Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Actual Category (if different from budget account) Revenue Tuition Tuition Tuition Undergraduate Tuition Doctoral Tuition Masters Tuition Undergraduate Summer Tuition Doctoral Summer Tuition Masters Summer Tuition Discount Tuition UPlan Adjust Tuition Stabilization Adj Tuition Waiver Tuition Licentiate - Acad Yr Tuition Licentiate - Summer Tuition Certificate - Acad Yr Tuition Certificate - Summer Fees Fee Application Fee Audit Undergraduate Fee Audit Doctoral Fee Audit Masters Fee Continuation Fee ID Card Fee ID Card Replacement Fee International Housing Fee Lab Semester I Fee Lab Semester II Fee Nursing Exam Fee Other Fee Other Parking Fee Other Collection Fee Registration Fee Seminar Fee Summer Lab Fee Thesis Binding PY Adjust Student Accounts Auxiliary General Auxiliary Cash Sales INACTIVE Auxiliary Catering External Auxiliary Clothing Auxiliary Commission Royalty Auxiliary Commission Vending Auxiliary Concession Transfer Auxiliary Eagle Bucks Auxiliary Eagle Buck Offset Auxiliary Eagle Bucks Dept Auxiliary Interdepart Sales Auxiliary - Other Sales Auxiliary Register Over Short Auxiliary Service Fee Athletics Ath Big East Tournment Income Ath Guarantee Options Ath Luxury Box Income Ath NCAA Income^ Ath NCAA Grants Aid Ath NCAA Sports Sponsorship Value 40000 40999 41000 41100 41200 41300 41310 41320 41400 41410 41415 41420 41500 41505 41510 41515 42000 42010 42020 42022 42024 42030 42040 42050 42055 42060 42070 42080 42090 42110 42120 42140 42150 42170 42180 42300 43000 43010 43015 43020 43030 43040 43050 43070 43080 43081 43085 43090 43095 43100 43110 43299 43300 43310 43330 43340 43342 43343 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 1 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Ath Conference Revenue Sharing Ath Other Income^ Actual Category (if different from budget account) Ath Programs Income Ath Radio TV Income Ath Radio Non Conf Ath Sponsorship Ath Ticket Income^ Ath Home Tickets Ath Seasons Tickets Bookstore Dining Bookstore Computer Hardware Bookstore Cosmetics Electron Bookstore Course Books Bookstore Food Drinks Candy Bookstore General Books Bookstore Gifts Bookstore Rings Jewlery Bookstore Stationery Bookstore Supplies Bookstore Used Books Dining Board Rebates Dining Convenience Plan Dining Department Credit Sales Dining Purchase Rebate Dining Residential Board Dining Residential Brd Offset Dining Bucks Residential Dining Summer Board Dining WebFood Dining Revenue Other Flex Dining Flex Dining Disc Flex Dining Offset Health Campus Fee Health Immunization Health Infirmary Income^ Health Service Health Infirmary Income^ Health Infirmary Services Health Infirmary Supplies Res Life Dormitory Fee Res Life Dormitory Fee Summer Res Life Fines^ Res Life Health Safety Fine Res Life Key Lock Fine Res Life Room Damage Charge Residential Life Aux Internal Charges Aux Internal Parking Aux Retreat Ctr Internal Aux Int Offset Catering Internal Charges Catering - Food Service Catering - Equipment Rentals Catering - Serviceware Rentals Catering - External Police Catering - Contract Personnal Catering - Flowers Income Value 43350 43390 43391 43400 43403 43410 43420 43421 43422 43700 43705 43710 43720 43730 43740 43750 43760 43770 43780 43790 44000 44010 44020 44030 44040 44050 44051 44055 44060 44070 44080 44090 44091 44092 44400 44410 44420 44430 44431 44432 44600 44610 44620 44630 44631 44632 44633 44899 44900 44910 44920 44800 44801 44802 44803 44804 44805 44806 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 2 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Catering - BC Security Catering - BC Patrol Catering - Custodial Catering - BC Ground Crew Catering - Skilled Trades Actual Category (if different from budget account) Sponsored Programs Direct Rev Sponsored Programs FA Rev Govt Grants and Financial Aid Sponsored Programs Sponsored