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' 3 9080 03317 5602 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Dynamics and Stability of Constitutions, Coalitions, and Clubs Daron Acemoglu Georgy Egorov Konstantin Sonin Working Paper 08-1 August 4, 2008 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection http://ssrn.com/abstract=1201982 at 'i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/dynamicsstabilitOOacem Dynamics and Stability of Constitutions, Coalition.s, and Clubs* Daron Acemoglu Georgy Egorov Harvard MIT Konstantin Sonin New Economic School August 2008 Abstract A dynamic collective decision-making is that the rules that govern the procedures decision-making and the distribution of political power across players are determined by current central feature of for future decisions. For example, current constitutional change must take into account how the new constitution and regulations. We develop a general framework for the analysis of this class of dynamic problems. Under relatively natural acyclicity assumptions, we provide a complete characterization of dynamically stable states as functions of the initial state and determine conditions for their uniqueness. We show how this framework can be applied in political economy, coalition formation, and the analysis of the dynamics of clubs. The explicit characterization we provide highlights two intuitive features of dynamic collective decision-making: (1) a social arrangement is made stable by the instability of alternative arrangements that are preferred by sufficiently many members of the society; (2) efficiency-enhancing changes are often resisted because of further social changes that they may pave will the way for further changes in laws engender. Keywords: commitment, constitutions, dynamic coalition formation, political economy, stability, voting. JEL Classification: D71, D74, C71. *Daron Acemoglu gratefully acknowledges financial support from the National Science Foundation and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. We thank John Duggan, Matthew Jackson, Robert Powell, and conference and seminar participants at the ASSA 2008 (New Orleans), the 2008 Game Theory World Congress, Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, Harvard and Princeton for useful comments. Introduction 1 Consider the problem of a society choosing from adopting a Naturally, the current rewards constitution. its But, as long as the specific constitution will influence this decision. of the society are forward-looking and members may patient, the future implications of the constitution be even more important. For example, a constitution that encourages economic activity and benefits the majority of the population minority to seize political control. for a may nonetheless create future instability or leave the society If so, —or the majority of away from adopting such a constitution. Many problems rationally shy its members in political room —may economy, club theory, coalition formation, organizational economics, and industrial organization have a structure resembling this example of constitutional choice. We develop a general framework constitutions, coalitions, and for the analysis of dynamic group-decision-making over clubs. Formally, The of infinitely-lived individuals. we consider a society consisting of a finite society starts in a particular state, as the constitution of the society, regulating how economic and determines stage payoffs and also how the society can determine for which can be thought of political decisions are its dynamic game when individuals are made. It future states (constitutions), example, which subsets of individuals can change the constitution. Our focus perfect) equilibria of this number on (Markov is sufficiently forward-looking. natural acyclicity assumptions, which rule out Condorcet-type cycles, we prove the Under existence and characterize the structure of [dynanucally) stable states, which are defined as states that arise and An equihbrium persist. stable state </>(so) stable states is represented by a mapping as a function of the initial state sq. (f), We which designates the dynamically show that the largely independent of the details of agenda-setting Although our main focus paragraph, we is first start is the analysis of the noncooperative set of dynamically and voting protocols. game outlined in the previous with an axiomatic characterization of stable states. This character- ization relies on the observation that sufficiently forward-looking individuals will not wish to support change towards a state (constitution) that might ultimately lead to another, ferred state. This observation is encapsulated in a simple stability axiom. We less pre- also introduce two other natural axioms ensuring that individuals do not support changes that will give them lower utihty. We characterize the set of mappings, <I>, that are consistent with these three axioms provide conditions under which there exists a unique </> € $ (Theorem a singleton, the sets of stable states according to any two Our main results are given in Theorem 2. voting protocol the equilibria of the dynamic and that for c^ij, 02 € $ 1). Even when <& is and not are identical. This theorem shows that for any agenda-setting and game we outline can be represented by any ^ G $, there exists a protocol such that the equilibrium will some <^ g $ be represented by This means that starting with 4>.^ stable state (sq) for cp some initial state sq, when such £ $. Naturally, (^ any equihbrium leads to a dynamically unique, is all equilibria result in the uniquely-defined dynamically stable 0(so). An attractive feature of this analysis that the set of dynamically stable states can be is characterized recursively. This characterization computed using states can be ticular state stable and is dynamically stable only is of our approach —those commit to it not only simple (the set of dynamically stable also emphasizes a fundamental insight: a par- there does not exist another state that if that gain additional decision-making power as a result of a reform cannot refraining from further choices that would hurt the characterization result provided in these theorems. A dynamically the natural lack of commitment in dynamic decision-making is initial set of This lack of commitment, together with forward-looking behavior, 1. is preferred by a set of players that form a winning coalition within the current state. At the center problems induction), but is It also is decision-makers. at the root of the general leads to two simple intuitive results: particular social arrangement (constitution, coalition, or club) is made stable not by the absence of a powerful set of players that prefer another alternative, but because of the absence of an alternative stable arrangement that To understand why constituency. study the 2. instabilities that nated by the payoffs in another tions in final general result, Theorems 1 and Theorem 2 to hold subset of M). In particular, inefficient — We also Pareto domi- • state. 3, ' ' . - -. provides sufficient conditions for the acyclicity assump- when of winning coalitions are satisfied). may be - states belong to an ordered set (e.g., single-crossing property or are single peaked (and variety of environments. in the sense that they shows that these results apply when it we must thus certain social arrangements are stable, changes away from these arrangements would unleash.^ Dynamically stable states can be Our preferred by a sufficiently powerful is when they are a (static) preferences satisfy a some minimal assumptions on the structure This theorem makes our main results easy to apply in a show that Theorems which states do not belong to an ordered The next two examples provide simple 1 and 2 apply in a range of situations in set. illustrations of the dynamic trade-offs emphasized by our approach. An additional assumption in the analysis of this game is that there is a transaction cost incurred by all This assumption is used to prove the existence of a pure-strategy equihbrium and to rule out cycles without imposing stronger assumptions on preferences (see also individuals every time there Examples 3 and 4 in is Appendix a change in the state. C). 'This result also shows that, in contrast to Riker's (1962) emphasis in the context of political coalition formation games, the equilibrium will typically not involve a "minimum winning coalition," because the state corresponding to this coalition is generally unstable. Example E and represents the elite and initially holds power, M; invest; (3) monarchy (1) absolutist are three states: rights for (2) constitutional democracy d, where Suppose that stage payoffs clearly prefers Both absolutist monarchy. in which M has greater security and c, satisfy than under absolutist monarchy, M E and , E that with no checks and no political and the influential privileges of w^.j (a) wm (c) < democracy willing to is E disappear. w^ {d) < has higher payoff under constitutional monarchy M increase example, because greater investments by for There ^ - (c) rules, M. and class. which M becomes more we (a) < we (c) means In particular, M corresponds to the middle a, in monarchy We {d) < We (a) < We revenues. E (Inefficient Inertia) Consider a society consisting of two individuals, 1 monarchy and to constitutional under least well-off is parties discount the stage payoffs with discount factor /3 G tax As (0, 1). described above, "states" not only determine payoffs but also specify decision rules. In absolutist monarchy, E that starting in both regimes c and d, introduced above, this implies that d is = d. Therefore, is in the following period, and thus give E if E = decides to stay in a forever, sufficiently small, /3 is when then Ue case, the (d) = d. In contrast, c there will be a transition to d chooses a reform towards is /? u;£ (c) c, and thus this will lead to d + /3^^^. payoff its < Ue (no reform) players are forward looking and E c, cp a discounted payoff of t/E (reform) In contrast, In terms of the notation a dynamically stable state, and starting in regime a, if, simplify the discussion, suppose M decides next period's regime. not a dynamically stable state, since starting from 4>{c) To decides which regime will prevail tomorrow. Ue is and reform (reform), then large, unique dynamically stable state starting with a is a — that (a) / (1 will take place. (no reform) (/f; = we (no reform) is, > 4> — = If However, In this C/g (reform). (a) /3). a. This example, when players are sufficiently forward-looking, illustrates both of the intuitive results is mentioned above. preferred by those in c than who First, state a is made are powerful in a. in a, so the stable state starting general insight: the set of stable states small, only d A similar is stable, whereas when game can be used to by the E Second, both from a is j3 is stable is larger large, Pareto when act "conservatively" M would be both a and d are that another (when (3 is stable). of concessions in wars. For example, a may not take place because could also be used to illustrate and resist efficiency-enhancing c, strictly better off inefficient. It also illustrates concession that increases the payoffs to both warring parties It and players are forward-looking model the implications change the future balance of power. instability of another state, how it will organizations might restructuring. For instance, the appointment CEO who of a would increase the value of the firm may not be favored by the board of directors they forecast that the if Example 2 (Voting A individuals. of A'' Wi (st), to some voting which CEO in would then become powerful and reduce Clubs) Consider the problem of voting club a subset of the society. is as a function of the current club is tomorrow's club rule) st+i. studies a special case of this environment, club St must take the form Xk = their privileges.'^ in clubs. Each individual i The society consisting receives a stage payoff and current club members decide (according st, The seminal unpublished paper by Roberts (1999) where individuals are ordered, {!,... ,/c} for some k = i = 1,2,..., A^, l,2,..,N, and decisions are any made by majoritarian voting. Under a range of additional assumptions Roberts estabhshes the existence of mixed-strategy (Markovian) equilibria nests a more general version and characterizes some of this environment Our model of their properties. and enables us to establish the existence of a unique dynamically stable club (and a pure-strategy equilibrium) under weaker conditions. In addition, our approach allows a complete characterization of dynamically stable states clarifies the reasons for potential Pareto inefficiency. These examples rich set of illustrate some of the possible applications as its major advantages. Both our be applied to a range of problems On of our approach. - We view the environments that are covered by our model and the relative simplicity of the resulting dynamic stable states and other • and areas. Some in political of these additional specific results and the general ideas can economy, organizational economics, club theory, examples are discussed in Section 6. the theoretical side, Roberts (1999) and Barbera, Maschler, and Shalev (2001) can be viewed as the most important precursors to our paper. Barbera, Maschler, and Shalev (2001) study a dynamic game of club formation in which any a new agent. The of political reform precm-sor. of the club can unilaterally admit recent ambitious paper by Lagunoff (2006), which constructs a general model and is relates reform to the time-inconsistency of induced social rules, Acemoglu and Robinson's franchise extension related themes as member (2000, 2006a) and Lizzeri and Barbera and Jackson's (2004) model well. discussed in Section How is another and Persico's (2004) analyses of of constitutional stability are on these papers can be viewed as applications of our general framework ' 6. The two papers most closely related to our work are Chwe (1994) and Gomes and Jehiel Ideas related to this example have been discussed in a number of different contexts. Robinson (1997) and Bourguignon and Verdier (2000) discuss how a dictator or an oligarchy may refrain from providing productive public goods or from educational investments, because they may be afraid of losing power. Rajan and Zingales (2000) also emphasize similar ideas and apply them in the context of organizations. Acemoglu and Robinson (2006a) construct a dynamic model in which the elite may block technological improvements or institutional reforms, because they will destabilize the existing regime. Fearon (1996, 2004) and Powell (1998) discuss similar ideas in the context of civil wars and international wars, respectively. ' Chwe (2005). model where payoffs are determined by states and there are exogenous studies a rules governing transitions Chwe demonstrates from one state to another. the relationship between two distinct notions from cooperative game theory, the consistent and stable However, in Chwe's setup, neither a noncooperative analysis nor characterization results are possible, while such results are at the heart of our paper. sets and our dynamically stable states is related environment with side payments. payoff to improve his' may be that equilibrium The link make between Chwe's consistent Gomes and discussed further below. They show that a player may bargaining position for the future, which of winning coalitions to sacrifice his when the discount factor is More and are more Hkely when discount factors are large we generally, not present in instantaneous They also show small. In contrast, in our game transitions to non-stable states in our paper. inefficient may emerge we suspect Jehiel (and in fact, with side payments, as unique by Example (as illustrated also provide a full set of characterization (and uniqueness) results, Gomes and study a Jehiel related to the unwillingness is Pareto dominated outcomes are not only possible in general, but they equilibria sets. 1). which are that such restilts are not possible). Finally, in our paper a dynamically stable state depends on the initial state, while in Gomes and Jehiel, as the discount factor that the ultimate distribution of states does not Finally, our work 1956, Ellickson et al., is 1999, Scotchmer, 2001). important papers in this there is "ergodicity" in the sense initial state. on club theory While early work dynamics and Barbera, Maschler, and Shalev 1, depend on the also related to the literature of recent papers have investigated the (1999) tends to (see, for in this area of club formation. (2001), admission to a jurisdiction than an unrestricted right to migrate. Alesina, Angeloni, version of Roberts's model to the enlargement of the who rest of the paper is a number develop an incomplete EU may who show that the not be more restrictive and Etro (2005) apply a simplified and Bordignon and Brusco (2003) study the role of "enhanced cooperation agreements" in the dynamics of The static, In addition to Roberts contracts theory of club enlargement, and Jehiel and Scotchmer (2001), for was which were discussed above, some of the area include Burkart and Wallner (2000), requirement of a majority consent example, Buchanan, EU enlargement. organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the general environment. Section 3 motivates and presents our axiomatic analysis, which also acts as a preparation for our noncooperative analysis. In Section perfect equilibrium of the lish we prove for the existence of a (pure-strategy) Markov any agenda setting and voting protocol and estab- the equivalence between these equilibria and the axiomatic characterization in Section Section 5 shows set. dynamic game 4, how the results of Sections 3-4 can be applied when 3. states belong to an ordered Section 6 discusses a range of applications of our framework, including the two examples presented above. Section 7 concludes. Appendix A presents the main proofs omitted from the Appendix B and C, which are not text. some omitted additional results, examples, and number of generalizations, proofs. Environment 2 There is for publication, contain a a is Time finite set of players X. a finite set of states which X, of elements of set so we denote by and \J\ is and discrete infinite, indexed by i (i > Tliere 1). Throughout the paper, |X| denotes the number S. denote the number of individuals and states, respectively. |<5| States represent both different institutions affecting players' payoffs and procedures for decision- making the identity of the ruling coalition in power, the degree of supermajority, or the (e.g., game weights or powers of different agents). Although our limited amount same procedure initial state is distribution. For any called coalition, t > G S,Wi (s) is that Wj (s) 1, game the state s E S decision-making but different payoffs across players. This state can be thought of as being determined iS. & S is A nonempty determined endogenously. set of coalitions by C (that characterized by a pair is (s)}j£j ({lo, C is, , > is the set of is Ws) Here, a (strictly) positive stage payoff assigned to each individual i pohtical institutions in state s. set of winning coalitions in state s. for We W^ use is if in is i is nonempty each state Ws to model This allows us to summarize different political procedures, such required for decision-making, state s individual a dictator, Ws Ws includes includes all all subsets of I if in state that form a majority; coalitions that include i^ Since function of the state, the procedure for decision-making can vary across states. Ws (a) If (b) 1 X,Y (Winning Coalitions) For any e C, IfX,Ye X c y, and Ws, then X eWs X r\Y Part (a) simply states that if =^ Notice that game. We Ws some or the pohtical rules Y G S, • . Ws C C satisfies: e Ws. , : • 0. coalition of the coalition will not