Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/democratizationoOOacem BJ1 M415 o /D-2' working paper department of economics Democratization or Repression? Daron Acemoglu James A. Robinson massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS \ Democratization or Repression? Daron Acemoglu James A. Robinson No. 99-27 October 1999 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NOV 2 G 1999 LIBRARIES July, 1999. Democratization or Repression?* Daron Acemoglu^ James A. Robinson* Abstract Regimes controlled by a rich elite often collapse and make way for democracy amidst Such regime changes are often followed by redistribution to the widespread social unrest. poor at the expense of the former elite. We argue that the reason to resort to full-scale democratization, despite its why the elite may have may be apparent costs to themselves, that lesser concessions would be viewed as a sign a weakness and spur further unrest and more radical demands. The elite may therefore be forced to choose between repression and the most generous concession, a transition to full democracy. Philippe Aghion for useful comments and help with the presentation, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, email: daron@mit.edu tDcpartmcnt of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley and Hoover Institute, Stanford University, email: robinson@hoover.stanford.edu *Wc thank t "Men must be either crushed or pampered" - Machiavelli, Niccolo (1961, p. 8). Introduction I. Many instances of democratization happen amidst widespread unrest and revolution- ary threat by the masses excluded from the political process. argued that democratization it is a natural response for the rich In previous work, elite in these cases because ensures future redistribution and makes a revolution relatively less attractive. distribution in this case is median it Mere re- can be easily reversed when the threat Democratization solves this problem by changing the identity of a revolution subsides. of the future not sufficient because we voter, hence making a (Acemoglu and Robinson, 1997 and 1999). credible commitment to future redistribution Historically, significant racy are in fact often followed by large increases in redistribution moves towards democ- (for example, in Britain, France and Sweden, see Acemoglu and Robinson, 1997). This view of democratization as a commitment the rich elite not to future redistribution poses the following question, however: make a less costly concession, for why can example by extending voting rights to only a subset of the disenfranchised, hence limiting the ensuing redistribution, or making some other The situation is by credible promise to limited redistribution? nicely illustrated Argentina (see Rock, 1975). by the historical experience of democratization in The move towards democratization in 1912 happened in response to a series of widespread uprisings led by Yirogen and the Radical party, whose leaders were primarily from the urban middle classes. However, the coalition against the rich (primarily landed) elite included not only the Radicals, but also workers peasants (led by Anarchists and Syndicalists). was necessary to prevent further increases Once it became and the clear that a concession a full-scale de- in the unrest, the elite chose mocratization, rather than only including the middle-classes in the ruling coalition. move is all This the more surprising in view of the fact that over the previous 20 years, similar social unrest in the typically gradual reforms. Why more democratic Western European countries led only to did the elite in this case prefer full-scale democratization rather than a more limited concession? We argue that the answer queville. may lie in observations made by Machiavelli and de Toc- Machiavelli argued that concessions were dangerous for the ruler, as they would demonstrate his weakness and entice the opposition to seek further gains. The ruler should therefore either resist the most generous concession possi- de Tocqueville also reached a similar conclusion in his analysis of the events leading ble, up make concessions or all He argued to the French Revolution. that was a mistake it Louis for XVI to call the Estates-General in January 1789 since this showed the weakness of his regime and paved way the to a successful revolution (see de Tocqueville, 1856, Part Skocpol (1989, p. "every peasant community was its The troubles. To 123) puts it, Chapter III, 5). As as a consequence of the calling of the Estates-General, invited by order of the king to ruminate collectively upon result surely was... to heighten the possibilities for the peasants to rebel" illustrate the related issues that arise in the context of democratization, } we con- midst of social unrest caused by the disenfranchised poor. 2 sider a simple economy The can counter this revolutionary threat in one of three ways; by repression, by rich elite full-scale in the We democratization, or by making a lesser concession. interpret this lesser concession as extending voting rights only to the middle classes, but generally any limited redistributive move would also a situation in which extending voting rights to the middle-classes revolution; in future political equilibria, the middle-class degree of redistribution from which the poor will benefit. tainty surrounding how We be an equivalent concession. strong Vancien regime is, is are interested in sufficient to prevent median voter will choose some However, when there such concessions may is uncer- signal weakness and hence encourage further demands, or even precipitate the revolution they are intented to foil. This, we argue, We democratization. may induce the elites to choose between repression and full-scale show that when weak governments try to take advantage uncertainty regarding their types, a revolution can occur. pression more is to the rich is likely to be used when inequality greater in a more unequal is Our model also of the shows that re- higher because the cost of democracy society. 