Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/learninginequiliOOgibb sfdUL working paper department of economics LEARNING IB EQUILIBRIUM MODELS OF ARBITRATION by Robert Gibbons [ So. 485 March 1988 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 14 1988 ) % LEARNING IB EQUILIBRIUM MODELS OF ARBITRATION by Robert Gibbons No. 485 March 1988 LEARNING IN EQUILIBRIUM MODELS OF ARBITRATION by Robert Gibbons* MIT and NBER First version: September 1987 This revision: March 1988 am happy to acknowledge several forms of assistance and supoort: I have benefitted from extensive discussions about arbitration with David Bloom, Christopher Cavanagh, Kerry Farber. and Stanley Jacks. Many others have made helpful comments on this paper: David Card, Vincent Crawford, Paul Klemperer, Gregory Leonard, Meg Meyer. Kevin M. Murphy, Joel Sobel. and seminar audiences at Chicago, Harvard. MIT, and Princeton. Finally, the NSF provided financial support through srant 1ST 86-09691. *I greatly M.IXUBRARIES JUL 1 5 1988 ABSTRACT This paper analyzes strategic communication and final-offer arbitrator known interest arbitration. from the parties' offers equilibrium models of conventional in Both models emphasize the role of learning by the about the state of the employment relationship, which is to the parties but not to the arbitrator. In both models, the arbitrator's equilibrium behavior is literature. identical to the reduced-form decision rule typically The paper thereby provides assumed in the empirical a structural interpretation for the existing empirical work. The paper it also represents progress towards a complete theory of arbitration because satisfies three conditions that will be required of any such theory. First, the models' predictions match the existing empirical evidence. Second, the models describe equilibrium behavior. And third, the models are built on preferences, information, and commitment. a common Tne paper set of assumptions about therefore not only provides an equilibrium foundation for the intuition that the arbitrator might learn from the parties' offers, but also uses the idea of learning to major forms of interest arbitration. develop a unified analytical treatment of the rwo 1. Introduction This paper analyzes strategic communication in equilibrium models of conventional and final-offer interest arbitration. arbitrator known from the parties' offers Both models emphasize the role of learning by the about the state of the employment relationship, which is to the parties but not to the arbitrator. In both models, the arbitrator's equilibrium behavior is identical to the reduced-form decision rule typically literature (namely, a weighted average of the the publicly observable facts of the case). parties' offers assumed in the empirical and a settlement motivated by The paper thereby provides a structural interpretation for the existing empirical work. The paper it also represents progress towards a complete theory of arbitration because satisfies three conditions that will be required of any such theory. First, the models' predictions match the existing empirical evidence. Second, the models describe equilibrium behavior. And third, the models are built on a common set of assumptions about preferences, information, and commitment. (This last condition is crucial for accurate welfare comparisons of conventional and final-offer arbitration.) The paper therefore not only provides an equilibrium foundation for the intuition that the arbitrator might learn from the parties' offers, but also uses the idea of learning to develop a unified analytical treatment of the two major forms of interest arbitration. Understanding interest arbitration is important for several reasons. considerable resources are allocated through interest arbitration of the public sector (especially where wage First, disputes, both in strikes are prohibited) as well as in private-sector industries such as professional baseball. Second, outside the context of wage disputes, the clogged judicial system has created a growing interest in alternative dispute-resolution procedures, especially pre-trial arbitration. Third, interest arbitration offers a rare natural experiment involving strategic behavior and significant stakes: the rules of arbitration constitute a well defined A fourth reason to write an game, and the players' choices often are observed without to understand arbitration is that it is error. an institution that allows parties incomplete contract ex-ante while limiting opportunistic behavior ex-post. Indeed, Williamson (1975) argues that the possibility of arbitration by informed insiders one of the central virtues of internal over market organization. Even if some is state- contingent actions cannot be specified in a contract ex-ante, the contract can include the provision that ex -post disputes will be resolved through arbitration. Grossman and Hart (1986) analyze two other responses to incomplete contracts: integration residual rights of control) and ex-post bargaining. Arbitration Formally, paper considers interest this arbitration, but the thrust of the is during the assigning a third option. opposed to grievance paper seems applicable to grievance arbitration as well. In wage interest arbitration the arbitrator settles contract arbitration, as is (i.e., (or other) disputes that arise when a new negotiated; in grievance arbitration, the arbitrator settles disputes that arise life of an existing contract The two major forms of interest arbitration are conventional arbitration and final-offer arbitration. In final-offer arbitration, the parties simultaneously submit wage offers, and then the arbitrator imposes one of the two offers as the settlement in conventional arbitration, the arbitrator's choice of a settlement Although on this paper contains no data, interest arbitration. paper is identical to the literature. In As noted it is is closely related to the empirical literature briefly above, the arbitrator's equilibrium behavior in this reduced-form decision rule typically assumed in the empirical both the conventional and the final-offer arbitration models developed below, the arbitrator's preferred settlement, y 2 , is a weighted average of the average of the parties' offers, y = (y e + and a settlement motivated by yu)/2, the publicly observable facts of the case, y*(f): ya = ay + (l-cc)y*(f). A decision rule of this form appears in empirical studies of conventional equation (12) in Ashenfelter and (1986), and equation (lb) in Bloom Bloom arbitration as (1984), equation (3) in Farber and (1986); it also appears in empirical studies of final- offer arbitration as equation (7) in Ashenfelter and Bazerman. One of the purposes of this paper Bazerman is Bloom and equation (6) in Farber and to provide a structural interpretation for the estimated parameter a. Tne paper first also is an attempt to requirement for such a theory strongest piece of evidence making (i.e., a is positive; is that see move is that it A towards a complete theory of arbitration. match the empirical evidence. Perhaps the the parries' offers matter in the arbitrator's decision- Bloom and FarbeT-Bazerman). Indeed, Stevens' (1966) proposal of final-offer arbitration was motivated by the observation that the offers seem to matter too much the difference case. This in conventional arbitration: the arbitrator between the paper uses the parries' offers, ignoring the publicly arbitrator's observed importance of the offers behavior that emerges also importance o: tne oners sometimes seems simply