Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/matchingheterogeOOacem DEWEY J working paper department of economics MATCHING, HETEROGENEITY AND THE EVOLUTION OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION Daron Acemoglu 95-25 Oct. 1995 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 MATCHING, HETEROGENEITY AND THE EVOLUTION OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION Daron Acemoglu 95-25 Oct. 1995 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE MOV 1 4 1995 95-25 First Version: April 1995 This Version: October 1995 MATCHING, HETEROGENEITY AND THE EVOLUTION OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION Daron Acemoglu Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Keywords: Search, Matching, Mismatch, Human Wage Inequality, Income Inequality. JEL Classification: D31, J41. Capital, Abstract This paper presents a model in which firms and workers have to engage in costly search to find a production partner. In this setting, the evolutions are endogenized. The presence skill, job and wage distributions and their of search costs implies that there are two workers sometimes produce with jobs intended for unskilled workers and vice versa, the gap between skilled and unskilled workers gets compressed. Second, because skilled workers always have a better outside option, unskilled wages are pushed down. We show that these forces can lead to a non-ergodic equilibrium process whereby at high levels of initial inequality, wage inequality can keep rising whereas it would be decreasing starting from lower levels of inequality. The model predicts that increasing wage inequality is more likely to arise in economies with less frictional labor markets, less redistributive taxation and less public schooling. These predictions are in line with the diverse cross-country patterns that we observe. redistributive forces in the labor market. First, because skilled have benefited from comments of and discussions with Abhijit Banerjee, Roland Benabou, Alberto Bisin, Olivier Blanchard, Peter Diamond, Kevin Lang, Thomas Piketty, Chris I Pissarides, Steve Pischke, Andrew participants at various seminars Scott, Robert Shimer, Enis Uysal, Jaume Ventura, and and conferences. Introduction I. Income inequality The main component decades. of this change identified as increased earnings is 1993). Similar trends are observed in other OECD countries but than in the U.S. For instance Katz, al et that from The same moderate increase et al (1995) it wage who in the has changed The .95 to 1.04 in Japan. (between-group wage has not increased at all. in Japan The same find the highest increase in Canada and not much action in statistic and to some extent in the U.K., while only changed by a small amount, and in France, emerges from the study of Card and from over non-college graduates earn graduates college 1.19 to 1.22 in.France inequality) has also soared in the U.S. in the U.S., a pronounced workers on the 90th and 10th percentiles of the wage distribution 0.88 to 1.10 in the U.K., premium less Pierce, (1992) report that the logarithm of the U.S. has increased from 1.23 to 1.38 between 1979 and 1987. from much appear a half and wage Murphy and inequality (see for instance Levy, 1989, Levy and Murnane, 1992, Juhn, differential for the two and in the U.S. has risen considerably over the past it pattern wage inequality in France. Davis' (1993) analyzes wage changes in West Germany, Netherlands, Austria and has Sweden who as well as the above countries, also confirms the conclusion that wage inequality has risen mostly in the Anglo-Saxon economies. These trends towards higher inequality in a number of countries pose many academic and policy questions. Although empirical labor research has accomplished reasonable success in accounting for these changes in terms of relative supply Murphy, 1992, Katz et supplies have al, 1992), we moved differently in still and demand of lack an understanding of different countries. For instance, skills (e.g. Katz and why relative Katz et al report that demands and from 1979 to 89, the growth rate of the relative supply of college educated workers has been 0.023 in the U.S. as compared to 0.037 and 0.029 in Japan. But in a in the U.K., 0.050 in France general equilibrium model, these changes are endogenous, and they can be a consequence as much as a cause of the wage inequality. Similarly, the relative endogenously determined and it is institutional set-up of the labor Card for skilled labor is influenced by the composition of the labor force and the market 1 . Further, (1990) finds that after the Mariel Boat in unskilled labor force, there demand it is lift in widely believed that the U.S. has a Miami was no change in unskilled less despite the unprecedented increase relative wage nor unemployment, thus market than other frictional labor U.K. during the is decade or last one of the main OECD so]. It is economies [this is is factors underlying the increase in to provide such a theoretical be true for the then natural to ask whether this institutional difference wage inequality need a well-formulated general equilibrium model to answer paper also suggested to in the U.S. Again, The this question. framework to evaluate these we objective of this while also matching facts the salient patterns that arise from a cross-country comparison. Our model builds on the work of Diamond (1982), Jovanovic (1979), Mortensen (1982) and Pissarides (1985) where workers and firms have to search for the market. We extend this framework in three respects: first, right partner in the labor both workers and firms are potentially heterogenous, thus workers of different skill levels and jobs of different qualities may be simultaneously searching. Second, the composition of jobs knowing the distribution of skills in the economy, and the wages they decide what kind of jobs to open. Third, as Heckman, in other 1992), the distribution of it is income is it; similarly, a finds the worker highest. Therefore, will not skills the distribution of skills, will conclusions the income and thus call that the Walrasian auctioneer frictionless market, fact that the level of mismatch. would have demand Two . firm will allocated to is The main inequality, results of this through its impact on influence the degree of mismatch in the labor market, and are: first, skill level A 2 our economy will have a degree of income more heterogeneity of workers will lead to in the form of income larger gaps more mismatch which means workers will be either under- or over-educated for their 2 we skills; for their offsprings will introduce forces towards redistribution across agents of different Our main relative (skills) of workers and the requirements of jobs. paper will be derived from the Cameron and look until he finds the job where his marginal product compared to the mismatch between the mismatch worker pay in equilibrium, allowed to influence the distribution of In our model frictional labor markets lead to a feature it will the case in the data (for instance words, rich parents will be able to buy more education stop looking before endogenized; firms, is jobs. Additionally, since levels. between that more mismatch appears to have adjusted to accommodate the shift of relative supply. other recent papers are related to our work. Davis (1995) analyzes the composition of jobs and the impact of bargaining technological shock on unskilled distribution of skills and on wages, and Saint-Paul (1993) discusses the impact of a skill biased wages and unemployment. Neither of these models endogenize the income and the underlying mechanisms are different. reduces profitability of jobs, aggregate investment second, in itself, mismatch a stabilizing force is and the economy grows falls on income less. And yet, mismatch implies that distribution; highly skilled workers sometimes end-up working in unskilled jobs and receive lower wages while less skilled workers get matched to higher paying two groups becomes narrower over call the outside option effect: jobs; therefore, the gap time. Thirdly, however, there wages in a non-competitive economy between the another aspect which we are in general influenced by is the outside options of workers (and firms) and these outside options counteract the equalizing effect of mismatch; because the outside option of the skilled workers is always better than that of the unskilled, unskilled wages decrease relative to the earnings of the skilled workers. shown It is that this outside option effect increases with the degree of inequality, and while an economy with limited inequality will exhibit decreasing inequality over time and have a steady when growth, the same economy, it starts with higher wage and income inequality and lower growth. Put frictions initial inequality, will differently, the on wage determination makes the dynamics have increasing impact of labor market of inequality non-ergodic, and leads to multiple limiting distributions of income. The presence of two counteracting redistributive forces implies that our model can account for both increasing and decreasing wage inequality depending on the institutional features form of and the relative economy. [This contrasts with the simplest starting level of inequality of the supply-demand story which needs repeated positive shocks to the demand for skilled workers]. markets, less redistributive The model also predicts that economies with less frictional taxation and less public schooling should experience inequality than the rest (or should have increasing wage inequality while the change). These findings accord with the cross-country patterns that the U.K., Canada versus France, Japan, we observe Germany and Sweden 3 ]. The model labor more wage may have no rest [i.e. the U.S., also suggests a negative correlation between the growth rate and the level of inequality, as found country studies of Persson and Tabellini relative by the cross- (1993), Perotti (1994,95). Finally, labor economists have observed that in most periods within group and between An alternative approach is to explain the cross-country patterns by different technology shocks for different countries. This approach is however not very be affected by the same shocks. Indeed Card et al technological change to be identical for the U.S., satisfactory since OECD countries should (1995) find that the measures of skilled biased Canada and France. group inequality move workers of different in the same skill levels, direction; that so do wage when wage is, differences among differences increase between equally skilled workers (see for instance Goldin and Margo, 1992, for the 50s and 60s and Juhn, Murphy and Pierce, 1993). Yet, despite the importance of the changes in this aspect of inequality, in Levy and Murnane's words (1992, p. 1372) "the most important unresolved puzzle concerns the reasons for the almost 20 years trend towards increased within group inequality we pattern predict is when that ". skill level moving that can account for within in opposite directions as in the U.S. Before proceeding with the analysis that we on build and costly economy it is Ruhm allocated to the jobs (1991), of the 1970s. whether the microfoundations Topel and Ward (1992) show most suited to them. Barron (1995). The how is employers spend confirmed by the case studies in Levy findings of high correlation between profitability of firms and wages both in union and non-union sectors [e.g. Abowd and Lemieux, 1993, Dickens and Katz, 1987, Estevao and Tevlin, 1995, Katz and Summers, 1989] support the view that there in the labor market, thus bargaining over- and under-education (e.g. is workers a careful paper using the is very PSID by Sicherman common. The most (1991). worker with the same education level and He finds that required for the job (over- educated workers) earn more than other workers doing the same job but less on Rumberger, 1981) which suggests that the mismatch even with who have more education than the reported amount that is under-educated earn rent-sharing a large empirical