DEWEY MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 03316 3319 zo\o Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS AND STOCK MARKET VOLATILITY Xavier Gabaix Parameswaran Gopikrishnan Vasiliki Plerou H. Eugene Stanley Working Paper 03-30 October 2, 2005 Revised: May 12, 2010 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS AND STOCK MARKET VOLATILITY* Xavier Gabaix Parameswaran Gopikrishnan Plerou Vasiliki H. Eugene Stanley October 2, 2005 Abstract We present a theory of excess stock market volatility, in which market movements are due to trades by very large institutional investors in relatively illiquid markets. Such trades generate significant spikes in returns mentals. We and volume, even in the absence of important news about funda- derive the optimal trading behavior of these investors, which allows us to provide a unified explanation for apparently disconnected empirical regularities in returns, trading and investor size. I. Ever since market Shiller [1981], prices, volume Introduction economists have sought to understand the origins of volatility in stock which appears to exceed the predictions of simple models with rational expectations editor and referees for very helpful comments. We also thank Tobias Adrian, Nicholas BarBlanchard, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, John Campbell, Victor Chernozhukov, Emanuel Derman, Peter Diamond, Alex Edmans, Edward Glaeser, Joel Hasbrouck, David Hirshleifer, Harrison Hong, Soeren Hvidjkaer, Ivana Komunjer, David Laibson, Augustin Landier, Ananth Madhavan, Andrew Metrick, Lasse Pedersen, Thomas Philippon, Marc Potters, Jon Reuter, Bryan Routledge, Gideon Saar, Andrei Shleifer, Didier Sornette, Dimitri Vayanos, Jessica Wachter, Jiang Wang, Jeffrey Wurgler, and seminar participants at University of California, Berkeley, Departement et Laboratoire d'Economie Theorique et Appliquee, Duke University, Harvard University, John Hopkins University, Kellogg School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Bureau of Economic Research, New York University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Wharton School of Business, the Econophysics conferences in Indonesia and Japan, the Western Finance Association and Econometric Society meetings. We thank Fernando Duarte, Tal Fishman, and David Kang for their research assistance. Gopikrishnan's contribution was part of his Ph.D. thesis. We thank Morgan Stanley, the National Science Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation for support. *We thank our beris, Olivier and constant discounting. 1 Even after the fact, using only observable news [Cutler, Poterba and We present a model in which volatility is it is hard to explain changes in the stock market Summers caused by the trades of large institutions. Institutional investors appear to be important for the low-frequency Gompers and Metrick sheds light on 2004; Cohen, many [2001]. issues, 1989; Fair 2002; Roll 1988]. movements of equity prices, as shown by Understanding better the behavior of institutional investors also such as momentum and Gompers and Vuolteenaho 2002; Choe, positive feedback trading [Chae Kho and and Lewellen Stulz 1999; Hvidkjaer 2005], bubbles [Brunnermeier and Nagel 2004], liquidity provision [Campbell, Ramadorai and Vuolteenaho 2005], and the importance of indexing [Goetzman and Massa 2003] how trading by individual large investors may create price . We further this research by analyzing movements that are hard to explain by fundamental news. In our theory, spikes in trading volume and returns are created by a combination of news and the trades by large investors. Suppose news or proprietary analysis induces a large investor to trade a particular stock. Since his desired trading volume is then a significant proportion of daily turnover, he will moderate his actual trading volume to avoid paying too The optimal volume will much in price impact. 2 nonetheless remain large enough to induce a significant price change. Traditional measures, such as variances and correlations, are of limited use in analyzing spikes market in activity. Many empirical moments are infinite; moreover, their theoretical analysis is typically untractable. 3 Instead, a natural object of analysis turns out to be the tail exponent of the distribution, for which some convenient analytical techniques apply. Furthermore, there empirical evidence on the tails of is much the distributions, which appear to be well approximated by power laws. For example, the distribution of returns r over daily or weekly horizons decays according to P(\r\ > x) behavior is ~ x~^r where £r useful to guide is the tail or Pareto exponent. 4 and constrain any theory of the impact of large our theory unifies the following stylized (ii) ~ 3; the power law distribution of trading volume, with exponent £g ~ 1.5; (iii) the power law distribution of price impact; (iv) the power law distribution of the size of large investors, with exponent £5 ~ 1. 'See also Campbell and Shiller [1988], French and Roll [1986], LeRoy and Porter [1981]. See Section II. C. 2 3 The variance of volume and the kurtosis of returns are infinite. Section Appendix 1 reviews the relevant techniques. II tail investors. Specifically, facts, the power law distribution of returns, with exponent £r (i) This accumulated evidence on provides more details. Existing models have difficulty in explaining facts behavior in general, but also the specific exponents. For example, on news move stock to prices ~ 3. However, there hypothesis that justifies this assumption. Similarly, to be fine-tuned to replicate the exponent of We rely efficient markets theories rely and thus can explain the empirical finding only distributed with an exponent £r on previous research to explain 3. is power law together, not only the (i)-(iv) if news nothing a priori in the is power law efficient GARCH models generate power laws, markets but need 5 (iv), and develop a trading model to explain We (iii). use these facts together to derive the optimal trading behavior of large institutions in relatively illiquid The markets. fat-tailed distribution of investor sizes generates a fat-tailed distribution of Whe we volumes and returns. derive the optimal trading behavior of large institutions, to replicate the specific values for the power law exponents found In addition to explaining the above facts, an analysis of tail in stylized facts behavior (i) may have we are able and a (ii). 6 number of wider applications in option pricing,' risk management, and the debate on the importance of large returns for the equity premium Our paper draws on Weitzman [Barro 2005; Rietz 1988; Routledge and Zin 2004; several literatures. The behavioral 2005]. finance literature [Barberis and Thaler 2003; Hirshleifer 2001; Shleifer 2000] describes mechanisms by which large returns obtain without significant changes in fundamentals. We idiosyncratic trades of institutions. The microstructure O'Hara 1995] and Spatt 2005; literature [Biais, Glosten shows that order flow can explain a large fraction of exchange rate movements [Evans and Lyons 2002] and stock and Seppi propose that these extreme returns often result from large price movements, including the covariance between stocks [Hasbrouck Previous papers combine these behavioral, microstructure and asset pricing 2001]. el- ements to explain the impact of limited liquidity and demand pressures on asset prices [Acharya and Pedersen 2005; Gompers and Metrick 2001; Pritsker 2005; ravskaya 2002]. We complement this research by focusing on Shleifer 1986; tail Wurgler and Zhu- behavior, partially in the hope that understanding extreme events allows us to understand standard market behavior better. This article to study is also part of a broader economic issues, movement utilizing concepts and methods from physics a literature sometimes referred to as "econophysics" 8 . Econophysics GARCH models are silent about the economic origins of the tails, and about trading volume. This includes the relative fatness documented by facts (i), (ii) and (iv) (note that a higher exponent means a thinner tail). Since large traders moderate their trading volumes, the distribution of volumes is less fat-tailed than °Also, 6 that of investor volume 7 sizes. In turn, a concave price impact function leads to return distributions being less fat-tailed than distributions. Our theory indicates that trading volume should help forecast the probability of large returns. Marsh and Wagner [2004] provides evidence consistent with that view. Antecedents are Simon [1955] and Mandelbrot [1963]. More recent research includes Bak, Chen, Scheinkman, is similar in spirit to behavioral economics in that behavior, and explores their implications. psychological microfoundations, and Section II tains our baseline V Section Appendix 1 is postulates simple plausible rules of agent it differs by putting results of the interactions emphasis on the less among agents. behavior of financial variables. Section tail model that connects together power concludes. II. However, more on the presents stylized facts on the it laws. Section IV then con- III discusses various extensions. a primer on power law mathematics. The Empirical Findings That Motivate Our Theory This section presents the empirical facts that motivate our theory, and provides a self-contained tour of the empirical literature on power laws. ~ II. A. The Power Law Distribution The distribution of returns has been analyzed in a series of studies that uses an ever increasing tail number of Price Fluctuations: (r 3 and de Vries 1991; Lux 1996; Gopikrishnan, Plerou, Amaral, Meyer, of data points [Jansen and Stanley 1999; Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Meyer, and Stanley The logarithmic return over a time interval At. 1999]. Let r t denote the distribution function of returns for the 1,000 i largest U.S. stocks and several major international indices has been found to P{\r\>x) (1) Here, ~ positive 9 ^-withCr-3. denotes asymptotic equality up to numerical constants. 