Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/dorationaltraderOOsmit [HB31 .M415 1 \no.%-3L0 working paper department of economics DO RATIONAL TRADERS FRENZY? Lones Smith 96-20 April 1996 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 DO RATIONAL TRADERS FRENZY? Lones Smith 96-20 April 1996 reCHNOLOGV ' FEB ' : 96-20 Do Rational Traders Frenzy?* Lones Smith* Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 this version: April 10, 1996 original version: June, 1994 Abstract I ing, develop a simple generalizing Glosten and maker is new model faces n of strategic trade with endogenous tim- Milgrom risk neutral traders A (1985): competitive market with unit demands or supplies. private information whether any given trader is It either informed, with a heterogeneous informative signal about the asset payoff, or a pure noise trader planning to make a trade at a random time. The market is open for an exponential length of time. This structure is recursively soluble into a sequence of 'subgames', — despite the endogenous timing — equilibrium. I I find there prove that necessarily there is is and a unique separating incomplete separation, since only informed traders whose signals are 'good news' ever buy, and only those with 'bad news' ever switching sides of the market if neutral news signal. Finally, I 'yes', that all show that traders can only envision the underlying signal distribution has no sell! I conjecture that the answer to the title is trades are self-feeding, and accelerate the time schedule of any future trades. My analysis is greatly simplified by focusing on a facetious 'competitive auction' model, where the market maker only wishes to sell units. *I am grateful to Jennifer Wu for extensive collaboration on §3.1-4, A.2-3, and interaction on an early version of §7.1-2, while this paper was still a joint effort. I also owe thanks to Preston McAfee for a key suggestion, to Dimitri Vayanos and Robert Wilson for insightful feedback, and comments of participants at the Stanford GSB Theory seminar. Daron Acemoglu and Abhijit Banerjee, commenting on a primordial version of this paper, drew my attention to the option value of delay. All errors remain my responsibility. Sankar Sunder of MIT has provided the Matlab the simulations. Finally, I have benefited from NSF research support while writing this paper. te-mail address: lonesClones.mit.edu INTRODUCTION 1. There has of late been some interest in the question of whether there can be movements 'without news'. That nal asset price this can in fact arise in equilibrium 1 has in fact already been demonstrated in several papers. In a world in which in- may move dividuals trade on the basis of private information, the price arrival of news if individuals may ratio- without the optimally time their trades. This brings me to the question of this paper: In equilibrium, will traders rationally choose to cluster their buy or sell One transactions? loose intuition in favor such 'frenzying' seems to be that the imputed informational content of any given trade acts as a siren other wavering traders into the fray on the same contrarians. This paper explores a simple model designed This incentive to herd is side of the market, perhaps most cleanly seen in Bulow and Klemperer (1994) potentially sparking a buying 'frenzy'. by an implicit cost of delay, stemming from the (1992) capture a related with each sale phenomenon price. This behavior possibility of in is motivated a stock-out. Gul and a purely informational context. 2 describe a simple n-player forecasting game, where everyone wishes to accurately x x +X2 predict the delay cost first in \-x n as H is an soon as possible, where x* Crucially observe that there For instance, the auctioneer in is realistic. financial markets, 1 See A Romer fc's random type. Here, shown that endogenous timing is no I BK commits to maintaining the current price after a am for interested in the where the price mechanism (1993), for one, more applied take on results cost to frenzying or clustering in either paper. many This casts some doubt as to whether of behavior in such settings. 2 is no further buyers wish to purchase. Yet hardly type extreme types able to make more informed decisions. 3 clustered forecasts, with sale until is explicit increasing function of x, so that the highest types forecast the unique separating equilibrium. It more this first, Namely, all traders with valuations within some range immediately purchase at the current in and discouraging in part to test this thesis. values Dutch auction: In equilibrium, the highest types purchase They luring BK). They study a dynamic multiple-unit independent private (hereafter, simply Lundholm call, and references most situations in real it is life, an apt description salient example, namely explicitly penalizes frenzying. therein. found in Caplin and Leahy (1994). 3 Loosely, the frenzying of BK might be seen as an extreme form of clustering, and forth lump both phenomena together under the rubric of frenzying. this is I shall hence- An Overview of the Model. I have in mind to address the question of endogenous timing and the issue of financial frenzying in a relatively simple and yet natural fashion. Smith (1995) shows that once one ventures outside the world may of purely strategic trading, individuals their trades. I thus reach back to one of the earlier models of insider trading, due to Glosten and Milgrom (1985) market an asset of uncertain value, for 'market maker' or specialist informed individuals, the model is have no incentive whatsoever to time who (hereafter, simply denoted GM). They consider a which prices are set by a competitive in faces a sequence of trading orders 'insiders', from potentially As each with unit demands or supplies. their primarily concerned with explaining the existence and characteristics of the bid-ask spread in such a market, they treat the arrivals of informed and uninformed traders as arising from an exogenous stochastic process My adaptation of known GM endogenizes the timing of trades. a known number of traders in the market at time zero. to the market maker. Specifically, I start An with unobservable number are informed insiders with heterogeneous private information, while the others are pure 'noise' traders. I then allow the informed traders to strategically time their trades while the noise traders execute their trades according to an exogenously-given Poisson process. It is private information whether any given trader is either informed, having observed a heterogeneous signal about the payoff of the asset, or a pure noise trader planning a random trade at a random time. The market exponential length of time, after which the payoff of the asset simplifying innovation, I largely closes after a is revealed. random As a key focus on a facetious 'competitive auction' model, where the auctioneer only wishes to sell units, all at zero expected profit. Later on, I simply expand the strategy space, allowing traders to take both sides of the market. The Equilibrium. In any separating equilibrium of this game, informed traders possessing the most extreme high signal (and also the lowest signal, in the market maker model) enter first, by analogy to Gul and Lundholm (1992). With tion continuously occurring, the traders is this separa- updated distribution of possible signals possessed by constantly being truncated. Barring termination of the game, the solution of any such truncation equilibrium thus consists of a sequence of can be recursively solved. That is, n subgames that each subgame immediately following a trade simply a rescaled version of the original game is — with fewer players, and a truncated signal distribution, and updated informed traders. Note that this one trader left, separation will for the is still true even of the one-trader game\ For with only continue to occur, as the lone individual who determines when against nature, on the value distribution and the number of beliefs assumption that trade occurs the for game will end. This virtue is still plays the reason a random exponential length of time rather 4 than, for instance, on the unit time interval. This is not the first instance of a recursive structure in a bid-ask market. Wilson (1986) studies a private values double auction, and looks for a truncation equilibrium. In the ask and bid prices set by the uninformed market maker converge between it, and jump up trades, (resp. down) in response to my a few analogies to be drawn between common a purchase equilibrium and (resp. sale). his, There are but by and large, the values setting here intuitively makes this an inherently different problem. With the recursive structure, it suffices to study subgames in isolation by backward induction, carefully grafting the solution of each into of 'one-trade-and-out' also allows me its predecessor. The assumption to characterize equilibrium strategies as the solutions to a relatively straightforward continuous time optimal stopping problem. Trade Dynamics. model is As have set out expressly to explore trade timing, the I set in continuous rather dynamics in the ask in than discrete time. For the market maker model, the each subgame can represented by a five-dimensional autonomous system and bid prices, as well as the highest and lowest signals x and y that have not yet purchased, and the remaining mass u of uninformed noise traders. subgames, the specialist's zero profit condition implies that the signal truncations must be continuous, and so the given. The bid and That is, and bid there is initial x and y (and more easily u) in any subgame are the ask, however, must jump, and this indeterminancy potentially creates a two-dimensional of initial ask Across continuum of prices is equilibria. In fact, I argue that only one set consistent with forward-looking equilibrium behavior. a unique separating equilibrium. With a unique equilibrium, the assumption of unit trades lends itself to a simple test of the frenzying hypothesis: Conditional on a trade occurring at time t, how do remaining informed traders subsequently