Bullying Experiences and Depressive Symptoms th by Gender in 9 Graders Susan G. Williams MSN, 1,2 RN , Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling 3 PhD , Anne Turner Henson DSN, RN, 1, FAAN Cory Wornell MS, 3 MPH University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing1, Leadership and Education in Child Health Nursing (LECHN) Fellow2 Gulf Coast Behavioral Health and Resiliency Center – University of South Alabama3 Results Background • Half of all mental health disorders begin by age 14 and 8% of all adolescents suffer depressive symptoms (NAMI, 2013). • Depressive symptoms not recognized early can track into adulthood, leading to more severe mental illness (National Sample Demographics Total 9th graders n= 237 Institute of Mental Health, 2005). • Bullying – relational problem between peers where power is exerted over another by aggressive means using size, strength, age, social status (Olweus, 2003). • 20% of Adolescents are bullied (CDC,YBR survey, 2011). • 9th graders may be at greater risk for bullying than 10th 11th and 12th graders (Fredstrom, Adams & Gilman, 2011; Socioeconomic Lunch Status Free – 51.5% Reduced- 7.6% Full pay – 34.6% Home lunch – 14.8% Male n = 108 Female n = 129 Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, & Coulter, 2012). • The 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey reported grades 9-12, females (22%) have a higher prevalence of bullying than males (18%) (CDC, YBR survey, 2011) ; however, other studies show that males have a higher prevalence of bullying than females (Kshirsagar, 1% • • Bullying is associated with depressive symptoms in adolescents (Fisher, Moffitt, Houts, Belsky, Arsenault & Caspi, 2012; Kaltiala-Heino et al, 2010;Lemstra et al., 2012) Health & Behavior study (2005) reported females experienced cyberbullying, exclusion and rumor spreading, whereas males experienced more physical and verbal bullying. Purpose/Research Questions The purpose of this study is to examine depressive symptoms (CESD-10 >10) and bullying/cyberbullying in 9th graders, and to compare by gender. Research Questions: • What is the frequency of depressive symptoms (CESD-10 >10)? • What is the frequency of bullying/cyberbullying characteristics? • What are the differences in characteristics of bullying/cyberbullying by gender? • What is the difference in bullying characteristics in 9th graders who report depressive symptoms (CESD-10 >10)? Female 9th graders were more likely to report depressive symptoms (CESD-10 >10) than males. • Females were more likely to report being bullied and cyberbullied than males. • Females reported more relational, exclusion, and verbal abuse characteristics of bullying than males. • Characteristics of bullying were more likely to be associated with 9th graders who reported depressive symptoms (CESD-10 > 10). • 9th grade adolescent females are a vulnerable group for bullying and depressive symptoms. • Total sample – 34.76% • Females – 24.76%, Males - 10% * CESD-10 >10 Female 3% 26% • Depressive Symptoms (CESD-10 > 10) by Gender Ethnic Background 6% 6% Agarwal, Bavdekar, 2007; Liang, Flisher, Lombard, 2007; Wei, Williams, Chen & Chang, 2010). Conclusions Caucasian Black Hispanic Asian Native Am 66% Male Future Research • CESD-10 <10 • * p < .05 0 20 40 60 80 • Characteristics of Bullying & Cyberbullying by Gender (At least once/month) Cyberbullied (n=73) Were you bullied * Were you cyberbullied Attacked (n=3) Pushed or shoved Wouldn't talk to me (n=8) Said mean things Wrote bad things Pushed or shoved (n=10) * Said mean things (n=22) Wouldn't talk to me Wrote bad things (n=7) Attacked me Female Broke my things Male Not part of group Methods/Measures Played jokes on me Secondary data analysis of School Climate Survey (Baldwin county, AL) • Sample - 9th graders attending a southern Alabama high school • Measures: • Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression survey (CESD-10) (Radloff, 1977) • Bullying Survey (Swearer, 2003, 2008) • Cyberbullying Survey (Patchin & Hinduja, 2009) Do bad things to me Percentage of Bullying Characteristics (At least once/month) by Depressive Symptoms (CESD-10 > 10)* Broke my things (n=5) Not part of group (n=11) Played jokes (n=12) Made fun of me Threatened (n=10) Called me names Made fun of me (n= 18) * p< .05 0.00% Examine gender differences in 9th graders who report depressive symptoms (CESD-10 > 10) and types of bullying. Examine race and Socioeconomic status in 9th graders who report depressive symptoms (CESD-10 > 10) and types of bullying. Determine predictors of 9th graders who are bullied and at risk for depressive symptoms. 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% Called me names (n=27) * p < .05 0 50 100 This activity was initiated as a result of funding from the Gulf Region Health Outreach Program (GRHOP). GRHOP was developed jointly by BP and Plaintiffs' Steering Committee in the Deepwater Horizon litigation in the U.S. District Court in New Orleans. It is being supervised by the court, and is funded with $105 million from the BP Deepwater Horizon Medical Settlement. While the court approved the settlement on January 11, 2013, it is contingent on resolution of any appeals.