is need to learn in the arbitrator's from the to split observable facts of the parries' offers to explain the decision-making. The equilibrium consistent with the Farber-Bazerman finding thai the m tne aroitrator s cecision-maiang increases wnen me oners ar; closer together, and with the Ashenfelter-Bioom and Farber-Bazerman finding that the arbitrator's notion of an ideal settlement is identical in final-offer and conventional arbitration. A second requirement for a complete theory of arbitration is that equilibrium behavior. arbitration is a crucial The following complement discussion explains to empirical work on why it describe an equilibrium analysis of the arbitrator's decision rule. t Consider Stevens' observation seems simply that in conventional arbitration the arbitrator to split the difference between the splitting the difference, then the parties Suppose instead that the arbitrator is offers. If the arbitrator would submit committed the sometimes were committed to most extreme offers possible. to splitting the difference between reasonable offers but to ignoring (or even punishing) unreasonable ones. Such a decision rule could cause the parties always to submit reasonable offers, appearance of mechanical compromising by the be only half the story: the data would be behaved had the silent and so lead arbitrator, but the about how to the observed behavior would the arbitrator would have parties not submitted reasonable offers. Out-of-equilibrium responses by the arbitrator are never observed, and so can never be estimated, but play a crucial role in determining what is observed. Only equilibrium models can elucidate the out-of- equilibrium behavior that empirical analyses are forced to ignore. A third requirement" for a complete theory of arbitration is that models of different forms of arbitration be buii: on a common information, and commitment. Tnis is set of assumptions about preferences, a prerequisite for accurate comparisons of conventional and final-offer arbitration for two reasons, the theoretical. First, if each form is first empirical and the second adopted in environments in which it performs well (and the data cannot reveal the differences in these environments), then comparisons of performance data from real arbitrations are likelv to suffer from selection bias. And if second, because any form of arbitration could environment, a successful model of a given in principle form of assumptions that permit other forms of arbitration Consider Farber's (1980) model of final-offer be adopted in any given arbitration to must be built on be analyzed within the same model. arbitration, for example. Farber's model the leading contribution to the existing theoretical literature on that form of arbitration, is and i is the basis for that the all of the empirical work on the subject Its important analogous model of conventional arbitration implies that the irrelevant in the arbitrator's decision-making, an implication that is liability, however, is parties' offers are strongly contradicted by the empirical evidence. This paper is able to arbitrator's attempt to learn meet these from the such learning by assuming that the by the publicly observable relationship, distinction which is facts of the case by the and the state rate, recent wage indication of the firm's financial health, and so on. is determined not only state of the employment Tne most important latter. is Examples of publicly settlements in related industries, a coarse Tne state of the employment a collection of privately observable details of the production environment and the labor market that the employer and union inhabit. long and close relationship, the employer and the union understand the arbitrator, in contrast, the possibility of of the employment relationship simply that the arbitrator observes the former but not the relationship, in contrast, emphasizes the arbitrator's preferred settlement is to the parties but not to the arbitrator. observable facts are the inflation it The paper introduces parties' offers. facts of the case but also known between the three requirements because Because of state well. their The has less experience with these details but conducts an independent invest: cation to gather information. Two important assumptions First, the arbitrator is assumed to maintained throughout the paper deserve brief mention. be unable to commit to a decision rule before the parties submit their offers. This assumption seems the complementary case also deserves common perception is, it also attention. observed practice accurately, but Second, the parties are assumed to share a of the state of the employment relationship. While that the parties should both arbitrator to represent seems it seems realistic be considerably better informed about the state than the likely that the parties themselves will have different beliefs about the state. Detailed discussions of both of these assumptions are provided in Section 7. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes Farber's equilibrium model of final-offer arbitration. As will become clear, this important role in the development of the learning models of both model plays an final -offer and conventional arbitration analyzed here. Section 3 specifies the economic environment makes assumptions about (i.e., the players' preferences and information structures) that underlies this paper's models of both final-offer and conventional arbitration. Sections 4 and 5 analyze separating equilibria in the final-offer and conventional arbitration games, respectively. In both cases, the parties' offers perfectly reveal their private information, and the arbitrator uses this information to determine an ideal settlement. In final-offer arbitration the arbitrator chooses the offer ±2: is closer to this ideal as the settlement: in conventional arbitration the arbitrator simply imposes the ideal conventional arbitration in Section 5 is itself. The model of of independent interest as a contribution to the theory of cheap-talk communication games. Section 6 summarizes the relationship between these learning models and the empirical literature. of extensions of the models developed here. Finally, Section 7 discusses a program 2. Final-Offer Arbitration without Learning This section presents the key points The model of in Farber's final-offer arbitration. analysis of learning in equilibrium models of final-offer and conventional arbitration 4 and 5 builds on the work described here. that follows in Sections Farber characterizes an arbitrator by a number, most preferred settlement in the case in question. To with those that follow, suppose that the arbitrator's actual settlement is y is given by the utility Assuming that the employer's offer, y e is , chooses the employer's offer if and only facilitate if = function v a (y,z) < y, where y = -(y-z) 2 settlement is z and the In final-offer . parties' offers as a settlement. below the union's z comparison of this model utility if the ideal choose one of the arbitration, the arbitrator is constrained to describes the arbitrator's z, that offer, (y e y u the arbitrator , + y u )/2 is the average of the parties' offers. The parties are assumed to be uncertain about the value of described by the probability distribution F(z). strictly positive strictly density ffz) with connected support opposed preferences and are arbitrator's the arbitration submit their offers to the the utility function -ax v„ risk-neutral: the arbitrator. va (y,z). Tne game Then parties' y £ F(y)-y u [l-F(y)], is Let