'There arc several other interesting examples where the attempt to make partial concessions in a turbulent environment appears to have been counterproductive for the ruling of the Shah government 2 to the disturbances of in mid 1978 (sec Saikal, 1980), and another is elites. One is the reaction the creation of the Kcrcnsky Russia in 1917. Dynamic models of the conflict between the elite and the disenfranchised poor arc analyzed in Accmoglu and Robinson (1997, 1999), where we also give a detailed discussion of the economics and political science literatures related to our approach to democratization. Here, to save space we do not give a literature review and refer the reader to our other papers. The Model II. We consider an incomplete information game between m) and (superscripted r), the middle class (superscripted Political power power on behalf of the T three types, type" of the in the is initially rich elite). (tough), F The elite. assume that (for the poor (superscripted p). example, a military controlling this initial W (weak). and (flexible) We government may be one of will refer to these between the three types distinction we stop a revolution, and hands of the rich We three groups of agents, the rich will contrast political equilibria their relative ability to is when types as "the these types are observed publicly vs. the case in which they are the private information of the rich. There are two by the possible political systems in addition to the initial regime controlled can institute a elite can opt some other concession by the We utility of the poor). whether to will amount rich that a revolution, and the rich initiate (democratize, d). the which in groups participate equally, or they all is less them and costly for increases the analyze a period of social unrest in which the poor decide a limited franchise extension (that r), The median is, decide between repression (denoted elite a "concession", c), and full voter in the three political regimes will democratization differ, and so will of redistribution. Fundamentals A. The three groups of agents, the rich, the middle-class, and the poor, have masses A m A and A p l 2, X h is democracy The a limited franchise, in which only the rich and the middle-class participate (or for generally, full-scale rich elite. l = with 1. J2i We a poor agent, rich A 1 = 1 and are endowed with exogenous incomes, assume that A p > r m and A > A and the middle class, so that paper, we analyze the if that elite, if there the median voter that the three types of the rich (common knowledge) \ so T probabilities p* for is there is , h > h m > hp where r democracy, the median voter a restricted franchise, including only the a member (tough), t is full r F of the middle class. (flexible) = T,F,W, W and where Y^tP 1 = We assume (weak), occur with 1. Throughout the actions of these agents in a turbulent period in which the poor pose a revolutionary threat. The timing • of events is as follows. The game begins by Nature choosing type is typically not observed the type of the elite by the poor. (i = T, F, or W). This • The move next and choose one elite concession, or G repression, {r, c, d}, democratization. full • After observing these actions, the • If the A of three actions, poor decide to poor decide whether to a revolution, the initiate means succeeds, the poor take control of the elite can initiate fight back. of production, and a revolution. If the revolution if it fails, the elite remain in power. • If there is of the The is no revolution, then the median voter median voter depends on the sets the tax rate, and the identity political system. middle-classes do not participate in the revolutionary threat, and their only role to set the tax rate in a limited democracy. Since the rich play the poor update their beliefs about the type of the rich after first, observing the action they take. of the rich for all A We denote the posterior beliefs of the poor that the type A taken by the rich, as a function of the action is i, by ^(A) with denoted r. is it r creates a deadweight we will = denoted by rp if there ^(A) = 1 We > 0, all = — (1 tax revenues are redistributed assume that levying a tax rate of C" > When 0. a rich agent would like to democracy, the median voter is is in minimize a poor agent — r)hp When + — r C(r), and therefore satisfies the first- order condition C'(t p median voter instead in the middle class and his most preferred tax rate, t 7™, satisfies C'(T m ) = 1 is - hm if ) 1 hm < 1, hp is full a linear income tax be the rate most preferred by a poor agent. This tax will maximizes , C and is as the tax rate choice, since the elite and the equilibrium tax rate rate, C(t) where loss of have r T rate costly to raise taxes. In contrast, redistribution. same tax All agents face the lump-sum. However, control, t E {r,c,d}. In any political system, the only available fiscal instrument rate, £ . and r m < We define A'(r) as the net transfers received r. so that r For example, away from the m > A r 0. > hp , the