Programs Income Gift Income Endowment Income Budget Control Revenue Oth Rev Conference Fees Oth Rev Conf Fees -UBIT Oth Rev Consulting General Oth Rev Consulting UBIT Oth Rev Library Publications Oth Rev Membership Fees Oth Rev Newsletter Oth Rev Training Oth Rev Training Custom Other Miscellaneous Revenues Oth Rev University Funds Oth Rev Acceptance Fee Forfeit Oth Rev Bad Debt Recoveries Oth Rev CDPP Particpate Oth Rev Cmptr Svc Cntrc Repr Oth Rev Disciplinary Fine Oth Rev Employee Interest Oth Rev Expense Credit PY Oth Rev Intellectual Property Oth Rev Late Payment Fees Oth Rev Late Registration Fee Oth Rev Library Charges Oth Rev Commissions Oth Rev Vending Oth Rev Parking Fees Employees Other Rev Parking Fee Visitors Other Revenue Parking Visitor Other Revenues Other Rev Parking Credit Cards Oth Rev Parking Cash Oth Revenue Parking Refunds Oth Rev Parking Fines Oth Rev Visitor Permits Oth Rev Rental Income Oth Rev Rental Postal Service Oth Rev Rental Xerox Oth Returned Check Fine Oth Rev Room Guarantee Fee Oth Rev Telecom Revenues Oth Rev Telecom Cms ATT Oth Rev Telecom Cms MCI Oth Rev Telecom Cms Verizon Oth Rev Telecom Cms Acc Oth Rev Visiting Faculty Oth Rev Revenue Ticket Sales Value 44851 44852 44853 44854 44855 45000 45100 45120 45200 46899 46900 46910 46920 46000 46010 46011 46020 46030 46040 46050 46060 46070 46080 46200 46205 46210 46220 46230 46240 46250 46260 46270 46275 46280 46285 46290 46310 46315 46320 46322 46321 46322 46323 46324 46325 46326 46330 46332 46334 46336 46340 46350 46352 46354 46356 46358 46360 46370 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 3 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Nonoperating Revenues Budget Checking Category Oth Rev Facility Reimbursmt Oth Rev Follett Service Reimb Oth Rev Follett Misc Reimb Oth Rev Rec Plex Door Fee Oth Rev Rec Plex Ice Usage Oth Rev Rec Plex Locker Rental Oth Rev Rec Plex Mbr Community Oth Rev Rec Plex Mbr Staff Oth Rev Rec Plex Mbr Summer Oth Rev Rec Plex Mbr Student Oth Rev Plant Gifts Gifts Prior Year Refunds Gifts Other Contributions Pledge Revenue Gifts Released Fr Restriction Life Income Value Adjustment Investment Interest Inc Bank Investment Income Investment Fee Expense Internal Inv Mgmt Fees Investment Income Accured Investment Income Pooled Endow Investment Income Short Term Investment Other Income Investment Inc Distrib Pooled Investment Inc Distrib Nonpool Investment Inc Distrib Sep Inv Inv UCA ICAS Contra Account Gain and Loss Realized Gain and Loss Unrealized Gain Loss Forgn Curr Unreal Transfer and Reclass Transfer Donor Reclass Transfer Income to Principal Transfer Pool Adjustment Cost Transfer Endowment Adjustment Prior Year Adjustments Intellectual Property Programs Rev Excluded Account Values Ath Game Tickets Ath - Sports Camps NCAA ONLY Comp Provided By 3rd NCAA ONLY Indirect Fac Offset NCAA ONLY Direct Inst Support Loan Fd Interest Collected Loan Fd Interest Cancelled Loan Fd Interest Cancel Nurs 10 Loan Fd Interest Cancel Nurs 15 Loan Fd Interest Cancel Nurs 20 Loan Fd Interest Cancel Default Loan Fd Interest Cancel Death Loan Fd Interest Cancel Disability Loan Fd Interest Cancel Bankrupt Loan Fd Interest Other Adjust Loan Fd Interest Cancel Teach 25 Loan Fund Federal Contribution Actual Category (if different from budget account) Value 46410 46420 46430 46710 46720 46730 46735 46740 46750 46760 46328 46999 47000 47005 47010 47015 47100 47199 47210 47220 47221 47222 47223 47230 47240 47250 47300 47301 47310 47390 47500 47510 47520 48600 48610 48620 48698 48699 49000 49010 49999 43425 43450 43500 43501 43502 48000 48001 48010 48011 48012 48014 48015 48016 48017 48018 48019 48050 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 4 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Loan Fund Institutnl Contribution Loan Fund Lt chrgs Penalty Coll Loan Fund Lt chrgs Penalty Coll Loan Fund Reimbursement to