adjust the time that they intend to trade? I conjecture that locally at least, rational traders do frenzy. Also with a finite horizon, a nasty singularity ensues from a last At least temporarily, minute 'mad rush' to trade. trades are self-feeding. For instance, after a purchase, traders soon planning to into the fray will purchase sooner Why Separation Occurs. and sell later jump than planned. That separation even occurs here is by no means transparent, and the argument hinges on the assumption that traders' signals are conditionally lier i.i.d. The intuition for why traders with stronger signals revolves around two distinct lines of out-of-equilibrium reasoning. specifically tied to the move The ear- first is dynamic truncation process, while the second stems from the common-values assumption. a truncation equilibrium induces heterogeneous beliefs about future price First, movements among the informed types (the price uninformed specialist, their evolution between trades and the magnitudes of their jumps immediately following trades are commonly however, with conditionally nals that may be i.i.d. Since prices are set by an effect). forecast signals, insiders disagree by all types of insiders; on the distribution of sig- held by other insiders, and thus differentially assess the likelihoods of future trades; they also have different estimates of the asset value. In particular, a truncation equilibrium applies more competitive pressure on traders with stronger The signals: highest signal trader pessimistic of an intervening sale, ket closure. 5 most confident of an intervening purchase, most and most While short of a proof, nice cross between I fearful of the prospect of believe that the exogenous mar- market-maker model a offers an incomplete information game of pre-emption and war of tion: Intuitively, traders and just is attri- wish to buy just in advance of competing same side traders after their oppposite side counterparts. But while wait and trade at the higher bid or lower ask price that all would may soon ideally prefer to prevail, those with stronger signals believe an intervening same-side trade and consequent unfavorable price jump to be more likely; they therefore will be more impatient to trade Observe that an analogous 'price effect' also inherently different there, insofar as (vNM) it is 6 emerges as the driving force behind separation in a pure independent private values (IPV) auction, such as is earlier. differences in BK. But it von Neumann-Morgenstern preferences rather than beliefs that matter: Traders with higher absolute val- That is, except perhaps for some extreme low signal traders, who might have more to gain by shorting the asset. By corollary, if traders' information signals are merely unconditionally i.i.d., as with Foster and Viswanathan (1993), a truncation equilibrium doesn't exist: Gul and Lundholm (1992), for instance, have an explicit cost function to force traders with high signals to move sooner rather than later. known marginal gains from uations place a lower value on the when weighed against the loss game, absent further learning, should an intervening trade occur. In the one-trader beliefs are fixed, curring solely from heterogeneous It further price reductions vNM and one can view separation as oc- preferences. should be noted that the insight that competition among traders can endoge- nously generate 'impatience' in the absence of explicit discounting originates with the But double auction of Wilson (1986). common- values of delay does not emerge: In the distributions, inframarginal traders side of the market to take, if any. more subtle option value in that paper, the may be setting, for a generic class of signal uncertain and uncommitted as to which Having seen the decisions of others, a trader may be persuaded to change the course of action she had previously planned to take in the current subgame traders, one with — for instance, she may buy a relatively stronger signal rather than will place sell. But among such a lower probability on the event that other traders will reveal sufficiently strong opposing signals to overturn her decision, and so her option value of delay with a weaker signal. As it is lower than that of an informed trader turns out, the class of signal distributions without any option value of delay play a key role in this paper. Is Separation Complete? (1982), it is equilibrium. exists Since the 'no-trade' theorem of Milgrom and Stokey well-known that trade for purely informational motives cannot occur in With noise traders in the picture, such trades may occur provided there a bid-ask spread sufficient to address the remaining adverse selection problem. GM admitted to one 'failing' of their competitive specialist model, that the required bid-ask spread effectively screens out marginal but nonetheless potentially valuable information: Insiders with only middling information simply write, "This opens the possibility that another is do not trade. way of arranging trade may exist They which Pareto superior to the competitive system. This paper in part explores whether such an improvement can be effected within the competitive system simply by endogenizing the timing of trades. spread timing, is an symptom of an adverse selection problem, and if the informed traders enter at a then the spread can vanish. So could all much in faster rate The bid-ask a world with endogenous than the noise traders, informed traders eventually purchase? Do the incentive efficiency characteristics of double auctions that Wilson (1985) finds IPV extend beyond the setting? No. I show that competitive auction model, in the equilibrium necessarily entails incomplete separation, simply because no trader having 'bad news' (in the sense of Milgrom (1981)) ever purchases. model, additionally no one with 'good news' ever GM, in all good news traders do buy and, news traders do sell in results are true whose analysis focuses on the the case of 7 First many is all bad the monopolistic model of Kyle Most who have extended closely related to the Kyle model to may heterogeneously informed insiders. Their insiders trade in any of finitely show that market maker model, 'linear' equilibrium. Foster and Viswanathan (1993), is I There are a handful of informational insider trading papers with endogenous timing. work in the maker the unique equilibrium. Relationship to the Literature. this While both sells. with endogenous timing, they are both subtle and tight: For eventually (1985), In the market many discrete time periods. 8 retained linearity, as have most others. 9 repeatedly Yet faithful to Kyle, they have Our dynamic insider trading paper, by way of contrast, requires no such focus on equilibria with special characteristics. The remainder of the paper fictitious zero profit and because it is organized as follows. In section auction model. This saves much is 2, I describe the introduced both as a conceptual device, analytic repetition. Since the model is largely new, I spend some time deriving the equations of the truncation equilibrium and intuitively discussing its properties in section 3. Section 4 is a quick march through the analogous equilibrium laws of motion for the market maker model. In section theoretical possibility of full separation in either context, and the good news and bad news exclusion results. I and uniqueness of the separating equilibrium in section 6. dynamics of trade 7 5, I explore the in particular establish use this discovery to prove existence Section 7 explores the in equilibrium, with attention to the frenzying question. who studies hedging-motivated trade by insiders. Foster and Viswanathan underscore the daunting complexity of doing without linearity, noting 7 that they "avoid the usual forecasting the forecasts problem. a.k.a. equilibrium theory. In See also Vayanos (1993), 8 ' . . . — framework, this forecasting problem also rears its head: Individuals must know the equilibria for all future subgames. 9 For references and a discussion, see Rochet and Vila (1994). On this note, I should comment this that the 'justification' in this latter paper for such a restricted focus and that of normality rely on an assumption that I expressly rule out that insiders directly observe the amount of noise trading. — While an elegant unifying result, this seems an awfully powerful presumption. A ZERO-PROFIT COMMON VALUE AUCTION 2. Consider an auctioneer is selling shares of Assume that the auction post value V. a single asset with uncertain ex continuously open on a time interval is time zero, and no subsequent arrivals. all The number is The random auction closing time oo) according to a Poisson process with parameter A chance e~ xt When . T — that is is, The time-zero prior beliefs about distributed over T exceeds random the auction closes, the realized value v of the 10 publicly revealed. V shared by all assume that Go has a continuous density currently willing to sell time-t, given only the information Z* elapse time /3t t, with V participants I shall go. The Auctioneer. The auctioneer continuously announces a temporary is t variable are described by the distribution Gq(-) on [Vo,Vi]- For notational simplicity, at which he of trades are always publicly observable. The Uncertainty. (0, T) Each trader may make at most one purchase of unit size, while the market remains open ('one-trade-and-out'). remaining traders and [0, TV potential buyers (or traders) present in the market at random duration, with of who unit shares of the asset. 