reverse this. This how voting then state s a is ; Throughout the paper, we maintain the following assumption. Assumption cI a (possibly as weighted majority or supermajority rules, in an economical fashion. For example, a majority X set G I. The restriction a normalization, making zero payoff the worst outcome. empty) subset of C representing the s a utility, or as chosen by Nature according to a given probability st and we denote the subsets of I). Each state s for denoted by sq G as part of the description of the is one of non-transferable of transfers can also be incorporated by allowing multiple (but a finite set of) states that have the The is is X is winning in state s, then increasing the size a natural assmuption for almost any decision rule. do not specify certain institutional details, such as who makes proposals, takes place and so on. These are specified by the agenda-setting and voting protocols of our dynamic will show that these only have a representation of "political rules" a limited effect on equilibrium outcomes, justifying our focus on W,, as , Part (b) rules out the possibility that two disjoint coalitions are winning in the same state, thus imposing a form of (possibly weighted) majority or supermajority is rule. If Ws = 0, then state s exogenously stable. None of our existence or characterization results depend on whether tliere exist exogenously stable states. The following binary relations on the set of states S will be useful for the rest of our analysis. For x,y E S, we write X In this case we our purposes ^y I itij : = {x) w, {y) (1) . x and y payoff- equivalent, or simply equivalent. More important for call states the binary relation is <==^ Vi e >^2. For any ^ € 5, ^^ is defined by yhz^r <=> {iel .w^{y) >Wi{x)} eWzIntuitively, y >Zz each of its x means that there exists a coalition of players that members weakly preferring y to x. i is winning (in z) ^vith Note three important features about ^z- > w^ only contains information about stage payoffs. In particular, Wi (y) individual (2) than will prefer a switch to state y rather x. Whether (x) does not or not First, it mean that he does so depends on the continuation payoffs following such a switch. Second, the relation ^, does not presume any type of coordination or collective decision-making among the members of the coalition question. on It z since set of whether the coalition of players weakly preferring y to x winning neither which coalitions, we say that y holds, in the simply records the existence of such a coalition. Third, the relation ^, means that is all state dependent. weakly preferred to x in With a z. it Relation ~ say that y is .X ^^ we have The some x, {i el strictly preferred to and whenever >-, Wj x in 2 defined similarly by ' (3) ~ y and y ~ z, is nonempty, we also have x ^^ y, Finally, similarly y some basic properties on payoff functions and winning (Payoffs) Payoffs {wt and x. ^ then x need not even be transitive. Nevertheless, following assumption introduces Assumption if (2) z. if a; that for any x,y, z G S, y y^ x implies x ^, joint restrictions )^; is .w,[y)> w^[x)] i^Wz- clearly defines equivalence classes; the binary relations ^~ and have abuse of terminology, simply designates that there exists a winning coalition of players, each y>zX ^=> we winning depends on the is In light of the preceding comments, this obtaining a greater stage payoffs in y than in x. Relation If (3) holds, slight conditioned individuals prefer y to x nor that there will be a change from state x to y — dynamic game is is in hz for z. any x,z E S, we from Assumption -f^ implies x of payoff functions coalitions. (s)} ^i-j ^^^ satisfy the following properties: 7 In contrast, 1 )f. y. and places (a) For any sequence of states si, S2, (b) For any sequence of for >-Sj Sj Sj+i states s,si, Sj+i ^s Sj for Assumption 2 plays a major z —that a cycle of states is, all I . . . Sk in S, < j < ,Sk in S < < all 1 j role in our analysis weaker than "transitivity"). Part X y, , (a) of Assumption (x, y, z) k - with k - => 1 ^^^ si Sfc. Sj ^-s s for each 1 =4> ^^ I si and ensures < j < Sk- "acyclicity" (but 2 rules out cycles of the X ^s 1 and Assumption 2 are natural given our focus. 3 (Comparability) For x,y,s G Assumption 3 means that z are ;^s-comparable. assumption Our main is It if such that x (stronger) requirement. y yg >-s s, s, and x 00 y^ either ' \ y ^s X or xy-sV- S >-s x, z >^ ^ U, Throughout the paper we suppose we sometimes impose the following that they hold. In addition, considerably such that in each, a winning coalition of players strictly Part (b) of Assumption 2 rules out cycles of the form y Assumptions is yyxX,z>-yy, form prefer the next state. z.° k, . ' two states x and y are weakly preferred to s (in s), then y and turns out to be sufficient to guarantee uniqueness of equilibria.^ This not necessary for the majority of our results, including the general characterization. results are stated without this assumption and are then strengthened by imposing it. In each period, each individual maximizes his discounted expected utility: U,[t) where /3 e function Wi (s) common a (0, 1) is = {\-l3)Yr ,^^^dr), discount factor and introduced in Assumption 2 consider situations in which /3 is we can think (see, in particular, greater than (MPE) of this of dynamically stable states. stable all t if >T there exists a — that is, MPE [t) equation € /Sg will as given by the payoff (9) in (0, 1) Section (this 4). "Neither part of Assumption 2 when is time finite "necessary" in the sense that in is then characterize the Markov T in Definition 2, a state s is dynamically such that this equilibrium involves implied by the other. Examples 5 and 6 either 2(a) or 2(b) with multiple equilibria. Example 7 We threshold Sf = a dynamically stable state persists in equilibrium. of cycles that can arise It is also We (4) . dynamic game and investigate the existence and structure As defined more formally and a . ':- •.,, of u, some threshold derived as an explicit function of payoffs in Appendix A) perfect equilibrium ,, if in s for ' ' Appendix C illustrate the types fails. this assumption Appendix C is dispensed with, illustrates this. it is easy to construct examples Axiomatic Characterization 3 ^ Before specifying the details of agenda-setting and voting protocols, we provide a more abstract (axiomatic) characterization of stable states. This axiomatic analysis has two purposes. First, illustrates that the making aie it key economic forces that arise in the context of dynamic collective decision- largely independent of the details of the agenda-setting and voting protocols. Second, the results in this section are a preparation for the characterization of the equilibrium of the dynamic game introduced will make main in the previous section; in particular, our result, Theorem 2, use of this axiomatic characterization. The key economic insight enabling an axiomatic characterization that with sufficiently is forward-looking behavior, an individual should not wish to transit to a state that will ultimately lead to another state that gives her lower utility. Theorem ization of {axiornatically) stable states. This basic insight enables a tight character2 in the next section between the notions of axiornatically and dynamically stable More any We (f> states. formally, our axiomatic characterization determines a set of G ^, (j) : S ^S assigns an axiomatically stable state s°° t impose the following three axioms on Axiom 1 Axiom 2 (Stability) If x,y £ Axiom 3 (Rationality) If x,y,z £ (Desirability) If x,y (E S S S mappings $ such that to each initial state sq g for S. (j). = are such that y are such that y S shows the equivalence = <p = (p{x), then- either y [x), then y are such that 2 >-2. x, = ; x or y ^x x. 4){y). = (ind z '/'(-), ^x y, then y^dix). All three axioms are natural in hght of that the society should not (permanently) is move from a winning coahtion that supports this transition. discussed above; for if what we have discussed above. Axiom any if some initial state, mapping 4> state is because there will eventually Aiciom 3 imposes the rea.sonable requirement that both X and y by winning coalitions All three axioms vidual preferences. in state x, refer to properties of 0, Because indirectly apply to the it 2 encapsulates the stability notion cannot be the (ultimate) stable state be a transition away from picks state y starting from state x, then then if 4> requires state x to another state y unless there Axiom not dynamically stable, 1 it this state (and thus should also pick y starting from y). there exists a stable state z preferred to should not pick y in x. but they are closely related to underlying indi- collective decision-making aggregates individual preferences, they mapping 4' that summarizes these collective preferences (for example. one might think that supermajority We rule, aggregates individual preferences according to majority rule or weighted (f) and so $ next define the set and the mapping states on). formally and state the relationship between axiomatically stable (f). Definition 1 (Axiomatically Stable States) Let A £ S state s (axiomatically) stable is (fixed points) for states is V= {s mapping £ S: (p The next theorem (s) ^ E (p = {s some for s V^ = is € S: hold. The 2. Any & (p is ^ = Mi- '-' \ non-empty. That I < j For each k Mk = ':.. (If there exist corresponds If, < I ~ < there exists a is, \S\, fii 2, ...,\S\, ^^ satisfies Axioms 1-3}. set of stable states G $} and the set of (^ all to seMk-- \ more than one multiple (p s stable and provides a recursive charwhich shows the equivalence 2, e and the mappings 1 $. and '• mapping 4> satisfying Axioms Order the states as (this is feasible //, < 1-3. /Xj, ..., (Ui^j > given Assumption 2(a)). Let '" define • , {s e {iJ,i,...,iJ,k-i} s>~f,^ . fif, and(p{s) = s} (5) . . heMk ifMk^fZ withzy^^s € Mk- $z £ -Mk '^'ith. z >-^^ ^' ' s, we pick any of ^ coincide. these; this functions). set of stable states of any two mappings in addition, Assumption 3 holds, then any for any two mappings 0j and Proof. (p e ^. The cp ;'-;,;i,, / ^^'^''' 4. for iS; in the previous section '.' Then The s can be recursively constructed as follows. such that for any 3. = 4){s) paves the way for Theorem It also , $ set 0(Mi) for some > (Axiomatic Characterization of Stable States) Suppose Assumptions 1 Then: 1. 5 — : G $}. between the equilibrium of the dynamic game 2 s {0 establishes the existence of stable states acterization of such states. Theorem = if (f>{s) = 4> 4>2 m ^, (Part 1) To prove existence, we <P\ first (s) and 02 (pj (p ~ £ 02 (^ is ^^ That is, V^ = "payoff-unique" in the sense that {^) /''^ "^^^ s £ S construct the sequence of states < /i^, ..., /ii^i > such that if 1 <j- </ < |>Si, 10 tlienA^i/,.^. Mr •' {^) The construction Q C states we obtain same the is by induction. Assumption 2(a) implies that foFany nonempty collection of Q S, there exists z e such that Now, suppose we have defined /ij. S result to the collection of states any x e Q, x for < k— for all j /i, \ {/Uj, . , . where I, < /c to S, this results Then, applying |.S|. we conclude that there y^^-.j }, . Applying z. )/-, exists /j,f. satisfying (7) for each k. The second For = /c step 1, let = (/ij.) define which satisfy = (p (/Li^,) Suppose we have defined /i^. Mk the collection of states defined, = (j){s) Mk ^/.. If and are preferred s A; < |iSj, we obtain To complete the we need ;: such that z = and 1 implies that (7), z /j.^., G = z {/xj, . (Part 2) This statement 1-3. Axiom 1, because well-defined, so either (pifj-k) 7^ Mk = (7). and fJ-k- But the violates Axiom Therefore, Mk = > fc, by i^ij some Mk s G 7^ 0, Mk empty, then, we is Mk)- Proceeding inductively 2(b) to in (6) satisfies cp 3, Mk- Axioms suppose that Then z y^^ for (pij-i-i) = > I or Mk 7^ Mk = 1 and 2 0- imply M/ for <p Axiom If /c, but in violates either 1 is violated. Mk 7^ we have (pil^k) £ -^k- such that s )^^^ (p{Pk)- 11 there exists fif. now contradicts (8). < /j.j, ..., /ji^i > (6) at = fc Then by 1. In this case, I. (p does not Next, again to obtain a time at k > 1. (p{(p{ni^)) this case (pil^k) Axiom If and Mk 1 Mk Then Finahy, = in (5) and (pihk) 7^ (pil-^-k) in this case z "^iH (p y^^ ^^. contradicts f^k ij.^ Since (j){^ii.). "^ or 2 (or both). and observe that But ii^. 0, the contradiction hypothesis implies 4>{l^k) ^A^t Mfc > / >~^^ does not satisfy Axioms (p yielding a contradiction. (7), cp (fi/;) given sequence if, for that (in /^/c is satisfied. is (6) for the first = (fik), (p not given by /t; state This combined with condition fif., last condition, z y^^^ is some for 1-3. = In the latter case, not given by (pij^k) then Mii so 3 (to see this, take any z £ when there exists / has already been cp A4k Define \S\. (8). and therefore Axiom 3 ^ (pil^ij) Then, Axioms ^i for where k < such that not given by (6) for some k, then This contradiction implies that = 1 If /i;.. Mk G z equivalent to the following: (p {jj./,) is 0, we must have that (p{fJ.f-) = mapping z ;^^^ (Pil^-k)- exist, ^^^ /.t; contradiction, suppose that — /c Mk & Suppose, to obtain a contradiction, that (p{^k) satisfy that is (7), (p{fJ.k) is the contradiction hypothesis is s within /if. an element of (p (/i/.) is ^J-k-i]- , This means that such z does not with the property < again by induction. is In particular, by construction, either <p{Hk) 2. and (p(z), . . any z for To check Axiom <p{^k) by (5). J-^,^ to (p {fij^) to verify that case these axioms trivially hold), or (p{(p{iij.)) —^ S. This as in (6). straightforward for Axioms and S : for all j ii^ we can apply Assumption (p proof, i^^ cp the subset of states where is nonempty, then take is (such state z exists because < This as in (5). s all 2 mapping to construct a candidate is If — and Mk ^ l^k^ then <p{z) not be given by violates Axiom = (p z). (6) if 3 (since 5 y^f. (Mfc), s )^^^ (f> and fii^, (p = (s) s). This shows that any mapping one of Axioms 1-3. and completes the proof of part violates (Part 3) Suppose, to obtain a contradiction, that V^^ that 6 /Jfc e P^j <^ fj.j that 02 and 02 and 01 "= (Mfc) < = < I k. < '^i ^, ^^* either assume that (Part 4) Suppose Assumption /U; 3 for Ti if 02 (s) 01 (s) = (s). (s) >-s s, 02 01 (s) such that 0i (s) (s) is y- Axioms suppose that the former ^s V, <Pi (s) ^.s a 0i-stable state by s, 1-3, that = Vij,^) < 1 : < |iS| ^ T^<j>^ A; Mfc G P^^ fij satisfies some there exists (s) >~s Then = Axiom (s). 02 fij. G P^, = (/.ifc) p.f^), and 02 = for y state s such s if and only then imphes 1 or 02 (s) (s) 02 )-5 0i (s). 02 (s) there exists 0i (s) (the latter equahty holds and by part 3 of 2, we can apply Axioni sufficient condition for its uniqueness. = and ^f^ jj.^ <=> /u (because 0i such implies (6) we obtain 02, implies that 0j (s) (s) 7^ s 7^ (0i (s)) (6) establishes the desired result. is, the case. is and 02 Axiom shows that a mapping that 1 ^;. >-^^ fi^, m, )-^^ 0i (/x^) 3 to 02 This contradiction completes the proof. Theorem a mapping we must have that 0^ 02-stable state). This implies that 4'2 i^) 7^ 2 to and Assumption 3 implies that either 0i loss of generality because 0i and and 3/c ^ P^^- Then and 0j by not given ^ P^^ or ^;, P<pj Part 3 of this Theorem (that P^^ since 0j {s) oo 02 (s), 5; >"5 s, Without 02 Then P^^.^. G mapping is 3 holds. Suppose, to obtain a contradiction, that 0j are two non-equivalent mappings that satisfy that 0j (s) ^ G P^^. Since, by hypothesis, jii G P^,. Therefore, Axiom 1 that 2. G P^^ and fij. ^/. Applying Axioms but this violates i-Li, •? latter implies that we have k, (^;) some The M(- ^°^ ^^1 loss of generality, for ("( = (M/) aU j for Without P,/,^- e P02 fj.j (f) Theorem, this it is also a and derive the conclusion that ' Axioms 1-3 and provides necessarily exists Even when the uniqueness condition. Assumption 3, does not hold, we know that axiomatically stable states coincide for any two mappings 0i and 02 that satisfy Axioms 1-3. Theorem satisfy also provides a simple recursive characterization of the set of 1 Axioms 1-3. Intuitively, Assumption 2(a) ensures that there such that there does not exist another as k < = fii, ..., /2|5| 2, is a state fij. s y^_^ /Ltj. Taking fi^ is //;, s >-^^ /i^). (in fij.) When the set Mk as base, G S, fi-^ we order the states set of states A4fc (that fj.^. state is, C S, states s such empty, then there exists no stable state that is by members of a winning we have coalition. In this case, nonempty, there exists such a stable state and thus its some exists and then recursively construct the and s In addition to it satisfied with = Alfc because is iS that includes stable states that are preferred to state preferred to When so that (7) G \S\, ..., that (p{s) > s mappings $ that (/x^.) — s for (/i;.) = fij.. some such recursive (and thus easy-to-construct) nature, this characterization is s. useful highlights the fundamental property of stable states emphasized in the Introduction: is made stable precisely by the absence of winning coalitions in to another stable state (i.e., by the fact that Ai^ 12 = 0)- We /x^. favoring a transition will see that this insight plays an important role in the applications in Section 6. Part 3 of Theorem shows that the 1 chosen from $. For different 0's same to the may initial state set of stable states T> $ (when $ in V are uniquely determined by preferences of winning coalitions.^ Finally, part 4 shows that resulting from an initial state then and S] might S2 the same payoff to We all when Assumption must be equivalent. In other words, differ in (j) not a singleton), the stable state corresponding but the ranges of these mappings are the same. differ, ranges and the set of stable states is does not depend on the specific Tliese and the structure 3 holds, any stable states = if 5] (/ij (sq) and = S2 <p (so), terms of the structure of winning coalitions, but they must give individuals. have motivated the analysis leading up to Theorem with the argument that, 1 when agents are sufficiently forward-looking, only axiomatically stable states should be observed (at least in the "long run", i.e., for t > T for some finite T). The analysis of the dynamic gan:ie in the next section substantiates this interpretation. Noncooperative Foundations of Dynamically Stable States 4 We now Section 2 and characterize the the MPE of this This game state; game capturing dynamic describe the extensive-form and (2) MPE of this game. game and the axiomatic characterization in (1) a protocol for specifies: The main interactions in the environment of result Theorem is agenda-setting using a sequence of mappings, each s 1. sequential We (the exact sequence in which votes are cast will not matter). for the equivalence between a sequence of agenda-setters and proposals in each a protocol for voting over proposals. Voting Ks be a natural number is {'iTslsg^, £ 5. Then, tt^ is and refer to defined as a and is described below represent the protocol for it simply as a protocol. Let mapping 7r,:{l,...,K,}^IU5 each state for s G 5. Thus each tt^ specifies a finite sequence of elements from TUiS, where Ks is the length of sequence for state s and determines the sequence of agenda-setters and proposals. In particular, if tTj (/c) e I, then the set of states S. Alternatively, specified proposal over it denotes an agenda-setter if tTj (fc) which individuals £ S, then vote. it who will make directly corresponds to Therefore, the extensive-form a proposal from an exogenously- game is general relate the set T) to two concepts from cooperative game theory, von Neumannand Chwe's largest consistent set. Even though these concepts generally differ, we show that under Assumptions 1 and 2, both sets coincide with V. This is an intriguing result, though it does ' In Appendix C, we Morgenstern's stable set not obviate the need for our axiomatic characterization in this section or the noncooperative analysis in the next section, since our main focus is on the mappings (p, which determine the axiomatically or dynamically stable Von Neumann-Morgenstern's stable set and Chwe's largest consistent set states as a function of the initial state. are silent on this relationship. 