DEWEY MIT LIBRARIES U(B>3i- 3 9080 02238 5212 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Economics Working Paper Series FIRMS WANT TO BORROW MORE? TESTING CREDIT CONSTRAINTS USING A DIRECTED DO LENDING PROGRAM Abhijit Banerjee Esther Duflo Working Paper 02-25 May 2002 REVISED: May 2008 Room E52-251 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 021 42 This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Paper Collection ?abstract id : - 3 16587 at j j Do Firms Want Borrow More? to Testing Credit Constraints Using a Directed Lending Program* Abhijit V. Banerjeetand Esther Dufio* Abstract This paper uses variation in access to a targeted lending program to estimate whether firms are credit constrained. firms may be The willing to absorb basic idea all that while both constrained and unconstrained is the directed credit that they can get (because cheaper than other sources of credit), constrained firms will use while unconstrained firms will primarily use these observations to firms in India that it it to it expand production, We as a substitute for other borrowing. became may be eligible for directed credit as a apply result, of a policy change in 1998, and lost eligibility as a result of the reversal of this reform in 2000. Using firms that were already getting this kind of credit before 1998, and retained in 2000 to control for time trends, we show that there being used as a substitute for more production-there was a these firms. We conclude that large acceleration in the rate of many of the firms for his work is Services for collecting the data, their growth of sales and profits for must have been severely credit constrained, to capital was very high for these firms. Keywords: G2 Banking, Credit constraints, India JEL: 016, Sankarnaranayan no evidence that directed credit other forms of credit. Instead the credit was used to finance and that the marginal rate of return *We thank Tata Consulting is eligibility help in understanding Dean Yang and Niki Klonaris the Indian banking industry, for excellent research assistance, and Robert Barro, Sugato Battacharya, Gary Becker, Shawn Cole, Ehanan Helpman, Sendhil Mullainathan, Kevin Murphy, Raghuram Rajan and Christopher Udry to the administration for very useful and the employees of the bank we studied MIT CEPR and BREAD. NBER, CEPR and BREAD. 'Department of Economics, MIT, 1 We are particularly grateful for their giving us access to this paper. 'Department of Economics, comments. the data we used in Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries Introduction 1 That there are limits to credit access is widely accepted today as an important part of an economist's description of the world. Credit constraints figure prominently in economic analyzes of short-term fluctuations and long-term growth. 1 Yet there tight evidence of the is still little existence of credit constraints on larger firms in developing countries. While there credit constraints in rural settings in developing countries, the share of agriculture in the capital stock it is is even smaller. evidence of except in the very poorest countries, not large enough for the credit constraints to have in India, the share of agriculture in quantitatively large effects: in the capital stock is 2 is Moreover, in output is 24% and its share Banerjee and Duflo (2005), we argue that not enough to show that the very smallest firms are credit constrained, since while they are numerous, the share of capital in these firms is much power too small to have explaining the cross-country productivity differences. On the other hand, if it is in terms of the medium- sized firms that are constrained, the productivity loss due to the missallocation of capital caused by credit constraints may be potentially very large: indeed, to explain the entire productivity Prima facie, the idea that it such firms showing that borrowing though deposit rates are less may be large enough gap between India and the US. may be severely constrained is certainly consistent with Banerjee and Duflo (2005) survey evidence from the available evidence. countries, we argue that interest rates are often of the order of than half as much, and defaults are rare. many 60% less developed or above, even This suggests that the marginal product of capital in the firms paying these rates might far exceed the opportunity cost of capital. However know whether the irrational). 1 this evidence is only partly convincing: the problem firms that pay these rates are somehow atypical (smaller, is that we do not more desperate, 3 See Bernanke and Gertler (1989) and Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) on theories of business cycles based on credit constraints and Banerjee and Newman (1993) and Galor and Zeira (1993) on theories of growth and development based on limited credit access. The estimation of the effects of credit constraints on farmers is significantly more straightforward since variations in the weather provide a powerful source of exogeneous short-term variation in cash flow. Rosenzweig and Wolpin (1993) use this strategy to study the effect of credit constraints on investment in bullocks in rural India. 3 Although it is worth saying that the studies from which these interest rate numbers come concern normal There also is some direct evidence on rate of returns on McKenzie and Woodruff capital. (2004) estimate parametric and non-parametric relationships between firm earnings capital. less Their estimates suggest huge returns to capital for these small firms: for firms with than $200 invested, the rate of return reaches 15% per month, well above the informal interest rates available in pawn shops month). These regressions may or through micro-credit suffer from of an programs (on the order of "ability bias" 3% per caused by a correlation between investment level and rates of return to capital (Olley and Pakes (1996)). De and firm To address this issue, Mel, Mckenzie and Woodruff (2006) randomly allocate small ($200 or so) capital grants to microenterprises in Sri Lanka, and find that the returns to capital are also very high for those firms: the average returns to capital These firms are, is as high as 4% per month. however, very small and unconnected to any bank. Unfortunately, to imagine carrying out the same experiment for larger firms that are already we take advantage connected to the banking sector. effect of an influx of credit on investment and productivity of medium-sized firms make firms. Thus, in this paper, difficult it of a natural experiment to estimate the in India. 4 We use of a policy change that affected the flow of directed credit to an identifiable subset of Such policies What makes and policy changes are common this case particularly interesting registered firme (this means that they is in many developing and developed countries. that the firms affected by the policy are officially none are not part of the informal economy, although of these firms are listed on the stock market), fairly large by Indian standards, though not the largest corporate entities: the average capital stock of firms in the 95th percentile in the median industry in India was Rs. 36 million (the exchange rate was about 45 rupees to a dollar), which puts them at a size just above the category of firms that were affected by the policy change (which required a capital stock between Rs. 6.5 and Rs. 30 million). The advantage of our approach that it gives us a specific exogenous shock to the supply of credit to specific firms. Its disadvantage is that directed credit need not be priced at market if price. is This has two important, implications: First, firms they are not credit constrained simply because it is will want directed its true credit even a cheaper substitute for market credit. production loans to stable firms, not emergency loans. 4 The approach spirit to that in of Japanese of looking directly at an identifiable shock to credit supply for a specific subgroup Peek and Rosengren (2000), who look at the impact of a reduction banks during the Japanese banking crisis on is similar in in credit at U.S. subsidiaries real estate activity in the U.S. Therefore the fact that a firm is borrow more willing to at the same price to them, cannot be seen as evidence that they are credit constrained it is when more troublingly, a shock to the supply of directed credit might lead not just to but also to more investment even a firm if more borrowing we develop a simple methodology based on from price theory that allows us to deal with the inference problem suggested paragraph. The methodology based on two observations: is Second, and not credit constrained. is In the theoretical section of this paper offered rationed with respect to this particular source of cheap credit, but not necessarily credit constrained. more is first, if a firm is strained, then an increase in the supply of subsidized directed credit to the firm ideas in the previous not credit con- must lead it to substitute directed credit for credit from the market. Second, while investment, and therefore total production, may go up even the firm if is not credit constrained, it will only go up if the firm has already fully substituted market credit with directed credit. We test these implications using firm-level firms in India. We make data we collected from a sample of medium use of a change in the so-called "priority sector" regulation, under which firms smaller than a certain limit are given priority access to bank lending. 5 The experiment we exploit is a 1998 reform which increased the eligible to receive priority sector lending strategy is maximum the rate of change in various firm outcomes before and included in the priority sector as a result of the were already size first below which a firm is (from Rs. 6.5 to Rs. 30 Million). Our basic empirical a difference-in-difference-in-difference approach: that for firms that size new we focus on the changes is, reform for firms that were after the limit, using the in the priority sector as a control. We in corresponding changes find that bank lending and firm revenues went up for the newly targeted firms in the year of the reform, relative to firms that were already included. bank credit for borrowing to firms that last had We no evidence that find this was accompanied by substitution of from the market and no evidence that revenue growth was confined fully substituted bank credit for market borrowing. two observations are inconsistent with firms being unconstrained Our second experiment As argued in their earlier, the market borrowing. uses the fact that a large fraction of these firms (specifically those with investments higher than Rs. 10 million) that were included in the priority sector in 1998, got 5 Banks are penalized sector. for failing to lend a certain fraction of the portfolio to firms classified in the priority excluded again We in 2000. find that bank lending and firm revenues went down for these firms, both compared to the firms that had always been a part of the priority sector and to firms that were included and remained part of the priority sector in 1998, in 2000. have two separate experiments that each allow us to estimate the effects Moreover because we on credit and revenue growth, we can implement an overidentification test which essentially ask whether the effect of on revenue credit less likely that medium and the same in the two cases. is results easily pass this test, making much it the effects are generated by differential time trends in the productivity of small, what we large firms: for that to be the explanation for would have to have reversed We The also use this in exactly the right way find, the productivity trends at exactly the right time. We data to estimate parameters of the production function. estimate an elasticity of sales with respect to bank credit of 0.75. This ought to be a lower bound on the elasticity of sales with respect to working capital (since bank loans are only a part of working capital, we would expect working when bank up loans go capital not to go up in the as a result of the policy shock). We substitution of market borrowing for bank borrowing, given bank loans must be working in total well above capital, the elasticity of sales same proportion will argue that of their current level of investment, if bank loans there any is what we know about the share of with respect to total working capital This would imply that firms have increasing returns 1. as in the neighborhood and therefore must be credit constrained (otherwise they would keep borrowing). Finally, we try to estimate the effect of the program-induced additional investment on profits. While the interpretation of large this result relies it suggests a very gap between the marginal product and the interest rate paid on the marginal dollar (the point estimate which is is that Rs. much too 1 more in loans increased profits net of interest for the elasticities make it rewarded we for lending In the second part of the therefore study the allocation problem faced by a loan officer more but are also punished for defaults. We show that who this creates incentive for targeting credit (a) towards firms that are the least likely to default which also be some 0.73, particularly important to understand the extra credit that the program generated was allocated. theoretical section payments by Rs. large to be explained as just the effect of getting a subsidized loan). These very high estimates how on some additional assumptions, of the more is an may profitable firms, but also (b) towards firms that are on the brink of and therefore need to be bailed default on profitability) credit hand, when the loan want to give all growth may officer gets out. As a result, an OLS regression of revenue (or be biased downwards or upwards by selection. On the other an unexpected inflow of additional loanable funds, he would of that to the firms that are least likely to default, since the set of firms that need to be bailed out remains unchanged and he was already taking care of those firms before the inflow of extra credit. Assuming that the firms that are the least likely to default are also among the most productive firms, we should therefore expect to see the instrumental variables estimate of the effect of credit growth on revenue growth to be estimate, The when the source of the variation rest of the paper is a program like the one organized as follows: is much we stronger than the are studying. OLS 6 the next section describes the institutional environment and our data sources, provides some descriptive evidence, and informally argues that firms may be expected to be credit constrained in this environment. The following section develops the theory that justifies our empirical strategy, and provides some useful insights for interpreting what we find. The next We section reports the results. section develops the equations we estimate. The penultimate conclude with some admittedly speculative discussion of what our results imply for credit policy in India. Institutions, 2 Data and Some Descriptive Evidence The Banking Sector 2.1 in India Despite the emergence of a number of dynamic private sector banks and entry by a large number of foreign banks, the biggest banks in India are all in the public sector, i.e., they are corporatized banks with the government as the controlling share-holder. In 2000 the 27 public sector banks collected over The 77% particular of deposits and comprised over 90% bank we study is of all branches. a public sector bank, generally considered to be a good bank. 7 While banks ily provide longer-term loans, financing fixed capital is primar- the responsibility of specialized long-term lending institutions such as the Industrial Finance 6 is in India occasionally Note that we are still consistently estimating a causal effect of the extra credit with this experiment, but this the effect on the extra credit on good firms, which are the ones affected by the reform. 