10 and negative returns separately and be: is This relationship holds for best illustrated in Figure I. It plots the cumulative probability distribution of the population of normalized absolute returns, with In a; on the horizontal axis and lnP(|r| > x) on the vertical axis. It lnP(|r| (2) and Woodford [1993], Bouchaud and Potters > x) [2003], shows that = — Cr hix + Gabaix constant [1999, 2005], Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Meyer, and Stanley 1999], Levy, Levy, and Solomon [2000], Lux and Sornette [2002], Mantegna and Stanley [1995, 2000]. See also Arthur, LeBaron, Holland, Palmer, and Tayler [1997], Blume and Durlauf [2005], Brock and Hommes [1998], [1993], Jackson and Rogers [2005] for work in a related vein. To compare quantities across different stocks, we normalize variables such as r and q by the second moments if they exist, otherwise by the first moments. For instance, for a stock i, we consider the returns r\ t = {tu — n) /ov.i, where r is the mean of the r« and ay,i is their standard deviation. For volume, which has an infinite standard deviation, we use the normalization q'it = qn/qi, where qu is the raw volume, and gT is the absolute deviation: Durlauf t <?i = \qn -qitY Formally, f(x) ~ g (x) means / (i) j g (x) tends toward a positive constant (not necessarily 1) as x — > oo. yields a —3.1 good ± 0.1, should be -3: in 1 for \r\ (1). It is i.e., Equation to fit as between 2 and 80 standard deviations. estimation yields not automatic that this graph should be a straight a Gaussian world u OLS it line, or that the slope would be a concave parabola. In the following, we the cubic law of returns" — Cr = shall refer . Insert Figure I here Insert Figure II here Furthermore, the 1929 and 1987 "crashes" do not appear to be outliers to the power law distribution of daily returns [Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley 2005]. Thus there may not be a need for a special theory of "crashes": extreme realizations are fully consistent with a fat-tailed distribution. Equation 1999]. 1 12 appears to hold internationally [Gopikrishnan, Plerou, Amaral, Meyer, and Stanley For example, Figure indices are very similar. III, shows that the distribution of returns for three different country 13 Insert Figure III here Having checked the robustness of the (r ~ 3 finding across different stock markets, Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Meyer, and Stanley [1999] examine firms of different have higher also volatility than large firms, as shows similar slopes for the is graphs of distribution of each size quantile by its verified in Figure IVa. all four distributions. 10 sizes. 14 Small firms Moreover, the same diagram Figure IVb normalizes the standard deviation, so that the normalized distributions all The particular value £ r ~ 3 is consistent with a finite variance, but moments higher than 3 are unbounded. ( r ~ 3 contradicts the "stable Paretian hypothesis" of Mandelbrot [1963], which proposes that financial returns follow a Levy 1 ' A Levy distribution has an exponent £r < 2, which is inconsistent with the empirical evidence [Fama 1963; McCulloch 1996; Rachev and Mittnick 2000]. '"Section IV.D reports quotes from the Brady report, which repeatedly marvels at how concentrated trading was on Monday, October 19, 1987. The empirical literature has proposed other distributions. We are more confident about our findings as they rely on a much larger number of data points, and hence quantify the tails more reliably. We can also explain previous findings in light of ours. Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold, and Ebens [2001] show that the bulk of the distribution of realized volatility is lognormal. In independent work, Liu, Gopikrishnan, Cizeau, Meyer, Peng, and Stanley [1999] show that while this is true, the tails seem to be power law. H Some studies quantify the power law exponent of foreign exchange fluctuations. The most comprehensive is probably Guillaume, Dacorogna, Dave, Miiller, Olsen, and Pictet [1997], who calculate the exponent £r of the price movements between the major currencies. At the shortest frequency At = 10 minutes, they find exponents with average Q r = 3.44, and a standard deviation 0.30. This is tantalizingly close to the stock market findings, though the standard error is too high to draw sharp conclusions. 15 There is some dispersion in the measured exponent across individual stocks [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Meyer, and Stanley 1999]. This is expected, as least because measured exponents are noisy. Proposition 5 makes stable distribution. 1 predictions about the determinants of a possible heterogeneity in the exponents. have a standard deviation of to (r ~ 1. The plots collapse on the same curve, and all have exponents close 3. Insert Figure The above IV here results hold for relatively short time horizons - a day or less. 16 Longer-horizon return sum distributions are shaped by two opposite forces. One law distributed variables with exponent £ power law distributed, with the same exponent Thus one expects the The second force is tails of is also is that a finite the central limit theorem, which says that becomes more Gaussian, while the smaller probability, so that they 33-35] for of independent power 17 £. monthly and even quarterly returns to remain power law distributed. of the distribution converges to Gaussian. In sum, as [2003, p. force tails may if T returns are aggregated, the bulk we aggregate over T returns, the central part remain a power law with exponent but have an ever £, not even be detectable in practice. See Bouchaud and Potters an example. In practice, the convergence to the Gaussian returns were independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.), and one still horizons [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Meyer, and Stanley 1999, Figure is slower than if sees fat tails at yearly 9]. A likely explanation the autocorrelation of volatility and trading activity [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Gabaix, and is Stanley 2000]. 18 »A useful extension of the present model would allow the desire to trade (or signal occurrences) to be autocorrelated, and might generate the right calibration of autocorrelation of volatility and slow convergence to a Gaussian. In conclusion, the existing literature shows that while high frequencies offer the best statistical resolution to investigate the horizons, such as a II. B. To month tails, power laws still appear relevant for the tails of returns at longer or even a year. The Power Law Distribution of Trading Volume: (q better constrain a theory of large returns, it is ~ 3/2 helpful to understand the structure of large trading volumes. Gopikrishnan, Plerou, Gabaix, and Stanley [2000] find that trading volumes for Our analysis does not require exact power laws. It is enough that an important part of the tail distribution is well approximated by a power law. For instance, lognormal distributions with high variance are often well approximated by Pareto distributions. The exponent is then interpreted as a local exponent, i.e. ( (x) = —xp' (x) /p(x) — 1, rather than a global exponent: This is one of the aggregation properties of power laws reviewed in Appendix 1. Aggregation issues may also be important to understand the dispersion of exponents [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, and Stanley 1999]. '" Dembo, Deuschel and Duffie [2004], Ibragimov [2005] and Kou and Kou [2004] develop further the importance of 1 1 ' 1 fat tails in finance. 20 the 1,000 largest U.S. stocks are also power law distributed: P (q > (3) The P (<?) ~ precise value estimated 9"" 2 5 ' ii and Mills e -i (3)- is The exponent [2001] likewise find ( q = Qq x) = j- 1.53 ± Figure .07. V 1.4 ± 0.1 for the test the robustness of this result, the density satisfies illustrates: of the distribution of individual trades is close to 1.5. Maslov volume of market orders. Insert Figure To C ^ 3/2. with V here we examine 30 large stocks of the Paris Bourse from 1995-1999, which contain approximately 35 million records, and 250 stocks of the London Stock Exchange in 2001. As shown in Figure V, we find = C, q 1.5 ± 0.1 for each of the three stock markets. The exponent appears essentially identical in the three stock markets, which is suggestive of universality. The low exponent trading is (g ~ 3/2 indicates that the distribution of volumes very concentrated. Indeed, the 1 is very fat failed, and percent largest trades represent 28.5 percent (±0.6 percent) of the total volume traded. 