literature respect to easily observed characteristics such as years of schooling is is powers and outside options should indeed be expected to play an important role in wage determination. Finally, there interesting piece for us an important workers are only slowly et al (1989) find that is we will and between group wage inequalities useful to ask considerable resources in recruiting activities, and this and Murnane group inequality. However, are plausible. Considerable evidence suggests that job search activity. more diverse sometimes end-up working with jobs of different qualities; this therefore explains the rise in within mechanism theory can be useful here. The inequality of skills increases, firms start creating a job distribution, and workers of the same also suggest a Our characteristics. Conversely, less than a typical workers who appear than others doing the same job but more than a typical worker with the same characteristics. Although the evidence could also be interpreted as unobserved heterogeneity, i.e. over-educated workers having less "unobserved capital", this is not consistent with the rest of Sicherman's results. In particular, he also finds that over-educated workers have a significantly higher probability of moving to a better job, which means that on average these workers are truly over-qualified for the job they are performing and this reallocation To is quite slow implying that "mismatch" mismatch would give a concrete example, equipment accepts workers equipment with The plan less who is as follows. and characterizes the equilibrium of benchmark this case. Section III analyzes the The next economy new firm which has installed a some other workers who can use somewhere training are also available of the paper not a very transitory phenomenon. is arise if a require training while more importantly, this in the labor market. dynamic model section presents a simple in the presence of frictionless markets dynamics of inequality with random matching as a in the context of a two-class economy. This section also conducts the comparative static exercises regarding labor market efficiency, redistributive taxation and public education. Section IV analyzes the dynamics of inequality starting from general income distributions. Section to different matching technologies. It V turns demonstrates the robustness of our results and also links within group inequality to changes in between group inequality. Section VI concludes. Appendix A contains the proofs. Appendix general transmission technologies. Appendix B extends our C which is results to available upon game form used for wage determination and some further robustness II. II. 1. The Each agent capital. In lives for three periods. The first is youth in the second, middle age, he works and decides offspring's education of his wage income. and also We each generation, there (1) j results. Environment and the Walrasian Equilibrium which he is of generation how much to refer to a an agent consume. In how much to spend save for the final, retirement, period of his as of generation continuum of agents with size t, if he is middle aged normalized to t is; (1 (he or she) acquires how much to period, each agent also conceives a unique offspring, and decides of agent request includes the Timing of Events, Technology Preferences, human Basic economies with more -8- y)logc. ,+Sloge.^j+Ylogc,^ 1. The at this on his life out time t. In utility function where c denotes consumption, the superscript O used for old is and age, education expenditure. The utility function exhibits impure altruism as denotes the e the agent does not obtain utility from the welfare of his child but from the education he gives him. All that the agent decides to save this period return Rt+ i- Thus the budget constraint of the agent invested is the gross market rate of at is o /F^ ^ C (2) where W: t is 1= the wage income of the individual j, which only income his is when he is middle aged (only the retired are rentiers). With we this specification, c°+1 =Rt+1 yw c =(l-8-y)wjt u (3) where S: t obtain the following simple decision rules for agent , e , jf+1 jtt denotes the savings. The human =Sw Sj , jf f ' ;>1 h (4) In other words, there e.g. what they learn is . e;>1 " /* a certain level of in the human is determined by the precisely, min human capital, h mln below which agents do not , from compulsory schooling or from capital of the offspring More is =f their friends, etc. This simple specification for the intergenerational transmission of human =—- (^i)-YV capital of the next generation education level (expenditure) given to them by their parents. j; linear in the human is fall a very capital; in particular, wage of the parent, which capital of the parent in the competitive equilibrium. - the will in turn be linear Appendix B shows the robustness of our results to a general transmission rule of the form h t+i = i/'(w ,h ). t We assume that there is a continuum of firms equal to one worker, thus we can think of these firms as jobs. equal to that of workers so as to avoid issues of 4 1, t and that each firm employs The measure of firms unemployment 4 . A is firm (job) taken to be i, if matched Although unemployment is closely related to the issues of wage inequality [because unemployed workers are poor and also because unskilled workers are more likely to be unemployed], the issues of unemployment are distinct from the basic redistributive forces that frictions in the labor market introduce. Therefore, in order to focus on our primary interest, we have chosen an economy without unemployment. The issues of unemployment are analyzed in similar but simpler setting in Acemoglu (1995b). with worker produces j, a yUf*4rhIP (5) where k it is the capital associated to this job, and L, The production function to the relation. between physical and human benchmark function has non-increasing returns to scale, exist, and also, since there is capital that worker a result, there are diminishing returns to capital. In this frictionless (competitive) would not human the brings j has constant returns to scale and complementarity As capital. is case, it is human important that the production because otherwise a competitive equilibrium nothing that pins down jobs in this economy, it should not be possible to produce more output by combining two jobs. The capital that the firms will use at time t comes from the savings of generation workers. All workers invest their savings in a mutual fund which by the profits threat of potential entry allocated to the firms. (a is forced to perfectly contestable market). The intermediation by the mutual fund removes The make t-1 zero savings are then uncertainty from all the rate of return on savings. We also assume that the economy is small and open, thus it faces world R at which the mutual fund can borrow or invest, therefore, the a constant interest rate cost of capital to a firm and the rate of return We decision human is assume that firms hire their completely irreversible. on Thus at that do not point, while they necessarily employ. In practice k does not only correspond to t equipment, the type of job, the location, The 5 it is we denote this distribution by P know and t linear technology and thus investment opportunities, a8<y fixes the cost all course natural; growth in this this the distribution of they will but also to the quality of the natural that it has a high degree of t (k). An alternative is to have a linear household technology with a rate of return R. Then condition, namely [(l-a)/4/i?] our result economy , ensures that the economy always invests a simple some funds in this of capital at R. In the absence of a linear technology and other would hold except those regarding the growth rates. This is of is driven by the total amount of investment and in the absence of an alternative investment opportunity, all that is saved will be invested and moreover, with logarithmic preferences savings are independent of the rate of return would . know which worker capital stock and so 5 of the firms' choices of capital stock will in general give a result distribution of jobs and etc, R beginning of period capital stock at the capital in the labor market, the irreversibility. savings are fixed at achieve the same growth rate irrespective of the rate of return - on i.e. (4) -, capital. hence the economy The Walrasian Equilibrium II.2. In this section a la Bertrand for all we the same is as t (k). Then capital the one that a Walrasian auctioneer (or a Social Planner) would choose. F capitals, t firms' investment choices determine (h), human and given the complementarity of worker Sattinger, 1993 (e.g. is k allocated to a job with physical capital at time Then since workers are paid their marginal product, the has a human capital h w (h)=aAk l -a h a- 1 also introduce the variable 6 such that time capital at use the notation, (h,k)€:J>t worker of generation a h-=h 6jt where h t is the median level of skills relative the median. This distribution can be simply obtained from the distribution of h and it by G(0). Let us also denote the starting distribution of corresponding distribution of inequality by paper that even the poorest agent Proposition 1: that t and thus the distribution of 6 measures inequality of t, t . where (h,k)£Tr t human wage of capital given by is (6) We we then t, see section - worker with human V.l. for a formal definition). If according to this allocation rule, a h human physical capital, the highest allocated to the highest physical capital firm is firms compete all and the allocation of the heterogeneous workers to the heterogenous Given the distribution of human P Thus, as frictionless. the workers in the labor market. This implies that workers will be paid their marginal product, firms model the labor market will G (.). with j* starts hj, Further, human capital we assume > >h min Then we . by F as in to we denote (.) and the the rest of the can state 6 ; Let GJQ) be the distribution of initial inequality of human capital as defined above. Then, with frictionless labor markets; The physical (i) to human capital ratio for all jobs is given by —= h (ii) (Hi) V Gq, G =G t for all thus inequality in this The growth rate of the economy The proof 6 If is always g of this proposition, like the poorest agent has inequality and inequality is t, would less than all h,,^, c \. — R =8aA{(l-a)AR then in the a . > self-replicates. ~1 } a -1. the others in this paper, self-replicate forever to avoid having the max{.,.