Health Information Services Planning Team Chronology of Final Report Development

Health Information Services Planning Team
Chronology of Final Report Development
Prepared by Linda C. Smith
Development of the Final Report of the Health Information Services Planning Team was an
iterative, collaborative, and consultative process. At various stages, subgroups worked on data
gathering and document drafting. The report submitted to the University Librarian on 18 March
2010 is the product of this collective effort.
I. Charge and team membership approved by Library Executive Committee
9/3/09 (Appendix A in final
II. Initial meetings of entire team
9/30/09 Meeting Minutes
10/7/09 Meeting Minutes
III. Subgroup work
Health Sciences Faculty Subgroup (Allen, Farner, Lansing, Leigh, Stewart, Sydnor, Tappenden,
Wilund) produced document identifying Core and Emerging Health Information Service Areas
Library Services Subgroup (Allen, Gregory, Paprocki, Sandore, Shultz, Smith, Youngen) met to
design and implement survey
10/19/09 Meeting Minutes
10/29/09 Meeting Minutes
11/13/09 Meeting
1. Discussion of library survey response data compiled by Linda (Appendix F in
final report)
2. Discussion of Beth’s grid analyzing existing and potential services
(Appendix E in final report)
3. Discussion of Mary Beth’s analysis of other university web pages
(Appendix J in final report) and Wendy’s analysis of UIUC Library
web pages (Appendix I in final report)
IV. Draft report development
11/3/09 Meeting (entire team)
1. Report from faculty subgroup on needs and strengths of both core and
emerging areas of study and research related to health sciences
(Appendix D in final report)
2. Update from librarian subgroup on data gathering efforts under way to:
1) assess overlap and gaps in library services related to health
2) identify exemplars and models to provide the most effective library
11/17/09 Meeting (entire team)
1. Discussion of core and emerging areas and grid
2. Review of the team’s charge and remaining steps needed to fulfill this charge
3. Decision to form working group to develop first full draft
Working group (Allen, Farner, Sandore, Smith, Stewart, Sydnor) developed full draft
Through meetings on 11/25, 12/4, 12/7 developed draft and additional appendices
(Appendix B Strategic Planning Context, Appendix H Comparative Data Profile
of Current Health Information Needs and Services in the final report)
12/8/09 and 12/14/09 Meetings (entire team)
Review of draft and preparation of one additional appendix (Appendix G Information
Literacy Considerations in the final report)
Major topics of discussion in formulating the draft included:
1) There was general support for the Health and Wellness Information Center concept
but uncertainty about the name, especially a reluctance to lose the "sciences" part of AHS
and a question about what "information center" signifies. It was also noted that it would
be helpful to better differentiate UIC's Urbana Library of the Health Sciences from what
is now Applied Health Sciences, as that is a source of confusion for patrons.
2) There is a strong preference for staying in the main library rather than merging
with ACES or being part of a life sciences hub in the current vicinity of the
Biology/Chem/Health Sciences libraries.
3) There was receptivity to moving into either the current BEL (Business) or ESSL
(Education & Social Sciences) space, depending on how overall social sciences division
planning goes. Looking ahead, given the emphasis on health in the campus strategic
plan, the hope is that health can be a lead rather than subordinate partner in whatever
configuration of social science disciplines is established in whichever space health
4) While more collaboration with UIC is likely, approval of specifics will require
involvement of UIC Library administrators.
V. Draft available for comment
1/11/10 Draft report made available for comment
Linda Smith took the lead in preparing a complete draft for wider comment
1/22/10 Open meeting
Notes on discussion and Q&A
1/26/10 NSM stuff session
VI. Preparation of final report based on feedback
2/16/10 Meeting
1) Written comments received on the draft (from both team members and others) were
shared with the team
2) Bill Stewart provided an update from the College of Applied Health Sciences
review of the 1/11/2010 draft (Appendix C of final report)
3) Recommendations for organization of the report (content of body vs. appendices),
development of the scenarios, and alternative names were discussed
4) Mary Shultz agreed to prepare a description of UIC Library of the Health SciencesUrbana for inclusion in the final report (Appendix K)
2/24/10 Meeting
Discussion of 2/22/10 report draft, including how to deal with point 5 of the team’s
charge regarding assessment; review of clarity, consistency and completeness of
3/9/10 Meeting and 3/15/10 Meeting
Bill Stewart took the lead in preparing further revisions of the report for discussion by
the committee as a whole
3/18/10 Report submitted to University Librarian