MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 6906 \ * * / 2 ( LIBRARIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries 5 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series Did Firms Profit from Soft Money? Stephen Ansolabehere James M. Snyder, Michiko Ueda Jr. Working Paper 04-1 January 2004 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection 3062 id=51 at J MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTP OF TECHNOLOGY __ -'8RARIES DID FIRMS PROFIT FROM SOFT MONEY? Stephen Ansolabehere Department of Political Science MIT James M. Snyder, Jr., Departments of Political Science and Economics MIT Michiko Ueda Department of Political Science MIT January, 2004 The authors thank William Burke for his excellent research assistance. Professor and Professor Snyder thank the National Science Foundation for its Ansolabehere generous financial support. At its heart, the Bipartisan firms receive from Campaign Reform Act seeks A series of rulings by the Federal Election campaign contributions. Commission created to limit the private benefits that the opportunity for organizations and individuals to give funds to party accounts outside the system of direct contribution limits - so called soft money. Although used before 1992, soft money ballooned parties raised approximately Federal Elections Campaign money, most of which came from corporations in times larger than the hard contribution limits set in the Act. to have profited directly and substantially from their soft donations. In the years leading up to the passage of BCRA, public interest groups and the press provided soft in soft at least ten Companies were widely alleged money during the 1990s. In the 2000 election, the two major $500 million donations in excess of $ 1 00,000, little numerous examples of firms money donors - that benefited tobacco, pharmaceutical, and reports. The most emerged in hearings before the U.S. Senate telling evidence, cited extensively executives and legislators testified that soft government contracts where on the contribute, then their line. companies were especially featured by the majority opinion in Committee on Commerce money in 1998. donations were often given in these McConnell v. FEC, Corporate when valuable In other cases donors feared that, if they did not companies would lose competitive advantages through regulations. These were clearly stories of excess. Parties and excess of what they could raise under the hard the soft party oil from public policies and were also large money money, allegedly received excessively limits, and corporations, which gave most of large benefits at public expense in return for their contributions. See the report by the Federal Election Commission their candidates received donations well in at: Were these cases typical, or exceptional? If exceptional, then the government might best deal with the problems of corrupt practices through aggressive enforcement of anti- bribery laws. If typical, then the contributions - government might attempt is the extent to money. Economists and which donors, especially political scientists campaign contributions on public policy. money problems with blanket restrictions on as they in fact did. At issue hard to eliminate these from large corporate donors, benefited soft have long been puzzled about the influence of An extensive literature examines the association between contributions and public policy decision- making, especially roll call voting in the U.S. Congress. The large majority of studies find no significant effects of hard public policy, and, in those that do find some association, the money magnitude of the contributions on effects is typically very small. More much troubling influence. still, the total amount of campaign contributing seems too small Tullock (1973) observed that although corruption Assuming a reasonable plausibly large. services that firms buy with their On amount lot, but it is to a significant societal the other hand, such calculations (e.g., donations? is not goods and several hundred problem. may be wrong. Under some command an it produce rounding error on the national assumptions about the extraordinarily high return on Persson and Tabellini, 2002, pp. 187-190; Dal Bo, 2002). empirical studies that claim to find evidence for such high returns Is there all campaign contributions cannot be more than a nature of political bargaining, companies might investment widely alleged, return on investment, the total value of million dollars per year. That might sound like a accounts, and likely does not is to (e.g., And Stratmann, 1991). evidence that firms profited substantially and systematically from their soft We know of no few there are a money study that has looked for a systematic relationship between soft See Ansolabehere, de Figueiredo, and Snyder (2003) for a summary of this literature. money We address this question here, by examining donations and policy decisions or outcomes. corporate stock returns. The Bi-Partisan Campaign Reform Act itself provides a lens through which to observe the value that firms' derived from soft money. If companies profited from soft money, then investors in firms should have valued the firms accordingly. Companies that gave soft money and received undue competitive advantages or large contracts recent years than companies that gave new have been better investments in money. By the same reasoning, the imposition of regulations and the Court's decision to uphold those regulations should have lowered the value of the firms that used the soft money Consider a typical Fortune average, $50 billion, contributions (not this little sofi in return should all 1 loopholes for profit. 