Fund Loan Fund Federal Repayments Loan Fund Institutional Repayments Actual Category (if different from budget account) Expenses Salary Admin FT Exempt Salary Coaches FT Exempt Salary Rsh Assoc FT Exempt Salary Professors FT Exempt Salary Assoc Prof FT Exempt Salary Assist Prof FT Exempt Salary Lecturer FT Exempt Salary Instructors FT Exempt Salary Faculty FT Offset Salary PT Faculty Salary Dining FT Non Exempt Salary Rsh Assist FT Non Ex Salary Support Staff FT Non Ex Salary Tech Staff FT Non Ex Salary Auxiliary Police FT Salary Gate Attendants FT Salary Patrol Officers FT Union Salary Security FT Salary Sergeants FT Exempt Salary Special Services Police Salary Carpenters FT Salary Custodial FT Salary Electricians FT Salary Garage Maintenance FT Salary General Maintenance FT Salary HVAC Mechanics FT Salary Landscapers FT Salary Locksmiths FT Salary Mail Clerks FT Salary Painters FT Salary Plumbers FT Salary Switchboard FT Salary Part time Exempt Salary Part time Non Exempt Salary Part time Union Salary Temp Pools Salary Student ^ Salary BC Students Salary NonBC Students Grad Service Salary Workstudy Recovery Salary Grad Assistant Salary Grad Research Assist Salary Grad Students Other Salary Teaching Assistant Salary Teaching Fellows Salaries Other Salaries Supplemental Salaries Cell Allow Salaries Operating Holding Salary Workmens Comp Reimb Sallary Follett Comp Reimb Value 48051 48100 48101 48110 48120 48121 50000 51100 51200 51300 50100 50200 50300 50400 50500 50550 53110 51410 51420 51430 51440 51610 51620 51630 51640 51650 51660 52010 52020 52030 52040 52050 52060 52070 52080 52090 52100 52110 52120 53120 53130 53140 53150 53310 53311 53312 53370 53320 53330 53340 53350 53360 54000 54010 54020 54064 55000 55010 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 5 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Fringe Benefits Budget Checking Category Actual Category (if different from budget account) Benefits Staff Benefits Recovery^ Benefits FT Pool Alloc Benefits PT Pool Alloc Benefits Religious Staff Benefits Employee Tuit Remiss Benefits Dental Benefits Disability Benefits Death Benefits FASB 43 Vacation Benefits FASB 43 Sick Time Benefits Life Insurance Benefits Malpractice Insurance Benefits Mass Health Insurance Benefits Medical Benefits Retirement Staff Benefits Retirement Rel Staff Benefits Post Retirement Benefits Social Security Staff Benefits Social Sec Rel Staff Benefits Travel Insurance Benefits Unemployment Benefits Workmens Comp Benefits Workmens Comp Prem Benefits Follett Ben Reimb Tuition Remission Aid Athletic Book Pcard Aid Undergraduate Aid Masters Aid Doctoral Aid Undergraduate Summer Aid Masters Summer Aid Doctoral Summer Aid Related Facility Aid Grad NonService Stipend Aid NonGrad NonService Stipend Aid NonBC NonService Stipend Aid Loan Forgiveness Aid Grad Medical Ins Aid Tuition Assistance Aid Tuition Vouchers Aid Loan Fund Match Facility Facility Fuel 2 Facility Fuel 4 Facility Fuel 6 Facility Fuel 2 ULSD Facility Electricity Facility Gas Facility Water Facility Contract Services Facility Maintenance Facility Property Leases Facility Lease Utilities Facility Rubbish Removal Pcard Facility Rubbish Removal Pcard Hazardous Waste Value 56000 56010 56004 56005 56006 56020 56030 56040 56050 56060 56065 56066 56070 56080 56090 56100 56110 56111 56120 56122 56123 56130 56140 56150 56153 56500 60000 61001 61010 61020 61030 61040 61050 61060 62000 62010 62020 62025 62030 62035 62060 62070 62080 63000 63010 63020 63030 63035 63040 63050 63060 63070 63080 63090 63095 63110 63120 63125 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 6 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Control Expense Budget Checking Category Actual Category (if different from budget account) NBR Endow Expense NBR Gift Expense Sponsored Programs Expense Budget Clearing Budget Carry Forward Funds General