11 That from the history of purchases in ask price is, at each (0, t) and the the ask price a t earns zero expected profits conditional upon the event of a purchase. For instance, the auctioneer may be an arm of the government, with the designated goal of neither losing nor making money in expectation on any transaction. in which case Later on, it will I shall allow this auctioneer to take be the classic zero-expected-profit Glosten and Milgrom (1985), that This is The may be both sides of a trade, market maker introduced by taken as a proxy to Bertrand competition. the ultimate motivation for this preliminary theoretical construct. GM assumption automates the auctioneer's decision allows one to focus exclusively on insiders' optimization. price incorporates Just as in any information that GM, I assume that if is rule, and thus nicely In other words, the ask transmitted by the arrival of the order. more than one zero-expected-profit ask price exists, I follow the convention of choosing the lowest one (and later on, the highest bid price too), 10 but unlike GM I simply assume that the auctioneer has no private information. Preston McAfee suggested this infinite-horizon reformulation of an earlier finite horizon model, where the market was open on [0, 1). 11 Throughout the exposition, I shall maintain the convention of referring to the traders as females and the auctioneer (and later, the market maker) as male. The At time Traders' Private Information. w€ observes a signal informed The is of the asset's value. [0, 1] signals too are private information, means that each signal w is independent across traders. is and are conditionally independent. This an independent draw from the continuous distribution F(- v), given the true value v. I 1 assume there also is the strict monotone likelihood ratio property satisfies chance q assume that the event of becoming I the trader's private information and zero, each trader with a smooth density /(• v) that | (MLRP), namely, f{w H v H )/f(w H vL ) > f(w L v H )/f{w L vL ) | wu > wl whenever | and vh > support on Some namely, trivially, [0,1], so the strict that | vi. Intuitively, signals so that traders with higher signals are Observe that | and values are complementary, more optimistic about the expectation of V. MLRP implies that the signal distribution has can never rule out any signals regardless of I of the results shall assume that there exists a signal it has the same likelihood for any value v. w that v. neutral news: is Other results only need the next weaker notion that necessarily exists with a nonatomic signal space and the Signal w w equals as w^ is weak neutral news given a prior g mean. its prior Finally, a signal w is if the posterior expectation of The Traders' Strategies. I MLRP: V given (weak) good news or (weak) bad news w. Appendix A.l summarizes some key implications of the simple integral inequalities that full MLRP and some find very useful. Focusing on the informed traders, I assume that the uninformed (noise) traders have no discretion over the timing of their trades. Instead, they are prompted to buy by a positive random liquidity shock that arrives according to an independent Poisson process with parameter 12 fi. In contrast, informed traders purchase for purely speculative motives and fully optimize over the timing of their trades. trader with signal no one 12 An else w who is open, any informed has not yet traded chooses an elapse time t(w) to buy has already purchased. 13 arguably more While the market She may well choose never to buy, in if which (and more complicated) model with explicit stochastic entry of if the total number of traders were unobserved. But I feel that the analytic advantage of my approach far outweighs any injustice wrought by my twisting the standard story. Hopefully the reader will soon agree. realistic liquidity traders could also One make informational sense technical question naturally arises with continuous time: What happens if one trader buys case t(w) utility. 14 = oo. The All informed traders are risk neutral and do not discount future type-u; trader's expected payoff at each time she purchases at an ask price of and at, otherwise. t is given by E wt The expectation operator defined with respect to the public information set Xt (given the is and the private signal w. strategies), to t , but where the trader is I known V — at if £. wt commonly known and 0? be the events analogous further let 0\ to be informed and uninformed, respectively. The Equilibrium Concept. As I model a dynamic game of incomplete mation among the informed traders, the appropriate solution concept is infor- sequential further wish to prune any equilibria in which decisions are predicated equilibrium. I upon payoff irrelevant information. For instance, only wish to consider equilibria I that are anonymous, in the sense that each trader's strategy her signal and the public posterior on the asset value. I may depend only upon shall address these concerns simply by restricting focus to the Markov sequential equilibria (MSE) of the model (due to Maskin and Tirole (1992)). Among Separating Equilibria. that are separating: buy, MSE, the class of I am namely, any traders with different signals must plan to do so at each ending in a trade. Partition the different times. The focus of this paper is strictly decreasing truncation t 1, such that at time function t (i) xt £ t-4 is if the market longer made is tion equilibrium xt = 0, , oo), subgames, an especially salient example of is a continuous and differentiable in each subgame, where € [0,x t ]. MSE, in which = 0. I am all (ii) all also interested in the notion informed types eventually buy Since strategic decisions are no I may > 0. exploit the recursive structure of a trunca- and simply analyze a representative n- trader subgame is N the subsequent analysis shall restrict focus to x t in the introduction, So a truncation equilibrium (t into plan to the informed type that buys, and thus open long enough: lim^oo x t as soon as As described , w remaining informed traders have signals of a completely (or fully) separating xt who both game a separating equilibrium called a truncation equilibrium: There <x < interested in those fully described (1 < n < N). by the monotonic function x where r marks the start of the current subgame when the for t € last trade occurred. To save on tedious details, I shall simply ignore this possibility as be a zero chance event in equilibrium. "Everyone behaves identically in the models with interest rate r > or, as is the case here, with no discounting and f exponential with parameter r + A. 'instantaneously after' another? it will EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS 3. The Accounting Equations Within a Subgame 3.1 Any delay of trading activity within a subgame simultaneously reveals the informed status of all remaining traders: remaining traders are less (resp. about (i) more) likely informed if noise traders entry rate; their equilibrium entry rate exceeds (resp. is less than) the and the underlying asset value: since the informed traders (ii) in particular have not purchased, the asset value I information is condition the probability q that a typical trader asset value v, then the following more likely low. In particular, if informed upon the underlying is two posteriors jointly evolve: • Qt{v), the chance that any given remaining trader is informed, given v and Xt • g?(v), the public posterior density of v given Xt Note that qt (-) is an interim density informed trader's private signal. auctioneer inasmuch as This, as it turns out, Computing qt {-) t • u t I = e -M is easiest. Given the current truncation F(x F(xt v)qQ t \v)q F(x _ + e-*(l - go) F(x t v)q | (1) is valid all n traders. t x t ], [0, \v)q +u t (l - U q ) t (since last purchase, (So x left at time-t both between and within subgames, and implies that qt (v) xt is To, immediately after the endowed with the truncation x^, mass u^, density pTo+ and = j/o = , 1, gTo+ is continuous in any truncation equilibrium). Next, consider an n-trader subgame that begins at time - and not 1 the (per capita) probability mass of uninformed traders ', continuous in 9t — introduce the notation Expression 15 and not the relevant for the informed trader what the auctioneer cares about. is | where It is does not incorporate the it is assumes uncertainty only over n it \- a v) qtK in the sense that = gQ , and qTo =q .) Before proceeding, 15 it beliefs helps to define Functions are assumed left continuous in time, since a purchase at time t does not affect the information Xt upon which all variables depend. At a discontinuity of a function h, h(T +) denotes the right evaluation of h the 'instant after' the trade at time r i.e., the right hand limit of h(t — as r 4- tq. 10 • $((• and •) I <f>t(- 1 •)) an informed trader's time-t conditional signal distribution and namely density given the value, Intuitively, the MLRP will $ imply that t (t//|u) is decreasing in v for fixed to < x t , since higher values are associated with higher signals. I can now calculate the value density g™ during the current subgame as follows: nt v \ _ [9ro(t;)^T (Xt V) I t jjjfcd (*)**> fa 2 ) I / 9iF(i,|iO + (1 - qro{v)){u /u To n gTo+ {v) + (1 - 9ro(2))KKo)NT0+ (2)dz + (i-a,)«. \* )) ,, .,,, oc for all t > the value r . Formula (3a) v given that is simply an application of Bayes rule for the chance that is n traders remain at time t. Here, I have (i) exploited the conditional independence of signals held by informed traders, for a fixed value v; applied the law of total probability in the numerator and denominator to the number of those traders have already bought oc is is with respect to which is who are informed, and (Hi) used the fact that already embedded v; therefore, independent of v. in the prior unknown N — n traders gTo+ The proportionality sign . the simplification (3b) ignores the denominator, For most uses in this paper, the density g? will appear in both numerator and denominator of fractions, and thus this (ii) it will suffice to substitute reduced form. Later on, Lemma 1 I shall require the following differential laws of motion of g" (Laws of Motion) any given remaining trader qt ( v ) is _ t . Within a subgame, the conditional chance qt (-) that informed, obeys = qt ( while the public posterior density ?(V) and q [ v )(l - <?"(•) qt (v))(n + <f>(x t | v)x t ) (4) over the value v evolves according to [* qt (v) qt (z) 1 (5) 9? 