Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/informationdynamOOange '[DEWEY HB31 .M415 no-0-% Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Information Dynamics Multiplicity in of and Global Equilibrium Games Regime Changes^ George-Marios Angeletos Christian Hellwig Alessandro Pavan Working Paper 04-42 December 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without c harge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=634381 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PEB 1 2005 LIBRARIES Information Dynamics and Equilibrium Multiplicity in Global Games George-Marios Angeletos MIT and . Regime Change* Christian Hellwig Alessandro Pavan UCLA Northwestern University chxis@econ.ucla.edu alepavanOnorthwestern. edu NBER angeletSmit edu of December 2004 Abstract Global games of regime change - that which a status quo is been used to study political change. We abandoned once a crises may coordination games of incomplete information in sufficiently large fraction of agents attacks phenomena such as currency attacks, extend the static benchmark examined to accumulate information over time namics is, and take actions lead to multiple equilibria under the in the literature many in bank runs, debt periods. it - have crises, and by allowing agents It is shown that dy- same information assumptions that guarantee uniqueness in the static benchmark. Multiplicity originates in the interaction between the arrival of information over time and the endogenous change that the regime survived past attacks. in beliefs induced by the knowledge This interaction also generates interesting equilibrium properties, such as the possibility that fundamentals predict the eventual regime outcome but not the timing or the number of attacks, or that dynamics alternate between crises and phases of tranquillity without changes in fundamentals. JEL Codes: C7, D7, D8, F3. Keywords: Global games, coordination, multiple "For helpful comments, we thank Andy equilibria, information dynamics, crises. Atkeson, Pierpaolo Battigalli, Alberto Bisin, V.V. Chari, Patrick Kehoe, Alessandro Lizzeri, Kiminori Matsuyama, Stephen Morris, Ivan Werning, and seminar participants at Berkeley, MIT, Northwestern, NYU, UBC, UCLA, Yale, the Minneapolis FRB, and the SED conference. Introduction 1 Coordination games in which a status quo abandoned once a is phenomena. Whereas the earher contributions when from common in the hterature focused on the existence and im- agents can perfectly coordinate with each other, recent work on global games by Carlsson and van has emphasized the number of agents have been used to study a variety of socioeconomic takes an action that favors regime change pHcations of multiple equilibria sufficiently large Damme (1993) and Morris and Shin (1998, 2000, 2001) fragility of this multiplicity to perturbations of the information structure away when knowledge: a unique equilibrium often survives agents observe a payoff-relevant variable, such as the strength of the status quo, with small idiosjnacratic noise. Variants of this uniqueness result have been established in the context of currency crises, bank runs, debt crises, and Most political change.^ abstracting from the possibility that agents regime. For many In this paper, we extend the may have may regime change) or "not attack" regime change in that period static benchmark examined . fundamentals - which is Attacking is sufficiently never is individually optimal high. The game, thus sufficiently by allowing agents a large number any given period, each take an action that favors and only if is is if the probability of abandoned if and only G M, which parametrizes the strength of commonly referred to as the exogenous Instead, as time passes, the agents. 6. tions that guarantee uniqueness in the static is is, status quo, in turn, common knowledge among show that d3mamics may sustain multiple private information quo (that either "attack" the status agents receive noisy private signals about We alternative. In the component of the payoff structure - is in the literature and accumulate information over time. There the fraction of agents attacking exceeds a critical value the status quo. 6 static coordination the option to take multiple shots against the and two possible regimes, the status quo and an agent has a binary choice: he if work assumes a of the applications of interest, however, this possibility seems relevant. to take actions in multiple periods of agents of this equilibria under the same information assump- benchmark, namely that the precision of the agents' high relative to the precision of the common initial prior. Multi- phcity originates in the interaction between two elements: the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks and the In the first arri\'al of new period, agents find private information over time. it dominant to attack for sufficiently low realizations of their private signals. This ensures that, in any equilibrium, regime change takes place in the for sufficiently it common low 9. At any future date, the observation that the status quo certainty that it is not too weak, for otherwise it is still first period in place makes would have collapsed under the first attack. 'See Morris and Shin (1998) for currency crises; Goldstein and Pauzner (2000) and Rochet and Vives (2004) for bank runs; Morris and Shin (2004) and regime switches; Atkeson (2000) and Corsetti, Edmond Guimaraes and Roubini (2004) (2004) for riots 1 for and poUtical change. debt crises; Chamley (1999) for This effect implies that no agent wiUing to attack in any subsequent period is if he expects no other agent to attack. Hence, there always exists an equilibrium in which no attack occurs after the first period. In fact, equilibrium of the game. if no new information were The to arrive over time, this would be the unique possibility to take multiple shots against the regime would then add nothing to the static analysis. However, as agents receive new private signals about 6, the impact of the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks on posterior beliefs eventually vanishes. dependence of posterior prior is beliefs on the initial common relatively aggressive, in the sense that increase in the precision of private information prior also diminishes over time. induces a large attack in the it would induce absence of past attacks. In this case, no action after the In contrast, when the prior is relatively lenient, first less aggressive When the period, the first behavior even in the period remains the unique equilibrium. both the discounting of the prior and the discounting of the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks contribute to possible. For the same reason, the making new attacks eventually Hence, there also exist equilibria where agents take multiple shots against the regime. Indeed, we show number of attacks can be sustained in equilibrium. In the that, unless the benchmark model, we game ends for exogenous reasons assume away the deliberately of attack necessary for regime change varies over time. in finite time, any arbitrary possibility that the critical size This allows us to isolate the effects of changes in information, as opposed to changes in fundamentals, on the dynamics of coordination. Nevertheless, we also show that the multiplicity result the fundamentals - in which case dominant actions volatility of these of the shocks is sufficiently What in posterior beliefs that follows equilibrium We also set, exist in every period - provided that the any equilibriimi by an equilibrium arbitrarily closely in the sustains the multiplicity of equilibria and the corresponding dynamics the combination of the arrival of this shift takes the may robust to the introduction of shocks to small. In the limit, as the volatility vanishes, benchmark model can be approximated with shocks. is new information upward again shift from the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks. That form of a truncation but over time with the endogenous is game in the benchmark model simplifies the construction of the not essential for the multiplicity result. is emphasize that multiplicity does not originate from the presence of exogenous public most signals or the observation of the size of past attacks. Indeed, for away any such source of information private signals over time. What and concentrate on the case whatever the horizon of the game and for Finally, introducing initial prior: we assume which agents receive only the introduction of public news does, dependence of the determinacy of equilibria on the private information. in of the analysis is to "smooth out" the multiple equilibria then exist any prior mean and any relative precision of public and endogenous signals about the size of past attacks - a simple form of (noisy) social learning - does not change the equilibrium dynamics, except for the possibility that the the arrival of endogenous information revealed by the new exogenous information and render size of an attack may substitute for further attacks possible immediately after an unsuccessful one. The either existence of multiple equilibria leads to dynamics that might not have been possible with common knowledge the final regime outcome (e.g., whether a currency may For example, fundamentals or a unique equihbrium. determine eventually devalued) but not the timing and is number of attacks. Moreover, dynamics may take the form of sequences of periods in which attacks can not occur and agents only accumulate information, followed by periods in which an attack possible but does not take place, eventually resulting in a from phases of tranquility to new attack. An economy is can thus transit any change in the underlying economic fundamentals. crises without Below, we