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Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/mediumruneffectsOOdufl Dewey Technology Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute ot Working Paper Series The Medium Run Effects of Education Expansion: Evidence from a Large School Construction Program in Indonesia Esther Duflo, MIT Working Paper 01 -46 November 2001 Roonn E52-251 50 iVJemoriai Drive Cannbriclge, MA 02142 paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http://papers.ssrn Com/abstract=29431 This \\\ Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Massachusetts Institute of The Medium Run Effects of Education Expansion: Evidence from a Large School Construction Program in Indonesia Esther Duflo, MIT Working Paper 01 -46 November 2001 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection at http: / /papers. ssrn. com/paper. taf?abstractjd=294311 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MAR 7 2002 LIBRARIES The Medium Run Effects of Educational Expansion: Evidence from a Large School Construction Program Esther Duflo in Indonesia * November 2001 Abstract This paper studies the of human capital in a developing country. built over 61,000 education medium run consequences of an among From 1974 increase in the rate of accumulation to 1978, the Indonesian government primary schools. The school construction program individuals who were young enough led to an increase in to attend primary school after 1974, but not among the older cohorts. 2SLS estimates suggest that an increase of 10 percentage points in the proportion of primary school graduates in the labor force reduced the wages of the older cohorts by 3.8% to to 7%. I 10% and increased their formal labor force participation by propose a two-sector model as a framework to interpret these findings. The results suggest that physical capital did not adjust to the faster increase in *I for thank participants at the conference "New Research on Education I in for his discussion of the paper. thank Lucia Breierova I also human for comments, and particular to thank two referees and the editor for excellent research assistance, capital. Developing Countries" at the Center Research on Economic Development and Policy Reform of Stanford University Hanan Jacoby 4% for very useful comments. Daron Acemoglu, Joshua Angrist, Abhijit Banerjee, Robert Barro, Ricardo Caballero, David Card, Michael Kremer, Emmanuel Saez, and Jaume Ventura helpful discussions, and Guido Lorenzoni for his insights about transitional dynamics. for very Introduction 1 Evaluations of social programs in developing economies tend to focus on the short run and and do not try to assess "partial equilibrium" effects of these programs, consequences. their macroeconomic Empirical studies of the determinants of economic growth form a largely inde- pendent subfield that uses predominantly cross-country data While aggregate cross-country data is readily available ing conclusions, either because aggregate data is of sets. This division and simple to use, it is unfortunate. can lead to mislead- poor quality (Krueger and Lindahl (1999) Atkinson and Brandolini (1999)) or because regressions are mis-specified (Banerjee and Duflo (2000)). Conversely, policy recommendations based on "partial equilibrium" analysis can be misleading, if the "general equilibrium" effects undo the direct effects of the policy (Heckman, Lochner and Taber (1998)). Moreover, the aggregate response to large programs is of independent interest, and can be a fruitful source of identification of macroeconomic relationships. In particular, large programs are well identified shocks. Studying the economy's aggregate response to these shocks occasion to understand the process of adjustment. is the objective of macroeconomic studies of the The adjustment of an "medium run" (Solow macroeconomists and labor economists have long been interested economy (2000)). in labor is to shocks In particular, supply shocks, such as changes in cohort sizes (Welch (1979)), the level of education of the labor force (Katz Murphy (1992)), changes in level of education for effects of and by cohorts (Card and Lemieux (2001)), or adverse labor supply shocks in Europe (Blanchard (1997)). important dimensions of the an The speed and efficiency of a range of economic policies. adjustment are Trade pohcy analysis, example, often assumes immediate adjustment of the production decisions, which could be extremely misleading. The long term effects of economic crises, as well as the appropriate policy response, are closely linked to whether they lead to efficient or inefficient restructuring, which is linked to the ability of the (2000)). economy to allocate factors efficiently (Caballero and Hammour Thus, studying the aggregate consequences of large programs can inform economic policy beyond the specific program considered. Most studies of the medium run consequences of labor supply shocks focus Europe. Yet, the response of the economy to a shock is closely related to its on the U.S. or on market institutions.^ In developing countries, because market institutions (credit market, contractual enforcement, labor market regulations) are less effective, one might expect the adjustment process to be par- and ticularly sluggish. Caballero Hammour lead to mis-allocation of resources development. The evidence on and (2000) argue that institutional failures, because they inefficiently slow restructuring, medium term adjustment in is at the root of under- developing countries however, is, extremely limited. This paper studies the effects of a dramatic policy change that differentially affected different cohorts and different regions of Indonesia on the allocation of the labor force across sectors and on wages. In 1973, the Indonesian government launched a major school construction program, the Sekolah Dasar schools were built. INPRES program. Between 1973-74 and 1978-79, more than 61,000 primary In earlier work (Duflo (2000)), I showed that the program had an impact on the education and wages of the cohorts exposed to wage rates and formal labor it. force participation of those This paper studies the behavior of who were not directly exposed to the program, from 1986, 12 years after the school construction program was initiated (and when the first generation exposed to the program just entered the labor force) to 1999. therefore a study of the "medium" run aggregate effects of the This program. Until 1997, this is was a period of rapid growth for the Indonesian economy: between 1986 and 1999, the economy grew by over 50%, and the share of the labor force in 6% manufacturing doubled (from to 13%). Industriahzation occm-red throughout Java, and in concentrated pockets in the other Islands Miguel, Gertler and Levine (2001). I first show that the program in the regions similar to that where it led to faster increases in the fraction of primary school graduates was more important, between 1986 and 1999. This increase which would have been predicted in the absence of any migration. I is strikingly then proceed See Blanchard and Wolfers (1999) for a comparison of the reaction to the labor supply shocks in the 1970s across European countries with different labor market institutions. to look at the effect of the program on the wages and the formal labor the cohorts that did not directly benefit from it, force participation of because they were already out of school when the program started. This allows us to look at the impact of the increase in education on factor returns, for a population less rapidly whose from year to year skill level is not affected. in regions that received It more turns out that wages increased schools. controlling for the factors that determined the initial allocation, and This holds even after may have caused different growth trajectories across these regions. Using interactions between the survey year and the number of INPRES schools per 1,000 children as instruments for the fraction of educated workers in the region therefore suggests a negative effect of the proportion of primary school graduates on individual wages, keeping the individuals' own skill level workers seems to cause an increase in the On constant. formal labor market. The in the other hand, an increase in the fraction of educated the participation of both educated and uneducated workers negative impact of average education on individual wages does not seem to be explained by selection bias caused either by selective migration or by selective entry into the formal labor market. I propose a simple two sector model as a framework to interpret these magnitude. Individuals can work either in the informal or sector, they are self employed and labor (skilled factor. In the formal sector, labor (skilled earn a wage. The production and human capital combined. to a movement an unskilled) is is combined with land, a combined with The fact that the increase in the share of and individuals educated workers led of workers from the informal to the formal sector indicates that the elasticity and land in the informal sector substitution between labor and capital in the formal sector. The is smaller than the elasticity of elasticity of the model. I compare two polar versions of the model. supply of capital effect of the program on The benchmark version assumes with respect to the share of educated labor determines the predicted in the capital, fixed function in the formal sector exhibits constant returns to physical of substitution between labor wages and their formal sector. In the informal in the and unskilled) effects costless adjustment of the capital stock. In this case, in the period we study (1986 to 1999, 12 to 25 years after the program was initiated), physical and rate and there should be no relative fall in wages human in regions capital should grow at the where human capital grows same faster. This holds in a closed economy model as well as in an open economy model where capital accumulated nationally and efficiently allocated across regions. compares the empirical estimates I The second is version, in contrast, obtain to the parameters predicted by the model in the absence of any adjustment of capital to the increase in education. These empirical estimates are close to what this version of the model would predict. This suggests that physical capital human did not adjust to the regional differences in the rate of accumulation of capital induced by the program. The remainder program and of this is organized as follows. In section on average education. In section its effects effects of average paper 3, I 2, I describe the INPRES discuss the identiiication of the education on individual wages and derive the empirical specifications. Section 4 presents the results. Section 5 presents the model that organizes and explains the findings, and compares the estimates to what the two polar versions (costless adjustment of capital or no adjustment of capital) of the model would predict. 