Article I. The Creative Writing Club Article II. The pu

Article I.
The Creative Writing Club
Article II.
The purpose of the Creative Writing Club is to create a communal
environment where students can grow as creative writers and critical
thinkers with support and advisement from peers and established
writers. The club will do this by planning and promoting events that
encourage creative expression and the sharing of creative work.
Article III.
Club membership is open to all enrolled Queensborough Community
College students. A student can join the club at any point during the
semester by signing up with the club advisor or an executive board
member at a meeting or event. To be considered an active member, a
student must attend a minimum of one meeting and one special activity
or event per term.
No person shall be denied membership or office in this organization
because of race, color, religious beliefs or non-belief, national origin, sex,
political beliefs, veteran, handicapped status or sexual orientation
Article IV.
Section I. Officers and Duties
It shall be the duty of the president to work directly with the club advisor
to preside over club meetings and to plan, schedule, and promote events.
The president will also work with the club advisor to update and maintain
the Creative Writing Club blog and the club's Facebook page.
Vice President
It shall be the duty of the vice president to facilitate a hospitable
environment within the club and to help the president plan schedule, and
promote events. The vice president will preside over meetings in
absence of the president.
It shall be the role of the senator to serve as a liaison between Student
Government and the Creative Writing Club. The senator will attend and
represent the club at Senate meetings and will report back to the club all
pertinent information.
Section II. Elections and Procedures
Nominations for officers will be made during the first club meeting of
each semester. A ballot vote will be taken for each position, and the
candidate with a majority vote will win the spot.
Article V.
Meetings will be held twice a month in a room to be assigned.
Article VI.
Any member who wishes to make an amendment to the constitution
do so at any meeting. A simple majority vote is needed to pass a
proposed amendment.
Article VII.
This constitution and all amendments to it must be approved by the QSA
Student Senate.
Article VIII.
Presenting Written Work
Written work will be shared at most meetings. Students can present
previously written creative work including poetry, fiction, screenplays or
song lyrics or new work created during the club meeting. Oral
performances of written work should not exceed three minutes. All
students will be given the opportunity to share their work at least once
during the meetings.