Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/internetretaildeOOelli 4 DEWEY HB31 .M415 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series INTERNET RETAIL DEMAND: TAXES, GEOGRAPHY, AND ONLINE-OFFLINE COMPETITION Glenn Ellison Sara Ellison Working Paper 06-1 April 28, 2006 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without char ge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http;//ssrn,com/abstract=901 852 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGV JUN 2 2006 LIBRARIES Internet Retail Demand: Taxes, Geography, and Online-Offline Competition^ Glenn Ellison and NBER MIT and Sara Fisher Ellison MIT April 2006 ^We would thank Nathan Barczi, Eric Moos, and Andrew Sweeting for excellent research Goebel and Steve Ellison for assistance with data issues, and Austan Goolsbee and John Morgan for helpful comments. We also thank the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, the Hoover Institute, the Institute for Advanced Study, the Toulouse Network for Information Technology, and the National Science Foundation (SES-02 19205) for financial support. like to assistance, Patrick Abstract memory modules Data on sales of There a strong relationship between e-retail sales to a given state and sales tax rates that is apply to purchases froin between online and e-retail activity. are used to explore several aspects of e-retail offline retailers. offline retail, This suggests that there is demand. substantial substitution and tax avoidance may be an important contributor to Geography matters in two ways: we find some evidence that consumers prefer purchasing from firms in nearby states to benefit from faster shipping times as well as evidence of a separate preference for buying from in-state firms. Consumers appear fairly rational in some ways, but boundedly rational in others. 1 Introduction The recent growth of Internet retail (e-retail) has attracted a great deal of attention in the academic literature and popular press.-' While we have learned a of these markets the past few years, the remarkable swings in the lot about the structure market value of companies provides ample evidence that our understanding of the industry's future limited.^ This future of e-retail Intellectually, e-retail is is of interest for a great case study: it e-retail is quite both intellectual and practical reasons. provides an opportunity to reexamine our understanding of consumer and firm behavior and suggests new questions. Practically, retail its could have significant effects on the economy. current growth rate: of the it impact on traditional has grown steadily at about And dot-com "bubble." retail, It will e- not remain small for long at 25% per year since the collapse even a small e-retail industry could have a substantial which employs as many Americans all manufacturing industries combined.'^ In this paper we investigate aspects of consumer behavior that impact on the future of Internet and traditional we examine We prove more eflficient in close substitutes, though, will have a dramatic have a substantial focus on three issues. substitution betweeen Internet and traditional retail. e-retail or traditional retail will channel. retail. will It is the long run. First, not clear whether Whether the two are impact on the future of the less efficient Second, we examine the extent to which the success e-retail has had is due to the de facto tax-free status of most e-retail purchases in the U.S.'* This bears on the relative efficiency of e-retail, and is important to understanding what are able to tax online sales, with the Internet ^See, for example, Goolsbee (2000), may happen Tax Nondiscrimination Act if states set to expire in Smith (2001), Chevalier and Goolsbee (2003), and Ellison and Ellison (2005). ^Amazon's market value, for example, grew from $2 billion at the start of 1998 to $35 bilhon in the middle of 1999, and fell back to S3 biUion in 2001 before reaching $25 bilhon for a second time in 2003. U.S. e-retail sales are now approximately $100 billion per year, which is 3% of total retail sales. Forty five U.S. states levy sales taxes on traditional retail purchases. Each of these states also has laws its residents make from out-of-state firms. However, the Supreme Court ruled in Quill vs. North Dakota (1992) that absent new federal law, a state could not compel a firm without substantial physical "nexus" in that state to collect use taxes on its behalf. The 1998 Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act makes explicit that web presence alone does not constitute nexus. While consumers are obligated to self-report use-tax liability, few do in practice. Note that states are able to collect sales taxes on e-retailers' in-state sales. assessing "use taxes" on purchases that 2007.^ Third, we examine the geography of graphic differentiation is e-retail. It is commonly supposed that an important factor allowing traditional retail stores to geo- maintain the markups over marginal cost they need to survive. Branding, obfuscation, or other factors may allow e-retailers to survive even without geographic differentiation, but knowing whether geographic differentiation what market structure might more generally as really eliminated is also important for understanding evolve.^ Although everything we study of is is in the context of e-retail, this paper can also be thought an empirical analysis of consumer informedness and sophistication. The standard fully-informed, rational analysis would make a number of simple predictions, consumers should compare firms on the basis on the basis of the tax-inclusive prices of the prices charged at the time to at other times). when the purchase is e.g. and make decisions made (as opposed Alternate predictions could be obtained in a number of ways. For instance, one could use rational models with information acquisition costs, rational models with information processing costs, or models with "irrational" consumers. several of the standard predictions appear not to hold in our data We find that and discuss what this suggests about the form of our consumers' bounded rationality.'^ The environment we study at consumers shopping for is that examined in Ellison and Ellison (2004): computer memory modules using the Pricewatch.com search engine. For a period of approximately one year, we have hourly data on the twelve lowest prices listed on Pricewatch for each of several products. e-retailer listing each price and unusually bad we look is in another. located. Our quantity data The bad part is that the fisted websites (both located in California), so purchased from other websites (or from traditional We know is the state in which the unusually good in one respect we only observe purchases from two of we do not know how many consumers retailers). The good part is that the ^There are two ways in which the de facto tax-free status of Internet purchases in the U.S. might be threatened in the near future. The expiration of the Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act in 2007 could have implications for the legal definition of nexus. In addition, eighteen states have joined the Streamlined Sales Tax Project in an attempt to simplify and harmonize their sales tax laws. The Project's goals are to encourage online retailers to agree to collect use taxes for sales made in those eighteen states and, eventually, to pave the way to federal legislation requiring collection of use taxes. ^See Brynjolfsson and Smith (2001), Chevalier and Goolsbee (2003), Baye and Morgan (2004), Ellison (2005), and Ellison and Ellison (2004). ^Hossain and Morgan (2006) 's analysis of bidding on eBay provides compelling evidence of limitations in consumer rationality in that environment. data are at the individual order The level and include each consumer's location. structure of the data provides several nice opportunities for examining consumer we observe the preferences and behavior. First, the fact that is state in which each consumer located creates an opportunity to look at geography, taxes, and online-ofHine substitu- tion: we can quantify sales taxes retailers watch —taxes the extent to which our websites both in competing against other California against e-retailers in New substantial turnover in the Price- list and others which they are competing in effects. volatile. In the highly Third, wholesale prices for quickly. week Many at the price gap online-offline price Sunday, and in other weeks it is how another way memory modules are re- traditional retailers, in contrast, keep they advertised in the latest Sun- sales circular. This creates a interesting source of variation some weeks the is at competitive Pricewatch universe, wholesale price increases prices fixed over the course of each prices: in Looking hour are affected by the competitors' locations geography and tax and of the twelve lowest-priced hours in which our two websites are mostly e-retailers, and decreases are passed through very day many is Jersey, Illinois, Oregon, etc. with similar prices. state-specific sales in a given markably Second, there terms of which websites make the in their price ranking. Hence, there are to identify in states that levy higher primarily affect the