Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/modelinginefficiOOacem HB31 .M415 ^1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series MODELING INEFFICIENT INSTITUTIONS Daron Acemoglu Working Paper 06-01 December 27, 2005 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://ssrn.com/abstract=873688 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JAN 2 5 2005 LIBRARIES Modeling Inefficient Institutions* Daron Acemoglu^ December 2005 27, Abstract Why do inefficient — non-growth enhancing—institutions emerge and persist? This paper develops a simple framework to provide some answers to this question. Political institutions determine the allocation of political power, and economic institutions determine the frame- work for policy-making and place constraints on various power, the elite, fer resources policies. Groups with political choose policies to increase their income and to directly or indirectly trans- from the The rest of the society to themselves. baseline model encompasses ma- various distinct sources of inefficient pohcies, including revenue extraction, factor price nipulation and political consolidation. Namely, the elite extract revenue from other groups, to reduce their fiting from changes power. The elite's in factor prices, demand pursue inefficient policies to for factors, thus indirectly bene- and to impoverish other groups competing for political preferences over inefficient policies translate into inefficient economic institutions. Institutions that the elite may can restrict inefficient policies will in general not may manipulate economic institutions in order to further increase their The exception facilitate rent extraction. emerge, and is when income or commitment (holdup) problems, worse than the elite would like them to be there are and regulations are from an ex ante point of view. In this case, economic institutions that provide additional security of property rights to other groups can be useful. The paper concludes by providing a framework for the analysis of institutional change and institutional persistence. so that equilibrium taxes Keywords: Political Economy, Institutions, Commitment, Holdup, Social Conflict, Economic Development, Taxation, Property Rights, Regulation. JEL Numbers: *I H2, NIO, N40, 01, OlO, P16. thank Alexandre Debs for suggestions and excellent research assistance and Timothy Besley, Gerard Padro-i-Miquel, Torsten Persson, James Robinson and Pierre Yared for comments. ^Dept. of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, E52-3S0b, 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142, U.S.A.; daron@mit.edu; http://www.mit. edu/"daron/ 1 Many ment economists and social scientists have recently emphasized the importance of governpolicies, important economic, political and legal institutions, and more broadly, the organization There of society.-' still Introduction for also is mounting evidence that various economic growth.^ Nevertheless, despite important theoretical advances, we lack an organizational ticular, if institutions or end institutional features are indeed up with framework to analyze the determinants of matter (so institutions that much) for institutions.^ In par- economic performance, why do societies choose do not maximize economic growth or aggregate economic welfare? This paper discusses potential answers to this question. The main meaning focus on modeling the emergence and persistence of is institutions that of the paper is do not maximize the growth potential of a inefficient institutions, society.^ The purpose not to provide a survey but to construct a relatively simple unified model that illustrates both various issues already raised in the existing literature and a new mechanisms (i) what type tional frameworks; and allocations. of that appear to be important in understanding inefficient institutions. To understand why stand: number inefficient institutions of equilibrium policies (ii) This cient institutions will emerge and persist, we first and allocations emerge within need to under- different institu- the preferences of different individuals and groups over these policies will enable us to derive induced preferences over institutions. emerge and persist, in turn, when groups Ineffi- that prefer the inefficient (non-growth enhancing) policies that these institutions generate are sufficiently powerful. ^For general discussions, see North and and Weingast ^See, Thomas North (1981), Olson (1982), North and Acemoglu et al. (2005). Knack and Keefer (1995), Mauro (1995), Barro (1999), (1973), Jones (1981), (1989), Eggertsson (2005), Dixit (2004), among others, the empirical evidence in Hall and Jones (1999), Acemoglu et al. (2001, 2002) or Persson (2005). •^Austen-Smith and Banks (1999) and Persson and Tabellini (2000) are excellent introductions to recent advances in political economy. weaker definition of "inefficiency" would be Pareto inefBciency, whereby a set of instituwould be Pareto inefficient if a different set of institutions would make everybody better off. This definition, though important for certain theoretical analyses, is too weak in the context of political economy discussions, since one set of institutions may enrich a particular narrow social group, while causing stagnation or low growth for the society at large, and we may wish to refer to this set of institutions as "^A potentially tions "inefficient" and when other more social arrangements that compensate these powerful groups, while reaching efficient allocations, In this paper, model, which is I cannot be found. provide one example of such an approach. I start with a simple baseline then enriched to discuss a number of mechanisms that lead to the emergence and persistence and of inefficient policies institutions. The model workers, elite producers and non-elite (middle class) producers. includes three groups: The latter two groups have access to investment opportunities with varying degrees of productivity. policies in the dimensions. in society.^ over model are taxes imposed on producers.^ There are two The first is political institutions, different institutional which govern the allocation of de jure power This power determines, for example, which groups (or individuals) have control fiscal policies. Economic The key To institutions, start with, I suppose that the on the other hand, have de jure elite relate to the constraints and political power. rules governing economic interactions. They include, among other things, enforcement of property rights, entry barriers, regulation of technology, and the set of contracts that can be enforced.^ In the model, restrictions on expropriation, taxation and redistribution, or the ability to regulate technology, correspond to economic institutions. The model 1, is first used to highlight various sources of inefficiencies Revenue extraction: the group in power class producers in order to extract resources ^This should be interpreted eis —the elite — will set in policies: high taxes on middle from them. These taxes are distortionary. This an example standing for many other forms of distortionary ways of transferring resources from one group to another. These include simple violations of property rights (as, for example, when land tenure is removed or assets are expropriated from certain groups), entry barriers (used to indirectly transfer resources from more efficient to less efficient producers or to manipulate factor prices as we will see below), or other distortionary policies, for order to depress the prices paid for certain agricultural products of the use of marketing boards in example, the use of marketing boards (e.g., in see Bates (1981), a classic analysis Ghana and Zambia) ^See Acemoglu and Robinson (2006a) and Acemoglu et al. (2005) for the distinction between de jure and de facto political power. ^Throughout I retain the assumption that pohtical and economic groups coincide, thus all members of "the elite" will have the same preferences over economic policies and will somehow be able to coordinate their policy actions. in this In practice paper (though the model who "the elite" are is a key question, on which I am remaining agnostic has an important effect on will illustrate that the productivity of the elite the efficiency of equilibria). ^Naturally, the distinction between economic and political institutions is somewhat arbitrary. For example, restrictions on taxes and expropriation are interpreted as "economic institutions" here, though they clearly require limits on the political power of certain groups. source of inefficiency results from the absence of non-distortionary taxes, which imphes that the distribution of resources cannot be decoupled from efficient production.^ 2. Factor price manipulation: the group in power may want to tax middle class pro- ducers in order to reduce the prices of the factors they use in production. This inefficiency arises because the elite and middle taxing middle class producers, the for themselves. 3. class producers compete for factors (here labor). ensure lower factor prices and thus higher profits elite -^^ Political consolidation: to the extent that the political depends on their economic resources, greater middle power and endanger order to impoverish Although By their future rents. them and The power of the middle class class profits reduce the elite's political elite will then want to tax the middle class in consolidate their political power. -^^ three inefficiencies in policies arise because of the desire of the ehte to all extract rents from the rest of the society, the analysis reveals that of the three sources of inefficiency, the revenue extraction is typically the least harmful, since, in order to extract revenues, the elite need to ensure that the middle class undertakes efficient investments. In contrast, the factor price manipulation the is elite to directly and impoverish the middle political consolidation class. An mechanisms encourage interesting comparative static result that greater state capacity shifts the balance towards the revenue extraction mechanism, and thus, by allowing the ®Many models man in elite to extract resources more efficiently from other groups, the literature emphasize the revenue extraction mechanism. See, among may others, Gross- Grossman and Kim (1995), McGuire and Olson (1996). The costs of redistributive taxation in models of democracy are also related (e.g., Romer (1975), Roberts (1977), Meltzer and Richard (1981)). See also Besley and Coate (1998) for a discussion of inefficient redistribution because of limits on fiscal (1991), instruments. may impose entry models in which there is a conflict between agricultural and capitalist producers, or between users of old and new technologies, for example, Krusell and Rios-Rull (1996), Parente and Prescott (1999), Bourguignon and Verdier (2000), Nugent and Robinson (2002), Galor et al. (2003), and Sonin (2003). The discussion of the taxation policies and migration and occupational controls towards blacks in South Africa in Feinstein (2005) provide a clear example of the factor price manipulation mechanism. ^'The mechanism of political consolidation is most closely related to Acemoglu and Robinson (2000a, 2006b), where a ruler may block technological change in order to increase the probability of staying in power. In that model, the reason why technological change may threaten the ruler is that it erodes its incumbency advantage. See also Robinson (2001), Rajan and Zingales (2000) and Bueno de Mesquita et al. (2003). Empirical evidence related to the political consolidation mechanism from various historical contexts is discussed in Acemoglu and Robinson (2000a). "^This mechanism is most closely related to barriers in order to affect factor prices. It is Acemoglu (2003a), where incumbents also related to improve the allocation of resources. Additional inefficiencies arise when there are "commitment problems" on the part of the elites, in the sense that they may renege on policy promises once key investments are made. Following the literature on organizational economics, With holdup, more taxes are typically higher and are likely to be important, for example, when I refer to this as distortionary. a holdup problem. Holdup problems, in turn, the relevant investment decisions are long- term, so that a range of policies will be decided after these investments are undertaken. The inefficiencies in policies translate into inefficient institutions. Institutions determine the framework for policy determination, and economic institutions determine both the limits of various redistributive policies and other rules transactions and productivity of producers. and regulations that In the context of the simple associate economic institutions with two features: limits on taxation regulation on the technology used by middle class producers. ^^ inefficient policies imply that there institutions. In particular, they for will may middle class producers or they class producers. preferred by the be reasons in model here, redistribution, The same forces for the elite to may I and that lead to choose inefficient economic prefer to block technology adoption by middle Holdup problems, which imply equilibrium taxes even higher than those elite, create a possible exception, and their may encourage own the elite to may be more use This future policies (taxes). suggests that economic institutions that restrict future policies economies and economic not want to guarantee enforcement of property rights economic institutions to place credible limits on in affect the likely to arise which there are more longer-term investments and thus more room for holdup. The model also sheds light on the conditions under which economic institutions courage or block technology adoption. If the source of inefficiencies in policies extraction, the elite always wish to encourage the adoption of the nologies by the middle class. However, when the source price manipulation or political consolidation, the elite ^^More generally, these correspond to various rules is revenue most productive tech- of inefficiencies in policies may want dis- is factor to block the adoption of and arrangements that put constraints on fiscal and regulatory policies of governments, and shape the set of contracts and technology choices available to firms. more efficient technologies, or at the very least, they would choose not to invest in activities that would increase the productivity of middle class producers. This again reiterates that when the factor price manipulation and political consolidation mechanisms are at work, more significantly outcomes can inefficient While economic institutions regulate emerge.