2 The program and 2.1 its effects on average education The Sekolah Dasar INPRES program In 1974, the Indonesian government initiated a large primary school construction program, the Sekolah Dasar INPRES structed, doubling the where initial sity of the program. number Between 1974 and 1978, 61,807 new buildings were con- of available schools per capita. More schools were put in regions enrollment rates were low, which caused important regional variations in the inten- program. Using a large household survey conducted in 1995 (the to data on the number SUPAS 1995) hnked of schools constructed in each individual's region of birth, Duflo (2001) showed that the growth in education between cohorts unexposed to the program and cohorts exposed to the program was faster in regions that received more INPRES schools. This differ- ence can be attributed to the program with a reasonable level of confidence, because no similar pattern present is if we compare cohorts that were not exposed to the program. In addition, the program affected mostly primary school completion, whereas omitted factors would have affected other levels of schooling as well. Each point on the from Duflo (2001). This pattern solid line is summarized summarizes the in figure 1, effect reproduced one more school per 1,000 children had on the average education of children born in each cohort.^ in built Children Indonesia normally go to primary school until age 12 (although delay at school entry and uncommon), repetition are not children who reached 12 before 1974, increasing. This If therefore one would expect the effect of the is when first for schools were built, and to be progressively what the picture shows. exactly when comparing the evolution should see the average education (and Data and empirical for this more program enter the labor market, one specification to 1999. These surveys are repeated cross sections, of approximately 60,000 The surveys contain information on province and in the last week, and wages for individuals pation. Using this data, worked on wage I district of residence (but not of These are the An individual primary occupation. coefficients is for a wage in their of hoiurs primary occu- considered as part of the formal sector The survey if he works questions and definitions are homogenous obtained by regressing years of education on the the interactions between the number of schools built per capita in the individual's region of birth and region of birth who work employment, number construct the average hourly wage as weekly wage divided by hours this occupation. in his primary school graduates) schools. birth), education level achieved, labor force participation, t3rpe of worked adults over the years paper comes primarily from the annual Indonesian Labor Force Survey (SAK- ERNAS), from 1986 households. to the among in particular the fraction of increase faster in the regions that received The data of average education As the generations exposed in the different regions. for a to be migration flows were either small or not affected by the program, one would expect to see a similar pattern 2.2 the program fixed effects. and year of birth dummies, after controlHng for year between 1986 and 1999. I restrict the sample to males aged 20 to Descriptive statistics are presented in table 1. The 60, and exclude Jakarta. I fraction of individuals born after 1962, and therefore theoretically exposed to the program, in the age groups 20-40 and 20-60, increases progressively over the years. gion in each year. There is I consider the proportion of primary school graduates in each re- a total of 3,826 district-year observations in each cell in the data set, and each cell is sample.^ full cells, with an average of 287 individual All regressions are performed on this aggregate weighted by the number of observations used to construct it. Consider comparing two regions in 1986 and 1999, one of which received a large number of INPRES schools per capita, while the other one received a small fraction of people in 1999 than who were young enough in 1986. We know relative to the older ones, number of schools. INPRES program to be exposed to the is The bigger that the gains in years of education of these younger cohorts, were bigger in the regions that received more schools. If the effect of the program was not undone by migration, one would expect the average education (in particular, the proportion of primary school graduates) to have grown faster between 1986 and 1999 in the region that received more schools. attainments between 1999 and 1986 This suggests comparing the difference in educational in these two regions. More generally, this suggests that, one runs a regression of the difference between average educational attainment on the number summary, In this suggests the following specification: S^-^t + i/j+ 1999 Yl i^i*Pjhn+ Y. fit is is the proportion of primary school graduates a survey year fixed effect and Uj is a region fixed schools built between 1974 and 1978 in district t = I, and otherwise). Cj is i^i * (^j)^n + ejt (1) (=1987 (=1987 Sjt coefficient. any year-to-year difference. 1999 where 1999 and 1986 one should see a positive of schools per capita built in each region, Clearly, this reasoning also applies to in if j, and among effect, A; is adults in year Pj is the t number a survey year in region j, of dummy INPRES (A; = 1 if a vector of initial conditions that are introduced as control There are on average 185 observations per cell of individuals born before 1962, including 61 with wage data. variables. In particular, may it be important to control for the enrollment rate in 1971, since was a determinant of the placement of the program. Note that the enrollment rate in 1971 all is first-order eflFect of a higher a difference in level of education, which should affect survey years identically, and therefore be absorbed by the region fixed which children attend school in the rates at in a region will lead to it cohorts, and all effect. Only a change a change in the rate at which average education increases from year to year. Therefore, controlling for the enrollment rate in 1971, interacted with year dummies, enrollment rates are correlated with is important only to the extent that we think changes levels. I also control for the number in of children in 1971. Results 2.3 Since the generations exposed to the program have already started entering the sample in 1986, one would expect year dummies the coefficients of the interactions between program intensity and survey all to be positive Columns and increasing. 1, 2, 4 and 5 in table 2 show these coefficients for the specification that includes enrollment rates as a control, for adults aged 20 to 40 and for adults aged 20 to 60, in the whole sample and in a sample that excludes urban The districts.'' increases faster than larger and more among significant in the former group. The in the , and The group of individuals aged 20 to 60, however, will therefore coefficients are increasing for as expected, they are larger in the from 1991 individuals aged 20 to 40 those aged 20 to 60, and one would expect the coefficients to be corresponds better to "the labor market" of this analysis. among fraction of "young" (or exposed) people be important in the both groups, they are jointly group aged 20 to 40. They become second stage significant, and, individually significant 20-40 group and from 1996 in the 20-60 group. This pattern could have been caused by other factors than the increase in education due to INPRES, PRES for example by migration of educated workers into schools. If we had data from earher years, it districts that received would be possible to use "pre-program" data to test the identification assumption that the increase in education levels over time The specification without enrollment rates as a control more IN- is very similar, and is therefore omitted. would not have been systematically different in regions where a different number of schools was in the absence of the program. No comparable was due to something other than the survey was realized before 1986. effect of the mated a to the program (individuals born specification similar to equation 1, in in table 2. subsample 1962 or before). To check of those this, I esti- with the fraction of primary school graduates among individuals born in 1962 or before as the dependent variable. columns 3 and 6 the pattern program on education, however, one would see a faster (or slower) increase in the education over the years, even in the who were not exposed If even built, Figure 2 gives a graphical The summary coefficients are presented in of these estimates: It shows the coefficients (and their confidence intervals) for the entire group aged 20 to 40, and for the group of individuals born before 1962. There The before 1962. coefficients in the is no systematic increase among the group born two equations are This indicates that the increase in average education is significantly different likely from each other. due to the program, rather than to other factors. Does migration undo the 2.4 effect of local infrastructure Although migration flows were not very important negligible. live in their In 1995, if one excludes Jakarta, province of birth, and the urban districts). and 25% did not Among 24% 12% development? in Indonesia over the period, of individuals in the SUPAS did not live in their district of birth individual born in 1962, live in their district of birth. It is 13% they are far from sample did not (17% if one excludes did not five in their province of birth, therefore interesting to study whether out migration of educated workers dampened the effect of the program on average education in the labor market. The program results in the previous section already suggest a partial affected the average education of adults, undone by migration. We can, however, make answer to this question. The which indicates that this result more its effects precise were not totally by comparing the effect the program should have had, in the absence of any off-setting effect of migration, with the effect it had in reality. The results from this exercise are important in the context of an increasing focus on decentralization, notably in Indonesia. If local governments consider that their communities are not getting any benefits from investment in education because educated people migrate (with their human may capital), decentralization of school finance lead the public financing of education to decline.^ To get at this question, I INPRES estimated the effect of the number of first schools con- structed per capita in an individual's district of birth on the probability that an individual completed primary school, SUPAS each cohort. for (Intercensal survey of Indonesia) tative at the district level. Indonesia. The survey It is is To this end, I used the SUPAS 1995 data. a sample of over 200,000 household. It is The represen- conducted every 10 years by the Central Bureau of Statistics of collects the same information as the SAKERNAS 1995), as well as more information about household members, district of birth. The sample for this analysis is (which in particular their men born between it replaces in province and 1950 and 1972 (there are 152,989 individuals in the sample). Using this data, I regressed a dummy indicating whether an individual completed primary school on a set of district of birth fixed effects, cohort of birth fixed effects, and interactions between the number of schools constructed The equation estimated is primary school completion on the cohort born school graduates district before 1962. denote by (pkt and year of birth dummies. identical to equation (11) in Duflo (2001), except that as the in year k as among in one's district of birth dependent variable. Denote the estimated ifk- I effect of the this used the program used the 1995 data to compute the proportion of primary those aged 20 to 40 in each year (from 1986 to 1999) Denote it average by Sqj. For each survey year the share of those aged 20 to 40 who were born in year k.