firm's competitive position relative to traditional — and to states that are nearby. lists, more sell much higher. is How between online and much lower on Friday than consumers react to it this price offline was on gap will again be informative on online-offline substitution and consumer awareness of up-to-date price information. The paper variation. is organized around two analyses designed to exploit different sources of In Section 3 we exploit the time-invariant factors differences in state-to-state shipping times section regressions examining the total the course of the year. important motivation — in the simplest number —state-level way possible. of orders received These regressions provide tax rates and We run cross- from each state over clear evidence that tax savings are an for online shopping: our e-retailer's sales are substantially greater in high-tax states than in low-tax states. We can provide an additional piece of supporting evidence to bolster the case that the differences are due to taxes and not due to unobserved consumer heterogeneity: our e-retailer sells much less in California than in comparable (This would be expected under the tax hypothesis because our e-retailer must states. charge sales tax on sales to California residents.) These cross-section regressions provide some weak evidence that geography matters are somewhat more for shipping-time reasons and that consumers more expensive products sensitve to differences in tax rates for which the tax difference in dollars Section 4 applies standard is larger). demand the hourly variation in the data: estimation techniques in an unusual we estimate discrete choice The nonstandard data on consumer purchases from two of the choice models to datasets containing firms' all part of the application listed firms. way to exploit models that use as their dependent variable the number of orders of a given product from consumers state in a particular hour.^ (for is in a particular that we only have Normally, one applies discrete market shares. Having data on all firms is, however, not necessary to identify the model given that we have substantial intertemporal variation in the characteristics of the competitors. about substitution between and so prices and locations change. The discrete-choice analysis provides differences in the taxes between how much retailers significant effect: variation that helps us learn attention consumers pay to geography, simply by looking at how our firm's sales go up and down as taxes, forth, e-retailers, It is this between some evidence that consumers pay attention to e-retailers. due to differences There is little in shipping times. evidence of geographic differences Geography does appear consumers are estimated to have a strong preference e-retailers located in their own rivals' for to have one purchasing from state (after controlling for differences in shipping times and sales taxes). A far general theme that emerges from the discrete-choice analysis from the fully-informed, fully-rational differences in settings e-retailers. less They strongly still, that consumers seem Consumers react very strongly where the price comparisons are easy, hardly at all, to price such as between competing react less strongly to tax differences of a similar magnitude. similar magnitude. is ideal. is to transitory variation between online and They react offline prices of a These findings are roughly consistent with models of costly information These regressions include dummy variables for each state so that the results derive from variation that independent of the variation that identifies the cross-section regressions of Section 3. acquisition or rule-of-thumb reasoning. Our work related to a is ternet taxation is number Goolsbee (2000). It of previous papers. The standard reference on In- examines a 1997 survey in which 25,000 consumers were asked (among many other things) whether they had ever bought products online. Consumers living in states with higher sales tax rates are bought products online. The big-picture conclusion tion could reduce online sales by 24%. found to be more likely to have that subjecting e-retailers to taxa- is One motivation for the the an to address a couple potential concerns about Goolsbee's work: tax part of our paper elasticity derived is from analyzing whether consumers ever purchase anything on the Internet could be very different from the elasticity of total quantity with respect to taxes (which will reflect much more the behavior of intensive Internet shoppers); and one could also worrry that some of the tax effects he finds could be due to differences in unobserved consumer characteristics across states (driven, for example, by California and Washington having high as populations inchned to use the Internet).^ literature retail, e.g. A on the results also relate, of course, to the on location and consumer behavior in traditional Fox (1986) and Walsh and Jones (1988). number of e-retail effects of sales taxes Our tax sales taxes as well of other papers have used data from price search engines to examine aspects demand. Brynjolfsson and Smith (2001) examines consumers who Better. com in 1999. It has a puzzling finding on taxes: visited consumers are estimated to be twice as sensitive to differences in taxes as they are to differences in item prices. -^^ finds strong evidence that One hmitation is consumers prefer branded Even- e-retailers over lesser that they do not actually have any quantity data. imputed by assuming that that consumers purchased from the also firms. The quantity data e-retailer Elhson and Elhson (2004) examines the same Pricewatch data as known It they visited is last. this paper. It notes that websites attracting customers via Pricewatch.com have extremely price-elastic demand, and Despite the examples of California and Washington, sales taxes in the U.S. are, in correlated with the demographic controls for computer usage fact, we employ. For example, not positively Louisiana, Ten- Oklahoma, and Alabama each have both one of the eight highest average tax rates in the country and a below average fraction of households with home Internet access. Goolsbee casts doubt on the unobserved heterogeneity explanation for his results by using extensive household-level demographic controls, by including MSA dummies, and by showing that tax rates are not correlated with ownership of computers. nessee, This could be explained as an artifact of price endogeneity unobserved quality whereas higher taxes are not. if higher prices are associated with higher investigates how it is that firms are able to maintain nontrivial markups. The primary ob- servations on this count are that firms engage in a great deal of obfuscation, and that an adverse selection disincentive for price cutting, pears to be present. Baye, Gatti, on consumers shopping price sensitivity other questions: for PDAs like that described in Ellison (2005), ap- Kattumen and Morgan through the Kelkoo.com search engine and take advantage of the structure of how (2005) examine clickstream data price-sensitivity varies with the and price-rank separately influence demand; in 2003. of listed firms; in the how of screen- etc. Several papers have addressed onhne-offline competition with limited data. Goolsbee (2001) find that find number their data to address a number They mid 1990's term demographic groups whose members were more life Brown and insurance rates dropped more for likely to have Internet access. Goolsbee (2001) constructs a measure of the competitiveness of local retail markets using survey data on the prices paid retail consumers and shows that consumers for markets are more onhne and likely to buy computers offline substitutability of online. ^^ in less competitive traditional Prince (2005) also examines personal computer purchases using the same measure of competitiveness of traditional retail markets. Chiou (2005) examines consumer's decisions on where to purchase We number DVDs using a dataset that includes both online and offline purchases. are not aware of any other of papers have examined work on spatial differentiation between e-retailers. A spatial differentiation in traditional retail, including Weis- brod, Parcells and Kern (1984), Chiou (2005), and Davis (2006). 