discuss the relation of the paper to the pertinent literature. Section 2 then reviews the static benchmark and introduces the dynamic model. Section equilibria. Section 4 establishes the multiplicity result 3 characterizes the set of monotone and discusses equilibrium dynamics. Section 5 examines robustness to the introduction of shocks in the fundamentals. Section 6 introduces public news and signals about past attacks. Section 7 concludes. Proofs omitted in the main text are presented in the Appendix. Related Literature. global games. Heidhues This paper contributes to a small but growing literature on dynamic and Melissas (2003) tarity that suiRces for uniqueness in identify a condition of an investment model; dynamic strategic complemen- this condition is also implicit in Gian- nitsarou and Toxvaerd's (2003) uniqueness theorem for recursive binary-action games. Dasgupta (2002) examines the role of social learning in a two-period investment model with irreversible ac- Levin (2001) considers a global game with overlapping generations of players. Goldstein and tions. Pauzner (2001) and Goldstein (2002) consider models of contagion. Frankel and Pauzner (2000), on the other hand, consider a complete-information dynamic coordination game, where uniqueness is obtained by assuming aggregate shocks and idiosyncratic examines the role of information dynamics in games inertia. None of these papers, however, of regime change. Closer to our analysis, Morris and Shin (1999) consider a dynamic model whose stage is similar to ours, but game where fundamentals follow a random walk and are commonly observed the end of each period. at This reduces the analysis to a sequence of static games with a unique equilibrium. This paper departs from the above literature in that information. In this respect, it considers dynamics as a natural source of shares with Angeletos, Hellwig and Pavan (2003) - which considers the signaling effects of policy in a static may it game - the idea that endogenous information structures overturn uniqueness results in global games and lead to predictions that would have not been possible with either Finally, common knowledge or a unique equilibrium. we share with Chari and Kehoe (2003) the motivation that understanding the dynamics of information may help understand the dynamics we examine the A 2 role of information for coordination. game simple Static 2.1 Model of regime change benchmark There set-up. distributed over The payoff a continuum of agents of measure one, indexed by is take an action that favors regime change) or refrain from attacking. (i.e., structure is illustrated in Table whereas the payoff from attacking least c. The An is is = (a^ where 0), optimal to attack it status quo we denote by A, quo. = otherwise {R agent hence finds and uniformly i Agents move simultaneously, choosing between two actions: they can either [0, 1]. attack the status quo and — c < of crises. However, whereas they focus on herding, in turn The 1. — 1) is 1 payoff from not attacking > c if the status quo is (a^ = 0) is zero, abandoned = (i? c G (0, 1) parametrizes the relative cost of attacking. if and only abandoned if if An he expects regime change with probability and only if 1) at the measure of agents attacking, which greater than or equal to 5 G M, which parametrizes the strength of the status agent's incentive to attack thus increases with the aggregate size of attack, implying that agents' actions are strategic complements.^ Regime Change {A > Attack (oi = Not Attack 1-c 1) {ai Status 6) = Quo {A < 9) -c 0) Table 1. Payoffs Agents have heterogeneous information about the strength of the status quo. Nature 9 from a normal distribution A/'(z, 1//3) agent then receives a private signal Xi and independent of of the common + ^i, where z) /3, , that is, ~ J^ {0, common prior about 9. Each 1/ct) is noise, i.i.d. across agents allow to parametrize the information structure the precision of private information and the precision and Although the game presented above is highly stylized, it and possible applications. The most celebrated examples are runs, currency attacks, and debt crises. role of coordination is bank In these contexts, regime change occurs, respectively, when most evident when 9 pure-strategy equilibria, one in which all is its payments, when a large speculative attack commonly known by agents attack and the status quo which no agent attacks and the status quo is admits a variety self-fulfilling a large run forces the banking system to suspend "The ^j initial draws prior. Interpretation. of interpretations 9 which defines the The Normality assumptions 9. parsimoniously with (a, mean = , first maintained (.4 = < 9). is all agents: for 9 G (0, abandoned {A = 1 > 1], 6) there exist two and another in bank forces the central and creditors is abandon the peg, to for X < for x > X, where x z, Pr solves where x solves Pr Indeed, suppose there The measure — where $ and only if is \{ 9 is decreasing in low signals for sufficiently — namely — namely = c — and not to attack for sufficient high signals < l\x) = c. It is thus natural to look at monotone Bayesian < {9 0\x) is the is M a; < x. < x\9) = = 9 solves 9 It follows that the status quo is if and only A (9) = given by is of the standard Normal. <9, where if such that each agent attacks then decreasing in 9 and c.d.f. Nash non-increasing in x. a threshold x G of agents attacking 9)), abandoned is political change, of an agent's posterior about 9 c.d.f. dominant to attack strictly which the agents' strategy, equilibria in ^{^ya{x it is (9 be interpreted as one of Pr (x j4(^), or equivalently 9^^{^f^{x-9)). The X < (1) posterior probability of regime change for an agent with signal x < Pr(0 X, each agent finds 9\x^. Since the latter is decreasing in x, where x solves Pr(^ < ^|x) = c, it then simply Pr is optimal to attack (i? if = monotone equilibrium always exists and strictly is dominated and only Proposition a > 13/ , and modify the is is is in place static the status quo ait G {0, 1} is impHes and only that, if o: when > 0^1 (x, ^) to (1) (27r) . and (2). Such a solution Moreover, iterated elimination of the monotone equilibrium is unique, there is no in monotone the static game, the equilibrium, is unique if and only if strategies. game discrete and if benchmcirk) In game reviewed above quo repeatedly; second, we Time z (2) conclude that 1 (Static Dyiicimic 2.2 We (27r) strategies all if or equivalently thus identified by a joint solution unique for We other equilibrirmi. is = l|x) $(y^T^(9-^x-43.))=c. A its establishment.'^ Equilibrium analysis. Note that the his private signal x. Moreover, also coordinate fails to whether or not to take actions to subvert a repressive citizens decide some other poHtical dictator or The model can forced to bankruptcy. which a large number of in when a country/company or let two ways: first, and indexed by t G {1,2, is ...}. The game abandoned. in place at the beginning of period the action of agent 'For references, see footnote 1. we allow agents to attack the status agents accumulate information over time. over once the status quo is still in i, and with At £ [0, 1] t, We continues as long as the status quo denote with with Rt = 1 i?f = the event that the alternative event, with the measure of agents attacking in period t. Conditional on the regime being in place at the beginning of period abandoned of the status quo. and his payoff = period {Rt+i in that Agent i's 1) if and only payoff in period from the entire game Kit = is IIj = At if > 9, t = (Rt the regime 0), is where 9 again represents the strength t is O-it {Rt+\ - c) Yl'^i p'~^(l , ~ where p £ Rt)T^it^ (0, 1) is the discount factor. Like in the static model, 9 the common initial X* = 6, where ^u {xir}*,.^i drawn ~ A/'(0, t > l/?yt) is i.i.d. denote agent z's information that the regime own is still private signals i* and own oo every agent 1, across i, in > "* to period /(27r) V£ we and let at lim at —^oo = = = xn + 6 serially uncorrelated. ^u Let Individual actions and the t. t simply consists of the whereas the private history of an agent past actions. Finally, > P and hence the public history in period in place, at up 9, Y1t=i '7'^ '''^^ is the sequence assume that oo. the next section, at parametrizes the precision of private information in period above ensure equilibrium uniqueness in the static game with precision restrictions which defines 1/13), receives a private signal i t As shown game from Af {z, independent of history of private signals size of past attacks are not observable, of at the beginning of the and never becomes common knowledge. Private information, however, In each period evolves over time. about prior, is at, t. The and that private information becomes infinitely precise only in the limit. Remark. While this dynamic game that are absent in the static benchmark; is highly stylized, first, it captures two important dimensions the possibility of multiple attacks against the status By assuming quo; and, second, the evolution of beliefs about the probability of regime change. that per-period payoffs do not depend on past or future actions and by ignoring specific institutional model may of course details, the such as, for fail to capture other interesting effects introduced example, the role of wealth accumulation or liquidity in currency by dynamics, However, crises. abstracting from these other dimensions allows us to isolate information as the driving force for the dynamics of coordination and Equilibrium. In what crises. follows, we limit attention to monotone equilibria, Perfect Bayesian equilibria in which the probability an agent attacks in period abuse of notation we denote with aj(x*), of his own past actions.