^ t bom and year We in each of birth k, can then compute the proportion of primary school graduates predicted by the program in each district and each year as: Bound, Kzedi and Turner (2000) ask the same question All the individuals who for college are born in 1962 or before are in the education in the U.S. same cohort k. (t-20 E \ ""^kM Note that Sjt- The first does not contain any information specific both to the district this predicted value and the year considered. There observation is is (2) / fc=1962 therefore no source of mechanical relationship between Sjt and that Sjt and Sjt are strongly correlated. The regression of the actual share of primary school graduates on the predicted share leads to a coefficient of 0.84, with a t-statistic of 77). This, is is not very informative, because a large part of this correlation driven by those born before 1962, and would therefore had migrated out I however, of the high program run the same specification as in equation education, Sjt- These coefficients indicate affected in each region in the absence of 7i; The districts. 1, but how I 1 3 is even if all the educated young is more informative. use as the dependent variable the predicted the average education of adults would have been any offsetting effect of migration. The coefficients along with the coefficients obtained 3, with the actual average as the dependent variable. The two sets of coefficients are surprisingly close to each other. predicted effect exist following experiment obtained in this specification are plotted in figure when estimating equation still In particular, there is no evidence that the bigger than the actual effect. Identifying the effect of a change in average education Conceptual framework 3.1 Consider an economy with two sectors. Assume that there are only two types of workers, educated (with a primary education or more) and uneducated (no primary education) . Assume that the formal sector employs educated labor, uneducated labor, and capital, and the informal sector employs educated and uneducated labor and land.^ Individuals are self-employed in the informal sector, and receive a wage in the formal sector. We could allow land and capital to present in both sectors, but and land between sector, for which we have little data. 10 Consistent with Harris and Todaro we would have to model migration of capita] (1970) and other dual economy models of development, we view the potential of growth of the informal sector limited while the economic growth happens as the formal sector expands. This is reflected in the in the assumption that land is The share of the labor force employed formal sector and their wages are the two variables of interest. The production functions in the formal and informal sectors are given by /(Ap, Ep, Up, and g{Ai,Ej,Uj,T) respectively, where Ep a fixed factor. and Up K and T are the stock of capital denote educated and uneducated labor employed E[ and Uj denote educated and uneducated labor employed We Aj are "productivity" parameters. will treat the total affected by allowing steady population growth). and uneducated workers who are working as a function of the number of educated therefore write the the formal sector, respectively, and Ap and population as a constant (nothing is as well as the fraction of educated in each sector, are determined jointly and uneducated workers 1, respectively, in the informal sector, The wages, the stock of capital, the stock of land, and the parameters Normalizing the entire labor force to in and land K) Ap in equilibrium the economy as a whole), (in and Ap- and denoting S the share of educated workers, we can wage and formal employment functions as:® \n{wE) = 4>e{Ap,Aj,K{S),S,T), \n{w^)^<l>u{Ap,Ai,K[S),S,T),Ep^^EiAF,Aj,K{S),S,T),andUp = iv{Ap,Aj,K{S),S,T). K is explicitly written as a function of 5, to reflect the fact that a change in the proportion of educated workers has. a direct effect (the effect of the share of educated workers on the wage), and an The indirect effect due to the accumulation of physical capital elasticity of physical capital in response to this increase. with respect to the share of educated labor is an empirical question: In the long run, one might expect the physical capital to adjust to a change in the fraction of educated workers, while in the very short run, adjustment will be In the "medium run" the speed , of the production function of adjustment of the capital stock will and the ~ MApuAiuKtiSt = Writing the wage function directly in depend on the availability of finance for the installation of Consider a Taylor expansion of the wage function around MAFt,Art,KtiSt),St,Tt) much more hmited. 0),St logarithm, for convenience. 11 5= = new flexibility capital. 0. 0,Tt) + St^ + St^^. Denoting Kt{St = 0) by Kt, InK,) = We, can be rewritten: this (^ + ^^)St + 4>is{AFuAnX,Tt) therefore, seek to estimate the coefficient a^ in the expression: :^ \n{wst) asSt + (t>\s{AFt, Ajt, Kt.Tt) In this expression, as reflects the direct effect of 5 on (3) the wage, as well as any indirect effect due to the response of the stock of physical capital to the stock of human Us is not determined a priori. capital and labor combined, as in the share of If capital If capital will adjusts slowly, or if capital. sign of there are diminishing returns to tend to be negative, reflecting the fact that the increase educated workers increase the quantity of labor (measured adjusts rapidly and there The is no fixed factor, a^ in efficiency units). would be zero and even positive the presence of an external effect of education (as in Lucas (1988)) or if an increase in in the share of educated workers led to a more than off'setting increase in the stock of physical capital (Acemoglu (1996)). Consider running a regression of the wage of the uneducated workers on the share of educated workers in the economy, without controlling for the stock of capital. Clearly, correlation between the level of capital (and the productivity of the formal and the share Since there are districts. many Using equation districts 3, likely to any sector) be the cannot really be interpreted. the growth of the log wage between two periods + estimate this relationship using an is given by: 4>is{AFt,An,Kt.Tt)-(t>is{AFt~i,Ait-i,Kt-i.Tt-i) (4) OLS regression, and we omit the term 4>is{AFt,Ajt,Kt-, Tt)- 4>is{AFt-\,Ait-i,Kt-i,Tt-\), the coefficient a^ will be biased physical capital accumulation and is is and years, we could instead compare wage growth across \n{wst)-\n{wst-\)c:^as{St-St-i) If we there and informal of educated people, this relationship will be biased. Since this case, coefficients obtained in such a regression if human if there is a correlation between capital accumulation. In almost any model of human and physical capital accumulation based upon individual maximization, the increase 12 in the share and the rate of physical capital accumulation of educated workers both are determined by the discount rate as consistently, we in the suppose first in particular, therefore need an instrument, correlated with the increase in the share of — potential instrument for {St structed by the be related: economy. In order to estimate the parameter educated workers, but not with the evolution in the other factors A will INPRES St^i) in our setting is the in the number economy.^ of primary schools con- program. To understand how the instrument works and its limitations, that the government allocated the schools randomly. Each school reduces the fective cost of schooling, and therefore increases the enrollment rate among generations (but not that of the older generations). The increase in the all ef- the future young number of schools com- bined with the fact that the young generations progressively enter the labor market starting m the late 1980's changes the rate of growth of growth is number In practice, however, the rates at the primary school of INPRES the program before instrument for {St level — it was St-i) if it is the schools had been schools would form an ideal instrument. in regions were lower. The evidence presented initiated. if in the rate of human capital in this where enrollment paper and in Duflo was not systematically correlated with Nevertheless, the level of the program will not be a valid correlated with the rate of capital accumulation. This would educational attainments in 1971 were correlated with capital accumulation between 1986 and 1999. Regions with a lower level of educational could therefore have been growing faster, if product per capita until 1996 will control for (Hill (1996)). enrollment rate in 1971. attainment tend to be poorer, and there had been a tendency for Indonesian regions to converge. In practice, Indonesian provinces exhibited very we The modification government allocated more schools (2001) suggests that the rate of growth of if over time. a function of the number of schools built, which suggests that allocated randomly, the happen S little convergence in gross provincial Nevertheless, to control for possible convergence, We will also present the results in the rural For example, Moretti (1999), proposed to instrument for {St — St-i) with the share of young people in the base year, on the ground that education will grow faster in regions which have more young people. remains, however, that the share of young people in the base year accumulation as well. 13 sample is The problem very likely to influence physical capital and omit the years 1998 and 1999 to allow separately, hit wages in richer regions, and much more than in particular cities, Thomas and Beegle rural areas (Prankenberg, for the fact that (1999)), causing in the Indonesian crisis poorer regions and some convergence of wage in rates between regions. Empirical specifications 3.2 The wage of individual observed in district j in year i \n{wijt) where Si is a dummy = S^{ln{wEjt) - t is given by: + M'UJUjt) + ^n{wujt)) v^jt, (5) indicating whether the individual has graduated from primary school. error term Vijt reflects all The the other factors that determine wage, besides individual and average education. Substituting the expression for \n.{wEjt) from equation 3 and including which we do not measure in the error term, individual education level, and regional \^i\{w^jt) wheiebjt ^ = S^hjt human + {[n.