} notation. economy - first is in Appendix A. Here period there will be a contraction in from then on. The reason we start away from h,^ main suffices to give the it to steady growth as in intuition. The economy the model of Rebelo (1991). the feature that leads More importantly for the focus of this linear worker with twice capital with j as much human and thus earns twice as CRRA preferences), the who has twice as much to make our j' we obviously have results in the rest of the paper cannot pay their parents to get more credit constraints). as constant; that as much a special Thus the much model physical also be true offspring of worker capital as the offspring of here, but results to non-linearities human is, it is only chosen transparent as possible, and this can be seen in economy, there finally that in this linear. will also have twice as Appendix B where the robustness of our Note is much. With logarithmic preferences (which would capital as This result emphasizes that capital another works with twice capital as accumulation rules are also j'. this on human paper, given constant returns to scale, the rate of return a and is is are many is demonstrated. missing markets: young generations youth (a form of intergenerational But despite these missing markets, inequality is not harmful to aggregate capital in their performance. The economy has the same growth rate irrespective of the level of inequality. III. III.l. Inequality With Random Matching: A Two Class Economy Preliminaries We now market. analyze the The key assumption beginning of the period, all economy that is outlined in the section but with a frictional labor last costly for agents to engage in search activities. In the it is firms and workers are matched 1-to-l, thus each job will have a worker, and each worker will have a job. At this point, either party can terminate the relation and look for is a new partner. Costly matching refers to the fact that engaging in further search costly to both firms and workers. working lives are divided into We model this two segments of length decides to look for another match, they by assuming l-?j do not produce and rj. If that workers' the worker (or the firm) in the first segment and only meet another partner from the pool of unmatched agents for the second segment of their this they cannot break the match again 7 Thus . C 77 and firms' lives; after captures the degree of frictions in the labor the discussion in the text. unchanged if parties can change as many partners one round of change is to simplify the expressions and The advantage of having infinite sampling as in Appendix C is that the economy would converge to the perfectly competitive case analyzed in the last section as Appendix as they like - shows the reason we that all our results are limit ourselves to t/-»1 (e.g. market. When r] = 0, mobility we In this section implies that any is start very costly; after separation no output with the extreme assumption that matching two workers, even same probability of meeting produced. is if human they have unequal a given firm in the economy and random. This is capital levels, face exactly the conversely, the same also applies to firms. This assumption will be relaxed in section V. There are a partners, each We assumed. justification is number of other issues to deal with. First, since there are costs of changing match has some surplus to be shared, thus The second workers will want to separate from their to avoid this issue as deal As it [this is trivially true a result of this issue is that when 17 is [a • near 1, game theoretic some firms and match and look for another partner. first when assumption in the 77 all firms and workers produce with the a worker this (or a firm) = 0, Appendix C minor problem; who becomes segment of his or its derives the exact expression for capital level of the agent. unmatched will be of We and this event will analyze this With F t for the workers and t is independent of the economy as v-^0, F t (h) and P t (k), is n;[^,^X^)^Xfc )]=^%" now partner. arises exactly the when the distribution of given by [see Appendix a a -iS(l-/3)T^A:/- from the labor market To human is same avoid matched or physical thus the set of agents worker with human who are independent as their initial frictions. 10 C economy who capital h: t human and is physical for details]; /^ *dFjh)+(l-P)fajAk Gale, 1987) and this shows that the only difference between the are analyzing is actual for the firms. level of a a firm of physical capital k; „ capital are respectively (7) wage P 77*]. in equilibrium, measure zero. Also since the event of being unmatched this formulation, the matched with new no face a probability v of not getting of characteristics, the distribution of these unmatched agents distributions, thus no separations since there are separated will not be able to find a life, will economies that we analyze, outside options will class of problem we assume that each worker and firm in the first want partner first influence wages through the threat of separations, but in equilibrium, there will be separations. This introduces a We unemployment. Therefore, throughout the paper we will lead to with the case where r\<r{ such that they meet Nash bargaining will follow the usual practice of using given in appendix C]. a bargaining rule needs to be of section l '%dP (k). t II and the one we The first term the share of total output that the worker gets. is point of the firm and is thus deducted from the wages, and the third point and adds to his share of the surplus [since which there are looking at an equilibrium in separates, it human of will The second we have no are by F produce with the worker obtains a proportion /? it t (h). Since there meets and as separations. Thus, there no is it is also multiplied by |3. The This term rest. third term is is subtracted threat point. from the total surplus The sum which the firm will and then maximize by choosing k Thus, given the assumption that rj<r)* . t worker subtracted from /3 of the total firms, P t (k) and added to the total wage of the worker also of these three terms give has to it explained similarly as the deviation of the worker to make one more round of search among the pool of unmatched is a distribution possibility of separation, the of the surplus and the firm gets the (7). It is and a firm deviates if only one more round of matching, is we transferable utility]. Recall that the total surplus that the parties share and since the worker obtains a proportion surplus, the threat the worker's threat is meet one of the unmatched workers, and these workers have capital given is The firm's profit function easily seen that (8) which ensures that there is strictly will be no this as his is concave in k separations, . t all firms choose the same level of physical capital investment equal to; (l-P)(l +Pr,)(l-a)fh (9) k We = a dF (h) a t R can note a number of important features in equation unable to capture the full Acemoglu, 1995a] and for marginal product of this reason, the its growth investment, rate of this (9). First because the firm will always underinvest [see it economy will always different than the growth rate of the competitive economy, g c More interestingly, however, firm . investments also depend on the distribution of from (9) that a mean-preserving spread of F t human capital, F t (.). will reduce investment. mean-preserving spread which maintains the total amount of 11 is We can see immediately The human level intuition capital the is that, a same but more unequally makes it in this economy is distributed, increases reflected mismatch and thus reduces by the distribution of human to physical profits. all firms choose to have the same level of physical capital, human mismatch. A workers than gains it from economy, since also gives the distribution of the t simplify the analysis ; we then We From (10) v equation V human We let t capital of the rich = h /h lt 2t , the ratio of starts with two by h 2t and human wages of each group, j = 1,2, less poor relative to the rich. can be written as characterize the evolution of this system, as long as t = h /h 2t _h u+1 jw (11) Therefore, we have ]t as follows; lt [i + (i-p)(i-x) V h lt is away from h min we , ]tf-(i-m-^ a simple non-linear first-order difference equation describing the evolution of inequality. In other words, equation (11) gives the law of motion of the capital ratio of the poor to that of the rich any given period. This equation, 0=1. The questions to ask (locally and capital a can write the law of motion of is that of /^/c/- /z/-/3(l-/3)A^^^ Now to are in human the proportion of poor agents be A. This proportion poor agents may become gradually (7), to note that Classes with the case where the economy denote the human worker. capital study the dynamics of income between the two groups. will never change, but start is firm loses more from a low capital, a human high a we groups of workers; rich and poor. the poor by h lt human of seeing the intuition Growth Dynamics with Two Analysis of Inequality and To way slightly different because there are decreasing returns to III.2. recall to physical capital ratios and an increase in inequality in the distribution of capital increases capital F and capital ratios that in the Walrasian case these ratios are always constant. In contrast, in this Mismatch and globally) are stable. (i) and then from (11), (9) and (10) we can see what wages obviously has a stationary point whether there Using subscript 12 are others; (ii) whether human at full equality, this stationary point to denote initial values, we have; g Proposition 2: If (i) rj V^ = 0, monotonically converges to (/>, </>„ ~ monotonically converges (from below) to g^=f38A{(l-a)(l-P)AR lft]>0 and a[l + rj(l-(3)]< (ii) to$ x = l an d the growth V < 4> (Hi) If 4>(k), 4> t < The represents equality. from and left now E(4>\1), (f> 4> £ G then 3 <f 1, <f> o:, < we have = mm >0, and g (t> V (0,1] such that < </>„ 1 77 = 0, and However, all as possible inequality levels soon as rj > 0, be able to approach it line. If it only points to the right of A it < <f>\ g„ < <f> t — (12) <j> 00 = 0. g„,\ from Figure 1; the broken line approaches it Whether at this line <f> t =1 equality will be full needs to cut the 45° line by looking -1. } = mm and -*<t> ao some point A, are in the basin of attraction of full equality. 45° can be determined a 1 are in the basin of attraction of full of A, wage and income inequality increase over time. from above or below <t> approaches from below, from above, t monotonically converges the curve starts below the 45° line and below or above the 45° To (all 4>'s) g converges (from above) to g oo = 0. t < and rate a -1. } (4>(k),l], 4> t technical intuition of the result can be obtained either unstable. V V growth ~ monotonically converges to then 1, £.(0,1): (j>(k) the rate g t converges (from below) to g^=fi8A{(l-a)(l-ll)(l+{iri)AR lfr\>0 and u[l + i)(l-&)]> 4>* then 3 1, 1 = 1 and To approaches 4> x the = 1 at =a+a(i-pyn. 09, For (12) to be less than 1 - i.e. 2 needs to hold [note that converges to local stability of when worker where y implies that high is is effect capital (i) is of Proposition the case where the frictions are so on wages. The wage the output produced. Since get higher wages. all is is simply /3y for each workers (h^ produce more than low-human capital workers However, given decreasing returns to human worker who has twice not twice rate firms have the same level of capital, this as much human capital, output. Since the accumulation rules (h t+1 as a function his offspring (ii) , the main result of the paper, human returns to scale), a much the condition in case the poor hit h min the curve no longer applies and the system high that there are no outside option and -, ^n - see proof of Proposition 2 in Appendix A]. Proposition 2 (hj) =1 as rich, and therefore the gap process takes us to full equality. Expressed differently, 13 is wj capital (constant does not produce twice are linear, this as means that getting narrower. Overtime, this when = 0, 17 the only redistributive force from our that emerges economy where high human human the frictional labor human to This is is mismatch. Compared physical capital ratio was constant in capital agents are capital agents. market all knowing who they economy, firms, in this working with lower physical to human because firms not to the frictionless capital ratio will than low match with choose a certain level of capital stock that they cannot change. Next consider the due to costly matching: leaves the 17 > 0. There the outside option effect workers. Intuitively, a firm, if it which case in which is now an additional redistributive force increases the relative when bargaining with a skilled worker, worker the next worker will be wages of the skilled has a worse outside option worse on average. In contrast, it has a strong bargaining position against the unskilled worker because the next worker will be better on average. This outside option effect, the larger is A redistributes from the poor to the at high low at levels of inequality is stronger have been that the mismatch is why while the outside option effect levels. possible conjecture after realizing the presence of conjecture rich, the gap between the skilled and the unskilled. This gives the intuition for the mismatch effect dominates dominates which wrong. effect Why? The two counteracting would always dominate the outside option intuition lies effects effect. could But this in realizing that the distribution of jobs is endogenous in this economy, and outside options are determined by the composition of jobs. In the frictionless economy, there are firms employ low physical capital firms targeting to in the rj < rf, economy of this section who prefer to skill employ the unskilled workers (low workers - see also Section V.l). In contrast, firms dislike employing unskilled workers (but given that all they are happy not to segregate into two groups, one targeting the unskilled) and this depresses the relative wages of the unskilled below their level in the frictionless Note also that as we converge to increasing until it finally reaches g^*. the growth rate is decreasing. The In this economy, accumulation the less is This is is Also full equality, as the the growth rate of the economy converges more is economy is to maximal inequality, intuition of this result can be obtained the engine of growth, and the economy. from expression the inequality of (9). skills, investment because firms anticipate the mismatch that will reduce their profitability. the feature that leads to a negative link between inequality and growth in our model [see the cross-country evidence on this respect discussed in the introduction]. 