13 enough to include both proposals exogenous proposals. Assumption We make for a change to a new state initiated by agenda-setters or the following assumption on (TTslgg^: (Protocols) For every state 4 G S, one (or both) of the following two conditions s is satisfied: (a) TTs For any = (k) = [k) S \ {s} £ I there , is an element k i there is an element k the "status quo" proposal. s) as proposals or ensures that either It it of sequence Wg such that < \ : < Kg k of sequence = state sq ^ 0, S \s allows tTj contains all possible agenda-setters to eventually all is accepted all 1. Period 2. For k Pk,t t = = t > 1), 1, . , . . If Pk^t 7^ st-i, might be determined as part it the timing of events is some probability as follows: Kst-i i the If ""st-i (k) then there proposal P^^t /cth is is £ I, then player determined as follows. iTs^_^ (k) chooses P^^t If /T5,_j (/c) here). it set of players a sequential voting between Pi;t and st~\ (we will show that is, if Ykt ^ VVs,_j), convention that 4. If P/; t is Each player votes yes who voted we do not if yes. If Y^t e it is (for or Pfc,(.) Wsi-n then rejected. If = P^t no (for S(_i). alternative P^^t Sf_i, there is is Let Yk^t denote the accepted, otherwise no voting and we adopt the in this case Pk^t is rejected. accepted, then rejected or G S, then G S. the sequence in which voting takes place has no effect on the equilibrium and (that a begins with state St_i inherited from the previous period. "'st-i (^)- specify make earlier). taken as given (as noted above, distribution). Subsequently (for than players will have a of the description of the environment or determined by Nature according to 3. such that Tig possible states (other alternatives will be considered or all chance to propose (unless a proposal t < Kg k i. This assumption implies that either sequence At < 1 : z. For any player (b) TTs state z E there is we transition to state st no voting because to step 2 with k increased by 1; if fc = P^^t = Ks^-_^, = st-i Pfc,t, and the period ends. If Pi^^t is and k < Ks^_^, then the game moves the next state is St = st-i, and the period ends. 5. In the end of the period, each player receives instantaneous utility u^ Payoffs in this dynamic game (t). ' are given by (4), with , ^ = u,(i) ^ |^'i^*) 1 14 !^^' = " ^*-^ liSty^St-l (9) ., .., ^ . ' each for G J. In other words, i zero payoff. In period in which a transition occurs, each individual receives other periods, each individual all the current state in the The period Sj. of zero payoff can be interpreted as representing a "transaction cost" associated with the change in the state piue-strategy MPE. game Since the one-period "transaction cost" has a dynamically stable state Examples 3 and 4 in A MPE is and introduced to guarantee the existence of a is little effect on discounted Appendix C demonstrate that may fail if may to exist or the transaction cost S G s be to j3 large, once (and is removed from in Appendix C. In what made within We a formal definition. For completeness, such a definition follows, we will use the terms an if there exist T< G S, a initial state s is provided and equilibrium interchangeably. repeated thereafter. in the dynamically stable state differently, s°° is a Our objective is We = St '^ dynamically stable state MPE strategy profile a, and > T. t reached by some is if it a finite time T and them as a function of the initial between dynamically and axiomatically stable also estabUsh the equivalence We introduce a slightly stronger version of first 2(b). Assumption 2(b)* For any and is 5°° for all to characterize states characterized in the previous section. Assumption S (£ to determine whether dynamically stable states exist dynamic game described above and state So E S. s°° set of protocols {'^s}seS' oo such that along the equilibrium path we have Put Sj o^ si for I < j < sequence of states s,si, I < Moreover, if for x,y, s e . . . ,Sk in S with => si ^s Sj yg s for I < j < k k, Sj+i '^s Sj for it MPE is MPE next define dynamically stable states. Definition 2 (Dynamically Stable States) State is (9), Here payoff-relevant states are different described above, since the order in which proposals have been we do not provide if) (SPE) where perfect equihbrium a given period are also payoff relevant for the continuation game. Since the notion of familiar, this induce cycles along the equilibrium path. strategies are only functions of "payoff-relevant states." from the states will take payoffs. In particular, subgame defined in the standard fashion as a is and we infinitely-repeated reached, individuals will receive w^ (s) at each date thereafter.^ s is a (pure-strategy) equilibrium receives the payoff w^ (st) as a function of i S we all 1 < - < j s and y ^^ have x yg k 1 s, then y Sfc. )/-s ^ Various different alternative game forms also lead to the same results. We chose to present this one because appears to be the simplest one to describe and encompasses the most natural protocols for agenda setting and voting. In particular, have a move), which is it allows votes to take place over all a desirable feature, since otherwise 15 possible proposals (or some transitions all possible agenda-setters to would be ruled out by the game form. Assumption In addition to cycles of the form y^-^a;, 2>-s2/,a:>-sZ (which are ruled out by assumption rules out cycles of the form y hs 2(b)), this y, and y ^5 s, z are payoff-equivalent. then y The main Theorem 1, )/-s It also result of the paper is hs ^ hs y, ~, unless the states imposes the technical requirement that when x x^ Both requirements of x. x, ^ Then 2(a,b) and 4 hold. summarized there exists j3q G and s assumption are relatively mild. this in the following theorem. (Characterization of Dynamically Stable States) Suppose 2 a;, (0, 1) such Assumptions we have the following all j3 > "^^"^ '^ pure-strategy for if that (3q, results. 1. For any ^ £ $ there game such and that = St exists a set of protocols {'n's}ssS 0(so) for any stays in this state thereafter. t > 1; that is, the = Therefore, s game MPE a of the reaches 0(so) after one period a dynamically stable state. (j){so) is Moreover, suppose that Assumption 2(h)* holds. Then: 2. For any set of protocols {tTs}^^^ there exists a pure-strategy the property that for 4> E such that s°° (^ stable. 3. If, .•: ';;. ' . ,, any = ..; ;c'---''-, Assumption 3 in addition, = t > has Moreover, there exists 1. dynamically stable states are axiomatically all ',';:'' .-.,',„. s°° for all MPE a such •- v .^ - ' \:'\'^'-^. . MPE is essentially unique in the sense that pure-strategy MPE a induces St '^ (sq) for all > 1, holds, then the for any set of protocols {t^sJ^^S' where iS, Sj Therefore, 4>{so). , G initial state sq MPE. Any '^'"2^ t 4> G $. • , Proof. See Appendix A. Parts 1 and 2 of Theorem 2 state that the set of dynamically stable states and the set of P defined by axiomatic characterization in Theorem 1 coincide; any mapping £ $ Axioms 1-3) is the outcome of a pure-strategy MPE and any such MPE implements stable states (satisfying (/> the outcome of some £ $. This theorem therefore establishes the equivalence of axiomatic and dynamic characterizations. An important imphcation is that the recursive characterization of axiomatically stable states in (6) applies exactly to dynamically stable states. The equivalence of the results of Theorems 1 and 2 is intuitive. Had the players been short- sighted (impatient), they would care mostly about the payoffs in the next state or the next few states that would arise along the equihbrium path duced next). However, when players are care more about payoffs (as in the concept of myopic sufficiently patient, in particular, in the ultimate state stability intro- when /? than the payoffs along the transitional sequently, winning coalitions are not wilhng to move 16 to a state that is > [Hq, states. they Con- not (axiomatically) stable Theorem according to 1 between the concepts of axiomatically and this leads to the equivalence ; dynamically stable states. To highhght some between dynamically stable states and states that may arise we next introduce a number and of corollaries of Definition 3 (Myopic Stability) s G iS with Myopic in the s^ € S state 1 is stability would apply if made individuals is not true. This We start with myopically stable a simple definition. there does not exist if (axiomatically and dynamically) stable, is stable not by the absence of a powerful group preferring change, but by the absence of preferred by a powerful group. This corollary is implication of Theorems 2, in Corollary 1 1. s The set of S State s°° G G S with any and 1 and axiomatically) a (dynamically and any s )-5~ s°°, myopicaUy is particular, of equation (5). Its proof satisfying 4> stable states is a subset Axioms ofD s°° is not necessarily final part of stable (recall still myopicaUy be stable because a winning coahtion in 5°° may In particular, there 1). s ^ (if Another direct implication of (^{s) we had ^ s™ an immediate omitted. stable state only if for ^(s). and dynamically a stable state, but a stable state is stable. the corollary imphes that s°° Example 1-3, s is is (the set of axiomatically stable states). In particular, a myopically stable state may individuals are shortsiglited, stated in the next corollary, which emphasizes that a state is an alternative stable state that The 2. emphasize the difference choices only considering their implications next period. Clearly, a myopicaUy stable state made 2. A Theorems when to )^5m s™. s but the converse is and of the implications of our analysis so far may be stable even exist a state such that .s and leads to some other state s' = (p this corollary ^s"^ s°° (s) , if it s', which is not myopically s >-soo s°°; is but s°° not preferred by then s°^ would not be a stable state). that forward-looking behavior enlarges the set of is stable states. For the next corollary, we first introduce an additional definition. Definition 4 (Inefficiency) State there exists a state State s € that S is s' G S s such that w, (strictly) € S (s') (strictly) is > Wi (s) for all Pareto inefficient i if Ws ^ and G T. winning coalition inefficient if there exists state s' G S such s' '^s s. Clearly, if a state s is Pareto inefficient, it is winning coalition 17 inefficient, but not vice versa. Corollary 2 A 1. £ S can stable state s°° winning coalition inefficient and Pareto inef- be ficient. Whenever 2. The Proof. s°° is not first part again follows from follows from the fact that s myopically stable, winning coalition it is Example 1 The second part in the Introduction. s°° is not myopically stable, if inefficient. then there must exist G 5 such that «S ^5~ s~. Ordered States 5 Theorems 1 and 2 provide a complete characterization states as a function of the initial state sq S While the former more is 5 of axiomatically and dynamically stable provided that Assumptions 1 and 2 are a very natural assumption and easy to check, Assumption 2 difficult to verify. In this section, we show that when the set of states satisfied. may be somewhat S admits a (linear) order according to which individual (stage) paj^offs satisfy single-crossing or single-peakedness properties (and the set of winning coalitions Assumption 2 tions). main theorems in a number In a wide variety of circumstances. we can which is take, without loss of also without loss of of individuals, restrictions either x we introduce and is Wj or X > We z > if (y) if, > Wj for any y implies Wi {y) . , • . When such an order to be a subset of R. Similarly, let set of states I c and the M, set certain well-known restrictions on preferences.^ All of the following T C < Wi i E and are thus easy to M, for any i,j £ {x) and Wj Definition 6 (Single-Peakedness) GivenI single-peaked (SP) . has a natural order, so that any two states S any generality, definitions refer to stage payoffs (x) implies ., any generality. Given these orders on the crossing condition (SC) holds > Wi some natural additional condi- "greater than" or "less than" y). Definition 5 (Single-Crossing) Given Wi {y) • S of applications, the set of states (e.g., satisfies This result enables more straightforward appUcation of our is satisfied. X and y can be ranked exists, {W^j^g^ T {y) C 5 C R, <S x,y E S such that [x) implies Wi {y) C .^ , R, and {^i {s)} ^^j ^^^ I and < Wj verify. < i < the , j . single- and x < y, Wi {x). R, and {wi (s)}jgjs£5, preferences are there exists state x such that for any y,zES,y<z<x [z). next introduce a generalization of the notion of the "median voter" to more general political institutions (e.g., those involving supermajority rules within the society or a club). See Barbera and Moreno (2008) for the connection between these notions. 18 Definition 7 (Quasi-Median Voter) Given a quasi-median voter some a, 6 e R we have Denote the set of i X Ws G C vS IR, and {Ws}s^S' such that X= x < y there last definition exist is i ^'^^ monotonic median voter property e Mx, j S Assumption we (Weak Genericity) "^^^ 5 My such that < i it is nonenapty if M, the sets for each x,y ^ S j. members satisfied if Preferences no player {wiz (s)},gi sg^ and The main not rule out such indifferences). winning the set of ^ coali- y. between any two states (though indifferent is or those that are impose the following weak genericity assumption. also such that for any x,y,z G S, x y^ y implies x y^ y or x is j G general enough to encompass majority and supermajority voting as well part of a limited franchise). Finally, tions {yVsjgcs < a : Median Voter Property) Given T C K and S C as these voting rules that apply for a subset of players (such as club 5 &T [j I is <by for i 1 is satisfied). of winning coalitions {yVs}seS Assumption P^o.yer quasi-median voters in state s by M^. Theorem 3 shows that Definition 8 (Monotonic The K, G X. (provided that Assumption satisfying any (in state s) if for I C does it results of this section are presented in the following theorem. Theorem 3 (Characterization with Ordered States) For any I c K, 5 C R, preferences {wi (s)}jgj5g5, and winning coalition {WaJsPS satisfying Assumption 1. If single-crossing condition 2(a, b) is satisfied 2. 3. and monotonic median voter property and thus Theorem If preferences are single-peaked X (lY j^ and thus Theorem 2 1 is Assumption 5 we have that: hold, then Assumption applies. and for any x,y € S and any 0, then Assumption 2(a,b) If in either part 1 or 2, 1, satisfied X £ Wx, and thus Theorem also holds, then 1 Y G Wy we have applies. Assumption 2(b)* is also satisfi.ed applies. Proof. See Appendix A. The conditions of Theorem 3 are relatively straightforward to verify and can be applied in a wide variety of applications and examples. Notice that part 2 of Theorem 3 requires a stronger condition than the monotonic median voter property. imphes the monotonic median voter property, so part under the hypothesis of part 2. However, the converse In particular, consider the following environment: It 1 is can be verified that this condition of the not theorem continues to be true true.^*^ there are two states, x 19 < y, and two voters, i < j. G A|)|)lic;il,i<)iis VVc iKiw ill we Nevi'l'l lu'lcss, Hli|Milalci| in t,li()S(! iiiuy Voiinn id ii;. III n 1,1) K.oIhtLs (I!)!)!)), Holiei'Ls ( l!)l)!)) I mil I'lxa.inplc suppose iinpiise:; (A: 1 I /'2 if ) is A; Inlluvvini', lie / • society eonsisl.s of liol.li I'iiiuililii odd or Kl;al.(!K, Wj i, Uie ronn ol' i,s respecl s( i'iU||,litroi'wa,rd and Uial, A:/'2 if I | A' iiK'i'easinji diU'crenci's / 'I'lici 'riii'oicni.s in >rciii (.ji.-ui and I ^- A: and Me jiropeity to > lie I, same , N ] k] for \ - m, . iMillowinc; < k < N. (lOj (,s/,) l.lie ,s;,. one needs more a,grccinoill of indivii 'i'liese l,wo votiii)', liiaj rules lead I. and Me(liaii VoUii|', I'liiiiililirinni > v/i, \'ic(i of sel, and his two let , > -=>•((;,, (.s^.) weaken Uoberts's lis lirst lei ; idj (s/) (.s'^.) are spec.iaJ cases votini', rules in pa.i ticiila.i us vij > assume (.s^.) w, , l.lmt a.iul (11) . (.s;) Uoberts's two In additinii, versa.). sta.lile chilis. In particular, "'lis,,) >-w.j{si) (hut iml . , Markov siiii;,li' crossini:,, ni; (si) i, ,, ('learly, (Id) implies (II) , . esl al ilislies llie exisl.eiiee nl' inixeil sl.iale(',y cciuilil nia, wil.ll Ihey Imlh lead In / , eoiidil.ion: vWj (.s/) even are needed), is rules allowed in oin riainework. •strid voliii)'. I |l, .sj; si/e) or ineilian vol,er rule (wliere to verily that UnliertsV; nindel R<''i''i'''il > (Oj (.na;) (.s() { innjorit.y vdMiii'; williiii a clnl) (wliere in cliili i\'ely. of the for all apply, iloi'S iiul, diHeicnccs inerea,sin|', sl.iif'l, > a,nd j A; rnli's: A'/'J and shows mil, ions It inin, .'( Ici arc iiKirc rcsUictivc .'i indivi duals, so 7 A^^ corri'sponiliii)', e(|iiililii iiini iml inns, wliieli Uolierl.s calls V'olei 'i1ii-(iicin in wlirn 'riicDicin 'I'liii;;, llicic a,ic A^ Ilial I, a,ll The '-.^ vol.<\s for a cliaii|',e in cinli l\/'2, inn:, f:()risi(l('ii'<l simply api^'al ciui a,))| )lir(l dirccljy. considers Lwo volanc, ii,iid 2. n jim lil Ijir we cnviii inniciil.s he ca.ii ciivironincnUs nl pnlilicaj ('coiioiiiy l.lic;;!' 2 a,ii(| I 'liil>s ( loi I, I and I rlii'oiciii.s rcsiill.s |)ic)vi<li'il in iniinlici a in inaiiy nl' l-lial, 'I'lii'dii'ini; ill ion i/,ji,l, will aJHo src llial Ix' applii'( si, ill (i.l l-i'l. show Wi' arid mm Im Imc .sil.iiaiiniiH, lilci aiiiic. .'J. linw iJic dial all' I variety of a, llii' 2 illiisl . votiiiji, rules , can he i'ei)resenled hy the Inllowini', sets of wiimiii|!, coa.litioiis: WUr W I'rcriM'ciu'HM l)rol'(>rtMU'(\s i and ,/ urc liowovoi'i iirii siicli wiUi two Ilinl. |.V f \ ic, (.r) .sl.al.os). |.\' < uu 'J(a) iw violal.i'd lor f- (. t C' c : bill, (;/), SiiiipiiHo, in (iiia.si-ini'diaii voU>i-k in .st.ato.s AssuinpUon {'^ - ; (': |.Vl'l.^A.| (A- |-;i)/2 t {k/2,k/2-\- 1] Wj {x) > uij (y). addition, that W,„ :i: and ;(/, --- I'ospoctivoly, {x,y} (wo liavo 20 •;/ y.^, > and A:/2), .VI ',l'li<;so {{»'} it A- X] t. , if A: is odd; is (>veii. prel'orniic.os {i,j}], and Wy and tluia nionolonic x and x >-,; y). uro .siuglo-poiiUed (so are any - {{j} , {»',,?'}}. In Uiat, cnsd, iiicdiun voter pri)|>cily holds. Clearly, hoUi VV,'""' < and > vol:or properl.y in Di'linilion can he by gnai'anl.ecHJ he aJscj characterizes the stincl. ore of ii), / (.s) siilliiieiil). Uohinls's model l.o i—i WftliHly A.ssnin|)l imi Then, For example, we a eoilld allow 'I'lieorein elnb in be .h/,. and any 'rh<H)reni In I, G ,s' .v, .'! pnre a, his c.a.sc, S (lliou; linn Uiis a, 'Ji previous Ironi llie MI'M and sl.raie)',y , , more applies witli fionsidtirably .'i degret' of silpermajoiil.y rule in dillereiil- lie iiKiiiorniiic iiie< lioMs. T) exisl;enee of l.lii^ I, " set of wiiininp, coalitions nests various majority degree of supermajority J. iJial, ; can also be verified Ihai It ( i is e,le.a,i' it (wiahlishes a.n<l for a.riy (,s') 7/); aJile cliilis. si as well as I also aSHiiiiir iJial Assiinipl.idn lis IjcI, iS. } a.ssuniinj', l.liai wnakt^r eondil.ion would seclion applies {y^l'l and siipeiiiiajoi ity < where k/2 /;,; < //c A: ea.eli eliili. lollowiijc; 'i'hi' each for iiil<:s: ajid votin/^ nikjs. ('ciieral define the s(!t let /;;, thr; wiiiiiini', a, coalitions as: {XeC:\Xns,\>n Wil = Then, a relatively straiglitforwa,rd a,|)pliea,tion of 'riieorein completeness, (for Proposition or Wl'l, Wl'l"'', (i) 'Jlic. (it) (ill) //( (ui.d I'>r "I I >• mc.dum voters only odd-Hizc.d voter rules Ass'iimptuyii .'I olso as a fimctiov. of (i:ii.d, oj MI'I', a, sharp stable clubs can be obtajned easily by — n, ...,/:,.,,,/,; the approach in |- n} Assu'iiipiioii tlir 'I'lirii Fi. vn, Assv.rn'pldons fl(a,h) 'Ilic.oTcms I (i/ii.d foi' a fixed H.oljerts's pafx^r is also establishes the existence of (did)) The Structure In this subsection, we c^f 'is and (vp'jilicH. iii.i:(hii.'ii. v:n,i(/'aj'ly a|))}lyin(r Thc'orem rif '.'