-'^ fiscal policies and technology choices, political institutions govern the process of collective decision-making in society. model, the to make elite have de jure political power, which means that they have the formal right policy choices and influence economic decisions. in the institutional In the baseline To understand the inefficiencies framework, we need to investigate the induced preferences of different groups over institutions. In the context of political institutions, this means asking whether the elite wish to change the institutional structure towards a more equal distribution of political power. The same forces that that the answer to this question is make the elite choose inefficient policies also imply no. Consequently, despite the inefficiencies that follow, the institutional structure with elite control tends to persist. The framework stitutions. also enables me Concentrating political power in the hands of the (may even be "efficient"), if middle However, a change could class). make may have in- limited costs the elite are sufficiently productive (more productive than the which may have in the productivity of the elite relative to the previously functioned relatively well, new economic environment. institutions in response to the Finally, elite and inappropriate middle class a different distribution of political power more beneficial. In this case, existing institutions, the to discuss issues of appropriate I ^'^ Yet there change in is become inappropriate no guarantee that there will be a change in environment. present a framework for analyzing changes in political institutions.''^ ical institutions to Polit- regulate the allocation of de jure political power, as in the example of ^^The framework in this paper Segura-Cayuela (2006), is applied to the inefficiency of institutions in an open economy setting in '^How a given set of institutions that may first increase but then retard economic growth is also discussed Acemoglu (2003a) and Acemoglu et al. (2003). -'^This framework builds on my previous work with James Robinson, but applies these ideas to the environment considered here which contains richer economic interactions. See in particular Acemoglu and in Robinson (2000b, 2001, 2006a). constitutions or elections determining the party in government. There power than groups this tj'pe of de jure power, however. Certain existing system, for example, by solving their collective action may be is more able to disrupt the problem and undertaking demonstrations, unrest, protests, revolutions or military action. Each group possess de facto political power even when excluded from de to pohtical may therefore jure political power. In this context, middle class producers, even though they have no formal say in a dictatorship or an oligarchic society, may sometimes have system or at least to demand some changes in political institutions sufficient de facto concessions from the may emerge political elite. power to change the Under these circumstances, as an equihbrium outcome. They are useful as a way of committing to future allocations, because, by affecting the distribution of de jure power political in the future, they shape future policies and economic allocations. Such a commitment may be necessary when the current elite to a shift in the distribution of de facto political concessions within a given political system institutions take place power are less likely elite are power and when limited. in response their ability to in the future). when The make Consequently, changes in political forced to respond to temporary changes in de power by changing the pohtical system (and thus the distribution facto political political when the is need to make concessions of de jure analysis also shows that changes in political institutions political stakes are higher, because, in this case, the elite will fight and use repression to defend the existing regime. Rents from the natural resources or land tend to increase political stakes state capacity, may create The and thus contribute to which makes redistribution more dynamic rest of the is how and of the elite. for a given sequence of policies. The rest of the paper these policies are determined. Section 3 analyzes the revenue extraction, factor price manipulation and problems and distortions in emergence of stakes organized as follows. Section 2 presents the basic economic model and characterizes the equilibrium investigates Interestingly, efficient, also increases political by increasing the longevity of the dictatorship costs paper institutional persistence. inefficient political consolidation mechanisms, and also discusses holdup the process of technology adoption. economic Section 4 analyzes the institutions, while Section 5 discusses emergence and Section 6 presents a model of endogenous persistence of inefficient political institutions. institutional change and institutional persistence. Section 7 concludes. Baseline Model 2 2.1 Environment Consider an infinite horizon economy populated by a continuum agents, each with a discount factor equal to good denoted by y. The expected utility of (3 < There 1. agent j at time is 1 + ^e + ^m of risk neutral a unique non-storable final is given by: oo Ui = Eo^P'4, (1) t=0 where M G Cj denotes the consumption of agent j at time operator conditional on information available at time Agents are supply their labor denoted by e, The in three groups. inelastically. who initially first There is are workers, a total mass will use j to and Ej the expectations is t. whose only action 1 of workers. in the The second hold political power in this society. There Finally, there are 9"^ "middle class" agents, class producers are t is model is a total of denoted by m. The sets of elite the 6'^ is to elite, elites. and middle denoted by S^ and S'^ respectively. With a shght abuse of notation, I denote either individual or group. Each member of the elite and middle class has access to production opportunities, represented by the production function yi where A; denotes capital and Cobb-Douglas form The key is difference / adopted = ^{AinkiY-^iiir, 1 — a labor. Capital is between the two groups A"^. assumed to depreciate elite is new in their productivity. agent is A"^ in Productivity of the two groups they are engaged in different economic activities old versus fully after use. The for simplicity. us assume that the productivity of each middle class agent is (2) (e.g., To start with, let each period, and that of each differs, for example, because agriculture versus manufacturing, industries, etc.), or because they have different human capital or talent. On the policy side, there are activity-specific tax rates on production, r^ and r™, which are constrained to be nonnegative, instruments total income (in particular, (rent) of R i.e., > t^ and > 0, > no lump-sum non-distortionary There are no other 0. taxes). T™ > > and T^ Let us also introduce a parameter In addition there (p lump-sum of the states to penetrate is e [0, 1], which measures how much of the tax revenue When </> = 1 we can think 4> = 0, Let us also assume that there t. the ability state capacity is limited all it does tax revenue of a society with substantial state capacity that The government budget is T- + e-^rr + and i.e., relations in society (though able to raise taxes and redistribute the proceeds as transfers. constraint a 0.^^ and regulate the production so in a highly "reduced-form" way). when is transfers targeted towards can be redistributed. This parameter, therefore, measures "state capacity," gets lost, whereas fiscal from natural resources. The proceeds of taxes and revenues from natural resources can be redistributed as nonnegative each group, T"* r'" is 6'^T^ <cp maximum a fividj [ This prevents the most productive agents + R. (3) scale for each firm, so that in the /^ < A for economy from employing the lidj<l, j entire labor force. Since only workers can be employed, the labor market clearing condition / all is (4) JjeS^uS"^ with equality corresponding to full employment. Since 0^ there can never be full + e'" < l^ < A, (4) implies that if (ES) \, A employment. Consequently, depending on whether Condition (ES) holds, there will be excess demand or excess supply of labor in this economy. Throughout, ^^The assumption that taxes and transfers are nonnegative are standard does not make them innocuous). The non-negativity of transfers will play in the literature (which, naturally, an important role in the analysis by forcing redistributive policies to be distortionary. Although this structure of fiscal instruments can be motivated as restrictions imposed by "economic institutions", the most compelling reason for assuming this structure is that it is a tractable reduced-form formulation, which captures potential inefficiencies that will arise because of informational problems in richer settings (e.g., Mirrlees (1971)). I assume that 9^ <\A and the number is adopted only for < (Al) |, A which ensures that neither of the two groups Assumption (Al) 9"" will create excess demand for labor by itself. convenience and simplifies the notation (by reducing of cases that need to be studied). Economic Equilibrium 2.2 I first characterize the economic equilibrium for a given sequence of taxes, {T^, t/"}j^q (the transfers do not affect the a sequence of wages {wt}^^^ {N'^t],£5=u5-} „, J t=0,l,...,oo ^ economic equilibrium). An economic equilibrium ^, and investment and employment levels for is all ^"^'^ *^^^^ given {rt^,Tl"}^^ox-,oo ^^^^ {^«}i=o,i,...,oo. all ^ j defined as producers, producers -^ K. choose their investment and employment optimally and the labor market Each producer (firm) takes wages, adjustment costs and full clears. denoted by Wt, as given. Finally, given the absence of depreciation of capital, firms simply maximize current net profits. Consequently, the optimization problem of each firm can be written as maxi^(AO°(A;/)^-'^ {ll^ - w^l - H, where j G 5^ U S'™. This maximization yields r i\ K= =0 e[0,A] A number of points are worth noting. is {\-rifl'^A^i, and (.5) if i^t > Y^(l-Tfy/M^' if^, = ^(l-r/y/M^- First, in equation (6), (6) . the expression a{l—Tiy^°'A^/ (1 the net marginal product of a worker employed by a producer of group above this amount, this producer would not employ any workers, and she would prefer to hire as equation (5) highlights in physical capital many workers as possible (i.e., j. If if it is up to the maximum, the wage is below, he or A). Second, the source of potential inefficiency in this economy. Producers invest but only receive a fraction (1 — 7f ) of the revenues. discourage investments, creating potential inefficiencies. Therefore, taxes — a) Combining (i) If (4), equilibrium wages are obtained as follows: excess supply of labor and Wt is Condition (ES) does not hold, then there equilibrium wage is Wt = The form elite with Condition (ES) holds, there If (ii) (6) min (j^-{l \i wage of the equihbrium and middle demand exceeds —a class producers, "excess is r/)l/"A^ 0. demand" for labor - tH'^^aA -^(1 — i is = a and the (7) . / Labor demand comes from two groups, the intuitive. and when condition (ES) does not hold, available labor supply, so the market clearing wage will their total labor be the minimum of their net marginal product. One interesting feature, which will be used below, not hold, the equihbrium wage producers, so either the elite or is the middle class will = -^(l-r;)(i-°)/"A^ /" 1 - a Jj^s- The equilibrium is that summarized lidj output make + -^{l-Tl"Y'-''^/"A'^ f 1 a Then ^, the equilibrium takes the following form: 0, and if sequence, factor Suppose Assumption (Al) holds. Condition (ES) does not hold, then Wt demands are given by (5) and (6), 3 Now I elite's for a given (8) if sequence of taxes Condition (ES) holds, then given by (7). and aggregate output policies. In this section, political institutions desired policies. R. Given the wage is given by (8). Inefficient Policies the elite" in the sense that they allow the the is use the above economic environment to illustrate a inefficient + in the following proposition (proof in the text): {tj^,t/"}j^q = l{dj Jj^s^ 1 Wt zero profits in equilibrium. is Proposition J when Condition (ES) does equal to the net productivity of one of the two groups of Finally, equilibrium level of aggregate yt is The main elite to number of distinct sources of correspond to "the dictatorship of decide the policies, so the focus will be on (potentially inefficient) policy will be a tax on middle 10 though more generally, class producers, As discussed or entry barriers. to inefficient policies; (2) be three mechanisms leading Factor Price Manipulation; and (3) Consohdation. Political To in the introduction, there will Resource Extraction; (1) correspond to expropriation, corruption this could illustrate each mechanism in the simplest possible way, I will focus parameter space and abstract from other interactions. Throughout, an upper bound on taxation, so that may institutional, or arise t^^ < f and r^ < where f f, I < on a subset of the assume that there 1. is This limit can be because of the ability of producers to hide their output or shift into informal production. The timing of events within each period is as follows: ments are made. This removes an additional source of problem whereby groups once power may has been produced. Holdup it To in start with, strategies are only I focus on seize all of the holdup output of other agents in the economy (MPE) Perfect Equilibria strategies are independent of past taxes and investments of this economy, where this context, this (since there maximize the In the dictatorship of the elite, policies will be chosen to is set; then, invest- inefficiency related to the dependent on payoff-relevant variables. In a political equilibrium taxes are be discussed below. will Markov first, is full means that depreciation). Hence, elite's utility. given by a sequence of pohcies {r/, tI^,TI",T^, Tf}^^^ ^ ^ (satis- fying (3)) which maximizes the elite's utility, taking the economic equilibrium as a function of the sequence of policies as given. More specifically, substituting (5) into (2), we obtain elite a -(l-rf)^/"A^ 1-a with wt given by square brackets wage. Total per receive. Then of {rf, r/", elite, (7). is Wt it + consumption as T:, (9) This expression follows immediately by recalling that the the after-tax profits per worker, while the second term elite consumption is given by their profits plus the the political equilibrium, starting at time T^,T^, T/Jj^q ^ ^ f = 0, is is first term in the equilibrium lump sum transfer they simply given by a sequence that satisfies (3) and maximizes the discounted utility of the Et=o/?