00 company. Annual revenues for these companies 10% of which roughly is profit. Large firms that give soft do) give an average of about $500,000 over two years. are, on money An excellent return on investment would double the amount invested. This would account for just one one-hundredth of one percent of the company's two-year about. The fear, however, is that profit - difficult to notice of contracts and services, and $100 million and would account for 1 in profits. donations yields $1 billion worth This would represent a 20,000 percent eliminate this stream of profit. In the on investment are more modest and where relatively small, the effect money percent of a company's annual profit. The elimination of soft money would returns to get excited companies receive returns thousands of times larger than the investment. Suppose, for example, that $500,000 in soft return, and not much the total value latter case, case, where of goods and services bought on a company's stock price would be negligible - one-hundredth of one percent. In the first where the returns in the is range of one are exceptionally large and the cost of soft money money would be We to to government and society might be substantial, the effect lower the stock value of the hypothetical firm by about 1 of banning soft percent. can examine the effects of BCRA using stock market data and standard event study methodology. 3 Previous papers by Roberts (1990a, 1990b), Fisman (2001), Jayachandran (2002), and others have found that political events - such as the death 1983 and Senator James Jeffords' party switch in 2001 of Senator Henry (Scoop) Jackson - can have in a noticeable impact on stock prices. One of an event important prerequisite for conducting an event study that releases regard because 10, 2003. its the we know precisely the new exactly willing to information into the market. date of the BCRA as it We are especially until the very was to is uphold 4 it. was about deeply divided over the following, how to approach campaign finance regulation... it all, a description that the Justices clear was not even 5 98 1 ) for is difficult as likely to strike was not It standard would be used to judge the challenged provisions of BCRA." 1 it to down by Professor Michael C. Dorf of the Columbia University Law lengthy oral argument which of these views will prevail. Indeed, ( the court revealed An example of the tentative commentary offered by campaign School: "The four-hour oral argument in McConnell indicated, above See Schwert moment "surprise" the decision was, the fact that almost no observers were predictions suggests that they believed the court finance law experts As fortunate in this information was clearly released to the market that day. While how much of a make the ability to determine the date Supreme Court's decision on BCRA: December Moreover, because the outcome was uncertain decision, know new is The day from the clear what legal after the decision, of the method and a survey of papers employing it. BCRA and Ansolabehere on the side consultants on this case (Snyder on the side opposed to the remain in support of it), two of the authors had detailed knowledge of the proceedings and followed the litigation closely. Both thought the plaintiffs were more likely to prevail. 5 Quoted from an article on the CNN web site, September 19, 2003, "The Supreme Court's campaign finance reform argument." The article was found at campaign finance expert Thomas Mann said: "Yesterday, [the decision that surprised many, although, certainly, not all Supreme Court reached] another members of this 6 of its findings on the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act." clarity The this view. oral arguments final vote on BCRA's soft money provisions was panel, in the reach and Other pieces of evidence support as close as possible, 5 to 4. September, Justice Rehnquist, thought to be pivotal on in 5:4 At the this matter, subjected the defense to hostile lines of questioning, which signaled his likely vote against upholding key provisions of the Act. 7 And many observers find that Justice O'Connor, another pivotal justice, "even more inscrutable than usual" on campaign finance questions. The prediction, then, is BCRA stopped them, then the fallen on December 10, bill signed the bill into 6 v. donations produced profits and stock prices of companies that used soft Supreme Court's final decision, there surprised the market. Thus, on February passed the money ' money 14, 2002; (2) the Senate we have passed it were four other events surrounding five events in 1 1 all. (1) on March 20, 2002; The U.S. House (3) the president law on March 27, 2002; (4) the Supreme Court heard oral argument on Brookings Briefing, "Supreme Court Rules on Campaign Finance Case: The Legal and FEC" December heavily should have 2003, while those that did not should either have risen or been unaffected. In addition to the BCRA that might have straightforward: If soft is , Political Impact of McConnell 2003. Aug 31, 2003 by Charles Lane, "Rehnquist May Be Key for Campaign Finance Chief Justice's Past Votes Leave Outcome of Challenges to McCain-Feingold Law Uncertain." Quote by Professor Roy Schotland of the Georgetown University Law Center, from Washington Post article on Aug 31, 2003 by Charles Lane, "Rehnquist May Be Key for Campaign Finance Chief Justice's Past Votes Leave Outcome See, for example, the Washington Post article on of Challenges to McCain-Feingold Law Uncertain." Another interesting piece of evidence is the BCRA "market" run for an undergraduate course on the Supreme Court the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. About 130 students in the class traded in the market, rewarded with The at betting was on whether or not the electioneering communication provisions would be upheld. The last which trades took place, posted on December 8, were $.55 for the position that the provisions would be upheld and $.55 for the position that the provisions would be struck down, on bets that paid $1.00- this implies beliefs very close to 50-50. See grades. prices at September 8, 2003 which, Justice Rehnquist's questioning was viewed as a signal that he would (at Supreme Court issued side with plaintiffs); and (5) the Following the event study literature, the Capital Asset Pricing we its ruling on December 10, 2003. 