> to Itoberts's oii)MiiaJ sta.l,ed in ehibs n (and dideient consideraJdy more mix(!(l-stj'ate|.',y of dynajiiics of clubs and the MPIO <:a,n I'ropositioii I, also be taj'.en to value's of k). It is i;; \ti: tcj se(, of model or to aJlow for a ol the Irjiin of also noteworthy tha,t Koberts dillieiilt a,nd restiictive (th()U(di for a,ny //). Therefore, this application illustrates the usefulness of the jfeneral characterizati<jn results fMcsented in this G.2 !'i w. Lhc cose of iii.ajoTtly ot dy'ii.d/nncidly st(d}le state Another' generalization, not Dl I'iUi.cr VV,™'''', in sdJ/isJicd. HldicH l.li.cv. clia,rac,teri/,a,t,ioii richer set of clubs, l-br example, the fea,sible set {k 8 Dcjin/i.l/urn. a/n.d :il.(iblc tli/ns by f/iv<"ii. .follomviuj ivsulls liold. avf (dloinrd, (i/ii.d cixdil.iov.s imtttd stide (ebdi). This proposition shows thai various geiierali/atioiis. in. proposition followiiij', (J). wrinmu/ iinUi '/"' I-, (llj ciiiJis li.olds th.e Appendi;-; 'i>roj)("rl,y Ui.r cli,(i:r(i,c.L("riz(iJ.io'ii tj in chiha model, i/ii. ji'i-c.fn-nif.cs sal/isfy iJi.aJ. MoTV.n'UCT, d,eA.e:nu.iv,eA provided k < k/2 < vilicrv. iJi.v.s voLmfj //le rnoTU)l,o'm.i- Suppose hold 2b'' 1 th(! ]))oof is the estaJilish(!s .'i pa.piii'. Elite CIuIjs briefly discuss anothei examjile of dyna,mic club lorma,tion, a simple explicit characterization. Sujjjjose there ai-e A' individuals 21 1,2, ...,A/ which alKjws and A^ slates Si, S2, • 1 SN, where Sfc = {1, 2, Wk . . /c}. , . = Wk (Sno) (s„i) < Wk (s„3) < Wk (SnJ These preferences imply that each player k wants to be part of the in the club, he prefers to between two clubs he of the club is be outcome mapping. player 2, so (f>{s2) 1 = who S2- a player "elite") one. In addition, on being indifferent is (13) and 1 2 is and thus by Axiom is needed is for a change. and only if j = But = S2. 1, who (l>(si) and is sj. preferred Proceeding inductively, we 2" for n G Z+, and the unique mapping ,....''., = is S2 is the best state for different: state S2 is stable the only such state), so 4>is3) is and the unique we must have 1 and 2(a,b), 2b*, 1, This club only includes player stable. is In state S3, the situation Sj is stable if Axioms 1-3 '; • i v ' that (f) • ' than or equal to ' /• . ' / '- . ' ' Assumptions 2. If, instead of (12), for uq '>JJk (sns)) then single- crossing condition is satisfied 1, 2(a,b), 2b*, < ,, , and (13), the following results hold. 1. and 3 < ni hold. k -' • ' < n2 < n^, we have Wk (Sno) < ''-,• (sm) < ''^k < i^k (Sns) (and monotonic median voter property always satisfied in this example). Club Sk "This .' ;• the elite club example considered above with preferences given by (12) winning coalitions given by is e R. i- following proposition summarizes the above discussion. Proposition 2 In 3. club, but conditional to characterize the set of stable states [xj denotes the greatest integer less The set of and 2 likes this state best, and 2 (and can show that club where 1 a consensus of players to S3 by both satisfies n^, (12) = {XeC:\Xnsk\>k/2}. First, notice that state si thus the dictator, and S2, < n2 • straightforward to verify that this environment satisfies Assumptions In state < j members, so that winning coalitions are given by Hence, we can use Theorems 3.^^ < ni Suppose that decisions are made by a simple majority rule of. Ws, It is (more in a smaller not part = Preferences are such that for any no is is stable if and only if k = 2^ for n ^Jj'^ '• . . ' • ; formally siiown in Appendix C. Alternatively, one could consider a slight variation where a player who does not belong to either of any two clubs prefers the larger of the two. In applied. In particular, with this variation, the single-crossing condition is this case, satisfied (if to, and j > i, then i ^ x and thus, j ^ x, and Wj {sy) > Wj (si); conversely, Wj {sy) < Wj i € Sy, and therefore lu, (sy) < tUi (sx)). The monotonic median voter condition holds quasi-median voter in state Sj to be [(j -I- 1) /2| £ Ms^; this sequence 22 is Theorem 3 can also {sy) > wt {s^) means (si) for y be > x j e Sy, thus as well (one can choose weakly increasing in j). The unique mapping 4- Axioms 1-3 that satisfies ip Proof. See Appendix C. given by (14). is ^ ' . Stable Voting Rules cind Constitutions 6.3 Another interesting model that can be analyzed using Theorem 3 (2004) model of self-stable constitutions. In addition, our analysis shows Motivated by Barbera and Jackson's model, The society takes the form of J= a "constitution" represented by a pair utility from being {1, . (a, b), . , where a and = Wr{{a,b)] ' a, 6 are integers (so b may = {X w, (a). G C : |X| directly corresponds to between so that each player 1 and The A^. receives utility i (15) . In contrast, the set of winning coalitions needed to change the state W(„.6) farsighted somewhat more general frame- and each state now A''} determined by in state (a, b) is fully . us introduce a let . how more Barbera and Jackson's model. decision- makers can be easily incorporated into work. Barbera and Jackson's is > is determined by 6 G Z^: (16) 6} be interpreted as the degree of supermajority). In Barbera and Jackson's model, individuals chffer according to the probability with which they will support a proposal for a specific reform away from the status determines the (super)majority necessary the other hand, is implementing the reform. The parameter a The parameter Vj\ [{a,b)]. Expected a. Ranking individuals according to the probability with which they satisfy (15) as follows: Wi write (a), will (strict) single- and are (weakly) single-peaked. For our analysis here, we on utility is calculated before these preferences are realized support the reform, Barbera and Jackson show that individual preferences satisfy crossing 6, the (super)majority necessary (before individual preferences are realized) for changing the voting rule and defines for cjuo. and (16). if (a, 6) (a, 6) < and (a', 6'); and thus w^ us to apply It let us consider any situation in which preferences and winning coalitions turns out to be convenient to reorder (a', 6') satisfy a a', then (a, 6) is the ordering of states with the [(a, 6)], satisfies Theorem < all pairs (a, 6) located on the same a is on the left real line of {a',b'), and unimportant. Suppose that the single-crossing condition in Definition 5. This enables 3 to any problem that can be cast in these terms, including the original Barbera and Jackson model. Let us next follow Barbera and Jackson in distinguishing between two cases. In the case of constitutions, any combination (a, 6) is allowed, while in the case of voting rules, only the subset 23 of states where a to assume there is b = 6 considered (then a is > N/2. Barbera and Jackson no alternative voting rule that {a',b') is {a',b') = a voting rule or a constitution call with a' myopic it 1, may be is natural (a', 6')) is such equivalent when we allow not surprising that enlarged.'^ following proposition shows summarizes this discussion. Proposition 3 Consider 1. Assumptions 2. There exist 1, 2(a,b) mappings Assumption 5 and 2b* are (f)^ holds. Then: satisfied. = for the case of voting rules (a Axioms tutions that satisfy environment and assume that preferences satisfy the above- described single-crossing condition and 1-3. . b) ..'• and for the case of consti- (p^ ' • -. , In the case of voting rules, the set of self-stable voting rules (in the sense of Barbera and Jackson) coincides with the set of myopically stable (a, 6), where a = b, satisfies (j)y\{a,b)] = states. The (a, 6). subset of set of dynamically stable staies. - 4. constitution (or, respectively, b' Given Corollary stability. players to be farsighted, the set of stable states 3. = it is (a, b) self-stable if preferred to (a, 5) by at least b players. Clearly, this stability notion to our notion of The the voting rule); in both cases 6 is In particular, any such state set of self-stable voting rules is a •' ' . . In the case of constitutions, the set of self-stable constitutions (in the sense of Barbera and Jackson), and the set of myopically stable states the set of dynamically stable states coincide. Proof. See Appendix C. . '!::' - ,!.. \ '. :,.:,.;: i^,:^ :i Cocdition Formation in Nondemocracies 6.4 As mentioned above. Theorems 1 and states does not admit a (linear) order. game of the '"Ill •; of dynamic 2 can be directly applied in situations where the set of We now coalition formation in particular, the set of stable states is enlarged illustrate one such example using a modification Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin (2008). in 'the case of voting rules, but remains the case of constitutions. This can be seen as follows: suppose constitution {a'.b') without loss of generality, we may assume that (a, 6) which Pareto dominates (a',fc') and thus is preferred to (a, players; is is preferred to Pareto-efficient (otherwise (a, b) same by at in the least b we could pick {a",b") by these b players). Then these b players also prefer constitution [a N) to (a, 6), since the payoffs are the same. But constitution (a N) is stable by A.xiom 1. Moreover, it is impossible that all A^ players prefer some other constitution (a", 6") because (a',b'), and thus {a',N), are Pareto efficient. Hence, if state (a, 6) is not myopically stable, it is also not dynamically stable, for the players may move to constitution {a',N), which is dynamically stable and preferred to (a,b) by at least , 6) , N players. 24 Suppose that each state determines the ruhng coahtion S states Members coincides with the set of coahtions C. composition of the ruhng coahtion in the next period. aDowed, which highhghts that the Each agent t I e is assigned a positive is of the ruhng coahtion determine the A C transition to any coahtion in is does not admit a complete order (one could set of states define a partial order over states, though this and thus the set of in a society not particular useful number 7,, for the analysis here).-''' which we interpret as "political influence" or "political power." For any coalition A' G C, let jex Suppose that payoffs are given by for any G z X and a€ take any X any [1/2, 1) as E C = S}'^ The restriction to (17) here is just for simplicity. Also, a measure of the extent of supermajority requirement. Define the set of winning coahtions as Clearly, this corresponds to weighted ck-majority voting tion X (with a = among members of the incimibent coali- 1/2 corresponding to simple majority). In addition, suppose that the following simple genericity assumption holds: 7a- The following proposition can Proposition 4 Consider 1. Assumptions 1. = 7r now be only if X = y. established. the environment in Acemoghi, Egorov, 2(a,b), (19) • 3 are satisfied, so that Theorem 1 and Sonin (2008). Then: applies and characterizes the axiomatically stable states. ''In Acemoglu, Egorov and Sonin (2008), not all transitions were allowed. In particular, there we focused on a game of "eliminations" from ruling coalitions in nondemocracies, so that once a particular individual was eliminated, he could no longer be part of future ruling coalitions (either because he is "killed," permanently exiled, or is permanently excluded from politics by other means). Moreover, we assumed that payoffs were realized at the end of the game. Appendix B discusses how the current framework can be generalized so that there are limits on the feasible set of transitions. '''This a special case of the payoff structure in Acemoglu, Egorov and Sonin (2008), where we allowed for any lu, (X) > u), {Y)\ (2) if i S is payoff function satisfying the following three properties: (1) if i e A' and i f Y, then and i e y then ui, (AT) > Wi {¥) if and only if 7,/7x > 1,/1y'i ^'^'^ (3) i ^ and X , The form in (17) is adopted to simplify the discussion here. 25 X i ^ Y, then w, (X) = w, (Y). 2. Moreover, there an exists 2(b)* also holds. In such that Assumption arbitrarily small perturbation of payoffs this case, Theorem 2 also applies and characterizes the dynamically stable states. Proof. See Appendix C. In Appendix B we introduce the how Proposition possibility of restrictions on and sliow feasible transitions 4 can be generalized to cover the case of political eliminations considered in We Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin (2008). also illustrate how not allowing previously-eliminated players to be part of the ruling coalition affects the results and the structure of stable coalitions. Coalition Formation in 6.5 We Democracy next briefly discuss how similar issues arise in the context of coalition formation in democ- racies, for example, in coalition formation in Suppose that there are three parties sufficient to form a government. in turn has more ble states. {{1, 2} , in legislative bargaining. in the parliament, Suppose that party seats than party The 3. 1 and any two of them would be 1, 2, 3, has more seats than party initial state is 0, and , {2, 3} , {1, 2, 3}} for and a party with a greater share all 5. First, suppose that all < w^ ({1, 2)) other payoffs are defined similarly. In this case, < government would be too strong. The equilibrium minimum winning coalition. However, as emphasized that governments that have a greater number < t(;2 higher payoff even though is sufficiently powerful. coalition, that continuation is, game ''See, for example. 4>{0) ({1,2,3}) it 1, influential in the coali- is ({1,3}) 0(0) = < w^ in this ({2, 3}); {2,3}: indeed, because party I's influence example then coincides in the Introduction (recall footnote 2), the minimum winning u;2({l,3}) W0 = W^ = . formation does not necessarily lead to < which coalitions are possi- we have < ^3 verified that neither party 2 nor party 3 wishes to form a coalition with party in the coalition more 1^3 ({1, 2, 3}) can be it 2, governments are equally strong of seats in the parliament will be tion government. Consequently, UI3 (0) u;2(0) all Since any two parties are sufficient to form a government, {1, 3} with the ^^ < coalitions. To dynamics of coalition illustrate this, suppose of seats in the parliament are stronger, so that u;2({2,3}) < u;2({l,2}). That is, party 2 receives a a junior partner in the coahtion {1,2}, because this coaUtion We might = {1,2}. then expect that {1,2} may indeed arise as the equilibrium Nevertheless, whether this will be the case depends on the after coalition {1,2} is formed. Suppose, for example, that after the coalition Baron and Ferejohn (1986), Austen-Smith and Banks (1988), Baron (1991), Jackson and Moselle (2002), and Norman (2002) for models of legislative bargaining. The recent paper by Diermeier and Fong (2008) that studies legislative bargaining as a dynamic game without commitment also raises a range of issues related to our general framework here. 26 {1,2} forms, party by we have C : 2 e starts ruling = ^{2} {C' shows that number greater by then party 1 itself. to denote such a feasible transition, {2,3}, that is, i-^ its the coalition {2,3} emerges as the This example therefore reiterates, Theorem 1 in the fact that {2} is = formally, YVa = {X & C E and : players except S X] Suppose e E . that there exists y € such that S ip {x) == such that Wi state y than in absolutist monarchy, could be arbitrarily large. d {y) a. It is state. not dynamically democ- s. A'^ that for Example all a; G 5\ {a}, E holds power. of for all x G 5 \ {a}. will eventually > w, (a), More we have that I\ {£} e W^, In other words, starting with any end up with democracy. Suppose also meaning that In fact, the gap interactions in the game described dynamic in Section 4. all individuals are better off in between the payoffs in state y and those most straightforward manner, consider the It is a, since collective decision-making the heart of these inefficiencies. y ^ d, 1 We individuals and a set of finite states S. then clear that for P sufficiently large, these will lead to state d and thus (a) = If and emphasizes that commitment problems are the society could collectively then these inefficiencies could be partially avoided. possible, since once state y is reached, E And commit to stay in yet such a commitment can no longer block the transition to 27 some d. E a. This example illustrates the potential (and potentially large) inefficiencies that can arise games is, then straightforward to verify that Assumptions 1-3 are not accept any reforms away from will 2 game. To understand economic extensive- form party together form a winning coalition. Moreover, there exists a state, regime other that absolutist monarchy, we satisfied in this = in Corollary 1) that the instability of states a corresponding to absolutist monarchy, where individual "democracy," d ^ in a is the context of coalition formation in Consider a society consisting of start with sq all € K]). paper immediately provide a more detailed example capturing the main trade-offs emphasized in in the Introduction. is, 1 and Lack of Reform Inefficient Inertia that : dynamicaUy stable that can be reached from a state s contributes to the stability of state We now G C greater seat share, that {1}. In this case, the analysis in this {2,3} dynamically stable in this case racies, the insight (discussed after 6.6 = [^ also reasonable to suppose that once can regain power by virtue of 1 e Cj and thus {2} = (f){0) it is > itself, ; and rule from the coalition {2,3}, party 2 can also do the same, so that W{2,3} {2,3} i— {2}. However, e C of seats, can sideline party 2 "i—" (which naturally presumes that W{i_2} {1} X] and What makes stable i—» {1,2} Similarly, starting {X e its Let us introduced the shorthand symbol itself. so that by virtue of 1, in at state is not 6.7 Middle Class and Democratization Let us next consider a variation of the environment discussed in the previous subsection. Suppose again that the there is = initial state is sq a, where Wa = {X E C : E £ X}. To start with, suppose that with hmited redistribution, and d2, democracy with extensive redistribution. GC:PeX}. Wdi = yVd2= {X WE so that P is (a) < WE and {dl) established, the poor can (a) < wp Given the < wp (dl) {d2) Wdi = fact that , W(i2 = {P}^ once implement extensive redistribution. Anticipating consider an additional social group, the middle class sufficiently is this, numerous M, representing the middle class, and suppose that so that Wdi^Wd2 = {{M,P},{E,M,P}]. --• The middle wp democratization. will resist Now < WE (d2) Suppose that Suppose prefers "extensive" redistribution. democracy E democracy only one other agent, P, representing the poor, and two other states, dl, class is opposed to extensive redistribution, so also '"' WM{a) <WM{d2) '' ' ' <WM {di) ' ,, ' ' ,, , ,"'.. ' ' . / ' This implies that once state dl emerges, there no longer exists a winning coalition to force extensive redistribution. Now anticipating this, the franchise). Thus, this example illustrates such as the middle class, E how can have a moderating will be happy to establish democracy (extend the presence of an additional powerful player, effect on political conflict and enable institutional reform that might otherwise be impossible (see Acemoglu and Robinson, 2006a, which the middle 6.8 class may have Concessions in Civil wars also in a civil initiate be used to illustrate how similar issues arise war with a rebel group, R. The peace and transition to state shorthand "i—>" civil introduced in subsection £ C : R£ X}, and naturahy, 6.5, Wc = {C £ C i--» : £ r, where wr (r) > wr (p). If wq C} . engaged However, using the r denotes a state in domestic (r) is The government can c. G sufficiently influential in wars. Tliis context of international in the denoted by is we now have p 28 civil Suppose that a government, G, war state so that p, which the rebel group becomes strong and Wp — {X in War Fearon, 1996, 2004, Powell, 1998). (see, e.g., examples played such a role in the process of democratization). Let us briefly consider an application of the ideas in this paper to the analysis of example can for < wq politics. (c), Moreover, there will be no peace and why (f>{c) = c despite the fact that war may continue civil As an in this case we may is also have wq (p) > wg i-> R can first disarm partially, where d denotes the state of partial disarmament. d, for similar to that for inefficient inertia discussed above. interesting modification, suppose next that the rebel group in particular, c The reasoning (c)- Moreover, d i—> d-p, where the state dp involves peace with the rebels that have partially disarmed. Suppose that = y^dp {{C, i?