{wEjt)-'i.n{wujt)) (the skill As we have we obtain a relationship + ejt + Mt premium) and , by OLS fit + OLS of bjt estimate of is ay will that, even if there be a biased estimate of the is + t. ^ijt, (6) + iyj+ejt = 4)iu{AFjt, Aijt, Kjt,Tj)) (treating could be very misleading, because of the correlation between Acemoglu and Angrist (1999) show t^j the variables between individual wage, capital in the district at date OLuSjt seen, estimating this equation all bjt ejt,iit or Uj no omitted effect of Sjt as a random and Sjt. coefficient) In addition, district level variable, the on \n{wijt) if the estimate biased for any reason (such as measurement error in the education variable, or the endogeneity of education) . They propose to instrument for both Si and Sjt could instrument Sjt with a variable that does not the approach we take here. 14 aflfect Si, . Alternatively, one the individual education, which is The nature individuals of the INPRES program suggests who were born in 1962 or before were not affected by the program (we have verified in the previous section that the average education in this group did not grow faster from year more INPRES to year in the districts that received affected the average education the intensity of the does not To the following instrumental variable strategy. All by On schools). the other hand, the program affecting the education of those born after 1962. Therefore, INPRES program affect individual education, a potential instrument for the average education which is we if sample to those born before 1962. restrict the derive the empirical specification, take the average of equation 6 for all individuals born before 1962: .^ \n{w^jt) where Sjto year in district j. t is = Sjtobjt + Sjtau + l^k the proportion of primary school graduates If we take the = (Sjto-Sjt-io)bjt-i first + l^j +Vijt, among (7) the old (born before 1962) in and rearrange the terms, we difference of this equation obtain: \Tl{w^Jt) -\r\{w,j,_i) The number evolution of the skill premium + Sjt-io{bjt-bjt-i) + {Sjt-Sjt-i)o:u + l-k + {bjt — bjt-i) is itself '^j + ^jt + v-^ijt a function of the evolution in the of educated workers in the region, so that the effect of the evolution of graduates on the average wages of the individual born before 1962 is primary school finally given by the expres- sion: ln{w,jt) - \n{w^Jt-l) = [Sjt - Sjt-i)a + /xj + t/j + e^j + v,jt, (8) Subject to the caveats discussed in the previous sub-section, we can use the number of INPRES schools {Pj) as an instrument for Sjt for variables that Pj is — Sjt-\ in equation such as the enrollment rate and the wage uncorrelated with {Sjto — Sjt-io), which 15 is in 8, possibly after controlling 1986 (a vector Cj). now included in We have verified the error term. A joint test of the validity of the strategy Acemoglu and Angrist (1999) regression of individual wages is and the seriousness of the problem suggested by to use as dependent variable the average of the residual of a on individual education. If this equation should lead to the similar, but more precise estimate (since {Sjto — is correctly specified, it Sjt-io) will not be part of the error term any more). Thus the reduced form with two years \n{wjt) - of data would be written: = ln{wjt-i) ^it + l2Pj + hCj + ^jt This equation can be generalized to incorporate equation similar to eqviation all It/jf = /it + I/j- + 1999 ^ (A;*Pj)72(+ (=1987 where and fit Equations 7^ are year 1 and Yl, i^l (=1987 + * (^j)^2l (9) ^3t, district fixed effects, respectively. and 9 form respectively the variables strategy to estimate equation The same form 1: 1999 In available years, leading to a reduced stage and the reduced form of an instrumental first 7. reasoning applies to formal labor force participation, and the same specification can be estimated with formal labor force participation instead of wages. Finally we can also estimate equations similar to equation variables likely to we consider here 7, using the average (wages, education, skill skill premium as dependent variable. The premium, formal labor force participation) are be auto-correlated over time. Bertrand and Mullainathan (2001) show that in large understatement of the standard errors in these types of setting. errors in all I it can result thus correct standard equations using a generalization of the White variance formula which allows for a flexible auto-correlation process within any states. Since the sample of individuals not affected by the program that different every year, this specification may we include in the analysis from sample selection. suffer First, the is program may have induced selective migration by the old people, potentially correlated with their productivity, and therefore with their wages. Second, we will show that the program 16 affected the proportion of old people who work for a wage: it also opens some room that workers with the lowest productivity switched to the for selection bias, since wage it is possible sector. Section 4.5 will present additional evidence (using two other data sets) on whether these two possibilities for sample selection affected the results. 4 Results Summary statistics for the year, are presented in table sample of people born before 1962, and aged 60 or 3. sample belong to fact that primary school graduates among them increased (.this reflects the fact that individuals present in the later cohorts in later years). We someone receives a wage. This fraction terms, increased by about 50% between the survey of The proportion from 59% to 74% between 1986 and 1989 less in use as an indicator of formal employment the is a little over 30%. The average wage, 1986 and 1997, and declined by 22% between in real 1997 and 1999. 4.1 Reduced form The reduced form results results (the estimates of the coefficients 72; in equation 9) are presented in table 4 and in figures 4 A and 4B. These two figures summarize the reduced form effects on wages and on formal employment. Although none of these from zero, the coefficients individually significantly different reduced form coefficients in the wage equation are declining coeflacients of average education, probability of working for a wage which are increasing). The reduced form are increasing. In the rural areas, the coefficients increase from 1997 to 1999, impact of the is crisis. contrast to the coefficients on the sample that includes both urban and which probably reflects the differential In the rural sample, they are monotonically declining. 17 (in The 4.2 effects of The main sample I will consider average education on wage rates for the anatysis the individuals aged 20 to 60 is all two independent variables. First, the fraction of who were born primary school graduates sample aged 20 to 60 (a reasonable approximation of the average education second, the fraction of primary school graduates among the 20-40 sample. The identification.^^ among males. The INPRES program on the share of primary school graduates Using instead the share of primary school graduates among males and females Table 5 presents OLS identical results. estimates for equation wage and the average of the residual wage 7, where the dependent variable (after controlling for individual is the average education and age). panel does not include district fixed effects, while the second one does. As expected, first from specifications that do not control results obtained They lump and the second panel much for individual together the "social" and the "private" returns. coefficients of average are The former was Focusing on the 20-40 variable puts more accent on the source of results presented here focus combined leads to almost The in the in the labor market); directly affected the latter (since the older affected people were 37 in 1999). affected as a consequence: before 1962.^° We education are bigger. should, therefore, focus on the education in the wage residual equation. The difference between the illustrates the remark we made in the previous section: the OLS first estimates bigger than the corresponding fixed effects estimates, which suggests that they are very strongly upward biased: educational attainments are higher in regions where wages are higher, but this is as likely to come from a from the opposite relationship.^^ It means that when we change specifications in a relationship running from income to education as The OLS year, there is results are all positive both a cohort effect sind and an age sample which maintains a constant cohort composition, and the In addition, the first stage is significant, while the effect. results I have run were very all the similar. stronger for this variable, which minimizes the problems that can arise from using weakly correlated instruments. One would expect the results with the 20-60 average to be a scaled up version of the results obtained with the 20-40 average. There are many reasons, besides those emphasized upwards. effect in First, there may be a wealth effect in here, education: which would lead Glewwe and Jacoby OLS coefficient to (2000) find an important wealth Vietnam. Second, with economic growth, expected returns to education improve, and 18 be biased this may lead to a OLS results with fixed effect are positive, but significant only in the specification that has the proportion of primary school graduates among These point estimates suggest small positive among share of primary school graduates 0.8% in the an increase of 10 percentage points effects: those aged 20 to 60 is in the associated with an increase of wages, after controlling for individual education. These coefficients are one tenth of those estimated by Moretti (1999) in the those aged 20 to 60 as the dependent variable. less than impact of the share of college graduates for the US. Table 6 presents the instrumental variables The results. results are presented for the entire sample, and for a sample that excludes the years 1998 and 1999, since the regions differently. the estimates The first line crisis hit different of each panel presents the results on wages. In the full sample, become more negative when the affect the estimates in the rural areas. crisis The second years are taken, while the estimates in rural line presents the results wages as the dependent variable. None of the estimates is significant. The using the residual estimates obtained using the residual wage or the actual wages as the dependent variable are very similar, which is reassuring: Since the INPRES instruments affects only average education, and not individual education, controlling for individual education should not affect the estimate, which find here. The estimates using the residual wage are an increase of 10 percentage points in sample of rural areas. Without using the The precise. the share of primary school graduates year old led to a decrease of 3.8% in wages in the -4.4% and -9%. somewhat more last full is They suggest among that the 20 to 60 sample, and to a decrease of 9.9 two years what we % in the of data, the coefficients are respectively negative coefficients are significant (at the 10% level) in the rural sample only. If the we first focus on the share of primary school graduates stage has more power), the story is among the same: an increase of 10 percentage points in the share of primary school graduates leads to a decrease of 2.9 higher demand revolution, and for education (see Foster and Rosenzweig (1996) Bils and Klenow (1998) for the 20 to 40 year old (for which for % in the wage of the old in the micro-economic evidence of the Indian green a re-interpretation of the cross-country evidence along these 19 lines. sample, and to a decrease of 6.3% in the rural sample. full 4.3 Skill The premium third line in panel A B and of table 5 presents the results of estimating without district dummies) an equation similar to equation 7, by is negative, large (around -0.45), and significant. the estimates are negative, but to be biased The of the upwards much (with and but where the dependent variable Without the difference between the average wages of educated and uneducated workers. dummies, the estimate OLS With smaller (around -0.09) and insignificant. district OLS is district dummies, seems again (in absolute value). third line in panels A and B of table 6 presents the instrumental variables estimates same equation. The IV estimates of the effect of the share of primary school graduates on the primary education premium are either negative or positive, and always insignificant. The education premium does not seem primary school graduates. It to have been affected by the increase in the number of suggests that, in at least one sector of the economy, educated and uneducated workers are close substitutes. 