University General University,contd General Operating Univ Audit Services Univ Collection Costs Univ Credit Card Disc Fee Univ Fire Liability Insurance Univ Property Liability Claims Univ Auto Claims Univ Ins Policies Premium Exp Univ Interest Expense Univ Interest Expense Accural Univ Investment Bank Fees Univ Legal Services Univ Lock Box Fees Univ Municipal Services Univ Taxes Real Estate Univ Taxes Unrelated Bus Expense Univ Tuition Bad Debt Expense Univ Vehicle Insurance Other Oper Fund 120 Cost Share Advertising Budget Holding Budget Reserves Pools Clothing Expense Commissions Computer Maint Agreements Employee Moving Expense Equipment Major over 5000 Equipment Minor VP Pools Equipment Vehicle Extraordinary Expense Guarantees and Options In Residence Board In Residence Health Insurance In Residence Health Services In Residence Room International Program Expense^ Intl Tuition Room and Board International Education Exp Intl Student Activities Laundry Cleaning Expense Medical Expenses External Agency Refunds Agency Jesuit Medical Ins Jesuit Medical Ins Other Prov Agency Jesuit NonRes Expense Agency Jesuit NE Prov Assmnt Agency Jesuit Other Prov Assmn Agency Jesuit W/H Payments Agency Jesuit Retirement Program Agency Jesuit Life Benefit Agency Jesuit Sundry Value 63199 63200 63210 63220 63230 63290 63300 63310 63320 63330 63360 63361 63362 63370 63380 63381 63390 63400 63410 63420 63430 63435 63440 63450 64000 64005 64010 64310 64320 64330 64340 64350 65150 65230 65245 65260 65310 65610 66010 66020 66030 66040 67801 67810 67815 67820 67910 68110 64130 64162 64163 64164 64166 64168 64169 64170 64171 64172 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 7 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Agency Jesuit Minister Conting Agency Jesuit Treasurer Contin Agency Jesuit BCDS Salary Agency Jesuit BCDS Benefits Agency Jesuit BCDS OTP Agency Jesuit BCDS Food Agency Jesuit BCDS Other Agency Jesuit BCDS Overhead PCard Catering Flowers PCard Serviceware Rentals PCard Catering Rentals Catering Rentals Exp Catering Serviceware Exp Catering Contract Personell Catering External Police Catering Flowers Expense Postage (Sep Budget) Meetings Meals Unfunded Res Printing^ Actual Category (if different from budget account) Print and Reproduction Print Catalogs Bulletins ov 5k PCard PCard Services PCard - Emergency Prof Servs - Sports Officials Special Housing Telecom^ Telecom Cable Repair Upgrade Telecom Leased Lines Telecom Local Use Telecom Long Distance Use Telecom Private 800 Telecom Nelinet Travel^ Travel Consulting Travel Domestic Travel Foreign Vehicle Expense Vehicle Gas General ^ Agency Support Aptitude Testing Computer Software under 5K Computer Services Online Contract Services Licensing Permits Fees Dues and Memberships Equipment Repair Maint Equipment Rental or Lease Equipment Minor 5000 Under Flowers Gifts Memorials Aux Internal Parking Charges Mail Postage Freight Meetings and Meals Meetings and Meals Internal Prizes and Awards Pcard Correction Value 64185 64186 64187 64188 64189 64190 64191 64192 65415 65420 65425 65430 65431 65432 65433 65434 68015 67505 68300 68301 68302 68370 68375 68379 68395 68610 68800 68801 68802 68803 68804 68805 68820 68900 68901 68902 68903 68920 68925 64001 64200 64300 64355 64360 64410 65010 65020 65210 65220 65240 65410 65510 67710 68010 68150 67500 68350 68380 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 8 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Actual Category (if different from budget account) Professional Independent Svcs Prof Servs - Police Royalty Copyright Expense Supplies Books and Periodicals Supplies China Supplies General Supplies Laboratory Supplies Media Purch Rent Telecom Cell Calling Card Agency Jesuit Food and Beverage Agency Jesuit Rector Expense Agency Jesuit Minister Expense Agency Jesuit Funeral Expense Agency Jesuit Pymt to Non Appl