11 The proof — It <j> t is {x v)x t | is in the appendix. To see how intuitive equation is (4), observe that the flow probability of a purchase by informed traders in equilibrium. thus simply says that the difference in the rates of change of the proportions of informed and uninformed traders equals the negative difference in their respective trading hazard rates: dlogqt (v) rflog(l -q t {v)) qt (v) (1 qt (v) 1 - qt (v)) _,.,,, = + <pt\x v)x x fi | t The Auctioneer's Problem 3.2 At any moment in time, the auctioneer's sole task is to control the ask price in purely automated fashion. = • v? £, n [V\Xt] value given The = It is 1 Jy vg?(v)dv, the n remaining (auctioneer's) time-t public expectation of the traders auctioneer's pricing rule must reflect his informational disadvantage to the inu", expected valuation of the asset conditional on a purchase at time the purchase hazard rate for a typical trader at time being v. This is the sum a natural to define formed traders; therefore, he must equate the ask price not to V • qt (v) t, but to his updated t. Let Pt(v) denote conditional on the true value of of the respective entry rates of informed and uninformed buyers, as follows: Pt(v) = q {v)<j> {x v)(-x + (1 - q {v))fi _ qof(x \v)(-x + (1 - q )utn qQ F(x \v) + (1 - q )u t t t t) | t t t The (6) t t) auctioneer only sees that a purchase has occurred at a given ask price, but does not observe the informed status of the trade. Hence, following a purchase he updates gt (v) to the new posterior value density gt +(v) Jvo Pt(z)9t(z)dz 12 = g^' n {v), where He new carries this the auctioneer's zero-profit constraint satisfies = at Observe how prior g T2,. . . . For I n if Tjv_ n , then , £. n [V\It, may = p t) vgt ' (v)dv = an expression and the first The Informed • • -pTN _ n (v)[q F(x t \v) (9) pt {v)g?(v)dv for g™ in terms of the original N — n have by the conditional independence of pTl (v)p T2 (v) price that ——— ° JVq likewise produce The ask therefore is Jv traders remain, g?(v) oc 3.3 posterior density into the next subgame. purchased at times T\, signals, + (1 - qo)u n (v) g t] (10) Trader's Problem In order to formulate the stopping time problem faced by a typical informed trader in a truncation equilibrium, I describe in turn her flow of payoffs within the subgame, and then the laws of motion of I payoff-relevant variables. all remark that any informed trader's time-t interim posterior density given Z* and the fact that she exists given that n— is p" _1 and not other traders remain at time 1 no more learning occurs by her particular, For this #". = go(v) <7 t°(t>) First, to express the if (if there she is is only t. And is the conditional density of v once only informed), and so N=1 n = <7°(v) is trader initially, 1 trader remains, time invariant. In who still remains. type-w informed trader's privately estimated valuation E. wt V, introduce the notation -1 • 7" tne J » sity that ™* signal-value density: 9t{- 1 •)) mation n_1 t (u;,u) = l f(w v)g?~ (v) \ a given remaining informed trader has signal given the information It from • 7 all w and the is the joint den- asset value is v, previous trades ner time-t conditional value density given the private signal and the inforIt, defined W) 9tiV ' by Bayes' rule as = r^w ?fn-u\, l Jv f( \ z )9? {z)dz 13 « /(» I »)#» = tf-'fo V) (11) Then E wt V at time = t, an informed trader with signal E[V\Xt, w] = vgt (v w)dV / | = w expects the asset —= ° is worth v An informed trader with signal w can act as if she receives all payoffs as soon as the current subgame market closes. ends. This occurs either because she or another trader buys, or the If she buys then she receives the expected profits first, that purchase evaluated using her concurrent beliefs. nf (w) from another purchase triggers If the next subgame, she receives her expected continuation value "W(Zt,l3t ,w). If the market closes, she receives nothing. Her instantaneous payoffs are thus: Uf(w) n 11? {w) = EvtV-at = J ( Next, I if another trader buys at time (12) t 0, if the market closes at time t describe an informed trader's personal estimate of the instantaneous prob- abilities of intervening is W(Ii, Puw), < purchase by any other given trader. For one's private signal an indication of the underlying value, and by implication of the distribution of other informed traders' private signals. p(w) for someone with signal w is The privately assessed purchase hazard rate thus obtained simply by integrating pt(v) over the buyer's private beliefs on the value distribution: ft (to) = p (v)gt (v w)dv / t Jvo where I | = = • * l /^Tf \w,v)dv fVo f(w v)g? | (13) Wdv have substituted from (11). In light of equations (l)-(3a) an informed trader at any time subgame, as well as (ut ,x u at). 16 and (11)-(13), t is ' 17 variables evolve deterministically, captured by all payoff-relevant information for initial conditions for the current Crucially observe that within a subgame and it is all state only the concluding time of this subgame For indeed, (1) and (3a) express qt and$" -1 given these quantities and (u To ,z To ,gro ,g To+ ), while 1 <t>t is a simple function of x t via (2). All other variables are functions of x t q t 9?' and t Observe that the starting time of the current subgame is payoff irrelevant. By way of contrast, in the natural alternative formulation of the model where the market closes almost surely at time 1 16 , (my first choice), the actual calendar time also matters. 14 , , <j> . that (n — is stochastic: l)p t (w) + The type-w informed X at time trader thinks it ends with Poisson flow rate Confronting the type-w informed trader t. is the task of optimally stopping this jump process, given the termination payoff function (12). Her optimization can clearly be performed at time r Choose a stopping T f e rule as her objective , essentially static: is r so as to maximize her expected payoff, namely ~ /il(»-i».W+^(n _ i)jS t ( w )W(2t, A, w)dt + e~ f^ n - 1)Mw)+xVs Il?(w) (14) J To Recall this optimization is performed at time-r The . first term captures type assessment of the possibility that the subgame will end before time r, tu's delivering her the continuation value from the ensuing subgame in the case of an intervening trade or zero if the possibility that the game ends subgame exogenously. will persist until her Incentive Compatibility. time I r, The second term describes the remaining planned purchase time r. Differentiating (14) with respect to the stopping and dividing through by the discount factor exp(— T T [(n — l)p r (w) + A]dr), obtain the first-order condition o = (n - i)pT (w)[w(ir, /?T , w) Equilibrium requires that type x t finds - n? («)] + it £n? H - aii?m optimal to buy at time t. (15) Thus, (15) yields the following differential equation: £n » As the 'smooth = Anf (i,) + (n- l)p,(i,) t - W(2i, A,i,)] The type who is just willing to equates the rate of change of her terminal payoff (on the expected instantaneous change in the value of the possibility of the (16) pasting' condition defining the optimal stopping time, this equation has a straightforward interpretation. at time [nf (i,) W=Xt game exogenously ending 15 game IC buy LHS) with the (on the RHS), due to the or someone else buying. Order System 3.4 Analysis of the First Equation (16) yields an implicit second-order LHS function Iff (w) differentiated on the x embedded hazard in the purchase autonomous of first-order From now rate. of (16) contains the ask price that itself has So , v) -* I I shall instead derive an explicit system differential equations in the state variables (u,x, a). on, I suppress time subscripts, n g?(v) -> g 4>t{x t equation in x: The profit differential l 4>x , i?- {x t , and abbreviate: f{x t \v) -¥ fx qt (v) —> , v) -> 7*, Uf(xt ) -4 II?, and W&, ft, x t) -> c, Wf Proposition 1 (Truncation Equilibria of the Competitive Auction Model) Within a subgame, the payoff relevant state variable for traders and the auctioneer in any truncation equilibrium u is (u,x,a), which continuously evolves according to = — fiu (17) ji/fo-q)(l-g)g" J(v a = ~A where a)q<j>x g iTX^ " q, fx , <j) x, g . . n + (n " a 1} n~ l , (19) TJ^ 1 J and g n are explicit functions via (1) and (3a) of (x, a, u) and the initial conditions (n,u TO ,g TO ,q To ,x To ). The derivation of the equations The informed reformulation. is in the appendix, but they traders control their rate of entry the auctioneer to break even on all trades, 18 have an intuitive —x so as to enable while the auctioneer selects the rate of decline a of the ask price allowing the traders to behave in an incentive compatible fashion. Thus, the law of motion for x comes from the ask price equation (9), while the law of motion for a comes from the informed traders' IC equation (16): = ("i) n J(v - a)q4>x g + fif(v- * v informed traders' flow (+) profits 18 More generally, with ' o)(l - q)g n v v ' uninformed traders' flow (— ) profits a profit-maximizing auctioneer, traders would choose tioneer could satisfy his optimization. 16 —i so that the auc- a = —AILi J (V£ - , after continuity of (u,x), subgame. But the (n - l)jrfc expected (purchase hazard rate) x (loss from another purchase) (expected loss from exogenous termination) in every - a)) /7. Ax Remark. By (» initial I have initial ask price is conditions u7rs+ down not pinned = u^ and x To+ (intuitively, = x To 0^+ > Or a purchase). This indeterminancy potentially creates a multiplicity of equilibria. Whether one or more equilibria do in fact in fact exist has not yet been shown. Are There Other Separating Equilibria? 