14 V.3. Remarks and Discussion First, increasing the number human as there are decreasing returns to worker is in place. decreasing once The by opening imperfections to some i.e. the return to the whether is a large For if employ regarding the qualifications of firms do not have a large one mitigate the matching a It When two continuum of workers, there would be no uncertainty new employees. However, number skilled can also be thought that in in practice there are limits to become, especially when they have diverse jobs and workforces. large firms can in may job. But, this will clearly not solve all problems. a firm could capital of employ two workers can open one instance, a firm that will or two unskilled workers arrive, there will again be mismatch. the limit, human results as long firm could avoid the mismatch problems: a series of jobs simultaneously, a firm extent. and one unskilled capital, would not change our the other workers and the irreversible attributes of the job are interesting question for instance, skilled all of workers per firm how And even large of job openings at the same time; for instance, a large firm need of an engineer in a given period would face the same problems. Secondly, decreasing returns to model has this respect the human a close link to the Fernandez and Rogerson (1994) where Tamura inequality and to capital plays (1991) where work it Benabou of a concavity in an important role in this result. In (1993,1995), Durlauf (1995), one the key functions creates costs of leads to convergence to full equality [see Benabou 1995 for general conditions for convergence in economies with local externalities]. difference factor, is that in our case, human capital, economy analyzed and in in section all we need fact, II is without the usual assumption of decreasing returns to a this would not be assumption, the Walrasian analogue of this well-defined. Another in contrast to the technological externalities in these models, in our effects are among our results relate to is economy it is Newman, that the external A second 1993, Piketty, 1995]. In this emphasized that the dynamics of income distribution can be non-ergodic, however, these papers have no frictions in the labor market, and there wage all is the one of credit market imperfections and inequality [see others Galor and Zeira, 1992, Banerjee and literature, related difference pecuniary and are derived from the frictional nature of the labor market. literature that The inequality. However, as in our paper, non-ergodicity different wealth levels receive different returns 15 on is their assets. is no due to the direct relation to fact that agents of economy, human Finally, note that in this looking; parents, when human consider the rate of return on qualitative results would hold investments; long i.e. as how much deciding as capital. long capital investments are education to give to their offspring, do not For our purposes as there The Importance Labor Market human "efficient" labor US parameter greater is r? rj, (e.g. Labor market Katz as a as it is less frictionless), the Looking rj. than rf more the reason for the limited as measure of the degree of inefficiency of the labor market. The - thus likely is at unionized is less equations (11) and we (12), is naturally thought to correspond we can see that the higher 77. A reduction in 77 shifts the solid consider two search costs], then identical it is the sense of a lower F = F a =F b t economies a and b except that immediate from Figure than economy b. 1 Moreover, there economy a converges to 77 is rich (or slow maximum down harmful to equalization of incomes, thus Implication III.l: Inequality Implication III.2: More is more (as it < more t] z < up and inequality). rf [i.e. more Thus a has lower inequality in 77 b will converge to inequality and in this full equality and no growth. economy is to redistribute creates more inequality and with more efficient more mismatch. labor markets. markets can lead to poor long-run performance. 16 1 likely the reverse redistribution), a higher level of likely to increase efficient labor rj exists a set of initial inequality levels levels, In other words, since the main role of higher income from the poor to the h wage that a will always have such that starting from these inequality steady growth, while t] is curve in Figure enlarges the basin of attraction of full equality (the region of decreasing we is not letting the economy become frictionless or near- are inequality to increase. In particular, the system to have a stable region for lower if less 1994 and Bertola and Ichino, 1995). In our model, the et al, labor market that has easier turnover and long institutions differ greatly across countries. Large mobility costs and the closer are wages to marginal product. Thus a less are to one with lower capital of their and European labor markets are often emphasized and the can be treated the in these capital investments]. markets of European countries are suggested increase in inequality human our of Institutions and Implications for Cross-country Trends Efficiency: between differences suffices to say that it some backward looking element is offspring [see Acemoglu, 1995a, for forward-looking III.4. here, the income level of the parents influences the as completely backward These implications are US inequality in the are with the view that the increasing wage and income in line due to more efficient labor market institutions (easy turnover, low and weak unions), however, they question the conventional wisdom that firing costs this is necessarily a desirable outcome. We now Redistributive Taxation: turn to a simple characterization of the impact of different levels of redistributive taxation. Let us on labor income that is More effects, is a flat tax rate equal to t then redistributed in a lamp-sum fashion 8 This means that there will . human be redistribution from the high wealth assume that there the tax redistribution is capital (rich) agents to poor agents. Since there are directly reflected in the transmission of human no capital. specifically, (13) 0, + r wp h i,M Sw \t (1-t)w 1 ,+Atw u +(1-A)tw 2/ h 2,t + (HK+H^^K P 8W'It l , w u +T(l-X)(w -w u ) 2t W2t- T K™2TW ld w denotes the actual wages and the subscripts are again used to distinguish the two groups. Now substituting from (10), we obtain where denotes the post tax income and (14) 0, + f ^(l-^ATj^l-^^^-Artl^l-^KlO This difference equation, like properties, we again look as before, (11), has a steady state at 0=1. To investigate the stability at; ^LR d (15) =a[ i +( i^ )v . T( i +( i-p )7l)] d(p t Thus, the economy with redistributive taxation will tend to be more stable since the slope of the curve (t> t+l (4>^) 6 (16) is near the steady state increasing in t. Thus an (6 0=1 is always decreasing in -QV -(1-/6)(1-A)77 t. Also, + T(l-A)ri + (1-/3)T7] increase in t shifts the solid curve in Figure 1 upward (and also There is also the issue of capital income taxation. We can assume that the capital income is taxed in the same proportion and redistributed among the retired generation or is not taxed at all. This does not change our results. The only short-cut we are taking here is that we are ignoring the possible effects of labor income taxation on the Nash Bargaining between 17 firms and workers. flattens t, it). Moreover, the system c/> t+] (</> t may become = 0) is no longer always negative, and for high enough values of globally stable, hence converge to full equality from all starting distributions. Thus; Implication III. 3: Redistributive taxation reduces the forces that lead to inequality in the pre-tax income and wage distribution, thus stabilizes the system. It also tends to increase growth in the long- run. Therefore, this comparative static suggests that societies with systems, again the U.S. and the U.K., should have had a pre-tax wage and income more pronounced and perhaps more adverse inequality, less redistributive increase in their on effects their overall performance. Also, interestingly, despite the obvious and often emphasized disincentive of redistributive activities on growth, tax effects Perotti (1995) finds that measures of such activities are positively correlated with subsequent growth. A Public Education: education. The effects are quite intuitive. taxation, reduces the link more reliance similar analysis can be conducted for the impact of public between is public education, similar to redistributive wage and the on public education reduces the and thus increases growth. This we a parent's More economy with IV. Inequality Dynamics predictions. path]. still r{* t The question As long as in wage inequality. is two classes. Our (7) analysis will also give us [that is, 17 is smaller than such that again there are no separations along the equilibrium t G (0). of public education most dramatic increase assume that wages are given by We start with an arbitrary distribution F (h) wealth amount the least will demonstrate that the results of the previous section are robust We an appropriately defined wage inequality With General Income Distributions to richer starting distributions of inequality than some new capital, as a result forces that lead to increasing (especially at the college level), has experienced the we human again in line with the pattern of cross-country trends that observe whereby the U.S., the In this section, offspring's when the poorest agent G t+1 (0) is and will be a corresponding distribution of relative more disperse than away from h min the dynamics of , determined from the following equation; 18 G t (0). inequality can now be _hUtl j[u(i-pynyiZ-P(i-pynfh°dFSh) ;>1 Ki P[Wi-p>nW-P(i-pynJh°dF,(h) _ )6[i + (i -gjgjg jjjj^gxg) flUii-pynWii-pynlPdGXd) where when recall that /f, the median of the is human capital distribution at the poorest agent hits h min then for that agent , dynamics of inequality are determined by possible to solve these kinds of equations, a Proposition 3: A) Suppose i) = 0, then VGq, it is still G we have 0.