21 The power law of individual trades continues to hold for volumes that are aggregated (for a given stock) at the horizon At 15 minutes [Gopikrishnan, Plerou, Gabaix, and Stanley 2000]: P (Q > (4) We be = refer to x) ~ -J- with Cq m Equation 3-4 as the "half-cubic law of trading volume". It is intriguing that the exponent of returns should be 3 1.5. To see 3/2. if there is and the exponent of volumes should an economic connection between those values, we turn to the relation between return and volume. II. C. The Power Law The microstructure We define ~ V1 [1993, 1995] estimate a range of 0.3 to 1 percent; volume as the number of shares traded. The dollar value traded a given security, "'The r literature generally confirms that substantial trades can have a large impact. Chan and Lakonishok " of Price Impact: it is Keim and Madhavan [1996] yields very similar results, since, for number of shares traded. ±0.3 percent of the total volume essentially proportional to the 0.1 percent largest trades represent 9.6 on the 100 largest stocks of the Trades and Quotes database in the traded. period 1994-5. We computed the statistics find 4 percent for smaller stocks. prices: see A Brady There are also many anecdotal examples of large investors affecting [1988], Corsetti, Pesenti, simple calculation illustrates significantly. The Wang hence daily turnover 2001]: sell its entire = 0.5/250 is e.g., is Coyne and Witter that a large fund can [2002]. move 22 the market 50 percent of the shares outstanding [Lo and 0.2 percent based on 250 trading days per year. the 30th largest fund. At the end of 2000, such a fund held market and hence, on average, 0.1 percent of the [2002], why one can expect typical yearly turnover of a stock Consider a moderately large fund, To and Roubini 0.1 percent of the capitalization of a given stock. holding, the fund will have to absorb 0.1/0.2 or half of the daily turnover. 23 This supports the idea that large funds are indeed large compared to the liquidity of the market, and that price impact will therefore be an important consideration. We r (5) with fc V next present evidence that the price impact r of a trade of size > 0, < 7< 1, ~ scales as: k\P, which yields a concave price impact function [Hasbrouck 1991, Hasbrouck = and Seppi 2001; Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Gabaix, and Stanley 2002]. The parameterization 7 is often used, Kahn [1999], by Barra e.g., Hasbrouck and Seppi Equation 5 implies (r the value 7 [1997], = 1/2 is = 1/2 Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley [2003], Grinold and [2001]. (v/l by rule (42) in Appendix Hence, given (r 1. a particularly plausible null hypothesis. From = 3 and (y this relationship, = we 3/2, see a natural connection between the power laws of returns and volumes. The exact value 7 = 1/2. We start volumes Vi,...,Vn Q= (6) , of 7 is a topic of active research. from the benchmark where, of independent signs £j Y^i=\ ^' an d aggregate return We report here evidence on the null hypothesis in a given time interval, = ±1 n blocks with equal probability. are traded, with Aggregate volume is is: r = u + k^T,e V 1/2 i i "See also Chiyachantana, Jain, Jiang, and Wood [2004] for international evidence, and Jones and Lipson [2001] and Werner [2003] for recent U.S. evidence. "3 It had $19 billion in- assets under management. The total market capitalization of The New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq and the American Stock Exchange was $18 trillion. where u is some other orthogonal source E \r 2 I Ql = + el k 2 of price movement. 24 Then, E o* E (7) [r 2 | Q] = a u2 VI reveals an results of Figure 2 k Q. VI here Insert Figure Our + + k 2 Q + 0. affine relation predicted rather than any clear sign of concavity or convexity. A by Equation 7 for large volumes Q, formal test that we detail in Appendix 3 confirms this relation. Measuring price impact and its following reasons. First, order flow all dependence on order size is a complex problem due to the and returns are jointly endogenous. To our knowledge, virtually empirical studies including ours, suffer from this lack of exogeneity in order flow. 25 Second, the unsplit size of orders size of individual trades q, is unobservable in most liquid markets. not the size of the desired block V. If One observes the one does not pay attention to aggregation, different exponents of price impact are measured, depending on the time horizon chosen [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Gabaix, and Stanley 2002, 2004; Farmer and Lillo 2004]. 26 Third, order flow Potters, is autocorrelated [Froot, O'Connell and Seasholes, 2001; Bouchaud, Gefen, and Wyart 2004; of different traders. It is Lillo and Farmer also predicted Chriss 2000; Berstimas and Lo 2004]. This autocorrelation could come from the actions by models of optimal execution of trades [Almgren and 1998; Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley 2003], as large transactions are split into smaller pieces. 27 Although the empirical evidence we gathered impact more accurately flow. and In particular, split of it will require better is suggestive, measuring the curvature 7 of price data and a technique to address the endogeneity of order would require knowing desired trading volumes, magnitude of price impact trades for a set of large market participants. In the meantime, "4 we consider evidence such Via Equation 6, a model such as ours provides a foundation for stochastic clock representations of the type proposed by Clark [1973]. An exception is Loeb [1983], who collected bids on different size blocks of stock. Barra [1997] and Grinold and Kahn [1999, p. 453] report that the best fit of the Loeb data is a square root price impact. ' In a related way, part of the linearity of Equation 7 can arise because in some simple models total volume and squared returns depend linearly on the number of trades [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Gabaix, and Stanley 2000]. 27 If the trades are executed in the same time window, Equation 7 still holds. If they do not, the estimate of 7 is typically biased downward [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Gabaix, and Stanley 2004], VI as Figure possible that the true relationship it is why we II. D. between volume and squared return. However, as supportive of a linear relationship is different, or may vary from market to market. This is present a theory with a general curvature 7. The Power Law Distribution of the Size of Large Investors: £s ~ 1 highly probable that substantial trades are generated by very large investors. This motivates It is us to investigate the size distribution of market participants. A power law formulation: 1 often yields a good fit. The exponent £g both ~ 1, often called Zipf's law, is of firms in general follows Zipf's law, management it is [Axtell 2001; (20 percent cutoff) via across years of 0.08. 30 deviation of 0.07. OLS. The We and Aref money management is Hence we conclude If the distribution technique gives a that, to a money [2004] find this is the under management) of find an average coefficient Hill estimator true for the core business: mutual funds. 28 we estimate the power law exponent t, is management. to obtain the size (dollar value of assets from 1961-1999. For each year relation Okuyama, Takayasu, and Souma 2004]. firms in particular follows Zipf's law. Indeed, Pushkin investigate firms for which CRSP use Gallegati, common. This plausible to hypothesize that the distribution of case for U.S. baAk sizes, measured by assets under We particularly Gabaix and Ioannides 2004] and firms cities [Zipf 1949; and Takayasu 1999; Fujiwara, Di Guilmi, Aoyama, ' ^_L P(5>x) (8) Q = mean 1.10, all We mutual funds 29 £ of the tail distribution with a standard deviation estimate Q= 0.93 and a standard good approximation, mutual fund sizes follow a power law distribution with exponent: (s (9) * 1. For this paper, we can take this distribution of the sizes of mutual funds as a given. fact, not difficult to explain. One can apply the explanations given for cities It is, in [Simon 1955; Gabaix the main findings. Gabaix, Ramalho, and Reuter [2005] present much more detail. count as x different funds, not as one big "Fidelity" fund. The estimates '"'We cannot conclude that the standard deviation on our mean estimate is 0.08 (1999 — 1961 + 1)~ " "9 Here we sketch The x funds of Fidelity, for instance, are not independent across years, because of the persistence in mutual fund sizes. 10 1999; Gabaix and Ioannides 2004] to mutual funds. Suppose that the relative size fund i follows a random growth process Su = S^t-i minor element of follows Zipf's law with = C,s £it), with en of a and mean i.i.d. 0. mutual Add a a steady state distribution; for instance, very friction to small funds to ensure small funds are terminated and are replaced by + (1 Su new Then, funds. this steady state distribution 1. Gabaix, Ramalho and Reuter [2005] develop this idea and show that these assumptions are verified empirically. This means that the random growth distribution to satisfy Zipf's law, i^g = of mutual funds generically lead their size 1. Insert Figure VII here It is only in the past 30 years that mutual funds have ketplace. It would be interesting follow Zipf's law, as the The evidence we small number have evidence on the to became important. For before mutual funds number is very size distribution of financial institutions instance, pension funds of corporations are likely to necessarily tentative. Estimating a is and difficult, all participants in the U.S. market. their found to describe the to describe well the as a we had access to only a subset of the institutions. It would be useful to weight the funds by annual turnover. Nevertheless, given that Zipf's law (Equation 9) has been size of upper many tail other entities, such as banks and firms in general, and appears of the empirical distribution of mutual funds, we view Equation 9 good benchmark. Summary and Paradoxes II. E. The relatively Other important participants are hedge funds, pension funds, and proprietary trading desks, and foreign and power law with a estimators require somewhat arbitrary parameters [Embrechts, Kluppelberg, and Mikosch 1997]. Furthermore, their leverage to represent a large part of the mar- of employees in firms follow Zipf's law. present here of points come facts summarized difficulties in GARCH 'it important challenges. may be First, economic theories have explaining the power law distribution of returns, as the efficient market theory, and models, need to be fine tuned to explain exponent of satisfies in this section present why the distribution of returns would have an 3. useful to give a short proof. the forward Kolmogorov equation and a cumulative distribution P (S > x) = Suppose the process = dtp k/x, = i.e., \-j§i {c 2 Zipf's law. 11 is: dSt = StadBt- The steady state density p(S) S 2 p(S)). This implies p(S) = k/S 2 for a constant k, Second, it is institution size and trading surprising that the Pareto exponent of trading volume is £g policies, ~ In models with frictionless trading, 1. except that they are scaled by the size S is (q ~ 1.5, while that of agents have identical portfolios all of the agents (which corresponds to wealth). Hence frictionless trading predicts that the distribution of trading volume of a given stock should Cg > reflect the distribution of 33 A Cs- likely cause is institutions, because price Finally, the basic price its impact is (q = Cs — monotonically increasing in trade = = £q . To explain why I- 32 However, we find that size. Cg/Cr is close to 1/2, we require a model with 1/2. present a model that attempts to resolve the above paradoxes. 