3.5 With the continuation subgame can be thought of as a traders; their message space purchase. In this light, I down by the recursive structure, any given static signalling game by the remaining informed payoffs nailed simply (r is now , 00], where t = {00} is briefly revisit the choice of the truncation equilibrium. A standard feature of many distributions satisfying the MLRP of the conditional density, 19 Lemma and if 2 the Any maximum most the n-trader separating likely signal game too. is a single-peakedness or • Most Likely Signal Property: For each unique interior the message never to w(v) € for v € (0, 1), the map w »-> f(w\v) has a (0, 1). MSE of the one trader game property holds, then this is is a truncation equilibrium, the unique separating MSE of 20 The (appendicized) proof is in three steps. First, to argue that higher types purchase first. I use the single-crossing property In a word, while all traders prefer the presumably lower price that comes with time, the higher one's signal the greater the expected payoff that one places at risk by waiting. But with more than one trader, this argument is incomplete: with a lower signal may A subgame may end from another purchase, and a trader well have a higher estimate of the purchase hazard rate by For instance, the normal family f(w\v) = ce _(u,_ "^, but not the Poisson family f(w\v) = ve~ vw (Of course, these popular examples are ruled out by the bounded signal support assumption.) 20 It is very plausible that no 'pooling equilibria' exist, in the sense of two traders of different types planning to buy at the same time. In other words, any MSE is a truncation equilibrium. 19 . 17 those other traders If if, perversely, other lower signal traders are expected to enter the equilibrium in the continuation more eager subgame is particularly dreaded, they As to purchase earlier than the higher signal traders. it first. may be turns out, I show that this logic cannot be sustained. The final two steps rule out either atoms of informed traders entering (x t drops discontinuously), or no informed traders entering (x t rates of informed = Essentially, the entry 0). and uninformed traders always have to be 'mutually absolutely continuous', neither infinitely larger than the other. The One-Trader Endgame 3.6 The differential equations for the n-trader from the respective (n by a purchase. — l)-trader subgame contain continuation values subgames that can be triggered at each point This significantly complicates the analysis. I therefore specialize the equations to the one-trader endgame, upon whose solution the equilibria of all subgames are constructed via backwards induction. With n = l, equation (19) reduces to at = mB , -Allf ,{x t ) J%(v-at)f(xt\v)tf(v)dv ° „ = -A (20) Svl f(xt\v)gHv)dv Simply put, the lone informed trader buys when her marginal from waiting profits for a lower price are rising at the rate of time discounting induced by the flow probability A of exogenous market closing. When only one trader remains in the market, neither the competitive pressures nor the learning opportunities associated with the possibility of intervening trade in the many-player trader's only strategic consideration is subgame are present, and thus the informed to hide her signal from the auctioneer. Notice in particular that the fully pooling no-purchase equilibrium with a* = 1 is not a solution of (20). But as is standard with the single-crossing property (from section 3.5), inframarginal traders must Corollary must strictly make strictly positive profits Uf (x t) > 0. So all strictly (20) implies In any truncation equilibrium of the one trader subgame, the ask price monotonically decline. 18 I cannot be as definite about subgames with more than one trader pending a better In particular, to establish a monotonic understanding of the continuation values. decline in the ask price, engaged in a would be it sufficient to argue that the traders are de facto pre-emption game, with an expected a slightly higher signal — loss from entry by a trader with the second term in (19) i.e. is Deducing negative. this remains an open problem. 4. The Revised Model 4.1 I of THE MARKET MAKER MODEL now complete GM, the story of a competitive specialist or market-maker in the spirit maker continuously announces bid and ask to buy and sell prices at which he unit shares of the asset, respectively. temporary (time-t) prices profits, conditional The The market rather than the preceding facetious competitive auctioneer. risk neutral for currently willing is The market maker chooses these each type of transaction so as to earn zero expected upon the occurrence of the transaction informed traders' information structure egy spaces are enlarged. Each of the N traders may make at time is at t as before, but all strat- most one publicly ob- servable transaction of unit size, either a purchase or a sale of a single share, while Each noise trader the market remains open. probabilities according to is prompted to buy or sale with equal an independent Poisson process with parameter The separating truncation equilibrium now consists of continuous and creasing (resp. increasing), and hence piecewise differentiable, functions ' *-* yt), where < y < x < t t 1, types that respectively buy and signals w lim^oo x t true that € [yt.^t]- = lim^oo y t such that at time sell, and thus Such an equilibrium . If a^ = y^ (i) strictly de- M- x t (resp. x t and y are the informed t remaining informed traders have completely (or fully) separating provided is but x t (ii) all t, t /x. > yt for all finite t, then some informed types have not traded while the market such an equilibrium eventually separating. 19 is it may open. always be I shall call The Analysis 4.2 Market Maker Model of the The Accounting Equations. in contrast to (1) and (4), Given the current truncation [y t ,x t ], the probability q of a typical trader being informed is now and derivative its is (F(x t \v)-F(yt \v))q _ , t Qt{V) (F(x t - F(y v) | = qt(v)(l — q qt (v) t • the public posterior beliefs p"(v) are . | {v))(n still + tfc(l - q v))q + 4>(x t \ v)x t - K . . $ttK(w\v)= ; ' F(w I v) „) - F(yyt <j){y t F(x \v)-F(yt t Mw\v)= m . , and ; \ . . , ; \v) ' The Market Maker's Problem. \ v)yt) given by (3a), but the conditional signal \v) t „) ( } ) and density are now conditioned on the truncation distribution ., t Equations for [j/ t , x t ], as flw v) ,\ -= in I ] —, ' F(a: t , jt;)-F(y t . |t;) 7t (iy,v), gt (v\w), and E^V" remain unchanged. Since noise traders are assumed equally likely to buy or sell, the purchase and sale hazard rates of traders (informed and uninformed alike) are now Pt(v) =q s t (v) = q (v)<f>t(y t {v)<t>t{xt t t v){-x I | v)yt t) + - (1 + (1 - q t qt (v))(fx/2) (v))(n/2) Given a trade that has occurred at a given ask or the value density gt (v) following a purchase to g t +(v) gt+(v) =g t '"(u) following a bid, the specialist = n updates g?' (v) as in (8), and to a natural (but omitted) analogue to the formula (10) for sale, where Svo 8t{z)fi(z)dz With this equation, there is the posterior density over valuations v. Also, the required ask meet the market maker's zero-profit constraint are given by h= Jv vgt (v)dv = In ° Jvj 20 (9) vs t {v)g?{v)dv TT-rr7Z s t (v)g?(v)dv and bid and prices that The Informed Trader's Problem. The at time t < T from buying IlfH = nfM = n?H and delay (D) are as (B), selling (5), -E wt V bt = ) Wf(Zt, Pt,w), if another trader buys at time Wf(It,a if another trader t ,w), the market closes at time sells at Vi , , s t (w) = f / ,, w)dv = . , s t (v)g t (v , | . $ s t (v)<yt (w,v)dv -yt (w, J Vo = S%s 'directed stopping rule', or a time and an action (a maximize her expected eventual payoff from f e" />-l)(M"HM"))+A]<*r (n _ 1} J To + g" /^[(«-l)(Pr(«)+*r(«))+A]* n «( u this t now v buy or or =S = (n Mw)WB {w) + §t{w)WS (w) - +s JV H] - Allf (j/t) = (n sell) so as to ] dt ,) x and y t t find it optimal to buy and 1) {ft(x») [nf (x t ) - Wf (*,)] 1U=I( d (v)dv subgame, namely: respectively, at time t Xnfixt) l entails choosing a [ incentive compatibility requires that types - r {v)dv v)gt I now To is =B also {v)ttw\v) 9 JVo f(w v)dv Note that the informed trader's objective at time sell, t trader's private assessment of the instantaneous probabilities of inter- Jvo Thus time t t vening trade by any other given trader are pt(w) as before, and . follows: E wt V-at 0, if The informed type-w trader's instantaneous payoffs t - +s (x t )[nf(x t )-'Wf( a t )]} ; 1) {pe(2/t) t [nf fa) (y t )[Uf(y t 21 - Wf (»)] )-Wf(y )}} t The Autonomous auction model, I First now produce an explicit Clearly, 0= u (-x) I\v In addition, I b). below the intuitive statement of the laws of motion. have - a)q^- + (»/2)J(v-a)(l-q)g n x ' v ^ ' flow profits of trading flow profits of trading yj(b-v)q^- -All* Here, 1 +(f,/2)J(b-v)(l-q)g / (Wf - (y - a)) (n (22) ' uninformed traders' n (23) s J (Wx - - lfrg- 1 (v - a)) (n - [ Sir 1 /(ft-^-WfH"- 1 )*^" hr I 1)8^ (2i) Six expected (purchase hazard rate) x (A profit from another purchase) ^ differential Rather than write down an analogue to informed traders' d= _ An a 6 shall just include = — Xu. < 0= 1, 1 analogy to the solution of the system of first-order autonomous equations in the state variables (u, x, y, a, Proposition By Order System. expected (sale hazard rate) x (A profit from another sale) S f((b-v)-Wy)(n-l)s<yr 1 1 m) , ' Itr l 1 E is the profit loss or gain from nature's exogenous termination of the market. Remarks: 1. Just as the competitive auction model had a single degree of freedom in the choice of o^, in the market 2. As maker model there are two degrees of freedom before, strict individual rationality implies that the ask price in (a To b To ). , rising is and the bid price falling in the one trader game, since there are no continuation values. To be more definite about the n-trader game (n two terms to be negative in (24) and positive in a conjecture as I > 1), I (25). need the sum of the This result, final however, remains cannot yet sign these terms. 3. Intuitively (to me), individuals strictly prefer that an opposite side trade just precede them, but just wish to pre-empt same-side trades (as with the competitive auction model), i.e. the second term the reverse true of (25). I am is negative and the third positive in (24), with forced to leave open this intriguing question. 