2 Data In this paper we examine sales of four different types of memory 128MB PC133, 256MB PClOO, and 256MB PC133.12 Qur downloading the first ''These results could (or first modules, 128MB PClOO, price data were obtained and second) screens from Pricewatch's memory price in part reflect by lists unobserved heterogeneity: the high prices paid for computers in an who are more computer savvy and purchase computers area could also reflect the presence of consumers that are of higher quality in the unobserved dimensions. '^As described in Ellison and Ellison (2004), our e-retailer sells three versions of each of these types of three versions are clearly ranked in quality. In this paper, we restrict our attention to the lowest quality "generic" version of each type of memory module. This is the only quality level for which one can easily use Pricewatch to identify competitors' prices. Low quality memory also accounts for memory modules. The the majority of our firm's sales. on an hourly basis from from 128MB modules May 2000 to 2001 (with some gaps). Our data on the include information on the twenty four lowest-priced websites listed on Pricewatch. The data on websites. There May is a fair 256MB modules amount include information on the twelve lowest-priced of turnover day (and even from hour to hour in some and reshuffling of the price lists from day to Over the course of the year there periods). a dramatic decrease in prices. For example, in the space of a year the price of a modules fell home 128MB from about $120 to about $20. Pricewatch does not calculate sales taxes the is state of each retailer so that a for consumers on these pages, but consumer who knew the tax rate (and understood that sales taxes will apply if and only firm) could take sales tax differences into account. We if in his it does hst home state he or she buys from an in-state downloaded the state locations as well. We obtained quantity data for these products from an Internet retailer that gets most of its traffic from Pricewatch. It operates two similar websites, which typically have different The quantity data again prices for the products studied. ^'^ with some gaps. The raw data are cover May 2000 to at the level of the individual order. We May 2001 use data on approximately 15,000 orders. The available data on each order include the website from which the customer made the order, Our is e-retailer is just one of many detail listing on what was ordered, and the shipping address. products for sale on Pricewatch. A rough estimate that 100,000 other consumers visited Pricewatch during our sample period and purchased a corresponding product from one of the e-retailers for which We also use a few state-level variables. average sales tax rate. we do not have quantity The most important Sales tax rates vary by county and of these locality in is many data. the state's states. Our data are averages across the various jurisdictions within a state computed by a private firm. We collected data on UPS ground shipping times by querying the UPS website. These data include both shipping times from our e-retailer's zip code to each state, and a state-to-state shipping time matrix. -^"^ Our other state level variables come from Census Bureau datasets: ^ There are several possible motivations for having multiple websites; they may be given different looks and consumers may have heterogeneous reactions; it allows the websites to be more specialized (which seems to be attractive to some consumers); it facilitates experimentation; it may help promote private-label branded products; The firm may occupy multiple places on the Pricewatch screen. ^ UPS provides these data on a zip code to zip code basis and there can be some within-state variation. the fraction of households with home Internet access as reported in a 2001 survey, the population of each state in the 2000 census, and the number of computer stores and gas stations reported in the 1997 Census of Retail Industries. Analysis of aggregate state-level sales 3 In this section we take the most straightforward approach to examine variables in our dataset We — sales tax rates construct measures of the total and shipping times number — than Summary 3.1 The more in states and use with high with low sales taxes. statistics We use two primary dependent variables: 128MB modules Quantity 128 is the number of orders received over the course of the year from a given state; Quantity256 the corresponding is consumer demand. regressions in this section will have 51 observations: one for each state and the District of Columbia. for in states affect the time invariant of orders received from each state, regressions to, for example, look at whether our e-retailer sells sales taxes how number for gressions are presented in Table 256MB 1. Our Summary modules. ^^ e-retailer sells 204 statistics for the basic re- 128MB memory modules to the average state over the course of the year. This ranges from a low of 19 in the District of Columbia as large. taxes. to a high of 762 in Texas. Unit sales of The average sales tax rate 5.7 percent. The UPS ground shipping time from our days.''^ The percentage in the District of 0.041 in of households with Columbia 230 computer stores. We is The West Virginia to a high of ratio of home 70.2% 256MB memory modules are about half Four states have no state or local retailer to the average state is sales about 4 Internet access varies from a low of 40.6% in New computer stores Hampshire. The average state has to gas stations ranges from a low of to a high of 0.184 in California. some we took an typically collected data using one zip code from the the largest population center in the state. In cases where a state did not have one dominant population center and the shipping time varied average of the times for the two largest population centers. ^^Note that in doing this the two speeds of each size we are summing both over the two websites for which we have data and over memory module: PCIOO and PC133. We do this because there is no reason to expect that taxes or geography would have a different impact across websites or speeds. '®The minimum value of 1..5 days reflects that shipping times are one day for shipments to Southern California and two days for shipments to Northern California. — Although prices axe not used pretation of price of a some results. in this state-level anaysis, The mean 256MB memory module is then, adds 70 cents on average to a price of a A $139. they are relevant for the inter- 128MB memory module is $70. one percentage point difference 128MB module but $1.39 to a 256MB The mean in tax rates, module. Basic results 3.2 To analyze how the number of orders received from state s we estimate a negative binomial Quantiti/s ~ Poisson(/is) log{fis) = /?o regression model, i.e. + /^o + /?i OfftineSalesTaxRate^ + ^ -Fp4 — Computer Storess — -; : ^ h , is we assume P2Californias . pzlnternet Access s GasbtationSs where the ts meters by maximum random are independent likelihood.''^ variables with e^" One can related to the state's tax rate ~ + r, ^ + P3S hippingTimes /-r^ \ 1 Pe logi Populations) + e^, V{9,6), and estimate the para- think of this as similar to estimating a linear regression with logQs as the dependent variable.'^ Table 2 presents coefficients obtained from estimating the regression above on the total unit sales to each of the 51 states. the dependent variable. effect on online sales. The The The first column uses 128MB memory module sales as results are strongly suggestive that sales taxes have a large 5.94 coefficient estimate on OfftineSalesTaxRate indicates that a one percentage point increase in a state's sales tax increases the number of orders our e-retailer receives from that state by about 6%. The average sales tax rate in our data is 5.7%. Hence, in a typical state, online purchases would be predicted to decrease by about 30% ' it is if the offline sales tax were eliminated. The Poisson common regression model is Goolsbee argues that this the special case of the negative binomial with 6 to find that a specification test can reject the Poisson model is = a good forecast appUed work models that allow 00. In in favor of other more dispersion. The particular assumption that the errors are distributed like the logarithm of a gamma random variable (as opposed to being normally distributed for example) is motivated by the fact that a relationship between Poisson and gamma random variables allows the likelihood to be evaluated without a numerical integration. The distribution of Qs turns out to be negative binomial which is what gives the model its name. Section 19.9.4 of Greene (1997) provides a clear description of the model. Hausman, Hall and Griliches (1984) discuss a number of models for count data. The advantage of the negative binomial regression is that the model can be estimated in the same way regardless of whether some of quantities are zero. All quantities are positive in our base analysis, but there will be some zeros in later analyses of quantities sold during particular time periods. The third and fourth colimins of table 2 show coefficient estimates from regressions with \og(Qs) as a dependent variable for comparison. The results are similar. for impact of taxing online for the between online and sales offline retail —the implicit assumption is that achieving tax parity should have a similar effect regardless of whether it is achieved by increasing online taxes or by decreasing offline taxes. The extra customers our ple be coming from three retailers, firm attracts in states with high sales tax rates could in prinici- sources: from other online they might otherwise have purchased from traditional retailers, or not at Few all. of our e-retailer's online competitors are in any particular state (other than California), so very be taken from online home retailers in the customer's little state. most could be people who otherwise would have chosen not would require a highly elastic aggregate demand must be substantial substitution between online The coefficient on the California what we have estimated erogeneity. What would we OfflineSalesTaxRate to brick and mortar