'It is consistently rated among the top five public sector banks by Business Today, a major business magazine. Corporation of India. Banks typically provide short-term working capital to firms. These loans are given as a credit line with a pre-specifled limit and an interest rate that age points above prime. The borrower draws from the limit is set a few percent- when needed, and reimburses on a quarterly basis. This paper therefore estimates the impact of short term capital loans, not that of long amount term investment moreover, credit; focuses on the working capital limit (which the is of working capital financing available to the firm at any point). The spread between the firm's credit rating interest rate and other many borrowers want and the prime rate characteristics, but cannot charge interest only on the part that is is fixed in advance based be more than 4%. Credit used and, given that the interest rate on the lines in India pre-specified, is as large a credit line as they can get. Priority Sector Regulation 2.2 All it banks (public and private) are required to lend sector", 40% of their net credit to the "priority which includes agriculture, agricultural processing, transport industry, and small scale industry (SSI). to specific In at least If banks do not satisfy the priority sector target, they are required to lend government agencies money at very low rates of interest. January 1998, there was a change in the definition of the small scale industry sector. Before this date only firms with total investment in plant and machinery below Rs. 6.5 million were included. The reform extended the definition to include firms with investment and machinery up new to Rs. 30 million. In January 2000, the reform was partially in plants undone by a change: firms with investment in plants and machinery between Rs. 10 million and Rs. 30 million were excluded from the priority sector. The priority sector targets most banks): every was 42% seems to have been binding bank we study year, the bank's share lent to the priority sector in 2000-2001). It is plausible that the and Duflo (2000), calculated is (as well as for very close to 40% bank had to go some distance down the quality ladder to achieve this target. Moreover, there lending. Banerjee for the is (it client the issue of the administrative cost of that, for four Indian public banks, the labor and administrative costs associated with lending to the priority sector were about 1.5 higher per rupees than that of lending in the unreserved sector. This that lending to smaller clients is more costly. 6 is consistent with the common view With in we thus expect an the reform, increase in lending to the larger firms newly included the priority sector, possibly at the expense of the smaller firms. firms with investment and machinery above 10 million were excluded again from the priority in plant these firms no longer counted towards the priority sector target. the smaller clients to fulfill its priority sector obligation. We those firms declined relative to the smaller firms. firms When and smaller firms, and evaluate whether any was matched by a corresponding change in sales One sector, loans to The bank had to go back to therefore expects that loans to focus on the comparison between larger relative change in loans between these groups and revenue. Data Collection 2.3 The bank we and study, like other public sector banks, routinely collects balance sheets account data from loss loan folder. there is is for it and compiles the data renewal/extension of its profit in the firm's credit line, and also stored in the folder, along with the firm's initial application even no formal review of the physically impossible to put With firms that borrow from Every year the firm also must apply the paper-work for this when all and file. The more documents folder in is typically stored in the branch until it. the help of employees from this bank and a former data from the loan folders from the it is clients of the bank bank officer, we first in the spring of 2000. We extracted collected general information about the client (product description, investment in plant and machinery, date of incorporation of units, length or the relationship with the bank, current limits for term loans, working capital, and profit and loss letter of credit). We also recorded a summary of the balance sheet information collected by the bank, as well as information about the bank's decision regarding the As we discuss and in amount more of credit to extend to the firm and the interest rate detail below, part of our empirical strategy called for a it charges. comparison between accounts that have always been a part of the priority sector and accounts that became part of the priority sector in 1998, and the sample was selected with this in mind. selected all We first the branches that primarily handle business accounts in the six major regions of the bank's operation (including information on all New Delhi and Mumbai). In each of these branches, we collected the accounts of the clients of the bank of firms which, as of 1998, had investment in plant and machinery below 30 million Rupees. This gave us a total of 249 firms, 7 including 93 firms with investment in plants and machinery between 6.5 and 30 million rupees. We aimed to collect data for the years 1996-1999, but when a older information is not always kept in the branch, so that old data gets "lost". Moreover, in some years, data is not collected for some firms. had started firms that We In the winter 2002-2003, we is full, have data on lending from 1996 for 120 accounts (of the 166 their relationship with the (of 191 possible accounts), 1998 folder data for collected a banks by 1996), 1997 data for 175 accounts and 1999 data for 213 accounts. 217 accounts new wave (of 238) of data , on the same firms We the impact of the priority sector contraction on loans, sales and profit. in order to study have 2000 data for 175 accounts, 2001 data for 163 accounts, and 2002 data for 124 accounts. There are two reasons why we have that some firms had not had data less their 2002 review in 2000, 2001 and 2002 than in 1999. when we re-surveyed them it is 15% among firms with investment in plant and machinery above 10 million, firms with investment in plant and machinery between 6.5 and 10 million, and with investment in plant and machinery below 6.5 million. Thus, it Second, in late 2002. 43 accounts were closed between 2000 and 2002. The proportion of accounts closed is First, balanced: 20% among 20% among firms does not appear that there sample selection bias would emerge from the closing of those accounts. 8 Table and 1 presents the summary statistics for all and credit rationing (in the full sample, change in in data be used in the analysis of credit constraint the sample for which we have information on the lending between the previous period and that period, which is the sample of interest for the analysis). 2.4 Descriptive Evidence on Lending Decisions In this subsection, this evidence to we provide some argue that this is description of lending decisions in the banking sector. an environment where credit constraints arise quite naturally. The Tables 2 and 3 show descriptive statistics regarding the loans in the sample. of table 2 shows that, in a attrition in the 1998-1999 period to be in our data set, is because our data an account had to still be in for that period existence in 1999. implies that our sample only represents the survivor as of 1999. However, given that attrition in first row majority of cases, the working capital limit that the bank makes The reason why we do not observe collected retrospectively in 2000: We use response to second reform in 2000, there is again little is was This not differential concern that this sample selection biases the results. available to the firm does not change from year to year: 65% even in nominal terms for it is of the loans. row essentially non-binding: 2 This shows that the limit was not updated in 1999, not because the limit is is in the six years in the sample, set so 63% high that to 80% of the accounts reached or exceeded the credit limit at least once in the year: this means that the borrower had drawn more from the limit in the course of a quarter than was available in the credit limit. This lack of growth in the credit limit granted by the bank the Indian that the economy demand registered nominal growth rates of over for bank credit should have increased is particularly striking given that 12% per to firms in bur up in sample come from this On average one bank and 98% in would suggest from year to year over the period, unless the firms have increasing access to another source of finance. There using any other formal source of credit. year. This is no evidence that they were of the working capital loans provided any case, the same kind of inertia shows the data on total bank loans to the firm. Indeed, sales have increased from year to year for most firms (row did the 2), as maximum authorized lending (a function of projected sales). Yet there was no corresponding change in lending from the bank. In fact the change in the credit limit that was actually sanctioned systematically the firm's needs as determined by the bank recommended It is itself. what the bank determined to be fell short of On average, the granted limit was 89% of the limit. possible that some of the shortfall was covered by informal according to the balance sheet, total current every year on average. is excluding bank credit increased by 3.8% However, some expenses (such as wages) are typically not covered by trade credit and, moreover, trade heart of this paper liabilities credit, including trade credit: credit, could be rationed as well. The question that whether such substitution operates to the point where a firm is is at the not credit constrained. In table 3, factors that we examine in more detail whether might have affected a firm's need we observe seems to explain to get an increase in limit why if this tendency could be explained by other for credit. had risen, or if (3) shows that no variable a firm's credit limit was changed: firms were not more likely they had hit the limit in the previous year, sales (according to the bank itself) or their current sales to sales Column had gone up, if if their projected their ratio of profits their current ratio (the ratio of current assets to current liabilities, a standard indicator, in India as well as in the US, of secure a working capital loan magnitude of changes, only an increase increased. Turning to the direction or the sales or current sales predicts how an increase in had is) in projected granted limit, and only an increase in projected be due to reverse causality, however: sales predict the level of increase. This last result could well the bank officers appear to be more likely to predict an increase in sales when he is preparing to give a larger credit extension to the firm. Columns and Changes clients. more 5 6 in table 3 repeat the analysis, breaking the in limits are more frequent for younger sample into recent and older clients, but they do not seem to be sensitive to past utilization, increases in projected sales, or profits. This suggest that the lack of information to new signal may not reflect that all the relevant information about the firm was already incorporated 3 Theory: the demand and supply of bank credit Motivated by in the lending decisions. this evidence, the goal of this section demand and supply of subsidized bank credit. The is to develop sub-section on some intuition demand sketches the choice problem faced by a firm that has (limited) access to cheap bank credit but can We the market at a higher rate. affects the it is The among how market borrowing of the firm as well as reaction in the case where where are interested in constrained in it its about the also borrow from increased access to cheap bank credit revenues and profits. We contrast its has unlimited access to market credit at a fixed rate with the case its access to market credit. sub-section on supply then tries to understand the allocation of subsidized bank credit users who all want it. In particular we analyze the incentives facing a loan officer and the choices he will make. This will provide a framework to interpret our findings. 3.1 The demand side: the key to identifying credit constraints Consider a firm with the following a fixed cost machinery). C fairly standard production technology: the firm must pay before starting production (say the cost of setting up a factory and installing The firm then invests in labor and other variable inputs, capital invested in variable inputs, yield R = k rupees of working f(k) rupees of revenue after a suitable period. 