4.4 The Formal labor force participation fourth line in panels A and B of table 6 presents the instrumental variables results for formal labor force participation (corresponding variable is is the fraction of people OLS who work results are presented in table 5). for a The dependent wage. The 2SLS estimates suggest that there a strong positive effect of the fraction of primary school graduates on the probabihty that someone works for a wage. In the rural proportion of primary school graduates in the probability of graduates among working for a and urban sample combined, a 10% increase among wage. the 20 to 40 year old leads to a 4.5% increase A 10% increase in the proportion of primary school the 20 to 60 year old leads to a 6.6% to 7.5% increase. significant in all of the specifications, in the and are very similar across 20 The specifications. coefficients are Sample selection 4.5 There are two possible sources of sample selection. First, there Second, since the program affected the proportion of people probability of selection in the sample is for might be selective migration. whom we by the instruments. affected observe wages, the In particular, one can imagine a situation where the program pushed the "marginal" self-employed into the formal labor force, and these marginal employees receive a lower wage. Moreover, new entrants into the labor force have less experience, which should lower their wages. Figure 2 (and columns 3 and 6 in table 4) suggest that the average education of individuals born before 1962 in the sample was not affected by the program: along the sample remains comparable over time. the individuals born before 1962 and intensity who earn is 1.03), when I regress in the education level of wage on the interactions between the program a and the survey year dummies, there statistic of the interactions least, Likewise, this observable dimension, is no distinct pattern in this regression (the F which indicates that, along observable characteristics at the composition of the formal labor force did not change as a result of the program. However, there may have been selective migration along unobserved dimensions ductivity old people are attracted by the program regions old people leave the region), which will cause a wages. The SAKERNAS downward for example, or who is low pro- high productivity bias in the effect of the data does not indicate whether an individual not have any income measure for individuals if (if program on a migrant, and are not working for a wage. We we do thus need other sources of information to shed light on this issue. First, the earlier) SUPAS data set (the 1995 intercensal survey of Indonesia which we described has the individual's region of birth as well as his region of residence. whether there are differences related with the of the hourly INPRES wage in productivity program, of the migrants currently residing in the district). I form for To investigate between migrants and non-migrants that are cor- each district the difference between the logarithm and that of the non-migrants (among those born before 1962 Column 1 of table 7 presents a regression of this variable on 21 number the schools of INPRES schools built per capita in the region. The coefficient of the actually positive (but insignificant), which suggest that there is column selection bias. In 2, I who staid. This difference is of no downward sample who migrated construct the difference between the wage of those out of their region of birth and those the program. There is number unrelated to the level of thus no evidence that selective migration was likely to bias the results is downward. Second, we use the SUSENAS data (a nationally representative survey of about 50,000 households, which has an income and a consumption supplements once every 5 years). the incomes modules from the household income of The ratio column (3)) employed to household less in 1993. on the INPRES program On from 1987 and 1993 and computed the of wage earners the income very stable between 1987 and 1993: self-employed earn 17.85% and 18.5% in 1987, 7, is self SUSENAS balance, it is I level of the of less I ratio of the wage earners. than employed then regressed the difference in the log of this ratio (table program, and found no relationship (the 0.0021, with an absolute t coefficient of the statistic of 0.130). therefore appears that the relative wage loss of the old generation in regions where the program increased the supply of primary school graduates cannot be attributed composition We A can summarize the results from this section as follows. decline in the point estimate although it is • No change • An is An increase in the share of the to: wage of older workers, whose large (as large as the skill significant only in in the skill some level of premium education did not change. itself, specifications. premium among point estimates are large (a an increase of at least 4% 10% The or even larger in rural areas), older workers. increase in the share of the labor force employed in the formal sector, The to a effect. educated workers leads • used among the old. increase in the share of educated workers leads to in the share of old workers 22 employed in the formal sector) and significant. • No change the diflFerence between formal and informal sector earnings. in In the next section, we build a model which can explain these and serve effects, as a framework to interpret their magnitude. 5 Model and interpretation What do these results tell us about the the response of the education of the labor force? In this section, to interpret these effects study the effect of and their use a simple two-sector model as a framework magnitude. In the first subsection, for the I use this model to compare accumulation of capital. In the its human miphcation Below, The I for I set up the model and prediction to the data. first case, there In the second case, physical capital accumulation does not adjust at the rate of to an increase in the education on wage and the allocation of labor across sectors, taking capital as given. In the second subsection, two polar cases I economy capital accumulation. In this simple model, all is I specify no adjustment cost. to the modification in both assumptions have the same formal labor force participation, but very different implications for wage rates. provide some justification for the specific assumptions of the model. fact that the skill premium was not affected suggests that, at least in one sector, educated and uneducated workers are very strong substitutes. combined, while they are self employed in the Since in the formal sector, workers are informal sector (we can think about this sector as small scale agriculture), we will take as a starting point that educated and uneducated workers are perfect substitutes in the informal sector. Suppose that the informal sector combines land and human sector is capital, and the formal sector combines physical and human characterized by a long run (because land is downward sloping demand capital. The informal for effective units of labor, even in the a fixed factor). In the formal sector, the slope of the labor depends on how capital adjusts to changes in the composition of the labor not adjust to an increase in effective labor supply, labor 23 demand will demand force. If capital does be downward sloping. It would be up if fiat if this increase led to an oflfsetting increase in the supply of capital, or even slope there were technological externalities, or human capital accumulation (as in Acemoglu if faster capital accumulation more than (1996)). Consider a simple competitive model, where wages are equalized sector (for a given level of induced by the INPRES skill). offset in the formal and informal Figure 5 illustrates the effect of the increase in educated workers reform on uneducated old workers. The total number of old uneducated workers and their allocation between the formal and the informal sector are depicted on the Y axis. The wage in the informal sector. left axis presents the The wage in the formal sector, and the right number increase in the the labor supply expressed in efficiency unit, which demand sector. expressed in If the labor number demand in the formal sector akin to a shift to the right of the labor effect of an increase and a downward is axis presents the of educated workers leads to a shift in of bodies in the informal sector, unambiguously negative. The allocation of labor is Y X in the shift to the left in the formal slopping, the effect on wages number of educated workers between formal and informal sector depends on the ratio of the is on the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor in the formal sector and that between land and labor in the informal sector. led to a shift The observation from the informal to the formal sector indicates that the between labor and capital We will that the increase in the proportion of educated worker is elasticity of substitution bigger than the elasticity of substitution between labor and land. capture this with the simplifying assumption that the informal sector uses a Leontieff technology. 5.1 Model This section builds a specific model along the lines described above. We start by describing the allocation of labor and the determination of wages, taking capital as given. In the second subsection, we will compare the predictions of this model to the data, using two polar cases for the adjustment of capital to the increase of the share of educated workers: no adjustment cost, or no adjustment whatsoever. 