^ is t, that is, symmetric which with a slight non-increasing in his private signals x* and independent Restricting attention to this class of equilibria suffices to establish our multiplicity results. The possibility that agents observe noisy signals °We do not restrict the set of available strategies: about aggregate past activity we look at equilibria in is considered in Section which these properties are 6. satisfied. Equilibrium characterization 3 Since neither individual nor aggregate actions are observable, and any strategy is in place. It any profile at period and hence strategies are sequentially rational and only payoffs. Finally, define xt and ctj xt_i Xi and ai = rji; if and Xt H cut = any other or other players' actions in if they maximize period-by-period = at + m, aj-i Cat and note that Xt is a sufficient statistic for the agent's private information {xrY^^i with respect to 6 and therefore with respect to regime change as weU. that, in quo by recursively = Xt X* as long as the status foUows that behefs are pinned down by Bayes' rule in any relevant history of the game. own — always compatible with is no agent can detect out-of-equilibrium play i,^ Furthermore, payoffs in one period do not depend on with xi = -Rt We conclude any monotone equiUbrium, e arg at{i^) max = {(Pr [Rt+i l\xt, Rt = 0] - c) a} (3) , ae[o,i] where Pr [•] is pinned down by Bayes' rule using {at (Oli^i • This also implies that, in any equilibrium of the djmamic game, agents play in period as in the static game his private signal high. The Lemma following {±00} and (ii) The 9 > which they can attack only sufficiently in that period: low and the status quo lemma shows is exactly an agent attacks if and only and only is sufficiently maintained if if 6 if that a similar property applies to subsequent periods.^ For any monotone equilibrium, there 1 (i) at is in 1 is a sequence {xj,^^}^^!, where x^ £ E = RU 9l_i G (0, 1), such that: any t > l,an agent attacks the status quo is in place at fact that the status 9t_i- Since 9t_i attacks in period t > > 2, 9^ in > quo if Xt any is 0, this < x^and t > 2 if does not attack and only in place in period t if Xt if 9 > df_-^. > 2 makes > it ar^; common certainty that implies that there always exist equilibria in which which case Xj = — cx) and equilibrium in which an attack takes place in period 1 9^ = 9^_-y. and never nobody In particular, there exists an after. If this were always the unique equilibrium, the possibility to take repeated actions against the regime would add nothing to the static analysis in the static and the equilibrium outcome in the dynamic game would coincide with that benchmark. In what follows we thus examine under what conditions there also exist equilibria with further attacks. Indeed, the regime always survives any attack for 8 'To simplify the notation, we allow for x* = —00 > 1 and xj and no realization of the private signal rules out 9 = > 1. +00, with which we denote the case where an agent attacks for, respectively, none or every realization of his private information. . By Lemma the size of the attack 1, and the probabihty of regime change in 9, = Pr (^ any equihbrium in which an attack occurs l\xt,Rt = 0) < > 6t\xt,9 ^*_i), = given by At{9) is an agent with for which Pr {x < in period t, and 6^ decreasing is if O^ > foUows that, in It 6'j*_^. Xj solve 9;^<!>i^t{x;-0;)) $ (yS7+?(^ Conditions game: and (4) if and only + -.x; game the analogs in the dynamic ^^^ ' n and of conditions (1) (2) in X (0^ = Solving (4) for Xj gives x^ if , and only aj) if the static equal to the critical size that triggers is the fundamentals are 9^, while (5) states that an agent if between attacking and not attacking 91, 0) * that the equilibrium size of an attack (4) states regime change (5) are (4) at+P' 1- his private information and substituting is indifferent is Xj this into (5) gives a single equation in namely U{ei9U,at,P,z)=0, where X ^ 1 and x IR+ [0, 1] : = X{9*,a) 9* : [0, 1] x 1 x IR2_ x R ^ [-c, 1 - c] axe defined as follows:^ /Fv-l 1 + C7 (6) $ 1-c n/S 1- = U{e*,9^ua,P,z) The X functions and U c v^ /a+0 ^-He')+-^i^-e') +V^+j3{e'-e^i) have a simple interpretation: X{9*;a) plements regime change for 9 threshold x* such that, and only ii 9 < if < when the agents attack U {9*,9-i,a, 9*); 9* j3, z) is indifferent is since the regime has never (6*2 , — oo, ai, 13, in the static z) = 0, > With a if r > max{0,6l_i} if 9* < > 9-1 < x 9-1 the "marginal agent" that im- x*, the status is quo a is (that is, the abandoned if 9-i. Condition (6) thus simply requires that the been challenged in period i > 2. As for i = in the past, the corresponding indifference condition U {9, — oo, a, /3, z) coincides 1, is with the payoff of the marginal agent benchmark. The next proposition then provides the complete monotone if between attacking and not attacking where r= the expected net payoff of the marginal agent from at- tacking, conditional on the knowledge that 9 marginal agent is precision of private information and only if if •)+:^(--^') v^+^ - —c U = sufficient statistic Xt is Pr(i?t_|_i decreasing in xt is which x^lO), set of necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibria. slight abuse of notation, we let <J>(+oo) = 1, $(— oo) = 0, $ '(1) = oo and $ ''(0) = — oo. Proposition 2 (Equilibrium characterization) only {ot {)}tZi ^* monotone equilibrium o. if and there exists a sequence {x*,9f}^-^ such that: if for (i) all for (ii) t at t, = t > 2, U {9t, 9;_^,at, ^,z)=0 An < 1 if Xt 61 solves 1, for any (iii) = (•) x* and at U {91, -oo, qi, = either 9t and x*t = if Xt z) = ^ ^ '^^^ /?, ^t-i = (•) > x*. = and x| X(6'j aj). , ~ -^t ~oo, or 6t > is 9^_-^ a solution to X{9*t,at). equilibrium always exists. Proposition 2 pro\'ides a simple algorithm for constructing the entire set of monotone equilibria: start with = and < 2 f = and 1 be the unique solution to let 61 let either ^2 = ^^ ^ solution to ^i or ^2 [7 (0j, (6); — oo, qi, /?, z) = 0; proceed to period repeat the same step for all f > the set 3; of sequences {^t }J^i constructed this way, together with the associated sequences {x*}^-^ the set of monotone equilibria. Note that the above characterization horizon period or infinite: is finite T< it is clearly valid even gives independent of whether the game ends exogenously the if is , an arbitrary at oo. U {91, — oo, ai, /?, z) = Existence of equilibrium follows immediately from the fact that admits a solution and hence 6t = 6^ for lemma are other equilibria, the next always always an equilibrium. To understand whether there all t is investigates the properties of U and the existence of solutions to (6). Lemma 2 U {9* ,9^i,a, (i) peaked in 9* when 9-i G all 6-1 < (ii) 9l_i < 1 and Let 6t 9t and 6* > jS, (0, 1), z) and 6-i, linia^oo be the U {9*, 9-1, unique solution to •) = ^oo U{6t,— oo, from above by - where 6oo 9*, — at, j3,z) Q. A = I - < 9*. solution to (6) exists only 0- (iv) If 6i_-^ < 9oo, a solution to (6) necessarily exists for at sufficiently high. (v) If 9*_-^ is the highest solution to (6) for period t > a. solution to (6) does not exist for aj sufficiently high. The non-monotonicity < 1) is of U t such that {9* ,9^_-^,at,P,z') necessarily positive, but < 1, by the > 6^_-^, > 1. His payoff solid line in Figure The dashed 1. Any is there exists a > at-i such < 9*_-^, on the other hand, — > 1, that (6) . with respect to 6* in any period converges to zero as 6* attaches probability one to 6 a solution to (6). a-r ~ a direct consequence of the fact that, for 9* probability zero to regime change. For 9* illustrated if 9t. 0OO, 5J'_i Furthermore, for c. > admits no solution for any period t is and z for 9-i strictly decreasing in 9-i necessarily bounded is arguments, non-monotonic and single- all its If 9^_-^ (iii) < continuous in is for then t > 2 (where the marginal agent attaches his belief about regime change X {6*,at) —> oo and hence he thus initially increasing and then decreasing, as intersection with the horizontal axis corresponds to line instead represents the payoff of the marginal agent in the static 1-c Figure The 1: game. Whereas the monotonicity of the dynamic game leaves open the The other properties common the 9, latter ensures uniqueness, the non-monotonicity in the possibility for multiple equilibria. identified in Lemma 2 are also quite intuitive. An increase in the mean of prior implies a first-order stochastic-dominance change in the posterior beliefs about which explains that the payoff of the marginal agent. U virhy decreases with more aggressive the attacks to have survived these attacks, z. U To understand why in the past, the stronger the is also decreasing in 0_i, note regime must have been in order and therefore the lower the expected payoff from attacking in the current period. For the same reason, at any U {6*, — oo, at, P, z) is , that This explains at- is, why > i 2, the payoff of the marginal agent the payoff in the static game where the static-game threshold the dashed line with the horizontal axis in Figure Nevertheless, the impact of the information that 6 xt > 9f_-^ as at -^ oo, and U{9*, — oo, as at 9^_-^ — < > and hence, for at, P, z) also vanishes. any 9* > the precision of private information (which corresponds to the intersection of 9t 1) is > an upper bound for any solution to 9^_-^ on posterior 9*_j, the difference Combined with the where O^d is Finally, to understand {v), (i.e., 0oo = (6). any U (^9*,9l_^,at, 0, z^ — oo, at, P, z) admits a solution the limit of the equilibrium threshold of the static private information becomes infinite beliefs vanishes for between fact that U{9*, oo, this in turn implies that, for at sufficiently high, (6) ^ooi always lower than is game if -^ ^oo — and only 9* if as the precision of linaj^cx) 9t)- note that any unsuccessful attack causes an upward shift (a first- order stochastic-doniinance change) in the posterior beliefs about the strength of the regime, which other things equal reduces the expected payoff froin attacking. attack (that thereafter, is, the highest solution of (6)) no attack is is follows that, played in one period and no possible in any subsequent period. remain impossible as long as the change It By if the largest possible new information continuity then, further attacks in the precision of private information is not large 10 arrives enough. 