10 f(k) has the usual shape — it is As mentioned above, the credit and more expensive increasing and concave. interesting case credit from other sources. with respect to a particular lender wants to borrow at that rate We is if there will say that a firm is credit rationed no interest rate is such that the amount the firm r and equal to an amount that the lender strictly positive is We is willing Essentially this says that the supply curve of loans from that lender to to lend at that rate. the firm where the firm has access to both low cost bank is not horizontal at some fixed interest rate. will say the firm is credit constrained if there is that the firm wants to borrow at that rate no interest rate r such that the equal to an amount that is amount the lenders taken all together are willing to lend at that rate. This says that the aggregate supply curve of capital to the firm is not horizontal at Note that a firm could some be fixed interest rate. credit rationed with respect to every lender without being credit constrained in our sense. This can be the case, for example, lenders, each willing to lend to We can get which we all "market" and the "bank" amount to the The is we analyze is <r m rate: r^ interest rate. this in itself does not A is possible scenario is is direct We will show bank firms accepted the evidence of credit rationing with respect 1. The The horizontal axis in the figure (or as little) as it 11 is in the figure step function represents the supply of we assume that the the firm wants to borrow at a given rate much and in the next section that To the extent that depicted in figure capital. In the case represented in the figure, could borrow as m imply that they would have borrowed more at the represents the marginal product of capital, f'(k). if it r statutorily required to lend measures k while the vertical axis represents output. The downward sloping curve firm's profit by interest . purpose of working capital investment. However The amount supply of involves the firms in question being offered additional additional credit being offered to them, this market infinite reason to believe that the bank would have to there was no corresponding change in the interest rate. to the bank. an Denote the market rate of . Given that the bank r^. priority sector, there below the market policy change credit, for the is the relevant intuition from the simple case where there are only two lenders, will call the set a rate that there no more than $10 at an interest rate of 10%. the interest rate that the bank charges by a certain when firm has access to fcbo units of assumed to be an amount that would maximize the wants at that rate. capital at the rate r m . As a bank rate result, but was ri, consider what happens is the firm if equal to r m entire additional amount offered to though the amount is now remain the case as long as is now allowed it. Moreover The reduced. kbi < borrowing by bank loans. The firm's its total much as it wanted to borrow a greater amount, kbi, at the bank is will higher than the firm will borrow the r;,, continue to borrow at the market interest however is unchanged It will bank of borrow as much Result 1: If the firm the market rate), but is should always lead to a up as long as can get from the bank but no more than it is is equal to Tb- We if > kbi ko fall in its market borrowing maximum maximum possible k\. There falls. Of However the is will have no course, 2, if If in: amount from the banks amount from the market, kbi This has no the firm is its like at (fc(,o) < rm it wants at Profits will . and output market borrowing. effect for a total effect r^ If rj, on outlay, output or where the assumption is — rm , the profits. that the firm an d supplements investment of ko. it is with borrowing Available credit (since the total outlay the rate r m ) and therefore total outlay expands to profits. 10 credit constrained, an expansion of the availability of k v \ were so large that F'(k p i) go will In the initial situation the firm on market borrowing a corresponding expansion of output and 2: the point where the firm's total outlay therefore credit constrained. than what the firm would Result 10 is possible from the bank then goes up to is still less be faces will it can borrow as much as borrowing from the market as long as contrast this with the scenario in figure borrows the it In this case . rationed for bank loans, an expansion of the availability of bank credit rationed in both markets and the (i.e., the priority sector credit fully substitutes for if fc^, summarize these arguments not credit constrained expansion of the availability of bank credit We This fen. go up because of the additional subsidies but credit will have output effects in this setting marginal product of capital up only at be to substitute market the firm will stop borrowing from the market and the marginal cost of credit also go is outlay and output will remain unchanged. The expansion Tb- where until the point Now effect of the policy will profits will market fcrj. total outlay The ko- it at the higher outlay in this equilibrium Its total . Since at kbi the marginal product of capital rate. will as borrowed additional resources at the market rate it the marginal product of capital rate, borrow free to < r m then , this case as well. 12 bank credit there would be substitution of market borrowing in will lead to an increase in its total outlay, output and profits, without any change in market borrowing. We hold have assumed a particularly simple form of the credit constraint. However, both results instead of the strict rationing if The curve for bank credit. interpret it to be The result also holds what happens telling us supply of cheap credit is —what is that in figure firm More we lenders, as long more expensive sources of to the is is credit when the drawn as a horizontal line in figure 2 2, is that the supply curve of market credit in this figure the supply curve of market credit 1, more than two generally, the key distinction unconstrained) while in figure is there are market credit important eventually becomes vertical. is if upward supply firms face an expanded. fact that the supply curve of also not important we have assumed here the is between figure 1 and figure 2 always horizontal (which the supply curve slopes up (which why is is why the the firm is constrained). The results also go credit (for through if example because bank might be an increase in the market supply curve of credit credit serves as collateral for market borrowing as the market is itself a function of bank credit). In this case, there result of the reform but this should be counted as a part of the effect of the reform. One case where these results market but not as with this source). little If the as it fail is when the wants (because it firm can borrow as much as wants from the it wants to keep an ongoing credit relationship minimum market borrowing constraint takes the form of a minimum share of total borrowing that has to be from the market and this constraint binds, a firm will respond to the availability of extra bank credit by also borrowing more from the market, to maintain the required fail. However minimum as long as there are substitution of bank share of market borrowing. some firms that all In this case, our result are not at this constraint, there will be 1 will some credit for market credit. Therefore the direct test of substitution, proposed below, would apply even in this case, as long as the not bind for in order minimum market borrowing constraint does the firms. Another case where the results would the firm was choosing whether to shut fail is if down the firm were not making a marginal choice: or not, and there was a fixed cost of operating the business, the availability of additional subsidized credit might be decisive 13 If and in this case, the effect of credit subsidized credit on sales would be positive even market and had not of unconstrained firms fully substituted its if the firm were unconstrained in the market borrowing. Similarly a certain number would shut down when deprived of their access to subsidized credit. This can be addressed by looking at what happened to the firms that were in our sample in when the subsidy they were 2000, collection, there getting were removed. no systematic difference is in exit rates 2000-2002 period. Indeed, rather surprisingly, attrition observe in the sub-section on data between large and small firms in the actually slightly lower for bigger firms This gives us some confidence that the results we show below are not driven by in this period. exit resulting is We from the withdrawal of the subsidy. i The supply 3.2 The side: understanding lending behavior in Indian Banks analysis of the supply side will help us build some empirical results. In particular we want to understand cated to firms before and after the reform. the reform? more How the is credit or are new Which intuition about how credit? to interpret the subsidized bank loans will be allo- types of firms tend to get more credit before credit allocated to firms after the reform? more firms getting how Are some firms getting Are the better firms or the worst firms getting the marginal credit? Portfolio allocation by credit officers in a bureaucratic settings is potentially a complicated problem which we are studying in some parallel research (Banerjee, Cole and Duflo, 2008). Here jve focus on an extremely simplified illustrative example, which provides to what we might learn from a more general analysis The model is some hints of this problem. intended to capture a very simple intuition: The two performance measures for loan officers that are most easily observed are the volume of his lending and whether the loans got repaid. In a large bank, and especially in the highly bureaucratic Indian public sector banks, this probably is all that the bank can use to give the loan officer incentives. words, the only features of firm performance that the loan officer cares about to borrow and The problem their likelihood of default. is that fact that there has officer it At some is also their willingness what the bank cares about: does not observe the ex ante likelihood of default but only the ex post been default. This introduces a wedge between the incentives of the loan and the incentives that the bank would have officer to bail level this is In other liked him to have had, which leads the loan out failing firms, whereas the bank would have preferred 14 them to fail. 3.2.1 We A start simple model of loan allocation from the model However in the previous section. hand we make a couple of additional simplifying assumptions. by the bank, equal to interest rate charged we Second, since If Where we complicate H and should this the model L, in fractions po now be set rt, the subsidized This simply makes the expressions less ugly. we ignore market lending in main conclusions would continue an d 1 - to hold. by introducing the idea that firms come is The production function f(k) pq. in two types, of the previous section interpreted as an expected production function (given that firms are risk neutral, change does not type) succeeds it is 1, and correspondingly, gets f(k). Otherwise lives for 2 gets it periods and there type Assume 0. L is pi < When 1. as before that f(k) assume that the , a firm (of either is strictly concave. no discounting between periods. is We the second period the firm shuts down. for H the For a firm of type affect the analysis in the previous sub-section). probability of success Each firm at every firm started with a fixed amount of market credit (instead of zero) credit constrained, all our still we First, find that the firms are indeed credit constrained, everything we do. but were zero. on the issue in order to focus At the end of firm's probability of success independent across the periods. Firms do not deliberately default, but if is they cannot they get pay (they start with zero and do not retain earnings). Lending on behalf of the bank is also 2 periods is by decided upon by loan and once again, there is officers. Each loan no discounting between periods. Loan officer's tenure officers are given incentives to lend out money, and to avoid default. Specifically, each loan officer starts his job with a population of new firms assigned to new borrower. to allocate it size 1 of In the second period he officer is per unit of default. 11 n When amount + g and is unit to each free to chose how is C. This assumption is a default. a part of the reason is a loan in an Indian public sector bank (like why This punishment is F there are bailouts-it says bank we study) becomes non performing, it triggers the by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), the government body entrusted with monitoring the probity of public sector bank, 1 1 more information than the bank). Each unit that penalized for any loan where there possibility of an investigation supposed to lend is given a portfolio of size (since at this point, he has unlent costs, the banker an The loan is him and officials. The CVC is formally notified of every instance of a bad loan and investigates a fraction of them. There were 1380 investigations 15 of bank officers in in 2000 a public for credit that the punishment linear in the size of the default. is Since bailouts are a way to substitute a probability of bigger future default for the certainty of a smaller current default, making the We justify this penalty convex enough in the size of the default would discourage bailouts. assumption with the usual convenience argument settings, the size of the first period loan to do with the industry that the firm for linear incentives schemes. In real world presumably depends on a range of factors that have is in, the interest rate in the market, the firm's access to other sources of credit etc. For each such firm type, the optimal incentives for the loan officer would require the penalty ultimately bounded, it for default to be convex over a different range. Since the penalty cannot be globally convex — must therefore it also is be concave over other ranges. Linear incentive schemes avoid the need to get these specific details exactly right for a number large In the of firms types, first each borrower borrower has type L. If he in large bureaucracies. period neither the loan officer nor the borrower knows the borrower's type; a is failed is which makes them attractive random draw from the population. it is common knowledge between successful then with probability that the borrower a type is which makes him a type H H . With with probability p\ the loan officer gets no signal the type In analyzing this model we U will focus 1 officer is the — 7r, = if the is a all know that they P0 +p (i^ p \ > Po.We is call that he did not