24 There is a mass 1 of workers in the economy, out of which a fraction S are educated. There are two sectors, an informal (small scale agriculture) and a formal sector (industry). Suppose that the informal sector is characterized by a Leontieff production function in terms of efficiency units: Yi where Hj is the number = Mm{T,Hi), of efficiency units mahzed) amount of available employed in the informal sector, and T is the (nor- land. assume that educated and uneducated workers are perfect substitutes In addition, in the informal sector: Hi^Uj + hEi, where h is the relative efficiency of educated workers. Land is distributed optimally between educated and uneducated workers, and both earn their marginal productivity, so that the ratio of the educated to the The production uneducated wage is h. function in the formal sector with constant returns to capital Wages is in the Cobb-Douglas in human and physical capital, scale: Yf = Human is ApK'^Hy a Cobb-Douglas aggregate of educated and uneducated workers: formal sector are given by the marginal productivity of each factor: and wvF = In equilibrium, the ratio ^^^^^ (1 - a)AFK'='Hp''{l - must be equal to h. P)El,Up'^. Therefore the ratio of uneducated to educated labor in the formal sector must satisfy the relationship: 25 1-^ Together with the relationships Ep + Ej — Up + S, U] =1 — 5 and hEi + Uj = T, this determines the employment of each category of workers in each sector: Ef = + 5(/i-l)-T] ^[i (11) Ej = ^[T-l-S{h-l) + Up = Ui = T-f3[T-l-S{h-l) + {l-p)[l ^S] (12) + S{h-l)^T] (13) ^S] (14) Production in the formal sector can be expressed as a function of Ep: Yp^ApUh^'^' The wage of an educated worker ln(u;£;) \a{wE) where C and K^E'f^ therefore given by: = C+aln(is:)-aln(EF) C + a \n{K) - a ln(l + S[h - C are functions of a, The same equations (with different (15) , 1) - T) (16) , /?, Ap and h. C and C) describe the wage of an uneducated worker. Calibration 5.2 5.2.1 The = is '') Effect of education ratio of educated to on formal employment imeducated workers in the formal sector, divided by the should be constant, according to our model, should and allow us to calculate ratio of the number over time (table 1, of uneducated workers to the column 5), while the skill number premium 26 is skill (3. of educated workers stable (table 1, column premium, In fact, the is 6). decreasing The value of (3 obtained from equation 10 is account, such as the adoption of (3 is may therefore increasing. This more skill-complementary reflect factors technologies. not taken into The average value of 0.62. Equations 11 and 13 indicate how the employment of educated and uneducated workers the formal sector responds to a change in S. Suppose that "bom" into the informal sector, all the newly educated workers are and that young and old workers formal sector to restore the correct proportion between in Ep and shift from the informal to the When S Up. increases by 1%, the probability that an educated worker born before 1962 will be employed in the formal sector increases by ^ employed workers g , and the probability that an uneducated worker born before 1962 in the informal sector increases among (1 — (3) j J5 , where So the share of educated is the old. Values of the parameters (the skill by be will premium) is /?, h and So are shown close to 0.40. The therefore predict that an increase in S in tables 1 average value of So and is of one percentage point 3. The average around 0.65. value of /i — 1 The model would would make the educated and uneducated born before 1962, respectively, 0.29 percent and 0.41 percent more likely to work in the formal sector. The coefficients we have estimated suggest that an to an increase in the probability of working for a increase in wage S of one percentage point leads of 0.43 (in the combined sample) and 0.71 (in the rural sample) for the educated workers. For the uneducated workers, the estimated effects are respectively 0.51 (in the combined sample) and 0.31 (in the rural sample). Therefore, the model does a reasonable job in predicting the shift from the informal to the formal sector for the uneducated, and under- predicts the shift of the educated from the formal to the informal sector, especially in the rural sample. 5.2.2 The Effect of an increase in average education effect of the increase in on wage rates average education on the wages (at a given level of depends on the extent to which physical capital adjusts to the increase 27 in human human capital) capital. We conticist the implications of two polar the modification induced by INPRES: we closed economy with across regions. differentially affected. deliver the results that INPRES case, capital adjusts costlessly to consider the situation where each district first In the second case, there stock in response to the first and then a situation where capital local accumulation, Both models In the cases. is is freely is a mobile wage growth across regions should not be no adjustment at all of the physical capital program, over the period we consider. • Costless capital stock adjustment, local capital accumulation To study the consequences of the INPRES model we in the case of costless adjustment, need to specify how human capital and physical capital are accumulated. Following Barro and Sala-I-Martin (1995) (chapter and physical Output capital. 5), is consider a one-sector endogenous growth model, with human divided between consumption and investment in the two forms of capital. Y= where 7/^' and The changes /// are in AfK'^H^f"''^ + T = C + Ik + the gross investment in physical and Th, human capital, respectively. the capital stocks are given by: k = Ik- sk, and Hf = There are two differences from the L between set Vlnit up in -L)- 5Hf. Barro and Sala-I-Martin (1995). First, there is a investment in human capital active: this reflects the fact that children who go to school today will enter the job market only lag of duration after a lag. Second, a unit of increase human H 77 and the date at which represents the ratio at which each unit of investment capital. ^^ Note that H could not accumulate indefinitely were to increase the proportion of primary school graduates. In the dual economy model, 77 reflects is We it will become transformed into way to should think of H if the only both the cost of producing educated workers, and the rate at which the educated workers are participating in the formal labor market. 28 as a Cobb-Douglas aggregate of levels of education: all we model the beginning of the process of development, where only two levels of education have been achieved. The solution to this problem obtained by setting up the Hamiltonian expression for the is household choice between consumption and investment order conditions with respect to C, K 7k, ///, in human or physical capital, taking first and Hp- The steady state growth rate is equal to: °"' 1 The steady state value of -§- is L capital. It S—aAp k* the value of can model the investment is to accumulate can think about it as a state, the ratio k* will = human human the transition, consumption, in in (a in growth rate state human is given by: -6-p] as (18) an increase INPRES program new in 77, the rate at which school makes will last long permanent increase in rj)}'^ it cheaper enough that we In the new steady the old steady state, to maintain the equality between and physical capital capital (see equation 17). 18). and physical capital In the new steady in physical capital, would not be easy to distinguish accumulation was more rapid The steady the levels of wages (keeping constant be exactly compensated by growth it (17) l-a capital accumulation: each capital steady state rate (given by equation For our purpose, [Apak*^--'^ Suppose that the be lower than should therefore cause a drop will ^ permanent program net returns to investment in fK_Y INPRES program effect of the capital. the solution to the following implicit equation: given by this equation. -ff- transformed into human " \HfJ 7* We is i^r qe Denote ^"^ I pinned down by the condition of equality between net returns human to investment in physical and A it the regions that received 29 will state, human grow growth and wage growth The program capital). at the in After same new human capital will therefore be from a temporary program, since the the rate of capital more schools for the entire period we consider. human unaffected by growth in time, ^= and note that The transition to the To capital. see this, differentiate equation 15 with respect to so that the two terms cancel. -jj^, new steady -^ In this model, however, the adjustment in the ratio decline in wages. program was place right after the starts to accelerate. To initiated, and well see this, imagine that the consider the household decision the ^, state involves indeed a decline of first day the schools are human H actually a steady state, and initially at built: should have taken growth of before the rate of economy was and therefore a capital investment has suddenly become cheaper, while physical capital investment has the same price and the same returns as before (since the growth rate). human Net returns to investing takes the form of human capital, investing in physical capital of this model show that the initiated (in one year capital, ratio and -^ capital available today keeps growing at the old steady state in less if there if human and the become ratio in ratio capital are therefore higher, jf- declines rapidly until it all is the investment low enough that profitable again. Simulations of the transitional -^ reaches dynamics steady state value very fast after the program its household are allowed to transform physical capital into than 3 years otherwise). ^^ After reaching its new steady human state value, the stay almost constant. -^^ This very fast adjustment rate we have made may seem (costless capital adjustment) but unrealistic, is this is because the assumption not realistic either, even though implicitly or explicitly, the effort to identify a human it underlies, capital externality (in which case the share of educated worker could have a positive effect on wages. The important point is to note that in this model, the share of educated workers should not affect wages from 1986 to 1999. ^ For example, every year. if 71 was initially 3.5% a With reasonable parameters assuming that the (i.e. is effect of year, assuming a value of 0.05 values for q, 5, p, and B each school on the rate of growth of S we each school causes an increase of 0.5% in the growth rate), built (per 1000 children), 2.5 years, jp- should which would have been achieved have fallen enough in the = for S, p observe in the data is -^ 0.3, i should in 1.25 years. On average region to reach the 30 = would have declined by 0.05, {ol fall = 0.02, 9 = 8% 3), and the steady state effect by about 10% for each school average, 2 schools were built, so in new steady In the simulations, there are small oscillations around the steady state dampening. -^ A vsilues, state value. and they are progressively full adjustment model similar to this one underlies. The data does not seem to support this adjustment model regions were however: during the entire period, wages grow more slowly in for Indonesia, human full capital grows faster (see figure 4B). • Costless capital stock adjustment, national capital accumulation and capital freely is mobile across regions. If capital is freely mobile across regions and there are no adjustment costs, the capital stock simply adjusts to the increase in human regions. This determines the physical capital to equalize the returns to physical capital across capital/human capital ratio which k, in turns determines the wage: thus (absent positive externalities), the evolution of wages should not be different in regions that received Once more schools again, the data does not wages may of course be related to the program). (the level of seem to support this model. There were more than 10 years between the start of the program and the entry into the labor force of the generations that (there Thus, even it. if capital accumulates with a gap "time to build"), the conclusions of such a model would be unchanged. is Thus, it seems that, to account frictions in the • were exposed to pattern present of the data, adjustment of the capital stock. No adjustment We it is necessary to introduce consider this an extreme case of frictions. of the capital stock in response to the increase in education The other extreme is mulation to the increase exogenously. for the a case where there in the stock of In this case, if the is absolutely no response of physical capital accu- educated workers. The stock of capital INPRES program is is a valid instrument (that thus