10 estimate the following equation, a modification of Model: J 5 j=\ s=\ where Rii is i the return type-y indexes firms, on firm donor and j's t indexes dates, j indexes donor status stock for date otherwise, and lst "bad news" for large soft statistically significant; money and if = 1 We M if s the market return for date is t =t and statistically significant. (Note, February 10, 2001 through December 12, 2003. cases leaves 446 firms. 12 / is a be negative and money Ru = (Pn ' ' all donors, then the - Pi,t-i)l Pi,t-u where Fortune 500 companies for the period Some of these companies are not publicly traded complicated mergers during the period under study To measure if firm 3 and 5 produced 1, 2, all 1 t.) assembled data on daily stock prices for in If events event 4 produced "good news", for large soft of firm is stock on date and others were involved otherwise. donor, non-donor), Ay = t, donors, then the corresponding ?/s should corresponding I4 should be positive and Pit is the closing price /, {e.g., large the market return We merged this with data on the soft money donations we used the CSRP for all these firms. - dropping these value- weighted return. 13 10 Hertzel, Martin, and Meschke (2002) studied the impact of the first three of these events on the stock returns of 40 major soft-money donors, and found no significant effects. These were probably less surprising than the last event. The vote on final passage in the House was 240- 1 89, and the vote in the Senate was 60-40; moreover, other events that occurred during consideration of the bill may have been equally important, such as the approval of a rule by the Rules Committee on February 8, the adoption of the rule by the full House on February 13, and the approval of the ShaysMeehan substitute amendment over two competitors on February 13. We analyze all five events for completeness. The first date is exactly one year prior to the first of our five events. The total number of observations is therefore nearly 325,000. Firm stock market price data and market data are from University of Chicago) and Factiva. Soft money CRSP (Center for Research in Security Prices, donations are from the web site at the of the Center for Responsive Politics ( and the Federal Election Commission. The Fortune 500 companies include many of the number of companies large that gave little over the 4-year period 1999-2002 were million), AT&T ($6.8 at all, including money donors, as well as a ten largest soft million), Freddie SBC Communications Mac money donors ($6.4 million), Philip ($3.3 million), Verizon ($3.0 million), Pfizer ($2.9 million), Bristol-Myers Squibb ($2.8 and Anheuser-Busch ($2.7 money soft Mae The or no soft money. Morris ($5.3 million), Microsoft ($4.2 million), ($3.1 million), Fannie largest soft million). IBM, American On the other side, an impressive Electric Power, Intel, ALCOA, list of firms gave no Whirlpool, and Consolidated Edison. We group firms into three categories, based on their election cycles total soft money donations over the two 1999-2000 and 2001-2002: Non-Donors are those who gave $10,000 or less, Modest Donors those who gave between $10,000 and $250,000; and Large Donors those who gave $250,000. at least gave in excess We also conducted analyses in which we isolated Million Dollar Donors, who of $1 million over the 4-year period. The first group contains 216 firms; the second group contains 142 firms, with an average contribution of about $90,0000; and the third group contains 142 firms, with an average contribution of $1,080,000. There are 50 Million Dollar Donors. Were answer is: soft money donors hurt by the Supreme Court's decision uphold BCRA? The short Evidently not. At the end of the trading day on December better to day on Wall Street than firms that dropped by about .5% on December 10 day, the prices of gave no th . The 10, the firms that soft gave soft money had had a money. The value of the broad market index stock prices of Large Donors dropped by .3% Moderate Donors dropped by .6%, and the prices of the Non-Donors lost that .8% of The Million Dollar Donors - such their value that day. saw their stocks drop only The event study the events on by .1%. This is as AT&T, firms' stock market valuations (i.e., BCRA and the 1 shows the estimated their ?'s) for the three types money and soft from 0. What of Court's decision to uphold the law had no statistically i.e., their ?'s are more, the effects of the events on firms that gave no is modest amounts of soft money were not firms that gave effect of donor firms. The discernable effect on the valuation of firms that gave large amounts of soft money; statistically indistinguishable - exactly the reverse of our expectations. analysis confirms this conclusion. Table events marking the passage of Microsoft, and Philip Morris statistically different from firms that gave large amounts of soft money. Specifically, the F- statistics at the foot of the table reveal, in the first case, that the ?'s for the different types from each other and, in the second case, That is, that we of firms are not significantly different cannot reject the hypothesis that the ?'s are the data are consistent with the hypothesis that all of the events had zero effect 0. on the valuations of all types of firms, If anything, the court's decision appears to have helped the Large Donors, and hurt the Non-Donors - again, completely contrary In short, the Bipartisan that Campaign Reform Act did not affect the profitability of corporations gave considerable amounts of soft money. There are two possible interpretations have new to expectations. little effect on behavior. Investors might have expected law. Indeed, the and 501(c)4's. to these findings. 