1-c Figure 4 Multiplicity Part [v) of attacks to This prior. Equilibria with multiple attacks. 2: and dynamics Lemma 2 highlights that the arrival of become possible after period is new Whether 1. private information this is also sufficient is necessary for further depends on the initial because an increase in the precision of private information leads agents to discount, not only the information conveyed by the fact that the regime survived past attacks, but also their initial prior beliefs. When z is low ("aggressive prior"), an increase in the precision of private information makes the marginal agent less aggressive in the static game (that decreases with at). is, 6t that the regime survived past attacks then only reinforces this low, there exists a unique equilibrium When instead z is and is may agent in period is illustrated in Figure 2. Its intersection 1. marginal agent in period 2 Clearly, a new 91 = and 0:2 is attack = is is t, possible. There thus another in which 62 63 for all i > 3, The dashed represented by the dotted where 63 is z if is and ^1 ^3 period. makes the high enough so that 9^ is line represents the payoff of the line, possible in period and that < The in period 3 In contrast, 2. O^o- cts is and 6'^ = 6I3 for all i > 3, and a third < 9^, sufficiently high. marginal payoff of the by the solid line. high enough that exist at least three equilibria in this example: = sufficiently first private information with the horizontal axis defines 9^ low enough that no attack 0* for all 91 new 2 ensures that a second attack necessarily becomes possible once at Such an example ;: eventually offset the incentive not to attack induced by the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks. Indeed, Lemma Therefore, for such that no attack ever occurs after the high ("lenient prior"), the arrival of marginal agent more aggressive, and efTect. The knowledge in one in which which ^2 = ^1 correspond to the two intersections of the solid line with the horizontal axis. 11 In the example of Figure becomes possible also to (6) 2, both some future at bounded from above by is becomes possible any unsuccessful one. after < most If z E {z_,z), there are at (ii) number such that no attack occurs after period If z (iii) > an equilibrium is = Finally, z z = when z Proof. Recall that solution to U{B, z<z<z < Bi B^ — oo, at, (3, c if first z < i > Next, consider z £ and 1; U —> oo, there exists monotone equilibria, and a < i' there all T an > t. < Bt 6i B^o for all = when > c oo t and N, there 1/2. and only t if B^ for all in i > < which case t> > if B\ = 9i > B^o for all B^ > is > B^, > for < t J,in which case BI < there exist (countably) infinitely B^o- thus = Bt of after period all t z; 2, (6) t. > i. t > admits a fact that Moreover, since finitely many i. (iv) of t'. U {Bt, Bl,at, equilibria, < but we can not rule out the Then, by part solves Lemma BI for all Hence, there are at most i. many (ii) U {6* ,B\,at,P,z) = (iii) of Lemma 2 and the a solution for Bt B\ for all t if z 1. oo such that (6) admits no solution for most two solutions < and 6\ by part t, z Bt and hence, by part i, 2 such that Bt t, is, for any z, with the following properties: U {9* ,Bl,at, P, z) = admits equilibrium in which 6* = B^ for r < That < exists i t. z<z<z oo such that is > equilibria; if in addition z any equilibrium no attack occurs in (Hi) Finally, consider z /3) < Bt (^, ^), single-peaked, (6) has at is and there equilibria The unique monotone equilibrium 2. solution. Nevertheless, since Bl_-^ i such that: i. and possibility that there exists a period at —> CO as z<z<z many monotone finitely 1/2, whereas Then, z. admits no solution at any Hence, for z sufficiently high, not only there are = Bi and, for all t > 2, B^ < Bt, where 6t = 6{at,l3,z) is the unique z) = 0. As we show in Lemma Al in the Appendix, there exist thresholds and only z > (<) Consider (ii) < any solution z is sufficiently high, if which ensures that a new attack eventually attacks occur after period (possibly functions of a\ (>) ^oo (z) N in which then, a third attack equilibrium and an attack occurs only in period one. many there are infinitely z, 2, of attacks can be sustained in equilibrium. unique monotone z, there is a generally, There exist thresholds 1 (Multiplicity) If z (i) More date. By Lemma are lower than Boo- 6'^ ^oo in all periods, multiple equilibria, but any arbitrary Theorem and 9'^ /3, Lemma 2, there exists Hence, for any z) = 0, and B* = > t 9^ t', for indexed by the time at which the second attack occurs. When second attack z G (z,z), the attack might be impossible. Lemma 2, Bt < B^o, for all any unsuccessful one. It t. If however z > follows that, for any and {B2,...,9n}, with and so The following is lead to a threshold B* z, But then by part {t2,...,t7v} on. may ta then an > *, ^ then (iv), > 1 such that equilibrium: 9* 12 a Bt < new Boc for all > t, Boo, in which case a third and hence by part (ii) of attack eventually becomes possible after and any N > 1, there exist increasing sequences U {B2,Blat._,l3,z) = = B^ for r < t2, B* = 0, U {B3,92,at:„ P, z) =0, Bj for r G {tj, ..., tj+\ — 1} and 6 j {2, ..., an equilibrium The game — TV —^ N which in = 9* Oj^i > any equilibria in the case z >'z tf^. many continues forever as long as the status quo cx) as f M equilibria — would oo, then, for *• ended if it That for for r attacks occur after date existence of infinitely at a finite date, there Qif and 1}, exist only finitely any M, there > z. many even Finally, as we and any N > 1, there exists if on the assumption that the game ended for exogenous reasons equilibria. Nevertheless, as long as z T T= we show >z game would have such that the 2, 02 high enough suffices for the and at least game to in Section 6.1, the introduction of public any signals ensures the existence of multiple equihbria for In the remainder of this section, 1 relies in place: if the is > i t. exists a finite at date T. Moreover, have multiple equilibria when z is, T> 2 and any z. identify equilibrium properties that may turn useful in understanding crises phenomena. Corollary 1 Suppose 9 there exists less, < t > doo ^"^ z > ^. The status quo survives in any equilibrium. Neverthe- 00 such that, at any > t an attack t, is possible, yet need not take place. Furthermore, any arbitrary number of attacks can occur. This seems to square well with the eventual outcomes (e.g., common view whether a currency or whether attacks will cease. is On the contrary, that economic fundamentals eventually devalued) but not this version of the model, in which case fundamentals view fail is may help when a inconsistent with the crisis predict wiU occm- common-knowledge to predict both the timing of attacks and the eventual regime outcome,^ as well as with unique-equihbriiun models like Morris and Shin (1999), in which both the timing of attacks and the ultimate fate of the regime are uniquely pinned down by fundamentals. Consider now how Corollary 2 After the dynamics of attacks depend on the dynamics of information. the most aggressive attack for a given period of tranquillity, during which no attack This phase is possible. game occurs, the enters a phase longer the slower the arrival of is private information. Along with the property that after for 6 > 6^ and z > 2 a new attack eventually becomes possible any unsuccessful one, the above result implies that dynamics may which the economy alternates from phases of tranquillity to periods of into a new attack, without any change in the underlying fundamentals. be possible either under common knowledge ^Of course, this outcome, as for 6 is < true provided 6 G it is [0, 1]. If take the form of cycles in crisis, Once eventually resulting again, this would not or with a unique equilibrium. instead 8 ^ [0, 1], dominant to attack immediately and 13 fundamentals predict both the timing and the for 9 > 1 it is dominant never to attack. final Unobservable shocks 5 we examine the In this section, possibility that the critical size of attack that triggers regime change due to unobservable shocks. This varies stochastically over time is not only a realistic scenario, but also an appropriate perturbation. In the model without shocks, the knowledge that the regime is in place at equilibria in > i makes 2 it common which nobody attacks certainty that 9 at > i > 0, which explains why there always may In contrast, shocks 2. exist guarantee that a positive measure of agents attack in every period by "smoothing out" the information generated by the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks and ensuring the existence of a lower dominance region in every period. We modify the game as follows. benchmark model, but the regime (5 > and Wj a real is random Agents continue to receive private signals about 6 as in the + Suit, where now abandoned is in period variable with continuous c.d.f. and only t if = Equilibrium characterization with depends, not only on monotone 9, but also on the strength of the volatility In the presence of shocks, the regime outcome the {5) in 0. 