22 5. IS In this section, If the issue: in the price? FULL SEPARATION POSSIBLE? consider the extent of separation. This I market is open long enough, As discussed separation in the earlier, is all is a very fundamental information eventually impounded GM tantalizingly hint at the impossibility of full- common value setting, and it was certainly true of their model. This would provide a sharp contrast to the theory developed that in standard double auction environments, full in Wilson (1985), who showed separation is incentive compatible. The Competitive Auction Model 5.1 This paradigm constrains the action set of the traders, who can only purchase. It so happens that this provides a very natural limit on the extent of entry. Proposition 2 (Incomplete Separation in the Competitive Auction Model) In a truncation equilibrium of the n-trader subgame, only those whose signals are good news given w x > t Proof: for the prior all t. g*~ l ever purchase. Moreover, In either case, complete separation is a neutral signal or, equivalently, when o)(l - n q)g ^ <=> f(v The appendix shows how toM n-i./^r = ~ s„$ density #" But I will is x < a)q<t> x g 1^ n exactly when £ w B ZM] (26) f„n-l n-1 1 < a t< Thus, bad and neutral news given the prior p" -1 The then this implies V. -1 exists, either of the following inequality pairs obtains: ej^tf, . a neutral signal - w thus impossible. In any n-buyer truncation equilibrium, (18) yields j{v - If if Jvfxg' t is screened out. doesn't exist, then incomplete separation not constant in time, and so u" _1 might well tend to with probability one eventually reach the one trader 23 is still game in doubt: over time. — unless the two smallest signals are tied, a zero chance event. traders who purchase have that subgame. 5.2 signals above As soon as n = 1, the only informed weak neutral news given the Thus complete separation cannot occur (almost prior 0+ for <?° surely). The Market Maker Model Proposition 2 has the following immediate extension, whose proof Proposition 3 (On Eventual Separation in the Market I omit. Maker Model) In a truncation equilibrium of the n-trader subgame, only those with good (resp. bad) l news signals given the prior g"~ ever purchase w signal exists, then x t >w > yt for (resp. sell). Moreover, if a neutral So with an arbitrary number of all t. traders, complete separation cannot occur in finite time. In other words, there is no option value of changing sides if the signal distribution has a neutral signal. Since (x t ) and (yt ) are each monotonic, they have well-defined limits as t —¥ Observe that eventual separation, or x^ = informed trade vanishes, since by an adverse selection problem (namely q^ will arise if the (1) oo. y^, does not imply that the chance of > 0) informed traders have entered more slowly than the noise traders. For eventual separation requires that x t — yt vanish at a faster than the exponential - 14 rate that e * does. On the other hand, if I do not achieve eventual separation, or Zoo > J/oo? resolve then necessarily q^ = 1 by (1), which of these possibilities obtains and all trade is choked in the next section off. I shall try to by characterizing the equilibrium. Corollary (Switching Sides of the Market) If a neutral market they news signal exists, then no traders are ever unsure of which side of the will trade on, if any, in future signal does not exist, then for subgames. Conversely, some intervening a neutral news series of transactions, a trader might well change plans (buy rather than sell, or vice versa). 24 if 6. I first EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS must understand how well behaved are the laws of motion governing the model state variables. It turns out that the behaved that the slopes sufficiently well is of the equilibrium paths nicely fan out from any given initial point — at least in the one trader game. Lemma with 3 (Derivative Monotonicity) da/dx < db/db > 0, in the one trader dx/dy > with a neutral signal Remark. The exists, > 0, game. In the market maker model, additionally: > and dy/dx > then dx/dx signs of partials of x fact that only informed traders In a truncation equilibrium, da/da 0, ifn > dx/da < 1, 0, and db/dy dy/dy > 0, and y with respect to x or y whose signals are good <0ifn = l. If also and dy/db < 0. crucially rely on the bad) news will purchase (resp. (resp. sell) in equilibrium. Absent the encumbering continuation values, definite with one than with n > 1 traders. I now results for both models are more exploit the above result to provide a proof of existence and uniqueness of a truncation equilibrium for the n game. Essentially, this entails nailing prices are for each down exactly what the initial subgame. For instance, with extremely precise = 1 trader ask and bid signals, the initial ask price must be set very high, and the bid price very low. I argue below that the maximal amount of separation occurs in equilibrium. Proposition 4 (Existence and Uniqueness) rium for either model, which is There exists a truncation unique for the one trader subgame. Also, eventually any informed trader with good news purchases in the competitive auction in the Proof: provide a constructive and visual proof, model. The idea by using time arise setting, market maker model, any informed trader with bad news eventually I t is to revert to the rather than u = e nonautonomous first for , is as in figure 1. The uniqueness saddle point stable structure. 25 and sells. the competitive auction nonautonomous dynamical system -tlt because the desired equilibrium of this given the equilib- in (x, a) alone, essentially will — although I make no use Figure 1: Phase Plane Diagram of One Trader Game. For the competitive auction model with n = 1, 1 project the solutions of (17), (18), and (19) onto x-a space. Notice that a unique equilibrium arises (namely, a stable manifold starting at aJJ tending to the origin), and it entails the theoretically maximal amount of separation, with convergence to the neutral signal. In x-a space, a truncation equilibrium t > 0. Now, x > —oo 21 and x < is a path with xq = 1 and x < for all imply ,^h? <a< hhl 1 The only 9° (27) ff*9° possible destination for the dynamical system is the intersection point 7 of the two boundaries. For as the dynamical system approaches the upper boundary, x starts to explode while d vanishes, and so da/dx vanishes; therefore, the paths tend towards that boundary horizontally and fast. 22 Conversely, as the system approaches the lower boundary, x vanishes but d does not, so that da/dx vanishes; therefore, the paths must transverse the boundary vertically. In either case, the system will hit either will 21 boundary change in finite time, sign). Thus, only which cannot possibly be an equilibrium if the system (x, a) approaches 7 can |±| (for + |d| then x -> as This equivalently comes from individual rationality. Note that x reverses course is discontinuous across the boundary, and so the dynamical system immediately upon touching it, as seen in the figure. 26 it — must appendix By dx/da < for since by Proposition 3, a must also come to a any such approach must take in fact verifies that rest. The forever. continuity of the dynamical system between these two boundaries, such an approach path (part of the so-called stable manifold) must exist. For when oq below (J vfx g°)/(J fx g°), the system crosses the top boundary, while (/ V 9°)/(J 9°) > it crosses the lower one. On for is just a just above the other hand, strict monotonicity of the derivatives of the dynamical system implies uniqueness, for the paths monotonically 'bend down' as ao decreases: Namely, prices and a k than for n do > a > at any later time t — so long as (x ,a t inequalities apply) for compare two paths if I t) 0, lies strictly both paths at time xt is and tt strictly higher starting at ask and a* lower for between the boundaries (and thus the therefore, there t; it cannot exist two distinct approach paths to the intersection point. The market maker problem with n motion for (x,y,a,b) = 1 is no more same fact as respective boundaries of above that x and y are monotonia Remark. The if it > 1 is as yet missing, b), but will the ask or bid prices start too close to the x € (— oo, 0) and y € becomes nonmonotonic. Thus, both the law of decouples into two independent systems in (x, a) and (y, with analogous analyses. The existence proof for n exploit the difficult, since (0, oo), then very quickly x or y should be possible to prove that for some choice, 23 uniqueness for n > 1 remains an open question, awaiting my sharper understanding of the continuation values. For instance, in the competitive auction model, I only lack demonstration that da/dx appendix proofs of But I all can say that < when n > 1, since the other monotonicity results obtain for general n. if doubt there does), then I there exists a truncation equilibrium for n > 1 (which no almost surely eventually reach the one trader game — at which point, the above characterization obtains. Thus, in any truncation equilibrium of the competitive auction or market maker model with n > 1, there necessarily obtains complete separation, with convergence to the neutral signal. 23 Note that the key to this argument will be the do not hit it at different times. point, then they 27 fact that if x and y take forever to reach this PRICE AND TRADE DYNAMICS 7. 