strict convexity of by agent m = r m (l - hT — C(r m ). (r ) ) rich are greater in a full would change if we removed the i C we assume implies that t p = r,m,p when that > rm the tax rate . is This immediately implies that transfers democracy, notice that both of these are negative numbers). follow In what follows otherwise. hm 1, Since h m = only the rich and the middle class vote, the i.e., > A r (r m > ) A r (r p ) (where Notice that none of the results that middle-class, and instead allowed the rich elite to make a concession other than We reverse welfare state. A r (T m If If ) can then interpret as the cost to the rich and A p (r m ) A = c as this alternative concession, T is or F, the revolution is T is h r that , Similarly, repression is The payoff to the elite when the type In contrast, if the type of the government F, both repression and suppression of attempted revolution are costly. cost of repression for this type as m F so when the strategy chosen by the , from the beginning, their payoff is h r — F rn the poor attempt a revolution, they can later to counter the revolution, their cost e The payoff a small number. is of the government very large, e.g. mw — poor receive hp Table 1 weak, is + £7, oo), > fl > 0, of the the revolution attempt can be suppressed without any cost. costless in this case. is elite. and the poor receive the payoff h p — T where fails the cost of the failed revolution. government with as the benefit to the poor. the poor attempt a revolution, the payoff they get depends on the type of the they are type T > democratization, for example, instituting a hard-to- full W, . still is However, suppress if We rich is denote the is to repress they choose not to repress, and this, but this time, since they act F greater, <f)m where <p to the flexible rich in this case > is but 1 hr — <f> (f>m < F . 1 +e where If the type they cannot use repression as a strategy (the cost and a revolution always succeeds. If mw is revolution succeeds, the while the rich lose everything and obtain 0. presents the payoffs to the poor and to the different types of agents in the We different cases. omit the payoffs to the middle-class, since they do not play an important role in the analysis. 3 The two columns represent the strategies of Revolution or no Revolution for the poor, while the three rows refer to the three strategies of the initial rich elite, part of each to the elite, Repress, cell is make a Concession, the payoff to the poor, while the and when this The number on the upper number on the lower part depends on the type of the payoffs are split into three smaller 3 or Democratize. initial is the payoff government, the relevant cells. Also notice that this is not the normal form of the game; formally, in the incomplete information game, the poor have 2 3 pure strategics since they move after observing the elite's action. Table 1 No Revolution W hP Repress F hP Democratization /iP F + w {r)n-(l-Tv w (r))r + hr -m F " 7T^ ( C )fl " (1 hr — 4>m F hr 7T W ( hr -m w hr C ))r hP + A p (r m hr hr + A r( r m) + 7r M/ (d)0-(l-7T M/ (d))r /i -m F /i hr T hp 7r —m w Concession Revolution W T hr p r + Ap (r p ) + A r (rp ) -m F ) This table shows that the payoff to the rich does not depend on their type limited or full democratization. If, hr if there is instead, the poor attempt a revolution, the payoffs to the rich depend on their type. Analysis of the B. We now Game analyze the Perfect Bayesian Equilibria of this game. 4 In order to focus on the cases of interest, we start by making a number of parameter restrictions. First, we impose Assumption 1: A p (r p > Q > A p (r m ) which ensures that redistribution in a poor from a successful revolution. the median voter We also full democracy But the limited is greater than the payoff to the redistribution that will ensue from the middle-class gives the poor less when than a successful revolution. assume Assumption 4 is ), 2: mF > -A r (r m ), game, where an informed player moves before an uninformed player, the concept of may not be sufficient to rule out some unreasonable outcomes, and some equilibrium refinements need be used to rule this out (sec, for example, Cho and Kreps, 1987). Nevertheless, in our simple environment, all Perfect Bayesian Equilibria satisfy the relevant refinements. In this type of Perfect Bayesian Equilibria which implies that repression worthwhile to undertake when the median voter for the flexible type sufficiently costly that is simply to prevent the limited redistribution that it is it not will follow from the middle-class. is Finally, Assumption 3: ^'f/ which ensures that if > A p (r m ), both the weak and the played flexible types A= the poor would prefer to attempt a revolution following A= To c. c all the time, then see why, recall that a A p (r m concession of limited franchise extension gives the poor an additional return of Whereas the poor obtain is unsuccessful. probability that If tt from a successful revolution and both the weak and A= c A — flexible types play comes from a weak tj'pe is $ F T lose if ). a revolution attempt then the c all the time, Assumption 3 therefore ensures . that with such a posterior, the poor prefer to attempt a revolution. Before analyzing the incomplete information case, mark with complete information where the type Let er* useful to consider the bench- it is of the elite denote the (possibly mixed) strategy of a rich of type observable to the poor. is Let p(A) for t. A denote the probability that poor choose a revolution following action