that F(z) has a Assume this uncertainty to be continuous and also that the parties have employer simply seeks expected settlement, while the union seeks The timing of (1) Assume z. maximize to minimize the it. as follows. Firs:, the parties simultaneously the arbitrator chooses the offer that Nash equilibrium and offers therefore maximizes must solve y e F(y) + y u [l-F(y)]. min (2) The first-order conditions (3) l-F(y) (4) F(y) which imply for these optimization problems are = j(y u -y e )f(y) and = j(y u -y e)f(y), that F(y) = 1/2 and y u - yc = clearly cannot be false in equilibrium.) off: in These equilibrium, each party considers the gain from having such an f(y)' ] . (Note that the assumption that y u > ye first-order conditions express a simple trade- making a more aggressive offer but must balance offer accepted against the reduced probability that it will be accepted. Much precision of what follows assumes that z H (i.e., variance (5) yu =M + /^H (6) ye =M--\/^ - N is Normally distributed with mean M and 1/H). In this case, (3) and (4) imply that the equilibrium offers and (Checking for the global optimality of these and subsequent offers relegated to Appendix 1.) Note is tedious and so that the equilibrium offers are centered about the the parties' belief about the arbitrator's ideal settlement, and that the distance is mean of between the equilibrium offers decreases as this belief becomes more precise. 3. An Economic Environment This section describes the preferences and information structure that underlie both the final-offer and the conventional arbitration novel feature introduced here (or simply the state) is models analyzed an unknown called the and denoted by s. The state of the state in Sections 4 and 5. The of the employment relationship employment relationship represents the details of the production environment and the labor market that the employer and the union inhabit Because of their long and close relationship, the employer and the union understand the state well. The arbitrator, in contrast, has less experience with these details but conducts an independent investigation to gather information. The knew central theme of the models analyzed below the state precisely then the ideal settlement is would be as follows. If the arbitrator clear. Because the arbitrator is comparatively poorly informed, however, any information about the stare that can be extracted from the parties' offers may be useful. Such inferences must of course account for the natural incentive of each rjarrv to mislead the arbitrator. Assume relationship: z = that the arbitrator's ideal settlement z(s). depends on the state of the employment This dependence could arise because the arbitrator wishes to be fair, 10 or to be rehired. For simplicity, Morgenstern) utility Unlike the let z(s)=s and let the arbitrator's (von = function be va (y,s) -(y-s) 2 . arbitrator, the parties are preferences that are independent of the Neumann- assumed state: to be risk-neutral and to have v e (y,s) = -y and v u (y,s)=y. As in the previous section, the employer simply seeks to minimize the arbitrator's expected settlement, while the union seeks to what a maximize Thus, the parties are well informed about it. settlement would be, but this information does not affect their preferences. fair These assumptions about preferences keep the analysis simple. however, ' It may seem odd, that the state s appears in the arbitrator's utility function but not in the parties' utility functions. Two justifications for this here seems unlikely to disappear when can be given. First, the intuition the parties' preferences do depend on developed the state. And second, the assumptions could be correct as they stand. Let the value of the enterprise be when V(s) Then the state is s, let the settlement y be the the union's utility function is 3b. Info— adoLet s s_ = is let employment be v e (y,s) = V(s) - fixed. y (which arbitrator's ideal settlement z(s)=s reflects a of V(s). be Normally distributed with mean s -r and Structure knowledge of the (7) fair division bill, v u (y,s)=y, the employer's changes nothing in the analysis), and the judgment about the wage state £,, m and precision h. be summarized by the noisy signal Also, let the parties' 1 where Ep Normally is common share a mean and precision h Notice that the parties perception of the state of the employment relationship. This what follows, and in distributed with zero discussed in Section is 7. is important Finally, let the results of the arbitrator's private investigation be represented by the noisy signal i i (8) sa = where E a is variables s, s + EB , Normally Ep, distributed with zero and £ a are assumed to mean and precision h a that hp > h a but , To summarize, the arbitrator observes parameters this is not three random is the arbitrator, one could necessary for what follows. the information structure sa, The be independent of each other. In keeping with the idea that the parties are better informed about the state than assume . no one observes s, is as follows: the parties both observe s and everyone observes m, h, h p and h 2 , . p , The m and h that specify the prior distribution of s can be interpreted as the publicly observable facts of the case. Because of the independence of learning in the s, Ep, model (DeGroot, 1970, Chapter model. Some 9) characterize the Bayesian updating that occurs s given (where s s precision H^, where (10) M. (Si) = : hm Hj = h + h . : -rh;S: _ n 1a , of the results of this updating are recorded here for future use. conditional distribution of (9; and E a the simple formulae of the Normal n i* QJjH . , : £ {p.a}) is The Normal with mean M(s,) and 1 Similarly, the conditional distribution of given Sp and s s a is Normal with mean M pa 2 (s ,s a ) p and precision Hp a where , hm + (11) M pa (12) Hpa = h+h p +h a , „ x , (s p ,s a )= h_s r + h.s. a8 and ^+ha h + h . These definitions provide a convenient shorthand making 4. in the Learning in for describing the beliefs and decision- models below. Final-Offer Arbitration This section analyzes a model of final-offer arbitration in the economic environment specified in Section 3. The analysis focuses on a separating equilibrium: perfectly infers the parties' private information (Sp) information and the signal (s a ) to compute from their offers The arbitrator and then uses a posterior belief about the state (s) this and to choose the expected-utiiiry-maximizing offer as the settlement. Tne parties understand that the arbitrator -will draw an inference from misleading the arbitrator when choosing the offers and so consider the payoff their offers, but find it from optimal not to submit misleading offers. The timing of the game observes arbitrator s2 . is and the arbitrator as follows. First, the parties observe s^ Second, the parties simultaneously submit offers, y e and y u chooses the offer that maximizes Es [v a (y,s) I sa ,y e ,y u ], . Third, the where the conditioning on 13 y e and y u denotes the information about s p Note offers. that the arbitrator rather, the arbitrator's choice is that the arbitrator extracts not allowed to must commit from the to a decision rule in parties' advance; satisfy sequential rationality at the third stage of the game. Before describing the separating equilibrium subsequent analysis to show that in detail, some learning must occur it helps set the tone for the cannot be equilibrium behavior for the arbitrator to leam nothing from the To see this, suppose the arbitrator thought offers. Then (13) y a( Given s p , precision (14) , . -s is, it parties' offers. no information could be extracted from the the arbitrator's ideal settlement, y a (sa), would be M a (s a ) from (9), or ^^ o= the parties' belief about y a (s a ) is Normally distributed with mean m' and where h', ha m' = ., that That in equilibrium. t n ^ ii • iia^n ^?