the model exhibits the following property for The N-equilibrium e all c and the paradox of benevolence occurs exists 1, there exists a value [0, c ]: in that equilibrium. [Proof] See Appendix. To understand producing the good, c, is zero. As we have implicit reaction function is a vertical line is vertically below E* W demand (>0). If the vertical already seen, from E' . when this happens, the firm's Hence, the N-equilibrium point, N, (see Figure 5). In that case the area depicting inside the area depicting Continuity of the where the marginal cost of the result graphically, consider the case , which implies that we have function implies that W'' < W'' W sits < W" when W^ holds c=0. for all small segment of the reaction function of the firm is properly enough c not long enough, an N- 18 equilibrium will not exist. reasoning and explains To show why happen that this will not the formal proof is entails some long. Just as the proposition establishes the kinds of value of the cost is likely to give rise to the levels of foreign paradox of benevolence, instance, it is so large that the point R were equal E* horizontal axis represents have computed the The when R = c e [0, value of c, denoted must hold c"""". 10, 20, or 40, respectively. a = 10, is easy to very large (for c"""", 0.4, made is for the case where a 1. we have c"''"'= 2.23, 6.06, or 3.00, Namely, the Paradox of Benevolence occurs b = 0.4 and R = 20. Note for the Northern firm to sell a positive we such that the paradox occurs for The computation b= space in which the For each value of R c. 0.4 or 0.5 and the results are displayed in Table when it It is likely to arise for countries with axis represents table tells that, for instance, with 6.06] to zero or in the (R, c)-space, in particular, a non-negative values of c less than = 10 and b = paradox. what We conducted numerical simulations to R and the vertical maximum interesting to inquire into rise to the may be more 'intermediate' foreign exchange reserves. compute the zones of paradox is of production that achievable with the existing foreign exchange is balance). This suggests that the paradox all it exchange reserves are likely to give verify that the paradox cannot arise if intricate that c < a (= 10 in these amount of goods for all examples) to the South. The numerical examples therefore seem to indicate that the Paradox of Benevolence occurs in non-trivial ranges of parameter values. 19 Table 1. Numerical examples for the Paradox of Benevolence (The value of when c"''" b = 0.4 R= 5 0.94 1.22 R=10 R=15 2.23 3.22 7.00 6.29 R = 20 R = 25 R = 30 R = 35 R = 40 R = 45 R = 50 R = 55 R = 60 R = 65 6.06 5.16 5.16 4.16 space. That 3.31 3.63 2.57 3.00 1.91 2.44 1.23 1.91 - 1.37 - 0.73 - holding other parameter values fixed, the value of c™'*" is, when the value of R relatively large. property in 4.35 interesting to note the table exhibits an "inverted-U" shape in the (R, c)- It is all Let us moves = 10). b = 0.5 a relatively small, is Although of them, now after that and we have worked it and chooses p. where From R out a number of examples and identified this we have been unable turn to the case increasing in R when the value of R is decreasing in is is the to prove that bank moves this is the general property. first and chooses i; and the firm the firm's reaction function, described above and derived mathematically in the appendix, we know how p will depend on i. This is described by the fiinction p(i) in equation (A7) in the appendix. Hence, using n(/) to denote the bank's profit-function in this two-stage game, can see (by suitably modifying (A9) n(/) = Max in the appendix) that this will be as follows: a-p{i){\ + i) i\p{i) -i? ,0 we , 20 The sub-game perfect equilibrium is now easy to characterize: (i^ p^) perfect equilibrium (henceforth simply 'an S-equilibrium for all i, and p^ = What of this game a subgame n(/') > n(/) if p(i^). interesting is that the is ") is paradox of benevolence occurs even in this two- period game. Proposition 2: Consider a two-stage and the Northern firm next chooses Assumption Much we p. Then what we = 0. chooses i for any parameter values that satisfy It starts up to As in the fi-om where it E* in, for instance Figure 3, and is = 0, in Figiire 3, = easy to see using (A7). If c = to touch the rectangular hyperbola, E*K' would be depicted in Figure = a/2, 3, first a vertical straight line would and x = R/p, then i is set p at the low enough n>n^, and p(i) which must be a is In addition, of height of point B. for the = demand curve . 