following proposition characterizes the unique Proposition 1 In the game — r and p{r) = 0. • Ift = F, then the unique equilibrium involves o F = c and = 0. • If = then the unique equilibrium involves a With complete information the elite p(c) d and p{d) = The 5 0. three different types act in different ways. makes no concessions and does not democratize The poor do not attempt a elite. d} with complete information, T, then the unique equilibrium involves a = W, {r, c, perfect equilibrium of this game. = t G by the t • If 5 subgame A since h r > r /i +A revolution against such a regime since it r (r m > will ) r /i A tough +A r (r p ). not succeed and and the next, we suppress the tax rate choices of the decisive voter at the final Also to simplify the notation, wc only give the along- thccquilibrium-path actions of the agents. More formally, in this complete information game, the strategy of the poor should be an action conditioned on the type of the rich and their action. So a more formal F T = d for the elite, and p(-,T) = 0, statement of the equilibrium strategics would be a = r, cr = c and a In this proposition stage of the game to simplify the exposition. w p(., will F) = 0, p(d, W) = 0, and p(c, W) = undertake a revolution when type t p{r, W) = 1, where p(A, plays action A. t) denotes the probability that the poor them will cost A T. concede a limited franchise extension. flexible elite chooses to poor do not attempt a revolution, since they realize they would not succeed. The Moreover, the elite prefer not to use repression, though such repression would be successful, because more it is a weak type Finally, unable to use repression to stop a revolution. Moreover, is it 2). cannot away with just making a concession because a revolution always succeeds against such get Since a regime. in this case, so We now W define Q > A p (r m by Assumption ) the weak type chooses full democratization. such that if ir w {c) = Before characterizing these, we then the poor would be indifferent between revolution 7f, A = c (a concession of limited franchise extension Since their expected payoff from revolution after the concession elite). — 7r w (c) T, and their expected payoff level of their posterior from no revolution is always less is + w (c)Cl — ir hp + A p (r m ), is the critical than 1 +r because Assumption ensures that 1 A = the poor prefer to attempt a revolution following revolution hp is by the defined as is AP(V m ) which the poor would carry out the revolution 1, consider the incomplete information game. and no revolution following 1 (Assumption costly than the limited redistribution following a concession A p (r m < ) Q. In contrast, c. Iin w (c) if tt w (c) < > 7f, W, a not worthwhile following a concession. We also define p as the probability of revolution by the poor following a concession that will make the weak type This is given by (1-p) [h indifferent r between choosing concession and + A r (r m = )] [h from concession and the right-hand side type. This defines P which is positive since — r — (r p ) — ; hr r + A r (rp )], is —— full is the payoff democratization for this (0, 1) ) > — A r (-r m and ) e ; democratization. where the left-hand side the payoff from r (r m + Ar~, full less than 1 because h T > — r (r p ). If the poor attempt a revolution following concession with probability p > p, the weak type would choose < p, the full democratization with probability would prefer to always play Finally, we A= . In contrast if p weak type c. define s as the probability that the ensure from Bayes' rule that 1 n w (c) = n. weak type This gives 8 plays concede, which will Assumption 3 ensures that than s is less We 1. can now state the main result of the paper. Proposition 2 In the game with incomplete information, then there are always two equi- libria A mixed 1. strategy equilibrium: aT = the three types of the elite play and a w = d with probability 1 — s and a w = c with p{r) — p(d) = 0, p(c) = 1 with probability p, p(c) = have beliefs w {c) = n. probability aF — r, c, The poor play s. with probability 1 — p, and ir A 2. pure strategy equilibrium where • If -A r (rP) with beliefs • If mF < M/ 7r then a T , £ (c) ) with beliefs tt w (c) G First note that repression [it, 1] is r, = aw = aF d, = aF = r, aw = d, p[d) = 0, p{c) = 1, = p{d) = 0, p(c) = 1, and p(r) off the equilibrium path. a dominant strategy for type Next, the weak type will never use repression, so equilibria. = and p(r) off the equilibrium path. [7F, 1] then a T -A t (t p > m F = t = T, so a we can T = rule out r in all aw Then, the nature of equilibria hinges on whether the poor expect the weak type to = r. fully democratize or simply make a concession in the hope of reducing overall redistribution. There is always a mixed strategy equilibrium, equilibrium pretends, some be the of the time, to class only (rather than choosing the weak type indifferent is full flexible (1) above, where the weak type type and extends voting rights to the middle- democratization). between choosing full In this mixed strategy equilibrium, and limited democratization, and the poor are indifferent between revolution and no revolution following Of ria, particular interest for this paper are the second type equilibria. the flexible type chooses not to information case revolution. f 'If (f> A= were it make any c. G In these equilib- concessions, even though in the complete always chose concession, and this concession was sufficient to prevent The reason is sufficiently greater that the poor interpret