}}, meaning that once they have partially disarmed, the rebels can no longer become dominant (p = (c) domestic in politics. W) make a concession changes Therefore, the ability of the rebel group to dp. > wg In this case, provided that vug (dp) we have the set of dynamically stable states. This example therefore shows how the role of concessions can also be introduced into this framework in a natural way. Taxation and Public 6.9 many apphcations In Good Provision preferences are defined over economic allocations, which are themselves determined endogenously as a function of political Here we in such environments. good results can also be applied by providing an example of taxation and public illustrate this provision. - Suppose there are {1,2,. . We k}. , individuals who N individuals 1,2, ...,A'' states A'' si, S2, . . , . where s^ s;v, {XeC:\Xnsk\>k/2}. i is given by m,(5j)=E[(l-r,J^+G,J, where Ai is individual individuals are i's productivity (we assume A^ more productive), E vote, the tax rate is is Sj. When determined by the median. median voters > (20) for A-j i < j, so that lower-ranked denotes the expectations operator, and Tj determined when the voting franchises of two = are enfranchised, so that winning coalitions take the form assume that the payoff of individual also and assume that decisions on transitions are made by an absolute majority rule of Ws, = We Our main rules. is the tax rate an odd number of individuals are allowed to When there is an even number of voters, each gets to set the tax rate with equal probability. The expectations in (20) included because of the uncertainty of the identity of the median voter in this case. Finally, ^sj = h { 5Z;^2 Tsj Ai j is the public good provided through taxation, where h is an increasing concave function. For the single-crossing property, we require that Wj (si+i) > Wj {si) => Wi (s;+i) > Wi (S;) and Wi 29 for any (s; + i) i < < Wi j € 2 and {si) =4> Wj for any {Sl + i) < s/, sj+i £ lUj (s/) <S, Denoting the equilibrium taxes sufficient (but not necessary) to E (1 - r,,^ J Aj and in states s; ensure - E (1 - T,,) E Aj > <jt single-crossing. by and Ts^,^^ t^, , the following condition is this: and since the equihbrium levels of public goods, Gg, is sufficient for s;+i > «i+i - (1 t,,^ G^,^, J ^-E (1 - r,,) ^i, cancel out from both sides. Therefore, , Er,, (21) Notes that individual when determining the tax i, rate in si, would maximize (l-r)A, + ^(t This implies that individual i would choose Ai ~ h I Ti \ the concavity of h Si+i. Then, with probability 1/2, the tax the same in s/+i as in tax rate is s;), follows that for i Ar, such that y ^-^m=l From it Tj V' < Am / / ^-^m = l j, Ti is set > s;). productive individual (then the More [taxes] are have voting rights (club members). is we can apply Theorem 3 interestingly, these results made to can available differentially to . . Conclusion 7 A who less Therefore, (21) holds and extended to situations where public goods [imposed on] those consider a switch from s; to by the same individual (then the tax rate characterize the dynamically stable states in this society. also be Now Tj. and with probability 1/2, by a greater in Sj+i than in Am- central feature of collective decision-making in many social situations, such as societies choos- ing their constitutions or political institutions, or political coalitions, international unions, or private clubs choosing their membership, is that the rules that govern the regulations and proce- dures procedures for future decision-making, and inclusion and exclusion of members are made by the current members and under the current regulations. This feature implies that dynamic collective decisions must recognize the implications of current decisions on future example, current constitutional change must recognize how the new constitution way for further choices. will changes in laws and regulations and how these further changes might For open the affect the long-run payoffs of different players. We developed a general framework for a systematic study of this class of problems. We provided both an axiomatic and a noncooperative characterization of stable states and showed 30 that the set of (dynamically) stable states can be acterization highhghts that a particular state state that makes a winning s is coalition (in s) better stable states need not be Pareto efficient; there to all individuals, but We also is itself affect future stable off. may if An This recursive cliar- recursively. there does not exist another stable implication of this reasoning is that exist a state that provides higher payoffs not stable. showed that our framework have been used computed is general enough to nest various different models that analyze specific problems in which current collective decisions in the literature to These include models of decision-making procedures. inefficient inertia (lacl: of reform) because of fear of changes in the future balance of political power, models of institutional change and enfranchisement (such as Acemoglu and Robinson, 2001, 2006a, Lizzeri and Persico, 2004, and Jack and Lagunoff, 2006), models of voting in clubs (such as Roberts, 1999, and Barbera, Maschler, and Shalev, 2001), models of the stabihty of constitutions (such as Barbera in Jackson, 2004), and models of coalition formation in democracies and nondemocracies. these cases and in a number of others, literature are special cases of our we illustrated how models previously studied in the framework and how our approach highlights the main economic - insights in these diverse environments Although our framework assumptions. amoimt Some of acyclicity is fairly general, essential). Others are adopted often at the cost of further complication. interesting our analysis still relies on a number of important of those are necessary for our general approach (for example, a is In Among for minimum convenience and can be relaxed, though possible extensions, would be to introduce stochastic elements, so that the we believe that most set of feasible transitions or the distribution of powers stochastically vary over time, and to include capital-like state variables so that some subcomponents of the state have autonomous dynamics. Such extensions would allow us to incorporate an even larger set of dynamic political games within this framework. view the analysis of such dynamics as an interesting area for future research. 31 We A Appendix Proof of Theorem 2 7.1 We start with a an important dynamic lemma about Theorem role in the proof of economy models. political MPE the structure of and SPE and 2 in voting lemma plays games. This of independent interest in the contex:t of is establishes that there always exists a pure-strategy It MPE (and SPE) in which each individual votes for the outcome that he or she strictly prefers and outcome that that in any (mixed- or pure-strategy) equilibrium the many players (a "winning coalition") will be implemented. Lemma and N Consider the following I-player extensive-form game G/v with perfect information 1 stages. In each stage k, one player The payoff vector action a^ e {y,n}. ft gW = =n a-k, ihe vote a^ outcome y =n if v^^, < may a^) , . . MPE y whenever = some for — ai^ y for . , . . a/v) = first N : all i^ fi = V, n,a^k) , = y : > G Then 3^. whenever a^ h with if Vi^ [y) in =n probability > (n) v^^, •, is ' large enough, in the sense that SPE any for and under the payoff i , (n)} vi , r-. . . vi (y) make ' ' Similarly, if the set of players 1. = v (a^ denote the payoffs of player fj (tI) {i takes {y,n}, where y, > k, 's) y; this ensures that action y does not , y= — {y,n} : different k for any profile of actions other than that at stage •, Gjv, the equilibrium payoff vector will be Suppose that the if same for (and SPE) in Gyv where a^ and vi (y) set of players large enough, so that v (aj, (Hi) if n, respectively). = be the given by the mapping v is (i.e., y payoff vector will be y with probability is player the following results hold. (where v,^ (h) Suppose that the (ii) . [y) and vectors y V {ai, (this leads to y, then so does a^ Then less likely). = y, a-fc) There exists a pure-strategy (i) ah if; are the two possible vectors of payoffs. Suppose that then we also have v [a^ k, preferred by sufficiently is all if. of G/v, the equilibrium M= {i : Vi {y) < G Af, then in any Vi (n)} SPE of 1. stages of a finite or infinite extensive-form game payments perfect information satisfy the requirements above, except that instead of Gj\!' at with terminal nodes taking two values only, we have that there are two classes of isomorphic subgames, Sy and Sfi, with payoff vectors y and and Af If V (ai, = . {i . . , : Vi (Sg) = a/v) reached after N versely, if V [ai, game reached < , . . after respectively. {Sn)}, where y whenever a^ stages . Vi fi is ai\f) N = f, Take any (Sy) y for all i^ Sy and the expected = and is 32 let y= {i : v^ (Sy) > v, the equilibrium continuation players receive all Sn and the expected and {Sn)} (Sn) ire continuation payoffs of player € y, then utility n whenever a^ = n for stages v^ MPE a if. G utility J\f, m this MPE is v (Sy). i. game Con- then the equilibrium continuation players receive m this MPE is v (Sn). Proof ttk = Vif. (n)), y Lemma of if v^i^ > (y) there (Part 1) 1 and a^ (n) Vif^ We = n need to show that for the profile of strategies in which if v^^ no profitable deviation is MPE existence of a pure-strategy suppose that he plays = ai^ he switches to Similarly, for player ik with profitable. f,,. a'^. (y) ik, = {y) Vi^. ij- We Base: = 0.1 SPE y take < Vi^ (n), Suppose that 1. set 3^ may be the equilibrium payoff vector is probabihty would then receive 1, since he deviation from game with Case = h. > suppose that [h) for all 2 Vi_^ SPE any k stages. Suppose that set 3^ 1: > Vi^ (y) in this game the < j subgame Vi-^ is < Vi-^ ij better off is {y), n with y with probability stage 2 suppose that 2: all players for vector will be is y. By The two The v^^ [y) whom 1. J\f is (n). large enough. In this case, =^ y, M is But large of first if for 1 v, < y with probability by choosing We > v, ai is y with an equilibrium. in have thus proved the base. for alH < — fc player if is SPE in in stage ?'i true: 1; consider the 1 takes action players for if all Now 1. if for = y. < By some SPE i\ whom induction, of the entire could ensure that the y and would thus have a profitable must be y with probability (n) for all 2 j < if same holds in the k choose aj any subgame starting this implies that the enough which in = he chooses action aj Then, by assumption, v^^ (n). [y) choosing action ii then the payoff vector will be 1. subgame = at stage then the paj'off y, 1, starting at the payoff vector for the entire /c-stage game. 3^ is large enough. analogous. This argument completes the proof of part (Part 3) This immediately foUows from part game if cases together complete the induction step for the case where case where y can k. positive probability, then player induction, for any y with probability = 1. which cannot be the case deviation. Therefore, in this case, the payoff vector Case a'f. not large enough. Consider two cases. is k choose aj will lead to payoff vector were payoff vector to from y with a positive probability, suppose that we have proved the result to k: 1 n is To obtain a contradiction, suppose that in a y. then in the subgame starting at stage 2 the following y, Vi^ [y) ~ = a;; large enough, so that player different can similarly consider the case where set Step from k aj be But then player case the payoff vector We is sufficient for the payoff vector to is and v^^ (n) not profitable for such player. Finally, is the then any outcome yields the same payoff and thus this player does Vi^ (n), = > v,^ {y) = would not change the outcome of the prove this by induction on the number of stages /c [y) (this will establish such that not have a profitable deviation, which completes the proof of part (Part 2) if v^^ would not change the action of this 7Z, n or j/ from y to n. In both cases this deviation it change the payoff vector from n to y only, which player = this either the payoff vector) or will change (i.e., either is any player at any stage for any of the subsequent voters, and therefore voting (and a^ Vi^ (n) and SPE). Consider player If y. < (y) 2, since a MPE induces a SPE in the k stages with payoffs given by continuation payoffs of the original game. 33 2. truncated Proof of Theorem 2 7.2 Proof of Theorem any for There is a J and 6 i /\ / w^ 2 (Part 1) First, suppose that G ,. . (-A-1) iS, ^i<?i more than (not Wi > w^ (s) imphes 0^^^ number finite N / < (s') s, s' = St (j) construct a We (s(-i)- MPE x \I\ q and (f>{q) payoff of player on q). — x {\S\ (s) < -^-^ all /? following property: i — (s') 1(;, -^. of conditions in (Al). 1)) such that for (0, 1) In the equilibrium G J and we construct below, > each period for drop the time indices. For each s E S, take > A's |5| i (i) either k = Kg > 1, ^^'^ , — Take 1. tt^ be the continuation Vt {s,q) will ' , . ..• ., .. () such that tt^ Given the focus is q. - = (A's) •. • / f •, £ X votes 7^ , if and only (we are at the last stage of voting), P^'s = 4> and (*) s; Consider the is satisfied). proposal P^ (says yes) for . if (f>(s) (f){s) strategy profile a* constructed as follows: i is s,q e S, let (making sure that Assumption 4 (k) arbitrarily Each player player It (Al) holds. /Jq, and accepted proposal as a function of the current state s tTj Wj /? given by one of the four expressions in (A2) depending on whether MPE, we otherwise, take - -—1 if.^,ri^V(<^(g)) if^(g)7^9r Vj (5, q) is = z and introduce the following notation: for (This means that = , ' \S\ game with the of the /'^'''^-j s (s') \ straightforward to verify that there exists Pq S We the following conditions: satisfies /3 , , if: V, (s, cp (s)) > Vi (s, s); (ii)orK(5,Pfc)>K(5,0(5)). In addition, The if tt^ (/c) e T strategy profile a* First, we will if (j)[s) whom > (j) some (s)) = We Markovian. If 4>[s) s. Vi (s, s) is a P^ this player chooses proposal /c, show that under the strategy and no transition Vi {s, is for ^ s, will show that profile a* , there then Axiom winning coahtion 1 in s, that an it is is arbitrarily. MPE in three steps. a transition to (p (s) if 4>{s) ^ s implies that the set of players for is, Xs = {i:wi{(f){s))> Wi{s)] gWsTo see this, observe that (Al) and the fact that ^ > (5q imply that fiwi {<p (s)) > Wi (s) for all ' i G Xs- Therefore, for all i G Xs, we have • Viis,cP{s))=Pw,{(P{s))>il-P)w,{s)+p''w,{<P{s)) Next, we can similarly show that there exists no X'^ G all i G ATj, that is, the set of players for whom Ws V, (5, P/^) 34 > such that Vj (s, cp = Vis,s). Vi (s, (s)) Pk) > V, (s, (p i^)) for does not form a winning coalition in and To obtain a s. = (j){<p{s)) we would have (p{s), Then contradiction, suppose there exists such a X'^. that , ^ Pj^ s ,,,,,, ,,, . since - Pw,{cp{Pk))>V\{s,Pk)>V,{s,<P{s))>pwUi>{s))ioial\ieX'^, and thus foralHeX^ wU(l>{Pk))>w,{(l){s)) Then Wj the fact that .Y^ £ implies 4>{Pk) >~s 4>{s), which, given that (p{s) 4>{Pk) >-s s by Assumption 2(b)*. But 4>{Pk) ^s 0(s), Axiom yields a contradiction to our hypothesis that X'^ G and 3 players with Vj > P^) (s, K (5, = established that under a*, P^^ ^s and 4>(Pk) s, Wj. 4>{s) if 4'{s) accepted and s is 7^ = yields s, Pk contradicts Therefore, the set of does not form a winning coalition in (s)) (j> <t>{Pk) >~s all s. We have therefore other proposals are rejected. Second, we verify that given a*, continuation payoffs after acceptance of proposal q are given by (A2). proposal g If accepted, then there s is 7^ another transition next period in case there is no transition in addition, if in the current period, = 4>{s) ^ 4>{q) = q an immediate transition, and there no proposal and each player then there s, If (q) 7^ q. is is i is accepted, so that q receives stage utility (1 — = s, /3) is then w^ (s); a transition next period. In either case, the continuation payoffs are given by (A2). we show that there are no Third, setter this holds because this follows from Lemma no proposal that an agenda-setter makes then in the the proposal receives game with two I', (s, Pk) receive V^ (s, (p last proposal P^ if (s)) if = (s) 7^ s a best response to accepted and is and no proposal Vt {s, s) if Since we have already are given by V, the first itself for {s, q) any i Lemma For a voter 1(a) then establishes compares continuation payoff Vi (s, s) if it is rejected. (s) given the continuation payoffs in s possible outcomes. voting stage, each player accepted and is eventually accepted (7). accepted. always a best response for a voter to vote for the option that he (weakly) prefers. it is (f>{s) 7^ s, if is the continuation strategies are Markovian, and therefore each 1(a): voting stage constitutes a finite that profitable deviations from a* at any stage. For an agenda- = G will (s)) all if it is be accepted, (s)) other voting stages, player rejected (because in (p (s) will which case each player <S i be will Therefore, there are no profitable deviations from a* This argument establishes that the strategy profile a* (7). 5 s). V, (s, In V, {s, If in the truncated game is given the continuation payoffs in established that under a*, the continuation payoffs starting in state in (A2), a* is a MPE of the entire game, which completes the proof of part of the Theorem. (Part 2) We in part 2 of the first prove that a MPE exists. We Theorem. 35 then show that it has the properties stated Let us = If for fj.-^. > /c Mk — we have 2 satisfying (j) Axioms 0, then cp (fif.) = /j-i.; Take a sequence of states 1-3. Then, follow the procedure described satisfying (7). j /ixj, ..., /i|_5| > (j){Hi) construct a specific niapping first Theorem in C otherwise, let Zk we First, 1. Mk set be defined as The Zk set nonempty by Assumption is Zk may be chosen We as 0(m/c)- Proceeding inductively, a specific q accepted, Vi is at a given period, each player can be viewed as a induction, = TTs{k*) we can construct (j){s) game with terminal SPE a > Wi (s) (such deviations from a' and thus a' and on the stage requirement SPE is is it because an exists). Therefore, SPE we have (p equilibrium path = x{s) any n q. > 1, First, x" Suppose there MPE note that x exists proposal and whether strategies are Markovian). to X (s). Case last Now (i): it all voting stage and that he (s) By MPE satisfies. s \i all cannot be accepted in any — require that I < (•?) (x etc.). (*')) = s, but x the definition of the two /3) it's (i) MPE, > i G X (j){s) is k* . Given only depend on proposals a' to be Markovian (the only indifferent; clearly, such MPE. Take any set of sequences {ttj ()}sg5 accepted along the is proposals are rejected) and if us denote let x it then (s) ¥^ ^ by for This can be established by contradiction. Denote by Jj C {!,..., Ks] the (s) 7^ s- mapping is accepted /c, since x, the first voting stage in J^ leads cases. Here each player knows that he will receive (1 a' the proposal q that s, voting stages in Js lead to cycles. . = vr^ (/c*) accepted do not depend on the play before current stage suffices to consider k' accepted k* be such that where a proposal Pk made along the equilibrium path it is s By backward (s, q). let We has "no cycles," in the sense that =X n such that x" set of voting stages in state s (this » (where x^ (s) 7^ s any = 5 — 5 : 1). is is payoffs, each period accepted at any stage established the existence of an well-defined (let q is is game, we can choose For any state u. Axiom satisfies where each player votes no when We now establish the properties that and any pure-strategy no alternative stage where first indeed a SPE. Since actions in ct', the current state straightforward to verify that there are no profitable is of this finite truncated to choose if payoffs given by Vj k* be the let , the continuation paj'offs in (A2), is truncated game as follows: a' of this exists, i if i of obtained. (f) Given these continuation (s, s)). such k* exists; otherwise, if tOj (<^(s)) receives Vj i (truncated) finite given by (A2) (in particular, (s, q), is proposed and accepted at stage k* and that no proposal an mapping construct an equilibrium in which continuation payoff of player and proposal where and according to the procedure, any element 2(b)*, if PkJ is Suppose this is the case and consider the will receive zero utility if Pk' is accepted, accepted. Then Lemma thus yielding the desired contradiction. 