fail, the firms on which firms. on the case where firms in is 1 capital. In the first period unit to each borrower. allocation problem the loan officer faces in period does not have and has the discretion to use both periods are willing to given below). Therefore the one who has to decide how to allocate the available the loan officer has no discretion-he has to give 3.2.2 period, the borrower and the lender that he take the loans that they get offered (the exact condition for this loan first both the lender and the borrower get a signal it probability At the end of the i.e. 2, We are studying the when he has information that the bank it. Analysis of lending decisions Given that there is a large population of borrowers the loan officer will have a fraction pon of borrowers related frauds, 55% of which resulted in resulting from being investigated (there major sanctions. is F we know who is are that at the end of the known to be type H and period have been naturally thought of as the expected punishment clearly a cost of being investigated even 16 first if you are innocent). successful, a fraction (1 - po){l - pi) known L °f types who have have also been successful, of an unknown type (type U). The to do about the firms that have of F or bail out the firm by giving The loan the new officer will only bailout loan. If the bailout loan unit back to the we bank require that /(/ such that f(l* — 1) so that - 1) = /*. > /. He can failed. it when if, is I, How and take 2nd the firm succeeds in the the firm only gets to invest The minimum never any reason to lend more than it what punishment his I — 1, period, it can pay back because it has to give /* > loan size that will allow a successful bailout 1 to a firm that /* is l* Since these firms are of type L, they are more likely 1. other types of firms are willing to borrow more (which giving is does not default right away. Therefore for a successful bailout Obviously I*, who rest, big does the bailout loan need to be? to default in the second period than either of the other types of firms. between giving the firm and the decision he has to take either report a default a fresh loan. 12 it first all failed, which generates a is is what we will being bailed out. Hence, as long as the assume below), there The choice is is therefore possibility of a larger default in the future nothing, which leads to a smaller but certain default now. Bailing out dominates and if F>(l-pL )l*F which clearly holds, if (and only if) l-PL<p Assume the first (1) that this condition holds so that the loan officer always bails out those period. There is no scope for bailing out in the second period because there who is fail in no future in the relationship. Given among firms. the rest of the firms. This ° gives them each In other words, 12 if I Assume — ~ p °> 9 ~' f{ will have this the loan officer will it. g ~ PL { - POT in the (I - po)(l - PlY* > units. Assume units of capital left to allocate among known type H L (2) PQTT is divided equally among the known Since this also minimizes risk of default, this Indian context the that i+9-(i-Po)a- P L)i* > This process of "evergreening" of loans by loan been widely noted - that he divides this equally the remaining capital be happy to take + (see, for officers who is H type firms, what the loan they officer prefer not to have a default in their hands, has example, Topalova (2004)), as well as elsewhere in the world. 17 should do. 13 Notice as long as this condition 2 continues to hold, this result does not depend on the size Hence of g. is as a result of a policy shift, the if amount of subsidized credit available for lending larger, the essential pattern of lending does not change: H firms, known type also be true Result credit is change the The down as long as Under assumptions 3: rest H firms get a bigger increment in their loan. but now the type g went to give and the I* if H known type type (i.e. U it is still and 1 the loans go to the type the case that +g - I (1 — po)(l — L and to This would > pi)l* 0. 2 the loan officer's optimal allocation of second period +9 ~^ ~^ amount firms an type ' , Variation in the size of firms) nothing. set of firms that get loans in the ~ PL ^ g, L amount firms an within limits, does not second period. logic of this result is straightforward. The Hence he loan officer wants to avoid default. the existing firms that are in trouble but otherwise would like to focus entirely on will bailout the firms that are proven to be safe. Given that subsidized credit be happy to take what he is is scarce, these firms will also offering them. U actually get a cut in their loan seems counterfactual at least in the world of Indian firms. In our data many firms show no loan growth, but few see an The prediction that the firms of type actual decline. This to default, and as a may be because if the firm anticipates a large cut in that loan size never goes first down period loan was repaid. If we make the as long as the first period loan is loan is Under the assumption that loan 4: repaid, as well as assumptions period credit is to give type an increment oil* — 1 and 1 H firms an loan and the rest it will prefer (i.e. type size and auxiliary assumption is as: as long as the period first the loan officer's optimal allocation of second 2, increment of U down never goes first and assume that g repaid, always large enough to allow this to happen, Result 3 would be restated Result loan, want to commit to not cut loans between the result loan officers second period as long as the its firms) fl ~' ~ ~ "^ » p no increment. Variation L the type firms in the size of g, within limits, does not change the set of firms that get increments in the second period. 13 the We H are cheating a bit here. loan officer is actually indifferent between dividing the capital equally types and a range of other allocations where some division outcome lobby the loan is The is socially efficient (because officer for / is H types get more than others. strictly concave) each extra dollar and those and who have more concave). 18 also the one that to gain lobby among However the equal would obtain more (once if the firms again, because / Implications of results 3.2.3 Under the conditions 1 and 2, this very simple model therefore has several interesting implica- tions. 1. The relation between loan growth first period revenue, negative, or zero. may be second period profits) in the cross-section of firms, can be positive or first The and ex ante measures of firm performance (such as firms that have the highest loan growth from the either the best performing (depends on how I* compares with +g ~ ( H type firms or worst ~£ ~ first performing ) The intermediate ^ U period to the L type firms type firms get no increments. Note that this is quite consistent with the descriptive evidence reported in section we showed no systematic relationship between measures of firm performance where 2, and probability of a loan increment or amount of the increment. 2. A substantial part of loan growth under normal circumstances goes to firms that get bailed out because they have failed (and are thus known to be bad). These firms are more likely to again than the average firm. Therefore, the fail growth will be biased downwards, since it OLS estimate of loan growth on profit confounds this (negative) selection effect and the causal effect of loans. In contrast, the immediate impact of an unexpected policy change that increases g is an increase in credit flows to firms firms in our model). Therefore, on profit using the policy that are expected to do well (type an instrumental variable estimate of the impact of loans change as an instrument for change in lending causal impact of extra lending on successful firms. This us the ''local average treatment effect" (LATE), on the type of firms The IV for H i.e. is will give us the because the IV estimate gives the effect of additional unit on credit which credit actually changes will therefore typically represent a causal effect, it is be larger than the a causal effect OLS for two reasons: While 19 does within a selected group (in other words, the "compilers" in this experiment will tend to have higher treatment effect than a firm chosen from the population). it random 3. The set of firms that have credit growth is magnitude of the credit inflow changes. This and the loan credit them if more effect of the if officer available) unchanged by the policy change-only the is always wants to give because every firm wants more subsidized to the safest firms (and to give it and therefore has no reason to try to spread it more to around. All the reform should therefore be on the intensive margin. Empirical Strategy 4 Reduced Form Estimates 4.1 The empirical work follows directly from the previous section and seeks to establish the facts that will allow us to determine whether firms are credit rationed and/or credit constrained. Our empirical 1998 and its strategy takes advantage of the extension of the priority sector definition in subsequent contraction in 2000. The reform the composition of clients of the banks: in the sample, big firms have entered their relationship with the banks was no more affected by sample on big firms likely to take in of the small firms, and 28% of the 1998 or 1999. This suggests that the and that our after the reform all the outcomes we focus on the proportional change log(limit granted in year t-1). limit faced 25% results will not be selection. Since the granted limit as well as correlated, bank did not seem to have large effects on by the firm 14 we will consider, are in this limit, i.e., very strongly auto- log(limit granted in year t) As motivation, table 4 shows the average change in the three periods of interest (loans January 1998, between January 1998 and January 2000, after in the credit granted before the change in January 2000) separately largest firms (investment in plant and machinery between Rs. 10 million and Rs. 30 medium-sized firms (investment in plant and the smaller firms (investment and machinery between Rs. in plant — and machinery below Rs. 6.5 for the million), the and Rs. 10 million), 6.5 million). For limits granted in 1997 the average increment in the limit over the previous years's limit was 7% larger for the small firms compared 1 in compared to medium to the biggest firms. For limit granted in 1998 Since the source of variation in this paper is firms and and 1999, it 2% larger for small firms was 2% closely related to the size of the firm, log to avoid spurious scale effects. 20 larger for we express all medium the variables and 7% larger firms, 2000, limit increases were smaller for firms, compared, once again to the smallest for the biggest firms, B in table 4 14% of shows that the average increase in the probability that the After but the biggest declined happened for the larger all firms, whose enhancement declined from an average Panel firms. 1998 and 1999 to in in the limit 0% in 2000. 15 was not due to an increase working capital limit got changed: big firms were no more likely to experience a change in 1998 or 1999 than in 1997. This the model in the previous section, which tells us that consistent with implication 3 is when loan officers from need to respond to pressure from the bank to expand lending to the newly eligible big firms, they prefer giving larger increases to those be safe, rather In Panel C, which would have received an increase than increasing the number of firms whose we show the average limit's in any case and are known to are increased. increase in the limit, conditional on the limit having changed. The average percentage enhancement was firms in 1997, smaller for the small firms than for the large firms in 1998 the same for the medium firms), medium and larger for the small firms than the and larger after 2000. and 1999 (and about The average enhancement a change in limit declined dramatically for the largest firm after 2000 (it large conditional on went from an average of 0.44 to an average of slightly less than 0). Our strategy bank of will be to use these two changes credit to the medium and in policy as a source of shock to the availability larger firms, using firms outside this category to control for possible trends. We start by running the regression equivalent of the simple difference-in-differences above. First use the data log k blt from 1997 to 2000 and estimate and equation of the form: 16 - log fcwt-i = a lkb BIG + l where we adopt the following convention limit to firm t — l 17 ), i BIG between Rs. in year is a t Note that there is POST + llkb BIG, * POST + e lkm t for the notation: (and therefore granted dummy 6.5 millions lkb (i.e., kba is (3) , a measure of the bank credit decided upon) some time during the year indicating whether the firm has investment in plant and machinery and Rs. 30 millions, and no reason to expect a decline in POST is a dummy equal to one in the years the loan limit for the larger firms in 2000, we just expect a bigger drop in the increase in limit between 1998-1999 and 2000. 16 All the standard errors are clustered at the sector level. 17 70% of the credit reviews happen during the last 6 months 21 of the year, including 15% in December alone. 1999 and 2000 (The reform was passed in 1998. therefore affected the credit decisions for It the revision conducted during the year 1998 and 1999, affecting the credit available in 1999 and 2000). entire We focus on working capital loans from this bank. 18 sample and the loan. We We will sample of accounts in the expect a positive y\ kb for We estimate this equation in the which there was no revision in the amount of . also run a regression of the same form using a dummy for whether the firms got any increment as the dependent variable. The model predicts in this case that the coefficient of the variable BIG*' POST should be an increment greater than To study the impact zero. Finally, equation (3) will be estimated in the sample with zero. on bank of the contraction of the priority sector loans, we use the 1999-2002 data and estimate the following equation: - log k bi t where BIG2 is log k bi t-i a dummy = a 2kb BIG2 + t firms that got p, . Once POST2 + e 2kbiU (4) t millions, and POST2 is a dummy equal to one in the years positive increment we will also and for the estimate a similar equation for an indicator for in the limit. we pool the data and estimate the equation: log k 18 * again, this equation will be estimated in the whole sample whether the firms had any change Finally, POST2 + l2kb BIG2, indicating whether the firm has investment in plant and machinery between Rs. 10 millions and Rs. 30 2001 and 2002. 