concession as a sign of weakness, a than 1, the mixed strategy equilibrium could + fail to exist because the mixed strategy Assumption 3 did not hold, this mixed strategy equilibrium would be replaced by a pooling equilibrium in which both the weak and the flexible types play A = c with flexible type may prefer to repress. equilibrium always exists. probability 1. Also, if Our assumption that < 1 e ensures that the feature captured cession by the off-equilibrium-path and then having to they prefer repression or fight the revolution full democratization. the costs of taxation in a democracy, democratization. full On beliefs i.e., if the other hand, if ir w (c) G 7 Since making a con- is the worst outcome for the flexible type, If the cost of repression r — r — (r p ) (r p ) F the m > mF < , , so high that they prefer repression to full democratization. in the introduction that [if, l]. is high relative to flexible elite will choose the taxes in a democracy are This captures the discussion under certain circumstances, concessions will be interpreted as a In Machiavelli's words, rulers, in this case the rich elite, have to either sign of weakness. "crush" or "pamper" the opposition. happen along the equilibrium path due to incomplete Interestingly, revolutions also information. Recall that with complete information, revolutions were never attempted. In contrast, in the ability mixed strategy equilibrium, the poor attempt a revolution with prob- When p following a limited franchise extension. flexible type, the revolution attempt is suppressed. such a concession However, if is made by the concession is the made by the weak type, which happens with probability W, and the poor attempt a revolution, which happens with probability C. then the rich are overthrown by a successful revolution. p, Comparative Statics We now consider the comparative statics of the equilibria with respect to inequality. Consider the equilibria in Proposition will increase r p , in and makes which there is mixed strategy equilibrium. a revolution attempt, it more likely that m full democratization. In particular, it An , This makes democracy more F < — A r (rp ). a large gap between the poor and the rich experience repression rather than Therefore, an more is likely to increase in r p also affects the increases the probability that there will be p. Interestingly, the tax level that will in Higher inequality, especially a lower level of hp the tax rate preferred by a poor agent. costly for a flexible type economy 2. be chosen by a middle-class voter determining the equilibrium political regime. consider a decrease in h m , that is , 7 also important Take hp as given so that r p the middle-class This will naturally increase rm hence increase is become poorer A p (r m ) is fixed. Now relative to the rich elite. and decrease A r (r m ). As a result, Noticc that this Perfect Baycsian Equilibrium satisfies the Intuitive Criterion of Cho and Krcps (1987) and other refinements because both the weak and flexible types would benefit from deviating to A = c if the poor did not interpret this is as a sign of weakness. In fact, the weak type would benefit more from such a deviation. 10 7r and s decline, probability, implying that the weak type chooses a and p increases, implying Many significant more frequent revolution attempts. moves towards more democratic regimes take place amidst unrest and turbulence. We helps to defuse the unrest by resulting redistribution is is often a direct response to such social unrest making a commitment credible Sweden and France. Couldn't the to future redistribution. in redistribution following elite and For example, in Acemoglu and often quite large, however. Robinson (1997), we documented the increase in Britain, social have argued in previous work (Acemoglu and Robinson, 1997, 1999) that democratization make a democratization lesser concession to defuse the Since political concessions are often observed in democratic systems, one might unrest? think the answer to this question should be yes. expect such concessions to be rare. as a sign of a weakness elite democratization with a greater Concluding Comments III. The full may Nevertheless, there are good reasons In a turbulent period, a concession can be viewed and may lead to further demands or even to revolution. therefore be forced to use repression to suppress the unrest or generous concession, the transition to a to Machiavelli's analysis of how to full democracy. This is conflict between a make the most an insight that goes back rulers should control their subjects in Although our analysis focuses on the The rich elite The Prince. and the disenfran- chised poor, the general issues apply in other situations of conflict in a turbulent environ- ment. It might be interesting to investigate whether the ideas we have put forward paper, and conflict. more generally the in this insight of Machiavelli, have relevance in other situations of For example, could the difficulty in ending ethnic conflicts be related to concerns that concessions will be interpreted as a sign of weakness? 11 Bibliography IV. Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson (1997) "Why Did the Franchise? Democracy, Inequality and Growth Discussion Paper # in Historical Perspective," of Political Tran- Unpublished Paper, MIT. http://web.mit.edu/daron/www/papers.html Cho, In-Koo and David M. Kreps (1987) ria," CEPR 1797. http://web.mit.edu/daron/www/papers.html Acemoglu, Daron and James A. 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