^ h -r na it- Mil -r nD ^ T jjoU - ii-j (Note that the dependence of m' en Sp has been suppressed in the notation.) The logic behind Fafbefs equilibrium parzes' offers then s-, is now applies directly: if the arbitrator learns nothing relevant only because arbitrator's ideal settlement. Tne equilibrium it changes the parries' beliefs from the about the offers are therefore analogous to (5) and (6): 1 =m' + (16) y u (s p ) (17) y e (s p ) = 4 "^ Vir m'--\j^T Contrary to the hypothesis, the arbitrator can learn something from these offers. The m', and (9) and (14) determine average of the offers is (point) estimate of s computed p arbitrator's ideal settlement (18) The y a (y c ,y u ,sa) = 1 learns nothing The from m'. Let s (m') denote the p way. Sequential rationality then requires that the (s (m'), s p a) from (11), or (13) establishes the following result. exist a perfect Bayesian equilibrium in which the arbitrator parties' offers. crucial difference parties' offers this from the from + h r s p (m')+ h a s a h + h„ + h,a p There does not . Mpa p hm fact that (18) differs Proposition be in this s between (13) and (18), of course, is that in the latter the help the arbitrator determine the ideal settlement. In an equilibrium featuring kind of learning, each parry's offer must balance not only the probability of and the gain from submitting the offer chosen as the settlement, as in Farber's model, but also the effect the offer has on the arbitrator's inference about the ideal senlement. section establishes that a separating perfect Bayesian equilibrium exists in parties' offers perfectly reveal Sp to the arbitrator. The rest of this which the 1 Suppose that the arbitrator believes that y, the average of the parties' offers, perfectly reveals Sp. point estimate Sp = That is, for any pair of offers y e and y u the arbitrator (Other separating equilibria Sp(y). The function of ye and y u reveals Sp to the arbitrator.) h (i9) y>(y*.y^- V £?X' h may exist in then S ' settlement, y a (y e ,y u ,Sa), less than the average of the offers, y. to which some other + arbitrator simple computes the arbitrator's ideal settlement is and (assuming y c < y u ) the It is is show chooses y e as the settlement that if the equilibrium value of y is to if and only if the ideal reveal Sp in this way then the arbitrator's inference rule must be (20, To Sp (v) . £ - My see this, use (19) and - hm (1 1) to express the event that the arbitrator chooses y e as Sa<S(y), where (-1J i>0) = r ' . > "a A derivation analogous :o that leading to (22) l-?[S(y)] 5 = (y B - y e) fTS(yj]S'(y) (3) and (4) and then yields the first-order conditions 1 = F[S(y)] (23) where F is now the -y e )f[S(y)]S (y u As and in (5) for s p in Mp (6), (s p) , (y), distribution of s a conditional given by (9) and precision on sp which , is Normal with mean M p (sp i these first-order conditions imply that S(y) and solving for s p (y) yields The inference = Mp (s p ). Substituting choose y c analogous to the decision rule used if s (y) p (20), the desired result rule s (y) in (20) implies that (21) simplifies to S(y) p arbitrator's decision rule is to and only in Farber's if s a < y. model (where = y: the Note that this is directly there is no learning). Not surprisingly, therefore, the equilibrium strategies for the parties that solve the first-order irtions (22) and (23) are Q5) y u (sp ) = Mp(Sp) (26) y.fsp) =.Mp(s P ) Tne average of the + directly analogous to (5) offers is Mp (s p ), (6): and -y T^r --\/w and • which yields a more convenient expression of the inference rule (20): in equilibrium, the arbitrator infers s« from the average of the parties' offers, uses this ideal. it in (19) to 6 compute the ideal settlement, and then chooses the offer closer to ) 17 The summary of this argument Proposition 2 The . is the main result of this section. parties' offer strategies given in (25) and (26) and the arbitrator's decision strategy based on the ideal settlement (19) and the inference rule (20) constitute a separating perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the final-offer arbitration game. In this equilibrium, the arbitrator's ideal settlement can be written ay+ ya = where sa , hm +h r s r - h + hp + The key offers (1-a) from the h ; feature of the arbitrator's equilibrium strategy parties. In equilibrium, the panics' offers differ arbitrator perfectly infers the parties' private information Any pair of offers that differs by this prescribed that differs is its by any other amount is amount treatment of unexpected by \2~/H' , and the from the average of the is offers. on the equilibrium path; a pair off the equilibrium path. Tne arbitrator's inference rule ignores this distinction, however: (20) oroduces the ooint estimate of Sn both on and off the equilibrium of Sp path". at the rate (h the parties Thus, any change in either party's offer changes the arbitrator's estimate - hp) / 2h n must balance this . Tne reason the arbitrator is not misled in equilibrium opportunity to influence the arbitrator's belief against the two considerations that determined the equilibrium offers in Farber navms a more aisressivs offer acceoted Tnere are two cases analyzed is that in s model, the gain from and the reduced ~robabiiitv which learning plays no in this section: (1) the arbitrator that it will be accented. roie in the private-information has nothing to learn (i.e., game h 2 approaches infinity): 1 and have nothing (2) the parries to communicate feature of the separating equilibrium analyzed here Farber's complete-information As information game. about s game h (i.e., is that it p becomes relevant only setdement (i.e., H in (5) and One infinity. is h + h p which , Similarly, as h is p H in (5) and (6) is hha/(h + ha), which is indeed approaches zero. perfectly infers not only s, model) does not improve their prior information As other limit also bears consideration. information about in the private- of the parties' belief about the (6) in Farber's parties' private information about the arbitrator's ideal settlement, so p appealing as a signal to the parties about the indeed the limit of H' in (25) and (26) as h a approaches the limit of H' as h One approaches the equilibrium in becomes unimportant as the learning arbitrator's ideal settlement. In this case, the precision approaches zero, the approaches zero). h a approaches infinity, for instance, the arbitrator's uncertainty disappears, and s arbitrator's ideal p 8 s p but also s from and p approaches infinity, the arbitrator the average of the parties' offers. the arbitrator's private signal arbitrator's ideal settlement, h becomes sa Given perfect irrelevant in determining the this eliminates the parties' uncertainty about the arbitrator's ideal settlement. Recall that as the analogous uncertainty disappears in Farber's complete- informarion model, the parties' equilibrium offers converge to the of the arbitrator's ideal settlement. (Formally, as offers given in (5) and (6) does not approach infinity K approaches (rather, it approaches independent of the value of hp. Thus, it is infinity" Sie equilibrium , ha), so the equilibrium offers given by model do not converge. This happens because noted above) (20) and (21) imply that the arbitrator chooses y e though the distribution converge to M.) Interestingly, as h approaches infinity H' p (25) and (26) in the private-information rule even mean of sa if and only if s£ < (as y, serves as a tie-breaker in the arbitrator's decision irrelevant to the arbitrator's inference process. 