6 As a ojt. game > 0. result, we loose the ability to characterize the set of equilibria in terms of a sequence of truncation points for 9. Nevertheless, we can still characterize strategies as sequences of thresholds {Sf }^i such that an agent attacks in period and only if Xj Consider period LJt [6] t is Xt, 6) Xj, first At = < {9) in which the regime) and 6 as the volatility of these shocks. Denoting with the baseline model can be nested as 5 F (i.e., 6 and the noise F, independent of 9 the agents' signals. Wj can be interpreted as a shock to the fundamentals is 5, > At ii t if where Xt G M. the regime outcomes induced by a given {xt}^^. = $ {\/oit (^t [$ (\/S( {xt — ^)) — ^)) — 9] /S. It and hence the status quo The size of abandoned is the attack in and only if < if u>t follows that the probability of regime change in period monotone conditional on 9 and given that agents use strategies with threshold Xf , t is Pt{9;xt,5)=F{idt{9-xt,6)). Next, for any when By ^ t > 2, let ipt [9;x^~^,5) denote the density of the in previous periods agents followed monotone common posterior about = strategies with thresholds x^^^ {xi, ..., 9, Xf_i}. Bayes' rule, fg.^t-i ^^ where V'l {9) ^ = [l-pt-i{e-Xt-,,5)]xPt-i{e;x'-\S) y/]i(j>{y/P [9 — z)) is the density of the initial prior. of the corresponding private posteriors with Finally, consider payoffs. nlz\[l -ps ^ For any i expected payoff from attacking in period > t ipt 1, for {9\x] x^~^ , 5^ for i x g M, and x* £ an agent with 14 We > K 2 , {9; Xs, 5)] ^P, (9) similarly denote the density and ipi {9\x) for t = 1. define Vt (x;x*,5) as the net sufficient statistic x when all other , < agents attack in period r t if and only / t their sufficient statistic in if is less than or equal to Xr : + 00 pt {9; xt, 6) - dO {0\x; x^~'^,5) ipt c. -oo Note that thresholds depends on both the contemporaneous threshold Xj and the sequence of past (x; i*, 5\ 1;^ the former determines the probability of regime change conditional on x*"-^; the latter determines the posterior beliefs about = attacking in period any In Lemma A2 x* G R monotone = +00 Vi (xt;x*,(5) if it e lim2:__oo if Xj = —00 benchmark model: in the (iii) An let M represents the net payoff from it > 0, Vj (x*; J) is continuous in x' for equilibria. () all t, at for = i 1, > 5 monotone equilibrium for T {at (Olt^i is a 0, for any (5 ^j(+oo) = 1 if Xt < xi G M > either Xj t 2, Xt — > = the shock 0. 1, cut Let and to and = = —00 and > [5) if and only if there = maxT<t{0T vanishes: for any Xj < Vt (x*; 5) xj; We As (xt)}. and any 9 ^ (5 — ^ 9 ^ i^t ^ ^t {9-x'-\Q) 9 = > Since the distribution of x given 6 satisfies the linii_±oo Vt (x\ S', (5) vt (x;5*,5) exist for any x' £ is R (y/at{xt " ^ \ie> '[ \ = 0. { — 9)) , with 9t (—00) i > 9t-i (x*""^) ^* = and 2 converges pointwise to the truncated : for any x^~^ and any if v^^(Vff(9-.)) i-*(y?{9,_i{x'-i)-z)) MLRP and pt {d\xt, 5) is decreasing in bounded and therefore Vt (x*, 5) is well-defined at xt 15 is also (x*-i) 9t-i (8) . x. vt < 9, otherwise decreasing in Since (7) J'^'J 9t (xt) f [ theorems (Milgrom, 1981), Vt (x*; 6) 6t{xt) posterior in any period Normal generated by the knowledge that {9-x'-\5) and the dependence of the regime outcome on 0, [0 common R next consider the properties of the equilibrium Pt{9-xt,5)^Vt{9;xt,Q)^\ follows that the or Xj G 0, 0. be the unique solution to 6t (xj) > if Xt 0; benchmark game. 9t (x*) = at () (xi; 6) and Vi equilibrium exists for any 5 Convergence ' , x M, which we use to establish the existence, and complete the characterization, of for (ii) It M € x^. any 5 for 5* sequence {xt}^-^ such that: exists a set as Vt (x; x*, ^) Appendix, we prove that, in the and 1 xt vt [x] x^, 5) the marginal agent with threshold for t Proposition 3 For any (i) U analogue of the function Vt is the > t if hmx-,+00 Vt{x':5) Next, for any 0. whereas 6, S, by standard representation in [— c, = ±00. 1 — c], it follows that Similarly, for the private posteriors, The pointwise convergence = Vi {xi; 6) —> Vi {xi; 0) To understand why and of pt when of the marginal agent except f/ (^i (xj) , [6\x] x^~^ tpt > t {0\x;x^~^,O) for any x. ipt in turn implies pointwise convergence of the payoff ipt 2 —+ 6) , and = — oo. xt — oo, Qi, /?, ~) In particular, for and, for any ; need not converge to Vt (x*;0) Vt (x*;(5) i > regime change in period c to When this > t 2 even if may 2 = and any and ensures that this dominance region vanishes as 5 generally, we can prove may The ^ case where Vt (2;**;0) reaches maximum is maximum its {x*}^^ equilibria all for that, < 5 all 5 (e, T) the following , = — oo and Xt {5) The above < is ofT{5) such result Vi (xi illustrated in Figures 3 is of the common game without shocks where x^ is {6 may ((5) ; Si 6) ((5) = it and any 0, for that, fail in (5 > small the knife-edge (^9f,6f_i,at,p,z^ reaches its , 0; satisfies (ii) — T> < all t d) for the converge to if the all for postei-ior in period 2 = 0). 0). This The is there exists 5 \, T, either \x* = first as T T —^ game ended (e, T) > all t — £ {2,...,T}, < Xf(^)| or e, for periods of the infinite- T = 2. The exogenous reasons at T, solid line in Figure 3 repre- generated by equilibrium play in period initial prior (or equivalently truncated at 91 where 9^ is the other two lines represent the equilibrium {5 > need not oo, the result periods of the finite-horizon game. simply the game with shocks 0), where xi [5) is = 1 9i (x^), unique solu- common poste- the unique solution to the dotted line corresponds to a relatively high 6 and the dashed one to a low ''Clearly, Proposition 3 applies also to the only and 4 the unique solution to Vi (x^; 0) U {9y,—oo,ai, P, z) = (^; > e establishes convergence of equilibrium play in the sents the p.d.f. i/'2 may (S) for —1/e. the above would immediately imply convergence in riors > — oo true: hold for an infinite number of periods. Of course, tion to note benchmark game , horizon game, for any finite T. Since 6{e,T) in the any Xj for suchthatx* ^ argmax^Vj {x*^~^ X]Q) for (0) there exists an equilibrium {xj (5)}^j The = — oo, at 6f). For any equilibrium {xD^-j^ o/F xl U (or equivalently at Xj in the game T needed because convergence Theorein 2 (Shocks in fundamentals) For any such -oo. 0. that "essentially" qualification "essentially" > attack in every period in the perturbed r(0) can be approximated by equilibria {xj (5)}^i in the perturbed enough. ^^ Xj xt ii, attach probability higher game, unlike the benchmark model. Nevertheless, the pointwise convergence of Vt More and any 1 he expects no other agent to attack in that period. the case, a positive measure of agents is x*"-' = — c when t > that, in the presence of shocks, an agent with sufficiently low xj than any 2, t {Hi) for 5 unperturbed game: {xj }^j = 0. 16 is a monotone equilibrium of T (0) if and / \ ./- ^ -'\ • « y « Figure ^^ 1 * _ *"^\ f ^v^v^,^^ / / --^ 3: ^^^^ Common posteriors with and without shocks. 1-c X2 Figure 6. 4: Since the support of Wf any 6 and therefore tp2 Payoff of the marginal agent with and without shocks. is the entire real line, the probability of regime change assigns positive probability to all 6. However, as converges to x\ and the probability of regime change converges to By implication, the smooth common posterior of the perturbed 1 for game 9 5 is less than 1 for becomes smaller, xi < Q\ and to for 6 > (d) 9\. in period 2 converges to the truncated one of the benchmark model. In Figure 2 for 5 = 0, 4, the solid line represents the payoff V2 {^\-i^2]^) of the marginal agent in period whereas the other two X2 small enough, V2 attacking in period 2 is is negative lines represent V2 (ii {5) ,X2]5) for 5 when d = but positive when part of an equilibrium in the "In order to illustrate V^ over its entire > 0, 0.^^ Note that, for which implies that nobody benchmark model but not domain, the figure depicts V2 {xi 17 (5 > (S) ,X2\ 5) against in the $ (0:2) game with rather than X2. . when shocks. ^^ Moreover, 5 high (dotted Hne), V2 is When, in period 2. instead, 5 and therefore has a in X2 which case the equilibrium would be unique intersection with the horizontal line, in ended monotonia is sufficiently small is (dashed line), V2 is if single the game non-monotonic and has three intersections, which correspond to three different equilibria for the two-period game with shocks. Finally, the middle and the highest intersections approximate the two intersections of the solid line, while the lowest intersection with the fact that xi {S) arbitrarily small, thus approximating X2 is = —00. Along converges to Xj, this implies that any equilibrium of the two-period game without shocks can be approximated by an equilibrium in the perturbed game. In conclusion, what sustains multiplicity in the dynamic game the non-monotonicity of the is payoff of the marginal agent generated by the knowledge that the regime survived past attacks. That this knowledge resulted in posterior the benchmark model, is beliefs that assign zero measure to sufficiently low 9 in not essential. Public news and signals about past attacks 6 In this section, we consider two extensions of the information structure assumed in the benchmark model. Exogenous public 6.1 To capture the signals effect of public we now modify the game news, signals, agents observe in each period i > a public signal 1 normally distributed with zero mean and precision and the agent's private of 9 noise. > 7y^ as follows. In addition to their private Zt = 9 -\- 0, serially £t^ finite We These signals may represent, also allow for the possibility that the date and denote the horizon of the The common precision /3t, game with for posterior about 9 conditional on z' A-l ??f = ~5-~t-l + IT-U , Pf (zoi/^o) = (-z,/?)- is zt n Pt = Pt-1 is the examples in Figures 3 and 4, o + 3, ...