34 The Model III. for i.e. impact model [Kyle 1985] predicts a linear relation between returns and curvature of price impact 7 We investors, the cost of trading; large institutions trade more prudently than small volume, which would imply (T We now the size of We consider a large fund in a relatively illiquid market. the price impact of its trades. Next, the core contribution of this paper. One we link the various first describe a rudimentary power law exponents; model this represents could employ different microfoundations for price impact without changing our conclusions. III. A. A Simple Model to Generate a Power Law Before presenting, in Section III.B, the core of the model, we for the The square root price impact. Subsequent models, such as Seppi [1996], generate basic [1990], model first present a simple microfoundation of Kyle [1985] predicts a linear price impact. Barclay and Warner [1993], and Keim and Madhavan a concave impact in general. Zhang [1999] and Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley [2003] produce a square root function in particular. 30 ''"Solomon and Price Impact Richmond [2001] have proposed a model that relies are sympathetic to this approach that links wealth to volumes. of institutions, rather The model used in this section on a scaling exponent of wealth £s In the present study than individual wealth, because most very large trades are rather than by private individuals. Also, the Pareto exponent of wealth and income we use the likely to is = 3/2. We size distribution be done by institutions [e.g., Davies and quite variable Shorrocks 2000; Piketty and Saez 2003]. The lower the power law exponent, the fatter the tails of the variable. See Appendix 1. ii Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley [2003] presents a reduced form of some elements of the present N io is article. = V 1 ^" Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley [2003] predicts that a trade of size V will be traded into smaller chunks. This has the advantage of generating a power law distributions of the number of trade with exponent Cn = 2£v = 3, which is close to the empirical value [Plerou, Gopikrishnan, Amaral, Gabaix, and Stanley 2000]. We did not keep it in the current model, because we wanted to streamline the microfoundation of price impact. 12 a formalized version of a useful heuristic argument, sometimes called the "Barra model" of Torre and Ferrari [Barra 1997]. We consider a single risky security in fixed supply, with a price p ("he") buys or The timing the security from a liquidity supplier ("she"). sell at time (t) The t. of the large fund model as is follows: At time is t = 0, the fund receives a signal M about mispricing. M < is a a buy signal. Without loss of generality, we study a buy signal. The analysis sell signal, M> symmetric is for a sell signal. At = t 1 — 2e (e a small positive number), the fund negotiates a price with the liquidity For simplicity, we assume liquidity provision supplier. bargaining power. where p is The 2e) the transaction At t = 1 — e, At t = between difference the price before impact and is 7r and R is = p + n (V), t = 1 is the price concession, or where n (V) a standard Brownian motion with of the stock at price p(t): she is liquidity supplier continues to time The is full p + R, price impact. the permanent price impact. =R— tt. Equilibrium price concession 36 will The determine R(V). + TT{V) + aB(t), B (1) = 0. Also, at replenishing her inventory. She continuously meets sellers after a of shares, at a price public. n(V) and the P {t)=p B V full onwards, the price follows a random walk with volatility a: (10) where is the temporary price impact t the value of the permanent price impact From R announced to the the price jumps to p (1) 1, competitive so that the fund has liquidity supplier sells to the fund the quantity = p (1 — is is T= V/V. The who t = 1, the liquidity supplier starts a price taker as she can credibly assure that she buy shares until her inventory Vdt are willing to sell her a quantity is is not informed. fully replenished, The which happens price continues to evolve according to (10). liquidity provider benefits from the temporary price impact tainty as she replenishes her inventory [Grossman and Miller 1988]. r, but then faces price uncer- To evaluate these effects, we To keep the mathematics simple, the impact is additive, and the price otherwise follows a random walk. It is easy, though cumbersome, to make the price impact proportional and the log price follow a random walk. Our conclusions about the power law exponents would not change. 7 We wish to add two comments about the timing of the model. In our model, the large fund trades in one block (at time t = 1), and the liquidity provider trades in many smaller chunks (at time ( £ (1,1 + T]). Alternative timing assumptions would leave the scaling relations unchanged (12), with the same 7. Also, the exchange between the large fund and the liquidity supplier is an "upstairs" block trade. In an upstairs trade, the initiator typically commits not to repeat the trade too soon in the future. This prevents many market manipulation strategies that might otherwise be possible with a non-linear price impact, such as those analyzed by Huberman and Stanlz [2004]. 13 assume that the amount liquidity provider has the following U = E[W] - risk of > and > 5 The 0. standard deviation preferences, 5 = 2. In = l. X[var (W)] liquidity supplier requires i.e. cr, many which corresponds to 5 One variance utility function on the total W of money earned during the trade (11) with A mean , compensation equal to Xa s to bear a has "6-th order risk aversion." 38 With standard mean- variance cases, a better description of what behavior is first-order risk aversion, comes from psychology. Prospect theory [Kah- 39 justification for first-order risk aversion neman and Tversky s/2 1979] presents psychological evidence for this behavior, which has also been formalized in disappointment aversion [Gul 1991; Backus, Routledge, and Zin 2005]. Second, order risk aversion [1990] is frequently needed to calibrate quantitative models, such as Epstein and Barberis, Huang, and Santos reflect a value at risk penalty, where A [2001]. Another institutional rule to accept trades if if their third justification is justification Sharpe ratio is and Zin institutional, as (11) the size of the penalty, and var is to the value at risk. and only A (W) via the Sharpe ratio. can proportional ' is If a trader uses a greater than A, then he will behave as is first- if he exhibits first-order risk aversion. Proposition , 1 The setup of this section generates the temporary price impact function: r{V) (12) with H = \a S/2 5 / (3V) = HV' r and 7=y-l. For future reference, Proposition 2 If it is useful to state separately our central case. the liquidity provider is first order risk averse, then the price impact increases with the square root of traded volume: 7=1/2 Essentially all non-expected utility theories need a postulate on how different gambles are intergrated. Here, we assume that the liquidity provider evaluates individually the amount earned in the trade. 3g The model also generates a square root price impact with a different specification that generates first order risk aversion, for instance the loss averse utility function: U = E [max (W, 0)] + A£ [min (W, 0)] with A > 1. W 14 and t(V) (13) a is V \o(^ / = \ 1/2 the daily volatility of the stock, and A the risk aversion of the liquidity provider. V In practice, is likely to be proportional to the daily trading volume. Hence the scaling predictions of Equation 13 can be almost directly examined. The proof is in V buy back the to Appendix shares. 