36 1(c) implies that Pk' Case not (ii): voting stages in Jj lead to cycles. In this case, denote the voting stages all C that do not lead to cycles by J^ first voting stage in in any MPE, This define !/) = result in turn implies that Pfc', = min{nG NU{0} m (s) < Evidently, s). (s) x" = X ~ < < any state 5, \S\ — :x"(5) and 1, = involves showing that (1) is m (s) = equivalent to showing that \ (s) Then we prove we prove that 1/' Proof that To ip{Pki)for that satisfies if Axiom proposals establish s for (A3) if and only tliis, for have, again by Lemma since Wi {ip fact that /3 > < Wi = = x{s) . is 1(c), (?/' MPE s. (A4) (A5) in state s alternative q is The a) follows. and then (so) for all Axioms (2) a.'(s) > t 1). We Then we prove 1-2. are proposed Pk, s = implemented, proof rest of the '0 (s) (this second start with an intermediate — that x (s) Finally, 4' (•s)- accepted, so P/,., and accepted in state s, then tp (P^. ") ~ consider again the set of voting stages J such that J = accepted. Let Since each only players (Pt,)) (s) Finally, let us also define ip). if i 1-3, for 1 tl' < J {/ci, — {Pk-^) / < . . . , fciji}, where (this implies j^ i'is) |J| is x < (s) 7^ s and m{Pk-^) accepted kj = ki for < j I and m{s) > m..{s) — in this equilibrium, 1 (we 1). (which we must that V^(Pfc,)^. 0(Pfc,+J for (in particular, i/' the dynamically stable state reached with zero is =x ct, st each state P^. is to the convenience), and suppose that ip {s) 7^ s). if (This order makes the proof simpler). 3. and Pf; In equilibrium, proposal P^j implies that MPE (s) satisfies il' each k e J, the proposal drop index mapping Axioms (s) satisfies V' or one transition, so that in the result. Then, 1. ^(5)}, i'{x{s))=i^{s) a) gives the continuation paj'off of player and subsequently equilibrium play (according statement — |5j = {('-^^"''(^^ ;[:;j}+/3'"(')-V(^(.)). K(.,.) • (s, = x{^P{s)) as follows from the definition of . Clearly, V^ = ij{i^{s)) ' n > for all 1 (•s) Moreover, for each leads to zero utility to ' and x''^'"'' (s), = \'° (s) fc', leads to a positive payoff. Therefore, proposal Pk/ cannot be accepted it ?^^(s) (with at again yielding a contradiction and establishing the "no cycle" result. ''no cycle" (s) made Accepting the proposal J^. player, while rejecting Consider the last voting stage k in Jg that precedes the Jj. who weakly (Pfc,^J) is prefer V'(P/,-, sufficient to /3o). 37 </< 1 ) imply to |J|-1 4' {-^ki^i) Vj (s, P^,) < could vote for VJ (s, Pfc,+i) in acceptance, view of the we In addition, also have This can be seen as follows. p (1 V Wi '"i-'i/ (ip while (P^.j.)], accepted, each player is if it (v < (Pfc,,,)) P^'^'^+'w^ accepted, the set of players for [i' whom (PfcJ), Wiiipi and hence Pk,j, ~ {Pkj) for all 1 tp iPi-.j.] 4>{Pki) for < I < J| will receive Vi (s,Pic.j. player receive will ui, < V, (5, P,,,,) (0 (Pfej )) = ] = Vi(s,s) then we would have t7, must be Since (s, s). P,,,^, sufficiently small, we must have This estabhshes that i^ < ) i < w^i^iPkJ), [Pk^j^)) ) and, more precisely, each rejected, is - p)w^ {s)+P"'^'^+^w,{i>iPkJ). Now iiw, (V l3H''^wl)+'uj, is If P^. — all 1. 1 < j Indeed, < if Now, '4'{Pki)- >:s < Z since were not the this we prove In addition, \J\. Assumption 2(b)* holds, < that m{Pk,) we ha,ve ''^{Pki^-^) each player would receive a strictly case, I higher payoff Proof that Pk^ if ip was rejected satisfies 1. If Pfc.j. is rejected, V-(5,s) = have established, however, that +1. Since Ki (s, s) for P/c for possible. If P/,. . is accepted, each player receives (1-/3)«;,(s)+/?-(^)+1iz;,(t^(5)). u;,- f V-' ( Pku, )) accepted in equilibrium, by is a winning coalition of players in s, = Wi{il} (s)) Lemma that , and that . /3™(^)«;, (V' (s)) > m (Pk^) + that V, ,. ( (1/' (s)) > (1 - /3) tu, (s) ' + /3"'(^)+iu;, (i^ (5)) ' , {i> (s)) > w, 38 (s) for all i £ X^, s, P^. • . , ;9"(^'|'l) + 'u;^ /S'^f'^ty, — . ' • , , alH e Xs, we must have This implies that m (s) we must have 1(c) is, -' \- Xs = {iei:K(s,Pfc|,|) > v;(s,s)}e w.. -; Then is /ciji, each player receives -: Pk.j: so P^, could not be accepted in the equilibrium. /c/, Consider the set J introduced above and consider stage the last stage where acceptance i.e., We Axiom at stage ,, 1 < j > P > which, in view of the fact that if some for m{s) > and 1 = e Xs, Wi{ip{s)) i {s) ip imphes that w, {iel > w, {ip (s)) we would have Wi{s), then > w^ Consequently, Wi (0 (s)) s. "/= Pq, (s) for all < (3'^^^'w^{ip{s)) (s) for all £ Xg. However, i Wi{s), because G Xs, which imphes that i eW,, .UH{i>{s))>w^(s)} . thus establishing that 0 and therefore Axiom Proof that any s for ^s G S with s holds. 1 satisfies ip (s) ip (s) 7^ s, ' ,- Axiom This 2. is ', . : , straightforward in view of the fact that (s)) ip [ip = ' i>{s). . _ Proof that x = (s) place in one step, i.e., Let us prove that 4' (?)• that 0 Pk for = (s) (s) (or, equivalently, in X then transition to state (s) 7^ s, if (A3) in = (s) 1 -i' (*) whenever x takes {s) 7^ s). Consider two cases. Case is = some j : < 1 Case and therefore 0, = 0' (s) (ii): = in (s) happens on if for some or off equilibrium path), then with the following argument: take any player (s)) Vi (s, = /3wi {ip (s)), while if it is = V- (s, Pk,) for some / if /c < V, (5, s) /c > /c|j|. /ciji = In the (s)) > 0 (s) is (1 - (3) w, (s) first case, all ^ J we have P^ /c become agenda-setter (s)) utility V, (s. Pi;,) for for therefore, m{x{s')) 2 = If i. > = 1 and (s) (regardless of ^0 (s) 7^ whether = P/,. accepted, this player will receive (5) is rejected, he will receive /?™(^'=')+^u;, (0. (s)) > Wj /?"^(^''i)+i«;, + (0 < /3\;, (V (s)) (s) will have /3ui, if (0 < (1 Pfc (s)) - /3) «;, (s) + /^^u', (0' (s)) accepted, while in the second case, > w, (s) since /? > ,/3q, and therefore such players form a winning coalition, we conclude that Pt some I (s)) players prefer to have k. k < this k ^ J, k\ji and k. V^ it By Assumption But then take any player agenda-setter at stage some /, Axiom since should be accepted. This can be established P/^ never considered on equiUbrium path. is in = This implies that m{Pk^) j. be accepted. Since we know that suppose that he weakly increasing ) • Vj (s, s). Since will necessarily m [Pk and each player with w^ (0 Vj (s, is does not hold for any P^ In this case, |J|. 1. First observe that in this case, (s). this if < j proven to hold. But we proved that m{Pk^) m [Pk-i) = X 0(5) (i): i = 0' (s) must be the case that proposal 4, it must be that each player such that Wj (0 (s)) > Wi (s) and This player's equilibrium proposal will give him (.s, s) if 39 /c > fciji. However, proposing (s) will give him a shown above. Therefore, player strictly higher utility Vi{s,4>{s)), as where deviation. This contradiction shows that the case = (s) ip impossible, and thus finishes the proof that transition to state that Ip {s) z ^ for and z ^s some 4' Case (i); Case (ii): > takes place in one step, so ip (s) S ip i^) ^ such that ''/'(s))- As i) = (z) = any player /3wi (s) for we can prove before, (which implies that if = Pk z are: < pwi Vi (s, Pk,) = V, (s, s) - (1 {ip /3) some (s)) for w^ (s) ii I J + /S'^^'^+^w, y^ fact that (by hypothesis) z In case and k < j^ < {4> (s)) (s) ip - 1 ( implies that {i from (A5), we have (i), ,_.., In case /ciji; /3) «;« + pw, {-p [s]) (s) if = J because (ii), > /3 (s) Wi [ip and therefore Vi (s, c) > = form a winning coalition in ^' = /3q (recall pw^ {z) (Al)), {z) ~ is ip (s). agenda-setter for some Consider player If > Pwi {iP (s)) > V (S, Pk,). ''• we have ' , in both cases Lemma < ., : and implies that pro- 1(c) applies mapped (by ip)to equivalent states. Hence, Since ip[z) i for k. no ip (s), it either each state The former whom > Wi [z) clearly cannot Wi {ip {s)) if must be the case that arid is z z is ever is not proposed. be the case, so suppose that he is suppose the latter applies. the agenda-setter at some he makes his equilibrium proposal, he receives either / < 1J|, .: K {s, 5) = - P) w, is) + r^'^+'w, [iP 40 • ' . ; ' (1 . _ ' ' or ' . [s)) < we proposed, proposed or that each player becomes V{s,Pk,)<(iw,{iP{s)), 1 s). (s, s). V', Assumption 4 now imphes that /c. is, must be accepted. However, we have already shown that any proposals that are z proposed and accepted must have (that i, have therefore established that posal Pk Ws S (s))} - V, (5, z) . ip > Wi (^) : Pw,{z)>{l-P)w,{s)+Pw,{iP{s)), where s while rejecting can lead to one of two possible payoffs. i, players that obtain higher stage payoff from z than from stage ^g z z, /cij|. The We is Suppose, to obtain a contradiction, that Axiom 3 does not 3. (which imphes {s) These possible payoffs /c does not hold for any j Pk then proposal Pk must be accepted. In particular, accepting proposal z will lead to fc, utility Vi (s, z) or Axiom satisfies ip This implies that there exists state s,z G s), has a profitable = X (s). Proof that hold. i (1 - /3) w, (s) + M {ip is)) , depending on < fc or k /c|j| > kpy Instead, = pw^{z)> max {Pwi{iP{s)), V^ {s, z) where the inequality follows from Wj > {z) = he proposes Pk if wi will receive -P)w^(s) + pw,{ij{s))}, {I and {ip (s)) he z, > /3 This implies that player (Sq. a profitable deviation, yielding a contradiction. This establishes that 0 Axiom satisfies has i and 3, thus completes the proof of part 2 of the Theorem. (Part 3) This 7.3 The result immediately follows from Theorem step first again a key lemma, which is median voters to the properties of of potential independent interest. is in Lemma 2 Given {^s] s^S satisfying J C R, C <S Assumption Ms ffi, For each 2. If the single- crossing property the set (SC) in Definition 5 holds, then for any states x,y, > {"T's}sg5 of players such that rus £ y, rux Proof. all is < > Wi [y) for I — oc < : j Let 1) < 6} ^ Ws- a be such that A= be b such £ {j I : a < quasi-median voters must be both in is also true. nected" coahtion for X To obtain a ~ {j that such Intuitively, the "rightmost" winning coalition. Z C Ms Ms ^ all s G z <S, € M^, and i all i G M^. holds, then there exists a sequence S and whenever states x,y £ < e S satisfy TUy. (Part larly, let A (y) for all ujj monotonic median voter condition in Definition 8 < and winning coalition nonempty. is X hz y <^ Wi (x) X Ms s. payoff functions {wi{s)]-^j^^^, X >, y <^ Wi [x) If political institutions (parallel the following are true. 1, 1. s, more general lemma This majoritarian elections). For this lemma, recall that denotes the set of quasi-median voters in state {j 6 Theorem. 2 of this Proof of Theorem 3 characterizes properties of quasi-median voters under 3. and part 1 G I : j < B B = is oo} S Ws and and B, we 1 is : {j e I also have < a : Ws Since A' is 41 j b) the inclusion Ms C is Z C not in winning, coalition j < Ws and f) B Z. Next, Then j^ 0. Y = Since we show that for some "con- A' does not hold. A'. Simi- oo} ^ Ws, so that Z = A contradiction, assume the opposite. x < j < y} e the case. I -oo < implies that evidently, either the lowest or the highest quasi-median voter of generality, the latter e the "leftmost" winning coalition. Assumption A {j Then, Suppose, without loss {j G I — oo < : J < y] (where y X) the highest player in is the highest quasi-median voter is contradiction. This proves that Ms = Z ^ X neither in nor Y in E I {i Wx : > Wy {i) and therefore includes i Now SC S Mz- Part > that Wi (x) implies that ^ proof of the results for the (Part 3) By part 1 M, G i ii x < the opposite; then vis S Mx m.s < minnie_;\/j Ms lies then y, all m, which proves that vis G Ms and there is Take a monotonic sequence for each s = {X W's if x ioi ^ >~z 1 < G C < I : lUg — Without then ms2 < and w^^^ (S2) in si. (•Si); ,si . nonempty is each for some x < Mg We 1 ^^'^ m^ and sj >-' ^si Now exists. loss of generality, > Wm,^ rvs^. But (si). - Wm,^ we conclude < all last statement, assume nig ^ Mg, then either elements in Ms. In the (S2) that > there x z, )^z z, Suppose that < 1 < A; vis — / was a cycle Since S3 This impUes that the hnk S2 (ss) y'g^ s^ ioi . 1 . m^ > Wz < k s;- y-si < I Now {vriz). the dictator, is — Sfc+i and I i.e., we have that >-', such that ,s; s\ part of any connected is then Wx {viz) si,. and 1 does not it sj )~s^. s^ >-(. s;; take the shortest cycle for y' (this need not be a cycle < 0, i.e., Wm, case, second case, we find that 2(a). ^s^ Sk for Sfc+i some x and if first increasing, part 3 follows. is Assumption suppose that S2 S2 The for this case. G 5. Let s we assumed in (A6). In the then we have s^+i s;, G Mz- i median voter property. This contradiction start with Consequently, z. > j all (A6) Since s. or greater than such that for if y. Wi [y) for min m. median voters {"^s}sg5- Recall that therefore, m^j and msn implies Wm^^ (ss) Wms 1) , This establishes G X}. Denoting the induced relation between states by therefore, a cycle for for >-). . G W,. i} consider an alternative set of winning coalitions where then x z, k S s, of . > such that j G 5. Since the sequence (A6) a cycle si, 'winning coalition in Ms violating the monotonic for all s > y- connected, is whenever for player j and completes the proof >-, y, violates the definition of Proof of Theorem 3 (Part hold, Mz = max for elements in Mx, to the left of this coalition Moreover, vis G Mg. To prove this m^ = min^gMi than is less m^ < my. G the set rus Evidently, But by SC, z). Suppose x analogous. is Lemma, impossible and thus yields a is Conversely, suppose that Wi {x) 3i : implies x relation of this 1 G {j that this implies treated similarly). \s same inequality holds implies that the {y) for all iDj winning in (is But . 0. players from Mj. all Lemma of the 1 Wz G (i)} which , (Part 2) Consider the ca^e x > y (the case x < y Then Z c Y winning, and therefore is y'^^ S2 S3 and Wm,^ > 'Wm, may be is and tUs^ (ss) the lowest state (so S2 S2 < sj, we have Wm,^ (52). But then si (S3) and > Wm^^ (S3) - Combining this with Wm,^ S3 y' si, since lUs^ < S2 Wm,^ vis^, hence, > Wm.j (si). y-'g^ < Wm.,^ (S2) is S3; (§2) > (S2) > the dictator skipped in the cycle, which contradicts the assumption 42 that the cycle was the shortest one. This contradiction establishes that Assumption {sfc}fc=i 2(a) holds. To show that Assumption follows that it some x,y we have x for if contradiction, that there Without si, . . a cycle si, . . This means that Wms > Wms (s/) state (si), s; > (x) 7J7,„^ such that Sk+i s/ , . then >~s y, we may assume that loss of generality, Sj. , . is S and some 2(b) holds, take any s G € Ms- From 771^ Sk ioi < < — k I maximizes the payoff of to^ which implies 1 and Si >- among 5 s;. st ates and thus contradicts the si )fg si existence of a cycle. This shows that Assumption 2(b) holds and completes the proof of part (Part 2) Note that Q to any subset 5 of preferences of player if maximum We for < 1 Assumption start with < /c 6,^ ({si, . . , . / — and 1 yg^ si nondecreasing in s/}) is winning coalitions, even k. It is 1 < < fc X= and Z £ {ij I < ip : ij favorite state of quasi-median voter assume of generality, > s^ pick any of these). a cycle is 5i, . . < coalition, I X for Then By s/.. which Sfc as i-i,...,iij\ so that straightforward to use the assumption that any two iq] for i-m- such that s^+i ^s^ s/ , . and prove that any some X i.p, iq G C that for this order there exists satisfies A' = g J. Let z y, . 5;}) , . . be the Without z. players all who the choice of i^, players G Wj^ for some 6,^ ({si, there exists s^ such that s^ Because preferences are single-peaked, ~. including i^, (weakly) prefer z to do not form a winning we for different states, intersect, a quasi-median voter im such that im G € I, let i (A7) Let us re-enumerate players in s;. and axgm&x Wi{s) Suppose there 2(a). QCS nonempty subset achieved at multiple states, is 1. are single-peaked, then his preferences' restricted are also single-peaked. For any bi{Q) € (in case this i 2 Suppose, to obtain a w-m^ (y)- I >~ s Lemma i^ loss < m, with p strictly prefer Sk to z a contradiction proving that Assumption 2(a) holds is in this case. Now, suppose that Assumption such that so that bii_ im G AT z s/; = ({si, for 6j^ ({si, > r. ^s s'^._|_j . , . , . X any . . Sfc . s/}) is G s;}); But then for Ws I < k < 2(b) I — violated, is and 1 S] nondecreasing for this such that X = {ij & I i.e., ^s s/- new : ip there exist s £ < ij then there exists Sk such that Sk >s s^ >-s :: is impossible, since all < a cycle we re-enumerate Again, cycle si, S and . . . ,si iq} for some - Without players ip with p and choose < . . . , s; players in I, i,„ G X. ip, iq Sj, such that Now loss of generality, take assume rn (weakly) prefer z to x. This proves that Assumption 2(a,b) holds. (Part 3) The case of part Assumption ^ hz Wi (y) 2(b), y- Finally, > Wi {x) > making use if li), x,j/ (s), G S of 1: The first Assumption part of Assumption 2(b)* 5 to rule are such that x >-s s 43 s. shown similarly to out indifferences between x and y and y which, in turn, implies y ^g is >-s x, then for any i G Ms we when have The case of part 2, that x >-s rris and y ys s G Ms- We bm^{{x,y,s]) = if y I would not hold. Without (y) > This implies y ^s s. Now Wi {x) s. Assumption 2(b)* >"s s, we must 5. is proved with an argument analogous To prove the y (with 6 and only if 6, y, in which case x ^s {{x, y, s}) = y, so Second, suppose that either Now, if if 6„i^ therefore have y ^g s. s mote = then > y < x < x<y<soTS<y<x. In both cases, see this {{x,y,s}) implies y s, s, or x,s < y. Now, we s. Without loss he must also prefer y to we have y ^s .•,'. s, of given s; which completes the ~ References Acemoglu, Daron (2003) "Why Not a PoUtical Coase Theorem? 