would expect covariates. is its is dummy for retail to of the added demand could It also seems unlikely that buy memory, because and provides additional support for the view that a tax effect and not an artifact of unobserved state-level hetpredict about our firm's sales to California stores in California — its when selling in California. The estimate on still sales. The estimated 67% states that this coefficient on implausible that an effect of this magnitude could be due to an for online shopping on the part of Californians. the ShippingTime variable provides some shipping to the destination state coefficients —we lower than sales to weak evidence that geography matters on the Internet. Sales are estimated to be reduced by about 10% The sales tax One would expect California indicates that sales to California customers are about unobserved distaste must pay relative Second, our firm has a disadvantage disadvantage would lead to an additional reduction in It is the coefflcient on no tax advantage California customers (California sales are taxed at 7.25%.) states. if be about 35% lower than one would otherwise predict given state relative to non-California e-retailers comparable conclude that there offline retail. truly a tax effect? First, since our firm has sales to We memory. -^^ this is UPS ground one day longer. on the other control variables seem reasonable. where the fraction of residents with Internet access ^^The regressions of quantity on the log of the lowest suggest that the elasticity of aggregate if demand with listed price respect to price 10 is higher. Sales are higher in We cannot reject that reported in Ellison and Ellison (2004) may be close to one. the coefficient home of people with ratio one, which would correspond with sales being proportional to the is Internet access. The might be expected to have either coefficient sign: on the computer store-gas station both interest in computers and reflects it The estimated the availability of computer parts at traditional retail stores. Population positive but not statistically significant. aggregate Potential reasons sales. population is an imperfect proxy why is number coefficient is obviously a strong determinant of the coefficient might be less than one include that market for the potential size (which is affected business activity, and other factors), and that larger population states by income, may have better offiine retail. The second column of Table 2 presents coefficient estimates 256MB memory modules for as the from a regression with orders dependent variable. These results are very similar: sales are substantially higher in states that levy higher sales taxes on traditional retail purchases; sales are sales; notably lower in California; there is weak evidence that shipping times may affect the effects of the other demographic variables are similar. The third and fourth columns of Table 2 report demand regressions with \og{Quantity) s as the depedent variable. estimates obtained via The OLS results are quite similar to those from the negative binomial regressions. Demand 3.3 The fact that at different price levels we have data on goods sold at different prices provides an additional oppor- tunity to gain insights into consumer behavior: on sales of expensive we can compare the effects of sales taxes and inexpensive products. What would we expect to find in such a comparison? A good way to think about this is in terms of a discrete-choice model with heterogeneous preferences for online vs. offline shopping: suppose a consumer of type 9 in market utility Vi^on that the — Pi,on CDF if she buys online and of 6 in market i is Fi. rate increases the effective offline price Pi,offh{Pi,off)dt. differ across The answer is Vi^off — Pi,off{^ + t) + 6 if i gets she buys offline and In such a model, a dt increase in the offline tax by pi^ojjdt and thereby increases online demand by therefore that estimated coefficients on the tax rate products, and whether they do should reflect 11 how may the distribution of consumer preferences for ofHine vs. inexpensive. How we would come from. For example, use vs. 9 online shopping compares for the two products, expensive if expect these distributions to compare depends on where the 9s 6 was primarily determined by a consumer's taste for computer most natural assumption would be that the distribution of driving, then the the would not vary across products. offline and In this case, the sensitivity of onhne demand to the tax rate should be proportional to the product price. Alternatively, the distribution of 9 could arise from heterogeneity in consumers' willingness-to-pay to get the product immediately. In such a case, across products is it would be more natural to assume that what the percentage of the product price that a consumer avoid waiting for the product to arrive. In this case, the density of 9 proportional to the product price, and the sensitivity of online rate sources of variation that can compare the demand mean sales-weighted 128MB module. coefficient estimate for invariant willing to is pay to would be inversely demand to the offline tax would be constant across products. Our dataset has two a is 128MB for 128MB modules price of a Looking us at the first The standard make such comparisons. with the demand for 256MB memory module for 256MB First, of Table 2 256MB modules modules. The is we note that the shghtly larger than that errors, however, are sufficiently large so that reject neither that they are equal nor that they differ we about 60% higher than that of is and second columns on OjflineSalesTaxRate modules. let we can by 60%. Second, we can exploit the substantial time-series variation in prices by comparing de- mand in different the time period they were when they were much The estimates time periods. For example, we look at the cheaper. in the first The demand for over $100 compared with a period a few first two columns of Table 128MB modules months when 3 contain such a comparison. two columns indicate that quantities were more ferences in tax rates in the period later when 128MB modules were more in ^° sensitive to dif- expensive, suggestive that consumers' channel preferences are more likely fixed and not dependent on item price. Again, though, the estimates are not sufficiently precise to allow us to reject equality. The is at the end of our data, whereas the latter is mostly in the summer of 2000. Each of again estimated via a negative binomial regression run on a cross-section containing 51 observations. ^°The former period these is By "obtained from two separate time periods" we mean that the first dependent variable is obtained by summing the hourly sales to each state over the set of hours during which the lowest price on Pricewatch was between 20 and .50 dollars. 12 evidence in the third and fourth column less conclusive. is larger in the high-price period, but the differences are far The on the California results California dummy is dummy larger in the period differences are not significant. are similar. when The point estimate from about is 20% significant. In Table 3 the coefficient on the more expensive, but the the products are In Table 2 the point estimates are not larger for the more expensive product. In summary, the comparisons across products and across times provide quite limited demand being more evidence of items. It sensitive to differences in tax rates for could be that the effect Alternatively, be explained it in with the item is more expensive there and data limitations prevent us from seeing could be that the tax-sensitivity does not vary much. Such a result could two ways. price, as First, it is possible that channel preferences mentioned above. A may be "irrational" explanation would be that consumers may follow For example, the ones high tax states online in and save on the may have sales tax, A itive conditions. simple rules of thumb. generally a good idea to on more expensive items. This variation provides a nice opportunity to gain additional insight into demand and consumer effects of The it is behavior. In this section geography and sales taxes, retail, we use discrete-choice models to substitution between e-retailers, the and consumer sophistication. Motivation analysis in this section is designed to exploit two sources of short-term variation in our data: turnover in the relative price rankings and changes in price levels that are most is second exhibits an unusual degree of short-term variation in compet- explore substitution between online and offline 4.1 learned that fairly A Discrete-Choice Analysis The Pricewatch environment e-retail up but have not developed more sophisticated rules recognizing that the tax savings are larger 4 scaling primary source of onhne-ofHine differentiation could be heterogeneity in the disutility for waiting for online purchases to arrive. buy products it. firms. and why We it briefly discuss each of these to provide should be useful. 