2(1 i) consider R/p. In other words, K (which would now be vertically below E*). course, for sufficiently high interest rate, the firm implies p(i)(l + 1, Hence, represented by a vertical touches the rectangular hyperbola, x and K' would coincide with is proof of Proposition 1. Graphically, the firm's reaction function p(i) takes the following are claiming is that, if c This first of the proof follows the same route as the proof of Proposition the case where c straight line which the Northern Bank paradox of benevolence occurs in that equilibrium. give simply a sketch of the proof here. simple form. in there exists a value c (> 0) such that for all c e [0, c] an S-equilibrium 1, exists and the game But this + a constant. Hence, the firm's reaction function as vertical line: For all i, p(i) will be such that the consumer 21 price p(i)(l Assumption + i) is 1 the same. impHes It is easy to verify that i^ —t^-I and = p^ = 4bR (note: —t=-\ >0). l4hR Now since the firm's reaction function is line going down vertically from E*, the S-equilibrium point is vertically below E*. It follows, for the analysis immediately after the statement of Proposition the aggregate welfare of the South lender, who is when also the first-mover. argument extends to values 4. 1, same reason that W'' < W'^^ where W^ is faced with a profit-maximizing international The proof is concluded by showing of c in the neighborhood of c = Competition as in the Among Licensed that this 0. Importers In Section 2, concerning the use of the limited foreign exchange the realistic assumption that, in the South, the government gives we began with some designated importers the right to acquire hard currency from the central bank in order to import goods for domestic sale. We then pointed out that, if these importers took the international price, p, of the sale price (that is, good and the interest rate, they played a Bertrand game), purpose of our analysis. Given this, we government allocated foreign exchange designated importers. In this section order to derive out results. we i, as given, and chose the domestic could ignore these importers for the derived our result under the assumption that directly to the consumers rather than we show that we can to the indeed ignore the importers in 22 As before, the Southern demand for the Northern x= where r is good (subject the at a price, p, to have to borrow wants buy x to chosen by the Northern producer. from a Northern bank at If they now given by: m identical importers. It is is assumed that the given access to it Southern R/m units of want more foreign exchange they an interest rate of i. Hence, good from the North units of this is having the requisite foreign exchange) from a Northern by the Southern government. this 1 . importers take this price as given. Each of these importers foreign exchange in period a-r the price that the consumers have to pay. There are They can buy producer good has to incur a if total cost, an importer TC(x), given by: px,ifpx<—. '" TC{x) = —+ i? m ^, {l .. /? , + i)p{x mp m m importers have to choose a price at which Now, each of these the product to the Southern consumers. If we may (6) R ),ifpx> — .^ . denote the strategy n-tuple of the r^ it offers to sell denotes the price offered by importer i, then m importers by (ri,....,rm) The profit earned by importer Our aim is . ., r*) > then be denoted by 7:i(r*, 7t,(ri, . . ., rm). Nash equilibrium (Bertrand equilibrium in this We will in particular be interested in the symmetric Nash equilibrium. In other words, . may to characterize the case) of this game. 7:i(r*, i . . ., n, . . ., we define r*), r for all to rj. be an "equilibrium" if, for all i = 1 , . . . , m, 23 Fortunately, to characterize such an equiHbrium every importer charges the same price If all importers, excepting importer consumers respond as follows. rj > to i. r, all who fail to These are fairly If buy from consumers go not need to fully We will here make the following reasonable assumptions. characterize the Ki function. consumers we do i, ri i, r, then each importer faces a charges < r, r and importer importer direct their i faces a demand to the importers other than i. i If demand of (a-r)/bm. charges ri {^ demand equal at price r to the r), then the to (a-ri)/b. All other importers. If Only those with unmet demand turn normal assumptions and one can find a formal statement of these in Basu(1993). Let us now suppose that the firm has fixed a price, p, such that —< — Also suppose that the bank has fixed an interest rate, i, such that —< that, if — holds. b P This condition means holds. b P government allocated foreign exchange directly to the consumers, then the consumers' demand given by the unconstrained demand curve feasible without not borrowing hard currency and so they borrow a positive amount of hard currency from the bank. Under such p and marginal cost functions (derived from (6)) = + to show r then no one can do better by deviating. that in this case r (l+i)p, the profit earned price, an importer (l+i)p, is (1 i)p is no one will buy frorri the horizontal the thick line is summation of all importers' shown an equilibrium. That To by each importer can only do worse. i, If, is is, if see this note that in Figure 