1 5. Teaming in 9 Conventional Arbitration This section analyzes a model of conventional arbitration environment specified in Section 3. The in the economic continuum of payoff- analysis focuses on a equivalent separating equilibria. In each of these equilibria, the arbitrator perfectly infers the parties' private information (Sp) from their offers and then uses this information and the signal (s a ) to compute a posterior belief about the state settlement maximizes expected arbitrator will utility draw an inference from given this belief. the offers (s) and The to impose whatever parties understand that the and so consider the payoff from misleading the arbitrator when choosing their offers, but find optimal not to submit it misleading offers. The timing of the game is Second, the parties simultaneously submit observes s arbitrator imposes whatever settlement maximizes E s [v a (y,s) a . section, the arbitrator is not allowed to clear below, however, that in this commit rational decision rules associated with the offers, I y e and y u s ,y ,y ]. a e u to a decision rule in model of conventional value the opportunity to commit to a decision below would be an optimal and the arbitrator as follows. First, the parties observe s~ rule: . Third, the As advance. in the It previous will arbitration the arbitrator become would not each of the continuum of sequentially continuum of separating equilibria described rule if the arbitrator could ccrrrrit. Tr.s crucial difference between this model of conventional previous section's model of final-offer arbitration is that arbitration here arbitration is and the modeled as a cheap-talk game: the parties' offers are not directly relevant to any player's payoff; they matter only indirectly through the information they convey.* In this case, model J (as well as faithful to the institutional details it is natural in the of arbitration) to envision Darrv See Crawford sua Sobel (19S2) for the seminal work on cheap-talk carries. i's offer 20 as a long speech that ends "and that Final-offer arbitration is would not be why we parties' offers is yj." must be directly affects payoffs. Similarly, conventional a cheap-talk constrained to be the parties' believe that an appropriate settlement game because one of the not a cheap-talk chosen as the settlement, and so arbitration is game if game were the offers in the arbitration last offers in a prior bargaining game, because such offers could have been accepted and would then have directly affected payoffs. 2 All cheap-talk talk game games share two distinctive features. The first is that in any cheap- there exists a trivial equilibrium in which no communication occurs. In the conventional arbitration model, for instance, the arbitrator expects there to be no information in either party's offer and so pays no attention to either offer settlement, and each party affect on the is content to choose an offer arbitrator's settlement. model of conventional Thus, there arbitration there leams nothing from the parties' offers. does (and imposed) sertiement independence not observed in the data, is The second talk exist Note arbitrator's ideal distinctive feature of is this all is at no analog of Proposition communicated 1 offer has a any here: in this an equilibrium in which the arbitrator well, however, that in this equilibrium the independent of the parties' offers. Since such no-communication equilibrium cheap-talk games is that, class of payoff-equivalent perfect Bayesian equilibria that differ only costless, tine information when choosing random because no communicated in is suspect. given a fixed cheap- game, any perfect Bayesian equilibrium (separating or otherwise) messages are . is by associated with a a translation: since any given equilibrium also can be in other navoff-ecuivaiem equilibria that differ onlv in the laneuaee used to -iJius, in this paper, the parses' offers in arbiration need not be identical to their last offers in a prior bargaining game. This flexibility arises if (as is required in some contracts) the bargaining record has been is unavailable to the arbitrator. Also, it will become clear below that the incentive for the parties to make concessions in arbitrator, can be quite strong, perhaps stronger than the analogous incentive in sealed and bargaining. Therefore, even game may be if the bargaining record has not been sealed, the last offers from the bargaining sufficiently far apart that they have no bearing on the parties' choices of offers in arbitration. 2 1 communicate. This accounts for the great multiplicity of payoff-equivalent separating equilibria mentioned above. This section's model of conventional arbitration distinctive feature: neither party alone can achieve that together the parties Bayesian equilibria in One scheme ask each to disagree. 3 for And maximize which the arbitrator, independent of the state of the it). a claim about the information outcomes and to shoot feasible in the arbitration power is from two informed agents them both model analyzed if their here, however, limited to imposing a transfer that are Pareto-inefficient for the claims between two two parties are second, the arbitrator's behavior must be sequentially rational: given any' ^d any signal (s^, the arbitrator must formulate a belief about the parties' private information, p.(s p I s a ,yetyu)> ^d act optimally given In spiie'of the facts that Pareto-inefficient must be sequentially crucial feature of the model correlated with the signal from the that the ~arties. that drives this result is that the parties' information (s from the outcomes this belief. outcomes are impossible and rational, the arbitrator car. extract s p o uncerstanc mis result, Pareto-inefficient This section demonstrates, however, parties' offers perfectly reveal Sp to the arbitrator. First, the arbitrator's pair of offers (y e ,y u ) i a third can achieve perfect communication: there exist separating perfect Such schemes are not risk-neutral parties, so arbitrator that are for extracting a single piece of information make two reasons. impossible. game with relationship (the employer simply seeks to minimize the arbitrator's expected settlement, while the union seeks to is to a cheap-talk any communication with the because each party has preferences over settlements employment is ;t p) Tne is arbitrator's investigation (Sa). is r.e-prui to consider tne intermediate case in wmcn are imoossibie but sequential rationaiitv is noi recuired. In this J See Xaiai ar.c Rosenihal (1979) for z more careful (if less dramatic) statement of this result. 