*c^ 11 The determination the MPE (9). We now full capital depreciation, this is simphfied further by the fact that in problem is simply equivalent to maximizing characterize this political equilibrium under a number of different scenarios. Revenue Extraction 3.1 To with of the pohtical equihbrium highlight this mechanism, suppose that Condition (ES) holds, so wages are constant at zero. have This removes any = It It is \ effect of taxation Also assume that for all producers. straightforward to see that the redistribute all on factor > (j) elite will (for example, </) = also and will !). never tax themselves, so government revenues to themselves, so T/" of the we In this case, from (6), prices. = T/" = r/^ 0. = 0, Consequently taxes will be set in order to maximize tax revenue, given by = Revenuet —^r.^^fl - r,'")(i-°)/"A'"A^'" + R at time t, into (2) facedownwhere the and multiplying producers and a fraction it (f) first term is is It is would require r^" elite at = 0. = 9"' A and for (5) middle class is maximized by simply t[" = a. the peak of their Laffer curve. In However, the output-maximizing tax not an equilibrium because, despite the distortions, the At the root /"* The second term clear that tax revenues are the tax rate that puts the tax rate to increase their If obtained by substituting for of tax revenues can be redistributed. contrast, output maximization rate is by t^, and taking into account that there are the revenues from natural resources. In other words, this (10) -a I elite would prefer a higher own consumption. of this inefficiency is a limit on the tax instruments available to the elite. ^^ they could impose lump-sum taxes that would not distort investment, these would be preferable. Inefficient policies here result from the redistributive desires of the elite coupled with the absence of lump-sum taxes. It is also interesting to note that as a increases, the extent of distortions are reduced, since there are greater diminishing returns to capital ""See and investment will not decline much the discussion in footnote 16 and the further analysis and discussion in Besley and Coate (1998). 12 in response to taxes. Even though taxation ^® r/" = a may become is the most preferred tax for the ehte, the exogenous hmit on binding, so the equihbrium tax r^ = T^^ for all t. ticular, a as is = mm{a,f} (11) In this case, equilibrium taxes depend only on the production technology (in par- how distortionary taxes are) and on the exogenous hmit on taxation. For example, decreases and the production function becomes more linear in capital, equilibrium taxes dechne. This discussion is summarized in the following proposition (proof in the text): Proposition 2 Suppose Assumption (Al) and Condition (ES) hold and unique 3.2 I political equilibrium features r^"* = t^^ = min {a, f} for all > 0, then the t. Factor Price Manipulation now investigate how inefficient policies can arise in order to highhght this mechanism in the simplest possible way, let that there are no direct benefits from taxation for the elite. us manipulate factor first prices. To = so assume that (f) There are indirect benefits, however, because of the effect of taxes on factor prices, which will be present as long as the equihbrium wage is positive. For this reason, hold, so that equilibrium wage is given by I now suppose that Condition (ES) does not (7). Inspection of (7) and (9) then immediately reveals that the elite prefer high taxes in demand from order to reduce the labor possible. The the middle class, and thus wages, as desired tax rate for the elite the equilibrium tax is r™ = t^^'^ = f for all Proposition 3 Suppose Assumption (Al) thus r/" is t. (5) implies that d'^ 1. In k{ / dr^ da = 13 r/" = as Given constraints on taxation, therefore have (proof in the text): holds, Condition (ES) does not hold, then the unique political equilibrium features ^Mo:re explicitly, We = much t-^^^'^ 1/ (a'^ (l = f for - r/]] > 0. all t. and (p = 0, This result suggests that the factor price manipulation mechanism generally leads to higher taxes than the pure revenue extraction mechanism. This price manipulation mechanism, the objective of the much elite is to because, with the factor reduce the profitability of the as possible, whereas for revenue extraction, the elite middle class as middle class to invest and generate revenues. It is also worth noting that, the pure revenue extraction case, the tax policy of the ehte from the middle is class, but also doing so indirectly it is is would like differently the from not only extracting resources from the workers, whose wages are being reduced because of the tax policy. The rate is role of </> = also needs to be emphasized. Ta:x;ing the middle class at the highest clearly inefficient. the elite? The answer Why is there not a more efficient way of transferring resources to relates to the limited fiscal instruments available to the elite (recall the discussion in footnote 16). In particular, = implies that they cannot use taxes at to extract revenues from the middle class, so they are forced to use inefficient all of increasing their consumption, by directly impoverishing the middle class. subsection, I discuss how means In the next the factor price manipulation mechanism works in the presence of an instrument that can directly raise revenue from the middle class. This will illustrate that the absence of any means of transferring resources from the middle class to the is not essential for the factor price manipulation mechanism (though the absence of non- distortionary 3.3 I elite lump-sum taxes is naturally important). Revenue Extraction and Factor Price Manipulation Combined now combine the two effects isolated in the previous two subsections. By itself the factor price manipulation effect led to the extreme result that the tax on the middle class should be as high as possible. Revenue extraction, though typically another motive for imposing taxes on the middle class, will serve to reduce the power of the factor price manipulation effect. The reason is that high taxes also reduce the revenues extracted by the the economy beyond the peak of the Laffer curve), and are costly to the To elite (moving elite. characterize the equilibrium in this case again necessitates the maximization of (9). 14 This As simply the same as maximizing transfers minus wage is before, transfers are obtained from (10), while (ES) holds and there same wages are given by each (7). elite producer. When Condition excess supply of labor, wages are equal to zero, and is we obtain the results as in the case of pure resource extraction. The zero, bill for interesting case is the one where (ES) does not hold, so that wages are not equal to and are given by the minimum that the elite will two expressions of the not tax themselves and will redistribute in (7). all Incorporating the fact the revenues to themselves, the maximization problem can be written as max - -A^ l-a 1 r+ wt l-a r™(l - ^^'")(i-«)/"^"^/j»^"T ^^ (12) subject to (7) and geie l^ The first term in (12) is Equation (13) receive. class producers the is = A elite's gmj^m^-^^ + if (1 - and T^^y/'^A"' (13) > A'. (14) net revenues and the second term is the transfer they the market clearing constraint, while (14) ensures that middle employ as much labor as they wish provided that their net productivity is greater than those of elite producers. The solution to this problem can take two different forms depending on whether (14) holds in the solution. profits and their only If it w = aA^/ {1 — does, then income and a), elite producers make zero derived from transfers. Intuitively, this corresponds to the is case where the elite prefer to let the middle class producers undertake activities elite and maximize tax revenues. generate revenues both from their producers. In this case I If, w= on the other hand, a). of the profitable (14) does not hold, then the own production and from taxing — T"^y^'^A"^/ (1 — a{l all the middle class Rather than provide a full taxonomy, impose the following assumption: om A" which ensures that the solution Intuitively, this condition > will 0(1 - q)(i-")/"/1"^— (A2) , always take the latter form (i.e., (14) does not hold). makes sure that the productivity gap between the middle 15 class and elite producers not so large as to make is themselves (recall that always when (A2) problem simply 1_^ /„ = I Tj'" - so 1, = 0"^ a(l — 9" if = and = A'' A"", this condition is all elite - a), and the a +R „,:i-rn^/"A-A, (15) employ A employees, and from (13), - producers r™)^''"^'"' r/"/(l maximize to choosing r/" to rl^){^-'^)l<^A'^r6'^ . . have used the fact that 1 will (1-A^^)/^-. The maximization The < we have Wt holds, down boils -t["(1 . V- where a)<^~°'/" zero profits satisfied).''^ Consequently, elite's - </>(! make attractive for the elite to it first is of (15) gives interesting feature always than less manipulation. 1, is that «;(A,^^,a,0) which Moreover, k is always is less than oo. This implies that the desired tax rate in the case of pure factor price (A,(9^, a, </>) is strictly greater than a/{\ — a), so that r/" is always greater than a, the desired tax rate with pure resource extraction. Therefore, the factor price manipulation motive always increases taxes above the pure revenue level maximizing (beyond the peak of the Laffer curve), while the revenue maximization motive reduces taxes relative to the pure factor price manipulation case. Naturally, greater than f, the equilibrium tax will be f, * It is also this level of tax + ll why which plays no becomes more this condition is K(A,^^Q,</))' not to hold, an role here) to write the objective of /{I - a)e^. The maximum of a)('^-<^)/°'A'^e'^\/{l a)e^. When it does not hold, r"* = 1, we have w = Q and U"^ (t'" = 1) = aA^Xj (1 — r"')(i-")/'*,4'"(l - I'') max C/2 establishing that (A2) is (r'") > C/^ (r'" = first agent as this expression a), so sufficient for the elite to prefer r'"'^^'' (j) in- declines. use (13) (and drop the R term, {ctA'^ / (1 — a) — w) l'^ + 0r'"(l — when (14) holds let the value be maxT-m C/2 (r™). 1) 16 elite ' ^ / beneficial (generates greater revenues), but sufficient for (14) is i.e., interesting to look at the comparative statics of this tax rate. First, as creases, taxation '^To see if U^ = 4>all Note that when is when Assumption (A2) holds = aA^Xj (1 - a) > U\ a tax policy that yields positive profits for them. This might at comes first less costly, appear paradoxical, since one 4> importance of revenue extraction, and as commented above, raises the in this case, revenue extraction elite to among expected that as taxation be- taxes should increase. Intuition for this result follows from the observation that an increase in the may have is a force towards lower taxes move beyond the peak of the Laffer curve). (it makes it more Since the parameter costly for is related, other things, to state capacity, this comparative static result suggests that higher state capacity wih translate into lower taxes, because greater state capacity enables the elite to extract revenues from the middle class through taxation, without directly impover- ishing them. In other words, greater state capacity enables more efficient forms of resource ^° extraction by the groups holding political power. Second, as 9^ increases and the number of The reason for this effect is this discussion is that producers increases, taxes also increase. again the interplay between the revenue extraction and factor price manipulation mechanisms. becomes more important elite When there are more elite producers, One relative to gathering tax revenue. when the factor price manipulation effect typically be greater inefficiencies. Finally, an increase in a is reducing factor prices interesting imphcation of more important, there raises taxes for exactly the will same reason as above; taxes create fewer distortions and this increases the revenue-maximizing tax rate. Once again summarizing the analysis (proof in the text): Proposition 4 Suppose Assumptions (Al) and (A2) and (/) > 0. Then hold. Condition (ES) does not hold, the unique political equilibrium features r/" = r*"*^^^ as all t. Equilibrium taxes are increasing in 9^ and a and decreasing in 3.4 Political Consolidation I now given by (16) for 0. discuss another reason for inefficient taxation, the desire of the elite to preserve their political power. This to always remain in mechanism has been absent power. To illustrate it, so far, since the elite were the model needs to be modified to allow ^°This is a very different argument for why greater state capacity than the standard view, for example, espoused in Evans (1995). 