evolving is, if it is not correlated with the exogenous rate of capital accumulation), the stock of capital enters the error term in equation 15 and whether our model instead of \n(EF) is Uj fits S}^ Figure is is uncorrelated with the level of the program. the facts 6 is to use ln(£'f ) or ln(l + 5(/i — 1)— T) The as the best way to check dependent variable shows that these variables are also influenced by the program. The the proportion of the labor force that calculated using the district and year-specific is educated and works skill premium. + h*Ei. 31 T is in the formal sector. ln(l + 5(/i— 1) — T) calculated using its definition: T = Hj = first stage coefficients for these variables look similar to each other, which figure also looks similar to figure 2. In table 8, The 7, with ln(£'f ) or ln(l 1) — T) The 5 on wages. In practice, endogenous regressor of as the estimate I interest. coefficients of a subset of the specifications estimated in table 6 are presented in table 8. For \n{Ep) (columns (1) and (2) are negative, but insignificant. rural sample. The + S{h — reassuring. ^^ present the results of estimating equation 15, I using the same strategy outlined for estimating the effect of equation is The ), the pattern The -I- S{h — 1) is ~ T) what we found similar to point estimate latter estimate of -0.22 results using ln(l is is for S: the coefficients standard errors as the independent variable are obtained in the in principle -0.40, a.nd are all significant at the for auto-correlation over 10% These estimates are They The clear cut. The estimates range time within regions). These estimates (especially those I obtained using ]n{EF) (they should are very close to (and not significantly different from) -0.3. and fairly precise more level of confidence (after correcting the combined sample) are higher than what be the same). in the close to -0.3, the conventional guess for a. point estimates are similar in the combined sample and in the rural sample. between -0.34 and and -0.22 -0.07 in the urban sample, their order of magnitude is They reasonable. confidence in the ability of the model to describe the response of the economy reinforce the to the education expansion. Note that the model predicts that the in the formal and data on income table 7, in the informal sector. for those who do which we commented on effect of the program on wages should be the same As we already noted, the SAKERNAS does not have not work for a wage. However, the regression in column 3 of in section 4.5, suggests that the ratio of the income of the wage earners to that of non-wage earners was not affected by the program; the difference between the value of this ratio in 1993 and in 1987 is not correlated at all with the intensity of the program. This set of estimates therefore suggests that the accumulation of physical capital happens essentially independently I from the accumulation of human estimate the same specification as in equation 1, but I use the dependent variables. Full results are presented in table Al. 32 capital. InEp and ln(l 4- Even 25 years S(h — 1) — after the T), respectively, as program was new initiated, physical capital efficiency units of labor created does not seem to have been accumulated to employ the This conclusion seems consistent with by the program. other evidence on the pattern of industrialization in Indonesia during the period. the Indonesian Government cut and small businesses Hill (1996). dustrialization across regions period in all regions where previously existing tax incentives to geographical dispersion Miguel show that there was divergence et al. (2001) between 1985 and 1995: industrialization was its level After 1984, was higher in 1985. uncorrelated with school construction (not only Change INPRES in in- faster during this in the rate of industrialization schools, but seem primary and junior all high schools) in the previous decade, as well as with other infrastructure variables (roads or electricity). Conclusion 6 This paper argued that the INPRES by the Indonesian government in program, a large school construction program undertaken the 1970's, constitutes a good case study to empirically examine the impact of average primary schooling on the wages of older cohorts. This program modified the enrollment rates of the young generations, thus inducing a long-lasting change in the rate of human capital accumulation in the regions it affected most. The impact of this shock on the supply of educated workers can be studied on an "old" generation that did not directly benefit from it. It provides a natural solution to the identification problems inherent to any attempt to identify the effect of the average of a regressor while trying at the The instrumental same time to control for it. variables estimates presented in this paper suggest that the effect of average education on individual wages (keeping the skill level constant) is negative: in places where average educational attainments grew faster because of the program, wages grew more slowly. This does not seem to be due to sample selection bias due to migration or increases force participation. This and to the the OLS is in sharp contrast to the fixed effect estimates, OLS in labor estimates, which are strongly positive, which are closer to zero but still positive. Such a strong bias in estimates suggests that the cross-country relationship between output per capita and 33 education likely to is be affected by the same upward the participation in the formal labor market Both the sets of estimates are number by the shown of efficiency units that is, entirely absorbed is Wages decrease capital. I effects of average education on however, positive. to be consistent with a simple dual-economy model, where can be productively employed availability of a fixed factor (land, for example). labor force The bias. by the formal sector, The in the informal sector is increase in the productivity of the which explains the increase in participation. to the extent that physical capital does not fully adjust to the increase in contrast three versions of this model. In a closed with costless adjustment of the capital stock, the limited human economy endogenous growth version faster increase in human capital after 1986 should be matched with a corresponding increase in the stock of physical capital, and wages should be unaffected. In an open economy model where capital moves freely, ratio adjusts to maintain equal returns to physical capital across regions, and the program should have no effect on wages. If capital accumulation is unresponsive to the increase in the model makes a prediction of what the coefficient on the The extent to which wages fall little in educational opportunities in the regions obtain are reasonable What if this is the right absent in this paper (and is stock did not adjust. human human capital, capital variable should be. human in response to the increase in formal sector suggests that there was the capital-labor capital available in the or no reaction of the physical capital to the increase where INPRES built more schools. The estimates model of the world. left for future work) is an explanation of why the capital The program was pubhcly announced, and the increase in the stock of primary school graduates occurred gradually over 10 years after the program started. a puzzle that 25 years after the program was run" labor demand what extent this is curve. I initiated, the labor demand Future work (and, probably, more data) due to "myopic" behavior of investors, who fail is It is looks like a "short needed to determine to to recognize the increase in the education level of the labor force, to very large adjustment costs of the capital stock, to a financing constraint, or to a combination of the three. The results in this paper are important because, contrary to what 34 is often assumed (on the basis of the experience of South-Ecist Asian countries), acceleration in the rate of accumulation of human capital in particular) Thomson not necessarily accompanied by economic growth. Several countries (in Africa, is had very rapid expansion (1998)). Models of important to understand It is but dismal economic growth (Kremer and in education, credit constraints (Banerjee and why this Newman can be the case. 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Coefficients of interactions of the intensity of the program and survey year dummies. Effect of tine Sample: Urban and 1 Sample: rural areas only rural areas Bom Sample: 1986 Bom 20-40 20-60 before 1962 20-40 20-60 before 1962 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) omitted omitted omitted omitted omitted 0.0028 -0.0004 -0.0026 0.0009 -0.0015 -0.0023 (.008) (.0075) (.0077) (.0099) (.009) (.0091) 0.0015 -0.0028 -0.0050 -0.0032 -0.0079 -0.0088 omitted 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 (.0064) (.0058) (.0059) (.0078) (.0069) (.0069) 0.0014 -0.0012 -0.0048 -0.0010 -0.0043 -0.0068 (.0053) (.0047) (.005) (.0066) (.0056) (.0061) 0.0027 -0.0042 -0.0106 -0.0002 -0.0071 -0.0126 (.0061) (.0056) (.0059) (.0072) (.0065) (.007) 0.0151 0.0074 -0.0002 0.0110 0.0032 -0.0034 (.0058) (.0055) (.0055) (.0067) (.0062) 0.0124 0.0006 -0.0074 0.0082 -0.0058 (.0065) (.0061) (.0061) (.0076) (.0068) (.007) 0.0205 0.0088 -0.0017 0.0143 0.0012 -0.0082 (.0065) (.0062) (.0059) (.0072) (.0067) (.0067) 0.0195 0.0076 -0.0044 0.0145 0.0005 -0.0103 (.0068) (.0068) (.0069) (.0074) (.0072) (.0078) 0.0202 0.0074 -0.0064 0.0161 0.0003 -0.0127 (.0064) (.0063) (.0061) (.0072) (.0068) (.007) 0.0260 0.0112 -0.0027 0.0207 0.0016 -0.0122 (.0064) (.0066) (.0069) (.007) (.0066) (.0075) 0.0252 0.0149 0.0039 0.0190 0.0070 -0.0010 (.0071) (.0072) (.0076) (.0077) (.0076) (.0086) 0.0340 0.0190 0.0044 0.0300 0.0110 -0.0040 (.0077) (.0074) (.0072) (.0073) (.0066) (.0076) 0.0290 0.0154 0.0045 0.0253 0.0076 -0.0029 (.0082) (.0082) (.0083) (.0078) (.0073) (.0086) 3826 3826 3826 3140 3140 3140 7.23 3.40 1.29 5.02 1.68 0.95 (.0065) • -0.0126 Number of cells F. statistic Notes: 1. The program intensity is number of children in 97 1 the number of INPRES schools built between 1974 and 1978, divided by the 1 2. Survey year dummies, region dummies, interactions between survey year dummies and the enrollment rate in 1971, and interactions between suvey year dummies and the number of children are included in the regressions. 3. Regression mn using kabupaten-year kabupaten-year 4. 