22 scheme induces case, the following truth-telling: ask each party for a claim about s p disagree then compare each party's claim about sp to the signal who seems transfer to the party seems to have made the to if less reasonable claim. they and enforce a large have made the more reasonable claim from the party who Given any correlation between s p and sa there exists a sufficiently large transfer such that truth-telling this sa ; is , the unique equilibrium of scheme. It is simple to extend the spirit of this scheme to the model of conventional arbitration studied here, in which the The argument fact that in a perfect on the relies game, the arbitration freedom ensures behavior must be sequentially rational. arbitrator's Bayesian equilibrium of the conventional This arbitrator's belief off the equilibrium path is unrestricted. that there exists a belief off the equilibrium path that makes sequentially it rational for the arbitrator to enforce the required transfer if the parties disagree. There is game arbitration a close relationship between the incentives created in a conventional in which the arbitrator uses the created in a final-offer arbitration which it is awarded to one game : scheme described above and the incentives under the size of the transfer and the conditions part}' or the other in the conventional arbirranon game are analogous to the gap between the offers and the conditions under which the arbitrator chooses one parry's offer or the other's in the final-offer arbitration game. In proof that there exists a continuum of separating perfect Bayesian equilibria conventional arbitration game fact, the in the with learning relies on the construction of the following continuum of final-offer games without learning. Recall that in Section 2 the arbitrator's ideal settlement parties' shared belief k£ (-»», oo), was denoted by z, and tine about z was denoted by F(z). Suppose instead that for some fixed tie arbitrator's ideal settlement is 23 HT> (27) i,f; \ z k (s a )- * hn)Sa I khm (1 . k)h + hp Ch Note that if the ideal settlement learn from the parties: s a independent of s p Given sp the , is given by (27) then there completely determines the In this case, the only role for . s parties' shared belief about z k (Sa) is p is nothing the arbitrator needs to arbitrator's ideal settlement, is to help the parties forecast zk(s a ). Normal with mean Mk(s p ) and precision Hk, where (28) UN Mrfc..)= MUSpj- na\ { ~ y) zj, From (1 k)hm + • . (1 nk (5) - and MH hp s n and k)h + h k)h + h p ] 2 (h + h )(h + h + h a) p p - equilibrium offers in this model of final-offer arbitration (6), the parties' witiiout learning are (30) yuk(s D ) =Mk(Srj) ' (3D yek ( Sp ) =Mk (s P) + -v/^V —^k and -Vm-at *~k \ These equilibrium offers from the final-offer game without learning will rum out to be identical to the equilibrium offers in this section's mo-del of conventional arbitration with learning! 24 Imagine that in the model of conventional arbitration with learning, the arbitrator believed that the parties' offer strategies were (30) and (31). The arbitrator could then invert the offer strategies so as to interpret the offers as implicit claims about the parties' information. Given the offer y u from the union, for instance, the arbitrator could solve (30) for s p to arrive at the implicit claim that the parties' private information (32) Spuk(y u ) = aJ y u (33) o k (x) = x solves Mk(Sp) fl =x " - y ^r J k)h i for Sp. spek(y e ) Note where . (x-m) Similarly, given the offer y e could solve (31) for s p to arrive (34) = aj|y e + from the employer, the arbitrator claim that the parties' private information at the implicit 1 1 ] that if the parties' offers are in fact 2ri ecuiiicnum. then is y j^ determined by (30) and (31) then these implicit claims will be identical even though the offers are not. v," is t*ctt*— it 1C ^j * *" fo~ n ** *2—n:-— oth~ tr^ If the implicit r%»"i«»y& Everything hinges, however, on what the arbitrator believes T h** when claims agree, as they ^ommo~ "' 2 — the implicit claims disagree. SuDT>ose that 2frer observing the siEnal arrives at the point estimate s arbitrator impose p = Sp(y e ,y u ,Sa). the ideal settlement s, and the offers v. and v„ the Tnen Mpa [Sp(y arbitrator sequential rationality dictates that the e .y u .Sa), sj from (II), or 2 5 y a (yc.yu,s a ) = (35) It turns out to be KM This Mifv vu M k (y c ,y last -i- h p s p (y e ,y u ,s a ) + h a s a to - -,\ ,s a) (1 ' k)hm + (1 - makes it For each k £ (28) yields h n s r.(ye,Vu,S a ) k)h + h p possible to state the section's form. (The proof of the Proposition . ht express the arbitrator's inference rule not as Mk(y e ,y u .Sa), where piece of notation Proposition 3 + h + h more convenient Sp(y e .yu,s a ), but as (36) hm (-°°, °°), is given Appendix in main result in a compact 2.) there exists a separating perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the conventional arbitration game. In each of these equilibria, the arbitrator's ideal (and imposed) settlement (31), and the is (35). Mk(y e ,yu ,Sa) = < L k, the arbitrator's ideal _ - >2= Ctkyk ^ • _ K ~ k, the parties' offer strategies axe (30) arbitrator's inference rule is r Given For each fixed ,. . (1-OCk) >'u if Spek(ye) ? Spuk(Vu) and Zk(s a ) > y if Spek(ye ) = sP uk(y u ), 5e if Spek(y e ) r Spuk(yu) and Zk(sa) < serJemeni khm t car. h 2 s*" kh - h" d-k";hm - h-s„ (l-k)ij - h_ (1-kYn 4 hr, aiUi be written , ' where y, y. and 26 Several observations about this plethora of equilibria are in order. First, as noted of the equilibria described in Proposition 3 are payoff-equivalent: even though earlier, all changes k in affect both the differences in k mean of and the distance between the parties' offers, are simply differences in the languages used to communicate. Second, values of k are simple to interpret: k = and k = 1. When k = 0, (28) becomes Mfc(s p ) = Mp(Sp), so in equilibrium the arbitrator interprets y as the parties' expectation of When k = 1, And itself. (28) becomes Mk(s p ) = s p , two s given s p . so in equilibrium the arbitrator interprets y as s p third, in the separating equilibrium with k = the parties' offers in conventional arbitration are identical to their offers in the separating equilibrium in final-offer arbitration described in Section 4. Although the inference rule Mk(ye.yu- S a) stated knife-edge judgments by the arbitrator same spirit as a (i.e., decision rule that seems reasonable in practice: case. Afterwards, when all The by this have made the less reasonable claim. Note mat arbitrator gives both on the table, the arbitrator asks the point agree) conducts an investigation, book at the this inference rule party imposing a settlement. Thus, for any described in Proposition 3 would be an optimal rule if who seems has the virtue of supporting a separating equilibrium and so providing the arbitrator with the in has the to challenge assertions in the other's the result to the parties' claims, and throws the amount of information it their dispute. If they cannot, then the arbitrator (thinking that reasonable people should compares and the cards are supposed to be now resolve whether they can depends on whether Spek(y c ) = s pui;(y u ) or not ). parties the opportunity to present their cases fully parties in the Proposition k, the maximum decision rule the arbitrator could commit. to 27 6. Relationship of the Learning Models to the Empirical Literature This section describes the connections between the empirical literature on arbitration and the learning models developed much in Sections 4 and 5. As described of the empirical work on arbitrator behavior assumes the following model of the arbitrator's ideal settlement: ya = As in the Introduction, ay + , (l-a)y*(f). Propositions 2 and 3 emphasize, the arbitrator's equilibrium behavior in this paper takes exactly this form. literature's The paper thus provides a structural interpretation for the empirical reduced-form model: arbitrator's ideal settlement in both conventional and final-offer arbitration, the depends on the parties' offers because the offers convey information, and the importance of the offers (as measured by a) increases as the importance of tine arbitrator's this independent