=6min = — — t. In contrast, Therefore, the . dynamic functional equation. Although dynamics of inequality. The main features about the time t possible to ascertain a results are summarized number of useful in Proposition converges monotonically to full equality growth rate of the economy converges monotonically not it is and 3. the to g^*. B) Suppose 7]>0. Then; (i) Full equality is always a stationary distribution. There always exist a stationary distribution with two or three groups. (ii) positive measure at h min; one group more group may also No (iv) If a[l+(l-^)rj]<l The first with with positive measure at some h above the median; and one stationary distributions other than the ones in Maximal is have positive measure at the median. (Hi) (v) is One group , then full equality inequality with two groups part of the result is is is and (i) locally stable always locally immediate. With rj and (ii) exist. otherwise, With not. stable. = 0, only the mismatch as before, this leads to global stability of full equality. it is 77 > 0, full effect equality is is present always a stationary distribution as inspection of (17) shows immediately. Also, the exact same condition that To we had in the see what other plots (17) with economy ensures the local stability of this stationary distribution. stationary distributions are possible, 0j t+1 inequality at time and two-class on the t [for a strictly concave. It vertical and ft. we make on the horizontal given value of the integral \d always intersects the 45° line 19 a use of Figure 2. This Figure axis for a given distribution of dG (0)~\. The curve is upward sloping at t 0=1 and never for 8< 1 and it may intersect 45° that 6 h i+\ at a level at = 6ht one more time , for all j, at some 8> 1. A we cannot have thus below the median unless for stationary distribution must have the property equation does not apply, this group, this h min Also, by the same argument, the weight a stationary distribution that has positive i.e. a group stationary distribution can have positive weight . on one group above the median. Which IV.2. What Distributions are Likely to Lead to Increasing types of distributions of income and terms of equation (17) this Wage Inequality skill create forces that lead to inequality? In corresponds to investigating the role that the integral term plays in determining convergence. To answer this question a "poor" agent getting richer are affected by the we how investigate the conditions for integral term. i Lemma mfimum{8 }<a , then is increasing in t The economic option of firms is such that6t <6 get poorer l and 0€E(0,,1) get a J6 dG (6). t intuition of this result sufficiently high bottom of the the , t the outside option of firms [observe that at 36 t 6 richer. Suppose 1: la distribution - is straightforward. when r? = 0, The term is related to these terms disappear]. If the outside a large value of the integral who integral -, then there exists a section have to accept a very low wage to get employed and therefore, this group will get poorer while the rest of the population converges to a higher level of skills When and income. is the integral term (the outside option) high? Intuitively, the outside option of the firms will be high Therefore, when if they can get a highly skilled worker with a high likelihood. the distribution of skills is it is wage inequality, convergence to full equality to the right [that is, when there are a large is most much difficult number of who are sufficiently poor relative to them]. [thus not is not high. the differential outside options of firms that introduces the forces towards increasing Since agents unequal, the outside option of firms when the rich agents still exist In this case, the integral term some workers who 20 are is skewed with a smaller group of uncertainty about the workers that the firm can get matching] but there will distribution at would be large the second round of poor enough that they have to accept lower wages and thus get poorer over time. Implication IV. 1: Increasing wage inequality distribution of income and skills we real world economies, If think of income distributions are is likely to be are skewed to the right. skewed to the this is a blessing However, inequality are not as closely related as in our model. suggest that the skill distribution increase the risk of increasing wage is and in the real The increasingly world a curse. Firstly, real result, increasing wage world income and skill and thus according to our left inequality will be a less serious problem. may a more serious problem when the recent increase in college attendance skewed to the and right this would inequality. IV.3. Inequality Cycles Proposition 3 only dealt with stationary distributions. However, a dynamic system also settle into a cycle. interest as around it illustrates Lemma 1 Whether our economy can generate endogenous the interaction of the counteracting forces in the model. suggests that inequality cycles more poor agents are get poorer, income inequality again get richer. likely to may increases, no cycles. In fact, economy In odd numbered to #! consisting of three groups: to is H 2 < limited, but when they (17) falls, we will find that two groups is they may a special case are a generic possibility. H > M= 1 > periods, the share of the $i H - 3 L with proportions X H X M and , draws the possibility of a two-cycle. periods, inequality increases and the share of high group goes Similarly, the share of the numbered discussion prove the possibility of two-cycles by constructing an example. Consider the . . The some of However, we know that with two-groups, Proposition 2 gave the complete X L such that X L eL +X M+X HeH =l and X L +X M+X H =l Figure H is and because the integral term in and with richer starting distributions of income, cycles following is be possible in this model. Intuitively, become poor when income inequality characterization and there were We cycles may Low Low L group goes from group goes up to L 2 an d of course that of the median/mean group 2 to > 0j is L 0j L. up from In contrast, in even and that of the High always at 1. in even numbered Figure 3 applies, and this curve is a tilted falls Since inequality higher in odd numbered periods, the curve in Figure 3 that describes transitions broken one. Whereas H 2 is the periods, inequality decreases, thus the solid curve in image of the broken one around 0=1. The intuition 21 of this figure follows from and hence the get richer It tilt 1. If the integral increases, the poor get poorer and the rich around 0=1 to the solid curve. when we have more than can also be verified that are possible cycles of Lemma and thus from Sarkovski's Theorem [see any periodicity and chaotic behavior can Proposition 4: (i) three groups, three-period cycles Grandmont, arise in this In a three group economy, there always exists 1985, Li and York, 1975], economy. a vector (k L , \ H , 6/-, H Bf, 6 2L, 2 J thus a corresponding set of starting values, which lead a two-cycle. (ii) any In a four group economy, there periodicity and a exists set of starting distributions that lead to cycles of chaotic behavior. V. More General Matching Technologies, Mismatch and Implications for Within versus Between Group Inequality The premise that an increase in heterogeneity will lead to an important role in our analysis so matching. However, it is more mismatch has played and was derived for the far quite clear that for many situations random special case of random matching is not an appropriate assumption. For instance, skilled workers do not look for unskilled jobs nor do firms post vacancies that are open to all skill categories of workers. Of equal importance is that so far a change in the skill composition affected the investment of firms but not the diversity of jobs that were offered, and this issues. We will find that more is again unrealistic. In this section general matching technologies the previous sections. Also, an interesting to more types of matching. worker most is start If way that is results of follow; as higher inequality leads by defining the polar extreme to the random matching technology; the matching technology of the is do not change the key observed in the data. economy allocated to the firm with the highest skilled to analyze these jobs becoming available, the between and within group measures of inequality will be linked in a We new prediction will we want allocated to the second highest is amount of physical and so on. rule applies within the set of separated workers. This If is there is II. We then the highest skilled capital, then the second a separation, clearly the Walrasian auctioneer chose in the equilibrium of section 22 efficient, efficient then the same same allocation that the can give the definition of efficient matching a little more formally, Definition: Let us define for every worker (!„,(/)= j, and ds I similarly for each firm J seSv& >hj s i, fip(/)= / Js€.S F :k :.>k ds where SF and S w are the and match. Then £lF (i) and offirms and workers who are looking for a sets i are respectively the ranks offirm ft^X/) i and worker j in in the set of workers looking for a match. Let us also again use the notation (ijjET* if i j will be matched either The matching technology together. =>Viv efficient iff The matching technology we (1-q) will use and a hybrid is between the that at the beginning of the period, all the firms before deciding which one to apply to. only a probability q that he will correctly assess the firm's type and is the costs of search, and the he will be in (1-q), efficiency of the economy we analyze effect applying to a random firm. matching technology still is 77 = 0. This removes the outside option It is clear For the effect 2: also it is all random and we use the q>0, V This lemma no second from the model and notation efficient (k',h') (k',h'J from (77 is a stage simplifies > 0) would would not change the important that, since there they were both chosen to match For is to see that the presence of the outside option effects analysis distributions. Further, Lemma a separate issue take the costs of mobility to be sufficiently high so that there the subsamples selected for t, if is has costly search. In fact, to simplify the again add an additional force towards increasing inequality, but time random a motivation consider However, the degree of at a As otherwise, with probability results. and random efficient among themselves, and However, there the exposition. {i). of firms and of workers are chosen to match randomly the case where a worker looks at matching, that ^F {i')<^F (i\f)E<P, then the remaining q of the firms and workers are matched efficiently. we <=> F (i*)<nF (i) and (i'/jET, then Cljj ')<(!„(]). we assume technologies. In particular, analysis, (ijjE'P (l =>v/: £ljj*)<£ljj). or (in) if Cl„(j)<nF (i) proportion is and Ctjj)^^) (i) or (n) if ClJj)<(lF (i) our the set offirms, rest of continuum of workers, matching are identical to the overall E 3*, to denote h' and k' matching together efficiently. ETV F/h')=P/k'J. states that if a firm and a worker will match together 23 when selected for matching, then they must have exactly the same rank in their respective distributions efficient in (i.e. terms of the definition in the above paragraph, we will always be in case human and surprising that given efficient matching and complementarities between capital, a stronger than this: is instance, the possibility of matching with To high a workers of different it skill two it human e level and since q > 0, this the better worker. For result of no clustering. all would when they human small enough that this e know that Moreover, we must have the same form transformation of P Now both selected for know and thus we as is worker capital of the investment its matching with profitable, hence the the subsamples of firms and workers selected each other [that F and P„ is therefore, these t F must be t a one-to-one a lot about the equilibrium distributions. the profits of a firm with physical capital k are given by (18) (k)={\-q){l-li)Ak Tr t It is t ], are give the firm a strictly higher probability of q > 0, we can find Why? ruled out. is worker could increase for efficient matching are identical to the initial distributions distributions firms; for k expect to match with two matching. But the profits of a firm are increasing in the less skilled one less skilled capital in the case employs, and the firm that matches with the by physical firms choosing the same level of physical capital and one worker, and the other with a levels of by rules out the possibility of clustering suppose that two firms of the same capital see this efficient not highly skilled worker and low quality worker will not match together, but the result lemma of the It is (i)). clear that all firms have to l -a jv adF {vyq{l-^)Ak l -a h a -Rk s.t. t make (kJi)eP t the same level of profits. Thus, 7rt (k) = ir t for all levels of investment k that are chosen in