17 assumed may be good for economic outcomes for endogenous switches For now, later. let power permanently middle class will us assume that there from the shifts is a probability pt in period the middle class. Once they elite to pursue a policy that maximizes their own exogenous, the previous analysis this probability Institutional change will be discussed in greater detail of power. is still endogenous. Here applies. Interesting I will use the trade-offs and assume that this probabihty utility. t come When that political to power, the this probability economic interactions is when arise a simple (reduced-form) model to illustrate is a function of the income level of the middle class agents, in particular p, where is I = p(^-cne[0,i], have used the fact that income continuous and differentiable with class producers are richer, they p' is > (17) 0, which captures the have greater de facto may may be more political power. the middle This reduced-form when the middle class successful in solving their collective action problems or they increase their military power. This modification implies that the may no longer be optimal. recursively, class when fact that formulation might capture a variety of mechanisms. For example, are richer, they Let us assume that p equal to consumption.^^ is and denote it To fiscal policy that maximizes current consumption investigate this issue by V^ (E) when they are in we now write the utility of elite agents power and by V^ (M) when the middle power. Naturally, we have in ^^ subject to "r +(5[{\-p,)V^{E) I (7), (13), (14) V^ {E) and V^ (M) not and (17), with pt = p {^{l - + p,V^{M)] / r^f'^A'^l^e"' - Wtl'^O'''). as functions of time, since the structure of the problem I wrote makes it clear that these values will be constant in equihbrium. The first the same observation fiscal policy is is that if the solution to the static problem involves cj" = 0, then optimal despite the risk of losing power. This implies that, as long as Condition (ES) does not hold and (A2) holds, the political consolidation ^'Alternatively, one can assume, with qualitatively identical results, that class relative to that of the elite that matters for political power. 18 it is mechanism does the income of the middle not add an additional motive for inefficient taxation. To see the role of the political consolidation mechanism, suppose instead that Condition = (ES) holds. In this case, Wt and the optimal static policy is r/" = r^^ = min {a, f} discussed above and implies positive profits and consumption for middle class agents. as The dynamic maximization problem then becomes a +/3 [V^ (E) { The /le X an first-order condition for - <t) It is when 1 _ r"^ n- '- <j) a clear that p'(-) > 1 — T^ when r^"^ 0, = V^ (E) — V^ (M) > they get to tax the Intuitively, as = elite / \1 <t> ^m(-i _ m\(l-a)/a (T —a (1 - is = Am \am \ , TT'-f'^A'^e'^X V" (M))] {V (E) - = t^^ = min{a,f} V (M)) = as long as as above. ' 0. of the transfers. However, V^ {E) - V^ {M) > immediate since when the middle now not ^ ' J J min{a,r} all "I be expressed as 0. That class are in power, ^^ with the factor price manipulation mechanism, the elite tax beyond the to increase their revenues, but to consolidate their These high taxes reduce the income of the middle is d] i {V {E) - r;'")^/"A'"0'"A) we obtain r™ and receive Consequently, there power. 0, the case peak of the Laffer curve, yet political power. r interior solution can r^^ > r^^ is i -p{y^{1- + /3^V p' (•) I a higher probability that the elite class and their political remain in power in the future, enjoying the benefits of controlling the fiscal policy. ^^ An interesting comparative static V^ (M) increases, is and the tax that the that as R increases, elite sets increases as well. Intuitively, power receives the revenues from natural resources, R. more the gap between When R V^ [E] and the party in increases, the elite become willing to sacrifice tax revenue (by overtaxing the middle class) in order to increase the probability of remaining in power, because remaining in power has valuable. ^^More taxes. More greater state capacity, also increases the gap between V^ {E) This contrasts with the results so far where interestingly, a higher specifically, cp, V* (E) i.e., is R now become more had no effect given as the solution to (18), while the expression for equation (24) in Section 6. ^^This result is similar to that in Acemoglu and Robinson (2006b) where a ruhng ehte beneficial technological change in order to increase the probability of political survival. 19 on V^ (M) is may want given by to block and V^ (M) (because this enables the group in power to raise more tax revenues) and thus implies a higher tax rate on the middle Intuitively, class. when there is no political competition, greater state capacity, by allowing more efficient forms of transfers, improves the allocation of resources. But in the presence of political competition, by increasing the political stakes, it Summarizing leads to greater conflict and political replacement. sumption (Al) and Condition (ES) hold and 3.5 I = > T^^ T^"" policies. this discussion (proof in the text): Proposition 5 Consider the economy with r/" more distortionary for all t. This rate tax; is > </' Suppose also that As- then the political equilibrium features 0, increasing in R and (p. SuBGAME Perfect Versus Markov Perfect Equilibria have so far focused In this case, however, restrictive. MPE. coincide with the discuss why MPE on Markov perfect equilibria (A4PE). In general, such a focus can be This it can be proved that subgame perfect equilibria (SPE) will not be true in the next subsection, so are a subset of the SPE. Loosely speaking, SPEs that are not Markovian supported by some type of "history-dependent punishment strategies" dependence, SPEs will coincide In the models analyzed so far, such the SPE. Intuitively, each individual maximize useful to briefly the case here. it is for such history it is is If there is be no room with the MPEs. punishment strategies are not possible even infinitesimal and makes Therefore, (5) and (6) determine the factor profits. . will its in economic decisions to demands uniquely in any equilibrium. Given the factor demands, the payoflFs from various policy sequences are also uniquely pinned down. This means that the returns to various strategies for the independent of history. Consequently, there cannot be any characterized above. Therefore, ^^A formal proof footnote. A history denote the set of all we SPEs other than the MPE have:^^ of this proposition requires additional notation, so is elite are defined as the complete possible histories of play list up to t — 1, The essence of the proof is that, since each producer is commands according to (5) and (6) at the time t for all 20 I only provide a sketch in this in the game. Let Tl*~^ and denote a particular history by /i'~^ G Ti*~^. of actions up to a certain point infinitesimal, they will always choose their factor /i*~' € H*~^. This implies that the maximization Proposition 6 The 3.6 MPEs Lack of Commitment The models characterized in Propositions 2-5 are the unique SPEs. — Holdup discussed so far featured (lack of the model; if commitment commitment by the to taxes this corresponds to the situation from organizational economics, Holdup full elites. Using a term without any ''holdup''. to taxes or policies) changes the qualitative implications of expropriation (or taxation) happens after investments, revenues generated by investments can be ex post captured by others. These types of holdup problems are likely when the key investments to arise and implemented are long-term, so that various policies will be determined after these investments are The problem with holdup is made (and sunk). commit that the elite will be unable to to a particular tax rate before middle class producers undertake their investments (taxes will be set after investments). This lack of inefficiency. To commitment illustrate this possibility, the timing of events such that then the elite set taxes. first amount will generally increase the I consider the same model and as above, but change individual producers undertake their investments and The economic equilibrium is unchanged, and determine factor demands, with the only difference that (6) still of taxation in particular, (5) r"^ and t'^ now and refer to "expected" taxes. Naturally, in equilibrium expected and actual taxes coincide. What is different is the calculus of the ehte in setting taxes. into account that higher taxes investment decisions, this to tax at the for all maximum would discourage investment. Since, now, taxes are effect is absent. is in the MPE, a unique the MPE elite will where r/" set after always want = t^^ = f This establishes (proof in the text): t. is a unique political equilibrium with t^ = t^^ = r t. It is clear above. As a result, rate, so in all cases, there Proposition 7 With holdup, there for all Previously, they took that this holdup equilibrium is more inefficient than the equilibria characterized For example, imagine a situation in which Condition (ES) holds so that with the problem of the elite is independent of history and establishes the 21 result. original timing of events (without holdup), the equilibrium tax rate the extreme case where f = 1 Now 1. and the middle class stop producing. In this model, holds and f up = This it is than To f. the middle class producers. = a and the middle r'" = Q as long as the history consists of r"' there is any other action With class producers invest zero.^^ — a)^^~"^''°'j4'"A&'"/ (1 r'" in contrast, = 1, promise a the complete set of actions taken is the elite raise no tax revenue from — class producers invest according to (5) = a = 1 and the middle this strategy profile, the elite raise a tax revenue of a) in every period, and receive transfers worth - aO*^-"^/"^'"A^™. (19) they deviate at any point, the most profitable deviation for them and they with and investments have been consistent in the history, the elite set r'" -a(l If, elite (credibly) room is Instead, consider the following trigger-strategy combination: always set r"* (f>a{l game MPE, In the elite If is to set will raise - a)(^-"'/"^"A^'". -^(1 — 1 The to (20), which requires j S (20) a trigger-strategy profile will be an equilibrium as long as (19) 2^More formally, 5" and all s is example where Condition (ES) illustrate this, consider the the (5). positive economic is the only SPE, since there is groups whereby the different to that point (recall footnote 24). with and there naturally very costly for the elite as is MPE no longer true that the Recall that the history of the 1. =a their tax revenues. all an implicit agreement between different tax rate r/" Consider a. In contrast, with holdup, the equilibrium tax class producers. well since they lose for without holdup, by the middle activity r/" = r^ = is let <t— /3 > 1 — history h^-'^he such that 1. r™ = a Then, the trigger strategy V and j4 = (1 - q)^^" A"", and if /i*" ^®Some authors, for example, Greif we have (proof a. Therefore is greater than or equal in the text):'^ = i - 1 profile in question is as follows: ^'"^ then rf = for all s 1 and kf < = and ki (1 if - q)^''" /i'"^ = A"^ for all /i'~^ r/" =a 0. (1994), also view differences between the MPE and the SPE as corresponding to "institutional differences," since different equilibria create different incentives for individual agents (and are supported by different "beliefs"). I find it more transparent to reserve the term tions" for arrangements that determine the economic or political rules of the policies or distribution of political power) rather than using this term also a given set of rules. 