investigation The paper work. The information increases relative to the publicly observable information and first also fits nicely with stylized fact is ('i.e.. as two of the 4 h« increases relative io h and h E ). stylized facts uncovered by the empirical that the arbitrator's ideal settlement is identical in the two forms of arbitration; see Asherieher-Bioorri and Farber-Bazerman. Tne separating equilibria in the learning models analyzed here are founded on of an ideal settlement: under ajv form of arbitration, the parties' offers then the ideal settlement is "This structural interpretation is if just such an invariant notion the arbitrator perfectly infers Mr^fs^a) given a< 1. p from in (11). incorrect in the conventional arbitraiion equilibria occur when k < -(h 2 /h), but empirical estimates suggest that s ir. which cx^ > 1, which 28 The second arbitrator's stylized fact decision-making is that (i.e., Bazerman. The learning models when a is in the parties' offers are when higher) more important in the they are closer together; see Farber- a should both Sections 4 and 5 predict that be higher the offers are closer together, but suggest that this need not be a causal relationship. Consider Proposition 2, for instance. Note that difference between the offers in (25) and (26) also increases with h p Thus, an increase . in h is p a increases with hp In equilibrium, the . V2rc /H', where H' is given by (24) and results in both an increase in a and a decrease in the difference between the offers, thereby producing the observed correlation. The causal story behind the correlation the parties' offers when is as follows. the parties' information is more valuable in the arbitrator's inference process. information more more is precise, and known At arbitrator puts to the more weight on be more precise, and hence same time, when the parties' precise, the parties' belief about the arbitrator's private signal, this s a , is causes the parties to submit offers that are closer together. Tne model of final-offer arbitration developed well to one other stylized faci: Ashenfelter and as the serJement The more than Bloom in Section 4 does not correspond find that the union's offer is selected half the rime, whereas in Section 4 the parties' offers are equally likely to be selected. Farber's model of final-offer arbitration without learning consistent with the Ashenfe::er-3ib6m finding if the union employer, and so prefers to submit a conservative offer is more risk-averse than a learning model with It would be interesting to parties of differing risk aversion could integrate the Ashenfeiter-3ioo— finding on offer-selection frequencies with the role of the in the arbitrator's inference nrocess the with a large probability of beir.g chosen rather than an aggressive offer with a small probability. know whether is is emDhasized here. parties' offers 29 7. Extensions Although this paper complete theory of arbitration, much work remains models analyzed above and in building 7a. to be done, both in extending the new models. two extensions of the models analyzed above and paper's be required of a satisfies three of the conditions that will This section limited to describing is to providing further discussion of the two most important assumptions. Comparing Conventional and Final-Offer Arbitration This paper analyzes conventional and final-offer arbitration within a single economic environment. As explained complete theory of arbitration. in the Introduction, this is a prerequisite for a The obvious next step is a welfare comparison of these and other forms of arbitration. Unfortunately, the model analyzed here make is not rich enough to the comparison interesting. First, because the parties are risk-neutral and have strictly opposed preferences, any preference by one party be exactly reversed for the other parry. upon the separating equilibrium based on full And second, the a:biuaioi in conventional arbitration, information and the actual settlement A more for one is form of cl early would cannot improve where the ideal settlement is unconstrained. interesting comparison might arise if the parties separating equilibrium exists in conventional arbitration when were risk-averse. If a the parties are risk-averse then this will again be the arbitrator's preferred form of arbitration. might find arbitration Tne parties, however, that final-offer arbitration offers better insurance than conventional arbitration does. If the parties are allowed to choose the form of arbitration then the arbitrator's preference for conventional arbitration mav be overridden. 30 7b. Modeling Other Forms of Arbitration Dow, and Gallagher Ashenfelter, arbitration that is practiced in Iowa. The (1986) study an interesting variant of final-offer rules are as follows: first, an arbitrator, acting as a factfinder, suggests a settlement; then the parties either accept the settlement or continue their dispute and submit offers; finally, if the dispute continues then a (drawn from the same pool as the first) second arbitrator chooses one of the parties' offers or the factfinder's proposed settlement. It is this version straightforward to extend the model described in Section 4 in order to analyze of final-offer arbitration. Suppose the factfinder's investigation yields the signal Sf = the other random s + Ef, where Ef is Normal with zero mean and precision variables in the model. Then model is as before, except for two changes. yj<Sf) second arbitrator now has a third choice in the feasible arbitrator does not Dow, and Gallagher argue First, of arbitral uncertainty that exists in the system" between independent of set is (p. 2). arbitrators also model of (9). The both parties and the second And second, the of imposed settlements. that the "extent to concur in the factfinder's proposal plausible, the disagreement is = Mf(Sf), given by arbitrator update their beliefs after observing the factfinder's proposal. Ashenfelter, and (as in the conventional-arbitration Section 5) the factfinder's proposed settlement should be rest of the hf which the second an obvious measure of the degree While this interpretation is certainly may reflect the second arbitrator's learning from the parties' offers. 7c. Commirmer.: bv the Arbitrator One of the two important assumptions commit ex-ante to a decision rule, in this even thoush this paper is that the arbitrator is unable to mishi induce a sociallv desirable 3 outcome of the negotiation and observed practice accurately: make their offers. On arbitration process. This arbitrators assumption seems to represent to decision rules before the parties the other hand, the assumption ignores the important possibility that an arbitrator might develop a reputation selection do not commit 1 in the course of repeated play. The arbitrator- mechanisms described and analyzed by Bloom and Cavanagh (1986a,b) will play an important role in the eventual analysis of such dynamic games. Because the complete dynamic analysis models that commit is likely to be difficult, however, complement this paper to a decision rule ex-ante. rules described there The arbitration. arbitration is is — static models As noted an optimal rule if in it in would be worthwhile which the arbitrator Section is to analyze the allowed to each of the continuum of decision 5, the arbitrator can commit nature of the analogous optimal rule under conventional in commitment in final-offer an open question. 