2. The intuition that the liquidity provider needs a time is During that time, the price diffuses at a rate a. provider faces a price uncertainty with standard deviation is first r order risk averse, the price concession r ~ ay/V To , i.e., Equation close the model, is ayT ~ uyV . If T = V/V Hence the liquidity the liquidity provider proportional to the standard deviation, hence 13. we need to determine both the permanent and the full price impact. The de- termination of these two variables typically depends on the fine details of the information structure processed by the other market participants. We use a somewhat indirect route, which drastically simplifies the analysis. Assumption We 1 assume that the market uses a R{V) = Bt(V) (14) some for linear rule to determine the full price impact, B > 0. Section IV. A presents conditions under which the linear rule (14) optimal. Assumption 1 closes the price impact part of the model. Proposition 3 The above setup generates the R(V) = hVi (15) where h price concession function = BH, and H and 7 are determined in Propositions 15 1 and 2. is actually The Core Model: Behavior III.B. Fund of a Large We now lay out the core of our model. tunities, which indicate that the excess risk-adjusted return on the asset are independent. s t Mt mispricing. Assumption The model is in fact real. mispricing is If We assume that M misspecification risk t not too fat-tailed: is is C is st M C. t st ,M t and C the expected absolute value of the E [M 1+1 to be not too fat-tailed. /7 ] < oo. captures uncertainty over whether the perceived mispricing For example, the fund's predictive regressions may have C= M the sign of the mispricing. since been arbitraged away. signals the fund perceives are pure noise, is 0. periodically receives signals about trading oppor- drawn from a distribution / (M), which we assume is 2 = ±1 The fund C*, the mispricings are real. C may from data mining, or the result can take two values, and C* . If C= 0, the and the true average return on the perceived mispricings We specify E C 1, so that M represents the expected value of the mispricing. The fund has S R (Vt), dollars in assets. If the total return of its portfolio rt (16) where If ut is mean the model to buys a volume is price concession = V (CM -R(V )+u )/S t t wrong, expected returns t t are: t assume that the manager has a concern —A be below some value percent if Equation 18 can be is t t He does for robustness. | C= model not want his expected return wrong. Formally, this means: is > -A. 0J One is a psychological attitude towards model and Schmeidler [1989] and Hansen and Sargent [2005]. a useful rule of thumb, that can be applied without requiring detailed infor- fine details of and Vishny t justified in several ways. uncertainty, developed in depth by Gilboa Second, Equation 18 Q\=-V R{V )/S. his trading E\r (18) [Shleifer and pays a is: E\r \C = mation about the Vj of the asset, zero noise. (17) We it model uncertainty. 1997]. If trader ability is A third explanation uncertain, investors 16 may is delegated management wish to impose a constraint such as Equation 18 to prevent excessive trading. To simplify the algebra, we assume wants to maximize the expected value of that, subject to the robustness constraint, the his excess returns -E^r]. 40 We now summarize manager this. Definition 1 Suppose that the fund has S dollars under management. The fund's optimal policy a function is V(M,S) mispricing of size M. V that specifies the quantity of shares It E [r maximizes the expected returns t traded when the fund perceives a subject to the robustness constraint ] (18): max E\r (19) t] E subject to rt I C= > -A V(M,S) III.C. We Optimal Strategy and Resulting Power Law Exponents can now derive the large fund's strategy. Given Equation 1 max - f°° / 16, Definition 1 is equivalent to: V{M,S)(M -R{V(M,S)))f(M)dM V(M,S) b Jo s.t. Appendix 2 ~ V(M,S)R {V (M, S)) f (M) dM > I J Jo -A. establishes the following Proposition. Proposition 4 If constraint (18) binds, the optimal policy to trade a volume: is V (M, S) = vM ^S ll{l+l) l (20) The price change after the trade is: (21) R(M,S) = hv^MS l/{ l+l) for a positive constant v, defined in Equation - Equation 21 means that price movements M , 40 u. . and the One might size of the fund S. 48, which reflect is prefer the formulation raaxv(M.s) E [u (r)] subject to many decreasing in h. both the intensity of the perceived mispricing Concretely, a large price Fortunately, this does not change the conclusions in A and increasing in movement can come from an extreme E [u (r) C = | instances, such as 0] > u — Ft), with a concave utility = — e~ ar a > 0. On the other u (r) { , hand, with a non-linear function u the derivations are more complex, as they rely on asymptotic equalities, rather than exact equalities. To keep things simple, we use the linear representation (19). 17 signal or the trade of a large fund [Easley In the remaining analysis, Assumption we assume and O'Hara 1987]. that (18) holds over the support of S. 3 The robustness constraint (18) binds for funds in the market above a certain all size. A simple calibration presented in Appendix 2 shows that Assumption 3 holds for funds that manage less than S* Section IV. C shows a We = Assumption $21 trillion dollars. way to ensure 3 not very stringent. is Assumption 3 without any finite size effects. Alternatively, 41 next derive the distribution of volume and price changes. Proposition 5 The traded volume and the price changes follow power law distributions with respective exponents: Cv (22) Ge (23) = min[(l+7)Cs,7CMl = min 1 +- JCs.Cm Equation 21 implies that the distribution of price movements coming from proprietary analysis), as reflected in on the news. Equation 23 two tails of signals and M sizes that matters. of the agents that act it is the fatter of the Mathematically, this comes from the properties (38) exponent of the product of two independent random variables X\ and tail is equal to the exponent of the more fat-tailed variable, X\ and X%- Economically, is S illustrates the resulting exponent. In equilibrium, power laws: the trading volume, both the "news" (perhaps as well as the size , of tail reflects this means that the polar captured when Cm > ( 1 +~ ) (24) Cv = (l (25) Cr = (l ) the lower of the exponents of affect the tail of get: Cs + -\ 4 is where large investors Then, we Cs- +7 case, i.e., X2 Cs 'Such cutoffs are generally present when handling power laws, and are sometimes called "border" or "finite size" The cutoff affects only very little predictions. For instance, it affects the power law exponent of returns only -3 3 by a factor 10 if a large fund has a size S = 10~ 5", which is a plausible empirical order of magnitude. effects. 18 Equation 23 then means that, when there is the actions of a very large institution (the of news (the M term). Cutler, Poterba, S movement, it is and Summers more likely to come from term), rather than an objectively important piece This potential importance of a large institution Long Term Capital Management the a very large may explain why, during the October 1987 crash, and the events studied by crisis, [1989], prices moved absence of significant news items. in the In the context of our theory, the extreme returns occurred because some large institutions wished to make substantial trades in a short time period. Proposition 5 says that and returns are also when the more distribution of the size of institutions fat-tailed. when the more fat-tailed, However, when the curvature 7 of price impact returns are less fat-tailed, but volumes are trade more moderately is more price impact fat-tailed. is The reason We now steeper. is is volume smaller, that large institutions apply Proposition 5 to our baseline values. Proposition 6 With a square root — (Qs l)i = price impact (7 1/2) and Zipf 's law for financial institutions volumes and returns foUow power law distributions, with respective exponents of 3/2 and 3. (26) Cv = 3/2 (27) Cfi = 3. These exponents are the empirical values of the distribution of volume and returns. Proposition 6 captures our explanation of the origins of the cubic law of returns, and the halfcubic law of volumes. (s = 1- The model Random growth of Section III. A of mutual funds leads to Zipf 's law of financial institutions, leads to a power law price impact with curvature 7 = 1/2. As large funds wish to lessen their price impacts, their trading volumes are less than proportional to their size. This generates a power law distribution the size distribution of mutual funds. The resulting exponent value. Trades of large funds create large returns, with exponent (r = of the size of trades that is £y = is less 3/2, which fat-tailed is than the empirical and indeed the power law distribution of returns 3. 19 Robustness and Extensions IV. IV.A. So far Permanent versus Transitory Price Impact we have analyzed the transitory component r: full R= permanent and the full must come from an inference, n + We r. is the sum of a permanent component which from Proposition 4 =E (V) ?r conditional expectation (28) is is M I see It is difficult to hypothesize that it is know < £r. The case where they believe is equal to the exponent (n of the &-= the updaters believe is Cm < a fraction b £m < full (j?- Then, the exponent (^ price impact, and is given by = min 1 +- a constant is ' ) . > b s.t., for large volumes, the permanent is: = E[M\ n{V) updaters performing (28) believe function that varies Cr 0?> there (30) If (28) believe 5, (29) price impact particularly close to the distribution of returns. This motivates the following Proposition. permanent price impact Proposition 1S when the distribution of mispricings perceived by other agents, one might Proposition 7 Suppose that updaters performing of the Qm = Cr how M, and not a directly observable quantity. However, these difficulties vanish in a class of cases - plausible. If one does not If impact hV 1 = hv^M^S l/{l+l) complicated and can be non-linear. agents use (28) with the belief that (,m and is: agents would apply Bayes' rule to compute (28), which requires knowing the distribution of M ir provide a sufficient condition that will ensure that the price impact are proportional. In a Bayesian framework, the price (28) The price impact R, which Qm = Cr, then V] ~ 6V 7 n (V) more slowly than any polynomial Proposition 7 presents sufficient conditions for it = (see Appendix is a "slowly varying" 1). (V) to preserve the power law price impact under Bayesian updating, and thus to justify Assumption 20 VL (V), where L 1. IV.B. Multiple Stocks The model can = hjV 1 Ri (V) C risk is , easily that the signal common trading over all Suppose stock be extended to multiple stocks. M's across stocks. 