22 game (i.e., limits "institu- on fiscal for the equilibria that arise for Proposition 8 Consider the holdup game, and suppose that Assumption (Al) and Condition (ES) hold where =a r/" and f for all = Then 1. for /3 > 1 — a, there exists a subgame perfect equilibrium t. An important implication of this result that in societies where there are greater holdup is problems, for example, because typical investments involve longer horizons, there is room for coordinating on a subgame perfect equilibrium supported by an implicit agreement (trigger strategy profile) between the elite and the rest of the society. Technology Adoption and Holdup 3.7 Suppose now that taxes are subsection is set before investments, so the source of absent. Instead, suppose that at time t = holdup in the previous before any economic decisions or policy choices are made, middle class agents can invest to increase their productivity. particular, r is suppose that there is and the resulting productivity A"" applies forever Once investments ments in in This investment is made once ^'^ after. technology are made, the game proceeds as before. Since invest- technology are sunk after date in Propositions 2-5 above. t = 0, the equilibrium allocations are the Another interesting question would prefer to commit to a tax rate sequence The The function a cost V [A^) of investing in productivity A^. non-negative, continuously differentiable and convex. In at time i is whether, = 0. if same they could, the analysis of this case follows closely that of the baseline model, and I as elite simply state the results (without proofs to save space): Proposition 9 Consider the game with technology adoption and suppose that Assumption (Al) holds. Condition (ES) does not hold, and features r/" time t = ^^The 0, = t^^^^ = f for then they would Moreover, all t. still choose r/" fact that technology choices are them from the investments in fc, made if 4> = the Q, then the unique political equilibrium elite = ^fpm = could commit to a tax sequence at ^^ once, or at any rate, which are made in every period. 23 more infrequently, partly distinguishes That this unique SPE. In at time t = 0. MPE the unique is quite straightforward. is The reason only objective of the is for Once they could commit if reduce the middle elite is to class' labor demand, again, the MPE is identical to before. = As a result, the first-order condition extraction case, recall that the equilibrium this is also the unique their technology decisions, there to create history-dependent static optimum elite prefer. If elite r™ = t^^ = min{a,f}. With SPE. Once the middle Nevertheless, this is this, the same class producers have left, and it made impossible is different than the not necessarily the allocation that the could commit to a tax rate sequence at time choose lower taxes. To illustrate (it is future periods. In the pure revenue punishment strategies to support a tax rate for the elite. ^^ the is all no history-dependent action is (21) i. the constant tax rate that they will face in arguments as before, is: -^-^(i-OV« —p —a i. is no us next consider the pure revenue extraction case with Condition (ES) let r'(^-) r'" so they have middle class producers. an interior solution to the middle class producers' technology choice where the it is as follows: in the case of pure factor price manipulation, the interest in increasing the productivity of satisfied. also intuitive that the ehte would choose exactly this tax rate even fact, For contrast, It is t = 0, they would suppose that they can commit to a constant tax rate straightforward to show that they will in fact choose a constant tax rate even without this restriction, of the elite is but this restriction saves on notation). Therefore, the optimization problem to maximize tax revenues taking the relationship between taxes and technology as in (21) as given. In other words, they will solve: max(?!>T"'(l -r'")(^-")/"yl"'A6''"/ (1 The subject to (21). - a) constraint (21) incorporates the fact that (expected) taxes affect technology choice. The first-order condition for an interior solution a ^^The fact that 1 each middle class producer possible to create a strategy profile can be expressed as - r™ is where middle infinitesimal dr'" is class producers 24 important here. would Otherwise, collectively deviate it from would be (5). where dA^/dr"^ takes into account the t = 0. effect of future taxes This expression can be obtained from (21) on technology choice at time as: 1 1(1- t"^)(i-'^)/'» _ f%A^) dr^ ~ ~l- (5l-a dA"" This imphes that the solution to this maximization problem min{a,f}. in order to If they could, the elite would commit like to '^ satisfies r"^ = r^"^ < t^^ = to a lower tax rate in the future encourage the middle class producers to undertake technological improvements. Their inability to commit to such a tax policy leads to greater inefficiency than in the case without technology adoption. Summarizing this discussion (proof in the text): Proposition 10 Consider the game with technology adoption, and suppose that Assumption (Al) r/" = and Condition (ES) hold and T^^ = min {a, f} for all they would prefer to commit to An important feature is If t. r"^'^ </> > 0, then the unique political equilibrium features commit the elite could < to a tax policy at time that in contrast to the pure holdup problem where /3 > 1 — class producers invest only once at the beginning, there is frequent investments by the middle class, so that there they deviate from the promised on future 4 The previous is that, since middle policies. is When is {(3 > 1 — a), but also a credible threat against the ehte such implicit agreements fail to prevent greater need for economic institutions to play the role policies. Inefficient Economic Institutions analysis shows which possesses could no possibihty of using history- tax rates low. Such agreements not only require a high discount factor of placing hmits SPE This illustrates the limits of implicit agreements to keep strategies. the most inefficient policies, there 0, a, recall Proposition 8), with the tech- nology adoption game, the inefficiency survives the SPE. The reason if = t^^. prevent the additional inefficiency (when dependent punishment t how inefficient policies emerge out of the desire political power, to redistribute resources towards themselves. the implications of these mechanisms for inefficient institutions. 25 Since the I of the elite, now discuss elite prefer to implement class inefficient policies to transfer resources and the workers) to themselves, they from the rest of the society (the middle will also prefer inefficient economic institutions that enable and support these inefficient policies. To illustrate the main economic (1) Security of tutions: interactions, property rights; there I consider two prototypical economic insti- may be constitutional or other limits on the extent of redistributive taxation and/or other policies that reduce profitability of producers' In terms of the investments. model above, we can think of this as determining the level of f.^^ (2) Regulation of technology, which concerns direct or indirect factors affecting the productivity of producers, in particular middle class producers. As pointed out work in the introduction, the for the determination of policies, main role of institutions is to provide the frame- and consequently, preferences over institutions are derived from preferences over policies and economic allocations. Bearing this in mind, us now To simplify the discussion, for the rest of the analysis, discuss the determination of economic institutions in the section, I and model presented in particular, let here. throughout this MPE. focus on Security of Property Rights 4.1 The environment time t = 0, is the same as in the previous section, with the only difference that at level in the interval [0,f'^], thus creating do so, i.e., The next whether they prefer f = to some an upper bound on taxes and providing greater security of property rights to the middle class. like to f^ before any decisions are taken, the elite can reduce r, say from The key question f -^ or f is whether the elite would < r^ three propositions answer this question: Proposition 11 Without holdup and technology adoption, the The proof of this result is elite prefer f = f^ immediate, since without holdup or technology adoption. ^^A difficult question, which is being sidestepped here, is how such upper bounds on taxes or security of property rights are enforced while the distribution of political power remains unchanged. For this reason, as noted above, limits on taxes may be considered to be related to political institutions as much as to economic institutions. 26 putting further restrictions on the taxes can only reduce the ehte's utihty. sition implies that benchmark if economic institutions are decided by the ehte (which This propothe natural is since they are the group with poHtical power), they will in general choose not to provide additional security of property rights to other producers. Therefore, the underlying economic institutions The will support the results are different when the timing of taxation decision is inefficient policies discussed above. there are holdup concerns. To suppose that illustrate this, after the investment decisions (so that there the holdup is problem), and consider the case with revenue extraction and factor price manipulation combined. In this case, the would elite commit like to to encourage the middle class to undertake greater investments, role for economic institutions f^ in order this creates a useful to a lower tax rate than and (to limit future taxes): Proposition 12 Consider the game with holdup and suppose Assumptions (Al) and (A2) hold, Condition (ES) does not hold, than f^ the elite prefer , The proof of holdup the is f = t'^'^^ and 4> > 0, then as long as given by (16) is less . again immediate. While t'~^^^ maximizes the MPE involves r = 7-'^'^^^ f^ and the , elite elite's utility, in the presence can benefit by using economic institutions to manipulate equilibrium taxes. This result shows that the elite may provide additional property rights protection to producers in the presence of holdup problems. The reason librium taxes are too high even relative to those that the economic commit institutions, the elite may approach elite that because of holdup, equi- would prefer. By manipulating their desired policy (in fact, it can exactly to the tax rate that maximizes their utility). Finally, for similar reasons, in the the is elite will economy with technology adoption discussed above, again prefer to change economic institutions to restrict future taxes: Proposition 13 Consider the game with holdup and technology adoption, and suppose that Assumption (Al) and Condition (ES) hold and elite prefer f = t^^. 27 </> > 0, then as long as r'^^ < f^ , the As before, when we may not be look at SPE, with pure holdup, there a need for changing economic institutions, since credible implicit promises might play the same f3 > 1 — Q shown as However, parallel to the results above, in Proposition 8). technology adoption game, role (as long as SPE and MPE coincide, so a change in in the economic institutions is necessary for a credible commitment to a low tax rate (here t^^). Regulation of Technology 4.2 Economic institutions may environment also affect the For example, by providing infrastructure or directly the technology choices of producers. protection of intellectual property rights, a society its producers. Conversely, the elite may want may improve to block, technological improvements of the middle class. "^^ have an interest technology adoption or more for i.e., the technology available to take active actions against, the Therefore the question in increasing the productivity of the is: do the middle class as much as possible? Consider the baseline model. Suppose that there exists a government policy g G which influences only the productivity of middle class producers, A"^ (1) > A"^ (0). Assume that the choice of g and has no other influence on payoffs (and Will the will elite always choose g = I, is made at in particular, t it = i.e., A^ = A^ {0, 1}, (g), with before any other decisions, imposes no costs on the elite). increasing the middle class producers' productivity, or they try to block technology adoption by the middle class? When would like the only mechanism at work is revenue extraction, the answer is that the elite the middle class to have the best technology: > Proposition 14 Suppose Assumption (Al) and Condition (ES) hold and = elite and the the The proof effect on the elite always choose ^ = then w 1. follows immediately since g elite's 0, = 1 increases the tax revenues and has no other consumption. Consequently, in this case, the elite would like the produc- ^°The decision to "block" technology adoption may also be considered a "policy" rather than an "economic The reason why it may be closer to economic institutions is that it influences the set of options available to economic agents, and is plausibly slower to change than certain fiscal policies, such as taxes or government spending. See Acemoglu and Robinson (2006b) for a more detailed discussion of the elite's institution". incentives to block technology. 