7d. Arbitration Between Parties with Symmetric Information The second important assumption in this paper is that the parties information about the state of the employment relationship. It seems have symmetric likely, instead, that each of the parties will have private information about some aspects of the employment relationship. means and Such an information asymmetry between the substance of the parties' equilibrium Perhaps more importantly, it the parties may influence both the communication with the prompts the question of how the parties came arbitrator. to be in arbitration. The theory of bargaining under symmetric information, due Rubinstein (1982). suggests that negotiations should not symmetric, esneciallv when the arbitration same fail when to Nash (1950) and information that follows failed negotiations is imposes 32 costs (such as the arbitrator's fee) on the parties. This does not imply, however, that the way prospect of arbitration has no effect. Crawford (1982a), for instance, analyzes the arbitration changes the threat point though the bargainers never Nash bargaining game: in a fail to settle. effect models seems likely to The analogous analysis using this imply that the prospect of arbitration has a smaller on negotiated settlements when learning arbitrated settlement to the state even Crawford's analysis involves models of conventional and final-offer arbitration without learning. paper's learning arbitration has an effect is more important, because learning links the and so prevents a disadvantaged bargainer from escaping an unattractive negotiated settlement through arbitration by an uninformed arbitrator. Thus, the prospect of arbitration between parties with symmetric information can have an effect even if those developed by Nash and Rubinstein, the parties never enter arbitration. Furthermore, in richer disputes can occur between parties with symmetric information. Crawford (1982b), view that bargaining is a struggle positions. If Attempts at for instance, formalizes Schelling's (1956) between the bargainers commitment models than to commit themselves to favorable are uncertain to succeed, but are irreversible if they do. only one parry's attempt succeeds then that party wins a favorable negotiated settlement, but if the parties arbitration are both committed may occur. A model to incompatible positions then negotiations fail and based on these ideas can produce disputes between parties with symmetric information, but more work needs to be done in modeling the process of commitment. One intriguing approach to modeling the process of commitment emphasizes the idea that the parties are groups rather than individuals: see "Walton and McKersie (1965). union ieader, for example, can try politics and group dynamics to incite may make and yet control the rank and the rank and file's reactions file, beyond but internal the union A 33 leader's control. In this case, the union leader may become committed in the sense envisioned by Schelling and Crawford. Alternatively, when the parties are groups a dispute may occur because of asymmetric information between them about features of their relationship that are of no concern to the arbitrator, including perhaps the career concerns of individual negotiators. In this case, with regard to the learning in the arbitrator's inference problem the parties are appropriately viewed as having symmetric information, even though asymmetric information on another dimension caused the dispute. These suggest that it may be a mistake to take too union as single-agent bargainers. literally models that possibilities approximate a firm and a 34 APPENDIX 1 This appendix establishes the global optimality of the offers that satisfy the order conditions (5) and (6), (16) and (17), (25) and proof is given for the union's offer specified U(y u ly e) = y e where y = F(y") + yu and (30) and (31). in (5). All the other cases are Let the union's expected payoff given (Al) (26), in (1) U'(y u I and F is a Normal It two parts. And the is M ^y u - - first - simply U'(y u I y e) = 0, y e )f(y). prove that y u to V-/2H from suffices to prove that Tnt is mean , Tne goal of this appendix I distribution with a derivative with respect to y u and y e ) = [l-F(y)] U(y u ye *) where y e * = analogous. be denoted M and precision H. In this notation, the first-order condition (3) (A2) explicit [l-F(y)], (y u +ye)/2 is the average of the offers where the prime denotes An first- U = M + %':t/2H achieves the global maximum of (6). quasi-concave in y u is establishes thai U is second establishes that U' < when y e = y e x This . concave for yu z [y e * for y u £ ( M+ d, «> ), , is done M + D], where D > where < d < D. in 0. (Recall that union offers below the employer's offer are sub-optimal for the union, and so need no: be considered here.) Tne concavity of U on [ye * , M -r Dj follows from evaluating U" on this interval: 35 U"(y u (A3) where y* = i (y u = e *) -f(y*) - e *)f(y*). For the Normal distribution with mean / 2. +ye*) -\ (y u M and precision H, -f (y*) = H(y*-M)f(y*), so U"(y u y e *) = (A4) i which is negative for (y u The negative (A5) f(y*){- H(y* - M) -y e *)(y* M)2 < rr{% + —) = - slope of [1 - + j<y u 1 F(y*)] U on < ( M + d, °° (A6) M and precision H. (y u ->'e*)(y* which holds for - t'v,- - "£ . follows from a simple inequality: - y*) f(x) over (y*,°°) Given (A2) and (A5), ~ M) > M ) > , r?- M) f(y*). Tnis inequaliry follows from integrating (x mean D2 - (— — -St) it suffices to when x show that is Normal wiih 36 APPENDIX This appendix proves Proposition 3. 2 The proof that sequentially rational best response to the parties' strategies inference rule s (y e ,yu»Sa) p Mk(y e ,y u ,Sa) given in the the arbitrator's strategy is is a simple. Using (33), the Proposition can be expressed as the inference rule used in (35). This inference rule is clearly correct in equilibrium and is well defined off the equilibrium path; given this belief, (35) guarantees sequential rationality. The proof that the parties' strategies are best responses to each other and to the arbitrator's strategy is slightly more involved. The the conventional-arbitration game, final-offer game that has a to, as though the arbitrator it is unique Nash equilibrium payoff Mk(sn), which equals Consider the payoff central point is that out of equilibrium in their equilibrium say, the that yields makes the parties play a both parties the expected expected payoff in conventional arbitration. employer from submitting an offer different from the equilibrium offer given by (31). (A deviation by the union is By analyzed symmetrically.) hypothesis, the union's offer will be given by (30), so any deviation by the employer will cause Spek^'e) =^ s puic (y u ). This in turn causes the arbitrator to use one of the two out-of- equilibrium pans of the inference rule Therefore, submi: in tile tine problem of finding Mk(y e? y u ,Sa) specified in the Proposition. the optimal misleading claim, Sp^. for the cor.ver.tionai-arbiratior. game is But the solution to this second problem is to equivaien: io the problem of finding the optimal offer, ye for the employer to submit in the final-offer , employer game analyzed in the text. given by (31) and yields a payoff identical to the employer's equilibrium payoff in the conventional-arbitration game. Thus, no deviation profitable. is 37 REFERENCES Ashenfelter, O. and D. Bloom, "Models of Arbitrator Behavior: Theory and Evidence," American Economic Review 74 (1984), . , J. Dow, and 1 1 1-24. D. Gallagher, "Arbitrator and Negotiation Behavior under an Appelate System," Princeton mimeo, August 1986. 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