13 some intuition for common to what the variation Turnover 4.1.1 Figure we in price rankings a particularly clean example of the type of turnover in the relative price rankings 1 is As see multiple times a day. such, this turnover to estimate aspects of listed on the August Memory consumer behavior. screen of Pricewatch's It of the e-retailers of New Jersey, made shows the twelve 128MB PClOO memory page over the top e-retailers' slot. The of the 9am three columns first at $128, reduced list at its names, their locations, and their prices. The California, respectively, Recall that we observe would pay sales for if sales price its of Virginia, price to $111 site and took but which consumers could compute in New Jersey, Virginia, e-retailers.^^ two websites. However, we observe not fact, crucial for our estimation strategy. just total sales along with the turnover in relative price To illustrate, consider first the case where by every firm into every state every hour. One could assess whether consumers pay attention to tax differences by looking sales into New Jersey at at 11am. A at whether UpgradePlanet was making many 11am than Coast-to-Coast was making whether Coast-to-Coast was making more was making 9am, raised they purchased from each of the but sales into each state at each hour. This is Coast-to-Coast fourth through the sixth columns from the given information: the tax-inclusive prices that customers more e-retailers show information presented on Pricewatch: the contain numbers not presented on the Pricewatch we had exploit 9am and 11am on from the top twelve by 11am. UpgradePIanet.com which was on the second page rankings, at price changes between these two times. which offered the lowest price of $112 sufficiently so as to disappear and how we can 2000. 1, Two first provides a nice illustration of it sales into Virginia at at 9am, and at 9am then UpgradePlanet preference for buying from nearby firms could, of course, offset the tax disadvantage. Geographic preference, however, could be separately identified in many look at whether UpgradePlanet ways. One could in states bordering New is or is than Coast-to-Coast had Jersey and more in states bordering North Carolina. use data from other points in time to look at an Oregon firm sells less how market not present at the top of the ^'A consumer, of course, would need to know are only assessed on in-state sales to make list. shares in Oregon change (Oregon has no his or her local sales tax rate this calculation. 14 One could and the sales tax.) when One fact that sales taxes Price Price Information on Pricewatch Price into NJ into VA State Website Pricewatch ranking at 9:01am EDT 112 118.72 112 NJ Coast-to-Coast Memory113 CA 113 113 Connect Computers 114 114 114 FL Computer Craft 115 CA 115 115 Advanced PCBoost 116 116 CA 116 1st Choice Memory 117 CA 117 117 Jazz Technology 117 Memplus.com CA 117 117 CA 119 119 119 Portatech CA 120 120 120 Augustus Technology 120 120 EconoPC IL 120 Advanced Vision Computer Super Sale CA UpgradePlanet.com Connect Computers VA 121 121 122 122 IL Pricewatch ranking at 11:01am Computer Craft Advanced PCBoost Augustus Technology EconoPC IL Advanced Vision Computer Super CA 1st Choice Memory Memplus.com Portatech 1: FL CA CA CA CA CA CA Jazz Technology Figure CA Sale IL 111 113 114 115 116 117 117 119 120 120 121 122 121 122 into CA 112 121.64 114 123.80 124.87 125.95 125.95 128.10 129.18 120 130.26 122 EDT 111 115.99 113 114 115 116 113 114 115 116 117 117 119 120 120 121 122 117 117 119 120 120 121 122 Price 111 121.64 114 123.80 124.87 125.95 125.95 128.10 129.18 120 130.26 122 Sample Pricewatch rankings: 128MB PClOO memory modules on August 15 1, 2000 could also examine tax effects controlling for geographic preferences by looking at relative magnitudes: does the $6.72 tax that Coast-to-Coast must levy effect than the $4.99 tax that UpgradePlanet must levy Our quantity data all sumers react to limited: we observe in Virginia? sales for only in different competitive enviromnents: the reactions changes in the demand To think about how puters.^^ more Jersey have a larger two websites rather than This limitation, however, should not prevent us from examining how con- websites. be reflected are New in this works, mentioned above would which we do have data. for the websites for suppose that our sales data were from Connect Com- At 9am Connect Computers' tax-inclusive price for New Jersey residents than that of any other website. At 11am Connect Comptuters' tax-inclusive price Jersey residents taxes at is only the second lowest. Accordingly, we would expect Connect Computers' 11am. Similarly, its sales into Virginia estimate tax effects controlling for a increase in Connect's Virginia sales. A New Jersey to be higher at state preference New lower for New consumers pay attention to sales would be higher home tude of the 9am-llam drop in Connect's sales into if is at 11am than by looking at 9am. how at can 9am-llam sales at 11 am will teach us about substitution between retailers: shipping times from We the magni- Jersey sales compares with the comparison of Connect's California 9am than 9am and New Jersey and Virginia to California are the same, so the comparison should help us learn how many from the second-lowest to the low-priced firm when the low-priced firm consumers shift reduces its price by one dollar. 4.1.2 Within-week changes The second in price levels useful source of variation in our data e-retail prices. Traditional retailers is common prices to advertise prices for do not change is within-week changes in the their prices frequently. In particular, it memory modules in weekly sales circulars, so that the remain constant each week from Sunday-Saturday. The in contrast, are highly volatile. Many level of prices listed e-retailers hold essentially on Pricewatch, no inventory and pass on wholesale price changes almost immediately. Figure 2 provides an illustration. Connect Computers is, in fact, The thin line is the lowest price on Pricewatch for not one of the websites from which we have data. 16 a 128MB PClOO memory module. ^'^ There are many instances where the price changes substantially over the course of a week. between Sunday, September from $89 to $78. If 17, Usually these are price decreases. For example, 2000 and Saturday, September 23, 2000, the price dropped consumers are rational and are close substitutes), then one fully informed (and online and would expect that an online retailer Saturday than they had on the previous Sunday. Prices also between Monday, November increased from $42 to $53. 20, would sell rise at times. offline retail more on this For example, 2000 and Friday, November 24, 2000, the onhne price In such a week, one would expect that online retailers do worse on Friday and Saturday than they had on Sunday and Monday. would Our data are well-suited to examine such predicitons. Online and Offline Prices: 128MB PC100 Memory 140 120 100 - U May-00 Jul-OG Sep-00 Nov-00 Jan-01 Mar-01 May-01 Date Low Pricewatch Figure 2: Price Online and Offline Prices: BestBuy Price 128MB PClOO memory modules To make the two price series more comparable, the shipping and handhng fee that Pricewatch, $11, has been added to the listed price. 17 is standard on Toward the end of our sample period we collected price data from the largest traditional electronics of the figure a graph of these prices. is (and data from more retailers), we could we had prices and employ a similar data for our entire sample period try to estimate online-ofHine substitution by using We the price gap as a primary explanatory variable. sample period, however, so we a comparable product BestBuy.^^ The bold line on the right side retailer, If for do not have these data will just estimate the effect of for most of our within-week changes in online set of time trends to control for longer-term trends in the online-offline price gap. 4.2 Methodology Let Nsht be the number of consumers in state module in hour h of day s from the twenty-four t whose prices we observe. Assume that consumer purchasing a particular type of memory 256MB modules) websites (or twelve for /c's utility if he purchases from website i is Uiksht = PiiPricCiht + P^SalesTaXisht) + PsShippingTimeis jiiH omeStateis where SalesTax is of results, is and a Cifc, the sales tax in dollars due on the purchase, ShippingTime ground shipping time, HomeState SecondScreen + P^SecondScreeriiht + dummy eik is is a dummy variable for whether website indicating whether website a logit random i hand variable independent of the right rn^gi i formula conditional on the total number Our dataset only contains number ^""The of for the number of consumers in state s product, is in state s, side variables this expression, we buying from website of purchases Nght'- sales from two particular websites. It does not contain the consumers purchasing from other websites, from traditional BestBuy UPS introduced below). Writing Xght for the vector of attributes on the right hand side of logit is the only appears on the second screen (and of the additional right hand side variables and the error have the familiar i is a branded product that may be the onhne price data. 18 retailers, or not at of higher quality than the products covered by all. The total number of consumers buying through Pricewatch by a number affected is there are clear day-of-week and hour-of-day effects; Internet use of factors: is climbing over our sample period; there are substantial price