7. It is easy each importer charges when everybody charges given by iR/mp. Clearly by undercutting on the other hand, an importer charges him. Hence, his profit will drop to zero. r, > this 24 The analysis in the previous paragraph indicates that, for any p and the conditions described above, the profits of the firm and the bank are i that satisfy identical with or without the designated importers. Also, consumers face the same marginal price and demand shown the same amount of the good of p and for other combinations the strategic interaction two in the i. Since A cases. we similar equivalence can be focus on the welfare consequences of between the firm and the bank, this equivalence allows us to ignore the importers in our analysis. [Figure 7 5. The model and implications. First, it somewhere here] Policy Implications the results described in this paper have important policy cautions aid donor agencies not to presume that subsidized credit, given to a Third World nation, necessarily benefits the recipient relative to the case in which credit is first sight it made seems available by a profit-maximizing we have shown market, the advantages of subsidized credit sell financial institution. At of subsidized credit cannot make the recipient that the availability nation worse off. However, bank or that, may depending on the structure of the import flow into the hands of corporations that goods to the recipient nations. In such a situation the donor agency has to think of ways, other than subsidized on aid-tying used to credit, for reaching benefit to nations. The classical literature be concerned with this question. What we have shown in this paper. 25 however, is flow-back of benefit that the to the North can occur even when aid is not tied, but depending on the market structure of imports and the strategic position of the donor. In trying to reach out to poor nations, most international organizations use the method of lowering interest rates. indebted and poor nations, while The IMF uses at the method this same time combining for the most highly the generous loan terms with 'conditionalities', which pertain to macroeconomic policies such as the need to keep the fiscal deficit under control us to is and money supply growth the fact that such policies may not be enough benefits of cheap credit get frittered away. main route through which to plug the holes The 'market the immiserization occurs, What our paper in check. structure' by causing through which the of trade all alerts may be the the benefits to flow out to the international firms that export goods to the South. Hence, before lending at concessional rates, it is worth examining and advising recipient governments on the channels and structure of trade and methods of releasing limited foreign exchange reserves. And, counter-intuitive though developing country is this of a certain kind and may this sound, if the market structure facing a cannot be changed, there reconsidering the policy of lending to the country at may be a case concessional rates. This brings us to the subject of policy from the Southern point of view. The model suggests (though we have not really gone into this) that there may be advantages to the South of giving the import rights to a single agent. This would empower the importers vis-a-vis the Northern manufacturer and the Southern consumer. Secondly, the Southern government more pro-active in the foreign quotas to different agents may may end up may benefiting stand to gain by being exchange market. Releasing the foreign exchange as not be a good idea. 26 Let us take up the first point In our first. because they compete against one another both international credit market. If they could power. However, collusive behavior model the Southern importers do poorly in the product market and the behave collusively, they could exercise market is difficult to sustain on its own - a point made persuasively in the context of international borrowing by governments by Fernandez and Glazer (1990). However, in our model since the borrowers are agencies within a nation, the government can enable them to exercise market power. The system of 'canalized' imports used by some nations, for instance, India, could have potentially played this role. In practice, canalized imports have been inefficient and bureaucratically cumbersome. Its potential has not been understood, let alone realized. Let us now turn to the second subject of how to ration the limited foreign exchange reserve. The method analyzed in this paper exchange - is rationed out to the importers is - namely, one where not the only one. The government could (and they often do) place quantity restrictions on the amount each importer The analysis of this is the foreign may import. not trivial since, while each importer will of course take the quantity ration as given, the government should be modeled as