14 FEC now We believe, faces new possibility that is that firms will find a challenges in dealing with committees however, that the soft sizable corporate donations that One money ban has were the hallmark of soft money teeth BCRA will way around known the as 527's and will eliminate the in the 1990s. A second, more profound possibility is that the premise of most of the discourse over campaign finance 14 These are the tax is simply wrong. Firms code designations for political may not care much about advocacy groups. soft money because they do not profit much from soft money donations. As noted treated their soft- money donations as investments, rate of return, the total effect on profits in the calculations above, even and these investments produced a would be minuscule and if firms fairly decent virtually undetectable in stock market prices. Moreover, very few firms gave large amounts of soft money. Anyone this issue R.J. over the past decade can probably AT&T. But Reynolds, Philip Morris, and companies gave money at all, in excess name some of the The lack of apparent has followed money donors - such as they are the exceptions. Only one in 25 Fortune 500 of $1 million of soft money and half gave $10,000 or large soft who in the 2000 election, while 40% gave no soft less. financial losses associated with the end of soft money indicates at the very least that the campaign contributions do not exact exceedingly large returns on investment. Thousand- fold returns, as suggested by the Senate hearings and other anecdotes, are not borne out in the behavior of investors. This conclusion raises a problem with a basic premise in the societal interest in regulating soft money? Probably not. BCRA. Apparently, we Is there a are not in a compelling world of excessively large returns to campaign contributors. Firms do not appear to receive a lot for a And, even with return on investment as large as 1 00%, there is very little money little. in elections compared with the value of all goods and services produced by the government. There may be a governmental concern about cases of corruption. That concern seems more appropriately handled through stricter enforcement of laws that prohibit bribery and quid pro quo arrangements (Lowenstein, forthcoming). This concern, however, not that system- wide corruption is is about a few bad apples. producing substantial private benefits from public policies. It is Lacking evidence of actual corruption, the Court relied heavily on concern about perceived corruption. But, in the absence of evidence that firms profited from soft money or that there noticeable economic cost to society, one wonders on what the perception of corruption And if investors, who back their perceptions with real gains for the largest contributors, one wonders hard moneys whose perceptions — their own the Court is is is a based. —do not perceive relying on. References Ansolabehere, Stephen, John de Figueiredo, and James M. Snyder, Jr. 2003. "Why Little Money in US Politics?" Journal of Economic Perspectives 17: 105-130. Is There So Dal Bo, Ernesto. 2002. "Bribing Voters." Unpublished manuscript, University of California at Berkeley. Fisman, Raymond. 2001. "Estimating the Value of Political Connections." American Economic Review 91: 1095-1102. J. Spencer Martin, and J. Felix Meschke. 2002. "Corporate Soft Money Firm Performance." Unpublished manuscript, Arizona State University. Donations and Hertzel, Michael G., Jayachandran, Seema. 2002. "The Jeffords Effect." Unpublished manuscript, Harvard University. William C. Heffernan and John Kleinig, "When Campaign Contribution a Bribe?" in Private and Public Corruption. Lanham, MD: Rowman Lowenstein, Daniel H. Forthcoming, 2004. Is a & Littlefield. Persson, Torsten, and Guido Tabellini. 2002. Political Economics. Cambridge, Roberts, Brian E. 1990a. Benefits." "A Dead Senator Tells No American Journal of Political Science Lies: Seniority MA: MIT Press. and the Distribution of Federal 34: 31-58. Roberts, Brian E. 1990b. "Political Institutions, Policy Expectations, and the 1980 Election: A Financial Market Perspective." American Journal of Political Science 34: 289-310. Schwert, G. William. 1981. "Using Financial Data to Measure Effects of Regulation." Journal of 24: 121-158. Law and Economics "What Do Campaign Contributions Buy? Deciphering Causal Money and Votes." Southern Economic Journal 51 606-620. Stratmann, Thomas. 1991. : Effects of Table 1: Effect of BCRA Decisions on Key Stock Returns Supreme Large Donors Supreme House Senate President Court Court Passes Passes Signs Argument Decision -.19 .32 .07 -.11 .13 (.23) (.23) (.23) (.23) (.23) -.08 .31 .46* -.17 -.18 (.23) (.23) (.23) (.24) (.24) -.21 .24 .19 -.31 -.42* (.19) (.19) (.19) (.20) (.20) 1 0.11 0.05 0.81 0.24 1.69 F- statistic 2 0.69 1.84 1.78 1.14 1.89 Moderate Donors Non-Donors F- statistic Standard errors in parentheses * = significant at the .05 level for testing Ho: ?j s = ?2s F-statistic 2 is for testing Ho: ?i s = ?2 S F-statistic 1 is = ?3.s (i-e., the effect of event s is the same for all 3 types of firms) = ?3s = (i.e., types of firms) 3837 !; 25 the effect of event 5 is zero for all 3 MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 02617 6906 wmmmmmM^MmmMM 1 III P