declines that should increase aggregate demand; there is price effects with the size of the potential by past prices. Our data approach we take demand AT- ^^ sht — where is is — will not allow us to separately identify all of these effects. simply to specify a flexible functional form for the we assume YiMinPTiceiit+'y2SundayPriceht+13Weekendt+'i4TimeTrendlt + ---+^7TiTneTrend4t i ' ^5 is a state fixed effect to be estimated, g^ Sunday, Weekendt is a weekend dummy, is an hour-of-day fixed Sunday Priccht the is TimeTrend trends with slopes changing every ninety days, and rjfist is The aggregate Pricewatch ^sHh^ the lowest price listed on Pricewatch, Vhst, Minpriceht effect, the price on the most recent variables allow for linear time a have mean zero conditional on the right hand side variables We intertemporal at a given time being affected consumer pool that could reflect each of the effects. Specifically, r may be variation in the online-offline price gap; and there random error term assumed to in this equation. ^^ estimate the model via nonlinear least squares, using hour-website-destination state sales as the dependent variable. The model could in principal be estimated on the 800,000 observation datasets obtained by using sales to each of the fifty-one states in each of the approximately 7900 hours by each of the two websites as the observations. Some states, however, account for a very small portion of the sales in our dataset. Other states account for a nontrivial Pricewatch. number Data on because consumers paying sales tax. preferences, and It of purchases, but rarely or never have an in-state firm listed on sales to such states will not help us in estimating tax sensitivities in these states can purchase from any websites on the would provide information on interfirm price online-offline substitution, but the first elasticities, list without home-state two of these can be estimated ^^Note that we do not include an "outside good" in the discrete-choice set eis one might do to attempt on aggregate demand. We are thus implicitly assuming, for example, that the total sales by Pricewatch e-retailers to state s are not affected by the states in which the e-retailers are located and the difference between the n"" loweset price and the lowest price. We do this because we have httle data to estimate such effects, think they must be small, and prefer a more parsimonious model in which fewer coefficients are used to capture aggregate demand effects. Reasons why any inclusive- value effects would be hard to find include that prices on Pricewatch are almost always tightly bunched, and that, in any state other than California, having more than one or two e-retailers on the list from that state is extremely rare. to estimate the effect of a logit-inclusive value 19 precisely with sales to a smaller set of states. We decided to reduce the computational burden by carrying out our analysis on a smaller dataset containing hourly websites in just ten states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, sales by our two Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. We carry out the estimation four times to obtain independent estimates using data on 128MB PCIOO each of the four products: modules, and 256MB PC133 hand why it is we think this With regard is that a substantial part of price variation is particular hour on a particular day being a seventh lowest price. With regard to relative prices in the choice- a very reasonable assumption and a major is the Pricewatch environment reason 256MB PClOO modules, not necessary to use instruments for the prices on side of the above equations. between-retailers equation, 128MB PC133 modules. Note that we are assuming that the right modules, We a nice one to study. find it implausible driven by information the firms have about a good time to have the third as opposed to the to the prices in the aggregate demand equation, one could worry more about endogeneity. These estimates are not our primary focus, however, so we are willing to think of than as demand Table 4 reports The as coefficients Statistics summary unit of observation is statistics separately for number particular hour to one particular state The dramatic maximums in question. about $70 memory modules. sell for of is 128MB PClOO modules 0.013."^ Price is sold by a website 128MB modules and about Our firm's MinPrice 128MB average rank on the Pricewatch is $140 for the 256MB one modules. minimums and the lowest price listed on Pricewatch in the hour prices are about $2 to $4 higher than this list is in the price charged by our websites. price declines that occurred over the year are visible in the for this variable. memory zero in a typical hour, average sales figures at this level are quite low. For example, the average prices are each of the four types of an hour-state- website. Given that our websites modules to a typical state Mean on reduced-form control variables rather elasticities. Summary 4.3 them sixth. on average. The average gap between our We count a single order of multiple memory modules as having quantity one. period, our firm limited purchases of memory modules to one per order. 20 firm's Its 256MB For most of our time price and the lowest available price is Much larger. Our firm offered these modules at a very low price. PSunday the average value of is MinPrice — PSunday statistics for mean is The mean price difference for PC133. Again, there a maximum We is of $36 for is due to a period when one firm's average rank the most recent Sunday. is 256MB modules is sales tax PC133 modules! (These 3% Approximately would be paid if This minimum in our estimation, so of the listed websites are in-state buying from an in-state firm -$2.07 for of -$51 and figures are correct.) consumers they bought from an in-state firm (except if The summary PClOO and -$1.39 for in the ten states considering would not need to pay sales tax to buy from our websites. pay sixth. well under a dollar but the standard deviation a lot of variation around those means, with a do not include California about is still give a feel for the within-week price volatility. 128MB modules price difference for large. MinPrice on of this is They would need who those for we are live in to Oregon). The average tax that on average. $7.04. Basic Results 4.4 Table 5 presents coefficient estimates obtained by performing separate nonlinear least 128MB PClOO, 128MB squares estimations on the data for each of the four products: PC133, 256MB PClOO, and 256MB PC133. In many ways, the four sets of results are quite similar. The most (as basic fact about the Pricewatch environment we previously noted in is that -0.82. The estimate for 128MB PClOO memory example, corresponds to an own-price elasticity of -33 (holding sample means). The estimates are extraordinarily when our The firm raises coefficients its price (or is watch over our sample period. The coefficient that that overall demand was growing in the first three months of our all at significant. undercut) on the time-trend variables are obtained by adding intensely competitive Elhson and Ellison (2004)). The coefficients on Price columns range from -0.47 to occurs it is is The illustrate the 2% modules, for variables fixed at their decrease in demand growth (and decline) of Pricein the first per day (equivalent to sample (May- August, 2000). Growth rates column 60% indicates per month) for later periods of the earlier coefficients. This suggests that sales decreased 21 that so large as to be impossible to miss. on TimeTrendl about all in the four 40% per month in the fall of 2000, per month in the spring of 2001. were the winter 2000-01, and flat in Growth an additional 20% fell rates for the other three products are similar, suggesting these patterns are not just product-specific fluctuations. Figure 3 presents a graph of the hour dummies. ^^ picks They up substantially between 7am and 11am, continues past the normal workday, remains at about off substantially until availability may be 80% of at peak value indicate that online shopping approximately the 11am until midnight, level and then drops Gam. The large number of late-night purchases suggests that greater an important factor differentiating e-retail from traditional retail. Intraday Sales Pattern: 128MB PC1 00 Modules 0.30 Time Figure 4.5 3: Intraday Sales Pattern; 128MB PClOO memory modules Taxes Recall that in our the basis of Price of one on the demand specification + P2SalesTax, SalesTax consumers are assumed to evaluate products on with SalesTax measured coefficient would correspond which consumers care only about their in dollars. Hence, an estimate to the standard rational total expenditure and an estimate model of zero in would ^''Recall that we simply set these to the sample mean quantities for each hour rather than making them part of the nonlinear least squares estimation. Sample means are computed on a time-zone adjusted basis with the times of all purchases being recorded from the consumer's perspective. 22 ' correspond to consumers The most who are entirely insensitive to tax differences.'