choosing that quantity ration, given which the government has (or total import value equals the amount of foreign exchange the wants to rationing, for instance one in release). There can be other more sophisticated kinds of which the amount of foreign exchange released to an importer could depend on the terms of trade. Each such ration will change the market outcome and the total benefit benevolence. In the fiiture it generated to the South and will may even avert the paradox of be worth examining formally the welfare effects of 27 different systems to of releasing limited foreign exchange and for the Southern government choose a system consciously to maximize the welfare of its consumers. As import a final point, if the Southern tariffs as a tool for government behaves maximizing welfare, strategically, as, for instance, in the it could use model of Brander and Spencer, 1984 (Anant, Basu and Mukherji, 1995, consider similar interventions by govenmient, though in the context of an indigenous industry). The nature of the Northern lending institution (for-profit or not-for-profit) would affect the strategic environment for the Southern government, which in turn would alter the optimal tariff policy and its welfare consequences. The analysis of such strategic use of tariff in our framework will entail expanding the model to a three-player current focus of the paper. But this game and will take us to issues would be an exercise worth pursuing beyond the in the ftjture. 28 Appendix Proof of Proposition 1: We first analyze the firm's best response given First consider i i (>0) chosen by the bank. that satisfies (Al). ,,^!z4^. (Al) 4bR Under (Al), the South does not Northern firm. To see this, borrow any hard currency for any p chosen by the note that (Al) is equivalent to ' /? > — — holds for b all p.' Given such i, the firm chooses p such currency to purchase the good; namely Any p= (p, i) =p such that p=p'^ and R units of hard chooses p such that p[(a-p)A)]=R holds. Hence, . > / South spends by (A2). the firm's best response is given (A2) it that the a is Nash equihbrium. Graphically, in this 4bR Nash equilibrium the bank chooses high enough twice. In this equilibrium firm's profit (A3) is (we i call it B-equilibrium), the bank's profit given by (A3). ip'-c)(a-p'')^^s Next consider i< i that satisfies (A4). a^-4bR . 4bR in Figure 3 and so that a'F does not intersect the rectangular hyperbola b /A^^ (A4) B the firm chooses the price that corresponds to point . is zero and the 29 Consider the monopolist the price given who faces the by (A5) and the quantity demanded a+ (1 + i)c 2(1 x= <3 + - (1 + i)c is p=(a-bx)/(l+i). It charges given by (A6). =p (A5) (A6) demand curve given by _ =x 2b Note that the Northern firm can earn chosen by the bank. Then, given Hence i, n by choosing p=p^ regardless the value of i the firm chooses the Northern firm's reaction function a+ (A7) P(i) = {\ 2(1 + i)c ^ -p if is p if and only if ?r = ( ^ -c) jc >7r^ given by (A7). ^ B n>n + a-v4a^ -4bR =p other-wise Next we analyze the bank's best response given that the firm chooses p that satisfies (A8). (A8) p[(a-p)/b]>R Given such p=a-bx) is demand given by that, demand schedule (which The bank chooses a-p{\ + i) that given (A8), the bank can choose i>0 such that n(i)>0. The standard i{p) = pa-p^-bR 2p' is is maximizes R maximization exercise then implies that the bank's best response (A 10) i by (A9). n{i)^i\p (A9) the unconstrained not feasible unless the bank sets i=0. profit given Note price, the given by (A 10). its 30 Now we characterize a Nash positive amount of hard currency to the South. Insert (A 10) into (A5), and we obtain f(p)=2p^-cp^-(2bR+ac)p+bcR=0. (All) Note equilibrium in which the bank lends a strictly that root that f(0)=bcR>0 and f(c)=c^(c-a)-bcR<0. This means is strictly greater than c. that We denote the root by p*. (All) has exactly one If there exists a Nash equilibrium in which the bank lends a strictly positive amount of hard currency to the South, such equilibrium is characterized by (p, game if and only equilibrium of the if (p, i) = = i) Nash (p*, i(p*)). This constitutes a (p*, i(p*)) satisfies n >Tt^ and (A8); or equivalently if (AI2) and (AI3) hold. [fl-(l (A12) + /(p*))cf 4^7(1 (A 13) Note ^^ c{a-4a'-^hR) + /(p*)) Ih p*[(a-p*)^]>R that p* is continuous in c, which implies Let c=0. Then f(p)=2p^-2bRp, and so find that, when Note Assumption that continuous in hold for all c=0, (A12) c. is that i(p*) is also continuous in c. ^*=4hR and equivalent to di>l-4hR and (A13) implies a>2v^i? holds I i{p*) when is = "^^^ . We equivalent to a>2-slbR c=0, and that both p* and i(p*) are This implies that there exists c* (>0) such that both (A 12) and (A 1 3) cs[0,c*]. Next, we assume ce[0, c*], and Nash equilibrium represented by let W" denote South's aggregate welfare (p*, i(p*)). 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