Reference & Govt Info Librarians Meeting July 2, 2009

Reference & Govt Info Librarians Meeting
July 2, 2009
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
1) Review and suggest any final revisions to the Mission Statement
The mission statement was revised to read:
The Reference, Research and Government Information unit is the University Library’s central hub for
research assistance, leading patrons to the discovery of library resources, government and statistical
information, and expert help.
We provide expert assistance in navigating the government information landscape. Using a wide range of
tools, we provide assistance to researchers working in all disciplines, help people to locate difficult-to-find
items, and make referrals to subject specialists when appropriate.
We support the educational mission of the university by approaching reference programs and services from
an instructional perspective, and by fostering user independence and the development of information
literacy skills.
We support the service mission of the university by extending the library’s reach to the local community and
beyond, assisting users around the world and on our campus with our unique collections and through our
commitment to free and ready access to government information.
We serve our diverse patron population indirectly by being their advocate on library technology and service
initiatives and by selecting resources in all formats that benefit a wide range of researchers.
2) Review and suggest any final revisions to the "Public Services" section of the implementation
No comments were received on the draft sent June 25 before this meeting. At the meeting, the
following revisions were discussed:
a. Add a statement in the introductory section (prior to "name of unit") recommending that the Library
support bringing in a professional facilitator to conduct team-building exercises to help to establish the
sense of the new unit "as a unit"
b. Final sentence in the introductory section should read: "Instruction and outreach for government
information will be provided by this unit and by the Coordinator of Government Information . . ."
c. Issues such as the above will remain unclear as long as the Coordinator position resides outside the
unit. Others agree. Mallory disagrees.
d. All: Various comments about signage. Mallory argued for the need for a physical sign noting the name
of the new unit. Discussion seemed to focus on the possibility of adding the name of the new unit to the
Information Desk (below the words "Information Desk"). Hensley argued that, whatever is done, we
should be consistent in all formats, e.g., name on any physical signage, name on directories on 1st floor,
name on Web site, name on phone directories, location code in Voyager. Question raised about whether
there needs to be any signage or directional reference specifying the Information Desk as the central
resource for government information.
e. Replace the word SuDoc with the phrase "government information numbers" in the "Collections"
section so as to be clear that this refers to all government classification schemes, and not just SuDoc
g. The statement that current complement of faculty should remain in 300 Library should be revisited.
Discussion of whether report should recommend private offices for all. General support for idea that
report should state that the current provision of faculty space in 300 is "not ideal."
h. Need for a marketing campaign once the new unit is launched to promote awareness of its new scope
of services. Hogenboom suggests signage in former Government Documents Library space directing
people to Info Desk
i. Formal assessment should be done after one year, rather than, as proposed, at 6-month intervals.
Kern suggests 6-month "progress report," as opposed to full assessment. General support for this idea.
3) Provide any direction, from this group, to the Government Information Services Team, regarding
the proposed name of the new unit, i.e., "Central Reference and Government Information Services" or
"Reference, Research, and Government Information."
Agreement from all (minus Woodard and Kibbee, who had left the meeting) that the name preferred by
the faculty of the unit is "Reference, Research, and Government Information" and suggestion that the
language in the document make that clear over the current language noting support of the "Librarian
Working Group."