^^ general conclusion we draw from the four sets of results that consumers pay is attention to sales ta:xes than the standard rational model predicts. less the four columns are 0.05 Note that the first (s.e. 0.12), 0.38 (s.e. 0.15), 0.10 (s.e. 0.09), The estimates in and 1,27 (s.e. 0.64). three are significantly different from unity while the second and last are significantly different from zero. attention to taxes but not as We much interpret this as evidence that consumers are paying as price differences of a similar magnitude. These effects are not very precisely estimated, though. It is important to note that the fact that consumers pay than to price differences does not imply that sales taxes are not important. if variable was 0.3, our estimates would be that a firm that must its sales collect a 6% sales tax would decline by about 60%. Geography 4.6 Geography enters our demand model possiblity that consumers will Our consumers the coefficient on the SalesTax are extraordinarily sensitive to price differences, so even have tax differences less attention to may in prefer to two ways. buy from First, ShippingTime allows e-retailers in have faster delivery times with standard ground shipping. such an effect in these regressions: these significant. is If price coefficients, one for the nearby states because they We fail to find evidence of only two of the four estimates are negative; only one of one thinks about the magnitudes of these estimates relative to the would conclude that any geographic effects are small. A coefficient of 0.1 on the ShippingTime variable would mean that reducing the shipping time by one day comparable to reducing the price by about 20 is regressions provided some evidence cents. Recall that our cross sectional of a shipping time effect, in contrast to what we find here. Second, we included the HomeState may have an dummy to allow for the possibility that additional preference for buying from in-state firms. Here, we consumers get consistent ^^There are clearly other "rational" models in which the coefficient would be greater than or less than An example of the former is if price is a signal of quality so that a high price-zero tax offer is preferable to a low price-high tax offer with the same total expenditure. Examples of the latter would be a model in which consumers benefit from taxes collected by their state government or have nonselfish preferences and thereby gain from payments to local firms and/or governments. one. 23 results showing that geography does matter. and positive significant. The magnitudes home-state preference will roughly consumers pay differences in prices, also it a two dollar price difference. Price coefhcient imphes that the home-state preference then the home-state preference or less. The finding that the HomeState the -0.5, is coefHcient will outweigh the sales- if the SalesTax coefficient is 1.0 and the tax rate is is 6%, outweigh the tax disadvantage on items costing $100 will home In light of our attention to difference in sales taxes than to less tax disadvantage on moderately priced items. For example, 0.33, the coefficient estimates are of the coefficient estimates indicate that the offset earlier estimates that Three of the four state preference nearly strong enough to outweigh the is tax-disadvantage of buying from an in-state firm contrasts with our earlier finding that our firm sells much less in California than in other states. home state preference while others 4.7 Online-Offline Substitution As noted above, the within-week examine do possible that is when will offline prices are constant over the course of a move one-for-one with changes MinPrice — PSunday. separately in the equation for the The MinPrice tion. two Note that rccisons: consumers it variable may aggregate Our estimates demand (as Our number of online consumers. number will of consumers buying memory on Pricewatch be higher when the price opposed of offline) when of this coefficient are highly significant about We demand -2 for the in the lowest price available specification includes these two variables uct classes: a one-dollar decrease in the price of a the total in the online price. In the lowest price available on Pricewatch in the hour in ques- affect the buy online will is states enjoy not. terms of the variables defined above, the within-week change on Pricewatch some variation in the online price provides an opportunity to online-offline substitution: week, the online-offline price gap It is at Pricewatch retailers by 128MB modules and about is lower; and a higher share of the online-offline price gap is is estimated to increase about 3%. This corresponds with an 256MB modules (at the elasticity mean take this result as suggestive of substantial online-offline substitution, because unlikely that the aggregate demand for memory modules 24 wider. and consistent across the four prod- memory module -4 for the for is so elastic. One prices). it seems piece of evidence to this effect memory in result in a is prices much P Sunday is DRAM manufacturers led to a rougly 400% that collusion between May between December 2001 and smaller price increase aggregate if of 2002.^^ demand was increase Optimal collusion would so elastic. One would the lowest price hsted on Pricewatch on the most recent Sunday. expect higher values of this variable to be associated with higher sales through Pricewatch for two reasons: it should be associated with a higher interested in buying memory at the current price Our estimates on the 128MB modules provide significant in Among two of the four estimations, but offline price; and the pool may be larger when past of consumers prices were higher. PSunday httle evidence of either effect. one of the significant estimates is is negative. the potential explanations for our inability to find the predicted effects are that our data are limited, that consumers may not be reacting strongly to transient differences in onhne-ofHine prices because they are unaware of them, and that there of a customer-pool effect because few consumers consider purchasing may not be much at multiple points in time. Conclusion 5 In this paper we have examined a cross-sectional analysis of demand at Internet retail demand demand using two in different states different approaches: and a discrete-choice analysis of an hourly frequency. The two analyses exploit separate sources of variation in the data: the state-level analysis ignores all of the variation in competitive conditions; and the discrete-choice analysis uses state fixed effects to absorb any persistent factors like tax rates. Our most activity. Our basic conclusion on sales taxes state-level regressions show is that they are an important driver of e-retail clearly that sales are higher in states that levy higher sales taxes on traditional retail purchases. so little in some California artifact of in that is strong evidence that what The we fact that the websites are picking up is unobserved heterogeneity. The environment we study consumers are highly savvy and price-sensitive, but in this sell a tax effect and not is somewhat unusual environment ^^The largest manufacturers reached agreements with the DOJ in 2004 to 2006. milhon in fines and jail time for senior executives at Infineon, Hynix, and Samsung. 25 we study at least, These included $700 we would agree with Goolsbee's (2001) conclusion that applying sales taxes to e-retail sales demand by could reduce e-retail one-quarter or more. inconsistent with this conclusion, but We find that consumers do not pay to differences in pre-tax prices is as a little much Our discrete-choice analysis The effects attention to differences in taxes as they do when choosing between Taxes do matter to e-retailers. do state-level analysis indicates that they can geography matters in still e-retail. The websites sales to states that are closer to California in a shipping-time metric. do not find an analogous effect, however, in our discrete-choice analysis. find consistently in the discrete-choice analysis buying from in-state We e-retailers. geographic differentiation. It think this is is One thing we that consumers have a preference for an interesting result on the sources of has implications for market structure that would what one would obtain from thinking about shipping times. about purchasing from their home state could lead to a many are, on consumer behavior. we study make more We not surprising in light of our earlier results. consumers, though, and given how tightly distributed prices in this market have large is less A differ from world where consumers care concentrated e-retail sector with small firms, whereas a world where consumers do not have a home-state preference but do care about shipping times could lead to a sector dominated by a few large firms that effectively use distributed warehouses to minimize both shipping times and sales tax liabilitites. A couple of our results suggest that there offline retail. Most away from we identify in the state-level analysis traditional retail. Similarly, of prices on the total Pricewatch effects substantial substitution between online and Accordingly, most of states have few e-retailers listed on Pricewatch. the tax-demand relationship substitution is demand and hence must be coming we think of our estimate of the effect as