28 ers to there be as productive as possible, so that they generate greater tax revenues. is no competition between the ehte and the middle and when the middle in the political arena), class is class (either in factor more productive, the Intuitively, markets or elite generate greater tax revenues. The situation is different when the elite wish to manipulate factor prices: Proposition 15 Suppose Assumption (Al) and f < I, then the ehte choose g Once again the proof from the middle class is policy for the when it is class elite. straightforward. is With f < 1, labor = 0, demand high enough to generate positive equilibrium wages. Since elite, ({) 0. of this proposition taxes raise no revenues for the from the middle = holds. Condition (ES) does not hold, and their only objective and wages as much as possible. is to reduce the labor = This makes g (p = 0, demand the preferred Consequently, the factor price manipulation mechanism suggests that, within their power, the elite will choose economic institutions so as to reduce the productivity of competing (middle class) producers. The next of the elite is proposition shows that a similar effect is in operation when the political power in contention (proof omitted). Proposition 16 Consider the economy with sumption (Al) and Condition (ES) hold and political replacement. (;6 = 0, then the Suppose elite prefer g = In this case, the elite cannot raise any taxes from the middle class since differently there is also that As0. (p = 0. But from the previous proposition, there are no labor market interactions, since excess labor supply and wages are equal to zero. Nevertheless, the elite would like the profits from middle class producers to be as low as possible so as to consolidate their political power. They achieve this by creating an environment that reduces the productivity of middle class producers. Overall, this section has demonstrated how the elite's preferences over policies, and in particular their desire to set inefficient policies, translate into preferences over inefficient non-growth enhancing —economic institutions. When there are no holdup problems, intro- ducing economic institutions that limit taxation or put other constraints on policies provides 29 no benefits to the However, when the eUte are unable to commit to future taxes (be- elite. may be cause of holdup problems), equilibrium taxes the and elite, in this case, using too high even from the viewpoint of economic institutions to manipulate future taxes may be beneficial. Similarly, the analysis reveals that the elite may want to use economic institu- tions to discourage productivity improvements by the middle class. Interestingly, this never happens when the main mechanism leading stead, elite when may want political consolidation effects are present, the analysis characterized the equilibrium under "the dictatorship of the elite," a set power to the political all to have "the dictatorship of the middle class," makes the key policy decisions as the decisive voters). (this i.e., If 9^ + 9"^ < is democracy pursue policies to maximize their own income. "^^ I now briefly discuss the possibility of of the two groups, is more It is efficient and whether elite in alternative which there a switch from the dictatorship of the clear that is voting elite to whether the dictatorship of the depends on the relative democracy one elite or numbers and productivities more efficient depends on will first characterize the equilibrium under these control or democracy. Hence, this section alternative political institutions. An then the majority are the workers, and 1, will that of middle class producers. a system in which the middle class they of these two alternative regimes. elite could also be a democratic regime with the middle class Finally, another possibility over different policy combinations. policies in revenue extraction. In- Inefficient Political Institutions of political institutions that gave is is to discourage or block technological improvements by the middle class. 5 The above and factor price manipulation to inefficient policies Moreover, is for part of the analysis in this subsection, I simplify the discussion by assuming that $'^ so that the ^'More number generally, of middle class we could consider to Chapter 4 in 9' elite < i producers (A3) is the same, and they are in the various different political institutions as represented functions giving different weights to the Appendix and = elite, bj' social welfare the middle class and the workers (see, for example, the Acemoglu and Robinson (2006a). 30 ^^ minority relative to workers. Dictatorship of the Middle Class 5.1 With the dictatorship of the middle class, the political equilibrium tatorship of the analysis. Instead, let manipulation. with the roles reversed. To avoid repetition, elite, me identical to the dic- is not provide a will I focus on the case, combining revenue extraction and factor price The analog of Assumption (A2) is: A^>ct>{l-af''°'^l'^A^~. Given this and will redistribute the proceeds to themselves, and moreover, the same analysis as above ;^coM > g^g 0, g-^gj^ i^y (-22) for ah elite = 0, hold. Condition (ES) does not hold, = t^ t. this equilibrium to the equilibrium apparent that the A^ T/ then the unique political equilibrium with middle class control features Comparing to = T^" i.e., most preferred tax rate as gives their Proposition 17 Suppose Assumptions (Al) and (A3) (/) (A4) assumption, a similar proposition to that above immediately follows; the middle class will tax the elite and full under the dictatorship of the equilibrium will be more efficient and 9^, and the middle class equilibrium will when A^ and be more efficient 9'^ elite, it is are large relative when the opposite is the case. Proposition 18 Suppose Assumptions (A1)-(A4) with the dictatorship of the it is elite hold, then aggregate output than the dictatorship of the middle higher under the dictatorship of the middle class Intuitively, the if A^ > if A^ > A^ and A^ group in power imposes taxes on the other group (and since these taxes are equal) and not on themselves, so aggregate output with greater productivity ^^ Otherwise, there is tions about parties class and is in power and is higher is is higher 9"^ = 9^, when the group spared from distortionary taxation. no median voter and the analysis of political procedures. 31 political equilibrium requires further assump- Democracy 5.2 Under Assumption (A4), workers and have the power are in the majority in democracy, to tax the eUte and the middle class to redistribute themselves. More specifically, each worker's consumption wages and is cj" = transfers. Wt + T^ Workers , with Wt given by will the transfers from problem to determine rnaxu;^ + with Wt given by before, (3), {T^ , r/" T^" T/" , , , T^}^^q f^'^'^T- straightforward to see that the workers will always set Tl" It is As that workers care about equilibrium then choose the sequence of policies that satisfy (3) to maximize YLt^o for (7), so we obtain that democracy will solve = T/ = Substituting 0. the following maximization policies: -^ [t/"(1 - 7-^"^)(l-«)/«yl"^^m^m ^ ^e^^ _ ^e-)(l-a)/a^ep^ej ^ j^ (7). when Condition (ES) holds, taxes have no effect on wages, so the workers tax at the revenue maximizing rate, similar to the case of revenue extraction for the will elite above. This result is stated in the next proposition (proof omitted): Proposition 19 Suppose Assumption (Al) and Condition (ES) hold and unique political equilibrium with democracy features Therefore, in this case democracy control, since it is imposes taxes on both more r/" inefficient = Condition (ES) does not hold and wages are positive. by taxing the marginal group they are reducing their = r^^ = min than both middle The same groups.''^ r/ (f) is > 0, {a, f}. and class not the case, however, we may expect workers to ultimately elite when In this case, workers realize that own wages. In fact, taxes always reduce wages more than the revenue they generate because of their distortionary ^^Naturally, in this case then the become entrepreneurs, and be ameliorated. See Acemoglu (2003a). ^'*To see this, suppose there is only one group with productivity A. With a tax rate of effects. this ^^ extreme inefficiency to a (1 — r) ' " A/ (1 — a), and in R, so the total consumption addition there of a worker derivative of this expression with respect to r 1 J. which is — .- is per worker transfer equal to (pr (1 '"''" — _ 7-) -|= cj" is (1 ^ ry [q (i is ^(l-2a)/Q ^^r-(l-^) Ut always negative, implying that c^ is maximized 32 at r == 0, t, the wage is — ry """ " A/ (1 — a) + The ^pr] / {\ - a) + R. establishing the claim. j As a workers result, example, specifically, for - rpy/^A"" = A^ (1 only tax the group with the higher marginal productivity. More will or A^ > if A^, r™ = a and (1 - we will = have r/ af/°'A'^ > 0, and Therefore, A''. r/" will we be such that have: Proposition 20 Suppose Assumption (Al) and (A4) hold and Condition (ES) does not hold. = T;^ Then in the and 0, = r^" r/" Qf)V"^™ > A^. (1 - r^e)i/«^e Most this If will < A^ we A"" ^ ^m Qj. be such that ^De ^^ will ^^^ (^i (1 have - r^^^y/^A"" r^'" = is is not obvious is = if A^ > = r^'' we = a will have and (1 - be such that will _ ^y/^A^ > A\ from the analysis so The only far. that workers prefer to set zero taxes on the less productive group, proved in Appendix A The (included in the working paper version). wages are determined by the marginal productivity of the for this is that A'^, A" or r^'" and r^ 0, of the proof of this proposition follows directly part that and unique political equilibrium with democracy, less intuition productive of the two entrepreneurial groups, and positive taxes on this group will reduce wages by more than the gain The most in tax revenues (by a similar argument as in footnote 34). interesting implication of this proposition comes from the comparison of the case with and without excess supply. While in the presence of excess labor supply, democ- racy taxes both groups of producers and consequently generates more inefficiency than the dictatorship of the elite or the middle class, less distortionary that there is no excess supply, than the dictatorship of the middle class or the when Condition (ES) does not wages and are therefore 5.3 when elite. it is The in general intuition is hold, workers understand that high taxes will depress less willing to use distortionary taxes. ^^ Inefficiency of Political Institutions and Inappropriate Institutions Consider a society where Assumption (A4) control is more productive (i.e., •^^This is similar to the reasons societies (see Acemoglu moglu (2003a), is (2003a)). is satisfied and A^ < A^ so that middle class generates greater output). Despite this, the elite will have why workers (democracy) Another reason for are less in favor of entry barriers than oligarchic democracy to be more efficient, emphasized in Ace- that policies that differentially affect the productivity of different groups will lead to a misallocation of talent. 33 no incentive, without class. some type of compensation, to relinquish their In this case, political institutions that lead to more power to the middle inefficient policies will persist even though alternative political institutions leading to better outcomes One possibility perhaps the elite such deals are is a Coasian deal between the elite and the middle can relinquish political power and get compensated in general not possible. To discuss why (and why exist. For example, class. in return. However, not), let us distinguish between two alternative approaches. First, the elite type of solution may will relinquish run into two power in return for a difficulties, they have political power, the middle class transfers. ^^ the elite, (ii) will such promises have no incentive to keep on making such the middle class will have to impose similar taxes on Second, the not be credible, and once will since there are no other, less distortionary, fiscal instruments, to political institutions will not class. (i) promise of future transfers. This efficient in the first place. may relinquish power elite Such a solution of holding political be as is in return for itself, compensate so that the alternative ^'' a lump-sum transfer from the middle also not possible in general, since the net present value of the benefit power often exceeds any transfer that can be made. Consequently, the desire of the elite to implement institutions that enable them inefficient policies also implies that to pursue these policies. Thus, in the they support political same way as preferences over inefficient policies translate into preferences over inefficient economic institutions, they also lead to preferences towards inefficient political institutions. institutions can change from the "ground-up" Another interesting question is "appropriate" for a while, but then later. I will discuss how political in Section 6 below. whether a given set of economic institutions might be become "inappropriate" and costly for economic activity This question might be motivated, for example, by the contrast of the Northeast- ern United States and the Caribbean colonies between the 17th and 19th centuries. Caribbean colonies were clear examples of societies controlled by a narrow elite, The with po- 3^See Acemoglu (2003b). is when there are holdup problems and manipulating economic institutions was not with them. In this case, there can be significant gains from changing political institutions. ^^The exception sufficient to deal 34 litical power in the monopoly up the majority of the of plantation owners, and few rights for the slaves that population.'^® In contrast, Northeastern made United States developed as a settler colony, approximating a democratic society with significant political power in the hands of smallholders and a broader centuries, the Caribbean certainly richer were among the richest places in the world, and almost many other more democratic they lagged behind the United States and which took advantage of new investment opportunities, particularly raises the question as to whether the same institutions that encouraged the planters to invest and early 18th centuries then became a baseline an economy in relatively high elite will both the 17th and 18th in States,^" starting in the and commerce. ^^ This The While and more productive than the Northeastern United late 18th century, societies, societies set of producers. ^^ political and A^ is elite are in power, Condition (ES) does not hold, relatively small to start with. The above class. Nevertheless, be relatively small since A"^ Consequently, the dictatorship of the elite may is However, if at economy in the is output will be relatively and the distortion class. This is reminiscent of the Caribbean. relative to A^, the situation changes radically. class, small, A'^ generate greater income per capita than some point the environment changes impose high taxes on the middle cp is Imagine small. an alternative society under the dictatorship of the middle planter elite controlling the lines. analysis shows that the high, because the elite will undertake the right investments themselves, will in the 17th barrier to further growth. choose a high tax rate on the middle on the middle class and economic and generate high output model used above suggests a simple explanation along these which the in industry The so that A"^ increases substantially elite, still in power, will continue to but now these policies have become very costly because they distort the investments of the more productive group. Another society where 3^See, for example, Beckford (1972) and Dunn (1972). ^®See, for example, Keyssar (2000). 