19 (3 2kb m - log kbu-1 = cyzkbBIG2 l + a 4kb MEDi + p3kb POST + f34kb POST2 + j3kb BIG2 t * POST + likb MED %kbBI.G2i * POST2 + jekbMEDi * POST2 + t l * POST + t t t Using total working capital loans from the banking sector instead leads to almost identical e 3kbiu (5) results, since most firms borrow only from this bank. 19 Once again, we adopt the convention that we look t—\. The reform was passed in at credit available in year t, and therefore granted in year 2000 and therefore affected credit decisions taken during the year 2000 and credit available in the year 2001. 22 where MED is dummy a indicating that the firm's investment in plant and machinery and Rs. 10 Rs. 6.5 million is between million. After having demonstrated that the reform did cause relatively larger increases in bank loans for the affected firm, First, (5). we use is of other regressions that exactly parallel equations (3) to the sample 1997-2000 to estimate: yit where yu we run a number - = a ly BIG + PiyPOSTt + ^ y BIG ytt-i l an outcome variable (such as r * POST + t credit, sales, or cost) for firm e lyU (6) , in year i t. Second, we estimate: logy,, in the - log.i/it-i sample 1999-2002 log yit - , = a 2y BIG2i + and log y lt - x finally we j3 2y = a3y BlG2i + a 4y MED + identified as t e 2yit , (7) POST + p4y POST2 + POST + l4y MEDi * POST + * t POST2 + jeyMEDi * POST2 + * t t t t predicts that only impact of the reform good failed will also get will now will not receive an increase an increment. estimate equation y\ to j/3 is e 3yit (8) on the intensive margin: firms pro- in loan to but on which the credit fail Under the assumption in the separately in two sub-samples: Sample model, it is not be affected has no information thus appropriate to the sample with an increment in BIG * POST) (Heckman (1979), (1986), Angrist (1995)). prediction that selection of firms getting positive increment consistent with officer will had previously selection will not bias the results, because uncorrelated with the regressors of interest (the variable The firms which be bailed out, but that probability and the sample without increment. Heckman and Robb Some get a larger increase in their loan. by the reform. The firms which did not is POST2 + * 1997-2003 sample. Our model it is 3y z + 75yJB/G2 limit, y2y BIG2i estimate: l3y BIG2 t in the POST2 + what we observe in table 3 and 23 4. is uncorrelated to the reform In particular, there isn't any evidence that the probability of a change in the limit affected is by the policy change. be the case that the number of firms that get a change but the type of the firms that get chosen results in the selected sample. after the reforms, failing firms when we Empirically, the variables However, is affected this is It could of course in the limit is unaffected still by the reform, by the reform. This could then bias the not what the model predicts. Both before and and firms that have been identified as efficient should be selected. regress pre-determined characteristics of firms with positive increment on POST, BIG and BIG * POST before and after the reforms, we see no impact (results omitted). If the assumptions in the model are right, POST limit, and BIG2 POST2 * which provides a sales, costs and all BIG * Restricting the sample to firms in limit will also increase the precision of the profits for firms coefficients of the equations in the sample without change in test of the identification assumptions. with a positive increment on to be zero in we should then expect the estimates of the reform which were actually affected by the reform. Below, we describe the variables we use and their justification. • Credit rationing Following result First, 1 , we show that the for a credit limit: the we provide two additional pieces of evidence to establish credit rationing: firm used the extra funds they got, using a standard measure of utilization logarithm of the ratio of total borrowing under the line of credit during the year (in banker's parlance, the turnover on the account) to the credit limit. check that the interest rate did not change (which • If a firm were credit constrained, our theory if it credit for their available (the data on i.e. sales, success: tells us that sales revenue would definitely go were not, sales should only go up for firms that have already of working capital, year), what would be expected) Credit constraints up, while bank is Second, we market borrowing. Given that we are looking we expect the fully substituted at increases in the availability increase in sales to take place the year the capital shows that the working capital limits is becomes turned over several times during the the year after the limits was decided upon. To interpret the effect of credit expansion we posit a simple parametric relation between credit Rn = Aukf t . Note that this is and sales revenue in the case of a specific parametrization of the production function 24 introduced in the previous sub-section. 20 Taking log R = log it logs: A + log k it it (9) . DifFerencing this equation gives: - log Ri t for firms that log J^t- 1 = log A it - log At- 1 +0[logk u - succeeded in both periods. Assume that when firms of sales such that log Focusing on the Rn = vn first (failing likely does not involve zero logfcit^i], (10) they get a small amount fail, but rather zero sales, experiment (credit expansion), the growth of bank credit that were successful in period 1, and for which the bank received a signal profit). 21 for the firms given an equation is of the form of equation (3). In the absence of complete substitution between same shape a relationship of the log log Ru - log flit-i = log in credit and market credit, this implies for capital stock: = aiSkBIGi + l3 lSk POST + -n Sk RIGi ku ~ log ha-! which when substituted bank t * POST + t e lku (11) , equation (10) yields Au - log At-i + O^skBIG, + 3 1Sk POST + j! Sk BIGi * POST + e lklt t t ). (12) If we restrict the such firms in period sample t: to firms with a positive increment in limits, there are the firms that failed in period t-1 (which needs to be bailed out), and the firms that succeeded in period The 'latter t-1 and about which the bank received a positive firms are successful in both period, so their sales the case of the failed firms the loan increment they get to be bailed 20 This is out)-. In period t-1, they get the failure best thought of as a reduced form, derived from a Cobb-Douglas function of the amount working capital and all two kinds of of n inputs x\,X2...x n . is fixed is signal. governed by equation (it is minimum the outcome (log(Rlt -i) = itjt-i-)- 12. In they need In period more primitive technology which makes output a As long inputs are purchased in competitive markets, as the inputs it have to purchased using the can be shown that the resulting indirect production function has the form given above. 21 It would simplify the exposition proportional to the avoid making amount lent. to say that the failing But we show below that it. 25 this outcome is is simply a low An not a necessary assumption so the sales in this set remain up, so we t, they get the success outcome with probability p (and this equal to minimum 1 in — Thus, for firms that failed in period p). and the capital a failed firm needs to be bailed out, revenues it ki t , where ku is the outcome with probability neither the increase in loans nor the increase more money correlated with the reform, though they might get is in period t-1, t-1, failure A in period t than and big firms may be getting more money because they need more to survive. In other words, for these firms, the increase in loans and revenues in both periods take respectively the form: log ku - log h^ = + ai Fk BIGi lFk POST + t u> lklt (13) , and: log Combining failed firms we estimate equation where 7isfc6<f>, B* - 4> is = a 1FR BIG + z and successful firms (3 lFR POSTt in the loan + mkit, equation (which (14) is (6) above in the Our BIG * POST by the fraction of successful two can be interpreted identification hypothesis \ogA it and that a similar conditions payoff is — sample sample (with sales as the dependent variable, in this equation) implies that 71/2 Thus, the coefficient in both equations are the causal impact of the reform ratio of the "jikb the share of successful firms in the sample of firms with positive increment, 71.R the coefficient of firms, multiplied what we do when 3 in the sample of firms with positive increment) thus implies that and estimating equation and denoting log Ikt-\ is is as firms. In section 5.4 below, = 6f\sk4>- for the successful we discuss that the an IV estimate of the impact of bank loan on revenues. that for successful firms log Ait-x = ai A BIGi + 0i A POSTt + tit t (15) true for failed firms (neither the failed payoff nor the successfull correlated with the interaction BIG * POST). This amounts to assuming that the rate of change of A (which is a shift parameter in the production function) did not change differentially for big and small firms in the year of the priority sector expansion. Under this assumption expansion of the priority sector on sales revenue. 26 7/? gives the reduced form effect of the If we consider the entire sample instead positive increment, the reasoning coefficients of BIG * POST if looking only at the firms that have received a would be exactly the same, except that in the sales in that case, the equation and in the loan equations are both multiplied by the share of successful firms on which the loan officer has received a signal in the entire sample. Similar calculations lead to an equation of the priority sector contraction (2000-2002), log If A ~ log it where the Au -i = same form, similar to equation (8) for the identification hypothesis a 2A BIG2 + l firms are credit constrained, 7i/{ should be positive (3 2A and POST2 •yok t is that (16) . should be negative, while if no firms are credit constrained 71^ will only be positive for those firms that have fully substituted market We credit, and 72;? will be negative only for those firms that had no market credit therefore also estimate a version of equation (6) in the sample of firms liabilities exceed their bank credit. 72/? in this A sample should be final piece of If the firms were not credit constrained, the value of 77? and evidence comes from looking at is profit. Profits are expected to increase credit constrained or not (since the interest down), but the extent of the increase in profit is nevertheless interesting, since payments go it can give us of the firm's marginal return to capital.*'" Empirical Strategy: Testing the Identification assumptions 4.2 The interpretation of the central result on sales growth crucially depends on the assumptions made equation (15) and (16). Likewise, the interpretation of the other results depends -on in the assumption that the error term BIG * POST reasons why sectors in equation (6) this assumption and may is not correlated with the regressors, most importantly BIG2 * POST2 may be In the. However, there are in equation (7). many may be differently different sectors, and these not hold. For example, big and small firms by other measures of economic policy (they could belong to affected 22 total current zero. regardless of whether the firm some indication whose initially. affected by different policies during this period). working paper version of (.he paper, we derive and diseuss interpretation various assumptions. 27 of t.he results on profits under The fact that we have two experiments effect of the priority sector regulation The two reforms went affecting different sets of firms help distinguishing the from trends affecting and did not in different directions different groups of firms differentially. affect all the firms identically. Credit constraints would predict 71 /? in equation (6) to be positive and 72/? in equation (7) to be negative. Moreover, the ratio The same reasoning •^La - and -^- should be equal. of course applies to equations (5) ~ ^3L experiments), as well, so that the ratios ~^-, over-identification test: the observed patterns if all , should also these equalities are satisfied, come from the fact that the and it (which combine the two (8) all be equal. This is a natural would be extremely implausible that time trends are different for small and large firms. Even we would these tests work, if all still need to worry about the possibility that, being labeled as a priority sector firm affects the sales and profitability of a firm over and above on credit access. effects the right to manufacture certain products concern by using profit before tax in among firms, the small firms, 24% One do. all 44% manufacture control strategy of excise taxation. Second, reserved for the SSI sector. is specifications. We will address the first The second concern could be a problem: a product that would be to leave out that are reserved for SSI. Unfortunately, in 1998. exempt from some types First, SSI firms are its is all reserved for SSI. Among the big firms that manufacture products we only know what products Excluding firms that manufactured SSI reserved products in the firm manufactured 1998 does not change the > results. However after 1998 A way which is and it remains possible that some of the big firms moved into reserved product this increased their sales to resolve this issue is and profits. to focus on a different test of the identification assumption, to estimate equations (6) to (8) for all the different outcomes variables separately in two subsamples: one subsample made of the firm-year observations where there was no change in the granted limit from the previous year to the current year, and one subsample made of firms where there was a change. products on the SSI list change after the reform. If there is an effect of just becoming entitled to produce the even the big firms that had no change We in the granted limit should therefore test whether the coefficient of BIG*POST is statistically indistinguishable from zero in the sample of firms that did not get a change. above this is consistent under the assumptions of the mode. 28 show a As we discussed Results 5 Credit 5.1 • Credit Expansion Panel ables. 