7.1 Inter- Subgame Price The up Jumps GM's exogenous intuitive result, true in in response to any purchase is entry model, that prices must much harder to deduce with endogenous even with a positive chance that some remaining trader to conclude that is difficult any purchase pure liquidity reasons, which garbles its is the more likely it is trade may also > decreasing in v by is (1): 0), it come from FSD informational content. For by strict (F(-\v)) in v, the chance of informed trade qt (v) is v, A good news: timing. For informed (with x t is jump of The higher that there are fewer informed buyers, given that no one has yet bought in the current subgame. Fortunately, Lemma Let a neutral signal exists, and so all Proof: I whose fv (x t all pt(v) is purchases are good news and > good news for all t, will Corollary (Bid and / x Pt{ ] Ask following a purchase, and yt in the market maker model. increasing in v and s t (v) decreasing in v, bad news about the asset value. all sales go/fo Prices) is (1 - + (1 - q )u F(x t \v) Thus, a* > definition (9) of for all t and n. Next, after value the immediately preceding ask price, or > u^" , price, > v? Lemma a purchase at time r and so aT0+ D a To as claimed. , 28 > bt . Also, both prices jump up sale. Be 1 go)p increasing and denominator decreasing. down following a an ask rate MM) + Proof: that a T0+ t and so the purchase hazard increasing in v, as the numerator is x > there exists a neutral signal. purchase in equilibrium. Thus, Fact 1-4 implies that q is Assume just consider the auction model. Proposition 2 assures us that only traders signals are \v) definite. in the competitive auction model, or t if can now be more 4 (Transactions are Informative) x > Then I , 4 and Fact 2.1 then yield at > £" the public expectation of the asset v^ = aTo . But I have just shown 7.2 Transaction Prices wish to extend the martingale property of I To tion prices are expected to remain constant. • the 71*, fc'th realized transaction price, k = GM, and show that realized transac- this end, define 1, 2, . . . N , (if the market doesn't close before everyone has a chance to purchase) Thus, 71-* is (Ti,...,Tfc), a deterministic function of the publicly known namely 71* = SfKIZ*], but 7r*+i only on the information Z* known Tk+i < oo, is r* = Lemma oo. 5 jump all = £[7rfe+ i|X*] 7r*; In this notation, however, in light of the mere fact that there exists a next transaction, or that remaining signals are bad news. So Then is £[7r* +1 diately a random variable conditional this allows me I = lim^oo vt w.r.t. {2*} k : £[7r*+i \T \ = 7r*. 24 a standard application of the Law of Iterated Expectations. 25 fc |X ] = fc+1 £[£[t/|r ]|J*] = £[E[V\Ik ,Tk+1 }\Ik shall conclude that following up, let's define 71* to state Transaction prices {ftk+i} are a martingale The argument In section 7, Ik = a valuable piece of information in the competitive auction model: This means that not when 3, clearly k trade times as of the previous purchase. the martingale property would assert that Propositions 2 and is first and then monotonically } = E[V\Ik ] = nk any purchase, the ask price must imme- fall during the next subgame. Thus, with the endogenous timing, the martingale property will have a slightly more pointed implication than of a subgame is its precursor in GM: The initial jump in the ask price at the outset balanced by an expected subsequent gradual decline during the next subgame. Note that Lemma 5 is not an arbitrage argument, since any informed trader entails a risk of the market closing by deferring trade, but no implicit discounting appears in the martingale expression! Rather, information structure, and he is it is simply a deduction based on the auctioneer's not directly affected by the market closing. 24 More generally, this is a martingale relative to the auctioneer's information. In fact, the martingale result is stronger than that. Namely, I can (and will in the next version) show that £[7Tjt +1 |Zt] = € t the current expected value of the asset. 25 , 29 Do 7.3 I Rational Traders Frenzy? now come to the motivational question for this paper, which be tackled given the theory am I hopeful can have developed to this point. Consider the competitive I auction model, and imagine that a purchase occurs at time traders with signals just below x To (and thus How t. do informed On just about to enter) respond? the one hand, favorable information about the asset value has just been released, which one might presume provides an incentive to jump into the fray sooner. But this urge is tempered by the immediate jump First note that frenzying deduce is Which in the ask price. effect an equilibrium phenomenon, and dominates? it is let a purchase So when the ask price jumps up, this forces on the basis of one side of the market alone. For instance, it occur at time r . Recall from (18) that n _ tif(v-a)(l-q)g = n x J{v- Lemma 3 tells us that down x at time r . dx/da < The 0. or equivalents |x T0+ | > |x To is By Lemma x To+ Thus, so by Fact 2.1, this discretely increases , a)q<t> x g posterior on the valuation g~'n (v) oc p To (v)g? (v) in the x expression. x T0+ < x T0 not possible to . also 4, it is updated from g^ p(v) is increasing in v, and not obvious whether can show that after a purchase occurs, the That is, there is shift <7" (u) •->• gf ' n {v) causes believe d to be used to show that both of the externality terms diminish, irrespective of whether a war of attrition or a preeemption I I fall. frenzying on the part of the market maker. For indeed, the basic integral inequality can obviously so, in fact |. Let's briefly outline a possible avenue of thinking about this problem. I (v) h-» game strictly arises; less believe (but cannot yet prove) that the profits to the marginal trader also discretely increase from the shift. Indeed, following a price jump, an informed trader with a nearby signal places a higher weight on the informed status of the purchase being than does the market maker, and thus ought to be more encouraged to enter by the purchase than she same token, someone about to sell about to sell. But I discouraged by the higher ask price. By the places a lower weight on the informed status of the transaction than the market maker, for those is and thus the bid price rise should lower profits need a proof of this inequality. 30 assume that Let's in fact I have d < in equilibrium. As it turns out, yet been able to demonstrate this intuitive property of the equilibrium. a/(da/dx), and RHS have just argued that the numerator of the I have not I Now x = grows in absolute Unfortunately, with the higher ask price that will obtain in the continuation size. subgame, the required slope da/dx also grows. This and analysis, rate, this relies is the equilibrium aspect of the on simple geometry, and may not admit a means that not at it is obvious that x all falls, At any tight proof. and thus frenzying is not clear. Remark. Regardless of whether frenzying occurs or not, by (30), the terior density g" density g^ n _1 The appendix proves x t (that when is, subgame {v)/9- * increase {v) t > lower -{ qoF(x >r To \v) by the factor r and so by Fact , { 2.1, 1 1) = I on the values 2x, to gradually 26 plan to illustrate the general solution developed up to this point, of the results depended. f(x is is thus putting a damper on any frenzy that occurs, or |x|), abandon the assumption of an atomless distribution probabilities model, this term the effect of this turning to a simple example with two states of the world. porarily (28) + l- qo )uJ A WORKED EXAMPLE 8. I at time t in fact that in the competitive auction accelerating any anti-frenzying. In this section pos- immediately but continuously starts to diverge from the prior for the next diminishing in v new shall let and both defined on 1, g for tem- I V, upon which none be a two-point distribution that places equal and use the two [0, 1]. In other words, signal densities f(x | 0) = 1 and These signal distributions belong to the family of generalized uniform distributions F(x) = x*^, a e [0, 1). Observe that in the simulation of this example below, rational traders do frenzy after a purchase. (to 26 be continued) While the proof does not work for the market maker model, 31 I presume the result still holds. CI o 01 \h-^^L ^x^^_^)_ ""OS 05 6( 2 ) 45 04 • OJS OJ t < Frenzying after a Purchase. Here is graphed the dynamic behavior of the prices (a, b) and the entering signals (i, y) against time in the model with two traders. A purchase occurs at time .58, and in response both ask and bid prices jump up, as expected. Also, x and y accelerate: the entry rate of both buyers and sellers rises, and convergence of i — y is much faster. Figure 2: APPENDIX A. A.l Useful Mathematical Facts Fact 1 is (3) Let (f(w\v)) be a smooth family of conditional densities. Then (f(w\v)) has strict (1) (2) (MLRP) MLRP <& fv (w\v)/f(w\v) log-supermodular: f(w\v)fwv (w\v) f > fw {w\v)fv {w\v) MLRP =» f(w\v)/F(w\v) increasing in v, or equivalently the distribution function F is log-supermodular: F(w\v)Fwv (w\v) > Fw (w\v)Fv (w\v) (f(w\v)) has strict (f(w\v)) has strict MLRP =^ F(- v) \ is ordered in v by strict first order stochastic dominance (FSD), or F(w\v) decreasing in v (4) increasing in w, or equivalently (f(w\v)) has strict signal Part (1) is follows x is MLRP, and if F(w\v) < a neutral news signal exists => fv {x\v) ^ as the good news or bad news due to Milgrom (1981), and part (3) is trivial. Part by means of an integral inequality. Finally, to see part Then f(x\v)/f(x\v') >liffv>v', and Another 1 so fv (x\v) (4), let widely known, x be good news. follows. result is used sufficiently often that it is 32 (2), less summarized for easy reference. Fact 2 (Key Integral Inequalities) Let (1) ip'(v) > and N'(v) > 0. Then J* 1,(v)N(v)dv ^> f£ N(v)dv J* ^(v)D(v)dv J* D(v)dv if the both numerators are positive and both denominators negative and Let N(v)/D(v) be increasing in v, and N(v),D(v) (2) < 0, or D'(v) > 0. numerator and denominator in both cases are positive and D'(v) [* N(v)dv J > * N(Vi)/D<yi) > 0. if Then > N(V )/D(VQ ) '- Jv D{v)dv Lemma A. 2 Proof of I now 1: Accounting Laws of Motion describe the evolution of qt simplest to first consider q. If and gt as time elapses with no no trade has occurred between t and t trade. + A, then It is I may use Bayes' Rule to update qt pointwise, as follows: W\ v ' F(xt\v) %^*W + F(xt\v) «p(-/xA)(l - *(«)) ~)J\ t+A (t;)\ i-ft(«) V After taking logs, dividing by A, and letting The law / Ffa|p) \ A— > 0, I of motion for gt (v) within the n-trader obtain (4) via l'Hopital's rule. subgame uses this result following consequence of Bayes' rule: [(l-q 9t+M v ) t ( v ))e-^ = -77, Svl ((1 + q (v)^^y 9t (v) t 7-ha " ft W)e-^ + Qt{z)^g^) 33 gt (z)dz and the Taking logs and limits as before, »log((l- gt (v) ft , "m — TT = a^o 9t(v) (t,))e-^+ (t,)^Jji) ft Aa log/* — obtain I ((1 -g t (z))e-^ +g t (z)^ifY 9t (z)d2 lim A-+0 = n [-/i + q t {v) (fj, + <f>{x | - n -H+ v)x)] qt (z)(fi + 4>{x\z)x)g t (z)dz JVo D A.3 Proof of Proposition Prom the ask at Truncation Equilibria of the Auction Model 1: price equation (9), _ f vpt (v)g?(v)dv _ f v[q ' I have substituted from x upon tion (18) for + (1 - g (v))//]ff n (u)<fo + (1 - q (v))n}g?