} exogenous reasons or T= at a 00. Normal with mean Zf and z , 7?t now depends on the realiza- = 0. thus allow or equivalently on z' = in past periods not a sufficient statistic conditional on Rt agents to condition their actions on the entire sequence ^''In {zt}\^i for announcements Pt However, since equilibrium play tions of past public signals, if £ {2, s noise, where -t with T common example, the information statistics, or game ends where T, £t is uncorrelated, and independent generated by news analysis in the media, publication of government by policy makers. where an agent finds it 2', We {zr}\-^i. Apart optimal to attack in period 2 for sufficiently low X2, even he expects no other agent to attack. However, this need not be the case small enough. 18 if ujt had a bounded support and 5 were from monotone equihbria can be constructed this modification, the set of in a similar way as in the benchmark model. Proposition 4 tions {xj*, (i) Otjl^i for with xl , all t, at (•) = att {ii) {Hi) at = : E* 1 if ^Rand 01 Xt 61 (zi) solves l, > t monotone equilibrium {o; (•)}^q is a R* -> : if (0, 1) , and only =0 if Xt > Xt (z*); U {9\, -oo, 0:1,^1,21) =0 and x\ {z\) = < and x^ (z*) = (2*) sequence of func- such that: at () X{6\ (21) , a{) either 0* (2*) solves 2, u{eie*t_„at,pt,zt) and X* if there exists a X{e* (2*) , = at), or 9* (2*) o and x* (2*-!) 0*_.^ = (9) (z*) = -00. Like in the benchmark model without pubhc news, there always exist equilibria in wliich attacks cease after any arbitrary period. However, for any (^i_i, oit,Pt) if zt < Zt, where = Zt an attack occurs z {9f_-^,at, Pt) is in period t for sufficiently reinforces the multiplicity result of Theorem always finite. (9) admits a solution if and only Hence, there also exist equihbria in which low realizations of Theorem , zt- The following then extends and 1. 3 (Public news) In the game with public news, there always exist m,ultiple equilibria, thi prior, the precisions {at,/3t}j=i of private and public information, and no matter the mean 2 of the the horizon T Consider of the game. now how the introduction of public news affects the ability of an "econometrician" to predict the regime outcome and/or the occurrence of an attack in any given period. i, any 9 G (0, 1), and any 9l_-^ < (9) 9, enough, implying that, conditional on given period is strictly can not observe hand, for if between and he also knows some combinations 2*, he of 9 may be and U {9*,—oo,ai,Pi,zi) = no equilibrium in 2*, and which an attack occurs and one ') 1. It follows that an econometriciaxi is if Zf is low abandoned in any who can 2, ii 9 9t (2*) in outcome is > Ot (2') > O^ (21), where 9i (21) the highest solution to U{9*,9i (21) abandoned in period t, ^j (^i) in On the other in a given period which no attack takes place may any equilibrium, is , the lowest solution aj,/3t, 24) ,^'' there is but there are both an equilibrium in in that period. The combination of help predict regime outcomes but not the occurrence of benchmark model. > observe 9 but without, however, being able to predict whether an attack will fundamentals and public information '''Since 9(_i (=* and only the probability that the status quo able to perfectly predict the regime > t which the status attacks, like in the if necessarily faces uncertainty about the event of regime change. 2*, take place. For example, at any to 9, admits a solution higher than 9 For any 9t (2') is 19 an upper bound for 9^ [z'). Finally, note that the threshold below which Zt, (9) admits a solution, decreases with ^j_i. Hence, an unsuccessful attack, other things equal, causes a discrete increase in the probability the game enters a phase of inaction during which no attack is possible. In this sense, the prediction of the benchmark model that equilibrium dynamics are characterized by the alternation of phases of tranquility and phases of one phase to another now is the introduction of public news, but the transition from crises, survives stochastic, as depends on the realization of it z*. Signals about past attacks 6.2 We now introduce an additional source of information by allowing agents to receive private and public signals about the size of past attacks. These signals are, respectively, Xit for t > 2, where un = 5 {At-l,u^t) and idiosyncratic noise, Vt is + u, uu ^ M = S {At-i,vt) common is noise, we adopt a preserve Normality of the information structure, , and S S{A,u) $"1 {A) may depend on exogenous/endogenous we can again construct The only difference where It is l/7f) sufficient statistics Xt oit-1 + Vt + and signals. By v^ x K To M. -^- Dasgupta . {x^_-^ ~ 6^) - where x*_j 1 if is 3, with precisions at and Pt such that defined by /3t = /3t_i + T]f + an attack occurrs at and similarly the dynamics endogenous, the equilibrium characterization exogenous now an indicator variable that takes value {xt, zt) Zt and h-iott-ilt Although the realizations of and , [0, 1] public signals - and following similar steps as in Section that these statistics are is = Qt {{), : similar specification as ~ AA(0, I/t^) Using the property that in any monotone equilibrium At-\ = ^{y/at-\ (2002): = Zt It-iat-i^t^ t {At > 0) and of {at,l3t) are otherwise. now partly otherwise the same as in the model with only implication, the multiplicity results extend to the game with past attacks. Similarly, the structure of equilibrium dynamics remains as in the signals about benchmark model, except for the property that an unsuccessful attack does not necessarily reduce the incentives for further attacks. This signals, which in is because an unsuccessful attack now also generates new private and public some cases may offset the impact of the knowledge that the status quo is still in place. To see this, consider the case which case the only novel where effect is that all signals are private (7^ > 0,rjf > 0, Jt = '7t^ = 0) i "^ an unsuccessful attack leads to an endogenous increase in 20 at. A game. further attack On is then possible only when the other hand, becomes possible this signal if We conclude that signals if the endogenous signal low enough, is this increase is large about the like in enough, public (7^ is like in = > the -yf), a benchmark new attack the case with exogenous public news. size of past attacks may substitute for the exogenous arrival of private and/or public information, but do not otherwise affect the analysis. 7 Conclusion This paper examined how the dynamics of information influences the dynamics of coordination in We a global game of regime change. may found that dynamics sustain multiple equilibria under the same informational assumptions that guarantee uniqueness in the static benchmark examined in the literature. Although the model is highly stylized and abstracts from intertemporal payoff linkages, it all sorts of institutional details and generates a few distinctive predictions for equilibrium dynamics, such as the possibility that fundamentals predict regime outcomes but not the timing and number of attacks, or the succession of phases of tranquility, during which agents accumulate information and no attacks are and periods of possible, necessarily take place. These predictions may crises, during which attacks occur but do no help understand the dynamics of crises such as currency attacks, financial crashes, or political change. applications may phenomena Extending the analysis to these a promising line for future research. is Appendix Proof of Proposition (2) gives a single Solving (1) for x gives x 1. equation in 9 =^ 9 + a~^/-^^~^{6). Substituting this into : t/^*(^;a,^,z) =0, (10) where U^' {9;a,P,z) Note that and [/''* lime_>i [9; [/^* •) {9) is ^ 1 -$ (^ [$-i {9) contiimous and differentiable in 9 e = —c < 0. A +^{z- 9)]) (0, 1), with - Iimfl_+o for ?/'* to [i-/4> {^~^ be monotonic (^))] U^^ {9) = 1 — c > solution to (10) therefore always exists. Next, note that 1 Since mingg(o_i) (11) c. ~ V^^ in 9, in the condition a > 0^ j (27r) is both necessary and which case the monotone equilibrium 21 §_ is unique. sufficient Finally, for the proof that only this equihbrium survives iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies, see Morris and Shin (2000, 2001). Proof of Lemma We 1. prove the claim by induction. At since in any equilibrium, the agents' strategy for t > i*, At Consider next any non-increasing in = Rt^i > 0) for all 6 and only > 9 \i 2 and suppose that the non-increasing in (0) is 6*_-^, in which case In the former case, 6^. = 0j = i 1 is = i the same as in the static benchmark. implying that either At 9, > = l\xt, Rt 9;_^) = — = 0) t — (9) < < any t result holds for 9^_^, or there exists 9t Pr(i?t-|-i the result necessarily holds 1, and hence x^ Xt all (•) is (and therefore such that At[6) 9*__-^ Q for Since aj 1. < 9 \i = — oo. In the latter, atxt+pz = Pr(i?t+i l\xt,Rt = 0) - Pr < (0 > 9;\xt,9 at+0 ^ 1 atxt+fiz ^{^at + p which M that there exists x^ G either case. At {9) 9^ G (0, 1) for all < t, ciency, take and Xj -00, then Pr {Rt+i is = X (0*, at) , = it is Proof of For then, satisfies and to > (<)c 9^_-^^) as > 9^ l\xt, If = Rt c> = 0) instead Part 2. U (i) Pr > 9^ i?j (0 < = if = 9t 9t\xt, 9 in 9^_-^, and < Xj follows directly < U if (iii); and only For (in), take any 9* < Q. there exists all 9* a, > U Since a such 9^_-^ [/ (0*, It > 9oo- Note that — 00, a,/3, z) that, for {e*,9*_^,a,l3,z) 9l_-^. < xt > 0, 91 > 9^_^) let 9q > if = implying {>)xt. In implies that U any a = -c < follows that, for any > a, < and only (9*,-oo,at,P,z) and 22 > t i 2, 9*_^ > 1; > and therefore {9'[,9*_-^,at,P, s) if = and < {>)X{9l,at) and xj for Xt > < lima^oo [^J'_i, 1] is Xj . z) for all 9* £ U {9* ,9*_^,a,p,z) < /3, z) < for all 9* > at f^ (6'*, [^*_i, 1]. [/ (6**, > -00) and /J^/ (27r)). It -00, a,/3, z) compact, /3, a>a,U [9*, SJ'_i, a, no solution. 