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In certain apphcations, not all transitions across states Example in discussed in the Introduction, 1 possible from constitutional it may be monarchy (and not that a transition to democracy directly more substantial example highlighting the importance Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin (2008), also discussed current members of the 3, is of limited transitions is The key 1 Q c and is to denote that the transition to of the we and generalize the the binary relation -^ on the set of states S. any state Q ; in is possible and x -^ is For Q for possible, provided that these positions are supported by a winning coalition in x (similarly, Qi -^ Q2). main body B Appendix 2. to the analysis in this section <5 in Assumptions and the Axioms of Section any x,y G S, we write x -^ y to denote that a transition from x to y some model ruhng coalition can be part of future ruling coalitions and thus transitions analysis, after proper reformulation of the Theorems the In that model, only in subsection 6.4. applicable to the case where only certain state transitions are allowed results in only is from absolutist monarchy). Another to states that include individuals previously eliminated are ruled out. Here in show that our For example, paper thus corresponds to the special case where S ~^ The S ior analysis in the We any x G S. adopt the following natural assumption on the transition relation. Assumption 6 (Feasible Transitions) Relation -^ (a) (reflexivity) \/x e (h) (transitivity) \/x, S : satisfies the following properties: x -^ x; y,z £ S : x -^ y and y -^ z imply x -^ Part (b) Assumption 6 requires that if some z. indirect transition . from x to 2 is feasible, so is a direct transition between the states. Without requiring transitivity, there would be additional technical details to take care y onl}', then it is of, only possible coalition in y prefers z to y}^ because, for instance, if if transition from x to z both a winning coalition in is possible through x prefers z to x and a winning Nevertheless, this assumption can be dispensed with, and could assume instead that whenever x -^ y and y -^ z but x -/^ z, then Wx = we VVy (or a weaker version of this assumption). ^^ ' See Chwe (1994) for another model where different transitions require different winning coahtions, 6 fails to hold includes economic games in determined as a result of the actions in the current state (for example, capital accumulation, which might depend on the current enforcement of property rights). Since our game does not involve such dynamic linkages. Assumption 6 is natural here. In particular, '^One set which there of economically interesting cases in is which Assumption a capital-stock-like variable, such as capital, that 47 is We next consider slightly weaker versions of Assumption 2 and Assumption when some the fact that only certain transitions are feasible (since it becomes incorporating 3, transitions are not feasible, easier to rule out cycles). Assumption (Payoffs with Limited Transitions) Payoff functions 2' (s)},gisg5 sat- {^'Ji isfy the following properties: For any sequence of (a) states 5i, . , . . S in s/j with Sj ^^ Sj^i for < all 1 < j — k 1 and Sk -^ 51, Sj+i ysj Sj for For any sequence of (b) and for Sj >~s s < all I states < j s, si, (b)* For any sequence of states some for I < j < I < k, and Moreover, Assumption if 3' for x,y, s s, y unchanged, though we state 1' ^x y - - " . Axiom 3' (Rationality) there is this (p{x). new no reason . . for for . , in s/j all 1 all 1 s ~-> Sj Sfc. for all < 1 < j < ~ k S < with < j ==> 1 k < J s^ /c, If S S either s ~~> Sj An si, for 1 x < all I < j k, Sj r^ si ,' , ==> >~s s si ^^ Sfc. ;,,.,, ; and y ^s y^sXarx^s for this slightly are such that y then y s, y. ,.,, S \ = = 4>{3:), that s -^ Axiom - then y are such, that x -^ z, z I . = ^x 3 ; (p{x), then either y - .. - . ,, . _ -.• )fs x. modified set up (note that -; - are such that y x,y,z £ = x or x -^ y and - _ , -\„ ' ., . (f){y). = x, z (p{z), and z y^ y, -,.,;,,,. Axioms, a for a sufficiently ~~+ Sfc. k, — y, ^s si . set of the continuation game. oo y, .; (Stability) If x,y € With s, Sj, : 2' ^ < with again for completeness) it Axiom then y j < all I Axioms 1-3 (Desirability) If x,y G X. S have s -^ x, s -^ and x >-s s, Finally, let us reformulate Axiom in S] ^^^^ (Comparability with Limited Transitions) For x,y,s & S such X, s -^ y, X >~s is for Sj S we £ Sfc , . . Sj >-s s hs Sj+i . <k-l =^ j k, >-s Sj Sj-|_i < all 1 slightly modified version of Theorem 1 holds: powerful coalition not to be able to implement a change that interesting changes agents' preferences over time model is provided in is feasible in dynamic enfranchisement where capital accumulation Jack and Lagunoff (2006). of a gradual 48 - - Theorem 4 (Dynamically Stable States with Limited Transitions) Suppose that binary relation satisfies ~~» Assumption 1. There exists mapping 2. Any mapping struct sequence or/j,i^^ ^i^i < yUj, ..., = IJ-j.Let 4>{iJ.i) Mk = > Axioms Axioms can = For each k fi.i. be recursively constructed as follows. 2, . . . s \ y^^ e Mk (pi Mk :$~ e and with and Axioms that satisfy <j)2 -^ z /i^. Assumption and for any is mapping (sequence) s G iS, 3' holds, jj, To construct mapping </ij (s) : {I, . ft, . . ~ ,\S\} ^^ cj)2 S <.?<'< 6 guarantees that if <^-> i>S| , then and only /* /x^ -/^ /j,; and ^fc, = s} Mk 7^ (/)(s) z >-^^ s if ' map- induces relation --+ ii = Axioms that satisfy 1 or //, idea of the proof < /c < jiS| to construct is we have that ' /,/,; (Bl) /.t^. ^^^ a x -^ y and y -^ x. , {y G <5 in equivalence classes : X «—> y} intersect. The binary by letting Ex -^ Ey well-defined in the sense that it . . if and only is ii on elements x -^ y; note acyclical in the sense that ,£' such that E^ -^ E^'^^ for 1 49 relation —^ does not depend on the elements x and y picked from Ex and Ey, respectively. Furthermore, this relation there do not exist distinct classes E^,. (po an equivalence relation, inducing equivalence classes is '^x and 4>-^ is relation «-^ defined as and £y either coincide or do not is The . . that this relation 1. such that for any {^a:]x^S defined as S jjl^ {s). we introduce a binary X *~^ y of \S\, either then the m.apping that satisfies Axioms l'-3' an extension of that of Theorem if 1 to be such that E^ < l'-3' the stable states of these "payoff-unique" in the sense that for any two mappings Assumption I . in addition, Proof. The proof < j ,\S\, let iJ.1,-^ s, s : < I Con- ' pings coincide. l'-3' Then: hold. l'-3'. l'-3' {s e {/Zj,...,/Xfc_i} For any two mappings If, 2' . ^^^1^' 4. and 1 with the property that for any and define 3. Assumptions that satisfying 4> that satisfies cf) and 6, , < j < / and E^ -^ E^ Consequently, we can form a sequence of number of classes) enumerate its such that elements as due to Assumption £1 numbers take 1 members the one of /x Theorem /if,^, . . , < 1 so that (a),(b) 1. and 4 and 1 is Theorem hold. reaches For any Then (p (j> there exists S : S -^ MPE (sq) after £ /3o [0, --^ j < as follows: sequence mapping in addition, Axioms satisfying if we = ( give ^] (this is feasible members of class \£'^\ , . . . and so on. fi^, The fi^ < I (p one period and stays in : S any , fiLi It is , , j then we easy to show rest of the proof closely follows Assumption -^ S is Axioms that the discount factor (i Assumptions > (3q, 1, then: St — 4>{so) for any > t 1; that is, Therefore, s this state thereafter. = (j) the (sq) ' ' ' , ' , ^ (b)* satisfying 3 6, ' initial state sq Assumption satisfies Proof. The proof holds. G S, Axioms Then: St l'-3' = MPE. Any s°° for all such that t s"^ = > such MPE a has Moreover, there 1. 0(so). Therefore, all stable. MPE is essentially unique in the sense that any pure-strategy MPE a induces st ~ (so) .for allt > 1, holds, then the l'-3'. - essentially identical to that of These theorems therefore show that the to an environment with hmited transitions. Theorem 2 and essential results of The is omitted. Theorems 1 intuition for these results and 2 generalize and the recursive characterization of dynamically stable states are essentially identical to those in and we , l'-3' there exists a set of protocols [t^s^ s<^s a of the game such that for any set of protocols {ns}^^^, (f) satisfies such 1) dynamically stable states are axiomatically where jj, < 1 set of protocols {''^s]s^s ^^^re exists a pure-strategy the property that for If, ioi S'^ 2 again applies. Moreover, suppose that Assmnption 3. fi'^ within each class omitted. a dynamically stable state. exists k constructed in this way satisfies (Bl). and a pure-strategy 2. fc as they are listed in the sequence £'2 For any mapping is < m. Now, < the is (Noncooperative Foundations of Dynamically Stable States with Lim- 5 game )/- jif ited Transitions) Suppose that binary relation S! 7 Next, construct the sequence Similarly, an equivalent of Theorem . any S'^ for in the order they are listed in the | of class that the sequence /xj', 2'(a)). to |^i 7^ f-' m equivalence classes (S\...,£'"^ (where all 2. 50 Theorems 1 Generalization of Proposition 4 7.5 We now show how Proposition 4 can be generahzed by allowing only certain types of transitions. This generahzation makes the political elimination model of Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin (2O08) (and its extension to infinite horizon) also a special case of the analysis here. Proposition 5 Consider 1. Assumptions ^ 3 and 1, and Sonin (2008). Then: the environment in Acemoglu, Egorov, , 6 are satisfied (provided that , X -^ Y feasible if is and only if Y CX). an arbitrarily small perturbation of payoffs such that Assumption 2. There 3. If only eliminations are possible, there exists a exists Axioms unique outcome mapping 2! (b)* holds. 4>eiim ^^'^^ satisfies This mapping yields the same equilibrium (dynamically stable) states as in l'-3'. Acemoglu. Egorov, and Sonin (2008). 4- In the case where any transition unique outcome mapping from Assumptions 2' the latter two, all X transitions and Axioms 1 is ~-+ 1' Y and Z ~-+ is Z -^ which makes the are feasible, then is text), there exists a potentially different 1), since feasible, so this result is Assumption 6 has not changed. it and 3, because in set of potential cycles larger. Finally, Y C A' and Z C i', hence Z C A', and satisfied. is very similar to the proof of part 2 of Proposition 4 and omitted. (Part 3) Existence and uniqueness of a mapping from part is 1, since Theorem 1 applicable. is Axiom 1-4 't'elim = it (Inclusion): cases, 0e/i^ X^ suffices to Take any {X) 0g,,„ 'Pelzmi-^) C X. (p^^^^ show that mapping A'; Axiom For 1' Axiom {X) and 0^,,^ (X) S ^A' exists a of that paper This correspondence assumption, so below, we will treat that satisfies (p^i^j^^ Similarly, in shown that under these assumptions, there that satisfy or This mapping 1-3. by Proposition 4 (part satisfied transitions are allowed, (Part 2) The proof of it Proposition 4 in the are in fact weaker than corresponding Assumptions 2 3' therefore transition A' is that satisfies (p m (?)^,„„. Proof. (Part 1) Assumption if feasible (as is unique outcome correspondence (p^^^^ is single- valued satisfies Axiom 1-4 2 (Power): Again, X. In both in the notation of that paper. 51 Axiom cases, Axiom 1' <?^,,j„ = To prove that of that paper. For ^ or -^ Axiom C X 1 "^ 4>ehTn {^)- ^^ both implies that either ^g;j„, (X) (X) (f)^^^ due to genericity as a mapping, not a correspondence. 4>f,iim l'-3' follows Acemoglu, Egorov, and Sonin (2008) implies that either (peUm {^) ^x Axioms =X and 7^^„„(a') > "7a-> so 3 (Self-Enforcement): Take any X and let Y = Axiom 4 (Rationality): X that Z C Y= 4>i,n^ if Axiom (j)^i,^{X). Axiom = Iz < 7y, then 7^ and Z ^x 2', ^^"^ and for 7y, ^— F = (PeHm{<PeiimW) 'Pehm i^)- If )-x Z. Z— Y (p^n^n 7^ Axiom {^)- This proves that satisfied, hence, (/>,;j^ = = 3' 7g = 4, Jq = 4>{{A, B, (f) {X) <?!>e/t„ 5, and cj) 7o = but (f) {X) may be different, that X -^ (/"eiijn but (j){{A,B,C,D,E,F}) E.F} with not ^-stable (0({A, Y >-x -'^j (j)^i^^^ 7^, together with genericity, implies Axioms 1-4 Z = Y, and and Sonin (2008) are of Acemoglu, Egorov, it is possible that for Z some coalition the least power; B,F}) = {A, power it In also fact, (l)^ii„,{{A, {A,B,F} X, = {A, B, C}, but <?^ehm ('^") C (in {A, 5, C, D, 52 £", F}). X F and with B,C,D,E, F}) = {A,B,F}, is the winning coalition in happens to be ^g^^^-stable. i?,C}), and in this case = 3, with powers 7^ (X): this would be the case for six players A, B, C, D, E, = {D,E,F}). coalition with the least total To show that the two 4 (part 1). consider four individuals, A, B, C, powers 100,101,103,107,115,131, respectively (here, {A, B,C, D, -^ Y, (meaning Z ^ (peiim (^)- Conversely, Z, Z yx X, Z = (Z), Y = 0e/im(^)i ^^ Axiom 3' straightforward to verify that (p^n^ ({^i B, C}) 4.5. It is ^ Wx e X Y- Finally, c})^^^. C]) = {A, B, Z}. Moreover, C X, Z = then implies that (Part 4) Existence and uniqueness follow from Proposition mappings, 4>eHm{X) 7y < 7Z' then we have 7^ < 7y would imply But 7^ 4'elimi'^)- = (t>eHm{^)^ ^^i^ suppose that ^i in which case we would get a contradiction with would imply hence Y = Take any X, and 7^ > aj^) [Y) by implies <t>eHm'J) 2' {D,E,F} is the However, </)-stable it is winning Appendix C: Examples, Proofs From Section and Additioned 6 Results (Not for Publication) Definition of MPE Consider a general n-person infinite-stage game, where each individual can take an action at every stage. Let the action profile of each individual be a- e Al and e A, Oj including stage and let if* We t), = YYt^i ^i- Let = where a* (af, be the set of histories denote the set of . . for player i (aj , denoted by profiles for player i aj, . (a\ a'~ , . . /4,,_;. We and the action i t aj < : = j puie strategy for player i i = 7i, ?' !,..., t (including time H^ We \ i/(_2 is i = 1, . with n, , . . (not t . .) by for i = 1, . , . . n, with the con- set of Symmetrically, define i-truncated action with the set of t-truncated action profiles and a_, to denote the action player payoff i's is Ai and A-i). The payoff given by u, {a} , . , . . a"). is '• ^oo * ^i' (corresponding to strategy a^) specifies plays only after i t), i.e., CTi.t where . f profiles of all other players (similarly, i.e., for .) . . 1. to date (a',a''''^, a^, , the history at the beginning of the game, < T— up (a^ also use the standard notation ai t-continuation strategy for player time is = be the history of play up to stage a') Aj.t. ^i A , /i° functions for the players depend only on actions, A . denoted by for ) . . ,a^), so potential histories all tinuation action profiles for player = . for /i* Let f-continuation action profiles be profiles as Oj _t = /i' a^ : Hoc \ Ht^2 —> Ai^t, the set of histories starting at time (. then have; Definition 9 (Markovian Strategies) for all T > t, whenever /i(_i,/it-_i £ //oo A continuation strategy '^'re such that for any a^^t ai^t,(ii,T A-^,t, Ui ht-i) [a^^f. o--i.t > u, (aj,r, a-i,t > Ui (di^r,a-.i^t I I ^r-i) implies Ui iai^t,a-i,t I /if-ij 53 \ is /^T-lj Markovian S Ai^t if <md any a-^^t e Markov perfect equilibria in pure strategies are defined formally as follows: (MPE) A Definition 10 rium (MPE) (in Ui pure strategy profile a pure strategies) {(Ti, d-i) > — each strategy Oi if Ui {di, a-.i) for all Oi (cti, is ..., Markov is (7„) perfect equilib- Markovian and £ Ej and for all i = 1, . . , . n. Examples Example MPE a in pure strategies are 8 states Wa = {X = W/r [6], (Nonexistence without Transaction Costs) In 3 S = e C : the dictator, so W2{-) u,5(.) = = [i] to exist fail n y^E = > A'l y^G = W// = = {X e C : i (here, [7] = u)3(-) = (0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0), wq{-) Evidently, state that satisfies H \i\ 2 1, and 2b* are H C is the only state where dictator 4 receives a positive E and F 1 H . Moving to H immediately () um(-) = = = to B, i is (0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0), (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1). satisfied (5], (0, 30, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 1), (it is It is helpful to notice v and similarly any of the states will immediately lead to C, because utility; similarl}', move from D immediately leads state A not possible in an equilibrium either: B and C the state were to change to C, then players then to E, followed by H). Finally, if to F, so as to follow the path to G moving Wd = can form a which would then lead to for C Then off' players and only then to H each of these players (recall that the close to 1). Let us consider possible moves to If is would be higher since the average payoff' of this path is [4], impossible to stay in A: players 1,2,3 would be better it is and 3 would rather deviate and move discount factor B also evident that Let us prove that no immediately leads to G. pure-strategy equilibrium. First, moving to It is Wb = are: ' G will immediately . liJi A\ss = H). F, lead to winning coahtions ' £', to follows: stable (dictator 7 will never deviate), is There denotes the set of winning coalitions where (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,9), wj {) >-^ s the transaction cost. set of (0,0,20,0,0,30,0,1), straightforward to show that Assumptions s The 7 players. e X}). The payoffs are as (0,0,0,30,0,0,20,1), that the only state we assume away example, we show that majority voting between 1,2,3), (i.e., 2} if H} and {A, B,C, D, E, F,G, |{1,2,3} Wc = may this to B, followed by C (the 1 moves G are considered similarly). deviate and move to D (and to Z), E, F, and 2 would rather the state were to change to B, then 2 and 3 could deviate and H after that; this is better for these players than and H. So, without imposing a transaction cost a pure-strategy equilibrium does not exist. 54 it is possible that Example we show 4 (Cycles without Transaction Costs) In this example, that in the absence of transaction cost, an equihbrium maj' involve a cycle even though Assumptions 1, 2 and 2b* = Wi {A, B, C) (4, 5, 10), {X e C A state Wa = {X Then one can 5,6 G X}. : to state B, from B e C A move or to C, C and from B dislikes state while for player this true because is this 1 But staying to C. is : A in in terms of discounted present value To : 3,4 e X}, see this, because of the the current state hurts both player same time, moving evident). At the is S C Wc = an equilibrium which involves moving from to A. if Wb = {X and win- (4, 10, 5), The A. is and player 1 symmetry C to it alternatives are to who 2 (for player 2 postpones the move to C, the state that he it C is = Play- B,C) = (5,4, 10), wj, [A, B, C) (10, 4, 5), wj, {A, 1,2 £ X], see that there suffices to see that the players will not deviate stay in = - W2 {A,B,C) 10,4), (5, S, C) (10, 5, 4), u-g (A, ning coahtions are defined by S = {A,B,C}. {1,2,3,4,5,6}, and 3 states, B,C) = preferences are given by wi (A, ers' = There are 6 players, J hold. hurts player likes best, because state 1, the worst of the three states for him not only in terms of instantaneous payoff, but also the cycle continues, as (if should due to the one-stage it deviation principle). So, this cycle constitutes a (Markov Perfect) equilibrium. It is also easy to see that in this example, Assumptions are no two states cycle in is s, C Example 5 A and 3 whereas player 2 states, (10,8,5), = {X Assumption To if B will and C = C e C : 3 G (5,10,8), A'}, have dictators 2(a) is u's Ws = 1, 2, 3, (C) > u's (A) W3{A,B,C) = {A G C 1 : violated. > We will aforementioned then have is B stable, will three states are : A yb {1,2,3}, > wj coalitions are given 2 G A} B, B ^c (in other words, C, C ^a - is . C which is is stable: player 2, game is not, since player who is the dictator in C, knows worse than C. However, then player have an incentive to move from 55 A in this case. B dynamically stable, then state will lead to A, A, so • , A (C), wi{A,B,C) = example, G C J= > wi{B) easy to see that there are no dynamically stable states in the dynamic that a transition to also arise always block transition Winning = {A may are 3 players, (for (8,5,10)). all there to B). Wi[A) u'3 (i?) G A}, W,4 respectively). enforce transition to A. Therefore, state C 1 A Players' preferences satisfy u'2iA), and see this, suppose that state that are stable, then players always block transition from S = {A,B,C). W2 {A, B,C) states A, B, It is satisfied: in fact, Finally, notice that the sq. (Nonexistence without Assumption 2(a)) There woiB) > W2{C) > by W.4 ^^^ and 2b* are because of symmetry), and situation where (this holds also possible (indeed, is to from s 2 not the only equilibrium. In particular, the cycle in the opposite direction an equilibrium stable G {A, B, C} such that sq 1, to C. 3, 1 would knowing In equilibrium this deviation should not be profitable, but the transition costs, there hence, there it is; MPE no is in is A no equilibrium where pure strategies, since no state if Now, given stable. is dynamically is sta,ble, the players