40 Although the wealth of the Caribbean undoubtedly owed much to the world value of its main produce, sugar, Caribbean societies were nonetheless able to achieve these levels of productivity because the planters had good incentive to invest in the production, processing and export of sugar. See Eltis (1995) and Engerman and Sokoloff (1997). ''^See, for example, Acemoglu et al. (2002) or Engerman and Sokoloff (1997). / 35 the middle class have political power will now generate significantly greater output. This simple example illustrates how institutions that were that did not generate the society to fall much may have why inefficient institutions need an equilibrium model of institutional change. useful to jure political power political power is right to set taxes draw a determined by is it The with a revolution. of de jure I far in the and de facto political power. De in the discussion of elite. problem among to overthrow the existing regime of the middle in particular, class). an existing regime or threatens harmed its members and gather and to monopolize sufficient political if) substantially. In particular, class comes to power, there ''^The model here heavily builds on and Robinson (2000b, 2001, 200Ga). power is de facto power power (establish a dictatorship in the process. I political is still costty, Moreover, and in the assume that following a violent utility. Let us assume that the dictatorship of the middle and once the middle political In each period, with probability q the middle class solve the However, violently overthrowing the existing regime overthrow, the elite receive zero state when a group change as resulting from the interplay each middle class agent incurs a cost of process, the elite are is political power. the hands of the collective action them the facto political power, which Imagine a society described by the baseline model above where de jure initially in De In the basehne model, de jure model (except to we persist, such a model. ^^ simplest example of de facto political power will conceptualize institutional and de facto briefly discuss institutions. and poses a military challenge to organize itself emerge and since the political institutions give elite, and determine the economic political consolidation). now political institutions. hands of the in the I distinction between de jure comes from other sources, did not feature so manages even encouraged growth) later caused Institutional Change and Persistence better understanding for It is first (i.e., substantially behind other economies. 6 To develop a distortion or initially "appropriate" my class, if established, is will an absorbing never be any further institutional previous work with James Robinson. See in particular Acemoglu 36 change. With probabihty l — q, the middle the state at time t by the tuple G {H, L} denotes the level of threat (high or low) against the regime controlled by the elite. the middle class amass de facto political power, the elite need to respond in since letting the middle class overthrow the existing regime some way, The them. can respond in three different ways: elite (i) concessions, such as reducing taxes on the middle class, etc.; (iii) they can use repression, which to the middle class. Throughout the state political power. Also denote denotes whether the ehte or where Pt € Sf for no de facto {E,M} (Pf,St), the middle class are in control, and When class has st, I when St = I focus on they can make temporary (ii) they can give up power; MPE. // for the elite as MPE, In a a whole. maximize which were characterized above. So the interesting actions take place so that the Let us main motive I power. Since Condition (ES) themselves, set a tax of r*^ is satisfied, = t^^ T^ (r) at the tax rate r, = tpr {1 and n^ j facing the tax rate r. of the middle class, — on the (r) = a (1 — OiA!^Xl {\ the elite — , given by (11). Q.'), class is in (1 — A^X/ let the all us introduce the following a) as the tax revenue raised from group j (1 — a) as the profit of a producer in group we have , is when the middle M to indicate a value function under the dictatorship Then, using V'^{M) = where t^^ r) satisfied, every period, and redistribute elite in A^d^X/ ry^'"''"' is = H. the above analysis shows that they wiU not tax revenue to themselves. To write the resulting value function, notation: in the state St revenue extraction. calculate the value of a middle class agent first their utility, assume throughout that Condition (ES) for inefficient policy is falling strategies are only a function of L, the elite will set the policies that Moreover, to simplify the discussion, excessively costly but manages to prevent the regime from assume that repression costs this section, so costly, is is and the second TT™ (0) ^~ The is first + (r^ (t^^) ^ term ' ^_ in the + R) le"" ^-^ , , numerator is , (23) - their own revenues, the distribution from the revenue obtained by taxing and from natural resources. The term 37 1 — /3 provides the net present discounted value of this stream of revenues. Similarly, the value of an elite producer in this case ye ^M) What about the dictatorship of the = -y^. is (24) Let us write this value recursively starting in elite? the no threat state: V"" {E, L) = +l3{l-q)V'^ (r^^) tt'" This expression incorporates the fact that, most preferred elite will follow their recurs with probability three possibilities. Let us of political — I policy, r"' — t^^ What happens when q. and T"^ St power by making concessions = H) (25) The low 0. = HI As threat state noted above, there are elite in the high threat state. class {E, during periods of low threat, the by investigating whether the start first denote the highest possible value to the middle V^ MPE, in the + pqV^ {E, L) can prevent a switch For this purpose, under the dictatorship of the let us elite by {E, H). Then, the condition for concessions within the given political regime to prevent action by the middle class simply is (E, t/'" where ^ recall that is holds, the elite could H) > V"" [M] - (26) V, the cost of regime change for the middle make sufficient concessions to class. When this constraint keep the middle class happy within the existing regime. Therefore, to determine whether concessions within the dictatorship of the sufficient to satisfy the middle the best concession that the middle t/'" class, (E, H) = tt'" where V"^{E,L) right hand side. r,mfr,rr, y {E,H) r'" i.e., = = (0) 0, bj^ Combining /^ ( 1 - elite = + [r given is r" g) TT^ class, we simply need can do is to adopt a policy that r^^, and T'" (r-^^) + R) = /e^^ (T^ (r^^) + (3{l-q) expression (25), with (27) and (t^^) + (25), (1 to calculate we R) V"^{E,H). Note that most favorable for the 1 9"". Therefore, V"" {E, L) V^{E,H) be + pqV''' replacing {E, H) (27) V"^{E,H) on the obtain: - ^ (1 - ?)) [vT- (0) ^^—^^ 38 + is elite will + (T^ (t^^) + R) /g^] (28) This maximum the is credible utiHty that the ehte can promise the middle class within The reason why they cannot the existing regime. commitment problems. As class only in the state Sj them and in the state St in the = = makes (28) H. Even it them give greater utihty the state middle they promise to make further transfers or not tax if =L St because of clear, the elite transfer resources to the L, these promises will not be credible (they cannot MPE, when is arrives, the elite will commit to them), choose their most preferred policy of taxing the middle class and transferring the resources to themselves. ^^ If given this expression, (26) making concessions within the prefer such concessions. To satisfied, is middle can prevent a violent overthrow by elite investigate this issue, They class, since this will give we first will clearly not follow the more than not necessarily need to determine the exact sufficient utility to most preferable policy prevent an overthrow. such that V"^ {E, H) Instead, the elite will choose a policy combination (7"", f^, T'", f^ J V^ (M) — ip, may existing regime. Nevertheless, the elite concessions that the elite will make. for the then the = they will make the middle class just indifferent between overthrowing the i.e., regime or accepting the concessions. The value of such concessions to the by similar elite is, arguments, given by: (3{l-q) U' = V^ {E, H) (0) + (r- (r^^) + R) +(1-/3(1- /e^) q)) \tt^ [t^) +T (29) Whether the ehte make will these concessions or not then depends on the values of Another alternative other options available to them. there is a threat from the middle cost of this strategy for the elite y^(0, St) Such repression class. is is the use of repression whenever is always the cost they incur in the use of repression, the value function to the ehte it the only effective, so uses repression and the state is S(. fi. By Denote standard arguments, we can obtain this value by writing the following standard recursive formulae: V' (O, H) = V (O, L) = tt' tt" (0) (0) ^^If instead of the + + (T"^ (r«^) (T'" (r^^) MPE, we + R) /9^ - fi +R)/9"' + p{l-q)V' will q) V (O, L) (O, L) + pqV + pqV (O, H) and (O, H). These two consider the SPE, the ehte can promise a greater value to the middle class, this; once the state st = on their promises. See Acemoglu and Robinson (2006a) but again there + P {1 - be limits to 39 L arrives, the elite will for an analysis of the have an incentive to renege SPE in a related game. when using the expressions incorporate the fact that, repression strategy, the elite will always choose their most for preferred policy combination, and = St H Consequently, for the = when Combining these two equations, we obtain: to defend their regime. ye ^o^H) use repression will + ^^ (0) (7--^ + R) (^^^) /^"^ -(1-/3(1-9))^ ^3Q^ elite to prefer concessions, needs to be the case that V^ {E, H) it > V'{0,H). Finally, the third alternative for the elite as given by make concessions only change is less to allow regime change, than V'^ (in fact limited concessions) only happen will V^ (M) Evidently, (24).^^ is when in the latter case with probability (26) does not hold. regime change to take place, we need V^ (M) {E,H), since and obtain V^ (M) q. they Therefore, regime In addition, for similar reasons, for > V^ [0,H). Note that all of the values here are simple functions of parameters, so comparing these values essentially amounts to comparing nonlinear functions of the underlying parameters. Putting elite all these pieces together and assuming for convenience that opt against repression, we obtain the when indifferent the following proposition: Proposition 21 Consider the above environment with potential regime change and suppose that Condition (ES) holds. Then there are three different types of political equilibria: 1. If (26) holds and V^ {E, H) > V^ remains the dictatorship of the of r"* = T^^ to ensure V"" 2. If , T^ = and T"* 0, {E,H) = V"" (M) - (26) holds but St = L, the elite set their most preferred policy and when St = H, concessions sufficient When elite. = {O, H), in the unique equilibrium the regime always V, i.e., V^E,H) < the elite they adopt the policy (f'^,T'',f^,f'\ V''{0,H), or if (26) does not hold V^ {0,H), then the regime always remains the dictatorship set their most preferred policy of use repression against the middle '''*By construction, this have to incur the cost is t™ make = t^^ , r*^ = and T'" of the elite. = 0, and The and when V {M) elite St < always = H, they class. always better for the middle class than a violent overthrow, since they do not tp- 40 change. T'" does not hold and V^ (M) If (26) 3. = 0, When St = and when > V^ L, the elite set their = st H, the ehte how This proposition illustrates most interesting case most preferred policy of r™ the elite is elite r^^, t^ = and The is equihbrium institutional change as a result of Why would the elite give up their the de facto political power of the middle class, which threatens with a violent overthrow The class. The reason = various different institutional equilibria can arise. the elite voluntarily relinquishing political control. dictatorship? equilibrium institutional is voluntarily pass political control to the middle class. where there is 3, (O, H), then there —an outcome worse than the dictatorship of the middle then prevent such a violent overthrow by changing political institutions to transfer de jure pohtical political institutions as power to the middle This transfer exploits the role of class. a commitment device (a commitment to a different distribution of de jure political power), and acts as a credible promise of future policies that favor the middle class (the promise and thus the is credible, since institutional change gives de jure political right to set fiscal policy in the future to the middle class). This discussion highlights that institutional change has two requirements: (i) cessions within the existing regime are not sufficient to appease the middle class; repression is sufficiently costly for the elites to accept The comparative more costly, ye is (o, power i.e., // is statics of H) - V^ (M) = increasing in R and (p. ^'^ (0) - ^' i^n + more likely. (^" {r^n + R) This implies that when from natural resources, V^ (M) is R is > V^ {0,H) becomes (ii) that regime change. regime change are also interesting. higher, institutional change that con- First, when repression is Moreover: /O"- -{l-P{l-q))f^ high, so that there are greater rents less likely, to use repression rather than allowing institutional change. and the ehte now prefer Similarly, greater 0, which corresponds to greater state capacity, has the same impact on institutional equilibrium, since greater state capacity enables greater tax revenues in the future. This implies that, as already suggested by the results in subsection 3.4, greater state capacitj^, leads to less distortionary pohcies, also increases political stakes and 41 which typically makes the use of repression by the elite the institutional change violated, class. ^^ making it R change, greater more and less likely, since difficult for repression concessions and institutional change, they more do not make cp they also make (26) more likely to be is between repression and institutional while likely, may encourage This analysis also illustrates the conditions is ov the elite to use concessions to appease the middle the trade-off for the elite make R Nevertheless, increases in hkely. unambiguously when Therefore, more when the trade-off is between institutional change.'