23 We (columns granted A in table 5 presents the results of estimating start with a variable indicating (1)), (3) for several credit vari- whether there was any change in the granted limit and two dummies indicating whether there was an increase or a decrease Consistent with the model and the evidence limit. equation we in the discussed above, there seem to be absolutely no correlation between the probability of getting a change in limit and the interaction BIG * POST. Moreover, even the main effects of seem variables in this regression There is also no whether the to affect effect of the interaction BIG and POST'&xe very small: none of the was granted a change file in limit or not. on the probability of getting an increase or a decrease in the limit. we look In the columns (4), to (7) by the bank. 24 at limit granted As the descriptive evidence in table 4 suggested, relative to small firms, loans from this bank to big firms increased significantly faster after 1998 than before: the coefficient of the interaction in the complete sample, and 0.27 sample in the of these coefficient are statistically significant, credit for the which there and indicate a dummy POST for is BIG is -0.22, In columns (6) and (7) , BIG, although the we restrict the The almost the same (0.26) and 23 The standard is errors in all stage for the is average enhancement enhancement than small firms (the The gap completely actually larger in absolute value than difference IV estimation be the coefficient in the is small). sample to observations where we have data on future sales (which will first Both large change in the availability of with a standard error of 0.088). closed after the reform (the coefficient of the interaction the coefficient of the variable in limit. negative). Before the expansion of the priority sector, large firms were granted smaller proportional coefficient of the variable any change is sample of firms that were reviewed. There was a decline for small firms (the medium and for POST*BIG is 0.095, still of the impact of bank loans on sales). significant. regressions are adjusted for heteroskedaticity and clustering at the firm and sector levels. If, this instead, simply we use the sum of the limits from the entire banking sector, reflects the fact that most firms borrow only from one bank. 29 we obtain virtually identical estimates: Credit contraction • we present the In panel B, result of estimating equation (4). the contraction on the probability that the limit is Here again, we find no changed (column effect of which reinforces the (1)), claim that the decision to change the limit has nothing to do with the priority sector regulation. However, the probability that the limit is cut goes up significantly for the largest firms after the reversal of the reform in 2000 (the coefficient magnitude of the change to the (column in limit for big firms after 2000 is larger, we MED firms * POST2 became is the coefficient and positive less likely to -0.12) significant in column POST in (6) and (1): The the regression). in 25 (7)). may be because It main coefficient Relative to other firms, experience a change in limit after 2000. The 1998 and 1999. to ^§kb (the corresponding 73^;, is and the sample with (columns sales * Turning yearly decline in the limit than the average yearly increase in limit present the interaction coefficients is is The average -0.44). presented in the tables, but were included effects are not of (4), sample where we have data on results are very similar in the In panel C, the coefficient (5), BIG2 in limit, the coefficient of the interaction negative both in the entire sample (in column a change 0.119, with a standard error of 0.033). is medium they have experienced relatively large changes in the two years before. The in on the magnitude effect column (whole sample) and (4) change in the (5) in the limit granted by the banks are presented where the was changed). During the (the sample expansion of the priority sector, the limits of both more than that of small firms, firms. both of which became The impact medium and of the reform limit large firms increased significantly was similar During the contraction, large eligible. for firms, medium and who experienced a significant reduction in their credit limit relative to small firms. (who did not lose eligibility) also suffered a decline but the coefficient for large firms. that of 25 The sample The earliest column BIG * POST size on loans but not on 26 (In effect is (5) for -0.48. example, the coefficient of Only the later is significant). much is MED * large lost eligibility, Medium firms smaller than that POST2 is -0.18, while 26 drops in this column since we are not using the data from the last year when we have data medium firms based on the sales. on medium firms may come from the data we have on them (1997). Some of fact that we, classified firms as them have almost certainly by the bank as large firms, even though we are treating them as medium 30 grown since and are now being treated firms. 5.2 Evidence of Credit Rationing Table 6 presents evidence on credit rationing. B experiment, and panel Columns (1) to (3) As before, panel A focuses on the expansion focuses on the contraction experiment. present the results for the interest rate. The first column shows second column logarithms, and the third column replaces the difference indicating whether the interest rate fell in between the two years. rt — levels, by a r t -\ the dummy There seems to be strong evidence that the interest rate did not decline for big firms (relative to small firms) as they entered the priority sector. interaction BIG * POST is In all three samples and for insignificant in panel A, relative increase of the interest rate, rather point estimate is is ,all three measures we consider, the and the point estimate would suggest a than a decrease. In the complete sample, 0.073, with a standard error of 0.17. 27 in levels, the In logs the coefficient of the interaction 0.002, with a standard error of 0.011. In panel B, the coefficient of BIG2 * POST2 is likewise insignificant in all the specifications. This shows that the fact that big firms are borrowing more from the banks after the expansions and lending. less after To complete the argument we credit they get When wo and the contraction, when there is is also not explained by a fall in the interest rate on bank need to show that firms actually use the additional an expansion. 28 To look at this, we compute use this variable as the dependent variable, the coefficient of insignificant limit utilization. BIG * POST is negative both during the expansion and during the contraction. This results are far from definitive, due to the limited number of observations for which the data on turnover is available. 29 However, the evidence available suggests that firms did make use of the extension in credit without a change This suggests that firms are in interest rate. willing to absorb the additional credit at the rate at which it is turn to sales and profit data to assess whether firm's activity offered is by the bank. We now constrained by their limited access to credit. 27 28 line, 29 The average change This is in interest rate in sample period was 0.34, with a standard deviation of 0.86. not automatic, since under the Indian system the bank gives the firms an extension of their credit but firms only pay for the amount they actually draw. For example, we do not present the results for loan utilization very to few observations on turnover in each cell in this restricted 31 for firms sample. whose limit changed, because we have Evidence of Credit Constraints 5.3 Table 7 present evidence on credit constraints. • Credit Expansion In panel A, column (1), In order to keep the table we by looking at the impact of the credit expansion on start manageable, we present only the coefficient of the interactions, which are the coefficients of interest (the coefficients of the Of note among unreported in absolute value The and sales. coefficients insignificant in coefficient of the interaction effects are available the coefficient of the is all main specifications BIG * POST is and for all variable, which is small dependent variables. 0.194 in the sample with a change in limit, with a standard error of 0.106. In the sample where there increase disproportionately for large firms: 'TOST" upon request). is no change in limits, sales did not the coefficient of the interaction 0.007, is with a standard error of 0.074. This supports our identification assumption that the difference in the annual rate of growth of The An was not differentially affected in the year 1999. increase in sales suggests that firms were not only credit rationed, but also credit con- strained, unless we We reliable do not have are in the case where data on market ence between total current liabilities bank credit, credit completely substituted for but we have a proxy and the bank limit. column In or smaller). The sample (0.168): the increase full coefficient of in sales is BIG * POST is credit. for trade credit, the differ(2) we restrict the to firms that, according to this measure, have not stopped using trade credit has not become market (i.e., similar as not due to firms that had first this what it sample measure is in the completely substi- tuted away from trade credit. Moreover, note that very few firms drop from the sample where we focus on firms that have positive non-bank liability borrowing), which in and (2) itself (i.e, we drop suggests that substitution cannot be easy. firms without any market The results in column (1) together with the previous results establishing credit rationing, suggest that firms are credit constrained: sales increased for firms that substituted entirely. Below, have been little we use the magnitude substitution of Although finding an effect bank on credit for profit effect on profit is had non-bank credit, and very few firms of the estimates to argue that there market would not be constraints (since part of the effect on profit magnitude of the still comes credit. sufficient to establish the presence of credit directly from the subsidy), establishing the a useful complement to the results on sales. 32 seems to Using the logarithm of profit as the dependent variable presents the difficulty that this variable defined whenever profit We negative. is can thus only estimate the on effect is not profit for firms that have a positive profit in both periods, which introduces sample selection and makes the profit regressions difficult to interpret. To avoid this problem, we look (defined as sales-profits), which always defined. The is effect on profit for any particular firm or can then be recovered from the estimate of the reform on sales and costs, for the average firm without sample selection bias. comparable magnitude: the with change in impact of the reform on the logarithm of cost at the direct limit, The increase in sales coefficient and only 0.005 on the is accompanied by an increase BIG * POST interaction sample without change in the is 0.187 in the sample in limit. For comparison, we also present the results on directly estimating the column in the • (4). The effect on sample with change profit in limit The very large. is is 0.54, in cost of profit, equation in BIG * POST coefficient of the interaction with a standard error of 0.28. Credit Contraction Panel B presents the estimate of the effect of the credit contraction on the sales and costs of firms with investment in plant firms as a control) and Rs. 30 and machinery between Rs. million. 10 million (using In the sample where there coefficient of the interaction BIG2*POST2 of 0.207). Here again, there is little was a change BIG2 * POST2 the other in limit, the negative and large (-0.403, with a standard error is evidence of substitution. The result the analysis to the sample of firms that have some market borrowing. interaction all in the cost equation is is similar The if we restrict coefficient of the negative and similar to the effect on sales (-0.374). In the sample where there was no change either on sales or • Pull on in limit, in contrast there is tests Table 8 present the results of estimating equation MED * and we estimate separately the POST, BIG2 * POST2 and MED * (8) for sales and costs. coefficients of the interactions POST2 the firm's investment in plant and machinery We effect costs. sample and overidentification entire period, no significant is (where MED is a dummy BIG * use the POST, indicating that between Rs. 6.5 million and Rs. 10 also present in the table the ratios of the interaction coefficient in the 33 We million). outcome equation and to the corresponding coefficient in the loan equation (from table In the sales of the and cost equations, the MED POST * and BIG2 separately, they lose significance). coefficients POST * The BIG2 * POST2 coefficient of the interaction 20% of the POST2 coefficient and (7)). when introduced interactions are positive (though significant and, while negative, the coefficient of the interaction * panel B, column have the expected pattern: both the coefficients and BIG2 5, The insignificant. MED * is negative POST2 is only coefficients are similar in the full sample and the sample "without substitution. Formally, the overidentification test does not reject the hypothesis that the implied effect of credit on the sales if we look and cost variables at the sales equation in is the column same (1), for all the sources of variation. For example, the ratio between the coefficients in the sales equation and the corresponding coefficients in the loan equation are similar (they range between 0.73 and 0.83), and the test does not reject the hypothesis that they are equal. makes it This result very implausible that the estimated coefficient reflect differential trends arising from other, unobserved, factors. Taken together, these credit constraints. The results present a consistent picture sales of the firms affected resulted in an expansion in credit, and decreased of firms that which suggests that firms face by the reform increased when the reform when the reform led to a contraction. was affected by the expansion, but not the contraction, behaved These firms in the expansion, but like an unaffected firms in the contraction. together suggest that it is unlikely that the effects are driven like by time trends A subset the affected results taken affecting different firms differentially. Furthermore, these results are concentrated in the firms that experienced a change A in loans, which makes last piece of it unlikely that the effect important evidence in the probability of default : is officially qualified as driven by differential trends. whether a credit expansion the