would benefit from blocking every single transition in every single state. now formally show that Let us that there such mapping is Without stable). not stable: stable, then either who a is member and by Axiom that 4> mapping cf) Example and 4 =A (C) or (j) no mapping there 2, suppose that we would obtain A is is = (C) The B. = a stable state such a state: first is W2 (C) > Axioms that satisfies states, = iS Winning {{1,2} , {1,3} A yo D and A yo Kd = and 3, {2,3} , B, tto there is majority voting rule). were, then if it it is not dynamically stable, A are accepted in equihbrium. Suppose that two players, players, 2 and would prefer A 1 and 3, strictly 3, strictly to have must be rejected we would obtain a Hence, there is 2, B, Axiom 3, all no it prefer prefer C A to B), to A). in = A,B,C there A then have violated. if pure strategies = {1} must vote we must have and therefore C that B may >- d D, A who it is for some D, 2,3, (1, easy to see that off' from any such proposal in of proposals C, S, A not be accepted (because must be accepted (because two as players 2 A is ., and 3 Lemma 1(c) accepted, and we assumed that some other proposal ' y^ in addition, receives 10 accepted in the next period, and by in this case. (C) > unanimity three players would be better accepted, then 56 twi {{1,2,3}}, is Assume, This contradicts our assertion that similar contradiction MPE is {1,2,3}, W3{A,B,C,D) = But then A may not be accepted, C rejected so that in the equilibrium. is T= > ws{B) > w^ (D) Consider state D; transition to either of the three other states A, B, C, so they that is "t^C are dynamically stable: evidently, player not dynamically stable. Indeed, Now We 2(b) are 3 players, (5,10,8,4), other words, in states (in respectively) will block transition to any other state. equilibrium. = Therefore, 4){C) wj,{A) Wa = Wb = B yp C, C yp A., so Assumption (1) = C, -np (2) = S, tt^ (3) = A. C > (C*) W2{A,B,C,D) = (10,8,5,4), {1,2,3}} , D In this case, states A, B, it is not is since player 1, wi{A) > wi{B) > Players' preferences satisfy coalitions are given by voting rule, while in state that Axiom is 1-3. {j4,B,C, D}. wi{A,B,C,D) = (8,5,10,4)). C >^a A- If is C state A; this means, by (Nonexistence without Assumption 2(b)) There 6 example, Wo = = Then A. C since 3, 102 {A). (p{A) — 4>{s) s, cannot hold. This contradiction shows that with these preferences, there is no wi{D), W2{B) > W2{C) > W2{A) > W2{D), and W3 (for Axiom {A) (j> Assume 1-3. any state (for impossible by A yg B and B. But we have Axioms that satisfies (p a contradiction with of any winning coalition in C, has 2, (t>{B) = B [B) (f) is By Axiom (p. loss of generality, were, if it there is accepted. We now show that there such mapping state D. If and C Axiom = {A) (p satisfies = (D) (f) D, this A. Hence, C ^d C ^i 4> would violate Axiom ^ D; {D) C there = A, implies that <p{A) 1 Axioms that satisfies (j) Since for each of the states A^ B, (j). three players, then all no mapping is = By Axioum C. mapping Example Assumption and 3 7 (Multiple Equilibria without (for Winning by W/i unanimity voting rule Assumption 3 is One can easily Let 1-3. Mappings (Pi (A) one maps state and (C) (Pi = A differ in (p2 C and to state A. It these two mappings satisfy V^^ lui = Let (p2 satisfies these = [A, B] = dt-^ and = {1,2}, > wi(C), wi (B) (3,5,1)). C 4>i which 4>2 (B) to state A, and 02 a B >~c A). satisfy Axioms nor = = (C) <j>2 B. and the second Axioms satisfy Theorem 1-3, under sets of stable states they should according to is while satisfied, A yc B (p2, = A and (A) Axioms. Note that the T>^^, as 1-3. and 2(a,b) are 1 one maps state first A. This {{1,2}} (in other words, there two mappings, B. = W2{A,B,C) = (5,3,1), straightforward to verify that is > A y jj D A. But then state 3) There are 2 players, / (A) is C. Consider satisfies Axioms are preferred to C, but neither (B) cp^ = {1} A = (D) that satisfies Then Assumptions only that the no other mapping also that A and B = VVc see that in this case there exist = and (/)j = Wb = = (t){C) we cannot have 4>{D) 3 wi{A,B,C) = example, in all states A, B, C). violated (both 4> ip that there preferred to it by is instance, state preferences satisfy Players' W2{B) > W2{A) > W2{C) coalitions are given B, and without loss of generality assume >~d D, and (f){C) S = {A,B,C}. = (S) contradiction proves that there does not exist states, no state that is 3, since, for Assume 1-3. 1. Proofs of Propositions From Section 6 Proof of Proposition 1 (Part 1) Take ms^ even. Evidently, for any of the rules Wsl"'' , = + (k VVJ^^'', or l)/2 Wi^ where a quasi-median voter and, moreover, the sequence {ws;,};.^! (Part 2) In holds. From Finally, all part cases W]""-', W^"'^ 1 it follows that (Part 3) In an odd-sized club we have si >-s^ Sk, Sfc 5, Wi^ where or Theorem Assumption 2b* follows from of majority voting, , as 3 (part 1) median voter if single-crossing condition. In either case, and only if s/ not indifferent between them by Assumption for any Sj and s;, is Theorem and 5. which completes the proof. 57 /c/2 is /c/2 < l^ < = k for k is m^, is /c/2 if all /c, monotonically increasing. k, Assumption 1 trivially apphcable, so Assumption 2(a,b) holds. is applicable in this case. a single person [k if ii'(jr._|_jW2 (si) Sj odd and m^ is < k < 3 (part 3) is k if > + 1) /2, ''^{k+i)/2 (Sfc) and .s/ the case because of the are two different clubs, player This implies that either in )-s^ Sj (/c -|- 1) /2 of Sj >-5^ is s; Proof rule s^ for >-5^. si > I because k, to exist will break at take any club = k/2 < I < s k. The s^. s/, G {1, Sm with . . . m < I s; yg^ Let us now take m>k. m If who belong that satisfy that Assumption 2(b) holds. Likewise, < to y-g^ S( Sfc and Sm ^s^ but not to Sm prefer s; Sfc- then all players in This means k/2 who then the set of members of club s^ /c/2, constitute at least half of the club in 5^ s;, Finally, to Sfc, !^5t (i.e., 5/ sj., so Sm ^s^ a majority) will prefer (Part k is Si s; E s^, impossible si is impossible, so the hs,^ s; is (/c with k < Wj s;, s; is i (sfc); + 1) in is odd; clearly, {tti^^J^^j Suppose Wi I. ^ and therefore Sk, this (s;) means that > s^, I j S s^, m): those , to s„,, But they do not 5;. s/ > k. But We have / and Sm such that < m. But then J^^^ s; Sk, y^k ^m, since s; all be player k/2 to rngf. an increasing sequence of quasi-median is is But then s;. or This proves that Assumption 3 holds. possible But then Wj j ^ s^. . s;- s/,-. This u', (sfc). . < k/2 not belong to either of Sm and I that the single-crossing condition holds, take i,j € < . and therefore Sm ^s^ — holds, take s and they form a majority /2 {1, m Sm- Without loss of generality assume prefer To show S ^ to m either Consider the second case, to s„i, s; s^ strictly prefer s/- and k, Monotonic median voter property holds, since we can take 2) In either case, (si) s; even and voters. Wj we ^k >-sk will prefer s; to : show that Assumption 3 and players from Sk, and Sm Sk >-s^. < I prefer who do while those Sm may < proved that Assumption 2b* holds. if s; which form a simple majority ,1} are indifferent. So, players only players in Sm the set of clubs that satisfy ^fc is part of Assumption 2b* holds as well. first S( Therefore, any cycle that s;. both clubs, but prefer the smaller one. Therefore, Sm ^Sk < m, which proves / i impossible to it is smaUest club. To show that Assumption 2(b) holds, its Hence, for any clubs as they are included in for of s^ prefer s^ to set of clubs {s;} that satisfy s^: indeed, players si >-5^ members all we hypothesize have holds in each club Sk, because the voting 1 simple majority. To show that Assumption 2(a) holds, we notice that is have of Proposition 2. (Part 1) Assumption i G (s;) Sfc, s;, if S i > Wj s; such that but (s^). i < i ^ Sk or ^ i j and Sf^, s;. Suppose now that and therefore Wi (s;) < Wi (sfc). This estabhshes that the single-crossing condition holds. (Part 3) Notice that Club smaller clubs. now consider club si is it is never possible that and stable log2 1 = 2°. ^ Z, then club Sj for If than half members of s^.. we know do not contain more than to be stable Hence, induction step. (Part 4) then S2[iog2J:j Sfc . e Z, then is the only club which is — = /c, if members, /c/2 therefore start with is log2 /c so s^ stable 58 Sfc < k and and contains more G Z, then the only clubs is stable. This proves the . and the statement follows from part preferred to for j , . 2l-'°S2*=J log2 j 2'-'°S2'^'J unstable. Conversely, , If fc is ys^Skiik<l. We can Suppose we proved the statement Sfc. A; s/ 3. If logj k ^ Z, by a majority (other stable clubs are either . than st or larger The at least twice as small as Sjtiogj/cj Theorem (Part 3) We (Part 1) Assumption 3. and Assumption 2(a,b) and 2b* are 3 applies (Part 2) By part 1, Theorem if E \i T : myopically stable state is > Wi which < {a)\ b for all feasible a' Q we only need to prove that which (a, 6) is nonempty. Note that most preferred by is i are several of these). Consider state Second, this state (/)^-stable: (a", b") )^(a',iV) is among G Q, then (a' N) e , indeed, if First, since Q. {a' weakly prefers (a', 6') (and therefore , N) stable. and is (p^-stable is Axiom 7y > 7y, so any cycle 4. (Part 1) Assumption would break 2(a) holds, Z prefer >~x Z to One can then, case by Z then jy > 7^ implies 1', and they form a winning similarly Z ^x Y X means that any '^ Y it 1 us prove that {a',b') '^ia,b) i'^^^)] Q e (a', A'') (because one of such states lies in {a' Q, , N) if there ^(a,6) (c^,'')- (a', A^), is the which of course But there same as far as is player i immediate {a",b") does not exist, cannot equal (a, 6), since state immediately foUows from (18) and that coalition in A', for if implies Hence, Assumption 3 would break holds: is satisfied. 59 )/-x Z: (which ^ is indeed, they did not, is impossible if Y all Z ^x if Y >~x A' players in A' >^x A' and loss of generality, 7^- if unique because Z would be at the least powerful coalition in proved likewise: 7y ^ j^- Without is it >~x holds, one can notice that Y cycle Y suffices to notice that )^x ^1 and thus show that Assumption 3 genericity, (or means that such Assumption 2(b) A', impossible. Again, this let is i at the least powerful coalition in of genericity). Similarly, to prove that and any Now take some player and so {a",b") £ Q. 3 then implies that 4>^{a,b) To prove that Assumption 1/2. 1, preferred to {a,b). This completes the proof. Proof of Proposition a > it N), which payoffs are concerned) to any other element in Q. This , Corollary were not the case, we would have some other it who is Q the states within (a, 6), and state {a',N) By such that {{a',b')} if (a', b') implies that at least a players prefer {a",b") to at least equivalent to is any dynamically stable state This means that each player prefers (a", b") to (O'', A''). this not myopically stable; is Q= Consider the set of constitutions unstable, this set that de- terminology of Bar- But . the second part of the pair of rules does not enter the utility directly). € By dynamically stable, but not vice versa, which establishes the result. fight of part 3 [{a,b)] 7^ (a, 6). (a', b') Therefore, immediately follows. the definition of myopic stability. is myopically stable. Take any constitution is result (a, 6) is self-stable (or self-stable, in w-i (a') {a',b') ^{a,b) (a, ^) for all (a, ^), since (a, b) > N/2. follows from b prove this result for constitutions and voting rules simultaneously. bera and Jackson) (Part 4) In 1 satisfied. The applicable. 1 is a voting rule (constitution) finition, {a' Sf-). result follows. Proof of Proposition (pf. more than two times smaller than i.e., , Z ^x > 7^, and it. AT, in this (Part 2) Let. us perturb players' payoffs so that small. After this perturbation, still The valid. Assumptions and either 7^ < 07 y or 7^ > 7,v in Z ^ll because of the perturbation we made, for do not form a winning coalition where 7^ > 7x; then Z and thus )/-x Y Tliis . players in all Y in this case, Y prefer e from part X. This imphes ajx < 7y who players obviously true for the part that belongs to Y, while this is true where > is 1 are a corresponding >:-cycle existed, then X and Z ^x )~x 7z — ^Ixi If hold, as the proofs still if e-fx ruled out by Assumption 2(b). To show that the is Y second part of Assumption 2b* holds, take is 3 part of Assumption 2b* follows, for first by genericity we would get a ;^-cycle which this and 2 1, = ^ X, then Wi {X) if i a player if we have Z Z )/-x jy < Y neither in is Y prefer 7^ > ajx ^ 7z- in this case to Z, since are not in < 7x to Z: nor in Z, Since players Y. Consider the second case I'z- Y yx Z This means that proves that Assumption 2b* holds, which completes the proof. The Relationship Between P, von Neuniann-Morgenstern Stable and Set, Chwe's Largest Consistent Set The Chwe following definitions are from (1994) and von S and any Definition 11 (Consistent Sets) For any x,y E X -^X y 1. if We only c-'n-d 2. We either x say that state x such that X for if all £ i . >_\' . . A set dominated we e Wx- X (1944). —>a' G C, define relation by ' ' ' by y (and write x < y) there exists if write x -<x y os a shorthand for Wi {x) < X d C w-i (y) X x is ,Xm € S such Xj -^Sj 2;j+i and Xj 3. directly X y and ^ y or x y and x ~<x y, where that state sa.y xo,Xi, — is = Neumaim and Morgenstern SC S there exists z ^5 is called dominated indirectly = that xq y for j = consistent & S, where y = x and 0, 1, . x £ if z or y ^ . . S z, , by y (and write x <^ y) Xm — y and tti — 1. Xq, Xi, stable (Internal stability) For any x,y G 2. (External stability) For any x E Proposition 6 Suppose Assumptions 1 X S\ such that x -^x and 2 )/-x hold. 60 that Then: E x ~^x y ~- set of states X C S x; there exists y that , following properties: we have y X ,Xm-i S C such and only ifiy € S,'iX e C such if it satisfies the 1. . . Definition 12 (von Neumann-Morgenstern's Stable Set) A Neumann- Morgenstern . there exist - . if . if X such that y y^ x. is von The 1. V set of stable states 2. T> is the largest consistent set; 3. Any consistent set set; ' . V either is von Neumann-Morgenstem stable the unique is ^ or any subset of the set of exogenously stable states (and vice versa, all such sets are consistent). We Proof. (Part 1) X of states since V n yU;. {/xj, Theorem that for , . Aik some follows that 1 it < k such that A'n{/Ji, But by . . . (7), = /x;._i } , fii and therefore ^/-n^ ^L). us prove that let 2; prove that = XO {/ij, e X. Hence, ^ X. Now . . . e /x^. i^ij^ > / k. the opposite It is Wy [i). By also true, so Hence, for any fif X ^ X € ij,i x < y if and only if x < y; is x = Now satisfied. impossible that z mapping Now (f)), X= Vz G X : V is consistent, consider < x <^ y implies Note that z >y y, for (x) it is From G V. ^u^. = /i^.j } 0- Suppose first y^^ /i; ji^ would k and fij >~^^ jif.. we have /.t; ^^^ f.if., y. To see this, suppose that x <^y\ take a S and any A' G C such that x y E V, so z = y suppose that x ;^x x, since any z (2), G . Let = > x) /c be lowest number and Vi G Xk Wx Axioms 1-3. that satisfies y or y <^ < Wi 1 1 (f> = 1, <C y. In our setup, however, a; some mapping take some x ^ V. ti^i , V. Xk+i- T> Since ^ y; then X : z = is Wa-. On > Wi Axiom and \. P = {i A : 1 (0 > w^ But as In (?,) it is for {z), too. = G I : y or Wi (x) < j/ S and •C z^ X we Wi (y)} G Wx\ then x z, for Therefore, any z G V such that either 2 then y € C such that necessarily have <^ 61 w^^ would be violated we have y impossible that for some 2 G which would violate Axiom X Take = (p{y); then, = y and x ^ y. the other hand, z G V. are stable (otherwise, < {i) Let z nonempty, property 3i G satisfies that either z 4>{x) V- consider two possibilities: x X X G w^ (x) —>x need to show that there exist y G which Take y Now x. both x and We z. = hence, in this case, 3i e ^ ~>X y and k ^ either z Axiom first case, ^ I < / note also that A'^ G Wx, since x any x e V, and then take any y £ the . This means that 0- such that such that This means that x -^Xk ^k+\ (because Xk j^ x. that set follows from . . G X, jj,-^ stability property Mk = consider the case where obvious that for any x,y G S, x definition, To show if Mk = if G X, then internal sequence of states and a sequence of coalitions as in Definition such that Xk+\ {/ij, set G X, for otherwise external stability condition would be violated. This proves fii^ is Xn by construction, we have that ,iii._i} if /x^, V. Clearly, and only li and only Af if the induction step, a,nd therefore completes the proof that (Part 2) X e ij.f. 0, and therefore there does not exist whenever = us prove that Pd let Suppose that satisfying (7). > suppose that we have proved that suffices to /x; be violated, and therefore > k 0; then, since Mlk 7^ / it Now /j.^.. some ^^._i} for . . any state for //j ft], ..., fii^i < von Neumann-Morgenstern stable; is )/-^^ take the sequence of states < z, —>x y. and therefore = y or y <§C 2 must V that = satisfy z To But then, by our choice of X, we have y. indeed a consistent is V sliow that largest consistent set < /Ltj, ..., the smallest number, such that i.e., D Since and among satisfying (7), > ^|5| S ^V. \s Take some mapping consistent. X= £ {i = that y 2 fii < Wj (x) : fox < I which implies z = impossible that y, z either 2 = Now for jj.. E y or y >C "D r, some and < j a state which < and z X : X Wi {x) If y G and vS possibilities. If state 2 with z x E G 5 we had y <^ ^ y\ at X is this is 2, same reasoning X . P\ yy y P \ with that, according = and implies (7) and hence z, P G (x) (f> which by x, < then y Axiom z, Therefore, 1. we do have yy z G \/i X some for if < Wi {x) : y. it is z E S Wi (2), is = G 5 5 4>(x) if that S ^ V, but S —>x 2/1 y not exogenously stable and y G is E. S where z, = either z y ot y <^ — then x In that case, y. Now —>>- X=J 2 for impossible, as 2 G for for y, z This proves that X = some {i 2 z = S* y or y is E T : Wi {x) G 5 either 2 G V. But S z, which implies, as before, if Take any x e 5. we can take some and y for such 2, < Wi = Y = = x; then x G C, which 62 (y)} is ^x V- If for incompatible = \/i E 2, X then : z for y should not (p satisfying G Wx', then x —^x y or y <C set, S and x ^ S. This means that and therefore x we have indeed a consistent y E take any x ^ S. Consider two and y <g; 2, = z not exogenously stable. Again, consider mapping and P \ 5; E V. This contradiction proves that y, z Wi (2) trivially holds. is includes not exogenously stable. such that either is set. and hence y -^ 5, then, in particular, y as before, y <^ z would imply z construction of = z, y consists of exogenously stable states only. > Wi [x) suppose that x Axioms 1-3 and take y 5 ^^ G show let ^V,y ^ S C V. Suppose impossible, since S which : Now the largest consistent is But y G (z). the same time, 2 in S. Finally, the such for exogenously stable, then take this y there does not exist 2 be since x violate a consistent set, then £ C are such that x find that condition 3i some that T> not include any state which X = ^ S\V, and therefore z e V. However, z would But y. sequence a contradiction, since by definition of a consistent set x ^ S, while > Wi Consider, however, any This proves (z). S. Consider We now k. 1-3. G Wx- Since x G S, there exists z However, 2 >~y y. S ^V, S may = then in fact z 2, if 5" is then x -^x y for some y But then k. > / G 5 we have y <^ 2: VC pick state x 7^ Axioms not exogenously stable. Suppose x G is such that 3i £ < I we picked x € S \V. This proves (Part 3) By part Wi which would contradict the assertion that state S that satisfies 4> P \ 6 S \'D, then if fi; z )~y y, as this . 5 states in all some for if X We get by construction of < Wi {x) we must have Wx; then x -^x V and, Wi (y)} G k. : suppose, to obtain a contradiction, that the set, consistent, is to the definition of a consistent set, x ^ S, is X £ set. the largest consistent is "ii = Wi (x) By because y, < V- Wi (2) which completes the proof. by