4 and the model misspecification are independent across stocks, The trader's program maximize the expected to is has a power law impact i profit from stocks, f 1 maX Vi(Mi,S),i=l...n 00 V / JC J2 *—r Jo i ( M» S M i ) ( ~ R V i ( i ( M5 ' ))) /* ( A subject to the robustness constraint that he does not lose more than M i) dM > percent in price impact costs: f°° 1 l l <A (V(M))f (M )dM -J2j V (M )R l l l l 5 )7 = power law exponents derived in Following the proof of the main Proposition, one can show that the solution KM S1 ^ l+1 \ where l K does not depend on i and S. Hence, the 1 is hiVi (Mi, Propositions 5-6 follow. Different Quality of Signals Across Firms IV. C. We now our is allow the quality of signal We results. assume that fund / M to differ across funds, receives signals distributed according to K= (A//i) 4, Xf m min [(1+7) - Cs, The average iCm] and </j i i M-iS^-y K j— M = K- i±3 > where Xf S is still, for a constant SU-oWt) and for a = fund C 1 ! 1+7 i Hence, one still obtains (y = Cv/l- satisfies the quality of signals easy to verify that 1+2 quality Xf °f the signals disappears. according to a production function x (F) optimal investment i m->Si+-> E m -r In general, one expects larger firms to have a higher x- 'It is M = x/ m : E = does not affect the same across funds. Following the optimal trading quantity of a fund of size V (m, S) = M is this 1/(1+7) I as m the quality of the fund's signals, and the distribution of the proof of Proposition and show that is x = FK where F for 6 if signals are generated denotes investment in research, then the maxp CF K S 1 ^ 1+ ~ Se F° r instance, ' ) ^ — F, for a constant C. Hence = jk/ [(1 - k) (1 + 7)]. could be also specific to each stock, or to each one of different classes of stocks. 21 F ~ — This framework allows us to provide a microfoundation for Assumption 3 without any upper The proof cutoff. of Proposition 4 shows that (1+1/7) g[M"-^][(l+7)]— Dp <. — Assumption 3 holds E[mW][(l+ 7 )}-W» J h^A which holds if k > 1/2 and S is Is it ^ O 1 ~ . O 1-K h^A large enough. production function of market research IV.D. if: Thus Assumption rises faster than \ =F 1 3 is automatically verified if the ^- Discussion and Questions for Future Research reasonable to believe that there are institutions large enough to cause the power law distribution of returns? In view of the empirical facts, we believe so. The large volumes in Figure V, which can be 1,000 times bigger than the median trades, must come from very large traders. They are also associated with extreme price movements (Figure VT). However, a natural analysis would be to investigate directly whether extreme 1989] are caused by a small number movements without news may same way. versus correlated movements initial is of beliefs of most traders would be A We tions. and our baseline model of second example October ... market. is 19, 1987, "this Sell ... many traders will is 43 Long Term Capital Man- Our a model of the initial impulse - the form and the power law distribution of the disruption by a large trade. present, interesting. of a large fund disrupting the market leave to future research the important task of modeling the specifics of the cascade that followed the initial impulse. we that, subsequently, created a volatility spike that did not subside for several months. Its collapse contribution availability of Quantifying the importance of idiosyncratic movements of large trades One prominent example agement. The growing allow such a study to be conducted in the near future. Note that the existence of prime movers does not preclude in the and Summers of large institutional investors. databases that track individual trades move [Cutler, Poterba, initial 44 We speculate that the empirical facts impulses, will be useful for this future research. the Brady [1988] report on the 1987 crash. On the crash day of Monday, trading activity was concentrated in the hands of surprisingly few institu- programs by three portfolio insurers accounted Block sales by a few mutual funds accounted for for just under $2 billion in the stock about $900 million of stock sales," on Gabaix [2005] finds that the idiosyncratic movements of large firms explain a substantial fraction of macroeconomic activity, and Canals, Gabaix, Vilarrubia, and Weinstein [2005] find that idiosyncratic shocks explain a large ' fraction of international trade. 4,1 [Abreu and Brunnermeier 2003; Bernardo and Welch 2004; Gennotte and Leland 1900; Romer 1993; Greenwald and Stein 1991] also present elements for a theory of crashes. 22 a total of $21 billion traded In the first group" (p. and "One portfolio insurer alone sold $1.3 v) half hour of trading, "roughly 25 percent of the 30). The report concludes that hands of surprisingly few sharpness of the decline" traders, (p. institutions. (p. 41). Of A "much volume ... billion" (p. 111-22). came from one mutual fund of the selling pressure was concentrated in the handful of large investors provided the impetus for the course, some of the investors in the Brady report are program which amplify existing movements, rather than cause them. Also, our model limited to allow the rich from the report is dynamic analysis suggested by the Brady too is still report. Nonetheless, the evidence strongly suggestive of the hypothesis that a few traders , move a relatively illiquid market. Our theory suggests a number of research angles. First, it would be desirable to study dynamic extensions of the model. The analysis becomes much more difficult [see e.g., fully Vayanos 2001, Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley 2003], but the simplicity of the empirical distributions may be suggests that a simple dynamic theory of large events Second, it within reach. 45 would be interesting to study the distribution of fund by leverage) across classes of stocks. distribution of traders, the this prediction directly more "effective" size (assets multiplied Proposition 5 predicts that the more fat-tailed the size fat-tailed the distributions of volume and returns. Investigating might explain a cross sectional dispersion of .power law exponents. Third, our model predicts that the total price impact cost paid by a fund of size S will be proportional to S, and that the total volume traded with sizable price impact will be proportional to SVU+i). Testing this proposition directly would be useful. Fourth, the model suggests a particularly useful functional form for "illiquidity" sponds more closely to the prefactor of Proposition H (31) 3: , which corre- 46 \n\ \,V?) S,^cov(\r varVt t (32) = Again, the evidence, and some models, suggests 7 1/2, but other values may prove better suited. Expressions 31 and 32 are likely to be more stable than other measures. Indeed, volume tailed variable (it has infinite variance), so using a square root of volume 45 is is likely to yield a fat- a more Engle and Russell [1998] and Liesenfeld [2001] present interesting empirical investigations of the dynamic relations between trading and returns. 4 One could even calculate the two expressions only for volumes above a certain threshold, e.g., the mean volume. 23 stable measure than volume itself. proportional to cr/M 1 / 2 where , a is Furthermore, the model also suggests that M the volatility of the stock and is its H and H' will market capitalization. approach suggests a way to estimate the power law exponent of price impact, Fifth, our be 7, and the power law exponent of the distribution of financial institutions, (s, f° r instance across markets. One first estimates separately the power law exponents of volumes and returns, £9 and £r . Then one defines the estimators 7 and Cs by: c9 7= (33) ' Cr 1 1 1 (34) Proposition 5 indicates that these are consistent estimates of 7 and (s Cm>Cs(1+7)/7- [the sum the polar case where 47 Finally, the theory volume m makes predictions about the comovements of volumes traded on a price increase in returns, volume, and signed minus volume traded on a price decrease). Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley [2003] adds predictions in the number of Its variant in trades and signed in Figure 3 of number of trades. The results show non-linear patterns, and the results, reported Gabaix, Gopikrishnan, Plerou, and Stanley [2003], show a quite encouraging fit between theory and data. Conclusion V. This paper proposes a theory in which large investors generate significant spikes in returns and volume. We posit that the specific structure of large sizable institutional investors, stimulated by news. large traders' moderation of their trading volumes movements The is due to the desire to trade of distribution of fund sizes, coupled with and a concave price impact function, generates the Pareto exponents 3 and 3/2 for the distribution of returns and volumes. We introduce some new questions that finance theories should answer. Matching, as we do, the quantitative empirical regularities established here (in particular explaining the exponents of 3 and 3/2 from first principles rather than by assumption) should be a sine the admissibility of a model of volume and will constrain 'it is and guide future tempting to call theories. volatility. Given its We hope that the regularities criterion for we establish simple structure, the present model might be a Equation 34 a "reciprocity law" that holds irrespective of 24 qua non 7. useful point of departure for thinking about these issues. Appendix 1: Some Power Law Mathematics A. Definitions We present properties