Agency Jesuit Pymt to Applicat Cost of Operations Bookstore Supplies Bookstore Candy Bookstore Clothing Bookstore Computer Hardware COGS Bookstore Cosmetic Electron Bookstore Course Books Bookstore Freight In Bookstore General Books Bookstore Gifts Bookstore Mark Down Merchan Bookstore Stationary Bookstore Used Books Bookstore PCard Supplies Bookstore PCard Candy Bookstore PCard Clothing Bookstore PCard Cosm Elec Bookstore PCard Course Books Bookstore PCard Freight In Bookstore PCard Genl Books Bookstore PCard Gifts Bookstore PCard Stationary Bookstore PCard Used Books Bookstore WriteOff Merchandise Alcohol Alcohol PCard Dining Bakery Dining Food Dining Paper Supplies Dining PCard Food Dining PCard Paper Supplies Dining Pcard Correction Library Art Work Library Book Purchases Library PCard Book Purchases Library Other^ Library Book Binding Library Book Replacement Tech Dist Ctr^ Tech Distr Ctr Computer Hardwr Tech Distr Ctr Computer Softwr Tech Distr Ctr Computer Suppl Library Electronic Serials Value 68390 68393 68510 68710 68720 68730 68740 68750 68810 64160 64175 64176 64177 64178 64179 64599 64600 64602 64604 64605 64606 64608 64610 64612 64614 64616 64618 64620 64622 64624 64626 64628 64630 64632 64634 64636 64638 64640 64642 64700 64705 64710 64715 64720 64730 64735 64739 64760 64770 64780 64790 64791 64792 64800 64801 64802 64803 64804 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 9 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Library Database and Serial Library Kits Library Rare Monographs Serial Library Archives Manuscripts Library Graphic Materials Library Online Services Lib Elect Rsrce Access Fees Library Audio Materials Library Microform Serials Library Electronic Monographs Library Microform Monographs Library Computer Files Library Misc Mat Procure Fees Library 3 Dim Nat Occ material Library Cartographic Material Library Document Delvery Serv Actual Category (if different from budget account) Non Budgeted Expenses Univ Depreciation Expense Univ Amortization Expense Univ Admin Costs Suspense Accounts Payable Suspense Postage Suspense payroll Suspense Pcard Disposal of Assets Disposal Depreciation Adj Disposal Depr Buildings Dining Alcohol Inventory Adj Dining Food Inventory Adj Dining Paper Inventory Adj Dining Alcohol Internal Purch Dining Food Internal Purch Dining Paper Internal Purch Vendor Discounts Loss on Extinguishment of Debt Loss of Gifts Internal Charges Recoveries Gasoline Expense Auxiliary Police Services Auxiliary Police Reimburse BOC Dept Expense Reimb BOC Dining Services BOC Dining Reimbursement Custodial Services Custodial Reimbursement Dining Services Dining Services Reimbursement Ground Crew Services Ground Crew Reimbursement Security Services Security Reimbursement Skilled Trades Services Skilled Trades Reimbursement Retreat Center Reimbursement Network Services Network Services Reimbursement Recharge Costs SEM Recharge Value 64805 64806 64807 64808 64809 61810 61811 61812 61813 61814 61815 61816 61817 61818 61819 61820 63339 63340 63350 63385 63900 63905 63910 63920 63930 63935 63936 64740 64745 64750 64752 64753 64754 68930 69001 69002 67000 67001 67010 67011 67030 67040 67041 67060 67061 67070 67071 67090 67091 67100 67101 67110 67111 67121 67130 67131 67200 67210 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 10 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Actual Category (if different from budget account) TEM Recharge Recharge Credit TEM Recharge Credit Catering Patrol Services Int Catering Patrol Services Reimb Cat BC Security Srvs Int Cat BC Security Srvs Reimb Cat Skilled Trd Serv Internal Cat Custodial Srvs Reimb Cat Custodial Serv Internal Cat Custodial Srvs Reimb Cat Ground Crew Srvs Internal Cat Ground Crew Reimb Allocations Alloc Benefits Clearing Acct Alloc Benefit Recovery^ Alloc Benefit Recovery PT Alloc Benefit Recovery FT Alloc Benefits Exempt