*^ Persistence for institutional persistence. the natural course of things and something unusual, the success of the middle class in solving their collective action problem and amassing de facto political power, creates the platform middle for institutional change. However, even the possibility of collective action by the can use costly methods to defend the existing class is not sufficient, since the elite when regime. Therefore, institutions will be more persistent up the right to determine policies in the future, significant distributional conflict tax revenues are important between the (i.e., which elite will in turn be the case when there and the middle when power and have the means to use forces and who force to maintain the existing political institutions. The first is between economic an interaction between economic and pohtical Suppose that economic institutions impose a low f. This implies that control of fiscal policy will generate only limited gains, reducing political stakes, have less and the reason to use repression in order to defend the existing regime. institutional persistence might be i.e., currently hold political also suggests the possibility of interesting interactions institutional equilibria. institutions. example because political stakes are high, alternative institutional arrangements are costly for those The model class, for is high 0) or because rents from natural resources, R, are high. Therefore, a set of political institutions will persist when the elite are unwilling to give more of an issue in societies elite will Consequently, where economic institutions ^^In particular, (26) can be written as: V"" {E, and H) - V" (M) + ^ = P{l-q)[ir"' (t«^) - increases in '^^This is R and <p similar to the make (tt'" (0) + {T" (r«^) + R) /e"^)] / (1 - /?) + i/) > this constraint less likely to hold. non-monotonic effect of inequality (2006a). 42 on democratization in Acemoglu and Robinson *^ enable those with political power to capture greater rents. When nous (as the ability of the middle class to solve their collective action problem used above to illustrate the political consolidation in the iriodel be a further interaction between economics and effect), is endoge- there will In particular, suppose that the politics. probability q that the middle class will be able to pose an effective threat to the regime endogenous and depends on the profits of the middle In this case, the elite realize class. that the richer are the middle class, the greater the threat from power political is them When in the future. very valuable, for example because tax revenues or rents from natural resources are high, the elite will wish to "overtax" the middle class to impoverish and to reduce their political power. persistence by making it more These higher taxes difficult for will, in turn, interesting interaction, this time between inefficient policies This paper developed a simple framework to investigate why Economic straints persist. Political institutions institutions, in turn, determine the on policies. increase institutional This suggests another elite. and institutional persistence. Concluding Remarks 7 emerge and them the middle class to solve their collective action problem and mount challenges against the dictatorship of the institutions is Groups with political —the policy-making and place con- for elite transfer resources from the rest of the society to themselves. duced preferences over institutions, depending on —non-growth enhancing shape the allocation of political power. framework power inefficient how —choose policies in order to Consequently, they have in- institutions map into policies and economic outcomes. This methodological approach therefore necessitates a baseline model in which preferences over The bulk model is rich policies can be studied. of the paper analyzed such a baseline model. enough to encompass various Though relatively simple, this These distinct sources of inefficient policies. include revenue extraction, factor price manipulation and political consolidation. According to the revenue extraction ^'''This is and mechanism, the related to the result in to consolidate when it elite pursue inefficient policies to extract Acemoglu and Robinson (2006a) that democracy is revenue less likely to emerge, emerges, in agricultural societies where the political stakes are high for the 43 elite. from other groups. The factor price manipulation mechanism impUes that the eUte seek to reduce the demand for factors from other groups in order to indirectly benefit from changes in factor prices. Finally, political consolidation implies that to increase their political the elite elite's may wish to impoverish other groups that are competing for political power. The preferences over inefficient policies translate into inefficient economic institutions. Consequently, institutions that can restrict inefficient policies will typically Instead, the elite income or (e.g., power, may fail to emerge. choose to manipulate economic institutions to further increase their The exception facilitate their rent extraction. when is there is a holdup problem because there are investments that involve long horizons), so that equilibrium taxes and regulations are worse than the this case, elite would like from an ex ante point of view. economic institutions that place limits on future policies In and provide additional security of property rights to other groups can be useful. The paper also provided a tutional persistence. framework The key mechanism for the analysis of institutional for institutional change without de jure political power. The model shows how the political institutions in order to important result from make this analysis is is insti- challenges from groups may be elite change and forced to change concessions in response to these challenges. that, when political stakes are high, for example, because of large rents from natural resources or the importance of tax revenues, the will be unwilling to make such concessions and deal with outside challenges. likely to persist. political institutions: if There The paper 1. number While the model featured three coalitions. One of coalitions 2. also highlights a of the between most major areas is also may be and an interesting interaction economic institutions limit reduce political stakes, change in political institutions elite prefer to use repression in order to In this case, existing (potentially inefficient) political economic institutions are more between economic and may The policies and thus easier. of important areas for future research: distinct groups, for the it sidestepped issues of political theory of political economy is the analysis different social groups. Relatedly, as noted in the Introduction, to 44 map a model like this to reality, one needs to know who "the elite" are. However, the concept of the ehte is both abstract and a shorthand for a variety of groups that are able to capture political power. of the elite often changes in practice, how such changes may occur The 3. and a dynamic model is The identity necessary for understanding in practice. discussion of inappropriate institutions also raised questions related to insti- tutional flexibility. While the discussion here focused on important dimension is whether a given changing rapidly in the face of changes tutions flexible and whether inefficient institutions, set of institutions are flexible, in the i.e., another capable of environment. Which features makes institutional flexibility matters for insti- economic performance are also interesting areas for future research. 4. The model presented here features only hmited intertemporal interactions. Introduc- ing capital accumulation (without This will ering is one important area of investigation. enable both an analysis of dynamic taxation and also of questions related to inefficiencies 5. depreciation) full The change as the economy becomes class of more reahstic models used policies. for political richer. economy also Although taxes here stand Most importantly, such a generahzation and equilibrium mix of 6. In the model, investigation is is is likely to lead to new and will allow a discussion of the policies in the context of political government policy need to be enriched by consid- for various different distortionary redistributive policies, explicitly allowing for these policies results. how richer "optimal" economic interactions. purely redistributive. Another important area of the interaction of the rent-seeking and efficiency-enhancing roles of govern- ments.^^ 7. Last, but not least, there persistence. In practice, there institutions (e.g., switches is is much more that needs to be done on institutional a mixture of frequent changes in certain dimensions of from dictatorship to democracy), associated with relative persis- tence in other dimensions (such as the political power of different groups or the inefficiency of various economic institutions). Constructing dynamic models that can shed light on See Acemoglu (2005) for an attempt in this direction. 45 these issues is a major area for future research. 46 Appendix A: Proof of Proposition 20 8 Here I prove that in a democracy workers will always set a zero tax rate on the Without ductive group. Q^ = = Q<^ such that is = The A" and denote Q. - r'")V"A™ > (1 the first case, wt A^ > note that workers can adopt two different strategies, either choose a pohcy vector First, the on the case where loss of generahty, focus less pro- a(l - (1 - T^fl'^A^ or such that (1 - r'^fl'^A^ < (1 - r^f'^A^ In producers have lower net productivity and thus the equilibrium wage elite T^fl'^A'l (1 - = a), while in the second Wt a{\ - - r'^f/^'A'^/ (1 a). payoffs to the workers from the two strategies are: = WUt'^,t') -^- {I - T^f'' A' 1 (31) —a +-^r^(l — r'=)(i-«)/"A^ (1 _ A^) a 1 + -^r"^(l —a 1 r'^)^^-'''^l'^A"'\6. and = -^-(l-r"^)'/"A'" \ — a WHt'^^t') + -^t\1 1 —a (32) r'=)(^-")/"A^A^ + -^r'"(l \ — a which incorporate the fact that the more productive group the less productive group will employ the remainder The proof Second, I Step max^m,^e will consist of ^2 steps. First, will prove that in this case r^ 1: To show that the W^ {t"", t") To obtain a ists two > max^m_^. first W^ = I will > strategy is preferred , first strategy is preferred. it is sufficient to show that (r'", t^). is not the case. (1 ^r\ {jm^^e^ fo^ ^^ {t"^ ^t'') that Satisfy (1 X9) 0. contradiction, suppose this - f^y/^A"" < _ workers. - (1 This implies that there ex- r'^f/'^A'^ - r"^)V"A"T < > (1 - r^)^/M" and (i _ Consider two cases. First, the constraint on the problem maxT-m^-e W"^ so that (1 (l employ A^ workers, while will show that the (f"\f") G argmax^m_^eVF2^r™,r") subject to (^m^^e) — A^ 1 r"^)^-")/"^"^ - fy/^A^. But r'^f/'^A^ {t^,t~'^) is slack, in this case, the derivative of (32) 47 with respect to r"' is L_ 1 which is this case negative for is Therefore, r"* = —a (1 _ ^n,)(l-2a)/a^^ [ we must have the Then suppose ^^^T^ + (pAd > A" constraint tight, — f")!/"^™ = that (1 (1 - first f'=)i/°A'^ in (31) Then strategy. and (32), -^(1 — WUr^'^r-e) = , J i.e., — [i (1 we - — al — (i _ f<=)i/«^e_ and consider the pohcy vector f'^y/'^A'', - = f"^)i/"^m r"')i/"A"" > (1 - and thus r'^)^''"^', — f^yl^j\^ = have: f^ -£)'/" ^^ ;(i f^ - < (l-f^)l/"^^ substituting for the relationship (1 a \ 1 - 0A^)| contradicts {l-f'^f/°'A'" (f™, f^ -e), which clearly satisfies the constraint (1 corresponds to the (1 r™, implying that the optimal tax rate on middle class producers in all This combined with A'^ 0. l +e + -i'- ef'^'A^ (1 - \e) — + --^^- — al — 1 - f^f'^A^xe r-(i f^ and —a \ +-^^> Since A"^ W^ {f^^f^ Step W^ A", — 2: (r"^, t') e) it must be that > W^ (f'^,f^), Given the = -^— (1 1 -(1 —a > f^ f"* , — -(1 - T^yi^A^ > Using the fact that \9 I - 1, the problem of the workers r^^/" A'+-^TH\-T''f^-°'^'"A^ —a 1 (1 is to the constraint is — 1 —a slack, the first-order condition (1 - r^f-^^'^y-A^ [ 48 (1 - 0A^)l < J \e) ^ 0, 1. - A0)+-^r'"(l-r'")(i-°)/"A'"A6' 1 — a with respect to r^ + i^^i^r^ (pXd - maximize subject to If (1 XO, as e which leads to a contradiction, establishing Step result in Step - ^ - ry/^A'xe + is and r^ > 0, with complementary slackness, which again yields in the proposition. 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