equilibrium. Next we can (19) also write the first-order condition for a typical firm: (l-aXl-qXl-^k^fv^F^+il-^qil-^k^h^R+aqil-P^k J Lemma 3: For constant. For This q=l, all is the physical to q<l, human capital ratio, fi(k), 1 ^ - for workers matching 1 — dk | y =0. ' efficiently is this ratio, jx(k), is decreasing in k. a very strong result. It demonstrates that for 24 q<l, as well as the workers matching randomly, those allocated equalization of incomes. Let us capital ratio with full efficient to matching will efficient human understand the result of the constant first matching (q= we In this case, 1). forces create towards to physical are very close to the Walrasian allocation with the only difference that because of the ex post bargaining, physical capital does not receive its full order condition marginal product and thus firms underinvest. In (19) with q=l, to physical capital ratio and we can see that make zero profits. constant; but each firm can also be selected for of physical capital will lose when matching 4: For Proposition q<l, a mean-preserving Suppose 5: t] allocated (8). Lemma work at a - strict 3, it is initial human /x(k) is concavity of the profit Thus to be compensated, such human first and, a firm with a high level a firm, to physical capital ratio. straightforward that: spread o/F/.J reduces investment = 0. Consider an constant q<l, and suppose consider random matching should work with a higher efficiently, all Now case as in equation Next, given mismatch established in Lemma firms have to more from being randomly random matching function in the all by inspecting the fact, human capital and output. F and distribution a corresponding distribution of relative wealth Gq. (i) Suppose q=l, then VG^, gt=g~* for (ii) V all is In this hold as long unrealistic as for all t, thus inequality self-replicates and the growth rate t. 0<q< I economy, gp G,=G and V G& always less G -> t Gx where Gx exhibits full equality. than g^* and monotonically converges to economy with hybrid matching technology, q<l as it relies all The growth rate of the it. the key results of the section [the limiting case of fully efficient technology, on an invisible hand arranging the efficiency of the matching technology is q=l, is III obviously right matches]. Also, the degree of another measure of labor market efficiency and we can see that a higher q (more efficient matching technology) makes inequality more longlasting. Therefore this result complements the one obtained in section labor markets are more likely to lead to higher 25 wage inequality. III.3 that more efficient V.2. Between and Within Group Inequality from the Finally, we analysis of this section can draw some implications about the interaction of between group and within group inequality. In this section both of these types of wage inequality are present. Let us define the expected wage of a worker with W by This wage depends on the equilibrium choices of firms. In capital hj at time particular let P be the equilibrium t (hj). t distribution of firms and kj be such that t W {h^{l-q#A(hfjk (20) l clearly for h, difference < h 2 W^hj) what we is W^hj) >0. - , measure will as (h',k') £ "Pv Then -a dP (kyqjlA{hy{ky- a . t t And human these If two skill premium or the "skill" groups are observable, this as the between group wage inequality. There is also within group wage inequality in wage distribution for workers who have human and the rest suppose we and in fact, of its mass distributed as is take a mean-preserving spread of the gap between the inequality. But its a k ~ l a F This t . and the more mean falls skilled too), more 1-q) two see this, note that the mass of q at fiAQi^fQc^) where k has distribution P will mean is that there larger, is more t (k). Now, inequality hence more between group then from Lemma 2 P t, also and the within group wage inequality between group inequality sometimes (with probability to these jobs, and hence, capital hj has a a mean-preserving spread, t increases. Intuitively, higher two less when F undergoes becomes more spread (though jobs. But, (ZA(h^) economy. To this leads to a identical more diverse distribution of workers end-up randomly allocated diversity in these jobs implies a larger wage gap between these identical workers. Finally, although always move together. it For is often the case, between and within group inequality do not instance, in the 1970s the U.S. experienced an increase in within group inequality but no increase explained if q labor markets]. is changing From (20) in [e.g. as a we between group wage inequality. Such a pattern can be consequence of the changing organization of firms and can see that an increase in q will increase the wages of the h 2 [the high skilled] group more than that for h, [the low skilled] group, leading to an increase in between group inequality but it will also increase the proportion that are thus will generally lead to a compression of within group inequality. 26 matching efficiently, VI. Concluding This paper has presented distribution. equilibrium model with endogenous job and a general The model provides Comments a simple skill framework with which to analyze the interaction between labor markets and the evolution of income and wage inequality. Our investigation has revealed that labor market frictions introduce a one, which we dubbed mismatch, number of from redistributes rich to redistributive forces. effect was increasing with the degree of inequality and but can increase starting from high initial levels is wage inequality is more less redistributive taxation, likely to increase in and with the diverse experiences of also less the decreasing at low of inequality. This framework has also enabled us to carry out simple comparative that we found that this led to the conclusion that the dynamics of income and wage inequality are non-ergodic: inequality levels first poor workers while the second, the outside option effect, redistributes from the poor to the rich. Moreover, second The economies with more statics. We found efficient labor markets, public schooling. Interestingly, these patterns are in line OECD countries over the past twenty-five years. Finally, we found that our model implies that within and between group inequality should move together which again appears to be the case in the data. This paper is a first attempt at a inequality and labor market organization. framework for the As such, it leaves theoretical analysis of many wage issues unresolved. First, we have restricted our attention to parameter values for which there are no separations or disagreements along the equilibrium path. Thus our model of unemployment and inequality which are interesting makes the model technically much more complicated is not well-suited to analyze issues and important. Introducing separations [see for instance the full dynamic models of search with ex ante heterogeneity of Sattinger (1995), Shimer and Smith (1995), Burdett and Coles (1995)], but this is an important extension to consider [Acemoglu, 1995b]. Second, natural to question whether segmentation in the labor market limiting may also mismatch and which of our conclusions open the way for a theory of is likely to arise as a Is mismatch higher way of will be affected. Future research in this area endogenous segmentation in the labor market. Finally, our model poses a number of new empirical questions; can we find mismatch? it is in labor markets with more inequality? markets with higher inequality worse? 27 Is a good measure of performance in labor ~ Appendix A: Proofs of Lemmas and Propositions Proof of Proposition in Proposition with capital 1 1: Take the equilibrium with the physical to human (i) and suppose level k makes workers are paid their marginal product all capital ratio as Then as in (6). a firm profits equal to Tr(k)=Ak 1 (Al) l ~a h a -Rk-w(h)h -R-Rk-—Rk \-a . \-a =0 Thus irrespective of the value of k. the allocation where at firms are allocated according to all the Walrasian rule (see the definition in section V.l) and k/h Given the value of profit. h, is constant, make firms all zero each firm would also exactly choose this level of capital ratio since l (A2) / Thus no firm wants equilibrium. to deviate and change At no other capital stock, a firm equilibrium in which firms are Given (ii) human (l-a)A) a k= 7r (yt)=0 at R its h. and the allocation capital stock, would be maximizing profit, thus there is an is no at a different capital ratio. a constant physical to human we capital ratio, can write the wage of worker with capital h: t as (A3) w(h)=aA Thus from (3) ({l-a)A\ a hjf R in the text; \-a V rH»)"V (A4) for (iii) all j. h.. 6 .,=—j- Next, From the and since which firm transitions are linear, above equations, the ( (\-a\A\~ <— a -1 and given g =8a ± at all 2: (i) grow <£ t+ i(0t) 1 constant all -a a h, and hence, ' ' grows the time, this growth the at is rate the rate rate. in the text; stationary points (distributions) with the 45° 28 R agents all too, hence also the output Consider Figure correspond to the intersection of is h t+l =8aA of capital that the capital ratio level capital stocks Proof of Proposition human l (l-a)A line and </> t+ i($ t = 1) = 1, thus full equality is always a stationary point. Now consider 0M(^o) (A6) This negative for is all >0 17 60 M _ and equal to zero for [a0 gl + (l-^)(l-A)77 ^ (A7) -a-/3)q-^ = . = 0. 17 aC ]x[l-(l-i8)Ai7(/)>(l-j3)^] 1 [l-(l^)A^r + (l-)8)Ar,] 2 aC ]x[^ + (l-^)(l-A)7 0r-(l-iS)(l-A)7 1 + [(l-/3)AT7 7] 7 . [HI-^At^I-^Atj] 2 This derivative in (A7) always and never limit (ii) Next for t and =l, all r\ >0, the curve 0=1 from we 45° line at above, it and (9) in Figure must cut the 45° = l from above t available 77 + (l-@)rj]< /30 3 1, 1). must cut the 45° horizontal coordinate of A, 0(X). Then, Euclidian distance between two V t G points. Thus, line attraction of full equality; or in other words, growth (9) rate at the limit is given shows that investment Similarly, thus for all are defined between O V to the t G left 1, is less, of A, (9) and we where diverge min E and thus cuts the either [full details cannot turn from convex to 1 as in at 1 shows that Differentiation Figure 1. some point A. Let us (0(X),1), < d[0„l] where t A -» 0oo this limit is call d[.,.] is the the are in the basin of = l. And again the reached, inspection of lower. full equality. functions, and {0 t } forms a thus over a closed and bounded 29 going to if it is will be defined below, d[0 t+1 ,l] from origin rate at the the function in Figure d[0 t+ i,l] and before is The growth points to the right of O (4); thus growth ((^n, 0(X)) by continuous and by once (0(X),1), all from the unambiguously positive is t starts it once before 0=1. Evaluating (A7) request]. Therefore, the function in Figure a result, the curve = negative at concave and hence, the shape of the function can only be As = 0, = 0. line at least t+1 t upon for (with a slope of less than 3 30 t+1 2/d0 2 <O or d0 t+1 2/d0 2 >O but then d T7 globally stable. is (4) 1 starts get (12). This implies that for a[l t and when positive, is Thus the system 45° line. obtained straightforwardly from is approach at below the falls exists set. The dynamics > d[0 t ,l] and for both groups monotonic sequence and is defined This implies that {0,} must have a 1 1 1 we must converge convergent subsequence, therefore, below by h min , this sequence {0 t } 1 to a certain point. Since can only tend to zero, if h 2t goes to h lt is bounded Thus we need infinity. to check whether growth in h 2t can be sustained with a proportion (1-X) of the agents accumulating and the rest at bound h min In the lower . this case the law of motion of h 2t would be given by; (A8) We /z^^S^^^/^-^Cl-ie^/^^lHl-A^^^l-iS^^/c/-^^ will show contradiction: h 2 can grow only k if t This would imply from (A8) that linear in is h2 x level of function of h 2 , h 2 such . (at a constant rate) So let is to be a concave function of h 2t and therefore, there their lower bound, h min Then, . (iii) more than Finally, equality is we a #, < that represented 4>(\). by is linear in set is set. If maximum is From a k (9), unique t is immediately seen level of h 2 such that growing when the poor By curve intersects the 45° stable ergodic sets; line, it Thus, the economy that starts with a level of no long-run growth. This proves part = 1, full the which corresponds to 4>*=1 and the economy has the one described above in must do so twice, thus maximum (a) is hit definition there can be the function never intersects the 45° line before unique stable limiting distribution that . t a stationary point. 