being too large to be at least in part must be coming from due to market expansion from online-offline substitution. We do not, however, find convincing evidence of short-term online-offline substitution from our analysis of recent past prices. Taken together we rationality. see our results as suggesting that there are hmitations to In each of the dimensions we analyze, there quite easy for consumers to recognize and some that 26 are are consumer some considerations that are more subtle or would entail more A costly information aquisition. general theme that appears to emerge from our analysis is that consumers are closer to the traditional rational ideal on the easier tasks. In terms of sales taxes, for example, quite easy for consumers, in high tax states, it is buying things online saves on taxes, and we find especially, to learn the general principle that clear evidence sales being higher in high tax states. more expensive items is larger for is a little more more expensive items indicates that consumers do not prices and sales taxes. subtle, in our It is intuitive might lead to such a result if the state in which each firm is Our less clear. rate-sensitivity discrete-choice analysis also one-for-one tradeoff between differences in item that the way that data is presented on Pricewatch consumers are boundedly rational. Pricewatch's is be larger on will and the evidence on whether tax data make a That the tax benefit located so that a consumer who understood lists includes that taxes would only be assessed on in-state purchases (and knew his local sales tax rate) could compute the sales taxes, but taxes are not presented to the consumer and the the basis of the pre-tax price. In this vein it is lists are always sorted on noteworthy that Brynjolfsson and Smith's —they find that react twice as strongly to tax differences as they do to item price differences — were obtained an environment which taxes are explicity (2001) contrasing estimates in presented to consumers in a list that is in sorted on the basis of tax-inclusive prices. ^'^ Similar patterns exist in the other dimensions of behavior ences we study are stable over time. This should tax states to learn that purchasing online memory module prices on Pricewatch is is make it a good idea. highly unusual. we consider. The tax differ- very easy for consumers in high The high-frequency We find it volatility of plausible that we may have a harder time finding consumer reactions to these short run price movements because (a) "rational" consumers with information acquisition costs may not have invested in up- to-date infomation on the evolution of the online-offline price gap over the last few days, or (b) "boundedly rational" consumers stores' "stale" prices when may not have figured out that they can exploit retail there has been a very recent run up in online prices. The environment we study is somewhat special. The consumers shopping through Hossain and Morgan (2006) find that consumers do not fully take shipping costs into account in a field experiment involving selling items on eBay. A commonality between shipping costs in their experiment and tax diff'erences on Pricewatch is that the shipping cost differences were easily available in the item descriptions, but some effort would have been required to learn the differences. neatly-designed 27 Pricewatch are more technically savvy than most and we presume They are presented with more complete data on competing fact that fact that it effects that are on offline prices not so different from those on consumer rationality may also make easier to generalize in a model where a may we would it can be avoided, see in other environments. Limitations easier to generalize fraction of is standard. What our suggestion that discrete-choice models come buy. Quantity data and the from our results: it is much consumers always buy online to save on way on the number of dollars for instance. Technically, our analysis quantity data for one firm. in sales taxes lead to tax- and online-offline substitution taxes than in a model where behavior depends in a complex in taxes that price offers than are usually Pricewatch does not compute or highlight differences lacks information price sensitive. environment might not be so unrepresentative. available. In other dimensions, however, the The much more Price data for are much harder could perhaps be more broadly useful may be all usefully apphed of the firms in a to obtain. is to datasets containing market are fairly easy to There may, however, be many other situations like ours where quantity data could be obtained from one firm. (This could even be done in a field experiment.) Our example explore interfirm competition. 28 suggests that this may be a fruitful way to References Kattuman, and John Morgan (2005). 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Shopping Area Market Attraction," Journal of 30 "A Disaggregate Model Retailing, 60 (1), 65-83. for Predicting Variable Mean St.Dev Min Max Quantityl28 Quantity256 OfftineSales TaxRate Internet Access 203.5 176.0 19.0 762.0 85.6 84.3 5.0 391.0 0.057 0.021 0.000 0.084 0.57 0.07 0.41 0.70 3.89 0.92 1.50 5.00 CcrmputeT Stores GasStations 0.092 0.034 0.041 0.184 \og{Population) 15.02 1.04 13.11 17.33 ShippingTime Table 1; Summary statistics for state-level regressions 31 Product/Estimation Method OfftineSales TaxRate California Shipping Time Internet Access Computer Stores GasStations \og{ Population) 128MB 256MB 128MB 256MB 5.96 6.33 6.08 7.47 (2.16) (2.59) (2.39) (2.71) -1.03 -0.84 -1.01 -0.85 (4.01) (3.21) (3.18) (2.46) -0.10 -0.07 -0.09 -0.05 (2.04) (1.32) (1.64) (0.82) 1.89 1.04 1.86 0.91 (2.62) (1.25) (2.32) (1.06) 1.90 4.39 1.94 5.05 (1.11) (2.29) (0.98) (2,36) 0.85 0.89 0.87 0.91 (20.54) (18.98) (18.51) (17.88) OLS OLS Neg. Binomial Estimation Observations 51 51 R^ Note: The 51 51 0.93 0.93 two columns report estimates from negative binomial regressions with first Quantity 1 28 a,nd Quantity 25 6 as dependent variables. The third and fourth columns present estimates from related OLS regressions with the \og{Quantity) as the dependent variable, i-statistics in parentheses. Table 2: State-level regressions Product/Sample Period Product: Price-based sample SalesTaxRate California ShipTime Internet Access Computer Stores GasStations Log {Population) Note: The variable is 256MB 128MB $20-$50 $100-h $20-$50 $100-)- 4.22 7.32 7.43 8.89 (1.74) (2.95) (2.26) (2.62) -0.92 -1.39 -0.62 -0.74 (3.26) (6.29) (2.24) (2.37) -0.10 -0.15 -0.00 0.01 (1.88) (2.79) (0.01) (0.13) 1.13 3.67 -0.69 1.97 (1.38) (4.32) (0.62) (1.63) 1.05 1.61 5.59 6.25 (0.55) (0.88) (2.24) (2.38) 0.85 0.94 0.80 0.85 (18.05) (19.26) (13.20) (12.91) table reports estimates from negative binomial regressions. the number The dependent when the of orders received from each state during the time period lowest price listed on Pricewatch was in the specified range, i-statistics in parentheses. Table 3: State-level regressions examining sales in different time periods 32 Mean Variable Min St.Dev Max Mean 128MB PCIOO St.Dev Min Max 128MB PC133 Quantity 0.013 0.118 4 0.010 0,105 Price 65.52 34.56 21 123 74.11 36.70 21 131 MinPrice 61.71 33.46 20 122 71.72 37.27 20 131 6.5 4.1 1 21 6.0 4.5 1 21 3.54 -16 16 Rank MinPrice — P Sunday -0.24 3.30 Number -13 13 -0.33 Num. of Obs.: 154070 256MB PCIOO Quantity Price 0.004 0.068 129.98 65.10 MinPrice 120.19 5.9 -1.39 Rank MinPrice — PSunday 4: Summary Obs.: 133310 256MB PC133 3 0.007 0.091 43 258 146.17 79.27 39 291 58.29 43 215 135.24 75.54 39 269 3.1 1 12 6.3 3.05 1 12 5.12 -18.75 35 -2.07 8.21 -51 36 Number Table 2 of Obs.: 120420 Num. Obs.: 124520 statistics for individual-level regressions 33 4 Product 128MB PCIOO 128A'IB 256MB 256MB PC133 PCIOO PC133 Variables affecting choices between sites Price SalesTax HomeState ShippingTime SecondScreen -0.53 -0.82 -0.49 -0.47 (33.16) (28.64) (20.39) (28.37) 0.05 0.38 0.10 1.27 (0.37) (2.52) (1.07) (1.98) 1,24 1.31 1.13 1.23 (3.69) (2.92) (2.31) (1.19) 0.14 -0.02 -0.06 -0.11 (2.34) (0.30) (0.74) (2.01) -1.58 0.61 (1.05) (0.18) Variables affecting total Pricew^atch Weekend -0.43 -0.34 demand -0.31 -0.80 (10.88) (7.36) (4.11) (11.41) -0.03 -0.03 0.00 -0.03 (5.51) (4.47) (0.19) (9.27) 0.001 0.003 -0.033 0.015 (0.17) (0.49) (4.67) (3.29) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 (5.29) (6.93) (4.71) (3.37) -0.03 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 (4.89) (3.98) (4.25) (3.68) 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 (4.78) (0.17) (0.53) (1.50) TimeTrendA -0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.01 (5.84) (2.85) (6.36) (8.23) Observations 154070 133310 120420 124520 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.04 MinPrice PSunday TimeTrendl TimeTrend2 TimeTrendS i?2 Note: Dependent variables are number of distinct customers in each of ten states ordering from each of websites A and B in each of approximately 7900 hours. contain state and website dummies, ^-statistics are in parentheses. Table 5: Discrete-choice model of hourly sales of (}(}k kS 34 memory modules Regressions also in ten states I hi)HlLllL.ll-iidJlftJi i^iii ^',.iiiiriiiiiiHU''.i»t!iin'iiitB liiirtli! ^siiii! •r'.'W .liiiii"' ^mmm iilli ft'JIIlra