how here some basic facts about power law mathematics, and show make them how their aggregation and empirical work. They also show especially interesting for both theoretical our predictions are robust to other sources of noise. A random variable X has power law behavior if there is a (x > such that the probability density p(x) follows: ! p(x) (35) for x — oo, > and a constant C. This implies xCa-+i Resnick, 1987, p. 17] that the "counter-cumulative" [e.g. distribution function follows: P{ x>x)~-^. (36) A p(x) more general definition ~ L (x) /x^x+1 £x is that there is so that the tail follows a , a "slowly varying" 48 function power law up to slowly varying the (cumulative) power law exponent of is X £y implies that has fatter tails L A X. (x) and a (x corrections. lower exponent means fatter than Y, hence the large X's are s.t. (infinitely, at tails: Ca' the limit) < more frequent than large Y's. If a is a constant, E \\X\ a = oo for ] returns have power law exponents £r infinite. is Of 4S = 49 moments If all are finite = E [|^"| a < a > £x> an d 3, their (e.g., for ] kurtosis < a< oo for is infinite, and (x- For instance, if their skewness borderline a Gaussian distribution), the formal power law exponent co. Embrechts, Kluppelberg, and Mikosch 1997, p. 564] if for all t > L = a and L (x) = a\nx for a non-zero constant a. 4!, This makes the use of the kurtosis invalid. As the theoretical kurtosis is infinite, empirical measures of it are essentially meaningless. As a symptom, according Levy's theorem, the median sample kurtosis of T i.i.d. demeaned 0, L(x) is lim I _ 00 L said to be slowly varying (tx) J L (x) variables n,...,rT with , = k. 1. t [e.g., Prototypical examples are = (eLi r V T ) I (Y,I=i r ?/ T ) > increases to should be banished from use with fat-tailed distributions. As +oo like T 1/3 is positive if tails are fatter than predicted by a Gaussian. 25 = Cr 3. The use of kurtosis a simple diagnostic for having "fatter tail normality", we would recommend, rather than the kurtosis, quantile measures such as which if P (\(r — r) /ov| > than from 1.96) /.05 — 1, B. Transformation Rules Power laws have to a power law is The property of being distributed according excellent aggregation properties. conserved under addition, multiplication, polynomial transformation, min, and max. The general rule is that, when we combine two power law one with the smallest exponent) power law dominates." Indeed, variables, variables, "the fattest for X\, the independent random and a a positive constant, we have the following formulas: Cx1 +...+xn (37) Cx (38) 1 ,..-A-„ = min (C^,..., CO = min(Cxi,-,Cx„) (39) CmaxfA'!,...,^) =min(Cx ,-,Cx n (40) (m in(X u ...,X n ) = Cxi (41) CaX = CX (42) Cx« = ^. For instance, if X is 1 +-+ ) Cx n a a power law variable for £y < Y and oo, is power law variable with an exponent £y > (x, or even normal, lognormal or exponential variable X + Y,X normal Xn ..., (i.e., Y, max(X, V) are still (so that £y = oo), then power laws with the same exponent (x- Hence multiplying by variables, adding non-fat tail noise, or summing over i.i.d. variables preserves the exponent. This makes theorizing with power law very streamlined. Also, this gives the empiricist hope that those power laws can be measured, even such as variances, "essence" of the it will not affect the if the data is phenomenon: smaller order and b b are other have thinner random tails than r with dominating power law), counterpart Proof. ? factors not (£a its , £{, > will affect statistics power law exponent. Power law exponents carry over the effects do not For example, our theory gives a mechanism by which (r where a and although noise noisy: modeled 3). If affect the = 3. in the theory. power law exponent. we In reality, observe: 7= We will still have (r = the theory of r captures the i first (r ar = 3 + b, if a order effects (those predictions for the power law exponents of the noisy empirical will hold. See Breiman [1965] and Gnedenko and Kolmogorov [1968] for rigorous proofs, and Sornette [2000] for. heuristic derivations. Here we just indicate the proofs 26 for the simplest cases. r By induction it is enough to prove the properties P (max {X,Y)> x) = n for 2 variables. = l- P (max (X,Y)<x) = l-P {X < Y< x and x) = l-P(X<x)P(Y<x) = l-(l-^-](l-^-} X^X X^ J \ where C" =C if Cx < Cy, P (min (X, Y) > Finally, if P {X > x) <?" x) ~ C if Cx > Cy, and = P (X > Ca; P (X Q > C. Estimating = - x) ^, x and y> C= C+C = P (X > x) if x Cx ) = i"nin((x,Cy)' ) Cy- P (Y > CC x) x Cx+Cy then = P (X > x l' a \ ~C (i 1/Q ) _CX ~ Cx-^' /Q . Power Law Exponents There are two basic methodologies power law exponents. for estimating with the example of absolute returns. In both methods, one orders the observations above this cutoff as rm > • • > • first selects There T( n y is We illustrate them a cutoff of returns, and yet no consensus on how to pick the optimal cutoff, as systematic procedures require the econometrician to estimate further parameters [Embrechts, Kluppelberg, and Mikosch 1997]. Often, the most reliable procedure use a simple rule, such as choosing The first coefficient method is on rn\ in the regression of log of the rank ]ni:=A- ( OLS In with standard error £ OLS and yields a visual Figure 1. (n/2)~ goodness of The second method i on the log (i) + (44) C" is i=\ i which has a standard error t^ l "n -1 / 2 . 27 (i) is the simplest, the approach used, for instance, in estimator = (n-l)/£(lnr OLS size: 71-1 " estimated as the the noise power law. This for the is Hill's l is [Gabaix and Ioannides 2004], This method ' fit to the observations in the top 5 percent. all a "log rank log size regression", where ( (43) is -lnr (n) ) Both methods have 345] pitfalls, discussed in Embrechts, Kluppelberg, and Mikosch [1997, pp. 330- and Gabaix and Ioannides [2004]. vations. In reality, trading activity is One large pitfall is the assumption of independent obser- autocorrelated which causes standard errors to be underesti- mated; however, point estimates remain unbiased. In a future paper we plan to propose a method of estimating the standard errors. In any case, the stability of the estimates across different periods, countries and classes of assets gives us confidence that the empirical estimates we report here are robust. With the samples one can of millions of points available in finance, standard errors are so small that any null hypothesis. Hence, researchers estimating power laws typically reject essentially do not use tests to see many data points, if a distribution with more parameters would offer a better statistical tests in fit would be minimal. Rather £ optimal one-parameter approximation of the may be best left for is tail best interpreted as the is by a Pareto family. Explaining the value of this Explaining the higher order terms already a difficult challenge. future decades of research. Appendix Proof of Proposition 2. We use T = V/V and 2: Proofs B (1) = to calculate: T l+T B (t) dt var var (I dB (1 + u) I ] ds = / r T ds\ var .JO T Jo liquidity provider sells inventory during + T] [1, 1 at V ' du a total cost K=^ T3 3 J shares to the fund at a price p + dB{u+ 1) \Ju [ (T-u)dB(u+l) = f (T Jo var The it + r, V3 W 6 and replenishes her p (t) Vdt. Her net income from the transaction is: W = {p + r\+T fl+T -k so would always justify a higher-dimensional parameterization, even though economically, the improvement one-parameter approximation With fit. + V- t) / p(t)Vdt = (p + rl+T = tV -o-V / B{t)dt. 28 tt + t)V - / {p + n + aB (£)) Vdt = Her utility is: _, / U = E [W] - A (varW) S/2 = tV - A a I 2 V a/2 rl+T r var = tV - B (tt)dt / a2y3 — A ^/2 31/ The fund has U= 0. full bargaining power, and so leaves the liquidity supplier with a reservation utility This implies: Economically, the liquidity provider purchases the stock back at an average price p which has expected value p compensation , ir J It is sufficient to (Af ) - optimize on = „T (1 I we use the notation + fi) hV (Af V (Af ) ffL = __^_ SV(M) (45) . Thus, using Equation M- y (M) = . The temporary impact r V (Af) V (M, S). rather than [y + /x) (1 + ) dAf / (Af ) dAf. ) (M ) M- + n) (1 + 7) hV [(1 V (Af) i? (V (Af )) / (Af ( 7) h]~ (1 : +M ) W (Af ) 1+7 1 / (Af) Af ) 7 lh M ^. 1 17, n c=o =£ I Constraint (18) binds (1 7 ) - n f separately for each Af <9V(Af) = iff fi > Jj p (t) is the I V{M){M -R{V (M))) / (M) dM = /V (Af (46) I is: £ = -25 (v\ -= l / v \ 1/2 a r= J In this proof 4- , and standard deviation a for this price risk of Proof of Proposition Lagrangian + = T~ l/2 /iV(Af) 1+7 /S = /i£ 0, i.e. 5<5* 29 ,1/ 1+1/7 [(i+ A o(i+7)/r (1+1/7) /s. The dt, with: . (4?) If —E the constraint binds, \rt f?[M^/7] s* = C= \ = + 7 )]-(H-l/7) l A. This implies: +M )(l+ 7 )/ ]-< [(l [( ^= 1+1 l VV ttS [M 1+1 /7] i and going back to Equation 45, we V (M) = uM get 1 /tS' 1 /( 1+ t) with: \ 1/(1+7) / ' w= (48) ' JlE The expression for To E [M 3 to R ] = 10 percent (which be conservative), A= motivated by Sections = '. following parameters, which is less C and R(V) = III. A: A2 = Act (tj) A= l/2< effects, D= daily market turnover. Using the 1999 which means that up to Proof of Proposition 5. Cfi A2 = s 3 D= = = = We 1/2, likely take a price impact, daily market volatility market capitalization 1/2 x $18 trillion/250 = A of a total equity 21. = $36 billion. So m $21trillion. We apply the rules in Appendix 1 to derive: (MS-y/^+f) b y applying (41) Csr/cn-r)] Cm, ] o, 2 from Equation = min [Cm, mm cj (3/2) QhviMSi/^+-,) 50 where a , number E\M 3 D = We start 7 25 percent of the market fluctuations are due to our and a 50 percent annual turnover, S* as simply indicative: impact costs paid annually. 