0(X) exhibits inequality h2 are suitably defined turn to the alternative configuration with a[l + (l-0)r)]>l. In this case, not a stable ergodic unique ergodic = h min /h 2 is k were an everywhere concave capital of the rich class stops <£ min no other stationary point when inequality if the same conclusion would apply a fortiori. h 2t =h 2t+1 = h 2 and thus the human C t not possible for h 2t and there exists a Similarly, . not possible by is us suppose that k =Bh 2 +Ch 2f where B and h 2t+1 = h 2t = h 2 that h2 growth constants. But this implies that constant unique bound that h 2t growing without a 4>* <1 (ii). Alternatively, if the and then there are two locally inequality without any growth and (b) another locally stable ergodic set with a certain degree of inequality but also positive growth but at a rate less than g^. This proves case (iii). Proof of Proposition < A9 > 3: A) ?j = 0, then W£ V >w f°r 30 Thus B) jt (i) (ii) 0; 0; >t t >1 =l> Vj implies that =lj implies that stays there. is implies that 6 )l+l Take a 0j t+1 <6 0j I+1 =l and for ht = l Vj. jt < Thus 1, 0j, t+ Jit equality full at is h 2 This . at to full equality. a stationary point, irrespective of the distribution. Thus, the proportion of the population X L to be above the median group h min and suppose a at the median proportion X H will be a stationary distribution iff h^iUil-^vjh^il-^iX^il-X^X^XXin] (A10) Thus any vector given these (X L , XH , hj) that satisfies two equations such (A 10) will constitute a stationary distribution and vectors always exist. This follows from the inspection of equation (iii) i>0 hence convergence intersection with the 45° above 0=1, hence at (17) and Figure 2. (17) can have at most one most one group above the median. Also it cannot have any intersections below 0=1, thus no group below the median other than one at h min (iv) . Finally, Take t we can have a third group < 1. For convergence at we need the median. t+1 >0 . t This implies ffi + (i-pyn]-P(i-pynJPdG,(8) or, equivalently, @-= 8[l + (l- 8)T (A12) J Similarly, for (A13) For t j 7 ](0r-0f )-i8(l-i3)77 (l-0,)/0^G r (0)>O. >l, convergence requires ® t+1 <0 t, thus a + =p[l+(l-(3)ri](O-0 )+P(l-P)r1 (e-l)f6 local stability, the relevant conditions can be written as (A14) @-(0;=i @ + (0S =1 v;*7,0^r)>o Vz*;,0J^r)<O 31 a dG (8)>O. t . a@ d®(e'=i) <0 and These in turn are equivalent to + (6»;=i) >0. Thus, local stability requires 36 36 3®(6i=l) za-.cn (A15) ^^= 8(a-l) + iS(l- S)r7 (a-l) +iS(l-j8)77<0. ^-^= 8(l-a) +i ) ) and (A16) i 8(l- 8)r? (l-a)^(l-iS)77 >0. i (A 15) and (A 16) are equivalent to each other and in turn to our condition for the full (v) equality in the text a+ai(l-/3)r/<l The diagrammatic representation of the solution to (A 10) corresponds to Figure 2b intersection above the Proof of Lemma 1: median is obtain 80- ^-^[l + (l-i8)rj](aC 1 -l)^(l-)8)77/^GX0) 36t This expression sufficiently large, level of is a unambiguously negative is it is income (and most skills). decreasing in the amount of . That is if relative inequality is the gap between the poorest agents and the difficult to close This expression 6t <a if Xa is (A18) ^ 4: (i) From inequality. we the text, can see the condition for a cycle to be ^[i + (i^h](^r-^(i-^)^[^(^r + (i-^-^) + ^(^) 8[l + (l-^)r7 ]- 8(l- 8)77 [A j J L ) iS[l + (l-i8)77]-^(l-/3) T? [X (A20) mean also increasing in the integral term, thus its zero t Proof of Proposition (a necessary), hence the local stability. From (A 12), we (A17) 6 stability of L a ] w (^r + (l-A -^) + A (^r] L (4r + (l-A L -A //) + ^(^r] ^ ^[iHi-^i^r-^i-^M^rHi-^-^^gfn L w L ^[l + (l-^)77 ]-/3(l-)8)77 [A 32 (^r + (l-A -^) + A (<r] ^_ (A21) j8[i + (i-jS)i ? ](^r-iB(i-/s)T ? [A^r + (i-^-A w )^ w (gy) (A22) X L 6 l+ X H6 l=X L + X H (A23) X L 9^ + X H6^=X L Thus the problem of finding For six equations, (A18)-(A23). from the bounded, closed, such a vector will always (ii) a cycle all convex exist. is set [0,1] Thus 6 ] , L+ XH L to find a vector (X values of a, tt j3, rj into , . . XH , 6^-, 6^, L , 2 6 2 H) to satisfy these these six equations are continuous and itself. Thus by Brouwer's fixed-point map theorem a two-cycle always exists. This part of the proposition follows part (i) with nine equations in nine unknowns. The details are omitted. Proof of Lemma 2: First cannot have any atoms human highest definition, suppose either. capital will F(.) then <x(k) 3 a set of firms efficient match with the highest physical cr(k') has show that in this case P(k) matching technology, the capital and so on and thus, by no atoms by contradiction. Suppose P(k) has an atom such that all iEa(k') have the same capital positive probability q, firms in a(k') will and h 2 where h 2 >h]. But, could increase efficient first F(h)=P(k) v(h,k)GP. no atoms, with levels hj We will Then, by definition of the We will now show that P(k) at k', has no atoms. its capital matching. For all by e this level. Since F(.) has match with workers of human capital cannot be an equilibrium because one of the firms in and make sure that q>0, we can it find a small meets h 2 whenever enough e it is selected for such that this strategy is profitable. Now show suppose that F(.) has an that F(h) = P(k) V(h,k)e0>, then k' = k"; and (ii) if it is atom at h' and denote the measure of sufficient to prove that (i) if this by size at k' which 33 is To (h',k')eP and (h',k")6P, (h',k')e:Pand (h",k')GlP, then h' = h". (PS: in other words, have an atom of exactly the same f(h'). P(.) must the level of physical capital that matches with when matching h' Suppose (i) efficiently). k", such that (h',k")£!P. But given the 3 concave, thus either k' or k" Suppose (ii) £ i i i £ would tf(k') then 3 would increase Lemma Proof of 3: capital at h', the profits 7r(k) its investment by investment by its and match with e h>h' h'. If then some of and match with h with probability e Take two workers with (i) different Hence h'. human will make human the same profit level, a contradiction. < capital levels h, by jii, and \i 2 . From the fact that h 2 and < k and 2 both firms can write k^l-^A^-RYk^l-^A^-R}. (A24) > k Since k 2 human as 1; long capital ratio have constant Now as both firms are making positive decreasing. is human capital definition of the And if profits, fi 2 , the profits are equal to zero, by noting that dk/dh</z(k), thus the physical to p. x = a (l-a)(l-p)An(ky +a(l-P)Ati(ky- this implies that the firm is making negative profits and human capital, the rate of return constant. Since fx(k) is profits. firms from (19)). to physical capital ratio [this from to physical capital ratio being increasing (A25) all i.e. /x 2 , a unit increase in capital will i.e. by more than the current human human ju(k) is < fj, t to physical capital ratios (this can also be checked directly re-write (19) human increase But we capital ratios h<h', q. If denote the capital stocks that these two workers will work respectively with by kj the corresponding physical to is not profit maximizing. Hence a contradiction. such that (h,k')£CP for h different from o(k') increase is human a Thus _1 iJL(k) all (A24)]. is by Hence <i? firms must be making zero- constant and independent of the distribution of on physical capital and total output are independent of heterogeneity. (ii) Take k and k 2 >k t a range of values of t and T(h 1 ,k1) = T(h.2,k2) = 0. is decreasing in hj<h 2 T(.,.) k and evaluate (19) in the text and such that (hjjk^EJ1 and has three terms (not counting k and does not depend on let us )€.7> (h. 2 ,k 2 . R which is call this T(k,h). Then, by definition constant): the first h, this therefore implies that the terms have to be higher for k2 than for k^ This implies that either /x(k), capital ratio, has to be decreasing in k or dh/dk have to be increasing sufficiently close to each other /x(k) is decreasing 34 if and only if dh/dk Take sum of the other human the physical to in k. is term But for k and k2 t increasing (since by Lemma dh/dk 2 Lemma Proof of Proposition human in (ii) is 5: (i) continuous) and therefore 4: This follows from equation q= 1: human since 3, (19). from Proposition as in wages are a concave function of human Proposition 3 for the case of Appendix far has to be decreasing. capital ratios are constant thus inequality self-replicates capital, From Lemma So fi(k) we have B: 77 = Lemma 2, wages are linear 1. capital, thus the argument of applies. Dynamics With Non-linear Transitions analyzed a simple economy in order to clearly illustrate the innovation of this paper. In particular, the decision rules and the accumulation equations were linear and this led to the result that inequality self-replicates in the competitive is well-known that the competitive economy Tamura, often lead towards equality (e.g. we proposed interact here would whether our main conclusions transitions that transform the level for the offspring. That is; (i) may be wondered it appendix and the wage of a how the new important to determine we take general non-linear worker into forces towards equality, thus the (ii) forces is a human framework, we demonstrate the robustness of our this full equality; also we had e t+1 =Sw capital results. economy with mismatch outside options introduce forces towards inequality and , thus the education expenditure was linear in wage income. h t+1 =min{h min ,et+] } thus the human , expenditure and in particular, We know both it capital of the offspring did not depend on the human B1 ) where the range of we assume Vi = *KA<)' \f-(.,.) is [h min ,+ 00). 35 was linear in education capital of the parent directly. of these assumptions to be untrue (see Borjas, 1992, 1992 for empirical evidence). Instead here, ( it lead to a multiplicity of limiting distributions. In the text And Thus are robust. In this mismatch introduces converges faster to may Using 1991). capital it also includes certain redistributive forces that with these. In particular, human economy. However, Cameron and Heckman, Further we assume that a \p is continuous, strictly concave and strictly increasing in a=A ( -— (\-a\A\-'° both arguments. Also for notational convenience define IV with Proposition B.l: Consider the frictionless economy of section inequality Gq. Then, for all G^ limiting distribution Proof: The \J/f.,.J such that ^(aah mtn,hmiT)> h min) G t and since 2, w = ah Concavity of . t t xf/(aah. min ,h. mil) > h min , all \f/ economy exhibits full equality. Proof: The labor market and convergence to To look at see that full it is of inequality w l-a VfP-W a faster given respectively G& G Then, for all converges to t G„ that hadF (h t [I )} \ K h »\ • immediate. than in the competitive economy, take two agents h lt by \l/(.,.) t a is = 0. = /3y Thus l-a equality rj . . t / a a point such always faster than the frictionless economy. the distance between their offsprings in the competitive economy h 2M h 2t+l and economy and Thus we are l-a l-a kSL pi < h 2t and the mismatch comparing '" (B3) ty(aah ltJi lt) since is unchanged, in particular is (B2) to full equality is unchanged, dynasties will reach this level as t-»oo J> hmin> and starting distribution Convergence are ensures that there Proposition B.2: Consider the economy of section IV, with frictions and such that \}/(aah min,h mi distribution of converges to a unique stationary labor market and wage determination in the competitive \l/(cxah* ,h*) a starting that exhibits full equality. thus from our analysis of section that h* = Th en; R x// is always increasing in of the values of h lt its first t a y{B(l-p) * a[fh dFt(h)] )' h? t argument, the second term in (B3) and h 2t and thus the , a , is h lt smaller irrespective faster convergence. This proposition establishes the generality of our result that mismatch introduces additional forces towards equalization of income, or alternatively that relatively rich to the poor. 36 it redistributes from the We now turn to the economy with outside options. Investment in this economy is still given by (9) since the production side is exactly the same as in the main text. Thus; l-a (B4) a a w(h )=c{fh dF (h)\ t where and c=j6+£(1-/3)t7 t h"-d^fh a dF (h) l d=P(l-p)T). Proposition B.3: Consider the economy of section IV, with frictions an open of continuous functions set inequality G& such that G \p(.,.J \l/(aah min) h mi with and J > h mtn and , converges to a stationary distribution t t]>0. Then, there exists starting distributions of Gx that exhibits limiting inequality. Proof: It suffices show to that a limiting stationary distribution with inequality Consider the following where a proportion X of agents are For this we L^(^C (B5) h 0(o:ah min ,h min) satisfied. We h min and possible. (1-X) are at h*. require, \-a Choose at is *=W C hZ-d \-a + (l"^ = h min + e then can choose the a + (i-^*' ) *" ° C hL-d ^ + (l"^ 1" AmJ m+ (l-X)h for h* large enough, the rest of ^(.,.) in any form (in \h mm ) equation in (B5) can be first an open *" set) to satisfy the second equation. Therefore, this proposition establishes that outside options in general introduce forces that redistribute from the poor to the rich, hence even when the competitive economy exhibits decreasing wage and income inequality everywhere, the frictional options can have increasing wage and income inequality. It outside thus follows that our conclusions are independent of the linear transitions utilized in the paper. 