increase in profits (and sales) strategies pursued by the large firms. Performing Assets (NPAs). is Since it is may associated with an increase otherwise reflect more risky we use data on Non In order to answer this question, takes at least a year for a loan that has gone bad to be an NPA, we treat the years 1998 and 1999 as the "pre" period, the year 2000 and 2001 as the period following the expansion, and 2002 as the period following the contraction. In 1998 to small firms, and 1999, 1% became NPA. 5.5% of the loans to of the medium and medium and 34 large firms, large firms, and and 5% 4% of the loans of the small firms that were not NPAs NPAs 1999 became in for the loans to big firms, the difference is 2000 or 2001. While the growth in 3% very small. Conversely, medium seem firms that were not NPAs by to have led an unusually large 2001 became number NPAs in 2002. NPA faster is of the loans to the largest and 2% firms (with investment in plant and machinery above 10 million) in and of those to small Additional credit does not of firms to default. Instrumental Variables Estimates: the impact of bank credit on sales and 5.4 profit The discussion in section 4 suggests that equation (3) to (5) and (6) to (8) respectively form the first stage and the reduced form of an instrumental strategy of estimating the impact of loan on sales (or any other outcome variable coefficient of the interaction sector expansion on the volume of loans to in the equation in good sample of firms with an increment, the (3) is the causal impact of the priority firms, multiplied by the fraction of good firms The coefficient of the interaction BIG * POST sales, multiplied by the fraction of good firms in the sample. Assuming that the only impact impact of credit (which we will verify later), this indicates in this on BIG * POST y): bank sample. of the reform on sales that, controlling for bank loans on the due to is BIG its POST, BIG * POST and sales of the firms that are the reduced from and and first known stage equation is is is the causal effect of the reform thus a valid instrument for the impact of to be good (the ratio of the coefficients in equal to the impact of credit on sales for good firms). In this last sub-section, of bank loans on sales, costs Column squares estimate, the instrument coefficient is we (the instrument BIG2 * columns (1) and in the POST2 is just, already saw. Finally, column and profit. For comparison, we also present the weighted least IV estimate a (3) in of the effect of sample with a change with a standard error of 0.37. the previous one, which BIG * POST and (1) presents the BIG* POST 0.75, present (in table 9) instrumental variable estimates of the effect Column in bank loans on loan in the 1997-2000 period. (2) uses using The the "contraction" experiment the 1999-2002 period). This estimate (0.73) way sales, is very close to to restate the result of the overidentification test that uses the entire period and three instruments BIG2 * POST2). The coefficient (2) (0.76). 35 is, we (MED * POST, once again, very close to what it was in If firms do not increase market credit in proportion to the increase in bank estimates of 9 (the elasticity of sales with respect to bank credit) provide a lower (the elasticity of sales with respect to overall credit) for these firms: To credit, these bound on 9 see why, rewrite equation (10), to obtain: log = Rit log An + log k bu - 01og Jg. (17) Differencing over time: log flit We - logfl^! = logA it do not observe log ^- log The term 0[\og -Mf - log fli t ? b . log Ait-i ~l , ] log - + - e[\ogk bit log.fc W t-i] - <?[log|| - ^ffy and therefore estimate an equation log which = A^-j is ~ 6[log k bit log +v is g^ffr]- (18) of the form: (19) it omitted when estimating equation The one exception be positively affected by the reform. kbit--]] lo (19), should typically the case where the firm is credit constrained and access to market capital increases so fast as a function of access to bank capital that total capital stock goes up faster than bank capital-which seems rather implausible. This suggests that 6 will be a lower The bound for 9. with respect to bank loans, elasticity of sales 8, gives some additional information about the plausibility of the firms having substituted the bank loans for the market credit. To see this, note that _ Afl_fc A A7c If there is substitution of = Afl Ak + bank b kb A/c m credit for + km _ - A 1 1 market krn + Akm /Ak b credit, A/c m is kb negative while Akb i s positive In this (possibly hypothetical) scenario 9>e[l + ^}. (20) h 9 is equal to about 0.75. Using the Prowess data short run bank debt over total liability in Indian implying a ratio of ip of about 1. set, Topalova (2004) estimates that the ratio of manufacturing is about 0.5 from 1996 onwards, Therefore in this scenario our estimate would suggest an 8 36 of above 1.5 in the neighborhood of the current capital stock, implying that the firm > credit constrained (a 8 1 suggests local increasing returns and, hence the firm must borrow more) and therefore unwilling Column to cut The coefficient from the result column 0.35). In The estimate OLS is (5), a Panel B whole sample (the we go back is to all that it though less precise, coefficient on the firms, and sales smaller than the IV is we include to credit. gives an exclusive right to produce higher (0.93) but very imprecise. little estimate, which is somewhat smaller and is in the want the sample to firms that do not produce SSI products, since, as (4) restricts mention before, one advantage of SSI status goods. back on any form of must be it is we some not statistically different with a standard error of 0.50, no change firms with Finally the last in limit. column present the estimate, consistent with our model predicts. The present the estimate of the effort of bank loans on costs. here axe, again, very close to each other, and just a little estimates we obtain smaller than the effect of the loans on sales. We can use these estimate to get a sense of the average increase rupee in loan. The average loan (averaging across years and firms) days of sales) . in profit is Rs. caused by every 8,680,000 (about 45 Therefore, using the coefficients in column (3), an increase of Rs. 100,000 in the loan corresponds to an increase in Rs. (610,000 in sales, and Rs. 537,000 increase in costs. This implies an Rs. 73,000 increase in profit for the average firm, after repaying interest. In panel C, we present, for the sake of comparison, the direct log(profit), despite the fact that these regression suffer omission of the firms with negative profits. The IV estimate of loans on from the sample selection induced by the estimates vary between 1.79 and 2.00. Taking 1.79 as the estimate of the effect of the log increase in loan on log increase in profit, an increase 100,000 in lending causes a of Rs. 2% increase in profit. At the mean profit (which is Rs. 3,670,000), this would correspond to an increase in profit of Rs. 72,000 after repaying interest, which is Can very similar to what we found using cost and sales as the dependent variables. a net return of 72% or 73% be explained by the subsidy implicit in the program? After correcting for default risk and administrative costs and using a cost of capital of 12%, we estimate the which is cost of lending to the priority sector for Indian sector public banks to be 22%, higher than the 16% the firms actually pay. But a subsidy of on a net return of 72%. Indeed the excess return would 37 still 6% makes be sizeable if very we were little dent to decide that the public sector banks are pricing their credit wrong and that they should charge month (42% per 3% per year) which seems to be the going rate on trade credit for these relatively large firms. The private return on an extra rupee of loans to firms in this sample + 16%). The social return is about 83% (the social cost of capital Both these returns are correctly read cost). therefore the right number how credit should is what the 90% (72% what happens The success. if the private return impact of a shock to the to use for calculating the short-run bank's balance sheet, while the social return close to higher than the private as answers to the question: bank lends an extra rupee to the firms that have had a history of is 6% is is social planner should use in deciding be allocated. The magnitude of these numbers tells us that known highly profitable opportunities remain uno.xploite.d in the Indian economy. However since this over-state the impact the long run not all is the return to captial in case of success, both of these numbers probably we would expect "good" firms the bank will have to lend to will new it is the bank's lending was permanently raised since in remain that way (markets change, managers firms of Moreover these returns cannot be read model if unknown is and quality in order to identify future winners. as the average return bank loan clear that the average retire) much more on a dollar of bank lending. In our likely to go to a "bad" firm than the marginal loan that results from the expansion of a directed lending program. Consistent with this we find that in the data the OLS increases are both smaller than the positive, but only 0.28. insignificant. The OLS Although due and the IV estimates, the Our estimate IV. estimates of the effect of loan increases on sales or profit IV estimates. For sales, the OLS estimate estimates of the effect of loans on profit to large standard errors, we cannot is significantly is even smaller and reject the equality of the difference clearly goes in the right direction that OLS is OLS smaller than therefore should be seen as the causal estimate of the marginal value of an additional dollar lent, as long as there are enough credit constrained good firms in the bank's portfolio. It. is, however, not obvious that factor (capital, in the to form we should of machines, say). pay wages (because paying labor is think of these returns as the return to any specific The most common use of this money is probably the one thing one cannot use trade credit for), but possible that getting access to this extra money 38 will also it is impact the borrower's ability to get more trade credit and hence expand the of the extra rupee will then be The observed firm's use of other inputs as well. some combination of the effect of extra labor and the effect effect of the extra units of the other factors. Conclusion: Policy Issues 6 The evidence presented in this paper suggests that severely credit constrained during 1998-2002. tale about what happens when banks, as As shown in the way it in section 2, it is allocates credit, this relatively large firms in India in India, are largely publicly and one could imagine is were might be tempting to see this as a cautionary It true that the particular public sector optimality in the allocation. Indeed this However many owned. bank we study is quite rigid this leading to substantial deviations what the model from in section 3 predicts. During the period of our study, and especially cannot be the whole story: during the period covered by the later experiment (2000-2002), private banks were quite active in the — almost a quarter of the total credit to firms Indian banking sector from private banks, including a number in the economy came of multinational banks. If the entire underlending was a product of the irrationality of the public bank, any of these private banks could have stepped in - the firms in our sample are but a drop in the ocean compared to the total lending of any one of the private or multinational banks operating urban areas, certainly credit and perhaps had the option did. The in India. Our firms, all based in relatively of approaching a non-public sector interesting question is why bank for additional nevertheless, they did not invest much more, especially given the enormous profitability of additional investment. One yet have possible answer is enough resources that the local private banks were to lend to these firms policy of public ownership, albeit indirectly. — It is, this puts the A more in their infancy blame on the pre-liberalization this period. It also plausible version of this seems over time and most non-public sector banks do not yet have it. may be much more 39 less plausible argument points to the fact that lending to the small-scale sector requires specific expertise that existing public sector banks, once privatized, and did not however, belied by the fact that these banks were investing heavily in government bonds throughout in the case of the multinational banks. still is only acquired This would suggest that the effective than the present crop of private banks, precisely because they have the requisite experience. 30 There are however good reasons not to be quite so optimistic. Stein (2001) has argued that the inability to lend effectively to small borrowers have a natural tendency to be large, in order to is in the very nature of being a bank: banks spread out idiosyncratic On risk. being larger necessarily increases the distance between the owners and the who the other hand, many loan officers deal with small borrowers. Since loan officers need to take decisions about relatively large amounts of money that do not belong to them, and defaults are costly for the bank, 31 important that the loan officers have the right incentives. distance between the owner and the loan officer grows. by restricting the on easily domain very it is This obviously gets harder as the Banks deal with this of the loan officer's authority: in particular, by problem making in part rules, based measured characteristics of the borrower, about how much they can borrow and by penalizing the loan officer for defaults. As in our model, this discourages the loan officer from lending, unless the firm is a very sure bet. This obviously limits the discretion the loan officer enjoys and makes his lending less effective, but it covers the bank. 3 " An obvious social cost is 33 that small firms have a hard time borrowing. This is not to say that some characteristics of the India economy such as the cost of enforcing a loan contract are not important in understanding 30 why no one wants to lend to these firms. This also suggests that while the public sector banks are probably over-staffed, the extent of over-staffing be over-estimated if we directly may compare private and public banks, because private and public sector currently play very different roles. Banerjee et al. (2004) contains an overall assessment of the performance of the Indian public sector. 