9*_^, for all for all 9* (since 9^_^ for all 9* £ [6'*_j,l], 9*_^ —00; suppose by inspecting U. U {9*, —00, a, fox 9 suffi- and the definitions of X{-) and and not to attack continuous in 9* and is = for all Xf U [9*, -00, at, P,z) = U'^'^ {9*,at,l3,z) is strictly decreasing in 9* (since follows that U [9*, 9^_-^,at, /3, z) < for all 6* > 9t, which gives the result. — -|-oo, if which case ^t_i, in which case [<)U{9*t,9*_^,at,l3,z) [9*,9*_-^,at, l3,z) (ii) of the private posterior indeed optimal to attack for xt Lemma conditions that 9co ^ 2:4 and only if which together with which case in (i), by the monotonicity note that (ii), 1, > for an individual agent. If indeed optimal. U{-),'Px{9<9;\xt,9>9l_-^) therefore < > — — cx) a;t Necessity follows from the arguments in the main text. For 2. any sequence {xj,0j }^^that not attacking 9t\xt,9 9t as 1 which completes the proof. and consider the best response Xj and hence 1 for all 9 other agents follow strategies as in = < such that Pr(0 Proof of Proposition all and converges to strictly decreasing in xt is -^u]y at+P it = follows that Moreover, for -oo,a,/3, z) for and therefore (6) admits For take any (to), (6't_i,^cx)), U a such {0* ,9*_-^,a,f5,z) in 9* > Fix -co) and suppose that > t <0 for all 9* > and {9*, 9*_2, is non-increasing in 9-i, continuous in 0*, and equal to A > ists U ity of < which ar and only when z < c There > and only (<) and z; 1/2 and if and only and of < 2 z if (>) > a> z (where = =f= > for all 9i> it 9q = — t which means that 1, —c < for 9* e 6-i, implies that there ex- Furthermore, by continu- [0,1]. U {9*,-,a,-) is (6) U {9*,9^i, a, /?, z) uniformly continuous over U < (0*,^j_2,q,/3, z) > admits no solution in any period t t < < ^oo for all c > z < z such that: 9t t if and only < > if z 9i for all t if z < r;, < (>) ^^o 9i z='z = These thresholds satisfy 'z. if z 1/2. (27r)) , = let ^ ^ (a, j3, be the unique solution to U{9, z) — oo, a, /3, z) 9t z (a,/3) z {a, P)) = and on the other hand, , is such that 9 > (<)0oo defined so that 89 /da is To simplify notation, we henceforth suppress the dependence 1/2, in which case and 89 /da 9^^ z [a) q > ai and therefore > 0, — = z [a) 9i > = 9t = 9^ and hence 9\ < any Q > aj, and therefore < 13, of 9 > on if (<) (/3, z) 9i > 9t 9t 1/2 for a. 600 for all for all < all t. When t. When Finally, ^00 for all t. < z The when 1/2, 9 [a) instead z z > > = 9oo 1/2, 1/2, for any result thus holds with 1/2. a and a 6 z. = c ^oo for all a, > defined by U{9ao, ~oo, a, p. Next, consider z (a) 9t ai (> /3^/ is for all 9no for ai, 9 (a) z -c, we use the convention with the properties that for all 9* which proves that [0, 1], The threshold z. (<) and z on z and d9/da < = G z<'z<'z when First, consider c For -A < at-i such that exist thresholds 2 threshold z{a,P) a > 9* By 0. the static equilibrium threshold) and (i.e., 9 (a) all = 9* 6 a. Proof. For any The and [at-i, q) Lemma Al 2 a > in {9*, a), there exists a £ for all if 9*_^. This, together {9* ,9^_-^,at-i,l3,z) > [6' ,9l_-^,a,f3,z) X [Qt_i,a]. This also implies that there exists a £ {at-i,a) such that [0, 1] for U such that any for a. U at-i,P, z) U a, > 6* fact that lim0._i ^7 (9* ,9l_y,a,j3,z) at-i, 0, 9^_2, > the highest solution to (6) for period is 0^_j 2, any a that, for and the follows then that (6) admits a solution for at Finally, consider (v). — 6^ - Since lima-.ooU {d* ,d^_-^^,a, P, z) 0oo- G (^j*_i,^oo) and 6' there exist the continuity of < 6'*_i < 1/2, in and converge to therefore 9 (a) 9oo for all t. When [Q:i,a'), ^ (a) is becomes lower than which case 9oo is z G z (a) ^oo as and ^ 00. a z (ct) are both decreasing in a, satisfy z [a) When z < 9oo, then clearly z < z [a) < > z {a) always higher than ^oo and decreeising in a, which implies that {9oo, z (ai)), there are a" > a' > higher than ^00 and decreases with a. and continues to decrease with 23 a. ai such that z [a') As soon Once a > a", as a G = z {a") = z. (a', a"), 9 [a) ^ (a) starts increasing with , , . > a, but never exceeds ^oo- Hence, ^i when Finally, all t. > z z (ai) < that the result holds for c > Finally, consider c < z {a) > that 9i > 9t therefore 9 (a) (ai,a'), ^ (a) = 'z=^= When 9i For a e (ai, a'), ^ (a) is 9t therefore 9 (a) is 9i ^oo- and increases with Hence, maxt>i < and < 9t z = [9t (xt) is [0, 1]. , continuous Vt G M / is true: all t > Note that, l*", 2 < / > z) is /3, 0. We t. conclude < then clearly z , in a, satisfy z (a) < z (a) > a' is ai such 5 (a') = a > a', 9 [a] decreases > > 9t When = > a' 9oo- ai such that z (a') a G (a', a"), ^ (a) a and asymptotes > z[a) > then clearly z ^oo, > 9i z = is z. For 5(ai) z (a") = z. higher than to 9oo from above. a and z (a) for all with a, and asymptotes 9^0 from below. Hence, > 1/2 with z = = z (ai), z z (ai) 2, Vt (x*; 6) > Note that, 2. for all continuous, in [0, 1]. continuous in (6', x M, M."^^ = U {9i (x; 0) M continuous in x* for any x* € is it t, (x) 9t (xj) is U {9, [0, 1]^. It and z) /3, Vj (x'; O) M continuous in xt G follows that Furthermore, 9_i) G —00, ai, , 9t (x*) = —00, a, = and maXr<i{^T (^t)} z) is /3, follows that, for continuous all t, Vt (x*; O) To simplify notation, we henceforth suppress the dependence A if and only (a) \xt t: (x') — Xr\ 6 K, then < R if, t; is no For risk of confusion. as follows. For any function f for if \f (i') any x' e xt £ K; -/ A (b) (i') | < and any e Xr e; < —l/rj (b') if / > 0, if Xt (x') : A > all t ^ M., 1, where of pj, the function pt{9;xt) ^CR and t > 1, = we say that A such > = —00; (c) Xt > l/rj, if Xy = +00, the following = -00, then / (£') < -1/e; (c') if / (x') = +00, there exists such that, for any x* € ?; 1/e. if / : and f [A) continuous in > t max operator is on 5 whenever there (a') if then / (x') BC ^co for all 9t for . continuous over that for when which case Vi 0, in ~) for i '^Continuity can be extended in is a" > 9 (a) decreases with , and takes values U {9, 9^i,a, in R and [0, 1] = ci'f,/3, also continuous in x* and maxt>i continuous in xi for any xi E is Since the Consider next J Vt ^oo), there are , ^oo, increases and any first 5 9t-i {x^~^) , takes values in G z (ai) conclude that the result holds for c For any S > Proof. Consider in 9i. Finally, We and similarly Vi {xi;6) is < z z (qi)), there , follows that It z G (2 (cti) always lower than t. = 9^ > 9i ^oo- Lemma A2 U > z £ (z (ai) And for a > a" a. , z (cti) lower than ^^o and increasing in a. For > 9^ > ^oo for all < 9t z (qi) higher than ^oo and increasing in a, whereas for is maxi>i 9t> 9oo — z always higher than ^oo and decreasing in a, which implies is with a, converging to 9oo from above. = and therefore a — oo.When 0oo as When t. When 6t for all t. which case z[a) and z{a) are both increasing 1/2, in 9ao for all > §1 for all a, 6'oo 1/2 with z and converge to ^00, a > ai and for all a e < z (a) < 9 [a) , and 6*00 A yl —+ y. g{B) C R, p B — R, and g C — K are C Q l\ then the function «; : > : continuous, respectively, in A, » x B. 24 : yl x B -. R defined by w B (x'.x'') and C, where = j4 C K g (/ (x') ,g (x'=)) , is . F ([$ (yoj (xt - - ^)) S\ continuous in {9,xt) G M^ and strictly decreasing in is /6) 9. For > i 2, J^^<P{V^tix-0'))A{O';x^'\S)de' Ulz\ The - and similarly the p.d.f. ipt xR.^^ (x*~^,Zt) £ Vi (xi) is xR. Similarly, for Vt on (J whenever thus continuous in t = vi (x;xi) 1, - (^|a;;i*~"',(5) = is vt G R is {^xt; at+/3 and £ {x, x''~^) RxR . It continuous in {x,x^^^,xt) G x''"^ also continuous in is xt) , R satisfies conditions (ii) of vt (x;x*) with respect to x (see proof of and any R x* G that the strategies defined by (i) — , > Uf (x; x*) (<) Vt (x*) {in) constitute a Necessity. Conversely, suppose that {at(-)}t^i is ^ ^^ < +00, decreasing in is Xf, = — oo, if xj Xt We next show = +00, in which 9' gR, that, in case pt /+00 Xj and any equiHbrium, =F {9; -f-oo) if in the above) x < in any such (>) Xf the probability 9, implying that agents must follow must be if and only decreasing in is it < (iii) Lemma A2 monotone equilibrimn. Since For {xf}^^ to be equilibrium cutoffs, Vt (x*) if and Then, by standard representation theorems (Milgrom, also decreasing in 9. 1981), the expected payoff from attacking cut-off strategies. vt monotone equihbrium. equilibrium the measure of agents attacking in every period of regime change pt, this does not create confusion.) guarantees that, for any x G Xt - (To simphfy notation, we again suppress the dependence of 3. The monotonicity proposition. — oo < c (e continuous in {x,xi) G R^ and therefore Consider a sequence {xt ((5)}^j that Sufficiency. It follows (v/STT? continuous in xi G R. Proof of Proposition and is <P then immediate that Vt[x*~^,xt) It is R ^j - {0; xs)] Ps = J_^ pt{9;xt)d''it follows that vt (x;x*~-^,Xf) RxR c.d.f. - [1 (^ (1 > Vt (x*) < +co xj — 9)) , = for all that, for all Vt (x^) t, = if 4-oo. i then, for any > and xi 1 t>2, > — cx). (x, x*"-') R G x Indeed, R , if and F{\{\-9))iPt{9\x-,x'-\5)d9-c •OO r-\-oo /6' F{l{l-9))^t{9\x;x'-\6)d9+ oo < ^ for Note that ^t {9'\x;x'-\5) Vt [x;x') which p{6;xt) > y, +F (i (1 - continuous in that {x, x') {1(1 d')) [I - *t £ is, R - 9)) {9'\x;x'-\6)] can also be written as J^ Fp(y\x,x*)dy, where Fp[y\x,x^) Fp{y;x,x^) = if y = 1 and Fp{y;x,x^) p~' {y;xt) denotes the inverse oip(9;xt) with respect to is F / i^t {9\x;x'-\5) d9 - c Je' x K Dominated Convergence Theorem, x R, it for any y £ The 9. [0, 1]. = follows that J^ Fp{y;x,x^)dy is is c, the (probability) measure of 9 {p~^ (y',^t) |x;i'~^,i5) continuities of p Since Fp{y; ) 25 "^t is - also and "it if y £ [0,1), where then imply that Fp(y;x,x^) bounded from above by also continuous in (x,i'). 1, from the where ^f = ^,6) (9'\x;x^ \ (5) {0\x;x^ ipt J_ knowledge that the d0. Furthermore, since the sta- tus quo survived past attacks causes a first-order-stochastic-dominance change in posterior beUefs/'^ < $ (^/5H^ *t ie'\x;x'-\S) 0, this implies that lima:^+oo 9' it is e M, bounded from below by — c, -F F V this implies that ( — (j (1 — j (1 [x^~^ , — c. -^ 0. 