0.01, of $18 trillion, we view than the annual standard deviation of the market, hence 2 percent of price II. l l R = hV 1 comes from we use the calibrate S*, [M + h] J by applying (38) by applying Cs (42) 7 which proves the Proposition. One derives (y Proof of Proposition ^f the fund gets F 6. Assumption signals per year, 5" is in the 2 implies divided by F 1 30 same way. Cm > /2 , as M 1 is + 1/7 = Then, Proposition 5 gives divided by 3. F 1 ^2 and A by F. (R = min (3, Cm) = Proof of Proposition fatter tails XY Lemma Assume Cx < x) = 3/2. will start E [X XY = \ z] X Y and (i/x*)" Cl are independent E {X XY = varying function. If for power distribu- variables, with exact x > x* and y > y* . Define z* = x*y*. Cx < Cy, ^W ~ 1Jw=*J ~ y*lnz y*ln(z/z*) Z L (52) (z) ' Proof of k. that an Cy, v (j is has = L(z)z &*<*>= 5i ) = The reason z. X LM= *[f*"W-] (z) is a slowly Cx z] | ' If random P(Y >y) = (y/y*r (Y , (50) ( proportional to z for large is if Cv- Then: (49) L with the following Lemma, which means that probably comes from an extreme value of X. 8 Suppose that P{X > tions: = -y( R We 7. than Y, then extreme value of = and (v 3 Lemma the densities of X By 8. and . normalization, By Y". Z } it is Bayes' rule, for z -» oo. enough to study the case x* p(X = x \ = = y* Calling / and 1. XY = z) = kf (x) g (z/x) jx for a constant So: rIy vv = E[X\XY , , z} x )9(z/x)/x J f( = J rf/ , J = z ^/yr ix l z I ^/y)~ ~1 Cy, When (x = l = z E [Y^1 y<2 ] -» 2 J f(z/y)g(y)/y dy by the change 1 dy J f{z/y)g{y)/y J 2 9(y)/y dy ix ~ 1 1 When Cx < dx . . f{x)g(z/x)/x dx J Z . E = J'y^-'gjy) z ] < = _ E[Y^- 1 1 Y<Z e[y^i y<z I y^g(y)dy g(y)/ydy [Y Cy dy . of variable x 1 oo Cy, = J'y^^gjy) fiy dy ix 9{y)dy = ff^-iy-Cr-i dy ffytxy-Cy- 1 dy D 31 2 . = fiy- dy l fcy- dy = 1 - z~ \az l ] ] = = zL z y For the proof of Proposition j Q^ 3 Given the hypothesis Cm Lemma ^ when they 1 S 1 ^ l+1 \ We call calculate the conditional expectation Equation 23 gives (^ Cfti M and Y = hv X= 8 with J < < (r (l + ^)Cs = Cy- So using 8, M\R = /i^M5 7/(1+7) = XY L £w E a slowly varying function (R) of R. In the case J RL{R) jE l Appendix 3: Y*>m a constant. , Finally, given + < ( tt = RL(R), /subj = E Y^m b' we use Lemma the exponent of the distribution agents use (28). for 7, 1 ^ Csi ) we and L When Confidence Intervals and Tests get: lim/j^oo is L (R) slowly varying, Has a Variable Infinite Variance A. Construction of the Confidence Intervals for Figure VI Q=Q In a given bin conditioned by is the sample mean of the r? which we z , with k elements call r 2 2 ,-..,r , the point estimate of m. Getting a confidence interval for has infinite variance, so the standard approach relying on asymptotic normality m is E [r mean and a ratio = t 1 '2 fc is (m — we simulate draws fj.) /a follows a non-degenerate distribution = a T i k~ l > 2 , for large k. following a power law with exponent 1.5, which finite — t, which we variance value, which would be To construct 95 percent confidence Arf 2 But the invalid. if fi is the - from their differ Qi\ empirical standard deviation of the r 2 in the bin with k observations, then the tabulate 2.5 percent and 97.5 percent quantiles of They Q= delicate, as r is theory of self-ndrmalizing sums of Logan, Mallows, Rice, and Shepp [1973] shows that true | we can intervals, first x~ is call = X + By Monte Carlo analysis the exponent of r , and we — x~ = —1.1 and x + — = 1-95. 5.5. 51 calculate the empirical standard error the sample standard deviation of the observations divided by the square root of the number of observations. A 95 percent confidence interval is [m^ — x~Ar?,mi + "^ 2 1 x" ]- We should stress that we make the simplifying assumption of idenpendent and identically distributed draws. Given that the data are likely to be autocorrelated, our confidence intervals are likely to be too narrow. B. Test of Relation (7): " law When k P (r 2 > there -3 / 2 is finite, i) = x for is x E [r 2 | Q] = a + (5Q some sensitivity of x~ an d X + 1, and k = 200, to reflect our > 32 We take a pure power extreme values. to the underlying distribution. typical sample size in bins of . For each bin Qi of Q, we set r 2 i. By least squares we fit an =E [r 2 | Q= affine relationship 5 (Q) = E The standard errors are in parentheses [r 0.07 (0.59) and the and Ar 2 sample standard Qi], 2 | Q] = g (Q), with + 0.60Q (0.013). R2 = 0.90. 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Zipf, George, Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort (Cambridge, Wesley, 1949). 43 MA: Addison- x (Units of standard deviation) Figure Empirical cumulative distribution of the absolute values of the normalized 15 minute I: returns of the 1,000 largest companies in the Trades And Quotes database for the 2-year period 1994-1995 (12 million observations). We normalize the returns of each stock so that the normalized returns have a mean of and a standard deviation of 1. For instance, for a stock i, we consider the returns r' it = Cr = large 3.1 ± — r;) /oy^, where T{ < x < 80 we find an (ja In the region 2 0.1. x between is the mean of the r^'s ordinary least squares and aT) fit i their standard deviation. is lnP(|r| > x) = — (Vinz + b, with > x) ~ x~^ for This means that returns are distributed with a power law P(\r\ 2 and 80 standard deviations of returns. Source: 44 Gabaix et al. [2003]. r 10 10"' •a &o" 5 So" 7 "9 10 -60 -40 20 -20 Normalized returns Probability density function of the returns normalized 5 minute returns of the 1,000 Figure II: largest companies in the Trades And Quotes in the center of the distribution arise database for the 2-yr period 1994-1995. The values from the discreteness in stock fractions of U.S. dollars, usually 1/8, 1/16, or 1/32. The solid curve prices, is which are a power-law 2 < x < 80. We find £ = 3.1 ± 0.03 for the positive tail, and £ = 2.84 ± 0.12 The dotted line represents a Gaussian density. Source: Plerou et al. [1999]. 45 for set in units of fit in the region the negative tail. 10" r^^^tt^aCfli^. •1 10"' " •. ^^^i«. .-5 % 10~ 2 "S J5. c I ; s io- > ; o ,0 Nikkei -84-97 m Hang-Seng '80-'</7 o SAP 500 °*V i '62- 'V6 10" 5 . . 1 10 1 Normalized daily returns Figure III: Empirical cumulative distribution function of the absolute value of the daily return of the Nikkei (1984-97), the behavior in the Hang Seng tails is (1980-97), and the S&P 500 (1962-96). The apparent power-law characterized by the exponents (r = 3.05 ± 0.16 (Nikkei), £r 3.34 ± 0.12 (S&P 500). The fits are performed in the region (Hang-Seng), and £r = and 10 standard deviations of returns. Source: Gopikrishnan 46 et al. [1999]. = \r\ 3.03 ± 0.16 between 1 i * ^i™"— " "-"" • » 10" a J 10 1 Ot \ 5 HT* \ fc a V 10" <* \ %i 10** at - 6 io- 10" 10"' 10 So - f -i 10" Normalized daily returns Figure IV: Cumulative distribution of the conditional probability P{\r\ italization K, CRSP K We database, 1962-1998. define uniformly spaced bins returns for in each bin: e [10 5 6 10* to icr Daily returns of companies in the \ ™ s K on a logarithmic 6 x) of the daily returns 7 and show the distribution of scale, K (o), ] , 10 ] 6 [10 7 8 K 8 9 10 ](D), G [10 10 (a). (), is measured in 1962 constant dollars, (a) Unnormalized returns. Each cumulative distribution corresponds to a bin of sizes. Small stocks are to the right, because they are more volatile, (b) , 10 6 [10 > consider the starting values of market cap- , , ] K Returns normalized by the average distribution, with £r = 2.70 ± .10 volatility ax of each bin. for the negative tail, and £r = The plots collapsed to an identical 2.96 ± .09 for the positive tail. The horizontal axis displays returns that are as high as 100 standard deviations. Source: Plerou et [1999]. 47 al. ! — 10' — -i c i — —miTTi inn —— i i 1 1 rt r n — 1 it i ttttt f 10 cr 10 i -1 rm 10" r^> 10" C/} 10 £ >-» 10" 10 5 10" -o 10 jo 10 *- 1+^ =2.5 -4 7 8 NYSE (1000 stocks) • Paris Bourse (30 stocks) 10 LSE (250 -11 stocks) 10 •12 Mill 10 I I L-L lllti II ll L 10 10 10 10 Trade L_ ; \ 10 size q 10" 10' Figure V: Probability density of normalized individual transaction sizes q for three stock markets (i) NYSE for 1994-5 (ii) the London Stock Exchange for 2001 and (iii) the Paris Bourse for 1995-1999. = — (1+C?) lnx+constant for Q q = 1.5 ±0.1. This means a probability density and a countercumulative distribution function P (q > x) ~ x~^ q The three stock markets appear to have a common distribution of volume, with a power law exponent of 1.5 ± 0.1. The horizontal axis shows invidividual volumes that are up to 10 4 times larger than OLS fit yields function p(x) lnp (x) ~ x~ 1 +^«) ( the absolute deviation, . ) \q — q\. 48 100 a __ LU 10 +| 0) km •a o i_ (0 3 1 or ' ^^lULu^-;^ (A 0) D) n u 0) £ 0.1 j 0.001 i i imiii i i_u i 0.01 _i 0.1 i i i i 1 1 ii i the aggregate volume Q in At. r E is i i i 1 1 1| 10 1 Aggregate volume Figure VI: Conditional expectation i i i H 100 Q 2 Q] of the squared return r in At = 15 minutes, given in units of standard deviation, and Q in units of absolute [r 2 | — Q\. The results are averaged over the largest 100 stocks in the New York Stock Exchange market capitalization on January 1, 1994. The data spans the 2-year period 1994-95 and is obtained from the Trades and Quotes database, which records all transactions for all listed securities in the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ. Formal tests reported in Appendix 3 show that one cannot reject £[r 2 |Q] = a + (3Q large enough (Q > 3). This is consistent with a square root price impact of large trades. Appendix 3 reports the procedure used to compute the 95% confidence deviation, \Q intervals. 49 Lag P lize A I leg x Figure VII: Cumulative distribution of the size (assets under managements) of the top mutual funds in 1999. Source: Center for Research on Security Prices. 50