31 Defaults are also quite common, at least in India. they are supposed to be (and actually are, at least in Working capital loans in India are not nearly as safe as the US). This is because the borrower can easily sell off the inventories that are supposed to be securing the loan before he defaults, and hide the proceeds. While this potentially actionable, inefficiency of the legal system discourages going after borrowers. commercial banks have a lot of It is is in the is Maximum is is that most form of working capital loans. therefore not surprising that the existing rules in India leave In particular, projections of future profits (an area decision. result non-performing assets (estimated to be as much as 10% of total assets) despite the fact that most of their lending 32 The permissible bank finance is little room where judgement tends to for independent decision-making. be important) have no place in the calculated as a percentage of projected sales. In turn, the guideline that projected sales should not exceed current sales plus 15%. 33 Berger et al. (2001) show that in the US, the increasing concentration significantly reduced, access to credit for small firms. 40 in banking after deregulation, has But there are many other countries with same kinds It is similar dysfunctionalities where we would expect the of results to apply. therefore important not to lose track of policy changes that would make it easier to lend to small firms in developing countries by focussing entirely on the privatization issue. In particular, (some states it may help to set up special courts for the speedy disposition of default cases in India are experimenting with this model, and Visaria (2006) finds that this debt recovery tribunals do reduce default and interest rates charged on loans). to improve the system of recording the same asset may be titles to, and It is also important liens on, property, to avoid the possibility that used to secure multiple loans. 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Visaria, Sujata (2006) "Legal Debt Recovery Tribunals Reform and Loan Repayment: The Microeconomic Impact of in India" IED Working Paper 43 157, Boston University Figure 1 F\k) rm i "60 kb\ k ^0 *62 Fi gure 2 F\k) rm r kbo kbx k k k x Table 1: Descriptive statistics Change! t)-(l-l) levels entire sample change in loans entire sample change not missing (1) in loans not missing (2) (3) (4) LOANS AND INTEREST RATES PANEL A: working capital 87.66 96.29 10.29 7.46 loan (this bank) (237.04) (258.2) (59.92) (55.32) 1226 928 966 928 log( working capital loan) (this bank) working loans (all 3.44 0.07 0.07 (1.5) (.24) (.24) 1208 928 928 928 87 97 10 7 (246) (273) (69) (67) 1102 807 842 807 capital banks) log(working capital loans) (all 3.39 (1.47) banks) other bank loans positive other bank loans (level) interest rate log(interest rate) 3.36 3.41 0.06 0.06 (1.48) (1.51) (.26) (.26) 1085 807 807 807 0.0120 0.004 0.0000 -0.007 (.11) (.06) (.14) (.1) 1748 807 1748 807 1.65 2.23 0.00 -0.62 (25.86) (36.54) (22.54) (30.9) 1748 807 1748 807 15.75 15.58 -0.32 -0.32 (1.63) (1.59) (.94) (.94) 1142 896 876 856 2.75 2.74 -0.02 -0.02 (.18) (.19) (.16) (.17) 1142 896 878 858 Notes: 1 -Columns 1 and 2 present the mean level of each variable, with the standard error and the number of observations on the third 2-Columns 3 and 4 present the mean change in each and the number of observations on the third line. 3. in parentheses line. All Values are expressed in current Rs.10,000. variable, with the standard error in parentheses Table 1 (continued) Descriptive statistics Change t-t-1 levels entire sample change in loans entire sample i ;hang e not missing (I)' PANEL B: (2) in loans not missing (4) (3) CREDIT UTILIZATION AND FIRM PERFORMANCE account reaches the 0.72 0.69 -0.01 -0.01 limit (.45) (.46) (.44) (.44) 522 380 247 233 log(tumover/limit) 2.15 2.15 0.09 0.11 (.95) (.96) (.72) (.71) 384 308 170 167 709.33 820.70 108.64 86.66 (2487.24) (2714.88) (653.62) (598.64) 1259 746 1041 739 Sales log(sales) log(sales/Ioan ratio) 5.49 5.64 0.17 0.09 (1.44) (1.46) (.53) (.45) 1248 740 1029 732 2.19 2.18 -0.01 0.02 (.89) (.87) (.53) (.49) 1004 740 751 732 36.51 42.49 6.08 4.04 (214.11) (237.16) (61.32) (58.3) 1259 747 1043 741 net profit log( costs) * 5.45 5.61 5.45 5.61 (1.45) (1.45) (1.45) (1.45) 1245 739 1245 739 Notes: 1 -Columns 1 and 2 present the mean and the number level of each variable, with the standard error 2-Columns 3 and 4 present the mean change in each and the number of observations on the third line. 3. All in parentheses of observations on the third line. Values are expressed in current Rs. 10,000. variable, with the standard error in parentheses — C3 o o CS "3 o d co m r^ *o d d o o CS vo r~ ci o o o « r-~ <^- ^ CS 00 d d d d r-; o o r^ cn t^ t^ t^ 't <6 <zi d> d> rr) \o c-« c> d in r^ \o rci ci m >o d r-~ — O° o Co g 5" O ° O M — S o w g; X; - o N « in t^ in cc c> ci c-> r~- <z> Co 3 c^ S 2 o m o >n o 2 o ci m o O vq t-- ;—• oo --o n ^ T OS w m O o o m o r-; . c6 ci ci ci op '5 • CJ> r^ hi m ^D O 00 d d d d d d d 1- r\0 \o >o a « o *d- oo >c; O ,j, ^ rr O o aON ^ 3 sO , 00 o m vo vo CS I-; o >c in 00 00 CO ^-^ o d o d d d d d d CM VO — -r d O 00 ca c ' T3 CD > o £^ B. J2 si H r3 "O E u 5 j5 T3 <D u .p m au -o 1) « 3 -^ E 1! C3 o O "I) ~ § _o £ u .— ^a O CS d ^ c ^ CS T3 -o JJ — — T3-C c/i :r r3 u I ft. O a *J u s lM 1L 60 00 U & C vi c c P -a ZbM p O d E V V <D — s "J >-, c ^! o u G U o oo 3 s CJ g r3 03 s y > X 0J o o CS u -J ea CS ^O o ca rt <1> «3 « 5 uJ 2 - U E 'J ri . — — — j — « - CD J3 *^ — O O O o m ^ — o ^ o o s r-- •sj- 00 CN >o r^ t-- •^ O o * o 9> O ^ u KJ tu O c cn cO oo \d o 2! d d d o vq o o q o fj o c_ j= 5 r-~ CN u s E O u O S-, o u O c o — in ^ °. O O O s o cd 5 ^ * o m- -~r in in o 2 — '-' in "i — o \d r^ e> q ~ — rn °^ 2T vO O O O O in o "* *0 dodo do© J; . — rg N o o o o 1 . . II c— ~ CN <D " C c | r- *_i 3 c "J <u S m — O rn — ^ o o o o m in in ^ri S O O S O ™ o On *0 ^j d d s O O O o =1 O — en ID o > >> VO in o d d d U ex e vC o- i. £ s 3 s X < o in 2 -* c^ ro o Q d d d —» UJ ^ CN J d o CN so o c 3^ vC --"• t~- , ^* <N r^ vo .c in O o d d d o -r d d d o o d d d q ^ 3~ d d o O ^- CD = <s> -J S3 'Z- c 'J CD a> 13 en "J ^r — u< C L-i O — VO VO ^-^ 2C d 3 u c o en u u PL, c/3 i-t CD >- o Z 3 c -a CD "S _C en o ^5 ~~ 11) w* _o ta CD ^: t- < ; CD Z^ ed o. ^r: > CJ ed CD c_ *— ^-v in oc in in — IN m D o' m (N rn O CN c O rn fS o d d d o a d d d d d d o a d d d o < UJ UJ < 5 < < u u 2 z 3 z u u DJ UJ 5 s a rn in 00 UJ •* CN •— '-^ r^i 1 . CTv r-j C^' -1- * C/3 c/o r3 _u en J3 3 "-"' UJ c-; _ < ON CN d d C/3 d d < H cd o c a> < o >-• z i5 L^ u o o -i 0. a) C/J c o >- Z • i (3 Q IU o B ^ en (D D. d> -C CD CD CD ^ cej UJ Z - C O Ji ?5 > o > z 5 3 en 1 •u C/3 UJ CD CD 3 "ob Z 3 E 3 o ll CM o c >- 5 —C en ^ o C3 en > I c CD c "J — -3 J= z u m en c^ T3 on u o CD c u ex o < > < a c — o c jr d d > d d ™ CJ i m m CD Oen O en •* m * i^- P su o ~: — > m < C/3 — c/3 Ce> t>- UJ H < 3 g -a c 'w o -C en u u r3 0X1 3 — c a U D ID ^5 o < a — < a^ C/3 cn o , 1/3 u < 2 O P < CN in \D »n ""'' £ en "^2 — en *-j ~ 03 C CD Cm IT § u o -c S = __ e t/3 - OD a. 3 o '-1 E c - en 'J n. o "J CD *3i if u 3 O ,^- c c O (N rn !• ~ -. == S O O O ^v c o > C3 5 U s c o U a JS u S a 7^ o O en C- cn en c3 ;> .0 "O T3 VO ^ o a g 3 O u CN en m > ^ c CD :* Table 4: Average change in limit Years 1996-1997 1998-1999 2000-2002 Firm's category A. Average change in limit 0.110 0.075 0.070 (.021) (.013) (.014) small medium 0.040 0.093 0.011 (.032) (.030) (.025) 0.093 0.147 0.000 (.064) (.040) (.031) biggest B. Proportion of cases where lim lit was not 0.701 0.724 (.043) (.031) (.027) medium 0.667 0.608 0.798 (.088) (.055) (.040) 0.625 0.692 0.769 (.183) (.075) (.053) biggest C. Average change ch, anged 0.701 small in limit, conditional on change 0.366 0.252 0.253 (.045) (.035) (.045) small medium 0.119 0.237 0.053 (.093) (.068) (.124) 0.248 0.479 -0.002 (.137) (.062) (.138) biggest Notes: 1-The at first row of each panel presentsthe average of log( working date t)-log( working capital limit granted 2-Standard errors in capital limit granted date t-1). parentheses below the average. 3-Number of observations in the third row of each 4-"Small firms" are firms with investment "Medium at firms" are firms with investment in in panel. plant and machinery below Rs plant and machinery above and below Rs 10 million. "Biggest firms" are firms with investment above Rs 10 million. in Rs 6.5 million . 6.5 million. plant and machinery — o rr o o r™ o C- ^ ° w° w° rs 1 P «_. "jT C lU » 0> A 2 C_ -3 • "i O cc u-im^av or^ ^.ON« '-c t ; on s S3 > « — — z~- o — o -r* t ^ ^ ^ r ° S° S° w c- (N 2" - • - CO JS U o | o ^ o 3 .0^.0 « E_ (0 oD p V ^ 3 s 0) Oft o ao 55 p r3 (4 *U P 5 3. r3 o > 0£ ' f*. fN ^ yi ^r ^ — — ^^ £T ^ *~" *a C^ O Vi S o -S t< «- — i § Jtf s P a. t/3 ^ _ 00 ^1 00 L, —° W° r» u c OJ EL ^ s ^ s ^ ^ s s © © S o ?° s_> os [^ -— fvi *3" -~ >— Qn O ^ (N N vO | g S g 2 g S °° "* r-- * r*. «* — r- § £ — O (4 -J ' 1 in vi so \Q -a "§-• -a « IS T S ^ —T CT «- rC; — o o H W1 o - - 2 ^ °^ VO r- - - o "— (N "o cr^r s s i s 8S 1 la >> C ; s : .32 ; s * i ; 3 _n c3 fc 3D JD a ^3 P 3 a fl « § S a 2 5 bo p o o o rs^ss — O _ > rt Q. r^ i^i 2. „ o ~ ° r~- ^ c= 31 _ § — 5.2 c - — C v ^ B w > « 4J 4J ^ ' P P 2 S S « !J °° ^T ^ ^ - C >° « ° c s ° s « ° s — ^ o 2 3o o° 3 « ^TT — o^ogo^ O ^ O O ^ o r~- ^. on J2 rz: > 3 W p *5 S ,_> — O (fl 5_, S S -1 z a PUP P ^ — P _ " U. H ("N <^i s P g iz w u - n >> o. >, p r aS — ^3 e3 cr cr "" i 5 5 -td p _ ? 3 _^ tfcH 'vi 09 %. • _5 3 S9 3 u ' — 15 J -p " M ... go-. o § >- 1 p t^ -a ' _g e ' P g 5 5 1 P I 5 ,o < u 4) 5 - — z: — © o° u c < • ^ 1 g O cs 5 *=> "^ — O <=> 00 o (N cj p •a ^. u H '-, a 3 a "2 O 2 O g © £» — ^ o -^ ° O ° _> ^j- u eo _^ w — — UJ © & _ ' <=> II so (N < 4) 5 S 5d *S Of] _c 1 jr* r-~ _ O or ^j rt u o - 2 o (N -*" fN (N £T __ 00 • ftT — m c* — ^ £ o © m so f^ IT ~; fN <^ _> *^" .v, .„j, c~ ^ 2 r« © © " © so w. r-- cr 00 00 ^ ^ cr u-! ^ 00 ^J Zo 3 '-> ^ 2 ' r„ ^r — v-, 1 1 G u ^; > u E p | OO 60 © _0 _». ° J. " — ©-r _ so oc — _; O r^ qv rv] o. °° p o - o £ o S - ^j, fN o =: 2 E o _x in m n 2 — 2 q o S o ~s ^ ' t/3 o 5 a .3 "5S u o S 2 o (N C *7 — « o -j - ei "* b • e e 1) N „ ^ 00 _, rn o °° (N q s ° o q o _. ° o ° o sb sd sf ^ o£ (2 Os - - >, e c .S U o = E <u OS ca 3 3 ^ 00 » O a _ W o 5 o 5 « t« s q § q s ^ 00 00 38 4> § 8 « 4) u TZ 00 i> (A 4) u oo _c DO s "^ 4J 3 - C§ £ rsi 2T "^ rn r© © => )£> m Tt © o ° — ° 2- *"""" 4T H ki rt w V) -3 u a V- V <U 0) 'j M 53 4> .a j= o S —w n. -r — c S -s 5 u 5 E 53 tn o o c > 2 ° $ -a 3 " u r-) s. U jO « ^ Mh-a oj P S ±1 „ _3 ,s — „ o - O ° 1 3a^ u S rS u o 4) «) S a o e a o ^ ^ o © — £ S o ° if 5 c 2 « 00 ~ g « _ ^ S in a> J S tl — ~u ^ ii <3 <S cl) y = t ? g "do .1 £ V. u B a c E 5 ^ t^ -1 9 n E ^ £ ^ 2 — (N m E— S < 8. CO J5 ^J- aII3 M « H 10 Table 7: Credit constraints: Effect of the reform on sales, sales to loan ratios, and profits (OLS regressions) Dependent variables log(sales/Ioans), Log( costs), Log( profit), log(sales/loans),_. -log(cost),., -log(profit),.. OLS OLS OLS (3) (4) (5) Log(sales),-log(sales),.| Complete Sample Sample without substitution OLS OLS (1) A. t= 1997-2000 1. Sample with Changes in limit post*big 2. Sample without Change 0.168 -0.065 0.187 0.538 (.106) (.118) (.104) (.097) (.281) 152 136 152 151 141 in limit post*big 3. 0.194 0.007 0.022 0.007 0.005 0.280 (.074) (.081) (.074) (.064) (.473) 301 285 301 301 250 Whole sample post*big 0.071 0.071 -0.016 0.068 0.316 (.068) (.069) (.075) (.055) (.368) 453 421 453 452 391 -0.403 -0.387 0.143 -0.374 -0.923 (.207) (.196) (.206) (.279) (.639) 168 150 169 168 151 -0.092 -0.045 -0.092 -0.048 0.170 (.108) (.128) (.108) (.086) (.56) 401 380 401 399 321 -0.143 -0.113 -0.016 -0.101 -0.253 (.111) (.134) (.162) (.094) (.496) 569 530 570 567 472 B.t=l 999-2002 1 Sample with Changes in limit post2*biggest 2. Sample without Change post2*biggest 3. in limit ' Whole sample post2*biggest Notes: 1. Each panel is a separate regression. Each column presents a regression of column heading on the variables listed in each panel 2. The dummy "post" is equal to 1 in years 1999 and 2000, zero otherwise. The dummy "post2" is equal to 1 in years 2001-2002 zero otherwise. 3. The dummy "big" is equal to 1 for firms with investment in plant and machinery larger than Rs 6.5 million, zero otherwise. The dummy "biggest" is equal to 1 for firms with investment in plant and machinery larger than Rs 10 million. 4-Standard errors (corrected for clustering 5-In addition at the sector level) are in parentheses from coefficient displayed, the regressions in panels 5-In addition from coefficient displayed, the regressions in panels A1-A3 BI-B3 below the include a include a coefficient. dummy for post and a dummy for big. dummy for post2 and a dummy for biggest. ^f — rn ") O (J r. O o oO "Bo o - o 00 © ° 8 « S3 —8 - 1 i O° O° *_> ° CT -_> in vd "S = S3 •-C 3 »-> 00 -s a t2 c M £ vi ed ff-M — c i ° ! U 00 c§ I c c ' 3 ©' : ,_> © '"' © o © & o £ -S a ~ 'J c3 wGO O _3 5 _c > a. E 00 o (N 1) -J ~ = N S S <2 o- ^ u .a S3 E CO _o CJ 00 1 —i | S3 S3 b -C 1 s c_ B © 3^ O ° 3 (N ©' OO ° © 3 cd t/j *o (N o ON o o E 53 "H <u on Ti 7! S 2 Cj |SR o ? r — 2 *j o (N u op cu s 15 C tg s ""* — o — o a u 1 e EX B <_> 5 s. - £ a o J2 *-* r "a - ~ O _ - a 2 tr rs eS nf O — cN a] u a O !~ o u ° T? (N o .2 -S <^ 5 o ,2 5 jr OJ 3 o a) =i aj ra > *-• -3 > — .3 ~° — IN t— ' £ ^ D- 22 vi .S ' — +-( a _£i S E 3 vi IN C vj O d. * en 3 Xr, 3 60 vj <u c * C c 60 3 — " 5 'j E a oo "3, E a U J O o 3 a 03 - -5 c2 rN cs t- •a U u u ^J 3 c , -3 3 " o £ ^ K —" do u &l 3 c oo oo C8 o-> 1 T? E & " V) 3 (N °- © NO §5 2 VI > 60 op LS t- C — a 3 O C3 a. — e <u -a c 60 00 -a 60 tS u ^1 c c > U o o _ 3 t-~ fS "1 — FC (N _; O -* Zi (N w <=? <N = -T <N & £ E (J £ 2 ON o "O 3 >> -3 -a •- fi r~ -~- *n oo v© 2 in a3 " "oo C3 - <N C3 d c 60 u oT 'c c ^ = "S S oo IS 2 'S. 01 si _© ,J e J^ .Si oo g> K -^ C 60 > .= — B3 ° U c vi • oo T 60 e .2 u u o a > ? > 00 2 J4 IB Oil o 60 g si o U U " rt u ^- c >= _2 i ir g D. -a > 60 3 — 3 3 o u o O c a E E E 3 -a 00 !>? cs g U 3 £O0 ^ E 3 S E * _3 _3 _3 e U —c —c O VJ VI 60 ^iw 00 ^*J w u w m M- QJ CO P 3 o o c — a a .5 vj 5 2 O O O CJ 3 = a u oo ti oo K -^ y" -^ u 1> VJ 00 v-^J u V3 vi U 3 VI ^2 > 5 ~ ^5 3oo_C pj a. 5 ,o *p. _Q. T^ ts _3 a. O VI o c u i , DO oo u C- E .ti ~ v5 o O -j ri O u 60 D. - 3 u i_ — 73 . = U o "-J 'g = ^ « « VI 5 .3: *^ 3 t-i c a g u — a — '^ •J -, .J o a. J2- <N a_ o b = I C f^) >n