0')) 9')^ = +00) F (i i-O)) V'l - {d\^) rf0 c - {o' ^^)) argument F (i > *i {9'\x) vi (x; —00) > = rules out xi {-9')) - vt is = —c < Vt (x; 5;*^\ -t-00) lim^^+oo = true for any is Together with the fact that Xt /+00 (V^7+^ Since the latter = +00 can not be part of any equilibrium. A similar suppose xj = —00. Then, for any x G M and any 9' € R, and hence Finally, < +00, in which case > Along with hm,_+oo * ^^f±|^)). vt (x; x*~-^, -|-oo) — 9' also true for - [9' -l-oo. c, -00 where ^1 is = /_^ ipi {9'\x) -^ —00, and since vi 9' true also for limx-»-oo v\ (x; —00) We exist x',x" e M. — 1 (i) c — > > fact that such that Vi bounded from above by is implying that xj 0, = —00 of x" R € x' M e t > we have c, the monotonicity of vi (x;xi) in xi along with 0, limx^-00 > (x') (x, ''^i vi (x', —00) > > > -00) Since this c- ( that V\ ( — 00) = can not be part of an equilibrium. > limx-,+cx) > (x', Vi (x") x") to Vi (xi; 5) its continuity in implies that there (x, -hoo), 'Vi (x", -Foo) i;i Vi (xi) in x\ then ensures existence of a solution x\ {5) £ Next, consider — 1 F (| — 0')) ~ any monotone equilibrium. necessarily hold in [iii) For any J any xi and the for = conclude that Existence. X and therefore \\xax^-^ {9\x) dO, . = The continuity of 0. For any given x*~^, a similar argument as above ensures the existence 2. < such that Vt(x*~\x") > such that Vt (x*""\x') 0, < V( (x",x*~-^, -|-oo) < or Vt (x*"^,Xi) Moreover, either there also exists 0. e R. In the former case, the for all Xj continuity of Vt [x^~^,Xt) in xj ensures the existence of xt £ (x',x") such that Vt {^x*~^,xt) < In the latter case, vt (xjx*"-', —00) at Xt = —00, Vt (x*"-*-,— 00) sequence {xj {5)}^q that t > (x;x*^^,x) lima;_,_oo f't 2. We start = (x; x*~^, satisfies conditions (ii) Proof of Theorem any = Vt Vt (x*~^,x) — 00) < and (iii) 0. < for We any x 6 by (7) and (8), 0. and therefore conclude that there exists a in the proposition. by establishing pointwise convergence of 2 and any (x*"\x() e M*"'' x R, R = we have — Vt as 5 > For 0. that^* /-I- 00 pt {9; Xt, S) d'i't (9\xt; x'-\S) - c = *t {9t {xt) |xt; x'-\Q) - c -00 = ' ' This can be seen by noting that the ratio of the densities increasing in '"For 5 > Fp(y;x^,S) 0, let °° — i-'t (^l^'l 2;' ^ , (5) /\/at + P4' ( \/cn +P 8 — '^'^'^t' ( ) ) is 9. and Fp{y;x'^ ,0) Jg U{9t{xt);et-i{x'-^),at,P,z)=Vt{x'-\xt;0). > Fp(j/;x*,(S)beasinfootnotel6. Similarly, for 5 = if y = 1. Since Fp Fp{y]x*,0) as 5 limj^o Fp{y; x', S)dy = — » °° Jg 0, is = bounded from above by 0, 1 Fp{y;x\0) = >I't and, for any y £ [Ot (x,) [0, 1] \xt;x*~\0) and any from standard Dominated Convergence Theorems, lim^-^o J^ Fp{y; x^ ,Q)dy, which gives the result. 26 °° x' e ifj/ £ Fp{y; R x'' [0,1) x R, , 5)dy = — Similarly, for any xi £ R, by lim Fi (xi; = Ut (x*) games *i ^ U {9^ c (xj) = -cx>, ai, ^, z) ; Vj (xi; 0) unperturbed game (S = > 0. From > t/i > all i and reserve the use of 0) l,we henceforth Vf for the let perturbed 0). Consider T= first and 1 an arbitrary £ fix - Ui (x| By - {01 (xi) |xi) prove the result by induction. To simplify the notation, for Vt (x*;0) for the > {6 = <5) (7), >0 o We now , . the convergence of Vi to as 5 f/i — 0, > > £) we can the strict monotonicity of (x^ find 6i{£) + £) L''i(xi),^^ . > such that, for any 6 < 5i (e) Vi{xl-s-5)>0>Vi{xl+s-6). From the continuity of Vi {xi;5) in xi for any 5 to Vi (xi; 5) = such that Xj existence in Proposition |xi [6) — x|| < £. 3, — first < xj (5) Xj 0, it + e. follows that there exists a solution xi [5) Following the same steps as in the proof of we can then construct an equihbrium T= This proves the result for Consider next an arbitrary Take < e > T> 2, fix > £ {xt{6)}'^-^ for T such that {6) 1. and suppose the 0, any equilibrium of r(0) such that x^ > — oo. By result holds for T- 1. the (local) strict monotonicity of around x^ implied by the assumption that x^ ^ aigmaxx Ut {x*^^^,x), there exists et < Ut £ such that either Ut Ut or (x*-^~-^,x^ — < et) - {x*^~\x*j, < Ut x'^~^ for G R any 5 and the < 5 there 1), [CI] for all i < r- 1, [C2] for all t < T- 1, |xj* [C3] in period T, Ut is {x^~^ xt{5)\ ((5), = -oo and < e'j. < 6t G (0, 5 [E'rp.T — 1)) s \i x^ - zt) > Next, by the convergence of Vt (x-^"\ xt) to exists 1, , assume the first continuity of Ut{^^''^,xt) in there exists some e'j- S (0, £t) such that, a sequence x^^^{5) satisfying the following three conditions:^" either xj {5) - T— + £r) loss of generality, From the identical. is fact that the result holds for {e'^, T — {x*^-\x*t C/t + et) Without {x*'^~^,x^ case - the argrunent for the other case > > £t) Vt (x^ [5)) such that, for any 8 0, or Xj G < x; G M, and xj [5) > Ut Ut < (x^"^ (<5) , x^ (x-^~\ xy) for any < 5t, there is R and -l/e'j, K [x" {5) \5)=Q; < -l/e if x* = -oo; + et) (x-^~-^, X7-) G M x R, there x-^~^{S) that satisfies [C1]-[C2] and such that: '"This follows from the the monotonicity of and the monotonicity of Continuity of result holds for U T— —00, ai, )9, z) in 9 - which in turn is impUed by oi > /3^/\/27r - 9i (xi) in xi. implies existence of 1 (7(6'; e'-p such that that [C3] holds for any x'''~^(S) that then ensures that, for any S < S (eT,T — [C2]. 27 1) , there exists i"^~''((5) satisfies [C2]; that the that satisfies both [CI] and . [C3'] in But Vt period T, then, by the continuity of - with |xy < et < xt{5)\ x^ - (^^"^(6), Vt {x'^~^,xt) that solves s, > er, 5) < for all Xf Xf, where > — oo Xt same = xlj. + ex; 5) an xt[6) £ R, 0. x^ = — oo. Recall 9t (if) , x^''^{8), there exists = Vt [x'^^^{6),xt{S);6) solves (6) any that, for = 6t-i (i**~-') result holds for T— 1, sequence x^~^[5) which maXT-<i-i 9t (a^*) 5 < 6t, there for the x^~^ is (S) < same x Vt ,xt) in {5) = — oo satisfies any 5 < 6{£,T) and for all < t if xj" (x Proof of Proposition on t (/?t, zt) 4. and of Proof of Theorem continuous in 9* = — oo, then Xt £ 3. (x*, 9^) Consider with [0,1] U{9l,—QO,aj,Pi,zi) — > — 1 on U , is (0) for < T : — —c > multiple equilibria even dl{-) if T = (S) < xt G for all [e, T) € which x^ if set of x-^* that 5{s,T — (0, such that, 1)) ^ argmax^t/f (x*~^*,x) Xj £ R, then \xt{5) < Vt (x* [6)) — Xf\ < £ Using the same 0. part of an equilibrium {xj (5)}^^^ is - the proof follows exactly the same steps as in the thus omitted for brevity. = i 1. (0j*_j,l), U is and [/ (1, if — oo, •) Next, consider any [9*,9*_^,at,Pt, Zt) is > t is and only if ai > 1. 28 01/2tt. continuous in 9* G £ [9^_^,1] as Hence 2 and note that, strictly decreasing in zt implying that necessarily maxg.g[g_j monotonically for any 9* unique U {9* ,—oo,a\,l3i, zi) is = — c. Hence a solution For any (ai,/3i,2i), This follows from the same argument used in the proof of Proposition ''Note that the function 5 3, x-^ {6) is Furthermore, since U{9*,-,zt) ) < xx x'^^ and therefore the t < —l/e and U {0,—oo,-) = 1 — c = always exists.^" > [9* 9^_-^, z* first c>Oaszt — — oo, for Zt sufficiently low. since [5) t F then, 0, 0.^"^ in every Hence, there £ M, with (^) Vt (x^~^(5),xt;^) < instead — oo) < all an x^ > (^),x!^;(5) Apart from a notational adjustment - namely the dependence of any {9^_-^^at,Pt) and any 9* £ U{9*,-,zt) (5), (0) is finite. model with only private information, and ^' such that, for 1))) the proof. , in period If proof of existence in Proposition for the F {S) which completes and a is and such that: e') T— (0, 5 {s', such that Vt (x also is equilibrium {xjj^j of evei-y =0; and ;(5) arguments as for =0. T, there exists x'^ {5) such that, for Vt (x* [6) 9l{zi) to — oo, x'^) £ M, there xj- Vt ( admits at most two solutions can be part of an equilibrium of F for x^ £ -l/e, such that Vt [x^~'^{5),xt{5) ;^) Finally, recall that (6) and to Ut, there also exists a 5t G there exists an (5), (— cx), x^), then xt for there 1)), that satisfies [Cl]-[C2] and such that: by the continuity of Vt {x x'j. — 6 {s' ,T fact that the Vt{x'^-H^),^'t^S) <0. [C4'] If, < above (replacing e^ with satisfies conditions [Cl]-[C2] the pointwise convergence of any £ (0,£) such that, for any 5 s' Pick some • Ut{x'^-H5),x't) <0. [C4] By some there exists (x**~^, Xj) = >2,Ut t e (— oo,min{ — 1/e, xy}). From the continuity of Ut (x'^^^,xt) in x'^"^ and the x'-p U {x^'^ in xt^ for the Next, take any equihbrium of r(0) such that —c < > Vt Q zt j] [/ (0*, [0j_^, —^ 1] •, for zt) and > any zt, +oo, from stan- 3. for a\ < /3?/27r, the game trivially admits U (9*,6*_i,-,zt) dard Monotone Convergence Theorems, the function as zt — strict monotonicity of » maxe.g[5i_jj] U in zt then guarantees that there exists a U [9*, 6'j_j, at, ft, 2j) > t then an equihbrium: for i = (<)0 if and only > 9'^_-^{z'-~^) 1, 9l{zi) that (9) admits a solution 9t(z^) is equilibrium, at any and {at, ft }j^ J all t is t also and any > 2, 9^{z'') > if if z : for Zt sufficiently high. and only if zt < 1 U {9^, U {9*,9;_i{z^-^),at, 9*_i{z^-'^) for all ^t <^ {9'^_^,at,Pt) —oo^ai, Pi, /3t, {9;_i,at,Pt) zt) also The = zi) =0}. Note Since 9^ (z*) The imphes following 0; for all that, in this = 9'[{zi) for an equilibrium, we conclude that the game admits multiple equilibria T> —c such that finite 2 (5(_j, at,/?f) < (>)3 (0*_^,at,/9t), which any solution to is e {2,...,T}, 0^(2*) =max({e;_i(z«-i)}U{0* all z* < +00, implying that ma.xg,^^g_^ijU [6*,6^_j,at,/3t,2t) converges uniformly to for any 2. References [1] Angeletos, George-Marios, Christian Hellwig, and Alessandro Pavan (2003) "Coordination and Policy Traps," working paper, Andrew [2] Atkeson, [3] Carlsson, Hans, (2000), "Discussion and Eric van Econometrica 61, [4] 5, on Morris and Shin," Damme (1993), "Global NBER Macroeconomics Annual. Games and Equilibrium Selection," 989-1018. Chamley, Christophe (1999), "Coordinating Regime Switches," Quarterly Journal of Eco- nomics 114, [5] MIT/UCLA/Northwestern. 3, 869-905. Chari, V.V., and Patrick Kehoe (2003), "Hot Money," Journal of Political Economy 111, 1262-1292. 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