37 economy with References Human Acemoglu, D. (1994);"A Microfoundation For Increasing Returns in - Accumulation" MIT Working Paper. - Acemoglu, D. (1995);"Unemployment and Inequality: - Banerjee, A. and A. Newman Capital A Dynamic Framework" in progress. 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We will analyze this VF And . t and that to the worker also Vw . denote the value to the parties game These the if (obviously these values are the same irrespective of whether F voluntary end to the relation or a separation due to Nature's choice). assumptions in the there tend to zero. determine in the distribution of total output y by (1986), after the to an end before the next round of offers and Let the value of the game to the firm be relation ends the at which Nature again randomly picks another party to make that the relationship will and then agreement both parties look for a new partner. case the case, again both parties have to look for a s is And it given our text, these "disagreement" values are as follows: Ww^MK^k dP {k) WF=(l-P)riAkl-afh adF (hj l -a t t Also to start with, Let us also suppose that has offered we are w to the worker. s)V w +sW w and (CI) suppose that the relation if he says If No is jointly beneficial, so that on the higher branch so that the firm the worker says Yes he gets w. he would get Ww w F =max{Ww C-l . If is making the WW + W offer F . and he says No, he obtains, Thus, the firm would offer ;(l-s)Vw+sWw } y> (1- Q I O -< o CD O' a 7T c CD C/3 CD A» y J^ CD -^ J. o c T] Q m o D CD O' a V Similarly, on the lower branch the worker would w w=y-min{WF (C2) And offer, ;(l-s)VF+sWF }. obviously by construction both of these would be accepted. Since Nature always chooses between the firms and the worker making and V /3, offers (the two branches) with (1-/5) then Vw =Pw w+ (l-P)w F (C3) Now probabilities suppose that V W >W W V F >W F and , then, by . rearranging, s cancels and we obtain Vrto+{\-P)Ww-fiWp (C4) This is obviously greater than V F >WF Ww (if it were less y> Ww + W F would be violated) and similarly . WW >VW Then we can write (C5) Ww=(l-P)Ww+P\y-(l-S)VF-sWF which on rearranging terms yields W w + W = y, thus a contradiction and therefore the case that W W <VW By a similar argument, W <V can be established. Next suppose that . ]. F F . Next, make of let s -» 0, from (CI) we exactly the same offer who makes the offer, which we have is get C.2) Investment Now we (7) the one given in the text (equation F. Thus both (7)); parties thus irrespective the same equilibrium: the worker obtains a proportion W F ; this is of course exactly the jS of Nash Bargaining in the text. By Firms: will establish that there exists a cut-off level model of section EI, all 77* such that for 77 firms will choose the same investment level and accept Suppose a firm adopts the strategy used in the firm will choose F w F = w w = w and y-w F =y-ww = the "net surplus" plus his "reservation utility" Solution, given in must be it its level of capital, kn by , text, solving C-2 which is to accept all < all 17*, in the workers. workers, then this max, {X[(l-(3)AhX~ a+ V-W'n^h?k!;- a n + (l-/B)P V (l-X)Ah^- (C6) + (l-X)[(l-P)AhX~ + (l-P)P V (l-X)AhX~ where k a is mapping interact. the capital stock that level of Then the equilibrium is a -(l-li)fi7p4hX a+ <l-WnAh a 2 a a k'- )-Rk n }. other firms have chosen. This maximization will lead to since there no term is 1 ~a -Rk}. Suppose now a firm deviates down low skill workers and wait for one more round of sampling. Obviously, such would also from the choose a different profits of this deviant are given strategy of accepting level of capital C8 ) +(i-X)[(i-p)AhX~ +(i-P)pv (i-X)AhX~ (C8) has exactly the same expressions is that the last first all two a lines as (C6) a which we denote by kd Then the . a+ 1 ^ -0)77(1 -A)/!/^ 0--P)P'n^hX~ high skilled workers more often. a -(i-W'nAh?P~ ]-Rk d }. and thus the only difference between the two make more Now look at profits the if kd >k since (l-a){X[(l-fi)AhX a+ ^-^V^AKkn + (l-(3)PV (l-X)Ah + (l-X)[(l-H)AhX 1 a+ a 2 kn a ] a (l-X)Ah 2 kn ]}-R=0. for the deviant: C-3 C ^-mv^AhXa a first it is two terms in producing with order conditions for k and k d from first (C6) and (C8). + (l-P)P7 ""] a four terms in (C6) have been replaced by the (C8). Obviously, the deviant can only (C6') workers and decides to by a+ ETT4 (kd)=maxk {X[{l-p)T)XAh"P d And which these two in by kn =k Therefore, given Ev(k)=k(l-P)Ah?P^+(l-X)(l-p)AhZk deviant firm ( ] (l-Wv^Ah?k>- k n which does not depend on k (C7) turn all a a (C8') + {\-X)[(\-$)AhZk~ d a +(l-p)PT)XAh"k d a a +(l-P)PV (l-\)Ah?kd ]}-R=0. Comparing for and (C6') kd >k, we need (C8'), we now can see that only the first three terms are different and these three terms in (C8') to be larger. Thus, a sufficient condition for a deviation not to be profitable is \(\-P)T)Ah°+{\-X)(\-P)T)Ah". < and recalling that there will be a maximum value, $ min that (i-/3)A + (i /3)(i-;i)<r r 1 t= is sufficient for the can take in any limiting distribution, r}<7] (l-i8)A + (l-)3)(l-A)<^ Or, 17 , . <f> n equilibrium in which nmin ~* 0> ^mm °° ""* all and thus investment, they will be Remark: It firms to choose the same level of capital stock. Also note that all 17* -» 0. Finally, since all firms happy to accept all workers in the choose the same first when level of round. should also be noted that because the dynamics of the system are backward looking, even if < 17 17* does not hold (for instance because h min = 0), in the region where the two groups are close to each other, the results in the text exactly apply. Only after inequality reaches a certain level that firms start choosing different capital levels. C.3) Conditions For Local Stability of Full Equality In the text we meet a new partner Infinite Sampling analyzed the simplified case where agents had only one more chance to after of exposition and the With they separated from their more realistic case decide to wait an arbitrarily large first match. This was done for simplicity of course corresponds to the one where a firm can number of Again under a suitably chosen condition on 17, periods for a high skill worker this will chooses to. not happen along the equilibrium path but this possibility will influence the wages. Especially, C4 if it as this channel from the overall distribution of skills to wages it is important to check that we appendix, As 7] it is the crucial one that leads to non-convergence in section III, not driven by the two-period assumption. In this part of the investigate this question. we investigate wage determination under the hypothesis that before, the same level of capital, k that is should be With the t, and this will lead to a similar condition to the than a cut-off level less infinite all firms choose one in C.2 above rf. human sampling assumption, the wage of a worker with capital h t is given as w(hypAhX~ a -fa{j{Ah (CIO) The explanation total surplus point. The randomly for this equation minus /3 a -w{h)]dFt {h)}+(l-(S)T)w{h). straightforward. is The worker times the threat point of the firm and plus threat point of the firm selected X is the average of the output worker minus the wage it would pay to this gets a (1-/3) it proportion times his (S of the own threat would produce with a by 17 worker, all multiplied since the firm loses potential output in the process of waiting for the next partner. this averaging uses agree and as in a firm deviates this F t as the relevant distribution, because in equilibrium the text, there is a set of agents of measure v and breaks the match, measure zero set is it assumed to be exactly the same same and the problem faced by the worker 7j, in the Markov is is as straightforward; since (Cll) two types, all we F t . firms are the worker will agree to the same wage Osborne and Rubinstein, 1990, or Fudenberg and [see if distribution of the unconditional distribution, 1991]. In the case of unmatched and v*0; an infinite horizon one with constant discount Perfect equilibrium, the he would in the second period are that firms and workers would meet with one of those and the Finally, the threat point of the worker, the last term, factor, who all Note can write the wages as m^;*:/-^^^ C-5 now as Tirole, — MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 00940 1222 for j = 1 and 2. Combining this equation for (C12) = j l and = 2, we can write j [l-(l-P) v ][w»-WlA=l3AhZk?- Then, the wages of the two types of workers a -pAh will be given as a. \-a (C13) wu 1 —± ih^-faXAhftl'"-^ i-v ' -jSrKl-X) ^' 1 -(1-/3)77 i and a 7 \-a (C14) =- iv lt I-77 yMh^k, [ " ' -p Lr r\ k -firj(l-X)Ah % 2t t " ' ' ' " ' --fax Proceeding in a similar fashion to the analysis in the text, "l/"-/ l-(l-/8)77 1-(1-J8)r7 we can write w u Ch?r CV X.h?rPr,(l-X)h?rV (l-k)(C-P)hZ w Ch£-(C-P)r)kh? -P'nMiZ-'n(l-X)ChZ 2. (C15) t a C<f) t a a -CT)X4>t -pT)(\-X)4>t -T)(\-X)(C-P) C-(C-jS)77A0"-j377A-77(l-A)C where Thus, C=1-(1-/3)t;. Again, we it can be checked readily that find that as in the text, for below the 45° and thus as in 77 > 0, <£ t+1 (0 t =l) = l and that the difference equation that related the proof of Proposition 2, we <f> 1 t+l to <f> t starts can see that there must be a set of inequality level from which full equality, <j>=l, will not be reached. Next, to investigate the local stability of full equality, 1 we look at To see that the term in (C16) is negative note that the numerator is always negative and the denominator is positive. The positivity of the denominator, D, follows from the fact that when 77= 1, D=0 and 3D/3t/<0 and as 7/ is always less than 1, D>0. C-6 X 8# M (C17) l 1 x aC4>"~ -aCT)X4>"~ -apit)(\-'k)4>"~ a d^t C-(C-P)r)k<j>t -pr)),-r)(l-X)C a.T)k(C-P)4>"~ <l> t ^ C-(C-pyn*.tf-pnk-nQ.-k)C thus ^m(^=1 ) _ / C-(C-/3)r7 A-j377A-»7(l-A)C 30, C18 \ aC-aC-nA-a/^l-A) . aa-q-jBh^) . C(l-rj) ar;A(C-j3) + C-(C-/3)r? A-i877A-'r7(l-A)C g l-(l-j3)ij Therefore, the stability condition becomes a<l-(l-/3)i7 rather than a< . These 1+(1-)8)17 conditions are very similar to each other and have the same comparative static properties, in particular, a high infinite sampling a all or a high rj make it harder for the system to be stable. Therefore, with the conclusions of Proposition 2 hold. C-7 2554 3 I Date Due Lib-26-67