(v)dv (v)<f>(x t \v)(-x t ) /[ft(t;)^(st|t;)(-i t ) /?*(»)$?(*>)*' where t (7) for the t t t purchase hazard rate p. This yields equa- simplification. Next, the law of motion for a comes from the informed traders' IC equation (16), which I simplify in parts. Firstly, dt W=Xt (5) 9? can be rewritten using »= (n - need to know J 7x / zjx - / 7Z / z lx (/%)• d J Z7t(w,z)dz ^n'ft,™) Now, I n_1 l)^ (w) J ~f t (w,z)dz W=Xt (4) as qt (v)(fi + <f>(x t \ v)x t ) - qt {z)(n / + <f>{x t \ z)x t )dz JVo As the right hand integral is constant in v, it cancels in / "fx J zjx — fix J zjx which , therefore expands to g-i - z g"-i J lx f fx = 1 1x I zfx(n - l)g n - l q(fi + x x) - / z lx / fx (n - f 7x f zfx <f> 34 l)g n -l q(» + 4> x x)] = / 7* / z lx{n - l)q{n + - J z-yx J 7x (n - x±) <f> \)q(n + x x)} <j> Thus, equation (16) becomes 4 W B_lpi +a = _AHf + (n - !)Zfatt*)+flzMfc /7x J7x / 7x / *7x(n - + l)g(/x J) <ftx - / £7x / 7x(n - l)g(/^ + </>xi)] 2 (/7x) = -Anf + (n-l):/ (Wf - (z - a)) («*.(-*) + (1 - q)fi) 7x J 7x which yields the desired equation A.4 Completion of Proof of Step The idea common Lemma Higher types purchase 1: in the spirit of is = x many 2 first. Start with the one-trader subgame. related results in auction design, only here Think of the trader of type value. probability (19). e -Ar w as sending a message, of acquiring the good, where r having to pay a transfer T = are~ XT , is it is namely the the time to purchase, and and receiving an expected reward = x£. w [V]-T u{x,T,w) For a fixed x and T, higher types place a greater likelihood on the asset value being high than do lower types. Thus, the Spence-Mirrlees single-crossing property applies: = — d£, w [V]/dw < d(ux /u,T)/dw 7.2 in 0. Standard results (see, for instance, Fudenberg and Tirole (1991)) imply that the only implementable (and thus potentially equilibrium) separating outcomes are weakly monotonic in x, or Next, with the Theorem first n > 1 traders, x < 0. the informed trader with the lowest signal cannot be < to enter, for then E[V\p[,It] E[V\Pu Xt] = a*. This violates individual rationality of that informed trader, as the purchase earns her negative profits in expectation. enters first, Next suppose, by way of contradiction, that some trader again by the logic that she informed traders with signals close to But then for small enough e > 0, w is more confident of an w € (0, 1) early entry by other (and the putative bad continuation payoff). a trader with signal 35 w+e has a first order increase from entry, and only a second order in expected profits entry + e). p (w t This follows from (13) and the most earlier single-crossing argument once more the private beliefs of fall in The likely signal property. will tell us that w if has a weak incentive w + e has a strict incentive to do so. An atom of informed traders never purchases. With to enter, then Step 2: influx of informed traders, the inelastic noise trade is swamped at that instant in time, and so the standard 'no-trade' result ought to preclude this in equilibrium. being overly formal: The ask Without price will coincide with the expected value of the asset more than one type conditional on which types are buying. If of such a transaction a sudden must be negative is buying, the profits Thus, only one (atomless) for the lowest type. type can enter at any 'instant'. Step < xt 3: always holds. I want to For rule out 'flats' in x. if xt = 0, then the noise trade swamps the informed trade, and the ask price coincides with the expected value of the asset. But then marginally higher types x t purchased at an ask price that small enough e > is discontinuously higher +e must have when x Xt+e < (i.e. For 0). could not have been incentive compatible. 0, this A.5 Proof of Key Inequality for Proposition First notice that the >, > 2: Incomplete Separation The ask inequalities in (26) cannot obtain: price must lie below the expected value given an informed purchase (and thus exceed the expected value given an uninformed purchase). This follows more formally from < Jv}x9t~ = / vqt<t>x [qoFXTo + l a ' Jfzg?' 1 J<lt<t> x lqoFXTo (1 - q )u To ]g? + (l-q < fvq " Jq )u To }g? t <f) x g? { t <j> j x g? since (in order) • by the informed traders' • equation (3b) and then „ (u) == f(x t a \v)g / n strict individual rationality, or (1) and (2) oc < Yif (x t ) permit the implication ^(^) + (i- ?oM -Hv) at n- 1(u) qt (v)<j> t (x t \v)g?(v)[qQ F(x T0 36 \ (30) v) + (1 - q )u TO ] • by Fact 1.3, F(x To | v) is — and thus equality holds, Thus, the <, < l -n-i Vt inequalities J v 9t~ < = ~ - when x T0 < decreasing in v for instance, if 1 = in v if = x To 1 1 must obtain. Consequently, l + (l-Qo)u]- 9? = f[qoFx + (l-qQ )u]-ig? Jv[QoFx J9?- n and constant 1, fv(l-qt)g? - ft )rf J(l 1 Jvf.g?- f f^' ' 1 (31) The only This is nontrivial step above the first inequality: It ensues from (30) and Fact 1.3. the desired inequality. A. 6 Proof of I is Lemma 3: Derivative Monotonicity prove the inequalities one at a time, and analogize proofs whenever possible — although the techniques used for the market maker model are more tricky than for the auction model. Claim 1: and dy/dy > dx/dx > model. Equation (3b) allows me here = [q Consider the a)fx [q Fx + (1 - q F(x To+ \v) + (l— qo)u] 1 similar to the proof of Proposition 2. is first inequality in the auction to rewrite (18) as f(vwhere the density h(v) 0. ~n l )u}»-*h ° ; g TO+ (v), and cancellation of terms Note that the proportionality refers to the variable x, and thus the sign of the partial derivative in x of the two sides must be the same. Now, if I show that whenever vh g /QcM > dxf(x\vL )^ then it statement of the dx \q F(x\v L ) [q F(x\vL ) and thus dx/dx MLRP, qo[F(x\v L )f(x\v H ) > 0, while the second + (1 - q Vl, )u]q f(x\vH ) - + d_ f q F{x\v H ) and dnU follows that the negative numerator are increasing in x, <=* Q U > 37 qQ )u \ + \-qQ )u) 2.1. > Q ( But the first (32) both inequality is a also true: - [g„F(xK) + F(x\v H )f(x\vL )] - and positive denominator of by Fact is 1 (1 + (1 - q (1 - qQ )u]qof(x\v L ) )u[f(x\vH ) - f(x\vL )} > > (33) F(x\v L ) > F(x\v H where f(x\vn)/f(x\vL,) Now suppose am I > 1 in the good news. is market maker model. The - F(y\v L )] - [F(w\vL ) - F(w\v H )] + > F(w\vH ) - F(y\v H ) Claim 3: - The 1. now F(y\vH)] > J{x\vl) yields f(x\vL ) f(x\v H ) ) n > is F(y\v H )]) and f(x\vn) ) IF - in (33) F(y\vL )]) - F(w\v L ) > F(x\v H - F(w\v H AND dy/dx > dx/dy > term F(x\v L ) ^ 1 - [F(w\v H ) latter difference is positive, because Fact 2.2 F(w\v L ) - F(y\vL ) first q f(x\vL )[F(x\v H ) - F(w\v L )] + qQ f(x\v H ) {[F(x\v L ) -qof(x\v L ) ([F(x\v„) and the f(x\v L ) obtains because x Qof(x\vH )[F(x\vL ) = > and f(x\v H ) ) proofs are similar to the latter part of the proof of claim 2. Claim 4: and dy/db < dx/da < iJ(v-a)(l-q)g -( da f(v o)q<t>x9 ^-J(v- _ J(v - a)q<t> x g - a)(l n \ J n q)g - which is true since <, Claim 5: < 6: 0, differentiate (18): J (v - q)g a)qcj>x g a)(l - and db/db > is n The 0. if first follows immediately from n — 1. Again, the two inequalities are a and term of the d expression in (20) is obviously decreasing in x, make it x and y when n > continuation values in (19) partial derivatives of < analogous. and db/dy < and what remains Remark. The J q<p x g n similar, so let's consider just the first. In this case, the second vanishes, n n obtains in (26). da/da > da/dx < - + Jq4>x9 inspection of (19), and the second Claim n q)g ^ f(v J(l-q)g n dx/da < () n (I see n l \ To 0. b w.r.t. short of a proof of existence and uniqueness for 38 n> 1. by the strict MLRP. impossible (for us) to sign the 1. This means that I just fall A.7 Completion of Proof of Proposition 4 Infinite Time Duration. I amount of point takes the required infinite = -co on the upper boundary, x d is wish to show that the approach to the intersection = 0, and a To time. see this, consider the fact that while on the horizontal line, x = while bounded. This suggests looking at the product tif(v-a)(l-q)g l *J(v-a)g* Sfx g° where a and oc refers to But da/dx t. = a/x upper boundary point, as the slope of the is boundedly is finite. finite near the intersection Thus, d vanishes at most at an extremely slow exponential rate near the intersection point, and so necessarily a > v° for all finite time. Equilibrium of market maker model the very for all t first > 0, The Market Maker Model. n > for 1. The proof is by and thus I shall just address the harder induction, = truncation equilibrium where xo I y 1, = and 0. it suffices to consider need x I < and y > must converge to This yields the extra constaint with the derivative y exploding as (y, b) as (y, b) approaches the upper one. settle down approaches the lower boundary and vanishing Once more, the dual requirement that x and y rules out all but the intersection point destination point — with convergence by (x, a) ft and of these boundaries as a possible (y, b) from opposite To sides. see that such an equilibrium must exist, consider the locus of exit points of paths from the region ft in (x, y, a, 6)-space defined by (27) continuous function of (a , and (34). The 6o)- Also, just as in the competitive auction proof, for any b the exit from ft occurs when for (x, a) hits when (x, a) hits the lower horizontal line a b is just above it, € (J vf g / f f the upper boundary for a just below = v° any oq € (u°,/u/iy ///iy°), the exit from boundary when exit point is clearly a and hits the 39 when ft ao occurs is just above when it. g°,v°), it, and Likewise, (y,b) hits the lower upper horizontal line b = v° when MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01428 3003 below bo is just (ao,6o)-space), occurs when it. it Since the exit locus (y, b) But by the (x, a) hits 7. must a continuous image of a connected must be connected. Thus, 7 also tend to some for earlier logic and because the this takes infinite time, 7, is (y, b) (ao,b ), this first exit set (in from 3£ from the competitive auction proof, path can only slow down to zero near along that same path also in infinite time. 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