Alloc Benefits Non Exempt Alloc Benefits Parttime Alloc Dept Benefits Exp Alloc Building Use Alloc Building Use Allowance Alloc Equipment Use Alloc Equipment Use Allow Alloc Interest Cost Alloc Interest Cost Allow Alloc Land Improvement Alloc Land Improvement Allow Alloc Lease Charge Alloc Lease Use Allowance Alloc Plant Maintenance Alloc Plant Maint Reimb Alloc Residence Maintenance Alloc Residence Maint Reimb Alloc Vehicle Use Alloc Vehicle Use Allowance Alloc Computing Services Alloc Computing Svc Reimb Alloc Student Phone Alloc Student Phone Reimb Alloc Dorm Security Alloc Dorm Security Reimb Alloc FA Cost Alloc Bookstore Salary Alloc Bookstore Sal Reimb Alloc Non Mand Use Allow Alloc Non Mand Use Reimb Alloc Aux Oper Mgmt Salary Alloc Aux Oper Mgmt Sal Reimb Alloc Aux Operations Mgmt Oper Alloc Aux Oper Mgmt Oper Reimb Alloc Aux Transporation Alloc Aux Transporation Reimb Alloc Jesuit Salary & Benefits Alloc Jesuit Salary Ben Reimb Administrative Overhead Alloc Value 67220 67211 67221 67410 67411 67420 67421 67430 67431 67440 67441 67450 67451 70000 70005 70008 70009 70010 70011 70012 70013 70014 70020 70021 70030 70031 70040 70041 70050 70051 70060 70061 70070 70071 70080 70081 70090 70091 70100 70101 70110 70111 70120 70121 70130 70140 70141 70150 70151 70160 70161 70162 70163 70170 70171 70180 70181 70190 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 11 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category Admin Overhead Alloc Reimb Actual Category (if different from budget account) Transfer and Reclass Transfer Intrafund Transfer Capital Transfer Use Allowance Transfer Perkins Transfer To Fr End Transfer Loans Contribution Transfer To Fr Plant Transfer Plant Gifts Expended Jesuit Wire Transfer Transfer Cost Share Capital Transfer Year End Reclass Transfer prior Year Adjustment Transfer Year End Reclass Project Costs All Project Costs Capitalized Project Costs Expense Clearing Pcard Capitialized Pcard expensed Expense Excluded acct Values Exp Excluded Account values Loan Fund Cnl Disab Pre 04 Loan Fund Admin Costs Loan Fund Princ Other Adjust Loan Fund Cancel Bankrupt Loan Fund Cancel Default Loan Fund Cancel Death Loan Fund Cancel Disability Loan Fund Collection Costs Loan Fund Litigation Costs Loan Fund Cancel NursMed Loan Fund Cancel Family Loan Fund Cancel Law enf Loan Fund Cancel Volunteer Loan Fund Cancel Tch Spec Ed Loan Fund Cancel Head Start Loan Fund Cancel Teach 72 After Loan Fund Cncl Tch Subj Loan Fund Cancel Military a 72 Loan Fund Cancel Prior 72 Pcard Special Account review NCAA ONLY Spirit Groups NCAA ONLY Sports camps NCAA ONLY Team Travel NCAA ONLY Recruiting NCAA Coaches Fringe benefits NCAA ONLY Coaches Comp 3rd Par Salary Faculty FT Osp Aid OSP Aid SEOG OSP SubContract 25K and less OSP SubContract 25K and over OSP Equipment OSP Equipment Rsh 1k to 4k OSP Supplies OSP Pcard Special Account review Value 70191 74999 75000 75010 75020 75030 75040 75041 75042 75043 76500 76992 76995 76998 76999 80000 80100 80201 80180 80280 89998 89999 63635 63600 63634 63630 63628 63632 63633 63640 63650 63620 63612 63616 63624 63623 63614 63611 63622 63618 63610 68385 69906 69905 69904 69903 69902 69901 50010 62040 62050 64420 64430 65200 65250 68760 68385 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 12 of 13 Operating Funds Budget Translation Tree 0B General Category Budget Checking Category NCAA ONLY Spirit Groups NCAA ONLY Sports camps NCAA ONLY Team Travel NCAA ONLY Recruiting NCAA Coaches Fringe benefits NCAA ONLY Coaches Comp 3rd Par Salary Faculty FT Osp Aid OSP Aid SEOG OSP SubContract 25K and less OSP SubContract 25K and over OSP Equipment OSP Equipment Rsh 1k to 4k OSP Supplies OSP Actual Category (if different from budget account) Value 69906 69905 69904 69903 69902 69901 50010 62040 62050 64420 64430 65200 65250 68760 Boston College Office of the Budget 7/27/2009 Page 13 of 13