5. averages, weighted by the number of observations cell. The F statistic is for the hypothesis that the set of interactions is jointly insignificant. The standard errors are corrected for auto-correlation within kabupaten. in each Table 3: Descriptive Statistics Sample: individuals aged less than 60 and born before 1962 Individuals Survey year % primary school graduates bom for (1) before 1962, aged less than 60 % working waige (2) average S.D. of skill wage wage premium (3) (4) (5) 1986 0.59 0.31 6.56 0.71 0.44 1987 0.60 0.32 6.58 0.66 0.48 1988 0.60 0.31 6,55 0.65 0.40 1989 0.61 0.33 6.61 0.66 0.46 1990 0.62 0.33 6.66 0.67 0.46 1991 0.65 0.34 6.70 0.66 0.44 1992 0.64 0.33 6.77 0.67 0.47 1993 0.65 0.34 6.81 0.73 0.51 1994 0.66 0.36 6.88 0.71 0.47 1995 0.64 0.36 6.93 0.72 0.57 1996 0.71 0.35 6.98 0.68 0,50 1997 0.69 0.36 7.08 0.72 0.54 1998 0.72 0.33 6.82 0.69 0,54 1999 0.74 0.33 6.86 0.70 0.57 . Effect of the Table 4: Reduced form regressions program on wages, residual wages, and formal employment among individuals born before 1962. Coefficients of interactions of the intensity of the program and survey year dummies Sample: Urban and 1987 1988 Sample Rural areas only rural areas : old, Wages Residual Formal wage employment (1) (2) (3) omitted omitted omitted ; 1986 bom 20-60 yean before 1 20-60 years old, 962 Wages bom before 1962 Residual Formal wage employment (4) (5) (6) omitted omitted omitted -0.0059 0.0025 -0.0064 -0.0087 0.0209 0.0094 (.0187) (.014) (.0056) (.018) (.0139) (.0056) -0.0041 -0.0051 -0.0040 0.0108 0.0103 -0.0047 (.0152) (.0141) (.004) (.0139) (.0136) (.0042) 1989 0.0022 -0.0011 -0.0074 0.0155 0.0095 -0.0081 (.0161) (.0139) (.0047) (.0159) (.0141) (.0044) 1990 -0.0140 -0.0111 -0.0027 0.0047 0.0056 -0.0030 (.0155) (.0133) (.0054) (.0165) (.0143) (.0054) 1991 -0,0061 -0.0079 0.0035 0.0082 0.0047 0.0039 (.0187) (.0146) (.0051) (.0185) (.0149) (.0049) 1992 -0.0173 -0.0116 0.0019 -0.0055 0.0021 -0.0002 (.0163) (.0141) (.0055) (.0186) (.0145) (.0055) 1993 -0.0166 -0.0132 0.0069 -0.0097 -0.0038 0.0074 (.0156) (.0137) (.0055) (.0203) (.017) (.0054) -0.0222 -0.0189 0.0103 -0.0149 -0.0170 0.0068 (.0165) (.0136) (.007) (.0224) (.0175) (.0069) 1994 1995 0.0031 -0.0010 0.0071 0.0044 0.0079 0.0058 (.0145) (.0134) (.0056) (.0188) (.015) (.0051) 1996 -0.0190 -0.0173 -0.0035 -0.0158 -0.0116 -0.0051 (.0176) (.0143) (.0071) (.0251) (.0178) (.0062) 1997 -0.0192 -0.0155 0.0061 -0.0119 -0.0166 0.0042 (.0174) (.0169) (.0068) (.0232) (.0183) (.0066) -0.0079 -0.0141 0.0083 -0.0190 -0.0072 0.0105 (.0189) (.0157) (.0074) (.0219) (.0164) (.0072) 0.0034 -0.0104 0.0078 -0.0188 -0.0189 0.0074 (.019) (.0159) (.0071) (.0238) (.0185) (.0076) 3804 3804 3804 3119 3119 3119 1998 1999 Number of cells Notes: 1 The program intensity is the number of INPRES schools number of children in 1971. 2. built between 1 974 and 1 978, divided by the Survey year dummies, region dummies, interactions between survey year dummies and the enrollment rate in 1971, and interactions between suvey year dummies and the number of children are included in the regressions. 3. Regression mn using kabupaten-year averages, kabupaten-year 4. The standard weighted by the number of observations in each cell. errors are corrected for auto-correlation within kabupaten. Table 5: OLS estimates of the impact of average education on individual wages. Men aged 20-60 and born before 1962. Independent variable: % of primary Independent variable: school graduates in the 20-40 sample Sample: Rural PANEL and urban areas areas only (1) (2) (3) (4) A: OLS, without region fixed effects (1986-1999) premium Formal employment Formal employment among educated workers Formal employment among uneducated workers B: OLS, with region 0.852 0.754 0.881 0.875 (0.035) (0.041) (0.030) (0.037) 0.195 0.226 0.228 0.312 (0.024) (0.028) (0.021) (0.027) -0.458 -0.531 -0.423 -0.533 (0.041) (0.047) (0.038) (0.045) 0.431 0.162 0.459 0.170 (0.016) (0.015) (0.015) (0.015) 0.095 -0.036 0.108 -0.035 (0.015) (0.015) (0.013) (0.015) 0.035 0.0046 0.045 0.0088 (0.011) (0.011) (0.011) (0.011) fixed effects (1986-1999) Log(wage) Log(wage) residual Skill premium Formal employment Formal employment among educated workers Formal employment among uneducated workers 0.409 0.436 0.537 0.594 (0.041) (0.046) (0.041) (0.047) 0.040 0.060 0.086 0.121 (0.032) (0.035) (0.032) (0.037) -0.082 -0.092 -0.094 -0.106 (0.073) (0.080) (0.077) (0.085) 0.160 0.134 0.228 0.201 (0.016) (0.017) (0.016) (0.018) -0.0019 0.0079 0.017 0.031 (0.020) (0.022) (0.021) (0.022) 0.012 (0.016) . 0.015 0.031 0.033 (0.017) (0.018) (0.018) Notes: 1. Survey year dummies, region dummies, interactions between survey year dummies and the enrollment rate and interactions between suvey year dummies and the number of children are included 2. Sample: Rural areas only Log(wage) residual PANEL Sample: Rural Sample: Rural % of primary m the 20-60 sample and urban areas Log(wage) Skill school graduates in 1971, in the regressions. Regression run using kabupaten-year averages, weighted by the number of observations in each kabupaten-year cell. Table 6: 2SLS estimates of the impact of average education on individual wages. Men aged 20-60 and born before 1962. Independent variable: % of primary school graduates in the 20-40 sample PANEL A: YEARS Independent variable: school graduates % of primary in the 20-60 sample Sample: Rural Sample: Rural Sample: Rural Sample: Rural and urban areas areas only and urban areas areas only (1) (2) (3) (4) 1986-1999 Log(wage) -0.204 -0.834 -0.208 (.443) (.701) (.615) (.837) Log(wage) residual -0.292 -0.633 -0,379 -0.994 (.355) (.431) (.512) (.556) premium -0.434 -0.982 -0.596 -0.636 (.916) (1.408) (1.197) (1.645) 0.441 0.454 0.661 0.745 (.159) (.203) (.238) (.352) Skill Formal employment Formal employment among educated workers -0.871 0.432 0.501 0.543 0.713 (.197) (.259) (.264) (.406) 0.379 0.409 0.510 0.318 (.203) (.232) (.354) (.318) Log(wage) -0.358 -0.710 -0.451 -0.480 (.493) (.821) (.716) (.801) Log(wage) residual -0.330 -0.588 -0.437 -0.902 (.412) (.529) (.618) (.602) premium -0.225 -0.635 -0.291 0.536 (1.033) (1.461) (1.488) (1.576) 0.463 0.442 0.716 0.694 (.282) (.379) Formal employment among uneducated workers PANELS: YEARS Skill 1986-1997 Formal employment Formal employment among educated workers Formal employment among uneducated workers i (.183) (.233) 0.428 0.473 0.530 0.622 (.229) (.301) (.317) (.479) 0.478 0.449 0.624 0.263 (.249) (.277) (.415) (.319) Notes: Survey year dummies, region dummies, interactions between survey year dummies and the enrollment rate and interactions between suvey year dummies and the number of children are included in the regressions. 1. 2. Regression run using kabupaten-year averages, weighted by the number of observations 3. The instruments 4. The standard are interactions between survey year dummies and the program intensity errors are corrected for auto-correlation within kabupaten. in in 1971, each kabupaten-year cell. 1 Table 7: Additional evidence on Log(wage migrant in) -log(wage stayer) Log(wage migrant out) Formal sector premium 1993 -Formal sector premium 1987 -log(wage stayer) 11) Program sample selection (3) (2) 0.0229 0.011 -0.00207 (0.0159) (0.0164) (0.0160) 285 288 272 intensity Number of cells Note: 1 - The program intensity number of children in 1 2. The formal 3. The eiuollment 4. The data for columns 5. The data for column (3) sector the is premium rate number of INPRES schools built between 1 974 and 1 978, divided by the 97 is defined as : log(income of wage eamer/income of non wage earners) and the number of children ( 1 ) and is the in 1971 are introduced as controls SUPAS 1995 SAKERNAS, 1987 and (2) is the 1993. in the regressions — - O "ca 3 o o (N T3 00 _>. C O "H- E oj u rt 1/5 KJ — "H W) (U O) CO CO g '5. g D a S o 3 i E £ D f~ M o o CO Q. E ?^ E CJN m w ;:' 1> i^ cd T3 E .S TO r- ^ >n2 E o "" 3 73 C/I o Cfl <u 1- 3 Ki cn CD CD o ^ o E CO H CD — W -co + (/) ^o V 03 B. M— ,. CN 1-1 s CO OS 00 CO C u^ uo c (0 o o c ro Q. •o MD rro c^ 1^o CO '"^ CO -I c <^ m 03 O (0 -d J x> .3 c C3 > C (U oc tu rt > c <u T3 e (!> CL <U 3 _>, Cd c o jj CO C3 E u. 00 ca cd 00 o O- p 3 2 ^ 3 C O E cd sa U- 3 X Cvl ^&0 cd |D ii X3 3 ^ -a 5 o ^ cd C 'p c ?: 3 5 s ^^ a -a c/l Di D. I. cd " ^ :^^ u c cd E 00 p C C 3 S 3 cd U u = ^ C 2 e ^ CO 3 cd C 2 C o C V O h -a > S C cd 0\ OS On - (0 C/i Pi < 1 -o 13 tii < 0-, w < a, ^ (n c o g to s 3 O C/^ Z ^ T3 cd cd T3 CO CO OJ -C Xi Di H H csi r<i ^' c U -o 2 CO C c CO U en o < (/) U) F E n a I m a) >^ >. U) r-^ CO in to tl) 3 r U m m T) >. m o c o o a> to E >^ ro (Tl m E o •^ n la o o U) c: o^ o m o n 03 m (U 1cu x. to > c ai -n o tf) r (U o e O O CD cm' ni 13 CD U. n (B Q !n U) lil m 3 r T3 (i> F m en ro C5> n o Q. -C <) n m L in £ro O F ( > CTi <l) c u. o ss a) r di J3 o (/) ro c ^ m 0) <u o o XI CD Dr <u n. 0) Q 't o o LD CO O O CO o o in CVJ o o CM o o in o o .,— o o in o o o ' ' ^ T en m en ^ - o «D ""-, to - C --._ 1 (0 ^ « u> - a^ i^ "'3 Oi ft <D .3^ en E "> " - . T 1^ TJ u. CO (U CSJ CO a> >> <>< Q) ' CD en en 1^ ^ ^- - ' - ' , - . _ E o S to _Q •o >• J2 CO to c C 3 o <D "O to . * en ^ " - / <^ .*-' ro - - . / en E c CO (0 — ^ O) c D O (D "D a E C M- >> CO o o c m o. CO c E -Q o 05 1"o " - / c c CD F >< C) r\l en en , ^— Vr o m A -• CO OJ O) CO o. c in E To (X) § !3) CO £ E o a CO T3 . 05 O ' ^- .05 C3) (D CO "" \ o g /V- ^U. -o < "* . s .. <u 1^ 00 '' 5^ " .'' N^ ^ -rt'" * <y> .i>l U. C CO > c " CO CO 05 0) ' > ^ w/ ^ ac a> Q. / 0) Q >^ "> A' in o C3 o C3 o o ci ^ 00 1 m o o o y Q) CO E _l a f II ^ 1" 'oT St: a. 1 ,— o o 1 ir> o o 1 CNJ o o ^ in CM o o o to a> A T A T C7> Oi ! / / / CO en <\ ^,^ t— ' « >^ ^^ CO en ^ J» . ,.--'' ' , /"^ ^-.' , - ' ' in ' CT) ' * - , 5f O) CT) * c g * _J 'ro 0) ' ' CO cn O) J Ul - >. 3 ,^^ -| to CM k E en §, O) TO CO o _I • S .-' \ a> CO > 1 « « « » » ' > CO CO / i T— \ ' ^ . ' ' . t^ :.' \ ' " . • - . , " " ^ r 1 in CM o o CM o o m o o 1 ^_ o o i m o o o ^' CO 35 - u _ J LL ' C3> .' 5 O) C7^ 1 1 1 m o o CD ' ' o o in CM o C) » Figure 5 Effect of an Increase in the Share of Educated Workers on Wages and Formal Employment ^" 1 W WuF labor labor demand demand in the in the N formal sector / . w w"^UF2 ^- / / /i~~~~~~~..,,^^/' /' ' ,^ \ Uf2=1-U,2 Up,= l-U„ ; / y' — i / ^-^^^ .>.,^. ^UI informal sector Wu„ 'Wu,2 UJ en O I H c/) + C3) O oo o o o o o o CN o o CN O O o CO o Table A1: Alternative first stage: Effect of Sample: and 1986 rural areas iog^tf) and log(1+s(h-1)-T). Independent variable::log(l+s(h-l)-T) Independent variable: log(Ef) Sample: Urban program on tine Men aged 20-60 Sample: Rural areas only Sample: Urban and rural areas Sample: Rural areas only (1) (2) (1) (2) omitted omitted omitted omitted -0.0244 -0.0344 -0.0320 1987 -0.0242 (.0429) (.0521) (.0546) (.0663) 1988 -0.0279 -0.0502 -0.0131 -0.0248 (.022) (.0259) (.0304) (.0361) 1989 -0.0109 -0.0331 -0.0409 -0.0697 (.0285) (.0349) (.0319) (.0373) 0.0185 0.0033 -0.0057 -0.0135 (.0313) (.0345) (.0324) (.0387) 0.0540 0.0436 0.0153 0.0058 (.0292) (.0313) (.03) (.0321) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 . 1996 1997 1998 1999 Number 0.0320 0.0109 0.0102 -0.0176 (.0307) (.0325) (.0306) (.0338) 0.0518 0.0339 0.0250 0.0008 (.0308) (.0332) (.0335) (.0373) 0.0534 0.0238 0.0548 0.0220 (.0345) (.0392) (.0354) (.0404) 0.0681 0.0515 0.0266 0.0198 (.0307) (.0328) (.0352) (.0363) 0.0459 0.0231 0.0313 0.0060 (.0344) (.0343) (.0363) (.0401) 0.0703 0.0510 0.0522 0.0327 (.0375) (.0414) (.0404) (.0477) 0.0807 0.0708 0.0417 0.0137 (.0351) (.0371) (.0517) (.0615) 0.0691 0.0598 0.0918 0.1131 (.0357) (.0383) (.0476) (.063) 3808 3122 3336 2762 3.28 2.49 1.69 1.30 of cells F. statistic Notes: 1. The program intensity is the number of INPRES schools number of children in 1971. 2. built between 1974 and 1978, divided by Survey year dummies, region dummies, interactions between survey year dummies and the enroUr rate in 1 97 1 and interactions between suvey year dummies and the number of children are included , in the regressions. 3. Regression run using kabupaten-year averages, weighted by the number of observations in each kabupaten-year cell. 4. The F 5. See text for variables definition 6. The standard statistic is for the hypothesis that the set of interactions is jointly insignificant. errors are corrected for auto-correlation within kabupaten. Lib-26-67 MIT LIBRARIES mil III III iiiiiiiiiiii| iiipi I 3 9080 02527 8893